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141 search results for: environmentalism


On Earth Day 2024 we remember Michael Crichton’s revelation that ‘Environmentalism is a religion’

On September 15, 2003 American author, screenwriter and filmmaker Michael Crichton made the following remarks at the Common Wealth Club in San Francisco, California. We reprint this given that what he said in 2003 has come to pass in 2024 in America as the climate doomsayers are now in control of the current administration. They […]


Is Environmentalism a Religion?

As more and more in society have drifted away from a belief in God the void needs to be filled for most human beings. The environment, Crichton said, has filled the void for many. Conventional Judeo-Christian religion began with a perfect world called Eden. Today’s environmentalist sees sustainability as the salvation in the church of […]


Lysenkoism Is Today’s Environmentalism and It’s Bent On Killing Millions of People

“Trofim Lysenko’s spurious research prolonged famines that killed millions.” — Sam Kean, Washington, D.C.  based writer for The Atlantic. Have you ever heard of Lysenkoism? It is named after the former Soviet Era’s deadliest scientist Trofim Lysenko. In a December 19, 2017 The Atlantic article Sam Kean wrote this about Trofim Lysenko, Although it’s impossible […]


Environmentalism is an Environmental Hazard

Solar panel lead in the groundwater and wind turbine fiberglass in your lungs.  20 years after voters rejected ‘toilet-to-tap’ water, Los Angeles Democrats brag that they will be the first city in the state to pipe toilet water to faucets for the sake of the environment. As part of the city’s version of the Green […]


The War in Ukraine Shows a Dark Side of Environmentalism

Europe’s dependence on natural gas mutes its objections to Russia’s invasion. “Save the planet!” Ah, what a wonderful phrase. To quote an adorable little Swedish girl, “how dare you” even think otherwise? Well, pace Greta, dare we must. Garry Kasparov recently hit the nail on its head, when he tweeted, “You can’t save the planet if […]


GENOCIDE 2.0: Environmentalism Embraces Population Control to ‘Ecologically Right-sized the Number of Humans’

Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. “Of all the problems which will have to be faced in the future, in my opinion, the most difficult will be those concerning the treatment of the inferior races […]


Ann Coulter blasts ‘fake environmentalism’ in CFACT livestream

While the coronavirus crisis closed college campuses and pushed classes online, CFACT’s Collegians weren’t going to let that stop them from making a difference this Spring! The CFACT chapter at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities hosted an online livestream discussion with American political pundit and author Ann Coulter last night to get her take […]


Crichton: Environmentalism is a religion

REMARKS TO THE COMMONWEALTH CLUB by Michael Crichton – San Francisco – September 15, 2003 I have been asked to talk about what I consider the most important challenge facing mankind, and I have a fundamental answer. The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the […]


Environmentalism’s Endless Lies

I am on the Friends of the Earth (FOE) email list and receive a steady stream of theirs and the Sierra Club’s lies about the environment. A recent FOE mailing stating that “Devastation from climate change has become all too frequent.” This is simply an outright lie. Inherent in natural events such as hurricanes and […]


A Catholic Crash Course in American Politics

Auguste Meyrat: One of the many benefits of Christian belief is the ability to transcend partisanship and seek solutions that respect the dignity and value of all people. Last year, Pope Francis complained that the American Catholic Church has become too political. Instead of preaching the true faith, he claimed, certain clergy will use their spiritual authority to […]


Why is the FBI covering for trans mass shooters?

Why is the FBI covering for trans mass shooters? Over many decades, United States law enforcement agencies have profiled a wide range of violent actors by motive — with anti-fascism, Islamism, environmentalism, racial supremacy and hardline nationalism among the more common ideologies to inspire acts of violence. With the 2020s now well under way, the […]


Let’s Not Offend Anyone! Who makes up the rules for secular religions?

Recently I was discussing strategies for educating the public regarding scientific realities concerning a technical matter (e.g., climate, energy, medical), and an ally said: “We need to be careful not to offend anyone!” OMG! Let’s unpack that concern and assess its legitimacy. To begin with, the Left has created a broad collection of new standards (like social […]