Entries by Alan Caruba

Asian Trade Treaty Will Destroy America

In the same way Obamacare was foisted on America by creating a 2,000-page law that Democrats in Congress never even bothered to read, a new treaty about trade with Asia is going through the same process and poses as great, if not greater, threat to our economy, our judiciary, and our sovereignty. Secrecy and outright […]

The Power-Mad EPA

Barely a week goes by these days without hearing of some new demand by the Environmental Protection Agency that borders on the insane. Increasingly, EPA regulations are being challenged and now reach the Supreme Court for a final judgment. This marks the failure of Congress to exercise any real oversight and control of an agency […]

Politically Correct is Political Ignorance

Americans are inclined to believe that, with the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the Cold War from 1945 to 1991 was over. In fact, that war of ideologies, communism versus capitalism, began in the 1920s after the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, initiated a covert program to undermine America. Today we call it “political […]

Obama’s Moment of Truth—About His Lies

I think the bulk of the U.S. population, particularly likely voters in 2014, have reached the point where they no longer believe anything President Obama says. It coincides with what may be the lowest level of confidence in the U.S. Congress. Its Democratic members all voted for Obamacare without reading it and the harm it is doing […]

Environmentalism’s Endless Lies

I am on the Friends of the Earth (FOE) email list and receive a steady stream of theirs and the Sierra Club’s lies about the environment. A recent FOE mailing stating that “Devastation from climate change has become all too frequent.” This is simply an outright lie. Inherent in natural events such as hurricanes and […]

Obama Morphs Mandela

It will be difficult for Obama to be the center of attention when he attends the memorial of Nelson Mandela. Former Presidents Clinton and Bush will be there as well. They have some things in common. Both were the first black president of their nation. Mandela was a communist and Obama is a communist. Both […]

Iran is Now Obama’s BFF

News about events in Syria took a nosedive the moment the Russians stepped in to take on the job of destroying Bashar Assad’s arsenal of poison gas. It’s not as if Syrians aren’t still dying. One of the few reliable journalistic enterprises, The Wall Street Journal, put Syria on its front page on December 3. […]

You Want Fries With That Union Protest?

On Thursday, Dec 5, there will be protests in more than a hundred cities across the nation directed at fast food chains, demanding an increase of the minimum wage to $15.00. Those who may be interviewed for radio and television will talk of receiving “a living wage.” In his 2013 State of the Union speech, […]

Violence is Very Human

The “knockout game” is in the news these days along with much discussion of bullying. Football is a game of violence with rules in which players frequently sustain injuries. Terrorism has been adopted to advance the Islamic goal of global domination. And the administration just announced an agreement with Iran in a vain effort to […]

The Prospect of World War Three

Let me begin by saying that the deal the U.S. struck with Iran on November 24th is so criminally stupid that mobs with torches and pitchforks should be surrounding the White House and Department of State demanding that the President and Secretary of State resign. How many times does the United States have to make […]

A Short World Tour

The news of the world is on any given day is usually quite awful. Some days are worse than others and that seems to be the case of late. On Thursday a Rasmussen Reports poll said that 62% of likely U.S. voters believe that economic growth is far more important than Obama’s socialist blather about […]

America’s Ugly Mood

America has been through previous recessions and even a Great Depression, but what is generally unknown is that they were the result of presidents and congresses that did not understand the workings of the nation’s free market economy.