Entries by Amil Imani

Islam is the Enemy of Freedom

A great irony of the age is that the seemingly most diehard proponents of freedom— the useful idiots of our time—are the most dangerous unwitting accomplices of liberty’s enemy—Islam. Keep in mind that the very name “Islam” is a derivation of “taslim,” the Arabic word for “surrender,” surrender to the will and dictates of Allah […]

The Missing Moderate Muslims

I keep hoping that the purported peace-loving moderate Muslims are indeed the great majority who would prove me right by demonstrating their peacefulness and moderation in action. Thus far, only a faint murmur of equivocation is all that I hear from these people. “I am already against the next war”, read the bumper sticker on […]

The Making of and Dealing with Jihadists

Bewildered by what fanatic Muslims do, some conclude that Muslims are brainwashed. Otherwise, how can their totally illogical belief system and barbaric behavior be explained? But the notion of “brainwashing” that is bandied about is the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies such as the Manchurian Candidate. The human person arrives in this world […]

Women, Life, Freedom

The women of Iran are leading the first female-led revolution in the history of the world, revising what bravery means. These women deserved to be named Time Magazine’s people of the year. “The Iranian people’s nationwide protests erupted on September 16, 2022, after the death of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Jina Amin while in […]

Philip Haney’s Mysterious Death

America has become a place of mysterious mass shootings, (Las Vegas), daytime assassinations without any motive (Seth Rich), and the latest murder of Philip Haney that was ruled as a suicide. The FBI closed the Los Vegas shooting investigation as a mystery. The DNC staffer, Seth Rich’s death ruled out as a robbery. One of […]

Drain the Islam Swamp

Islam is akin to violence. Violence is the core of Islam and it has been ever since the time of Muhammad in Medina by Muhammad’s own edict and conducts. Without violence of all kinds, Islamic ideology would undergo a slow death. Violence is the lifeblood of Islam. Take away violence and you shut down the blood […]

The Left and the Rise of Marxism

This is what antifa rioters have been systemically doing to the security cameras in downtown. They climb up and use weapons to destroy them. @MultCoSO is asking for help in identifying this vandal: pic.twitter.com/Q6QX6EtL1A — Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 8, 2020 Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that […]

Antifa Offers Perfect Cover for Jihad

Within the ocean of rising humanity, composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer—a drop—through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply-indoctrinated and poorly-adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. And […]

The Stunning Sham Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

From day one, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the entire leftist media, law enforcement establishment, former President Obama, and minions of former President Obama, to include Hillary Clinton, Hollywood celebrities, and the Democratic Party had one mission: To force President Trump out of office.  They drove investigation after investigation, and […]