Entries by Marc Morano from Climate Depot

LA Times: ‘Almost shameful’ to want kids — Biden is NOT ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Prez — Ford Files Patent to Spy on Drivers

Round Up of Latest Climate/Energy news: Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on Harris’s plastic straw ban reversal & collapsing EV sales & offshore wind fiasco  Show me the GREEN! Enviro execs suck down annual salaries of $1.2 million, $922k, $758k & $705k – Leaders of World Wildlife Fund, Enviro Defense Fund & Nature Conservancy are […]

Going Full Orwell: Harris-Walz Equate Fighting ‘Climate Change’ With ‘Freedom’

Shh. A moment of ‘climate silence’ being observed on live TV – Morano on Fox & Friends on Harris-Walz ‘climate silence’ & pushing climate solutions as ‘freedom’  Harris Goes Full Orwell!  NYT: Harris’s New Strategy: Equate Fighting Climate Change With ‘Freedom’ – Framing As ‘Patriotism’ – ‘A novel way of framing climate change’ New […]

Paris Olympics’ lack of ‘meat-based protein’ to lower ‘carbon footprint’ punishes athletes seeking ‘animal protein-rich diet’

‘A disaster’: Paris Olympics’ lack of ‘meat-based protein’ to lower ‘carbon footprint’ creates havoc: ‘Athletes complain about the lack of animal protein-rich diet’ Euro News: The German men’s hockey team has panned the food served at the Olympic Village, calling it “a disaster”, while British athletes flew an additional chef out to Paris to bridge […]

Is America Ready for ‘Degrowth Communism’?

Watch: Morano on Lou Dobbs Tonight talking Biden draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve to juice election & who will replace Klaus Schwab Watch: Morano on Fox on Sec. Pete’s claim that airline turbulence is linked to ‘climate change’ – ‘This is unscientific claptrap’ Wash Post’s ‘climate solutions’ reporter touts taking ‘cold showers’: ‘You should embrace using […]

MARC MORANO: Biden May Declare ‘Dictatorial U.S. Climate Emergency’ Bypassing U.S. The Constitution

Morano on Fox talks Biden’s access to ‘COVID-like powers’ if he declares a national ‘Climate Emergency’ – ‘Dictatorial Powers’ Fox Business – The Bottom Line w/ Dagen McDowell & Sean Duffy – Broadcast April 19, 2024 Sean Duffy: The White House told Fox Business that it is now considering declaring a national ‘climate emergency.’ If the […]

158 Washington, D.C. cherry trees get axed – UN vs. UN on ‘2 years to save world’

158 Washington, D.C. cherry trees get axe – UN vs. UN on ‘2 years to save world’ – Kerry declares YOU are ‘GREEDY’ – EU: ‘Climate inaction’ violates human rights. Watch: Morano on Hannity on Fox News: Biden’s green energy transition is ‘magical thinking from beginning to end’ TRANSCRIPT Sean Hannity: The publisher of Climate […]

UN declares: ‘Whether you like it or not, fossil fuel phase-out inevitable’ – UN ‘is literally psychotic…We have to say HELL NO to idea of Net Zero!’

We’re Saved!? UN declares: ‘Whether you like it or not, fossil fuel phase-out inevitable’ – Morano: UN ‘is literally psychotic…We have to say HELL NO to idea of Net Zero!’ By Marc Morano Morano: “The UN Secretary-General said whether you like it or not, fossil fuels are going away. Well, gee, if that’s the case, then […]

COP 28: United Nations Scientists Seek Fauci-like ‘Powers’

Gore and Kerry demand phase-out of fossil fuels – ‘Clothing limited to 3 new items per person’. DUBAI — CFACT’s Climate Depot’s Marc Morano Special Reports from DUBAI COP 28 UN Climate Summit Morano: “This is the 18th UN COP climate summit that I have attended in person since my first in 2004. I have […]

Morano to attend UN climate summit in Dubai – Warns of Great Reset summit where ‘Democracy goes to die’

Morano: “COP 28 is shaping up to be a doubling down on the green agenda despite the massive failure on a grand global scale. We will report on the energy rationing, blackouts, and economic disruption from the failed UN-pushed policies globally. This UN climate summit is planning nothing short of a Great Food Reset for […]

It’s Official! Climate PSYOP replaces COVID PSYOP – Global ‘boiling’ replaces ‘warming’ – NYT declares end of summer vacations

New York Times claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’ – ‘Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point’ NYT: ‘Climate change’ May Make Summer Vacation A Thing of the Past! NYT warns of “scorching heat…fires, floods, tornadoes and hail storms”- August 5, 2023: “This year, everything from scorching […]

Climate Lockdowns Begin: France bans short-haul flights ‘to cut carbon emissions’

Marc Morano comment on banning short airline flights: “You were warned! This is what a climate lockdown looks like. This is what the Great Reset looks like. The climate agenda demands you give up airline travel, car travel, cheap reliable energy, and plentiful food. Net Zero goals are now dictating vehicle shortages to force more people […]

Energy Dysphoria: It’s ‘Easier to Transition Gender than Energy’

RFK Jr. Rips Bill Gates on Climate — Restrict Rice? — NYC’s carbon footprint tracker. Must Watch: ESG (Environmental, social, & corporate governance) explained in 1-minute video – Best explanation you will ever see RFK Jr. Rips Bill Gates on climate: “Gates’s climate strategy is top down social control and geo engineering projects for which he […]

Biden’s EPA ‘intentionally creating car shortages’ to force Americans into public transit

“Let’s call it what it is – a ‘gas-powered car ban.’” — Marc Morano, Climate Depot. Watch: Morano on TV on Biden EPA’s EV mandates: ‘This is mandating car shortages for Americans’ to ‘force people into public transit’ Morano excerpt: “This is mandating car shortages for Americans…with the design of forcing more people into public transit. […]

‘Climate Homicide’: Paper in Harvard Env. Law Review calls for ‘prosecuting’ big U.S. oil firms for ‘climate deaths’

The wacky world of climate change strikes again! Blaming fossil fuel companies for ‘climate homicide’ is all part of the plan to merge public health and climate change. We have already seen a doctor diagnose the first patient in the world as suffering form ‘climate change’ in 2021. Of course, the reality is exactly the […]

‘Climate Change’ Causing Gun Deaths!?

Climate Depot Update – Brought To You By the Wacky World of Climate ‘Climate change’ causing gun deaths!? – Feds Are Coming (Again) for Your Gas Stoves! – ABC News reveals ‘Logistical nightmares’ of EV charging ‘Climate change’ blamed for 8000 gun deaths in New Study in Journal of the American Medical Association – Claims ‘association […]