Entries by Richard C. Savage, Ph.D.

Climate Change: “Shut up!” is not very convincing science

It’s becoming difficult to keep up with the latest in man made climate change alarmism and the attempts to convince, intimidate, or persuade the rational among us. Following 2013’s admission by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that there has been a “pause” of over 17 years in “global warming”, confirmed by NASA, NOAA, and […]

April’s Fools: The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

On March 31st the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. You probably read something about it in your paper; almost certainly, you heard about it on the evening news from ABC, CBS, or NBC. But, why pay attention to the small fry, like […]

Keystone XL: Who benefits? Who loses?

Last Thursday, 20 March, the Washington Post published an amazing article by Juliet Eilperin, their Environment reporter, claiming the Koch brothers are the major owners of Canadian “tar sands” – the source of oil to be shipped through the Keystone XL . Specifically the article said: “The biggest leaseholder in Canada’s oil sands isn’t Exxon […]

England Goes Back to the 17th Century: The Insane Wood Bonfire

The Brits have decided to Save the Planet by going back to burning wood instead of coal. The giant DRAX power plant in Yorkshire, which provides about 6% of Britain’s electricity – you know, heat, lights, telly – is being converted from burning coal to burning wood, 100 year-old hardwood, the kind prized for making furniture. […]