Entries by Graham Ledger

VIDEO: Herd Immunity USA – It’s Here! The Government COVID Calamity Is Over*

The CDC itself is now reporting that upwards of 83% of the U.S. population (16 and up) has some form of “protection” (immunity) against COVID either through vaccination or past infection. By any epidemiological standard, that is HERD IMMUNITY, folks. *Yet, the fight against the government-lead war on Liberty remains full throttle. The important thing […]

VIDEO: Biden’s Afghan Debacle. Dead Americans, US Tax-payer Equipped Terrorists

The mother of deceased Marine, 20-year-old Rylee McCollum, is correct: he would still be alive if the Marxist Democrats hadn’t cheated in the 2020 Election. She is also correct that the Biden pull-out of Afghanistan has been the greatest military blunder since the Bay of Pigs. To make matters worse, Biden’s hasty and ill-planned withdrawal […]

VIDEO: Biden Treason! Exposing U.S. Troops to Terrorists & Most Deadly Vax Ever

Joe Biden is literally killing American servicemen and women. Biden cares more about forcing the COVID shot into the arms of the U.S. military than he does about protecting our guys in hell-holes like Afghanistan. Biden is exposing our troops to terrorists and they are getting killed. But he’s also exposing the military to a […]

VIDEO: 15 Million ‘Lost’ Votes — The Greatest Indictment of Vote by Mail Not Reported by MSM

If you care about the “franchise”, then you must oppose the vote by mail attack on your precious right to vote. A little known non-profit called Public Interest Legal Foundation has released a rather large (and important) piece of research on the 2020 Presidential election. In fact, this report is total vindication for those of […]

VIDEO: Illegitimate President – Catastrophic Results – Arizona Audit is the Remedy

Joe Biden is an illegitimate president who is clearly not up for the job and is only a figure-head for the radical Marxist Democrat political leadership. This anti-constitutional cabal is destroying the American way of life and your God-given liberty real time. Team Biden must be put-down using the tools that the Framers of the […]

VIDEO: Fauci-Delta Variant Lies — Better Chance Dying in Your Shower!

The odds of any American dying from the so-called Delta Variant of the Wuhan coronavirus is not being reported to the American people. Instead, Biden, Fauci, and the media are force-feeding the people a stead stream of unwarranted fear. This is only the latest act in a political theater that is designed to make Marxists […]