Entries by Hawaii Free Press

Fake Methodology: Health Department Claims 11% of Hawaii HS Students are LGBTQ

by Andrew Walden. 11.2% of Hawaii High School students are LGBTQ.  That’s the headline number from the April, 2017 Hawaii Department of Health report on “Sexual and Gender Minority Health.” This number stands in sharp contrast to other studies of gay demographics.  For instance Gallup in 2013 reported that 5% of Hawaii residents are gay […]

New Hawaii VA Chief Tied to Falsified Medical Wait Times, 13 Deaths in Arizona

West Hawaii Today reports: Hawaii veterans aren’t worried about new Director of the VA Pacific Islands Health Care System Jennifer Gutowski’s ability to fix whatever problems may already exist inside the system. They’re fearful she’s going to make those problems worse. “When it was announced she was coming over here to head the Hawaiian VA, none […]

Hawaii Judge uses fake news about a fake document to halt President’s travel ban

by John Hindraker, PowerLineBlog.com, March 28, 2017 At Breitbart.com, Michael Patrick Leahy has what strikes me as an explosive story: “Mystery Surrounds Leaked Leaked Draft DHS Document at Center of Controversial Travel Ban Decisions by Two Federal Judges.” Actually, though, it doesn’t seem to be much of a mystery. On February 24, AP reporters Vivian […]

‘Sanctuary State?’—Hawaii Dems Pass Toothless Resolution to Fool Base

By Andrew Walden… A resolution urging city and county police to refuse to help federal agencies deport illegal immigrants was approved by a key House committee Thursday, but the leading sponsor of the measure said it isn’t meant to make Hawaii a “sanctuary” state. House Judiciary Committee Vice Chairwoman Joy San Buenaventura said she introduced […]

VIDEO: How your tax dollars are being wasted on a railway in Hawaii

From Fox News March 17, 2017 The city low-balled the cost and construction is five years late; William La Jeunesse has the story for ‘Special Report’. $15M Change Orders: Redesign Rail Columns so they Don’t Collapse Under Weight of Stations SA: Under earlier plans rail was supposed to have started running from East Kapolei to […]

The Radical Ties of the Imam Behind the Trump Immigration Lawsuit by Jordan Schachtel

Originally published in the Conservative Review, March 10, 2017: The plaintiff listed in Hawaii’s lawsuit against President Trump’s executive order on immigration is a member of an organization that has several current and former leaders tied to terrorist activity. Dr. Ismail Elshikh — the imam of the Muslim Association of Hawaii — is suing Trump in […]

Mayor of Honolulu: My Latest Appointee Helped Deliver Lots of Muslims to Europe

by Andrew Walden A February 21, 2017 Caldwell administration news release touting the appointment of Jim Howe to head the Honolulu Emergency Services Department includes this tidbit: “Most recently, Howe provided consulting services to the ProActiva Open Arms program, which helps rescue European-bound refugees from treacherous ocean waters who are fleeing war, persecution or poverty.” […]

HAWAII: Union Shielding Child Molesting Prison Guards since 2003

SA: Investigators working in the Hawaii correctional system were able to substantiate more cases in which corrections staff sexually abused inmates during 2015 than cases where inmates sexually assaulted one another, according to a new report released by the state Department of Public Safety. That report marks the second consecutive year the corrections system reported […]

What? Feds Propose 49 New Endangered Species for Hawaii

From Federal Register September 30, 2016 (actually published Sept 29, 2016) AGENCY:  Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION:  Proposed rule. SUMMARY:  We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to list 10 animal species, including the band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro), the orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas), the anchialine pool shrimp (Procaris hawaiana), and seven […]

Hawaii: Democrat Vice Chair Resigns—’Party Less Transparent, More Dictatorial’

The Following Message Was Sent to Oahu County Democratic Party Officers… September 14, 2016 Please accept this email as notification of resignation of my position as vice chair of the Oahu County Committee. I want to thank the Oahu County Democratic Party and OCC for the rewarding and enriching experience. Twelve years ago Jimmy Toyama […]

Martin Luther King, Jr. Saluted Hawaii Statehood on September 17, 1959

EDITORS NOTE: As Hawaii this week celebrates its statehood, it’s worth remembering that the archipelago was once staunchly Republican territory.  In fact, it was southern Senate Democrats who blocked its statehood for decades over fears that the minority-majority state would elect two senators who would tip the balance in the civil rights debate. Therefore, Hawaii’s prospects […]

Feds to Hit Corrupt Hawaii Democratic Party with ‘Biggest Fine Ever’

SA: …State Democrats are bracing for what is expected to be the largest fine ever imposed on the Hawaii party by the Federal Elections Commission for a series of alleged violations of federal campaign regulations during the 2012 election cycle. Party officials declined to discuss details of the case because it is ongoing, but a […]

Gender Ideology Harms Children: Human sexuality an objective biological trait!

From American College of Pediatricians, March, 2016 The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality. 1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” […]