Entries by Kenneth R. Timmerman

More on the UK Elections

Britain’s Labour Party swept into power this week with the largest parliamentary majority in history. Normally, you might be hearing alarm bells going off. But not this time. Incoming prime minister (and by the time you get this, he will already be installed at 10 Downing Street!) Sir Keir Starmer, is a newcomer to politics. […]

Three Elections

Yes, I watched the Trump-Biden debate, even though we are in France. And it was painful. Ninety minutes of unadulterated sludge from the mouth of a sitting U.S. president. Someone should be escorting Ol’ Joe to a retirement home. Problem is, I doubt Jill Biden will allow that. She likes the White House, Air Force […]

Iran’s Nuclear Program Comes Out Of The Closet

I’ve been reporting on Iran’s nuclear weapons program for more than thirty years, and was the first to notice that Iran had signed a consulting agreement with Pakistan’s A.Q. Khan to build uranium enrichment centrifuges. I was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 because of that reporting on Iran. So Iran’s nuclear chicanery […]

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

Every now and then you see a headline that makes you smile. This one made me laugh out loud: “Iranian university offers scholarships to U.S. students expelled over protests.” The president of Shiraz University, a major religious center in Iran, is offering all-expenses paid scholarships to U.S. students expelled for anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist protests, so they […]

The U.S. Paper Tiger

Mao used to call America a “paper tiger,”  in appearance very powerful, but in reality nothing to be afraid of. That is the way China’s current president, Xi Jinping, views the Biden administration. How do I know this? Just look at the way the Chinese “welcome” visiting Biden administration officials. When Secretary of State Tony […]

Will U.S. Join Israeli Counterstrike On Iran?

The Commander of U.S. Central Command, General Eric Kurilla, was in Israel on Thursday, as Israeli Prime Minister put in a public appearance at Tel Nof Air Force base to give a pep talk to Israeli F-15 pilots. Also this week, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had two lengthy video conferences with his Israeli counterpart, […]

Dr. Strangelove Returns From The Dead

Vladimir Putin on Thursday threatened global nuclear war if the West followed through on hints by French president Macron that NATO was contemplating sending troops to Ukraine. Putin made those comments in his annual “state of the nation” address. Less than 24-hours later, he followed up by test-firing a solid-fuel Yars ICBM, which NATO dubs […]

Negotiate, you fools!

For the first time since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine two years ago, the possibility of negotiations has emerged on the horizon. Both Putin and Zelenskiiy have indicated in recent interviews that they are now open to negotiations. In his two-hour history lesson to Tucker Carlson, Putin recalled the Istanbul negotiations in March-April 2022. […]

Biden’s ‘Model UN’ — Not Just Frivolous but Dangerous

Remember when you or your children played “Model UN” in high school? That’s what Joe Biden’s foreign and security policy looks like these days. First, you’ve got the tip-toe response to the ongoing attacks on U.S. bases and warships by Iranian proxies. With the death of three U.S. soldiers at Tower 22 in Jordan, a […]

Germany War-Games World War III

A German newsweekly this week published what purported to be “leaked” documents from Germany’s defense ministry, spelling out a detailed scenario for how Putin could unleash World War III in continental Europe. The documents detailed a war-gaming exercise the German high command called a “worst-case scenario” for a hot-war conflict between Russia and NATO. Stage […]