Entries by Dr. Marilyn Singleton

Hoaxes, Scams, and Your Medical Care

Preview: Hoaxes and scams have been dominating the news lately. We have a marginally known actor faking a hate crime supposedly to raise his Hollywood profile. The scandal about Hollywood and other elites buying their children’s way into top-rated universities really hit home. Now we continue to have a slew of healthcare hoaxes: corporate stakeholders, legislators, and government agencies […]

Thought Police (Oops, Medicare) For All

Preview:   The new Medicare for All bill (H.R. 1384) has come and hopefully will go the way of the pet rock. But as usual, bills contain hidden gems The focus on palliative care and lowering costs by reducing “aggressive” end-of-life treatment is one more incremental under-the-radar step along the road to government control over life […]

Jumping Into Medicare For All With Eyes Wide Shut

Preview: The unveiling of the ballyhooed House of Representatives Medicare for All Act of 2019 bill will be met with chants of “equal healthcare for all!” A key feature of the Medicare-for-All bills is the elimination of private health insurance that duplicates benefits offered by the government. Given the coercive nature of the existing Medicare […]

Eugenics, Euthanasia, Infanticide, and the Lord’s Work

New York’s Catholic Democratic Governor had the World Trade Center in lights to celebrate its abortion-on-demand-until-the-day-of-birth law. This law was framed as empowering women through guaranteeing “Reproductive Health.” Women in New York must be really powerful since New York’s abortion rate is twice the national average. This and eight other similar state laws were largely ignored as merely codifying Roe v Wade. But […]

New Years Wish: No More Morally Superior Phonies

My new year’s resolution is to expose the hypocrisy of the morally superior politicians whose election strategy was to pretend they cared about crafting policies in the country’s best interest. Multimillionaire Nancy (“We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it” and if you disagree with me you are sexist) Pelosi is safe […]