Entries by Royal A. Brown III

What Bruce Ohr Told Congress

In case you hadn’t heard what the #4 person in Department of Justice, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, told Congresspersons behind closed doors. The article below from Kimberley A. Strassel, one of few reliable journalists and investigative reporters while enlighten you.  Kimberley Strassel is a member of the editorial board for The Wall Street […]

Open Letter to ‘Resistance’ Leader Retired Admiral William McRaven

Retired Adm. William McRaven wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post, protesting Trump’s revoking of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance and declaring—as if in an open letter to Trump himself—“I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women […]

Democrats Using Fake Russian Collusion to Destroy the U.S. Election System & Constitution

In case you aren’t aware, the leftist Democrats (that would be all Democrats) are using the fake charges that Russian Collusion changed the outcome of the 2016 elections to now question the legitimacy of our Constitution and our election system including the Presidential Electoral College especially where any Democrat or Socialist loses an election. Even […]

Florida’s GOP Senators Who Voted for Gun Control Face Major Backlash

This tar and feather symbolism in article below, is just another flashy “shiny object” action that does little to nothing to solve the problem. If anything, it will just help to elect Democrats to their seats especially if they have no Republicans running against them in Primaries – prime example State Sen Kelli Stargel who […]

Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s talk at the Daytona Beach Lincoln Day Dinner, ‘Trump is kryptonite to the left’

Sunday night my wife Glynnda, me and 2 other good friends from the Winter Haven 912 attended a Lincoln Day Dinner in Daytona Beach sponsored by the Volusia County Republican Club with over 500 participants featuring POTUS Trump’s confidant and former National Security Strategy advisor Dr. Sebastian Gorka as the keynote speaker. Dr. Gorka was […]

Scorecard: The 45 Goals in ‘The Naked Communist’ to turn America into a Socialist State

It is very important that everyone realize just how far the Communist Manifesto and its goals have been advanced in the United States since the still relevant book “The Naked Communists” was written over 50 years ago. George Soros and other rich leftists use some of their billions to finance over 250 socialist/communist/leftist groups in […]

How bad is the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety [and gun control] Act?

This article encapsulates all the reasons why the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act is a horribly bad piece of legislation (with the exception of  the Marshall, Guardian and/or Safety Officer piece to put armed school officials or an armed security guard at all schools – basically PCSO Sheriff Judd’s plan).  The rest […]