Entries by Rod Eccles

An American Weekend

As I write this, it’s the beginning of the weekend. An American weekend. It’s not the heart of summer. It’s not a holiday. But it’s a celebration in any event. It’s an American weekend. Americans will be out mowing their laws, doing maintenance on their homes, working on their cars, spending time with family, friends […]

America Has A Problem

You hear it everywhere.  You hear it from just about everyone.  This November’s elections are the Most Important In Our Nation’s History. Don’t they say that about EVERY election? Well, there is some truth to the hyperbole, however.  Every election IS important.  Every election counts.  And I mean every election, down to local Dog Catcher.  […]

The Morning Light

It’s a Saturday morning and I am out doing my week end rounds.  But it’s a little different from a typical Saturday.  The morning sunlight is just amazing. We are at that time of year when the sun is lower in the sky and after a few days of rain and wind, the air and […]

What America Really Means

We are coming up on the one year anniversary of the election of President Donald J. Trump. A man that, in many ways, typifies America. Mr. Trump proved the old fashioned notion that parents used to tell their children. You or anybody can be President of the United States of America. Immigrants often told their […]

Too Rich To Tax

There is an argument going on in Washington, D.C. that affects each and every one of us.  I am not talking about Obamacare, although that does affect each and every one of us.  And I am not talking about security issues such as the boarder wall or enhanced check points at air ports, although these, […]

American Pride

Here we are in the month of June.  June represents a month of pride for many.  The Islamic holiday of Ramadan is this month.  This is also Gay Pride month.  Rather ironic that the two would cross paths on the calendar. But, obviously Muslims and LGBTQ people are not proud just one day or one […]

Utopia is Dystopian in Real Life

This is a little different from what I am known for. Actually its very different but its still recognizable as all Rod Eccles. Last night, I watched the latest two episodes of the Hulu original series, Handmaid’s Tale. The series is based on a book written and released back in 1985. It is classified as […]

The Great American Snowflake Meltdown

In the Spring, up here in New England and all over the northern USA, snow melts in preparation for warmer months.  The warmer months when just about everyone shakes off the sleep of winter and welcomes the warmth of the life giving sun.  And that is the way it has been for eons. But there […]

A Republic Is Not Mob Rule

There has been renewed talk, mostly from the left, about the problem with our Electoral College as it pertains to electing a President. The leftist are upset that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, won the popular vote (although that is not actually the case due to known voter fraud) yet lost to Donald Trump in the […]

How Dare Liberals Be so Arrogant

There is something I find interesting well actually, I find it evil and ignorant and sinister.  Yes, sinister.  It is something I heard liberals say over the past week or so and it was said on the air on national radio. If there was ever a time or a chance that Democrats and Liberals would […]