Entries by Ron Edwards

The Warped Practice of Moral Equivalency

For decades, American Progressives, socialists, atheists, Marxists, liberals and Negro thought police stooges have utilized the practice of moral equivalency as a tactic to disrupt society.  Through disruption, they seek to further pollute our republic with a changing political, educational and even our religious direction. For example, everyone with a modicum of honest education regarding […]

The Ingrown Enemies of America

The enemies from within America are alive and sick. Some of them recently went to nutsville in Ferguson, Mo. Because they didn’t get their wish of injustice for police officer Darrell Wilson. St. Louis prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch simply announced there would be no indictment, then the tribalistic minions spent the night increasing the local […]

There Is But One Way

The great Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in 1818 and died one of the major pillars of American History in 1895.  He refused to except the bonds of either physical external slavery heaped upon him by others. Mr. Douglass also did not succumb to self- inflicted slavery in his own mind. Unfortunately, far too […]

What is Going on America?

So now we have the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America loosening restrictions between Castro’s Cuba and the United States of America. This is yet another glaring example of the utter disdain Obama has for America. Right now in our hemisphere, enemy nations like China and Russia are building military alliances with various countries […]

Conservatives Can Learn Something From Liberals

Despite the increasing disapproval of the draconian and otherwise harmful policies of President Obama, the leadership of the Republican Party is acting like the point of least resistance.  For example, it has been reported on every major news network, including FOX, ABC and the rest, that increasing numbers of Americans disapprove of a number of […]

An open ‘Thank You’ to Police Officers

For much too long in America, police officers have been taken for granted, disrespected, misunderstood, abused, ignored, scorned and ridiculed. I am not saying that every single police officer throughout our nation is a perfect little angel. But I am willing to wager that the majority of the men and woman in blue are fantastic, […]

A Thoughtful Look at Thanksgiving

In the Bible it is written, that “My people suffer for lack of knowledge.” That certainly applies with to the United States of America. As we look forward to yet another Christmas Season, traditionally the most wonderful time of the year commences during the Thanksgiving Day weekend. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of […]

2014 Mid-Term Election: A Really Great First Step

The American people have spoken. But will elected officials, particularly Republicans place the desires of the American people above political correctness or the open borders crowd? Once again and probably for the last time, congratulations to the Republicans who won an historic election victory and swept away Democrat party control of the Senate. It was […]

Who Started It?

There is an old saying that the old timers used to verbalize. “Don’t start nothin’ won’t be nothin.’ With the Ebola debacle making headlines and frightening people across the planet, sometimes I wonder, who started this dilemma or how did it come about? In fact that old adage could possibly apply to the United States […]

Barbarism American Style

Thanks but no thanks, to decades of liberal government school indoctrination of students in Virginia and throughout America, things are going awry. Now we have legions of parents who are incapable or unwilling to teach virtuous principles to their children. As a result, The United States of America has devolved from being the land of […]

Liberal Exploitation of Americans

When one hears members of the Negro thought police and their liberal white masters of liberal philosophy in the media, government, and academia, one cannot help but understand why our nation is in a heap of hurt. Together they seek to lead, push, prod, and deceive this republic into moral depravity, economic collapse, and national […]

Remove the Feds From Education

In 1838 Noah Webster, the father of American education, expressed the purpose of schools was the advancement of the Christian faith: In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children under a free government ought to be instructed … No truth is more evident […]