Entries by Jihad Watch

Kosovo Muslim arrested for hacking U.S. Military files for the Islamic State

“A statement from the U.S. Department of Justice said Mr Ferizi, known by his moniker ‘Th3Dir3ctorY’, hacked into a U.S. company’s systems in order to take the personal details of 1,351 U.S. military and government staff.” The repercussions of that theft could be felt for quite some time. “Malaysia arrests Kosovo man for ‘hacking US […]

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Bring Us More Muslim Terrorists

“‘Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!’ says the LORD.” — Jeremiah 23:1 “Because, yea, because they have misled my people, saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace.” — Ezekiel 13:10 The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling for the U.S. to take in 100,000 Syrian refugees this year […]

Where Things Stand by Hugh Fitzgerald

More than 14 years have passed since Americans have had their attention forcefully fixed on the reality of Islamic terrorism. Until September 11, 2001, with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, most people in America — and in Europe — could be forgiven for assuming that they would not become the […]

Syrian Christian leader: Putin “really targeting ISIS,” U.S. airstrikes are “window dressing”

Whatever  Russia’s motives in Syria, one thing is clear: persecuted Syrian Christians favor Russian intervention against the jihadis slaughtering them, while accusing the U.S. and Western allies of only engaging in cosmetic strikes.  Here are the words of a Syrian Christian leader — one well acquainted with the persecution his people are experiencing — concerning […]

California Dreaming: Two Muslims try to join the Islamic State

“According to the document, on the last Friday of April, after prayer services at a mosque in Orange County, Elhuzayel and Badawi spoke enthusiastically about Islamic State….She had described her son as ‘Muslim, but not very religious, just normal.’ Over the last year, he had become more observant, frequently attending Friday prayer services at a […]

U.S. scraps failed $500 million program to train ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels

Moving from one spectacular failure to the next. Nothing that the US does to counter the Islamic State will succeed until officials examine its ideology realistically. Without that, every move to counter it effectively will founder on the unreality of the State Department’s analysis. “US scraps its $500 million programme to train ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels […]

Russia Declares ‘Holy War’ against Islamic State by Raymond Ibrahim

The Orthodox Christian Church, which is reclaiming its traditional role in post-Soviet Russia, has just described its government’s fight against the Islamic State and other jihadi groups in Syria as a “holy war.” According to Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Church’s Public Affairs Department, The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our […]

Islamic Indoctrination in Georgia Public Schools

Yes, in “Jimmy Carter Georgia.” Georgia Public Schools are teaching key components of Islamic dawah: “schools are reportedly forcing students to learn the Five Pillars of Islam—the creed one must learn to convert—and teaching students that Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians.” So far, unlike in Tennessee, they haven’t [yet] forced the students to actually recite the […]

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: No way to vet Muslim Syrian refugees

And since the Obama Administration continues in its resolute denial of the motivating and guiding ideology behind the global jihad, there is no possible way that DHS could effectively subject these refugees to “robust screening.” Any attempt by them to do so is foredoomed. “DHS Confesses: No Databases Exist To Vet Syrian Refugees,” Investor’s Business […]

Another Muslim Murders Police Official: Authorities Rush to Defend Islam

In FrontPage today, I chronicle just another day in the suicidal West. Last week a fifteen-year-old Muslim, Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad, went to a police station in New South Wales and shot dead a civilian police employee, Curtis Cheng. After the murder, the young murderer was, according to an eyewitness, “dancing joyously.” Outside the station, […]

VIDEO: Tens of thousands rally against Islamization in Germany

Not everyone in Europe is taking the massive refugee influx with alacrity and smearing as “racist” those who don’t want to see the continent overwhelmed and Islamized. This video gives you an idea of the scale of the pushback. Thanks to Marc. RELATED ARTICLES: U.S. deportation Numbers Have Dramatically Fallen. Is This Related to Obama’s […]

Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins slam Left for giving Islam “free pass” despite Muslim terrorism

What is noteworthy about this is how selective and one-sided Maher and Dawkins are. They’re all upset about the Marxist anti-Semite Maryam Namazie being banned from speaking at a university because of her views on Islam, but have never said a word while for years Pamela Geller and I and others who tell the same […]