Entries by Simona Pipko

The Russian KGB Tactics in the 21st Century America

The KGB was the Soviet Intel and law enforcement agency—a precursor of the FSB. The agency changed the name eight times to cover-up crimes previously committed. Russia now has the same agency, with the same strategy, mission, and agenda, but a new name—the FSB. I am a former Soviet attorney who writes about Russian Intel […]

Stalin’s Sinister Inheritance is Flourishing in America

The name of the Russian dictator Comrade Stalin is not known to our youngsters and not well remembered by the adults. Alas! History is the mother of all sciences. The lack of history is the result of current ignorance and illiteracy of young people in America. As a former Soviet defense attorney living under Stalin […]

Global Stability is Shaken as a Result of The Russian/Chinese Subversion of America

“Americans will always do the right thing—after exhausting all the alternatives.” — Commonly credited to Winston Churchill Winston Churchill was a brilliant leader, in my memory, he saved the world from fascism in the 20th century. Donald J. Trump is the leader of the same scale-gradation, he has been spared by the God providence to save the […]

The Incompetent FBI and Triumphing Trump

Michael Baron has written an interesting article analyzing causes of the Democrats’ loss. “Here’s another way to look at why Republicans swept the 2024 elections: It’s the fault, only partly, of course, of the gerontocracy of the Democratic Party.” The Democratic Gerontocracy Forgets the Lessons of Its Youth and Maturity, Michael Barone on Nov 15, 2024. He […]

Failed American Intelligence: North Korea, Syria, Putin, and the Obama Connection

Many Americans were surprised by the recent Russia/North Korea Defense Pact, June 19, 2024. In fact, it wasn’t a surprise for the students of history. History is a mother of all sciences and Vladimir Putin is a devoted disciple of Comrade Stalin. Soviet history of Stalin’s era can explain the origins of the recent Russia/North […]

Kamala Harris—an Accomplished Student of Socialism and Fascism. America Beware!

Kamala Harris was sure that Trump is a fascist. That was her strong answer to Anderson Cooper, who interviewed her on CNN. Watching the show, I expected him to ask Kamala her definition of fascism. He didn’t. He didn’t know that Judge Joe Brown CA called Harris a fascist. Yet, the Radical left picked it up Trump-Fascist and […]

Disinformation: Putin’s Protocol for Socialist Subversion of America

Putin is not a creator of Disinformation; he is a user of it. The concept of  Disinformation has been designed in the 20th century by the Soviet dictator Comrade Stalin. Then his devoted disciple the Chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, refined it in the 1960-70th – Putin updated it by current technological sophistication at the end […]

Struggling America and World Chaos—The Products of the Biden-Harris Regime

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” — Elmer Davis At the Anniversary of October 7 massacre, America discusses the Middle East as the war escalated there after Iranian 200 missiles attack on several cities of Israel. Israel announcing “the war” and […]

‘Hidden’ Biden & ‘Joyful’ Kamala: Two Sides of a Counterfeit Coin

The Israeli airstrike killed Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah in Beirut and other officials, that destabilized the Middle East for thirty years. For the first time in modern history, the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorized. Bravo, Israel! America should learn from Israel. There is another first-time event in modern history […]

The KGB’s Mafia-Army: A Global Terrorist Organization

Don’t waste time waiting for another attempt to assassinate Trump. It will come! And only awareness of the enemy can prevent it… I am  a former Soviet attorney, who has written about Russia’s Intel for four decades. The FBI made me a Foreign Agent in 2002 and consequently sabotaged and banned my book What is Happening […]

Kamala Harris and Treason Unknown to the American Public

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”— Ronald Reagan It took Europe Five centuries to create and establish Western civilization—the highest form of human organization. […]

Comrade Kamala: The 4th American Manchurian President

“I am worried about capitalism” — Bernard Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot The most consequential election in the history of our nation is ahead of us. Kamala Harris can win the election if America votes for her. That is the cause for this column—to warn Americans by telling them the truth, to open their eyes […]

Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White House

Yes, I mean Putin’s Soviet Socialism waging a war against American capitalism by Russia’s Intel, to be précised by the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer. I have been writing and warning you about an aggressive ideology of Soviet Socialism for forty-three years. To summarize the issues, I will present three major spots of infiltration by the anti-Semitic […]

Russia’s Perpetual Clandestine Assaults on the U.S.

The Russian Empire existed for three hundred years. Socialist Revolution in 1917 Russia destroyed it and created the Soviet Union with the system of Soviet Socialism, which collapsed in 1991. The name of the current country is the Russian Federation, but the old aggressive policy of the Soviets hasn’t changed. Please, read this column and […]

Bloody Prints of the KGB

Investigation into assassination attempt of the 45th President Donald J. Trump is presided over by several agencies and we have shocking new details every day. The catastrophic breach of security by the Secret Service is being discussed by the pundits and media. It will take weeks if not months to expose the actual culprits. I […]