Entries by Dr. Tamzin A. Rosenwasser, M.D.

Critical Race Theory

Just as Karl Marx interpreted all of human history as a fight between the “proletariat” (oppressed) and the “capitalists” (oppressors) using a method I can only call “Illogical Abstractionism,” so also do the “critical race theorists” use a rigid abstraction to divide all of mankind into one of two groups. Karl Marx had no understanding […]

A Note Concerning First Amendment Jurisprudence

The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …” This has not been properly understood. It certainly prohibits Congress from establishing a national religion. It prevents any citizen from being required to support, financially or otherwise, any religion. It prevents any and every […]

National Epidemic Reported

Events compel me to sound a public alarm about a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and that threatens the stability of the nation. I speak of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and springing, as I do, from a long line of hand-washers, list-makers, and stove-checkers, I consider myself eminently qualified to make […]