Entries by The United West/ Defend The Border

VIDEO: Border Expert Chris Burgard Details Biden’s Border Disaster that is Destroying America!

Chris Burgard joins the Jason Burmas on America Media Periscope to discuss the release of Death County & the River of Broken Dreams, featuring former Director of ICE under President Trump. WATCH:  RELATED ARTICLES: The Fix Is In: California City Plans to Grant Illegal Immigrants the Right to Vote DHS admits that around 160 […]

VIDEO: Arizona/Mexico Border—Come Right On In!

In 2019, Tom Trento and The United West team went to the Cochise County, Arizona border with Mexico to gain a full understanding of our country’s border situation. In this video you will see how vital it is for America’s national security interests to have a completed 24-foot border fence/barrier. Mexican cartels are utilizing our […]

WATCH REP. TROY NEHLS: Border Judo! President Bill Clinton Testifies Against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

Congressman Troy Nehls represents the 22nd Congressional District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. Texas’ 22nd Congressional District includes portions of Fort Bend, Brazoria, and Harris counties. Prior to his election to Congress, Troy served his district for nearly 30 years in law enforcement and served our country 21 years in the U.S. Army […]

Get ready for the Democrat Planned Obliteration of our Southern Border!

PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO AND JOIN OUR FIGHT TO SAVE AMERICA! Do you care about people? Do you care about your country? Do you care about your family?  If so, you gotta focus some of your attention on the planned, ILLEGAL, DESTRUCTIVE, TRANSFORMATION of the USA by the Biden administration over the next 18 […]

Kevin Sorbo Invites You To His New Movie — ‘Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist!’

After millions of people vanish and the world falls into chaos, the only light is a charismatic leader who rises to become head of the U.N. But does he bring hope for a better future? Or is it the end of the world?  Click here to find a movie theater near you showing “Left […]

Defend The Border—Stop The Invasion—Save Lives

Defend The Border Save Lives. President Biden’s Open Border policies are a manufactured national security risk allowing illegal aliens to flood our country and be given amnesty at a later date. WATCH: Defend The Border – TV Premier Trailer  These illegal alien amnesty recipients will most likely become Democrat voters assuring power for the […]

JEXIT: The First Jewish Organization to present President Donald J. Trump with the ‘American Defender of Zion Award’

PALM BEACH, FL – JEXIT, Inc. has become the world’s first Jewish organization to present a US President with the American Defender of Zion Award. President Donald John Trump accepted the award in Mar-a-Lago’s White and Gold Ballroom before an audience of over 120 people. JEXIT honored President Trump with this first-of-a-kind award acknowledging that […]

Is President Donald J. Trump an Antisemite? Absolutely not!

In response to President Trump’s recent comments on Truth Social, JEXIT strongly stands with President Trump! JEXIT believes American Jews should no longer blindly vote for the Democrat party, a Party that has abandoned Israel. Today, the Democrat party, no longer the Party of JFK, is so left-leaning that issues deemed bi-partisan just ten years ago […]

Florida, In 32 Days You Vote For A Builder Or Bullsh**er—Choose Wisely

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leads a three day rebuilding of hurricane ravaged bridges. Watch as Governor Ron DeSantis came to Frank Rendon Park in Daytona Beach Shores on Friday, October 7 to give an update on Florida’s extraordinary recovery effort following the catastrophic damage left by the path of Hurricane Ian across the Florida peninsula. […]

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump Declares Border Security a ‘Vital National Security Interest’

In the video below former Director of ICE Tom Homan introduces President Trump to a small gathering of friends and patriots. President Donald J. Trump then discusses how border security is a “vital national security interest to the United States of America.” President Trump exposes how President Biden is driving a Marxist policy of “open […]

FROM THE HOLOCAUST TO SURFSIDE — The amazing story of the Champlain condo collapse in Surfside, FL.

ISRAEL SHOWCASED is a project of The United West featuring the accomplishments and global contributions of Israel, to the world. FROM THE HOLOCAUST TO SURFSIDE – A short documentary by The United West about an elite team from Israel’s National Rescue Unit, in the search and recovery efforts at the Surfside, Florida building collapse. The […]

MAR-A-LAGO: Watch as a solemn and respectful President Donald J. Trump attends a Defend the Border & Save Lives event

Recently, The United West and JEXIT USA held an event for Tom Homan, the former Director of ICE and author of Defend the Border & Save Lives. During the event a two-minute video memorial was played to honor recently deceased patriots and friends, Barry Fernandez and Roger Gangitano. As the video memorial started, President Donald […]

Is a Jew-Hating Muslim Religious Leader a Featured Speaker at a Mosque in Sanford, Florida?

QUESTION: Do you want to start 2022 with religious leaders in your city hosting a Jew-Hating, Muslim Imam? Imam Maulana Syed Mohammed Zaki Baqri is scheduled to appear at the Masjid Al Hayy mosque in Sanford, Florida on January 5th, 6th and 7th, 2022. Click here to view the flyer. Obviously you do not, so […]

FROM THE HOLOCAUST TO SURFSIDE: The amazing story of the Champlain condo collapse in Surfside, Florida

ISRAEL SHOWCASED is a project of The United West featuring the accomplishments and global contributions of Israel, to the world. FROM THE HOLOCAUST TO SURFSIDE – A short documentary by The United West about an elite team from Israel’s National Rescue Unit, in the search and recovery efforts at the Surfside, FL. building collapse. The […]

VIDEO: Did You Know Israel has a 9/11 Memorial in Honor of America?

Israel created a Memorial to America’s 9/11 attack like no other country on the earth. It is called “9/11 Living Memorial Plaza.” This amazing Memorial is made out the Ground Zero wreckage and the display contains the names of all the 9/11 victims. Not many people are aware of this very important and very unique […]