Marxist State Senator and Climate Change Activist David Min gets DUI while emitting CO2

Illegal immigrants from Communist China, central and South America and other countries globally including terrorist states like Iran, North Korea, etc. living illegally in California can now vote unmolested in California elections.

The communist Governor of California Gavin Newsom signed this legislation into law which now voids the votes of U.S. citizens with the illegal immigrant vote so let’s look at the individual who drafted this legislation.

State Senator David Kunngee Min represents California’s 37th district. He was born in Rhode Island in 1976 to Korean immigrants. The record does not specify if his parents were from North or South Korea.

While a State Senator David Min drafted legislation besides allowing people to vote without any proof of citizenship or residency submitted a proposal to ban all offshore oil drilling off the coast in California.

This would have driven up the price of gasoline to $15 plus a gallon in this once great state but it failed under pressure from trade unions and oil companies in California. These oil companies are now moving to Texas.

David Min also submitted legislation to ban gun shows on state property and fair grounds which is a direct 2nd Amendment violation considering it was the government of our Founding Fathers that allows for this freedom on such property.

David Min also authored proposition 1 which changed the California Constitution to allow the execution of pre-born children in the womb.

So now pre born children have been stripped of their constitutional right to life and liberty by this Marxist state Senator and can be killed via the California Constitution. Satanic right? Pure evil.

David Min also secured $15 million of California tax payer dollars for the homeless in his district which the democrats in California have created by their Marxist inflationary economic policies and unprecedented housing shortages due to illegal immigrants competing for said housing driving up rent prices.

No word yet on where the money went but that kind of cash could have gifted at least $50,000 plus to each homeless person in his neighborhood.

So I will close this missive with the following.

Comrade State Senator David Min was arrested in Sacramento last year (2023).

His blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit and he did not have his headlights on when he was pulled over for emitting copious amounts of Carbon Dioxide while driving through a red light placing the citizens of Sacramento at great risk.

Min pleaded no contest, and was sentenced to three years informal probation when he should have been jailed for at least 6 months.

It’s interesting that this bottom feeding Marxist maggot has been endorsed by the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS). Imaginé that.

It’s interesting also that his pal Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo, D-Los Angeles was arrested 6 months after his DUI arrest for her DUI.

So instead of legislation to reduce DUI’s and protect California drivers these lawmakers are more concerned with decarbonizing California, allowing illegal immigrants to vote and giving away millions of tax payer dollars to bottomless pits.

Elon Musk is right when he stated publicly – “Wow, it is now illegal to require voter ID in California! They just made PREVENTING voter fraud against the law,” Musk wrote on X late Monday. “The Joker is in charge.”

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs

Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident. Remember, the murder rate is six per 100,000 per year, and the aggravated assault rate is four per 1,000. What this means is that the vast majority of Americans are not inclined to hurt one another. Some estimates say that two million Americans are victims of violent crimes every year, a tragic, staggering number, perhaps an all-time record rate of violent crime. But there are almost 300 million Americans, which means that the odds of being a victim of violent crime is considerably less than one in a hundred on any given year. Furthermore, since many violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders the actual number of violent citizens is considerably less than two million. Numbers are fluctuating UP given the increase of illegals, especially the insane and formerly incarcerated vicious criminals allowed into America.

Thus, there is a paradox, and we must grasp both ends of the situation: We may well be in the most violent times in history, but violence is still remarkably rare. This is because most citizens are kind, decent people who are not capable of hurting each other except by accident or under extreme provocation. They are sheep.

I mean nothing negative by calling them sheep. To me it is like the pretty blue robin’s egg. Inside it is soft and gooey but someday it will grow into something wonderful. But the egg cannot survive without its hard-blue shell. Police officers, soldiers, and other warriors are like that shell, and someday the civilization they protect will grow into something wonderful. For now, though, they need warriors to protect them from the predators.

Then there are the wolves, and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world, and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety is denial.

Then there are sheepdogs. I am a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.

If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog; a warrior; someone walking the hero’s path, and someone who can walk into the heart of darkness – into the universal human phobia and walk out unscathed.

Allow me to explain this analogy building on the model of the sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. We know that sheep live in denial; that is what makes them, in part, sheep. They do not want to believe that there is evil in the world. They can accept the fact that fires can happen, which is why they want fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, fire alarms and fire exists throughout their kid’s schools. But many of them are outraged at the idea of putting an armed police officer in their kid’s school. Our children are thousands of times more likely to be killed or seriously injured by school violence than fire, but the sheep’s only response to the possibility of violence is denial. The idea of someone coming to kill or harm their child is just too hard, and so they chose the path of denial.

The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot, and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

Still the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn’t tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray himself white and go, “Baa.”

The students, the victims at Columbine High School, were big, tough high school students, and under ordinary circumstances they would not have had the time of day for a police officer. They were not bad kids; they just had nothing to say to a cop. When the school was under attack, however, and SWAT teams were clearing the rooms and hallways, the officers had to physically peel those clinging, sobbing kids off of them. This is how the little lambs feel about their sheepdog when the wolf is at the door.

Look at what happened after September 11, 2001, when the wolf pounded hard on the door. Remember how America, more than ever before, felt differently about their law enforcement officers and military personnel? Remember how many times you heard the word “hero?”

Understand there is nothing morally superior about being a sheepdog; it is just what you choose to be. Also understand a sheepdog is a funny creature: He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at all things that go bump in the night, and yearning for a righteous battle. That is, the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle. The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser, but they move to the sound of the guns when needed right along with the young ones.

Here is how the sheep and the sheepdog think differently. The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day. After the attacks on September 11, 2001, most of the sheep, that is, most citizens in America said, “thank God I wasn’t on one of those planes.” The sheepdogs, the warriors said, “Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference.” When you are truly transformed into a warrior and have truly invested yourself into warrior-hood, you want to be there. You want to make a difference.

There is nothing morally superior about the sheepdog; the warrior, but he does have one real advantage; only one. And that is he is able to survive and thrive in an environment that destroys 98 percent of the population. There was research conducted a few years ago with individuals convicted of violent crimes. These cons were in prison for serious, predatory crimes of violence: assaults, murders, and the killing of law enforcement officers. The vast majority said that they specifically targeted victims by body language: slumped walk, passive behavior and lack of awareness. They chose their victims like big cats do in Africa, when they selected one out of the herd that is least able to protect itself.

Some people may be destined to be sheep and others might be genetically primed to be wolves or sheepdogs. But I believe that most people can choose which one they want to be.

Seven months after the attack on September 11, 2001, Todd Beamer was honored in his hometown of Cranbury, New Jersey. Todd, as you will recall, was the man on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania who called on his cell phone to alert an operator from United Airlines about the hijacking. When he learned of the other three passenger planes that had been used as weapons, Todd dropped his phone and uttered the words, “Let’s roll,” which authorities believe was a signal to the other passengers to confront the terrorist hijackers. In one hour, a transformation occurred among the passengers – athletes, businesspeople and parents – from sheep to sheepdogs and together they fought the wolves, ultimately saving an unknown number of lives on the ground.

Here is a point I would like to emphasize; in nature the sheep, real sheep, are born as sheep. Sheepdogs are born that way, and so are wolves. They didn’t have a choice. But you and I are not animals. As a human being, you can be whatever you want to be. It is a conscious, moral decision.

If you want to be a sheep, then you can be a sheep and that’s okay, but you must understand the price you pay. When the wolf comes, you and your loved ones are going to die if there is not a sheepdog there to protect you. If you want to be a wolf, you can be a wolf. But the sheepdogs are going to hunt you down and you will never have rest, safety, trust or love. But if you want to be a sheepdog and walk the warrior’s path, then you must make a conscious and moral decision every day to dedicate, equip and prepare yourself to thrive in that toxic, corrosive moment when the wolf comes knocking at the door.

Many officers carry their weapons in church. They are well concealed. Anytime you go to some form of religious service, there is a very good chance that a police officer or someone highly trained and experienced in security or protection is carrying. You will never know if there is such an individual in your place of worship until the wolf appears to massacre you and your loved ones.

I was training a group of police officers in Texas, and during the break one officer asked his friend if he carried his weapon in church. The other officer replied, “I will never be caught without my gun in church.” I asked why he felt so strongly about this, and he told me about a cop he knew who was at a church massacre in Ft. Worth, Texas in 1999. In that incident, a mentally deranged individual came into the church and opened fire, gunning down fourteen people. He said that officer believed he could have saved every life that day if he had been carrying his gun. His own son was shot, and all he could do was throw himself on the boy’s body and wait to die. That cop looked me in the eye and said, “Do you have any idea how hard it would be to live with yourself after that?”

Some individuals would be horrified if they knew a police officer was carrying a weapon in church. They might call those that do this paranoid and might even scorn them. These same individuals could not even in their wildest thoughts think that a church or any religious event would have specially trained and armed protection specialists working alongside of sworn law enforcement officials. Yet these same individuals would be enraged and would call for “heads to roll” if they found out that the airbags in their cars were defective, or that the fire extinguishers and fire sprinklers in their kid’s school did not work. They can accept the fact that fires and traffic accidents can happen and that there must be safeguards against those events, but a madman with a gun showing up in a religious venue or some terrorist wanting to make a statement by disrupting and/or even killing those in attendance at a church service is too unthinkable – so there is no need to prepare for such an unlikely event.

Their only response to the wolf, though, is denial, and all too often their response to the sheepdog is scorn and disdain. But the sheepdog quietly asks himself, “Do you have any idea how hard it would be to live with yourself if your loved ones were attacked and killed, and you had to stand there helplessly because you were unprepared for that day?”

It is denial that turns people into sheep. Sheep are psychologically destroyed by combat because their only defense is denial, which is counterproductive and destructive, resulting in fear, helplessness and horror when the wolf shows up. Denial kills you twice. It kills you once at your moment of truth when you are not physically prepared; you didn’t bring your gun; you didn’t train for the unthinkable. Your only defense was wishful thinking. Hope is not a strategy. Denial kills you a second time because even if you do physically survive, you are psychologically shattered by your fear, helplessness and horror at your moment of truth.

Gavin de Becker, the nation’s leading authority on predicting violent behavior, writes in his superb post 9/11 book, Fear Less, (which should be required reading for anyone trying to come to terms with our current world situation): “…denial can be seductive, but it has an insidious side effect. For all the peace of mind deniers think they get, by saying it isn’t so, the fall they take when faced with new violence is all the more unsettling.”

Denial is a save-now-pay-later scheme; a contract written entirely in small print, for in the long run, the denying person knows the truth on some level. And so the warrior must strive to confront denial in all aspects of his life and prepare himself for the day when evil comes. If you are a warrior who is legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that the wolf will not come today. No one can be “on” 24/7 for a lifetime. Everyone needs down time. But if you are authorized to carry a weapon, and you walk outside without it, just take a deep breath, and say this to yourself…


This business of being a sheep or a sheepdog is not a yes-no dichotomy. It is not an all-or-nothing, either-or choice. It is a matter of degrees, a continuum. On one end is an abject, head-in-the-sand sheep, and on the other end is the ultimate warrior. Few people exist completely on one end or the other. Most of us live somewhere in between. Since 9/11 almost everyone in America took a step up that continuum, away from denial. The sheep took a few steps toward accepting and appreciating their warriors and the warriors started taking their job more seriously. The degree to which you move up that continuum, away from sheep-hood and denial, is the degree to which you and your loved ones will survive, physically and psychologically at your moment of truth.

©2024. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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That Pesky First Amendment

To many on the left, America’s First Amendment seems to be a hurdle to overcome because it stands in the way of their radical agenda. But in reality, the First Amendment is a gift to help keep us free.

John Kerry told the World Economic Forum recently that he sees the First Amendment as a roadblock to progress.

WATCH: Climate Czar John Kerry: ‘The First Amendment Stands as a Major Roadblock for Us Right Now’

Kerry intoned, “I think the anguish over social media is just growing…It’s part of our problem, particularly in democracies in terms of building consensus around any issue. It’s really hard to govern today. The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn’t a fact have kind of been eviscerated to some degree.”

Kerry laments the “sick” entities that are out there spreading “disinformation.”

And then he adds, “Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer it out of existence.” In the context of his comments, clearly the “it” that needs to go is “disinformation.”

Kerry went on to say that what is needed in the upcoming election is to “win the ground, to win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes” in order to, presumably, shut down those “sick” sources of “disinformation.”

But here’s the dilemma. Who is the arbiter of what is true and what is not? One man’s free speech is another man’s “disinformation.” To this day, only the official lines about COVID were accepted, while unofficial, alternative theories were censored. But some of what was censored proved to be more correct than the “party line.”

The fact checkers don’t always get it right. Last month, we saw the Donald J. Trump versus Kamala Harris presidential debate, and clearly the two ABC moderators tipped the scale in favor of the vice-president, in opposition to Trump. Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, who is Kamala’s sorority sister, fact-checked Trump multiple times—while allowing Kamala Harris to repeat (without challenge) a number of falsehoods, such as “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville.

In his recent article “The War on Free Speech Is Here,” columnist Victor Joecks quotes both Kamala Harris and her running mate regarding the issue of “misinformation”:

  • “If social media sites ‘act as a megaphone for misinformation,’ then ‘we are going to hold you accountable,’ Harris said in a 2019 speech.
  • “‘There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation,’ Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, said in 2022.”
  • The right to free speech includes speech for those with whom we may disagree—which some may classify as “disinformation.”

Historically, Christianity played a seminal role in the struggle for free speech. In 1644, the British Puritan writer John Milton, author of Paradise Lost, wrote a plea for a free press, Areopagitica. He stated, “Truth indeed came once into the world with her divine Master, and was a perfect shape most glorious to look on….For who knows not that Truth is strong, next to the Almighty? She needs no policies, nor stratagems, nor licensings to make her victorious.” God’s truth stands on its own, needing no artificial man-made props.

The founders of America didn’t always agree with each other. But recognizing free speech rights, they recognized (and practiced) robust debate, with a plethora of opinions being heard in the marketplace of ideas. But political correctness is strangling that.

In addition to recognizing religious freedom, the founders said in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”

John Adams said, “The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state.”

Thomas Jefferson once declared, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”

Benjamin Franklin noted: “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics and limited monarchies derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the actions of the magistrates.”

Often what is happening today is that those on the left only believe in “free speech” that they agree with. We should learn from the disaster of the totalitarian regimes, such as the U.S.S.R., Nazi Germany, Mao’s China, Castro’s Cuba, etc., where free speech went out the window—not to mention other basic rights, even life itself.

That pesky First Amendment is, theoretically, the law in America. But if the left has their way, only one side has the right to say what they believe. The other side will only be viewed as spewing “disinformation.”

Thank the Lord the founders of America acknowledged in writing our God-given rights, including that of free speech.

©2024. Jerry Newcombe, D. Min. All rights reserved.

A Short and Partial List of Common [Marxist] Terms and a Translation to Reality

This is a post I have wanted to make for a long time. A Marxist to English dictionary, even if its only half a page. The point of it is to understand how to do it much more than just exposing the specific terms we chose as exemplars. Understanding the principles and methods of Marxist dialectical terminology is critical if you want to have any chance of seeing outside the Matrix.

Communism is not much more if anything at all, than a system for attacking and destroying Western civilization at every level at which Western Civilization operates and exists. More than we are even aware of. Every aspect of our nature from our forms of reasoning and cultures as well as all institutions and professions which support our systems. From medicine to engineers, pilots to teachers etc.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is an excellent manual on how to use orthodox Marxist methods adapted to the early 20th century. And a lot of those methods can be said to be a subset of Critical Theory.

At one level, critical theory is really simple. It is just criticizing everything about the West. Dishonestly, partially honestly, meaning spinning a real thing into something totally other than it really was to make the West, and especially the US look bad, or even honest criticism in an emergency, so to speak. Meaning when a narrative attack isn’t available. But in nearly all cases, Critical Theory is about a fictionalized version of the target and then a critical theory attack on that fiction.

It is because of this that we noticed that the media would sustain a rabid feeding frenzy over any non-white person killed by police either due to no fault of the police, like with George Floyd, or where the person who was shot richly deserved it as they were in the process of committing a violent crime. Even more importantly, that when a person who could be labelled as a black person was killed by police for reasons that were likely genuinely racist, there was little to no media and certainly no major protests or riots.

And this is 100% sensible when one understands that the idea is not to make the system better, but to destroy it altogether. 

When people protest a real problem there is a solution that makes things even better than they were before. But when the problem is synthetic, the solution the rioters want, defund the police etc. is the only option on the table.

Therefore, when we look at the way we are forced to look at race relations now in the West, and particularity the USA, we can see and understand it as a product of :

Critical Race Theory. A critical theory attack on the West by attacking people of European ethnicity, or “white people” as guilty of any number of things for which they have no connection and in many ways no-one ever was guilty as the history is usually partly or fully fictionalized. Certainly the context will be adjusted for the best effect of the Critical Theory attack.

The communists now in control of the schools are becoming more bold now and use the term, Critical Race Theory more openly. But that is what it is. A branch of Hegelian dialectics as interpreted by Marx and refined by the Frankfurt School tactician, Alinsky. This process of abstracting and expanding Marxist methods of attack on the West continue to this day. And the people fighting for the West for the most part do not understand the nature of the attack, and spend all their resources arguing the reality behind the critical theory attack, if they even get that far. In other words, arguing the surface specifics of a given narrative’s claims, while the critical theory attack does its damage.

As we often say, with the left, the point is never the point. The Revolution is always the point.

[I think I first heard that from Diana West but she may have been quoting someone else]

Let’s have a look at a few more terms:

Multiculturalism — Critical culture theory.

Like BLM is a Marxist expression of critical theory by creating a dialectic confrontation between black and white people with the intention of destroying both ultimately, but ‘white’ people first, Multiculturalism is exactly the same. Bring in people from different cultures. Pretend to the host country that bringing in different cultures really just means interesting new recipes and sophisticated new arts and entertainment. But the reality of Multiculturalism means giving special protection to people from outside the host country to ‘protect their cultures’ while removing basic, even fundamental rights to the citizens of the host country, such that no opposition to what is taking place can happen without the objector being either directly guilty of a crime such as ‘hate speech’, or adjacent to a crime such as ‘racism’ where ‘racism’ while not always and not in all districts is specifically a crime, it can be dealt with by removing additional rights such as social media use, access to banking or even the right to use of a credit card or even accepting credit cards. So while not a crime, it is indeed punishable.

This happened to Robert Spencer for factual and unimpeachable explanations and descriptions of Islam that make Western peoples aware of it as a threat doctrine. Which it is. In case you haven’t noticed. But in all cases, the term, “multiculturalism’ is one deceptive click away from Critical race theory. The use of fictionalized race history and relations, or truthful ones but spun or cherry picked for a political outcome, rather than information. And the outcome is destruction.

Critical Culture Theory is tearing the west apart and down everywhere. And it has moved to pure oppression in the UK.

Climate Change — Critical Climate Theory

This one required an extra twist. It required moving from science as a method of understanding the universe, to scientism, where Marxist politicians tell you how the universe works. It is a gnostic cult of the White Coat. Science is never done by consensus. Politics and religion are, and in the case of communism, even that consensus is imposed from above. With Global Warming/Climate Change, we saw experts we never heard of, explain a consensus in the ‘science’ which has ‘already been done’ to explain why the measures being taken to ‘combat climate change’ cannot be questioned. You know, cause so many scientists agree. Real scientists, ones who explain their methods and publish their research get cancelled. Anyone who wants to see an excellent example of this should watch The Cloud Mystery. This is a short documentary by two Danish scientists who actually have a hypothesis on climate and temperature, and then prove it with data going back to Galileo’s first use of the telescope to study the Sun. Then watch the linked video of an explanation on how a Frankfurt School 2nd generation member, Jurgen Habermas, created the framework around which a small minority can impose their will on the majority using ‘consensus’ for political purposes.

Below, a truly amazing example of how Canada’s CBC COMINTERN broadcaster does exactly this. They make any refutation of Critical Climate Theory into hate speech as per Habermas. Have a listen after watching the linked video on Habermas.

But what makes it critical climate theory is its use to destroy Western industry. Communists picked the one marker that all industry in the world produces, CO2, and claimed it is a pollutant and claimed it as an existential threat to the World. Unless it is produced in China, North Korea, or anywhere else already socialist/communist. Then it is not to be mentioned. Like all Critical theory, it is meant to be destructive to Western Civ. And this one is majorly destructive. After all, if it was a real threat the people agitating over it would meet on Zoom and not fly private jets all over the world, and purchasing multi million dollar beach front homes for themselves where they themselves had saiid would be deep under water already from “global Warming”. And we would be building nuclear power plants as fast as we could. Even people who have real or exaggerated concerns about the safety of modern nuclear energy plants, will admit that the risk is not an existential risk to all life on Earth as they claim climate change to be. So in other words, it is a fake problem with real solutions that are avoided, in order to get the solutions they want, which is our destruction.

SOGI (Sexual orientation and Gender Identification) also Gender affirming Care — Critical Sex theory.

Destroying how people think of each other in terms of sexuality is a major victory for communists. After all, without reproduction, we go extinct. And yes, that is a victory for communism by some interpretations of communist theory. There are leftist groups across the West now that actively and openly seek human extinction. But as a rule, just for white people. Or more accurately, anyone who supports Western Civilization of any race or colour, as they will be labelled as white people and treated as such or worse by the left. Larry Elder as one clear example.

To the point though, destroying people’s ability to reproduce using drugs and surgical mutilation is a bonus. The main purpose is to destroy how Western people view each other sexually. This one deserves more than its own essay. It deserves a book.

Some point form proofs though, are that China made an official announcement, and passed a law, that no effeminate men can be seen  on TV. In other words, Critical Race Theory is a destructive dialectical weapon against the West and China needs to protect itself from it in case it comes back home. Like Covid.

Below is a truly excellent video on the communist origins of Critical Sex Theory:

DEI — Critical institutional theory, or Critical Merit Theory

The whole purpose of DEI is to destroy all the institutions we have. Stephen Coughlin feels it is primarily to destroy our military capability. And it can and it will. But it has already destroyed many other professions. The Merit principle is one of the absolute supporting pillars of Western Civ. The idea that the person best suited for a job and best at it, gets the job, not only enables things to be done well, but advances all of our sciences and arts throughout the history of Western Civ. One can spot quickly the number of positions in leftist governments that use DEO hires, or what we used to call, “Affirmative Action”. An older term used as a disguise for Critical Merit theory. This is not to say that people other than white males are incapable. In fact it has nothing to do with white males. DEI is about making sure the people picked for important and responsible positions are incapable. They would definitely pick a white male for a job requiring training and coordination if the person they picked had advanced Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. In fact they picked one for President of the United States.

The Merit principle also is the best example of actual fairness in human history. Everyone understands when someone who has worked harder, is more dedicated, more talented or simply better at a job gets the job. It was the replacement of nepotism. In fact some historians argue that Lincoln was actually shot by a man who felt that he deserved a well paid and prestigious civil service job by nepotism and was passed over for someone of greater merit. Out of resentment, he shot Lincoln. DEI manufactured the idea that all who are good or accomplished are oppressors, and therefore not deserving. That achievement is cheating. Taking responsibility is privilege and so on. Over the course of the revolution in the West during the past 10 years or so, we see countless examples of Critical merit theory. From Math is Racist to reading to your children is racist.

This is only a partial list. Comments are welcome with other phrases used as disguised attacks on us all.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Worthwhile analysis of the VP debate last night by Tucker Carlson with Senator Mike Lee

If it had been me, I would have hammered on the Communist nature of the Democratic nominee and spent every moment I could explaining communism and why it matters, no matter what they asked me.

But this discussion between Tucker Carlson and Sen. Mike Lee is interesting.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Slick talker’ v ‘sincere and truthful’: swing-state voters respond to VP debate

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Thomas More Law Center Instrumental in Upending Biden/Harris National Plan to Deter Opposition by ‘Trump Trains’ — A Monumental Victory for Free Speech

ANN ARBOR, MI — It turned out to be a monumental victory for free speech and a monumental disaster for the Biden-Harris camp.  After a two-week trial on September 23rd, a federal jury in Austin, Texas announced its unanimous verdict, dismissing all claims against Dolores Park.  Mrs. Park was represented by the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Of the six defendants facing trial, Mrs. Park was one of the five defendants who were totally exonerated by the jury.

Although the defendants may have had different defenses, they were all motivated by one goal — never to submit to the overwhelming resources and the phalanx of 28 attorneys thrown against them. Plaintiffs’ attorneys from Washington D.C., New York, and Texas swarmed the defendants. They included attorneys from the mega law firm Wilkie, Farr & Gallagher that advertised on its website to employ 1,200 attorneys and two liberal organizations, Project Democracy and the Texas Civil Rights Project.

The lawsuit against the defendants was filed by former Texas Senator Wendy Davis, former Kamala Harris staffer David Gins, and bus driver Timothy Holloway. These plaintiffs brought three claims seeking compensatory, nominal, and punitive damages against Dolores Park and the co-defendants, the primary claim being conspiracy to violate the federal Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, and two lesser claims under state law, a violation of the Texas Civil Conspiracy statute and violation of the Texas Civil Assault statute.

Plaintiffs’ attorneys hired six expert witnesses costing them well over $300,000. With the enormous resources expended by the plaintiffs’ attorneys against the defendants and the timing of the lawsuit and jury trial, common sense points to the conclusion that the true goal of the lawsuit was to obtain a jury verdict against all the defendants to deter anyone from voicing public opposition to the Biden-Harris presidential campaign in 2024.

On October 30th, 2020, several dozen cars and pickup trucks displaying American and Trump flags and honking their horns (the so-called Trump Train) followed a 50,000-pound Biden-Harris campaign bus wrapped with the slogan, “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” on the I-35 expressway between San Antonio and Austin, Texas. Dolores Park and the co-defendants followed the bus to show their support for President Trump.

Indeed, plaintiffs’ highly paid traffic expert indicated, after examining 53 videos provided to him by the plaintiffs’ attorneys, he did not see Dolores Park’s vehicle directly in front of the Biden-Harris bus, abruptly slowing down to slow down the movement of the bus, directly behind the rear of the bus, or driving alongside the bus except when passing to leave the expressway at exit 215, a long distance from the Biden-Harris bus and its final destination, Austin.

Park, now 62 years old, the mother of four adult children, and suffering the constant and excruciating pain of Fibromyalgia, has had an interesting career. At the age of 18, she was discovered by Bob Hope, at the time the world’s most famous entertainer. She has sung for Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, opened for many stars, and ultimately became a headliner on the Caribbean Cruise line until she retired eleven years ago.

Most significant to her eternal glory, however, was the fact that during her trial, understanding the controversy, she willingly took the stand and testified that she became passionately pro-life in her mid-twenties when she saw a video of an ultrasound of an actual abortion, “The Silent Scream.” The video was narrated by one of the world’s most notorious abortionists, Dr. Bernard Nathanson. She told the jury, “It’s — the day I knew there’s a baby and they just killed it, period. They killed it. Leg by leg, arm by arm.” The video shows “they reach in and they crush the head.” She continued, “It’s one of those moments where you see something and you just never forget it.”

Since the plaintiffs initiated the lawsuit in June of 2021, the Thomas More Law Center has devoted countless human and financial resources to defend Mrs. Park’s right to free speech. And Mrs. Park has had to endure the exacerbation of her Fibromyalgia and the ignominy of facing the false charges that she conspired to block or stop the Biden-Harris bus, when her only goal was to support Donald Trump, “My pro-life President.”

After the jury’s verdict was announced, one courtroom spectator remarked, “This was truly a David versus Goliath battle.”

“My prayers have been answered. I am truly grateful for the jury’s verdict,” exclaimed Mrs. Park after hearing the jury’s decision.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center commented, “This was an incredible team effort. We were bombarded with pre-trial motions and had to review hundreds of thousands of files before our move to Austin for the actual trial. And not only did the three of us have to move with all our relevant files, we also had to call on our staff in Ann Arbor for logistical support.”

Continued Thompson, “One of the highlights of the trial was the amazing closing argument conducted by Erin Elizabeth Mersino, TMLC’s Chief of Supreme Court and Appellate Practice. Erin was assisted by TMLC’s Orlagh O’Donohue, who electronically coordinated the exhibits for the jury as Erin made her presentation.”

Erin Mersino remarked, “I have been trying cases since 2007 and this was one of the most difficult trials of my career. After pouring all the blood, sweat, and tears into this case that I could for the last several years, it is so wonderful for our client to hear the jury come back in her favor.”

Although the plaintiffs lost their case as to all but one defendant on one claim against one of the three plaintiffs — thereby losing on 17 of their 18 claims — they hurriedly rushed out of the courtroom to the TV cameras to claim victory, albeit hollow and misleading. The jury only returned a verdict in favor of Plaintiff Timothy Holloway, the bus driver, against Defendant Eliazar Cisneros on one claim. Cisneros is represented by attorney Francisco Canseco, who has already motioned for a judgment notwithstanding the verdict. The Judge is currently considering the motion. If the motion is not granted, Cisneros could appeal the verdict.

©2024. Thomas More Law Center. All rights reserved.

Harris-Biden Announce $300 Million to Hamas But ‘Can Do Nothing More’ For Hurricane Victims in North Carolina

President Biden told reporters there was nothing more that he could do for the people of Western North Carolina.

$336 million in additional  assistance for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, according to a US Agency for International Development (USAID) statement seen by Reuters. This aid goes right into the hands of the terrorists. Biden-Harris know this.

Funding terror, halting military aid to Israel, and abandoning the American people. There is no nuance here. The Democrats unwavering on the side of evil.

US to announce over $300 million in aid for Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank today

By Reuters, 30 September 2024, 5:04 pm

The United States will today announce nearly $336 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, according to a US Agency for International Development (USAID) statement seen by Reuters.

The funding will enable USAID’s partners to continue to provide humanitarian aid, including food assistance, healthcare, nutrition and other services, according to the statement.

The funding will also support emergency shelter assistance for displaced Gazans ahead of winter, the statement says.

“Over the last year, this conflict has cost the lives of innocent Palestinians and Israelis and has left Gaza and the West Bank in a state of humanitarian crisis and dire humanitarian need,” the statement says.

“The United States continues to call on all parties to agree to a ceasefire deal and an immediate release of hostages, and to allow for the immediate scale-up of humanitarian aid moving into and throughout Gaza.”

Continue reading.



Biden: There’s Nothing More Government Can Do For Hurricane Victims

Biden/Harris Once Again Halts Weapons Israel

As US gives $336 million to Palestinians, PA demonizes it as the “head of global terror”

US to Permanently Remove Gaza Pier, Paid for By US Taxpayers, It Was Operational for Just 20 Days

Pentagon Admits None of the Aid  to Gaza Actually Got to Gazans

UNRWA Caught Stealing and Then Selling Humanitarian Aid that Came into Gaza, UNRWA Staff “Have Their Homes Full of Aid”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Critically Thinking about “My Body My Choice”

What does that mean — and is that the real question? 

It seems that since each US political party has prioritized one societal issue, citizens should do some Critical Thinking about both of them. My most recent commentary was a Critical Thinking analysis of the US immigration issue (that the Republicans are emphasizing). Now, let’s look at the Dem’s main talking point…

In the recent Presidential debate, Kamala Harris strongly emphasized that women should have a choice over their bodies. Surprisingly, all sides actually agree that (from both a man’s and woman’s perspective)My Body My Choice is what should apply! The difference is a matter of timing.


Before we consider the timing aspect, let’s think about the two key terms involved here: Body and Choice.

Body: As humans we have rights. The US Constitution says we are born with inalienable rights. Where did those inherent rights come from? God. If not then who?

Choice: Two elements are needed for real choice: 1) knowledge, and 2) intellectual maturity. (For example: can a ten-year-old make a legit choice about what house the family should buy and live in? No, because a child lacks both essential elements.)


From a woman’s point of view, a situation may arise where she has a very important choice to make, as her body is involved. It is whether or not she consents to having a special physical interaction with a man, that might produce a new human being.

If she says NO (or does not have the ability to consent), and it happens anyway — then we have rape. (The woman should have the right to terminate any consequence of an interaction that she did not initially consent to.)

On the other hand, if she says YES, then she does not give life to a new human being, the interaction does. The woman then takes on the role of caregiver: providing nutrition and protection for this newly created life.

When does this new creation become human? Only God can say that definitively. However, we know for 100% certainty that this transition does NOT just magically happen at the time of a natural birth, 9± months later.

For example, a friend’s daughter recently was carrying twins and she had some medical complications. At 7± months the decision was made to accelerate the birth of both babies, via C-Section. Following that, when her food supply (umbilical cord) was cut the babies were able to survive on their own — so clearly they were already human prior to delivery. (FYI six months later they are still fine.)

But what about buyer’s remorse? Let’s say that the father turns out to be a total jerk. Or their financial status substantially changes so that a baby would be a major economic burden. These and other real-world developments happen all the time.

However, the My Body My Choice has already been made by the woman. Somewhere soon after her choice, there is a new third party created, that she had consented to.

The issue is no longer My Body My Choice, as that decision was made well prior to that time. The question now is: should the woman stop providing nutrition and protection for this third person, that she had originally contractually consented to provide?

There are several details skipped in this overview, as the important point is to clearly understand the fundamentals involved in the procreation decision.

Four common examples of My Body My Choice —

  1. REPRODUCTION: See above.
  2. EDUCATION: The brain is arguably the most important part of the body. The Left has specifically targeted the brains of defenseless children — e.g., in 25,000± hours of K-12 class time, they are subjecting them to incessant propaganda. Further, the key message is that they should be conformists (i.e., NOT use their brains!). The Left sees that the parents, the legal guardians, are usually barred from knowing what propaganda is being instilled into their children’s minds.
  3. GENDER: Why should an eight-year-old child be put into a position of making a gender choice? They have neither the knowledge nor intellectual maturity to make such a decision. The parents, the legal guardians, are often excluded from this decision process. The Left is promoting this illusionary “choice” — not because it is in the child’s interest, but rather for political, virtue-signaling, reasons.
  4. VACCINES: Under the My Body My Choice premise, adults should have the right to say that they do not consent to being injected with an unknown bio-chemical combo that has not had meaningful long-term safety tests. The Left says that if you make such a choice, you will be severely penalized. Watch this fabulous short video.

So, which political party is really advocating for the best interests of your body, and which political party is genuinely defending your right to make an informed choice?

Bottom Line —

So after critically thinking about the main issue of each US political party, what are our conclusions?

  1. The reality and implications of the immigration issue are understated.
  2. The reality and implications of the abortion issue are overstated.
  3. The Left is clearly NOT the party protecting our bodies.

This should not be surprising as what we have heard about each of these issues primarily comes from mainstream media, which is: a) very Left, and b) operating under the assumption that there are few critically thinking citizens.

©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

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Leaked Democrat Conversation Reveals Attempt to Alter Arizona Elections

The continuous cacophony from socialist Democrats, Marxists, and Establishment Republicans that there was “NO election fraud or even mishandling of the election in 2020 and 2022 here in Arizona” continues ad nauseum. Proof upon proof has been uncovered in a most slow, delicate, thorough, chain-of-custody fashion, and still the Arizona Attorney General, both immediate past and present, moved to shut down anyone who had the audacity to question them, to question the integrity of the mentioned elections. Courts joined in refusing to get involved, and we virtually had very few leaders stand and fight the good fight to call to attention how this basic civil right and freedom had become jeopardized.

Then Rep. Mark Finchem began the painful process to demonstrate something terrible heinous happened to secure our elections. Finchem’s fight and gathering of evidence has been costly to him, and even to those who joined in exposing a most diabolical set of acts to corrupt our electoral process and put into place “chosen” not elected public officials. Those “chosen” not honestly elected officials purportedly include the Governor of Arizona, The Secretary of State of Arizona and the Attorney General of Arizona. With their newly acquired megaphone positions, each continued to mock, and discredit calls for an investigation, calls for clearing up even the most minor of election questions, and to take deliberate steps to safeguard our elections.

Now comes the below story released by the GATEWAY PUNDIT. HUGE, leaked conversation between Arizona’s Democrat Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch. May the GATEWAY PUNDIT be highly praised for their never having given up looking into the fraud of the 2020 and 2022 State Election.

I pray we now will have some leaders, not mere managers in public office, come forward and begin seeking answers, not mere political speech and spin to get the truth and the whole truth out in the public. If found out to be true that the three top elected officials in Arizona conspired and/or knew of election fraud allowing them into office, they need to either resign or be impeached immediately! How dare these three allegedly fraudulently enter into public office. This news also suggests collusion between actors under color of authority and perhaps racketeering worthy of a congressional investigation given that candidates for congressional offices in Arizona may have been damaged.

HUGE: Leaked Conversation Between Arizona’s Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch – Officials Worried About Calls for New 2020 and 2022 Elections

A newly leaked phone call between Arizona’s Democratic statewide officeholders reveals how they scrambled to find a narrative before announcing a statewide error that validated the citizenship of nearly 100,000 voters.

“It’s going to validate all of their theories about illegal voting in our elections,” said Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs on the call obtained by the Washington Post. “They’re going to be calling for new 2020 and ’22 elections as well,” Hobbs worried, referencing her own election that she rigged and stole from Kari Lake last midterm cycle.

Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes admitted that “all of these elections are challengeable” as a result of the state not verifying voters’ citizenship.

Still, it is unclear who leaked the phone call. This could have been a staged phone call and “leak” to the regime media in order to make it seem as though the officials were doing their best to ensure election integrity and transparency.

All three of the officials on the call allegedly won their elections in 2022, where 60% of machines failed on election day in the State’s largest county, Maricopa, and hundreds of thousands of phony or illegal mail-in ballots were believed to have been counted. Notably, Katie Hobbs, as Secretary of State, was responsible for overseeing the elections in 2020 and 2022.

[ … ]

This is a developing story…

Read full article.

©2024. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: The Best Rant Ever!! Check it out!

‘Hidden’ Biden & ‘Joyful’ Kamala: Two Sides of a Counterfeit Coin

The Israeli airstrike killed Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah in Beirut and other officials, that destabilized the Middle East for thirty years. For the first time in modern history, the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorized. Bravo, Israel! America should learn from Israel. There is another first-time event in modern history of politics—Israel hasn’t notified the U.S. of the upcoming airstrikes against the Lebanon terrorist Hezbollah and Hamas. This is the real news within Western civilization—Israel doesn’t trust the current American Government! There is an obvious rift between the government of Israel and Biden’s administration! Biden’s team is handling the situation differently from all previous American governments, criticizing Israel for retaliation that is widening the war and focusing on the destruction of terrorist’s organizations. Israel wants to finish terrorist-Hamas and Hezbollah, Biden’s team doesn’t and undermines the Israeli effort …

While watching the American government, we see it. Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is constantly flying to Israel to force Netanyahu to sign a cease-fire peace with terrorist organizations, which is not in American interest. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s visit comes as a public rift has opened between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the mounting civilian casualties in Gaza and differences in opinion about what a future for Palestinians should look like after combat operations end. Sullivan also discussed transitioning the Israeli assault on Hamas and Hezbollah to “lower intensity operations.” That is definitely not the Israeli interest.

Israel wants to free its territory from Hezbollah and return 60 thousand of its citizen’s homes. I am also afraid that Sullivan doesn’t understand the difference between the citizens of Israel killed and destroyed by terrorist-Hamas October 7, 2023 and citizens of Palestine who voted for terrorist-Hamas organization to govern them. Please, see the background of Jack Sullivan: “He previously served as Director of Policy to President Barack Obama, National Security Advisor to the-Vice President Biden and Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary Hillary Clinton at the U.S. Department of State. Sullivan also served as senior advisor to the U.S. federal government at the Iran nuclear negotiations and senior policy advisor to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…” Wikipedia

Please, pay attention to “Sullivan also served as senior advisor to the U.S. federal government at the Iran nuclear negotiations and senior policy advisor to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…” Should’ve we have a lot of questions to Sullivan concerning Clinton’s emails scandal and continuation of the Iran nuclear negotiations under Obama and Biden??? Of course we should’ve, but nobody asked him. The Trump team was hacked by Iran again. Does Sullivan know that? Look at another blunted liar John Kirby, he is looking at your eye and lying. I don’t trust the Biden regime, now covering-up the real Kamala Harris the way they have covered-up Biden’s mental incapacity for four years by Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud…

“Kamala Harris is a fascist”—Judge Joe Brown CA

Providing information about Kamala Harris, Jesse Watters has interviewed Judge Joe Brown CA. on Primetime Fox News in September 2024. The Judge was describing Kamala Harris as the DA of California. Summarizing, he called her—a fascist. I agree with him, but my arguments come from the outside world: global chaos, ideology and world politics. As a former Soviet attorney, I have been writing about the terrorist State of Russia and the war instigated by the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism for forty-three years. America had not escaped the influence of Soviet Socialism; we don’t have Truman’s party any longer—it has been converted to America’s Socialist party. Just look at America today, September 2024, you’ll see it: the so-called Dems party fights American capitalism, the Republican party, and our political system…

Kamala is economically clueless; she didn’t answer any questions about the economy in her only one-solo interview. The entire Harris campaign is based on one thing: positioning herself as the opposite of President Trump. Nothing else, no substance, only buzz words. Kamala is Putin’s protege, I told you that years ago. “Kamala finally released a policy and it’s Bolshevik” Elise Stefanik. Elise Stefanik is right by identifying Russia. I can add more, as I’ve been writing about Russia and its Intel for four decades. I was calling the Dems’ actors many different names: Socialist Charlatans, Socialist thugs, the Con men and women and so on. Finally, I came to the conclusion that we are dealing with organized crime and called a spade a spade—America’s Socialist Mafia. Read my column: The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud,  May 21, 2023.

This is not the threat to Trump from Iran, it is the Global Elites, led by Globalist Vladimir Putin and Socialist-Communist Cabal that hates Trump—he is an existential threat to them. The core of the issue is the terrorist State of Russia—Iran is its proxy. Those are not the Global Snobs; they are real enemies of Trump, combating him constantly-brutally trying to take him out under Putin’s leadership for the last nine years. You all have seen it during those years. American pundits don’t often use the term “Mafia,” but the world is changing fast and there is a necessity to learn new changes. I am not the first person to use the term “Mafia.“ A brilliant, savvy woman Georgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy increases Italy’s defense spending and use the term in her speech in front of the world:

“Meloni said she alerted the national anti-Mafia prosecutor and vowed to pass new measures to curb the practice” › world › Europe Italy’s Meloni blames organized crime for ‘alarming’ migrant …”

“Jun 4, 2024 · Criminal gangs are exploiting loopholes in Italy’s legal visa system for foreign workers to smuggle in illegal immigrants, a problem the anti-Mafia prosecutor should investigate”

A very respected Meloni however has not identified the country and political system responsible for spreading organized crime across the globe, I have been doing that for four decades—the system of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The system has been developed by Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, making Law enforcement an Apparatus of politics, by weaponizing Law Enforcement to secure Socialist economy in the 20th century. Read my column: Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White HouseAugust 12, 2024. We are not able to win the 2024 election without this information. Read every paragraph of it.

In the falsehood of intellectual dishonesty, Democrats’ administrations have been weaponizing our justice and criminal systems, like they destroy our border defense system, our educational system and the courts, all courts including the FISA Court that unlawfully made me a Foreign Agent and prevented you from learning the truth. The FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent with consequential banning and sabotaging my writings in 2002. In my opinion, it was a criminal act against me and against Americans. As a result, America’s Socialist Mafia is not known by Americans. Moreover, Biden-Harris team is not alone, the FBI is also a part of America’s Socialist Mafia and please, remember Socialist Mafia runs by the KGB’s Mafia-Army…

…I have to stop writing; Kamala is speaking in Arizona after visiting the border…

…Listening to her, I was afraid to get a heart attack… I was horrified. Kamala vowed to repair the border she had destroyed, she lied straight to your face, like Soviet apparatchiks did in the Soviet Union. A disturbing feeling of vomiting visited me, but I had to listen to her lying, cheating, deceiving, fabricating and fraud, the entire demonstration of Socialist modus operandi by a woman, who wants to be the U.S. President… She is not Bolshevik, she is a Soviet fascist with a desire to implement Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism in America.  And… she is using the Republican narratives! What a Shame!!! I was disgusted…

A couple hours later, I realized that we got the Soviet spectacle a-la Biden’s theatrical performances for the last four years: It was Kamala’s photo-op for 20 minutes on the border in the background of the Wall built by Trump to deceive you. She lies straight to your face, contradicting herself and some people applauded her. America has been deeply divided by treasonous Dems’ policy for years. Biden-Harris team has widened that division by their deliberate policy of open border, which coincided with Putin’s dissemination of Soviet Socialism by the KGB’s Mafia-Army across the globe. The invasion was orchestrated by our Gov—a continuation of Putin-Biden collusion that started in 2014-15 Ukraine. I was also right in presenting the Afghan shocking surrender as a continuation of the treason—the Putin design and Biden’s White House execution of the Afghanistan tragedy in 2021. Knowledge of Russia’s terrorist State is imperative!

As I understand it now, the demented Biden got an order on Putin’s disorderly withdrawal to implement it. He did. The Biden State Department or Military leadership had never constructed their own plan of orderly retreats. I am not sure they knew that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are still in Afghanistan. My column on Abortion was the historical foundation of reality and Russia’s fraud, here is a part of it: Abortion and Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America October 3, 2020:

“We have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that to us? The answer is America’s Socialist Party. They are preaching hate to cover-up the crime they have committed for several decades. They are accusing Trump of all sorts of things to divert your attention from the crime they had committed. They have followed Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the adversary in that exact crime.

Abortions: Political Correctness and the Pro-Choice Fraud

The issue has a long history which grew as a snowball to the gigantic cultural fraud going back to the 60s. Abortion has been discussed in the wrong territory. All debate on abortion should start with a fraudulent definition of PRO-CHOICE in the last century. It was time when the Russian Intel began its infiltration into the Democrat party and you can see how abortion discussion has been influenced by Russia’s fraud. The first example is a misleading meaning to the term “pro-choice,” inculcated by the intimidating power of political correctness used by the Dems. The premise of abortion is clear—prevention of pregnancy. Be attentive to the premise—prevention of pregnancy. The Dems just moved the time span one bit further and the Republicans, as usual, swallowed the fraudulent hook.

The real pregnancy comes to life by the sexual act and the actual choice is a prevention of sexual act. The partners, especially a woman, have a choice before a sexual act. It is action taken before the sexual act that prevents pregnancy and not actions after the fact, which is a fraud. The abortion issue has become a tool for the Dems to undermine our traditional culture, and our set of values. Just count the disproportional murder of black fetuses and fatherless black families to see the enormous cultural implications of this leftist fraud. Unfortunately, this fraud has affected all ethnic groups in America.”

Show me one Republican who knows this information and tried to expose the Dems’ fraud? None, they are still on the hook in the 21st century. Now is the time to stop an arrogant and condescending Kamala and expose the long-term Dems’ fraud and show the real Kamala’s face implementing Soviet fascism in America. Biden’s AG Garland charged three Iranian bad actors in hacking Trump’s campaign. The FBI Director supports him. In my opinion, it is Biden’s team maneuver to divert your attention from the actual culprit—Russia and America’s Socialist Mafia. Read about bad actors like Mayor Pete, George Soros and million others:  Bloody Prints of the KGB  

My heart is bleeding by watching Russia killing citizens and destroying the cities of Ukraine. But… Ukraine can’t win the war against Russia. Period. President Zelenskyy will never win this war. The war should be stopped as soon as possible. Biden’s team has prolonged the war for very questionable reasons. However, President Zelenskyy is right: “Those are Russian Drones coming from Iran.” Read my columns about Putin, he personally supervised the building of the Drone factory in Iran. If you want to read my latest book What is Happening to America? Please Click Here

Maria Bartiromo interviewed President of Poland Andrew Duda September 29, 2024. President Duda was talking about Russian foreign policy against Europe, spreading the Russian migration to Poland and further to the entire Europe. Doesn’t it remind you of the Dems-Biden policy of open borders in America? To understand it you have to know the Russian Disinformation Operation that is going on in America right now. Its influence on the Dems by the bad actors started years ago. As a former Soviet attorney, who knows Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Here is my must-read column: Fraud Coming to Flower – The Roots of the Deep State. Read it to save America.

The planned chaos of American Capitalism had been designed by the Russian Communists a hundred years ago. Today, in September 2024 America has experienced that chaos—we are at three wars simultaneously. But, in fact, we have the same enemy—socialist/communist cabal of the Russian/Chinese Intel with a criminal mastermind, confronting Western civilization and American Capitalism. This is a result of the Democrat Party under Putin’s control. It is going on under the background of a manufactured criminal Show Trial (the Russian/Socialist invention) against former President Trump! Isn’t all of that a real Fraud of the Century???

P.S. The capital of Lebanon Beirut was called “a Paris of the Middle East.” With the help of Russia’s Intel, a terrorist organization Hezbollah had been established on the border with Israel in the 1960-70s . The Soviet/Russia has been known as a highly anti-Semitic state. Read my columns about Russia’s War Crime against people of the Middle East. Learn about Soviet fascism—Beirut is unrecognizable today…

To be continued and at

©2024. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Atheist Group Asks IRS to Revoke Tax-Exempt Status of Christian Ministry

An atheist nonprofit has tattled on a Christian one, maliciously demanding that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) strip away its tax-exempt status for comparing the policy stances of the major party presidential candidates. The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) had its staff attorney draft and send a letter to the IRS last Friday “to report illegal political campaigning by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).” The letter served no purpose other than a desire to financially cripple the Christian ministry.

As the grounds for its complaint, FFRF cited “a special election issue” of BGEA’s Decision Magazine, contrasting the relative positions of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump as “Socialism vs. Freedom.” They complain the comparison was “cherry-picked” with the intention “to encourage readers to vote for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris.”

As further proof, the anti-Christian group cited a Franklin Graham quote included in the issue, which “denigrates the Democratic party’s platform,” without actually naming it: “Progressive, liberal thought and activism have so contaminated the mainstream of American life and culture that once-unthinkable abominations such as same-sex marriage, abortion on demand and transgender advocacy have become dogma in one major party’s platform.”

The FFRF never alleges that the magazine issue contained false information, simply that it set Trump’s and Harris’s policy positions side-by-side. This exercise led the FFRF letter to conclude, “The overall takeaway from this election guide is that Christians should vote for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris in the presidential election and Republicans in state and local elections.”

Reaching that conclusion requires a leap of logic, a missing premise that the FFRF letter does not provide. If the magazine issue were read by someone who leaned pro-socialism, pro-abortion, and pro-LGBT policies, the statements quoted by the FFRF would make the reader more likely to vote for Harris than for Trump. The FFRF implicitly assumes that someone with such far-Left political leanings is not the target audience for Decision Magazine.

(As an aside, the FFRF never explains how they obtained a copy of a magazine issue that has not yet appeared online. It seems that they subscribe to Decision Magazine simply to scour it for opposition research, like the jealous satraps who conspired to catch Daniel in prayer [Daniel 6:4-13].)

So, what is the missing premise in the FFRF’s argument? Here’s one possibility: a side-by-side comparison of Trump’s and Harris’s policies makes Harris look bad. Is that what FFRF is admitting? Here’s another possibility: Harris’s policy positions are directly opposed to the moral positions Christians hold. In this case, is the FFRF merely blaming Christians for noticing? With such possibilities as these, it seems obvious why the FFRF chose to leave their connecting premise unstated — the “missing link” dismissed with a wave of the hand.

The FFRF would likely respond by arguing that the magazine’s presentation was misleading — that all the information it presented may have been correct, but that the comparisons it chose were “cherry-picked.” Of course, every policy summary must choose which issues to include or exclude, from a nearly infinite set. BGEA has as much right to select the issues it finds important as the FFRF has to emphasize a different slate. If anything is misleading about BGEA’s issue selection, it’s the suggestion that the FFRF has the authority to condemn it as “cherry-picked.”

Unlike those nasty Christians, the FFRF is a responsible nonprofit who would never engage in “illegal political campaigning,” the letter argues. “FFRF is a registered 501(c)(3) and it takes this designation, along with the accompanying privileges and responsibilities, very seriously,” claimed the FFRF. “The Internal Revenue Code states that to retain their 501(c)(3) status an organization cannot ‘participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.’”

It comes as no surprise that this claim is, at best, unreflective and, at worst, insincere. The FFRF knows that public-facing nonprofits engage in political and policy commentary all the time. Indeed, it took less than five minutes on the FFRF’s own website to find the same sort of politically slanted commentary that they claimed was grounds for revoking the BGEA’s tax-exempt status — a financial death sentence.

Atop the FFRF website is a banner that includes a “Campaigns” tab, which reveals a drop-down menu. The first item on that menu states, “Make Your Voice Heard in This Election.” The first paragraph on this page declares (archived link), “Your right to vote is your voice in democracy. It’s how you influence issues that matter to you, from privacy rights to personal freedoms to educational reforms. This year, it’s also about stopping Project 2025 — a critical issue that affects us all.”

Two link-clicks from “Project 2025” navigates to an FFRF press release (archived link) dated July 30, 2024, which explains that Project 2025 — which must be stopped, remember — includes a “900-plus page proposal for the first 180 days in office of the next Republican president,” as well as “policy and personnel prescriptions for a Republican administration.” It claims that Project 2025 descends from a “precursor … launched in 2016 by Christian nationalists to remake the United States in their own theocratic image.”

How did their letter put it? “The overall takeaway from this [description] is that [non-theists] should vote for [Kamala Harris] over [Donald Trump] in the presidential election and [Democrats] in state and local elections.”

The FFRF may be hoping that likeminded IRS agents will respond sympathetically to their flimsy accusation against BGEA. The Biden administration has not been shy about lawlessly persecuting its political opponents. And the National Treasury Employees Union, which represents IRS employees among other federal agencies, endorsed Harris for president last week.

On the other hand, the fact remains that the FFRF doesn’t have much of a case. Even sympathetic bureaucrats would likely worry that their expansive new standard for nuking nonprofits would inflict significant collateral damage on left-wing organizations, too — not to mention the obvious free speech concerns, which could result in unnecessary legal defeats. The IRS may respond to the FFRF’s childish complaint by dismissing it like an annoyed parent.

The anti-Christian organization filed a similar complaint against BGEA with the Obama administration in 2012, but that went nowhere. “This isn’t the first time we’ve been attacked by this activist group, and it won’t be the last. I don’t tell people who to vote for, but I do encourage Christians to pray and vote,” said Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham and CEO of BGEA. “Every other group of people in this country has the right to do this — Christians shouldn’t be the one group denied that same right.”


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a senior writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

“The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution” — Thomas Jefferson

TRUMP: “There’s no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation”

Do any of our legislators know what is in the U.S. Constitution? Have any of them read it?

I bet you could count on one hand the number of legislators who have read it, and understand what it is, and what it means. Legislators are supposed to go to Congress, carrying our wishes, and write laws that we can read and agree to, making our lives easier.

I believe that process stopped as soon as the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and Americans stopped paying attention. How many laws have you read before they were voted upon? I bet you could count those laws on one hand.

Stupidly, we thought, I elected Congressman “Smith”.

He looks so nice. He speaks so well. I know he will do what he says. He will take care of us.

Ha!! The only one they will take care of is themselves!

While listening to the discussion by our Representatives about funding another CR to fund OBiden/Harris’ regime, I realized that if we do not get rid of these people, no matter who is president, nothing will change. Everything stays the Status Quo. The U.S. National Debt gets bigger everyday, as the beat goes on.

I realize these Legislators (and I use that term loosely), have NO IDEA about what is IN the Constitution. If they did, they would realize that the States are empowered to handle most policies, not the Feds. States have a lot of legislative power. Sadly they don’t use it.

You, student in the front row! What was the MAIN cause of the Civil War? Ding Ding Ding! Yes, Correcto-Mundo: States Rights! Winner, winner, turkey dinner!

If legislators only knew the constitution, and conducted some oversight we would not be in this mess. I’ll throw a novel idea out here: What if the Supreme Court reviewed bills for their Constitutionality, before they even got processed through Congress?

This is up to Us!

After destroying what is left of the economy, the supply chain, and our border, U.S. legislators went home. After destroying our communities, schools, hospitals, culture, and families with Newbies, legislators went home. Are your children safe? Your family members, are they safe? As of today, Joe Biden and VP Harris promise a path to citizenship to Newbies that we will pay for.

Once home, legislators conduct Town Halls. Will you go? Will you confront them, regarding their treachery? Will you GET INVOLVED?

Not too long ago, immigration ran very smoothly in America…until the Democrats realized they could increase their VOTER BASE, by exploiting America’s generosity of allowing immigrants to come to America and participate in our political process while getting Entitlements. Hence, we are now broke. Too much outgoing in entitlements; and not enough income tax revenue coming in. 60% of taxpayers are supporting the entitled non-workers.

Tip O’Neill, 1977-1987, Liberal Speaker of the House, facilitated getting the Constitution and Civics courses,  REMOVED FROM SCHOOL STUDY PROGRAMS. Tome to put them back.

When I went to school in the 50-60’s, in grades 3-5 we studied the Constitution and Civics. Every student could recite key passages, comprehended the 3 branches of government, knew all the Presidents, understood checks & balances. We could discuss and debate in the world of politics. Now, students have no idea who is the Vice President, let alone know their own rights.

Our so-called leaders know absolutely nothing about how this government works! Sadly, as shown by their actions (or inactions) – most do not even care. The game of politics has become nothing more than an elite club, designed to screw those not favored or involved and  to keep the poor and middle classes oppressed. The elite class, and this system, continue to oppress the poor and working classes. What better thing to do, than to teach the students that the Constitution is a living, breathing document subject to change at the whim of a politician or justice? Think about that for a minute.

America is a Nation of Laws that ALL must follow. Americans are ALL EQUAL under the law.

This is what we were taught, before Civics was removed from schools.

How can the law be different, for different individuals? That would be like playing football, with each player having a different playbook with different rules! How can you win if you don’t know the rules?

The Constitution works the same. How can you protect Liberty and Freedom – if you have no idea where YOUR RIGHTS come from? Or if you have no idea what your Rights are?

The American Experiment of Self-Governance works as long as each individual can read, write, do math, understand their rights are granted by God, and know the laws they must follow.

When you change any part of that basic plan, you are DOOMED TO FAIL!

The Democrats learned if they fill America with newbies,  who understand nothing, and teach them nothing, Newbie’s will rely on the Democrats for everything. When newbies vote Democrats into office, it’s because the Democrats tell them what to do. A person speaking Spanish has no idea what is in a contract, when a lawyer says, “Sign Here.” Once that trust bond is initiated, lack of information ensues, hence diversity occurs – not assimilation.

The Constitution is CLEAR!

The President has LIMITED POWERS ON PURPOSE, to ensure he cannot become:

Dictator, Emperor, King, or Tyrant! Their only real job is to protect Americans against Invaders and follow the Constitution.

When they do NEITHER, is this not… TREASON???

The Democrats are done with the America people.

We are only needed for two things: Our Vote and Money. The problems with America today is Americans have become complacent, lazy, and ignorant. Congressman “Smith” takes care of everything, we can depend on him.

Will you still believe that, when your property is gone? When you have no rights? When you are enslaved to work?

It is easier to accept a lie, than to research the truth. We are about to lose our country, our freedom, our identity  as American Citizens.

If the Democrats win this election, we have a 100% chance that the United Nations under Agenda 2030 becomes our governing system, as Comrade Kamala has already signed up for that train ride.

We lose everything we own, and they will be happy. The American  people will be replaced by the Newbies.

If the Republicans win the election, we have a 50-50% chance to keep our country, but only if we elect the right Republicans, and conduct vigilant oversight.

The choice is clear: Slavery or Freedom.

Is America worth saving?

©2024. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: John Kerry, Hillary Clinton Are So Done With That Pesky First Amendment

On this weeks’ show, we discuss some legislative actions that we must follow to eliminate some of the deceptive words legislators use to fool us into voting for bad bills. Ryan Kennedy from the Florida Citizens Alliance has a list of the legislation we are working on for Florida. They can be seen here: 

Lynda Bell and her organization, Do No Harm Florida is laser-focused on the baby-killing Amendment 4. The deceptive language is this amendment is despicable. Home | Do No Harm Florida

Join the Florida Citizens Alliance    Help save America mentor a child.

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Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 5PM ET on

Podcasts and Articles:

GUEST: Ryan Kennedy, legislative Liaison for Florida Citizens Alliance


GUEST:  Lynda Bell


Important information

George Carlin would say, “I told you so” :

Who is running the country, not Biden:

Joe Biden Hands His First Cabinet Meeting in Nearly a Year Over to Jill

‘Leading’ Police Group Backing Harris Actually Run By Dem Political Operative

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign bragged on Monday that a “leading” law enforcement group had endorsed Harris, however, the organization is only a few months old and is run by a veteran Democratic political operative.

Police Leaders for Community Safety, which endorsed Harris on Sept. 23, only launched publicly on June 11, according to a press release from the group. A registration document filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) indicates that the organization is led by Gail Hoffman, a long-time Democratic staffer who worked on John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign as director of surrogates and in the Clinton administration in various high-level roles, according to a biography on her website.

Hoffman has never worked for a police agency, per her biography.

Despite the organization’s recent founding and ties to the Democratic Party, Fox News Digital, which was given an advance copy of the endorsement, initially described the organization as a “leading law enforcement group,” language that the Harris campaign later used to tout the group’s backing. Days after publication, Fox changed its headline and removed the word “leading,” noting that “Police Leaders for Community Safety is comprised of former law enforcement leaders and not a leading group.”

The Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest law enforcement interest group, took issue with framing Police Leaders for Community Safety as a “leading” organization in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Prior to Police Leaders for Community Safety announcing their endorsement earlier this week, we were totally unfamiliar with the group,” a Fraternal Order of Police spokesperson told the DCNF. “We are very active, and aggressive in fact, in our interactions here in Washington [D.C.] and we’re present at basically every law enforcement-oriented meeting that happens here and we have never crossed paths with this organization nor are we familiar with its goals and objectives.”

The Fraternal Order of Police endorsed former President Donald Trump on Sept. 6, according to a press release. Police Leaders for Community Safety claimed to be “the only national police leadership organization that endorses candidates for political office” when announcing its support of Harris.

Police Leaders for Community Safety defended its status as a leading law enforcement organization, with a spokesperson telling the DCNF that it had been informally organizing since 2022 and filed registration paperwork with the IRS in 2023, with June 2024 representing the group’s public launch. The organization lists a few dozen law enforcement members, virtually all of whom are retired, on its “national advisory board.”

The Fraternal Order of Police, by contrast, had approximately 377,000 members as of this month, per a press release.

A spokesperson for the Harris campaign would not say whether or not it was accurate to call the Police Leaders for Community Safety a “leading” organization, instead pointing out that they had used the same language as Fox. The campaign did not respond to a follow-up inquiry after Fox changed its headline.


— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) September 23, 2024

Police Leaders for Community Safety justified its nonpartisan bona fides in its statement to the DCNF, claiming that it is “comprised of Democrats, Republicans and independents” and that its endorsements are “based on issues of concern to law enforcement leaders, not on parties.”

All five of the people sitting on the organization’s board of directors, which includes Hoffman, are either Democrats or have a history of making liberal statements. Despite this, Police Leaders for Community Safety describes itself as a “nonpartisan national advocacy organization.”

David Mahoney, the organization’s treasurer, ran as a Democrat to serve as sheriff of Dane County, Wisconsin in 2018, ultimately winning the office. Susan Riseling, the chair of the organization’s board, meanwhile, uses social media almost exclusively to support Democrats and oppose Republicans, sharing posts from left-wing fake news operations like the Palmer Report as well as other large Democratic-aligned accounts like Occupy Democrats and MeidasTouch.

“Now I am a Democrat [because] the Republicans have no ideas beyond hate,” Riseling wrote on Twitter in 2021. “I can not understand any veterans voting Republican,” she said a year later.

Police Leaders for Community Safety vice chair Rick Myers, meanwhile, has used his LinkedIn account to advocate for expanded gun control, calling AR-15s “weapons of mass destruction,” and describing the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot as an “insurrection.”

“Despite the fact that our Founding Fathers had black powder muskets that could only shoot one round without reloading, and fashioned our unique Constitution and its Amendments to ensure our freedoms such that freedom to bear arms was designed for ‘a well regulated militia,’ we continue to allow unfettered weapons of mass destruction among our own citizens,” Myers wrote in 2021, reacting to a mass shooting in his area. “AR-15[s] are killing machines.”

Cynthia Herriott, the organization’s fifth board member, was a registered Democrat as of at least 2021, according to public records.

Herriott, Riseling and Myers are all retired police chiefs.

“Police Leaders for Community Safety is the only national police leadership organization that endorses candidates for political office, and this is the group’s first endorsement,” the group’s endorsement of Harris reads. “This and future endorsements will be based on candidates’ alignment on issues vital to law enforcement.”

Harris praised the defund the police movement multiple times in 2020.


Robert Schmad


RELATED ARTICLE: Billionaires Bankrolling Kamala Harris’ Tough-On-Crime Campaign Wanted To Defund Police, Install Soros Prosecutors

RELATED VIDEO: NY Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The United Nations Follies

Every year at the end of September we get reminded what a farce the United Nations has become. It’s when the General Assembly opens its doors to dictators and fools, con artists and an occasionally a leader who shows true nobility.

El Salvador’s president Nayib Buckle fell into that later category, telling the story of his country’s transformation from one of “the darkest places on the planet” into a nation that stands out as a model of optimism and safety.

Commenting on his government’s crackdown on drug cartels and criminals of all stripes, he said: “Some say that we have imprisoned thousands, but the reality is that we have freed millions.”

Now there is a profile in courage.

That’s not what we saw from Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who called on the world body to “force” Russia to the negotiating table and to punish Putin.

Zelenskyy was hoping to use his U.S. trip to get the Biden-Harris regime to approve Ukraine’s plan to use NATO long-range weapons to hit targets deep inside Russian territory. But the CIA and others warned that Putin was not bluffing this time when he said he would consider such strikes a direct NATO attack on Russia, and strike back at NATO, possibly with nuclear weapons.

One of the biggest advocates of enabling Ukraine to initiate World War III is president Macron of France. Little Cookie, as I call him, is playing Sorcerer’s apprentice in Ukraine. Some say they see the little horns protruding from his head.

Donald Trump showed remarkable personal sympathy for the Ukrainian people and for Zelenskyy when he welcomed him to a private meeting at Trump Tower on Friday. But he also made clear that he had good personal relations with Putin as well, and that it “takes two to tango” toward a peace deal.

I can guarantee you one thing: should we be so unfortunate to see Kamala Harris inaugurated as president in January, the Ukraine war will get deeper, darker, and far more dangerous than it is today.

Two other noteworthy participants in the UN follies this year: Iranian president Masood Pezeshkian, and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Pezeshkian was attempting a remake of attempts by several of his predecessors as the mullahs’ “selected” president to portray the Iranian regime as “moderate” and filled with aspirations to peace.

To help him in his charm offensive, he hired Mohammad Javad Zarif, the architect of the failed 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Not too long ago, Zarif resigned from Pezeshkian’s inner circle because he felt the new president was ignoring him. No longer.

I will have some astonishing revelations about Zarif and his role in a plot to kill Americans in my new book, The Iran House: Tales of Persecution, Revolution, War, and Intrigue, which will be released on October 15. So stay tuned!

Then came Bibi, on Friday. He told a tale of two futures for the Middle East, one called “The Curse,” and the other, “The Blessing.”

The Curse is the continuation of what we have today, with terror threats from Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza threatening to wrap Israel in perpetual war.

The Blessing is a future with expanded Abraham Accords to include a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia that would open the region to massive opportunities and economic expansion, with an Israel-Saudi energy corridor and joint projects to develop water resources, AI, and more.

Within days of taking office in January 2020, Joe Biden turned his back on the Abraham Accords and went out of his way to alienate Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, pushing the Saudis into the arms of the Russians and the Chinese. Call it, the way not to act as a superpower.

Bibi also blasted the UN as a “contemptible swamp” of antisemitism, which it is, and warned the Iranian regime not to attack Israel because there is “no place in Iran we can’t reach.”

“Israel will not go gently into that good night,” he said. “We will fight against the dying of the light.”

Sound familiar? Probably not to most of you, but the Israeli prime minister was quoting Dylan Thomas, a Welshman who was one of the great poets of the 20th century. I don’t think the UN will ever recover.

I discuss this, Donald Trump’s plan for the UN, and the Iranian plots to kill Trump and Trump-era officials in this week’s Prophecy Today Weekend. As always, you can listen live at 1 PM on Saturday in the Jacksonville, Florida, area on 104.9 FM or 550 AM or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app. You can also listen to the podcast later here.

And in case you missed it, here is a link to my op-ed in Thursday’s Washington Times about Iran’s efforts to assassinate Trump.

Yours in freedom.

©2024. Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.

How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill and Immoral – Herd Psychology

How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill and Immoral – Herd Psychology

by Academy of Ideas

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

In a functioning society, one can assume that most people, most of the time, will behave in a sane and civilized manner. But sometimes we cannot make this assumption; sometimes acute levels of fear and anxiety spread throughout a population and trigger a widespread psychological regression to a herd psychology. In this video we explore how social crises make us susceptible to this type of regression, which can lead to widespread immorality, outright madness, and even totalitarian rule.

“The masses always incline to herd psychology, hence they are easily stampeded; and to mob psychology, hence their witless brutality and hysterical emotionalism…”

Carl Jung, The Practice of Psychotherapy

To understand the nature of a herd psychology, we must look back in time. For as Jung noted:

“[The psyche] has been built up in the course of millions of years and represents a history of which it is the result. Naturally it carries with it the traces of that history, exactly like the body, and if you grope down into the basic structure of the mind you naturally find traces of the archaic mind.”

Carl Jung, Collected Works Volume 18

For much of human evolution, our ancestors lacked a well-developed sense of individuality – that is, they did not feel or perceive themselves to be separate from the group or tribe. Rather, their sense of self was tightly tied to their membership in a tribe and hence their capacity to think and act independently was limited.

“Primitive man thinks and acts collectively. Without his fellows, the individual is nothing. His family, his tribe acts in him.”

Marie-Louise Von Franz, Collected Works Volume 2

The term participation mystique, coined by the French anthropologist Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, captures the essence of this tribal, or herd, psychology. Participation mystique refers to the way in which primitive man was psychologically merged with others – his psyche existing in a state of unity, or unconscious identity, with his clan. Or as Carl Jung put it:

“The further we go back into history, the more we see personality disappearing beneath the wrappings of collectivity. And if we go right back to primitive psychology, we find absolutely no trace of the concept of an individual. Instead of individuality we find only collective relationship or what Lévy-Bruhl calls participation mystique.”

Carl Jung, Psychological Types

Lévy-Bruhl believed that the psyche of modern man has outgrown the participation mystique of herd psychology. Carl Jung disagreed. According to Jung, while modern humans have evolved the capacity for individuality, we still possess a latent herd psychology that can supplant our capacity to think and act independently.

“Once the I was hidden in the herd: and now the herd is still hidden in the I.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

In summarizing Jung’s thoughts on modern man’s susceptibility to a herd psychology, the psychologist Erich Neumann wrote in the Origins and History of Consciousness:

“Group unity in participation [mystique] is still so widely prevalent, even in modern man…Although enjoying a higher conscious development, probably, than any previously attained by man, modern individuals, for all their conscious achievements, are still deeply embedded in the tissue of their group and its unconscious laws.”

Erich Neumann, Origins and History of Consciousness

In the modern day a mass regression to a herd psychology is typically triggered by a social crisis, be it a war, economic collapse, political upheaval, or a public health crisis. For when men and women feel in danger and incapable of facing up to a threat on their own, they instinctively seek safety in numbers. This can take the form of a physical gathering, where people band together to defend against a threat. But this seeking of safety can also manifest psychologically, via a regression to the primitive state of participation mystique and a psychological merging with the group. In this state, even those who are socially isolated or alone seek security by instinctively mimicking others and conforming to the collective in matters of thought, behavior, and belief. This herd psychology is based on the following idea: if I am too weak to deal with the threat individually, the best option is to think and act as others do, to blend in with the crowd, and to hope that in so doing I will be safe. Depending on the nature of the threat this strategy can be somewhat effective, however, it comes with a cost. For a regression to a herd psychology is accompanied by a weakening of consciousness and the erosion of critical thinking, reason, and free will, which leaves the psyche undefended against the more primitive and irrational elements, such as emotions, instincts, and unconscious forces.

“Helplessness and panic lead to group formation, or rather to a clustering together in masses for the sake of gregarious security…Group formation under the influence of panic cannot be called an organization because it is not an attempt based on reason and will but on a fundamentally emotional movement.”

Carl Jung, Collected Works Volume 18

Or as Erich Neumann echoes:

““The group [or herd] psyche…is characterized by the primary preponderance of unconscious elements and components, and by the recession of individual consciousness…when consciousness is insufficiently differentiated from the unconscious, and the ego from the group, the group member finds himself as much at the mercy of group reactions as of unconscious constellations. The fact that he is preconscious and preindividual leads him to experience and react to the world in a way that is more collective than individual, and more mythological than rational.”

Erich Neumann, Origins and History of Consciousness

In regressing to a herd psychology, modern man adopts the thought and behavior patterns of primitive man. One such pattern is deference to authority and blind obedience to leaders.

“It seems to be unavoidable that…group formations regress to primitive tribal associations that are held together…by a chief.”

Carl Jung, Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice

In his book Religion and Myth, published in 1883, James Macdonald provided a sweeping survey of primitive tribes in Africa, and he notes that in every one of them there existed the belief that the chief or king was a conduit of god or an embodiment of the divine. Disobedience to the commands of the ruler was equivalent to disobedience to a god, and hence, unthinkable. In the words of Macdonald, primitive man believed his ruler to be “supreme, not only in matters of faith and sacrifice, but in questions of war and state policy…Whatever the divine man orders must be done. If he takes a fancy for a trifle of five hundred heads as a sacrifice, the king’s executioners must post themselves on the highways to catch wayfarers till the requisite number is made up. Or should his fancy suggest the extermination of a weak neighbouring tribe, the warriors must be called by beat of drum, and be on the war-path before the dawn of day.” (James Macdonald, Religion and Myth)

While primitive man submitted his will to chiefs and kings, when a social crisis triggers a regression to a primitive herd psychology, modern man, in our hyper-politicized world, submits to politicians and bureaucrats. He obeys whatever those in the ruling class demand and accepts their word as if it were divine. He becomes a true believer in political authority and he places his fate – for good or ill – completely at the mercy of politicians. While he may not explicitly believe in the divinity of his rulers, the enthusiasm with which he prostrates himself before political authority is indicative of the mythological, or religious nature of his allegiance. Or as Carl Jung noted:

“…group formations all show unmistakable traces of infantile and archaic psychology, infantile inasmuch as they always look for the father, and archaic inasmuch as the father [i.e., leader] appears in a mythological [or religious] setting.”

Carl Jung, Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice

That a social crisis triggers a regression to a herd mentality is apparent when we reflect on the fact that social crises were the prelude to all the authoritarian and totalitarian movements of the last century. Social and economic problems, and political unrest, functioned as the soil which gave rise to the Nazi movement, to communism in the Soviet Union, and to fascism in Italy. In these countries, instead of resisting the strong arm of dictators, most people, in their primitive and psychologically regressed state, worshipped their leaders, and proudly obeyed their every command.

“Fear and catastrophe fortify the need to identify with a strong leader. They lead to herding together of people, who shy away from wanting to be individual cells any longer; they prefer to be part of a huge mystic social organization that protects against threat and distress, in oneness with the leader.”

Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind

Tribalism, or an extreme “us vs. them” mentality, is another characteristic of herd psychology. Throughout evolutionary history tribalism was the norm. As modern humans we have developed value systems and conscious psychological structures that enable us to see beyond our differences and treat other human beings with respect. But in the deeper and more primitive recesses of the psyche we retain an instinctive proclivity to strongly identify with a group or tribe and to be suspicious, or even hateful, of anyone who does not look, think, or act like us.

“There is no message more powerful, primal, or primitive than the evocation of the need to protect the “tribe.” We are genetically primed and culturally shaped to alert, defend, and aggress, and even to sacrifice the self in the service of that protection.”

Stevan E. Hobfoll, Tribalism

When a social crisis stimulates fear and leads to a psychological submersion in the group, a primitive “us vs them” mentality is re-activated. Anyone who shares our beliefs and acts like us is on the side of good and a part of our tribe. Anyone who thinks or acts differently is seen as an enemy deserving of hateful or vicious treatment. In the midst of social crises people ostracize friends and family, support banning people from public places, snitch on neighbors, wish death or imprisonment upon fellow citizens, and resort to fits of rage or acts of violence against anyone who dares to disobey the commands of those in power.

“To the collective…every individual development is hateful that does not directly serve the ends of collectivity…”

Carl Jung, Psychological Types

…the greatest infamy on the part of his group will not disturb him, so long as the majority of his fellows steadfastly believe in the exalted morality of their social organization.”

Carl Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology

The irrationality, brutality, and emotional hysteria that overtakes so many people during social crises is not only due to tribalism, but also to the fact that, since a regression to a herd psychology involves a weakening of consciousness, it leaves people vulnerable to possession by primitive unconscious forces.

“Emotional conditions always call up instinctive reactions. The hierarchy of human reason becomes weakened and disintegrated, leaving a door open for the intrusion of primitive instinctive forces.”

Carl Jung, Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice

Or as Anthony Storr echoed:

“There are extremely primitive, irrational mental forces at work in the minds of all of us which are usually overlaid and controlled by reason, but which find overt expression in the behaviour of those whom we call mentally ill, and which also manifest themselves in the behaviour of normal people when under threat or other forms of stress.”

Anthony Storr, Solitude: A Return to the Self

In normal times, these primitive unconscious forces are kept in check by the discernment of consciousness, free will, individual responsibility, conscience, empathy, and the fear of punishment. But when a mass psychological regression takes place, these forces come to the surface of the psyche and people begin to think and act in deranged and destructive ways. Regarding the existence of the primitive forces that accompany a mass regression to a herd psychology, Carl Jung wrote:

“…if people crowd together and form a mob, [then] the dynamisms of the collective man are let loose – beasts or demons that lie dormant in every person until he is part of a mob. Man in the mass sinks unconsciously to an inferior moral and intellectual level, to that level which is always there, below the threshold of consciousness, ready to break forth as soon as it is activated by the formation of a mass… It is certainly a good thing to preach reason and common sense, but what if you have a lunatic asylum for an audience or a crowd in a collective frenzy? There is not much difference between them because the madman and the mob are both moved by impersonal, overwhelming forces…”

Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion: West and East

When unconscious primitive forces simultaneously erupt in the minds of many people at once, a psychic epidemic takes place.

“…[the] masses are always breeding-grounds of psychic epidemics.”

Carl Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

For example, in 1945, Carl Jung described the Nazi movement as a psychic epidemic that was driven by the emergence of unconscious forces, which he characterized as forces associated with the ancient German god Wotan.

“…the gods are without doubt personifications of psychic forces…what is more than curious – indeed, piquant to a degree – is that an ancient God of storm and frenzy, the long quiescent Wotan, should awake, like an extinct volcano, to new activity, in a civilized country that had long been supposed to have outgrown the Middle Ages. We have seen him come to life in the German Movement…The Hitler movement literally brought the whole of Germany to its feet, from five-year-olds to veterans…Wotan the wanderer was on the move.”

Carl Jung, Wotan

And as Jung further wrote regarding the psychic epidemic that took place in Nazi Germany:

“…the history of the last twelve years is the case-chart of an hysteric patient. The phenomenon we have witnessed in Germany was nothing less than the outbreak of epidemic insanity, an irruption of the unconscious into what seemed to be a tolerably well-ordered world.”

Carl Jung, After the Catastrophe

Given that a regression to a herd psychology transforms otherwise moral and civilized human beings into blindly obedient agents of immorality, or even destructive madmen, what the world needs are more individuals capable of resisting the “all-engulfing force of attraction” which pulls us downward into the grip of a primitive herd psychology. For we will inevitably face social crises in the future, and unless enough of us can be what Carl Jung called a “true leader of mankind”, and “consciously [hold] aloof from the blind momentum of the mass in movement” (Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition), another psychic epidemic will take hold and lead society down a destructive path. Or as Erich Neumann wrote:

“The impulsiveness of primitive man and of people in the mass, who are likely to be stampeded into catastrophic action on the slightest provocation, is so dangerous, so unpredictable in its “brainless” suggestibility, that it is highly desirable for the community that it should be replaced by conscious directives.”

Erich Neumann, Origins and History of Consciousness

As a herd psychology is characterized by a lowering of consciousness and a decline of individuality, to develop immunity to this primitive mentality we must make a conscious effort to strengthen our individuality. Towards this end, we can practice nonconformity in speech and action and acknowledge that the masses and its leaders are often wrong, infected with pathologies, and dangerously misguided. Hence the need to think critically, rely on our intuition, and cultivate our own value system and worldview.

“Resistance to the organized mass can be effected only by the man who is as well organized in his individuality as the mass itself.”

Carl Jung, Undiscovered Self

When we sufficiently strengthen our individuality, we develop a rare and heroic power – that being, the power to stand firm in our beliefs, obey our conscience, and follow our own path, even when all those around us are trying to force us to conform. For as Hannah Arendt wrote:

“…few indeed have been found to resist the crowd, to stand up alone before misguided masses, to face their implacable frenzy without weapons and with folded arms to dare a no when a yes is demanded.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins and History of Consciousness

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