PODCAST: Trump’s Tax Returns, Part Deux


You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats and their lap dogs, the main stream media, as they do not give up easily. This month it is President Trump’s tax returns. Only God knows what it will be next month. At least they know how to mount an attack. I would love to see their strategy room adorned with a portrait of George Soros, their patron saint of counter-culture.

I brought the subject of presidential tax returns up a few years ago, but it recently resurfaced. The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Richard E. Neal (D-MA), made a request of the the Internal Revenue Service commissioner for six years of President Trump’s personal and business tax returns, which will inevitably result in a spirited brawl with the White House. Actually, we shouldn’t be surprised; after all, we’re in an election cycle and the Democrats have again embarked on another smoke and mirrors campaign to assassinate the president’s character. They couldn’t take him down with the Mueller investigation, so now they are grasping at straws to find a way to besmirch his character. So, this isn’t about obtaining his tax returns, which they know they are not entitled to, as much as it is a part of their overall strategy to bash the president.

Donald Trump’s failure to disclose his tax returns thus far has once again come under scrutiny by the press. They contend it is their “right” to review all candidate returns to assure they are not cheating or using unscrupulous tax schemes. Mr. Trump contends his tax returns are being audited by the IRS and, based on the advice of his lawyers, he should not release them prematurely. Of course, the Democrats and the press do not accept this and adamantly demands to see his tax returns. Frankly, it is none of their business

Let’s see if we can clear up a few things regarding this issue.

First, there is absolutely no legal requirement for a candidate to disclose his/her tax returns. This is something the press views as unwritten law, but there is no sand in it. Further, not releasing tax returns is certainly not without precedent. Tax Analysts, a nonprofit organization who monitors presidential tax returns, lists many exceptions:

  • “For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.”
  • Ronald Reagan did not report his returns for the 1980 election.
  • Jimmy Carter also didn’t report his for the 1976 campaign.
  • “Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975.”
  • “Franklin Roosevelt did not release tax returns during his presidency, but many returns were later made available by his presidential library.”

And there are no tax returns listed for Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy. So, as you can see, there is no mandate to release tax returns. It’s just something the Democrats and the press insists they have a right to. They do not.

As an aside, the only tax report on record for President Trump is for 2005 which was mysteriously produced in 2017 and revealed nothing improper.

Second, rarely does anyone read the tax returns, people just want to know if they have been released. In President Trump’s case though, the attacking liberal media will go through it with a fine tooth comb, spotting any possible indiscretion and blowing it out of proportion. If and when the president releases his tax returns, they will undoubtedly be squeaky clean, leading the press to conclude, “Well, yes, I guess he knows how to make money” (but will never openly admit it to the public).

Third, Mr. Trump provided a summary of his financials in his book, “Crippled America.” Why is the press not interested in analyzing this report?

As long as President Trump holds on to his tax returns, the press and his political opponents will claim this is a liability, that he has something to hide. However, let’s assume the president is correct, that he is being audited by the IRS. Those of you who have suffered through such a review will probably side with the President by saying, “It’s none of your business,” or possibly something a little stronger.

First published: June 15, 2016. Updated 2019.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Let’s Be Real: Mexico Is A Bad Neighbor

President Trump’s threat to close the southern border indefinitely because of the growing crisis is another reminder that despite the fluffy official rhetoric over the years, Mexico remains a bad neighbor — and getting worse. Honesty would go a long way in building good policy here.

Of course, there won’t be an honest discussion, because such a pronouncement as the above — even followed by all of the actual data and evidence below — will inevitably result in charges of racism, white nationalism, fear of others and more nonsense because rational thinking is directly under attack.

Let’s make this point perfectly clear: Mexicans as individual humans are not the problem. Trying to escape crushing poverty on top of crime-ridden regions and government corruption is natural enough — particularly when the bright, shining city on a hill is right next door. In the Christian worldview, Mexicans like every human on earth are made in the image of God and have desires and drives for a better life for themselves and their progeny. That should be just acceptable as reality for decent people. From the traditional American view, they have inalienable rights from God.

But their government, and the culture that produces that problematic government, does not recognize such a dynamic as individual inalienable rights because man is made in God’s image. And so it causes no end of headaches and threats to the United States for precious little in return.

That the Mexican government and leadership in general continues to operate as a quasi Third World corruptocratic country while living right next door to the most prosperous and free nation ever is disgraceful. The example for how it’s done has been staring them in the face for two centuries and yet they don’t change. Given that broad swaths are controlled by drug cartels and corrupt police, they may be even worse than they were. That’s on Mexico.

Of course, just the opposite is what Americans are treated to in virtually every media story fretting and warning about America being a bad neighbor because of Trump’s policies. America is racist, afraid of people who look different and overflowing with white nationalists. Along with the media pushing this narrative there are the large tech companies, which are of the same worldview as the Democratic Party and the media. If you google ‘Mexico is a bad neighbor’ all you get are endless stories about the U.S. being a bad neighbor.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is hogwash. Let’s revisit what I wrote almost a year ago.

“If these critics really cared about Mexico’s well-being — and the well-being of Mexicans — they would be more critical of the corruption and culture that has left a fertile land with a great climate, access to two oceans and next door to the greatest economic power in history, in impoverished misery. They would be calling on Mexicans’ better angels, calling them to change and actually become more like the United States with individual liberties and market economics and accountable government. Trashing America is nothing more than political expediency and opponent demonization that causes yet more division.”

Here’s the tale of the tape on who is the better neighbor.

• Do good neighbors or bad neighbors send their problems next door? Mexico has an undeniably de facto policy of illegally exporting their poorest citizens north to the United States to deal with. Additionally, they allow the poorest residents of neighboring countries to pass through in caravans, frequently aided by Mexico, to also be shipped to the United States. This is what is causing the crisis at the border today.

The 22 million illegal aliens in the United States today almost universally came here poor, uneducated and untrained — unwanted by Mexico’s leadership. The poorest in a country are always a burden, so Mexico encourages them to head north and does nothing — literally nothing — to stop them at the border. The trains of migrants from Guatemala or Honduras or other Central American countries overrunning our southern border cannot be successful without the active participation of Mexican authorities. These authorities don’t want the burden of those poor people in their country — their culture and government creates too many — so they usher them on to America.

How is this possibly being a good neighbor? Canada doesn’t do any of this.

• Do good neighbors or bad neighbors attack your moral character for locking your doors? A nation’s borders are like a family’s home exterior. Homeowners only let in people they want and keep out others. If someone breaks in it’s called breaking and entering and they are arrested. When America does this with its borders — like every other nation, including Mexico on its southern border, Mexico openly criticizes us for doing so. President Trump ran on securing our border with Mexico (because the northern Border does not require this level of security) and he won election as Americans understand a sovereign nation needs borders and the ability to determine who comes in and out. Yet Mexican leaders were publicly hostile, criticizing Trump.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said the U.S. was returning to the “era of the ugly American” and repeatedly called it a “useless wall”? Why useless? Because Mexican authorities will continue to find ways to ship the poorest, uneducated residents to their neighbor? They don’t want a wall because they don’t want those Mexicans in Mexico. They do want them in the United States where they are useful in sending $28 billion annually in remittances back to Mexico from America. How is that being a good neighbor? Canada doesn’t do any of this.

• Do good neighbors who have received so many benefits by living next to a generous neighbor openly criticize that neighbor? Absurd, yet that is exactly what Mexican authorities do regularly. Whether it is beefing up our southern border security, to increasing citizen IDs to deporting those we find to be here illegally who have broken more U.S. laws, Mexican authorities criticize the U.S. No gratefulness for unburdening them from their poorest citizens. Just criticism. Canada doesn’t do this.

• Do good neighbors take generous donations to help them with ingratitude, disdain and belittling your morals because you did not give even more? The U.S. gifts Mexico $320 million annually in aid. Yet there is not gratefulness for this generosity? Nothing apparent. Not a thank-you note. Nothing. They take the money and spend it and then criticize us. Canada receives $26 million, but that is all for joint environmental issues that affect both countries. We work together on habitats crossing the border — like good neighbors cooperating with each other.

No. The case is overwhelming that the Mexican government is the bad actor in this relationship. The U.S. is the good, generous, protective neighbor.

In fact, America has demonstrated repeatedly that it is the best neighbor.

A good neighbor accepts some of Mexico’s poorest people and provides them with healthcare, schooling and opportunities that they had no chance of getting in their home country. We even teach the children of families that break into our country — in their own language. Now that’s being a ridiculously good neighbor.

A good neighbor provides $320 million annually in direct financial aid to Mexico. The largest chunk goes to security issues and drug cartel fighting, but also to education and infrastructure.

An absurdly good neighbor allows people who broke in to transfer back to their country $28 billion, taken out of the American economy and put into Mexico’s, without taking one penny of it.

Just their proximity to such a great neighbor makes Mexico safer from foreign predators. Knowing they are at no risk from the gentle giant next door, the Mexican military can be used mostly for domestic use because they are a U.S. ally and neighbor. The U.S. essentially acts as a deterrent for anyone who would be aggressive against Mexico.

In this neighborhood, even this cursory look at who gives the most and who receives the most in the relationship demonstrates that the United States is a very good neighbor, and that Mexico is clearly not.

I would not do this story except it’s tiresome and counterproductive to hear the constant drumbeat by the American left and the media that America is the bad neighbor.

It would be refreshing if American politicians and their supporters could actually appreciate America more — a lot more — and stop painting an unrealistically romantic picture of Mexico and a near demonic picture of America.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission.

I Take This Woman . . .

The internet provides everything you’d want to know about courtships, weddings, married life, but few of them include the instructions on wife-beating.  There is a brief but enlightening film, produced by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and posted on Jihad Watch, of a Muslim sociologist who demonstrates the “proper” wife-beating technique.  Of course, the sociologist assures his audience that Islam is merciful, and that the man, the head of the household, should not have to beat his wife every day, and to do so lightly, never to hit her face or head, bruise, break bones or cause blood to flow (m10:12, Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law – ROTT).  But the cautionary statement rings hollow when the wife’s bruises will never be seen because she must be covered from head to toe.  And, should she become inured to the discipline’s sameness, there are other means of control and punishment available to him, all sanctioned by The Religion of Peace.

When is it necessary to beat one’s wife?  The sociologist did posit that there are women who prefer domineering, authoritative, and even violent husbands.  For the most part, however, beatings are needed when the wife has disobeyed him and the strict Islamic rules of marriage.  She may have refused to wear a hijab (m:2:7-8, ROTT) or the finery he chose for her; or fancied attending school with the hope of one day having a career and earning a wage.  She may have wanted to leave the house unaccompanied or without her husband’s permission; she is literally under house arrest.

The Shari’a marriage contract contains her virginity status, the dowry amount, and grants sexual intercourse rights to the male, giving him total control over his wife or wives.  Should she refuse his advances, be too ill or too young to have sex, or if she engaged in sex with another man or was raped,  he could stop her daily (financial) maintenance.  The woman is considered a she-devil, equal to a domestic animal, harmful and with crooked character.  Therefore, he may disallow her to sleep in his bed; or lock her in a room, naked, and without food.  Should he choose to enact a simple divorce by repeating “I divorce you” three times – she may receive no more than three months’ maintenance and could lose her children older than age seven.

The Muslim husband has the right to accuse her of adultery, in which case he might gather his friends and neighbors together to bury her almost up to her shoulders and stone her to death.  The film, The Stoning of Soraya M, portrays the true story of Soraya, in Iran, whose husband Ali convinced their two sons and the townsfolk that she was committing adultery so that he could marry a 14-year-old girl.  The Internet has an actual film of a Syrian woman being stoned to death by ISIS.  About four women per day are murdered in “stove bursts” in Pakistan, by husbands or in-laws who claim the wives’ scarves caught fire while they were cooking.

We are assured, however, that the discipline of beating, although necessary, is done out of love and once that’s done, life can move on.  But from where does this sociologist get the concept of love?  Surely, not from the Qur’an, which clearly stipulates that women are inferior and may be taken by force or bought from her parents.  There is no Western-style courtship – no dating, no music or dancing under the stars, and no dining in a candlelit café.  In fact, there is no courtship whatsoever. Rather, a shari’a marriage is a document, usually signed at the home of the future bride, that grants sexual intercourse rights to the male with complete control over his wife or wives.  Revered Muslim theologian, Imam Ghazali (1058-1111) defined, “Marriage is a form of slavery.  The woman is the man’s slave, and her duty therefore is absolute obedience to the husband in all that he asks of her person.”

Interestingly, the marriage contract provides four blank spaces to be completed over time.  Below the signature of wife number one, there are three more signature lines for future wives, numbers two, three, and four.  The  realization that there could be three more wives with whom she would share her husband and home immediately negates love and devotion; the religious sanction of polygamy destroys the possibility of fidelity between one man and one woman, while also increasing rivalry, conflict and stress.  The message is unambiguous: “You can be replaced.”  Not only does the man have the divine right to four wives, but also to “pleasure marriages.” Only he, not she, has the right to such dalliances, and only he, not she, has the right to divorce.  He may even rid himself of the four he has and begin anew, with four wives plus “slave wives.”

The Islamic woman is among the poorest and most oppressed in the world, and regardless of her financial station, she is caged for life.  She cannot be rescued when beaten and her husband has the right to not provide an explanation to anyone for beating her, for the Prophet has said, “A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife.”  Sunan Abu Dawad 11:2142.  This must be reassuring.

Muslim societies are based on enslavement – the enslavement of society to the state/ideology and women to men.  The Saudi woman is always guilty, even if he breaks her ribs during a beating, and she is so victimized that denial of her situation is her only comfort.  Muslim women are imprisoned for sexual crimes done by men, yet Islam insists it honors women.  The indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man. (o4.9, ROTT).

In a Muslim society, the woman’s virginity is the basis of the family’s honor, and honor killings  are acts of vengeance executed by likeminded family members against the female family member, for reasons such as becoming “too westernized,” refusing an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking a divorce, or (allegedly) committing adultery.  The mere perception that a woman has behaved in a “dishonorable” way is sufficient reason for murder; methods include stoning, stabbing, beating,  mutilation, burning, beheading, hanging, throat slashing, lethal acid attacks, shooting and strangulation.  Women’s advocacy groups suspect that more than 20,000 women are killed worldwide each year. The UK recorded 2,823 such crimes in 2010.

Sex for the male in Islam is a plenteous buffet of alternatives, and he need never be indicted for adultery, pederasty, infant or youth pedophilia, rape, or honor killings. He even has permission to engage in sex with his wife’s cadaver within seven hours of her death.  During a televised show in Egypt,  Professor Sheikh Sabri Abdul Raeuf, of the Islamic world’s most prestigious madrasa, was asked if it is permissible for a husband to penetrate his wife after death (necrophilia).  He replied, “It is not favorable in Islam; however Islamic law considers it as halal,” it is permissible, not a crime or sin deserving of punishment in the here or hereafter.

Men, particularly “courageous” jihadis, are rewarded with sex with perpetually exquisite virgin women, so that women are not just in competition and threatened by other women (wives) on earth, but also by supermodels in the afterlife.  The Religion of Peace offers no peace to women at any time – not in infancy, not when they are genitally mutilated in childhood or married off against their will, not in their adulthood, and not even after their death.    We must never allow Shari’a laws to overtake our American laws.

Acknowledgment: Cruel and Usual Punishment, The terrifying global implications of Islamic Lawby Nonie Darwish

The Destruction of Citizen Cain

In 2016, black businessman extraordinaire, Herman Cain terminated his run for the presidency due to allegations of sexual misconduct. Cain chose to protect his family from the humiliation of enduring leftists’ attempt to destroy a black conservative Republican.

It is unfortunate that negative press was many black Americans’ national introduction to Herman Cain. When Cain dropped out of the presidential race, his accusers magically disappeared. Now that Trump has chosen Cain for the Federal Reserve Board, the allegations have resurfaced to block his appointment.

Folks, we can not continue allowing leftists to hypocritically use this tactic to disqualify good people. When president Bill Clinton was committing adultery by receiving oral sex and using cigars as sex toys with an 18 year old intern in the White House, Democrats and fake news media said, “So what? That is Clinton’s private life which is none of our business.” In response to credible women accusing Clinton of sexual abuse including rape, leftists branded the women trailer-trash sluts and liars. Let us not forget the Bimbo Eruption Squad headed by Hillary Clinton purposed to destroy all the women who might go public with their sexual misconduct encounters with Bill Clinton. 

To minimize president Clinton’s serial sexual misconduct, Democrats and fake news media claimed any man in Clinton’s position would behave the same way he did; receiving oral sex and so on. Fake news media and Democrat late night TV comics destroyed Ken Starr who was assigned to investigate Clinton’s lies and sexual misconduct. Starr was branded a sex obsessed pervert.

Hypocritically, Democrats and fake news media are claiming Herman Cain is unfit for the Federal Reserve based on unsubstantiated allegations which pale in comparison to those against their beloved president Clinton.

Clearly, there is a double standard. Democrats are permitted to live lives of debauchery. Republicans must live saintly lives or be deemed unfit for public service by fake news media. Remember fake news medias’ absurd narrative that Republican Mitt Romney was unfit to be president because he may have bullied a fellow student in high school?

In truth, none of us have lived perfect lives. The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” But praise God, people can and do change. Moses murdered a man. King David murdered a man and stole his wife. After paying dearly for their sin (crimes), Moses and David changed. Rahab was a prostitute who changed. Moses, David and Rahab were used mightily by God.

Fake news media and Democrats pretending to be concerned about women is extremely repulsive. They seek to exploit women the same way they exploit blacks to further their socialist, progressive, anti-Christian and anti-American agendas.

For example: Women pay a huge longtime devastating emotional and physical price for abortions. And yet, Democrats danced in celebration over passing a new law to abort babies on their date of birth. Shockingly evil, Democrats are seeking to legalize murdering babies even after they are born. Is this the behavior of a political party that champions women?

Sharia Law abuses and suppresses women. It condones beatings, honor-killings and rape in certain circumstances. So, why are Democrats aggressively pushing Sharia Law in America?

My wife Mary watches the TV show, “Counting On” which features the Duggar family. I caught a Duggars’ wedding. I was immediately struck by the overwhelming respect for the young bride shown by her father, her groom and every man at the wedding. She was a princess, presented to her husband as a precious gift from God to be loved, honored and cherished. Such wholesomeness is an anathema to Democrats and fake news media; repulsive as showing Dracula the cross.

Democrats’ and fake news medias’ modern-sexually-liberated-woman has had numerous abortions or appeared on the Maury Povich TV show for a DNA test to discover which of her irresponsible 27 sperm donors is the father of her baby (which Democrats and fake news media wish she had aborted). Which mindset is most respectful of women, the Duggars’ or Democrats’ and fake news medias’?

Democrats and fake news media seek to destroy all successful blacks with a platform to instruct black youths; stop blaming whitey, get an education, work hard, make right choices and you can achieve your American dreams. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for their dreams. Period.

Herman Cain’s extraordinary success proves that the American Dream is available to all Americans; dismantling Democrats’ and fake news medias’ lie that white America schemes 24/7 to keep blacks down. Cain was elected CEO of the National Restaurant Association because he is excellent, rather than a racist leftist mindset of putting the-poor-inferior-black-guy in charge.

Herman Cain on the Federal Reserve would dispel the lie that Trump is racist. Cain would inspire black youths to thrive for excellence rather than affirmative action and government forcing standards to be lowered. My late dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times in the 1950s without any special concessions or lowered standards because he was black.

Democrats and fake news media have decreed that Herman Cain is an uppity negro who must be taken down, his black derriere wrestled back to their Liberalism Plantation where he belongs.

Stalinist Style Show Trials in the U.S. House of Representatives

As Attorney General Barr confirmed “Spying did occur.” I can add to his statement that it was a foreign force that did the spying. ”There is a special espionage operation going on today in America. Read my column The Chronology of Treason to be ready for the 2020 election. Here is a link to it. This is my twitter to the former CIA man, declaring the absence of such event, March 30th. And he is not alone. This is the actual reason, I’ve been writing about Russia for the last thirty years. it is my endless love for this country and the existential threat that the American Republic faces. As events are progressing, fortunately there are more people who feel as I do, and they are speaking and fearlessly acting. I can sign every word written below:

“The Enemies Within zooms in on the best kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. communists, socialists and extreme progressives are able to influence the politicians, and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans.” – The Enemies Within.

Don’t you see where this existential threat is coming from? My warning for you about the Dems is that, in fact, they are a Socialist Party and using the title to mask their real nature—a typical Socialist trick, handwriting with fraudulent intent. I also constantly warned you about thousands of the KGB’s operatives are working with the Dems on our soil. Using the term KGB, I mean the entire Russian Intelligence Service–a collective image of several Intel agencies. Those three letters are familiar to the vast majority of Americans and they really represent the Soviet Gestapo, the mighty vehicle harming us and dispersing globally the ideology of Soviet Socialism.

There is another respectful source presenting the Dems as the culprit, which is giving an ideological implication to the matter and a specific connotation to the issue in this e-magazine—it is the column by its publisher Rich Swier:

The Democratic Party has become the party of “cultural Marxism.” Urban Dictionary defines cultural Marxism as:

A social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various ’causes’, often promoted by so-called ‘social justice warriors’. These causes and their proponents are often contradictory and are almost never rooted in fact. Indeed, true argument or discussion with proponents of these causes is almost impossible, as most attempts at discourse descend quickly into shouting, name-calling and the chanting of slogans. Ten Policies That Prove the Democratic Party is the Party of Cultural Marxism, April 2, 2019

Nobody living and watching current politics in America can argue with this statement. Our culture has been changed dramatically during the last 2-3 decades and is becoming unrecognizable. Of course, we can hold the Dems responsible for those incredible cultural changes, bringing “Cultural Marxism” in America. I am in agreement with the column written by Rich Swier, yet, as a former Soviet defense attorney, I’d like to add some other information. Marxism alone couldn’t achieve this dramatic cultural transformation, the actual unified forces on the ground could. My books and columns are providing you with the knowledge of that unified force on the ground, working daily against the American Republic…

The Democrat Party: No. 1 Enemy of America

As you know Marx’s idea was only a theory. The real and materialized idea of Socialism came with the victory of the 1917 Socialist Revolution in Russia, and hence we have only Soviet Socialism in reality. And that exact idea of Soviet Socialism has been spread throughout the world. This idea was articulated later for America and brought into action by the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov. The idea was a simple one—to dismantle and destroy the American Republic from within by infiltrating the intelligence apparatus of the government, the media, and other specific democratic institutions to stop capitalist mobility and cripple any American innovations…

If you read my books and columns you know that I was always stunned by the cultural events in America that are strikingly resembled to the events I  experienced in Russia: the revision and attacks on this nation’s history and its heroes, destruction of historic monuments and buildings, constant government lies and fraud. You are the witnesses of all Socialist ideas offered by the Dems: The Democrat Party morphs into the party of “Abolish ICE,” “open the borders,” “give away healthcare,” “give away college,” “guarantee everyone a green job,” and “voting at 16.” This is a direct path to a Socialist agenda to demolish and destroy the American Republic: plus also consider already functioning Obamacare, copied from the Soviet medical system, provided by the Russian Academy of Science to Obama’s administration.

There is also a constant reminder of Soviet Socialism and its KGB in America today. In fact, Fake News is the enemy of the people, because Fake News is nothing else, but the old KGB “Operation Disinformation” exercised by the KGB for several decades through the media-mob. It is one of a thousand KGB methods and tricks aimed at subverting capitalism: they have different forms, sizes, and colors, always using lies, intimidation, fraud or threat, and all have the same agenda of dismantling our free market economic system and transform it to market control by the government. The execution of this transformation has been going on for the last several decades, now it is in its final stage of preparation for the Socialist revolution in America. The main doer is the Socialist Mafia in collaboration with the KGB’s political operatives on our soil. There is a logical cohesion in their united actions aimed at destruction of the unique political system left to us by our Founding Fathers.

The Socialist mafia has somehow succeeded in achieving permanent help from American media, as Andropov has designed it—remember his statement “information is the most precious commodity in politics.” Would it surprise you to know that some journalists have been working in cahoots with the Democrat Party in America? They are not independent. The episode with the NBC journalist working on behalf of DNC is not an accident. Don’t be surprised that American journalists are working with DNC. Do you remember the rate of negative information about President Trump in 2018? It was 93%! And again it is a logical coherence created by Andropov’s design between the media, the Dems, and our corrupt, dysfunctional intelligence that had missed all of the crimes committed by the Dems! Don’t you think that a new Special Counsel should be appointed to investigate the Democrats?

By Andropov’s design, the media was built as a political force acting in collaboration with a political party in America. Look at how the Democrats and media work together to fool and deceive you. Here’s, how fake-news CNN put it:

Democrats are selling a softer socialism, leaning on government as the solution to soaring health care costs, widening inequality, and a new and more dangerous existential threat – climate change – that many fear is literally killing the earth.” Part of the citation-climate change is a fraud, inculcated by the KGB to fight capitalism. It is a myth or hoax. To grasp where a term climate change is coming from, please read Baltic Winds: Testimony of Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002.

The Dems agenda and their ideological program are clear to me: they want to change America’s future development, and stop the social mobility afforded by of capitalism. Just look at the “Green New Deal” –a colossal fraud aimed at stopping the social mobility of Trump’s capitalism, which has already shown the enormous ability of a free market economy to resurrect our nation from Obama’s Socialism. Charlatans in the Democrat Party are the No.1 enemy of the American Republic and Americans! Their methods are easily recognizable: lies, fraud, deceit, cheating, and alike identifying as charlatans who are fooling, deceiving, corrupting, and inculcating decent people.

I am not the only one thinking this way. A famous Russian Olympic Champion Larisa Latynina criticizing AOC and her ”Green New Deal” compared the deal to the Soviet Constitution of 1936. She is right, the Soviet Constitution was full of false promises and, for your information, political prosecutions, Stalinist Show Trials, Purges, deportation of the scientists and clergy began in 1937, a year after the Constitution was adopted. Stalin executed a total politicization and criminalization of the opposite party. Please, read my book: What is Happening to America? The first chapter of my book titled—1937—A Year of Infamy… Reading the chapter you’ll grasp the real meaning of Socialism.

A Global Spy Ring

By the way, Socialist mafia has “achieved” a great deal in changing our culture and lowing our moral standards. The recent College admissions scandal is very familiar to former Soviet citizens—we had a carbon copy national scandal in the 1970s. Everybody in the Soviet Union knew that bribing was the only way to achieve your plans—a bribery was a standard procedure from the top echelon to bottom in the country—it was called–Blat. Please, read a description of the scenes, my buying vegetables and meat in the country under Soviet Socialism, pp. 168-171 Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002.

The release of the Mueller Report promised us a peaceful conclusion, but…The ongoing false narrative that Trump is a foreign agent is still alive and well. Now the Democrats want to see Trump’s tax return for six years. The Socialist mafia will not stop running that narrative until we expose, prosecute, defeat, and convict the enemies of the  Trump presidency. Get serious, because it is even worse than Rush Limbaugh described it recently. Rush acknowledged the three main reasons the Dems will never surrender. I believe there is a fourth and more crucial one—The Dems have to cover-up the treason their leadership had committed during the last 3-4 decades. The treason, I have been describing in my books and columns all that time.

Today we have heard about indictment of Greg Craig, a member of Obama’s Deep State. Former Obama Administration Lawyer Greg Craig Was Charged With Lying About His Work For Ukraine, by Zoe Tillman, Buzz Feed News, April 11, 2019. For me Greg Craig was an open book after he orchestrated an attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan, using a mentally ill individual in 1981. It was a typical KGB method to trick a mentally ill person, to create a legend and teach a sick man how to commit crime. For your information all shooting in the schools by the mentally ill persons had been orchestrated by the KGB in coordination with the agents on the ground…

Julian Assange was arrested today as well. I don’t know about his connection with Russia, but I know his actual connection with the Dems, Clinton mafia, and Tony Podesta. AG Barr has his hands full—the past history of treason carried out by the Dems in our very presence—he should identify the enemy within and my columns are the only remedy for that… The 2020 election is around the corner, we have less than two years. To win, we must identify the people of Socialist mafia who collaborate with the KGB’s operatives. In my opinion, we are dealing with an attempt to oust the U.S. President and overthrow the U.S. government, a political system left to us by our founding Fathers by transforming America to Socialism—a continuation of Obama’s and Bernie’s design…

The first time I heard the term Democratic-Socialist from Trojan Horse Bernie–millionaire in 2015. He was an open book for me—a typical Soviet provocateur. I reacted immediately writing my disagreement in the letter to a reader, Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016:

“The recent election campaign for the U.S, presidency is a misleading enterprise from both sides: The Republicans and the Democrats. Just look at Bernie Sanders, who calls himself a Democratic Socialist. The term itself is an oxymoron—a democrat can’t be a socialist, a socialist can’t be democratic. The term reveals a total absence of the knowledge of socialist policy and agenda. Socialism means a totalitarian dictatorship in a struggle to end individual liberty and private property, which is the opposite of democracy. Yet the incompetent and timid Republican establishment doesn’t even attempt to argue and reject the fraud.”

My opinion has not changed since, but just look at our media, no one even criticizes the term and our Intel and Academic Institutions are silent as usual allowing the Dems to perpetuate the fraud! Now the Andropov design is coming to fruition: the structure of the Democrat Party has been rebuilt comprised of the Socialist mafia, Islamists, and progressives working for decades with the KGB. What a tremendous fiasco of the entire American Intelligence system! And for nearly three years our country has been put through hell investigating President Trump? Why we are spending billions on our Intelligence apparatus? And this is not the end of their fiasco. Putin’s KGB is running with the ball! Blaming Trump for obstruction is laughable, yet he very successfully has obstructed the Witch Hunt and maybe the entire special espionage operation.


There is an International Law in coherence with the American Law on immigration. Only a person who receives a permission or asylum to enter a foreign country can be called Immigrant. Period! We do not have illegal immigrants, we have illegal aliens, migrants, or foreign-nationals, who have violated American Law. Words matter, they deliver the meaning, which Obama violated by separating children with the families, making foreign nationals’ children legitimate. The language should be corrected, dealing with the parent-felons. Moreover, then Obama created the order to send those children to the State of Senators Shelby and Session (both Republicans). To grasp how the KGB use children, you should read my column about the children of the Spanish-war 1936-1939, brought by Stalin to the Soviet Union and twenty years later used them to infiltrate the Central and South America.

Sixty years later Obama used children to fight his Republican political adversaries and undermine the American Republic. As a result, the flow on the Southern border has doubled, overwhelming human facilities and our courts. Now to stop this surge, we need extreme measures, perhaps even Martial Law. Then in 2015, after the Muslim invasion in Europe, our Intel should’ve known the KGB’s criminal design for Western civilization and America, and the methods the KGB using inside and outside our country to fight Western civilization and capitalism … Knowledge is Power!

After writing for thirty years about Russia and its Intelligence Services, I am constantly repeating a refrain; Knowledge of Russia is a Must! In my writings, I am explaining the reasons why this knowledge is a must. One of them is that the KGB is using any illegal opportunity to enter our county and harm us. Today, I’ll give you an example of KGB’s illegal activities and why the knowledge of Russia is a Must.

Europe was shocked by real Invasion of the Muslims in 2015. Do you know that now any criticism of Islam in Europe is treated as a form of racism, and “Islamophobia” is considered a crime or a sign of mental illness? “Europe has renounced force, so to many, it appears weak, vulnerable and easily able to be overpowered.” Muslim Invasion of Europe, by Guy Millière, October 22, 2015.

I am giving you this paragraph, because we are at war with the forces that manufactured Muslim Invasion of Europe. It was orchestrated by Russia and its Intelligence apparatus. Read my columns to learn how it was designed and prosecuted. I have been writing about an asymmetrical war against Western civilization for the last thirty years, I called it WW III. The highly publicized Caravan is a carbon copy of the Invasion of Europe that was orchestrated and well-organized by the same forces. Both cases are the examples of an asymmetrical war against the West. Anti-Trump war is a part of this war. It is a carbon copy of its war waged against Nixon by the Soviet Intelligence machine–the history of treason has very deep roots. But this topic requires a separate column. I don’t want to repeat many other reasons why Knowledge of Russia is a Must! Believe me it is!

Knowledge is Power!

Knowing the Russian methods, agenda, and its proclivity to mold Soviet style charlatan-leaders around the world to engineer cadres of fifth columnists, I believe there are two types of people committing betrayals: Those who do not like the political system established by our Founding Fathers and are trying to transform it– they are currently collaborating with the KGB to destroy the country, and those people who haven’t a clue about the KGB infiltrations, hence becoming their unwitting accomplices. Both groups constitute a huge help to President Putin, who is continued running the anti-Trump show… “

Unfortunately, some in the Fox News channel have not read my books and columns, so they often make mistakes, interviewing KGB agents as the source of the events, confusing their audience…Juan Williams and Shepard Smith have not read them yet, but it is not their fault, because it was a corrupt FBI that submitted my name to the FISA Court to make me a foreign agent and banned my writings in 2002. Applying logic, I would say that the crime against me had been done for the interests of Russia not for the interests of the American Republic. Think about that. Who could’ve done that to deprive Americans to know the Truth about Russia to prevent the waste of billions, tons of human energy, and precious time stolen from you?

My books and columns provide you with the Truth about the constant collaboration of the Democrat Party and its members with Russia, about Clinton’s Foundation, which is the eyes and ears of the KGB, about the Obama/Putin Conspiracy, and attempts to undermine Trump’s presidency, attacking him personally for the last three years. As a former Soviet attorney, I know the real reason the Dems are constantly creating crises—“Offense is the best defense” as Stalin’s teaching and this is the only way for the Dems to survive. They have to cover up their criminal conduct over the last several decades, to save their own skin and the mere existence of the Democrat Party…

I want to give you my personal research of Obama/Putin Conspiracy and please, remember that Greg Graig was Obama’s advisor. Here is a list of military collaboration under Obama/Putin Conspiracy during all eight years of Obama’s presidency:

  1. Killing of bin-Laden
  2. Invasion of Libya, conspiracy of Obama, Putin, and French President Sarkozy.
  3. Benghazi, murder of the U.S. ambassador Stevens.
  4. “On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American specialists … Fifteen of the Navy SEALs that were killed were members of the Naval… “
  5. The return of deserter Bergdahl from Afghanistan to release five Taliban’s commanders.

If you read my columns, you will find a detailed description of all five events. This information tells me about a close collaboration between Obama and Putin, which I called a special espionage operation, or a Global Spy Ring. I don’t know whether Robert Mueller was a part of the “criminal cabal” I have been writing during the last three years. The Witch Hunt against President Trump was arranged before the Mueller investigation, it was manufactured by a Global Spy Ring, run by Putin’s KGB.

“Do you remember when he (Trump) was still a candidate and he accused Obama of spying on him? The entire international media ridiculed him ad nauseam. Then, we found that it was really happening. The sitting President of the United States [Obama] was abusing his position to spy on a political opponent. Then, he lied about it. That sounds a lot like Nixon.” WATCH: Lindsey Graham Blasts Lack of Investigation into Dems: ‘Those Days are Over.’ I would add Sen. Graham’s statement: the Witch Hunt has begun by the Dems in collaboration with Putin’s KGB long prior to the Mueller Report. The current Dems events prove it completely:

Two virulent anti-Trump lawmakers Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), who is on the Senate Judiciary Committee, headlined a rally outside of the White House on Thursday to demand that the Department of Justice release the Mueller report in its entirety, claiming that it will reveal whether President Donald Trump has “abused his office.” “The protest, staged by leftist groups like moveon.org, People for the American Way, Public Citizen, the Women’s March, and the Center for American Progress, drew a couple of hundred people carrying anti-Trump and “release the report” signs.“

Just look for the participants of the rally, this is the unified force on the ground: Socialist Mafia in cooperation with some KGB ground forces sponsored by Soros. For many years, I am introducing George Soros as the KGB’s agent. Now you can see for yourself the integral parts of the Democrat Party—Socialist mafia and the KGB. It is not getting the Truth out—it is continuing covering-up. The Dems were committing crime for several decades being soft on the Soviets and now they are putting finger of blame to the Republican opposition and particular to President Trump, like Stalin taught them. Here is an additional information for you:

According to a new report, a major media source for “hate crime” reports is financially backed by none other than George Soros. The 2017 tax forms for one of Soros’ foundations show significant contributions to ProPublica, a journalism nonprofit that launched a project called “Documenting Hate” in the same year. Report: George Soros funded creation of ‘hate crime’ database, March 28, 2019 by Jerry McCormick. Patriot News Alerts. Now we finally know where all these anti-Trump stories have been originated.

I am repeating again that the KGB is feeling free to harm us by acting in all corners within the American Republic from promoting Marijuana and constantly suing the Boy Scout organizations to a hundred of Smollett and other Soviet style provocateurs. The major battle is being executed in our Congress, where Dems’ Socialist Mafia, Islamists and radical Progressives are offering abolishing Electoral College, to dismantle completely the system left to us by our Founding Fathers. A Global Spy Ring is also threatening us military—“The Pentagon is scrambling to protect America’s power grid and nuclear facilities amid fears of imminent attack by Russia.”

“Fifty years ago an American patriot, Whittaker Chambers, had defined both culprits, the Communist Party and the KGB: ‘I became convinced that it was evil and a threat to Western civilization.’ …The Evil Empire may be dead, but not the evil that drove it—the Soviet mafia. Until this evil is exposed, there won’t be stability on our planet.” My book The Russian Factor; from Cold War to Global Terrorism, Xlibris, 2006, p. 149.

Fifty years later “The Mueller Report is an unmitigated disaster for the American press and the ‘expert’ class that it promotes” Lee Smith, System Fail, March 27, 2019. Lee Smith is correct, because $30 million are wasted without any needed results—we didn’t learn yet. One Show Trial ends, the other started in the Congress by the Dems. As I have repeated many times: knowledge of Russia and its Security Apparatus is a Must for all politicians and especially for members of Trump’s administration to win the 2020 election. DHS Secretary Nielsen did not have it and the outcome is obvious.

New CBS Poll: 57% voters think the Russia investigation was a hoax. My suggestion is to read my books and columns, to learn Andropov’s legacy and dismantle the consequences of it by the appointment of a Special Council with knowledge of Russia and its Security Apparatus.

Now, reading this column, you at least, have answers to two questions:

  1. Why I am lately renaming Soviet Socialism to Soviet Fascism.
  2. Why the corrupt FBI has been banning my writings since 2002.

My fellow Americans! God gave us this last chance to save our county—President Donald J. Trump! Don’t allow Soviet Socialism to take over the American Republic. Now you can recognize all candidates for 2020 presidency, the Trojan Horse Bernie, AOC, Beto, other Soviet Socialists, and their leader Tom Perez. They are lying, fooling and deceiving you for decades. The Mueller Report has confirmed that. Be vigilant! Some of them are sponsored by the KGB. Fight the ideology of Soviet Socialism and save the legacy of our Founding Fathers and the American Republic!

Knowledge is Power! Good Luck my beloved America the Beautiful!

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/.

MOVIE REVIEW: The Pro-Nazi Film ‘Aftermath’ Fails because of its Immoral Relativism

The film Aftermath is set in Hamburg, Germany. The fictitious events presumably take place five months after the fall of Nazi Germany.

Zero Media posted this Fox Search Light/BBC Films trailer for Aftermath:

The film fails because of its pro-Nazi, pro-immoral relativism theme.

The film primarily takes place in and portrays the destruction of Hamburg, Germany. The film begins with British Colonel Lewis Morgan picking up his wife Rachael at the Hamburg train station. Colonel Morgan is the regional commander of British forces in Hamburg. Colonel Lewis and Rachael, en-route to their new quarters, pass through the bombed out streets of Hamburg. Colonel Lewis tells his wife that more bombs were dropped on Hamburg by the British in a single weekend than all the bombs dropped on Great Britain by the Nazi Luftwaffe.

This is a lie.

BBC News reported, “Some 30,000 tonnes of bombs were dropped overall and more than 40,000 people killed…The largest bombs dropped on Britain were almost 4,000lb (1,800kg) devices nicknamed Satans.” Wikipedia reports, “In total, the RAF dropped 22,580 long tons of bombs on Hamburg…The Allied bombing of Hamburg during World War II included numerous attacks on civilians and civic infrastructure. As a large city and industrial centre, Hamburg‘s shipyardsU-boat pens, and the Hamburg-Harburg area oil refineries were attacked throughout the war.”

Colonel Lewis and his wife move into a home owned by a German architect named Siegfried Leitmann. Leitmann has a teenage daughter. We learn during the film that Leitmann’s wife was killed in one of the Allied bombing raids. We also learn later in the film that her family owned the shipyards in Hamburg, where the U-boat pens were most likely located. This would mean that Leitmann and his wife would have been close to the Nazis, if for no other reason than her family’s ownership of key strategic assets critical to the Nazi war effort in Northern Germany. During the film we also learn that Colonel Morgan and his wife Rachael lost their son during a Nazi bombing raid in England.

The film depicts the aftermath, which is the “resistance” by those still loyal to Adolph Hitler. Sound familiar? The writers of Aftermath, Joe ShrapnelAnna Waterhouse, appear to push the theme that it is morally necessary for the Nazis to resist because of the destruction caused by the Allied bombing of Hamburg and the aftermath of British forces occupying Hamburg. If you just change the plot to be about a Palestinian family and the Israeli occupiers of Judea and Sumeria after the Six Day War you could have the next Fox Search Light/BBC Films movie titled “Aftermath II?”

Those in the resistance have the number “88” burned into their skin. According to the Anti-Defamation League,

88 is a white supremacist numerical code for “Heil Hitler.” H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 = HH = Heil Hitler.

Leitmann’s daughter befriends one of the “88” Hitler youth members because she is angry that her mother was killed in an Allied bombing raid followed by the British confiscating her father’s home. The daughter provides information (spies) on Colonel Lewis, which leads to an assassination attempt. Her father, while Colonel Lewis is away, seduces Colonel Morgan’s wife. In the end Rachael fully submits to this sinful affair, making plans leave her loyal husband and run away with Leitmann.

The symbolism is stark in that the Leitmann is asked if he knew about the Nazi Neuengamme death camp located in Bergedorf district of Hamburg. The Neuengamme camp eventually became the largest concentration camp in Northwest Germany. Under questioning Leitmann states that he did not know about the German death camp. But how could he not know, given the status of his wife’s family to the Nazis and his estate located on the outskirts of Hamburg?

It is interesting that the main character is named Rachael. Rachael is an important figure in the book of Genesis. Rachel is the younger daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob, Rachel is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, who become two of the twelve tribes of Israel (Gen 35:24; 46:15–18). We do not know if Colonel Lewis’s wife Rachael is Jewish.

When watching “Aftermath” it is important to understand that the producers and director are pushing pro-immoral relativism messages. The first is that cheating on your husband, while sleeping with the enemy, is acceptable. The second message is that Great Britain bombed Nazi Germany and Nazi Germany bombed Great Britain so both are equally at fault. Denigrating the Allied efforts to stop Nazi Germany is akin to recent efforts, by a past U.S. administration and our European allies, to allow Iran to continue to develop nuclear weapons in order to bring death to America and Israel.

The message that should have been emphasized in Aftermath is “Never Again!”

LAUNCHED — ‘Tea Party for Trump’

It is exciting that my patriot brothers and sisters at Tea Party Express have announced the launch of “Tea Party for Trump.” My first tour on Tea Party Express in 2008 led to me speaking and preforming my “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 rallies on several national bus tours.

The launch of “Tea Party for Trump” feels similar to the Blues Brothers saying, “We’re getting the old band back together again because we’re on a mission from God.” My fellow patriots, “Tea Party for Trump” is our mission from God to reelected our remarkable president. 

The Amazing Whistle Stop

Our Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight Nevada featuring Sarah Palin drew 25,000 people. Our rally in Boston drew 19,000. The most memorable rally for me was not a scheduled rally. After completing a rally, our tour bus headed to the next scheduled rally in Memphis Tennessee. A staffer received a phone call requesting that we make a brief whistle stop so around 50 people could meet our team of speakers and entertainers.

When our tour bus arrived at the location, state police were directing traffic. Our bus was greeted by over 500 people enthusiastically cheering while waving American flags. As our team exited the bus, the crowd acted like we were rock stars. The truck hauling our staging and sound system was on its way to Memphis.

Our team used the back of a pickup truck for a stage. Someone handed us a megaphone. After each team member addressed the crowd, we all joined in singing “God Bless America” a cappella. Several people cried. No fancy staging. No powerful PA system. Just Americans, all on one accord, sharing in their love for our country. It was awesome. We were showered with gratitude, homemade baked goods, small gifts and requests to take pictures with us. Once our team was back on the tour bus, the mood was quiet. We were blown away.

Despicably, Congressional Black Caucus Rep Andre Carson said the Tea Party wants to see blacks hanging from a tree. No one tried to lynch me.

For decades, we have allow leftists to dominate public education. Consequently, we have a generation of youths who are clueless regarding this extraordinary, unique and successful experiment we call America. Far too many young voters are willing to surrender their constitutional freedom and throw away every principle and value that has made America great for the promise of government handouts.

Founding father Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

For years, I sought funding to bring “Reach Your Dreams” rallies to black neighborhoods and black colleges. I believe if blacks heard black conservative Republicans tell their stories, commonsense would lead blacks to abandon the repressive insulting Democratic party. The GOP’s response to my proposal was, “Why bother? Blacks will never break their loyalty to Democrats.”

My buddy, Wild Bill for America called me. He said the dumbest place in America is college campuses. Bill wants to schedule Tea Party rallies on college campuses. I think that is a great idea.

In essence, we are talking about taking the truth about Trump and our great country directly to low-info voters, by-passing the lies and distortions of fake news media.

“Tea Party for Trump” is the righteous resistance to Democrats’ deranged lawless resistance to Trump. Please support the Tea Party Express effort to keep president Trump in the White House; keeping America great.

Since 2008 at Tea Party Express rallies, I performed wearing my trademark black hat and black leather vest. Thanks to my KETO diet, the vest still fits – see y’all at a rally.

RELATED VIDEO: A Bigger Meaner Tea Party.

Historians Will Know This As ‘The Era Of The Witch Hunt’

There really is nothing new under the sun. The infamous Salem Witch Trials started with a group of young girls claiming they were doing bad things because they were possessed. They then said that it was witches who caused them to be possessed, naming them without providing any evidence. The “witches” were then summarily executed. Well, eight in total, over just a few months.

According to History.com:

“The infamous Salem witch trials began during the spring of 1692, after a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several local women of witchcraft. As a wave of hysteria spread throughout colonial Massachusetts…”

Sound familiar? Eerily familiar?

The reasonably legitimate origins of the  #MeToo movement, and illegitimate origins of the Trump investigations, have rapidly turned into a dreadful allegory of the Salem witch trials. Horrible men such as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Les Moonves, Louis C.K., Bill Cosby, Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer are just the tip of the bad actors in power positions in Hollywood and the media to take advantage of their positions to sexually exploit women.

Things began to get questionable when it seemed that, as more women made accusations on more men, some were driven by money and some by politics. The movement was getting twisted, which was probably inevitable. But not until the unverified and then repudiated accusations against Brett Kavanaugh did it become clear how completely the movement had been hijacked for political purposes into witch-hunt land.

Really, this idea of women accusing men in heightened political atmospheres (almost entirely Democratic women accusing Republican men) really started with Anita Hill’s unsubstantiated and largely discredited accusations against Clarence Thomas during his Senate confirmation hearings to the U.S. Supreme Court.

(In a different sense, the accusations against Bill Clinton were by dozens of women over a couple of decades, with a fair amount of substantiation, witness corroboration and payoffs on some of them. Yet Clinton was elected twice as the media deeply scrutinized the accusers in the 1990s with the help of Hillary Clinton.)

George W. Bush had vague accusations made against him. Herman Cain was derailed when the conservative black businessman ascended to the top of the Republican presidential nomination fight in 2012 by claims he denied and that were never substantiated. Then came Kavanaugh and the absurd accusations that were clearly not true — two of the three witnesses suggested by the accuser to corroborate her story said the incident never happened, while the third said she never heard about it.

While not burned at the stake, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Thomas are permanently stained for all of history by witch-hunt style charges. Their reputations are forever marred.

That, unfortunately, does not matter to those conducting the witch hunts.

Emily Lindin, a columnist for Teen Vogue magazine, tweeted during the Kavanaugh witch hunt:

“If some innocent men’s reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay.”

Meanwhile Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono astonishingly said Kavanaugh doesn’t deserve a presumption of innocence because of his “ideological agenda.” Given the chance to “clarify” that statement on the friendly CNN network the next day, she doubled down.

Of course, this extends beyond sexual assault accusations.

President Trump has been hounded on multiple fronts. (His sexual escapades, while tawdry, seem to have been consensual.) Most ominously and clearly, the entire Trump-Russia collusion accusation turned out to be a giant witch hunt conducted at the highest levels of the U.S. law enforcement apparatus.

It is quite obvious that after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that cleared Trump completely of the collusion accusations, Democrats say it raised more questions than it answered — and the media reported that straight as though that was even remotely possible.

And now, Democrats in Congress have promised to investigate Trump’s business, Trump’s non-profit, Trump’s holdings, Trump’s tax returns, Trump’s family members, Trump’s friends and Trump’s business partners.

Calling it a fishing expedition is far too gentle. It is a witch hunt, and one swimming in a growing sea of witch hunts. These are just more sophisticated than those launched by the girls in Salem more than three centuries ago.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission.

Restoring Jewish Sovereignty

Intensive investment must be made in civil society frameworks that can not only draw the idea of extended Israeli sovereignty into the main-stream discourse as a legitimate political objective, but as one that can dominate that discourse

I am going to extend sovereignty and I don’t distinguish between settlement blocs and the isolated settlements…From my perspective, any point of settlement is Israeli, and we have responsibility, as the Israeli government. I will not uproot anyone, and I will not transfer sovereignty to the Palestinians. – Benjamin Netanyahu, Channel 12, April 6. 2019.

In a significant departure from his usual ambivalent and non-committal policy formulation regarding the final status of the territories of Judea-Samaria (a.k.a. “West Bank”), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came out with an unexpectedly robust and unequivocal statement of intent just a few days prior to the April 9 election.

Last Saturday, Channel 12 interviewer, Rina Matzliah, fired an almost taunting question at Netanyahu, asking him why, given the fact that he had a largely compliant government domestically, and a firmly supportive administration in Washington, he had not done more to extend Israeli sovereignty over Judea-Samaria. In response, the Prime Minister announced that that was precisely what he intended to—if reelected in the elections that were due to be held the following Tuesday.

Two-states increasingly unfeasible

Since the interview, the election results have come in, making it almost certain that Netanyahu will continue as prime minister and be tasked by the president to form the next government—putting him in a position to fulfill his pledge.

Nonetheless, while the election results gave an unambiguous victory to Netanyahu and the “Right-wing” block, it is still anyone’s guess as to how sincere he was in his statement of intention and how serious he will be about implementing it in practice.

Be that as it may, even at this early stage several issues are already clear.

The prospect of any measure entailing the transfer of large tracts of Judea-Samaria to Palestinian-Arab control is becoming increasingly unfeasible. Indeed, as Netanyahu pointed out in his interview, the likely outcome of such an initiative would be the creation of a mega-Gaza–twenty times the scale of what has developed in the South.

Accordingly, there appears to be growing awareness of the dangers entailed in any such policy—especially over time. After all, even if some “genuine Palestinian-Arab peace partner” could be identified as having sufficient pliancy to accommodate Israel’s minimal security concerns, and sufficient authority to enforce an agreement acceptable to Israel on a recalcitrant public, there is no guarantee that his hold on power could be ensured for long. Clearly, once Israel relinquishes control over territory, it cannot determine who will seize the reins of power—as the 2007 Islamist take-over of Gaza starkly underscores—and the pliant peace partner could be replaced—by the ballot or the bullet—by a more inimical successor…precisely because of the “perfidious” deal he cut with the infidel “Zionist entity”.

Lethargic support for sovereignty in new coalition?

But the election results also embody another message for the advocates of Jewish sovereignty. For they underscore just how tenuous relying on elected politicians to promote and implement any initiative for the extension of Jewish sovereignty across the 1967 Green Line can be.

For despite an ostensibly robust showing by the “Right”, when one examines the composition of the emerging coalition, the only strong advocate for extending sovereignty is the “United Right”, an amalgam of three factions, widely considered to be “ultra-right” religious Zionist parties, with four parliamentary seats. At the time of submitting this piece, neither the New Right (advocating extending Israeli sovereignty to Area C), nor Zehut (advocating Israeli sovereignty over all of Judea- Samaria) passed the minimal thresholds for election to the Knesset. So whatever the overall reason was for their poor performance, both these parties clearly failed utterly in rallying wide-spread popular support for the idea of extended sovereignty—whether partial or otherwise.

Moreover, none of the other prospective coalition partners can be said to be avid advocates of sovereignty—whether the ultra-Orthodox parties, Shas and United Torah; the Kulanu faction, headed by former Finance Minister, Moshe Kahlon; or even Yisrael Beiteinu headed by former Defense Minister, Avigdor Liberman—who despite his bellicose rhetoric towards both the Palestinian and Israeli-Arabs has in fact expressed support for the two-state principle .

The need to generate greater public support

Accordingly, if the call for extending Israeli sovereignty over Judea-Samaria is not to be seen as a concept that is embraced almost exclusively by the religious right, strenuous efforts must be made to advance its legitimacy in the non- observant quarters of Israeli society.

For if this is not accomplished, it is likely to be dismissed as no more than a tenet of a radical religious credo, with little chance of it being adopted as a legitimate political objective by wider circles with the Israeli polity or society at large, beyond the ranks of the religious Zionist sector.

This is a consideration of utmost importance for sovereignty advocates. For given Netanyahu’s hitherto reticence in advancing the principle, it is not implausible to surmise that unless considerable pressure is exerted on him, he may, despite his impressive electoral success, be loathe to advance the issue of extended sovereignty with sufficient vigor to take full advantage of the clement climes in Washington—which cannot be counted on indefinitely.

There are three potential sources of pressure on Netanyahu.

The first is from within the Likud itself—where a good number of Knesset members and ministers support extending sovereignty to some degree or other. However, given Netanyahu’s intra-party dominance, it is unlikely that pressures from within the Likud will be sufficient to compel him to undertake far-reaching initiatives, which he is reluctant to adopt.

The need to generate greater public support (cont.)

The second is from his coalition partners, but as pointed out previously, apart from the United Right with only 4 seats, sovereignty has not been a central issue for the remainder of the coalition members, who are unlikely to make this a cardinal condition for their continued support of Netanyahu, should he balk at honoring his pledge.

The third—and most important, but sadly, the most neglected—source of pressure is from the public. It is here that “Right-wing” benefactors in general, and sovereignty supporters in particular, have been especially remiss.

In previous INTO THE FRAY columns, I have been at pains to point out that whoever controls the political discourse controls the political decision makers’ perception of the possible alternatives open to them and the unavoidable constraints confronting them. Accordingly, by controlling these perceptions, whoever controls the political discourse controls the political decision making process.

It is precisely here that “Right-wing” benefactors have misread the ideo-political battlefield—see Failed Philanthropy; and Like a Man in a Bucket: Failed Philanthropy (Cont.) . For as I have pointed out in these and other columns, whereas “Left-wing” benefactors have funded frameworks and mechanisms to advance political agendas, “Right-wing” benefactors have channeled support largely to causes more concrete and tangible in nature.

Accordingly, by focusing on the concrete rather than on the conceptual, “Right-wing” benefactors have allowed the “Left-wing” to hijack the discourse and acquire influence on the political decision making process—and hence on policy formulation—far beyond its electoral success at the polls – see The Limousine Theory: Understanding Politics in Israel- How It Works And Why It Doesn’t .

Learning the “Oslo Lesson”

Indeed, the “Right-wing” can learn much from the modus operandi of the “Left”.

After all, at the beginning of the 1990s, advancing the notion of Palestinian statehood was considered borderline sedition. Contacts with Yasser Arafat’s PLO were an offense punishable—and punished—by imprisonment. Yet, undeterred, the Left persisted—and because it was resolute in its aim, resourceful in its pursuit, and successful in raising resources, it managed to convert an idea, that was not only marginal and marginalized, not only illegitimate, but illegal, into the principle political paradigm that dominated the discourse for decades.

Indeed, in this regard, it is important to recall that the Oslo Accords, which essentially catapulted the pursuit of Palestinian statehood from being an act of treason to the internationally acclaimed centerpiece of Israeli foreign policy, were not born in the political system or created by incumbent politicians. They were born in Israel’s civil society and created by unelected civil society elites, who then imposed their agenda on the—often reluctant—elected incumbents.

There is an important lesson here for the advocates of extended sovereignty.

The key to implementing Netanyahu’s pledge to extend Israeli sovereignty to Judea-Samaria may not lie in direct efforts to persuade elected politicians to embrace it, but by investing resources in dominating the public discourse so as to mold decision-makers’ perceptions of what can be done and what must be avoided.

This then, should be the most urgent post-election priority for sovereignty advocates and their benefactors—especially in light of the looming specter of the Trump  “deal of the century”,  rumored to include demands for significant Israeli concessions:
Intensive investment of resources in civil society ideo-intellectual frameworks and mechanisms, that can not only draw the idea of extended Israeli sovereignty into the mainstream discourse as a legitimate political objective, but as one that can dominate that discourse.

That is the most reliable, hands-on approach to restoring Jewish sovereignty to the heart of the Jewish homeland.

RELATED ARTICLE: After Netanyahu’s Victory, will Israel Annex Towns in Judea and Samaria?

A Friendship that Changed History

Thirty years ago, the good guys won the Cold War, yet today we have a front runner candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, who is an out-of-the closet socialist. He loved the old Soviet Union so much so that he spent his honeymoon there.

For decades, the Communists were aiming to take over the whole world. “We will bury you,” claimed Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1956.

Thirty years ago, two men played pivotal roles in helping to speed up the end of Russian domination—President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II.

Dr. Paul Kengor, a professor of history and political science, as well as a bestselling author on Reagan and on communism, wrote a book called, A Pope and a President (2017). I have interviewed Dr. Kengor on my radio show on this subject. He told me,

“The story of the 20th century was atheistic, Soviet Communism, which ran from 1917 to 1991; and these two men, Reagan and John Paul II, lived it. They saw it as the great evil of their time, and they came together of one mind and mission to defeat it.”

Kengor is the chief consultant and a recurring guest in the brilliant, new film, “The Divine Plan.” This documentary was written, produced, and directed by Rob Orlando, and it shows how Reagan and John Paul II both miraculously survived assassination attempts within weeks of each other. The film depicts how they went to work together, mostly behind the scenes, to help Solidarity—the Polish labor union led by Lech Walesa, which defied the Communist government in Poland.

I asked Rob Orlando why he made this film and why now. He told me, “I started this film during and after the Trump election and the media attacks which were deeply cynical and I felt unhealthy for our nation. I wanted to be more inspirational. I also was drawn to the idea of exploring and uncovering the riddle of ‘The Divine Plan’ in the lives of Ronald Reagan and John Paul II.”

Orlando added, “From there it became more of an inspirational quest to also show how these two men, who were almost killed within 6 weeks of one another, would come together as Cold Warriors and crush the forces of Communism. It became a heroic tale, much like the super hero stories we see again and again.”

Orlando’s film is very well done, with driving music, compelling documentary footage, and fascinating interviews, including Kengor’s.

The faith of Reagan and of John Paul II helped bring about the chain of events that led to the undoing of the evil empire. The film highlights what could be called “the God factor” in this slice of history, and the connection between faith and freedom.

There is a distinct Catholic feel to the film. But it appeals to people of all faiths interested in this fascinating story.

My boss and pastor for many years was the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, a conservative Presbyterian minister, who warned people against Communism for decades. A few years into the Reagan presidency, Kennedy made a stunning prediction.

Kennedy declared in his televised pulpit message, “The Beginning of the End of Communism” (12/30/84):

“I believe, though I am not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, that there is every possibility that by the year 2000, Communism will be a thing of the past. This specter, as Marx and Engels described it, which has haunted Europe, and now haunts the whole world, will have been exorcised from this planet once and for all… and the Gospel of Jesus Christ moves out with all its power across the world—then the mighty hand of God will be seen. The claws and teeth of the Communist bear will be extracted and that hulk, that carcass, will be swept by the arm of God on to the garbage heap of history, and hundreds of millions of people will rejoice.”

In the movie, “The Divine Plan,” we see President Reagan speaking at a University of Notre Dame commencement (5/17/81), in which he declares: “The West won’t contain Communism. It will transcend Communism.”

But young people today have grown up without the threat of Communism over their heads. More millennials have a warm and fuzzy feeling over the term “socialism” than they do “capitalism.”

It’s unthinkable that Communism, which killed in excess of a hundred million of its own people in the 20th century alone, is among the answers that some young people are considering today.

Communism needs to be defeated again—this time in the classroom and in the late night bull sessions in dorm rooms and coffee houses of American universities. “The Divine Plan” reminds us that it once was defeated in a virtually bloodless way. It tells the story of a beautiful friendship that changed history.

PODCAST: The Reparations Game


I have been hearing about reparations for many years. Of course, this is for American blacks whose descendants were slaves in this country years ago. I first heard of it back in the 1960’s and it seems to come around every ten years or so, usually around election time.

Democrats have brought it up once again as we go into the 2020 election cycle. It’s a desperate attempt to attract African-American votes and keep them in line. Democrats are big into “giveaways,” you know, the “chicken in every pot” routine in exchange for votes. The more they give away, the deeper the country goes into debt. Basically, they won’t be happy until they have redistributed the wealth. Instead of offering programs encouraging people to work, they sucker them into winning the Lotto.

Democrats currently supporting reparations include Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, Former Secretary of HUD Julian Castro, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Sen. Cory Booker (NJ), all considered left of center in terms of their politics.

The subject of reparations is always a hot topic for blacks, particularly young people becoming politically aware, but it is also designed to lay a guilt trip on whites for their possible involvement, even though slavery ended over 150 years ago, and nobody is alive from that generation, black or white. As for me, I do not feel the slightest bit of guilt as my family didn’t arrive in this country until the 1920’s, and legally I might add, meaning my family had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery. As far as I am concerned, reparations is a non-issue, and I am offended if anyone tries to lay this guilt-trip on me.

One question that has always troubled me regarding this issue is, why do they want reparations from Americans only and not the Africans who sold them into slavery to begin with? And what about the northerners who fought to free the slaves; why should they be forced to pay for it, or any Republican for that matter as they were the party of Lincoln, aka The Abolitionists? Come to think of it, the Democrats should be footing the bill as they represented Southern interests and were the slave owners.

Having observed these periodic reparation attempts over the years, I see it as nothing more than an attempt to heighten racial tensions, thereby further dividing the country. The Democrats are playing a dangerous game; they want to redistribute the wealth at the expense of race relations.

In all likelihood, reparations will play a small role in the 2020 elections. African-Americans should be more concerned with their recent economic prosperity as more have been gainfully employed over the last two years than ever before in our history. Unfortunately, there will be others who will cling to the past and enslave themselves to the Democrats.

After the election is concluded, reparations will quietly go away until the next time it is needed to secure the black vote.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

The Democrat Socialist Party’s Road to a Serious Racial Divide in America

Almost every Democrat Socialist seeking the Presidential nomination and their left media supporters say President Trump is a racist. No one specifies what makes him a racist. So perhaps I can list it for them:

  • Is he a racist because he is responsible for passing legislation reducing jail sentences mostly affecting Blacks and Latinos for non violent crimes giving them a second chance?
  • Is he a racist for trying to protect America’s Southern border from illegals entering the country including criminals or the smuggling in of narcotics or sex slaves?
  • Is he a racist  for pressing Congress to pass sensible immigration laws?
  • Is he a racist for supporting the work of ICE who protect innocent Americans from illegal criminals?
  • Is he a racist for supporting the police and law and order?
  • Is he a racist for objecting to the dismissal of all charges by a Chicago prosecutor against Jussie Smollett after a 16 count grand jury indictment?
  • Is he a racist because he has reduced unemployment for Blacks and Latinos to record lows and has allowed millions to reject food stamps in favor of work?

Where is the evidence that President Trump is a Racist?

No American President has ever been labelled a racist by so many adversarial politicians or their liberal media without a basis in fact. The Democratic Socialists along with their left media decided if they don’t agree with the President’s agenda he must be a racist.

Not only have the Democratic Socialists and their media labelled Trump a racist but by extension they are labeling over 60 million American Trump supporters, all ‘deplorable’s’, as racists as well. That’s a lot of racists.

Clearly the Democrat Socialists are engaging in the worse kind of identity and racial politics.

They are convincing millions of Blacks and Latinos that they are victims of White racists who make up a large majority of Trump supporters. If they are trying to create a serious racial divide between people of color and Whites they are well on the way to achieving their goal.

RELATED ARTICLE: Left’s Embrace of Identity Politics Makes It Wise for Jews to Move to the Right

Democratic Party Candidates for President Are Promoting the Seven Deadly Sins

As the Democratic field of candidates for president expands we are beginning to see what policies they are promoting. As we read their public statements of things that they promise they will do if elected it brought to mind that they fit into neat categories. These categories are the the Seven Deadly Sins.

Here they are:

  • Lust – to have an intense desire or need. Each of the candidates for president has a lust for power over the masses. This lust for power (big government) is demonstrated by the turn of Democrats toward “Democratic Socialism.” In a 1989 television interview Senator Bernie Sanders described himself as a “socialist.” As the author of ‘From a “Race of Masters” to a “Master Race”: 1948 to 1848‘ A.E. Samaan wrote “Democratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism.”
  • Gluttony – excess in eating and drinking. Democrats work hard to portray the Republican Party, and President Trump, who support the free market system as gluttony. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in 2015, “Let me say a word about that. You are looking at a candidate who does not represent the agenda of corporate America. Who does not represent the agenda of the billionaire class.” According to Celebrity Net Worth, as of 2017, Sanders is worth an estimated $2 million. According to Business Insider, “Sanders reportedly owns three homes, including a four-bedroom house in Chittenden County, Vermont, that he bought with his wife, Jane, for $405,000 in 2009.” Senator Sanders is considered one of the poorest of those running for president. For example, according to News Week Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, “O’Rourke had a net worth of about $9 million in 2015…O’Rourke also married into wealth. The woman he married in 2005, Amy Hoover Sanders, is the daughter of real estate tycoon William Sanders, whom The New York Times called a billionaire, but his net worth was closer to $500 million, Forbes estimated in November [2018].”
  • Greed – excessive or reprehensible passion in acquiring money or material things. See Gluttony.
  • Laziness – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous. Democrats support two policies that promote laziness. The first is the $15 minimum wage ($15 Now). Raising the minimum wage without merit promotes laziness. Why work harder when a Democratic Party controlled government is going to raise every ones hourly salary anyway? The second is promising a job to everyone. Senator Cory Booker, D-N.J., released a plan that would create a pilot job guarantee programs in 15 communities where unemployment is particularly high. NPR reports, “Proposals like a job guarantee, Medicare for all and tuition-free college have moved from the policy fringe on the left toward the mainstream in the Democratic Party, embraced by some of those interested in challenging Trump as the party tries to give voters a clear, memorable outline of what Democrats stand for.” Getting something for nothing is the definition of laziness.
  • Wrath – strong vengeful anger or indignation. Anger, indignation and hate permeates the Democratic candidates. They cannot fathom that there are Americans who voted to make Donald J. Trump president and will do so again in 2020. Timothy P. Carney in a Washington Examiner column titled “Can Democrats love the voters Hillary hated?” wrote, “Democrats took over the House of Representatives in part by picking up dozens of seats in upper-middle-class suburban districts. The new bragging point for Democrats is that they are the party of the highly educated and the successful. It allows for the self-serving explanation that people who know the real deal vote Democratic, and only the clueless bitter clingers vote Republican.” The use of terms like racist, bigoted, hateful, misogynistic, Islamophobic and homophobic against those who support President Trump are key indicators of how wrathful Democrats and their supporters have become. What is also on the rise is the wrath of the Democratic Party against Jews. Anti-Semitism is now their official policy.
  • Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage. Democrats hate success (see Gluttony, Greed and Wrath). Democratic candidates for president are by all definitions successful people. However, they envy those who are as or more successful than they are. They want to tax those with wealth at a rate of 70%. It is most interesting that Democrats are fully embraced by a litany of Hollywood millionaires, corporate billionaires (CEOs of Facebook, Google, Twitter) and multi-millionaire sports and media personalities.
  • Pride – quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem. Democrats embrace the term “pride” but pride in what exactly? Are they proud to be an American? Do they take pride in making America, and thereby Americans, great? Their stated policies would show that they hate America. Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stated on MSNBC, “I hear these things about ‘let’s make America great again’ and I think to myself, exactly ‘when did you think America was great’?” Another example of pride is former President Barack Obama referring to himself a record-breaking 392 times in his April, 2019 Berlin speech. Democratic pride in deed and words.

If you see other examples of how the Democratic Party and its candidates for president are promoting one of the seven deadly sins please add it in the comments section below.

The 2020 Democratic primaries will be most interesting to watch. We will see if the candidates become more or less sinful.

RELATED ARTICLE: Left’s Embrace of Identity Politics Makes It Wise for Jews to Move to the Right

The Rabid Main Stream Media Hatred of Trump Supporters

He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander is a fool.  Proverbs 10:18 KJV

Hatred, in the course of time, kills the unhappy wretch who delights in nursing it in his bosom. – Giacomo Casanova

God’s truth judges created things out of love, and Satan’s truth judges them out of envy and hatred. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

When I look at the Democratic Party and main stream media (MSM), all I see is control by demonic powers and a satanic hatred of truth. The party was started in January 1828 by Andrew Jackson, our 7th President, and Martin Van Buren, our 8th President.  Less than 200 years later, the Democratic Party has become the party of Karl Marx.

Those presidents of the 19th Century would never believe media would promote a 29 year old socialist on the cover of Time Magazine as it has with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Neither would they believe that anti-Semite Islamist, Ilhan Omar was featured on the cover of Time as the first congresswoman from Somalia.  Our third President, Thomas Jefferson, fought the Muslim Barbary pirates and defeated them and then the United Kingdom again in the War of 1812.  But today the media is silenced.

In my previous article, I discussed the NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision of 1964 which allows media to lie about public figures.  As such, great advantage of this decision was used not only in trying to destroy our President with a false narrative of Russian collusion by the DNC, but also the destruction via Special Counsel Robert Mueller of the men who supported and worked for Donald Trump.

Several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people about our President and his supporters.  The lies told by media have ruined a number of good men, and the majority of those lies were fundamentally false. Link  As Diane West says in her book, The Red Thread, look for the “Reds” responsible for this coup against our President and his supporters.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” was the law of propaganda often attributed to the virulent anti-Semitic Nazi, Joseph Goebbels.  Media learned well.

Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn

The Flynn brothers in 2011 with their now late mother Helen.

General Flynn, a 33-year dedicated military veteran and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama administration was one of the first to endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. He was named during the transition to head up the national security apparatus in the White House.  The General was President Trump’s wisest choice.  He knows more about military intelligence, China, Iran, Islam, and the corrupt Department of Justice and the FBI than anyone in President Trump’s administration. In 2010 he co-authored Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan.

In a recent PJ Media article, Michael Ledeen explains that General Flynn changed the way we did intelligence against the likes of Zarqawi, bin Laden, the Taliban, and their allies.  He saw that our battlefield intelligence was too slow and made it light years faster.  Ledeen said, “This earned him a following among some who worked for or with him, but it also gained him the enmity of those who had been cut out of ‘the chain of command.’”

A Marine buddy’s brother served under General Flynn and he said, “Mike Flynn walks on water, and he doesn’t even get his shoes wet.”  That’s how much they loved him.

The Obama/Clinton cabal knew they had to stop General Flynn.  They knew he was dangerous to their corrupt apparatus, so they set him up.  Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, organized the surveillance apparatus.  Dr. Evelyn Farkas, former Obama deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia and Ukraine, before she left in 2015, urged her former colleagues to, “get as much information as you can…get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration.”  Link

General Flynn long ago became the target and the truth is, he never lied to anyone.  Mike Pence, Reince Priebus, Sally Yates, the FBI and Obama were responsible for eliminating him from the Trump administration. The establishment and Deep State joined together to destroy the man who endangered their corrupt cabal. Unfortunately, our President did not have the foresight and political discernment to comprehend why they wanted Flynn gone.  He should never have allowed it.

The General was the only person in the administration who was capable of dismantling and destroying the corrupt and weaponized intelligence community, and they all knew it.

The standard modus operandi was used.  Exculpatory Russia evidence about the General was kept secret by the intel community.  Link  Both FBI agents, Strzok and Pientka who did the sneak attack interview on the General said he didn’t lie about anything.  Yet, Devin Nunes told Maria Bartiromo that they were never allowed to interview Joe Pientka.  Congressman Nunes believes the General plead guilty because he was out of money and Bartiromo mentioned that Mueller’s modus operandi was to threaten the General’s son. Link

And now, Russian historian Svetlana Lokhova is speaking out.  Watch the latest video at Fox News with Tucker Carlson.  Svetlana is exposing the Obama Deep State apparatus and the accompanying involvement of Stefan Halper, a well-known CIA operative and the FBI informant who monitored the Trump campaign.  The DOJ and FBI’s highly inflammatory and, at best, misleading claims that they made to try to prevent Halper’s identity from being reported are extremely troubling.

Bring Back Flynn!

There are many Mueller and Obama agents still in the FBI and FBI Director Christopher Wray is promoting the cabal again.  David P. Goldman says, “To Stop the Deep State, Bring Back Mike Flynn.”

General Flynn was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 when the DIA blew the whistle on CIA backing for Sunni Islamists fighting the Assad regime during the then-raging Syrian civil war.  Trump was right when he said the Obama administration created ISIS.

Goldman wrote, “President Trump should pardon Gen. Flynn right now and summon him back to Washington. Mueller forced Flynn to plead guilty to an invented charge of lying to FBI agents, even though the FBI agents who interviewed him about Russian contacts said that they thought he was telling the truth. Now that the Mueller investigation has come up with nothing, the frame-up of Gen. Flynn appears all the more heinous. The Deep State feared Mike Flynn, with good reason. Trump should reappoint him to a top job, and really terrify his opponents.”

Please help the General defray millions in legal costs by donating to his legal defense fund, and ask President Trump to immediately dismiss these false charges against Mike Flynn.

Paul Manafort

Mr. Manafort worked only a short time for candidate Trump as his campaign chairman.  He has paid a high price for the few months he advised Donald Trump, including nearly nine months in solitary confinement, a draconian punishment which did not fit the crime.  He has plead guilty to charges.

Ten years ago, Manafort was allegedly investigated for the same crimes and there was a decision not to move forward.  Allegedly, according to Judge Napolitano, the man who exonerated and dropped the charges was Rod Rosenstein.

Former U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy writes in National Review that there are no guarantees it won’t or can’t be revisited:

“…the closing of an investigation does not come with a guarantee that the investigation will never be reopened. Nothing prevented the Justice Department itself from reviving the Ukrainian case against Manafort.

If Manafort’s tie to the Trump campaign convinced Rosenstein that the Trump Justice Department would have a conflict of interest in any criminal investigation involving Manafort, Rosenstein could properly have assigned the reopened Ukrainian case to a special counsel in the first instance — i.e., as part of Mueller’s original jurisdiction.

The unredacted part of Rosenstein’s August 2nd, 2017 memo authorizes Mueller to investigate allegations that Paul Manafort, as Trump’s Campaign Manager, “committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials” and “committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych.”

Much of the August 2nd memo is redacted, until the end, where Rosenstein tells Mueller, “You therefore have authority to continue and complete the investigation of those matters…”

As Fox News noted, Rosenstein’s August 2nd memorandum specifically authorizing Mueller to investigate Paul Manafort’s financial dealings came one week after the FBI’s July 26, 2019 predawn raid on Manafort’s home, where the FBI reportedly seized Manafort’s bank records and tax documents.

Paul Manafort will probably die in prison for having worked for Donald Trump, whether or not he’s guilty of charges that would not have been revisited had he not been a Trump employee.  In January of 2018, Mueller said that Manafort should not get credit for cooperating.

The MSM has condemned this man as a white-collar criminal and has lied about him while extoling the virtues of Rick Gates who has fully “cooperated with Mueller” and is also charged with financial fraud and lying to the FBI.  Manafort did do things improperly and illegally, but had he never worked for Donald Trump, it is highly unlikely he would be paying this exorbitant price.

Of course, the Podesta brothers have done much the same, but have never been charged.  Manafort worked for John and Tony Podesta, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and assisted in gaining Russian benefits via influence over State Department policy.  But Bob Mueller is also connected to Manafort’s business partners in the Ukraine – the Podesta Brothers – who are connected to Hillary Clinton – and a Russian “foundation” in the Ukraine labeled the Party of Regions.

Why isn’t Robert Mueller investigated?

Roger Stone is a 40-year friend of Donald Trump and one who early on in the campaign advised him.  Now he’s being charged with obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering.  Instead of the Mueller investigation requesting Stone’s lawyer to have Stone turn himself in, they made a public display with a group of heavily armed FBI agents storming Roger Stone’s Florida home on a January morning in 2019, as seen in a dramatic CNN video.

Twenty-nine FBI agents in bullet proof protective gear and armed with submachine guns showed up pre-dawn at Roger Stone’s home.  There were seventeen vehicles, two of which were armored, two boats behind Roger’s home and one helicopter was circling overhead. Link  Only twelve Navy Seals were dispatched to eliminate Osama bin Laden.

Law enforcement vehicles with flashing lights, but without sirens, are seen parked nearby Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home shortly after 6 a.m. ET, CNN reports. The network has aired the footage multiple times. Stone was accused by a federal grand jury of lying about the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to Robert Mueller.

FBI raids are not broadcast to the media, but this one was by one of Mueller’s boys. Beirut-born Assyrian-American George Piro, Special Agent in Charge Miami, most likely authorized the raid and leaked the information to CNN.

Roger Stone also has a legal defense fund for donations.  Please help.

Papadopoulos and Cohen

Ex-Donald Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos was released from prison after serving 12 days for lying. As part of his sentence, Papadopoulos will serve 12 months of probation.

Former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen even plead to charges that are not crimes and will serve three years in jail for charges of financial fraud and campaign finance violations.  Department of Housing and Urban Development official, Lynne Patton, a long time Trump family associate and Cohen friend, appeared when Cohen gave his rehearsed testimony to Congress.  She claimed there was another reason for Cohen’s betrayal—that his wife was being threatened with jail time unless he “turned on” Trump. Do I believe this?  Absolutely, it’s the Mueller gang modus operandi.


The Rule of Law is the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. It has become only too obvious those connected to the Democrat Party never suffer for their crimes.  Enemies of the establishment will suffer for any perceived crime or for no crime at all, but their friends like Jussie Smollet go free, despite being charged with 16 felony counts.

It’s time for truth to be restored to the public discourse, the 1964 NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision needs to be overturned. Actual truth regarding the whole fraudulent Russia collusion has never been seen on MSM.  They continue to spew their poisonous lies.

RELATED ARTICLE: TDS MELTDOWN: Mexican Trump Supporter Assaulted by Psychotic Androgynous Liberal in Post Office For Wearing MAGA Hat (VIDEO)

MOVIE REVIEW: “SHAZAM!” and its Biblical Messages?

Hollywood seems to turning out more Bible based films from “Run The Race” to “Unplanned.” Is Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Comics SHAZAM! a Bible based film or just another superhero movie?

It’s a bit of both. But first watch the official trailer:

The theme of the movie is all about seeking someone with a pure heart to fight against the seven deadly sins. Kind of sounds like what is happening in our world today, doesn’t it?

AllAboutGod.com lists the seven deadly sins with their Bible references:

QUESTION: What are the seven deadly sins?


Many people are asking, “What are the seven deadly sins?” The seven deadly sins viewed by society and literature are:

  • Lust – to have an intense desire or need: “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
  • Gluttony – excess in eating and drinking: “for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags” (Proverbs 23:21).
  • Greed – excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness: “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more” (Ephesians 4:19).
  • Laziness – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous: “The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway” (Proverbs 15:19).
  • Wrath – strong vengeful anger or indignation: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1)
  • Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage: “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:1-2).
  • Pride – quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).

Know anyone in your family, community, at work or in elective office who symbolizes one or more of the seven deadly sins? Maybe someone who embodies all of them like the villain in SHAZAM!

SHAZAM! is also about broken families and dedicated foster parents. The foster parents were abandoned children who were raised by foster parents. The foster children turn out to be pure of heart and they become super heroes.

The story line would have been better if there was truly a hero who has gone through great loss and yet won against all odds like in the film Run The Race. But at least at the end you leave feeling that good can defeat evil, on a personal and global level.

I recommend this film for its theme of good prevails in the end.