Navy Veteran and Wife Place 100 America Flags on Gulf of America Beach in Santa Rosa County, Florida on January 26th, 2025

Geoff and Karina Ross posted 100 American flags along the Gulf of America on Navarre Beach in Santa Rosa County, Florida on January 26th, 2025.

Geoff and Karina then gave away many of the flags to individuals along the Gulf of America beach asking what they were doing.

Geoff is a retired United States Navy Chief and Karina is currently a legal permanent resident from Venezuela and will become a full American citizen in 2027. Karina is excited that her citizenship papers will be signed by President Donald J. Trump!

We believe that when President Donald J. Trump renamed it the Gulf of America that his declaration was not cosmetic but strategic. It was a signal that now America has control of the gulf’s vast resources including fish, oil, natural gas and any minerals found on the gulf’s bottom.

This renaming is a clear signal for American companies, who were denied the right to drill under the previous administration, can now drill, fish and mine to their hearts content.

This will enrich every state along the Gulf, lower the prices of oil and natural gas and enrich Americans.

It’s the golden age in action.

P.S. Note that the first trip abroad by Secretary of State Marco Rubio is to Panama. This is a clear indication that America wants total control of unlimited access to the Gulf of America. The Gulf of America is now a national security issue and our Navy and Coast Guard will take control stopping the cartels from using the Gulf of America to ship drugs and as a human trafficking venue.

Stay tuned for more good news from President Trump and Secretary of State Rubio.

©2025 . All rights reserved.

Supporting RFK Jr. — A Science-based Petition is being circulated!

In my recent Commentary, I not only indicated support for RFK Jr. to head up DHHS but spelled out my top three recommendations for him to take. #1 was to publicly segregate between real Science and political science. IMO failure to make that key distinction is at the core of why our healthcare policies are ineffective and why our medical agencies (e.g., FDA, CDC, etc.) have lost their way.

Interestingly, some of his allies have recently posted a petition (copied below), and (in an accompanying email) indicated: If you are a medical professional, scientist, professor, or Nobel Laureate, please sign this letter of support for RFK Jr. for DHHS Secretary!

IMO the most significant part is the emphasis on the traditional Scientific Method. If under RFKjr’s leadership that focus is adhered to, we will be making a GIANT stride toward dumping political science and replacing it with genuine Science.

[Note 1: I don’t endorse everything RFKjr has said, but if we start with an agreement that real Science will be the adjudicator, what better can we ask for? Note 2: The Left is adamantly opposed to real Science (e.g., see here). As such they will be aggressively trying to undermine the Senate’s support for RFKjr, as an emphasis on genuine Science is a mortal threat to their ideology.]

The United States Senate:

The cornerstone of scientific progress has always been the fearless pursuit of truth through rigorous inquiry and open debate. Today, we write with growing concern about a troubling trend in our scientific discourse: the increasing tendency to dismiss legitimate scientific inquiry as “misinformation” when it challenges prevailing views.

Defunding, censoring, or unpublishing studies because they contain different conclusions from others is antithetical to the scientific method. Being unable to question data or disagree with our colleagues defeats true scientific progress, works to further increase public groupthink, and inhibits scientific exploration. As Ivar Giaever, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1973), stated “Incontrovertible is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science.”

It is contrary to our core beliefs as Nobel laureates, scientists, and doctors who know and understand that research should drive conversations and not be used to dismiss anyone. It is also equally contrary for scientific progress to label well-designed research findings and conclusions as pseudoscience or as misinformation when another colleague merely disapproves or disagrees with those findings. Discrepancies or disagreements should encourage more communication, refinement, research, and constructive discourse. Science advances not through consensus but through rigorous testing of competing hypotheses.

We want the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services to champion people with concerns about their health, chronic diseases, health policies, and environmental toxins, and who will not avoid discussing contentious issues. Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly demonstrated this courage while maintaining an unwavering commitment to evidence-based decision-making.

The former letters by our colleagues do not reflect everyone’s views and unfairly antagonize Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Irrespective of whether we all agree with all of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s positions and beliefs, it is clear that he believes in the scientific method and the right to further investigation and constructive discourse.

We also want to clarify some facts in response to those letters:

  1. Mr. Kennedy’s professional experience is both relevant and significant. Since the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) was established in 1953, only five of the 29 secretaries had professional backgrounds in medicine. The majority of secretaries shared expertise in fields similar to Mr. Kennedy, such as law (approximately 10), politics and legislative experience (approximately 7), and public administration and policy (approximately 8).
  2. Mr. Kennedy advocates for greater transparency in vaccine research, efficacy, and safety, positioning this within the broader context of his public health advocacy. His perspective highlights the critical importance of informed consent and bodily integrity, principles fundamental to respecting personal autonomy widely recognized under international frameworks as well as state and federal laws.
  3. Inconclusive studies and findings on a subject do not establish definitive facts. Labeling Mr. Kennedy as anti-science or anti-vaccine undermines the ability of researchers and scientists to critically analyze all available data, challenge existing studies, or seek legal remedies when harm occurs. Such labeling stifles open debate and discourages independent evaluation of the science, ultimately fostering greater public distrust. Constructive discourse and the freedom to form independent conclusions are essential to advancing scientific understanding and maintaining public confidence.
  4. Mr. Kennedy’s stance on the fluoridation of drinking water is supported by several reputable studies, including a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, and a 2024 report by the National Toxicology Program under the Biden administration. These findings raised concerns about fluoride’s potential health effects, including cognitive impairment in children, and highlighted the need for further research and public discussion about the risks, benefits, and broader industry impacts of fluoridation. Mr. Kennedy’s advocacy for continued research and policy evaluation aligns with the responsibilities of government agencies that are committed to protecting public health.
  5. Mr. Kennedy’s position regarding AIDS treatment is relevant to fostering more public health conversations about comprehensive solutions to the highly mutable HIV. His point was that while AZT was a valuable initial step, its use as a monotherapy led to limitations, such as the development of drug resistance and significant side effects, which hindered the exploration of other potential therapies at the time.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s willingness to listen, to avoid antagonizing individuals who disagree with him, and to champion those who have been harmed makes him a true advocate of public health and a qualified candidate to lead as Secretary of Health and Human Services.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


If you are a medical professional, scientist, professor, etc. please sign the petition!

©2025 All rights reserved.

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LEDGER REPORT LIVE: Trump’s Tremendous Week One — From California to D,C,, 47’s Sweeping Effect

Deportations? Killing DEI? Rejecting WHO? Demands for California? No tax on tips/SS?

President Trump has done more in one week than any conservative in modern U.S. history. Question is: how can he make these changes PERMANENT?

Let’s talk about it…or anything else you desire, LIVE & with Graham Ledger.

Wednesday 10am EASTERN (7am Pacific) via the YouTube and also on Rumble.

Of course, if you cannot watch LIVE, you certainly can watch the recorded version, but please send Graham your comments & questions at

©2025 . All rights reserved.

Please visit The Ledger Report.

Grace in Action

I’m convinced if the original Disciples of Christ knew the cost of walking with Him, they would certainly have backed out of the deal. I’m convinced if I had known the cost of walking with Christ, I certainly would have run away…and kept running! I also now believe true Christianity, not the “feel good happy times” form taught in most churches today, is an experience in losing the lives of our dreams in order to receive the life Jesus died to give us. Our eternal salvation is secured by our initial decision to accept Jesus Christ’s forgiveness, and invite Him into our heart, our being. Conversion on the other hand is the lifelong process of turning away from our plans and turning toward God’s seemingly disruptive creativity. This fact of true Christianity slowly became reality for the original Disciples of Christ except for Judas who chose not to abandon his plans, his wants, his loyalty to the god of this world; Judas was not happy with the disruptive creativity Jesus ordered, preferring to choose the nice sounding promises and trinkets given out by Satan.

To be “born again” is to discover ourselves as infants in the gracious arms of God. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less. We cannot manipulate God. He won’t pay attention to us more if we figure out a way to become His favorite child. He won’t love us more if we write letters like the one you are reading now, or lead worship in front of thousands, or lead Bible Studies and feed masses; or heck, even wash someone else’s car unannounced! We assume God’s love is tied to something – maybe our performance, maybe sacrifices; our good work in His Name…there must be something! But His Word is quite clear – God’s love (and His choice to like us too) is rooted in His own merciful nature. There is NOTHING we can do to earn this precious gift, and as I have taught, there is NOTHING we have or could do to warrant the gift.

Learning to walk with the Lord in my own transparency, sharing the missteps and errant paths I have walked and in which I still struggle, I have agreed to lose my plans and accept the life Jesus had waiting for me written “before the beginning of time.” Similar to the original disciples who chose to follow Christ, I have steadily come to know (and accept) when God calls a person, He calls the whole person, every bit. This includes the broken parts, as well as the plans we have personally and carefully constructed and guarded; the weaknesses deep inside no one knows about, and we have worked diligently to even hide from God out of fear He might reject us or at least look most unfavorably upon us. You know the roots of bitterness abandonment and shame; the horrors we experienced long, long ago we pretend no longer exist – except when they replay at odd hours of the night/day. The yearnings that have nothing to do with serving God but rather serving our feeble attempts to place the monsters still lurking in the closets deep inside of us back into those closets.

Over the previous year, I began to ask Abba (Father) to intervene in my life in a new (for me anyway) manner to expose these monsters that serve no purpose other than to hobble and keep me from the vibrancy in Christ the first disciples experienced even with their own ups and downs. Asking God to intervene in your life after you have walked with Him many years is sobering. For me anyway, I had adjusted to the harshness in life, the unfairness, the arrows directed at me – even from Christians, even supposed Christian ministry leaders! We have been lulled by Satan to believe that as long as life is not tragic, we can tolerate being dissatisfied. What a lie! Nowhere in Scripture does hope to appear for those who have learned to just cope, to walk in resignation that a better life is not for them, and to be grateful for what little crumbs of happiness comes their way.

My accepting a renewed radical walk with Christ taught me that sometimes God interrupts our lives and even our prayers and offers us a terrifying opportunity to serve Him in a manner we would never have thought; to receive a truly glorious and exciting mission we never imagined would or could be ours. God did this with Mary, Jesus’ mom. Mary didn’t seek favor with God, rather, she loved the Lord and wanted all He had for her – a most dangerous prayer! Mary played by all the rules, she was a “good girl” and remained a virgin. By rights she should have been allowed to pursue her dreams. But what we have coming to us by rights is exactly what God overlooks when He decides to grant us His favor…His grace…His plans for us He created even before our birth. Our views of those in Scripture are so sanitized that we have poor appreciation of their circumstances when God comes calling. Mary is portrayed most of the time as quiet and with a serene smile. But that is not the picture of her in Luke’s Gospel, at least at the onset. Read it!

Mary began to realize her life was out of control. How could this be!? A life so well constructed that has to be abandoned. Think about her new reality…pregnant but still a virgin!! How about you? A job lost, your character assassinated, a move forced upon you. Another move to be made after the first move. A divorce. A loved one dies too soon. A church dies when it didn’t need to. The list can almost be endless. These interruptions proclaim life is NOT what we had hoped. It isn’t even what we would settle for if we had the chance initially. God interrupted our ordinary expectations to conceive something we could never have imagined. We may not even understand what is occurring or why, but we have the choice to choose, or not, to receive His ways and realize His ways are not our ways.

When we submit to God’s plan for our life, we do not receive a new identity; rather, He allows us to discover what our true identity has been all along, the identity He created for us prior to our even being born (Psalm 139). The difference is significant. As we make our way through the many abandonments of life and discover our new life in Christ, we slowly come to realize this new life does not look totally strange after all. What it looks like is a purer form of ourselves. It is the self we were created to be from the beginning. It is the restoration of the image of God in our lives. It is the reflection of the very image of Jesus Christ operating in and through us that He graciously waited for us to embrace.

We certainly do not create our own lives. God alone is our creator. So why would His work of leading us to conversion result in something different from what He had intended all along? The saving work of Jesus Christ is that He finds us after we have lost our way trying to become something other than we are and were never meant to become. Our churches would do better to stand in the way of the illusion that religion or anything else is going to help us become something. Instead…the church should be helping people become who they are already, but with the Lord now supreme and functioning freely in and through them, not relying merely on their own talents and strengths.

Those who do understand this hard truth live with gratitude. They are of great use to the ministry of Jesus Christ because they are not preoccupied with making something themselves. They have died to that seductive concept. But when those who far better understand the beauty of who they really are in Christ now move, they impact people positively. After a lifetime of losing in their lives they have matured in such a fashion they can now celebrate still being Ragamuffins but can also celebrate the truth that the Lord of lords and King of kings looks upon them and smiles graciously, lovingly, and calls them “friend.”

A Ragamuffin and Bond Servant of Christ,


P.S. Thank you for reading, distributing to your friends and acquaintances, and contributions all helping me to share thoughts and commentaries with so very many across our nation, and now across the pond into England, Ireland and New Zealand. How exciting and humbling at the same time. May you enjoy and be blessed reading my latest commentary. Even more so, may you be touched in a wonderful manner and surprising to yourself even finding yourself with a tear or two in your eyes but with joy and thanksgiving.

©2025 All rights reserved.

Please visit the Arizona Today substack.

Jaw-Dropping Number Of Inmates In Women’s Prisons Are Actually Men

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday barring biological males — who account for 15% of inmates in women’s federal prisons — from occupying women’s federal detention facilities.

The order, which prohibits federal funds for gender transition medical procedures, drugs and treatment, mandates that the federal government only recognize male and female sexes and requires inmates to be housed according to their biological sex. Of the 10,047 total inmates in women’s federal facilities, 1,538 are biological males, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

“The Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security shall ensure that males are not detained in women’s prisons or housed in women’s detention centers,” the order reads. It adds that no federal funds shall be expended for “any medical procedure, treatment, or drug for the purpose of conforming an inmate’s appearance to that of the opposite sex.”

The order also reversed the past policy of allowing biological males into ostensibly “single-sex” domestic abuse shelters for women and mandated that government-issued identification reflect the bearer’s biological sex — meaning no “X” marker designating an undefined or unlisted gender will be recognized.

The Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative nonprofit advocacy group, celebrated the end of what it called “utter unfairness of allowing men into women’s spaces.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) decried the order as “a plan to erase transgender people’s existence under the law.”

Several pro-LGBT advocacy organizations, such as Lambda Legal, have already signaled an intention to mount a legal challenge against the executive order, arguing it is unconstitutional and violates existing law.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz grilled Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn for allowing a biological male — and convicted serial child rapist — into women’s facility in May, accusing Netburn of being “willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology.”

Several incidents of rape and sexual assault involving biological male inmates in female facilities have surfaced in recent years. A biological male at Rikers Island in New York City was convicted in 2022 of raping a female inmate while housed in the women’s prison wing. A similar case occurred in 2024, where another biological male was convicted in California of raping a female inmate in the showers of the prison’s female facilities.

It is unclear when the transfer of biological men to men’s prison facilities will begin.


Thomas English



Trump Making ‘Sex’ Great Again On Day One Of Presidency

Blue School District Doubles Down On ‘Inclusive’ Facilities After Registered Sex Offender Exposes Self To Young Girls

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Free At Last

It was quite fitting, I think that the inauguration of President Trump was on Jan 20 which was also Dr Martin Luther King JR (MLK) Day. Dr King believed in merit. His philosophy on equality and justice touched on that theme. President trump believes the same and his Executive Order getting rid of DEI clearly shows that

Dr. King believed in the importance of judging individuals based on the “content of their character” rather than the “color of their skin,” as famously stated in his I Have a Dream speech. This highlights his ideal that merit—defined by character, actions, and contributions—should outweigh superficial characteristics like race when determining someone’s worth or opportunities. The problem to me is education. Once a child learns to read, write and do math their race is irrelevant.

However, King also recognized that systemic racism and historical oppression had placed many Black Americans and other minorities at a significant disadvantage. He advocated for policies to help level the playing field. His support for such measures wasn’t about negating merit but about creating conditions where merit could truly be the deciding factor—free from structural inequalities. A child ca only compete if their education is of value.

In summary, MLK’s vision of merit wasn’t in opposition to addressing racial disparities. He sought a society where everyone, regardless of race, could compete and thrive based on their true potential.

President Trump has given us the ability to take back our schools and actually teach our children . It is for that reason I say:

Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

(The phrase “Free at last” comes from the closing lines of Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered on August 28, 1963, during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.)

It looks like President Trump is showing us Promises Made, Promises Kept. I laughed the other day when a talking head said Trump has no plan. Where is his plan. One just had to listen to any campaign speech. They were his plans.

He promised the return of merit-based achievement as the foundation of a thriving America. No longer will we have to be subject to the incompetence of people put in positions because they checks the correct box. We will not have the correct people with common sense in the positions they know. How refreshing.

As of January 23, 2025, President Donald Trump has issued several executive orders during his second term. Here are five notable ones:

Revocation of Birthright Citizenship: This executive order aims to end birthright citizenship for children born in the United States to undocumented immigrants. A federal judge has temporarily blocked its implementation.

Withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO): President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the WHO, citing concerns over the organization’s handling of global health issues.

Pardons for January 6 Rioters: He has granted full pardons to 1,500 individuals convicted in connection with the January 6 Capitol riot.

State of Emergency at the U.S.-Mexico Border: A state of emergency has been declared at the southern border to facilitate the construction of a border wall and enhance immigration enforcement.

Elimination of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs: An executive order has been signed to dismantle DEI programs within federal agencies, reflecting a shift in the administration’s approach to diversity and civil rights.

Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement The Paris Climate Agreement, adopted in 2015 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C (3.6°F) above pre-industrial levels, with an aspirational goal of 1.5°C (2.7°F). Key components of the agreement include:

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs): Each country sets its own emission reduction targets, which are reviewed and updated every five years.

Global solidarity: Developed countries are expected to financially support developing nations in transitioning to cleaner energy and adapting to climate change impacts.

Non-binding nature: The agreement doesn’t impose penalties but relies on global cooperation and accountability.

· Trump withdrew because of Economic Concerns, Fairness, Sovereignty

7. Energy Policy Under Trump

  • Promotion of Fossil Fuels: Trump sought to revive the coal industry, expand offshore drilling, and loosen restrictions on oil and gas development.
  • Dismantling Obama-Era Policies: The administration rolled back regulations like the Clean Power Plan and weakened vehicle fuel efficiency standards.
  • Criticism of Renewable Energy: Trump was skeptical about the economic viability of renewables, though the industry continued to grow independently.

These actions underscore the administration’s commitment to its stated priorities, though they have sparked significant debate and legal challenges. Join Dr Dan Eichenbaum and I as we explore more of President Trump’s executive Orders

Join the Florida Citizens Alliance Help save America mentor a child.

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Guest: Dr Dan Eichenbaum Dr. Dan Eichenbaum is a 45-year practicing physician, eye surgeon, and successful small business owner. In addition, he was elected in 2014 to and currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Cherokee County, North Carolina.

In 2010, Dr. Dan founded, a conservative website and Freedom Forum Radio, a talk radio program on WJRB 95.1 FM, focused on advancing the constitutional principles of limited government, individual freedom, personal responsibility, fiscal restraint, private property rights, and the free market system as the basis for economic opportunity.


©2025 , All rights reserved.

As Trump Hands Out Pardons, Republicans Begin Planning How To Undo Years Of Government Abuse

While President Trump issues pardons for individuals targeted by the Biden administration, Republicans are gearing up to tackle the past four years of government weaponization, multiple GOP representatives told the Daily Caller.

Trump signed an executive order Monday aimed at investigating the Biden administration’s weaponization of the intelligence community (IC) and Department of Justice (DOJ), and he pardoned or commuted the sentences of approximately 1,500 Jan. 6 defendants. He also pardoned Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road founder, who was sentenced to serve two life terms and another 40 years in prison.

Meanwhile, former President Joe Biden preemptively pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci, Jan. 6 committee members, and Gen. Mark Milley. He also pardoned five family members just before Trump’s swearing-in.

“These pardons and everything that [has] taken place for family members, as well as Fauci and all the [Jan. 6] committee members, this is unbelievable,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Harris told the Caller, adding that Republicans could get an opportunity to subpoena those individuals.

Congress will publicly investigate and expose government weaponization, Republicans told the Caller.

“We’re going to do the investigative work in exposing and uncovering this in a very, very public way, and then the [DOJ] — which is now going to be politically unbiased and fair in actually upholding the rule of law — can start taking the information that we uncover and then pushing forward with prosecutions,” Texas Rep. Brandon Gill said.

It’s not unusual for Congress to submit aggressive letters and publishing reports on weaponization, but Republicans now have the opportunity to take decisive action.

“There is a time for strongly worded letters,” Kansas Rep. Derek Schmidt told the Caller. “There is a time for reports, but I think this is a time for an act of a substantive law that locks in change, protects liberty and ensures that we’re making a difference, not just for the next few years, but for the next few generations.”

The Biden administration targeted Jan. 6 defendants, a pro-Trump memesmith, Trump himself, Christians and pro-life activists. Conservatives have called on the Trump administration to pardon those targeted by the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

“I think it’s criminal what we have allowed to have happen to people, even to this day, I’m hopeful that perhaps President Trump will pardon these folks that are being held in prison over just being active in the pro-life movement,” Rep. Harris said on Tuesday.

President Trump pardoned 23 pro-life activists prosecuted by the Biden administration on Thursday, just one day before the annual March for Life.

Biden’s DOJ was responsible for over a quarter of all prosecutions in the law’s 30 year history, the Caller first reported. Biden’s FBI raided the homes of pro-life Christians Paul Vaughn and Mark Houck.

Biden’s DOJ used a Reconstruction-era law to target its political opponents, specifically the conspiracy against rights charge, which was implemented to protect the rights of recently enfranchised black voters. It employed this law to enhance the sentences of pro-life activists charged under the FACE Act.

“[The FACE Act] is being used as a bludgeon to take innocent people. How you can take someone who is praying on their knees outside of an abortion clinic and have him spend years in jail because of that,” Texas Rep. Brian Babin told the Caller.

“This is a weaponization of this law — misinterpretation, misuse of it, if you will — and it is another example of weaponization [of the] federal government by the wrong people.”

While Republicans seemed optimistic about the next four years, an entrenched bureaucracy may impede their agenda. Congress needs to be more aggressive in using its “power of the purse,” Rep. Gill told the Caller.

“I think that we’ve got to be a lot more, as a Congress, be a lot more aggressive about using the power of the purse,” he said. He pointed to the FBI raiding the homes of pro-life activists and reportedly targeting parents protesting school board meetings.

“I think that until we start playing hardball with them the way they’re playing with us, none of this is going to end,” Rep. Gill added.

Republicans are less trusting of the FBI than Democrats, according to a 2022 poll by the APM Research Lab. The poll also showed that the proportion of Americans who believe FBI agents are fair declined by eight percentage points from 2018 to 2022.

“There are plenty of serious problems that make our citizens’ lives far, far more dangerous, that could use far more resources,” Rep. Schmidt said. “And so I hope we will push federal law enforcement authorities to refocus on those basics and move away from the more political types of work that have been done over the last four years.”

A suspected terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS in the summer of 2024 later went on to commit a terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Day, apparently escaping the bureau’s radar. The New Orleans Field Office was also a staunch supporter of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, according to its social media posts advertising Diversity Agent Recruiting events.

In addition to the IC being perceived as serving a political agenda, many of its surveillance tools have come under greater scrutiny from Republicans.

The FBI surveilled parents protesting school board meetings, former agents previously told the Caller. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was used to spy on a staffer during Trump’s first campaign. FISA Section 702, which allows for the warrantless surveillance of American citizens, has received pushback from many conservatives.

“Quite frankly, in some of my briefings by some of these bureaucracies, I would look at the FBI — there might be a number of agencies across the table from me giving me my briefing — and I looked at the FBI and said, you abused this process,” Rep. Babin told the Caller. “It needs to be changed, needs to be reformed.”

The intelligence agencies have a variety of tools to conduct surveillance, and Rep. Gill argued that libertarian critics of the surveillance state have been “vindicated.”

“Everything they said about the Patriot Act turned out to be true,” he said. “Everything they said about giving virtually unchecked powers to the administrative state for national security purposes has been true, everything they said about that being weaponized against American citizens.”

The Republicans who spoke to the Caller were overall optimistic about the Trump administration and Congress’s abilities to undo the government weaponization of the past four years. However, some acknowledged it will take time before significant changes are enacted.

“I think this is something Trump will begin and get a lot done in four years, but this is probably going to be a long term process,” Rep. Gill said. “You know, we didn’t get here overnight. We’ve had problems with the FBI and CIA for decades.”


Eireann Van Natta

Intelligence state reporter.


As CNN Panel Complains About Trump’s J6 Pardons, Scott Jennings Reminds Them Of Inconvenient Truth

Pro-Life Activist Targeted By Biden Admin Escapes Prison Time

House Conservatives Tank FISA Vote In Blow To Speaker Mike Johnson

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Revolution in Common Sense

Trump called for “a revolution of common sense” in his inaugural address, and then signed some two hundred executive orders that spelled out exactly what he meant.

WATCH: “A revolution of common sense” | U.S. President Donald Trump addresses World Economic Forum

Think about this for a minute. What kind of country needs to remind its citizens that there are two genders, male and female? By their very banality, many of these executive orders reminded us just how far America had drifted off the deep end. Americans were drowning in absurdity.

And it’s not just in the insanity of an open border, or men playing in women’s sports, or the sexual mutilation of children, paid for with your taxpayer dollars. It extended to self-destructive economic policies, such as shutting down Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) exports, another product of the brain children who ran the Biden White House.

When has America ever been run by a politician with such deep understanding of how the world works?

Trump’s utter master of Big Economics was on display in his brief appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday. In his fifteen minute speech, he invited the Euros to make their products in America and benefit from one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. Or they could continue to manufacture in Europe (or elsewhere) and be subjected to across the board tariffs.

Why? Because the Euros, in particular, have been putting tariffs on US goods since the end of World War II while subsidizing their own industries, and we did nothing about it. The end result was that US products have been priced out European markets. And Trump wants that to end.

My favorite exchange at Davos was when the CEO of Total Energies, a French oil and gas company (and the fourth largest in the world), asked Trump if he planned to “pause” U.S. investments in LNG.

“Some experts fear that if there are too many projects developed in the US in LNG this could have an inflationary impact on the US domestic gas price, and they recommend a pause on these projects,” said Patrick Pouyanné.

I thought the President treated the Frenchman far more gently than he deserved, but eventually he had take him to school.

“I disagree,” he said. More investments mean more gas production, and the more you have of a product, the lower the cost. It’s called Economics 101.

There you have in a nutshell what’s wrong with France. They are stuck in Marxist economics.

Trump also spoke at Davos about ending the “unnecessary war” between Russia and Ukraine. “It’s a carnage,” he said. “Far more people have died than has been reported… When you see the pictures, you will never be the same.”

When asked about his relationship with Putin, Trump said that before the 2020 election, they had been talking about “the denuclearlization of our two countries, and China would have come along.”

The media has missed Trump’s very real aversion to nuclear weapons and to war more generally. The idea that the US and Russia were on the brink of a major new nuclear arms control agreement should have been front page news. But I forget, we no longer have a media in this country, only a pack of Democrat Party attack dogs.

The executive orders halting new regulations, ending DEI, and the federal government hiring freeze will save American corporations and taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. And those are just three of Trump’s initial measures.

Has this been a great week, or what?

I discuss this, as well as Iran’s pedal-to-the-metal uranium enrichment, rumors that President Trump might want to negotiate with Iran, and his decision to pull the security clearances from the 51 disgraced former US intelligence chiefs who authored the fake news letter that the Hunter Biden laptop had “all the hallmarks” of Russian disinformation, in this week’s edition of Prophecy Today Weekend.

As always, you can listen live at 1 PM on Saturday at 104.9 FM or 550 AM in the Jacksonville, Florida, area, or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app. Or you can listen to the podcast here.

Yours in freedom.

©2025 . All rights reserved.

World Economic Forum and Davos Are Crumbling

“The common denominator for the countries that are failing is the mental virus of woke ideology. It is the great pandemic of our time that needs to be cured. It is the cancer that must be cut out.” — Javier Milei, president of Argentina.

Let’s face it, most of the nut jobs who attend the WEF at Davos are neo-pagan, anti-humans seeking “tokenism with nature.” If you watched the woman from Switzerland talking about communing with the trees, flowers, etc. you’d realize just how nutty most of these people really are.

Among the goals of the WEF are evil Blackrock’ the world’s largest asset manager, and its CEO Larry Fink (see attached) and Bill Gates. When hasbeen Joe Biden warned about the dangers of Oligarch influence on politics he was talking about Elon Musk but conveniently left out such Oligarchs as Larry Fink and Bill Gates.

However there were some shining lights at Davos this year including Argentina’s President Javier Milei who stated the following:

WATCH: Special Address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina | World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2025

Javier Milei Goes Nuclear at the WEF, Calls Out Pedophiles, Says Davos Is ‘Crumbling’

By Brandon Morse, 11:00 AM on January 23, 2025

Donald Trump might be receiving a lot of attention for being an anti-globalist force, and rightly so. He is the biggest whale in that ocean, but where Trump is an America-first powerhouse, Argentina’s Javier Milei is an anti-globalist great white shark, chomping down on anything that resembles globalist control.

Milei traveled to Davos in Switzerland as many global leaders did in order to deliver his address on the world stage, and as expected, when he got there, he didn’t just let the globalists have it, he called them out for their evils. He even went so far as to challenge them to expose themselves for standing by as LGBT activists harmed our children.

He started by effectively spiking the Western football, stating that just last year, he stood alone and represented a country that had effectively forced itself into irrelevance thanks to a socialist agenda. Today, he stands with other anti-globalist world leaders, including Hungary’s Victor Orban, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, and, of course, the U.S.A.’s Donald Trump.

Milei reminded them that a new wave of freedom was going to sweep the globe, saying that Argentina represented a “Ghost of Western Christmases yet to come,” stating that Argentina is now a powerhouse of “fiscal responsibility” and “honoring its obligations.” He also noted that Argentina represents a “new way” of politics, which involves telling hard truths and treating people like grown-ups.

The Argentinian president listed his allies, including Meloni, Orban, Israel’s Netanyahu, Trump, and others who are forming a group that is pushing back against the “global hegemony of the woke left” and that, as a result, “Davos has begun to crumble.”

He continued by saying the rule of the WEF’s globalism is coming to an end, calling the wokeness it supported the “great epidemic of our time.” Milei directly referenced the transgender movement, noting that this madness has cost states billions as it attempts to “fulfill the self-perception on certain individuals,” and that only now are we seeing the results of an entire generation who’ve mutilated their own bodies over a “culture of sexual relativism.”

Milei went on to say it’s our “moral duty and historical responsibility to dismantle the ideological edifice of sickly wokeism.”

If there was one moment that truly made those in Davos squirm, it had to have been this one.

Milei directly called out the LGBT activist community and the world leaders that assist them in accomplishing their tasks, noting that these people don’t just invade women’s spaces, rape women, and abuse them in sports, but also target and abuse children. The Argentinian president made it clear he wasn’t mincing his words, and then said that anyone who endorses this kind of child abuse needs to make themselves known.

He brought up the two gay men, William and Zachary Zulock, who sexually abused their adopted children and released the footage online.

“Without going any further, a few weeks ago, the case of two American homosexuals who, flying the flag of sexual diversity and were sentenced to 100 years in prison for abusing and filming their adopted children for more than two years, made headlines around the world,” said Milei. “I want to be clear when I say abuse is not a euphemism, because, in its most extreme versions, the gender ideology constitutes plain and simple child abuse.”

“They are pedophiles,” said Milei, “Therefore, I want to know who endorses these behaviors.”

We might throw around the word leader a lot. It’s a title we give to people who win elections, but there are leaders, and then there are leaders, and Javier Milei is a leader. He’s a man willing to stand up against the powerful and defy them, and call out their evils to their face, daring them in turn to defend the result of their decisions in the open.

We need more leaders like Milei.

©2025 . All rights reserved.

Timeless Advice from Past Inaugural Addresses

With the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump (for the second time), we have once again celebrated another milestone in our history.

It’s interesting to note that every one of our presidents has been sworn in on the Holy Bible and uttered the oath, “So help me God.” George Washington began the process and it has continued to this day—despite the claims of those trying to erase America’s rich Christian heritage.

For example, our second president, John Adams, closed his Inaugural Address in 1797 in this way: “…with humble reverence, I feel it to be my duty to add, if a veneration for the religion of a people who profess and call themselves Christians, and a fixed resolution to consider a decent respect for Christianity among the best recommendations for the public service, can enable me in any degree to comply with your wishes, it shall be my strenuous endeavor that this sagacious injunction of the two Houses shall not be without effect.”

Such a sentiment from Adams does not fit the agenda of those clamoring for what Richard John Neuhaus called the “naked public square,” that is, the expunging of all references to God in the public arena. Washington’s successor said a decent respect for the Christian faith is “among the best recommendations for the public service.”

His son, John Quincy Adams, our sixth president, quoted Scripture (Psalm 127:1) in his Inaugural Address in 1825: “Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh in Vain.” Adams also referenced his need for God’s help: “with fervent supplications for His favor, to His overruling providence I commit with humble but fearless confidence my own fate and the future destinies of my country.”

Our ninth president, William Henry Harrison warned the nation that we need to watch out for “the false Christs whose coming was foretold by the Savior.” And he added, “I deem the present occasion sufficiently important and solemn to justify me in expressing to my fellow-citizens a profound reverence for the Christian religion and a thorough conviction that sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness.”

Our 22nd and 24th president was Grover Cleveland—the only one to win re-election in non-consecutive terms….until Donald J. Trump last year. In 1885, President Cleveland declared, “And let us not trust to human effort alone, but humbly acknowledge the power and goodness of Almighty God who presides over the destiny of nations.”

In 1925, our 30th president, John Calvin Coolidge stated that “America seeks no empires built on blood and force….The legions which she sends forth are armed, not with the sword, but with the Cross.”  As in the cross of Jesus Christ.

In 1953, our 34th president, Dwight Eisenhower, actually opened his Inaugural Address in prayer, saying, “Almighty God, as we stand here at this moment…beseeching that Thou will make full and complete our dedication to the service of the people in this throng, and their fellow citizens everywhere. Give us, we pray, the power to discern clearly right from wrong,…so that all may work for the good of our beloved country and Thy glory. Amen.”

Jimmy Carter, our 39th president, whose funeral was just held, quoted Scripture (Micah 6:8) in his 1977 Inaugural Address: “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.”

In 1989, George H. W. Bush said, “And my first act as President is a prayer. I ask you to bow your heads: Heavenly Father, we bow our heads and thank You for Your love….Make us strong to do Your work, willing to heed and hear Your will, and write on our hearts these words: ‘Use power to help people.’ For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people. Help us to remember it, Lord. Amen.”

These examples are not anomalies. Every president has mentioned God in one way or another in Inaugural Addresses, including President Trump on Monday, as he declared, “We will not forget our country. We will not forget our Constitution. And we will not forget our God.”

Lastly, here’s another presidential Inaugural statement: “Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.” Those were the words of 16th President Abraham Lincoln in 1861.

America is indeed one nation under God, and our Inaugural ceremonies highlight that fact.

©2025 All rights reserved.

The 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Rape

Globalism’s war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The overall attack strategy is to destabilize and destroy both the morality provided by our Judeo-Christian infrastructure, and the individualism protected and preserved by our Constitution.

Meryl Nass has provided her readers with David Schonbrunn’s excellent infographic (see below). It is an extremely helpful overview that identifies the strategic objectives and tactical operations of the globalist war on nation-states, but it is incomplete. The infographic is missing its most essential element: Children are the primary target of the globalist predators. The implosion of the United States of America requires the destruction of America’s future––her children.

Globalism’s War on America is a war of attrition. My generation of patriots is dying. My children’s generation of indoctrinated millennials is transitional. It is my grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are the primary targets of the avaricious globalist predators, specifically its global network of pedophiles and child-traffickers whose political purpose is soul murder––the spiritual and psychic annihilation of self. The total destruction of what exists includes the total destruction of childhood innocence––the obliteration of all boundaries of self. The development of an independent autonomous self required for individualism in a free society, is prohibited in order to advance the collective in preparation for life in globalism’s feudal totalitarian Unistate.

New World Order Graphic provided to Meryl Nass by David Schonbrunn:

David Schonbrunn took my list of issues and organized them in the most useful way, making what is being done to us and what must be fixed, so much clearer.

Thank you, David! Let’s use this scorecard as a measure of success (and what else needs to be accomplished) as we turn all these anti-human policies around, say Goodbye to Globalism and Hello to Individual Liberties and the Rule of Law.

Meryl Nass

January 21, 2025

Click here to view “Destory the Society” infographic

The globalist elite suffered an enormous setback on January 20, 2025, Liberation Day, when President Donald Trump assumed office and immediately began signing executive orders erasing many of the most egregious abuses of power enacted by globalism’s lawless Biden/Obama puppet regime. Liberation Day was a day for American patriots to celebrate. Today is the day to remind ourselves that the War on America is not over. The globalist elite will simply go underground and resume its attacks on our national sovereignty using the treasonous Biden/Obama operatives who remain in government.

One of the most important executive orders signed by President Trump restores free speech and ends federal censorship in America which, of course, includes the written word. History has proven that the pen really is mightier than the sword. Why? Because knowledge is power, and knowing something is the pivotal difference between action and inaction. It is the reason freedom of speech is the first freedom eliminated in every totalitarian government anywhere in the world, and it is my personal purpose and mission to warn American parents and grandparents that their children and grandchildren are the intentional targets of the globalist predators, because children are the future of every society on Earth, including the globalist Unistate.

Everything is connected in globalism’s overarching War on Humanity. The radical leftist/Marxist progressives (progress toward world government) in America have stated unapologetically that their unconscionable ideological objective is to destroy children’s innocence. The progressives are aided and abetted by drug cartels who have added child trafficking to their product list because supplying pedophiles with product has proven to be more profitable than drugs. I will remind the reader that drugs and child sex are profitable commodities because of the degenerate and obscene demand for them. I will also remind the reader that the War on Drugs and the War on Terror are wars we were never meant to win. This brings me to Muslim rape gangs in Britain, and the horrific and unconscionable decades-long complicity of British governments in protecting Muslim rapists at the expense of hundreds of thousands of brutalized British children.

Rape is terrorism, and child rape is arguably the most heinous, horrific, brutal, and comprehensive crime against children because it violates children mentally, physically, sexually, and psychologically––it is soul murder. What distinguishes Muslim rape gangs from other rapists is that Muslims are doctrinally encouraged to rape non-Muslims––Jewish or Christian, adults or children––because Islam teaches that there will only be peace on earth when the whole world is Muslim. So, why are Muslim rape gangs in Britain protected at the expense of British children? Why is British journalist Tommy Robinson in jail for exposing the existence of Muslim rape gangs, and for exposing the British governments’ ongoing complicity?

First, both political parties in Britain’s government have been hiding behind multiculturalism and protecting Muslim rape gangs for decades. Prime Minister Keir Starmer refused to prosecute child rapists while he was head of the Crown Prosecution Service (Attorney General) from 2008-2013. And most recently, PM Starmer directed his political Labor Party to vote AGAINST a national inquiry into these crimes against British children! Where did the moral imperative to protect British children disappear to? British mothers and fathers are angry and want answers.

In a sane and moral society, adults protect children and imprison rapists. Truth-tellers like Tommy Robinson are considered heroes––not in Britain. It took the outraged voice of American billionaire and father, Elon Musk, to shame Britain’s politicians into admiting the existence of the Muslim rape gangs that continue to terrorize British children. There is a profound lack of common decency among men and women who lack the moral courage to condemn child rape anywhere and everywhere it occurs. It is a national scandal for Britain, and hopefully its ripple effect will expose and topple the horrific child trafficking industry in the United States. But what can possibly explain such a staggering lack of morality and common decency?

The globalist elite are exploiting the sexual perversions of the political class in Britain as in America. The sexual perversions of the political class are two-fold. In America, the political class exploits children sexually to satisfy their own sexual perversions, and/or support child rape politically by advancing progressivism’s attempts to legalize and make pedophilia normative, in order to collapse society from within. In Britain, the political class exploits children sexually to satisfy their own sexual perversions, and/or support Muslim rape gangs politically in order to collapse the nation from within. As mentioned, children are the target of the globalist predators all over the world. The depravity of warfare directed at children is difficult for the civilized mind to process, but it is foundational to today’s apocalyptic war between good and evil––between decency and indecency. President Donald Trump cannnot Make America Great Again (MAGA) without first Making America Moral Again (MAMA).

The first step in restoring decency to the world is to reject moral relativism by recognizing that RIGHT and WRONG exist. We the people in America, in Britain, and in every western nation on the planet must stand up in defense of our nations’ children, and unapologetically state that raping children is wrong anywhere and everywhere it occurs in the world. It is the 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Rape. Elon Musk is the father of young children, and a decent man who publicized the unconscionable crimes of the British government’s complicity in protecting Muslim rape gangs in Britain. President Donald Trump is the grandfather of young children, and a decent man who is in the position to publicize the unconscionable crimes of the American government’s complicity in child trafficking in America.

A society that allows its children to be raped, brutalized, sold, trafficked, and murdered, has no future––and that is the goal of the globalist elite who are strategically waging war on nation-states, and tactically collapsing western civilization one rape at a time. Any country that allows child rape for any reason whatsoever, is participating in its own destruction. And the avaricious globalist predators are just waiting to “build back better” in their feudal totalitarian Unistate where everyone, including the corrupt, contemptible, amoral, greedy, useful idiot, puppet politicians, will be reduced to serfs.

The Golden Age of America that began on January 20, 2025 with the restoration of common sense, must be joined by the restoration of decency and morality in order to succeed in its existential battle against evil. Children are the most precious asset of any society on Earth. They are the fulcrum on which the freedom of the world hinges––because children are the future of every society on Earth––and until the children are safe, the world cannot be safe. I am confident that human decency will prevail, and that it will be angry mothers and fathers protecting their precious children and grandchildren, including decent and powerful family men like President Donald Trump and businessman Elon Musk, who will end the scourge of child trafficking, but first they have to know. Now they do.

©2025 . All rights reserved.

Please visit Linda’s Pundicity page:  and website: 

Project ‘Stargate’ is upon us: Trump to invest $500 billion in new U.S. data centers to boost the power of artificial intelligence

Is Trump being used to build out the superstructure of a digital system that could later be weaponized by some future ruler? Just as 5G and Warp Speed were weaponized?

WATCH: “President Trump’s $500 Billion ‘Stargate’ AI Initiative:Game Changer for Technology and Jobs”

President Donald Trump’s grand vision for an AI project code-named “Stargate” just got jump-started with an infusion of $500 billion.

To understand what’s going on, you must read my January 19 article “It’s all a game: Both ‘sides’ serve the same master”. This article was controversial, I will be the first to admit that.

The article’s comment section blew up as soon as I posted the piece Sunday afternoon, the day before President Trump’s inauguration.

But even I had no inkling that my warnings about Trump would manifest so quickly. I expected it to take months, if not years, before I was vindicated in publicly revealing my concerns about the man that I and my fellow conservatives voted for to be the 47th president of the United States. After all, the alternative was unthinkable.

Take a look at the news today about Trump’s AI investment bombshell, a story which is breaking at CBS News and in the conservative media at Zero Hedge. Below is an excerpt from the Zero Hedge version.

Shares of US-based technology company Oracle surged as much as 6.5% in late-afternoon trading following a CBS News report indicating that President Donald Trump plans to announce billions of dollars in private sector investment to expand America’s artificial intelligence infrastructure.

Sources say OpenAI, Softbank, and Oracle will be part of the joint venture called “Stargate.” The heads of the tech firms plan to invest $100 billion, then up to $500 billion over four years, in building AI infrastructure across the US.

SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, Sam Altman of OpenAI, and Larry Ellison of Oracle will be in the White House on Tuesday afternoon. There were no further details about the Stargate JV, except with the understanding that more information will be unveiled later.

According to sources, Stargate will begin with a massive data center in Texas, with additional AI projects planned across other states. Other investors are expected to join the venture.

Forget the practical issues with this policy, such as the fact that we already have a shortage of water and electric power in this country, two things that these massive data-collection centers consume with unmatched voracity. We will get what’s left over, and pay higher prices for it.

As I stated in my Sunday Substack post, Republican presidents often play the role of set-up man for future Democrat presidents. Bush did it for Obama with the USA Patriot Act, FISA Court and intrusive Homeland Security apparatus. Trump 1.0 did it for Biden with Operation Warp Speed and 5G. And now Trump 2.0 is doing it for a future Democrat president with AI. He is going to invest half a trillion dollars to build out the superstructure of artificial intelligence, which will later be weaponized against we the people by a future administration. The future president, pershaps a Democrat, will use the Trump-maximized power of AI to establish a digital surveillance slave state second to none in the world, and throughout history.

Trump is putting together the most impressive, intimidating public-private partnership the world has ever seen to realize his dream of creating a supersized AI.

Do not be deceived by all the good and necessary things Trump is doing. I’m glad he is shoring up the border, declaring there are only two genders, and hopefully bringing an end to all the wars. But at the same time, it’s all a set up. Biden was used by the globalists to break down the country so that Trump could put it back together again — build back better in the image of the World Economic Forum’s vision for a Great Reset and all-powerful digital beast system. He is building the infrastructure of the future “algocracy,” or rule by algorithm. Where everything and everyone is tagged, tracked and measured. Where every life is allotted a value based on their consumption vs their production. Where 15-minute cities will lack nothing in their quest to control the movement of people. Where paper cash is a quaint memory, and the same for your plastic ID. Where wallets are virtual and digital, not something you can put in your pocket.

I don’t believe President Trump knows what he is doing. I believe he would shudder if he could see the future he is going to make possible through AI. Trump truly thinks he is just going about the business of making America great again through technological advancement. But he is a tool of the technocratic/transhumanist elites. This is why Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and so many other technocrats are groveling at Trump’s feet. They see a super-popular political figure with a vision of greatness for America that can be co-opted by their vision for the world and humanity 2.0. And when Trump’s done with his mission, another more sinister man will come on the stage to weaponize his works.

Mark it down.

Or, as technocrats have openly speculated, perhaps we won’t need a president or political leaders of any kind in the future. AI will run the country, and the world.

©2025 . All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Announcing The Stargate Project

Please visit Leo’s Newsletter substack.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Checkout the 2024, 2023, & 2022 archives, plus asterisked items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

 This Issue’s Best of the Best:

*** Can Trump Make America Safe Again?

*** Barbarians at the Gate

*** China’s Massive Hacking Campaign Targeting the US

*** Mark Zuckerberg replaces fact-checking with X-style system

*** Classical K-12 Education 101: What exactly is it?

*** Good Video: LA Fires – What REALLY Happened?

*** A Lawless NRC Obstructs Safe Nuclear Power

*** Key takeaways from Trump’s energy secretary pick’s confirmation hearing

*** The New York State Super-Folly Act

*** The Saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2

*** Pay Up, Mr. Mann

Secondary Education Related:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Classical K-12 Education 101: What exactly is it?

*** The Virtues of Classical K-12 Schools

*** America’s Educational System Is Experiencing a “Mass Psychosis”

*** New Organization: National Alliance for Education Reform (NAER)

How to Talk to your Kids about Brainwashing, Mind Control, and Propaganda

To compete globally, we must prioritize rigorous education

A series of Dangerous Threats

Education reform in red versus blue states

Higher Education Related:

Higher-Ed Reform’s Coming of Age

Report: Transforming Higher Education in Ohio — Reforms Needed Today to Prepare for Tomorrow

Artificial Intelligence:

*** AI Facial Recognition Software Resulting In False Arrests

The WEF Says 41% Of Companies Worldwide Planning For AI To Shrink Workforces By 2030

OpenAI Releases Economic Blueprint For The Future

Greed Energy Economics:

*** Biden Gives $27 Billion for Clean-Energy Deals in Final Days

*** Economic Health Watch: Affordability of Necessities

Why do wind projects get the gas price?

Unreliables (General):

*** Big Wind & Big Solar are Trying to Sue Rural America into Submission

*** Green Fantasies Have Adverse Consequences

Germans’ Pushback on Green Energy Topples Gov’t Leadership

Trump’s energy policies are a game changer for renewables

Deconstructing a continuing green scheme

Wind Energy — Offshore:

NOAA’s “no evidence” that wind kills whales violates the Information Quality Act

NOAA Withdraws Critical Right Whale Protection Rule Changes

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Trump Says He Wants No Wind Turbines Built During Administration

How Much Oil Is Required to Run a Wind Turbine?

Nuclear Energy:

*** A Lawless NRC Obstructs Safe Nuclear Power

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** How Trump Can Unlock America’s Energy Options

Biden issues sweeping offshore oil, gas drilling ban in 625M acres of federal waters

Biden’s last-minute oil drilling ban can be undone by Congress

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Massive Fire Burns at World’s Largest Lithium Battery Plant near Monterey, CA

*** Billions of Taxpayer Dollars for Electrification of Transport Looks Like Money “Down the Drain”

And Suddenly, Gavin Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate Looks Pretty Dumb to LA Fire Victims

Misc Energy:

*** Key takeaways from Trump’s energy secretary pick’s confirmation hearing

*** How to Solve All of America’s Energy Problems (Epstein & Peterson)

*** American Energy 101 (AEI)

*** The Energy Freedom Plan: an overview

The Energy Freedom Plan: 112 specific actions the new admin can take to unleash American energy (Epstein)

Grid battery cost issue storm looms in Massachusetts

Energy Affairs in 2024 and Beyond: Hopeful Signs for the New Trump Administration

California’s Energy War on the Poor

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The Saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2

*** Michael Mann Ordered to Pay National Review $531,000

*** Pay Up, Mr. Mann

*** The New York State Super-Folly Act

15 questions that will put an end to the ‘climate scare’ once-and-for-all

Wildfires, Fried Smelt, and the Hoary Hoax of a Burning Planet

Manmade Global Warming — The Science:

*** The Saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2

Scientific Societies Err on ‘Climate Change’

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Rethinking Carbon Dioxide – Wyoming’s Bold Move

*** Top 10 Climate and Energy Action Items for President Trump in His Second Term

Big Banks’ Retreat from Climate Alliance is Encouraging Step in Dismantling the ESG Agenda/Woke Corporate Capitalism

Social Benefits of Carbon

The Changing of the Guard


*** Donald Trump sworn in as 47th president of the United States

*** The inauguration of President Donald Trump: Some Photos

*** Barbarians at the Gate

Carrie Underwood sings ‘America The Beautiful’ at Trump inauguration

US Election:

*** Is Cleaning the Voter Rolls Being Legislatively Ignored?

Stacey Abrams Group Hit with Largest Fine in Georgia History for Violating Campaign Finance Law

US Federal Agencies:

*** Can Trump Make America Safe Again?

*** Wright is Right

Ramaswamy done at DOGE

Drain the Swamp: Civil Rights Commission Would Be a Great Place to Start

FBI Is Still Hiding Details of Russiagate, Newly Released Document Shows

Misc US Politics:

*** General Breedlove: Why Greenland Matters

Full List of 158 Democrats Who Voted Against Sex Crime Ban on Immigrants

The Ultimate Pardon

Imagine There Is Gasoline Enough to Go Around (Remembering Jimmy Carter)

The LA Fires:

*** Assigning Responsibility for the Tragic Los Angeles Fires

*** Asleep At The Switch

*** Good Video: LA Palisades Fires – What REALLY Happened?

*** Climate Change Did Not Cause the LA Fires (Koonin)

*** LA Fire Dept plea for more money (December 4, 2024)

The Daily Chart: A Saga of Fire and Water

They Could Have Prevented This

LA fires clear the way for SmartLA 2028 and 2028 LA Olympics

Why California Wildfires are NOT Climate Driven: A Historical and Meteorological Perspective

Societally US:

*** The New Inquisition: Woke and Cancel Culture Vs. Western Societies

10 tips to look after your husband from a 1950s schoolbook is exactly what your marriage has been missing

Economic Health Watch: Regulatory Straitjacket

What we say, and How we say it, Matters

Censorship US:

*** How Trump Plans to Take on Censors — and They Plan to Take on Trump

*** Mark Zuckerberg replaces fact-checking with X-style system

*** Zuckerberg’s statement is big news, but it’s not justice — yet

Zuck Amok?


*** China’s Massive Hacking Campaign Targeting the US

*** Canada’s Foremost Empty Suit/Nepo-Baby Justin Trudeau Resigns

Religion Related:

Either You’re Serious Or You’re Not

Islam’s Feminist Fantasy


*** WSJ: How UnitedHealth’s Diagnosis Game Rakes in Billions from Medicare

*** Cancer Care (excellent book on repurposed drugs treating various cancers)

*** Cutting out Government Health Care Waste

*** The World Health Organization (WHO): A Criminal Cartel

Tony Robbins FREE Seminar (later January)

New Studies: Deep sleep can keep two big health problems at bay

USMLE (Step 1)- Grading changed to pass/fail

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Roundup of latest on COVID-19 Injections, H5N1, and the new “quademic”

*** Japan Sounds Alarm as Heart Failure Surges 4900% Among Covid-Vaxxed

Anthony Fauci granted preemptive pardon in the last hours of Biden’s term


Pray for the safety of the Israeli people

Latest Developments in Israel

Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

Latest Developments in Ukraine

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It’s all a game: Both ‘sides’ serve the same master, which is a Luciferian beast system driven by technocracy and AI

Americans have been deceived into thinking in terms of Democrat-Republican with one ‘side’ being good, the other evil. The two ‘sides’ play good cop-bad cop with a common goal of advancing the system. 

There’s a tension in the land heading into Monday’s inauguration in Washington, D.C. Is it just me, or do you feel it too?

Hardcore leftists are whining about Trump coming into office, fearing he will exact revenge on them. They are positive he is going to “round them up” and cast them into concentration camps.

On the flip side, the internet is full of conservative hand wringing about an imminent terrorist attack or some other “big event” that will take place and stop Donald Trump from being inaugurated on Monday.

Some of this is just content creators looking for clicks. But many are genuinely worried about Monday.

Anything is possible, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I believe Donald Trump will be sworn into office Monday as the 47th president of the United States as scheduled.

Why do I believe that?

Let me explain.

These false narratives feed the left-right paradigm that has divided our country for decades. The latest iteration of this paradigm uses Donald Trump as a lightning rod. He is capable of appearing simultaneously as ultra-hero superman and sinister villain, depending on one’s political persuasion.

I don’t buy that the globalist, elitist predator class is truly scared of Trump, or that they are dreading the next four years. Did Barack Obama appear the least bit worried about a Trump presidency while speaking with Trump at last week’s funeral for former President Jimmy Carter? No, in fact the two men looked quite chummy and happy to be in each other’s presence.

I believe the globalist elites see Trump as an opportunity. In the eyes of the Bill Gates’ and Peter Thiels of the world, Donald Trump is just another politician who can be managed. They did it during his first term, when they got him to launch Operation Warp Speed, which was the biggest gift handed to the globalist depopulation-obsessed elites since World War II.

And they will get Trump to hand them another prize in his second term, whether that be another set of death shots, digital IDs for all, or the next big World War.

You see, these political jitters where the left fears the right and the right fears the left, are solely a symptom of the working-class and middle-class masses.

Most of those in the billionaire class see themselves as above petty politics. They know they can cozy up and get the ear of whoever is in office, whether it be Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

This has been clearly evident over the past several weeks. We’ve seen members of the globalist predator class such as Mark Zuckerberg, Mika Brzezinski and Bill Gates go and kiss the ring of Donald Trump and pledge their fealty to him. Or is he pledging his fealty to them? Either way, I find it very telling.

Bill Gates just completed an over three-hour “very congenial” meeting with Trump a couple of days ago.

Watch the short clip below and tell me, does Gates look or sound the least bit worried that he’s now having to deal with Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden in order to keep the U.S. government on board with his nefarious “public health” agenda?

Note that Trump had his chief of staff, Susie Wiles, a promoter of the death shots and a professional Big Pharma shill, in the meeting with himself and Gates. Noticeably absent from a meeting on the topic of “public health” was Trump’s own pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

It appears Kennedy is in the process of being edged out of Trump’s inner circle, at least the part of Kennedy that represents sanity on vaccines.

A January 18 article in Zero Hedge reports that Trump has “sidelined” all “anti-vaxxer” advisors from his transition team. The article noted:

While “anti-vaxxers” are reportedly getting the boot from Team Trump because the issue is a “political loser,” per insider sources familiar with the drama, Trump is seemingly very open to the insights that Bill Gates has on offer.

Would Trump really be interested in the views of Bill Gates if he agreed with us that Gates is a psychopathic technocrat bent on depopulating the world?

Here’s the bottom line: IT’S ALL A GAME!

All of the major political figures on the world stage today, whether they know it or not, are playing roles in a larger stage production owned and operated by “the system.” In fact, I would posit that this is the beast system described in the Bible that has placed the earth on a fast-track to destruction, and the politicians are playing along, dutifully approving taxpayer funding of AI data centers and the digitital enslavement of humanity. The mission for Donald Trump’s White House will be to advance the system’s goals of digitizing Americans. If at the end of his term we do not have biometric digital IDs for all citizens and the launching of an alternative national “reserve currency,” I will be shocked.

Trump will do some things that continue to contribute to his image as a larger-than-life super hero in the eyes of conservative Americans. He will deport or cause the self-deportation of several million illegal aliens. He will build a border wall. He will shore up the voting system with a new digital voter ID law. And he will clamp down on crime mostly through surveillance technology and re-empowering police. But in the final analysis, he will not slow down one iota the advancement of the growing beast system, which is being brought in under the guise of technological prowess and making America great again.

There will be no MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. That is a bunch of clever Madison Avenue marketing that is giving people one last gasp of false hope that the system can be somehow reformed and brought back into a position where it serves the freedom-loving people of America, rather than the people slavishly serving the system as it has been for many decades now.

Republican presidents tend to play set up for their Democrat counterparts. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security and gave us the USA Patriot Act, with its secret FISA Court spying powers under Section 702, and said it was needed to root out foreign terrorists, then Obama weaponized the same national-security apparatus against conservative American citizens. Trump used Operation Warp Speed to create the toxic death shots, then Biden took office and weaponized the shots, mandating them on our military, law enforcement and health-care professionals.

It also works in reverse. Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin feminized the military, encouraging the trannies to dress up in skirts and take showers with our military men. Talk about demoralizing. This drastically reduced the ability of the military to recruit real men, and emboldened Russia and other nations to make the geostrategic moves that they had been holding back on making but felt were necessary to maintain their soveriegnty.

But not to worry. Enter Trump and Pete Hegseth to reinvent the military with much fanfare, bringing back, as Hegseth has repeatedly said, a “warrior” mentality, just in time to beef up recruiting efforts for the planned war with Russia.

Biden infected the left with anti-law enforcement sentiments, and Trump will build these forces back up, perhaps so a future Democrat president can weaponize them against Trump supporters.

Biden opened the border to everyone who wanted to come to America, regardless of their intentions or talents, leading to a wave of violent crime. Trump will use the public dissatisfaction from Biden’s open-borders policy to finish building the wall and normalizing the appearance of armed federal agents searching the streets of America for undesirables. This sets up a future Democrat president to turn those federal agents against we the people and use Trump’s border wall to keep Americans in, rather than foreigners out.

People are on edge. You can sense it in the general public when you’re out and about running errands or amongst your friends and family in dinner-table discussions.

This is to be expected in a time of rapid change. People sense that things are about to change quite dramatically and they’re not sure if they are ready for it. They’re not sure if Trump is who they hope he is. But they’re not ready to suspend their hope in the man they elected.

People are scared for their jobs, their businesses. Will they survive in a new era dominated by artificial intelligence?

And these are the smarter ones. Most aren’t even aware that AI is taking over the world, much less their jobs and their lives over the next five years.

Lord help us. Only your Son Jesus Christ can rescue us from the attacks of Satan and his minions here on Earth. We place our faith in You and Your Son and the Almighty Triune God. Not in any human messiah figure. Amen.

©2025 . All rights reserved.

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The Only Truth Is Power

The only truth is power, and as time goes on, this becomes more apparent. Politicians, corporations, and those who serve their interests use our ideals, beliefs, and values to divide us. They separate themselves from the resulting ideological wars to leverage our desires in ways that serve them economically.

The culture of the modern political landscape is a divisive facade, designed for those at the top to profit from the confusion of others. There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats, as they all believe the same thing. Aside from rhetoric, Barack Obama was really not much different from Donald Trump on issues related to national defense in foreign nations or the deportation of illegal immigrants. It is an illusory effect, as one would think that the views of the players within our system starkly contrast each other. On the surface, this would be correct. However, in reality, this is far from the truth. The truth is that there is a status quo within the system that must be maintained, operating below the surface of what the American people are being told. The status quo involves passing laws that serve the special interests they cater to, as well as upholding issues no matter their political affiliation. They uphold the status quo simply because it benefits them and fills their lust for power.

Politicians act strategically when such actions benefit them, such as when multiple liberal and conservative lawmakers held stock in companies related to the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. These, of course, are not groundbreaking statements, as it almost feels like in our current political climate most would agree with such assertions. Yet, many people still buy into the divisive political landscape. Naturally, this is because they want their interests to be met and their values upheld. Values are simply the currency many within our governing bodies use to manipulate the masses into electing them. Can you blame them? Especially when the financial incentives associated with being an active participant in governing bodies are so high?

Among the people, however, labels, lack of nuanced thinking, black-and-white perspectives, and the inability to compromise are destroying the dialogue surrounding government. One such example is affordable healthcare. The cost of healthcare is outrageous; corporations love it when the idea of making healthcare affordable for all is labeled a socialist ideal. The worst part is that the people arguing against it are pathetic puppets who don’t see a lick of profit from the entities they shill for. Why are we debating others to protect the interests of those who abuse us, effectively prostituting ourselves freely simply because we believe they have our best interests at heart?

It is time to stop viewing situations within our country through the lens of divisive rhetoric in order to see them for what they truly are. It is time that we, as people, learn to be impartial when making judgments—to adopt views based on what we truly believe and not attribute our views to specific labels that divide us into categories based on what we think, which in turn creates results that those above us stand to benefit from. It is truly only a game of power, where ideals are used as a cover to hide the fact that our leaders are pawns of corporate interests—entities that ultimately only have one ideal: power. To corporate interests, the only true belief is power, and politicians cover them very well by playing in their favor. We live in a nation where money is the only belief, as under the pressure of finance, there are very few who would not give up their ideals.

Why are we fighting each other over ideology when the politicians we put our trust in are trading stocks? We are the only ones who have different beliefs, as our politicians are all united under one belief. There is no God or belief greater in the here and now to a politician than power over people in an atheistic society that many still purport to be under one God. Perhaps in the hearts of the powerless few, our society is still governed by the ideals of the Bible, but in reality, our nation is governed by the wants of corporate interests.

The longer we remain divided on issues on which we can compromise, the greater the abuse of those at the top toward us will become.

Democrats fought against free speech to preserve what they perceived as social equality for all people; in the same way, Republicans desecrated free speech to preserve traditional values during a time when many in the conservative space chalked up societal decay to an issue of censorship. When it comes to pandering to the masses, both sides gleefully indulge in fulfilling their orgasmic desire for advantageous political positioning. We are the fools for choosing to believe that two parties that claim to be different from each other really have the same interest—an interest that is not the well-being or preservation of our society or morals.

Despite the United States having an extremely religious population, we live in an atheistic culture—a culture where the pursuit of self-interest negates the need for belief in a religious entity.

Money is God, as there can be no God where man is able to serve himself completely in the pursuit of his own desires. This serves our leaders very well, as they deceive us into believing they can relate to our morals while simultaneously distancing themselves from the morality that would stop them in their pursuit of power. In actuality, the beliefs of those who serve us only reflect the atheistic state of our culture—a state of self-interest, self-pursuit, and serving interests that only stand to benefit them.


Cristian Arias

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