Eerie Similarities Between Turkey’s Treatment Of Pastor And Democrats’ of Kavanaugh

A mere three weeks ago, the nation witnessed liberal groups and even some Democrat leaders argue that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh did not deserve a presumption of innocence. Still others argued that he did not even deserve the guarantees of due process. They argued — largely for political purposes — that the mere accusation alone without any evidence to back it up was enough to destroy him.

For the conservative and traditionalist Americans, the contention was simply absurd, but many failed to see matters in the same light and passionately called for the disqualification of the judicial nominee simply based on the mere accusation of sexual assault, despite the absence of any corroborating evidence in support of the charges. The discussion was, quite frankly, surreal.

Separately, on Oct. 12 America witnessed another set of surreal events when American Pastor Andrew Brunson was released from house arrest and allowed to leave Turkey for the first time since being detained in 2016. By Saturday, Brunson was in the White House thanking President Donald Trump for his interventions and openly praying that God’s wisdom fall upon the President. Make no mistake, this was Trump’s doing — which the media largely downplayed.

Interestingly, the evils that befell Brunson in Turkey are the same ones against which conservative Americans have been preciously guarding in protecting now-Justice Kavanaugh. America is based on certain rights, including a presumption of innocence.

In October 2016, Brunson and his wife, Norine, were summoned in Turkey to renew their visas. Upon their arrival, they were arrested. Their due process rights completely ignored, they were held without even being told what the charges against them were. Norine was released without explanation 13 days later, but Brunson continued to be held.

It would not be until December 2016 when charges were formally brought against Brunson accusing him of being a member of an armed terrorist organization. And in August 2017, those charges were broadened to include charges of espionage, attempting to overthrow the Turkish parliament and government, and attempting change to change the constitutional order of Turkey.

Again, it is important to remember that at no time were any of the charges against Brunson corroborated or was evidenced supplied in support of them. There was no evidence that he was actually a terrorist, and no evidence that he, in any way, tried to overthrow the government.

No evidence at all. Just an accusation. Sound familiar?

But those things do not matter because in Turkey. They do not have America’s Constitution and heritage of rights, so it’s okay there to bypass another’s due process rights and to ignore another’s presumption of innocence; precisely the road Democrats have been encouraging Americans to traverse.

Brunson was held as part of a political ploy to use him as a pawn in an international game of chicken. His innocence was immaterial to his captors. Similarly, his release was part of a political ploy to improve relations between that country and the United States. Again, his guilt or innocence was immaterial. The only thing that mattered was the benefits to the Turkish government secured by his imprisonment and subsequently, by his release.

Many argue that the status of civil liberties in the United States is far removed from those in Turkey. I agree. But if Americans’ civil liberties are protected, it is only because Americans demand that due process rights and innocence presumptions be honored.

The road Democrats and the Kavanaugh protestors would put us on, although seemingly long, point directly to the reproduction of the events in Turkey here in the United States. And Americans can ill afford to take even one baby step in that direction.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Revolutionary Act.

Never Mind Rosanne, I Wanna See James Woods!

One of the many fatalities of Hollywood’s war on conservatism is the career of James Woods.  Woods, presently the author of countless conservative tweets is a steeple amongst conservatives on Twitter.  His commentary and retorts are bighting, witty, and when they need to be, merciless.  But of course, his open display of his political positions has cast a stigma on his career as an actor.  And Woods has said as much.

In a tweet from February, Woods said he was blacklisted because he refused to back Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.  Then came word from Woods that The Gersh Agency, which represented him for a great part of his career, would not continue representing him because of his political views.

And Twitter has not been accommodating to Woods, either.  Despite having 1.79 million followers, Twitter banned him from his account after he tweeted a meme of three men enthusiastically proclaiming that they were going to make women’s votes more powerful this election cycle by staying home on election day.


Twitter refused Woods access to his account unless he took down the meme.  He refused. And he got his account back.

But if his Twitter presence has been remarkable, his acting career has been even more so.  Woods, known for his intensity on the screen and his ability to deliver expressions of sheer unbridled anger is one of the giants of modern film productions.

Who can forget the Porsche scene in Against All Odds and the events surrounding it? And if you haven’t seen The Specialist where Woods’s character, Ned Trent, loses it while building a bomb in front of a trailer full of Miami police officers daring them to have him blow it up, then you’ve missed one of the greatest displays of controlled anger on film.

Then there was his portrayal of the Machiavellian politician in Contact, who kept saying, “Continue,” as he intently listened to the report of the missing 8-hours of data from a presumably failed, seconds-long, space mission in a vehicle that was the product of alien blueprint instructions.  The missing time sequence was the exact amount that Jodie Foster’s character, the astronaut that actually traveled in the craft, described as she toured the galaxy with an apparent alien.  Woods’s silent attention was followed by a single, sinister, controlled utterance from him, “That is interesting.”

But by far, my favorite Woods movie is True Believer where Woods plays a beat up, longhaired, has-been lawyer opposite Robert Downey, Jr.  The movie opens with Downey entering the courtroom to meet Woods’s character, Eddie Dodd, for the first time.  Woods, his back to the camera, is seated at the defense table when Downey instinctively introduces himself to the shorthaired, well-manicured defendant seated next to him.  When Woods actually responds, the audience is duped and falls victim to one of the great displays of irony and double-fakery in film.  Few actors other than Woods would have been able to pull off this inherent contradiction in a character.

But, as has become too frequent a case, Woods has been silenced, if not politically, on film.  You would think that there would be someone so iconic, so magnificent, so great, that political bias would be insufficient to ostracize.

Well, you’d be wrong.

Yet Hollywood’s coercion was unable to silence Woods, merely to control the only thing it can about him, his career.  But over the past week, there has been talk about a sitcom featuring Woods and another discarded actor, Roseanne Barr.  Needless to say, I’d love to tune in to that sitcom. Not because of Barr who, although iconic in her own rate, is at best a mediocre actress.  But because of Woods, a true giant amongst thespians!

Mr. Woods, If you’re gonna do this, then do it already!  I’ll go heat up the popcorn!

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Federalist Pages. Republished with permission. The featured image of James Woods is from his Twitter page @RealJamesWoods.

Some Theaters Call It Curtains on Gosnell

For the team behind the movie Gosnell, opening day was supposed to be a relief. Producer Ann McElhinney said, “I thought the other day when the film came out, ‘Oh good! We’re safe now!’ We’re not even slightly safe.” That’s just one of the shocking revelations she shared on “Washington Watch” about what the industry is doing right now to shut down a film so successful that it was in last weekend’s Top 10.

“It is relentless what we’ve put up with here,” Ann told me. And it’s been four years,” A long four years at that. For most people on the Gosnell team, it was the movie that almost wasn’t. They’ve battled HollywoodFacebookNPR, and even a crowdfunding site just to get the film on the screen. And now that it is, the establishment doesn’t want it there. Make no mistake, Ann explains, “This film did a phenomenal business over the weekend. We were the number one independent movie in the country.” But here’s the incredible part. “The theaters where we’re doing the most money, where the most money is being made, they’re dropping us. They’re going to drop the movie. They’re not going to continue to play it.”

“We have reports from all over the country where people go to a theater where they know it’s playing, and there’s no movie poster up. It’s not on the marquee. They’ve almost left the theater, thinking ‘Oh my gosh, it’s not here. We’ve gone to the wrong theater.’ They’ve gone to theaters and been told by the guy selling tickets, ‘You don’t want to go and see that. Why don’t you go and see Venom instead…'”

“I’m telling you, I just got off the phone — and the distributor said in his career, he has never had the reception he’s gotten for this movie from the movie theaters — in a 30-year career… So I would say to your listeners, they need to get out there — and they need to get out there in numbers and buy tickets, even if they can’t go.”

What makes the reaction even more astounding, Ann points out, is how profoundly the film is changing people’s lives. “I can tell you, on the flip side of that, we’re seeing and your listeners can look on Facebook at the Gosnell movie page and see what people are saying… at the end, people sit until the very end of the credits. At one place, a priest stood up and said, ‘Would anyone like to pray?’ and everyone stayed, and everyone prayed… In other places, people huddled in groups in the foyers of movie theaters and prayed. This is what we’re getting from the audience. But I can tell you that the warfare from the establishment is phenomenal.”

If you’ve been to the movie, then you understand how life-altering Gosnell is. Ann said she could stay on the show “all day reading the most beautiful letters from people who have changed their mind about abortion from watching the movie…” Others, she told me, have written and said they just didn’t know. They thought abortion was only legal up to three weeks, or they had no concept of what was involved. The testimonials are all over Gosnell’s Facebook page.

This is one of those rare moments in time when the pro-life movement has the opportunity to make serious impact on the hearts and minds of Americans. So what can you do? Keep buying tickets, for one. Take your church group, your family, or your Bible study. If your local theater isn’t playing the movie, call them up and demand it. Then have your friends do the same. Ask them, “Why won’t you show this film? It’s an incredible movie. Gosnell is the number one independent movie in the United States. It’s something I care about. My family cares about. Our church cares about. A huge number of people in this country care about it.”

Then, most importantly, pray. There’s a spiritual battle taking place in America over the truth in this movie. And it’s a battle — after 60 million unborn lives — that needs to be waged.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


McCaskill Tapes: For Your Lies Only

Conservatives Take a Beating from Far-Left

Suppression: Theaters Drop ‘Gosnell’ Movie Despite It Being a Top-Grossing Film 

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission.

This Google Employee Just Confirmed The Company’s Anti-Conservative Bias [By Accident]

The evidence of Google’s anti-conservative bias just keeps showing up. They rank a “1” on all of 2ndVote’s categories, a recent video showed senior executives at the company telling employees of their personal dislike for the results of the 2016 election, and they’ve been credibly accused of hiding conservative search results. This is in addition to subsidiary Google companies such as YouTube demonetizing “offensive” conservative videos.

Now we’re seeing some bias from Google Design Lead Dave Hogue. Shortly after Brett Kavanaugh won Senate approval to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, Hogue wrote in a now-deleted Tweet, “You are finished, @GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. F–K. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL.”

“I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames,” he added.

Fox News reports that Hogue deleted the Tweet and acknowledged he “should have been more eloquent and less condemning.” A Google spokesperson told Fox in an e-mail, “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

We respect Google’s policies, but let’s be honest: Hogue isn’t alone in hating conservatives. He’s just one of the few to openly spew his opinions.

Hogue’s comments are just the latest snafu for the company. Google is about to close Google+ after hiding for months that people’s data was hacked.

2ndVote consumers can fight back against Google’s corporate liberalism and dishonesty by changing search engines. DuckDuckGo prioritizes consumer privacy and is neutral on all of 2ndVote’s issue categories. And we have found to be a similarly neutral web browser option, founded by former Mozilla executive Brendan Eich.

Google may dominate certain markets, but conservatives don’t have to take their endangering of our rights and privacy lying down. Take action. Change browsers and search engines. Show Google that if it wants your business, it has to earn it.

See where DuckDuckGo stands on the issues here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign | Breitbart

Help us continue holding corporations and non-profits accountable for their activism by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image for illustrative purposes is by Fernando Hernandez on Unsplash.

Sammy Davis, Jr. — Like Kanye — Was Viciously Attacked For Hugging A GOP President

If you ever wondered what would happen when you put Kanye West and Donald Trump in the Oval Office together, last week undoubtedly gave you an indication. Their meeting was one of the most colorful displays of contrasting styles, differing perspectives, and looseness of association in recent memory — ending with a flamboyant hug behind the Resolute Desk, sealed with Kanye’s proclamation of, “I love this guy!”

Predictably, Kanye’s hug was the talk of the nation, and it wasn’t all positive.

CNN’s Don Lemon saw it as a moment when Kanye West was exploited and used by a white president. And the African American rapper, T.I., lashed out at West, exclaiming via social media, “This is the most repulsive, disgraceful, embarrassing act of desperation & auctioning off of one’s soul to gain power I’ve ever seen. . . I feel compelled to slap the f***k outta you bro for the people!”

This abusive relationship between independent black men and the Democratic Party left has a long history.

Things were not good between Richard Nixon and the African-American community back in 1971. First, he was a Republican, and the Democrats had just passed the Civil Rights Act that had been originally pushed by Republicans. The view of the Republican Party as the Grand Ol’ Civil Rights Party was abandoned as African-Americans flocked to Lyndon B. Johnson and his War on Poverty.

What’s worse, Nixon was an awkward, white man. He had no spunk and had this awful tendency to accumulate sweat above his upper lip. His performance in front of the camera was so bad that a decade earlier, during his debate with John F. Kennedy, those who heard the event on radio called him the clear winner while those who saw it on television almost universally sided with Kennedy.

Also, African-Americans were not impressed with Nixon’s first term as President. For starters, he had nominated two Southern judges to the Supreme Court, neither of whom was confirmed by the Senate. Second, unlike Lyndon B. Johnson with his Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Robert C. Weaver, Nixon did not appoint any African-Americans to his cabinet.

And then there was the issue of the growing welfare state and Nixon’s intent of cutting programs initiated by Johnson. In fact, in 1971, the animus towards Nixon was so intense that the Congressional Black Caucus boycotted his State of the Union address.

Nixon recognized he needed an ally from the black community. He had been seen a few times with James Brown, but Brown was not a politically active individual.

Sammy Davis Junior, on the other hand, was a “Cool Cat.” He was an African-American Jew and flaunted it. He had one fake eye and was proud of it. And he was the sole black member of the famously infamous Rat Pack!

Besides, Sammy Davis, Jr. was The Candy Man! Who could ever dislike the man that could take the sunrise and sprinkle it with dew; and cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two?

Astutely, Nixon asked Davis to be on his National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity. Davis, of course, was thrilled at the prospect. From his standpoint, he was being tasked to serve on a Committee by the President of the United States! What greater honor could there be for any American, particularly an African-American Jew! Davis gladly met with the President at the White House to accept his position, a photo op for both men.

Then Nixon asked Davis to appear in Vietnam before the troops, which he did, and then came to the White House to report to the President. Another photo op.

Next thing he knew Sammy Davis, Jr. was appearing at Republican fundraisers, and singing!

So, in the 1972, it was natural for Davis to be asked to participate in the Republican National Convention in Miami Beach. Davis enthusiastically accepted and that’s how he found himself on stage before the Republican Youth Rally at the Playboy Hotel in Miami as the President of the United States arrived in the middle of his performance!

Seeing Nixon walk on stage, Davis was naturally overwhelmed. He stopped, warmly introduced Nixon, and then, in the joy of the moment, gave the President a welcoming, warm, sideways hug!

Immediately, the cameras blazed, inscribing in black and white one of the 20th century’s most impactful, interracial photographic moments. The picture, angled from the men’s front-right, captured a stooped over Sammy Davis, Jr. with his left arm around the President and his right hand gripping Nixon’s right forearm. The smiles on the two men’s faces were genuine and beaming even though their poses — Davis’s ever cool and Nixon’s ever stiff — bespoke their differences.

Although the moment was genuine, the reaction from the left was vicious. The hatred towards Sammy Davis, Jr. was palpable as African-Americans from all over the nation condemned him for so praising the President. He was accused of being used and manipulated by white people.

In short, the left, despicably, turned Sammy Davis, Jr. into a traitor to his race. Sounds pretty familiar.

Recognizing the vitriol, Davis’s PR team went on offense. Sy Marsh, Davis’s PR director, immediately reached out to one of the stalwarts of the Civil Rights movement and one of the most respected African-American leaders in the country at the time: Jesse Jackson.  Remember, Jackson was at the balcony of the Lorraine Motel when Martin Luther King was brutally shot. The cameras would capture him as one of the men standing next to a dying King desperately pointing in the direction of the gunshots.

Of course Jackson could salvage Davis’s image! Or at least Marsh thought.

At the time, Jackson was involved in an organization he developed, People United to Save Humanity (PUSH), and if Davis could bring $15,000.00 to the upcoming PUSH fundraiser in Chicago, Jackson would be happy to have Davis join him on stage.

Marsh quickly scrounged up the money from the people who recurrently bailed Sammy Davis, Jr. from financial peril stemming from his drinking and drug use; the casino owners. The payment arranged, Davis showed up as planned, and here is how Wil Haygood, author of a 2003 Washington Post article named the “The Hug” describes it:

And there [Davis] stood, preparing to join Jackson on that Chicago stage and navigate the swinging bridge of black-white relations that defined the ’60s. “Sammy walks out,” recalls Marsh, “and they booed him. Sammy is in a state of shock.” Davis swung his head from side to side of the building, looking for the anger, the source of the boos. “It struck me as with physical force, knocking the wind out of me,” Davis would recall. “It grew louder.” Jackson seemed momentarily startled. He quickly flung his muscular arm around Davis. Jackson’s ferocious embrace was so full of on-the-spot love it seemed to weaken Davis. He seemed to be shrinking inside his denim jacket. The boos and catcalls rained on.

“Brothers,” Jackson said, waving his arm for quiet, “if it wasn’t for people like Sammy Davis, you wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t have PUSH today. Now, I expected some foolish people were going to react like this because the man hugged the president of the United States. So what? Look at what this gigantic little man has committed himself to over all these years.”

As the boos erupted anew, Jackson realized he had underestimated the anger. Davis’s body began twisting. He wanted to bolt. Jackson could feel his angst, and only held Davis tighter. Then he asked Davis to sing something, and suggested “I’ve Gotta Be Me.” Given the circumstances, it was a request both funny and meaningful — and perhaps Freudian. Davis had no time to ponder the meaning; he simply began singing. Words caught in his throat; there was snickering. Marsh felt terrible. “Sammy sang a song, came off, said, ‘. . . They don’t want me. I don’t want them.’ He got blind drunk that night, and cried.

What happened to Sammy Davis, Jr. is emblematic of the bullying tactics so characteristically employed by the left against anyone who dares to disagree with its position or who strolls outside of the confines of its stable. Sammy Davis, Jr. dared to venture outside of his predefined confines, and he paid for it dearly. Forever after, he was called a whitey, and he was never acknowledged as the incredible credit he was to his race and to his country despite his many personality flaws.

Now, 46 years later, Kanye West stands at the threshold of the same precipice. Hopefully, his treatment will be a lot gentler, but as we’re witnessing from the conduct of the new left bullies like Don Lemon and T.I., probably not.

(The author acknowledges Wil Haygood, “The Hug” The Washington Post, Sept. 14, 2003, from which much of the factual content is obtained.)

RELATED VIDEO: The Redemption of Kanye.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. The featured photo is of Sammy Davis Jr. famously embracing Richard Nixon at the 1972 convention GOP Convention in Miami, FL. | AP Photo.

PODCAST: The Democrats Go Down Kicking and Screaming

“…if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.” – Hillary Clinton


Over the last few years, the Democrats have tried to characterize their GOP opponents as racists, Fascists, xenophobes, homophobes, and yaddy yadda. These were all carried forward by the grassroots of their party to the point they chant it upon request. Hillary Clinton coined the word “deplorables” which was intended to take a swipe at the intelligence level of Republicans. It backfired though and became a Badge of Honor to some who proudly declared themselves as “deplorable Republicans.”

Recently, I heard one talking head for the Democrats refer to Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court as the start of the “1000 year Reich” (referring to Nazi Germany’s Third Reich). Such an insult indicates the strain the Democrats are under to win in the midterm elections.

The intolerance of the left is also seen in the suppression of freedom of speech, particularly on college campuses who do not allow conflicting opinions other than the dogma of the Democrats. This has turned into some particularly ugly confrontations where Republican voices have been thwarted. This unidirectional approach to free speech helped trigger the #walkaway movement where Democrats who do not like what they see are divorcing themselves from their party.

Despite the outcome in the Justice Kavanaugh hearing, the Democrats persist in calling for his ouster. Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to release the FBI investigation to the public, and Congressional Democrats are threatening impeachment proceedings, assuming they take control of the Congress in November. In other words, they have no intention of giving up on Mr. Kavanuagh until he is removed from the Supreme Court. This is easier said than done. The last time a Justice was impeached by the House was Samuel Chase in 1805. Interestingly, the Senate acquitted him and Chase remained in office. As an aside, Justice Chase was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, as a representative of Maryland.

My concern though is the rising discord and belligerent behavior as seen at the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation in the U.S. Senate and on the Supreme Court steps. This could all easily escalate to violence as exemplified at a recent Antifa demonstration in Portland, Oregon, where police appeared reluctant to challenge the group. It appears this is becoming a regular happening within the city.

As we approach the midterm elections, I’m becoming concerned we will see intimidation at the voting precincts as we did in Philadelphia during the 2008 election. It is not difficult to believe young members of the far left may be organized and ready to stop Republicans from voting. I certainly hope this won’t happen, but the Democrats are growing more desperate each day as their polling numbers plummet following the Kavanaugh controversy.

Their anger has been piqued by a president who is finally not afraid to stand up to the Democrats and related news media. The fact President Trump has been able to accomplish so much in his first two years of office, and undo a lot of the work of his predecessor, has enraged his opponents. The difference between this president and others is that he is a no-nonsense businessman who demands results, not a politician who is content to play political games.

As President Trump recently said at a rally in Topeka, Kansas (10/6/2018), “The Democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law, not the rule of the mob… You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left wing mob – and that’s what they’ve become.”

The President’s message resonates with voters who prefer peace and prosperity over turmoil. By cultivating a culture of upheaval, the Democrats have ignored the economy. They also do not comprehend why most Americans want secured borders and immigration reform. Instead, they persist in the elimination of borders and promote Sanctuary Cities. This is simply a refutation of law and order, which may sit well with illegal immigrants (and potential future voters), but not with responsible American citizens.

Yes, it appears the tables have turned and the Democrats have been revealed to be the true party of hate. It is obvious they won’t give up, not unless they are voted out of office.

One last note, to those of you faced with angry Democrats who confront you and call you names, do not stoop to their level. Just back away from them. If you’re on social media, just delete their hate and your relationship with them. When all they can do is talk to themselves, you’ve won.

Keep the Faith!


Warren’s Pocahontas Wackiness Shows How Liberals Are A Bunch Of Bigots

Elizabeth Warren, Typical White Person

Could Trump Win 20 Percent of the African-American Vote in 2020?

EDITORS NOTE: All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies. Copyright © 2018 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved. The featured photo is by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash.

Gosnell’s Success Has Liberals Reeling [Video]

It was the little production that could. After years of battling HollywoodFacebookNPR, and even a crowdfunding siteGosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer defied all odds on opening weekend. By Sunday, the film had climbed to number 10 on the box office charts — despite a media bent on ignoring the movie and the real-life drama. For the husband-and-wife team who fought to tell the story, the numbers don’t lie. After last weekend, the film was number one on the indie film chart — and despite debuting in just 673 theaters, brought in more than $1.2 million. Although some critics refused to screen the movie, the ones who did were overwhelmingly impressed. On Rotten Tomatoes, which aggregates the scores of almost every review, Gosnell earned a score of 67 percent, beating out crowd-pleasers like last year’s The Greatest Showman by 11 points. And it was an even bigger hit with audiences, who gave the film a 99-percent approval rating.

It’s just too bad, CNS News points out, that so many media outlets seem “as uninterested in the film as they were when the actual Gosnell trial happened five years ago.” In politics, co-producer Phelim McAleer said, “there’s an equivalent term for this: voter suppression. It is a sad attempt to pretend our film isn’t in theaters across America. But they can’t ignore the box office numbers. We humbly thank all of our fans across the country for this great opening. The people have spoken.”

If you’ve seen the movie or read people’s accounts from the theaters — which range from audiences sitting in silence well after the credits or joining hands for impromptu prayer — you know what a difference the story is making. “This is not your typical pro-life movie. There’s no heart-warming storyline about a challenging but ultimately successful adoption. There’s no nervous single mother who sees an ultrasound and decides to leave the abortion clinic and raise her child against all odds. There is just horror, plain and simple.” And yet, National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis goes on, “it’s the most powerful kind of anti-abortion movie that could ever be made, because every minute of it… [is true].”

Do your part to spread the truth: buy a ticket. For a listing of theaters near you, click here. Or, to hear from the stars of Gosnell, like Dean Cain, watch this panel from VVS on the challenges of making a movie about the realities of abortion.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Break Specialists: GOP Uses Recess to Move Judges

Pastor Brunson: Two Years — and Millions of Prayers — Later

‘Gosnell’ filmmakers didn’t care about abortion until they saw his victims

Why Is NPR Continuing to Cover Up the Crimes of Dr. Kermit Gosnell? (Even Daily Beast Is Complaining!)

EDITORS NOTE: This column with photos and video is republished with permission.

All Hallows Eve: On Facebook bias, Justice Kavanaugh, Hillary, Democrats, Voter Fraud & Midterm Election 2018

A few days ago, my wife Mary and I left our home in West Virginia to fly to Denver to meet up with our Conservative Campaign Committee team. A baby screamed for what seemed like the entire 4 hour flight to Denver.

With the mid-term elections only weeks away, this is our Conservative Campaign Committee’s final road trip to keep the GOP in control of the house and senate. Mary and I will not return home until after the November 6th election. Upon landing in Denver, the game plan was to pile into an SUV and drive 8 hours to Montana to campaign for Matt Rosendale. Snow and freezing rain forced us to spend a few nights in Denver.

Thanks to a break in the weather, we’re on the road to Montana. I am writing (reporting in to you) from the far back row of the SUV; not because I am black. Just having a little fun – leftists make everything about race. I picked the back seat because I can listen to relaxing Christian music in my headset and write.

Like all conservatives and Republicans, Conservative Campaign Committee is under severe attack by leftist operatives who are hellbent on stopping Trump’s America first agenda. CCC is not funded by major corporations. We are funded by individuals across America who love their country and want to see Trump’s amazing achievements continue. Suddenly, email services CCC has used for years have canceled our accounts; calling our funding emails hate speech. So supporting Trump’s agenda is now deemed hate speech by leftists. Folks, your financial support is greatly appreciated.

I have 13,000 Facebook friends. And yet, only 250 are seeing the conservative articles I write. Clearly, conservative and pro-Trump speech is being blocked.

Not only is the anti-America left closing down conservative, pro-Trump and pro-America speech, they are advocating violence and breaking the law to stop Trump’s America first agenda. Antifa vandalized the NYC GOP and threatened more violence.

Outrageously, Democrat candidate for governor in Georgia, Stacey Abrams, is openly seeking votes of illegal aliens to win.

Crazy angry actor Alec Baldwin called for the ‘overthrow’ of the United States government under Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton irresponsibly encouraged Trump-hating Democrats to be uncivil.

Clearly, Trump’s amazing unprecedented progress towards making America great again has caused Democrats/leftists to lose their minds – promoting violence and anarchy.

Let us not forget the Democrats’ insidiously evil ongoing campaign to destroy new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

I praise God for giving President Trump the courage and wisdom to achieve the release of Pastor Brunson from prison in Turkey.

Folks, this article would be extremely long if I were to list Trump’s remarkable unreported achievements for We the People. In a nutshell, we are blessed.

We are all well aware of what’s at stake in the mid-term elections. Our greatest enemy is over-confidence and complacency. Every Republican must vote. Period.

Screaming babies on airplanes, long rides cramped into an SUV, snow, freezing rain and waving signs for our candidates on street corners in 100 degrees to freezing temperatures is a small price to pay to keep our country on the right road with Trump behind the wheel – driving us back to our rightful place as the shining city on a hill.


Dem Gubernatorial Nominee Says Illegal Immigrants Are Part of the ‘Blue Wave’

Watch: Blacks Shocked, Appalled To See What White Liberals Really Think of Them

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by David Menidrey on Unsplash.

Presumption of Innocence Is Social Justice

I have a friend in Papua New Guinea named Monica Paulus who was accused of casting sorcery spells because a person died in her village. Her neighbors almost murdered her until she fled the region. Now she works to save other women falsely accused of sorcery who are targets of torture and killing. This is a window into the mob violence Western civilization crawled slowly out of through the establishment of principles like the presumption of innocence.

To millions of Americans, Brett Kavanaugh seems just as guilty as Monica seemed to her accusers. They sincerely believe, because of the power groupthink has over the human mind, that Kavanaugh has all the signs of their suspected profile of an abuser of women: rich, white, elite Catholic school attendee, conservative, and nominated by Donald Trump. Millions of people have repeated this so often that it feels deeply true. Plus, there were accusations!

Monica’s accusers believed she fit the profile of a witch. Once the first accusation was levied, it was easy for others to believe it was true. From an outside vantage, charges of deadly sorcery seem absurd to third-party observers. But in Monica’s culture, belief in the power of sorcery to kill children and cause calamity has been universal for millennia. Though recent infections of Christianity have shaken it, sorcery is still a fact of life.

Personhood has been a hard-fought prize of Western civilization. The idea that an individual person has a right to their own life and liberty regardless of the passions of the collective is a relatively new and fragile gain for humanity. For most of history, the individual person accused by a crowd or community had no ability to escape its all-consuming wrath.

Humans without Christ-rooted protection for the individual quickly descend into very dangerous, unthinking crowds.

In the book of Genesis, Potiphar’s wife accused her Hebrew servant Joseph of trying to rape her when, in fact, she tried to seduce him. Joseph was thrown into prison for this false accusation without any need for corroboration except the cloak she had ripped from him.

The Pitfalls of Believing All Women

“Believe Our Women!” could have been the slogan organizers used during Jim Crow against black men falsely accused of sexual violence. The “justice” crowds felt as sure about their scapegoats’ guilt as new partisan crowds do about their conservative targets. To mobs, a person’s wealth or poverty or race is sufficient reason to ignore their humanity and cast shame.

Even popular cinema reflects a healthy suspicion of collective accusations. In the film Edward Scissorhands, a woman falsely accused Edward (Johnny Depp) of sexual assault after he spurned her advances in a barber shop. Her tears led to an angry mob destroying the life of an innocent.

To that mob, Edward’s differentiation from their shared cultural identity madehim a very guilty rapist.

That zeal is what possesses the minds of people who think that dressing out-of-fashion, having opposing political opinions, or bearing a “guilty” skin color makes one eternally suspect for non-corroborated accusations.

In 18 AD, if a woman claimed a high magistrate tried to sexually assault her when they were teens, she would be ignored, arrested, or executed without anything but derision in every society around the world. Two-thousand years of Jesus’s personhood revolution has made it so that such a claim against the highest of officials is rightfully treated with sacred care and gravity.

Victim-garbed political stunts and witch hunts are growing. But those weeds take root in the cultural soil cultivated by the Crucified One. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

We should take survivors of assault seriously, and we do that by never using them as props for political power and by creating a culture that treats every human as sacred and worthy of supreme dignity.

We have much to learn from a survivor of witch hunts like Monica Paulus. We should protect the voice of the powerless in the face of violence. We should treat human beings as individual persons, not pawns of identity-exploiting optics. We should fight for the presumption of innocence, not just in the court of law but as the cultural norm we grant the accused in discourse. Finally, we should remember that politics is a thin laminate on the passions and fits of human crowds: the mobs we see in recent days are a revelation of the heart of the whole enterprise.

Rejecting State Power and the Mob Mentality

The State, a monopoly on violence against nonviolent persons in a given territory, is not to be trusted with centrally planning our lives. One court of nine sages deciding personal matters and vices for 300 million people just sounds like a really bad cultic idea.

The Founders never intended the court to have such broad, sweeping ex nihilo powers of legal decree. Congress has the power to limit the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction. Decentralizing power closer to home will go a long way to easing tensions between neighbors who feel powerless when their rivals win power over our current winner-takes-all DC Leviathan.

Monica Paulus’s example in Papua New Guinea offers a final clue as to how we should fight for justice in America. After facing gruesome near-death, she had opportunities to flee to a safe space. But she stayed.

To this day, she continues to work in villages in which witch burnings are still used to solve social tensions and grief. She actively intervenes in the midst of self-righteous crowds—convinced of their targets’ guilt—to save women from horrible deaths. She does not seek revenge against those who accuse her. She seeks to end collective violence and protect the personhood of all people, no matter who they are.

I’m with Monica.


David Gornoski

David Gornoski

David Gornoski is your neighbor – as well as an entrepreneur, speaker and writer. He recently launched a project called A Neighbor’s Choice, which seeks to introduce Jesus’ culture of nonviolence to both Christians and the broader public. A Neighbor’s Choice is also the name of his weekly radio show on state violence and alternative solutions to it. Email him here.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with all images is republished with permission.

Trump Scandal – Sharp Increase in GOP Testosterone Abuse

In what may be the most alarming Trump scandal to date, there is strong evidence of heavy testosterone use among Republicans, most notably in the Senate.

“We’re not sure where they’re getting it,” said Chuck Schumer, “but the behavior of these Republican senators, has changed and we’re deeply concerned for what this might mean for the future of our democracy. They’re so chemically altered, I don’t even know these people anymore.”

Media broadcasts from coast to coast drew attention to what some are calling “The Testosterone Effect.”

Lester Holt commented, “It’s like we don’t even know these senators anymore. This may be cause for deep concern for the future of our democracy.”

Rachel Maddow opined, “I am deeply concerned for the future of our democracy. I feel like I don’t even know these senators.”

Whoopie Goldberg observed on The View, “I don’t know about you, but it’s like I don’t even know these senators, and you know, I’ve met some of them. I’m really worried about the future of our democracy.”

However, at a TA meeting, anonymous senators shared their experiences but seemingly with no intention of going sober.

“It felt great calling out the Democrats on a show trial,” said LG, a senator from South Carolina, “It needed to be said and I was glad to do it.”

“Ever since I started using the [testosterone], I felt like I could stand up to the mob smearing Kavanaugh and trying to intimidate other senators to change their vote. I felt like a new man,” stated MM, an anonymous senate majority leader.

SC, a female senator from Maine, admitted that she had taken a hit on the substance at a testosterone party. “I felt like I could stand up and point out the lack of evidence in these scurrilous accusations against a good man,” she recalled, “and that’s exactly what I did.”

When asked by a therapist whether they would use again, all the senators agreed that they “probably” would do it again raising concerns about the highly addictive nature of testosterone, the high rate of relapse, and the future of our democracy.”

At a White House press conference, President Trump was asked directly by a reporter from Pravda about what he knew about GOP testosterone abuse and when he knew it. “All I know,” said the president, “is that we’re winning, and we’re winning bigly. Next question, please.”

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by Komissar al-Blogunov originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Democrat Party Adopts 2020 Slogan: ‘We’re 1/1024th American,’ Trump responds

According to unnamed CNN sources the Democratic Party has decided upon its slogan to take back the White House in 2020. President Trump has already launched his “Keep America Great” campaign. Democrats what to show their base just how anti-Trump they really are have chosen “We’re 1/1024th American” as their slogan.

CNN’s DNCC unnamed source, code for a senior FBI official, notes:

We must as a party set ourselves apart from the misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, bigoted, racist and hateful Republicans. We have therefore shown in our new slogan that we don’t believe in America and we are not Americans but Democrats. Nor do we believe America was ever great.

Donald J. Trump has made us uncivil and we will remain uncivil until we take back the power we so richly deserve.

Democrats tested the new slogan with its core constituencies and found it to reflect the Democrat Party’s core values and beliefs. Here are samples of the polling data from various key “intersectional groups” within the Democrat Party base with responses:

  1. Followers of Bernie Sanders – “Free stuff for everyone until the money runs out, and then your on your own.”
  2. Followers of Marx – “We will bury you!” Quote made while pounding fists and shoes on a table.
  3. Followers of Mao – “他妈的特朗普” (F**k Trump)
  4. Followers of Mohammed – “اللعنة ترامب” (F**k Trump)
  5. LGBTQ – See 3 and 4 above.
  6. Antifa – See 3, 4 and 5 above.

The spokesperson, a gender and racially neutral term, for the Black Lives Matter movement noted:

We are forming a coalition with our Cherokee brothers, led by Senator Elizabeth Warren, to get out the undocumented non-American vote.

President Trump when asked by CNN’s Jim Acosta about the new Democrat Party slogan said, “Who?”

on Twitter showcased an Elizabeth Warren for President campaign sign:

 tweeted this:

Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) tweeted:

Breaking wind from CNN! Washington Redskins announce name change to the “Warrens”

It’s going to be an interesting presidential primary in 2020. Make sure to make your reservations, no pun intended.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by Russian Bot originally appeared in the undocumented I’m Not An American magazine.

Why Don’t All Women Vote Democrat?

The Democrats desperately want the world to believe they have a monopoly on the female vote; that a vote for a Democrat candidate is the only logical choice. They further contend any woman voting for a Republican is either a fool or being controlled by their spouse. It is simply beyond their comprehension that women would support President Trump, a Republican running for election, or Brett Kavanaugh. They just don’t get it.

The reality is this is their way of manipulating women through intimidation. They are hoping women will vote in accordance with their gender. I guess this means men should only vote for male candidates, right?

They are also hoping women will say something like, “I better vote for the Democrats so I don’t appear stupid. What would my friends say if I voted Republican?” Even worse, Democrats assume Republican women are not smart enough to make their own decisions and if they vote for a GOP candidate, they are being unpatriotic.

This is political brainwashing at its best. The Democrats honestly believe such intimidation works, and maybe it does for the unsophisticated, but I believe women are smarter than this, at least the ones I’ve met in my journey through life. I have found most women do not like to discuss politics among themselves in social settings as they do not want to alienate anyone, but they do indeed possess opinions and vote accordingly.

In the 2016 election, the Democrats believed women would overwhelmingly support Mrs. Clinton. They were aghast that President Trump won white women votes by 52% to 43%. Mrs. Clinton won the minority female vote but this may very well change in the upcoming midterm elections as the economy has improved dramatically for African-Americans, Asians, and women (the unemployment rate for Women fell to its lowest level in 65 years). Instead of working to change the economy for the better for women, Democrats do nothing more than perpetuate the myth that women are non-thinking robots who must vote for liberal causes. I’m sorry, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

If the Democrats honestly believe this, they are making a “huge” mistake with women voters. This suggestion women should only vote for “the party of feminism” is insulting to many, causing women to push back and vote Republican.

The Democrats’ attacks on Justice Kavanaugh during his recent hearings did not go unnoticed. Young liberal women might have been offended, but older women, more in tune with what is happening economically and politically in this country, did not buy it. In fact, they were more offended by the female protesters demonstrating on the Supreme Court steps, and in the gallery of the U.S. Senate. Their obnoxious behavior was more of a turnoff to women as opposed to causing them to embrace the demonstrators’ position. As one female friend told me, “Democrat Women are shrill, toxic and no lipstick!” What the Democrats do not seem to realize is civility is still preferred over boisterous and repugnant protests.

This presumption that women should only vote for Democrats has been going on for quite some time, and frankly, it is not taken seriously anymore. By trying to brow-beat women into voting for their candidates, as opposed to developing legislation to help women, the Democrats have put themselves on a path of self-destruction.

It will be interesting to see the voter demographics when this midterm election is concluded. If more women vote for Republicans than Democrats in the midterms, then we’ll know the tactics of the Democrats no longer work.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies. The featured photo is by Chris Murray on Unsplash.

Yes, Democrats, It’s a Mob

Former Attorney General Eric Holder believes that Michelle Obama was wrong when she famously advised, “When they go low, we go high.” Rather, he told Democrats at a gathering in Georgia, “When they go low, we kick them.”

If Holder had been honest, he would have said, “When they win a presidency via the constitutionally mandated route and the duly elected president nominates a Supreme Court justice with a 12-year exceptional record on the bench and then the duly elected Senate follows all the rules and precedents set by Democrats—offering numerous hearings and investigations along the way—and confirms that nominee, we kick them, because we’re frustrated.”

There’s nothing wrong with “fighting” in politics. We don’t need to be hypersensitive about every metaphorical overindulgence (unless it’s Donald Trump; then we must take it literally, seriously, and hysterically). But the problem is that Democrats have a bad habit of acting as if every political setback they experience is caused by some act of criminality. This instigates a lot of people to act like a bunch of children—or worse.

When Democrats lose the House, it’s because of mythical unilateral gerrymandering or mythical mass voter suppression. When they lose the Senate, it’s because the system suddenly became an antiquated relic of the 1700s. When they lose the Supreme Court, there is a “legitimacy crisis.” When they lost the 2000 election, it was because it had been stolen by the Supreme Court. When they lost in 2004, George W. Bush had rigged the election in Ohio. When they lost in 2016, omnipotent Russians and the unfair Electoral College had snatched the office from its preordained owner.

And every legislative action that fails to comport with liberal thinking is to them an apocalyptic event and the end of “democracy.”

If all of this were true, the question would be: Why aren’t more people joining a mob? If your government is stealing your country, why wouldn’t you embrace boorishness or even violence?

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Hillary Clinton recently explained, egging on one of those mobs. If you allow politics to become a stand-in for religion, the apostates don’t deserve decency. “Civility can start again,” Clinton went on to helpfully inform us, when Democrats run Congress.

Of course, it’s easy to embrace fake magnanimity when you hold power. Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” came during her 2016 speech at the Democratic National Convention, and it was aimed at Trumpian rhetoric when nearly everyone in power believed that Clinton would triumph.

Obama offered her axiom after liberals had spent eight years trying to use executive power to coerce, demean, and morally micromanage the deplorables—yet those clingy God-loving gun nuts stubbornly refused to accept the progressive reinvention of patriotism.

They went low all the time. It was Joe Biden, not Trump, who accused Republicans and their presidential candidate, a man who had dutifully engaged in civic life for quite some time, of betting against America.

Yet Democrats still act perplexed by the backlash. Even now the mob within their ranks is being cast, predictably, as a conservative fiction. “Republicans Seize On ‘Angry Mob’ Mantra To Keep Their Midterm Base Fired Up,” says NPR. CNN insists that it’s a normal, everyday demonstration of free expression to chase politicians’ wives out of public places. You may not use the word “mob” in their presence.

No, it’s not the Parisian mob. Not yet. It’s more like one of those illiberal campus mobs that attempt, often successfully, to shut down debate. A mob is a disorderly crowd of people who have the intent of causing trouble or violence.

So, for example, that means people who interrupt lawful proceedings or people who wildly bang on the Supreme Court doors when a vote doesn’t go their way or people who surround politicians (and their families) and chase them out of restaurants or people who join groups that smear other Americans without evidence—those who try to undermine the rule of law through intimidation.

As a First Amendment absolutist, I say yell at politicians in public spaces all you like. That just means you’re a buffoon. But once you surround people and restrict their movements, you are engaging in more than incivility. Those actions will almost surely compound and become dangerous. And should I even mention that if any of this were directed at Democrats, the nation would be plunged into an overwrought discussion about the importance of civility in American life?

“This is what happens,” Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, said this week. If you act as if every traditionally conservative policy position and legal appointment to the court portends the Fourth Reich, this is indeed what happens. For now, though, partisan incivility isn’t really a mainstream problem. But some Democrats seem to want to change this.


Portrait of David Harsanyi

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist and the author of the forthcoming “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .


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EDITORS NOTE: This column with photos is republished with permission. The featured image of Eric Holder is by Yuri Gripas/Reuters/Newscom.

Will Incoming Republican Leaders in the Florida Senate/House Continue Gun Control Trend?

Mr. Oliva,

Many of us conservative, law abiding gun owners are very concerned about the recent trend of gun control shown by Republicans in the Florida Legislature especially the incoming leaders of both the House and Senate.

It is my understanding that you, as incoming Speaker of the House and incoming Senate President Bill Galvano led the charge to compromise with Democrats in the House and Senate to pass the SB 7026 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act which is also a gun control act.  As you know, it passed overwhelmingly in the House 67-50 with 57 of the YES votes by Republicans  but only passed by 20-18 vote in the Senate.

Although the NRA and other 2A advocacy groups are concerned about the infringement of 2A rights under this law, they should also be concerned about violations of Due Process (5th and 14th Amendments)  with the Risk Assessment Order piece.  A person suspected of being a threat can have all of his/her firearms & accessories and carry permit seized for up to a year unless they prove in a hearing they are not a threat.  They must prove their innocence not the court/prosecutor.  Furthermore their property can and most likely will be seized prior to the hearing even being conducted.

This has already started with 121 seizures in Polk County since Sep. 14.  We don’t know how many of these were overturned and guns & accessories returned by the results of the hearing but seizure before the hearing and the burden being placed on the accused to prove they are not a threat rather than the court proving they are a threat is a clear violation of Due Process.   Please see attached article.

If the court rules on behalf of the accused, they have no recourse to recoup expenses if they hired an attorney; no recompense of potential loss of reputation nor compensation for their the time & effort required to go thru bureaucratic process of recovering their seized property nor payment for any damages to seized property.

This law will allow liberal courts and prosecutors to weaponize the Risk Protection Order based on their anti-gun agendas.  This breach of Constitutional rights is a travesty of the law and should not be allowed to stand.

Only one piece of this law should have been passed before the end of the 2018 session and that is Sheriff Grady Judd’s Guardian/Sentinel Program to insure at least one armed, highly trained security person is placed in every school before the start of 2018-19 school year.  The rest of the 105 page law is full of gun control, additional bureaucracy, and unclear procedures open to differing interpretations all at great expense to FL taxpayers and violations of the rights of legal, law abiding Florida gun owners.

The Florida Legislature must revisit and either invalidate or at least change the bad parts of SB 7026, one of which is the Risk Protection Order under the open to interpretation and unclear procedures presently established.


Royal A. Brown III
V.P. Winter Haven 912

Galvano, NRA clash Over Political Contribution

By Jim Turner

News Service of Florida  – TALLAHASSEE

Incoming , Senate President Bill Galvano  is not backing down after finding himself in the crosshairs of the National Rifle Association for receiving a sizable political contribution from that backs gun restrictions and has ties to former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Galvano, a Bradenton Republican who is slated to become Senate president after the November elections, pointed Monday to’the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman , Douglas High School that killed 17 people. After the shooting, , lawmakers passed a bill (SB 7026) that included raising the minimum age from 18 to 21 to purchase rifles and other long guns – a restriction the NRA has challenged in federal court.

(Even more damaging provisions of this new law are the Risk Protection Orders which allow seizure of all firearms, accessories & even concealed carry permits from a person deemed a threat before a hearing is conducted which is a violation of Due Process under the 5th and 14th Amendments – RABIII).

“I will make no apologies for the responsible steps we took in a bipartisan manner in the wake of the worst school shooting in our state’s history,” Galvano said.

Galvano’s comments came  after NRA Tallahassee lobbyist Marion Hammer, a former national president of the gun – .rights organization, called him out for accepting a $200,000 contribution from Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, which has been heavily backed by Bloomberg.The contribution went to a political committee known as Innovate Florida, which is chaired by Galvano.

Hammer, a longtime powerful lobbyist in Tallahassee, sent out an “alert” Monday to members of the NRA and Unified Sportsmen of Florida about the Sept. 4 contribution to Galvano’s committee.

“Incoming Florida Senate President Bill Galvano calls himself a Republican but is rumored to be the one who colluded with anti-gun Democrats to engineer the gun control package included in SB-7026 this past session,” Hammer wrote to members of the groups. “SB-7026 contained three major gun control provisions and was rammed down the throats of Senate and House Republican legislators.”

“Looks like our Second Amendment Rights were sold for a large contribution from anti-gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg,”Hammer wrote. “All of this while the anti-gunners keep accusing legislators of taking money from NRA. In reality, no Florida Senate or House member or candidate for the Florida Senate or House has received a direct contribution from NRA in almost 20 years.

The NRA filed a federal lawsuit against the state in .March immediately after Gov. Rick Scott signed into law the bill that include a wide range, of school-safety and gun related  measures. Along with ‘the age requirement for gun purchases, it also included imposing a three-day waiting period on buying long guns and banned what are known as”bump stocks,” which allow semi-automatic rifles to mimic fully automatic weapons. The lawsuit remains pending.’

“I have made it clear that as Senate president, I will continue to advocate for  increased safety ,and security in our schools. I am grateful for the support,” Galvano said Monday.’

The alleged shooter in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas case, to-year-old Nikolas Cruz, legally purchased a semiautomatic rifle that was used in the massacre .

Gun-rights supporters have been frustrated in recent years by the Senate, which has blocked proposals such as allowing people with concealed weapons licenses to carry firearms on college campuses (and in non-secure parts of airports-RABIII). Bills have stalled after years of the Republican –dorninated  Legislature generally being supportive ‘of positions backed by groups such as the NRA, Florida Carry and Florida Gun Rights.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Florida Senator Galvano’s Facebook page.

VIDEO: Faithful Catholics on Offense, at Last: And it’s only just beginning.


Despite the glowing, fawning assessment by Pope Francis of the noble Donald Wuerl in his letter accepting Wuerl’s resignation, make no mistake, Wuerl is gone because of the relentless coverage in social media by faithful Catholics who are done with the lies, cover-ups, scandals, homoclericalism and overall lack of accountability.

Even Catholic League President Bill Donahue — no friend to Catholic peasants, although he happily takes their donations — admitted as much as he attacked the peasantry for being “purists,” having too high a standard for the shepherds.

It is a stunning turn of events, a whole new era has been entered into in the Church, where the voice of Catholics peasants must now be listened to, and it’s happening on the internet, a phenomenon that double-dealing members of the hierarchy failed to understand a number of years ago.

That’s why there continues to be this chatter in Rome about combatting all this with some sort of Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval from the Vatican for various Catholic internet sites. They aren’t sure how to contain the storm.

Sorry, but that horse has left the barn. Imagine the reaction of faithful internet-savvy Catholics if the Vatican issued a seal of approval and said if you don’t have this on your site, then you aren’t credible and Catholics should avoid you — talk about a St. Peter’s Basilica-sized blunder.

Faithful Catholics would instantly understand that the absence of such a seal would actually function as a kind of a guarantee of orthodoxy and the seal on a given site would mean that site is a propaganda arm of the homoheretics and other heterodox in the Vatican.

Actually, on second thought, maybe we should be cheering for them to come up with a seal.

While many of the heterodox and homoheretics in the hierarchy were too busy thinking they can do whatever they want, the anger boiling up in the ranks of the peasantry was producing a social media Catholicism where authentic Catholic teachings were being preserved and discussed and defended — and where the traitors to the Faith were being mentioned more and more frequently.

Whatever niceties and lingering presence Wuerl has been given, the truth of the matter is this: If it were not for the Catholic internet, he would still be the fully functioning archbishop of D.C.

No matter how much of a victim he is portrayed as, the truth of the matter is he is gone because he was part of all this malevolence and the Catholic faithful had had enough — especially when he contributed to his own demise by saying he knew nothing about McCarrick, that the bishops should investigate themselves, this whole thing wasn’t a massive, massive crisis and he had not moved around homo-predator priests while in Pittsburgh, a claim clearly contradicted in the Pennsylvania grand jury report.

That report and the maelstrom surrounding it has now touched off attorneys general investigations in 15 other states, and how bishops in those dioceses and archdioceses react will now be under scrutiny for months and years to come.

There isn’t a sober-minded Catholic with a pulse who doesn’t already know that we are going to see a repeat of Pennsylvania at least 15 more times — and this is before any federal RICO investigation ramps up after the midterm elections.

All of this is causing shock waves throughout the establishment Catholic world — a new normal, a new bar has been established and that’s just the way it is. The heterodox and homoheretics are coming to realize this, and there isn’t a blessed thing they can do about it, and it irks them to no living end because they used to run everything and now they no longer do.

Think about it all for just a moment, the list what has been exposed and published and talked about non-stop in the Catholic sphere, and has rocked their world, the now undeniable fact that the priesthood and episcopate has been infiltrated and seized control of in large parts of the Church by homosexual men and sympathetic allies. That alone has done massive damage to the passing on of the Faith.

Enormous financial scandals related to the homoheresy have been unearthed as well.

The cocaine-fueled gay orgy in the Vatican apartment of Cdl. Coccopalmerio.

Antonio Spadaro’s hit piece on Church Militant last summer, signaling that we and others had come onto their radar.

Father Thomas Rosica and his pro-gay talks to seminarians all over the country, where he also continues to attack Church Militant by name specifically and other outfits more generally.

Father James Martin being the cheerleader for everything gay in the Church, disguising it as mercy and those who support the Church as haters.

And the most recent spate of news that involves Pope Francis involvement in covering up homo-predator Theodore McCarrick, and similar cases when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires.

What does the New World Order of Peasantry in the Church do, what does it bring to the table?

Compelling interviews with in-the-know laity like Alice von Hildebrand, who has been in this war a long time, bishops who are speaking up and warning of the vast spiritual dangers that are so clearly present in every corner of the Church and Stephen Brady, founder of Roman Catholic Faithful, who brought down active homosexual Bp. Daniel Ryan in Springfield and now has their sites set firmly on Cdl. Cupich.

Father Paul Kalchik, victim of Cupich’s pro-gay agenda and twisted theology forcing one of his own priests into hiding, the unearthing of a pipeline for gay seminarians from South America into the United States, initially set up by Bernardin and McCarrick and expanded on by Bp. Henry Mansell in Buffalo, the culture of homosexual predation present in U.S. seminaries for decades only now coming to light in all its gore, the shredding of documents and lies and deflections over proved high-ranking homo-predator priests such as in Saginaw, victims of all this evil whose lives will never be what they could have been and the gross miscarriage of justice that none of those responsible for the cover-up ever seem to pay the price — a new normal has absolutely arrived, and it is here to stay.

The carnage these evil, wicked prelates have brought to the Church has exacted a heavy cost, and as a result, the Church is in full blown retreat.

But in the midst of all this, faithful Catholics — laity — are emerging and organizing, giving hope where there was none before. For decades, the bad guys got away with murder — in some cases, literally — and they trampled on the faithful laity as though the Church was somehow there personal property.

They are now having to deal with the consequences of what they themselves have unleashed: faithful Catholics, on offense, at last.