Prenatal Marijuana Use Can Affect Infant Size, Behavior, Study Finds

We know that smoking cigarettes during pregnancy has negative effects on birth weights and is linked to health problems in childhood. Now, researchers have found that smoking marijuana can impact birth weights and lead to behavioral problems, and the effects are worsened when combined with tobacco use.

Nearly 30 percent of women who smoke during pregnancy report using marijuana as well. Researchers studied nearly 250 mothers and their infants; 173 of the babies had been exposed to tobacco and/or marijuana during their mothers’ pregnancies.

Compared to babies exposed to no drugs, those exposed to both drugs, especially in the third trimester, were:

  • smaller in length, weight, and head size,
  • more likely to be born earlier,
  • more irritable,
  • more easily frustrated, and
  • less likely to be able to calm themselves easily.

Women with symptoms of anger, hostility, and aggression reported more stress while pregnant and were more likely to continue tobacco and marijuana use throughout. This co-exposure increased the odds of giving birth to smaller babies who were more irritable and frustrated.

Finding ways to help women reduce stress and deal with negative emotions as well as to discourage both tobacco and marijuana use during pregnancy may lead to healthier babies.

This study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Read Science Daily account of it here. Read the study itself in the March/April issue of Child Development here.

Cannabis Use Up among Parents with Children in the Home

Marijuana use has increased among both parents who smoke cigarettes and non-smoking parents, threatening the overall decline in children’s exposure to second-hand smoke, a new study from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and the City University of New York reveals.

Researchers analyzed data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. They found that marijuana use increased among parents with children living in the home from 5 percent in 2002 to 7 percent in 2015, while cigarette smoking decreased from 28 percent to 20 percent during that time.

In contrast, marijuana use among cigarette-smoking parents rose from 11 percent in 2002 to 17 percent in 2015, compared to an increase of 2 percent to 4 percent among non-smoking parents, making cigarette-smokers’ marijuana use nearly four times greater (17 percent vs 4 percent). Their daily marijuana use is five times greater (5 percent vs 1 percent).

The researchers say the results of their study support the reduction in overall second-hand tobacco smoke exposure but add new public health concerns about children’s exposure to second-hand marijuana smoke.

The study was funded by the National Institutes for Health and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Read Science Daily account of this study here. Read the Pediatrics study itself, in which the illustration above appears, here.

Most Marijuana Dispensaries Give Inaccurate Advice on Pot in Pregnancy

Nearly 70 percent of employees at 400 Colorado marijuana dispensaries say they would recommend marijuana to pregnant mothers experiencing nausea, a new study finds.

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Denver Health and Hospital Authority called dispensaries, pretending to be eight weeks pregnant and saying they felt “really nauseated.”

Of the 400 dispensaries contacted, employees at 277 recommended a marijuana product for morning sickness. Most based their recommendations on personal opinion. Some 36 percent said the drug is safe in pregnancy; about half (53 percent) said they weren’t sure of that.

One employee said that marijuana edibles wouldn’t be a risk to the baby, because “they would be going through the digestional [digestive] tract.”

“As cannabis legalization becomes more common, women should be cautioned that advice from dispensary employees might not necessarily be informed by medical evidence,” the researchers note.

Read Live Science account of the study here. Read the study itself in the June issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology here.

Mr. Trump versus the Democrats

I had a friend recently comment to me,

“The biggest threat to the Republicans maintaining control of the Congress is Donald Trump.”

Admittedly, he was never a fan of the president, nor did he vote for him in the 2016 election as he thought Mr. Trump was rather un-presidential and his rhetoric embarrassing. I countered that I found the president’s comments rather refreshing as compared to the stale gobbledygook typically coming out of Washington. I also find it interesting my friend doesn’t seem to have a problem with the disparaging comments made by the president’s opponents in the other party who frequently accuse him of corruption, racism, misconduct, and hate. Their unbridled distortion of the truth leads me to believe what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

So far, Mr. Trump has delivered on a lot of his campaign promises and has reversed the socialistic direction spun by our last president. True, he possesses a super Type-A personality, which is typical of businessmen like him (e.g., Ted Turner), but he is the type of person who is more interested in results as opposed to facade. In other words, I’m less interested in his personality, and more interested in his ability to deliver on his promises.

Judging by his repartee in the media, the one thing Mr. Trump obviously understands, and others do not, including his fellow Republicans, is the country is embroiled in a war over the very essence of America. Since his election, the opposing party has worked overtime to thwart his every move. For example…

Because of urging from Democrats, the administration has been embroiled in an investigation regarding Russian collusion, which has yet to produce anything of substance. The special prosecutor is desperately trying to pin something on the president, anything, even to the point of violating attorney-client privilege.

Democrat members of the House want to impeach the president over fabricated charges.

Democrat Senators are still holding up presidential appointments.

Democrats are still buried in the administration who routinely leak information to the press and undermine the President.

Democrats control academia, the entertainment media, news media, and social media. Consequently fake news and spin is the norm today, all aimed at brainwashing the public.

Democrats want to abolish the 1st and 2nd amendments, if not the whole Constitution, claiming it is outdated.

Our young people are being engineered by the Democrats to be naive about government and ignorant of history, making them easy to manipulate.

Democrats support illegal immigration for the purpose of securing future voters.

Democrats support sanctuary cities and states to shield criminals as opposed to lawful citizens.

Democrats practice a “divide and conquer” strategy called Identity Politics, pitting citizens against each other.

Democrats are trying to remove God from our country.

Democrat Governors openly resist the president, such as Oregon, Montana, and Nevada refusing to send their National Guard troops to the southern border.

And it is now common practice for Democrats to tie up presidential orders in the courts.

This is more than just the Democrats resisting the president. It represents bureaucrats, the Washington establishment and the Media openly defying Mr. Trump, which is why he takes them to task every chance he gets, rightfully so I might add. In fact, in deference to my friend, I would like to see more GOP members of Congress sounding the alarm as well.

As I pointed out in an earlier column, this rebellion by the Democrats is caused by the radical Left who is currently in control of the party, the “Progressives.” Should they fail to take back at least one chamber of Congress in the mid-term elections, their grip on the party will likely slip defaulting control back to moderates, and maybe then we can start making progress.

So, it comes down to this…

If you believe in Socialism over Capitalism, you’ll vote Democrat.

If you believe the Constitution needs major surgery or completely revised, you’ll vote Democrat.

If you believe there is no room in our society for God, you’ll vote Democrat.

And if you sincerely believe the spin coming from the media, hook, line and sinker, you’ll definitely vote Democrat.

As for me, I am not so gullible as to believe this nonsense.

Keep the Faith!

Why Kanye Is Hated for Refusing to Hate

David Gornoski Like the Gerasenes, the Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land reacted in terror and outrage when Kanye loved their untouchable demoniac in Trump.

by David Gornoski

“You don’t have to agree with trump but the mob can’t make me not love him.” – Kanye West

Forget petty politics for a moment. Kanye West’s recent statement on Twitter defending his love of Donald Trump is one of the most eloquent descriptions of a two-millennia-long struggle in humanity to self-actualize by remembering its origins while forgiving and building a future based on nonaggression and non-vengeance.

In the World of Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land

In Kanye West’s world, let’s call it Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land, celebrities must always walk a tightrope of crowd appeasement—they have to be different enough to stand out, but not so different that they trigger a mob frenzy based on envy and fear. Try as they might, celebrities realize that the avatar they become ends up consuming them: one cannot have a direct person-to-person connection with the consumers of their art but must always appease powerful gatekeeping groupthink forces manipulated by record companies, agencies, fashion cliques, radio and TV executives, and political ideologies.

In Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land there are certain taboos stars, ever-teetering on the mob consuming them at any wrong move, should never cross.

In a recent interview with TMZ, Kanye once again alluded to this reality when he mentioned trying to do liposuction to make the media-mediated public perception of him acceptable. On the pharmaceutical ad-supported TV broadcast of TMZ Live, West even had the audacity to question the absurd all-too-common tragedy of his hospital experience loading him with even more pharmaceuticals to deal with a nascent opioid addiction.

Think of the world Kanye is trying to “break through” as a ruthless game of bloodsport entertainment of rising and dying stars on a worldwide stage: like pro-wrestling. Like wrestling, this game operates with certain characters being designated bad guys (called “heels”) and good guys (“babyfaces”).

In Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land there are certain taboos stars, ever-teetering on the mob consuming them at any wrong (or media-massaged perception of wrong) move, should never cross. One sacred line never to be crossed is for a member of the babyfaces to show friendship to a member of the heels.

The Heels and the Babyfaces

The conservative right has been playing the heel faction for decades in Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land. Their side tends to mirror the groupthink of the dominant hegemonic leftist faction, but they are relegated to the “off-brand” institutions like AM radio, Internet sites flagged by social media, and one gaudy cable news network. The hegemonic leftist faction has everything else, including the all-important curriculum and bureaucracies of education and college.

The conservative heels ultimately are doomed so long as they continue to mimic their rivals’ love for power and collective coercion to solve problems in society.

Politics is like a society-wide game of scapegoat ping-pong in which half the country gets a scapegoat-god-king role model to vicariously place their feelings and hopes on while the other half languishes all their daily fears, hates, and resentments onto the ruling faction’s backs. This ridiculously stupid game is repeated ad nauseum while government gets bigger, crony media and corporations protected by government get bigger, unnecessary wars and drone strikes continue unabated, and millions of people of all colors and creeds are thrown into human assault cages we call prisons for nonviolent behavior (no victim can be named in the police report).

Leftists promise that if they could just vanquish their stinky, old conservative heels, they could coddle their victim coalition with more state control over their health care, medicine, jobs, ideas, speech, and energy choices. Incidentally, the cities most tortured with perpetual incarceration, broken families, perpetual poverty, and hopelessness are the urban centers ruled monolithically by leftists for generations.

The conservative heels do a little better on some issues but ultimately are doomed to fail so long as they continue to mimic their dominant leftist rivals’ love for power and collective coercion to solve problems in society. In other words, as long as they cling to the state and, in so doing, legitimize its sacred right of initiating violence against nonviolent persons at home and abroad.

Cue the Ultimate Heel

Nevertheless, when Kanye offered love to the biggest conservative heel character Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame-Media Land has ever constructed—Donald Trump—it was a massive tear in the veil of that world’s existence. As a black man role modeling cool and brilliance to millions of young adults, many of whom are black as well, the high priests of Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame-Media Land are screaming in fear at Kanye’s declaration of love and friendship with Trump. The Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land’s very existence is bound together by the fact that they are not him.

Trump was acceptable as long as he knew his place as a tabloid game show host caricature of rich white billionaires obsessed with materialism.

Many cannot bear to let others see them mentioning his name, preferring to call him 45 to obfuscate his humanity. Make no mistake, Trump was a babyface faction-tolerated friendly heel character that was acceptable as long as he knew his place as a tabloid game show host caricature of rich white billionaires obsessed with materialism. But the moment he took his act into the regal, sacred theater of politics and did not fold his mouth in line with the rules, the media and the third of the country that believes whatever it tells them lost their collective minds.

In a world where people must attain power and status by pretending that they are not interested in self-worship or glory, Trump ripped the veneer wide open. His vulgar rhetoric and scorched-earth style refuse to hide the knife of the heretofore victim-coddling, pious language of politics and state power.

His greatest sin for which there is an ongoing soft coup in Mueller’s sham investigation is that he failed to stay on script for the West’s biggest bogeyman left on the world stage. Trump dared to offer a vision of friendship with a semi-autonomous nuclear Russia. With a trillion-dollar annual foreign policy budget and security complex to maintain, even the whiff of non-compliance with the status quo of stupid saber-rattling for no reason could not be tolerated. What is the American state for, if not to go abroad in search of expensive monsters to destroy?

And so the crony capitalist-funded media outlets have spent the last few years inundating the population with 24/7 lying, fear-fueled, green-with-envy hatred for Trump. As someone who rejects statism completely, I am farther from his ideology than they, and yet I can see clearly how ridiculous and vapid the entire hate-fest is.

The Terrible Sin of Being the Other

Trump offered friendship with Putin and receives 24/7 partisan hack news attacks. Now Kanye receives a media assault of fear and hate for loving Trump. Just like feminist Cassie Jaye was attacked by her fellow feminists after she made the movie The Red Pill and tried to reach out and listen to her enemies in the men’s rights movement. Just like my friend Daryl Davis, a black blues musician who was attacked by fellow civil rights activists after he met with leaders of the KKK and was able to convert them out of their evil ideology through love and friendship.

He was hopelessly Other. And the city liked it that way.

This is the world-defining struggle between personhood and collectivism unleashed in Western civilization ever since we encountered and became infected by stories like Jesus’s confrontation of the Demon called Legion.

Mark and Luke report that Jesus traveled across the Sea of Galilee to the land of the Gerasenes. There he encountered a demon-possessed man who lived outside the city. The man screamed and howled every night and was so completely excluded by the collective of the town that they did not have to lift a stone against him: he continually bashed his naked body with stones as he haunted the tombs. They did not even bother to refashion his chains he had broken. He was hopelessly Other. And the city liked it that way.

But then Jesus loved the man. He asked him his name. The parasitical spirit of oppression answered from him, “Legion, for we are many.” The word “Legion” to the contemporary audience hearing the story did not mean “many” but had a specific reference to the Roman Empire’s military units. The word for “many” in the Greek is “polus” which means the masses. The text is showing that Jesus was casting out the Roman imperial mindset that infects the masses by loving this man into his right mind.

When the unclean is declared clean and brought inside the camp of normalcy, communities blinded by fear quake in chaos.

The healed man wants to come with Jesus as he leaves, but Jesus implores him to stay and share the same love shown to him. How does the land of the Gerasenes react? Not joy. Not thankfulness. Not relief. Instead, they are terrified and demand that Jesus leave their land immediately.

Welcome to the New World Order of Love

Like the Gerasenes, the Rap-Pop-Fashion-Fame Media Land reacted in terror and outrage when Kanye loved their untouchable demoniac in Trump. Their togetherness is defined by their distance from his persona. When the unclean is declared clean and brought inside the camp of normalcy, communities blinded by fear quake in chaos.

These nonviolent weapons, whenever we employ them in the world today, will overcome a world worn down by the old way of sacrifice.

Jesus stood with the land’s Other, loved the co-dependent collectivist spirit out of him, and sent it flying off a cliff in a herd of pigs. The performance is a declaration of war against the spirit of empire, domination, coercion, division, and violent scapegoating of Others to maintain our sense of community. The weapons Jesus used were love, self-respect, and self-sacrificial courage. These nonviolent weapons, whenever we employ them in the world today, will overcome a world worn down by the old way of sacrifice.

With Jesus, we imitate a spirit of self-sacrifice of fear of our neighbors rather than sacrificing and blaming our neighbors for our problems. We no longer use misfits and monsters as our collective measuring sticks for our collectivist cliques’ togetherness. We bind together based on mutual respect for our common personhood and refusal to ever cast another stone against a person, no matter who they are or how big our polis(political orders) may be. That includes our sacred voting rite and jury box.

We will not put another human being in a cage for a nonviolent behavior. We will not send our children to drone/stone foreign citizens who pose no serious threat to our empire of dirt. We will not found our cities on the spirit of Left or Right, for we are many persons, each with our own dignity as sons and daughters of God.

Welcome to the new world order of love. Jesus walks with us.

McCarthyism and Muellerism: Mockeries of American Justice

War makes strange bedfellows. The United States and Russia were allied against Nazi Germany in WWII until they weren’t. The alliance continued until it succeeded in defeating Nazi Germany and then the diametrically opposed economic and political ideologies of Russian communism and American capitalism reverted the countries to enmity again.

The convenient ideological “My enemy’s enemy is my friend” alliance collapsed and the Cold War between Russia and the United States began.

The Cold War lasted until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Cold War was an ideological war between Marxist-Leninist Russia (collectivism) and the capitalist republic infrastructure of the United States. Today’s Culture War is also an ideological war – this time between the globalist (collectivist) initiative to internationalize the world under a New World Order and the capitalist republic infrastructure of a sovereign United States of America.

Joseph McCarthy was the US Senator from Wisconsin from 1947-1957 during the height of the Cold War when suspicions about the threat of Communism and its Marxist-Leninist goals were legitimate concerns. What began as an appropriate investigation of Communist infiltration into American government devolved into a lawless boundaryless witch hunt based on innuendo not facts.

McCarthy’s failure was that he stopped concerning himself with WHAT the person had actually done and began focusing on WHO that person was – his beliefs and associations. McCarthyism became synonymous with character assassination.

It was not illegal to be a Communist in America in the 1950s. It WAS illegal to foment the overthrow of the government. Communists who had infiltrated our government and actively sought to destroy our republic and replace American capitalism with Russian communism were enemies of the state.

Similarly, it is not illegal to be a globalist in America today but it IS illegal to foment the overthrow of the government. So, globalists who actively seek to destroy our republic and replace the US Constitution with internationalized one-world government are enemies of the state. Mueller’s investigation has yielded ZERO evidence of collusion with the Russians by President Donald Trump. It has, however, yielded shocking evidence of collusion with the Russians by Obama’s politicized FBI, CIA, and DOJ to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on President Trump.

Today’s Culture War has targeted President Donald J. Trump as the enemy of its globalist goal of internationalizing the world into a New World Order of one-world government ruled by its own elite. The leftist Democrat Party has entered into an alliance with globalists and Islamists whose shared goal is to destroy America from within.

Mueller’s “investigation” has abandoned all semblance of lawful propriety. It has devolved into the same sort of witch hunt lead by Joe McCarthy based on innuendo instead of facts that focuses on the WHO of behavior while ignoring the WHAT of behavior. The infrastructure of Muellerism is the same innuendo and character assassination McCarthyism utilized. Both bullying their prey with smear campaigns, unethical tactics, unfounded accusations repeated incessantly by the colluding mainstream media. This is how it works.

A definition of terms is essential:

  • NATIONALISM is not a dirty word no matter how hard the Left tries to associate nationalism with white supremacists and Nazism. American nationalism unapologetically seeks American sovereignty and independence. American nationalism like American citizenship is a source of pride and President Trump symbolizes the America-first movement of American nationalism.
  • GLOBALISM is not to be confused with global trade among sovereign nations. Globalism is the effort to internationalize the world under one-world government ruled by the globalist elite of course. Globalism is internationalized collectivism.
  • COLLECTIVISM is any system that values the group at the expense of the individuals who make up the group. Communism, socialism, and globalism are all collectivist structures that oppose the individualism intrinsic to the capitalist infrastructure of our Republic and its Constitution.

In the 1950s the Culture War was an ideological battle between American capitalism and Russian communism. Today’s Culture War is an ideological battle between American nationalism and international globalism. The traditional American two-party system of Republicans vs Democrats no longer describes two opposing American ideologies. The two-party system of today is more accurately described as Nationalism (American sovereignty) vs Globalism (internalized New World Order) regardless of party affiliation.

Joe McCarthy lived during a time of American nationalism that was threatened by external collectivism (communism) infiltrating the country. Robert Mueller lives in a time of American nationalism threatened by internal collectivism (globalism) existing within the country. The deliberate effort at character assassination of duly elected President Donald Trump by globalist Democrats and globalist Republicans to overthrow the country is a bipartisan ideological effort. Why?

War makes strange bedfellows. The strangest bedfellows in today’s Culture War is the alliance of the Left, the Globalists, and the Islamists. This threesome is in bed together with the shared short-term goal of destroying America but they have diametrically opposed long-term goals. So, just like the the collapse of the temporary alliance of the United States and Russia during WWII, the Leftist/Globalist/Islamist alliance will necessarily collapse if they are successful in their goal of overthrowing President Trump. What then?

The Leftists consider the Islamists useful idiots who will generate enough social chaos for the left to institute Martial Law and nationalize the police force and then socialize America. The Islamists consider the Leftists useful idiots in their campaign to infiltrate American politics and replace the Constitution with sharia law. The globalist elite consider both groups useful idiots who will together provide the social chaos necessary for citizens to willingly surrender their civil liberties for safety. That is the required tipping point for Globalist one-world government to become reality.

Here is the problem. The political will to power of the Leftists the Islamists and the globalist elite is a no holds barred contest. In McCarthy’s day when his goons threw shit against the wall to see what would stick it just smelled up the room and his victims were doomed. When Mueller’s goons threw shit against the wall there was DNA evidence in the fecal matter. The Mueller witch hunt left DNA traces of the CIA, FBI, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok, Paige, Lynch, Mueller himself, and of course the most foul of all – Barack Hussein Obama.

There has never been a more odious president in American history than Barack Hussein Obama who politicized and weaponized every government agency to use against his political enemies in the service of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist alliance.


Why Liberals Attack America

How Democrats Fundamentally Changed from the Party of JFK to the Party of BHO

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Goudsmit Pundicity.

Film ‘A Quiet Place’ is all about faith and family

I went to see Paramount Pictures’ film “A Quite Place.” The featured image is of, from left to right, Noah Jupe who plays Marcus Abbott, John Krasinski who plays Lee Abbott, Emily Blunt who plays Evelyn Abbott and Millicent Simmonds who plays Regan Abbott.

Here is the trailer:

The trailer portrays “A Quiet Place” as a horror film. While the film is suspense filled it is more about faith, family, sacrifice and the human will to survive and flourish.

When the Abbot family sits down to dinner they all join hands in silent prayer. It is a powerful moment because Lee and Evelyn Abbott just lost their youngest son and Marcus and Regan their little brother to one of the alien creatures that attack anything that makes a sound.

Most of all the film is about family, the traditional family.

The Bible quote Proverbs 6:20 is the core message of “A Quiet Place”:

My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother.

The father Lee leads the family, protects the family and in the end sacrifices himself to save his children and family. Emily Blunt does a masterful job in portraying a strong, loving and devoted mother Evelyn Abbott. While Lee is the provider, Evelyn is the powerful mother who holds the family together in the greatest times of peril. Evelyn shows strength and courage in the face of evil.

Evelyn is pregnant. Evelyn and her husband prepare themselves for the birth of their fourth child. It is beautiful to watch as Evelyn gives natural birth alone, while being hunted by a monster who hears the new born baby’s cry.

In the end we see something else that we don’t normally see from a Hollywood film. In the end, Evelyn and her daughter Regan, who is deaf, discover how to defeat the monsters. Regan discovers the greatest weakness of these monsters is sound. The power of “A Quiet Place” and is in the characters. They are family examples to be emulated. They are frightened but fearless when defending one another.

Sound, not quiet, is what saves the family in the end. That along with a 12-gauge shotgun.

This is a must see film.

As you view it think about how the human spirit survives. Think about how the human race wins. Think about the strength of the faithful traditional family.

Lesson: The safest place is in the bosom of the traditional family.

AFTER THOUGHT: There are many people of the Christian faith who are afraid to speak out about their beliefs. They do not speak, are put in a quite place, for fear of being attacked, much like the monsters that the Abbott family fought. Perhaps the best way to defeat evil is to speak out.

Wow. Vanity Fair Displays Astounding Ignorance About The Right

Most journalists live in insular bubbles of liberal LeftThink. But this was never more apparent than in a recent Vanity Fair article explaining the red-pilling of Kanye West.

That they seem utterly blind to their culturally provincial ignorance while writing with such grave authority is what makes it hilarious. Otherwise, it’s just tragic.

Of course it all starts because Kanye tweeted that he likes the way Candace Owens, a black conservative, thinks. Owens believes in personal responsibility and that blacks should not be stuck on the Democratic Party plantation. So naturally she is considered radical and controversial by the insular media.

Kanye has since gone on numerous tweet storms of independent thought, MAGA hats, Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams, liberal artist John Legend and all sorts of strange nonsense, i.e. sharing “dragon energy” with Trump. It’s not that Kanye is suddenly a conservative or even a big Trump supporter. He’s clearly not.

Kanye’s real sin  — or contribution to broadened thinking — was independent, non-Democratic-approved thought by a black man. As we pointed out here, that is philosophically and electorally not allowed.

There have been many attempts by the insular media to discredit, attack and explain away Kanye’s independent thinking. But none rise to the level of sheer detachment from any understanding of the right, Trump supporters or the alt right (which has very little to do with the conservative right) as Tina Nguyen’s Vanity Fair article, “He’s Never Been Happier: Inside The Red-Pilling of Kanye West.”

For those who do not know, red pill and its less popular opposite, blue pill, are memes derived from the movie The Matrix. They represent choices. Red pill represents choosing knowledge, freedom and sometimes brutal reality. Blue pill represents choosing security, happiness and blissful ignorance. Red pill is used in various forms on the right, but got a big push on Reddit and the alt right. But it is an ultimately conservative view.

The article is illustrative of the total lack of association with conservatives by so many in the national media.

Tina writes in regards to the Kanye tweets, “West’s liberal fans wondered if he was having a public breakdown, or was merely misinformed.” See, those are the only two options. Kanye needs to be re-educated in the correct way a black man should think.

Tina nonsense:

“According to sources I spoke to, West is a fan of Jordan Peterson, the controversial Canadian professor who has attracted a cult following of disaffected young men, and whose self-help philosophy has become something of a gateway drug for those flirting with the far right.”

Throughout this article, Tina lumps together under the “far right” Peterson, anti-Trumper Jonah Goldberg, atheist, mostly liberal Sam Harris, libertarian Steve Forbes, white supremacist Richard Spencer, former Google engineer James Damore, alt-right Trumper Mike Cernovich, Conservative Ben Shapiro, flamingly gay Milo, talk radio host Dennis Prager and anti-Tumper Bret Stephens. Wow. Obviously Tina does not know conservatives or Trumpers or the alt right. They all look about the same from her isolated perch. She just never rubs shoulders with them. (Granted, this is an assumption, but a pretty safe one.) They are oddities skulking around the hinterlands and the dark web.

Jordan, who is hardly a doctrinaire conservative, is a proponent of personal responsibility and self-help. So while Canadian, that is about as historically archetypically American as possible. And, by the way, good parenting too. But to insulated leftist journalists such as Tina Nguyen, that is a “gateway drug for those flirting with the far right.”

First, personal responsibility is only “far right” if you are very far left. She clearly means it pejoratively. Personal responsibility and self-help, as opposed to government handouts, is a bad thing to a modern progressive leftist because they have fully embraced socialism. (As a concept, that is, not something to practice personally.)

Most Americans not on the far left see personal responsibility as a positive, something noble and right to be taught and sought after. So this is not necessarily about “disaffected men” but about seeking a higher way of living than suckling at the teets of government largesse. The detachment in the hall of Vanity Fair — and the rest of media — on this point is stark. But it gets worse.

More Tina nonsense:

“…the dragon energy in the far right has been supplanted by a nebulous ‘intellectual dark web’ comprised of right-wing pundits, agnostic comedian podcasters, self-help gurus, and disgruntled ex-liberals united by their desire to ‘red pill’ new adherents—breaking the spell of political correctness, as Neo’s eyes are opened in The Matrix.”

She sees this as a rag-tag band of disaffected misfits. Another way of looking at it is a broad, forming coalition pushing back against smothering, one-box-fits-all political correctness. PC is antithetical to free speech and free association. It is anti-Constitutional, anti-Founders and profoundly anti-American.

This nebulous intellectual dark web is just a scare phrase. They are all right out there in the bright sunlight, except where the PC police on the left seek to quash their voices on social media, in normal media, on college campuses, in Silicon Valley, throughout government and everywhere else they can. Leftists really just cannot brook any disagreement. Stifling and totalitarian.

More Tina nonsense:

“‘I take it all back rap is great now,’ conservative pundit Ben Shapiro tweeted last week, reveling in the absurdity of the reversal.”

Of course, Shapiro was referring to Kanye’s free-thinking tweets. Shapiro is pretty well-known for despising rap. And he is tweeting this while laughing out loud. Guarantee it. It’s a joke! But when you are totally insulated from conservatives, or even moderates, you miss a lot. A lot.

Hilarious Tina:

“What unifies these disparate voices on PragerU, my sources tell me, is a sense that P.C. politics are fundamentally divisive and restrictive.”

She needed sources? She could just check Twitter, or Facebook, or Youtube or, shoot, just Google. But she had to use her sources to figure out the haps with the right. Work the shoe leather. Work the phones. Get those sources to explain this situation. This further goes to the isolation. She can’t just talk to conservative friends, or acquaintances or colleagues, because she obviously doesn’t know any. She actually has to develop sources and then secretly meet with them deep-throat style in a Washington parking garage to get the skinny.


EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. Please visit and subscribe to The Revolutionary Act’s YouTube channel.

John McCain — A Once Great Man Made Very Small in Washington

Washington, D.C. does not create great men and women. It can sometimes reveal greatness. But for those who stay too long, Washington makes great people small and petty; and small, petty people unsightly shells.

In Lord of the Rings terminology, it is the one ring to rule them all. And John McCain has worn the ring too long. It has distorted the courageous and selfless airman and POW he once was into a mere shadow of that man, driven to maintain the power, influence and affirmation of the entrenched power structure in D.C. — and in doing so undermining the country.

It is tragic to have watched. And it’s a cautionary tale.

The latest revelations will unfortunately cement McCain’s status for many Americans as one submitted to the demanding lure of D.C.

McCain, who is 81 and dying from an aggressive brain tumor, has invited former presidents Obama and Bush to his funeral, along with many of Washington’s leaders, but pointedly not the current President of the United States, who is even from his own party. McCain hates Trump, and while it is his prerogative to invite who he wishes to his own funeral (people do that?) this reveals how small Washington has made him.

Trump has been accomplishing amazing successes for Americans and around the world, from the booming economy to North Korea, Israel, Iraq and so much more, Trump has made America stronger, more respected and safer. But McCain does not like the way he comports himself, his personal life, his unpresidential tweeting or his insults. In a sense, he does not like the way Trump refuses to conform to the the ways of Washington.

Second, and far worse, McCain proudly admits in his new book coming out that he was the person who gave the now-infamous Steele dossier to FBI Director James Comey. The dossier was opposition research funded by the Clinton Campaign and Democratic National Committee and was mostly tawdry fiction from a guy who also possesses a deep dislike of Trump. This ungrounded smear job apparently formed part of the basis for the FBI surveillance on the Trump team and for the now-fizzling Trump-Russia investigation.

That McCain passed that attack piece on — and was seen by the DNC operatives as just the man to do their dirty work — speaks volumes of how far he has fallen after 35 years as a D.C. politician, 30 of those as a U.S. Senator. The power, the attention, the “ways of Washington” are intoxicating.

Finally, its been clear for quite some time that McCain was not up to being a functioning Senator — which, frankly, is not that high a bar. But rather than step down and allow a special election to likely put in a Republican who could make votes, he hung on to his seat. But he could not attend votes. So basically, he reduced the Republicans numbers by one, putting them at the barest 50 required to pass a bill. This had the affect, likely intended, of making passage of any Trump-supported bills (also supported by fellow Republicans) even harder.

This is, again, tragic to watch.

Because it’s worth remembering at this point that John McCain was a bona fide war hero. His opponents of today don’t like that, but it’s the truth. On his 23rd Vietnam War bombing mission over Hanoi in 1967, his A-4T Skyhawk was shot down by a Soviet-made ground-to-air missile. He fractured both arms and a leg when he ejected, was captured by the North Vietnamese, who crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and stabbed him with a bayonet.

He was imprisoned in the infamous Hanoi Hilton without being treated for his injuries by his captors, and tortured daily. He did not get medical treatment until his captors discovered he was the son of an Admiral. When his father was made commander of all Vietnam forces, the North Vietnamese offered to free him for propaganda purposes. McCain refused unless they released all those Americans captured before him. Needless to say, that did not happen and he was thrown into solitary confinement and the torture was ramped up. This went on until his release in 1973. He spent more than four more years being tortured as a POW when he could have been freed. More can be read here.

This all bears remembering, because those were the acts of a great and honorable and brave man — even though he later broke under the torture. Virtually every POW officer did and no person of caliber would hold that against him.

But everyone changes over the years and McCain seems to have lost the largeness of his vision of sacrifice for the nation, for Americans, and fell into the attention-seeking pettiness of Washington. Sure, Trump may bring that out more easily, but McCain had become a media darling for repeatedly undermining Republican agendas long before Trump came down the elevator to announce his presidency. McCain seemed to lose his way over the decades. The last two developments make that plain.

His legacy is deeply tarnished as being one that concluded with the petty politics of division, personal ambition and desire for positive media attention — even when that meant undermining his own party repeatedly when it was working to do positive things for Americans.

And the primary influence on his life after his POW years was Washington, D.C. It seems to have come to own him, just as the One Ring eventually does all those who possess it too long.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

VIDEO: The Two Wrongs of The Right

Two issues that conservatives often get wrong – Liberalism is a mental disease and Islam is not a religion:

RELATED ARTICLE: The Left’s Chilling Refusal to Stop Flirting With Marxist Ideas

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by D.T. Devareaux.

Hawaiian judge orders released U.S. detainees back to N. Korea

A federal judge in Hawaii has blocked the recent release of three U.S. detainees from North Korea, calling it a political stunt that violated the detainees’ constitutional right to “full and fair punishment,” ordering that they be immediately returned to a North Korean prison.

The case, brought by Hawaii Atty. Gen. Douglas Chin, follows his earlier move to declare Trump’s peace effort unconstitutional and ordering the Korean War to continue as it had been during previous administrations.

The latest decision, made just hours after the plane with the detainees landed in Washington, D.C., has struck down the Trump administration’s attempt to change the status quo and set the stage for the upcoming U.S.- North Korea summit in Singapore.

U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson argued that the latest release illegally discriminates based on nationality and would have “profound” and “detrimental” effects on residents of North Korea who would still remain inside the country while the three more privileged Korean-Americans would be allowed to leave. Thus, the judge argued, the release violates the equal protection guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.

Lawyers for the state also argued that the release, the coming summit, and ending the Korean War in general is an assault on the North Korean people’s human rights. The current North Korean government has a stellar record of preventing obesity and laziness among their people, who overwhelmingly prefer their lives to end uninterrupted by excessive eating and similar harmful decadence that plagues the so-called “free world.”

The cruel and unnecessary release of the American detainees is widely seen among progressive legal minds as cultural imperialism and a racist attempt to impose the American way of life, McDonald’s, Coke, electricity and hygiene on a people who have rejected it many decades ago, choosing the way of Juche.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by Red Square originally appeared in The Peoples Cube.

Despite The Media, Trump is Winning for We the People

I love the old gospel song, “Peace In the Midst of the Storm.” In the midst of the Deep State’s raging, unprecedented hate-storm against Trump, he remarkably remains at peace, and so should we.

Trump and We the People are winning. Fake news media sells its lie 24/7 that voters regret voting for Trump and he is mere days from impeachment. In truth, Trump’s approval has risen to 51%. Leftists are pulling their hair out in frustration; screaming, how can we stop this freaking outsider amateur politician? The tide is turning in our favor.

The Deep State’s billions, traps and lies continue to fail. Incredibly, Trump repeatedly lands on his feet, confidently pressing forward on making America great again. It’s a God thing folks.

At the 2018 White House Correspondence Dinner, Michelle Wolf wrongly assumed her hate-filled attacks on Trump and women in his administration, along with her callousness against unborn babies would score a home-run for liberalism. Even devout leftists were uncomfortable with Ms Wolf vomiting leftists’ pure hatred for traditional Americans for all the world to see. Ms Wolf’s foulmouthed mean-spirited monologue hit a home-run for Conservatism. We are winning folks.

Pop icon Kanye West’s recent conservative comments and praise for Trump is huge. With Kanye’s 27 million twitter followers, millions of blacks heard conservatism for the first time. Since Kanye’s conservative tweet, black male approval of Trump has doubled. In essence, Kanye’s message mirrors mine; stop weakening yourselves with victim mindsets, make right choices and simply go for your dreams. Liberate yourselves from slavery on Democrats’ government dependency plantation. In Trump and Kanye, God is using unexpected vessels to spread His truth. Conservatism truly is best for all people. Kanye represents a huge crack in leftists’ wall of ignorance enslaving low-info voters.

It was thrilling hearing Trump announce that the United States will withdraw for Obama’s insane Iran Nuke Deal. Trump pulled no punches in explaining why Obama appeasing Iran was dangerous for America and our ally Israel. For crying out loud folks, what idiot president gives $150 billion to a regime which chants, “Death to America!“? 

Israel is despised by most leftists. Trump having the courage to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and actually move our US embassy to Jerusalem is amazing. Regarding Israel, God said, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” Genesis 12:3

Remember Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi who was outrageously held in a Mexican jail for 7 months? Obama refused to make a phone call for Tahmooressi’s release. Presidential candidate Trump intervened, successfully freeing Tahmooressi. 

Amazingly, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is headed home from North Korea with 3 previously held hostages; a gesture of good faith for Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un. Can you say “Trump: The Art of the Deal” boys and girls?

In essence, Obama received affirmative action Nobel Prizes because he is black and for touring the world apologizing for who we are as Americans and begging forgiveness. Numerous pundits say Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize the old fashion way — he earned it. 

If Trump successfully ends the 70 year Korean war and Kim Jong Un follows through with his vow to end North Korea’s nuclear program, Trump absolutely deserves the Nobel Prize. If Trump wins the prize, that giant popping sound will be leftists’ heads exploding around the world. Extraordinary great things are happening folks.

Given that leftist activist justices are responsible for day-of-birth abortions and same sex marriage, Trump getting conservative Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court is huge for rulings based on what truly is in our Constitution. If Justice Kennedy retires as rumored, Trump could put another Constitutional conservative on the court. Awesome!

Americans suffering with high taxes, low wages and high unemployment was Obama’s proud new normal. Trump has dynamited Obama’s mountain of overreaching tyrannical job-killing regulations; reversing over 800. Trump has unemployment at 3.9%, the lowest since 2000. In his first year, Trump created 2 million jobs. His tax cuts has our economy booming; creating more jobs and Americans smiling again with more money in their pockets. Manufacturing jobs have risen to 304,000 under Trump. Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a historic low. All Americans are winning with Trump in the White House.

In defiance of the fake news media’s 24/7 “destroy Trump” propaganda reporting, here is more good news you probably haven’t heard. Two million fewer Americans are on food stamps. Consumer confidence is near a 17 year high. Business confidence is near 1980’s levels. Three million Americans have received bonuses

The Deep State continues to obstruct Trump’s repeal of Obamacare. Nevertheless, Trump has ended Obama’s outrageous tyrannical individual mandate which demanded that Americans buy health insurance or pay a penalty.

The illegal invasion of our country is down 70%, the lowest in 17 years.  Trump has started the border wall

Folks, I could go on and on with Trump’s long list of wins for We the People in a remarkably short amount of time

Bottom line: Be of good cheer folks. As a Christian, I believe the prayers of millions of Americans saved us from anti-God, anti-America and anti-freedom liberal destructive tyranny under Hillary Clinton. God gave us Trump, and he is winning for We the People.

Israel strikes back at Iranian aggression, while Iran lies and pretends it won a victory

Israel responded forcefully early Thursday to about 20 Iranian missiles launched from Syria just after midnight local time against the Jewish state – and handed Iran a painful lesson in strategic deterrence.

Israeli warplanes and missiles hit about 70 Iranian military targets in Syria and killed an undetermined number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps fighters and Syrian soldiers, according to early reports.

Iranian boasts about the invincibility and power of their forces were exposed as one more lie in the long series of lies by the Islamic Republic.

Targets of the Israeli counterattack against the unprovoked Iranian aggression included the main Iranian Revolutionary Guards base near Damascus, military positions of Hezbollah terrorist fighters, Syrian air bases used by Iran to launch drone and missile attacks against Israel, and much more.

As far as we know so far, no Israeli aircraft were hit, nor did Syria launch its Russian-supplied S-300 air defense missiles against Israeli jets. That may have been the result of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Moscow on Wednesday, where he spent 10 hours with Russian President Vladimir Putin, ostensibly to commemorate the allied victory over the Nazis in World War II.

When the smoke clears, Israel’s coordinated strike will be compared to its June 1982 pre-emptive strike against Syria’s air force and air defense systems in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

That earlier battle was the first time Israel used the F-4 “Wild Weasel” and was the first modern air battle using electronic warfare. The result: Israel destroyed Syria’s air defenses and shot down 85 Syrian aircraft, while losing none.

For weeks, Iran has been threatening military strikes on Israel. In mid-April, the commander of Iran’s regular army, Brig. Gen. Kioumars Heydari, proclaimed that “the date has already been set” by the Iranian leadership for the destruction of Israel.

Many Iran “experts” typically dismiss such warmongering bombast, since Iran’s leaders have been making empty boasts about their military might for years.

But given the enormous military buildup over the past two years by Iran in Syria, Lebanon, and in Gaza – resulting in Iranian-backed forces and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards now bracketing Israel on all three sides – Israel’s leaders have been taking such warnings seriously.

Over the past few days, Israel picked up indications of unusual Iranian and Hezbollah military activity in Syria, and rushed additional missile interception systems to the Galilee and the Golan Heights.

The Iranians were warning that they intended to strike back against Israel in retaliation for isolated Israeli strikes against Iranian positions in Syria over the past two weeks.

On Tuesday Israel issued a partial call-up of reservists, a move it rarely takes unless it believes hostilities are imminent.

When the Iranian missiles struck Thursday morning, Israel was well-prepared. According to the Israel Defense Force, Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted several of the Iranian missiles, while others fell harmlessly to the ground inside Syria.

So far, the reaction in Tehran to the new outbreak of fighting has been strangely muted.

There is always the possibility that Iran could strike out massively against Israel – unleashing the 150,000 rockets it has supplied to Hezbollah in Lebanon and ordering its proxies in Gaza to launch waves of children to assault Israel border posts in the hopes of provoking a massacre. However, I suspect that fear of a massive Israeli attack on Iran itself will keep the Iranians in check.

Why? Because Israel has been laying the groundwork through strategic deterrence well before this latest skirmish.

The astonishing intelligence coup of Israel’s Mossad foreign intelligence service in spiriting away Iran’s Atomic Archive from highly secure vaults in downtown Tehran spooked Iran’s leaders. That Mossad could strike in Tehran itself, at the most carefully guarded secrets of the regime, has shaken Iran’s leaders to the core.

The intelligence triumph also made Iranian leaders appear weak in front of their own people. Israel’s new strikes inside Syria have accentuated that impression of weakness.

Iranian Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleymani is trying to spin the attacks on Israel as a great Iranian victory. This is absurd.

An artistic rendering on his Instagram page, which is very popular in Iran, shows Suleymani punching Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the face while carrying an Iranian flag.

I believe the fantasy cartoon is a tell. And what it shows is that the Iranian regime is desperately looking for ways to declare victory, cover up its weakness and go home.

Iranian government leaders understand that they remain in power for one reason only: the Iranian people believe they are powerless to overthrow them.

Israel has struck Iran where it is most vulnerable. The Mossad coup, coupled to the Thursday morning Israeli strikes in Syria, have sent an unmistakable message to Iran’s leaders and to the Iranian people: the Iranian regime is weak. It is vulnerable. It can be toppled.

So how will the Iranian regime respond? Will it lash out in a desperate attempt to show that it retains its power, that it remains invincible? Or, fearing Israel’s military might, will Iran’s leaders cower in fear?

If I were a betting man, I’d put my money on them cowering. After all, no Iranian leader has yet to die from committing suicide, even though they have urged others to do so. They are survivors.

EDITORS NOTE: This op-ed column first appeared on Fox News.

Socialism Is Slavery

Robert Heller in a column titled “Communism’s attack on America never died — It just changed tactics” wrote:

The West thought they had defeated Communism with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Nothing could be further from the truth. What changed was the Left’s tactics.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation published the following commentary and video:

What’s the fundamental design flaw within socialism that makes creating equality impossible? Why does socialism’s quest for equality always end in slavery?

As Ms Melanie Phillips clearly points out in her column “The Tory Jacobins“:

“What they [leaders in the West] never understood – at least, most of them – was that the left-wing war to destroy the west had not in fact ended but merely shifted its strategy. Instead of the workers seizing control of the levers of the economy, the left would now seize control of the levers of the culture – the universities, media, civil service, churches, the legal profession – and subvert them from within”.


VIDEO: Debunking Communism from ‘The School of Life’ — A Rebuttal of Karl Marx

The Right Side of History: The Media Continues to Whitewash the Legacy of Communism

Trump White House Recognizes 100 Years of Victims of Communism [+Podcast]

Even by Its Own Standards, Communism Has Failed Miserably


What Can We Expect From Generation Z?

For far too long we have belabored the strengths and weaknesses of the Millennials (a.k.a. Generation Y), but what about their successors, Generation Z?

This is the Generation born between the late 1990’s and the middle of this decade. This is a generation who is now getting ready to graduate from High School and enter college, but what can we expect from them?

Whereas the Baby Boomers were responsible for the Millennials, Generation X begat Gen Z, and hopefully they will do a better job than the Boomers who, frankly, dropped the ball along the way.

Generation Z has no recollection of Bill Clinton or the scandals surrounding him, or George W. Bush for that matter. They were also too young to truly remember 911. They primarily remember Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. More recently, they have heard about North Korea, Iran, and Cuba, but have no recollection of the events surrounding them, such as the Korean Armistice, the American hostages in Iran under President Carter, or the Cuban Missile Crisis and Bay of Pigs under President Kennedy. They have also heard of numerous terrorist attacks and school shootings. In terms of academics, they have grown up in an age of testing and technology. Just about all of them are intimate with smart phones, social media, eCommerce, and other features of the Internet, much more so than the Millennials.

In school, they have excelled in the areas of math, science, and foreign language (primarily Spanish). Unfortunately, they are weak in terms of their knowledge of government, history, and speech. Their sense of socialization is different than their predecessors, as the media has been highly influential in their lives since infancy. I am also concerned about their interest in reading as paper books, newspapers, and magazines are disappearing. They may not be too informed about current events or history, but they are perhaps the most educated generation to date.

Whereas prior generations were hungry and understood the value of a dollar and an education, it is yet unclear the priorities Generation Z possesses. The recent shootings in Parkland, Florida triggered an outburst of outrage, but it is uncertain how much of this was sincere, and how much was orchestrated by politicians. Nevertheless, it was the first such political reaction by high-schoolers since the 1970’s.

The proof in the pudding will be in November which represents the generation’s first opportunity to vote in a major American election. If the turnout is low, we will know we have produced another generation of apathetic voters, but I am not yet convinced it will turn out this way.

I have been reading there are significant differences between the Millennials and Generation Z. From what I’ve heard, Gen Z looks upon the Millennials as irresponsible and foolish. Whereas, the Millennials have shown signs of embracing liberal doctrine, Gen Z is more conservative in nature.

According to a 2015 report from Goldman Sachs, “Gen-Z is more conservative, more money-oriented, and more entrepreneurial than the millennials were.”

This was echoed by another report in 2016, “My College Options and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) today presented the results of a new national survey of approximately 50,000 ‘Generation Z’ high school students (ages 14-18) attitudes on the 2016 presidential election which found that the majority identify as Republicans – in sharp contrast to Millennials – and overall would vote for Donald Trump.”

If this is true, it is likely Generation Z will become more politically and economically influential than the Millennials.

Maybe Generation Z represents a correction in society, just as we experience in the stock market. Whereas the Millennials may have gone too far left, it appears Generation Z is turning to the right instead.

Keep the Faith!

RELATED ARTICLE: Generation Z and The Next Wave

NETFLIX Announces ‘Master and Slave’ an Original ‘Role Playing’ Series — BDSM community outraged!

According to anonymous sources two of the top “role players” in politics Stormy Daniels and Eric Schneiderman have been hired to “role play” in the new NETFLIX Original Series “Master and Slave.” It is unclear who will play the part of “the master.” Michael Avenatti will be representing Ms. Daniels in the negotiations with NETFLIX. Mr. Schneiderman will be representing himself in the negotiations and in court as cases are brought by those he had “consensual role playing” with.

The anonymous source revealed that Stormy and Eric were “chosen because of  their extensive experience as role players” since the election of President Donald J. Trump. Both have an extensive background in suing Trump for various reasons such as, but not limited to: tweets, global warming, illegal aliens and a woman’s right to role play, no pun intended.

A spokes person (a gender neutral term) for Mr. Schneiderman notes:

Eric is very excited to role play with Stormy. While Stormy is white and Eric prefers brown slaves, we will leave the creative development of the script up to the NETFLIX team of writers, producers and directors. We understand that Harvey Weinstein, who Eric has indicted for sexual misconduct, is being considered as the producer and director of “Master and Slave.”

A spokes person (a gender neutral term) for Ms. Daniels said in a short press release:

Stormy didn’t get her name by being the slave to any man. Stormy is considered an expert in “role playing.” We expect her vast experience in “role playing” will work in her favor during the negotiations. BTW Stormy is the only person (a gender neutral term) who can accurately describe President Trump’s genitalia.

Given her vast experience in “role playing” she should have the lead role of master. #MeToo!

The New York Post reported:

Many members of what’s widely known as the kink community are outraged that Eric Schneiderman, in resigning as New York’s attorney general, depicted his alleged violence toward several women as “role-playing and other consensual sexual activity.”

Aficionados of kinky sex noted that Schneiderman’s accusers insisted they had given no consent — which is considered obligatory among most practitioners of kink.

Since the NETFLIX announcement of the production of “Master and Slave” the kink community has demanded that all members of the cast sign an “obligatory” agreement to participate in “consensual role playing.” #MeKinky

Our anonymous source revealed that NETFLIX has:

Approached Barack and Michelle Obama and Eric Holder and James Comey to do pilots for two new Original Role Playing Series titled “President and First Lady Forever” and “We’re The Law, We Can’t Lie.”

President Trump tweeted:

Birds of a feather! Need I say more?

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire originally appeared in Kinky You, Kinky Me magazine.

Attempted Assassination of Iranian Dissident in New York

If confirmed, this is the first time since 1981 that the Iranian regime has targeted a defector on U.S. soil.

Iranian dissident Mansoor Osanloo, the exiled former head of the bus driver’s union in Tehran, was savagely attacked on Tuesday, May 1, while traveling on a PATH train into New York City, and left for dead.

Multiple assailants sprayed him with a corrosive chemical, then clubbed him in the back of the neck with what appears to have been a tire iron. He lay in a coma for several days and required 17 stitches in his neck.

I spoke with Osanloo on Monday, not long after he awoke from a coma.

Mansoor Osanloo

“I don’t remember anything,” he said. “But you can see from the pictures that I was sprayed with some kind of a chemical weapon and smashed in the head.This was a terrorist attack.”

Photographs taken at the hospital show a horribly-disfugured Osanloo. The burns to his skin are reminiscent of mustard gas attacks.

Osanloo has been instrumental in planning mass protests across Iran in recent months, and is the most prominent Iranian labor leader, in Iran or in exile. He was traveling to the New York studio of Iran International Television for an interview at the invitation of broadcaster Askar Ramazanzadi.

It remains unclear who funds the new “exile” TV based in London. But it has attracted many former broadcasters from Voice of America, such as Mohammad Manzapour, who were forced to resign from VOA because of alleged ties to the Islamic State of Iran authorities.

“They knew what time I was supposed to go to their studio,” Osanloo told me. “They knew what route I had to take. And then their studio published lies about what happened, claiming it was a car accident.”

An initial report on the Telegram channel of Amadnews, a website that boasts of close ties to “dissidents” within the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in Tehran, cited a U.S.-based “associate” who claimed that Oslanloo had been the victim of an “attempted assassination.”

That report appeared on May 2nd at 2:54 pm, before any public information had been released on the attack and while Osanloo himself was still in a coma. It begs the question of whether Ahmadnews had inside information from the attackers themselves.

Amadnews next claimed that its initial information of an assassination attempt had been “confirmed” by Iran International TV, the same channel that had invited Osanloo for the interview in New York. That report appeared at 5:09 PM.

Later, Ahmadnews cited the television as claiming that Osanloo had been injured in a car accident and had hit his head on the steering wheel.

That later Iran International TV report quoted Osanloo’s wife as saying he had been injured in a car accident.

“That is absurd,” Osanloo told me. “I don’t even drive. Everybody knows this. I always take public transit.”

The obvious chemical wounds Osanloo suffered attracted the attention of the FBI, who visited him in the New York hospital where he was taken after he was found by transit police.

“They took my clothes, my vomit, and my blood for testing in the FBI lab,” Osanloo told me.

The FBI had warned Osanloo prior to the attack that he was at risk in the United States from an attack by Iranian-regime agents. Once he was admitted to the hospital, they made sure his name was not entered into the hospital registry, so Iranian government agents couldn’t find him.

So far, the FBI has refrained from making any public statement. Osanloo was not robbed, nor was there any apparent motive for the attack other than a political assassination.

This apparent assassination attempt against a prominent Iranian dissident living in the United States, if confirmed, would be the first time the Iranian regime has targeted an Iranian dissident on U.S. soil since the July 22, 1981 assassination of Ali Akbar Tabatabai, a former press spokesman for the Iranian embassy in Washington, DC under the shah.

Tabatabai was killed by an American convert to Islam, David Belfield, who was associated with the Islamic Center in Potomac, Maryland, owned and controlled by the Alavi Foundation, an Iranian government entity whose assets have been forfeited to the U.S. government on money-laundering charges.

Until 1996, the Iranian regime regularly sent hit teams around the globe who killed more than 200 prominent dissidents in gangland-style killings. It wasn’t until the German government prosecuted the killers of Kurdish dissidents at the Mykonos restaurant in Berlin that the Iranians called off their killers in Europe.

“This was an attack not on me, but on the United States,” Osanloo told me. “I am a green card holder, so I am an American first, then an Iranian. I am just like you.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.