A Republic Tested: What Hurricane Harvey taught us

I had a dear friend of mine tell me the other day about people coming together in Texas during Hurricane Harvey, helping each other, looking out for each other. She wanted to show everyone how Texans take care of their own. Now she is a proud Texas lady and I love her dearly…salt of the earth, but her comment made me think…..was this really about Texas, and the only answer I could come up with is, no. The answer that I did come up with in my mind, however, is, I believe, far more heartening.

Coast Guard rescues infant in Hurricane aftermath in Houston. Photo: Redditt

When a disaster of this magnitude strikes, the one thing that you can always count on is that it will immediately lay bare the good and the bad in people, and Houston was no different. The good rallied from everywhere; They came from Louisiana as the “Cajun Navy” with their camo and boats hauled by pick up trucks with, “Proud to be a Redneck” bumper stickers. They came from nearby Oklahoma and from other areas of the country. They came with boats and paddles, with food and gear. They came with guns and guts, but mostly they came with their hearts and their hands. There were even displaced Northern Yankees like my own son who, even though high and dry and well provisioned, went out every day looking for those who could be helped.

We often forget that Latin phrase which adorns every coin and dollar bill that passes through our hands; E Pluribus Unum, From Many…One! We need to always remind ourselves that we are never in this alone, but always count on the faith, strength, and generosity of others to help us through trying times. We are the United States and when difficult times come to one state, it comes to us all.

Our unity and strength has been strained and tested as of late. With riots and tearing down statues, there will always be those that work to divide us. They are the vocal minority and somehow they are always the loudest voice in the room. They espouse hatred, bigotry, and divisiveness. They mean to shock us with their antisocial behavior and rhetoric, and there are times when we feel that our social fabric is about to unravel, but at the end of the day they are just the same garden variety nonsense that we’ve seen before; remember the sixties?

As Dr. Benjamin Franklin emerged from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1776, someone hollered out to him, “Well Doctor, what have we; a Republic or a Monarchy?” To which Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Harvey came and with it came the strength and unity of the American people. State to state, shoulder to shoulder, we have come together, looked devastation in the eye and beat it back as one people. Harvey was more than a devastating and terrifying storm, it was a message to all who would seek to bring their violent hate and social discontent to our door, any door within these fifty United States; Doctor Franklin’s Republic is alive, well and united and from state to state, and Harvey reminded us that an attack on one, is an attack on us all.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Houston Police SWAT officer Daryl Hudeck carrying Catherine Pham and her 13-month-old son, Aiden, after rescuing them from their home surrounded by floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey Aug. 27 in Houston. AP photo/David J. Phillip

On the Wrong Side of America’s Cultural War

As a Jew it is sad for me to have to agree with Melanie Phillips that American Jews are on the wrong side of America’s Cultural War.

Jews are reputed to be highly educated and reasonably smart people. Therefore it is hard for me to understand that a majority support the very people who are enemies of the Jewish people and Israel.

These Jews have forgotten the lesson that supporting your enemies does not endear you to them, they will eventually destroy you.


By Melanie Phillips

In America, four liberal rabbinic organizations have scrapped their participation in the annual conference call in which the president traditionally offers his greetings for the Jewish New Year.

Their reason? President Donald Trump’s statements about the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville were “lacking in moral leadership and empathy for the victims of racial and religious hatred.”

After that rally, which gave rise to a violent counterprotest and the murder of a young woman when a white supremacist driver plowed his car into a group of “antifa” (or anti-fascist) protesters, Trump provoked widespread fury by observing there had been violence on both sides.

According to the liberal rabbis, responsibility for the violence “does not lie with many sides, but with one side: the Nazis, alt-right and white supremacists who brought their hate to a peaceful community.”

Yes, they did so; and the fatality was caused by a white supremacist. But until that point, violence had mainly come from the antifa attacking the far-right rally, which although obnoxious was legal; indeed, the antifa had come equipped with baseball bats and other weapons.

There is now ample evidence of the hatred, intimidation and violence these supposed anti-fascists direct – not just against far-right extremists, but against all conservatives and white people, and Israel, too.

Last weekend on the Berkeley campus, more than a hundred antifa members attacked a small number of Trump supporters, injuring six, while screaming their true intention – to destroy the USA.

If anyone is “lacking in moral leadership and empathy” for the victims of hatred, it’s surely those liberal rabbis.

Faced with left-wing aggression and bigotry, many American Jews display a high degree of cognitive dissonance. That’s because they think not as Jews, but as leftists – not least because they can’t discern the difference.

Left-wing antisemitism is running at epidemic level. Demonization of Israel based on lies, double standards and a near-supernatural attribution of cosmic malevolence is the default position on the Left.

Liberal American Jews aren’t merely allowing their liberalism to supersede their Judaism. They are actively siding with the enemies of the Jewish people and the Western civilization built on Jewish values.

They fell over themselves to have their annual Rosh Hashana conference call with former president Barack Obama, a man who refused to say that the slaughter at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris in 2015 was an antisemitic attack.

They voiced no outrage when Rep. Keith Ellison, who once had close ties to the profoundly Jew-hating, black racist organization Nation of Islam, supports Hamas and who has a history of troubling remarks about Jews, was elected vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Instead, Trump is himself smeared as a supporter of white supremacism. The proof is supposed to be that the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, David Duke, supports him.

Read more.

A Boy from Brooklyn: An interview with Rabbi Samuel Waidenbaum by Mike Bate and Jerry Gordon

Mike Bates:      Good afternoon and welcome to Your Turn on 1330AM WEBY, Northwest Florida’s Talk Radio. I am your host Mike Bates. This half hour we have two special guests in the studio. One is my regular host for Middle East Round Table discussions, Jerry Gordon with the New English Review and its blog, “the Iconoclast”. Welcome Jerry.

Jerry Gordon:  Glad to be back Mike.

Bates:                   Also in the studios, but hopefully not for the last time, is Rabbi Samuel Waidenbaum with B’nai Israel synagogue in Pensacola. Welcome Rabbi Sam.

Rabbi Waidenbaum: Thank you very much Mike. Nice to be here.

Bates:                  I appreciate you coming in.  So what brings you to Northwest Florida?

Waidenbaum   It seems like there was a calling for a Rabbi at B’nai Israel Synagogue and I applied for it.  Eventually we had a Skype interview. They liked what they saw. I liked what I saw, they interviewed me. I told them eventually that I was also interviewing them as well as a congregation. I guess I passed the test, they passed the test and we became an item.  I am the Rabbi of this wonderful congregation.

Bates:                 So what was the long and winding road from being an Orthodox trained Rabbi from Brooklyn to being a Rabbi at B’nai Israel in Pensacola?

Waidenbaum:    I have to tell you something. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew whether you are Orthodox or whether you are Conservative, whether you are a Reform or whether you are a Reconstructionist.  It makes no difference. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. My theory and my feelings always have been and still are today that you work for God, you don’t work for the people. You are doing God’s work but it is through the people. We are doing it through the people, getting them to a better place, making them understand what it is all about.  I learned that, thank God, from my father, may he rest in peace. That is what he did and it seems like it just runs in the family. I picked up on that and I said do you know what? I like it. I don’t have to be in an Orthodox synagogue because in an Orthodox synagogue they know what to do. They know it already. They are Orthodox, they are Hasidic or they know it already. But when you wind up in a Conservative synagogue or an egalitarian synagogue it makes no difference where you can reach out to them and make them better Jews.

Gordon:                 You are no stranger to the Gulf Coast Rabbi Waidenbaum having spent five years at a program over in New Orleans. What was that like?

Waidenbaum:     Well over there I was not the Rabbi, although I was already ordained, but I was the Cantor there in New Orleans.  It was an easier job and that is where I also learned to play tennis by the way.

Gordon:                   That’s amazing.

Waidenbaum:        Yup.

Gordon:                    So you became a tennis addict (or advocate)?

Waidenbaum:        Yes sir.

Gordon                       That means you watch the U.S. Open.

Waidenbaum:         Yes I do. Thank you.

Gordon:                     Okay.

Mike:                          You mentioned Rabbi Sam that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew whether you are Orthodox, whether you are Conservative, whether you are a Reform and there are even more sub-sects of Judaism. In your travels there would have to be some differences or they wouldn’t give themselves different labels. What have you seen as you have traveled throughout your path as a Rabbi in various congregations that you have either attended or led?

Waidenbaum:        Congregations are basically all the same.  It is that sometimes the different sects that you have within any religion I would imagine everyone thinks that they know what God wants from them or they are the favorite, or that God loves them better than someone else and that is not the truth. The truth is God loves everyone; every person on the face of this earth is God’s child whether you are Jewish or Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, and it makes no difference. We are all God’s children and what I enjoy doing is reaching out to the Jews that I can help them be a little bit more Jewish, be a little more charitable, observe a little bit more like lighting  candles on Shabbat, make the Hamotzi,  make Kiddush, do the prayers the right way.  If they have a problem with anything I am here to help them in any way, shape or form. Sometimes they need a little boost in the money department, they ran out or something happened and they lost their jobs we do that as well. I am here to help my community and sometimes even outside the Jewish community as well.

Gordon:                     So you have been here for about three months now right?

Waidenbaum:        Yes sir it’s my third month anniversary.

Gordon:                     What has been your experience trying to be flexible with a small egalitarian Conservative Jewish congregation here. What was that like?

Waidenbaum:         I don’t think it has to do with egalitarian or Jewish or Orthodox or trained Rabbi, it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with how you feel the culture and the climate of the synagogue, of the temple, of the shul. I figured out that each one, everyone is separate. I could never do what I do at B’nai Israel in another synagogue where you have three hundred people sitting in a large sanctuary because this is a little bit smaller. So I do not read from a prepared sermon. We have a dialogue so that everyone participates and it gives them a chance to get into my head, I get into their head, we learn better that way because when you participate more, you learn more as opposed to sitting there and the Rabbi speaks for twenty minutes then we go home. It doesn’t work that way.  I like this format even better and I think it has worked for us. It’s worked specifically with our congregation. I saw that early on and I said this is the way I’m going to conduct services and I think it has been very successful.

Bates:                           Is it almost like a Q and A where people raise their hand and you call on them and they get to ask questions or is it more like a spirited debate?

Waidenbaum:          Absolutely.

Bates:                           All of it, all of the above?

Waidenbaum:          I start off with the Torah portion of the week that we have to talk about that we just read that we learned.  We go from there. If there are any questions, people raise their hands and ask questions.  Then you have to have the answers for them. If I wouldn’t have the answers I wouldn’t be the Rabbi.  So we have to have the answers and that’s what we do.  Sometimes it is literally out of the box and out of the box is fine too and we take care of that as well.

Gordon:                      And sometimes it’s humorous.

Waidenbaum:         Sometimes it’s very humorous too. We have fun. Many people have told me that they came to the synagogue because they heard about the humor, that we have fun, that religion should be fun. It shouldn’t be very strict, upright and straight. Sometimes it’s not.  You can put comedy into a sermon and you could put comedy into a service as well.

Bates:                         So from the pulpit obviously you are talking about spiritual issues.  How often do social issues and social causes come into play? There has clearly got to be a Jewish view of social issues?

Waidenbaum:        Right.  We do talk about charity, how to give charity, how does one give. How much should you give? What should you do? How do you approach it? What is the best way of doing it? We study that as well. We study about how to do a Mitzvah. A Mitzvah is a good deed. How do you approach it? How do you do it? If someone on the street needs some help, well there are ways of doing it the right way, the correct way. Then there is a very not nice way where you begrudge the individual, you just are very distant from the person. I believe when someone reaches out to you that they need some help. I think you have to approach them with dialogue. You have to speak to them a little bit and say here is what I can give you. What else do you need? It’s cold outside or it’s too hot, can I get you a sandwich to eat? Can I get you a hamburger or whatever it is how can I help.  I think that is more important to talk to someone in need than to just give them a dollar or two or three or five. I think that interaction is so important between people that it alleviates stress.  It is like when someone who visits a hospital visits a sick person, the patient. The moment you walk in they smile, they are happy, there is life in them. , They sit up a little bit.  All of a sudden you feel for them a little bit. That is what it is all about.

Bates:                         Rabbi Sam there are countless churches in Northwest Florida and the majority of the population of Northwest Florida self-identifies as Christian.  But a fraction, certainly less than half of those Christians attend church regularly. The Jewish population in Northwest Florida is smaller and there are two synagogues. There is B’nai Israel on 9th Avenue where you are the Rabbi and there is Temple Beth-El on Palafox Street.  I’m curious.  What is the percentage of the Jewish population that regularly attends services? Is it half? Is it 80/90 I mean, how does that typically fall?

Waidenbaum:        I don’t think I’m here long enough to even give you those numbers. I have to be a little bit longer to figure out what the numbers are.

Bates:                          Jerry, what’s your take on that? What is your observation? Is it a majority?

Gordon:                     I would think it’s about half are regular synagogue or Temple goers in that regard.  Since his arrival here it’s been remarkable to see folks start turning up again because he is after all the new Rabbi on the block.  But he’s also has this comportment that he just described of being able to reach out to congregants. There was an episode in the case of an unfortunate death of a child that occurred in our community not long after his arrival.   I think it’s a combination of one being a decent human being, a mensch is the word we typically use,  and also being able to be a caring and thoughtful person,  but not austere in the sense of saying  there has to an  I thou  relationship between the spiritual leader and the congregation and its members.  I think he’s proven his worth during the first ninety days.

Waidenbaum:         Thank you Jerry and I appreciate those kind words.  You know we went over to that church and met the pastor.   It was that little girl who was killed. We went down there for the service. There must have been fifteen hundred people there at the service.  We came down to show our support for the community because the bottom line is we have the same blood as anyone else.  We are the same people.  We are God’s children end of the story.  We have to be respectful of everyone and every other religion that there is. That’s the way it goes.

Bates:                         Do you encounter much anti-Semitism in Northwest Florida?

Waidenbaum:        Not at all. I wear my kippah, my yarmulke everywhere I go and no one has bothered me at all.

Bates:                         Well that’s good. Did you think that anti-Semitism nationally is up or down from where it was say a decade ago. What’s your perception?

Waidenbaum:        Could be somewhat up. I think in Europe it is probably even worse.

Bates:                         Well in Europe, certainly.  That’s why I was asking about the United States. Here in the U.S., if you believe the news media which for the record I generally don’t, you would think that it is all over the place, it’s ubiquitous.  That a Jewish man can’t walk down the street without being attacked or spat upon.  I know that’s not true.  I’m just curious as a Rabbi who has traveled extensively, what is your experience with anti-Semitism or does it not really exist in your world personally?

Waidenbaum:         It does exist, it does exist in my world because of where I was and where I served and what congregations I served .I know it is if there is a swastika on synagogues, they break windows, if they take the Torah, the Bible, the scripted Bible and they do many things that they shouldn’t do. Having said that, I have not seen it although I know it’s there, it’s always there. It just depends when they want to raise their nasty necks up and come out.  Like all fights we have had just lately the last couple of weeks or so with the demonstrations in Charlottesville, they just want to fight.

Bates:                         Rabbi Sam I understand that as a young man you spent some time in Vietnam. How did that come about?

Waidenbaum          I sometimes ask myself the same question.   I do have the answer to that. You know it’s like when mom bakes cookies and then she takes them and puts them in the jar.  She puts it up on top of a cabinet and says to the little child don’t touch those cookies, they are for guests.  The first thing the child does when mom goes out of the room is climb up on the counter, gets into the cabinet and attacks the cookies. It may have been the same thing for me. I have always been sheltered with my religion and my father was a Rabbi, his father and probably his father all the way back were Rabbis. It probably was not what I was thinking at the time. I think when you learn that we are at war, I had no idea what that even meant, I thought I wanted to go and I let myself actually be drafted.  That is what happened in ’65, ‘66 when they sent me to Vietnam. That is how I got to Vietnam by being naïve, I guess.

Bates:                          Now when you say let yourself, is that because you didn’t invoke a religious exemption?

Waidenbaum:          Not at all.

Bates:                           Is that the reason why because you could have not gone, right?

Waidenbaum:          Yes, I wanted to go. I actually wanted to go and experience what it was that everybody else was going to Canada, they were leaving, and they were defecting.  I said I would never do that but so what would you do?  Well I said I will go and serve my country. That is what I thought I would do

Bates:                          And I presume you were there for one year?

Waidenbaum:         Exactly one year.

Bates:                          What did you do?

Waidenbaum:         I was supposed to be a Chaplain’s Assistant which never happened, because they didn’t have that position open at the time. There was one I think in Cam Ran Bay and another one in Saigon.  So I became a Chaplain’s Assistant.   However, that didn’t work.   So I worked in a place called Tent City in Cam Ran Bay.  Tent City was where the other soldiers who came into Vietnam were processed with their Military Operating Specialties (MOS). If one was a medic we shipped them out to Pleiku. If one was a gunner in a helicopter we shipped them out. Whatever they needed all over Vietnam we shipped them out as they came in.  In Tent City they stayed with us for two to four days before we shipped them out.  We were also part of R&R, Rest and Recuperation.  Those who were going on vacation for the week came to us and then we shipped them out and they came back to us a day or two before they left.

Bates:                         While you didn’t say it, I presumed that it was U.S. Army?

Waidenbaum:        It was the Army, yes sir.

Gordon:                    And what sort of takeaways did you have from your encounter with fellow GI’s during that experience?

Waidenbaum:        I had more trouble with my being Jewish than with enemies. I had a couple of verbal arguments.  I did have one or two fights as I had to protect myself.  That’s what I did. I thank God I won fights, the verbal and the physical.

Bates:                         Rabbi, how important is support for Jerusalem and Israel for the B’nai Israel congregation and for Jews around the world in general?

Waidenbaum:        I think you said a mouthful.  That should be from everyone. Every Jew has to support Israel, because without Israel we are back again to seventy years ago where you had no Israel and look what they did to us. Today they can’t do that. It is not going to happen because Israel can defend itself. Thank God we have the United States who does support Israel today anyway.  We are going to be fine.  We have to support Israel. I know we have a Federation here in Pensacola and everyone supports the Federation. We give a lot to Federation, we do a lot for Israel which we support 110%.

Bates:                         Well I am not Jewish but I concur with that. I think it’s very important to support Israel. A lot of Christians support Israel based on a religious interpretation of scripture and that’s great. For the record my support of Israel is 100% secular. I’m not saying I don’t believe scripture but I’m saying that my support for Israel is 100% secular because it is a very decent country made up of very decent people with very decent policies in a very dangerous neighborhood and for that reason alone I have complete support for Israel.

Waidenbaum:         I could not have said that any better than you did.

Gordon:                     Amen, Mike.

Waidenbaum:        Thank you. Amen is right. Thank you.

Bates:                         Rabbi Sam, before we go I want you to close with a blessing can you tell us what time your services are at B’nai Israel on 9th Avenue?

Waidenbaum:         Services on Friday night as a rule are at 7:00 PM in the evening and Saturday Shabbat morning at 9:30 a.m.  As a rule the services end Friday night about five or ten minutes after eight.  On Saturday they last about two hours and five or ten minutes followed, of course by a lovely Kiddush, a little Oneg, a little food

Bates:                          Meal.

Waidenbaum:         Yes, a meal of food.

Bates:                          Would you please close with a blessing?

Waidenbaum:          Houston, Texas is having a very difficult time and so it is really a blessing and a prayer for all those who are suffering out there with our heartfelt condolences to all of those who have passed away and we hope and pray that things will get better for them.  Our God and God of our ancestors, we pray for all of those caught up in the midst of tragedy and disaster in the state of Texas, Houston, Texas from Hurricane Harvey. For those who have lost life and those working to save life, for those who are worried for people they love and for those who will see their loved ones no longer, Lord have mercy on them. For those in need of  peace that passes all understanding, for all who turn to you in the midst of turmoil and for those who cry out to you in fear and in love, Lord have mercy. For those in confusion and those in despair, for those whose tears are yet to dry, for those in need of your unending love, Lord have mercy and let us all respond even at home, Amen.

Bates:                           Amen.

Gordon:                      Amen.

Bates:                          Alright, Rabbi Sam thank you so much for coming in. Jerry Gordon thank you for arranging this and I look forward to attending services soon at B’nai Israel on 9th Avenue with you, Rabbi. I hope to do that soon.

Waidenbaum:         Thank you Mike. Thank you Jerry.

Listen to the 1330AM WEBY interview with Rabbi Samuel Waidenbaum.

Melania Trump denounced by Vogue fashion editor

On Tuesday  far left hacks the righteous attacked First Lady Melania Trump for wearing heels to board Marine One in the South Lawn on the way to inspect the damage the in Texas.

Melania wearing High Heels.jpgLeading the charge was Lynn Yaeger from Vogue Magazine.

Melania Trump’s Hurricane Stilettos, and the White House’s Continual Failure to Understand Optics

Lynn Yaeger is a contributing fashion editor to Vogue.com and a contributing writer to Vogue. She is a former fashion reporter for The Village Voice, having worked for the paper for 30-years. Her column, “Elements of Style”, was renamed “Frock Star” in February 2007. Yaeger is also a regular contributor to The New York Times, Style Magazine, American Vogue, Travel & Leisure, and countless antiques & collectibles dealers.

Yaeger is also a fashion columnist for Full Frontal Fashion, a style website in association with Sundance Channel. Melania Trump boarded Air Force One wearing a pair of towering pointy-toed snakeskin heels better suited to a shopping afternoon on Madison Avenue or a girls’ luncheon at La Grenouille.

A spokesperson for FLOTUS said she has other shoes to change into on the plane—and one sincerely hopes there is a pair of leopard-print Wellies-in-waiting to get her from the tarmac to the limo.

But what kind of message does a fly-in visit from a First Lady in sky-high stilettos send to those suffering the enormous hardship, the devastation of this natural disaster?

Here is a montage showing Ms. Yaeger displaying her “Blend-in with the People” style.Lynn Yaeger Montage.jpgWatch the Current Truth change before our eyes when the same journalist reports on two different women’s fashion.

A proposal for a new Hitler video titled, “Fashionista Lynn Yaeger finds out that Melania Trump wore stilettos.”

(That camel toe on her lip sure looks like Hitler’s ‘tache).


#FreeTheNipple! Except Melania Trump’s

Letter to the Editor

Governor Blagojevich is Denounced!

Earnest Borgnine is Denounced

Thoughtcriminal Böhmermann denounced!

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by Antonio Salazarinski originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Make America Great Again (MAGA) Performance Review

It is time for the Make America Great Again (MAGA) performance review. How have Candidate Trump’s campaign promises fared in President Trump’s White House?

When ex-president Obama promised President Trump the customary peaceful transition of power President Trump believed him – it was a devastating mistake and catastrophic for MAGA. Our new President is a savvy businessman and America needs his business expertise – but government business is even dirtier and more corrupt than the New York real estate business.

In real estate it is far easier to identify your enemies – in government the swamp creatures are camouflaged by their ever-changing colors, deceitful smiles, and ability to adapt. Swamp creatures are entirely self-serving – there are no teams or loyalties in the swamp – just survival.

For eight years ex-president liar-in-chief Obama staffed the United States government with Globalists, Islamists, and Leftist activists. His hope and change agenda was designed to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism. Obama followed Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” to create the social chaos required for seismic social change. Obama weaponized his pro-Muslim agenda and used it in his information war to destabilize America and create social chaos. He staffed the government with Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR members. Obama weakened the military and national security apparatus with training manuals rewritten to satisfy his MB/CAIR advisers that deliberately deleted any mention of Islam as the ideological inspiration for jihad terror. He used Common Core to re-educated our youth with a revisionist curriculum that rejects Judeo-Christian traditions and exalts Islam as a religion of peace. Obama was the media’s globalist darling and they covered up his crimes against America to advance the globalist agenda of their owners.

Make America Great Again advances Americanism. MAGA is the new program that President Trump brought to Washington to oppose globalism. So, after seven months what does the MAGA performance review reveal? A shocking reorganization from MAGA to GAMA – Globalists are Management Again.

In a stunning reversal of staffing all the President’s men are OUT and all the ex-president’s men are IN. This is a catastrophic management upheaval. It is simply impossible for President Trump to fulfill his campaign promises to MAGA with an oppositional staff that rejects Americanism, a Washington swamp that embraces globalism, a biased mainstream media that protects the globalists, a pro-Muslim educational system that idealizes globalism, and a national security apparatus that denies Islamic ideology is the inspiration for jihadi terrorism.

How did this happen? How does a dream become a nightmare? How does unlikely Candidate Trump become President Trump and then lose his way?

Thought precedes behavior. Businessman Trump built an empire by trusting his own vision. He began with a vision, listened to the advice of trusted advisors, evaluated the information through the prism of his own thoughts and values, and then made decisions.

Candidate Trump became President Trump by trusting his own vision. He began with a vision MAGA, listened to the advice of trusted advisors, evaluated the information through the prism of his own thoughts and values, and then made decisions.

President Trump brought his MAGA vision to Washington but the globalist traps were already set. There was no peaceful transition of power as promised. Instead, the swamp offensive began. The first attack was on General Michael Flynn, a true America-first patriot who understood the clear and present danger of radical Islam. General Flynn had the information to expose Obama’s insidious master plan to destabilize and destroy America from within. The globalist swamp needed to destroy General Flynn’s credibility to survive and so they did. But the creatures were not satisfied and the swamp attacks continued.

President Trump’s America-first MAGA team that was designed to oppose and dismantle the existing globalist swamp in Washington was attacked relentlessly and has itself been devoured by the swamp creatures instead. Team members Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Derek Harvey, Rich Higgins, Adam Lovinger, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka – all disappeared. Obama loyalists H.R.. McMaster, Dina Habib-Powell, Allison Hooker, Fernando Cutz, Andrea Hall, Rear Admiral David Kriete, Jessica Cox, Stephanie Morrison, Heather King, and Robert Wilson – all reappeared. Why?

The immediate and complete dismantling of the Trump team was necessary for the globalist forces to control the information. Control of the information is what controls public opinion. Public opinion is the weapon of choice in an information war. Obama’s globalist Common Core re-education curriculum was designed to tilt American youth toward future globalism and Islam. The ongoing globalist media assault on President Trump was designed to discredit his Americanism and tilt American public opinion toward globalism and Islam. The coordinated globalist assault on President Trump’s America-first team was deigned to control the information the President receives and tilt his opinion away from his signature Americanism toward globalism and Islam.

So, who controls the information that President Trump now receives in this information war? Who controls the re-education of President Trump? How influential are the opinions of President Trump’s children who have been educated toward globalism and raised on John Lennon’s “Imagine” instead of the “Star Spangled Banner.” Whoever controls the information controls the future. Sadly, the MAGA performance review indicates that GAMA has replaced MAGA. The GAMA globalists who replaced Trump’s America-first MAGA team now control the information in the President’s daily briefings.

The MAGA performance review concludes:

  1. Ivanka and Jared Kushner have become impediments to President Trump’s America-first agenda and should no longer serve in any official capacity.
  2. The West Wing Democrats are impediments to President Trump’s America-first agenda and should no longer serve in any official capacity.
  3. The leftover Obama replacement team is committed to sabotaging MAGA.

The MAGA performance recommendation is:

  1. President Trump fire the entire team of West Wing Democrats including Cohn and Tillerson – You’re Fired!
  2. President Trump fire the leftover Obama replacement team starting with H.R. McMaster – You’re Fired!
  3. President Trump rehire the America-first Trump team loyalists and staff his administration with personnel committed to MAGA – You’re Hired!

The MAGA performance review forecast:

  1. The short term upheavals resulting from the massive firing and hiring recommendations will salvage MAGA and allow the President to pursue and achieve his ambitious campaign promises.
  2. If President Trump does not regain control of the information and continues to allow GAMA to control it he will lose his presidency and ability to govern. He will become insignificant.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity website.

Where Did Antifa Come From?

Click for AUDIO version.

Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you are probably now familiar with the term, “Antifa,” but are not too sure what it represents. In a nutshell, it is an abbreviated form of “Anti Faschists,” and is at the heart of the violent protests plaguing America. Antifa was there at Charlottesville, VA, in Phoenix, AZ for the Trump rally, at the desecration of several Civil War monuments, and more recently at the heart of the violent Berkeley, CA protests. These were ugly hostile environments the police had difficulty controlling.

Make no mistake, Antifa promotes anarchy, and proudly proclaims itself as such in their literature and web pages. They are also communists with a deep aversion to capitalism. They claim their group descends from a like-titled European group of the early 20th century. However, I could find no evidence today’s Antifa knows what Fascism truly means. They claim to want to destroy what they call the “American Plantation.” From their perspective, they see slavery in every minority group and abhor their white Christian “masters.” Yet, many of their members are middle class whites. They want liberation and freedom ON THEIR TERMS, not as defined by the Constitution. As such, they advocate the overthrow of the United States government and are committed to combating any sign of support for the government or any other opinion conflicting with their own. And, No, they are most definitely not advocates of free speech as prescribed by the First Amendment.

In reality, Antifa’s roots are planted in the Occupy Wall Street Movement of 2011, a group of people seeking social and economic reform. Interestingly, the Occupy movement quickly faded from view following the re-election of President Barack Obama in 2012. However, after Donald Trump was elected in 2016, a period of social unrest grew, all aimed at resisting the new president at every turn. The tactics, unfortunately, were less peaceful and more militaristic. Consequently, Antifa began to flourish.

Antifa’s numbers are relatively small, but they are getting organized and beginning to recruit impressionable millennials either in school or fresh out of college. Many professors preach Socialist dogma to their students thereby influencing their motivation and perspective. As a result, they foster Antifa recruits.

Currently, the tactics of Antifa appear to be based on a “Minute Man” approach whereby whenever a major demonstration is led by Republicans, such as a pro-Trump rally, they rush to the scene and engage in vocal and violent confrontation. The theory is that if they do this enough times, they hope to suppress any outward signs of support for the president. It’s called “intimidation.” They also hope to spin the media to promote their values.

Antifa is now in the process of creating a network of chapters throughout the United States, the latest being in Philadelphia. Such meeting places are used to recruit and train new members in various organizational and communications tactics. The concern though is the teaching of terrorism, complete with military training.

The mouthpiece for Antifa is the web page “It’s Going Down,” which spreads information and encourages support for the group. The main web page for the group is titled, “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement,” which articulates their purpose and activities. They also claim to rely on donations and have established an Internet Fund drive. The irony here is that Antifa are devout anti-capitalists, yet when asked “Why do we ask for money?”, they claimed, “Sadly we have not freed ourselves from capitalism. We too need to eat and pay the bills.”

Antifa makes no pretense they are unwilling to use violence to serve their needs and have demonstrated their willingness to do so. Photos on their web site and elsewhere proudly display a variety of weapons and recruits learning how to use them. However, these are predominantly young people who want to graduate from playing “Call of Duty” on a computer to actually facing violent confrontation. I suspect many are naive about what they are doing and do not realize the consequences of their actions. This becomes a dangerous scenario that could lead to the deaths of either themselves or their opposition. Should they develop a well equipped arsenal, someone is bound to eventually pull a trigger and all Hell will break loose.

As real as the prospect of violence is, Democrats have been slow in condemning Antifa; only recently has Nancy Pelosi spoken against them, but we have yet to hear from Chuck Schumer, the Clintons, and former President Barack Obama. Their silence only serves to encourage the Antifa movement, not to suppress it. Even the Main Stream Media appears reluctant to take them to task.

Make no mistake, Antifa is worse than all of the left-wing nut jobs combined, including the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter. They are misguided, armed, and view themselves as international terrorists. This is not about “American Plantations”; it’s about the overthrow of the United States government. If you hear someone sympathize with Antifa, be sure to straighten them out.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Huffington Post. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

MGM Resorts funding terror linked CAIR, Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL

Yahoo News reports:  MGM to match employee donations to civil rights groups,

LAS VEGAS (AP) — One of the largest employers in Nevada is launching a donation match program benefiting civil rights organizations in light of the deadly Charlottesville protests.

MGM Resorts International, the largest casino operator on the Las Vegas Strip, said Friday that it would match employee donations made to the Southern Poverty Law Center, NAACP, Anti-Defamation League, Human Rights Campaign, Council on American Islamic Relations, OCA National-Asian Pacific American Advocates and League of United Latin American Citizens.

CEO Jim Murren made the announcement in a letter, saying he felt compelled to speak out against “the degradation of basic human dignity” following the deadly attacks in Charlottesville and Barcelona in recent days.

He said the company champions diversity and inclusion. Murren said MGM believes in free speech but that it would not tolerate hate.

MGM Resorts International owns the following resort properties:  Bellagio, Beau Rivage, Circus Circus, Delano, Excalibur, Luxor, Mandalay Bay Resort, MGM Grand, Mirage, Monte Carlo, New York New York, The Signature and Vdara Hotel & Spa.

MGM Resorts is funding:

Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR):

  • One of MGM Resort’s partners is located in a country that declared CAIR a terrorist organization.  MGM Resorts is in a 50-50 partnership with Dubai World.  Dubai is one of seven emirates that makes up the United Arab Emirates country.  The United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 banned terrorist organizations on November 15, 2014.  More info.
  • Eight former CAIR officials were sentenced to prison or deported because of their support for terrorism.
  • Omar Ahmad, Chairman and founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations, told a Muslim crowd “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
  • More of terror-linked CAIR’s history and agenda is posted here.

Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • The Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) wrongful labeling of some conservative organizations as hate groups unjustly harms reputations, threatens public safety and brands their followers as hate people.  Some of the organizations the SPLC wrongfully lists as hate groups include D. James Kennedy Ministries, Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel and American Family Association.  The Southern Poverty Law Center wrongfully lists many more conservative organizations as hate groups.  Millions of Americans belong to and support these organizations.
  • In 2012, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate catalogue made headlines in 2012 when a domestic terrorist who carried out a politically-motivated shooting at a Christian organization, the Family Research Council (FRC), admitted he got his target list from the SPLC.”  Source Judicial Watch.  On August 15, 2012 Floyd Lee Corkins II, wielding a 9mm pistol along with two magazines and 50 rounds of ammunition, entered the lobby of Family Research Council’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.  Corkins shot an employee, 46-year-old Leonardo Johnson, in the left arm.  While injured, Johnson assisted others who wrestled the gunman to the ground until police arrived and placed the gunman under arrest.  During his FBI interview Corkins was asked how he chose his target. His response was “Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups. I found them online”.  Source Wikipedia.
  • In 2014, under the Obama administration, the FBI cut ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center.  The Department of Justice used to provide access to the hate propaganda published online by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  However, the Department of Justice removed the SPJC as a reference after more than a dozen conservative organizations complained about the erroneous labeling and public safety threats that accompany it.   Source Judicial Watch.
  • Congressman Steve Scalise and four others were gunned down in a rampage by James T. Hodgkinson who liked the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Facebook page.  In 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center repeatedly implied that Scalise associated with white supremacists and other groups the organization had deemed “hate groups,” including the Family Research Council.  Source SPLC.    In 2015, SPLC implied that because Scalise lives in the same state as Ku Klux Klan members, he “associated” with them.  Source SPL.

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

  • In 2014, under the Obama administration, the FBI cut ties with the Anti-Defamation League.  The Department of Justice used to provide access to the propaganda published online by the Anti-Defamation League.  Source Daily Caller.

The Council on American Islamic Relations agenda to normalize Sharia tenets that are antithetical to the rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States is a very legitimate concern to tens of millions of American.  Americans concerned about CAIR’s history and agenda should not be silenced and censored in the name of political correctness and leftist bias.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s name calling and labeling is offensive and alarming to the millions of Americans who belong to and support many conservative organizations that are wrongfully listed as hate groups.  SPLC’s list puts these organizations’ employees and the people who support them in a bull’s eye target for leftists’ hate and possible violence.

MGM Resorts International certainly has the right to support whatever organizations it chooses.  You have the same right to express your disappointment and patronize companies that do not support organizations that target conservatives with hate labels.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to MGM Resorts officials regarding its plan to fund CAIR, Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to express concern to MGM Resorts officials regarding its plan to fund CAIR, Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL.

Contact information:

MGM Resorts International
Kirk Kerkorian, Founder
3600 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89109-4303
Main: (702) 650-6900

James Joseph Murren, CEO

Christopher Nordling
Executive Vice President of Operations

Jodi Myers
Vice President Customer Development

RELATED ARTICLE: Council on American Islamic Relations Conducted Sensitivity Training for Philadelphia Teachers

Just A Note On Macron-Management by Hugh Fitzgerald

It has just been revealed that Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has in the first three months of his presidency spent more than $30,000 on make-up services. That would be a remarkable sum for anyone to spend, but what makes it even more remarkable is that Macron is only 39, the youngest French President ever, and therefore, one might assume, someone who would be least in need of such services, and certainly not to this expensive extent.

Even before this embarrassment, Macron had been stumbling. Just a few months ago, a political neophyte, he had defeated Marine Le Pen for the French presidency with an astonishing 65% of the vote. Now his popularity has plummeted to 36%. What explains this colossal drop? Partly it has to do with Macron’s authoritarian personality, revealed only after the election, and most evident in the curt way he treated the army chief of staff, who objected to defense cuts, leading to the general’s resignation. Partly it has to do with his proposed cut of 10 billion euros to spending on research, health, and housing, and on his controversial proposal to revamp the labor laws, making it easier for employers both to hire and fire.

But Macron’s rather cavalier views on Islam may also have played a part in his drop in popularity. During the election, he said little on the subject of terrorism. It was enough for voters that he was not Marine le Pen, who had been endlessly maligned in the media, labelled an “Islamophobe’ for expressing alarm both about what the Islamic texts and teachings inculcate, and about the observable attitudes and behavior of too many Muslims. But the little that candidate Macron did say on Islamic terrorism was disturbing. “We have a share of responsibility,” he warned, “because this totalitarianism feeds on the mistrust that we have allowed to settle in society…. and if tomorrow we do not take care, it will divide them [the Muslims] from us even more.”

So for Macron, it was “we” — the French — who must acknowledge responsibility for Muslim terrorism, because it is our mistrust of Muslims that causes them, in turn, to subscribe to Islamic “totalitarianism.” We must force ourselves not to “mistrust” them. But that’s an attitude that cannot be commanded. How should the French react, after each attack by Muslim terrorists, at Charlie Hebdo, at the kosher market, along the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, at the Bataclan nightclub? How should they react as each thwarted attack — along the Champs-Elysees, outside the Louvre, in front of Notre Dame, beside the Eiffel Tower — is announced? With so much murder and so much mayhem, how can they not mistrust the Muslims in their midst? Macron followed up this impossible demand with a sentiment worthy of Pope Francis: To lessen this “mistrust,” Macron said, French society “must change and be more open.” More open to what? To Islam, of course.

On April 20, 2017, during the campaign, after an Islamic terrorist killed one police officer and wounded two others in Paris, Macron said: “I am not going to invent an anti-terrorist program in one night.” He had been a government official during two years of continuous terrorist attacks on French territory. Didn’t the public have a right to assume that he would have given some thought to anti-terrorist measures to be taken? Instead of insinuating that he was being unfairly asked to suddenly come up with “an anti-terrorist program in one night” (he was being asked no such thing), shouldn’t he at least have shown the French people that he had been thinking carefully about how to deal with the terrorist threat, and here were some of his thoughts?

Also disturbing was the revelation, during the campaign, that there were some doubtful Muslims on his staff. One of these was Mohamed Saou, who was discovered to have promoted on Twitter the Islamic statement: “I am not Charlie.” Sensing a potential scandal, Macron felt compelled to dismiss Saou on April 6. But on April 14, on a Muslim French radio station, Macron was caught on a “hot mic” describing Saou as a “good guy, a very good guy.” Is a Muslim who insists he would never express solidarity with the murdered cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo a “very good guy”?

On April 28, Mohamed Louizi, author of the book Why I Quit the Muslim Brotherhood, released a detailed article on Facebook that accused Macron of being a “hostage of the Islamist vote.” Republished by Dreuz, a Christian anti-jihad website, Louizi’s article gave names and dates, and explained how Macron’s political movement had been infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood militants. Since Macron has not refuted the article’s facts, we can assume it is correct. And if it is correct, then we have to worry about Macron, and it’s he who, with the election behind him, has to convince the French public that he recognizes the meaning, and menace, of Islam. It’s the only way to calm their fears.

Since being elected, Macron has announced the formation of a task force on terrorism, consisting of around 20 people, chiefly intelligence analysts, who will supervise and oversee all counter-terrorism efforts directly under the president’s authority. But this, while laudable, is not nearly enough; he has to express a different vision of France, one that has no room for a supposed “amalgame” with Islam.

Is Macron an open promoter of Islam in France? It is more politically correct to say that he is a “globalist” and an “open promoter of multiculturalism.” He does not want to think of France as too French. For he wants to deny the French that heightened sense of their own country, with a specific history, art, literature, politics — a French civilization — of which they have always been proud. Instead, he thinks of Islam as part of this new, multicultural amalgam that he claims France has become. When he visited London last February 22, he told an audience of expatriates that “French culture does not exist, there is a culture in France and it is diverse.” The same day he dared to dismiss one of the greatest sources of French national pride: “French art? I never met it.” Clouet, Chardin, Manet, Monet, Cezanne, Gauguin, Derain, Bonnard, Matisse, then, are apparently not French artists, for there is no such thing as “French art.”

If France is for Macron nothing but a cultural amalgam or olla-podrida, and there is no longer anything specifically French about that county’s civilization, then the Muslims in France are just as “French” with their Muslim culture as the French are with French culture. But the Muslims do not accept the idea of an “amalgam.” They do not celebrate multiculturalism. They want not a mixture of cultures, but for Islam to dominate. Macron fails to realize that it has not been the French who rejected the Muslims; France has made great efforts, teaching its language and its culture to many different kinds of immigrants. The country has been open and welcoming to these migrants and tried, with great success in most cases, to integrate them. That program of integration worked with immigrants from Portugal in the 1950s, from the French Antilles in the 1960s and, in the half-century since, with immigrants from all over: Eastern Europeans, Hindus from India, Filipinos, Brazilians, Andean Indians, Vietnamese Buddhists, and sub-Saharan African Christians. Only the Muslims have failed to integrate, that is have failed to willingly accept the laws, customs, understandings of the Infidel French. In French schools, it is Muslim students who refuse to study topics they deem anti-Muslim, as the Crusades or the history of the French monarchy, or as likely to encourage sympathy for the Jews, as the Holocaust. Meanwhile, Muslims press for ever greater attention being given in those same schools to the study of Islam.

In May, Macron visited West Africa, where French troops are engaged in a campaign against Islamic militants in Mali, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso and Mauritania, and where he promised to be “uncompromising” in the fight against the Jihadists. One wonders why he can be so forthright and clear-headed about the Islamic threat in West Africa, and at the same time fail to recognize the threat within metropolitan France from those millions of Muslims whose religion teaches them to hate the Kuffar, who are commanded to wage Jihad until the entire world is subjugated, and Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere. The fact that not all Muslims follow the Qur’an’s commands is slight consolation, for that may reflect not moral but prudential considerations. The time may not be ripe, as Muslims still constitute less than 10% of the French population. But the duty does not dissipate, and Muslims are patient. Macron recognizes a Muslim menace, but so far only in a not-in-my-backyard, limited-to-west-africa sort of way.

At this point, Macron has little to lose in taking a strong anti-Islam position. Everything that has happened since he won the election on May 7 has only increased alarm in France and in Europe. Just two weeks after he was elected, there was a major attack at a concert in Manchester. Other attacks have taken place since then in France, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Finland. Jihadist attacks include the Barcelona van attack, a car attack on French police, a car attack on police in Belgium, a knife attack in Paris, a knife attack in Hamburg, an attempted bombing in Brussels, a car attack in Paris, a knife attack in London, a knife attack attempt in the United Kingdom, a knife attack in London, a hammer attack in France, a vehicle attack with knives at London Bridge, a machete attack attempt outside Buckingham Palace, a machete attack in Brussels, a second machete attack attempt in Brussels, a stabbing attack in Turku, a machete attack outside Buckingham Palace…and these are only the ones that come instantly to mind.

President Macron is surely aware of all this. It’s time he started to talk about Jihadists in Paris the way he talked about them in West Africa. He needs to stop painting his face, and start telling his own people, the French people, that this entirely factitious ‘“amalgame” of Muslim and French culture does not exist, that French civilization — its politics, its art, its literature, its music, its philosophy — is eminently worth defending, and that if Muslims have their way, France would end up looking, at best, like one of the dreary North African countries. What Macron needs most is not all that expensive makeup and the services of some pretty esthetician, but a makeover in his understanding, so that he will sound the way in these parlous times he ought to sound, which is to say, a lot less like Tariq Ramadan, and a lot more like Charles De Gaulle.


Netanyahu tells UN top dog that Iran is building missile sites in Syria, Lebanon to strike Israel

Gorka: McMaster “sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens”

Tribal Warfare in Charlottesville Virginia

Politics in the United States has sunk to the lower depths. It’s tribal warfare. You can’t talk politics: everyone’s angry and full of hate. It’s impossible to debate the issues with flaming partisans. In Charlottesville VA on August 12th, warring clans marched into battle.

And the TV screen trembled with indignation! A woman was killed by a car rammer in Charlottesville VA and the president of the USA dared to condemn the violence “on both sides.” Say what? Good came to fight Evil and he can’t see the difference? Blind in both eyes, he finds excuses for the lowdown killers. The journalists, experts and guests at CNN Intl. are in heaven. Perched on the summit of an audiovisual Sinai, they throw the tablets of the new law down on the noggin of the detested president. Isn’t he the one that called out President Obama for failing to say “radical Islamic terrorism?”  And now he can’t say “racist anti-Semitic white supremacist neo-Nazis”! They marched with Ku Klux Klan torches, carried crusader shields, swastika flags, and other such paraphernalia. They chanted “Jews will not replace us” [what an idea] and went in your face to remind Blacks of the good ol’ days of free-for-all lynching. Granted, antifa, Black Lives Matter, and assorted champions of noble causes-also armed with helmets, clubs, and shields-traded blows with the bad guys. But you don’t say “there was violence on both sides!” That’s a feather in the cap of sleazy whites uber alles chieftains, David Duke and Richard Spencer.

Well, for once, I agree with CNN & Cie. This is no time for wriggling. You denounce the guilty party now, and from now on, no matter what their causes or actions. And retrospectively!  Back when Barack Obama was refusing to denounce Islamic terrorism, our friends at CNN poked every which way at his questionable indulgence for the racist anti-Semitic Islamists.

In fact, they didn’t.

How about the recent Temple Mount crisis? The whole world and its brother didn’t ask for both sides to reduce the temperature? Orders didn’t come from the UN to CNN not to mention, hmmm, the US president, telling Israeli authorities to lower their damn guard so the Muslim rioters could cool their heads? There wasn’t any shilly shallying about blaming the killers that stashed their weapons in the al Aqsa mosque? No one was deluded enough to equate the violence of the assassins with the violence of the metal detectors?

The truth is, they did.

North Korea is promising to send us their nuclear warheads as fast as an Amazon delivery, and this disgraceful president that doesn’t dare to condemn those evil white supremacists (the Whites akhbar) is threatening to rain down fire and fury on a North Korea known for its hypersensitivity to threats. For once he’s right? We’re not going to wait to be bombed to smithereens before defending ourselves?

Sorry to disappoint you. The Trump is accused of pouring oil on the fire.

At CNN Intl. they’ve discovered the golden moral compass and it leads them day and night. It’s not only CNN, but that channel is my window on a world gone bats. Who started trouble in the quiet college town of Charlottesville with its balmy southern climate? Certainly not the city council that voted to evict the statue of General Robert E. Lee from his park, and rename it Emancipation Park. This iconoclasm is trendy in the United States. The Black Lives Matter dudes and fellow progressives are on the warpath against symbols of the pro-slavery Confederates. The Civil War is over, the North won, the Union is clinched, but suddenly the memory got revived and it’s unbearable. In Durham North Carolina noble Progressives put a rope around the neck of the statue of the unknown Confederate soldier, brought it down, and stomped it to death. The scene was so “Saddam Hussein” that they forgot how anti-war Progressives accused our troops of staging the scene in liberated Baghdad.

And it’s all the rage. We can’t keep up with the series of statues crumpled and wrecked by furious mobs. Will nothing soothe the terrible pain of the descendants of slaves than the complete elimination of all historical evidence of the deplorable slaveholding ideology of those old time Southerners? Yes, replies Derreck Kayongo, CEO of the Virginia Center for Civil and Human Rights. Yes, we have to pull down those statues and tear down those Confederate flags to the last shred. Mister Kayongo, an American citizen born in Uganda, was one of the Top 10 Heroes honored by CNN in 2011. Which proves that America is still the land of opportunity.

And it goes on and it spreads in a molten orgy of morality. The spotlights are beamed on the white terrorists, placed at the top of the list of national security threats. Commentators get a thrill out of badmouthing Trump advisors Steve Bannon (kicked out soon afterward) and Sebastien Gorka, accused of coziness with the l’alt-Right. They guffaw over Gorka’s recent statement about how the white man is blamed for this that and everything when the real danger is Islam breathing down our necks. The neo moralists have a fit! What’s this Gorka talking about? The white supremacists are the ones that made the most casualties!

Does 9/11 ring a bell?

I agree. Questionable elements shouldn’t be hanging around the White House! That’s why you made a stink abut Huma Abedin, whose mother sits high in the Muslim Sisterhood? You put fifty and fifty together and questioned President Obama’s connivance with the Brotherhood, didn’t you? And when it came to that damned Mideast conflict, you knew how to make the moral distinctions at every turn in the road, right? You were so careful not to put the mass killer shahids on the same level as the massacred Jews?

The answer is no!

Breaking news: two or three guys set up a killing field on the terrace of the Istanbul restaurant in Ouaga.  “Terrorists,” said our friends at CNN Intl., without the Islam and without the radical. Ho hum. We’ve learned a bit more about that nasty James Alex Fields Jr, who rammed his car into counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer and injuring several others. There’s a picture of him with the Vanguard America contingent, wearing the white polo and brandishing the logo on his shield. That’s him, a 20 year-old that French media won’t ever call a “youth.” At first his mother said she never asked him about his political activities. Then it was revealed that she’d called 911 several times. She was scared of her son. He hit her, threatened her with a knife. One time he grabbed the cell phone out of her hand and banged her on the head with it, but they’re not saying he’s mentally disturbed and I agree. He’s a killer, like Kobili Traoré who beat Sarah Halimi with a telephone, a landline in this case, and punched and bashed her, breaking the bones in her face, tortured her, mutilated her, subjected her to unspeakable abuse and then threw her to her death from her third story balcony. Who cares how much shit he smoked that afternoon, he’s a killer and he belongs in jail. He’s a jihadi that shouted allahu akhbar, boasted “I killed the shietan,” recited koranic verses so terrifying that armed policemen standing right in the building didn’t dare intervene.

That Fields guy killed in the name of White supremacy and Traoré in the name of Islam akhbar. You took care, Ladies and Gentlemen, to condemn both murderers with the same force and without ambiguity? The CNN anchor that commented with a choked voice on the memorial service for Heather Heyer, killed in cold blood by James Alex Fields Jr. whose nasty face looks down on us, it’s the same anchor that wept with the family of Sarah Halimi, and swore on his heart “never again?”

Well, no, not at all. Our media that have suddenly joined the school of the Moralist Philosophers didn’t think to place the jihadist murder of Sarah Halimi as the measure of vice.

The tragedy of Charlottesville spreads like wildfire, leaps across the ocean, sits in the front row of all our media, tells its story down to the last detail and the trumpets of universal moralization blare in all the lands.  And I agree. This President Trump is not up to par. Even if there’s some truth to what he says. Here in France, we know the antifa. We remember their antics last year when they hung out with the Nuit Debout crowd, beating up riot policemen, trapping cops in their torched patrol car, throwing firebombs at the huge plate glass windows of the Necker children’s hospital… The antifa came to Charlottesville armed for the scuffle, but this isn’t the time to split hairs. The president should just have named the Evil ones and left the subtleties for another day. I’m not going to defend him. I’m up on the holy mountain with public opinion. Give us at last our sorely needed integrity. Do what you want with the statues and other Confederate relics. I stand with the decent folk, the CNN journalists and their guests. They speak of what makes us Americans. Our values. What is lodged in a man’s heart.  His humanity…or its absence. They look like they’re touched by divine grace.

This isn’t the Soviet Union but there’s something of the Stalinist purges floating in the air: a familiar CNN anchor wonders how a single Republican Congressman can hold his tongue when it’s a question of Good and Evil. Are they crassly trying to hold onto their seats, their platforms, the voters’ fidelity? Aren’t they afraid of Judgement Day? They’re sellouts!  [Advertising break for Dubai, that will be followed in the coming hours by Doha, Turkey, Qatar Airlines, Middle East Marketplace (without Israel of course), the Kuwait Fund, and other orientalisms]. And they go on and on, their hearts pasted on their foreheads. And they invite Blacks … excuse me, African Americans,  top drawer professionals, to say the worst things about the United States, established on a foundation of genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination. The wounds are wide open and now this Charlottesville incident and this genocidal, slaveholding, racist president who doesn’t have a shred of a moral conscience… he doesn’t deserve to stay in office. Pulitzer Prize journalist and bestselling author Isabel Wilkerson tells us that America has never resolved this conflict; the Civil War is left hanging, waiting to be settled. In other wars, she says, making up world history as she goes, the losers are held accountable. Is she saying that the Southerners have never paid their dues?  Maybe so. We know some wars like that: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and more and better, where the defeated aggressor demands painful concessions from a miraculously victorious Israel.

We haven’t made any progress? Civil rights, desegregation, black mayors, governors, Congressmen and even a president? High class black people march from one broadcast to the next, lower lip quivering, to tell us that nothing whatsoever has been settled, the pain never goes away, you can’t imagine how much it hurts us to see in stone and in bronze these traitors to our country, these men who went to war to keep their damned slavery, it hurts right now as if it were happening today. And I do understand, you wouldn’t believe to what extent I agree with you sista’. Get rid of those statues and don’t give another penny to the Palestinian Authority that glorifies the Islamic supremacists that kill my people. Those Fatahs-lists flirt with Hamas, make junk-peace in English and vow in Arabic to exterminate us…don’t have any more truck with them, draw a line and keep them on the far side of it. From now on we don’t confuse the racists and those who defend themselves against them.

Rabbi Martin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre comes forth to say that he would have advised President Trump to make a frank clear declaration against the racist anti-Semitic neo-Nazis. No room for white supremacists, no equivalence with the Leftists. The anchor, a CNN Intl. star, is delighted to hear these words from a rabbi that pronounced a benediction at Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. But Rabbi Hier doesn’t stop there. This misunderstanding, he says, distracts from the good things the president doing elsewhere. He’s confronting the North Korean dictator. It should have been done 15 years ago, we wouldn’t be faced with the threat of ballistic missiles today. But, he warns, those fascist marches are dangerous. The Nazis started like that, an unruly marginal group. They’re not the only ones, you know. The Iranians… the biggest revisionists. And we associate with them, we shmooze with them, we have tea with them, we give them billions. The very day when Khamenei once again denied the Holocaust, the pope received Rouhani. I would have advised the pope to tell him he won’t see him again as long as he continues with this Holocaust denial. The anchor’s face decomposes. And I send kisses to Rabbi Hier.

Once upon a time the question of Good and Evil was on the table. The detested president in those days was George W. Bush and his sin was saying that the discord with Saddam Hussein was a question of Good and Evil. Wouah! They accused Bush of making holy war against Iraq. Now CNN holds up the same guy as an example of the way a proper president should behave in time of crisis. They give us a replay of G.W. Bush’s visit to a local mosque on the 17th of September 2001, where he stands flanked by imams and declares that the terror attack that has just wiped out some 3,000 civilians has nothing to do with Islam, because Islam is a religion of peace.

Let’s admit, there might have lacked a smidgeon of discernment in that case but overall the message that radiates to the ends of the earth, this strong reaction to what might seem like presidential indulgence for a racist anti-Semitic fascist movement, is sane and healthy. The media didn’t do it before? OK, let’s not hold them to account for past mistakes. We’re in the realm of current events, the time is always ripe. Personally, I’m relieved. The lucidity that I have been pleading for over the past 17 years is finally shining. We won’t be told anymore that the women in pussyhats marching behind Linda Sarsour and her cronies in January were in the vast majority honest people defending noble values.http://familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/feminine-spring Antizionist anti-Semitic soldier of totalitarian Islam, determined to subject us to sharia slavery, Ms. Sarsour is a traitor to our cherished values. What’s more, she’s alive and active today. She’s not a monument to the glory of a Confederation defeated more than a century ago!

And we’ll shake a finger at the General Secretary of the UN who declared “Racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or Islamophobia are … poisons for our societies.” Whaat ? He can’t see the difference between the Islamists that want to kill us and our fear of that Islam? Where’s his moral compass?

According to the latest news, David Patterson, the driver who rammed into a pizzeria in the village of Sept Sorts, killing a teenage girl and injuring 13 people, is charged with murder and attempted murder, and under lock and key. The prosecutor had detected serious psychological problems, but the psychiatrist did not find an absence de discernment that could relieve him of responsibility for his act.

We still don’t know if Kobili Traoré will be judged for his crime.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Family Security Matters .

[la version française sera publiée sous peu sur le site du Times of Israel en français]


Paris le 21 août 2017

La politique, appauvrie, descend au niveau des guerres de clans aux Etats-Unis. On ne peut plus parler politique : on s’enrage et on se déteste. Le débat entre partisans enflammés est impossible. A Charlottesville VA le 12 août, deux tribus en sont venues aux mains.

L’indignation crève l’écran ! Une femme est morte écrasée par une voiture bélier à Charlottesville VA et le président des USA  ose condamner la violence des uns et des autres. Quoi ? Le Bien est venu combattre le Mal et lui, incapable de désigner le coupable, excuse le pire. La chaîne CNN, ses journalistes, experts et invités sont aux anges. Du haut d’un Sinaï audiovisuel, ils jettent les tablettes de la nouvelle loi sur la tête du président haï. N’avait-il pas en son temps dénoncé le refus du Président Obama de prononcer les mots « terrorisme islamique radical » ? Pour refuser à son tour de dire « suprémacistes blancs, néo-Nazis, racistes et antisémites » ! Ils ont défilé avec des flambeaux à la Ku Klux Klan, des drapeaux rouges frappés de la svastika, des boucliers de croisés  et autres symboles du cru. Ils ont crié « hé ho vous les Juifs, vous n’allez pas nous remplacer » [drôle d’idée] en faisant tout pour rappeler aux Noirs le bon vieux temps des lynchages. Certes, les antifa, les Black Lives Matter et autres champions de nobles causes, eux aussi munis de casques, de bâtons et de boucliers, ont échangé des coups avec les méchants. De là à dire qu’il y avait des fautifs des deux côtés, c’est faire une fleur aux détestables chefs des blancs uber alles, David Duke et  Richard Spencer.

Alors moi pour une fois je suis d’accord avec CNN et Cie. Ce n’est pas le moment de charrier. On dénonce les coupables ici maintenant et dorénavant, peu importe les causes et les actions. Et même à reculons. Quand Barack Obama refusait toujours de dénoncer le terrorisme islamique,  nos amis chez CNN examinaient sa complaisance douteuse sous tous ses angles. 

En fait non.

Prenons donc la récente crise au Mont du Temple. Le monde entier n’a tout de même pas demandé des gestes d’apaisement des deux côtés ? De l’ONU à CNN en passant par, tiens, la présidence des USA, on n’a pas enjoint les autorités israéliennes à baisser la garde afin de calmer les émeutiers musulmans ? On n’a pas manqué de sévérité envers les tueurs qui ont caché leurs armes dans la mosquée al Aqsa ? On n‘a pas mis sur le même plan la violence des assassins et la violence des portiques ?

A vrai dire, si.

La Corée du Nord promet de nous livrer ses armes nucléaires à la vitesse d’une commande Amazon et ce président honni, qui n’ose pas condamner sans ambiguïté les méchants suprémacistes blancs (les Whites akhbar) promet feu et colère à une Corée du Nord pourtant connue pour sa sensibilité aux menaces. Là au moins il a raison ? On ne va quand même pas attendre d’être bombardé avant de réagir. Désolée de vous décevoir. Le Trump est accusé de jeter de l’huile sur le feu.

Chez CNN on a découvert la boussole d’or et on la suit à longueur de journée et tard dans la nuit. Pas seulement CNN, mais cette chaîne-là est ma fenêtre grande ouverte sur un phénomène mondial. Qui est venu semer le trouble à Charlottesville, paisible ville universitaire au doux climat sudiste ? Certainement pas le conseil municipal qui a voté l’expulsion de la statue du Général Robert E. Lee du parc du même nom qui deviendra par la suite Emancipation Park. Cet iconoclasme est très tendance aux Etats-Unis. Les Black Lives Matter et autre progressistes font la chasse aux symboles de la Confédération esclavagiste. La Guerre Civile est achevée, le Nord a gagné, l’Union est scellée, mais soudain la mémoire ravivée devient insupportable. Si bien que des nobles Progressistes ont déboulonné, à Durham North Carolina, la statue d’un soldat inconnu de la Confédération. La scène était tellement « Saddam Hussein » qu’on a oublié que les Progressistes anti-guerre avaient à l’époque accusé les forces américaines d’une mise en scène.

Et c’est la rage. On ne compte plus les statues écrabouillées par des foules en colère. Faudrait-il, pour apaiser la souffrance des descendants d’esclaves, effacer l’évidence historique de l’adhésion des sudistes d’antan à cette institution déplorable ? Oui, répond Derreck Kayongo, P-D-G du Virginia Center for Civil and Human Rights. Oui, il faut déboulonner les statues et arracher les drapeaux de la Confédération partout et jusqu’au dernier. Né en Ouganda, devenu citoyen américain, monsieur Kayongo a figuré parmi les Top 10 Heroes nommés par la chaîne CNN en 2011. Comme quoi l’Amérique est toujours le land of opportunity.

Et ça se poursuit et ça se répand, une véritable partouze de moralité. La lumière est braquée sur les terroristes blancs, premiers sur la liste de menaces à la sécurité nationale. On dénonce tour à tour les conseillers Steve Bannon (finalement viré) et Sébastien Gorka, accusés d’affinités avec l’alt-Right. On ridiculise Gorka pour avoir dit récemment qu’on blâme à tort et à travers l’homme blanc alors que c’est l’Islam qui nous guette. Mais non, les moralistes s’insurgent, ce sont les suprémacistes blancs qui ont fait le plus de victimes.

9/11 connaît pas ?

Gare aux infréquentables sous le toit de la Maison Blanche ! Ce pourquoi vous avez dénoncé Huma Abedin, fille d’une Sœur Musulmane haut placée ? Vous avez soupçonné le président Obama de connivence avec les Frères du même non ? Quant à ce satané conflit du Moyen Orient, vous avez su à chaque tournant faire la part des choses, sans confondre les shahids massacreurs et les Juifs massacrés ?

La réponse est non !

Breaking news : deux ou trois personnes transforment la terrasse d’un restaurant à Ouaga en champs de tir.  Des terroristes, dit-on chez CNN, sans Islam et sans radical. Ho hum.  On en sait un peu plus sur le méchant James Alex Fields Jr, qui a foncé sur un groupe de contre-manifestants à Charlottesville, tuant une femme et blessant plusieurs personnes. Le voici en polo blanc avec le bouclier Vanguard America. C’est lui, un homme de 20 ans qu’on n’appelle pas un « jeune ». Sa mère avait dit qu’elle ne le questionnait jamais sur ses activités politiques. Par la suite, on découvre qu’elle avait téléphoné à maintes reprises à la police pour se plaindre de la violence de son fils qui la frappait, la menaçait d’un couteau. Tiens, une fois il lui a donné un coup sur la tête avec le téléphone portable qu’il lui avait arraché de la main, mais on ne le dit pas « déséquilibré » et je suis d’accord. C’est un tueur comme Kobili Traoré qui a frappé Sarah Halimi avec un téléphone, certes fixe, et lui a donné des coups de poing d’une telle violence qu’il a fracturé les os de son visage, qui l’a torturée, mutilée, qui lui a fait subir des abus innommables avant de la jeter, vivante, de son balcon du 3e étage. On s’en fout de savoir combien de pétards il avait fumé la veille, c’est un assassin et sa place est en prison. C’est un jihadi qui a crié allahu akhbar, qui s’est vanté d’avoir tué le shietan, qui a récité des versets du coran tellement terrifiants que la police n’a pas osé intervenir.

Ce Fields a tué au nom des Blancs suprêmes et Traoré au nom de l’Islam uber alles. Vous avez su, Mesdames Messieurs, condamner les deux meurtriers avec la même force et sans ambiguïté ? Le journaliste de CNN qui commente, la voix blanche, le service à la mémoire de Heather Heyer, tuée de sang-froid par James Alex Fields Jr. dont la photo nous regarde méchamment, c’est le même qui a pleuré avec la famille de Sarah Halimi en jurant « plus jamais ça » ?

Eh ben, non, pas du tout. Nos médias devenus soudain des philosophes de la moralité n’ont pas pensé établir comme étalon de vice l’assassinat jihadiste de Sarah Halimi.

Le drame de Charlottesville court à toute vitesse comme un feu de forêt, traverse l’océan, s’imprime dans nos médias jusqu’au moindre détail et ça sonne, ça sonne, les trompettes de la moralisation universelle.  Et je suis d’accord. Ce Président Trump n’est pas à la hauteur. Même s’il y a du vrai dans ce qu’il dit. Les antifa, on les connaît. On se souvient de leurs exploits en marge du mouvement Nuit Debout. Les CRS bastonnés, les policiers piégés dans leur voiture en feu, des bouteilles incendiaires lancées contre les baies vitrées de l’Hôpital Necker enfants malades… A Charlottesville aussi ils sont venus équipés, mais ce n’est pas le moment de couper les cheveux en quatre. Le président n’avait qu’à signaler le Mal en laissant les nuances pour un autre jour. Moi, je ne le défends pas. Moi, je me place aux sommets avec l’opinion publique. Donnons-nous enfin l’intégrité qui nous manque cruellement. Faites ce que vous voulez des statues et autres reliques de la Confédération. Je suis avec les gens décents, les journalistes de CNN et leurs invités. Ils parlent de ce qui fait de nous des Américains. Nos valeurs. De ce qui se loge dans le cœur d’un homme. De l’humanité et de son absence. Ils sont comme touchés par la grâce. Ce n’est pas l’Union Soviétique mais il y a comme un air de procès stalinien : on demande comment un seul élu Republican peut se taire quand il s’agit ni plus ni moins que du Bien et du Mal. Cherchent-ils tout bêtement à protéger leur siège, leur programme, la confiance de leurs électeurs ? N’ont-ils pas peur du Jugement dernier ? Espèces de vendus !  [Plage publicitaire Dubai, qui sera suivie au fil des heures par Doha, la Turquie, Qatar Airlines, Middle East Marketplace (sans Israël bien entendu), le Kuwait Fund et autres orientalismes]. Et on poursuit, le cœur sur le front. Et on invite des Noirs… excuse me des African Americans de haut niveau professionnel pour dire tout le mal qu’ils pensent des Etats-Unis fondés sur le génocide, l’esclavage, la discrimination. Les plaies restent grand ouvertes et cette histoire de Charlottesville et ce président génocidaire, esclavagiste, raciste dénué de toute conscience morale n’est pas digne de rester en place. Isabel Wilkerson, journaliste et auteur primé, nous apprend que les Américains n’ont jamais résolu ce conflit, la Guerre Civile reste comme suspendue en attente d’un bilan. Dans d’autres guerres, dit-elle, inventant l’histoire du monde au pied levé, les vaincus doivent rendre des comptes. Selon elle donc les sudistes n’ont jamais payé leur forfait ? Soit. On connaît des guerres comme ça : 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 et j’en passe et des meilleures, où les agresseurs vaincus demandent aux Israéliens victorieux des concessions douloureuses.

On n’a pas fait des progrès ? Les droits civiques, la déségrégation, des élus noirs, un président noir, des Noirs qui défilent d’une émission à l’autre, la lèvre tremblante pour dire qu’on n’a rien réglé du tout, ça fait mal depuis toujours et tout le temps, vous ne pouvez pas vous imaginer le mal que ça nous fait de voir en pierre et en bronze ceux qui ont trahi notre pays, qui ont fait la guerre pour garder leur satané esclavage, ça nous fait mal comme si c’était aujourd’hui. Et je comprends, vous ne pouvez pas savoir à quel point je suis d’accord avec vous sista’. Enlevez les statues et ne donnez plus un centime à l’Autorité Palestinienne qui glorifie les suprémacistes islamiques qui tuent les miens. Ces Fatahs-là fricotent avec le Hamas, font la paix frelatée en anglais et promettent de nous exterminer en arabe, c’est fini l’indulgence, on tire un trait et on ne confond plus les racistes et ceux qui se défendent contre eux.

Rabbi Martin Hier du Centre Simon Wiesenthal est venu dire qu’il aurait conseillé au président Trump de faire une déclaration claire et nette contre les néonazis racistes et antisémites. Pas de quartier pour les suprémacistes blancs, pas d’amalgame avec les gauchistes. Son hôte, une star du CNN Intl., se réjouit d’entendre ces paroles de la bouche du rabbin qui avait officié à l’inauguration de Donald J. Trump. Mais Rabbi Hier poursuit : ce malentendu nous distrait du bien qu’il fait par ailleurs. Il confronte le dictateur nord-coréen. On aurait dû le faire il y a 15 ans déjà, on ne serait pas sous le menace des missiles balistiques aujourd’hui. Mais, dit-il, ces marches de fascistes sont dangereuses. Les Nazis ont commencé comme ça, un groupuscule turbulent. Il y en a d’autres, vous savez. Les Iraniens, les plus grands révisionnistes. Et on les fréquente, on shmooze avec eux, on prend le thé, on leur donne des milliards. Le jour même où Khamenei a nié, encore une fois, l’Holocauste, le pape recevait Rohani. Je lui aurais conseillé de lui dire qu’il ne le recevra plus tant qu’il continuera de nier l’Holocauste. Le visage du journaliste est défait. Et moi j’envoie des bisous au Rabbi Hier.

Du Bien et du Mal il en était question jadis. Le président honni à l’époque, c’était George W. Bush et son péché était de dire à propos de Saddam Hussein qu’il s’agissait du Bien et du Mal pardi ! On l’accusait de faire la guerre sainte contre l’Irak. Aujourd’hui CNN nous montre en replay le même personnage comme l’exemple du comportement qu’on attend d’un président en temps de crise : le 17 septembre 2001, G.W. Bush accueilli dans une mosquée de la ville déclare que l’attentat qui vient d’assassiner près de 3,000 civils n’a rien à voir avec l’Islam, car l’Islam est une religion de paix.

Admettons, ça manque un peu de discernement mais dans l’ensemble le message qui rayonne aux quatre coins du monde, cette réaction à ce qui semblerait la complaisance présidentielle envers un mouvement fasciste, raciste et antisémite est juste et salutaire. Ne tenons pas rigueur à la presse pour ses erreurs du passé. On est dans l’actualité, l’heure est toujours propice. Moi, personnellement, je suis soulagée. La lucidité que j’appelle de mes vœux depuis 17 ans brille enfin. On ne nous dira plus que les femmes qui marchaient en pussyhat derrière Linda Sarsour et consœurs en janvier étaient dans leur grande majorité des honnêtes gens voulant défendre de nobles valeurs. http://www.infoequitable.org/printemps-feminin/
Antisioniste antisémite, soldate d’un Islam totalitaire, déterminée à nous soumettre à la sharia liberticide, Ms. Sarsour trahit nos valeurs. Qui plus est, c’est actuel. Elle n’est pas un monument à la gloire de la Confédération bel et bien battue il y a plus d’un siècle.

Et on fera la leçon au Secrétaire général de l’ONU qui a déclaré « Le racisme, la xénophobie, l’antisémitisme ou l’islamophobie sont (…) des poisons pour nos sociétés ». Quoi ? On met sur le même plan les Islamistes qui veulent nous tuer et la peur de leur Islam ? Ça va pas la tête !

Aux dernières nouvelles David Patterson, le chauffeur de la voiture bélier qui a tué une adolescente et blessé 13 personnes à la pizzeria de Sept Sorts, est mis en examen et écroué. Le procureur avait décelé chez lui de graves problèmes psychologiques, mais le psychiatre n’a pas retenu l’excuse d’absence de discernement.

Nous ne savons toujours pas si Kobili Traoré sera jugé pour son crime.

This Will Help Fix the Dysfunction in Congress by Bill Weld

Given the performance of Congress so far this year – and the past several years, for that matter – now is a good time to talk about term limits for the U.S. House and Senate.

Let’s face it: From the annual failure to approve a real budget to the recent healthcare legislation debacle, it has never been more clear that Congress is dysfunctional. For the most part, it is incapable of fulfilling even the most basic responsibilities.

When they return to Washington in a couple of weeks after their district and state “work periods”, the House and Senate will have only days to resolve fundamental issues of the debt ceiling and how much the government will spend in the coming year. Those are time crunches of their own making and dysfunction, and in the private sector, would be job-ending irresponsibility.

Something has to change. Electing a handful more R’s or D’s on the edges every two years isn’t going to fix it, when even in a “change” election, more than 90 percent of Congress will end up being the same career politicians who are the issue.

Getting things done for the right reasons

Imagine what would happen if Members of the U.S. House were limited by the Constitution to serving only three terms and Senators limited to two terms. Like Governors in 36 states where some degree of term limits are in place, they would know from Day 1 that they were sent to Congress to do a job, only have a certain period of time to do it, and would be driven not by securing a life-long career, but by a fear of failure in their one shot at serving and making a difference.

They might get some things done – and do them for the right reasons.

With term limits, legislators wouldn’t have time to get too comfortable in their seats, forget who sent them there, and shift their loyalties to the special interests who have literally billions of dollars invested in the status quo.

No longer would Congress be a career. It would be the opportunity to serve that the Founders envisioned.

Why Americans want term limits

The American people want term limits. Poll after poll, for many years, have shown overwhelming support. That’s why so many states have enacted them for governors and state legislatures. The problem, obviously, is that the one group who don’t want them are the people in power and the special interests who depend on them.

Congress won’t fix itself. That is abundantly clear.

Fortunately, if Congress won’t act on a constitutional amendment to put federal term limits in place, the founders presciently gave the American people a way to amend the Constitution without Congress’ approval. That solution is an Article V Convention to deal specifically with the question of term limits.

If two-thirds of the states pass bills calling for such a convention, Congress is legally bound to convene one – with the delegates chosen by the respective states. If and when the convention approves a proposed term-limit amendment, it goes to the states for ratification, bypassing Congress.

It’s a dramatic solution. But it’s a dramatic problem, and we all know that Congress won’t fix it on their own.


William “Bill” Weld was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1990 with 51 percent of the vote and re-elected in 1994 with 71 percent of the vote. He was a Republican Governor in a highly Democratic state. He attributes his landslide victory to serving all the people, and not just voters from his political party.

In 2016, he was the Libertarian nominee for Vice-President of the United States.

EDITORS NOTE: The feature image is of Bill Weld speaking at the National Press Club in July 2016. This article originally appeared in The Jack News.

The Afghan Donut Speech

President Trump faced the nation on August 21st, 2017 and delivered an impassioned three-part speech on American involvement in Afghanistan. The first part eloquently addressed the military from the perspective of a grateful nation. President Trump thanked the military and complimented their extraordinary service and sacrifice.

President Trump promised the troops full support for the equipment they need and for the freedom of the military generals in the field to make decisions without interference from Washington politicians sitting behind desks. President Trump announced a change to the rules of engagement – he promised a commitment to winning when engaged. The President spoke at great length about the exemplary military model of cohesion – the unity of men and women from all races and religions united by common cause and commitment to their pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. We are one family – one American family. The President implored the country to follow the military model of cohesion and heal the divisiveness at home.

The second part of the President’s speech announced a powerful new shift in purpose.

The United States will no longer participate in nation building – we are finally out of the business of trying to build democracies in unwilling nations. Instead, our international involvement will focus on common cause that serves American national interests. President Trump expects our friends and allies to participate in the funding of these efforts – America will no longer unfairly accept the financial burden of military engagement alone.

The third part of President Trump’s speech was directed at our terrorist enemies. The President spoke to the terrorists directly saying America will stay the course and we will prevail. Here is the problem. President Trump never identified the terrorist enemies as radical Islamists. That is the donut hole. Candidate Trump was very specific about naming radical Islam as the enemy and identifying its existential threat to Western freedom. President Trump did not. Candidate Trump understood that the misrepresentation and censorship of the colluding mainstream media gives safe haven to the radical Islamic terrorists because the void in the coverage deceitfully minimizes the Islamic threat. President Trump ignored the fake news contribution that emboldens radical Islamic terrorism.

Wars cannot be won without clarity and an explicit identification of the enemy. Worldwide Islamic terrorism is ideological. Our terrorist enemies abroad and at home are inspired by their religious commitment to Islam and their Koranic dream to re-establish the caliphate and impose supremacist Islamic sharia law worldwide. Islam is a comprehensive socio-political expansionist movement with a religious wing (mosques and imams), a military wing of jihadists (terrorists), and a political wing (Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR/MSA). Islamic terrorism is a war of ideas as much as it is a savage physical war. The war of ideas can only be won by an informed West that understands the comprehensive ideology driving the Islamic terrorism.

President Trump’s eloquent speech of determination and commitment to the troops collapses into the donut hole because without naming the ideological inspiration of Islamic megalomania the Muslim Brotherhood remains free to recruit and infiltrate every government agency in America. CAIR operatives continue to disinform the public, and the Muslim Student Association continues to infiltrate and incite violence on campuses across America. The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic terrorist organization and must be designated a terrorist organization. Candidate Trump had the courage to say so – President Trump did not.

It is not enough to supply our men and women in uniform with the commitment and necessary equipment to win on the battlefield overseas. It is essential to name the terrorist enemy as radical Islamic terrorists to rid our country of the enemy within or our fully equipped soldiers overseas will die in vain.

President Trump has surrendered to the leftover Obama national security team of McMasters and his gang. McMasters et al are loyal to the pro-Muslim Obama doctrine that adamantly refuses to identify radical Islamic terrorism as the enemy. They have deliberately and catastrophically censored every mention of the religious Islamic ideological motivation for the terrorist threat from every training manual pertaining to our national security. Instead, Obama’s leftovers continue to welcome CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood to “tutor” America on national defense and deceitfully consider every possible motivation for terrorism except the actual radical Islamic motivation. Our national security depends on accurate information. Our intelligence depends on an intelligent policy of intelligence gathering. It is not intelligent to deny reality and pretend that Islamic terrorism is not Islamic. Even the supremacist war cry of radical Islamic terrorists screaming Allahu Akbar – Allah is greater – before they slaughter innocent “infidels” is intentionally ignored.

Candidate Trump has slid into the donut hole and is being drowned by the swamp. The echo chamber of disinformation and misinformation continues in the military, the national defense agencies, and the colluding mainstream media under President Trump. President Trump must find his way back and clear the Obama leftovers from his administration to pursue the policies of his candidacy. Only then he will be the President Trump that Americans elected and expected.

The Afghan donut speech was very sad for America – everyone knows donuts are hazardous to your health.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity website.

The Swamp Report Card: Grading Enemies and Friends

Dear Mr. President,

I am sending the current swamp report card for your review.

Swamp Creature Report Card:

Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons shocked the nation with his candid remarks at the Center for Security Policy “Defeat Jihad Summit” held in January, 2015. Admiral Lyons calmly and plainly stated that Obama was deliberately and unilaterally disarming the military. The Admiral further warned that the Muslim Brotherhood has already penetrated every one of our national security security agencies including our intelligence agencies.

Instead of heeding this dire warning Mr. President, your government continues to be informed and advised by Obama legacy staffers who remain in government advancing Obama’s anti-American, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda. Whether uninformed, misinformed, or disinformed the Obama leftovers threaten our national security with their skewed information because those are the people who are briefing you daily. Islam is not a religion like any other. Islam is a comprehensive socio-political ideology with military (jihadi), educational (mosques/cultural centers), and religious (imams) wings. Islam is an expansionist movement seeking world dominion. There is no separation of church and state in Islam. Islam is a comprehensive ideology governed by supremacist religious sharia law. Islam seeks conquest and submission. Islam is spread through population jihad, educational jihad, religious jihad, military jihad including terrorism, and stealth jihad that relies on taqiyyah – lying in the service of Islam.

Mr. President you were exactly correct when you said that open borders is a Trojan Horse – it is the vehicle for population jihad against the host country. Identifying your friends and identifying your enemies in your administration, the military, and among national security staffers is an urgent matter. It does not matter if they are uninformed, misinformed, or disinformed. Any advisor or staffer who refuses to utter the words radical Islamic terror does not belong in your administration. If staffers embrace sharia law, promote Islam, are apologists for Islam, are members of the Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR and support Obama’s purging of materials that implicate Islam, they are your enemies and must be removed. You are being surrounded by Obama leftovers who will continue to disinform you so that your decisions will tilt toward Obama’s failed globalist policies. Mr. President you are being dragged into the swamp you were elected to drain.

McMaster was recommended for the position of National Security Advisor (NSA) director by #2 swamp creature John McCain. Under McMaster’s leadership the people who have the courage to speak out and expose the existential danger of Islam are being purged from the military and from the national security staff. Those who have the courage to support the initiatives of your America-first candidacy are being eliminated while the Obama globalist leftovers remain.

Trump loyalists Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Derek Harvey, Rich Higgins, Adam Lovinger, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka are all gone. Obama loyalists Dina Habib-Powell, Allison Hooker, Fernando Cutz, Andrea Hall, Rear Admiral David Kriete, Jessica Cox, Stephanie Morrison, Heather King, and Robert Wilson all remain. McMaster’s indefensible defense of Obama loyalist Susan Rice allowed her to retain her security clearance. McMaster claimed Rice did nothing wrong unmasking the identities of Trump transition aides and leaking the transcripts of Mr. Trump’s phone conversations with foreign leaders. REALLY?

McMaster being a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) for eleven years 2006-2017 is problematic. IISS is an English think tank funded by profiteer George Soros that promotes globalism. In 2010 the Bahraini royal family began secretly donating funds to IISS – $31.6 million – approximately one third of its revenues. Huge sums of money are not donated without the expectation of influence. McMaster’s association for eleven years with IISS explains his globalism and opposition to your commitment to American sovereignty. McMaster should never have been chosen to serve in your administration because he is ideologically opposed to your vision even if he served with distinction in Afghanistan.

McMaster’s association with a think tank that publicly endorsed and defends the anti-American Iran deal is even more problematic. Iran is the single greatest fomenter of terrorism in the middle east and Obama’s deceitful Iran deal enriched and resupplied an ailing Iran that was suffering under Saudi pressure.

Our National security was turned upside down after 9/11. Most Americans had never thought about Saudi Arabia except as an oil provider – they did not think about Islam and if they did they assumed it was a religion like any other. Americans were not familiar with Islam, Islamic supremacist sharia law, or Islamic supremacist aspirations to re-establish the caliphate worldwide. Americans most certainly were not aware that “peace” for a Muslim meant when the entire world is Muslim. Sixteen years later there is no excuse for illiteracy regarding Islam yet the national security voices are still trying to deny the connection between Islam and terrorism.

And now former FBI director Robert Mueller is investigating you?? Mueller is another leftover whose past foretells his future. Mueller has been part of the intricate cover-up protecting the Muslim Brotherhood for years. Judicial Watch has uncovered stunning documentary evidence that Robert Mueller worked with Islamist groups to purge anti-terrorism materials offensive to Muslims while he was FBI director. Offensive to Muslims? Is this the metric for our national security? Candidate Trump promised to reverse Obama’s suicidal policies – President Trump has hired personnel who continue to advance them.

Mr. President, your bipartisan enemies in Washington exist between the ideological globalist puppets and the globalist elite puppeteers. The Washington swamp creatures are the greedy corrupt Democrat and Republican politicians hiding behind the idealism of the puppets and the strings of the puppeteers. To survive the political blitz of the swamp creatures it is necessary for you to distinguish between the uninformed, misinformed, and disinformed puppets and their insidious puppeteers.

You and your America-first policies pose an existential threat to the globalist elite and that is why they are determined to destroy you and eliminate any Trump administration personnel who share your vision. H.R. McMaster is part of the insidious swamp battling against you. He is part of the reheated Obama leftovers who are hazardous to your presidency. Candidate Trump’s courageous Americanism and bold America-first policies require President Trump to find fresh ingredients – throw out the leftovers. H.R.McMaster and his gang need to hear “You’re fired!”

The last and most difficult message I have for you is a personal one. Your daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner are loyal loving members of your family and your administration but you must never forget that they have been educated toward globalism by the prevailing re-education curriculum in American schools. You can be proud of their extraordinary achievements but must never forget that their prism is not your prism. They were raised on John Lennon’s “Imagine.” You were raised on the “Star Spangled Banner” – the difference is HUGE.

Most sincerely,

Linda Goudsmit

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Goudsmit Pundicity.

Planned Parenthood Would Support Iceland’s Cold Solution for Eliminating Down Syndrome Births

report by “CBSN: On Assignment” earlier this week illustrates the sad bleakness of Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda.

National Review draws attention to the potential confusion from the second half of CBS’s “casually worded” headline, which reads, “Inside the country where Down syndrome disappearing” as if one might assume “Iceland has developed an innovative treatment for the chromosomal disorder.” [article continues below]

However, the report exposes a dark reality: in Iceland, nearly 100% of babies testing positive for Down syndrome in prenatal screenings are aborted. For comparison, an estimated 67% of pregnancies with a diagnosis for Down syndrome in the United States end in abortion.

Geneticist Kari Stefansson explained why Iceland’s incidence of abortion in these cases is nearly universal:

It reflects a relatively heavy-handed genetic counseling. And I don’t think that heavy-handed genetic counseling is desirable. … You’re having impact on decisions that are not medical, in a way.

The depravity of this heavy-handed counseling is not lost on Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance who said:

Iceland sounds like they are proud of the fact that they’ve killed nearly all unborn babies that had an in-utero diagnosis of Down syndrome. This is not a medical advancement. This is eugenics and barbarianism at best. These individuals have no less worth than anyone else.

What is the next headline going to be? That a certain country has eradicated all females. Oh wait, China has already been down that road. There is no limit to this train of thought of devaluing human life.

We would add that Planned Parenthood would be proud of the very same thing.

In 2016, Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, with the help of the ACLU, sued the State of Indiana to prevent the implementation of House Enrolled Act 1337, a law that prohibited abortions for genetic abnormalities including Down syndrome. HEA 1337 also mandated the remains of an aborted fetus could only be disposed of through burial or cremation, a measure that would possibly limit Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling body parts for profit.

According to Live Action, a pro-life organization, “Planned Parenthood does not object to abortion on the basis of the child’s sex or disability.” Live Action has also conducted investigations into Planned Parenthood’s promotion of sex-selective abortion which can be viewed here.

Indeed, Planned Parenthood’s record of preventing the prohibition of abortion on the basis of disability and sex is troubling. However, the fact that many corporations use our shopping dollars to fund these appalling practices is even more troubling, and it is important for conservatives and all who value life to hold these companies accountable.

Visit our Planned Parenthood Resource Page to see which companies have a direct financial relationship with the country’s largest abortion provider and contact them through their scorepages.


Trump Gets Key Win From 8th Circuit on defunding of Planned Parenthood

The Sordid History of Eugenics in America

Policy Science Kills: The Case of Eugenics by Jeffrey A. Tucker

How States Got Away with Sterilizing 60,000 Americans by Trevor Burrus

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the 2ndVote.com website. Readers may help 2ndVote continue creating content like this and educating conservative shoppers by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

My First Political Fight in West Virginia with a Librarian

My wife Mary and I moved from Florida to West Virginia to be closer to our elderly parents. Its a tiny town, population 500. Because internet will not be installed at our home until later this month, I was at the local small library working on my computer.

Despite Mary and I burying our heads into our computers, the librarian approached our table insistent on conversing. He kept asking probing questions. Out of nowhere, he began trashing and calling Trump a racist. Because I am black, he probably assumed I agreed.

He was genuinely shocked and amazed by my defense of Trump. “You’re a black man telling me, a 76 year old white man, that Trump is not racist.” The librarian could not tell me one thing Trump has done to prove him racist. And yet, the librarian acted as though Trump being a racist was as obvious as the Pope being Catholic. Clearly, this 76 year old white man was totally infected with fake news media’s Leftist zombie-ism.

With the airways filled with people pandering to racists demanding the removal of historical monuments, I had very little patience for this idiot parroting fake news media’s bogus crap about Trump.

I ranted to the librarian about how blacks are murdering each other in record numbers every weekend in Democrat controlled cities like Chicago and Baltimore which cannot be blamed on Trump, historical monuments or white Americans. Ninety percent of issues devastating the black community are due to an abandonment of morals and liberal Democrats’ destruction of the black family. And yet, every time anyone compassionately suggests how blacks can help themselves, they are attacked, called a racist white or an Uncle Tom black.

I informed him about the epidemic of blacks dropping out-of-school and having babies out-of-wedlock (72%) which feeds a cycle of generational poverty and crime. Blaming poor life choices on whitey, Trump and America only weakens blacks rather than empowering them.

I told the librarian that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. He agreed that America does offer opportunities, but not for minorities. I asked him to explain why blacks are quitting high school which is free and how is that the fault of white America? The librarian’s only retort was to tell me to calm down.

For decades, I have been encouraging fellow blacks to forgot victim crap Leftists have filled their heads with and simply go for their dreams. Education, hard work and right choices always lead to success. I explained to the librarian that as a black American, I have been extremely successful throughout my life; much of my support coming from white teachers, businessmen and employers. My formula for success was simple. I performed my job well which profited my employers and I was well rewarded. The Bible celebrates my chosen path to success in the parable of the talents.

The librarian, Mary and I were the only ones in the library. After cautioning me to lower my voice, the walking dead Leftist zombie librarian continued attacking Trump; accusing him of being uncooperative with the press and refusing to help blacks. He appeared clueless to the truth that Trump reached out to so-called black civil rights leaders (Congressional Black Caucus) only to be rejected; given their middle fingers.

The librarian praised Obama and lamented how poorly he was treated as president. He had no idea that cowardly Republicans treated Obama with kid gloves for 8 years. Fearful of the press calling them racists, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said Republicans would not impeach Obama no matter what illegal act he committed. Obama exploited Republicans giving him free reign to behave as king, becoming the most lawless president in U.S. history

My liberal zombie librarian gave me a blank stare when I told him how blacks suffered and actually moved economically backwards during Obama’s reign. Black unemployment which reached double digits under Obama has been already cut in half under Trump.

Again, the librarian cautioned me to lower my voice. Folks, I was a bit POed. I was not in the mood to be lectured by a man filled with Leftists’ poison; hate and lies. Leftists arrogantly spout their holier than thou brain dead arguments while ignoring facts and truth. They claim the moral high ground while their ideas and policies usually harm people. Minorities are so much better off when they stop sleeping with their Leftist enemies and join the rest of us decent, God-fearing, hard working and patriotic Americans.

Folks, facts did not matter to the librarian. This guy was a fake news media anti-Trump zombie. Finally, the librarian said, “Well, you’re in the right town. Folks around here will agree with you!” Then, he turned and hastened away.

Good! I was free to resume my work.

The librarian was a prime example of what we are up against folks. Despite zero evidence, this guy is totally convinced that Trump and his agenda to make America great again is racist and evil.

Trump standing up for America, making her great again has not been pretty. Like making sausage, the process is ugly, but the result is delicious. Powerful forces on both sides of the political isle are doing everything in their power to stop Trump. Democrats and Republicans seek to continue the status quo.

Trump needs us folks. Please stand firm in your support and defense of our president. I’m kind of looking forward to another political sparing session with the librarian. Prayerfully, another dose of truth might penetrate his Leftist zombie-ism.

One Florida Citizen’s reply to Controlling History

A friend sent us this commentary that appeared in the Naples Daily News.  We thought you would find it interesting because it puts into perspective what it means for those who wish to control history.

Controlling History

Thank goodness that [the] Confederate flag has been removed from the South Carolina capitol. And now they are at last removing the monuments in New Orleans.

It’s comforting to know that racism will finally be ended by pulling down the flag and removing the Confederate monuments. Blacks will now be free to live the American dream, free to keep their families together, free to value education, free to support their own children, free to stop murdering each other, free to graduate from high school, free to get married before having babies, free to stop crime in their neighborhoods.

Now we will all rest easier knowing that those problems have ceased to exist. About 6 percent of people in the South owned slaves. Was the [Civil] war about slavery or states’ rights? It appears that 13 percent of our population is in control of history.

Jim Reece, Naples

George Orwell in his dystopian novel “1984” wrote:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” 

America now has a new party of the 13%.


New York City Transit Authority tears down subway tiles that look a little like a Confederate flag

First They Came for Confederate Monuments…

Woman who Destroyed Durham Confederate Statue is a Pro-North Korea Marxist

Islamic Supremacist CAIR calls for destruction of every Confederate memorial