You’ve Got to be Taught…to HATE!

This week I took a step back and observed what the Obama legacy left for President Trump and America.  Obama called for the TRANSFORMATION of AMERICA. What exactly did that mean? To transform something means you must destroy its current status. Obama’s battle cry left me with a question…why are Americans are so ready to give up the American way of life which as brought so much greatness to America and humanity and turn to socialism when this ideology is failing all around us?

While talking to a friend, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Americans aren’t ready to give up their life, liberty and personal property at least 70-78% of the population aren’t. It is just that our vocabulary has been altered and definitions are changed for each specific group. This makes communication/conversation almost impossible. The majority of Americans really want the same things. So why are we so divided and full of hate? Americans in general are not full of Hate. Hate addresses about 10% of the population but the media hypes HATE continually so that number grows….unless we stop it now.

Where is all this hate coming from?  Hate is an emotion which must be learned. No one is born with the desire to hate, yet here we are hating each other and allowing 535 people in Congress, those in the CFR, the IMF, the UN, the media and Hollywood to determine that we should hate each other while giving them the power to control 300 million people to stop the hate. About 10,000 people have decided they are richer, smarter and more powerful and must make all of the decisions to control every aspect of our lives.

Let’s understand first up that this political game is about POWER, not service to country, environment, children, education, animals, health or humanity etc.  It is all about power. They want it. You are in the way because the only way to get power from you is if you give it to them. So let’s not give it to them, simple.  Wrong, nothing in life is simple. We allow these massive lies and manipulation to focus on hate so much so we stop paying attention to the real threat, the destruction of American values.

In order to find the stop hate, we must accept the premise, everything happens for a reason and every action has a consequence.  (This premise is omitted from school study so please remember it) Then as Herman Cain says, you must first isolate the enemy, learn their plan and then come up with a solution. Let’s start by isolating the enemy.  Who promotes hate?

The easy enemy is the left funded by billionaire, (who stole our money because we let him), George Soros.  But remember, Soros is not acting alone. As always, there are others hidden in the shadows pulling the strings.  George is the one most visible in this globalist group of criminals so let’s focus on George.

George is hell bent on destroying America as the Americans are the last strong hold to complete One World Governance. Why America?  Why Americans?

America has more natural resources than any other country in the world. See the Donald Trump special on the Science/Discovery channel called, “What’s America Worth?” Once you see the film, you will understand the riches that belong to America, We the People.  Americans can own their business, person, and land.  If you understand your rights and what you own the government has little control over you unless you let them regulate you to death.

To George, destroying America is a game and he gets to play god. He has said this on several occasions.  George’s money is behind every aspect of anti-Constitutional, anti-American behavior.  Imagine the good George could have done, if only George would have put his money to constructive use instead of destruction.  But communists can only destroy.

George and company are evil and rich and getting richer each time one of his puppets writes a new rule or regulation to destroy an American product or industry.  These regulations benefit a favored donor class or corporation by eliminating competition.  Remember George made billions destroying the UK pound by manipulating the currency.. Now I will bet he has a hand in destroying any hope of BREXIT. George promotes and funds groups promoting HATE of the west.  George is a Marxist who HATES America. These NWO rulers detests the fact that Americans are individuals and ALL ARE EQUAL under the law. So they marginalize people, force them into groups, promote hate against other groups while promoting violence.  Then society breaks down. People give up privacy for control to fix the chaos. Mission accomplished.

Let’s make sure you get the picture of how our government is working today to divide and manipulate us to hate each other.

  • George and friends write the legislation, then both R & D follow without reading because they are rewarded by George and company at the end. Remember the destructive energy legislation denying American companies permits to drill in the Gulf? (DOI was issued a contempt citation – HA, no enforcement.)  Petrobus (Brazilian co funded by Soros.) became the recipient of $2Billion while Americans paid higher gas prices and beg for work. You are led to hate the oil company.
  • Then our corrupt congress (D & R) fight over bills that no one reads because George and company tells them how to vote. Legislators put on a great show to make sure you think they care. They only care about controlling your wallet and your land. Using Obamacare – you are guided to hate the health insurance industry yet bail them out with taxpayer dollars. The after a 7 year platform of repeal, the GOP liars surface when the vote counts and instead they vote to screw American again with more lies. Maybe they should be forced to become part of Obamacare. I love when they dodge that proposal. But we are at fault for reelecting the same criminals.
  • Congress allows non-elected agencies following UN guidelines to regulate American industry and private property (you will see UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development all over government web sites.) EPA closes farmland using the ESA to favor a 2 inch fish. You are told to hate the farmers. Usable lumber goes up in flames in CA. Environmentalist close lumber companies for endangered species and refused to allow underbrush clearing.  You are told to hate lumber companies while you watch billion of dollars in lumber go up in smoke while houses and farmland are destroyed.  Counties no longer have a say in the quality of their drinking water because we gave the power to unelected bureaucrats like Water Management Districts and Environmental Departments following the UN guidelines of getting NGOs in place to eliminate elected officials. Then they create a rift between environmentalist groups creating hate.
  • Globalists use the environment and the man made global warming hoax to eliminate products, close industry causing loss of competition and jobs all so their friends can make a killing by control prices and production. They offer huge subsidies to buy these products so their friends can purchase the overpriced products with taxpayer rebates or subsidies, (our money). Coming up with programs that make no sense is the goal. The army was forced into using biofuels for $15 a gallon. How does that make sense? You must hate all those supporting fossil fuels.
  • WE the People, the taxpayer paid for the golf cart or solar panels to prop up the new company’s balance sheet, so others will invest into while those in the know, trade short or go bankrupt causing new investors to lose money and get you to bail them out.   Who invested in Solyndra? Who made out when Solyndra went under? Did you get a tax rebated golf cart?
  • In the meantime, Congress gives our tax dollars to the non – elected bureaucrats to create more phony UN regulations that inhibit our rights and steal our property. They use our tax dollars to purchase land at an inflated price so people will sell.   If there is no sale, not to worry they make up a zoning issue and eventually they will get you off your land.  As long as the results are the same, you lose your land and the land falls into the hands of some UN group called an NGO. We continually see stories restricting land use. Who has the right to tell you what you can and can not do on your own land? According to the constitution, no one. According to the Globalist bible, Agenda 21, they have the right to regulate: healthcare, food, education, energy, production and distribution of goods and services, water.  Everything must be controlled in order to be “fair”.
  • When land comes off the tax roles for green regulations, shrinking county budgets. The residents are stuck making up the difference or maybe they will lose their land too. Not to worry more land for UN NGO’s to buy. Time to hate home/land owners.
  • With the help of George’s big bucks in the form of media coverage, news, radio, tv, movies and sports, everyone says the same message without question. Children’s movies are full of propaganda: There are no more movies about real life heroes using self-reliance, common sense, respect.  No one for kids to look up to. Only fake superheroes.   Hate propaganda is fed to your children indoctrinating hate at an early age. Do you know what your child is reading?  If your child does not carry the group message, your child is considered evil.  Time to hate the evil thinkers.
  • One group is chosen to be demonized and the others are set against them while everyone denies it is happening.
  • In the meantime, China (our biggest debtor) will eventually have some plan to cash in on their equity, OUR LAND
  • All of this is done while Congress sits and says, “Repealing Obamacare is so hard.”
  • And the American people watch this bad movie instead of demanding that these legislative fools work for us and should do the job we hired them to do.

So let’s take a look at one day in America in the news and see if UN Agenda 21 is still in play. Just because no one calls Agenda 21 by name, means it is being followed through projects. How do you destroy Freedom and Liberty?  One regulation at a time.

  • Obama halved spending on Border Fencing, Infrastructure, Technology–Leaving 1,300 Miles of Mexico Border Unfenced  -Agenda 21: calls for regionalism not nationalism. Lenin, “Take away a man’s heritage and he will follow.” Collapse the entitlement system by overloading it, getting more people on the entitlement roles. Create an underground group of people who have no allegiance to America, are easily manipulated and will promote “Hate”. Trump is doing the opposite, so he is demonized instead of being recognized for all of the improvements to the economy, border, and foreign leadership.  Children are taught to HATE TRUMP: Remember Obama, MUM MUM MUM, remember Trump with a severed head.
  • Regular business with government is no longer done without the government becoming a partner aka fascism. Grants are issued to promote one business or industry over another, skews competition and pricing and picks market winners and losers regardless of the harm to the industry. Then wars are called for in that industry War on Coal…You will learn to Hate coal companies.
  • Do you hate the incandescent light bulb? Bush regulations destroyed the cheap American light bulb so Americans now must get lighting from expensive Chinese companies. Agenda 21 at its finest. Redistribution of wealth as the new bulbs from China closed the American factory.
  • Illegals use Federal Tax Id numbers not SSI numbers to get mortgages Why is an illegal allowed a pass to steal someone’s identity? No one talks about that. When discussed it is always the fault of the person who’s identity was stolen, never the illegal. After all the illegal is the victim because our poor immigration laws are unfair. Our children learn to Hate the Americans who live here. White Americans are guilty.   Children are taught about “White privilege” and to hate whites.
  • Children are taught to ignore their parents after all, “No one over 30 knows anything.” According to Al Gore, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, the children belong to the government. . . Children are taught to Hate the family unit.
  • Children are taught that God does not exist, the Government is their provider of rights. Be eliminating God and morality we have eliminated self respect, responsibility, respect of others, common sense, purpose and reasoning. In its place we get sex, drugs, suicide, pedophilia, abortion, trafficking, porn, abuse and murder.  Children are taught to love depravity it is exciting and hate family, God and America.
  • Our children are taught that the school/government provides the truth. They are good.  Anyone who disagrees is evil; you must HATE the evil God. If you do not agree, you are evil and should be shouted down. .

Once a group is isolated and turned into victim status, regulations pop up to demonize anyone who does not agree.  These regulations have nothing to do with the good of humanity. Instead it has to do with controlling the people through the emotion of hate. UN Agenda 21 controls people using different emotions all to promote a One World Government under socialism. The communist Pope just said that the US better get in line with the One World Government. I don’t remember electing him.

Socialism Hates individual Freedom

Socialism eliminates “injustice” by transferring rights and responsibilities from individuals and families to the State which actually creates injustice.

Socialism destroys true liberty: the freedom to decide all matters that lie within our own competence and to follow the course shown by our reason, within the laws of morality, including the dictates of justice and charity.

Capitalism is strengthened by individualism, excellence and freedom of choice

When I was a child my parents took me to see the play South Pacific.  This song stuck with me, called: You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught.

You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

Our schools follow this song to the letter.

So my friends will you stop the teaching of Hate in school? POTUS gave us the opportunity to control our state curricula but if we leave it to the present crowd, we will get more HATE.  It is our chance to make a difference.

Will you go to Florida Citizens Alliance and sign up to become a textbook reviewer?

Will you go to your school board and expose the texts full of hatred?  Will you correct your children, friends, family and neighbors?

Remember: Either you are a victim or an activist. You can’t be both. Slavery or Freedom?  The choice is yours.

Cardinal Burke Endorses Thomas More Law Center for ‘Restoring Christian Culture’

ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, today announced that Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is viewed as a leading traditionalist and conservative within the Catholic Church, endorsed the Thomas More Law Center, for its “most important service for the restoration of Christian culture.”  The extraordinary endorsement was transmitted in a letter, dated July 26, 2017, to Richard Thompson, the President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center.

Text of Cardinal Burke’s Endorsement

“During these difficult times in which we are living, in which secularization has ravaged the culture of our homeland, alienating culture from its only true source in God and His plan for the world, theThomas More Law Center provides a most important service for the restoration of Christian culture by promoting the sanctity of human life, defending religious liberty, and protecting the good of the family. Through the intercession of its holy patron, may the Thomas More Law Center courageously continue to serve the true good of our beloved homeland of the United States of America.”

Thompson commented, “We are deeply honored and profoundly grateful to Cardinal Burke for his uncompromising defense of America’s traditional Judeo-Christian culture and moral values, and for his unprecedented endorsement of the Thomas More Law Center.”

In June 2008, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Cardinal Burke as the Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the Holy See’s highest court. He was the first American named to head the Tribunal and became the second highest ranking prelate at the Vatican.  However, in 2014 he was removed from that position by Pope Francis.

Regarded as a leading traditionalist within the Church, Cardinal Burke is a courageous and outspoken defender of the Catholic Faith and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Cardinal Burke’s views on key issues facing American culture and Western Civilization, are shared by the Thomas More Law Center and traditional Christians of all denominations.

On Islam . . .

In a 2016 interview with Italian newspaper, II Gioranle, Cardinal Burke stated:

“It is clear that Muslims have as their ultimate goal conquest and power over the world.”

“Islam, through sharia, their law, will rule the world and permit violence against infidels, such as Christians.  But we find it hard to recognize this reality and to respond by defending the Christian faith.”

“Many people do not understand what Islam really is.  They created these slogans: we all believe in the same God, we are all united by love and so on.  It’s not true.

On Same-sex marriage . . .

In a November 10, 2013 interview with The Wanderer, Cardinal Burke said that same-sex marriage . . .

“. . . is a work of deceit, a lie about the most fundamental aspect of our human nature, our human sexuality, which, after life itself, defines us. There is only one place these types of lies come from, namely Satan. It is a diabolical situation which is aimed at destroying individuals, families, and eventually our nation.”

On Abortion . . .

In a March 2, 2009 Interview with the founder of ‘Operation Rescue’, Cardinal Burke stated:    

“The service of the Church in the world of today has to begin first and foremost with the protection of the life of those who are the most defenseless and the most innocent, namely the unborn.” 

In his January 22, 2017, sermon on the Roe v. Wade Anniversary Mass, Cardinal   Burke stated:

We recognize in that decision of the highest court of our nation a rebellion against God and His Law written upon every human heart in its first and most fundamental tenet: to safeguard and to foster human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

In March 2009, Burke called on American bishops to withhold the Eucharist from Catholic politicians who support legalized abortion. The bishop’s failure to do so, Burke said, “is weakening the faith of everyone. It’s giving the impression that it must be morally correct to support procured abortion.”

The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, including the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life.  It supports a strong national defense and an independent and sovereign United States of America.  The Law Center accomplishes its mission through litigation, education, and related activities.  It does not charge for its services.  The Law Center is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, and is recognized by the IRS as a section 501(c)(3) organization.  You may reach the Thomas More Law Center at(734) 827-2001 or visit our website at

Why We Need Sacred Things [Plural]

David Carlin writes that post-Vatican II, we’ve lost a sense of the sacredness of things: We need again altar rails, nuns wearing habits, rosary beads, holy water, Latin, etc.

The best definition of religion I have ever come across is that given by the great French sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) in his book The Elementary Forms of Religious Life: “A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and surrounded by prohibitions – beliefs and practices that unite its adherents in a single moral community called a church.”

“Sacred things” (or “holy things”) is the key here. In the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church, there were lots and lots of sacred things. There was a great pyramid of sacred things. Way up at the top of the pyramid, of course, was God, the most holy of all holy things and the source of the sacredness that trickled down to all lesser sacred things. Of these lesser sacred things, the most holy was the Virgin Mary, the mother of God. Below her were angels and saints, some of them more sacred than others. There were nine orders of angels. Dante has many ranks of saints in his Paradiso.

On Earth there were sacred persons, they too in descending ranks of sacredness. The pope was very holy indeed; thus he was spoken of as “His Holiness.” Cardinals were somewhat less sacred; ordinary bishops less sacred still; parish priests were at the bottom rank of clerical holiness, but they too should be treated with a reverence due to sacred persons. Religious sisters were sacred, both the kind and gentle nuns and the mean nuns who hit your hand with a ruler. The habits nuns wore were also sacred.

Buildings were sacred. St. Peter’s in Rome was the most sacred of all, even though to some Catholics (me among them) it resembled a magnificent train station more than a great church. Medieval Gothic cathedrals were also sacred, especially those of Paris and Chartres.  Ordinary parish churches were also sacred, even the hideous churches built in the 1950s in a “modern” style.

Inside, the church overflowed with sacred things: statues and pictures of saints, Stations of the Cross, candles, baptismal fonts, holy water. The altar was holy, made even more holy by the altar rail that set it apart from the rest of the church. The Eucharist was the holiest of all things on Earth, so holy that it mustn’t be touched by the hands of laypersons.

There were sacred ceremonies, the Mass above all. But also lesser ceremonies: Confession, burial of the dead, fasting in Lent, meatless Fridays, fasting from midnightbefore receiving Communion, reciting the rosary (whether with a group or alone), genuflecting when entering a church pew, making the sign of the cross prior to batting in a baseball game.

Click here to read the rest of Professor Carlin’s column . . .

David Carlin

David Carlin is professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is titled Mass by José Gallegos Y Arnosa, c. 1900 [private collection].

Philosophers, Theologians & Talk Show Hosts Have Been Debating This For Years

As it stands now, more than 50% of Americans have rejected the Founding Fathers worldview and therefore cannot understand their political philosophy let alone make dispassionate decisions on complex cultural issues.

There is no guarantee that a historic Republic built on our founding principles will forever remain in that belief structure, in fact history indicates just the opposite. This analysis attributed to several historians of the 18th century seems to portray an accurate reflection of what has occurred during our 241 years of existence as a democracy.

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  • bondage to spiritual faith
  • spiritual faith to great courage
  • courage to liberty
  • liberty to abundance
  • abundance to complacency
  • complacency to apathy
  • apathy to dependence

dependence back into bondage



Legalizing Pot Is a Bad Way to Promote Racial Equality

Two opinion pieces published this week, today in the Wall Street Journal and Monday in USA Today (see next story), challenge one of the marijuana lobby’s favorite assertions, advanced by Senator Cory Booker as the basis for a federal marijuana legalization bill he introduced last week.

Senator Booker’s bill, the Marijuana Justice Act, would encourage states to legalize pot for recreational use and withhold federal funds from those that don’t but incarcerate “low-income individuals and people of color for marijuana-related offences.” The senator says he believes nationwide legalization will end the racial disparity in US drug arrests.

Jason L. Riley, Wall Street Journal editorial board member, refutes this assertion. “Violent offences, not drug offences, drive incarceration rates, and blacks commit violent crimes at seven to 10 times the rate whites do,” Riley says. “Data from 2015, the most recent available, show that about 53 percent of people in state prisons (which house nearly 90 percent of the nation’s inmates) were imprisoned for violent crimes, 19 percent for property crimes, and just 16 percent for drug crimes.”

He says altering US drug laws would do little to change the racial make-up of people behind bars, adding that “marijuana offenders of any race occupy relatively few jail and prison cells, and the ones who do tend to be dealers.”

He quotes public defender James Forman who writes in his new book, Locking Up Our Own, “For every ten thousand people behind bars in America, only six are there because of marijuana possession.”

Read today’s Wall Street Journal editorial here.

Marijuana Devastated Colorado, Don’t Legalize It Nationally

USA Today opinion contributor Jeff Hunt, vice president of public policy at Colorado Christian University, also challenges the assertion that legalization will end racial disparities in the criminal justice system. He notes Coloradans heard similar promises in 2012 when citizens voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

He says black youth arrests for marijuana possession have increased 58 percent and Latino youth arrests have increased 29 percent since legalization, according to the Colorado Department of Public Safety. “This means that black and Latino youth are being arrested more for marijuana possession after it became legal,” he adds.

“In the years since,” he continues, “Colorado has seen an increase in marijuana-related traffic deaths, poison-control calls, and emergency-room visits. The marijuana black market has increased in Colorado, not decreased. And, numerous Colorado marijuana regulators have been indicted for corruption.”

Moreover, the state’s youth have the highest rate of marijuana use in the nation, 74 percent higher than the national average, he says.

“We’ve seen the effects in our neighborhoods in Colorado, and this is nothing we wish upon the nation,” he concludes.

Read USA Today opinion piece here.

Editorial note: The No More Drug War posters in the photo above are part of a campaign by the Drug Policy Alliance to legalize all illicit drugs. One of the organization’s platforms is based on its stated belief that Americans are guaranteed a constitutional right to use all addictive drugs, including heroin and methamphetamine.

71 Percent of All Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions for Youth Were for Marijuana in Washington State

The Northwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (NWHIDTA) has issued its second Marijuana Impact Report for the state of Washington since that state began implementing the recreational use of marijuana in July 2014. This massive report covers ten major areas; we highlight findings about youth here. Data for treatment admissions (above) pertain to the first quarter of 2016.

A few other highlights about youth include:

  • Sixty percent of statewide student expulsions and 49 percent of suspensions related to substance abuse specifically involved marijuana during the 2014-2015 school year.
  • Calls received by the Poison Center regarding marijuana-infused products increased 36 percent and calls involving marijuana oil increased 105 percent from 2014 to 2016.
  • Seventy-three percent of Poison Center calls regarding children under ages five specifically referred to 1- to 3-year-olds.

We are unable to provide a link to this new report today but will publish one as soon as the report is posted to the Internet.

About the Marijuana Report

The Marijuana Report is a weekly e-newsletter published by National Families in Action in partnership with SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana). Visit our website, The Marijuana Report.Org, to learn more about the marijuana story unfolding across the nation.

SUBSCRIBE to The Marijuana Report.
SUBSCRIBE to Spanish edition of The Marijuana Report.

About National Families in Action (NFIA)

NFIA consists of families, scientists, business leaders, physicians, addiction specialists, policymakers, and others committed to protecting children from addictive drugs. Our vision is:

  • Healthy, drug-free kids
  • Nurturing, addiction-free families
  • Scientifically accurate information and education
  • A nation free of Big Marijuana
  • Smart, safe, FDA-approved medicines developed from the cannabis plant (and other plants)
  • Expanded access to medicines in FDA clinical trials for children with epilepsy

About SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana)

SAM is a nonpartisan alliance of lawmakers, scientists and other concerned citizens who want to move beyond simplistic discussions of “incarceration versus legalization” when discussing marijuana use and instead focus on practical changes in marijuana policy that neither demonizes users nor legalizes the drug. SAM supports a treatment, health-first marijuana policy.  SAM has four main goals:

  • To inform public policy with the science of today’s marijuana.
  • To reduce the unintended consequences of current marijuana policies, such as lifelong stigma due to arrest.
  • To prevent the establishment of “Big Marijuana” – and a 21st-Century tobacco industry that would market marijuana to children.
  • To promote research of marijuana’s medical properties and produce, non-smoked, non-psychoactive pharmacy-attainable medications.

Reaping What We’ve Sown: Reproductive Rights versus Male Fertility

Anne Hendershott looks at the decline in male fertility, due partly to the Pill. Clearly, it’s time to consider the sociology and science surrounding the culture of “reproductive rights.”

The recent research revelation that sperm counts for men living in the West have plunged by 60 percent since 1971 provides readers of P. D. James’s great dystopian novel, The Children of Men, with a prediction of an unsettling future for a society that can no longer reproduce.  Set in Britain in 2021, James’s frightening fiction described a world of mass infertility among males – a world in which no children have been born in more than twenty-five years. In the novel, the last baby to be born is now an adult, and the population is growing steadily older. And, like today’s reality, James’s scientists have failed to find a cure – or even a cause – for the sterility.

Publishing their most recent findings in the journal Human Reproduction Update, the researchers – from Israel, the United States, Denmark, Brazil, and Spain – concluded that the total sperm count had fallen by 59.3 percent between 1971 and 2011 in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Some scientists are claiming that “modern living” has caused serious damage to men’s health. Pesticides, pollution, diet, stress, smoking, and obesity have all been plausibly associated with the problem.  But far fewer men smoke cigarettes than ever before, and the pollution and pesticide controls that the government has implemented in the past forty years have alleviated many of these risks.

Besides, during the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, men faced much greater health risks from factory work during a time when there were no OSHA regulations on air quality. There were few fertility problems at that time as families were large – and no one worried about sperm counts.

Click here to read the rest of Professor Hendershott’s column . . . 

Anne Hendershott

Anne Hendershott is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. She is the author of The Politics of Deviance (Encounter Books).

Three years to save the Earth? [This time]

Former UN top climate official Christiana Figueres just told the world we only have “three years” to save the planet … and all it will cost is $1.5 trillion per year.

Gee, guess we should hurry and jump on that deal … not.

Call us suspicious, but this is the same Figueres who infamously in 2015 announced the UN’s intention to replace free-market capitalism with bureaucratic control saying:

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

That Figueres would now make such a doomsday prediction and then ask for such large sums of money, especially in light of her ambitious stated goal to control and direct the economic path of the whole earth, should be enough to make anyone roll their eyes.

But not so with Fake News media. They eat this all up.

If they bothered to look, they’d see there’s a long history of these so-called climate “tipping points” made by alarmists – all of which harmlessly passed without incident.

For those of us old enough to remember, the UN announced a 10-year tipping point way back in 1982, and then did so again in 1989. In both cases, these dates passed without any of the predicted doom-and-gloom taking place.

In 2006 Al Gore told us in An Inconvenient Truth the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014. He gave the planet only 10 years to escape before what, as Jim Morrison of TheDoorsmight say, would be “The End.”

Not surprisingly, as CFACT’s undercover film review operative found out at the Sundance Film festival earlier this year, Al doesn’t like it much if you ask him today how we survived.

Of course there’s more.

In 2008, ABC’s Bob Woodruff hosted a program where scientists told us that agriculture would collapse by “2015,” that a carton of milk would be $12.99, a gallon of gas $9 and large portions of NYC would be underwater.

And in 2009, Prince Charles declared we only had 96 months to save the Earth.  That same year NASA’s James Hansen said we only had until the end of President Obama’s first term, though U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said we only had 50 days until the global warming apocalypse took place.

It goes on and on.

You’d think the embarrassment of potentially being labeled “false prophets” would make them, well, shut up. But no, the soothsaying doesn’t stop. It just gets more insane.

Marc Morano does a great job of keeping track of all the climate tipping points that came and went at CFACT’s Climate Depot.

Our advice: If warming campaigners want to keep doing this Nostradamus gig, perhaps they should at least wait until they get one of their prophecies right before demanding a $1.5 trillion ransom.

RELATED ARTICLE: Don’t Believe the Hysteria Over Carbon Dioxide

EDITORS NOTE: Read the facts at

O Canada, Paved

The cover of the August 2017 issue of Rolling Stone magazine displays the image of Justin Trudeau, and the first headline, “Justin Trudeau, Why Can’t He Be Our President?”  Aside from his not being an American, the American people have finally elected to withdraw from their detrimental socialism and return to our Constitutional Republic.  Unfortunately, Canadians have reversed their course toward a more intense socialism.

Trudeau promised real change, the same vague promise made by then-candidate President Obama in 2008.  To reflect his multiculturalism, Trudeau chose a cabinet of thirty, based not on competence, but on gender, ethnicity, and disabilities, yet there appears to be not one observant Jew among them to handle the antisemitism in schools and media and to represent the one percent Jewish population most victimized by hate crimes in an increasingly dangerous Canada. He pledged to legalize recreational marijuana, and to change the electoral system, except that he finds this to be unnecessary now that the very process got him elected.

A globalist, Trudeau promised to welcome 25,000 more Syrian refugees in 2016, without vetting facilities, compared to the 10,000 accepted by the Conservatives. Interestingly, immediately following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, he accepted 33,200 refugees, a number that soon became 46,700, representing the same belief system and increasing violence to that one percent and more.   I am reminded of the song, “They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot.”

Further, the list of the top ten countries with maximum rape crimes, leads with South Africa, followed by the once-idyllic Sweden (now Rape Capital of the World, courtesy of the tide of Syrian immigrants), and Canada’s entry in seventh place. I am reminded of the song, “They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot.”

Canadian-born, then-15-year-old Omar Khadr, had been taken by his father to join Al Qaeda.  Captured at 16, he pled guilty to planting ten landmines and murdering an American soldier by throwing a grenade at Sgt. First Class Christopher Speer, in a 2002 firefight in Afghanistan. US Sgt. Layne Morris was also severely wounded by the explosion and blinded in one eye. Convicted, and after serving eight of his 40-year-sentence in Guantanamo, the 24-year-old Khadr was released to Canada where he would spend the remainder of his sentence.

Despite his being dropped into a war zone by his own father, however, he sued the Canadian government for breaching his rights (as a minor) under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and received $10.5 million and an apology from the Canadian government. Years before, Omar’s father had been arrested and imprisoned for being an Al Qaeda financier in the jihad bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan, and his mother wanted to raise her six children outside of Canada, away from Western social influences. This is just one of many unvetted families who have emigrated to the west. Trudeau has indeed brought change. Instead of this family’s paying for their crimes, they are receiving payment for their crimes. Inviting and rewarding terrorism has resulted in increased crime against Canada’s Jewish citizens and will ultimately affect all infidels.

Honor killings are on the rise in Canada, sanctioned by sharia, blamed on the challenging process of integration but never experienced with previous immigrants.  They include a 16-year-old daughter of Pakistanis who was killed for wanting to wear western clothes and get a part-time job, like her peers; a 19-year-old daughter whose crime was to stay out all night; a first-wife and three daughters found drowned in their vehicle in a canal, and 13 other such cases under investigation.

The results of Trudeau’s tenure in office thus far range from disappointing to disconcerting. Unable to cap Canada’s budget deficit at $30 billion over three years as expected, after a year in office, Trudeau blames the previous administration for weak economic growth. Considering Trump’s roaring economic growth within his first six months, Trudeau’s excuse is feeble. And, rather than keep his promise to help to defeat ISIS, he has promised humanitarian support for Iraqis and Syrians.

Rolling Stone magazine also bore the headline, “How the Trump administration is destroying the EPA.”  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an agency of the U.S. federal government, which was created to protect human health and the environment by enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress. Created in 1970, this bureaucracy had burgeoned, by 2016, to 15,376 full-time employees, with a budget of $8.1 billion. The Trump administration proposed a 31% budget cut to $5.7 billion and to eliminate a fourth of the agency jobs. This is improvement, not destruction.

The EPA’s increased jurisdiction has encroached on private property, making it more difficult for farmers, ranchers, those in agriculture and homebuilding to meet stringent water supply regulations. The US Chamber of Commerce, National Federation of Independent Business, The American Farm Bureau Federation and others filed a lawsuit to stop the EPA, which uses the pressure of social media for covert propaganda for their own purposes, violating laws and increasing prices of produce. Farmers depend on a fair regulatory system that protects the environment and does not force them to raise strangling prices on consumers.

As Mark Levin explained, “The EPA is destroying the middle class; it’s destroying working people in this country; it’s destroying coal miners; it’s destroying oil jobs; it’s destroying trucking jobs. The EPA is destroying our smokestack industries. The EPA is doing more damage to our economy and hardworking men and women in this country than any country in the world. The environmental movement is a communist movement.”

Complying with EPA regulations costs the U.S. economy $353 billion per year — more than 30 times its budget, more than Denmark’s entire national GDP in 2011. The annual cost of the global warming industry is, conservatively, $1.5 trillion, enough to reduce our taxes and national debt – for the “possibility” of reducing our temperature by 0.048°C (0.086°F) by the end of the century, the same temperature reduction one experiences traveling down an elevator.

By shrinking its budget to two-thirds, its workforce to one-fifth, and limiting its regulatory powers, Trump is redefining and narrowing the EPA’s focus to its original purpose of 1970, to improve our water and air while also cultivating job growth.  Superfund sites (land previously used for chemical dumps) will fall under the purview of the states, rather than further drain the federal budget.

Canada’s healthcare, to paraphrase Hillary, “leaves no citizen behind,” but this most expensive system in the world cannot meet the public’s needs. Although Canada’s Universal healthcare is excellent once the person is in the system, the key words are “in the system,” and it’s not always “universal,” with wealthier provinces better funded than others. It is true that their efficiency channels the funds more to care than to administration, but patients are assessed in terms of “outcome” and what is acceptable to the voters. This is reminiscent of Sarah Palin’s warning of death panels, where the medical boards evaluate the person’s age and quality of life before deigning to provide costly medication and therapy.

Because of the many limitations, professionals cannot focus on prevention, not always seeing the patients until they reach the acute and chronic-care stages. The restrictions on government funding also result in long waiting lists (sometimes many months) to access services, so that those who can, go to the United States for their care and treatments. Mental illness and drug therapies for injury and disease fall largely outside the public system. This is the “single payer system” where Obamacare was heading, and which President Trump hopes to replace.

Humor is our way of dealing with the incongruous: “Americans can’t enact Canadian-style healthcare or where would the Canadians go when they need a doctor?” and “If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it’s free.”

So, M. Trudeau, we don’t want your socialism here and, in sincere affection and friendship, we wish the Canadians another Stephen Harper before the song “They Paved Paradise” becomes Canada’s experience, “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.”

Edith Stein: Jewish philosopher, Carmelite nun, murdered at Auschwitz — A Witness to Truth at 75 

Robert Royal writes of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) on her feast day: a Jewish philosopher, who became a Carmelite nun and, ten years later, was murdered at Auschwitz.

Every generation thinks it’s living in unusual times. Ours really is. We are witnessing the passing of our civilization and – like someone having brain surgery while wide-awake – are conscious of what’s happening. Or at least a few of us are. We’re suffering – among other things – massive amnesia. Juvenile rebellion, too, by people of all ages, against what’s taken to be “our civilization.” But the greater problem, by far, is that for most people our basic traditions have just dropped below the horizon. They don’t see that anything else than what they’re familiar with ever existed. And we have fewer and fewer witnesses to the truth.

Today is the 75th anniversary of the death of a woman whom St. John Paul II called “a martyr to truth,” Edith Stein, a brilliant philosopher, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, who got caught up in the Nazi persecutions of Jews and the Church, and died at Auschwitz.

It’s just one reflection of the malice of those days that she and her sister Rosa were picked up by the Gestapo at their Carmelite convent in Holland, where they’d fled for safety, because the Dutch bishops had twelve days earlier issued a pastoral letter denouncing Nazi “racism.” In retaliation, Nazi authorities arrested Jewish converts to Catholicism and shipped them to the gas chambers.

I first got interested in Stein when I wrote The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century. She was canonized in 1998; controversy erupted over whether she should even be called a martyr since she was killed not in odium fidei, some argued, but because she was Jewish. It also seemed to some critics that JPII was trying to appropriate the Holocaust partly for Catholics.

In Poland, where the Nazis killed several million non-Jews, this is still a sore controversy. But the official Vatican explanation – one typical of what JPII called the “new martyrs” – was that several factors intermingled to make “martyr” the right term for Edith.

Besides the Dutch bishops’ statement of Catholic teaching about “race,” there were at least three features of Stein’s life that could be read as a willingness to accept martyrdom . . .

Click here to read the rest of Bob Royal’s column . . .

Robert Royal

Robert Royal is editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, and president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C. His most recent book is A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century, published by Ignatius Press. The God That Did Not Fail: How Religion Built and Sustains the West, is now available in paperback from Encounter Books.

Google’s ‘left-wing bias has alienated its own workers’

The complaining conservative employee in this story is discussing gender bias, but his points are sound in a larger sense: it is true that Google, like the other Leftist new media giants, is indefatigably opposed to viewpoints that dissent from the hard-Left line. And Google has begun manipulating its search results to conceal criticism of Islam and jihad, and material that Muslims don’t want seen.

“Google’s ‘left-wing bias has alienated its own workers’: Senior engineer claims colleagues with right-wing views are forced to keep them ‘in the closet,’”

by David Gardner, MailOnline, August 6, 2017:

Internet giant Google has been accused by one of its own employees of ‘alienating conservatives’ with its politically correct left-wing bias.

A senior software engineer at the company claimed in a document that was distributed to colleagues that right-wing employees were forced to keep their views ‘in the closet’ to avoid hostility….

The engineer claims Google’s ‘left bias’ has created ‘a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence’.

He adds: ‘This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.’…

The anti-diversity manifesto claimed that Google should focus on ‘ideological diversity’….

In a section of the document titled ‘Stop Alienating Conservatives,’ he argues for the importance of ‘viewpoint diversity.’

‘In highly progressive environments, conservatives are a minority that feel like they need to stay in the closet to avoid open hostility,’ he claims.

‘We should empower those with different ideologies to be able to express themselves.

‘Alienating conservatives is both non-inclusive and generally bad business because conservatives tend to be higher in conscientiousness, which is require for much of the drudgery and maintenance work characteristic of a mature company.’

The author was being lambasted on social media….


Here Are All The Media Outlets Blatantly Lying About The Google Memo

Female Leaders Say Google ‘Intolerant’ in Firing Engineer for Memo on Gender Differences

Why Did Google Freak Out and Fire an Employee for Spurring ‘Honest Discussion’?

Google Fires Diversity Manifesto Author James Damore For WrongThink

Google Fires Gender Dissenter

Google Fires Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto Author James Damore – Breitbart

Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook | | Media Equalizer

850,000 Muslim migrants in Turkey already on the EU dole

YouTube left up bloody jihad videos for over a year

Gore’s sequel comes in dismal 15th at box office – Gore fans allege film ‘sabotaged’ by Paramount

Climate activists in shock at Gore sequel bombing at box office: ‘This was not supposed to happen’

‘Al Gore Gets Ripped Off Again’

‘He should have demanded a recount.’

Gore fans reduced to blaming the distributor.  ‘A botched strategy by Paramount Pictures effectively sabotaged the nationwide release’ of Gore’s sequel.

Gore had urged followers to ‘fill theaters’ to send message to ‘Trump and the other climate deniers’

Former Vice President Al Gore’s new film, An Inconvenient Sequel, came in a dismal 15th this weekend at U.S. theaters, according to Box Office Mojo.

Gore’s defenders have been quick to blame Paramount Pictures for the dismal performance of Gore’s sequel. “Al Gore Gets Ripped Off Again,” screamed the headline of D.R. Tucker in Washington Monthly.View post

“This was not supposed to happen,” Tucker wrote, adding, “he should have demanded a recount.”

“Sadly, the box-office under-performance of An Inconvenient Sequel will be seized upon by climate-change deniers as ‘proof’ that Americans don’t really care about this issue,” Tucker wrote.

According to Deadline Hollywood, Gore’s sequel “grossed $900K, averaging $5,000 (per screen). That brought its cume (cumulative) over seven figures, landing at $1,052,000. Its weekend gross placed it 15th in the overall box office as of Sunday morning. Paramount said it will expand the title to over 500 locations next weekend.

The box office performance will disappoint Gore, who had urged his followers to pack movie theaters to send a message to “Trump and the other climate deniers.” 

“By filling theaters, we can show Donald Trump and the other climate deniers in the White House that the American people are committed to climate action –– no matter what they do, say, or tweet!” Gore wrote in an email alert sent to his supporters on Friday August 4th, the day of his nationwide opening.

Many of the political left no longer want to see Gore as the face of the global warming movement. See: Warmist New Republic: ‘The Troubling Return of Al Gore’ – ‘Not everyone on the left is celebrating Gore’s reemergence’

Gore’s climate claims are failing to materialize as many of his assertions are exactly the opposite of the current climate data. See: Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘World is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters & Climate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate Claims

A prominent Ivy League Geologist who voted for Gore, was “appalled” after viewing his first 2006 film. “I voted for Gore in 2000, yeah. I think that if he ran again, depending on who he ran against, I might vote for him. He’s a smart man,” said Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack, who chaired the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania in the skeptical film “Climate Hustle.” 

But after viewing Gore’s film, Giegengack had this reaction. “I was appalled. I was appalled because he either deliberately misrepresented the point he was making or didn’t understand it. So it was irresponsible of Al Gore.”

“CO2 is not the villain that it has been portrayed. I’m impressed by the fact that the present climate, from the perspective of a geologist, is very close to the coldest it’s ever been. The concentration CO2 in the atmosphere today is the close to the lowest it has ever been,” Giegengack explained in “Climate Hustle”.

A key claim in Gore’s sequel about his role in securing the UN Paris climate pact has also been called into question. See:

Sequel depicts Gore clinching 2015 UN Paris deal – But top Indian diplomat says Gore’s claim is nonsense

Gore’s Sequel ‘Sabotaged’!

Gore fans like Tucker are now reduced to blaming the distributor for the sequels disappointing box office.

“A botched strategy by Paramount Pictures effectively sabotaged the nationwide release of the Al Gore documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, which finished in 15th place in US theatres this weekend. This was not supposed to happen,” Tucker explained.

Box Office Mojo Weekend Box Office for Aug. 4-6

Many climate activists and Gore apostles were hoping for a re-run of the success of Gore’s 2006 original film or of a Michael Moore style boom at the box office.

Tucker wrote: “Considering the fact that this is arguably the first major anti-Trump documentary to hit theatres–and considering the public outrage over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement–Paramount should have stuck to its original plan; in fact, Paramount could have seized upon anti-Trump sentiment by giving An Inconvenient Sequel the same high-profile national rollout that Lionsgate gave [Michael Moore’s] Fahrenheit 9/11 in 2004, a rollout that resulted in that iconic film opening at #1 at the US box office, a rarity for a documentary.”

“It’s a shame that Paramount dropped the ball, giving the film a ‘national’ release in so few theatres that most Americans must wait until the film is available on demand or on DVD in order to see it,” Tucker explained.

Related Links: 

Climate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate Claims

Face to Face: Morano confronts Gore with ‘Climate Hustle’ DVD in Australia! Gore refuses to accept, departs in SUV (Video here)

Extreme Weather Expert: ‘World is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters’

Sequel Review: ‘Al Gore’s Environmental Messiah Complex’ – Film accused of ‘excessive adulation’ of Gore


Editorial: ‘Energy hog’ Gore fails ‘to practice what he preaches’ – ‘Be skeptical of really rich guys preaching apocalypse & salvation’

Gore Sequel review: ‘Don’t expect the world to chuck medals at this follow-up’ – ‘More a Tragedy Than an Inconvenience’

Report: Al Gore’s Home Energy Use ‘Surges up to 34 Times the National Average’ – Report: ‘Gore guzzles more electricity in one year than the average American family uses in 21 years’

Mainstream Media’s ‘silence of the climate scams’ – The Australian newspaper Features Climate Hustle

Warmist Review: Gore’s sequel an ‘aimless travelogue of meet-&-greets & brand building, lacking urgency of 2006 film’ – Westwood review: Gore’s sequel ‘a somewhat aimless travelogue of meet-and-greets and brand building, lacking the urgency of the 2006 film’

Warmist Review: Gore’s sequel ‘not a great movie…unfocused…’bent the truth’ on India…’light on the facts’Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Gore still trying to scare you into saving the world’ – ‘Sequel Misses a Few Inconvenient Facts’

Wash Times Features Climate Depot on ‘Inconvenient’ Sequel: ‘Gore is the gift that keeps on giving’

Watch: Prominent Ivy League Geologist who voted for Gore ‘appalled’ after viewing his film

Climate Hustle

‘When Was America Ever Great,’ You Ask? Here’s My Answer…

Celebrating Independence Day and watching President Trump on the international stage during the G20 Summit, I couldn’t help but reflect upon a recent conversation I had with one of my “Hollywood” friends.

This friend is a self-proclaimed liberal and sees absolutely no value in anything Republican!

I remember having many conversations with him during last year’s presidential campaign and talking to him about Trump’s tagline, “Make America Great Again” (MAGA).

Even though, I’d heard his retort before from liberals, both Black and White, I was still shocked when he asked, “When was America ever great?”

When I’ve heard this response from liberals in the past, it’s usually followed with ad hominem attacks on America, beginning with slavery, then Jim Crow, segregation, police killings of unarmed Blacks, etc.

These assertions are undeniably factual, but to end there is like reading the first chapter of a book that opens with a murder and concluding that the whole book is about that one event.

Slavery and racism are still the biggest blemishes on America’s history, but because we are Americans and showed resolve, we also have one helluva redemption story to tell. We have come a long way from the days of slavery and Jim Crow.

Here are a few questions for my liberal friends. If America is so racist, how did we elect a Black man as president? If America is so racist, how did we have two consecutive Black secretaries of state (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice)? If America is so racist, how did we have two consecutive attorneys general (Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch)? If America is so racist, how are African-Americans making millions of dollars in sports, music, business and technology?

Name me one other major power that can make the claim that Black people have these opportunities in their country. Germany can’t. Britain can’t. China can’t. Australia can’t. France can’t. I think you get my point.

During a time when all Americans should be celebrating the progress we’ve made as a nation on our journey towards redemption, liberals seem to want to focus on our past.

So, to answer my Hollywood friend’s original question, “When was America ever great?” my response is very simple.

America was great when former President Lincoln freed the slaves. America was great when Congress passed the Civil and Voting Rights Acts in the 60s. America was great when they elected the first Black president in 2008. America was great when we witnessed, yet again, the peaceful transfer of power to Donald Trump from Barack Obama, despite just witnessing one of the nastiest presidential elections in our nation’s history.

America will always be great as long as we accept the will of the American people, when it comes to our free and fair elections. You don’t have to like the choice, but you must accept the result.

This is what makes America great.

Has America lived up to the words in the Declaration of Independence?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?”

No, we still have a long way to go, but we have made remarkable progress.

Isn’t it amazing that the very liberals who criticize this country never, ever seriously consider leaving the country? Despite all of our nation’s faults, where else could those liberals go and still have this type of freedom and opportunity?

We must get back to our founding principles; love of God, love of country; and love of our people.

Academy Award winning actor, Denzel Washington made this point in a phenomenal graduation speech he gave two years ago to the students of Dillard University in New Orleans, La., one of our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). It was one of the shortest, yet, most powerful speeches I have ever heard.

Liberals must stop obsessing about America’s racial past and focus on America’s promise. We must not live our lives in fear of loss; we must live our lives in hope of gain.

America is not as bad as it used to be and not as good as it can be.

It’s like President Obama said: “We are the change that we seek.”

Liberals are great at complaining about problems, but rarely if ever provide any practical solutions to their complaints.

On this day and every day, we have the freedom to be free. Respecting this freedom, for everyone, is how we all can truly “Make America Great Again.”

5-Year-Old Fined $200 for Selling Lemonade by Jon Miltimore

On summer evenings when I drive home from work, I often see small children selling lemonade in my neighborhood. Most of the time I honk my horn and wave, but occasionally I’ll pull up and purchase a cup, usually for 25 cents.

I happen to like lemonade, but that’s usually not my primary motivation for stopping to purchase a glass. Rather, it’s to offer a bit of encouragement to the budding entrepreneurs who’ve put in the work and taken the time to set up shop in the hopes of making a small profit for themselves (and to just have some fun).

Industry, free exchange, and entrepreneurship seem like virtues an aspiring society would wish to foster in their young. Alas, this is often not the case.

Shaking Down a 5-Year-Old

In a Thursday article for The Telegraph, a man named Andre Spicer wrote about the experience of his five-year-old daughter who tried to open a small lemonade stand in the family’s East London neighborhood.

After about 30 minutes, four local council enforcement officers stormed up to her little table,” he wrote. “‘Excuse me,’ one officer said as he switched on a portable camera attached to his vest. He then read a lengthy legal statement – the gist of which was that because my daughter didn’t have a trading permit, she would be fined [$195]. ‘But don’t worry, it is only [$117] if it’s paid quickly,’ the officer added.”

Spicer later wrote: “My daughter burst into tears, repeating again and again ‘have I done a bad thing’?”

I can’t imagine a worse introduction to entrepreneurship than that experienced by Andre Spicer’s little girl, in which four uniformed men arrive, shut you down, and fine you an amount of money larger than you can comprehend.

Before one becomes tempted to think such things only happen in Europe, I’ll point out that this sort of thing also happens routinely in the U.S.

Mowing the lawn for a neighbor, watching a friend’s pet, helping a deaf person communicate, and many other simple tasks can result in sharp fines in many states if one accepts monetary compensation without the appropriate permit (which is often quite expensive).

Who Are These Laws For?

These consumer protection laws usually help special interest groups and governments much more than consumers. As Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations,

The interest of the dealers, however, in any particular branch of trade or manufactures, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public. To widen the market and to narrow the competition, is always the interest of the dealers.”

Worse yet, such regulations impede entrepreneurship and teach the wrong lessons to people seeking to make their way in life.

Ronald Reagan once observed that, “Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.”

Considering that the U.S. economy has not eclipsed 3 percent annual growth since 2005, might it be time to consider creating a climate that fosters entrepreneurship and free exchange instead of stifling it?

Reprinted from Intellectual Takeout.

McMaster blocked Islamic Scholar Ayaan Hirsi Ali from meeting President Trump

McMaster appears to be doing all he can to make sure that the truth about Islam and jihad is not discussed at the NSC or the White House. He must go. He must go soon.

“Censored! McMaster Barred Scholar Ayaan Hirsi Ali from Giving Talk on Radical Islam at NSC,”

by Mike Cernovich, Medium, August 4, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report):

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born former Dutch deputy threatened with death for her outspoken criticism of Islam. Photo: EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was schedule to present a paper on radical Islamic terror at the National Security Counsel before being blocked by H.R. McMaster and his recently appointed Senior Director of Counter-Terrorism, Mustafa Javed Ali.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was in town to present her work to the Senate, was also prohibited from visiting the President during her White House visit, where she was allowed to meet with select members of the NSC in an informal setting.

Asked why she was censored, a source reported, “Mustafa Javed Ali said she was Islamophobic, and that the only way she could present her paper would be to have someone from CAIR come in to refute her work.”

This “both sides” justification for banning Ali was, according to my source, “complete bulls*t.”

“People come in to present their views every day. There’s no requirement that every presentation be a debate.”…


Ayan Hirsi Ali warns the West on Da’wa and Islam

UN study finds Islamic State jihadis “lack basic understanding of Islam”

Germany could have deported Hamburg supermarket jihad murderer in 2015

Help Terminate The Special Counsel: Send This Petition (SCRAP) to Congress

Special Counsel Recall And Accountability Petition (SCRAP)

We, citizens of America, herewith exercise our right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, to wit:

Whereas, the Code of Federal Regulations, 28 CFR 600.1 – Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel, states that the Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted. And

Whereas, a Special Counsel was appointed by the Acting Attorney General without identifying a person who had committed a crime or a criminal matter that warranted investigation; instead, the appointment was made to investigate a non-criminal national security matter. And

Whereas, the appointment of a Special Counsel, under the above circumstances, creates an unconstitutional perversion of our criminal justice system, in that, any and all Americans who have committed no crime can be investigated by a Special Counsel and presumed “guilty” until proven “innocent” and, thereby, rendered vulnerable to search and seizures of our persons, houses, paper and effects without probable cause—a violation of our rights granted by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. And

Whereas, the Code of Federal Regulations, 28 CFR 45.2, states that a Justice Department employee cannot participate in a “criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with …Any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution.” And

Whereas, in violation of 28 CFR 45.2, the Special Counsel appointed by the Acting Attorney General has both a personal and political relationship with a key witness, as well as has hired lawyers to assist with the investigation who have made financial contributions to and performed legal services for the individual deemed to have been harmed by the non-criminal national security matter being investigated by the Special Counsel. And

Whereas, in light of the aforementioned, we, American citizens, assert that the Special Counsel appointment by the Acting Attorney General justifies this registration of our grievances with our Government, in that this appointment, in summary:

Establishes the precedent that a Special Counsel can be appointed to investigate any and all Americans who have committed no crime, and

Renders asunder one of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system that a citizen is innocent until proven guilty, and

Even more egregious, makes all Americans vulnerable to search and seizures of our persons, houses, paper and effects without probable cause—a violation of our rights granted by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

Now, therefore, we demand that the United States House of Representatives Oversight Committee call for the immediate termination of the Special Counsel whose existence violates Code of Federal Regulations sections 28 CFR 600.1 and 28 CFR 45.2 and puts in jeopardy our Fourth Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution.

EDITORS NOTE: This petition originally appeared on The Black Republican blog. The featured image of Robert S. Mueller, III is by Charles Dharapak from the Associated Press.