Connecting the Dots: The Feast of Tishri, Sukkoth and Thanksgiving

I have a secret to admit.  I never knew what the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was about until a late member of B’nai Israel Synagogue here in Pensacola, Jon Davies, and a Past Master at Escambia #15 told me. It had to do with the architect of King Solomon’s Temple, Hiram Abiff, and the mystery behind his abduction and murder by three rough customers. Strange that King Solomon’s name in Hebrew Schlomo means peace.  With 700 marriages and 300 concubines, Solomon, was the ultimate peacemaker. He built the first temple in Jerusalem, the platform of which forms the revered Western Wall for world Jewry and atop of which sits the Al Aqsa Mosque.


President Washington in Masonic Regalia laying cornerstone of U.S. Capitol.

Freemasonry is more a brotherhood of free thinkers, tolerant and charitable.  Among its illustrious American members are the first President of the embryonic U.S., George Washington, several signers of the Declaration of Independence, among them fellow Bostonians, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Joseph Warren and Grand Master Paul Revere. Patriots  all. President Washington decked out in his Masonic regalia and handy trowel deposited some Masonic Medals in the laying of the cornerstone of our nation’s capital.  We have to thank another Mason, General, later Florida’s first governor and ultimately seventh President, Andrew Jackson.  He liberated Pensacola in November 1814 from a Spanish, British and Creek Indian force for which we are still paying at the Wind Creek Casino resort in nearby Atmore, Alabama.

We have Masonic iconography gracing our currency.  My wife Jean told me there were even treasure hunts involving the Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia.  The only thing I knew about Masons was Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute, and Masonic symbols in the Nicholas Cage thriller, The National Treasure.  The Indiana Jones film, Raiders of the Lost Ark sent a message to Nazis and other them not to fool around with Temple Jewish Rites. I even had a brief introduction to the Order of Demolay as a late teenager with its symbology of Knights Templar but was thoroughly confused about the relationship. Then I learned about the distaff contingent; the Daughters of the Nile, the Eastern Star and the Rainbow Girls.

 It wasn’t until my friend, Gene Rosenbaum, a member of the Scottish Rite, asked me to make this presentation that I even knew there was a Feast of Tishri celebrating the dedication of Solomon’s Temple.  For someone who considers himself somewhat educated and worldly wise, I didn’t have a clue. It got even more confusing when I learned that Scottish Rites really had its origins in France.   Scottish Masonic rites were carried by Jacobite refugees after the 1746 Battle of Colluden when Bonnie Prince Charles, a Stuart pretender to the Throne of Scotland and his supporters, were defeated by British redcoats.

Tishri- the month of significant holy days capped by the festival of Sukkoth


The Dedication of Solomon’s Temple. Painting by Jean Jacques Tissot.

Those were later codified into the Practice and Procedure for the Scottish Rite originally issued in the 1880’s.  In Chapter Seven, I learned about the significance of the 14th Rite, the Feast of Tishri, and found a connection to the Jewish Festival of Sukkoth, with its own iconography and symbols. Ultimately that connected to a tradition I knew well, as a New Englander, what must be the ultimate Masonic inspired holiday of Thanksgiving.   So, without boring you long steeped in the traditions of this Scottish rite, I would like to connect some dots and thus pay tribute to the contributions of American Freemasonry.

Sunday, October 1st, when my wife Jean and I drove home from B’nai Israel Synagogue after attending Rosh Hashanah eve services, she pointed out the rising sliver of a new moon, the precursor of the start or head of the seventh month of the Jewish calendar, Tishri. Monday , October 3rd marked the start of the Ten days of Awe, Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year of 5777 culminating in  the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, a fast day on the ninth and tenth of Tishri, October 11 and 12th.  This is a period of intense introspection culminating in a public confessional where Jews conduct a 26 hour fast endeavoring to acknowledge their past sins of omission and commission between themselves and Ha Shem and between men, hoping to have a blessed New Year, sealed in the Book of Life by God for themselves and loved ones.   During the Yom Kippur Service, members of the congregation who are descendants of High Priests from the Temple period, Kohanim assisted by Levite descendants commemorate in prayers the ancient Temple Practices. One of those is the designation of a goat to carry all of the sins of Israel into the wilderness of Judea wearing a red ribbon. That is the derivation of our word in English, scapegoat.

Wait a minute, how can the start of the seventh month be a New Year? Well, Tishri is the start of the civil year on the Jewish calendar. The first month of the Jewish calendar is Nisan, which celebrates the Passover, Maundy Thursday and Easter in the Masonic calendar.  Just after the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah is a fast day that you may not know of, Zom Gedalia, the Third of Tishri, October 5th. That is day before this Feast of Tishri. It commemorates the assassination of the Jewish governor appointed by the Babylonian conqueror of Jerusalem and destroyer of Solomon’s temple, King Nebuchadnezzar.  That occurred four years after the fall of Solomon’s Temple in 582 C.E. Gedalia was the man who saved the Prophet Jeremiah from being killed. Jeremiah was alleged to have been taken by Jewish refugees some suggest to the ancient Hebrew military colony on Elephantine Island in the Egyptian Nile.  It was alleged that was where the Ark of the Covenant may have been taken after the destruction of Solomon’s Temple.  It is alleged that a replica in miniature of Solomon’s temple was built there with prayers and sacrifices made to Ha Shem. I have great empathy for Jeremiah, who prophesized the return of Jewish Exiles from Babylonia, as I share my Hebrew name with him, Yirmeyahu.

Just before the culmination of the Days of Awe, eighth of Tishri, October 10th marks the date in the ancient Hebrew name for Tishri, Ethanim, when the dedication of Solomon’s Temple was celebrated.  Note these verses from the Book of Kings:

1 Kings 6:38 And in the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it. So was he seven years in building it. (JPS)

1 Kings 8:2 And all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto king Solomon at the feast, in the month Ethanim, which is the seventh month.

By the way Tishri, Nisan, Tammuz and other months in the Jewish calendar are Babylonian in origin adopted following the return from Exile, the rebuilding of the Second Temple and initial reading of the Torah, the five books of Moses, the Pentateuch.

On the 15th day of Tishri, October 17th, is the Jewish festival of Sukkoth extending for seven days until culminating in the final Holy Days of Tishri, Shemini Atzeret and Simcha Torah. The latter celebrates the renewal of the cycle reading the Torah.  Sukkoth means booths; it marks the period following the liberation and salvation by God of the Jewish nation from Egyptian tyranny and slavery celebrated at Passover.  Jews wandered in the desert encamped in rickety structures open to the elements and heavens.  It was also during this period that after much duress the Ark of the Covenant was built to contain the Ten Commandments given to Moses by Ha Shem on Mount Sinai. It was also alleged  that instruction  from  Ha Shem were also conveyed  to Moses and Aaron for creation of adornments and  a portable tabernacle attended by the Kohanim, High Priests and Levites.  Because of King David’s sins it was left to King Solomon to call upon the aid of King Hiram of Tyre and the fabled architect, Hiram Abiff, to finally build the First temple in Jerusalem.

The Significance of the Symbols of Sukkoth for the Mission of Freemasonry.

Nearly three thousand years later Jews faithfully follow the commandments of Ha Shem given to Moses in Leviticus regarding celebration of Sukkoth.

In Chapter 23, Verses 9–10, we read, “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest.”In Verses 39 and 40, we read,

“Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord…. And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days.”

Our synagogue has a sukkah or booth open to the elements, adorned with goards , palm fronds, willow, and other fruits of the season. It is considered a blessing to  say prayers and have a repast in the sukkah during the Sukkoth festival.  My son at his home on Long Island has a sturdy sukkah similarly adorned open to the elements and heaven.

During Sukkoth holiday services in synagogue, members of the congregation are encouraged to come to the bimah or central platform and bless a bundle composed of an etrog or citron, palm fronds, myrtle and willow.  In doing my research about this Fourteenth Scottish Rite I came across commentary by  Julius Nodel, a St. Louis Rabbi and 33rd degree Scottish Rite mason, who connected the dots between this symbolic Sukkoth offering and the goals of freemasonry.  Nodel wrote:

“Among the symbols of Succoth are four species of plants—the citron, the branch of the palm tree, the myrtle leaves, and the willow leaves. The citron plant produces both fruit and fragrance. The palm produces fruit but no fragrance. The myrtle produces fragrance but no fruit, and the willow produces neither fruit nor fragrance. This teaches us that there are also four kinds of people. There are those that have knowledge and good deeds—they correspond to the citron. There are those who live a life of good deeds, but have no knowledge—they are like the palm. There are those who have knowledge, but perform no good deeds—they are like the myrtle, and there are those who have neither knowledge nor good deeds—they are like the willow. Yet, on Succoth, all of these different species of plants are placed together and bound as one, thus teaching us that though there are different kinds of people on Earth, with their own interests and desires, accomplishments and failures, they must still be bound together in one universal brotherhood.”


The First Thanksgiving 1621 by Jean Leon Gerome 1899.

Thanksgiving, the American Sukkoth

When the Pilgrims left  Plymouth Harbor for what ultimately became the founding of what they deemed the New Israel,  they may have brought with them impressions of the Jewish festival of Sukkoth, when they sojourned in the Netherlands  and encountered the Sephardic Portuguese Jewish refugees who found safe haven and freedom of worship.  Thus, after spending their first year in arduous circumstances, near starvation, many deaths, a miracle happened.  An English speaking Indian Squanto, that  chief Samoset introduced to Governor William Bradford, taught them the native agriculture and fauna. That led to the first thanksgiving in the Plimouth Plantation.  It was from this first New England feast of survival that a grateful colony ultimately extended this via transplants who moved west in America.  President Abraham Lincoln declared the national holiday of Thanksgiving during the civil war.  Later President Franklin Roosevelt fixed a calendar date of the third Thursday in November with a 1941 proclamation.


The brotherhood and great works of the American Freemasonry continue an admirable tradition. It is ironic for me to discover as an adult connecting the dots between the ancient Jewish traditions of Sukkoth and the Feast of Tishri commemorating the dedication of Solomon’s Temple that plays a prominent role in the Scottish rites.

While, I haven’t shared in the brotherhood of the Masonic movement, I know  by virtue of my military service, what brotherhood means.  That experience  transformed my attitudes and values as a young adult and serving U.S. Army officer.  It is best captured  in an exchange with a grandson by the late Dick
Winters in his memoir and television series Band of Brothers. Winters was a 101st Airborne officer who survived D-Day , intense grueling  combat in the European Theater of Action, the loss of men under his command culminating in the liberation of a Nazi concentration camp.  Winters  replied to his grandchild, “I served in a company of heroes”.  That is not lost on many of us who served  and  experienced  the loss of comrades who fell in mortal combat.

I would like to end this presentation with a prayer for our government that  we use  at my synagogue during High Holy Day Services. Would you please stand.

O God, Father of all men, do Thou bind us ever more  closely into a brotherhood of peoples, that we may labor unceasingly against the festering vices of malice and greed, fear and ignorance, hypocrisy and corruption, avarice and violence. May this country forever be the land of the free, where all may dwell in security and peace. Amen.

Thank you for allowing me to speak before this brotherhood of Masons.

EDITORS NOTE: [1]  Given by the author, Senior editor of the New English Review at the Pensacola Masonic Center, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Pensacola, Orient of Florida, October 6, 2016, Feast of Tishri. The featured image is of the celebration Sukkoth inside the Sukkah.

When It Comes to Black Republicans, There Is No Surrogate for Experience

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…” — “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.

Allow me to paraphrase Dickens.

It was the best of times post Romney defeat in 2012 when the Republican Party claimed they understood the need for diversity, it was the worst of times when they screwed up their approach to make this happen. It was the age of wisdom when the Republican National Committee (RNC) finally decided to hire some Black staffers, it was the age of foolishness to actually think these Black staffers would listen to those who wanted to help them succeed. It was the epoch of belief that these staffers understood that Blacks before them opened doors for them; it was the epoch of incredulity that these millennials actually thought that history began with them. I think you get my point.

I thought of “A Tale of Two Cities” after watching last week’s presidential debate. I saw a plethora of Black “so-called” Republican operatives who have proven to be unmitigated disasters in their feeble attempts to become political analysts on TV, radio, and newspapers. I discussed this issue two weeks ago in my column.

Blacks will listen to Black Republicans who have credibility and who are not afraid to embrace their Blackness. The Black Republicans you are seeing in the media this cycle have absolutely no credibility within the Black community nor any power within the party to make anything happen.

They typically are trotted out to the media and asked to justify Trump and his stance on Obama’s birth certificate; or to denounce Black Lives Matters; or to side with the police when a Black is murdered. Like sheep being led to the slaughter, they are stupid enough to do it, because they live for that proverbial pat on the head from massa and long to hear him say “atta boy.”

I get calls from the media everyday to discuss relevant issues of the day. If they want me to discuss an issue that I have no strong position about, I decline the media request; or if it’s an issue that I just don’t want to deal with, like Trump and the birther movement, then I also decline.

Many of these Black Republicans are just simply media whores and they say, “yes” to every opportunity to appear in the media. This is a sure sign of immaturity and a total lack of wisdom.

Exhibit “A” in this regards is the RNC’s national director of Africa-American Initiatives and Media, Telly Lovelace. He was doing a local radio station hit prior to last week’s debate, before I was to do their national feed.

He was debating a liberal Black Democrat. She thoroughly embarrassed the hell out of him. Not only was he weak on the basic mechanics of doing a radio interview, like projecting his voice, he was also ineffective in his responses to the Black liberal’s condescending attacks on him. It was difficult to listen to this beatdown take place.

Black Republicans MUST stop allowing the party to force them to choose between their Blackness and their party. You can be both a Black with credibility within our community and also be respected within the party; it’s not an “either or,” but a “both and” proposition.

I have been teasing Roland Martin, the host of TV One’s “News One Now,” about this. He purposely has Black Republicans on both his TV and radio show who have absolutely no intellectual firepower to go up against him or the institutional memory to contextualize issues like civil rights, voting rights, or HBCUs.

Martin obviously gets off on slapping these Republicans around and relishes every opportunity to neuter them in front of a national Black audience. Do these Blacks really wonder why no one takes them seriously? These Blacks are not knowledgeable about the issues, don’t understand the art of debating and tragically, have no intellectual curiosity about the history of Blacks in the Republican Party.

Last week, I was in a soul food restaurant in Chicago and several tables overheard my conversation about the presidential campaign. The whole restaurant began to spontaneously engage me in a conversation about Trump and Clinton. They began by expressing their total dissatisfaction with President Obama for his lack of meaningful engagement with the Black community; then they vociferously criticized Hillary Clinton for the lack of any substantive acts within the Black community; finally, they criticized Trump on his demeanor and hyperbolic language, then concluded by saying they were voting for Trump.

I hear this all across the country. This simply validates what I have been saying for years: that Black people are open to voting Republican, but the party refuses to engage with Blacks in any meaningful way.

To quote a famous Greek writer, “After all is said and done, more is said than done.”

RELATED VIDEO: Why American People Absolutely Love Trump – Welcome Basement Dwellers to the Basket of Deplorables

Debating down into the VP mosh pit

Hillary Clinton’s strategy is clear. She believes she wins if she can convince just enough African-American, Hispanic, and White female voters that Donald Trump is a wealthy white racist, who cheats on his taxes and treats women like dogs.

That’s it. She’s given up on any uplifting vision of the future — rightly so, because all she has to offer is four more years of the failed Obama-economy.

I never thought I would see the day when two normally decorous politicians as Tim Kaine and Mike Pence would climb down into the mosh pit and give us a mud-slinging display such as we saw at Tuesday night’s VP debate.

I suppose that it helped that Tim Kaine had the CBS News “moderator,” Elaine Quijano, firmly on his side, ready to swat at Pence whenever he poked his head up out of the muck.

Even commentators on the left found Quijano lacking, although their complaint was that she allowed Mike Pence to avoid “direct questions about Donald Trump’s history of bigotry and fraudulence,” not that she was Tim Kaine’s partner in tag-teaming Pence.

The real question, of course, is do the voters care? And the second question is, can we possibly know the answer to that before the votes are cast and counted?

Fox News and CBS News ran morning after segments with graphs purporting to show the response of independent voters to specific statements during the debate.

In the Fox News version, which had separate lines for Republicans, Democrats and Independents, Pence scored a big hit when he blasted his opponent for running a campaign based on insult. When he trotted out Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment, the favorable response of Independents and Republicans was off the charts.

In the CBS News version, which tracked independent voters in Virginia separated by sex, both men and women dialed down their support of Pence during the same segment.

Later in the morning, CBS News replaced that video with an Ohio focus group led by GOP-leaning pollster, Frank Luntz, which produced the same results and the same graph that Fox News had displayed. Luntz commented: “Voters are saying something very clear: stop the negativity. Give us some substance.”

Luntz is right. The bickering and feistiness, which has been a Donald Trump call-sign, has begun to weary voters — especially when a petulant Tim Kaine tries to mimic it. It’s time now for both candidates to move to their positive vision for the future.

In the case of Donald Trump, this is a future of economic growth, lower taxes and more responsible government regulation. It is a future where U.S. corporations that have outsourced factories and jobs voluntarily return to America to rebuild our country, because of Trump’s plan to slash corporate tax rates from 35% to around 15%.

In the case of Hillary, this is a future of higher taxes on “the rich” — that is, anyone who produces wealth and jobs — in order to spend, spend, spend on new government programs that she claims will benefit everybody else. (She doesn’t address the sticky problem Margaret Thatcher once warned about: what happens when you run out of other people’s money?)

Overseas, the two candidates provide an equally stark contrast. Donald Trump wants to restore respect in U.S. leadership by rebuilding our military and putting U.S. interests before those of other countries. Hillary wants us to continue “leading from behind,” a strategy that produced the disasters of the Libyan revolution and the Syrian civil war, where hundreds of thousands of innocents have died while the U.S. president plays golf.

Mrs. Clinton has pledged to overturn the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United in her first one hundred days. Really? By waving a magic wand? Donald Trump has pledged to appoint Supreme Court judges that respect the constitution and who believe in the sanctity of life.

In virtually every aspect of national policy, the contrast between the two candidates is stark. We didn’t see those very real contrasts in the vice-presidential debate. And the voters tuned out.

Perhaps it’s time for our national media to start doing their job by helping to steer voters to places where they can learn for themselves the policies of the two candidates, without the media spin.

Oh, sorry, I forgot. An educated electorate is no longer part of the mission statement of the national media. Earth to Lester Holt, Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper & company: The “deplorables” can read.

And that’s why Donald Trump will win in November. We have had enough of your phony mosh-pit politics.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Ask a Question at the Next Presidential Debate

RELATED VIDEO: Why American People Absolutely Love Trump – Welcome Basement Dwellers to the Basket of Deplorables

The Author of America Abandoned — ‘The United States is now an Oligarchy’

SAN JOSE, Calif. /PRNewswire/ — In her eye-opening new book America Abandoned: The Secret Velvet Coup That Cost Us Our Democracy, author and political activist Jill Cody minces no words about where the U.S. stands in 2016. “Our country, the alleged United States of America, is technically no longer a democracy. It has been abandoned to an oligarchy, defined as ‘a government run by the few’ and ‘a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.'”

Cody, whose book was just published this month, explains how multibillionaires managed to take control of Congress, the Supreme Court and, thus the country in a Velvet Coup that few saw coming. She traces its origins to a 1971 memo written by Louis Powell called the Powell Memorandum. The confidential memo for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce laid out a road map to further the interests of the Chamber’s version of free enterprise capitalism—a road map that was promoted by a parade of highly paid corporate lobbyists and Powell’s eventual appointment to the Supreme Court.

As the presidential election looms, carrying with it the possibility of a billionaire making it to the White House, Cody can talk about:

  • 7 ways the Velvet Coup caused the abandonment of ordinary Americans.
  • Why government should not be run like a business and who benefits if it is.
  • What Living in the Black or Living in the Red means, and how our individual and organizational choices could either rescue or ruin America.
  • How we can boldly recapture our middle class and democracy with personal activism and heightened voter participation.


“From right wing conservatives to Wall Street fat cats, progressive writer Jill Cody delivers a no-holds-barred look at a country that’s becoming politically, morally and financially bankrupt.” Thom Hartmann, nationally syndicated talk show host and bestselling author


America Abandoned is Jill Cody’s first book. Her life-long passion for knowledge and desire to inspire change in politics, the environment, higher education and organizational development led her to pursue a 31-year career in public service. She was personally trained and authorized by Vice President Al Gore to share his presentation on An Inconvenient Truth. She has assisted in coordinating national and international strategic planning meetings on Information Literacy in Washington D.C., Prague and Egypt. Cody earned a master’s degree in public administration from San Jose State University and devoted her career to public service.

Muslims are not Jews

From left, Maro Chermayeff, Shana Goodwin, Ashley Judd and Nicholas Kristof speak on stage during the Independent Lens "A Path Appears" panel at the PBS 2015 Winter TCA on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, in Pasadena, Calif. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)

Nicholas Kristof

When Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times, wrote Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl, he was publicizing his own distorted view that all immigrants are equal, period.  He compared the dilemma of the Jewish Holocaust victims’ flight from imminent torture and extermination by the Nazis and collaborating European regimes with the experience and intent of the Syrian migrants.  By failing to conscientiously compare the people, their circumstances, and the ultimate purpose of their migration, he failed as a journalist and went headlong into moral equivalence. Kristof is presenting the migratory Muslims in the role of hunted Jews! Claiming two situations equal on the basis of superficialities is due to either lazy thinking or outright deceit.

Beginning with the discovery of a World War II letter penned by Otto Frank (father of Anne Frank), who sought a visa out of Amsterdam to any country that offered safety for himself and his family, Kristof pointed out the West’s indifference to Jewish refugees at that time.  Far from being an awakening of sympathy, however; he was preparing his readers to accept a comparative analysis between the reluctant, meager acceptance of the Jews in their desperate flight from certain annihilation and the extravagant welcoming of Islamic migrants who bring with them an ideology calamitous to democracy.

The records show that of the Jews who fled Europe during the Holocaust, America accepted only  95.000 Jews in 1939, before the doors closed and Jews were banned from leaving Germany (October, 1941).  To prepare us for the disparity of Syrian numbers, Kristof reminds us that the American government resisted Jewish entry because of anti-Semitism and fears of Communism and Nazism.  He failed to mention the malicious, devious journalistic practices of his own employer, the New York Times, that calculatedly toned down the frantic plight of the Jews and Hitler’s “final solution to the Jewish question.”   With malevolent intent, the Times omitted crucial information and limited such articles to the back pages (a practice exposed by journalist Laurel Leff in Buried in the Times, 2005), keeping the public in the dark about the Jews’ desperation and the horrors that awaited them.

By contrast, the U.S. received some 757,626 Arabs between 1967 and 2003, who number more than one million today.  Seeking a partisan advantage, Homeland Security accepted an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees ahead of Obama’s schedule, and wrongly granted citizenship to another ineligible 900 immigrants.  Further, Hillary Clinton aired her determination to bring in as many as 500 times that number (5 million).  While it is true that there are wars raging in the Middle East and the masses are endangered, Obama continues to favor the Sunni perpetrators and virtually ignores the Christians.  Of the 2,300 refugees accepted in June, 2016 alone, more than 99% were Sunni while only eight identified themselves as Christians.  In August 2016, 150,000 Iraqi Christians were driven from their ancestral homes into Kurdistan, although primarily Christians and minorities are the ones who suffer most in Syria.

Not to the Christians is our administration’s generous hand extended, but to the indoctrinated youth, the jihadists, who are calling for our blood while our Politically Correct provide them with hypothetical grievances. This is hijrah, the journey of the vanguards that are colonizing America by the neighborhoods, the majority of whom have no intention of assimilating and openly declare that they will never accept American law over sharia.  Yet Kristof would have us believe that there is nothing to distinguish the Jewish refugees of an earlier generation with the assorted Muslim refugees of today.

If he were seriously pursuing a comparison between European Jewry and Syrian Islamists because he was inspired by their superficial similarity of refugee status, then he needed to go on and compare their countries, values, belief systems, industry, progress, and humanitarianism (or lack thereof).  I shall attempt to finish his work.

A mere 68 years ago, the Jews began their labor of love, the re-creation of the long-awaited State of Israel.  On what had become desert and swampland, persecuted refugees from every part of the globe joined their brethren to restore, redevelop, rebuild and defend their ancestral land from neighboring marauders who refused to join the modern world. The Israelis built one of the most vibrant, diverse, inspiring nations the world had ever seen – culturally, economically and in terms of human dignity and equality before the law. Their innovations in science, medicine, academia, and in humanitarianism have been exceptional and praiseworthy, and they eagerly offer their expertise and hands-on assistance to non-Jewish countries in despair after earthquakes, tsunamis, drought, and war.  Israel’s technological advancements are extended to all to improve quality of life on earth, regardless of religion, gender, or race.

Jewish law is based on love and kindness.  The Golden Rule, “Don’t do to others what you would not want done to you,” comes from the Torah.  The 613 Commandments provide guidelines on loving Jews and the stranger; to give charity (tzedakah) to the poor and needy (charity equates to justice); not to wrong anyone in speech or business; never to pervert the law with deception; and including the worker and the animal when honoring the Sabbath.  The Israeli system of government is based on parliamentary democracy.  The Basic Law of Israel exists to ensure the preservation and protection of life, body, dignity, property, and personal liberty for all, and all governmental authorities are bound to respect those rights.  The young Israel is a dignified modern State that stands on par with any western democracy that has been centuries in the making.

By contrast, the ideology of Islamic law, sharia, held sacred and inviolable by the majority of these new migrants, is rooted in intolerance and hatred, with decrees that undermine the individual’s dignity and freedoms.  The Koran espouses hate of others, brutality, and methods of killing non-Muslims, including cruel beheadings and chopping off limbs.  Theft is punishable by amputation; criticizing the Quran, Muhammed or Allah is punishable by death; apostasy is punishable by death; a non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death; and Muslims must lie to advance Islam.  According to Islamic law, charity (zadak) must be directed to their own faith; 99 percent of their assistance is so targeted.  Animals sacrificed for the holy season of Eid may be brutally tortured until dead and their blood runs like rivers.

Muslim women are particularly singled out for barbaric FGM (female genital mutilation) and for marriage as an infant with consummation at age nine.  She may be beaten for insubordination and lose her children when divorced.  She needs the testimony of four male witnesses to prove rape but she may not testify in her own behalf; her testimony in property cases carries half the weight of a man’s.  She may inherit only half of what a male inherits.  She may not drive a car, attend school, or speak to a man who is not her relative.  When her sexual purity is suspect, the young woman may be tortured and murdered.  Children may be trained for suicidal jihad missions and used for human shields and adult sexual satisfaction.

To their lasting shame, Islamic countries continue unabated their 14 centuries of enslavement, severe rule, and wars of conquest by migration and terror, rioting and rape. Islamic fundamentalism keeps their people in fear, poverty, hopelessness and resentment of the West’s modernity and higher standard of living, and the terror is seen in Israel, Europe and the Americas.   Recently classified an Ameriphobe, Hillary endorses the increased immigration with preference given to Muslims.  Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, however, has just warned that flooding America with unvetted migrants and promoting the erroneous description about petty criminal Michael Brown and Ferguson, Missouri (Black Lives Matter), and others, are intended to unravel our national identity.

The purpose of hijrah is to build a worldwide Islamic caliphate and to blame and destroy Western powers for Islamic bloodshed.  Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their devotees are dedicated to changing America, turning our country into one great, lawless “sanctuary city.”  On September 29, this year, FBI director James Comey predicted a terrorist diaspora on American soil within two to five years.

Nicholas Kristof’s attempt to draw an equivalence between Jewish refugees and the current influx is either hopelessly inadequate judgment or something more troubling that emanates from his and his paper’s complicity with the Left’s assault on America.  It would not be surprising if, in the writer’s next article, he would draw comparisons between the Fuhrer and Groucho Marx because, after all, both had mustaches.

RELATED ARTICLE: The War Between the Jews by Caren Besner

Black Lives Matter to Who?

As has been the case in American politics of divide and conquer for far too long, race relations are once again center stage in the 2016 Democratic Party campaign for power, this time under the Black Lives Matter banner. Once again, a political election is being framed around manufactured social divisions created by politicians – to benefit politicians.

For the record, Black Lives do Matter… to me and many others in America who want the same freedoms, liberties, opportunities and hopeful future for all Americans of every race, creed and color. But I am highly troubled by those among whom black lives seem to matter very little… Those who see African-Americans as a sub-human species that requires special treatment and benefits as if they were somehow mentally or morally deficient by birth.

For most conservatives like myself, every human life matters and the color of one’s skin tone has nothing to do with the subject. In fact, nothing on earth matters more than the fundamental natural right to LIFE and the individual power to pursue happiness under personal liberty. These all-American natural rights are indeed colorblind. At our very foundation, Americans believe that all men (mankind) are created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. All men… (mankind)

But clearly, there are people in our country among whom Black Lives Matter very little, beyond their usefulness as a tool for division in the political arena. Despite the historical reality that slaves were freed by Republican Abraham Lincoln, or that the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s were drafted and passed by Congressional Republicans, opposed by Congressional Democrats at the time, the black community has been a very reliable voting block for the Democratic Party for decades now.

Yet it is the Democratic Party who cares about nothing more for Black Lives than their usefulness in elections and it is easy to demonstrate this reality.

“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion.” (Which has since happened)

The above quote was stated by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a July 7, 2009 New York Times Magazine interview. Since then, several attempts have been made to retract that statement or assert that Ginsburg was misquoted. However, the above quote is taken directly from that interview and is not in any way taken out of context.

The fact is Ginsburg, a lifelong Democrat and supporter of abortion on demand, was sharing a truth which many democrats have denied the entire time they have supported abortion rights and even taxpayer funding for abortion – knowing the entire time that abortion is the single largest cause of deaths in the black community.

In reality, Roe vs. Wade was not even an abortion case. It was a case concerning the rights of a wife to make reproductive decisions independent of her husband’s desires. The court simply ruled that the husband had no right to force his will upon his wife in her decision to carry the child to birth, or abort the child.

It is Democrats who then used that ruling to expand the decision via broad interpretation to claim abortion on demand rights for all women and then target poor communities (aka undesirables) for extermination via government funded abortions through Medicaid. Those poor communities were predominantly black communities. Black Lives Matter to who?

The African-American population in America represents about 13% of the population. But it also represents a disproportionate 52% of violent crimes in America, according to F.B.I. crime statistics tracked since 1980. Further, in Chicago alone, African-Americans are the victim of 75% of murders. 83.4% of those murders are shootings, 97% of which are with handguns, not assault rifles.

Most significant are the following facts:

  • 90% of these victims are male
  • 77% of all homicide victims have a prior arrest record
  • 87% of the shooters also have a prior arrest record
  • 72% of victims are between ages 17-35
  • 71.3% of the shooters are black
  • The vast majority of other shooters are Hispanic

Statistics in other major U.S. cities are very similar. Black on Black violent crime is not only responsible for the vast majority of black deaths in America, second only to abortion, the circumstance has only worsened in recent years. The more politicians claim to solve the problem, the worse the problem seems to become.

Nationwide, over 70% of all black deaths as a result of violent crime were committed by a black assailant. Well over 70% of those incidents were committed by assailants with a prior arrest record, most of them between the ages of 17-35.

blacks-killing-blacks-bill-boardBlack Lives Matter to Who?

Black Lives Mattered to Lincoln and to the Republicans who authored and passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s, in the face of strong opposition from Democrats at the time. Black Lives Matter to the vast majority of American conservatives who vote for and support freedom and liberty for ALL Americans without any regard for race, creed or color.

But how much do Black Lives Matter to democrats who have targeted the black community through government funded abortion on demand? How much do they matter to people who target Second Amendment Rights for assault rifles, while 97% of all black gun deaths are committed with hand guns?

The current Black Lives Matter movement was launched by two women who live in California, ‎Alicia Garza‎, ‎Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, a Nigerian-American living in New York, all three of whom are highly politically active community organizers for the political left and grassroots strategists for the Democratic Party.

Black Lives Matter to Who?

You will never hear anyone in the current Black Lives Matter movement mention any of the following statistics…. (provided by the CDC)

  • 354,392 American blacks have died via violent crime since 1973
  • The vast majority of those deaths were at the hand of a black assailant
  • 245,322 American blacks have died of AIDS during the same period
  • 15.5 million American blacks died via abortion since 1973

If Black Lives really mattered to the people behind the movement, they would be addressing the single largest cause of death in the black community, abortion… and they would be working to stop the vast majority of black deaths via violent crime by addressing the reality that most of these deaths are at the hand of a black assailant, the vast majority of whom have prior arrest records.

But no…

Instead, the community organizing effort is not at all focused upon protecting Black Lives. It is focused upon manipulating the black community for benefit of Democratic Socialist policies that are in fact responsible for the overwhelming majority of black deaths.

  • Abortion on demand – 15.5 million black deaths
  • Sexual freedom – AIDS -245,322 black deaths
  • Open borders and free drug trade – gang violence – government projects that perpetuate the problem and the targeting of cops instead of black assailants with prior arrest records – 354,392 black deaths

In truth, no group in America has been more harmful to the black community than Democratic Socialists in today’s Democratic Party. But these are truths never told on or near government housing projects, or on Democrat campaign stumps, or by the folks running or behind Black Lives Matter.

Now, I realize that these truths are highly unpopular among the politicians who benefit from the lies they tell. But these are truths that every member of the black community needs to hear, whether they want to hear them or not… Yes, Black Lives Matter to me… but do they really matter to you?

Is it really “equality” that you want? Do you really want black lives to matter?

When the color of your skin makes no more difference to you than it does to me, you will be equal. When you start to care about 15.5 million black abortions, black lives will begin to matter. When you stop blaming cops for the fact that most black street deaths are the result of black on black crimes and start addressing the reality that most of those crimes are at the hand of someone who has a prior arrest record, blacks will stop dying in the streets.

Blacks are not alone in this leftist political scam. Hispanics and Latinos are being played too.

The notion that America (an immigrant nation) is anti-immigration is insane on its face. Americans are anti-illegal immigration…. American citizens are expected to respect and abide by our laws and as a result, all law-abiding Americans expect all visitors to our country to respect our laws as well, beginning with our immigration and naturalization laws. Both ethnic groups are being manipulated by democratic socialists, plain and simple! Learn from this experience and self-correct, or your plight will continue to be your plight.

The Natural Born Citizen – What the Founders Intended [Part 1]

As the nation enters the final days of the 2016 presidential election, Democrats have once again resurrected the “birther” issue, charging that Republican candidate Donald Trump is somehow unfit to serve because he once raised questions about Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility.  That being the case, it behooves us to unveil the truth in terms that all can understand.

What few Americans seem to realize is that the entire issue revolving around the question of Obama’s place of birth… the United States or Kenya… is a “false flag” issue.  If we accept that Stanley Ann Dunham, of Honolulu, Hawaii, an American citizen, was indeed Obama’s mother, then his place of birth is immaterial; he is a US citizen.  However, what is an absolutely essential factor in Obama’s eligibility is the question of his status or non-status as a “natural born” citizen.  Were both of his parents US citizens, or were they of mixed or foreign nationality?  Avoiding speculation, we will analyze the issue using only what Obama has told us about his origins.

First, we have the absolute and unequivocal requirements of Article II. Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, which state that,

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

We know that Obama was not alive at the time the Constitution was adopted on June 21, 1788; we know that he was at least thirty-five years of age when he took office in January 2009; and we have sufficient supporting evidence that he has been a US resident for at least fourteen years.  But is he a “natural born” US citizen?  What is a “natural born” citizen, and why did the Framers limit access to the presidency only to “natural born” citizens?

In drafting the U.S. Constitution, the Founders relied heavily on the work of Swiss philosopher Emerich de Vattel.  In his 1758 legal treatise, The Law of Nations, Book One, Chapter 19, in a section titled “Of the citizens and natives,” Vattel defined the term “natural born Citizen” as follows:

“… The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens…  The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.  I say that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country (emphasis added).

When the Founders met in Philadelphia in September 1787 to approve the final draft of the US Constitution, the physical scars of the War of Independence from Great Britain were still visible all around them, and a deep-seated animosity toward all things British colored every aspect of their daily lives.  So is it even remotely conceivable that, just five years and eleven months after General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, the Founders would have presented to the states for ratification a Constitution that would allow an individual with divided loyalties – e.g. an individual with dual US-British citizenship – to serve as president of the United States and commander-in-chief of the Army and the Navy?  It is a thoroughly preposterous notion on its face.  To believe that they would have done so requires a willing suspension of reason.

In a July 25, 1787, letter from John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States, addressed to George Washington, president of the Constitutional Convention, Jay expressed his concern over the prospect of allowing an individual with any form of potential foreign allegiance to serve as president of the United States and commander-in-chief of the Army and the Navy.  He wrote:

“Permit me to hint whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government; and to declare expressly that the commander-in-chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born citizen.

Further expressing the prevailing concerns of the time, and as an expression of the fear of foreign influence that motivated and inspired the Founders, Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers,

“These most deadly adversaries of republican government (cabal, intrigue, etc.) might actually have expected to make their approach from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.  How could they better gratify this than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?”                                                                 

The Founders rightly understood that the most influential factor in a child’s upbringing is the parenting he/she receives as a child, and that the cultural, philosophical, political, and religious influence of a child’s parents fundamentally establishes the direction of his/her future conduct and intellectual development.  Accordingly, what the Founders feared most, and what caused them to limit access to the presidency only to the “natural born,” was the concern that a future president… during his formative years and during the years in which he was developing intellectually… would be exposed to an environment in which he would come to reject the values and the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution.  In other words, what Hamilton and Jay were saying is that no person who had been exposed to an environment in which they could have been unduly influenced by foreign parentage, owing allegiance to a foreign government or ideology, should ever serve as president or vice president of the United States.

Taking into account those concerns, it is easy to understand why the Founders produced a draft Constitution under which only two (2) jobs in the entire United States of America… public sector and private sector combined… require the incumbents to be “natural born” citizens.  Those two jobs are president and vice president of the United States.

What is likely, even probable, is that the Founders drafted Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution to reflect Vattel’s definition of a “natural born” citizen.  That is precisely why they include in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 the often overlooked and little understood words, “or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution…” 

At the time the Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788, there were three types of citizens:

  1. The former British subjects who, having renounced all foreign allegiances, and having pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, became citizens of a sovereign American nation on July 4, 1776,
  2. The post-Declaration children of those who became U.S. citizens on July 4, 1776, the first “natural born” citizens of the United States, and all less than twelve years old at the time the Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788, and
  3. A class of citizens comprised of those who were naturalized after July 4, 1776, having taken a loyalty oath and having renounced all foreign allegiances.

To fully understand the significance of the phrase, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution…,” it is necessary to recognize three significant dates:

  1. July 4, 1776, the date on which the Declaration of Independence was signed, making all citizens of the thirteen colonies citizens of the United States,
  2. June 21, 1788, the date on which ratification by the State of New Hampshire made the Constitution the official law of the land, and,
  3. July 4, 1811, the date after which the first “natural born” citizens… those born to U.S. citizens after July 4, 1776… became 35 years of age.

The Constitution requires that, in addition to being a “natural born” citizen and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years, those who would seek the presidency must be at least thirty-five years of age.  However, the only “natural born” citizens available on June 21, 1788, the day the Constitution was ratified, were children under twelve years of age.  To solve that problem, the Framers added a “grandfather clause,” making it possible for newly-minted US citizens… all US residents for at least fourteen years and all at least thirty-five years of age, but none of them “natural born” because they were born to parents who were British subjects prior to July 4, 1776… to lead the nation.  This was necessary until such time as a body of individuals, born to US citizen parents after the Declaration of Independence, reached age thirty-five.

For example, our first seven presidents… George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson… were all “citizens” because they were born in what later became the United States of America, but they were not “natural born” citizens because their parents were all British subjects at the time they were born.  Martin Van Buren, our eighth president, was born at Kinderhook, New York on December 5, 1782, six years and five months after the Declaration of Independence.  Unlike his seven predecessors, he was not just a “citizen,” he was a “natural born” citizen… the first president, at least thirty-five years of age, who was born to US citizen parents after July 4, 1776.

Every U.S. president since Van Buren… with the exception of Republican Chester A. Arthur, whose Irish father was a British subject at the time of his birth, and Democrat Barack Obama, whose Kenyan father was also a British subject at the time of his birth… has been a “natural born” U.S. citizen, as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

A great many well-meaning, but ill-informed, Americans refuse to accept the fact that, while the

Founders intended that only “natural born” citizens should ever serve as president, there were no 35-year-old “natural born” citizens available during the first 35 years of our nation’s history. Accordingly, it became necessary to provide an exemption of limited duration covering those citizens born prior to July 4, 1776.  All were “grandfathered” and made eligible under the phrase, “or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution…”

Were that not the case, and had the Framers intended that the terms “citizen” and “natural born Citizen” be considered synonymous, they would simply have written, No Person except a Citizen of the United States shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

In Part II of this series we will discuss the term “natural born Citizen” as understood by US political leaders during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Trump, Kaepernick and Gratitude

A black relative in his late 50s told me I should be more sympathetic of Colin Kaepernick’s grievances with America; more understanding of young blacks dissing their country. I say, “Hogwash!”

My 88 year old black dad might have a reason to dis our National Anthem, but not Kaepernick. Kaepernick is a wealthy bi-racial pro-athlete whom America has been extremely good to. His grievances are rooted in ingratitude and lies promoted by Black Lives Matter.

Dad told me when he was a young Merchant Marine, after several months at sea their ship arrived at a maritime base in St. Petersburg Florida. The crew was extremely excited about their much anticipated shore leave. Then, Dad and his fellow black seaman were told they could not leave the ship due to the town’s curfew for blacks. Dad said his outraged fellow black seaman exploded into an endless rant of cussing. Dad said he cried.

Dad said they were the first blacks to arrive at that base. The two blacks eventually had to leave the ship because it was scheduled for decommission. On that U.S. Maritime base, dad said they had to be accompanied everywhere by body guards. Meals were eaten separate from white seaman. They had to call a black cab company for a ride into town. Blacks could only enter the movie theater via stairs in the back of the building which led to a ticket booth and seating in the balcony.

Dad told me years ago how white seaman on that base trapped and attempted to hang him. White shipmates saved Dad’s life.

Folks, that was real-deal painful racism. Hearing gen-xers and millennial blacks whine about racism is absurd; flat-out nonsense. So no, I do not want to hear Kaepernick’s arrogant and ignorant disrespect, his lack of gratitude for Americans, black and white, who suffered and died paving the way for him.

Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. Population. How does Kaepernick and other arrogant ungrateful young blacks who keep kicking America in the teeth think blacks have risen to power in practically every area of American life; culminating with a black man holding the highest office in the land for the past 8 years? Obviously, a majority of white Americans regret past injustices and sought to make things right.

Some may argue that America is not perfect. The Bible acknowledges that we live in a sinful world. Therefore, nothing is prefect. However, America’s positives far outweigh her negatives. I continue yelling from the rooftops, “America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it!” Cut the victim crap and pursue your dreams!

Pumphrey, the community I grew up in had a banquet honoring my dad who was a pillar of the community. Dad is a great man, but he is a human being. Therefore, he is not perfect. What if at Dad’s banquet a speaker from the podium said this banquet is a sham, spouting negatives intended to bring down Dad’s status? Dad’s guests would be outraged. Pumphrians realize their Rev. Dr Lloyd E. Marcus is not perfect, but his life bears testimony that his good far surpasses his not so good.

We Americans who honestly weigh America’s positives against her negatives feel love and respect for our country. This explains the heartbreak we feel regarding this trend of athletes from the pros down to middle school giving America their middle finger. This is why it is so offensive hearing wealthy, spoil-brat black “yutes” dissing their country based on lies and racist experiences of which they know nothing about.

Though praised by America hating Leftist media, Kaepernick exposed his ignorance when he attacked Trump by saying, “America has never been great for people of color.” What was America when it elected a black man to be president for two terms? What was America when it made a dark-skin over-weight black woman (Oprah) one of the richest most powerful persons in the world?

In the late 1970s, I became the first black graphic designer at a Baltimore TV station. My buddy Joe Ford became the first black Art Director at Baltimore prestigious advertising agency, W.B. Doner. We blacks were pretty peerless in our fields. Today, blacks are present in almost every field of expertise. To say that blacks have not come a long way baby in America is absurd.

From politicians who awarded me scholarships to attend art college to businessmen who hired and mentored me, most of my career stepping stones have been placed ahead of me by whites.

Folks, I could go on and on with examples of how America, which is mostly white, has been extremely good to blacks. We all know and see this reality. And yet, the America hating Left and Black Lives Matter lies rule the day; millennial hearts and minds. Very sad. Devastatingly destructive.

Philosophers, gurus, and spiritual teachers, secular and religious, all tout the wisdom and proven powerful personal benefits of an attitude of gratitude. 

The universal proven principle at work is that when one expresses gratitude you attract more good stuff to you.

And yet, the Left (democrats, mainstream media and Hollywood) demeans and belittles grateful American blacks. Blacks who spit in the face of their homeland are considered, cool, brave and enlightened by the Left. The Left says blacks who understand the blessing of being born an American are either stupid or mentally ill suffering with Stockholm Syndrome

The Left celebrating blacks who dis their country while beating up on blacks who are proud Americans is yet another example of the Left selling blacks another destructive bag of excrement with a bow on it.

Blacks are trending towards voting for Trump. I pray that enough blacks have finally seen the light; saying, “No thank you” to the Left’s masterfully wrapped bag of excrement, filled with racial hate, more false promises and destructive deceptions.

I informed a clueless black relative that every major city controlled by democrats for the past 40 years is a hellhole of black suffering; through-the-roof unemployment; epidemic school dropouts; over 70% fatherless households, high incarcerations and record-breaking black on black homicides. Blacks’ negative experiences in America are all easily traceable back to their irrational loyalty to democrats; sleeping with their enemy.

Isn’t it ironic that the source of “real” hope and change for blacks, along with all Americans, is Donald Trump? Trump will, “Make America Great Again!” We are all sooooooooo ready!

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump tells Colin Kaepernick Where He Can Go….Listen to this!

Prospects for repealing red light cameras in the Florida Legislature

Floridians, snowbirds and tourists are plagued with red light cameras, which  are cash cows for local governments. One organisation is doing something to repeal the legislation that created this government program gone wrong. Liberty First Network in an email states:

For several years in the Liberty First Network’s fight to repeal the use of red light cameras we have had success in the Florida House of Representatives and last session a bill to repeal red light cameras passed the House easily. It has been the Florida Senate that continues to stonewall any repeal bill. There have been too many Senators taking the side of the local governments and the camera companies for this government camera-for-profit program, despite studies showing how ineffective these cameras are at preventing intersection crashes.But, the headwinds are changing in our direction with this year’s primary results and our prospects for finally sending this public nuisance to the dustbin of history are looking very good.

The incoming Senate President will be Joe Negron (District 28). Joe has always supported the repeal of red light cameras and I expect he will be supportive and will not try to block a repeal bill moving through the committee process. Senator Brandes (District 24) will be back for another term in the Senate and is committed to his long-time fight to repeal the cameras. Senator Brandes will sponsor the Senate camera repeal bill again in the 2017 session.

The continued good news is that in the August 30 primary election we had several former House members win who support repealing red light cameras. Debbie Mayfield (District 17) and Greg Steube (District 23) won their primary and are expected to win in November. Former Representative Frank Artiles (District 40) has sponsored the House repeal bill over the last few sessions and has a good chance to win a Senate seat in November, as well as Dana Young (District 18), who served as the Majority Leader in the House and supports repealing the cameras. Another former House member who has supported repealing cameras is Keith Perry (District 8) who will have a tough fight in November. Former House members Dennis Baxley (District 12) and Kathleen Passidomo (District 28) won their primaries and with no general election opponents will be sworn into the Senate in November. Both Dennis Baxley and Kathleen Passidomo supported the House camera repeal bill in the last session.

It looks like we will have at least two Democrats win Senate seats that support repealing cameras. Former House member Daphne Campbell (District 38) is unopposed in the general election and former House member Darryl Rousan (District 19) who is likely to win his heavily Democrat district in November.

Representative Richard Corcoran (District 37) will become the Speaker of the House for the next two years. Richard has been a long-time advocate for repealing cameras and is committed to making it happen in the next session. I am not expecting any problems in passing a repeal bill in the House again in the next session.

We will have our best opportunity to finally repeal cameras in the next session, but let me caution you that we still have to be ready to fight. The camera companies like American Traffic Solutions will have their army of lobbyist along with the local government bureaucrats who do not want to see their cash cow die. Please be ready to make the phone calls and e-mails to pressure your legislator to do the right thing. I will keep you alerted as to which legislators you need to contact and when.

However, I need your help to ensure that I will be there every day at the Capitol to remind them that they represent you and not American Traffic Solutions and their high-priced lobbyist. It costs the Liberty First Network $125 per day to be in Tallahassee for the legislative session. It is a large undertaking and with your support we can make a huge impact this upcoming year.

In Liberty,

John Hallman
Liberty First Network

RELATED ARTICLE: Florida: 24,000 Red Light Camera Citations Dismissed as Illegal

EDITORS NOTE: Those readers wishing to be part of the effort to repeal red light cameras in Florida may CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION AND KEEP LIBERTY FIRST NETWORK IN TALLAHASSEE FIGHTING FOR YOU.

The fight against red light cameras will be one of our highest priorities this upcoming session. Our chances for success have never been higher but we need you to keep us up there fighting for you.

Main Stream Press hands first debate to Trump?

No one was shocked when CNN (Clinton News Network) proclaimed Hillary Clinton the landslide victor of the first 2016 Presidential debate from Hofstra University in New York. At least CNN was honest enough to admit that their sampling was heavily weighted towards liberal viewers. That’s the most honest statement on CNN in decades. The only network in agreement is Lester Holt’s employer and debate host network NBC.

But the snap-polling results from nearly every other “main stream” news outlet were shocking, to say the least.

TIME MAGAZINE              TRUMP 58% – CLINTON 42%

CBS NEW YORK                 TRUMP 58% – CLINTON 42%

FOX 5                                     TRUMP 61% – CLINTON 33%

WCPO Cincinnati                 TRUMP 60% – CLINTON 35%

SAN DIEGO TRIB                TRUMP 60% – CLINTON 34%


VEGAS SUN                          TRUMP 81% – CLINTON 19%


VARIETY MAG                    TRUMP 51% – CLINTON 48%

PIX                                         TRUMP 54% – CLINTON 41%

NEW JERSEY.COM           TRUMP 53% – CLINTON 41%

MICHIGAN LIVE                TRUMP 52% – CLINTON 47%

FORTUNE MAG                 TRUMP 51% – CLINTON 49%

CNBC                                     TRUMP 51% – CLINTON 49%

BREITBART                         TRUMP 76% – CLINTON 24%

DRUDGE                              TRUMP 81% – CLINTON 18%

Now, as a lifelong hardcore terminal conservative capitalist who has spent over 20 years writing about the crimes, corruption and treason of career criminals like Hillary and her sexual predator husband Bill, I personally wanted to see Hillary dragged off the stage by her heels as her head bounced down the staircase.

Instead, what I saw was the typically nasty Clinton taking unfounded and unchallenged personal pot shots at Trump while Trump had clearly followed advice to hold the high ground, even making sure that he was referring to Hillary in an acceptable form as Madam Secretary, sort of like addressing Queen Elizabeth or Chairman Mao.

No, the knock out I had personally hoped to see just wasn’t there. So, how do I interpret the amazing snap-poll data above, wherein every major news outlet except CNN and NBC conceded the debate to, as Hillary calls him with great disrespect and disregard, “Donald?”

I spoke with a number of viewers this morning to glean some sense of the polling results, which seemed at odds with my own personal assessment of Trump’s performance.

In my view, Trump neither helped nor harmed himself in the first debate, and maybe that was the goal. It was almost (I said almost) like watching milquetoast Mitt all over again. But clearly, in poll after poll, others saw the event quite differently.

Was something happening here that I missed?

Drudge, Breitbart and Fox affiliate polls were easily anticipated as news outlets that enjoy the support of a conservative leaning audience. But the rest are absolutely shocking, especially known left leaning publications like TIME, San Diego Tribune and the Washington Times.

What is causing all of these polls to proclaim Trump the winner of a somewhat lack-luster debate?

In speaking with a number of viewers this morning, who are not political writers or activists, what I learned was quite interesting.

From the females I spoke with, Trumps refusal to dive into the gutter with Hillary and return personal attacks against her family in like kind to Hillary’s personal attacks, made Trump more “likeable” among women. He needed that!

Let’s face it… despite Hillary being the “first woman presidential candidate in history,” most American women have known that Hillary is not at all pro-women, ever since she verbally abused and assaulted countless women who accused her husband of sexual assault and rape since his college years. No one has ever treated women worse than Hillary Clinton, over forty years of defending her sexual predator husband’s bad behaviors.

So Hillary’s false accusations about Trump treating women poorly fell on the deaf ears of women across the country who had heard Hillary attack woman after woman, every time her husband was caught in another sexual tryst.

As for the men I spoke with, Trump’s point about Hillary making the same promises for thirty years in politics without ever keeping even one of those promises, rang true and relevant. It is a fact that Hillary Clinton has been using the same political talking points for thirty years now, without ever delivering on any of the promises made as a lifelong political operator.

Then I spoke to a few from the black community… who know that what Trump is saying about the Democrat Party as a whole failing the black community, is also true, and they are sick of hearing the same old promises from Democrats. So once again, Hillary’s efforts to appear concerned about them also fell on deaf ears.

So maybe I was wrong… Maybe Trump didn’t need to bludgeon Clinton into dust in order to win the first debate. Maybe he just needed to let Hillary act like the mean-spirited conniving liar she is, while he simply stayed on his message of ridding this nation of all career politicos who are just like her.

Maybe Trump’s number one job in the first debate was to become “likeable” rather than provide the anti-Trump media with more ammunition to paint him as “unlikeable.”

In the end, the snap polls tell the story…

When even lifelong Democrats like Andrew Stein cross the aisle to support Trump, something magical is happening. Maybe all of those millions of pro-American prayers for a new way forward in America are being answered… and maybe, the Clinton Dynasty is collapsing right under Hillary and her adoring press.

Stay tuned for my next column – Fact Checking Lester Holt!

Fraud, Waste and Abuse: Taxpayers funding Somalis’ vacationing in Somalia [for months!]

You cannot make this up! Virtually all Somalis who live in the U.S. came here (we are told) as poor refugees (there are going on 200,000 of them). So how persecuted and fearful of returning home are they if many travel back and forth to Africa and the taxpayers of Minneapolis cover most of their rent while they are gone!

By the way, Somalis are not the only (fake) persecuted and impoverished ‘refugees’ who go ‘home’ for visits from time to time.

This is the story at the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Public housing residents in Minneapolis will no longer need to pay their normal monthly rent when travel abroad erases their income, a change particularly sought by East African immigrants.


Minnesota Governor Dayton (left) with Warsame. Dayton said, “if you don’t like our Somalis, you can move to another state.”

The board of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority approved this week reverting to its previous policy of collecting only minimal rent during extended absences. The change takes effect once approved by federal housing officials, which is expected by year’s end.

Abdi Warsame, a City Council member, told the board that the policy in place for the past five years works a particular hardship on elderly East Africans who must save for long periods if they want to visit their homelands. He said that many receive federal Supplemental Security Income, which is halted when the recipient is outside the United States.

Yet the policy required people to keep paying rent, which is income-based. Travelers gone for 30 to 90 days could apply for a hardship, which meant that they paid the minimum $75 monthly rent during their absence, but were required to make up the difference between that and their normal rent over the next year or two.

The change will mean that residents will pay only the $75 minimum per month, assuming they apply for the hardship status. [Hardship status! Hardship status! How many of you have airfare money to fly to Africa?—ed]

From 50 to 75 public housing residents report such absences annually, according to Mary Boler, an agency manager. She said the cost of the change will be less than $50,000. The agency found that the paperwork burden of tracking repayment was higher than anticipated.

“This was brought up to us again and again and again in every building we visited in our ward,” Warsame said. “Everybody was afraid to leave the country.”  [But they weren’t afraid to go home to Somalia the country they supposedly escaped from???—ed]

We are such suckers!

By the way, one reason given for travel is the Hajj (it lasts 4 days not 30-90 days).

Additionally, I wonder is some Somali community activist group getting grants from the feds like the one in Maine.

PODCAST: NJ Train Crash, Deutsche Bank Teeters, Trump and more…

On Thursday morning, a NJ Transit commuter train crashed into the station in Hoboken, NJ. One young mother was killed, and more than 100 injured. Is this train wreck symbolic of the state of the world?

Monday evening, presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton squared off in the first of three planned debates. What we learned most was that Trump faced a tag-team: Hillary and the moderator. But what can and should we expect from our lousy, oft-train wrecked media? Meanwhile, another potential train wreck lies ahead in the financial markets, as German banking behemoth Deutsche Bank teeters.

On Friday, world leaders will be in Israel paying their respects to Shimon Peres, an Israeli of tremendous significance and consequences. His legacy is mixed, and we will discuss what he achieved, for better and for worse. Finally, Italy decides to grant Iran access to their naval ports, while conducting joint exercises with the Iranian Navy. What could this mean for the Mediterranean?

Join us Saturday for these topics and more…

Topics of Discussion:

  1. NJ Train “Incident” Update
  2. Debate Recap
  3. FBI Director Comey’s politization of the FBI
  4. Deutsche Bank and developing European banking crisis
  5. Shimon Peres’s Death
  6. Iran gains access to Italian naval ports

and more…

U.S. Judge: ‘No Discrimination’ in Muslim Prayer Lawsuit

A group of Muslim factory workers sued their company for religious discrimination after they were fired for demanding prayer breaks.

A group of around 80 Somali Muslim meat packing workers in Nebraska were fired in 2008 when they staged a walkout after negotiations over prayer time breaks broke down. In 2010, a suit was later filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the JBS Swift meatpacking plant alleging religious discrimination.

According to The Grand Island Independent, Union representatives and senior management of the plant attempted to negotiate a settlement in which Muslim employees would be able to take prayer breaks while working at the plant. Options floated included changing meal times so they would align with prayer times.

The factory turned down the request believing it violated a pre-existing agreement about mealtimes which the company had with the union.

A group of employees then staged a walk-out, leading to the factory granting a mass prayer break at sunset.

However, a group of Hispanic non-Muslim employees then staged a walk-out, enraged that the Muslim employees had been granted what they perceived as preferential treatment. In order to stop that strike, the company reneged on its previous agreement with the Muslims.

It was at this point the company warned its employees that the next group of people to strike would be fired.

The next evening, a group of Somali Muslims staged a demonstration in the cafeteria followed by a workout, having been riled by senior management’s perfidy in forsaking its pledge to allow Muslim employees a mass break.

As a result, close to 80 Somali Muslim employees were terminated.

Now, eight years later, a Judge in Omaha has ruled that the termination was not motivated by discrimination.

This case is illustrative in a number of key ways:

Firstly, it shows that the U.S. takes religious discrimination seriously, and companies that do not make efforts to grant reasonable religious requests face legal action.

Secondly, it shows that not every religious request can be worked out. In this case, the judge ruled against the Muslim employees. Although we do not know the details of the case or the specifics of the union agreements, we can see that it’s not always going to work out in favor of the religious person.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, it shows that what one person might see as a reasonable religious request, another might see as unfair preferential treatment.

As America becomes increasingly diverse, these issues will continue to arise. Delicacy and a keen awareness of the laws surrounding religious discrimination are and will continue to be essential skills for employers.


Leaked FBI Docs Show 7,700 Terrorist Encounters Last Year

Obama Turns Blind Eye to Iranian Offenses in UN Speech

Clarion’s Role in Exposing ISIS-Linked Imam in Maryland

Clarion’s Ryan Mauro: Rahami’s NJ Mosque Linked to Pro-Caliphate

Expert Makes Presidential Prediction Based on Hair — Trump/Pence Dominate


Dr. William Yates

CHICAGO, IL /PRNewswire/ — Dr. William Yates, author of Hair Matters and a national leader in hair restoration, announced research results about the correlation between successful presidential candidates and the oval office.  Since the 1960’s, when television became a huge part of the political campaign process, a candidate’s appearance and hairline started to play a significant role in voter’s decision making.

For an excerpt on Dr. Yates’ chapter, “Of Politics and Presidents,” click here.

“Studies show that framing of the face is a subconscious trigger that portrays the perception of superior strength, youthfulness, vitality and decisiveness, all qualities Americans look for in their Commander-in-Chief,” Yates said.  “It’s not about the most hair or the best styled hair, having hair is as much of a requirement as being 35-years-old and a naturally born citizen,” he added.  The only president that was balding in the last 50 years was Gerald Ford, who assumed office by default.

In 1960, a handsome John F. Kennedy took over well-known rival Richard Nixon and hairline has played an important role in nearly every election contest since. From Carter to Regan and the salt and peppered Bill Clinton to Obama, Americans make hair a requirement for the oval office.  However, according to Yates’ research, there is nothing citizens like more than seeing their president’s hair turn grey while they’re in office representing wisdom and their unrelenting work ethic.

In this year’s republican primary contest, Yates says candidates with thinning hair such as Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee were eliminated by this subconscious phenomenon.  When it comes to hairline wars on the democratic side, Hillary Clinton clearly dominated over Bernie Sanders windblown combover.

In the general election, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both have hair with hairlines that give them framing of the face.  Even though Donald Trump’s hair and his hairstyle have been a frequent source of jokes for late night TV, the fact remains he still has hair and his face is adequately framed.  Givetn two presidential candidates that have adequate framing of the face with near equal popularity, Dr. Yates research says the subliminal evaluation defaults to the Vice Presidential candidates.  While they are close in favorability, between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, he says the republican dominates in this hairline contest.

Based on the political ticket with the best hair, Yates predicts Donald Trump is poised to be our next President.  Bet you never thought you’d hear “best hair” and “Trump” in the same sentence before.

A Personal Message to my Christian Friends who Hate Trump

I Will Never Follow You Into Battle…

Look, I love my Christian friends who for “ethical” reasons are deciding NOT to vote for Donald Trump, I just will NEVER follow them into battle, any kind of battle anywhere, ever, NEVER.

Once these “proof-texting” buddies allowed their Biblical exegesis to incapacitate their decision making process in a real-world binary context and they conclude that the best action which most honors the God of the Universe (who by-the-way, has to make really tough decisions about every millisecond) is NO action, the “I-just-can’t-morally-vote-for-Trumpers,” forfeit their right to ever lead anyone anywhere.

Yeah, that sounds a bit tough, especially on my friends, but hey, what are friends for if I can’t tell them that, analogously, this is as if they were leading their squad of soldiers behind enemy lines and they came to a fork in the road where one way was certain death and the other was possible death, they froze, stopped, decided to pray about the direction they should go and God (or their fear) told them, don’t go anywhere, in fact, tell your fully-strapped boys that you have chosen to be completely ineffective in providing any leadership in this extremely difficult situation… which, by-the-way, is what leadership is all about!

When so many have lived and died to assure our right to cast a vote that has electoral meaning, not some sort of spiritual protest and when we live in a political system that requires your participation to function in a moral way and you freeze at the point of need, really, how can you expect anyone ever to follow your lead anywhere ever?

Oh, and if I read the Bible correctly and history, it seems that your Boss, the Big Guy, the Grand Pu-bah Himself actually voted for some pretty whacked out dudes as leaders at unique times and many of them would up becoming heroes of the Faith.

I dunno know, maybe that’s something to think about?
