It Is Time to Defend U.S. Sovereignty

If the Muslim dogma is to ever be considered anything but a breeding ground for seventh century level barbarian brutes, they can start by taking care of their own.  The United States of America is the most generous nation in human history.  But our Christian inspired generosity does not dictate that we must put up with horrendous hordes of illegal immigrants and Muslim terrorist who wants to come into America and blow us to smithereens, or burn us into charcoal.

In 1979, the Islamic leaders of Iran declared war on the west. Primarily America and Israel.  They have not to this point utilized a traditional standing army to engage the west in mortal combat.  Their skill levels are still not developed enough to take on a well-trained military like the United States (pre Obama.) However, they have become more effective in using cowardly terrorists methods that reflect their warped style of existing.  The Islamists have murdered hundreds of both American and European citizens.

So it does not make logical nor strategic sense for the federal government to abandon it’s enumerated duty to defend the United States from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Not bring in legions of Muslim refugees who do not agree with our constitutionally limited way of life.  No nation can prosper by placing the desires of non-sovereign citizens or enemies above the interests and safety of it’s people.  When it comes to dealing with Muslims who are at war with any nation that shows a modicum of civilized tendencies, the Islamists take that as a weakness and will never give up their goal of ultimately conquering them.

That is why I agree whole heartedly with retired Lt. Col. Allen West, who has advocated that American political leaders should create a safe zone in Syria and convince Middle East nations to take in and care for their own Syrian refugees.  The only problem is that Muslims do not have a natural or religious influenced tendency to help others in chronic need, even their own foolish America and Israeli hating fellow terrorists.  Even so, Col. West believes we should challenge Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others to take in refugees.  America was not obligated to take in thousands of Nazis or Japanese during World War Two.  So again, during this time of war (according to the Islamists) America is not obligated to take in thousands and thousands of those whose religion dictates that they force us to submit to Allah, or die.

Unfortunately, it won’t be until January 20th, 2017, if Donald Trump wins the presidency that we will have a president that will govern on behalf of U.S. interests.  Until then, the White House Occupier, Berry Obama will continue to try and flood our republic with as many hate filled Muslim refugees as he can.  So far, Mr. Obama has funneled into America over seven thousand Islamic refugees and has only allowed in 32 Christian refugees.  Let us not overlook the fact that Muslims are murdering, burning, beheading, raping and enslaving hundreds of Christians every single week throughout the Middle East.  Yet the American dragon-establishment media and the Obama administration looks the other way and just doesn’t seem to give a damn.

It is awful how those who simply want our border protected are labeled as bigots by Americans who are either brainwashed or in agreement with the harm President Obama and his fellow progressives are perpetrating against our civilization.  Our enemies must be falling over in a constant state of amazement and laughter as they witness dummied down Americans turn against their fellow countrymen and women who only desire to protect our republic from being decimated.

The root of such tomfoolery can be traced directly to the government school system which has been allowed to systematically dumb down generation after generation.  So now, the average American student knows less about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers than the mantra of special rights for illegal immigrants and diseased non-vetted Syrian, Muslim refugees.  Be assured, that many of those refugees that brainwashed Americans are willing to risk our existence for would engulf our nation in flames if given the chance.

This final note:  Those of us who claim to be Christians, are not required to be nicer than Jesus.  Like Jesus we must not be afraid to stand up too evil and for the good of America, beat it back into retreat.  Yes, we must love our enemies.  But we are not expected by God to let those seeking to destroy this great nation to achieve that goal, whether from within or externally.  Everyone else has boldly come out of the closet.  Thus it is time for Christians and patriots to no longer cower in the closet.  It is time to defend United States sovereignty.  God Bless America and May America Bless God.

EDITORS NOTE: Please join Ron Edwards every Friday on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and worldwide on at 5:00 PM EST and 2:00 PM PST.  This week Ron will be Blowing Away the Myths and Revealing the Truth concerning major issues of the day and drilling down on such topics as Obama’s $400 million giveaway to Iran.  Also he will be sharing a bit of True American history. You are invited to smile and dial and join the conversation at 844.790.8255.

DEAR AMERICA by Sean O’Loughlin

NEW YORK, New York /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — I am one of eleven people who donated the maximum amount under law to Donald Trump during the primaries. I am very conservative when it comes to issues related to the United States Constitution, supporting law enforcement and lowering taxes for businesses to grow. However, when it comes to social issues, I am probably more liberal and progressive than most Americans.

Although that I believe that abortion is morally wrong, I do not believe that the government should be involved with telling people what they can or can not do with their bodies. In terms of people and their sexual preferences, I could care less what people do behind closed doors and if two people love each other, the government should allow them to get married. In terms of racial relations, our neighborhoods, places of employment and public schools in New York City are more diverse than anywhere in the world. When people on the news call Donald Trump a racist, I find that statement difficult to believe.

Like myself, Donald Trump is a life-long New Yorker. Donald Trump lives, works, eats and employs people of all races and religions. Like many of my fellow New Yorkers, Donald Trump speaks his mind and that type of behavior can easily be misunderstood by people who are not New Yorkers. Defending yourself does not make you a bully. The real bullies are the people who are attacking Donald Trump and then claiming that they are the victims. The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump has rolled up his sleeves and he is trying to stir up debate to find real solutions to real problems.

It was Martin Luther King, Jr. who said “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

The Republicans running away from Donald Trump are sending a message to the American people that they do not want to find real solutions to securing our borders, keeping security risks out of our country and bringing jobs back to our country.

Donald Trump is not dictating his beliefs, but he is rather stirring up debate. God bless him.


Sean O’Loughlin is a member of The Unites States Press Agency and The US Press Association.

The Hateful Meshugash of Jewish Apostates

Jews Against Themselves cover(1)Hat tip to Imre Herzog.  You may have read the tweet exchanges by Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic with leftist anti-Zionist columnists at Ha’aretz who call Israel, ‘evil’.  Goldberg took both them and the publisher Amos Schocken to task for their bizarre commentaries. Ruthie Blum chronicled that in the Algemeiner yesterday.  That prompted University of Washington professor Edward Alexander, author of Jews against Themselves and colleague Paul Bogdanor, author of Kasztner’s Crime to expose two America academics of similar evil intent who have published in Ha’aretz: Professor Dina Hasia of NYU and Professor Marjorie Feld on Babson College near Boston.  They wrote a profile of both in an Algemeiner article appropriately entitled, “Jewish Apostates”for their hateful anti-Semitic anti-Israelism giving aid and comfort to the enemy of the Jewish nation. Note these scathing condemnations of both ‘apostates’:

Since the fury of Feld and Diner is aroused by Israel’s being a Jewish state, why do they not direct it also against Britain, a Christian state, with an official Protestant church, a Protestant monarch, and a Protestant state education system? Other self-declared Christian states with numerous non-Christian citizens include such progressive bastions as Denmark, Finland, Greece, and Norway. And let us not speak of all the states whose names begin with “Islamic Republic of…” or “United Arab…,” and who are among the most zealous supporters of such hate fests as “Israel Apartheid Week.”

Since Israel’s people have been under military as well as ideological siege throughout its existence, our professorial duo could hardly avoid the subject of atrocities. They deal with it, alas, just as one might have expected. Diner writes: “I abhor violence, bombings, stabbings, or whatever hurtful means oppressed individuals resort to out of anger and frustration. And yet, I am not surprised when they do so, after so many decades of occupation, with no evidence of progress.” Can these historians really be unaware that terrorism against Jews in the Jewish homeland began decades before the “occupation”? As Paul Berman observed about apologists of their ilk, “Each new act of murder and suicide testified to how oppressive the Israelis were. Palestinian terror, in this view, was the measure of Israeli guilt. The more grotesque the terror, the deeper the guilt…”

Feld and Diner are nothing if not frank. They do not even bother to hide the logical end-point of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Diner not only boycotts everything Israeli, but also many of her co-religionists in the Diaspora. “I feel a sense of repulsion,” she explains, “when I enter a synagogue in front of which the congregation has planted a sign reading, ‘We Stand With Israel.’ I just do not go and avoid many Jewish settings where I know Israel will loom large as an icon of identity.”

As genocidal fanatics build nuclear bombs in Iran; as Hezbollah arms itself with over a hundred thousand missiles in Lebanon; as men, women, and children are butchered with knives in Israel; as small children in a Jewish school and shoppers in a kosher deli are massacred in Europe; as synagogues and community institutions are fortified against the never-ending nightmare of Islamist violence throughout the world, the Israel-haters take pride in their own perfidy by shunning their fellow Jews.

“One who separates himself from the [Jewish] community” – by showing indifference when it is in distress – “has no share in the world to come.” So declared Maimonides, the greatest of all Jewish sages, in the twelfth century (Laws of Repentance, iii). But if this verdict seems too remote and old-fashioned for Diner and Feld, let them ponder the following, delivered at the height of the Holocaust: “The history of our times will one day make bitter reading, when it records that some Jews were so morally uncertain that they denied they were obligated to risk their own safety in order to save other Jews who were being done to death abroad” (Ben Halpern, Jewish Frontier, August 1943).

Last October, we published in the Iconoclast blog of the New English Review, a review of Alexander’s “Jews against Themselves” by Phoenix-based David Isaac, “Why are Jews against Israel”. the creator of the video education series, “Zionism 101”that appeared in the Washington Free Beacon. We wrote:

Isaac’s review of Alexander‘s collection of jeremiads, “The Enemy Within” published in today’s Washington Free Beacon excoriates these diverse ‘shadtlanim’ beyond the usual suspects. Isaac pays tribute to Alexander withering and acerbic wit in these essays. He writes:

Alexander describes “the new forms taken by Jewish apostasy in an age when Jewish existence is threatened more starkly and immediately than at any time since the Nazi war against the Jews.” He notes that there are always readers astonished to learn that Israel-bashing Jews exist. But precisely these home-grown haters are the ones who “play a disproportionate role in basic

Isaac notes Alexander’s theme threading his oeuvre defending Israel against the usual and not so usual suspects:

Alexander is a staunch defender of Israel, the foundation of which he calls one of the “few redeeming events in a century of blood and shame, one of the greatest affirmations of the will to live ever made by a martyred people, and a uniquely hopeful sign for humanity itself.” As an English professor at the University of Washington, he wrote books on moral exemplars of the Victorian period like Matthew Arnold. He could have remained in his ivory tower, but instead he has delved into the muck. With pen in hand—happily Alexander is a superb writer and wields a very sharp pen—he has taken apart Israel’s enemies in books ranging from The Jewish Idea and Its Enemies to The Jewish Wars to The State of the Jews and The Jewish Divide Against Israel.

RELATED ARTICLE: Anti-Semitism on Campus 2016

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

A Tale of Two Conventions

Having attended the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland two weeks ago and having intently watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on TV last week, I couldn’t help but notice how distorted both conventions were, especially in terms of the media’s coverage of them.

In the Black community, when grandma said, “boy, you telling a tale,” she meant that you were telling a lie. So, a tale of two conventions can easily be translated to mean a lie of two conventions.

There is no debating that the Democratic convention had much more production value than the Republican convention, which made for better TV. There is also no debating that the Republican convention was much more substantive than the Democratic convention.

The Democrat’s convention was put together like the Hollywood production that it was, but there was absolutely no substance to it. All the speakers rattled off the typical liberal mantras: higher taxes on the rich, more government regulations, tons of “free” stuff, increase in the minimum wage, homosexual entitlements, amnesty for illegals, etc.

But like all things Hollywood, it was all make believe.

For President Obama to describe Hillary Clinton as the most qualified candidate in the history of America is quite insulting, as well as an outright lie, but of course lying is consistent with Clinton’s M.O.

According to Obama, “There has never been a man or woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America.”

One need not go back one hundred years to disprove Obama’s statement about Clinton, one need only go back to former presidential candidate George H.W. Bush. He was a Navy fighter pilot during World War II, former Congressman from Houston, Ambassador to the United Nations, chairman of the Republican National Committee, Envoy to China, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), chairman of the Executive Committee of the First International Bank of Houston, professor at Rice University, director of the Council on Foreign Relations and two term vice president of the United States.

There can be absolutely no doubt that George H.W. Bush is by far the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the presidency. For Obama and the media to perpetuate this lie about Hillary’s qualifications is political and journalistic malpractice.

The media is in bed with the Clinton campaign in particular and with Democrats in general. No honest person would even argue that point.

One need look no further than this video of the media receiving Clinton paraphernalia during the Democratic convention and actually rooting for her.

The RNC was not as polished as the DNC, there is no doubt, but there can be no argument that Trump and the Republicans presented more substance at their convention.

Democrats and the media refused to separate the messages coming out of the RNC from their dislike of Trump and all things Republican.

Everyone knows that Trump is against amnesty for those in the country illegally, against these horrible trade deals that Obama and Hillary are promoting, having more stringent vetting of those wanting to come to the U.S. from certain countries, rethinking the U.S.’s relationship with NATO, etc.

The philosopher, Socrates, taught us that asking questions is the beginning of understanding. Trump has challenged the status quo by forcing us to question the usual way we have done things.

Why do we allow NATO members not to pay their dues? Why spend millions of dollars with the same ole mercenary consultants that go from one losing campaign to another? Why do we allow American companies to move overseas and export their products back to the U.S. without consequences? Why do we allow anyone to come into our country illegally and then demand all sorts of rights and benefits? Why do we go around the world and defend our allies when they put no skin in the game?

The Democratic convention was four days of uttering the usual automatic party ticks of how the government is the solution to every problem, whereas the Republican convention, with our nominee Trump, forced the nation to question everything that we are doing.

Fundamental change never comes without first posing a question?

Herein lies Hillary Clinton’s Achilles heel. Almost 70 percent of the American people say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Clinton claims to be the agent of change, but all she’s offering is the same Obama policies on steroids. She cannot reconcile these diametrically opposing ideas, and that’s why the election is basically tied right now.

Trump has successfully tapped into this desire for change that seems to confound the liberal media. They are still trying to figure out why the public believes in “The National Enquirer” more than the mainstream media.

The Democratic convention was very predictable, with no surprises. They got people charged up and ready to go with no underlying roadmap as to where the party wants to take them.

The Republican convention was very unpredictable, but you knew what direction they wanted to take you, one could argue whether the destination was where the majority of the public wanted to go.

But there is absolutely no arguing that under Trump, the country will go in a different direction.

Washington’s Cruisers: An Appeal to Heaven

FirstNavyFlag_Liberty_Logo2The auspicious beginning of our nation may have begun with rebellion and war; however, the events that led to the birth of our freedom would not have been successful without a unified belief that the colonists were fighting for a righteous cause. George Washington believed in this cause and used every tactic and all his wits to win.

Even before the city of Boston was under siege, Washington had planned to impact the supply lines and hit the British where it hurt. The opportunity presented itself when the standoff in Boston was at a stalemate. Washington had the idea that, by creating a fleet of cruisers (small schooners) to essentially sneak up and take command of British ships, pillaging their supplies, it would serve three purposes.

First, it would weaken the British. They were relying on provisions taken from American vessels, and Washington knew of these difficulties. The vessels had no chance of fighting back, but perhaps he could counter their influence by doing the same thing.

By taking the British supplies, he could reinforce the troops surrounding the city, while simultaneously attacking the red coats from the sea. With all the problems the British were encountering while cornered and surrounded in Boston, Washington’s decision to exploit those weaknesses from every angle possible.

Lastly, creating the nation’s first naval force would help turn the tide of battle to the Americans. Washington needed seasoned seamen, ones who he could trust to not only fight for the cause, but who knew how to navigate the dangerous Atlantic Ocean, known for its stormy seas.

Because the Continental Congress was hesitant to commission a formal navy, Washington took it upon himself to pay for small schooners to be converted into cruisers. Thus, Washington’s Cruisers was born, and this necessary step allowed Washington to attack the British on land and sea. He looked to the north shore of Massachusetts for veteran sea captains to begin outfitting the first of seven cruisers, recruiting from the township of Marblehead.

On the recommendation of Colonel John Glover, Washington promoted Captain Nicholas Broughton to command the ship, Hannah, the first small schooner that was converted into a cruiser and named after Colonel Glover’s wife. The Hannah was the first cruiser of the fleet in Washington’s Cruisers.

According to, Washington issued sailing orders to Broughton on September 2, 1777:

“Washington was detailed and specific: Broughton was to sail at once against “such vessels as may be found on the High Seas or elsewhere, bound inward and outward to and from Boston, in the service of the ministerial Army, and to take and seize all such vessels … ” Any prizes were to be sent into a port near the Army, under a careful prize master who was to immediately notify Washington. Broughton was to diligently search for enemy mall, and to forward any found which might give warning of enemy intentions to Washington. Prisoners were to be treated kindly, nor were their private goods to be seized, and all prisoners were to be turned over to headquarters when port was made. Engagement with the enemy was to be avoided, for “the Design of this Enterprize, being to intercept the Supplies of the Enemy … will be defeated by your running into unnecessary engagements.” Broughton was strictly charged to be “extremely careful and frugal” with his ammunition, which was very scarce.

Each one of the cruisers flew the standard that became known as the Washington Cruiser’s Flag. With a white field and a large pine tree in the center, the idea came from Colonel Joseph Reed, Washington’s aide. The pine tree had become a popular symbol for freedom in the colonies, and is often referred to as the Liberty Tree. Other flags, such as the Bunker Hill flag and the Continental flag, had the Liberty Tree symbol incorporated in their designs, as well.

At the top of the flag, the words “Appeal to Heaven” were written, essentially expressing their trust in God that they would win their freedom from the tyranny of British rule. The phrase is said to come from Second Treatise on Government by John Locke. After the battles at Lexington and Concord, a letter from Dr. John Warren, which included the same phrase, was sent to the citizens of England, denoting the barbarousness of the British forces:

“…to the persecution and tyranny of his cruel ministry, we will not tamely submit; appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, “we determine to die, or be free.”

The Hannah ran aground early in her commission, but six more ships were already being outfitted or on mission. The other ships, Franklin, Hancock, Lynch, Washington, Lee, and Harrison, all wreaked havoc on British supply ships over the course of the next year. In addition to these cruisers, Washington had batteries built on the Charles River that could be floated down into the middle of the city, attacking with their muskets and larger guns. On October 26, 1775, the batteries attacked Boston, causing damage and instilling fear.

The Washington Cruiser flag began to have a reputation for instilling fear in the British soldiers. With a righteous cause to fight for, and the blessings of God, the militia kept their momentum going until they won or died for their cause. If you are interested in owning this flag, you can find it at, where they sell flags made in America by Americans. They have many rare flags from our illustrious nation’s history, all with the same quality and attention to detail as the originals.

With the benefit of hindsight, we now know how truly brilliant a general Washington was, with his decisive and calculated risk-taking strategies, that led us to the freedom we have today in our beloved United States of America. Flags unite people for a cause, for patriotism, and for an overall sense of belonging to something bigger than we are. The Washington Cruiser flag’s message apparently reached the ears of Heaven.

James Comey and the Stinking Fish Factor

I always thought that James Comey was a company man. As it happens, the company he heads is among the most influential, powerful and scary companies in the world––the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

But still, a company guy. Whether working for a president on the moderate-to-conservative spectrum like G.W. Bush or for the far-left current occupant of the Oval Office, Barack Obama, makes absolutely no difference to this type of obedient––and now we know, subservient––accommodator.

The red flag of skepticism should have gone up years ago to the American public when lavish praise was heaped on Comey by people who revile each other. While the spin insists that Comey is a lot of virtuous things––“straight-shooter,” ”unbiased,” “fair-minded,” “non-partisan” “man of his word”–– don’t be fooled. That’s Orwellian newspeak for someone who will do and say anything to keep his job, including, as Comey did in the latest Clinton fiasco case, (1) create out of whole cloth an “intent” criterion in federal law to let a clearly corrupt politician off the hook, and (2) appropriate the job of the Attorney General in announcing what the outcome of the FBI’s investigation should be.

While citing Hillary’s “extreme negligence” in handling classified information, a virtual litany of illegal acts committed by the then-Secretary of State, and the fact that hostile foreign operatives may have accessed her e-mail account, Comey said he would not refer criminal charges to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Justice Department. Hillary, he said, was “extremely careless” and “unsophisticated,” among other spitballs he hurled in her direction before completely letting her off the hook!

Comey’s friend and colleague, Andrew C. McCarthy, says that the FBI director’s decision is tantamount to sleight-of-hand trickery. “There is no way of getting around this,” McCarthy writes. “Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation…in essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require.”

Thomas Lifson, editor and publisher of, wrapped the entire debacle up neatly, saying that “the director of the FBI offered 15 of the most puzzling minutes in the history of American law enforcement.  James Comey spent the first 12 minutes or so laying out a devastating case dismantling Hillary Clinton’s email defense.  Then, “in a whiplash-inducing change of narrative, he announced that `no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring the case he had just outlined, an assertion that was contradicted within hours by luminaries including former U.S. attorney (and NY City mayor) Rudy Giuliani and James Kallstrom, former head of the FBI’s New York office.”

Which begs the question: Why would Comey act contrary to the wisdom of virtually every legal scholar who has written or spoken about this case?

It is certainly not because he wasn’t taught by his upstanding parents the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral. One could make the case––and many have––that he is as close to a moral man as it gets in public life. According to his bio in Wikipedia, Comey, a lawyer, majored in religion at the College of William and Mary, and wrote his thesis about the liberal theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and the conservative televangelist Jerry Falwell, emphasizing their common belief in public action.


That’s what company guys do. According to blogger, lawyer, and movie critic Debbie Schlussel, Comey has a history of looking the other way. Elaborating on her claim, Schlussel says:

Comey led the team to free four Islamic terrorists––Farouk Ali-Haimoud, Ahmed Hannan, Karim Koubriti, and Abdel Ilah Elmardoud, who were known as the “Detroit Terror Cell”…the four men had plots [to] poison water in Michigan and Ohio, blow up cites in Disneyland and Vegas hotels [and] blow up the U.S. Air Force base in Incirlik, Turkey, from which American and Israeli military planes took off, and also to bomb the Queen Alia Hospital in Jordan. The terrorists’ video surveillance of Disneyland featured them singing about jihad and destroying America in the background.

Because of James Comey, all four of these men are now U.S. citizens. He freed these Islamic terrorists, got them citizenship, and prosecuted the federal officers who pursued them.

Schlussel maintains that Hillary was never going to be indicted, “but having James Comey lead the `investigation’ of her sealed her free-as-a-bird card.”

“Comey would see no evil…when it came to the Clintons,” Schlussel says. “[He] worked overtime to free these four convicted terrorists, the same way he worked overtime to keep Hillary Clinton free.”

Affirming this unflattering opinion, Jerome Corsi, journalist and NY Times bestselling author, says that Comey has a long history of cases ending favorable to the Clintons.

In 2004, Corsi says, Comey was a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department when he “apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger…[and Berger’s]  removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.”

“Curiously,” Corsi continues, “Berger, Lynch and Cheryl Mills (Hillary’s longtime advisor and Chief of Staff during her years as Sec. of State) all worked as partners in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used when she was secretary of state.”

Corsi said that “various statements Comey made about Berger’s mishandling of classified documents bear comparison to his comments regarding Hillary Clinton’s email server” and that Berger, “a convicted thief of classified documents, had been advising Clinton while she served as secretary of state and had access to emails containing classified information.”

Yep… a company guy. As an editorial in The Wall St. Journal stated: “Three days after James Comey’s soliloquy absolving Hillary Clinton of criminal misuse of classified information, the big winner is—James Comey. He often poses as the deliverer of `hard truths,’ and the hard truth is that he has helped himself politically but not the cause of equal treatment under the law.”

Indeed, recommending that she be indicted would have been bad for––ta da––James Comey! “Doing that, however,” the editorial goes on, “would have courted fury among Democrats and their media friends. And if Mrs. Clinton later won the election, Mr. Comey might have had to resign before his 10-year term expires in 2023. Otherwise he’d risk becoming persona non grata as Louis Freeh was under Bill Clinton.”

The entire, protracted, and fraudulent investigation seems now like a dog-and-pony show for the American public. Here, journalist Bill Still says that during Hillary’s interview with the FBI, not only was Comey not present, but it wasn’t recorded and she was not under oath!

Let’s take another upstanding guy, the once-esteemed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, conservative John Roberts. Did I say “conservative”? Silly me. At midnight on Christmas Eve in 2009, the Democrats voted unanimously––without one Republican vote––for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, to inflict the proven-failure of socialized medicine on the American public.

When the constitutionality of the legislation was challenged up to the Supreme Court, a vote of 5–4 affirmed that the individual mandate was constitutional under Congress’s taxation powers. It was Roberts who tipped the balance, sending shockwaves of disbelief throughout the country––much like the reaction to Comey’s incomprehensible decision on Hillary.

At the time, there was talk of Roberts’ “caving” because “someone” had “reached” him and threatened to expose the fact that his two young children had been adopted illegally, a revelation that, if true, would have effectively forced him to resign in ignominy for lying under oath about the adoption. I have no idea if that allegation is true or not, but it made sense to me at the time, particularly because his decision made no sense.

I was also aware of the many allegations listed in websites like Clinton Body Count (and this one too), Bush Body Count, and ­­­­­­­­­­Obama Body Count, which detail the many people who have gone missing, been killed, had “accidents,” or “committed suicide” under each president’s tenure, the implication being, of course, that  each of these chief executives had a personal “hit” squad to, ahem, remove anyone who threatened their tenure in office, or, more seriously, could land them in prison. Oh, let’s not forget the Hillary list compiled by noted radio host Tami Jackson.

Around the time of Comey’s colossal whitewash of Hillary’s e-mail scandal, the prominent former President of the United Nations General Assembly, John Ashe, died when a barbell dropped on his throat and crushed his larynx. Coincidentally, that very day he was scheduled to testify in a trial about “Chinagate” (of Bill Clinton fame) and, specifically, of the bribery charge against Chinese businessman Ng Lap Seng, and even more specifically of Hillary’s links to Seng.

I’ve followed the persuasion factor not only through “The Godfather” and other mafia-themed movies, but in real life watching Rudy Giuliani deal with and decimate the mob, first as Associate Attorney General under President Reagan and later as mayor of New York.

It’s really quite simple how the thug culture works, be it in the Mafia or in government: Find out what a person values and then home in on that vulnerability. Isn’t that how Obamacare passed? Here Perry Peterson, a retired auditor and tax accountant, documents the many backroom deals that persuaded various politicians to sign on, such as Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson, who was promised the “Cornhusker kickback” that would pay the full price of expanded Medicaid coverage in Nebraska  forever, or Senator Mary L. Landrieu’s agreement to sell her vote in the “Louisiana Purchase” for $300,000,000.00 that would flood into her state through added benefits in the Obamacare bill, on and on and on.

There’s more hardball persuasion, to be sure, like reminding the target that you know that his daughter just moved to an off-campus apartment, or that his wife would feel terrible learning about his girlfriend.

What “persuasion” could possibly be employed on a rich, successful guy like Comey? This cartoon says it all!


Well whaddaya know? According to Investment Watchdog, “It seems that our beloved FBI Director is or until very recently was a director and board member of HSBC, which is tightly connected to the Clinton Foundation…this is the same HSBC [Swiss bank] that was accused of laundering drug cartel money, was heavily involved in the LIBOR scandal, and who knows what else, and all while our esteemed FBI Director was part of the senior leadership.”

Writer Kim McLendon elaborates upon a  report issued by one of the few major whistleblowers about the foundation,  Wall St. analyst Charles Ortel, who exposed AIG as well as the massive discrepancies in General Electric’s finances in 2008. Ortel found more massive discrepancies “between what some of the major donors say they gave to the Clinton Foundation…and what the Clinton Foundation said they got from the donors and what they did with it.” The letter he sent to donors, charity regulators, and investigative journalists labeled the charity “the largest charity fraud ever attempted­­– that being the network of illegal activities worldwide, whose heart is the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.”

Ortel goes on to say: “The Clinton Foundation…has been part of an international charity fraud whose entire cumulative scale (counting inflows and outflows) approaches and may even exceed $100 billion measured from 1997 forward. Yet state, federal and foreign government authorities, that should be keenly aware of this massive set of criminal frauds, so far, move at a snail’s pace, perhaps waiting for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to reveal the scope of its work and the nature of any findings.”

Aha! “Perhaps” the powers-that-be are “waiting for the FBI” to investigate this international con game. And wouldn’t that be one James Comey? Is there indeed a conflict of interest that prevents the esteemed director from looking into this ostensibly criminal enterprise?

Writer Tim Brown says that just because Comey was a Director with HSBC “does not assume corruption.” But it’s notable, he adds, that according to The Guardian, the “Clinton foundation received up to $81 million from clients of controversial HSBC bank.”

In March, Judicial Watch documented the piles of money taken in by The Clinton Foundation, and reported: “Our lawsuit had previously forced the disclosure of documents that provided a road map for over 200 conflict-of-interest rulings that led to at least $48 million in speaking fees for the Clintons during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

All of this and more led InfoWars reporter Kit Daniels to conclude, “Comey may be on the periphery of Clinton’s use of foreign policy to raise money for her foundation, but his position at HSBC may explain in part why she received kid glove treatment while others accused of similar crimes were prosecuted. His connection, however tenuous, should be reason enough to revisit the case and appoint a special prosecutor, as Rep. Matt Salmon of Arizona has demanded.”

According to a report by Investors Research Dynamics, “in 2003, Comey became the deputy attorney general at the Department of Justice (DOJ). In 2005 he signed on to serve as general counsel and senior vice president at defense contractor Lockheed Martin. In 2010 he joined Bridgewater Associates, a Connecticut-based investment fund, as its general counsel. On September 4, 2013, James B. Comey was sworn in as the seventh Director of the FBI. Talk about the revolving door in and out of government! A shill for the private defense industry and later a Wall Street investment firm, two of the groups that support Hillary’s ascent to the Throne.”

Meanwhile, last month, the IRS preempted the FBI by launching an investigation into what appears to be a full-blown, multi-tentacled criminal enterprise that spans the globe. Was this timed to let Comey slither away untarnished?

Is that why Comey failed to ask Hillary even one question about her Foundation and its seemingly nefarious  Kremlin connections,  about the indictments (as reported by Michael Sainato) of several of her superdelegates for corruption and ethics violations involving huge sums of money and of her closest aides for funny money vis-à-vis the Clinton Foundation, about the 181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied the State Department while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state about State Department favors for weapons manufacturers and foreign governments, about how Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta bagged $35 million but failed to fully disclose this windfall,  or about how Hillary showed remarkable disinterest in going after the murderous butchers of Boko Haram (as reported by Mindy Belz and J.C. Derrick in WORLD Magazine) because, allegedly, millions of dollars in donations were given to the Clinton Foundation by Nigerian billionaires with oil interests in northern Nigeria? On and on and on.

Do any of these (and other) “dots” connect to Comey? Did he ever wonder if any of the 33-thousand e-mails that Hillary destroyed involved these explosive subjects? Is he just an incurious guy, or does his high position with HSBC and its oh-so-close Clinton Foundation connection make the conflict-of-interest suggestion too uncomfortably plausible?


Whether it’s in industry or the military or sports or show business, if failure occurs, it’s always the top dog who is accountable. Not the assembly line worker or the buck private or the third baseman or the ingénue, but the one who calls the shots, who occupies the ultimate seat of power. Look at what just happened at the Democratic National Committee…the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Communications, and Chairwoman all resigned because of the hacking that proved the DNC to be both crooked and racist.

That is why they say that the fish stinks from the head, or, in the DNC case, the hydra-headed monster. And the same is true in politics. Which may be the real reason why Comey punted, taking the coward’s way out in steadfastly refusing to do what both the law and morality demanded of him.

No matter how you look at Hillary’s e-mail scandal, as well as the murders of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA operatives Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi­­—and for all we know, a dozen paths to the Clinton Foundation—they all lead directly to the Oval Office and to one Barack Obama. Reminds me of the cards in a Monopoly game: Go to Jail, Go Directly to Jail, Do not Pass Go!

Aaah!  According to my politically astute West Coast friend, Charlotte Baker, “Maybe Comeyknew all about this Russian connection and so was willing to fall on his sword to appear to ‘save’ Hillary, taking a big disapproval hit, but confident she would go down in flames by mid-October at the latest, or maybe even  in mid-September, when he’ll announce that criminal charges under RICO statutes are being ‘highly recommended’ against the racket that these gangsters, I mean politicians, have been running for 15 years. While he may have willfully bent to the Clinton machine in July, he may already have sufficient multiple violations of criminal activity on them and the associates of the ‘Foundation’ and will unleash his findings at a time when the DNC cannot reorganize or recover. Maybe that’s his game: “Okay. I’ll give you a pass now, but I’ll then do what’s right, what the law demands, come September.”

Legal scholar Henry Mark Holzer reminds us that,” Hillary was not under oath when she testified before Comey’s FBI investigators. Seems to get her off the hook, doesn’t it? But under 18 United States Code Section 1001, it is a five-year felony to lie to an FBI agent (and other government officials) about a material fact relevant to an investigation. The federal criminal dockets are loaded with convictions of people who beat the underlying charge only to be convicted of an 18 USC 1001 offense. If Hillary loses the election, keep an eye out for an Obama pardon, to choke off a retributive indictment by a Trump Department of Justice. There is a long road ahead for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton before the statutes of limitations expire on her crimes.”

Whether or not it’s the stinking fish factor or something else that compelled James Comey to cave to the Obama Justice Department and the Clinton Machine will be for historians to determine. Personally, however, I can’t imagine a man of James Comey’s stature tolerating the fact that history will include obituaries of him that state in their opening paragraphs that he was the first Director of the FBI who took a fall.

Offense by Design 2

It began when Dalia Z, a high school junior and editor of her school newspaper in suburbia, Ohio, championed Aya, a senior who complained to school authorities that she was a victim of racial bias because she wore a hijab. To the disquieting article, I wrote “Offense by Design,” and Dalia replied in her defense.  In response to my readers’ requests and to Dalia, I submit the following about the severely misinformed product of our deteriorating national educational system.

Dalia, the first generation American of a Holocaust-surviving Jewish family, attended Jewish day school and presumes knowledge about immigrants, irrespective of the individual’s personal history, heritage, culture, language, beliefs, needs, aspirations and expectations. By referencing 11 million Nazi victims, she dismissed the conventional number of six million Jews exterminated, two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. (New research indicates the number could well be 20 million people in some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps, not the accepted 1,500.) Hitler called himself a barbarian, and despised morality; hence, he abhorred the Jews, guardians of ethics and morals, and made them his priority in his race war. Dalia’s Holocaust lessons appear to have been sideswiped and distorted by a Leftist position.

Pursuant to my negating her blaming Donald Trump for America’s current racism, Dalia glossed over the growing divisiveness since 2008, when Trump was absent from the scene. It is President Obama who has divided and undermined our country at home and abroad, repeatedly sullying our American history to our enemies, diminishing our exceptionalism, insulting and betraying our allies, and even initiating the teaching climate that blames white people for all our ills.

Obama snubs the white Christians who left England’s monarchy to create a republic; establish our national government, fundamental laws, and guarantee certain basic rights for its citizens. Our US Constitution and The Bill of Rights (the first Ten Amendments) protect the individual from tyranny; and the Republican Party, specifically, instituted our 13th Amendment against slavery; our 14th Amendment to ensure that no State can deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process; and the 15th Amendment that guarantees the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, against strong opposition by the Democrat party.

By sermonizing to the American people on gun control, gay rights, racial discrimination, our police and armed forces, climate change, transgender bathrooms, immigration, etc., Obama pits one faction of the community against the other. Divisiveness exists in school textbooks because Hillary Clinton (“it takes a village”) and President Obama implemented the Common Core curriculum that supports Islam while suppressing Judaism, Christianity, and Americanism. The program, crafted by the unqualified David Coleman and funded by the Bill Gates Foundation and a 45 percent investment interest by Dubai World/Istithmar World Board of Directors (EMPG) in the publishing companies that provide 52 percent of American textbooks, was presented by then-US Secretary Arne Duncan to the National Governors Association with a threat of withholding funds – long before Trump’s appearance. This was eagerly accepted by Governors Jeb Bush and John Kasich. Instead of learning the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments, today’s students study the Five Pillars of Islam, the Hajj, and the Kaaba. To his credit, during his campaign, Trump promised to return the right of education to the states (10th Amendment) where it belongs.

Aya, born in the US, may be “just another awkward teen,” but she chose to blame her fellow students for her discomfort. Everyone has differences to overcome, whether in the classroom, social setting, or workplace, and perhaps Aya did not extend herself enough, demanding instead of earning respect.  Yet Dalia, who authored the article, presented the perfect example of Common Core thinking by citing Aya’s and her own feelings. Students are learning affective, emotional outcome-based conclusions instead of common sense/critical thinking or factual verification.

Nevertheless, not so long ago the hijab provoked only mild interest and curiosity, but today’s thoughts align Islamic dress with Islamic violence and destruction of non-Islamic cultures. Who is to blame? The non-Muslim whose life is under daily threat? or the Muslim who represents the ideology that boasts its intent to dominate the world?

Mohamed Akram, a Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operative in Virginia, understood that a “soft” or “stealth jihad” would be more effective than terrorism in subduing the west. He wrote that their “work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands.” This is where the blame lies. If the non-Muslim responds with suspicion or animosity, he/she must not be reproached but understood.

It is fair to say that we all experience times of ridicule or rejection, and the following three healthy guidelines might be of help to anyone in that common situation:

  • Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain
  • Become genuinely interested in other people
  • Join, praise, and appreciate others.

Aya’s donning the scarf of the stealth jihadist appears to be a statement, pushing boundaries and creating a societal discomfort for Islamic gain.  Provocation through her hijab and its tie to an oppressive culture brings her victimhood, attention, and reaction, and Dalia, the writer, should not be taking on the position of her Islamic apologist.

Assuming that Aya does not sympathize with the violence and bloodshed seen in New York, Boston, Florida, Madrid, London, Brussels, Germany, Paris, Nice, Calais, Bosnia, Argentina, Mali, Israel, Kenya, (and more), she should be directing her anger at her co-religionists who announce their exclusivity, hate and brutality, and who have virtually destroyed any Islamic claims to being civilized. Towards her fellow students, she should have shown more humility combined with an openness to discuss her values and beliefs in order to gain acceptance. In a civilized society, it is incumbent upon the one who gives offense to apologize, not the one who is offended. Aya might have chosen to show genuine grace and good manners rather than create a situation of suspicion and animosity. She might also have considered the likely fate of an individual’s wearing a cross or kipah in Islamic society.

To Dalia’s offensive, defamatory statement of moral equivalence – that terrorism exists among all religions, another sign of her Leftist education – I provide statistics: There have been no Jewish and Christian offensive terrorist attacks; and none by Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, or animists.  However, the number of deadly Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11, to date (8/01/16), is 28923; the death count mounts rapidly, with the number of severely injured unknown. Islam is at war with minorities and majorities in 33 countries; 57 percent of anti-religious hate crimes in the US targets Jews and 17 percent targets Muslims. In Europe, the vast majority of hate crimes against Jews are committed by Muslims, and less than 1 percent of hate crimes against Muslims are carried out by Jews.

Islam has the unenviable reputation for being the only religion that teaches, as a matter of doctrine, violence against all other people:

Quran 8:60:”Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of God.”

Quran 9/29: Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.

Islam is a religion of war: its followers inflict death and destruction upon both Muslims and non-Muslims daily, with growing sadism and ferocity. American students are a captive audience to unscrupulous instruction, manipulated to mask the truth and protect the guilty (Islamophobia). Dalia and her teachers should be duty-bound to provide the statistics of the Jewish and Christian terror attacks they claim, and other accusations, or apologize for the unwarranted and offensive defamation.

June’s statistics alone should be yet another warning: 238 attacks, 2055 killed, 2006 injured, in 13 countries, by Muslims. As a reporter, writer, and potential voter, Dalia cast blame upon Mr. Trump for the thousands of unvetted migrants brought in by Obama and Hillary Clinton into safe “receiving” communities and for the subsequent crime and carnage – the honor killings, stabbings, beheadings, mass rape of young women that remain unreported by mainstream media.

Sharia obliges Muslims to engage in jihad worldwide. There is not a country where there are Muslims, where the construction of that first mosque doesn’t result in conflict with the host population. Obama’s Department of Justice is suing Bensalem Township, Pennsylvania, for refusing their first mosque, the forerunner of unvetted migrants into an unsuspecting community. And more than half of Muslims living in America today say they would prefer sharia law over the US Constitution!

Dalia reacted and wrote as she was taught – to avoid the uncomfortable or offensive truth. Students know nothing of sharia, the Islamic law that is antithetical to our Constitution and Western civilization, which Islamists intend to establish in every country in the world. They know nothing of the ramifications of this totalitarian socio-political doctrine, the comprehensive legal and political framework that seeks to regulate all behavior – economic, social, military, legal, and political. Under sharia, abhorrent behavior becomes acceptable, including such as child abuse, wife abuse, female genital mutilation, polygamy, underage and forced marriages, marital rape, honor killing, pedophilia, restrictions on music and art, decapitation, chopping limbs, and stoning, as authorized by Mohammed in the Koranic hadith.

While the majority of Muslims may not follow the directives or engage in jihad, the reality is that the imposition of strict sharia doctrine is followed at different stages across the world, and it includes the repugnant behaviors and crimes. Through our own freedoms of religion and diversity, we inadvertently enforce a tolerance that allows for an unconstitutional agenda. Tolerance of the intolerable is civilizational suicide.

Dalia bristled at the comparison between Muslims and Hitler. She cited the people killed by Nazis over five years, but ignored the forces of sharia that have warred against non-Muslims for 1400 years, and  against America for 220 years – when Thomas Jefferson repulsed the Barbary pirates, beginning with 1778. “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of believing people and remove the fury in the believers’ hearts (Qur’an 9:14-15).

Jihad destroyed a Christian Middle East, a Christian North Africa, and the Persian Zoroastrians – about 60 million people; annihilated about 80 million Hindus (half their civilization); devastated the first Western Buddhists (Greeks descended from Alexander) and all Buddhists along the silk route, about 110 million; and obliterated more than 120 million Christians and animists in Africa. The Jews became permanent targets throughout Islam. This total of 270 million is considered a low estimate by many researchers, and yes, Islam can be compared to Nazism.

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, a Muslim who admired Hitler’s hatred of the Jews and wrote to Hitler of his desire to collaborate with the Nazi party. With Nazi support, al-Banna developed the Brotherhood into a Middle East ally, complete with spy network and troops in the Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was another Hitler admirer. The Palestine Brigade that helped Britain was Jewish; the Muslims fought on the side of Hitler and joined the invasion of the new nation of Israel. The MB in Israel created Hamas, which uses the Nazi salute and reads Mein Kampf.  Translated into Arabic in 1930 and re-titled My Jihad, it remains a bestseller in the Islamic world.  And yes, again, Islam can be compared to Nazism.

The Hebrew and Christian scriptures do not command or endorse murder, but the Koran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule, along with instructions to chop off heads, fingers, and kill infidels. They are warned to fight or be sent to Hell, facts omitted from the classroom.

The Left teaches that it is morally superior to accept all religions as peaceful, which keeps the populace blind to the truth that the Koran leads to violence and death. Islam is intolerant: the apostate deserves to be killed; all public expression of ideas and art must submit to Sharia’s prohibitions; musical instruments are condemned; those who listen to singing will have their ears filled with lead; those who make pictures will burn in Hell (their art is geometrical); all literature must meet sharia’s restrictions; those who resist must be killed. The United Nations finally revealed the number of honor killings worldwide (Muslim-on-Muslim crime, men against their wives and daughters) at 5,000 per year. In this Obama Era, we suppress and tolerate criminal behavior in the name of relativism, tolerance, anti-racism, diversity and political correctness, and shroud the truth as they shroud their women, and allow ourselves to be deceived.

Dalia tried to explain away Islamic terrorism, indulge Aya’s position of feigned victimhood, and to be dismissive of Orthodox Jews who were Hitler’s earliest victims as roaming Brown Shirts cut their beards and made them clean the streets with toothbrushes, who were gassed along with other Jews, who were ridiculed in cartoons that Muslims now reproduce for their own hate propaganda, and who labored side by side with all other Jews to build a thriving democratic Israel out of barren swamp land. The orthodox were among the Jews who had to relinquish their beautiful city, Gush Katif with its thriving greenhouse businesses, to make room for Arabs in a “land for peace” exchange, and there was still no peace as the city was converted into a rocket-launching pad. Her own heritage aside, Dalia was taught to malign Jews who dedicate themselves to live by the laws of the Torah and Commandments, and who transmit the honesty and morality of Judaism from one generation to the next.

American school children are learning what Palestinian children learn – to disparage Jews and Israel, which could again lead to genocide. Muslim student groups’ anti-Semitic activity is eight times more likely to occur on a college campus if one anti-Zionist group exists. The number of anti-Semitic campus incidents increased by 45% from last year. Suppression of freedom of speech and assembly for Jewish students doubled from last year. We are reminded at every Passover Seder that the enemy rises up against Jews in every generation, and I am distressed to see how Dalia and other students are being indoctrinated.

We know that not all Muslims are the same, and we don’t know Aya’s perspective, but I think it was fair to lay out the case. I personally wish her well and hope she and this entire generation, which is also my grandchildren’s generation, live happy American lives, in security, under our laws and the guaranteed freedoms.

I wrote more than I’d intended, but falsehoods and accusations without proof require fewer words, whereas repudiations require reason and proof.  Today’s educational system has been severely corrupted, and the children deprived of much. When we return America to her original greatness, I hope that we will be able to do the same with our educational system.

My information comes from several sources, and I recommend the reader avail him- or herself of the data within the links provided above. I recommend a simple, short book, Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, by Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Political Islam, and another, though larger, but also an easy read, Sharia, the threat to America; an exercise in competitive analysis” Report of Team B II.

Florida: ‘Standing With Our Fallen’ 9/11 Ceremony at Sarasota National Cemetery

adopt a fallenOn Sunday, September 11th, 2016 at the Patriot Plaza amphitheater of the Sarasota National Cemetery, thousands will gather to “Stand With Our 9/11 Fallen” at 6:00 p.m EST.

The Sarasota National Cemetery is located at 9810 State Rd 72, Florida 34241.

This event is unique in that this is the 15th anniversary of 9/11 and it allows those who attend the opportunity to adopt a person who died on that day via an Adopt A Fallen website. Those who attend will read the name of the person they have chosen to adopt during the ceremony.

In an email Rev. Dr. Tom Pfaff, President, Sarasota Ministerial Association asks:

Consider being listed in the 9/11 Fifteen Year Commemoration program among the “Organizations Standing With Our Fallen,” by choosing  to do two things.

ONE: Invite the members and friends of your congregation/organization to ADOPT A FALLEN for the Commemoration by going to the following link,

TWO: Invite the members and friends of your congregation/organization to check out the various volunteer opportunities, such as Ushers and Choir, for the Commemoration by going to the following link,

All 2,977 names of our Fallen are listed alphabetically, so opening the ADOPT A FALLEN link completely, showing all the names, will take a minute or two. The volunteer link opens slowly at first too.

Organizations may go to to join other organizations who are “Standing With Our Fallen.”

DNC: Emanating a Putrid Smell Across America

At my local gym using an aerobic machine, I saw on TV Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood speaking at the DNC. Seeing this despicable, cold, calculating and evil woman at the podium defined the Democrat party as the source of the putrid smell spreading across our country. The DNC emanated the foul odor of America’s moral decline. Richards is running a national dead-baby-body-parts chop shop. And yet, this vile woman had the audacity to deceptively portray herself as an advocate for women and Trump as anti-woman.

After the release of numerous undercover videos exposing the horrors and illegality happening behind the walls of Planned Parenthood, why on earth would the Democrats gift the abortion factory’s president hero status at their national convention?

Rev Joseph Prince says a key component of spiritual warfare is to relax and trust God. In other words, lay your burdens at God’s feet and trust Him to make things right. Mary and I decided to have a spiritual warfare day, relaxing at New Smyrna Beach, FL. Note: we stay close to the shore in shallow water. Shark attacks at New Smyrna are up.

We posted “Trump” signs on the beach beside our tent. Responses from people driving and walking on the beach were overwhelmingly positive; 99% in favor of Trump; honks and thumps up. Some yelled, “Make America great again!” Clearly, that theme really resonates.

A tall muscular white guy approached our tent. He was a tourist from South Carolina. He said our Trump sign renewed his faith in Florida. As we chatted about the decline of our country, it became obvious that he was a Christian. He asked if we could pray together for our country. Mary and I jumped at the opportunity. We joined hands as he lead us in prayer. It was awesome. Very cool. After he left, it dawned on me that we never exchanged names.

Comfy in my beach chair, I read, “You Can If You Think You Can” by Norman Vincent Peale. Upon reading the following passage, I thought, Oh my gosh, this book was published back in 1984. And yet, Peale’s statement perfectly describes and rebukes the mindset of Bernie Sanders disciples and the message Democrats are using to con Americans at their national convention.

Peale wrote:

One wonders what has come over this great, free country. We are the descendants of a once great breed of men who had problems and had them plenty. But did they whine and whimper and crawl through life on their hands and knees piteously demanding of some so-called benevolent government that they be taken care of? Not on your life! They stood solidly on their feet and they took care of themselves. And they built the greatest economy in the history of the world– one that has made available more goods and services to more people than any other in the long life of mankind on earth.”

Peale succinctly explained my repulsion with the Democrats. They have successfully brainwashed far too many Americans into believing they are victims; they are owed; they are weak and they can not make it without daily sucking on the breast of government. Bernie Sanders supporters eat that crap up.

Also contributing to the putrid smell emanating from the DNC is the party’s aggressive attempts to divide Americans into victimized camps, repeal more personal freedoms, spread hate for traditional values and spread hate for cops. Their convention flat out stinks to high heaven folks.

As a matter of fact, Rush Limbaugh offered Trump the script for an extremely effective short speech.

“Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, Occupy Wall Street, stripping God from their party platform, transgender bathroom advocates, pro-death panels in health care, baby butchers at Planned Parenthood, a candidate who violated the Espionage Act thousands of times, pedophiles, illegal immigrants, Sharia law Muslims, Marxists! That’s the modern day Democrat Party,” and you close it with a simple ending: “It’s time to clean up this mess.

“We deserve better. Let them manage their own affairs. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

Folks, Rush nailed it. This is the modern Democrat Party. Disgusting.

Just when you thought the depravity of the democrats could not descend any deeper into the pits of hell, this act broke the needle on my evil-meter. The democrats featured the mothers of black men killed by police. In essence, the democrats poured a boat load of gasoline on the flames of hatred for cops. They had to know that featuring the moms would further the lie that cops murder blacks and inspire the assassination of more cops.

Clearly, the democrats deem the lives of our brave men and women in blue acceptable collateral damage in their quest to secure the black vote for Hillary. It is hard to believe that such evil is being spread by a major political party in the United States of America.

I am passionately campaigning for Trump. For those who see little difference between Trump and Hillary, Americans have died due to decisions made by Hillary. Clearly, her personal political ambitions and agenda take priority over American lives.

That is really scary.

Staying home or writing in another candidate, in essence, equals giving this wicked, wicked woman, and her democrat minions our White House. This is the simple obvious truth. God bless.

RELATED ARTICLE: James Comey and the Stinking Fish Factor

Clintons to star in 2016 Remake of The Menagerie by DNC

Part of the original Star Trek series, The Menagerie tells the story of a Star Fleet captain whom a cunning alien race tricks into living with a hideous woman by creating an illusionary reality, in which they are both healthy, beautiful, and romantic.

The 2016 remake of this story by DNC Studios premiered at the Democratic Convention, with an updated plot, in which the same illusion expands to the entire audience: the viewers see the hideous woman, played by Hillary Clinton, as healthy, beautiful, and romantic, while her partner, played by Bill Clinton, has always seen her for what she really is but continues to play along out of habit and for the sake of convenience.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire originally appeared on The Peoples Cube. Special thanks to Comrade Hud for sending the pictures.

Hillary Breaks Glass Ceiling – Thousands Injured

In what is being called the worst political disaster in American history, Hillary Rodham Clinton broke the glass ceiling on Tuesday night, injuring thousands at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

Those in attendance at the Democratic National Convention little suspected that nominating Clinton would result in catastrophe. The evening’s events began innocently enough with a montage of the first 43 presidents on a large video monitor above the podium. Suddenly the face of Hillary Clinton appeared via live video feed, emerging through flying shards of glass. As the first rows of conventioneers reeled back from the stage with multiple lacerations, Hillary’s booming cackle filled the convention hall:

“What an incredible honor that you have given me. I can’t believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet!”

The rest of her speech was drowned out by the screams of delegates as the glass ceiling of the Wells Fargo Center collapsed on them.

Throughout the night emergency medical services carefully picked their way through the glass-strewn convention floor, rescuing and treating the wounded. Bill Clinton also gave a speech.

One of the injured was MSNBC’s Chris Matthews who commented that Hillary’s announcement had given him another thrill up his leg. However he realized it was just a phantom thrill when he looked down and saw that his leg had been severed above the knee by a piece of falling glass.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by Chairman Meow originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

The Democrats Make Best Case Against Mrs. Clinton

The Democrats have made the best possible case against the election of Mrs. Clinton to the office of President of the United States. It was horrendous to sit and watch the parade of one Democrat after another during that party’s convention in Philadelphia. One progressive Democrat after another expressed near hatred and spewed lies about Donald Trump. In fact, the Democrats did not utter one single word in regards to defeating the Islamic terrorists or law breaking illegal immigrants, but were quick to condemn Trump, who legally worked his way up the ladder of success and has hired tens of thousands of workers from all walks of life.

The Democrats have displayed more respect toward illegal immigrants than to the principle of preserving American sovereignty. Democrats even displayed their general disregard for national peace and tranquility. They had the nerve to justify and rationalize murdering police officers. There were plenty of verbal salvos launched at republican Donald Trump, I did not hear a syllable mentioning the need to defeat Islamic terrorists. The terrorists have for decades been following through on their threat destroy civilized western nations, including our republic.

The Democrats including Mrs. Clinton view protecting our borders as bigoted and invading Islamic terrorists as just misunderstood. At one time placing a higher regard for enemies of the United States than our republic used to be frowned upon by democrats, my how priorities have changed. No wonder Americans don’t trust Mrs. Clinton who keeps getting reintroduced as different and trustworthy, but continues to show herself to be incompetent and crooked.

In other happenings, representative Keith Ellison, a Democrat and the first Muslim to openly serve in the U. S. Congress, recently complained about gun manufacturers making “a killing” from concerned U.S. citizens who go out and buy a weapon after a horrible shooting. He droned on “because one, they could be banned and they want to stockpile them.” Or two, “their afraid of being shot, so they go buy a gun.” Ellison also said “the gun sellers are making a killing on killing.”

The progressive representative then stated “that guns should be restricted in the same manner as tobacco or lead and that companies shouldn’t make money from gun sales.” “That big industry making money off a particular activity that id harmful to the public and they lied about it, so they can spread their campaign donations around to loyal members of congress who will protect their interests.”

Unbelievable, rather than trying to mobilize efforts to protect American’s from both illegal immigrants and Muslim refugee terrorists who have murdered many Americans, the first confirmed Muslim congressman in U.S. history wants to stop gun makers and sellers from earning a living.

Of course his bottom line goal is to get guns away from “We the People.” So don’t expect Representative Ellison or any Democrat to mobilize a drive to demand that government take a greater effort to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. The dragon media and even FOX News has told us that Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine is a very safe pick, a pristine candidate with a history of missionary work in Central America, a fluent Spanish speaker and a moderate by progressive democrat party standards. But a report by Ryan Mauro for the Clarion Project indicates that Kaine’s record may not be as clean as advertised. According to Mauro, Kaine has a long history of embracing Islamists.

“He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; addressed a gathering honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect and received donations from well-known Islamist groups, “says Mauro, a fellow with the Clarion Project and an adjunct professor of homeland security at Liberty University in Virginia. In 2007, when Kaine was governor of Virginia, he appointed Muslim American society president Esam Omeish to the commonwealths’ Immigration Commission.

The MAS is an offshoot of the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood, as documented in a 2008 court filing in Dallas, Texas during the Holy Land Foundation trial. That Muslim sympathizer is being given a pass by the progressive or establishment media. The history of Kaine’s close association with Muslims in such a way reflects the kid glove and in some cases, appeasement of Muslims by both the media, the Obama administration and RINO republicans like Paul Ryan.

To this very day, such an approach has not made America safer from terrorist attacks, nor brought the United States one step closer to victory over Muslims who decades ago declared war on the United States and civilized nations in general. It should be abundantly clear to office holders and leaders of both political parties that the Islamists have been effectively acting on their threat of war via terrorism.

America cannot afford many more years of a government that is more willing to appease those who’s religion instructs them to kill, rape, or enslave non-Muslims rather than protect “We the People” from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Let’s get together Fridays at 5:00 PM EST and 2:00 PM PST on AM 1180 KCKQ, in Reno Nevada and everywhere on

Trump’s Speech Trumped Cruz by Phyllis Schlafly

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech proved that his vision, not Ted Cruz’s, is the future of the conservative movement and the Republican Party. Trump hit the right notes in his talk in putting America first, while Cruz’s presentation to the convention the night before was thin on conservative substance.

Cruz did not disqualify himself from being a future standard-bearer merely by failing to endorse Trump, but also by failing to embrace the conservative policies that are necessary to make America great again. It was Trump, not Cruz, who succeeded in fulfilling Ronald Reagan’s goal of “raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people.”

Trump repeatedly and passionately demonstrated in his acceptance speech that he would stand up for Americans and do everything in his power to end the exploitation of the United States by the rest of the world. “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!” Trump declared, adding that “the American people will come first once again.”

As Trump did throughout the campaign, he led on the fundamental issues of immigration and trade. While his rivals eventually followed his lead, it was Trump who framed the issues and forced the media to pay attention to them.

Trump explained in a compelling way the harm resulting from crime by illegal aliens. He described how he personally met with the family members of a young woman with a promising future who had been killed by an illegal alien, who was then released and still remains at large in our country.

On jobs, the Republican Party since the 1990s supported free trade deals that have cost American workers dearly. Trump has single-handedly converted our Party into one that is now pro-American-worker.

“I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals,” Trump declared during his speech. “These are the forgotten men and women of our country . . . who work hard but no longer have a voice.”

“I am your voice,” Trump then said, amid thunderous applause. For the first time since Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party has a nominee who actually represents the average American worker.

An astounding 12 million non-Republicans crossed party lines to vote for Trump in the Republican primaries. The Democrats did not vote for Trump because they prefer supporting a billionaire, but because they like his positions on immigration and trade.

Trump extolled “the dignity of work and the dignity of working people.” He brings back to the Republican Party the “bricklayers, carpenters, and electricians” whom he said his father was most comfortable being with.

Trump observed that “America has lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997,” and that NAFTA was “one of the worst economic deals ever made by our country.” “Never again,” Trump added.

In contrast, Ted Cruz’s speech at the convention made only passing references to immigration and trade, without the substance or the passion that Trump expressed. Instead Cruz repeated “freedom” over and over, some 23 times, declaring that “America is an ideal,” and that the ideal is merely that “freedom matters.”

Cruz’s speech reflected the views of his mega-donors, who tend to be more libertarian than the conservative views of the average American. Leaving people alone to do whatever they like is not enough to restore the United States to military superiority or economic independence, or to achieve the many other goals set forth in the Republican Party platform.

Cruz’s vision is not that of Ronald Reagan, who made the United States stronger and more prosperous as Trump vows to do. Trump emphasized in his speech his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which he said “will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments.”

Trump even pledged “to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence.” Cruz made no such pledge and failed to mention the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Trump obviously meant every word in his electrifying speech, as when he expressed his genuine outrage at how “big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of [Hillary Clinton] because they know she will keep our rigged system in place.” Cruz’s speech had no such criticism of Hillary, and relied on superficial rhetorical devices like devoting much of his speech to a story about a sympathetic victim with whom Cruz had no personal connection.

The shortcoming of Ted Cruz is not only his failure to endorse the Republican Party nominee. The greater flaw is that, like Mitt Romney and others in the Republican Establishment, Cruz has failed to embrace the conservative vision that Donald Trump stands for.

The Democratic Convention is off to a Rocky Start by Clare Malone

PHILADELPHIA — Prepping for a week of sunburn and sleep deprivation for the love of the party, Democrats are wending their way to Philadelphia for their convention this week. What awaits them? So much. This is America in 2016, after all.

The biggest story out of Philadelphia is the precipitous tumble from grace of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, casting into sharp relief the differences between the Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton wings of the party. On Friday, as politicos wandered home to do laundry and remind their children what they looked like, WikiLeaks released 20,000 emails from committee staff, part one of what the group called “our new Hillary Leaks series.” (I.e., more to come … what is it with Democrats and email this year?)


Bernie Sanders protesters at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. AP Photo/John Minchillo.

Anyhow, the leaked batch of emails contained messages making plain what many observers had long suspected — that the Democratic National Committee was very much on the side of Clinton’s campaign and was annoyed as hell at Sanders. One of the most–cited emails in news reports suggested that Sanders’s perceived atheism might be used against him in states such as Kentucky and West Virginia. “Does he believe in a God,” one email read. “He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”


Needless to say, none of this played very well days before the party’s big week out, the one where all the cameras are going to be trained on hopefully happy Democrats in boater hats; Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday that she would step down as chairwoman after the convention. According to Politico, former Al Gore campaign manager Donna Brazile will run the day-to-day operations of the committee through the election. And as if this story couldn’t get any more topsy-turvy, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN’s Jake Tapper that his camp strongly suspected that the email leaks were the work of the Russian government, hoping to help Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency.

In other big news that doesn’t involve the misuse of email and prominent office, Clinton finally announced her vice-presidential pick late last week, going with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a nice, smiley guy from the Midwest. Sound familiar? Yeah. Donald Trump picked Mike Pence, the smiley governor of Indiana, as his constitutional second. It seems that in light of their wildly unpopular nominees, both political parties thought the American voter would be best soothed by a non-threatening but competent-seeming white guy, the sort of fella who would coach your kid’s peewee football team to a championship with aplomb.

Clinton may be hoping that Kaine’s stand-up-guy aura and mainstream Democratic ideology, and his aforementioned whiteness, will comfort other white men, whose votes Clinton would like to win.

Speaking of trying to win portions of the political middle: Everyone’s favorite I’m-too-rich-to-need-a-political-party former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, announced that he would be endorsing Clinton in a prime-time speech at the Philadelphia convention, citing concerns about Trump as his reason for picking a side. Bloomberg would, a spokesman told The New York Times, tell the assembled about his support for Clinton “from the perspective of a business leader and an independent.” A key word there, independent; Clinton will be looking to appeal to the undecided middle during the general election, and although many folks might not, ahem, identify with billionaire Bloomberg, it can’t hurt to have a pro-business former Republican (and also former Democrat …) on one’s side. Bloomberg is slated to speak Wednesday night, the same evening that President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are on the program.

Other speakers? First lady Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders will kick off the festivities in Monday’s prime-time slots, Bill Clinton will speak Tuesday — likely going about 45 minutes over his allotted time — and Chelsea Clinton will introduce her mother on Thursday evening.

There will be lots of political star power on display, in other words, though it remains to be seen whether the constellation of Democratic celebrity will soothe the party’s disenchanted progressive wing.

RELATED VIDEO: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz booed by the Florida Delegation at the Democratic Convention:


Election Update: Is Trump Getting A Convention Bump? by Nate Silver — Polls taken during and after the Republican National Convention, which concluded Thursday in Cleveland, generally show Donald Trump continuing to gain ground on Hillary Clinton, making for a close national race. But it’s customary for candidates to receive a “bounce” in the polls after their convention. There’s not yet enough evidence to come to firm conclusions about the size of Trump’s convention bounce, but the initial data suggests that a small-to-medium bounce is more likely than a large one.

Hillary Clinton Bets She Can Beat Trump Without A Splashy VP by Harry Enten — Clinton chose Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate on Friday, making a prototypical Clinton decision that adds a safe politician to her ticket and making the bet that she doesn’t need a splashy running mate to beat Donald Trump.

Tim Kaine Wouldn’t Do Much To Help Clinton Win The Election by Nate Silver — Clinton’s choice of Kaine as her running mate is, in some ways, a dull story. Kaine has traditional credentials. He’s not especially liberal, but he’s no Blue Dog Democrat. He’s a white guy, although he speaks good Spanish. If Mike Pence is a “generic Republican,” then Kaine is a “generic Democrat.” The difference is that Kaine, unlike Pence, comes from a swing state. If you’re going to pick someone from a swing state, is Virginia among the better options? And how much difference does the vice-presidential nominee really make in his or her home state?

Donald J. Trump versus the ‘Evil Empire’

Don’t let the title of this article surprise you. I am a former Soviet attorney who has written on the subject of Soviet Fascism for twenty years, published three books and written over 50 articles on the topic. You haven’t heard of me because our intelligence community didn’t want to aggravate the situation vis-à-vis Russia and blocked the information about my books and articles about what Ronald Reagan aptly named as “the Evil Empire.”

The Evil Empire has spread its tentacles across the world and in the United States.

social-lies-book-cover-simona-pimpko-e1463305141331At the end of April, 2016, my fourth book was approved for publication, titled Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders. It continues my exposé of Soviet Fascism. The names of Stalin, the Clintons, and Obamas are not coincidental—they are ideologically connected. And that fact has led to many other disturbances within the West, including disruption within the Republican Party – a lack of knowledge of Soviet Fascism with writers comparing Trump and the Republicans to Hitler and the Nazis. Nothing is further from the truth.

There are two major enemies of Donald J. Trump: The ideology of Soviet fascism and the incompetent who don’t understand or actually support this dreadful ideology.

All of my books are dedicated to introduce that ideology to you—without this knowledge America cannot define the enemy and Republicans cannot win. In fact, this same knowledge will expose Hillary for what she is, because the main and long-range force of Soviet fascism are the agents of influence. Yes, they are America’s deadliest enemies, determined and deadly enemies, aimed at preventing Trump’s presidency.

There are two types of the agents of influence: foreign and domestic. I expect a Stalinist trick by Russia against Trump very soon.

Let me remind you the main tools, devices, methods, and tricks used by them. In my latest book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Sanders, I dedicated time to present the agent of influence and their subversive activities in our mist. You know some of them like Saul Alinsky (Hillary’s psychological mentor) and Frank Marshal Davis (the friend and mentor of Barack Obama). But there thousands of them in the United States and around the world “serving” Soviet Fascism in different capacities. Socialist Lies gave you a Soviet document, (page 182) establishing the army of the agents of influence and factual declaration of war to Western civilization in many different fronts and locations by Russia.  I called this war—WW III

The point is that you should know the agents of influence and Soviet Fascism’s “great” opportunity to do enormous HARM of different types in many aspects of human life by subversive activities in economics, politics, and personal destruction for control and power over Western civilization. Considering Hillary’s run for presidency, I’d like to give you an example and show “the professional activities” of the former Secretary of State. Also, please remember the Obama/Putin joint venture, described in Socialist Lies. The example is regarding America, Russia, France, and Libya. This is my own conclusion based on my extensive knowledge of Soviet fascism and Vladimir Putin.

I believe there was a connection between NATO’s actions in Libya and the presidential election in France in 2012.

Do you remember a scandal of Dominique Strauss-Khan in the New York Hotel? It was during the time of a presidential election in France and Dominique Strauss Khan was ahead of President Sarkozy. And again, you should go to the Soviet document dated 1955 to read about worldwide organized crime in What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, pp. 127-144.

Putin used the situation to continue destabilization of the region. To convince Obama was not difficult for Putin. In my interpretation of the events, Putin offered to eliminate Strauss Khan for a certain favors from Sarkozy, the latter agreed and Libya’s fate was decided. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been an official conduit working in concert with Russia and the agreement with Sarkozy. NATO got trapped in a middle of civil war in Libya. Putin wanted Libya’s oil and destabilization of North Africa. Organized crime was activated and Dominique Strauss Khan has disappeared from a political arena of France. Do you remember the Soviet document dated 1955? Organized crime was and is an integral part of Soviet Fascism. Today ISIS is running Libya’s oil or destroying the facilities to raise the price of oil on the market. Russia succeeds again.

Do you know that all terrorist groups are run, were trained or influenced by the Russian KGB?

Please keep in mind that Libya is not the only of Hillary’s deals with Russia—there were many others. I have described the other two in Socialist Lies, they are the liquidation of bin-Laden and the Benghazi attack which lead to murder of Ambassador Stevens and three others.  Bin-Laden had been the subject of Obama/Putin joint operations for several years. Consider that phrase “to take him out”. Is that standard practice for America or for Russia? Could we have captured bin-Laden and the materials in the compound? – YES. Please read Socialist Lies p. 62.

Why have we not heard more of bin-Laden’s background, his sponsors, his agenda for al Qaeda? – He was revealed as an old graying man wrapped in a blanket watching his own theatrical images on TV. In fact, when the fraud was revealed, he became expendable to Russia for any number of reasons. He and his knowledge would have blown the whistle on the socialist plans for the world and were better off at the bottom of the sea. Perhaps that’s where they lie today. Hillary was a conduit in this deal as well as in the murder of Ambassador Stevens. Read Socialist Lies, p. 61. The cooperation of our foreign policy with Russia is going on today. Read the following:

“Russian warplanes reportedly bombed a secret military base in Syria used by elite American and British forces last month. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the Russian strike on the CIA-linked site was part of a campaign by Russia to pressure the White House to agree to closer cooperation in the Syrian skies, U.S. military and intelligence officials said. And despite the fact that the Russians and the allies have very different goals, the Russians wanted closer cooperation. The CIA and the Pentagon did not want this cooperation, so the Russians pushed a little. In response, Obama decided to give the Russians basically what they wanted.  He caved, pure and simple.  At least this is the way those in the area saw this action.” Russia Bombs White House into Submission in Syria, Constitution, By Michael Ware  July 22, 2016

The Democrat Party is a corrupt institution run by the Clintons’ people. I tried to show it and presented the Clinton’s mafia, calling The Clinton Foundation “the eyes and ears of the KGB.” Talking about Hillary, maybe the word “cooperation” with Russia is not the correct description of the events and the record of the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? The Democrat Party is a corrupt institution, which runs by the Clintons’ people.  I have to repeat it and you will see it for yourself during the Democrat Convention.

Can you identify the agents of influence there?  I am leaving the answer to you with a suggestion: Read my books to learn about Soviet fascism and the agents of influence, foreign operatives in America.

The Washington Post is promising to assign 20 journalists to dig deep into Trump’s past and produce the book. What about Hillary and the Clinton Foundation? We live in a free country and I am offering my knowledge to 2-3 conservative journalists to reveal the Truth. Maybe the Washington Post had been serving the Kremlin’s effort to topple the American President fifty years ago?

As then, today the fix is in—a meeting of Bill Clinton and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not a coincidence. The Democrat Party is destroying our America the Beautiful in partnership with Clinton’s mafia. The Republican Party establishment in Washington D.C. is incompetent and out of touch with the people. Ahead of us is a very challenging time. The only our hope is Donald J. Trump. He is not a “normal” candidate. He is the only candidate who can stop Soviet Fascism implemented in a half of the world and win WW III.

My fellow Americans, you have a strong candidate, a smart and knowledgeable business man who will force real changes to the corrupt and rigged system. Vote for him!

Learn more at

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