A Biden-Warren Ticket in 2016?

Will Joe run, or will he not?  That is the question.  If I had to venture a guess I’d say that, before year’s end, Hillary Clinton will be either sitting on the bench or exchanging her large selection of polyester pantsuits for a selection of orange or black-and-white striped jumpsuits.  Her campaign is in steep decline, and when the talking heads on the major networks, CNN, and MSNBC begin to devote major segments to the question of her political future, the end cannot be far away.  But who do the Democrats have to replace her?  Unlike Republicans, the Democrats have little or no “bench” strength.  Bernie Sanders, the doddering old socialist from Vermont is drawing large crowds, but we can’t be sure if people come to hear his plan for turning the U.S. economy into another Greek economy, or if they come to see whether or not the Black Lives Matter storm troopers will once again drive him from the speaker’s platform.

On Saturday, August 22, Elizabeth Warren, the freshman Democrat senator from Massachusetts, was summoned to Biden’s official residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington.  And while their meeting was not videotaped for public consumption, there’s not much doubt about the subject matter of their chat.  They discussed the very real possibility that Hillary Clinton will soon be forced out of the race, perhaps with criminal indictments lodged against her.

So exactly who is Elizabeth Warren and what has she ever done, if anything, to make her a viable candidate for president or vice president of the United States?  Warren has roughly the same presidential qualifications as Barack Obama, who was roughly as qualified as, say, Rosie O’Donnell.  Yet they are the sort of candidates most liberals prefer because they’re full of you-know-what.  In other words, like Obama, she has no presidential qualifications whatsoever.  And wouldn’t it be fun to see Warren, who has spent her entire adult life lecturing about personal and corporate bankruptcy, debate Donald Trump, who is not only skilled at using the bankruptcy statutes to his benefit, but who has become a multi-billionaire trying not to go bankrupt?

Warren graduated from Rutgers Law School in 1978, and has since taught at a number of major law schools, including Houston, Texas, Michigan, Penn, and Harvard.  During that academic career she has gained fame as a leading authority on the subject of bankruptcy law.

Warren freely admits that for most of her adult life she was a Republican.  However, she has also explained that she became a Democrat in 1995 when she stopped believing in a free market economy… i.e., capitalism.  In fact, it is she who has taught Barack Obama to say that, if you’ve achieved some financial success in your life, or if you’ve built a large and profitable business, “you didn’t do that yourself… someone else did that for you.”

In 2012, after announcing her candidacy for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, the Boston

Herald reported that Prof. Warren had described herself on Harvard job applications as being part Cherokee and part Delaware Indian.  In the debate that followed it could not be proved that she had any Indian blood whatsoever in her lineage.  Instead, she supported her claim by saying that, as a young woman, she could remember her older brothers speak of their Native American heritage.  And since it looked good on a Harvard job application she simply ran with it.

Warren was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2012, defeating Senator Scott Brown and regaining the Kennedy seat in the U.S. Senate.  However, the fact that she was the first female senator from Massachusetts was rarely mentioned by Warren or other Democrats… presumably because they did not wish to call attention to the fact that the first black man elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts was Republican Ed Brooke, elected in 1966, some 46 years earlier.

And that brings us to vice president Joe Biden.  The current vice president of the United States grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania and Wilmington, Delaware, where his father worked as a used car salesman, providing a practical grounding for Biden’s later political career.  He met his first wife while he was a student at the University of Delaware and she a student at Syracuse University.  Even at that early stage of their relationship he told her that his long term goal was to become a member of the United States Senate by age 30, before running for president of the United States.  During his college career he majored in history and political science, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1965, ranking 506th in a graduating class of 688… not necessarily the greatest predictor of long term success at the top of the political world.

After earning a law degree in 1969 Biden was elected to the Newcastle County (Delaware) Council, and just two years later he ran successfully for a seat in the U.S. Senate.  However, on December 18, 1972, just days before he was to take his seat in the U.S. Senate, he suffered the first of two major family tragedies in his life.  His wife and three children were involved in an auto accident while Christmas shopping in a small town west of Wilmington.  His wife and year-old daughter were killed and his two sons were seriously injured, but both recovered fully.

During his Senate career, which spanned six full terms, he was a member and former chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee where he gained a well-deserved reputation for being wrong on almost every significant foreign policy issue.  He was also a longtime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, serving as chairman of the committee for eight years and ranking minority member for eight years.  He served as chairman in 1987 when Senate Democrats conducted the shameless public “drawing and quartering” of conservative Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, and as ranking minority member in 1982, during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, a partisan sideshow that Justice Thomas referred to as a “high-tech lynching.”

In 1987, Biden launched the first of two campaigns for the presidency.  However, in September 1987 he was publicly denounced for having plagiarized several lines from a speech by Neil Kinnock, leader of the British Labour Party.  His dishonesty quickly became a national issue and he was forced to abandon his presidential ambitions.

But then, beginning in 2003, Democrats began to take notice of a young man they thought might be a future Democratic presidential candidate, an attractive young black man from the south side of Chicago, a former “community organizer” and a sitting member of the Illinois state senate, a man named Barack Hussein Obama.  The only problem was that, having been born with dual US-British citizenship, and having acquired dual US-Kenyan citizenship at age 2, Obama was

ineligible to serve as president of the United States.

To solve that problem, Democrats introduced two resolutions in the 108th Congress in 2003, and two resolutions in the 109th Congress in 2005, all aimed at amending the U.S. Constitution to make Obama eligible for the presidency.  They even went so far as to pluck him from almost total political obscurity and gave him the plum assignment of making the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.  It was the political launching pad that sent Obama to the United States Senate in 2005 and to the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

But Democratic leaders were still concerned about Obama’s lack of eligibility and his complete lack of experience.  In an attempt to submerge the issue of his ineligibility, Democratic leaders caused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, chairman of the 2008 Democrat National Convention, and Alice Travis Germond, convention secretary, to delete the words, “… and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution,” from official nominating certifications sent to 49 of the 50 states, certifications that allowed state election officials to print ballots.

Although one would think that either the delegates to the Democratic National Convention, the Democratic members of the U.S. Electoral College, or at least one member of the U.S. Congress, Democrat or Republican, would care enough about the Constitution to question Obama’s eligibility, that was not the case.  All failed in their constitutional obligations and in November 2008, the low-information voters of the United States caused Barack Obama and Joe Biden to be elected president and vice president of the United States, respectively.

But there was a reason Biden was selected as Obama’s running mate.  Democrats knew from the outset that, not only was Obama totally without experience and qualifications, he was hopelessly naïve and was unable to utter a simple declaratory sentence without having a teleprompter telling him what to say.  To resolve that problem they caused Biden to be selected as Obama’s running mate.  With Biden occupying the vice president’s chair, he would be in a position to whisper in Obama’s ear, hopefully preventing him from making any really stupid mistakes.

Unfortunately, that’s not the way things worked out.  Within five minutes of entering the Oval Office, Obama made it quite clear to Biden and everyone else that he didn’t need anyone’s advice.  What we have witnessed since that day is much like a high school student who won a Kiwanis Club “President for a Day” contest and who arrived at the White House with no one but his high school social studies teacher (in Obama’s case, Valerie Jarrett) as his principal advisor.

On May 30, 2015, Biden suffered the second major personal family tragedy of his life.  His son, 46-year-old “Beau” Biden, a former attorney general of Delaware, died of brain cancer.  It is reported that the younger Biden’s deathbed wish was that his father seek the 2016 Democratic nomination for president of the United States.

With the impending demise of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, there is every reason to believe that

Biden will enter the race.  But there is also every reason to believe that, if he does, Democrats across the country will use Beau Biden’s death, shamelessly, as a sympathy factor to help gain support for his campaign.  They used that tactic in 1964 to help LBJ win in the wake of JFK’s death, and there’s no reason to believe they won’t use the same classless tactic again in 2016.

Florida Senator Bill Nelson was against illegal immigration before he was for it

I was sent an interesting email with an attached letter from Florida Senator Bill Nelson sent to Don O’Nesky, one of his constituents, in in May 2006. The subject of the original letter from Senator Nelson was his stand on illegal immigration.

In the letter Senator Nelson states, “I believe the U.S. needs a smart, realistic plan to address illegal immigration – one that protects our borders and insures all immigrants play by the rules.” Nelson in his 2006 letter wanted to “deport” those who don’t “play by the rules.” Sounds somewhat like what Donald Trump is saying today.

In an email to Senator Nelson, reminding him of what he said, O’Nesky notes:

Senator Bill Nelson

FAX: 202-228-2183

Dear Senator Nelson:

Re: Illegal Alien/Immigration Issues

On May 23, 2006 we received the attached letter [below] from you agreeing that we have an illegal alien/immigration problem.  You indicated “we need to enforce our existing laws.”  Plus you pointed out additional things that needed to be done to protect the border.  You implied these items would be on the table when ‘the Senate considers this issue.’

Well, next spring will complete a decade since that letter was sent out and not only has the situation not been fixed, it is much, much worse.

At this rate, in another decade we will not have a border.  And as a reminder a country that does not enforce its border is no longer a free and independent nation.

This is a serious issue that has needed fixing for a very long time and it must be fixed now!


Don O’Nesky

It seems politicians in general, and Democrats like Senator Nelson in particular, are willing to change their policy positions like the weather in the Sunshine State. With President Obama opening the U.S. borders and allowing increasing numbers of refugees from Muslim countries into local communities, Senator Nelson has reconsidered his position?

Here is the original letter sent to Senator Nelson:letter from fl senator nelson on immigration

The Jewish Fight with History is Like the Plight of People Everywhere

History is His story—the story of God and His people. But life is often like the picture of a camouflaged tiger. In real life, survival may depend on recognizing the tiger in its context. The tiger’s eyes don’t fit the context of stripes in tall grass. Details are important. So it is with some details in history.

God made a covenant with Abraham, promising him land for his seed after 400 years, Genesis 15:13,18. When their time was up, God freed a million slaves from the strongest nation on earth and took Israel to  the Promised Land, but not without giving them the greatest document of self-government, the law.

A favorite author said, “There is not a negative in the law of God.” This is because of the motive of love. Because I delivered you from the whip and bondage, because you love Me, you will have no other gods. And it’s not just about God. He didn’t want us lying, stealing, killing or committing adultery. People who do those things are not truly happy. If we live in harmony with His law, we can be healthy and happy.

Because of God’s great law, the Jews have done well in spite of much affliction and persecution which has come partly because they did not always honor the law or the God who gave it as Moses warned in his final words of Deuteronomy. So He scattered them among the nations (Jer 31:10) so that others would learn of Him through faithful witnesses like Daniel, Esther or Nehemiah.

But like the eyes that can betray the presence of a camouflaged tiger, there are details in the Hebrew Scripture that most people shrug off. It leaves them at odds with history as they fight for survival.

We see it in Abraham’s prophecy when he was tested, “God will provide Himself a sacrifice.” Gen 22:8.

We see its details in the sacrificial system of Moses—an innocent lamb without blemish was used.

We see it in Isaiah 53 where a Lamb would be wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our sins.  The chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes, we are healed (and want to live better and not continue the sins that caused His death for us.)

Daniel 9 even gives the time of the Messiah (“anointed”) as 69 weeks of years from a Persian king, Artaxerxes, whose decree in 457 BC allowed the Jews freedom to return and built Jerusalem, Dan 9:25.

That timing fit perfectly the announcement of another Jewish prophet, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. He was calling attention to Yahshua, a Hebrew name that means salvation and health. He spent time healing and preaching to bring health and salvation. [Jesus is a poor translation; there were no “J’s” in Hebrew nor Greek.] Yahshua means Yah (abbreviation) saves.

The Jewish fight with history is the fight of all who fail to see that His life fulfilled dozens of Messianic prophecies, starting with Genesis 3:15. The details of His crucifixion in Psalm 22:16-18 were written centuries before the Romans invented this form of torture. Micah 5:2 foretold He would be born in Bethlehem (a word that means “house of bread”) and He later said, I am the bread of life. Jn 6:35.

He loves Jewish people as He loves all people, “red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight.” Actually, we are all varying shades of brown and alike on the inside. Heeding His words would have saved millions of Jews in 70 AD, but Jewish leaders (like most political leaders) think God is on their side exclusively.

Heeding Christ’s warning would spare millions again. He warned of an “abomination” that the disciples understood as military, and when the Roman army came, they fled and were spared the siege. A better understanding of His words would apply them to what’s impending, because the signs for Jerusalem are also signs for the end of the world, Matt 24:2,3.

The wording in Mark 13:14 is helpful. “When you see the abomination (military) standing where it ought not.” Military ought not to be in the US. We are supposed to have a free land. To see military convoys and armored tanks transported by trains is a warning of impending trouble. Readiness to flee the cities may affect the destiny of those who claim that Christ is Lord (which means they do what He says).

Waiting until it’s undeniable means great loss, for those who did so, were not to go down to get anything out of their house, Matt 24:17.

History is His story, and history repeats worse for those who aren’t looking for its lessons.

If this flag offends you, you need a lesson in history

During America’s first but not last civil war, over 620,000 Americans from both sides died.  Today in 2015 liberals and non-Americans are condemning the Confederate flag being flown throughout the south.  Anyone who shows any support or sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers who were killed or injured, are labeled haters, racists, and bigots.

This act of ignorance of facts and history should be familiar to Americans who denounce Islam (and rightly so).  Americans who respect the history of America should not be labeled.  Branding and labeling is expected from Islamic terrorists and their supporters (such as CAIR and Obama), but not from educated conservatives.  Yes, even some conservatives have jumped on this political bandwagon.

The American civil war did not start based on the issue of slavery.  Only the wealthy were able to own slaves and very few people from the South (Confederacy) had anything to do with slavery.  Of course slavery is wrong, but it has been a part of world history from the very beginning.  The history of slavery needs to be taught in America, but the facts about this issue should be accurate.

Some historical facts about the American Civil War:

  1. Again slavery was not the primary focus of dispute between the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South).  The Union wanted to expand the power of the federal government and the people of the South did not want this.  They felt the federal government was already too big and powerful.  Does this sound familiar even today?
  2. Slavery had been around for thousands of years before it appeared in America.  Black and white people had been slaves and also slave owners.
  3. The majority of black slaves were captured and sold into slavery by black owners for economic profit.
  4. Islam has always advocated slavery and continues to this day to authorize Muslims to own slaves.
  5. During the American Civil War wealthy people from both the north and south owned slaves.
  6. President Abe Lincoln was the first U.S. President elected from the Republican Party.  Therefore the Republican Party was responsible for the abolition of slavery and not the Democratic Party.
  7. Slavery continues to thrive around the world and even today in America.  Liberal women continue to support a religion (Islam) that promotes slavery and always has.
  8. President Obama is a powerful and influential supporter of Islam and therefore supports the worldwide institution of slavery.

For many Americans we had past relatives from both the North and South. There were brothers fighting brothers and fathers fighting sons.  Innocent children from both sides died as the result of the war being fought in their states and towns. The American Civil War was a result of power and ignorance by politicians from both sides of the aisle.  The Confederate flag does not promote slavery, it promotes the will of people who do not want to live under the thumb of big government.

Two weeks ago in my town of Roanoke, Virginia, several thousand people in cars, trucks, and motorcycles drove through several towns covering hundreds of miles.  Each had a Confederate flag flying from their vehicle.  They were received by the populace with clapping and praise for their effort to let the federal government know there are people who had relatives killed in the civil war, slavery was not the primary issue during the war, and there are millions of Americans from both the north and south today who will fight to prevent politicians from destroying America.

I encourage all Americans to fly both the Union and Confederate flags.  Do not allow a few liberals who support the institution of Islam and Islamic slavery to label you as racists and haters.

Just as I mourn my past relatives from both the north and south who died in the civil war, I support another unpopular movement in America. I support advocating to our children that all lives matter and not just black lives.  We have seen the ranting’s and ravings of black and white racists who promote the idea that it is fine to say “Black Lives Matter”, but will fight and are willing to kill if a white person were to say “White Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter”.

It’s Almost Too Late America

It does seem as if the United States of America has devolved rom the land of the free and home of the brave into the land of the hemmed in and home of the cowards.  More and more, sovereign United States citizens are witnessing a literal unraveling of the very pillars of society, in particular, segments of the government and the economy.  Of course, the usual suspects are taxes that are too high, and regulations that are too many.  Elsewhere America is being plagued by knuckle dragging cowardly crooks ambushing police officers who are simply doing their jobs.

Racial tensions are being stretched to the point of almost breaking.  Primarily because the creepy black lives matter goons and your garden variety of thugs have been advertising their hatred of police officers and white people.   As of the writing of this column, the president of the United States has shown very little regard or concern for the fallen members of the thin blue line, who have fallen victim to thugs who are emboldened by Obama’s general disregard for the rule of law level.

Wherever one looks almost every aspect of society has been reversed and that is causing a general deconstruction of the very important fabric of society. Recently China conducted military operations and sailed war vessels off the coast of Alaska, while president Obama war there stressing over climate change and Glacier conditions.  Iran is laughing now that American congressional democrats have rallied to give Obama the OK to sign an agreement with Iran that endangers both America and Israel.

Other than Jimmy Carter who at least tried to get American hostages released from Iran, No other president in history comes close to Mr. Obama’s lack of real concern, regarding United States military preparedness.  Our economy has been in a non-recovery recovery for years and could soon collapse under the upcoming onslaught of the rights inhibiting Obamacare and continued government debt.

I have noticed how Obama policies, rhetoric and minions in the streets throughout America are instigating a massive age of division that rivals the civil war era.  This is all playing right into the hands of  puppet masters like George Soros who are utilizing their immense wealth and influence to literally bring about nationwide destruction via Agenda 21 for example.  One major aspect of Agenda 21 is the removal of your right to bear arms for the protection of yourself and your family.  Agenda 21 is also designed to help undermine United States sovereignty.

But the sad fact is that America did not have to find herself in the not so lofty position she is in today.  Many of the founding fathers left numerous warnings about what would occur if “We the People” no longer operated according to the principles that made her great.

To put it bluntly, our nation has turned her back on everything that led here to her past glory.  The government is now an aggressive enemy against those who merely want to live according to the Bill of Rights and the sovereign laws of God.  Even the majority of Christian churches have become non-influencing shadows of their former selves.  As a result, we now have throngs of Americans running around seeking warped interpretations of freedom and morality.

They now think the freedom to burn down businesses, or house illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities is freedom.  Others believe that preventing the free exercise of Christian beliefs on behalf of unnatural marriage couplings is freedom. Still, more believe that engaging in pedophile activities is freedom.  Yet others stupidly think they are free to beat people to a pulp because they happen to be white.

Because of a lack of enough authentic instruction on freedom as recognized in the founding documents of this nation, the interpretation of freedom has been corrupted, which has led to a dissolving of our republic into a mob ruled democracy.   So now, the United States is no longer one of the top five nations of real freedom on earth.

The bottom line is that if “We the People” do not seek God’s forgiveness for tarnishing this most blessed nation, the evil plots and plans of president Obama and others against this nation will be allowed to come to full fruition.

It is not yet to late America, but it is getting very, very close.

Why The Pope’s Visit Will Be A Security Nightmare

During my twelve years as a Secret Service agent there was no “protectee” under the Secret Service security umbrella with a higher threat profile than the Pope. I have clear memories of my first days as a new agent in June of 1999, and the chaos around the New York field office as they cleaned up after Pope John Paul’s visit to St. Louis. It was an impressive security operation and, although the New York field office was many miles away from St. Louis, and nearly six months had passed, the remnants of the security operation were still everywhere around the office. When I asked a senior agent in the office about the magnitude of the security footprint around the Pope I recall him saying, “Billions of Catholics would be very upset with us if he got hurt.”

The “Big Six” Threat Assessment

The Secret Service doesn’t have the luxury of a second-rate security plan with protectees carrying with them the threat profile of the Pope. The Papal visit is an all-hands-on-deck type of security operation which I used to break down according to, what I referred to, as “the big six” threat mitigation model.

When I conducted security advances, where the threat level was critical, I broke down the threats and the threat mitigation measures according to these six categories; tactical assaults, medical emergencies, chemical/biological attacks, improvised explosive device (IED) attacks, airborne threats, and fire emergencies. Further complicating the security plan was that each of these six threats to the protectee required an “A to Z” mitigation plan where if “Option A” failed, then we had multiple fail-safes built in to the plan to prevent any security lapses from materializing (as a side note: this is the reason that the infamous White House fence-jumping incident was such a shock to my former colleagues in the Secret Service who are intimately familiar with the many “fail-safes” built into the White House security plan which had worked successfully for decades but which, tragically, all broke down simultaneously).

Mapping Out The Routes

Using motorcades and transportation routes as an example, the Secret Service has to plan for all of the six aforementioned threats, and the associated countermeasures, along every point of the Pope’s transportation route which will likely be many miles long. The logistics of this alone kept me up until the late hours of the night, and for weeks at a time, when I was assigned to the transportation section of the Presidential Protective Division. I drove those motorcade routes so many times that they became as familiar as your route home from work is to you. Everything on that motorcade route becomes a potential “safe area,” or an alternate escape route when there is no room for error.

High Threat Profiles & Accessibility

A number of other factors make this specific Papal visit a security nightmare for the Secret Service. Of all of the Secret Service protectees, both domestic and foreign, the Pope has a threat profile which is among the highest. The Secret Service allocates its manpower, equipment, financial, and administrative assets according to the threat profile of the protectee, and this Papal visit will strain all of those resource categories.

The manpower assets will come from the Counter Assault Team (CAT), which acts as the Secret Service special weapons team, the Counter Sniper (CS) team, specialized communications teams, hazmat teams and a variety of federal, state and local law enforcement personnel who will assist in the design and implementation of the plan. This has the potential to create a nightmarish scenario for the Secret Service because all of these manpower assets are, by design, overt.

Pope Francis shuns this type of overt security presence and prefers a lighter, more discreet, security footprint which allows him to openly mix and mingle in large crowds of people. This is simply not workable using current Secret Service security methodologies and the significant threat profile the Pope carries with him. There is no way to “hide” thousands of uniformed police officers, earpiece wearing Secret Service agents, BDU-clad CAT team and CS members and their associated equipment to make the Pope appear more accessible.

My experience in situations such as this, where protectees prefer a low-key approach, (Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Senate run in New York comes to mind) is that security takes a back seat to concerns about the ‘optics’ of the security. Worrying about how the security operation ‘looks’ rather than how the security operation functions, is a recipe for failure and I wish the Secret Service protectees understood this before declaring that they want to be more ‘accessible.’

The Secret Service security model is accustomed to working with crowds and granting those crowds accessibility, within reason. With the current macro-threat environment (threats not specific to the Pope) from ISIS, Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and other terrorist groups, combined with the number of very specific threats from these groups, and other independent actors looking to do harm to the Pope, this is not time for concerns about ‘visuals’ and ‘optics,’ it’s time to focus on a responsible, comprehensive security plan that will ensure that the world’s billions of Catholics can enjoy the visit and not concern themselves with the Pope’s safe

EDITORS NOTE: This op-ed column originally appeared in the Conservative Review. The featured image is of a U.S. Secret Service detail. Source: Andrew Harnik | AP Photo.

Video Game Developers Face the Final Boss: The FDA by Aaron Tao

As I drove to work the other day, I heard a very interesting segment on NPR that featured a startup designing video games to improve cognitive skills and relieve symptoms associated with a myriad of mental health conditions.

One game, Project Evo, has shown good preliminary results in training players to ignore distractions and stay focused on the task at hand:

“We’ve been through eight or nine completed clinical trials, in all cognitive disorders: ADHD, autism, depression,” says Matt Omernick, executive creative director at Akili, the Northern California startup that’s developing the game.

Omernick worked at Lucas Arts for years, making Star Wars games, where players attack their enemies with light sabers. Now, he’s working on Project Evo. It’s a total switch in mission, from dreaming up best-sellers for the commercial market to designing games to treat mental health conditions.

“The qualities of a good video game, things that hook you, what makes the brain — snap — engage and go, could be a perfect vessel for actually delivering medicine,” he says.

In fact, the creators believe their game will be so effective it might one day reduce or replace the drugs kids take for ADHD.

This all sounds very promising.

In recent years, many observers (myself included) have expressed deep concerns that we are living in the “medication generation,” as defined by the rapidly increasing numbers of young people (which seems to have extended to toddlers and infants!) taking psychotropic drugs.

As experts and laypersons continue to debate the long-term effects of these substances, the news of intrepid entrepreneurs creating non-pharmaceutical alternatives to treat mental health problems is definitely a welcome development.

But a formidable final boss stands in the way:

[B]efore they can deliver their game to players, they first have to go through the Food and Drug Administration — the FDA.

The NPR story goes on to detail on how navigating the FDA’s bureaucratic labyrinth is akin to the long-grinding campaign required to clear the final dungeon from any Legend of Zelda game. Pharmaceutical companies are intimately familiar with the FDA’s slow and expensive approval process for new drugs, and for this reason, it should come as no surprise that Silicon Valley companies do their best to avoid government regulation. One venture capitalist goes so far as to say, “If it says ‘FDA approval needed’ in the business plan, I myself scream in fear and run away.”

Dynamic, nimble startups are much more in tune with market conditions than the ever-growing regulatory behemoth that is defined by procedure, conformity, and irresponsibility. As a result, conflict between these two worlds is inevitable:

Most startups can bring a new video game to market in six months. Going through the FDA approval process for medical devices could take three or four years — and cost millions of dollars.

In the tech world, where app updates and software patches are part of every company’s daily routine just to keep up with consumer habits, technology can become outdated in the blink of an eye. Regulatory hold on a product can spell a death sentence for any startup seeking to stay ahead of its fierce market competition.

Akili is the latest victim to get caught in the tendrils of the administrative state, and worst of all, in the FDA, which distinguished political economist Robert Higgs has described as “one of the most powerful of federal regulatory agencies, if not the most powerful.” The agency’s awesome authority extends to over twenty-five percent of all consumer goods in the United States and thus “routinely makes decisions that seal the fates of millions.”

Despite its perceived image as the nation’s benevolent guardian of health and well-being, the FDA’s actual track record is anything but, and its failures have been extensively documented in a vast economic literature.

The “knowledge problem” has foiled the whims of central planners and social engineers in every setting, and the FDA is not immune. By taking a one-sized-fits-all approach in enacting regulatory policy, it fails to take into account the individual preferences, social circumstances, and physiological attributes of the people that compose a diverse society.

For example, people vary widely in their responses to drugs, depending on variables that range from dosage to genetic makeup. In a field as complex as human health, an institution forcing its way on a population is bound to cause problems (for a particularly egregious example, see what happened with the field of nutrition).

The thalidomide tragedy of the 1960s is usually cited as to why we need a centralized, regulatory agency staffed by altruistic public servants to keep the market from being flooded by toxins, snake oils, and other harmful substances. However, this needs to be weighed against the costs of keeping beneficial products withheld.

For example, the FDA’s delay of beta blockers, which were widely available in Europe to reduce heart attacks, was estimated to have cost tens of thousands of lives. Despite this infamous episode and other repeated failures, the agency cannot overcome the institutional incentives it faces as a government bureaucracy. These factors strongly skew its officials towards avoiding risk and getting blamed for visible harm. Here’s how the late Milton Friedman summarized the dilemma with his usual wit and eloquence:

Put yourself in the position of a FDA bureaucrat considering whether to approve a new, proposed drug. There are two kinds of mistakes you can make from the point of view of the public interest. You can make the mistake of approving a drug that turns out to have very harmful side effects. That’s one mistake. That will harm the public. Or you can make the mistake of not approving a drug that would have very beneficial effects. That’s also harmful to the public.

If you’re such a bureaucrat, what’s going to be the effect on you of those two mistakes? If you make a mistake and approve a product that has harmful side effects, you are a devil incarnate. Your misdeed will be spread on the front page of every newspaper. Your name will be mud. You will get the blame. If you fail to approve a drug that might save lives, the people who would object to that are mostly going to be dead. You’re not going to hear from them.

Critics of America’s dysfunctional healthcare system have pointed out the significant role of third-party spending in driving up prices, and how federal and state regulations have created perverse incentives and suppressed the functioning of normal market forces.

In regard to government restrictions on the supply of medical goods, the FDA deserves special blame for driving up the costs of drugsslowing innovation, and denying treatment to the terminally ill while demonstrating no competency in product safety.

Going back to the NPR story, a Pfizer representative was quoted in saying that “game designers should go through the same FDA tests and trials as drug manufacturers.”

Those familiar with the well-known phenomenon of regulatory capture and the basics of public choice theory should not be surprised by this attitude. Existing industries, with their legions of lobbyists, come to dominate the regulatory apparatus and learn to manipulate the system to their advantage, at the expense of new entrants.

Akili and other startups hoping to challenge the status quo would have to run past the gauntlet set up by the “complex leviathan of interdependent cartels” that makes up the American healthcare system. I can only wish them the best, and hope Schumpeterian creative destruction eventually sweeps the whole field of medicine.

Abolishing the FDA and eliminating its too-often abused power to withhold innovative medical treatments from patients and providers would be one step toward genuine healthcare reform.

A version of this post first appeared at The Beacon.

Aaron Tao
Aaron Tao

Aaron Tao is the Marketing Coordinator and Assistant Editor of The Beacon at the Independent Institute. Follow him on Twitter here.

Response to HAIS “fear and hate” campaign — with challenge

The other day we learned that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has put out an alert to its supporters to contact their Washington representatives and urge them to continue supporting the importation of third world poverty to America.

HIAS claims that “fear and hate” are what is driving citizen concern about the rapid pace of refugee resettlement to hundreds of US cities and towns.

Although they don’t mention any bill by name, they must be concerned about Rep. Brian Babin’s bill (the only bill we know of) that seeks to suspend refugee resettlement until a financial accounting of the program has been accomplished.  Rep. Babin is also concerned about national security in the implementation of the refugee program at this time.

Here is reader ‘7delta’ responding to HIAS (emphasis is mine):

Hate, hate, hate, with a serving of phobia du jour. It’s all they’ve got. When facts and truth don’t support an argument, resort to name calling. It’s not just intellectually dishonest, it’s childish. Name calling and the tactics of these groups are unbecoming of a people who claim to be motivated by compassion. They destroy their own case every time they launch into these immature diatribes and attempt to emotionally manipulate citizens and their representatives. Just a head’s up, volags. It no longer works. We have read your own materials and seen your fruits. We have taken your measure and find you wanting.


Have we run out of Americans who need food and shelter?

Fact: The federal government has no moral or Constitutional authority for charity or for mercy, though courts, through existing law, can exhibit mercy, at its discretion, to individuals under its jurisdiction. Charity and mercy belongs solely to the people as individuals or as consenting groups that come together to combine their personal resources to render aid.

The federal government’s sole reason for existing is to protect the citizens, their rights, safety, security, sovereignty, resources, administer equal justice and to punish lawbreakers in order to preserve tranquility, as well as the safety and the well being of its citizens. Government has no authority or resources that did not come from its citizens. All government can do is obligate its citizens to bear the burdens and suffer the consequences. All immigration should primarily benefit its citizens. Never should it burden one of our own “least of these” or risk any citizen.

My challenge to HIAS, or whatever its new name, and to all other volags, is that if your motivation is indeed altruistic and your compassion for the refugees is genuine concern for humanity, stop taking all federal funding, stop enrolling the refugees onto federal programs and financially, morally and emotionally support each refugee for the amount of time it takes each refugee to become completely independent, not “self-sustaining” through public aid programs, but totally independent to care for themselves and their family members and to assimilate into American culture.

As long as you continue to take any federal dollars and run your programs like human mills, and until you accept, as private individuals, the responsibility for who you sponsor and for all the financial and social needs of the refugee, and obligate no one else without their consent, as it was intended and is the proper way to administer charity and mercy, you have no credibility. As it stands now, you certainly have no superior moral ground to denigrate individuals who have not consented and hold you to account for being what you claim to be.

Editor:  One of the first questions I hear when people first learn about how we (our government in Washington and their contractors) are bringing in over 100,000 needy people through refugee resettlement, asylum and across our borders as so-called ‘unaccompanied alien children’ is this:  Why would we do this when we have so many impoverished and out-of-work Americans?  Good question!

This post is archived in our category entitled, ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’  There is more good commentary there from ‘7delta.’

RELATED ARTICLE: Islamic State fighters caught crossing into Europe posing as refugees

Today’s Democratic Party is full of Moonbats

I have been at this game of politics for some time now.  Even before I became a talk show host, I was involved in politics.  As an adult, I was elected as a Senator to my College Student Government and I was even appointed as the Chairman of the Student Aid Research Committee also known as SARC.  I spent a full year going to Albany, New York where I had to lobby the state Assembly and the Senate for more student aid for the state and it was not a pleasant experience. I got an education about how the system works and how the left and the right promise the sun to your face, but in reality they can’t even deliver the moon.

Unfortunately the truth is nothing has improved.  In fact one could argue that things have actually gotten worse because our nation has been forced further to the left even when the American public wants things to be more right of center. What we have today is a Republican Party that is now what the Democratic Party used to be and we now have a Democratic Party that has moved so far left that it’s become filled with people and ideas that were once limited to Socialists and Communists. The left has become full of Moonbats.

It has been said that the full moon has an effect on human beings and that people tend to be a little more off their rocker when that orb is high, full, and bright.  But it now seems that the moon is full all the time because they defend the murderous actions of Planned Parenthood and give the excuse it is nothing more than a woman’s health issue.  We have the Black Lives Matter movement that seems to think Black Lives only matter when a white police officer kills a black person but they forget the fact that black people kill more black people every year.  They also forget the fact that Planned Parenthood aborts more black babies every year but the only thing that matters to them is what a white police officer does to a black suspect.

We also have Global Climate Change which used to be called Global Cooling, however, the science and actual, real life observance of the climate and weather proved that the planet was not cooling off which would have brought about another Ice Age. Then the left changed their words and their meaning to Global Warming but again the same thing happened.  The science and the actual live reality did not match the doomsday scenario that those Moonbats told us was going to end civilization as we know it. When they no longer could fight reality, those Moonbats shifted gears yet again.  They now call it full on Man Made Global Climate Change and we also have a US President who spouts this rhetoric almost daily. The problem is, like many who are of the ruling and wealthy class, they are hypocrites when it comes to this Global Warming Moonbattery because the president and those rich and famous folk will fly private jets that burn thousands of gallons of jet fuel and then ride in limousines that burn hundreds of gallons of gasoline just so they can give a speech or make an appearance in support of this fake science.

Let’s not forget that we have millions of people who have decided to invade our sovereign nation simply because they say they want a better life and they know they break our laws but we are to let them in and let them stay anyway.  If we do not let them stay and if we do not give them all the government services and benefits that used to be reserved for legal citizens then we are anti human and bigoted.  Forget the fact that no other nation on the planet allows what we are allowing and yet the left is completely silent on that fact.

Also let us not forget we have a presidential candidate within the Democratic Party, who is at the top of the political election polls that has been embroiled in scandal after scandal after scandal.  This candidate has been caught in lie after lie after lie.  Yet somehow this candidate remains that party’s top choice. We know she lied then covered up the lie about a number of issues. In fact we had a former president resign his office for a crime far less serious than what this Democratic Candidate is accused of and has already proven to have done. Yet somehow, when anyone, especially those on the right bring this up, they are the ones who are evil, mean spirited, misogynistic, and bigoted, and need to be silenced.

Which brings me to my last example of many and trust me there are many.  Freedom of speech, according to the Moonbat left, is reserved for those who spew the same hatred they do.  If you speak of anything that resembles the truth but it makes folks feel bad then you need to be silenced.  In fact they believe in selective freedom of speech so much that even the President of the United States has openly said that we need to amend the 1st Amendment and change and limit the free expression of speech and ideas.

Yes folks, there is a full moon over the United States of America and the creature that flies by its liberal light are called Moonbats.  They can only be defeated at the election polls which is why we who are not Moonbats need to vote for and elect the most Conservative candidate available that can win.  It is the only cure.  It is the only solution.

If we don’t then our entire nation will be overrun by Moonbats.  And frankly, there has never been a nation in history that has survived when it was taken over by Moonbats.

Do you really want the United States to be the next civilization destroyed by Moonbats?

Is there life on Mars? … And other tough, progressive questions

A recent post on the People’s Blog made me think of the following:

Is there life on Mars? If so, there are too many questions we must answer before we contemplate going there. Tough, progressive questions.

  • Is there social justice on Mars?
  • Is there an economy on Mars and if so, does it need regulating?
  • Is there a community on Mars and if so, does it need community organizers?
  • Are there genders on Mars and if so, is there gender equality for all 58 of them?
  • Is there private property on Mars and if so, is there redistributive justice?
  • Is there illegal immigration on Mars and if so, are there sanctuary cities?
  • Are there elections on Mars and if so, is voter ID required?
  • Is there Al Sharpton on Mars?
  • Is there homosexuality on Mars and if so, is there homophobia?
  • Is there parenthood on Mars and if so, does it need to be planned?
  • Are there corporations on Mars and if so, are they considered people?
  • Is there an environment on Mars and if so, does it require environmentalists?
  • Is there climate change on Mars and if so, is the Martian science settled?
  • Is there a nuclear bomb on Mars and if so, do they need negotiators?
  • Are there Muslims on Mars and if so, is there Islamophobia?

Actually, the last question has already been answered: there no Muslims on Mars.

Muslims ‘warned in Fatwa not to live on Mars’

Fatwa reportedly issued warning Muslims not to make ‘hazardous trip’ to live on Mars

Muslims have been warned in a Fatwa not to go and live on Mars because it would pose “a real risk to life”, according to a Dubai news organisation. The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowment (GAIAE) in the United Arab Emirates said that anyone making such a “hazardous trip” is likely to die for “no righteous reason”.

Indeed, there appears to be plenty of “righteous reasons” for Muslims to die here even without Mars.

Come to think of it, progressives still have plenty of righteous causes to fight on Earth as well. Besides, if none of the above exists on Mars, there would be nothing for us to do there but to sustain ourselves by hard work.

Maybe we should join our Muslim brothers and not go to Mars after all. No matter how tempting it is to spend billions of other people’s money on such a trip.


The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse

The Sword of RevolutionI was hired as a graphic designer and I did my job well, recycling the original revolutionary poster by Dmitry Moor, one of the founding fathers of Soviet agitprop. Now that the book is out, here’s my two kopecks.

This book has a lot of valid, factual information. At the same time, I remain skeptical about the theory that the breakup of the USSR was only a show so that the communists could take over the world by other means. Not that there aren’t powerful forces bending the civilized world towards what they call “progress” (and what I call collectivist barbarism), but those are different people and different movements with different goals. I generally don’t believe in conspiracies that require the presence of an undying, eternal, all-knowing, and superhuman brain – or in this case, community organizer.

I follow the developments in Russia very closely and one thing today’s Russians couldn’t care less about is Communism. To be sure, the Communist Party still has a strong presence there, but that’s mostly because Putin is feeding the communists in order to appease the nuts and the old-timers. That is also part of Putin’s strategy to shape and maintain his own opposition…


Study: ‘Crazed gunman’ stigma increases risk of suicide

'Crazed gunman' stigma may cause suicideA new study published by the country’s #1 rank school of clinical psychology, UCLA’s Dept. of Psychology, suggests a link between the high rate of suicide among alleged rampaging mass murderers and the stigma of being labeled, by mass media outlets, as a “crazed gunman.”

The study shows that close to 100% of those who are labeled as a “crazed gunman” commit suicide within the first 24 hours after their alleged rampage and, very often, within the first 60 seconds. Some, it is suggested, commit “suicide by cop” in inexplicable and “out-of-character” gun battles with law enforcement.

The study suggests that fear of being stigmatized leads many of these alleged felons to end their own lives before…


Stock market crash foretells third coming of Bush

third coming of BushSix days of stock market losses that have erased trillions of dollars of global wealth are being taken as a sign that the Third Coming of Bush is nigh. Those gifted in the dark art of political prognostication have reportedly been awaiting this omen for many months.

Well-known oracle Karl Rove was the first to recognize the significance of the financial portent, tweeting “As it was in 1987, as it was in 2000, so will it be in 2016. Let the Third Bush come forth and the world tremble at his glory!”

David Brooks, Chief Conservative Augur for the New York Times, elaborated…


FBI hires Ashley Madison hackers to retrieve Clinton emails

Ashley Madison HillaryTHE HACKERS BEHIND the Ashley Madison breach have been contracted by the FBI to retrieve Madam Hillary’s 35, 000 yoga emails that were scrubbed from her personal server.

On the heels of being stonewalled and lied to by the former Sec. of State, the bureau has determined that a bigger batch of deletions were unretrievable unless true experts, such as the Ashley Madison hackers, were contracted to retrieve the wiped correspondences.


Recovered images from Hillary emails prove it was only yoga

Hillary yogaWhile the FBI is still at a loss regarding the content of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail cache from her days as secretary of state, one thing they have determined beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the Democratic presidential frontrunner is a diligent distance-education yoga student.

Emailing yoga routines are standard practice in distance education, said Mrs. Clinton’s online yoga instructor Maha Bharata through an interpreter. He claims that over the years he has sent her over two hundred thousand Hindu-language emails with pictures of yoga poses, which constitutes 90% of the data that had been wiped clean from Clinton’s personal server.


MURDAH: a stunning advancement in the right to choose

External UterusA child has grown up not how you envisioned? An elderly parent becoming a burden? Have you considered a post-birth abortion? Scientists at the Barack Obama Women’s Health Research Center have made an epic advancement in women’s health, and the right to choose.

Scientists have developed a method to allow abortions past the third trimester, as explained by the project’s lead scientist, Dr. Hillary Sanders: “Until now, women were limited to aborting only their own fetus, and only during the first three trimesters before birth. Our laboratory has pioneered…


The People’s Cube wasn’t always red: the story of Erno Rubik

People's CubeEverybody knows that the People’s Cube is gloriously red, which is politically correct and compliant with the Current Truth. It’s impossible to imagine today what it would look like with all the confusing unequal colors. Imagining such a thing is inadvisable. All you need to know is that it’s equally red.

All squares are equal, and all players are equal. Nobody is too smart, nobody is too slow. Guaranteed equality of results. A symbol of fairness and painless existence. Nobody’s a boob with the People’s Cube!

But it hasn’t always been that way. In progressive humanity’s past there was a hateful moment when a thoughtcriminal named Erno Rubik took the red Cube and colored every square unequally…


CNN to grill Democrat candidates using Fox News debate style

Fox News debate inquisitionFollowing the ratings success of Fox News in its presentation of the first Republican presidential primary debate, CNN has decided to mirror the GOP debate’s formula and tone when it hosts the first of six Democrat Presidential debates in October.

Jeff Zucker, president of CNN, tipped his hat to Fox: “I have to admit that they did a fantastic job and really held the candidates’ feet to the fire. I saw the numbers like everyone else did, and I want those ratings for CNN.”

In a surprising twist, Fox News debate moderators threw hardballs…


EDITORS NOTE: The political satire originally appeared on the Peoples Cube.

The Illusion of Inclusion in the Republican Party

I want my readers to fully understand why I criticize my party when it comes to their total lack of engagement with the Black community.  I have stated ad nauseam that Blacks are begging Republicans to give them a reason to vote for them; but so far the party has failed to even acknowledge the existence of the Black community.

Fifty two years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King made a profound statement that was just as true then as it is now, unfortunately.  On December 18, 1963 he was invited to speak to the students at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo.  He was asked, “Don’t you feel that integration can only be started and realized in the Christian church, not in schools or by other means?”

King’s response in part was, “We must face the fact that in America, the church is still the most segregated major institution in America.  At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning when we stand and sing and Christ has no east or west, we stand at the most segregated hour in this nation.”

Borrowing from King, I would say the most segregated major institution in America is the Republican Party.  Republicans often confuse diversity and inclusion with having a Black on staff.

Blacks are nowhere to be found when policies and direction of the party or a presidential campaign is concerned.

During the work week, I literally spend half of my day fielding calls and meetings from prominent Black Republicans asking for my assistance in helping them navigate issues within the party as it pertains to them and the lack of diversity within the party.  They praise me for my columns challenging the party; but for various reasons, they are totally afraid to join me publically in this fight to make our party more representative of America.

Many of these people are fearful of being blacklisted (pun intended) from jobs or consulting opportunities within the party so they much rather someone like me remain the point person for pushing my party to do what’s in its own best interest.  Mind you that Blacks are not getting any work from the party anyway, so the fear of being blacklisted is a bit ridiculous—we are already blacklisted de facto.

I am a businessman and yes, I am always interested in more business; but not at the expense of my integrity.  I can always get more money; but I can’t get more integrity.

Last week I had lunch with a major leader within our party (he is white).  To my astonishment, he actually encouraged me to continue challenging the party.  He indicated that people at the highest levels of the party follow and read my columns, but they don’t quite know how to respond to my writings.  I interrupted this person and told him that was total BS.  I told this person to allow me to interpret what his colleagues were saying to him.

“Republicans want Blacks that make them feel good, Blacks they are “comfortable” with, or Blacks that will just do what they are told.  There is a difference between hiring Blacks and hiring Blacks with credibility who know what the hell they are doing.”

There are fewer than ten Black Republicans in the country that has the skill set to get the party where it needs to be within the Black community.

I am referring to Blacks who have “earned” credibility within our community, not those deemed by the party to be credible; Blacks who have the professional competence in PR and communications; Blacks that have the political instincts and experience to engage with the Black community; and most importantly, Blacks who understand that all of the above skills must be brought together simultaneously.

Republicans confuse hiring a Black(s) with having the right Black(s).  Rarely have I seen Republicans hire the right Black(s) for a job and then empower them to get the job done.  Far too many in our leadership still believe if they focus too much on the Black community, they will alienate those on the far right of our party.  I ran into this roadblock as recently as last month.

Just last week, I had another in a lifelong series of bizarre experiences within my party.  I am frequently asked by Roland Martin to host his national radio show.  Between his radio and TV shows, many Blacks get their news from Martin.

So when I was asked to host for Roland last week, I sent an email to one of the top tiered presidential campaigns asking if they wanted to have their candidate call into the show for an interview with me.  None of the Republican campaigns has engaged with Black media to this point.  Here is his response, “Hey Raynard – Fully booked on hurricane [Katrina] stuff tomorrow. Thanks for reaching out though. “

Please tell me this is a joke.  This is what happens when you have an all-white staff—they are totally incapable of connecting the dots.  You are doing Hurricane Katrina related media, which disproportionately impacted the Black community; you have a chance to speak directly to the Black community on Roland’s show; you have a “friendly” doing the hosting; but yet they were unable to connect the dots.  This is exhibit A in how to continue to lose elections.

EDITORS NOTE: Please watch the below video of Raynard Jackson debating the Voting Rights Act. Raynard shows how you can’t have a logical conversation with liberals on this issue (notice how Raynard’s name was conveniently left off of the closing credits when they listed the guests for the show):

Holding Hypocrites to a Higher Standard

As a former candidate for public office, and a committed activist for conservatism, I am not surprised by the rise of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina. You shouldn’t be either.

It’s certainly not breaking news that Americans, across the entire ideological spectrum, are disgusted by the stench emanating from Washington D.C. In speaking with conservatives and libertarians, they are fed up with a completely ineffective Establishment wing of the Republican Party that has lost nearly every significant battle against the tax-and-spend, secular-progressive Left. And, fanning the flames of frustration, not only has the GOP establishment lost these battles in spectacular fashion but they have been complicit in many of the Left’s destructive policy victories.

In speaking with many moderate Democrats, they are angry at an administration that has failed to produce results for middle class families and a party that seems to be lurching to the extreme left on social issues ranging from abortion to marriage. But, one common theme I have heard repeated again and again, regardless of the person’s political party affiliation, is “the system is rigged against me.”

This “the system is rigged against me” attitude is not some fantasy made up to frighten little children, it is reality, and nothing is going to change until the handcuffs come out, and the perp walks start. If that sounds harsh then ask yourself “why?” Why is it harsh to ask people, whom we elect to make profound policy decisions, which will deeply impact our lives, to not abuse their power to devastate the lives of others. We’re not talking about a derelict corporate board that makes poor investment decisions and costs investors some of their money here. We are talking about a group of people who are employed, and paid handsomely, to lead a government which controls nearly 4 trillion dollars in tax remittances, and has a monopoly on the use of force.

Why do we hold our elected politicians to a lower, not a higher, standard of conduct than every other American? These pampered D.C. power brokers get away with things that would have you in a prison cell or a courtroom yet, they are rarely punished. Yes, few are caught, and even fewer are jailed, but the rest spit in our faces as they continue to live by a completely different set of rules than the ones you and I MUST live by.

Mishandle classified U.S. secrets – no problem, go run for President!

Don’t pay your taxes – no problem, accuse your opponents of racism and get re-elected to Congress!

Use insider information to make sweet business deals – no problem, become the Senate Majority Leader!

Use the IRS to destroy the lives of political opponents, and to tilt elections in your favor – no problem, become the Commander-in-Chief!

Your family profits handsomely from a bill you helped pass – no problem, become the Speaker of the House!

Violate the spirit and the letter of the law while engaging in a secret plan to undermine a local mining project – no problem, ignore a subpoena and take a vacation!

None of this white hot, steaming pile of garbage is going to change until the punishment fits the crime. We should be demanding responsible investigations, arrests, perp walks and, when found guilty, prison, and nothing less. The outrageous conduct of many members of the political class warrants aggressive prosecutions to deter future activity of this sort. Pardons, country club “prisons,” statements such as “the country just needs to move on,” and weak community-service-only sentences for corrupted members of the political class only serve to confirm to an already frustrated American working class that they are being ruled, not governed. Handcuffs will change all of that.

You don’t have to be a comic book fan, or a gifted philosopher to understand the simple meaning of Uncle Ben’s words to Peter Parker in the Spiderman movie, “with great power comes great responsibility.” They’ve taken the power, now they must own the responsibility.

RELATED VIDEO: O’Keefe Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Conservative Review. The featured image of Democrat Hillary Clinton is by Jim Mone | AP Photo.

Biased Media vs. Behavioral Standards

I love her because she is a little over a hundred pounds, 5’2” gutsy fired ball. However, every time we fly, I pray she makes it through TSA without losing her cool. My wife Mary despises the gross infringement upon her rights and being “molested by TSA.” Mark Steyn hosting Rush’s radio show succinctly articulated the source of my wife’s outrage.


TSA agent screening grandmother.

“Your grandmother in the wheelchair has to lift up her skirt and show her colostomy bag to the TSA until the end of time. Your grandfather, who got blown up serving his country in a war and has a leg brace, has to be degraded and show that to officialdom at the airport until the end of time. But millions and millions of people can just walk into the selfsame country across the southern border, and we’re supposed to just accept it.” -Mark Steyn

Meanwhile, the GOP, the MSM and political experts continue to scratch their heads, puzzled why Trump’s poll numbers rise every time he verbally slaps a reporter (operative) pushing the Left’s PC agenda. Mary’s outrage is shared by millions.

We all know the mainstream media is bias. But they appear to have totally come out-of-the-closet exposing their true identity as Leftist operatives. It was infuriating watching a CNN interviewer hammering Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson. This despicable jerk kept trying to twist Dr. Carson’s words to mean Dr. Carson wants to bomb refugees with drones

Dr. Carson is an extraordinarily kind, gentle and wise man; humanity flowing from his very being. I wanted to slap the interviewer on Dr. Carson’s behalf. (Just kidding.) Clearly, the Leftist operative interviewer was trying to infer that you never know what those crazy mean-spirited Republicans will do.

Also, infuriating and evil is the MSM hiding the sick scandal happening at Planned Parenthood.

In the latest video released exposing Planned Parenthood black marketing baby body parts, one of PP’s clients joked about shipping whole heads of aborted babies to research labs. I was stunned by the lack of media coverage and national outrage. Have we grown numb?

Planned_Parenthood_DNCMy wife Mary said, “No, we have not. Outraged Americans held 200 huge rallies nationwide clamoring for the defunding of Planned Parenthood. And yet, the MSM is mute regarding the national outcry against PP. Once again, the mainstream media are proving themselves to be operatives of evil; protecting PP by shielding the American people from the truth.

Mary and I are longtime friends with a liberal couple. Getting their news solely from far left media outlets, they oppose defunding PP. We plan to share the horrific PP videos with them. If our liberal friends still rally behind PP, I no longer want them in my life.

Their loyalty to PP means they are disciples of the religion of Liberalism. Its sacrament is abortion. The murder and abuse of babies is fair-game in their war on conservatives and behavior standards. That is off-the-chain evil folks.

A trait I have noticed in this couple and Leftist media is their resentment of behavioral standards. They are thrilled when anyone striving to be morally upright fails. They celebrate depravity. As crazy as it sounds, the liberal couple likes Mary and I because we are among the few people in their lives they can trust. And yet, they resent our goody-two-shoes Christianity.

At the core of the Left’s relentless assault on traditional American values is their hatred of behavioral standards.

Black Superbowl quarterback Russell Wilson said he was following God’s plan, waiting to have sex after marriage. This made Wilson a MSM laughing stock. With 70% black out-of-wedlock births which leads to gangs, jail and poverty, the MSM attacking the black superstar did black youths a huge disservice.

For years the Left despised the Duggar family’s wholesome hit TV show. It was an oasis in a desert wasteland were the Left/MSM seeks to make depravity normal. When son, Josh Duggar’s moral failures lead to the cancellation of his parent’s TV show, the MSM rejoiced. Why? The Duggars promoted behavioral standards.

Behavior has consequences. Josh Duggar did the deed and is paying the price. He has asked for forgiveness. I pray this young man will turn his life around. Throughout the Bible men of God had moral failures. Moses murdered a man. King David stole a man’s wife and had him killed. Moses and King David repented and became great men of God.

The Left presents the absurd argument that unless one is morally perfect, they have no right to suggest behavioral standards. The Bibles says, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Are we suppose to throw out all behavioral standards because humans are incapable of keeping them perfectly? Apparently, the Left says yes.

Angry, fearful and hopeless, Americans see the rapid moral decline of our culture, deathly afraid to say anything. Trump is taking the heat for saying what millions are thinking.

homosexuality is a sinHere is another example of the Left’s war on behavioral standards. Self-proclaimed former lesbian Dr. Rosario Butterfield said because God condemns homosexual behavior, the Left demands man’s approval. Masterfully portraying themselves as victims, in reality, homosexuals are the aggressors. Appeasing the Left/MSM, SCOTUS repealed American’s right to freely practice their religion. Christians are government mandated to embrace anti-biblical behavioral or suffer economic death and/or jail time. 

Still, I get the sense that the Left has overplayed its hand and there’s a new sheriff in town. Americans are beginning to speak-out and push back against PC sacred cows such as Black Lives Matter, illegal immigration and the radical homosexual agenda.

Excellent! It’s about time.

Why Do People Cheat? The Link Between AshleyMadison and Pornography

Pornography and AshleyMadison are linked in more ways than you might suppose.

As many of us now know, AshleyMadison is a website designed to help people cheat on their significant other without getting caught. Recently, a hacking group leaked the personal data of more than 30 million AshleyMadison users, exposing predominantly married men who have been using the website to have affairs. Those who have been exposed range from top Department of Justice officials to affiliates of pro-family organizations; individuals who, on the surface, would not appear to be likely to have an affair.

Due to these recent events, many individuals are asking: what causes someone to cheat?

While there are many influences that can contribute to a person having an affair, pornography use is a typical, consistent, factor in extramarital affairs.

Pornography has been shown to make its users less satisfied with their existing partner. A 2013 studyPornography is causing a public health crisis-2published in the journal of Social, Psychological and Personality Science has found that people in committed relationships who view pornographic materials are more likely to cheat on their partners than those who don’t.Porn offers users the fantasy of no-strings-attached sexual gratification with multiple extremely attractive partners. Those erotic images, the study found, re-wire the users’ brains to assume that there are a multitude of attractive and willing sexual partners available outside their current relationships. According to researcher Patrick Fagan, PhD, a psychologist and former Deputy Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary, pornography use is correlated with an increase in infidelity of more than 300%.

This link between pornography and cheating is not news to AshleyMadison. AshleyMadison has frequently advertised on porn websites, so that stimulated individuals who are looking for the next best thing are encouraged to sign up for the service.

For many viewers of pornography, their need for new sexual excitement does not stop at the screen. Research has shown that porn users develop the need for increased stimuli in order to get the same “high,” similar to drug users. Eventually, many are driven to “act out” what they’ve been watching, and because yesterday’s hardcore, extreme, pornography is mainstream today, this often means that wives or girlfriends are unwilling to perform certain degrading or painful sexual acts which are popular in porn. The porn user then must find someone else to fulfill these desires; whether it be a prostituted person, a human trafficking victim, or an affair on AshleyMadison.

The bottom line is that porn harms relationships, and it has been doing so for years. In a 2004 testimony before the U.S. Senate, Dr. Jill Manning shared her research, which found that 56 percent of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.

Pornography is causing a public health crisis in America by not only contributing to sex trafficking, child abuse, and lifelong addictions, but also by stripping many individuals of the ability to have lasting meaningful relationships. In a pornified culture, where men are trained to view women as disposable means to pleasure, and women are bred to accept their role as sexual objects, AshleyMadison is an inevitable product.

To take a stand against the porn industry, and organizations facilitating sexual exploitation, visit: http://pornharmsaction.com

Watch our video, here:

Merkel has gone mad!

Invasion of Europe news…

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that any Syrian who gets to Germany can apply for asylum there.  Of course this is going to be great news for Italy and Greece in particular which are now bearing the greatest burden in the invasion by mostly Middle Easterners and Africans.

Gee, Germany might someday be called the New Syria!

This brief article at Time magazine reminds us that the present EU rule on asylum is that those who claim to be persecuted must apply for asylum in the first country they reach on the continent.  They are not permitted to “asylum shop” for a better country, but of course they already are and that is what the pile-up is at Calais.   Those migrants don’t want to apply to stay in France they want to get to the UK where they see they have better prospects for social services.

Merkel is reportedly getting love letters from Syrians.  I fear that Obama will get jealous and want some for himself, love that is.  So watch for it—-65,000 Syrians by the end of his term in office?  See Obama praising Merkel, here.

Here is Time:

The new rule comes as Germany is witnessing a surge in attacks on refugee shelters.

In a move that will affect tens of thousands, Germany will now allow Syrian refugees to stay and apply for asylum instead of deporting them back to their country of arrival.

The Washington Post reports the country has decided to suspend a European Union rule, called the the Dublin Regulation, which says refugees are supposed to stay in the first European country of arrival until their asylum claims are processed. This rule places an unequal burden on Southern European countries like Greece and Italy, which are amongst the easiest to reach by boat from across the Mediterranean. Both Italy and Greece have faced unprecedented levels of migrant inflow this past year.

Under the new policy, even if the refugees first arrive in Greece or Italy but travel northwards to Germany, they will not be deported back to their first country of contact.

Can you hear the sound of marching feet toward the German border?  Italy and Greece will likely soon be sending busloads northward!

Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Related update:  The Irish government apparently has some good sense and Merkel doesn’t like it!

UPDATE: Mama Merkel makes a mess as Germany closes its borders


German highway banner: “Your children will pray to Allah or die!”

Learn more about refugee resettlement in your state

General Secretary for Danish Refugee Help: “We face an Armageddon scenario”

Eastern European leaders say “NO” to Muslim mass migration/colonization

‘Germany loves refugees’ say demonstrators…..

RELATED VIDEO: On the Muslim migration (hijra) to the United States.