Tear Down That Confederate Flag — Or Else!

There are those, a few, who believe this is a racist nation. They point to the fact that Americans fly the Confederate Battle Flag. They claim we honor the racist Generals and Politicians from the Old South. They further claim that in order to stamp out racism that we need to bring down that Confederate Battle Flag. They say we need to ban its use all over the nation by just about everyone. Then they claim we need to dig up every Civil War General’s remains and move them to places not often seen or visited by people. They say we should remove the monuments that have been erected in those Generals honor.

In short, these people wish to try and bleach our history and wipe it clean of what they don’t like. They want to rewrite the pages so that it would appear that those they claim are responsible for slavery are not glorified in any way and are reduced to villains like any other historical villain.

These people, often leftist, and now even some from the middle and the right of the political aisle, have fallen victim to this nonsense.

This lack of true discourse on race relations, acting totally on emotions being whipped up by a fringe few who cannot stand that fact that we are moving away from racism, is driving this destructive paradigm. Its as if we are in a bad zombie movie and everywhere you turn there is another mindless, anti-history nut running around tearing down a Confederate Battle Flag or defacing an historical monument.

These nuts are even going so far as to say that maybe we, as a nation, should tear down the National Monuments of Presidents Jefferson and Lincoln. Why? Because Jefferson owned slaves and Lincoln didn’t really save slaves because he did not make them fully equal when he had the chance to do so. Both ideologies could not be more wrong when you look into these men and what they did over their lifetime.

But when you have folks bent on changing the narrative to fit their own political goals and ambitions, you cannot speak to reason. They will not hear you until they become the victim of their own hate and ignorance. For example, many on the left were happy to jump on the anti-Confederate Battle Flag band wagon until the history Nazi’s decided to hit a favorite pastime. That pastime would be television. Specifically the television program called the Dukes of Hazard. When word spread that a network was pulling the reruns of this popular hour long program, many on the left cried foul.

They forgot for a second that the reason the program was being pulled was because of their own ignorance. The reality is, when the left decided to hit the old flag and paint it as racist, they didn’t think of all the culture that has been built up around that flag. They forgot that they, the left, first raised that flag, first promoted that flag, first glorified that flag, first embedded that flag in our nation’s culture and lexicon. Then they were reminded. And they hated it. But the train of historical hate had already left the yard and there was no way of calling it back into the barn. Now we see business after business and even government at all levels demonizing this flag and what they say it represents.

The truth is, this flag does not represent slavery and racism for most folks. But what the left has done is to successfully, and over a very short period of time, destroy the very foundation that is the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. We no longer have the ability to openly believe as we want to believe. If we say or do or believe something that has not been approved, we will be demonized and chased out of Dodge. They will shout that there needs to be a law that prevents you or me from believing what we want to believe.

Some people say that it’s the flag and the representation of racism is their target. I say, they are lying because they know that their target is anything and anyone who is not politically correct.

Their target is freedom itself. Their target is you and me and anyone who still believes in freedom and the notion of live and let live even if you disagree with what the other person believes.

Oh, no. If you do not believe as the left would have you believe, they will fight you, enact laws that affect you and prevent you from being able to discuss why you believe what you believe.

This attack from the left, who built up this flag and the institution of racism in this country is not that simple flag or even what that flag represents.

Their target is plain to see.

Their target is your freedom.

Ralph Nader Says Anti-Semitism Includes Arabs?

Ralph Nader, the consumer crusader, five time presidential candidate and pro-Arab defender has a new cause; expropriating anti-Semitism to include Arabs.  Manfred Gerstenfeld in our review and interview about his latest book, The War of a Million Cuts, noted such examples of flagrant abuse of semantics. Examples, like accusing the Israelis of being the new Nazis and Palestinians as the oppressed Jews. Raphael Medoff, of the David S Wyman Center for Holocaust Studies in Washington, DC, wrote about Nader’s latest twist- anti-Semitism applies to Arabs- because it is about common Semitic linguistics. This is the subject of Medoff’s Algemeiner op-ed  Ralph Nader Targets ‘The Jews’ and Linguistically Hijacks Anti-Semitism.

Here is what Nader said at the American –Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) convention  in Washington:

You never avoid using the word anti-Semitism when Arabs and Arab-Americans are discriminated against, are arrested without charges, are exposed to all kinds of swears and bars against employment and all kinds of discrimination that goes on, and that is anti-Semitism. The Semitic race is Arabs and Jews and the Jews do not own the phrase anti-Semitism.

Medoff asks the relevant question:

Is the Semitic race “Arabs and Jews,” as Nader asserted? Actually, it’s not. “Semitic” refers to a group of Middle Eastern languages. There’s no such thing as a “Semitic race.”

In his critically acclaimed 1986 book, Semites and Anti-Semites, Bernard Lewis (professor emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University) wrote, “‘Semitic’ is a linguistic and cultural classification… It has nothing whatever to do with race in the anthropological sense that is now common usage.”

Medoff goes on to provide the origin of the term anti-Semitism in 19th Century  Europe:

The German anti-Jewish agitator Wilhelm Marr in 1879 coined the term “Antisemitism” (“antisemitismus” in German). His target was still Jews; he simply believed the new phrase would make his brand of hatred sound more legitimate and even scientific. The organization he founded to further these aims was called the Antisemiten-Liga, or League of Antisemites.

He then delves into the purpose of Nader’s  abusive  semantics:

Ralph Nader’s real aim, however, is not linguistic accuracy. As he explained to the ADC convention, he wants to use language as a tool to advance the Arab campaign against Israel.

“Once you use that word, you have equivalence with the other use of that word. It’s anti-Semitism against Arabs, anti-Semitism against Jews—why ignore one to the other?” Nader said.

According to this formula, Arabs would gain victim status just like Jews.

Nader seems to be particularly sensitive to the fact that some hatred of Israel is perceived as anti-Semitic—and he wants to prevent that perception from taking hold.

[Supporters of Israel] know how to accuse people of anti-Semitism if any issue on Israel is criticized, even though the worst anti-Semitism in the world today is against Arabs and Arab-Americans and they know how to use the language, he complained. I suspect AIPAC spends more money on hotels for their national meeting in five hours than ADC’s entire budget, so it’s important to ask the question: “What does it take in terms of human hours and resources to get things turned around?”

I got to know Nader  up close and personal in the late 60’s to early 1970’s before my association came to a screeching halt.

Having collaborated and  co-authored pieces with Nader  and testified  on Capitol Hill on worker safety issues  back in 1968 to 1970, I  came to know what he was like. Fortunately,  I was never a so-called “Nader’s Raider” nor employed in any of his various ‘Centers’. My involvement preceded those developments.  I was an independent researcher and later a systems consultant for a decade in DC.

I left Nader ’s circle  because of two things: his monumental jihadist ego and his maltreatment of subordinates. Some of my comments about this are contained in a chapter on Nader  in Playing for Keeps in Washington, 1977 by Laurence Leamer.

Nader  in his earlier days as the mysterious “white knight of consumerism” lived a monk like existence in a rooming house not far from DuPont Circle in DC. At the time he had a colleague, the indefatigable  Ted Jacobs. Nader was paranoid and a control freak. One day he walked in to Ted’s office and basically told him that he was fired, locked him out of his office and secured all his files!!

Nader  developed a messiah like complex that went well beyond the consumer issues. He  subsequently became an icon in the anti-war movement allied with anti-Israel leftists  like Noam Chomsky. The fact is that he may have mistakenly identified his  Lebanese Maronite Christian immigrant parents as Arabs because they spoke Arabic.  He bought into the Arab vision with all of its attendant problems, including being a dhimmi fellow traveler and an anti-Semite of the 20th  Century variety. Not surprising as Nader  had a Princeton undergraduate  major in Arabic studies. One wonders if he had Professor Bernard Lewis for any of his undergraduate professors at Princeton.

He subsequently earned a law degree from Harvard, became a plaintiff’s  attorney opening offices in Hartford , Connecticut .  His real climb to fame began when the late Senator Pat Moynihan, former aide to New York  Governor Averill Harriman, moved to Washington as a Kennedy  appointee. Moynihan brought with him the treasure trove of his auto crash data files. Nader sought access to that, wrote Moynihan when the later was Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy Evaluation and Research  in 1961-62. Nader  was invited down to  plough through  Moynihan’s files  virtually camping out in Moynihan’s office mining the auto crash data files.   From that research emerged  the Chevy Corvair controversy, the breathless J’accuse against GM in Nader’s best seller Unsafe at Any Speed. Because GM didn’t know who he was they hired a private detective to check him out which led to a suit by Nader that resulted in  a $400,000 legal settlement with GM  in 1964 for violating his privacy.  The settlement, initial and subsequent  book royalties created Nader’s  personnel wealth. Nader was wise enough to  hire a real pro investing the settlement funds for several decades .  Nader  also had a reputation for not spending  much on himself or for that matter on anyone else. Funds for the Center for Auto Safety and Public Citizens were raised from donations.

Nader always reminded  me of  Girolamo Savonarola, the famous mad monk who ruled  Florence and drove Florentines to burn books, art and other alleged fripperies in the famous Bonfire of the Vanities. He sought to found a New Jerusalem in Florence as a world center of Christianity following the invasion of Italy by French King Charles VII. After the ousting of the Medicis,  Savonarola  ruled  Florence  as the head of a virtual populist republic from 1494 to 1498. After refusing  fealty to Pope Vincent VI’s  Holy League against the French, Savonarola was invited to Rome,  tried and excommunicated. He and two Dominican Friars were ultimately condemned, tried by both church and civil authorities, hung and burned in May 1498.  There is a famous statue  in Ferrara, Italy where gaunt like Savonarola  looks as if he’s uttering that famous Italian expression: “ecco uomo.” Nader  resembles a leftist  American version of  Savonarola.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Real Hero William Leggett: Imagine a Political Party That Really Supports Equal Rights by Lawrence W. Reed

Death from yellow fever complications claimed journalist William Leggett at the tender age of 38, days before he would have assumed his first political office. President Martin Van Buren had just named Leggett US ambassador to Guatemala. In the early 19th century, as temptations were rising to divert Americans’ constitutional framework toward bigger government, Leggett (to borrow a phrase from 20th-century journalist William F. Buckley) stood athwart history yelling, “Stop!”

Leggett’s fame is inextricably intertwined with the term Locofoco. Here’s the story.

Imagine a political movement that says it’s committed to “equal rights” — and means it. Not just equality in a few cherry-picked rights but all human rights, including the most maligned: property rights. Imagine a movement whose raison d’être is to oppose any and all special privileges from government for anybody.

When it comes to political parties, most of them in recent American history like to say they’re for equal rights. But surely the first lesson of politics is this: what the major parties say and do are two different things.

In American history, no such group has ever been as colorful and as thorough in its understanding of equal rights as one that flashed briefly across the political skies in the 1830s and ‘40s. They were called “Locofocos.” If I had been around back then, I would have proudly joined their illustrious ranks.

The Locofocos were a faction of the Democratic Party of President Andrew Jackson, concentrated mostly in the Northeast and New York in particular, but with notoriety and influence well beyond the region. Formally called the Equal Rights Party, they derived their better-known sobriquet from a peculiar event on October 29, 1835.

Democrats in New York City were scrapping over how far to extend Jackson’s war against the federally chartered national bank at a convention controlled by the city’s dominant political machine, Tammany Hall. (Jackson had killed the bank in 1832 by vetoing its renewal.) When the more conservative officialdom of the convention expelled the radical William Leggett, editor of the Evening Post, they faced a full-scale revolt by a sizable and boisterous rump. The conservatives walked out, plunging the meeting room into darkness as they left by turning off the gas lights. The radicals continued to meet by the light of candles they lit with matches called loco focos — Spanish for “crazy lights.”

With the Tammany conservatives gone and the room once again illuminated, the Locofocos passed a plethora of resolutions. They condemned the national bank as an unconstitutional tool of special interests and an engine of paper-money inflation. They assailed all monopolies, by which they meant firms that received some sort of privilege or immunity granted by state or federal governments. They endorsed a “strict construction” of the Constitution and demanded an end to all laws that “directly or indirectly infringe the free exercise of equal rights.” They saw themselves as the true heirs of Jefferson, unabashed advocates of laissez-faire and of minimal government confined to securing equal rights for all and dispensing special privileges for none.

The Locofocos saw themselves as the true heirs of Jefferson, unabashed advocates of laissez-faire and of minimal government.

Three months later, in January 1836, the Locofocos held a convention to devise a platform and to endorse candidates to run against the Tammany machine for city office in April. They still considered themselves Democrats: rather than bolt and form a distinct opposition party, they hoped to steer the party of Jefferson and Jackson to a radical reaffirmation of its principled roots.

“We utterly disclaim any intention or design of instituting any new party, but declare ourselves the original Democratic party,” they announced.

The “Declaration of Principles” the Locofocos passed at that January gathering is a stirring appeal to the bedrock concept of rights, as evidenced by these excerpts:

  • “The true foundation of Republican Government is the equal rights of every citizen, in his person and property, and in their management.”
  • “The rightful power of all legislation is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties, and to take none of them from us.”
  • “No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another; and this is all the law should enforce on him.”
  • “The idea is quite unfounded that on entering into society, we give up any natural right.”

The convention pronounced “hostility to any and all monopolies by legislation,” “unqualified and uncompromising hostility to paper money as a circulating medium, because gold and silver are the only safe and constitutional currency,” and “hostility to the dangerous and unconstitutional creation of vested rights by legislation.”

From affirmative action to business subsidies, today’s Congress and state legislatures routinely bestow advantages on this or that group at the expense of others. The Locofoco condemnation of such special privilege couldn’t be clearer:

We ask that our legislators will legislate for the whole people and not for favored portions of our fellow-citizens, thereby creating distinct aristocratic little communities within the great community. It is by such partial and unjust legislation that the productive classes of society are … not equally protected and respected as the other classes of mankind.

William Leggett, whose expulsion from the October gathering by the Tammany Democrats sparked the Locofocos into being, was the intellectual linchpin of the whole movement. After a short stint editing a literary magazine called theCritic, he was hired as assistant to famed poet and editor William Cullen Bryant at the New York Evening Post in 1829. Declaring “no taste” for politics at first, he quickly became enamored of Bryant’s philosophy of liberty.

He emerged as an eloquent agitator in the pages of the Post, especially in 1834 when he took full charge of its editorial pages while Bryant vacationed in Europe. Leggett struck a chord with the politically unconnected and with many working men and women hit hard by the inflation of the national bank.

In the state of New York at the time, profit-making businesses could not incorporate without special dispensation from the legislature. This meant, as historian Richard Hofstadter explained in a 1943 article, that “men whose capital or influence was too small to win charters from the lawmakers were barred from such profitable lines of corporate enterprise as bridges, railroads, turnpikes and ferries, as well as banks.”

Leggett railed against such privilege: “The bargaining and trucking away of chartered privileges is the whole business of our lawmakers.” His remedy was “a fair field and no favor,” free-market competition unfettered by favor-granting politicians. He and his Locofoco followers were not anti-wealth or anti-bank, but they were vociferously opposed to any unequal application of the law. To Leggett and the Locofocos, the goddess of justice really was blindfolded. His relentless rebukes of what we would call today “crony capitalism” are well represented in this excerpt from an 1834 editorial:

Governments have no right to interfere with the pursuits of individuals, as guaranteed by those general laws, by offering encouragements and granting privileges to any particular class of industry, or any select bodies of men, inasmuch as all classes of industry and all men are equally important to the general welfare, and equally entitled to protection.

The Locofocos won some local elections in the late 1830s and exerted enough influence to see many of their ideas embraced by no less than Martin Van Buren when he ran successfully for president in 1836. By the middle of Van Buren’s single term, the Locofoco notions of equal rights and an evenhanded policy of a small federal government were reestablished as core principles of the Democratic Party. There they would persist for more than half a century after Leggett’s death, through the last great Democratic president, Grover Cleveland, in the 1880s and 1890s. Sadly, those essentially libertarian roots have long since been abandoned by the party of Jefferson and Jackson.

Upon Leggett’s untimely death in 1839, poet William Cullen Bryant penned an eloquent obituary in which he wrote, in part, the following tribute:

As a political writer, Mr. Leggett attained, within a brief period, a high rank and an extensive and enviable reputation. He wrote with great fluency and extraordinary vigor; he saw the strong points of a question at a glance, and had the skill to place them before his readers with a force, clearness and amplitude of statement rarely to be found in the writings of any journalist that ever lived. When he became warmed with his subject, which was not unfrequently the case, his discussions had all the stirring power of extemporaneous eloquence.

His fine endowments he wielded for worthy purposes. He espoused the cause of the largest liberty and the most comprehensive equality of rights among the human race, and warred against those principles which inculcate distrust of the people, and those schemes of legislation which tend to create an artificial inequality in the conditions of men. He was wholly free — and, in this respect his example ought to be held up to journalists as a model to contemplate and copy — he was wholly free from the besetting sin of their profession, a mercenary and time-serving disposition. He was a sincere lover and follower of truth, and never allowed any of those specious reasons for inconsistency, which disguise themselves under the name of expediency, to seduce him for a moment from the support of the opinions which he deemed right, and the measures which he was convinced were just. What he would not yield to the dictates of interest he was still less disposed to yield to the suggestions of fear.

We sorrow that such a man, so clear-sighted, strong minded and magnanimous has passed away, and that his aid is no more to be given in the conflict which truth and liberty maintain with their numerous and powerful enemies.

If you’re unhappy that today’s political parties give lip service to equal rights as they busy themselves carving up what’s yours and passing out the pieces, don’t blame me. I’m a Locofoco and a fan of William Leggett.

For further information, see:

Lawrence W. Reed

Lawrence W. (“Larry”) Reed became president of FEE in 2008 after serving as chairman of its board of trustees in the 1990s and both writing and speaking for FEE since the late 1970s.

EDITORS NOTE: Each week, Mr. Reed will relate the stories of people whose choices and actions make them heroes. See the table of contents for previous installments.

What Greek “Austerity”? by Steve H. Hanke

greek president

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras

It’s hard to find anything written or spoken about Greece that doesn’t contain a great deal of hand-wringing about the alleged austerity — brutal fiscal austerity — that the Greek government has been forced to endure at the hands of the so-called troika (the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund).

This is Alice in Wonderland economics. It supports my 95% rule: 95% of what you read about economics and finance is either wrong or irrelevant.

The following chart contains the facts courtesy of Eurostat.

Social security spending as a percentage of GDP in Greece is clearly bloated relative to the average European Union country — even more so if you only consider the 16 countries that joined the EU after the Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1993.*

To bring the government in Athens into line with Europe, a serious diet would be necessary — much more serious than anything prescribed by the troika.

* Ed. note: The treaty created the EU and the euro and also obligated EU members to keep “sound fiscal policies, with debt limited to 60% of GDP and annual deficits no greater than 3% of GDP.” Ha!

Steve H. Hanke

Steve H. Hanke is a Professor of Applied Economics and Co-Director of the Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Did Oregon Gag the Anti-Gay Marriage Bakers? by Walter Olson

Readers who follow the battles over forfeiture law may recall the recent case in which a North Carolina convenience store owner from whom the government had seized $107,000 without any showing of wrongdoing decided to fight the case in the press as well as in court, backed by the Institute for Justice.

Lyndon McLellan’s decision to go public with the dispute drew a menacing letter from a federal prosecutor about the publicity the case had been getting:

“Your client needs to resolve this or litigate it,” Mr. West wrote. “But publicity about it doesn’t help. It just ratchets up feelings in the agency.” He concluded with a settlement offer in which the government would keep half the money.

That case ended happily, but the problem is much broader: many individuals and businesses fear that if they seek out favorable media coverage about their battle with the government, the government will find a way to retaliate, either informally in settlement negotiations or by finding new charges to throw against them.

That such fears might not be without foundation is illustrated by last week’s widely publicized Oregon cake ruling, in which a Gresham, Oregon couple was ordered to pay $135,000 in emotional-distress damages for having refused to bake a cake for a lesbian couple’s commitment ceremony.

Aside from the ruling’s other objectionable elements, the state labor commissioner ruled it “unlawful” for the couple to have given national media interviews in which they expressed sentiments like “we can see this becoming an issue and we have to stand firm.”

Taking advantage of an exception in free speech law in which courts have found that the First Amendment does not protect declarations of future intent to engage in unlawful discrimination, the state argued — and its commissioner agreed — that the “stand firm” remark along with several similarly general comments rallying supporters were together “unlawful.”

That ought to bother anyone who cares about free speech. I’ve got a piece up at Ricochet.com, my first there, exploring the question in more detail:

Suppose someone began a sentence with the words “I don’t think I should have to serve [group X] at my shop….”

If they follow with the words “but since it’s the law, I’ll comply,” the sentence as a whole would clearly count as protected speech under current law. If they follow with the words “and I won’t, law or no law,” it loses protection.

But suppose the speaker were to end the sentence at “…my shop.” Up to that point, the speaker has expressed only an essentially political opinion, not a forward-looking intention to defy the law.

Such speech is all the more of core First Amendment interest when it takes place not in a local, commercial context but as part of broader political discussions between citizens as to whether laws are unjust or government too heavy-handed.

Read the rest here.

Walter Olson

Walter Olson is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Constitutional Studies.

RELATED ARTICLE: Hypocrisy ALERT: Gay Bakeries Refuse to Make Pro-Christian Cakes [+Videos]

EDITORS NOTE: This piece cross-posted from Cato at Liberty and Overlawyered.

Why We Must Rally Behind the Kleins

Sorry folks, I just can not let this go. Every fiber of my being screams out in outrage. I don’t know what to do, but We the People must do something! Our side is composed of Conservatives, Christians and true patriots with brilliant minds. Surely, we can come up with a solution to defeat a handful of evil Leftist arrogant tyrannical bullying Oregon government officials.

In case you were abducted by aliens and just returned to earth (I watched the movie Close Encounters yesterday), Christian bakery owners, Melissa and Aaron Klein, were fined $135K and state ordered not to speak publicly about it. The Kleins’ crime is refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding.

Now get this folks, the Kleins served their lesbian client on numerous occasions. But, the Kleins’ religious faith forced them to decline from doing anything in support of a behavior that is contrary to the Word of God. That is the Kleins and our first Amendment Right.

Leftists have masterfully entrenched the absurd claim that not supporting a behavior is the same as “discrimination” against a person. Oregon officials figuratively told the Kleins screw your rights; comply or suffer economic death.

Who are these Oregon officials who think they can give the Constitution and 40 million Christians the finger and get away with it? Brother and sister patriots, we can not let this go unabated; literally stand by and watch Christians slaughtered right before our very eyes.

Donald Trump said his rising presidential poll numbers confirm America’s “silent majority”. Rush Limbaugh asked why are we not seeing proof of their existence; push back against SCOTUS redefining the thousands of years old definition of marriage, the bullying of the Kleins and so on?

Explaining his point, Rush cited when Obama sent bus loads of illegals to Murrieta, California. Local residents rose up in protest and would not allow the buses to unload. Why are we not seeing that kind of resistance against the Left’s government minion’s full court press, no-holds-barred assault on our freedom?

I will not give the ministers’ names because I think it is unproductive to beat up on people on our side. Focus on defeating our Nemesis, not each other. In response to SCOTUS unlawfully and outrageously cramming same sex marriage down America’s throats, I heard a few TV preachers say let’s not over react. It is just the world acting like the world.

It felt like the preachers were conceding the point, advising us to speak gently about the topic. Let’s just keep our beliefs safe and warm within the walls of our churches. Well guys, the Left “ain’t” gonna allow Christians to do that.

When a reporter asked a homosexual activist attorney will there be a “ceasefire” now that they have been given the right to marry, the attorney said absolutely not. She said that while they respect religious rights, they will continue to fight for gays to have the cakes and flowers they want. Do you see the insidious crafty way the attorney solidified the Left’s determination to force Christians to act against their faith? Who in the world is stopping gays from having the cakes and flowers they want? Nobody. The Totalitarian attorney is really saying they will not rest until every Christian is government mandated to fully embrace homosexual behavior.

Rush quoted this famous chilling poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – Because I am not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – Because I am not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – Because I am not a Jew.

They they came for me –and there was no one left to speak for me.”

What am I saying? I am saying if we passively allow the Left to destroy the Kleins, we are next!

I thought another “Dan’s Bake Sale” style rally in Oregon might be in order for the Kleins. Imagine, multiple thousands showing up in support of the Kleins and protesting the Left’s unconstitutional tyranny. We would need someone with a big platform like Rush to pull it off.

As I stated earlier folks, I prayerfully covet your ideas and solutions. All I know is We the People can not simply stand idly by and allow what is happening to the Kleins go unabated. Quoting heroic Todd Beamer, “Let’s Roll!”

RELATED ARTICLE: Hypocrisy ALERT: Gay Bakeries Refuse to Make Pro-Christian Cakes [+Videos]

“COFFEE TALK” Video — With Tom and the Boys

operation 300 compositToday we give you something a bit different then our typical hard-core analysis of national security issues.

As we transition off the radio we decided to just kick back and have sort of a “Coffee Talk” time with Tom, Mark, Damon and our special guest, Billy Vaughn.

So, join us as we talk, laugh, think and basically enjoy discussing some very serious stuff and some stuff that’s not too serious.

Soviet Fascism in the 21st Century: Knowledge is Power

July 2015 brought additional chaos to the world community: Greece is about to leave the EU, Iran rushes to join the club of nuclear nations, and the Islamic State widens its territory. The cause is WW III against Western civilization, designed, coordinated, and marketed by the Kremlin. Terrorism today, as the integral part of WW III, it is present in all continents. The Islamic State is not an exclusive threat, it is a personification of all terrorist groups, a Muslim Brotherhood institution and they have already infiltrated every state of America. Regrettably, the Republicans are timid, toothless, and demoralized. They do not have a political strategy to successfully fight Soviet Fascism. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are very week and incompetent leaders. At the same time, the Democrats have no new ideas or political strength—their strength is the Republican’s incompetence and the Democrats are using it to ruin every parts of our society and the American Republic as a whole.

The Democrat’s Leadership

The leadership of the Democratic Party has been adhered to the ideology of Socialism or Soviet Fascism for the last several decades, therefore, without the knowledge of the ideology the Republicans can’t expose the Democrats. (See the preceding parts 22 and 23). The Republicans unfortunately have forgoten what W. Churchill said about Socialism many years ago and he was right. He identified it the best. “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” There are 55% of young unsatisfied people, who are ready to leave the country. Republicans are missing a boat full of youngsters of all different nationalities and races. The Republican Party should move rapidly towards this people, in order to educate and arm them with the knowledge of our biggest enemy—Soviet Fascism.

I have been warning you about Obama since 2008 when I first saw and heard him; please, read pp. 310-316 and Epilogue of my book titled: What is Happening to America?  You will find an interesting description and my prediction for the future of America.  For the last eight years I have been screaming in my articles about Obama’s treasonous activities and collaboration with our enemies, especially with Russia and Iran. Alas! No response. Finally, a couple of days ago, I read something that gave me some hope:

Ret. General Drops Bombshell: Obama Should Be Arrested For This ‘Treasonous Activity,’ Western Journalism, June 28, 2015

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul E. Vallely stated recently during a radio interview that President Obama should be “arrested for treasonous activities.” Vallely, while a guest on the Real Side radio program earlier this month, stated above anything else that Obama should be held accountable for his sympathies for the Muslim Brotherhood in particular and his actions regarding the Benghazi tragedy. The retired general said one group that should hold the president’s feet to the fire are high-ranking members of the military. “I’m tired of the deceit, the lies, the deception of this administration,” Vallely told Real Side.

We know today what made General Valley tired. It is Political Correctness, which   is the crux of the matter, because Political Correctness is a major psychological manipulation of the human mind invented by Stalin to cover-up the truth of a criminal intent. We the former citizens of the Socialist countries remember all of that. To indoctrinate us in the Stalinist ideology, an arsenal of different devices was used: lies, fraud, deceit, distortion, and fabrication, perjury, and so on to cover-up the crimes committed and substitute the promising result with a process…

Political Correctness is a Stalinist policy, driven by the political agenda, a skillfully crafted design and a long-term strategy of war against Western civilization and creation of One World Government.

Genera Valley is right and a recent framework for the Iranian nukes is a vivid evidence in continuation of Obama’s usual policy of retreat on behalf of Russia. Obama is giving Iran the time to develop the nuclear bomb, fully aware of a close dealing of Iran and Russia for the last decades. It was Russia who has already built the first nuclear reactor in Iran, let alone the Revolutionary Guard crated by Russian KGB. I suspect that with the secret help of Russia or North Korea, Iran is very close to have 1-2 nuclear bombs today and that qualifies Obama’s activities as “Treasonous”.

In the past, I purposely gave you a complete article describing PC and the creator of the fraud by the Evil genius of Stalin. It was PC that help Obama to give Putin time to complete the development of ISIS, it was Obama who gave Putin the opportunity to destabilize Libya, by using PC that confused the people and covered-up his criminal intent. Unfortunately, Obama is not alone in radical alliances with Putin, today a good example of using PC by defrauding EU is a Socialist Greece.

The default of Greece was not a surprise. For the last five years Greece had been living in debt, unable to pay its creditors. All these years the Socialist government of Greece was cheating, lying, and covering-up negative data. It was done in the best traditions of Stalinism, using all attributes of Stalin’s Political Correctness. As Maggie Thatcher said:  “Socialism is good until you run out of other people’s money.”  Greece is yet another example of socialism…By its ideology Greece is tied up to the Kremlin as well as to all actors of other fronts in WW III. If you check Greece’s connection to the Russian government, you’ll find a few intriguing components of it, among them Putin’s promises to build a pipe line to Europe through Greece, which is cutting off Ukraine from the oil business. Greece is Moscow’s satellite like Iran is.

We are watching a political theater with Obama playing a prime role, while Russia is behind both cases. They are both designed to buy time for preparing something nefarious, plotting by Russia in the realm of a global project. It can be a market crises or something in this affect. I have no crystal ball to predict the design, but if you know Stalinism and Soviet Fascism you can imagine and conceive it. We can expect the Obama’s usual delays in all cases tie to Russia. Please, remember: WWIII has many fronts and to win it, Knowledge is a Must.

It was 2008, when I was completing an above mentioned book, Chapter 7, I have entitled WWIII: Recruitment and Drugs, Infiltration, and Assassinations. I did it for many different reasons, the main one to show the enormous extend of the territory covered and affected by WWIII. Even more than that, it also was a desire to show the inextricable connection of harm done to both American domestic and foreign policies. The situation has not changed in 2015 and the absence of needed knowledge is damaging America today more evidently than ever.

Some events today present indisputable evidence of how the Democratic Party in cahoots with “agents of influence” is fighting the Republican Party. Look at Donald Trump—he “dared speak a truth in an age of lies.” You will see now the agents of influence in all sphere of our society, including the financial sector, which has been activated like a pack of furious dogs against Donald Trump and the Republicans. It happened before your eyes, but you do not know the Stalin’s handwritings to recognize it. We, the former citizens of the Socialist States see very clearly his policy of personal destruction and the menacing and intimidating features of Stalinist regime in America.

I’d like to offer a kind of explanation of how Political Correctness was infiltrated on the American soil and became a Mighty Weaponry for the Left. I trust the author of this piece, he is a witness of the American life. Here you are:

“Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow Black Panther named Alex Rackley needed to die. Rackley was suspected of disloyalty. Rackley was first tied to a chair. Once safely immobilized, his friends tortured him for hours by, among other things, pouring boiling water on him.

When they got tired of torturing Rackley, Black Panther member,Warren Kimbro took Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. Rackley’s body was later found floating in a river about 25 miles north of New Haven, Connecticut. Perhaps at this point you’re curious as to what happened to these Black Panthers?

In 1977, that’s only eight years later, only one of the killers was still in jail. The shooter, Warren Kimbro , managed to get a scholarship to Harvard and became good friends with none other than Al Gore.  He later became an assistant dean at an Eastern Connecticut State College. Isn’t that something!!!  As a ’60s radical you can pump a bullet into someone’s head and a few years later, in the same state, you can become an assistant college dean!

Only in America!!!

Erica Huggins was the woman who served the Panthers by boiling the water for Mr. Rackley’s torture. Some years later Ms. Huggins was elected to a California School Board. How in the world do you think these killers got off so easily? Maybe it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came to the defense of the Panthers. These two people actually went so far as to shut down Yale University with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black Panthers during their trial.

One of these people was none other than Bill Lan Lee. Mr. Lee, or Mr. Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn’t a college dean. He isn’t a member of a California School Board. He is now head of the United States Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, appointed by none other than Bill Clinton.

O.K, so, who was the other Panther defender?  Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board member? Is this other Panther apologist now an assistant college dean? No, neither!

The other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical law student at Yale University at the time. She is now known as the “smartest woman in the world.” She is none other than the former Democratic senator from the State of New York —— our former First Lady, and the Secretary of State, the incredible Hillary Rodham Clinton. This deserves the widest possible press. Remember this, when she runs for President !!

And now, as Paul Harvey said; “You know the rest of the story”.

The Plight of Stalinism — Obama/Putin Joint Venture

It is not a simple thing for a normal human being to find the truth in the labyrinth of lies, intrigues, and fraud of Political Correctness. It is very easy for us, who went through the mind-grinder of Socialism. Seven years ago, while completing my third book in 2008, I warned you: “Obama’s victory in 2008 is also a death to America the Beautiful—an incredible harm will be done to our country. Just watch political intimidation of the opposition, the class and psychological warfare, our economy with “reduced capacity,” our schools with new textbooks and our Higher Educational system run by Liberals. Indoctrination of our youth will go with incredible speed! Watch criminal gangs acting under the KGB’s supervision, unexpected shootings a-la Columbine massacre, arsons, and so on. You will see an open season on the Republicans and Conservatives making them “the enemy of the people.” Watch the destruction of our military, intelligence and security agencies from within and other harmful developments. The fight against terrorists around the world will end. Some of them will be welcome to our soil. Moral and psychological degradation of America will stun you!” What is Happening to America? Xlibris, 2012, p.339.

Those who had experienced the regime of Soviet Fascism will recognize and identify it immediately in any other locations. This is the reason I am investigating, reporting and writing about Stalin and Stalinism. Yet, at the time of completing my book, I did not know about Stalin’s quotation I just felt his ideological presence and my duty to warn you. Now please, just interpret the design and prediction made by him after the end of WWII, where the Soviet Union was an ally of America:

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” Joseph Stalin.

There are three major components acknowledged by Stalin; American Patriotism, our morality, and our spiritual life. If you analyses them and the following statement you see a criminal intent in the author’s mind—the negative outcome is the desire to undermine all three. Don’t you see it in America of 2015? Where is our patriotism? Statistics show 55 per cent of unsatisfied young people planning to leave America. Our morality is at its lowest level during the Obama’s regime. Our spiritual life has been attacked 24/7, just look at the constant war against Christianity going on today. Maybe now you have a better understanding of the ubiquitous WWIII and the variety of incredible forces waging it.

Yet, there is another caveat in Stalin’s words to be analyzed closely. And again look attentively at the quotation, the words constitute a manual or protocol for WWIII—the target, agenda, and a strategy to achieve it. If you add to this Stalin’s chess-geopolitics, you will see a big picture of WWIII. Stalin died in 1953, his will, as usual was directed to the Soviet Academy of Science and the Soviet Military to research the order and produce the instructions. As a result we have a familiar to you study that was approved by the Soviet Defense Council in 1955 (part 20). And the Army of Terror had been born. I have already listed almost all of the components of the Army of Terror, including Agents of Influence, if you remember, Soul Alinsky was one of them. There are many other people in this category known to you. Yet, I did not expect them to infiltrate the U.S. Supreme Court.

The recent two Rulings of the Supreme Court attest to that. Justices of the Supreme Court have become the Legislators. Those Decisions of the court have stunned me, especially a legalization of “gay marriage.” For me it is a very strange law, because ‘gay marriage” has nothing to do with law. Marriage is a cultural and theological concept of civilization. Nobody can change it! It belongs to the history of Judeo-Christian philosophy of civilization for 3.000 years of humanity and nobody has a spiritual force to destroy the foundation. Stalin’s ideology has been working for almost 100 years to do it—Catholic Church was the main target of the Soviets inside the country and abroad. The sexual crises decade ago had been one of the fronts of WW III to discredit the Catholic Church.

The decision on “gay marriage” is opening an avenue filled with possibility of different assaults against Christianity. In America it will not work. In the future you will see the failure of this attempt—the legacy of our Founding Fathers will be victorious. I am not alone stunned and disappointed by the Ruling of “gay marriage,” Here is a legal opinion on the Ruling:

Republican Leaders Are Lying To You. Congress CAN Nullify The Lawless Supreme Court Decree That Two Men Can Marry… And They Can Do It Tomorrow! “This news might come as something of a shock to some of you, but Congress has the CLEAR and UNDENIABLE authority and power, under Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States, to NULLIFY the recent lawless decree by five unelected black-robed tyrants that elevates perversion to the status of marriage.” The Western Center for Journalism, July 2, 2015.

In all my writings, I have been trying to show the chief difference between the countries which respect Law and lawless countries. The former Soviet Union, contemporary Russia, and Iran are lawless countries. The respect for law in America made the world to respect us. I love America the Beautiful and want it to stay that way. My hope for the Congress to change the recent wrongs…  By the way, the major task of the Soviets/Russians in the waging WWIII is that to undermine American credibility and make us responsible for the chaos in the world they had created… The policy has been bequeathed by Stalin.

Terrorism—an integral part of WW III

Terrorism is an act of violence to achieve a political result. The hostage crisis in Iran was the first act of global terrorism in 1979. It was executed under the Soviet supervision. You know Kremlin’s political agenda, it is—One World Government. Plus you also know the Soviet/Russian history on the Middle East.  So, let’s make a proper classification of our enemy, put these two together and a big picture of the contemporary world will appear before you—Socialism and Islamism are working hand in hand against Western civilization.  According to a U.S. based Islamic State spokesman from Chicago, who wishes to remain anonymous:

“This decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage is the work of Allah and the Prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him. Sharia law teaches us that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death. …In the Middle East we throw homosexuals off of roof tops. Unfortunately we do not have very tall buildings in Iraq and Syria. When we throw a homosexual off a roof we must then stone him after he hits the ground.  This takes up a lot of time and Islamic State resources. However, in America there are many tall buildings, such as the new World Trade Center, where we can send these sodomites flying.
We will begin our nationwide campaign to cleanse America of these sodomites during Ramadan 2016. Allah Akbar!”

Islamic State on U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision: “It makes it easier for us to target and slaughter them!”

June 27, 2015/in CommentaryPolitical Satire /by Dr. Rich Swier

Let’s go now from satire to reality. There is no need to repeat in detail my statement made in part 23—all terrorist groups with different names, yet, have the same DNA, the same agenda and modus operandi to achieve it. Moreover, ISIS has the smart and well educated people from the former Soviet Security apparatus, some of them have Ph.D. and all of them, including Putin are waging a savvy and very successful propaganda war, Soviet style against the West. Just watch ISIS propaganda online using Facebook and other devices—action speaks lauder then words to manipulate human mind. Unfortunately, this Soviet style propaganda today manipulates us and our intelligence agencies.

The main task of Soviet propaganda is to make America responsible for the chaos in the world, created by them. This is the foremost agenda of Soviet Fascism and our intelligence is missing this central and chief point of WWIII. Immigration is a factor used by Soviet Fascism to infiltrate our soil with agents of influence or simple criminals of all ethnic groups, including the Jihadists to commit sabotage, shootings, and variety of killings. America doesn’t have a viable current law to manage the situation. The Republican Congress lost the whole year due to its lack of knowledge about WWIIi we fight against Soviet Fascism. They do not count a few steps ahead, as Putin does. Look at this information –America agrees with me; GOP COMMITTING SUICIDE BY IGNORING ‘WINNING’ ISSUE’? by GARTH KANT

Polls show Americans overwhelmingly disagree with top leadership.

Published: 20 hours ago by WND

WASHINGTON – The consensus of the political elite is that opposition to immigration, both legal and illegal, is a losing issue for Republicans in 2016 because it would cost them votes. Many GOP analysts believe presidential candidates need to support immigration to get crucial Hispanic votes. But evidence shows opposition to immigration may be a winning issue for the GOP .In fact, it might even help rebuild the Reagan coalition. Read more.

A Catastrophic Stage of American National Security

Knowledge of history and memory of it is the main attribute of the real politics. That is the reason I am constantly reminding you about the Russian history. Alas! Our intelligence is lacking both of them and not only our intelligence.   “Forgetting is one of our survival mechanisms and, thankfully, it works most of the time when dealing with trauma or painful memories. However, forgetting history can yield unpleasant results; while constantly picking and choosing what to remember and what to forget is a disaster.” How Zarqawi’s terror network morphed into ISIS, Octavia Nasr, Tuesday, 1 July 2014

I don’t totally agree with the author, but that exact unpleasant result happened on July 5, 2015, on the Fareed Zaharias show, talking about Al-Zarqawi.

Ahmad Fadhil Nazzal al-Khalaylah, who would later rename himself Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, was once one of the most wanted men in the world, for whose arrest the United States offered a $25 million reward, Al-Zarqawi was a notoriously enigmatic figure—a man who was everywhere and  nowhere at the same time. Reading the article, I was surprised by the striking similarity with another man also a Jihadi leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri. For the first time we heard his name at the bloody assassination of the President of Egypt Anwar Sadat in 1981.He was the group leader identified to have ties with al-Qaeda. He was imprisoned for three years, tried and subsequently expelled from Egypt.

Al-Zarqawi was also imprisoned for many years. He would flourish there. It was Al-Zarqawi’s idea to create an Islamic State and unite all Muslims under its banner of Islam and he also had ties with al-Qaeda. Al-Zarqawi controlled not only his followers, but also the ward’s television sets. Don’t you see the striking similarities between the two? Both are extremely brutal and innovating in the issue of killing people. Both were plotting and acting against the West. Look at the life of Al-Zarqawi beyond Afghanistan:

“He may or may not have known that Jordan was about to declare him a suspect in a series of foiled terrorist attacks intended for New Year’s Eve of 1999. The plan, which became known as the “Millennium Plot,” involved the bombing of Christian landmarks and other tourist sites, along with the Radisson Hotel in Amman. Had it succeeded, it would have been Al-Zarqawi’s first involvement in a major terrorist attack.” The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, by MARY ANNE WEAVERJULY/AUGUST 2006 ISSUE

He was often reported dead, only to rise again. In recent years, some even suggested that he didn’t exist at all. The man was hard to distinguish from the myth. He wasn’t religious during that time and only ‘returned’ to Islam three months before coming to Afghanistan. In short, my opinion is the following: Al-Zarqawi is a conduit for the Jihadi transformation from Al-Qaeda to ISIS, a typical Soviet agent of influence.  That exact point was missing in the CNN’s report. If you want to know where the exclusive brutality of ISIS came from, just read the Chapter 4, And Evil is Alive and Well, in What is Happening to America?

National security of America is the key issue for me in reporting about the family of the Clintons for the last twenty-five years. The Clintons have been also identified by other authors in many different ways: Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas, Clinton Cash, WND Editor Joseph Farah called them “AMERICA’S FIRST CRIME FAMILY”. I agree with the last one and my identification was the Clinton Gang for the reason of damaging our national security. As I stated before, an installation of server at Clinton’s home is something extremely unusual and the Clinton connection to Russia is, in my opinion, the most threatening. Listen to this:

“among the 30,000-plus emails deleted by Hillary’s team were notes regarding Benghazi and other Libya-related policies. Hillary used multiple mobile devices to send and receive emails.  …Records prove that Mrs. Clinton used multiple email addresses, including one that her team had explicitly told Congressional investigators did not exist while she was at State.“ Five Lies About Hillary’s Secret Emails, by Guy Benson | TawnHall.com Jul 02, 2015

Yes, the connection to Russia is threatening to me the most, because it is also a connection to Al-Zarqawi and the entire terrorist world. That is the reason for finding out the actual method or manner of communication, used by Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. I still consider the Clinton foundation “the eyes and ears of the Kremlin.” The history of the Clintons goes back to the 1990s and a lot of strange events happened then. Do you remember Mr. Gore, an environmental activist? He sold his business to Al Jazeera. Look at the recent issue from Al Jazeera:

“Qatar-based media company Al Jazeera released a video on its social media site AJ+ mocking Americans as they celebrated American Independence Day.
Not surprisingly, it wasn’t well received in the USA”. By Greg Richter, Sunday, 05 Jul 2015

I don’t trust Bill Clinton, his entire presidency should be deeply investigated, as well as the Obama activities—I don’t trust the leadership of the Democratic Party. To end this article, let me give you a story to grasp the truth about the Party:

In the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian Tsar Nicolas II, gave a substantial sum of money to build the Russian Orthodox Church, St. Nicolas Cathedral, in New York. Approximately at the same time, two young American patriots, of Russian origin, had established the first American-Russian newspaper, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, also in New York. St. Nicolas Cathedral is still functioning on Ninety-Seventh Street, and though the founders of the immigrant’s newspaper died, their bulletin prospers.

In Russia, events followed less peacefully: the Communist’s Cheka had murdered Tsar Nicolas, his wife, and their five children. It was a horrendous killing of innocent people, where blood was pouring like the streams of the river in the tiny basement of the old Russian monastery in Siberia . . . After the execution, the corpses of the Russian royal family were thrown into a pit with hydrochloric acid. I have read a book about the entire ordeal and the man named Yurovsky, who by order from Moscow was responsible for the execution. Finishing his bloody assignment, he got a powerful position to administer the Russian Gold Reserve in Moscow . . .

Approximately at the same time in America, a group of businessmen came to President Wilson with a request to terminate a criminal regime in Russia. They guaranteed a success and asked for $350,000. President Wilson rejected the offer and the criminal regime continued killing in Russia and in the world. Yet the Russian Church on Ninety-Seventh Street persistently disseminated goodness among its people, bringing peace to their souls and so did the American-Russian newspaper telling the truth to the immigrants coming to America. I was among those immigrants . . .

When I came to the Unites States, I spoke no English and read only Russian newspapers. Living in the Bronx, I had to walk several miles to the newsstand selling Russian newspaper. Can you imagine my frustration when I read a small article about President Wilson and his refusal to deal with a regime in Russia in 1918? How many lives could have been saved and how many disasters in the world could’ve been prevented? Alas, it did not happen and murders and assassinations became a landmark of the twentieth century.

For the sake of our children and grandchildren history is responsible for presenting the entire account of killings in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for the civilized world. The real aggressor must be known, judged, and severely punished. Knowledge is only our savior. I made this excursion to the past to warn you: nothing has changed since in Russia. Not a lot has changed in America either: The Democrat President Wilson has started the retreat of America, the Democrat Barack Obama continued the same retreat a hundred years later and killing of innocent people is going on and on. A compromise is not a dirty word, a compromise with Soviet Fascism constitutes Treason.

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com.

There is No ‘Done’ in Politics

Recently I was hosting a show on a Washington D.C. talk radio station and a frustrated voter called and told me he was “done.” The caller went through an impromptu list of terrible policy decisions by the Obama Administration in the economic, healthcare, regulatory, and spending realm – in addition to social issues and law enforcement arenas.  He culminated his rant by expressing his desire to throw in the towel. The man’s fear and apprehension was unmistakable, but his response deeply troubled me.

The man’s comments didn’t trouble me because I thought his analysis was incorrect or misguided, it troubled me because he was correct. The Left is winning, and winning big. They have engaged in a century-long war on our culture, our values, our liberty, and our constitutional system of government, and have managed to win nearly every major skirmish. They have not only won these battles, they have successfully implemented a de facto (possibly de jure system after the recent Supreme Court session) penalty system of social isolation and shaming, reminiscent of the Scarlet Letter, to be put into place by immediately branding a hateful label upon the head of anyone with an opposing view.

Conservative victories are few and far between. Even when we win, the spoils evanescence quickly and the liberty train continues to move farther and farther away from the station. The far Left has no appetite for facts and data, only for division and obfuscation. Without anger, division politics, and fear, the far Left has nothing. They are immune to logic as if they’ve been vaccinated against common sense, but they continue to plug away at our economic and political liberty. Whether it’s Greece’s bankruptcy, Venezuela’s breadlines, Cuba’s political prisoners, Puerto Rico’s zeroed-out bank account, or any of the many other examples of the misery caused by their policies, they continue to follow their comrades off the cliff like lemmings.

Yes, that’s all bad news, and you may be wondering why I’m challenging the caller who was willing to toss in the towel. I do so because this isn’t a reality TV show or material for a future cautionary tale– it’s a fight against the never-ending human pursuit of power at the expense of others. I’m not sure what the “I’m done with this fight” caller was expecting. Saying we are losing the fight is far different from saying we have “lost” the fight, and it assumes that we won something in the past. There will never be any conclusion to this fight.  It’s not a marathon or a sprint. It’s a race that has no finish line. It’s an eternal boxing match, not a temporary golf game. If you walk off the golf course and say “I’m done,” no one really cares. The owner of the golf course gets his money and the players behind you get to play through faster. In a boxing match, when you say “I’m done,” the other guy is still kicking your ass and you’d better care or you’ll be dead.

There’s no “done,” there’s never a “done.” The fight is what matters, it’s all that matters. We have to stop whining about electoral and legislative losses and start thinking about resisting. We will be measured by our sacrifices and our ability to peacefully, and responsibly, resist. Never, ever give up this fight. If you are the last one to turn off the light of liberty in your town, city, state, or country, then know you’ve sacrificed and paid the admission price for a future generation’s better tomorrow, when it all collapses.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Conservative Review. Featured image of President Ronald Reagan is courtesy by Jim Cole | AP Photo.

Islamic Protesters Burn LGBT Flag calling it ‘Offensive’

HOUSTON, TX – Smoke choked the streets of the city of Houston yesterday as Islamic protesters gathered to oppose the Supreme Court’s decision upholding gay marriage. Throughout the day members of the Muslim community prowled the city streets, tearing down LGBT flags from public buildings and private residences. A large pile containing hundreds of LGBT flags was burned later during a massive anti-gay-marriage rally.

Terrified residents hid in their homes and workplaces as a giant mob of over 3,000 Muslim men and women marched through the streets while pointing their fingers in the air and shouting ‘death to the homosexuals,’ ‘Allahu Akbar,’ and other homophobic slurs mixed with praises of Allah.

Susan Griffon, an outspoken lesbian and LGBT supporter, had her nose broken with the heel of a shoe that was used like a club, as she wrestled with a group of protesters ripping an LGBT flag out of her cigar shop window. The assailants who beat her shouted, “you are not a man, stop dressing like it.” They walked off with the flag, leaving her unconscious on the sidewalk.

Muhmar Al-Sajeer, one of the organizers of the rally, welcomed attention of the media. “We have objected verbally time and again to the LGBT people,” he told reporters. “We told them we did not want to see their insensitive rainbow flag everywhere, as it offends our eyes and souls. They ignored our pleas and flaunted that filth in our faces anyway. The only way we could respond to their provocation was to take back our streets by force.”

anti-gay-activists-stepping-on-a-rainbow-flag-via-Reuters.jpg Once the Islamic protesters gathered enough flags, they proceeded to throw them to the ground and step on them, while holding more flags in the air and setting them ablaze. The crowd danced, chanted, and recited verses from the Quran, as the smoke from the fires filled the air and residents of the apartment buildings nearby hid behind locked doors and darkened windows.

The flag burning and threatening chants lasted well into the night without any intervention from local authorities who tried to avoid sparking a religious controversy. Law enforcement did not respond to the scene out of fear of being accused of denying Muslims their right to express their religious beliefs. As a result, despite multiple 911 calls begging police to stop the protesters from making threats and damaging any more property, not a single officer was seen near the angry crowds.

burnedflagX390_0.jpg It wasn’t until the following morning that residents and local LGBT community emerged from their homes to clean up the blackened remnants of rainbow flags that were either stomped into the mud or burned beyond recognition. Distraught gays and lesbians were seen crying at the sight of their symbol defaced in a belligerent and disrespectful manner.

Teams of volunteers from nearby communities continued to arrive throughout the day to assist with cleaning up the aftermath of this unimaginable disaster.

RELATED ARTICLE: VIDEO: Islamic State Marks Gay Marriage Ruling by Throwing 4 Gay Men Off a Roof – FITNAPHOBIA

EDITORS NOTE: This column is political satire. It was first published on The Peoples Cube.

Busted: Hillary emails Expose Vast International Crime Ring

Though months have passed since the Congressional Committee on Benghazi has subpoenaed Hillary Clinton’s personal email servers, only to discover that they had been wiped clean, a team of national top experts in retrieving deleted digital information has now been able to restore much of the lost data, which, in addition to the evidence on Benghazi, resulted in other unexpected discoveries.

One gruesome find was an extremely disturbing email exchange between Mrs. Clinton and one Doctor Klopek, which prompted an independent criminal investigation leading to a discovery of a vast international crime ring.

According to the correspondence which she thought had been erased, Mrs. Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to bypass the ban on embryonic stem cell procedures and conspired with black market operators to undergo secret bi-annual facelifts using illegal injections of embryonic stem cells extracted from human fetuses in the nation’s abortion clinics.

Described as “Pluripotential Botox,” the cosmetic procedure of injecting embryonic stem cells directly into sagging and wrinkling skin of aging adults was believed to be a theoretical concept, but the recovered emails indicate that Mrs. Clinton has already been receiving it in an underground clinic for the past 19 years.

An embryo’s regenerative ability gives the stem cells remarkable anti-aging properties, producing a tighter and thicker skin within a week after injection. This gives the recipients a more natural -looking face than what can be achieved with traditional Botox treatments. The ethical aspects of using human embryos for medical purposes, however, remain a heavily debated subject, let alone dissecting human fetuses for vanity cosmetic projects.

The resulting federal ban on the use of embryonic stem cells has pushed the procedure into the black markets, driving the price of an injection to astronomical numbers. Mrs. Clinton’s correspondence indicates that she initially contacted Dr. Klopek through a high-end black market dealer with ties to some of the world’s most dangerous criminal organizations.

According to Mrs. Clinton’s emails, about a year ago her prospects of running for President required a change of protocol and visits to the underground clinic were no longer an option. For an additional fee, which raised the price tag for a visit to $160,000, Dr. Klopek would come to the Clinton’s Chappaquiddick compound and inject her forehead, lips, cheeks, eyes, and neck with the embryonic stem cells he had extracted from human fetuses in certain New York City abortion clinics. With every visit he would also resupply Mrs. Clinton with a 9 oz. jar of lotion made of fetus matter and laced with embryonic stem cells, which she would smear on her face twice daily at a cost of $80,000 per jar.

The resulting criminal investigation has led to an arrest warrant for Dr. Klopek. A source familiar with the investigation confirmed that Klopek has fled the country after receiving an email from Mrs. Clinton, warning him about the possibility that their arrangement of nearly two decades might be discovered.

Confronted with new information recovered from the Clinton’s email servers, House Speaker and member of the Benghazi Committee, John Boehner (R-OH), called the findings “nightmarish” and “blood-curdling,” adding that “this sounds like something straight out of Grimm’s fairy tales.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column is political satire. It originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Liberals HATE the History of The United States and Want to Create Their Own Utopia

In July, there are two nations that celebrate their Independence from one nation. Canada celebrated their independence from Great Britain on July 1 and the United States of America celebrated its independence from Great Britain on July 4. How interesting that the summer month of July produced such nations, birthed by an empire. Now some would argue that the empire that was Great Britain birthed another empire that was even more powerful, the United States.

Surely that was not the intent of our Founders, for us to be an empire and it is our true intent this day. We do not seek to conquer lands far and wide. We do not seek to occupy and hold territory in every corner of the world. But if you listen to Liberals, they would have you believe that the United States is nothing more than a colonial power that takes from other nations and gives nothing back. I have always found that to be strange since every time we defeated a major power or nation, we always gave it back to the people of that nation. Germany, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and the list goes on.

Surely a nation that is bent on world domination does not allow for conquered nations to live their own lives and have their own government. Remember the old Soviet Union? They surrounded themselves with nations that they controlled completely. There was no independence for the likes of the Baltic’s, Poland, East Germany and the list goes on. They had no choice but to do as their masters dictated. They had no choice but to stand and be the shield for Russia.

But Liberals in the United States, those who actually hate the United States, try to paint the picture that the United States is no better than the Soviet Union. They are so brazen with their hatred now that they even write articles that redefine history. They redefine the history of the United States of America by stating that the Revolutionary War was a bad idea. They claim that if the Monarchy of Great Britain ruled over the United States for a little while longer, there would not have been slavery and there would not have been a Civil War. These folks obviously do not know or understand their own history.

These Liberals tell us that the military Veterans of the United States should pay for their own health care. That if we didn’t spend so much on the military and if we didn’t pay our soldiers so much in salary that we could eliminate hunger in the United States and that everyone could go to public college for free. These Liberals preach that the basic foundations that made this country great and prosperous were illegal and immoral. You know, the institution of marriage between one man and one woman, Liberty and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The idea that each man is responsible for his own life.

You know the other ideals such as law and order is good for society. The military deserves our respect and admiration and that we should spend our money providing our soldiers with the best and latest equipment available to help insure their safe return home. Liberals detest the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, the playing and singing of our National Anthem, the military jet fly overs at major sporting events, prayer before government meetings.

Liberals can’t stand the fact that you should have the freedom to choose your doctor, your health insurance, your child’s school, what kind of car you drive, and what words you can and cannot say in public. In the end, if Liberals had their way, we would not have a flag. We would not have a pledge. We would not have a military capable of defending this nation. We would not have the ability and the right to choose to live as we see fit. We would not have the right to choose what we buy, who we elect, where we speak, what we say.

In the end, what Liberals really want, what would really truly make them happy, is the death and destruction of freedom. The end of the United States of America. What Liberals would have is what that great utopian novel most of us read in high school clearly announced. In the world of the novel Animal Farm, clearly the Liberals believe that some people are more equal than others. They are more equal than you or I. And there is nothing more they would love than to be able to march you down to the nearest government building and force you to pledge your allegiance to them and their utopian, Socialistic ways.

But if they did that, would they still celebrate July 4th? Of course not, they don’t like the fact that we eat a lot of meat on that holiday.

My Journey to the Republican Party

Over the weekend a reporter from a major media outlet called.  He has been wanting to do an extended profile on me for well over a year, but I have continued to delay the reporter.  What I finally decided to do was to speak to him off the record in great detail with the understanding that I would let him know when I was ready to go on the record so he could run his story on me.

This reporter had, to my amazement, already begun to talk with many elected congressional Democrats that I am friends with and several people I know who work for President Obama.  These people all read my columns and told the reporter that “they wished more Black Republicans would speak out on issues like Raynard.”

Some Republicans think I am too blunt and too critical of my party.  So I have decided to use this column to give my readers some insight into how I have evolved into the type of Republican I have become.

I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.  If you are Black in St. Louis, you are automatically a Democrat.  There is no discussion, no vote, no choice.  I attended Soldan High School and was president of my senior class; thus I knew many of our elected officials—all of whom were Democrats.

So off to Oral Roberts University (ORU) I go to attend college.  ORU was and still is one of the best religious schools in the U.S.  Every semester we had to sign an honor code.  Basically the code said they we would live a values based life on and off campus and if we violated the code we could and would be expelled from school.

We also had to attend mandatory chapel services on Wednesday and Fridays from 11:00 am to noon.  They took attendance and if you had three unexcused absences, you were automatically suspended from school.

Upon my graduation with my degree in accounting, I returned to St. Louis.

It was upon my return home that I first realized that the Republican Party was more compatible with my beliefs than the Democratic Party.  So my pastor, Sammie Jones of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, told me he wanted to introduce me to some Black Republicans.  You need to know that Jones was and still is a big Democrat back home.

The first person he introduced me to was Bill White, one of the most influential Republicans in the state.  He also owned and operated several Black radio stations across the country.  White also played professional baseball for the Kansas City Monarch of the Negro League.

As fate would have it, White said he had a project he wanted me to get involved in.  He had a friend who was about to file to run for mayor of St. Louis on the Republican ticket.  His name was Curtis C. Crawford, another Black Republican.

White arranged for me to go by and meet with Crawford and he said that he would open doors for me all across the country within the party and he did.  When he found out I had a degree in accounting, he asked me to be treasurer for his campaign, making me the youngest person in the city’s history to this day to hold such a position.

Crawford was an attorney by training who had received several appointments by President Nixon.  He served as regional director for the Small Business Administration (SBA) before Nixon appointed him to be a commissioner on the U.S. Parole Board, the first Black on the board since its creation some forty years earlier.

Though we lost the election, my visibility within the party skyrocketed as a result.  This led to me meeting and establishing relationships with the likes of John Ashcroft, Roy Blunt, Wendell Bailey, etc.  I had known our then senator, Jack Danforth since high school.

Out of nowhere I get a call from the Bush family asking me if I would consider chairing then vice president George H.W. Bush’s campaign in St. Louis for president.  Of course I said yes and the rest is history.

Over the years, I spent many thousands of hours at the feet of people like Bill White, Curtis Crawford, Art Fletcher, Sam Cornelius, Jim House, LeGree Daniels, Jewel Lafontant, Bill Coleman, etc. They were Black Republicans but were Civil Rights icons simultaneously.

Unfortunately, most Black Republicans of today have no institutional memory of who these people were and have no curiosity to find out.   Their stories are well chronicled in the nation’s two hundred Black newspapers; but far too many Black Republicans see little or no value in Black newspapers.  Black newspapers are the history books of Black Republicans, if these Black Republicans would simply take advantage of what’s right before their eyes.

So, I criticize my party because this is what these legends taught me to do.  I chastise today’s Black Republicans because I “willingly” carry the burden of years of conversations at the feet of Black icons who didn’t have to make a choice between their Blackness and being a Republican.  They said yes to both and made America and the Republican Party better for it.

Aliyah — Jewish Return to Israel a Good Plan, But Not in 2015

The book of Daniel supports Jewish Aliyah, but also offers a time-frame for it that is overlooked. This is based on the double application of Daniel, once in history and again in our time.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading rabbi in Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, urges Jews to return to Israel this fall. Aliyah, the Hebrew verb for “going up”, refers to immigrating to Israel, as it can help herald the coming of the Messiah.

I, a student of Hebrew prophecy, agree with the need for aliyah but I warn of the risk in returning to Israel this year before the prophetic time specified by the prophet Daniel. How is this so?

The book of Daniel was sealed till the time of the end but it also defines the time of the end in the 8th chapter where Gabriel said “the vision is at the time of the end” Dan 8:17. Gabriel explained that the ram horns were the kings of Media and Persia and the goat represented Grecia.

History confirms the victory of the goat in the Battle of Arbela, 331 BCE, but that was not the time of the end. This suggests that the “unsealed” meaning of Daniel is a double application—once in history, and again “at the time of the end” when the Medes and Persians are Iraq, Iran/ISIS. Militant Islam will be stomped (Dan 8:8) by a goat—Global Organization Against Terrorism.

It is not safe to return to Israel now. Wisdom will wait for Scripture to be fulfilled. God says, “All nations [Arab nations? United Nations?] will be gathered against Jerusalem to battle. The city shall be taken, the houses rifled and the women ravished. Half the city will go into captivity,…Then shall the Lord go forth to fight against those nations.” Zechariah 14:2,3. How will God fight? He used Babylon, now a GOAT.

It’s not difficult to see how this can develop. We should note that the timing for aliyah is specified in the next chapter which also links to the Messiah’s coming–that’s why aliyah will be timely: “Seventy weeks are determined on your [Daniel’s] people…from the command to restore and build Jerusalem [we saw its destruction in the text above] shall be 69 weeks.” Daniel 9:24,25.

That command by the Persian king, Artaxerxes in 457 BCE was the signal for aliyah and allowed it. So it must be again after an impending destruction foretold by Zechariah (above).

The big picture that God offers us in a double application of Daniel (ram and goat again—good news to spare Israel) and while we look for Messiah soon, the first application of Daniel 9 pointed 69 weeks of years to 27 CE when Yeshua was anointed (the meaning of Messiah). The Spirit as a dove descended at His baptism by John who proclaimed Him as the “Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” as foretold by the prophet Isaiah (53:3-7).

We can’t help the mistakes of our ancestors, but we don’t have to bury our heads from reality now. We must see the bigger picture. The New Covenant Promise for God to write His law in our hearts has an end-time context of aliyah. We must have His law in our hearts to be ready for Messiah, but it won’t happen until aliyah, Ezekiel 26:24-28.

Christians who accept the Torah, and Jews who accept Messiah will be fully compatible when the two sticks, one for Israel and one for Judah, come together to make one kingdom in Ezekiel 37:16,17,22. May God bless readers with shalom as we consider the light of prophecy!

EDITORS NOTE: Dr. Richard Ruhling is a physician whose interest in retirement is Bible prophecy. His website, http://Exodus2.wordpress.com offers his ebook, Exodus 2, that shows the U.S. with a dozen parallels to Egypt and supports an impending return.

The Demise of America

It has been several months since I have written any counterterrorism articles. During this period I have been to several mosques and conducted individual research studies. I cannot stress enough that America is in serious trouble.

All across our beautiful country we are surrounded by the enemy which is Islam. Where is Islam practiced by the most faithful of Muslims? In mosques. There are over 2300 strategically placed mosques covering all areas of America.

Unlike many counterterrorism experts, I see the Islamic ideology as a whole as the number one enemy of America. There are no moderate Muslims. One is either a practicing Muslim in it’s entirety and follows Sharia law 100 percent, or the person who calls himself or herself a moderate Muslim who doesn’t believe in all aspects of Sharia law, is an apostate and enemy of Islam. Islam does not allow a person to be a half practicing Muslim,

Based on my years of research inside mosques across America, it is a certainty America will continue to be attacked from within. The only way America can be destroyed is by people and organizations within America who follow the Islamic ideology. There are approximately 2 million practicing Muslims in America. There are approximately 3 million who call themselves moderates. Although these people are not considered Muslim in accordance with Islam, they will make a 180 degree turn when Islam is the dominant factor in America. In other words most people who associate with Islam are cowards when it is just themselves. They become powerful giants when they have a large number of other followers with them. This is similar to gangs in America. Cowards when alone, but almighty when they are with a crowd of their own kind.

So far by my above estimates there are 5 million potential mujahadeen fighters inside our country. These people do not adhere by choice to the U.S. Constitution, they adhere to their own constitution which is Sharia law. The U.S. Constitution and Sharia law are in no form compatible. A person cannot follow Sharia law and have allegiance to America. There are many Muslims who say they are American Muslims, but in reality they are non Americans. A non American who does not believe in and follow the U.S. Constitution are potential enemies of our country.

Not only are there 1 million registered Muslims in America, there are millions of Americans who will stand up for Islam before they will America. Every liberal in America is a likely supporter of Islam. Liberals are cowards by nature and like their coward Muslims. They become strong when they are surrounded by like minded people. Liberals like Muslims will align themselves with the group that is currently most powerful. We have seen this in Iraq. The Muslim people loved Americans when we were the powerful army in their country. Now that our troops have been removed they show their support to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Muslims and liberals will always follow the most powerful group in power.

Although there are millions and millions of potential mujahadeen living and working in America, and their liberal supporters, these people rely on powerful leaders. Their leader in America is President Obama and his liberal puppy followers. Americans should not take this statement lightly. Obama has shown over the past few years that he is more aligned to Sharia law than he is the U.S. Constitution. He would rather work with Iranian and other Muslim countries than he would the leaders of Israel.  Obama majored in U.S. Constitutional law, why?  History has shown for thousands of years that in order to defeat an enemy one must know the enemy as well as they know themselves. Obama understands the working structure of our country and knows how to destroy this beautiful country and it’s people.

I spent the most part of my life working within our government. It was my responsibility as a U.S. Federal Agent working counterterrorism to identify the enemies of America. My analysis was always accepted and applauded by government officials at the highest levels. My predictions about upcoming events pertaining to the security of America occurred many times. Below is my analysis and predictions for America in the next five years.

  1. President Obama will become even more powerful within the next year. He will continue to support our Islamic enemies. He will continue to degrade the power and importance of Israel.
  2. Martial law will occur before Obama leaves office, if he leaves office.
  3. The rights of free speech and the ownership of firearms will become ancient rights of our ancestors and no longer current Americans.
  4. America will begin to suffer major attacks on a daily basis by our Muslim enemies and their supporters.

I do not like wars or revolutions because children are the ones who suffer the most. This being said I predict a civil war/revolution in our country. True and Pure Americans will revolt and fight the enemies destroying our country from within. The American civil war within the 1860’s will be looked at like a minor skirmish compared to the upcoming civil war our country will be involved in.

Who will win the war within America? Sadly it is my prediction the enemies of Islam and their supporters will defeat True and Pure Americans because they will have the support of powerful politicians like Obama who hate America, Americans, and the American way of life our forefathers fought and died for.  True Americans can only win if our military leaders come forward and refuse to follow the orders of Obama.  A few will do this, but not enough.