On International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2013, MassResistance went to Jamaica and delivered a stirring speech at a pro-family rally in Kingston, warning citizens about the slippery slope effects that would come with legalizing homosexual behavior, now being considered by the Jamaican government. The speech was broadcast live over national radio.
The homosexual movement wanted to use International Human Rights Day strictly to promote their cause. But these Jamaicans had another plan!
I was the main speaker at the rally, held in Emancipation Park in Kingston by the Jamaican Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS). Over 400 people attended.
I outlined — point by point — the progression that followed once homosexuality was legalized everywhere else — and would surely happen in Jamaica. After legalization comes: gay pride parades; non-discrimination laws; homosexuals’ adoption of children; the homosexual agenda in schools; forcing “gay marriage” on society; public funding to deal with increased homosexual-related social problems; the transgender agenda; large-scale loss of free speech; ban on counseling for kids with homosexual issues; and attacks on churches.
Over four hundred Jamaicans came to the rally Emancipation Park, an evening event before a brightly lit stage.
After the presentation, one Jamaican activist emailed us: “Your arrival here was timely and most appreciated. The feedback from your talk continued on radio the next day and I know that the MC of the show certainly was shocked to discover what has been taking place.”
The Jamaican people are not afraid to wear their religion on their sleeve — or on their shirt!
Besides my keynote speech, the 2½ hour event included songs, dances, and several powerful speeches about morality and God’s laws. The attendees were very enthusiastic and energetic on this issue. At the end of the event, they eagerly commenced a nationwide petition drive to stop the legalization efforts.
As the rally ended, people started gathering signatures on a national petition to keep the current law intact.
By many accounts, the MassResistance speech was a big boost for the pro-family battle going on right now in Jamaica.
Outrage over push to overturn Jamaica’s “Buggery Law”
At issue is a recent push to overturn the country’s 150-year-old law against homosexual behavior. The statute (Sec. 76 of the Crimes Against Persons Act) is universally known in Jamaica as “the Buggery Law,” after the British terminology. Jamaica is one of about a dozen Caribbean countries where anti-sodomy laws are currently on the books.
Prime Minister’s announcement. In early June 2013, Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller announced that she is considering having the Parliament take a “conscience vote” on a review of the Buggery Law during the current legislative session which ends March 31, 2014.
This is widely seen as a reaction to growing pressure from the Obama Administration and the Cameron Administration in Britain to force Jamaica to promote “LGBT rights.” This has included threats from both countries to withhold foreign aid to nations like Jamaica that continue to hold the line.
Supreme Court case. In addition, this past June the country’s Supreme Court agreed to hear a case by a homosexual activist claiming that the Buggery Law violates Jamaica’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The case began October 4th and is continuing.
The sense that we get talking to Jamaicans who’ve been following the case closely is that the homosexuals have a very weak legal case and a slim chance of succeeding (unlike in other countries).
Strong pro-family outcry from churches and groups
Jamaica has a very strong religious community, and churches and pro-family groups have been very active in opposing any change to the law. They have seen what has happened in other countries such as the U.S. and fear that this would be the beginning of a total assault on the Jamaican culture.
Compared to the United States and other countries, church groups and pro-family activists have been very outspoken and pretty fearless in opposition to the homosexual agenda. There have been pro-family marches, speeches, media appearances, newspaper ads, and a general political awakening to the issue. Church groups are also directly involved in the Supreme Court case.
Jamaican homosexual movement much weaker than in U.S.
On the other hand, since homosexuality is technically illegal the homosexual groups are relatively weak and not able to intimidate and harass the way they can in other places. Sadly, much of the homosexual movement’s funding and support in Jamaica comes from the US government and also through the United Nations, which outrages many Jamaicans.
In addition, since Jamaica has never had homosexuality pushed in the schools or in their island culture, the public has not been swayed on this issue as in other places.
Public relations war starts
Nevertheless, Jamaican homosexuals have begun a fairly strong public-relations campaign in the media to support repeal of the Buggery Law, with their own op-ed articles, letters to the editor, advertisements, banners, and more. Much of it appears to be funded by various United Nations organizations.
Their main points have included: (1) “Loving” someone else is an international human right. (2) Criminalizing homosexuality causes a stigma and keeps homosexuals from getting “safe sex” help, thus more AIDS is caused. (3) There is violence against homosexuals triggered by the current Buggery Law.
This slick full-page ad by the homosexual movement appeared in Jamaican newspapers, meant to soften the public on the “human rights” and “justice” aspects of repealing the Buggery Law. Note the logos for United Nations-affiliated groups on the bottom, which appear to be funding this campaign.
The pro-family groups and churches strongly dispute all of those points. Among other things, they point out the overwhelming loss of religious freedom and freedom of speech, and the actual statistics on disease. And there is very strong evidence that the overwhelming amount of violence against homosexuals in Jamaica is committed by other homosexuals.
For a larger view click on the chart.
Countering the lies. The Jamaican homosexual movement says that the current Buggery Law causes more AIDS. But the JCHS research reveals that in fact the opposite is true.
JCHS pro-family coalition confronting the “gay PR” campaign!
Much of the pro-family public relations battle has been taken on by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS). They have been relentless in getting out the truth in the face of a constant flood of disinformation and absurd emotion. In our opinion, JCHS has been a model for the rest of us.
Based in Kingston, they have a fearless and uncompromising attitude, that is all too rare these days on our side. In addition, they have a superb command of the facts and are willing to engage in the often hostile mainstream media, as well as other media.
JCHS energetically covers more ground than almost anyone we’ve seen around the world. Just before Camenker’s visit, the organization released an outstanding 55-minute video that covers the broad range of moral, legal, and medical issues surrounding homosexuality, and also includes man-on-the-street interviews with regular Jamaicans.
VIDEO: This outstanding 55-minute video by JCHS covers the broad range of issues regarding the Buggery Law repeal:
The group’s chairman is Dr. Wayne West, who takes on the destructive medical problems surrounding homosexual behavior and similar issues. There has been a constant effort by the Left to ignore and obfuscate the vast personal and public health effects connected with homosexuality, especially when their political agenda is being pushed. Dr. West cuts through that.
Dr. West has been brilliant in his media work. In this recent newspaper interview,he also takes on the outrageous use of the term “homophobia” to label pro-family citizens as being mentally ill because of their beliefs.
Dr. West fearlessly takes on the issues.
Dr. West has been behind most of the group’s newspaper advertisements and other public statements. At the Emancipation Park rally (see video at top), he introduced Brian Camenker of MassResistance.
The other major JCHS figure is Shirley Richards, an attorney and past president of Jamaica’s Christian Legal Fellowship. She has been outspoken in the media about the legal and moral issues surrounding homosexuality.
She also has excellent media skills. In this recent newspaper op-ed article, Mrs. Richards takes apart the Left’s argument that the Buggery Law is a violation of international human rights.
Great video. Mrs. Richards also unafraid to confront the threats by the United States and Britain to cut off aid to countries who refuse to cave in to the homosexual agenda. In this great (and short) video she stands up to that manipulation and boldly tells the truth about what the homosexual lifestyle will do to a society.
Great video featuring attorney Shirley Richards. She pulls no punches! (4:41)
[NOTE: This was posted on YouTube by a homosexual group!]
Attorney Shirley Richards (left) with Brian Camenker of MassResistance at the December 10th rally.
The Jamaicans are a people with a lot of common sense. Right now, if the buggery law were to be put to a national vote, it would be kept on the books by a wide margin. But people can see that the political pressure is growing, along with the money coming in to persuade and attempt to brainwash the citizens.
The Jamaicans told us over and over again that MassResistance’s message was exactly what they needed to fuel this battle. But to tell you the truth, we got just as much from them. It was a truly wonderful experience being among such fearless and uncompromising pro-family battlers.
MassResistance officially organized in 1995 as Parents’ Rights Coalition, although it had been active both locally and statewide since 1993. In 2003, under the name Article 8 Alliance, it expanded to issues surrounding the same-sex “marriage” court ruling and its effects in Massachusetts. In 2006, these efforts were consolidated under the new name “MassResistance.” We have been the leading pro-family grassroots activist group in Massachusetts.