Florida Pastor to burn 2,998 Qurans on 9/11/2013
As the Muslim Brotherhood is burning Coptic Christian churches across Egypt, Florida’s Reverend Terry Jones, pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center, will burn 2,998 Qurans honoring the fallen of 9/11/2001. Coincidentally, thousands of American Coptic Christians, many who immigrated from Egypt, are protesting across the nation chanting “Obama, Obama, don’t you care? Christian blood is everywhere“. Florida is home to eleven Coptic Christian Churches.
Take our survey at the end of this column: Which is worse burning Churches or burning Qurans?
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled the Dove World Outreach Center a “hate group”. Others feel Reverend Jones is doing the right thing by highlighting the threat of Islamic extremism in America.
The SPLC called Jones “a true fanatical extremist who seems to be drawn mostly by the need for self-promotion and publicity.” In contrast, outrage has grown as the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), supported by various National Democratic Party caucuses, plan a “Million Muslim March” [recently renamed the “Million American March Against Fear” (MAMAF)] in Washington, D.C. on 9/11/2013.
To some the SPLC’s accusations against Reverend Jones ring hollow. Some ask when will the SPLC call the Muslim Brotherhood and its American affiliates hate groups?
According to the AMPAC website the following have partnered with and will march in the Million Muslim March:
AMPAC – The American Muslim Political Action Committee AMPAC in cooperation and solidarity with PANDAA – People Against the National Defense Authorization Act, NDPAAC – National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus, NYDPAAC – New York Democratic Party Asian American Caucus, NABAB – North American Bangladeshi Association for Bangladesh, MDPAAC – Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus, CLA – Community Leadership Affairs, SACC – South Asian Chamber of Commerce, Mosque Care, DC Area 9/11 Truth Movement , A&E – Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Movement, OWS Movement, MAS Freedom – Muslim American Society, MMAT – Muslim Marching Against Terrorism, MD Rabbi Alam – the Founder of AMPAC, Richard Gage – the Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Movement, Dr. Kevin Barrett – the National Spokesperson for Muslim Think Tank, Imam Mahdi Bray the National Executive Director of MAS Freedom, Will Coley National Political Director of Muslim for Liberty and AMPAC organizer of Tennessee and The March Against Drones (MAD) will be gathering on the National Mall, and then launching a march on the halls of power.
In May 1991, the Muslim Brotherhood issued to its ideological allies in the US an explanatory memorandum on “the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.”
The memorandum, discovered by the FBI, asserts that the Brotherhood’s mission was to establish “an effective and … stable Islamic Movement” on the continent, this document outlined a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” for achieving that objective. It stated that Muslims “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”
The memorandum outlines a political tactic called “stealth jihad“. Using stealth jihad the Brotherhood would seek to impose Islamic values and customs on the West in piecemeal fashion — gradually, incrementally gaining ever-greater influence over the culture.
The memorandum listed twenty-nine likeminded “organizations of our friends” which sought to realize the same goal. Members of these organizations will be participating in the Million Muslim March.
To view the responses to this survey click here.
Reverend Jones produced this video titled “The Church Must Stand Up!”:
‘Million Muslim March’ Planned On 9/11 Anniversary Prompts Conservative Freakout – Huffington Post
Two Million Bikers Plan Their Own 9/11 March to Washington D.C.
Bikers to counter Muslim march – WorldNetDaily