Florida moves up 5 places on “Freedom in the 50 States” scale

Governor Scott during his inaugural address stated, “Florida has to offer the best chance for financial success. Not a guarantee – just the best chance. Three forces markedly reduce that chance for success—taxation… regulation… and litigation. Together those three form “The Axis of Unemployment”.” He went on to state, “Private sector jobs grow in places where public sector spending is kept within bounds.” Now there is a website that measures what Governor Scott referred to as the “axis of unemployment”.

Freedom in the 50 States released its revised and updated ranking of the American states based on how their policies promote freedom in the fiscal, regulatory, and personal realms.

Florida has gone up 5 places since 2009.

According to Freedom in the 50 States:

Florida is a moderately fiscally conservative state that has gone a long way to attract business, but has not done nearly as much as its neighbor Georgia. In addition, it lacks respect for many civil liberties.

Florida ranks well above average on most fiscal policies; however, while the index shows its tax burden declining slightly between FY 2008 and FY 2010, it also shows its debt burden rising to 21.3 percent of personal income. Property and general sales taxes are higher than average, although there is no individual income tax.

Click on your state to see its freedom score.

Freedom in the 50 States notes that Florida, “Due to a history of in-migration, real property rights and land-use regulation have been hot-button issues. On the one hand, local zoning laws are fairly restrictive, but on the other, compensation is required for certain regulatory takings, and the state has adopted the nation’s furthest-reaching reform of eminent domain. Labor law is generally pro-market, apart from a minimum wage, but independent occupations face a thicket of licensure requirements.” Read more.

Black racism in Florida: “Polar bear hunting” is illegal

Are you familiar with the Knockout Game? It is a racially motivated violent game that targets whites. In Florida it is called  “polar bear hunting” and it is illegal.

How is it played?

You start with a group of blacks that number anywhere from 3 to 30 people. As a group, they search for white people, preferably alone, elderly and somewhat defenseless. If they can’t find any, Asians are the next ethnic group targeted. When a target is selected, at least one of the blacks approaches the target and then suddenly sucker punches them in the face as hard as they can. If the victim is knocked out, the person that hit them wins. If the victim is not knocked out, then you continue to hit and kick them until you’re too tired to hit anymore or until the person is dead.

Knockout has become all too common in St. Louis, Missouri. In the past two years, there have been at least 100 Knockout victims, some of which have died. In 2011, one victim was Matt Quain, who was jumped by a group of black teens and beaten, suffered numerous abrasions to his face along with a broken jaw. One of the teens involved in the attack was Demetrius Murphy, a member of one of the most heinous groups in St. Louis known as the “Knockout Gang”.

Below are videos on YouTube showing knockouts. Warning the images in these videos are disturbing:

Colin Flaherty has documented this epidemic of black mob violence in his new book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.” Flaherty documents, “The Midwest state fair with a ‘Beat Whitey Night?’ Or the Black Beach Week that turns a town into a ‘living hell?’ Or the school principal who blamed Asian students for being racist after suffering years of abuse? The eleven episodes of racial violence on the Fourth of July 2012? Some involving more than 1000 black people?”

Knockout is a racial hate crime that is being ignored and swept under the rug by black social leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Sr. and the media. If a group of whites played Knockout and targeted blacks, Sharpton, the media and the national press would be giving it the coverage of the George Zimmerman trial, but since it’s blacks targeting whites, everyone just turns their heads and says nothing.

According to US and World Report, “A poll released Wednesday [July 3, 2013] by Rasmussen found African-Americans are more likely to be viewed as racist than whites. Thirty-seven percent of poll respondents said “most black Americans” are racist, compared to just 15 percent who said most whites are racist and 18 percent who said most Hispanics are racist.”

Hunting “polar bears” adds fuel to the black racist fire.

Watch the Colin Flaherty video documenting knockout gamers:


Media still CENSORING near fatal beating of Carter Strange

Rubio to Arne Duncan: Obama can’t force States to comply with Common Core

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

In a letter to US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Sen. Marco Rubio says cajoling states to adopt Obama administration reforms – including curricula – are unconstitutional.

Kathleen Rae Doan, a Mom Coordinator Region #8 “Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots“, states in an email to WDW -FL, “In a letter to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has expressed his concern about the Obama administration’s use of waivers in exchange for states’ adoption of the administration’s policies. Sen. Rubio contends that not only is the waiver [a] scheme and abuse, but that such a nudge toward adopting federally-backed curriculum is unconstitutional.”

Senator Rubio’s letter to Secretary Duncan is reproduced below.

The Honorable Arne Duncan
Secretary United States Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202

Dear Secretary Duncan:

As you may know, a rising number of parents, teachers and administrators from across our nation have expressed concerns regarding the Department of Education’s recent announcements relating to the issuance of waivers from No Child Left Behind (NCLB); particularly the stipulations expected to be attached to those waivers.

The issuance of conditional waivers is detrimental to our country’s shared goal of educational success for every student. Our principal concern is that the Executive branch does not possess the authority to force states into compliance with administration-backed reforms instituted through the issuance of waivers.

We acknowledge that NCLB allows the Secretary to grant waivers for existing provisions under the law, but nowhere does the law authorize waivers in exchange for the adoption of administration-preferred policies. This initiative is an overstep of authority that undermines existing law, and violates the constitutional separation of powers. The responsibility for legislating lies with Congress, and forcing policy reforms through NCLB waivers violates this most basic of constitutional structures.

Furthermore, I am concerned that the administration’s requirements for granting a waiver from NCLB would entail states having to adopt a federally-approved “college and career ready” curriculum: either the national Common Core standards, or another federally-approved equivalent. I am also concerned that the U.S. Department of Education has created, through its contractors, national curriculum materials to support these Common Core standards. Such activities are unacceptable; they violate three existing laws: NCLB, the Department of Education Organization Act, and the General Education Provisions Act.

All three laws prohibit the federal government from creating or prescribing national curriculum.

If you believe that conditional waivers tied to content standards do not violate these laws, I invite you to explain the reasoning underlying that belief. Since legislating is a duty reserved for Congress, attaching administration-preferred reforms to NCLB waivers would counteract and inhibit meaningful education reform desperately needed to ensure that our children receive an education that will prepare them for the challenging global economic marketplace.

I respectfully ask that due consideration be given to options that have been advanced through Congress and provide genuine flexibility to states, so that state and local lawmakers – those closest to children and families – can focus on high-quality education policies that will benefit our nation’s children.


Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator

Kathleen Rae Doan a Mom Coordinator Region #8 “Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots”  quotes Dr. Martin Luther King who wrote, “To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.”

To learn more about Common Core visit Floridians Against Common Core Education.

Florida Catholic Bishops: The Supreme Court got it wrong

The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops issued this statement:

“The Supreme Court has dealt a profound injustice to the American people by striking down in part the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)”, said the U.S. Bishops in a statement on today’s U.S. Supreme Court decisions on marriage. “The Court got it wrong. The federal government ought to respect the truth that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, even where states fail to do so. The preservation of liberty and justice requires that all laws, federal and state, respect the truth, including the truth about marriage. It is also unfortunate that the Court did not take the opportunity to uphold California’s Proposition 8 but instead decided not to rule on the matter.”

The U.S. Bishops also expressed, “Now that the Supreme Court has issued its decisions, with renewed purpose we call upon all of our leaders and the people of this good nation to stand steadfastly together in promoting and defending the unique meaning of marriage: one man, one woman, for life. We also ask for prayers as the Court’s decisions are reviewed and their implications further clarified.”

While the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions will have profound consequences on marriage and society as a whole, neither of today’s two rulings directly affect Article 1, Section 27 of Florida’s Constitution approved by 62% of voters in 2008, which defines marriage as the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife. In particular, the limited ruling on DOMA did not strike the portion of the law that protects states from being forced to recognize same-sex marriage, and the Prop 8 ruling is limited to California.

The Bishops of Florida will continue to uphold and defend the true nature and meaning of marriage as an exclusive, lifelong communion between a man and a woman. It is within this union of husband and wife that children are received and nurtured. The common good and the future of our society are best served by ensuring that a child’s right to a mother and a father, who bring unique gifts to the education and rearing of children, is protected.


MISSION: Serve as liaison to state government on matters of concern to the Catholic Church in the seven dioceses of the Province of Miami, as a nonpartisan public policy voice on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of Florida.

VISION: The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of his Church guide the work of the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops which, through relationships with representatives and agencies of Florida government, analyzes the moral dimension of public policies, proclaims the sanctity of life and dignity of the human person, leads decision makers in reaching just solutions, and provides opportunities for Catholics in Florida to carry out their responsibility to participate in political life.

Jeb Bush to award Hillary on eve of first anniversary of Benghazi attack

In the midst of the Benghazi scandal, Jeb Bush, the former Republican governor of Florida and chairman of the National Constitution Center, will award Hillary Clinton the Liberty Medal in honor of her career in public service and “her advocacy efforts on behalf of women”.

The award will be presented on Tuesday, September 10, 2013. This is the eve of the first anniversary of the September 11th, 2012 attack in Benghazi.

According to the Center’s website, “Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will receive the 2013 Liberty Medal in recognition of her lifelong career in public service and her ongoing advocacy efforts on behalf of women and girls around the globe … Throughout her nearly four-decade career as one of America’s most dedicated public servants, Secretary Clinton has continued to champion equal opportunities for women and girls in order to advance the security and prosperity of all people and nations.”

Have women fared better under former Secretary of State Clinton?

Irshad Soomro writes in The Nation, “Every morning, we hear many diverse stories of domestic violence, honor killing, forced and early marriage, acid throwing, and rape. The volume of women violation, discrimination and harassment; particularly in Sindh [South Eastern Province in Pakistan], is increasing day by day. Somewhere, a sister has to lose her life for the sake of honour, whereas, the next one is forced into marriage by an offending party to the males victim, as consideration of comprising offences; the custom is called ‘vani’.”

“Much has been written and spoken about women violence in Pakistan, but all these efforts proved useless. In spite of women protection laws, government institutions seem helpless and dysfunctional before feudal power, the only custodian of policymaking institutions and law enforcement agencies. Woman emancipation is related with her education and economic empowerment, and if, the state really wants to empower and emancipate women, it must pass a law of mandatory education for girls with strict punishment. Any parent who does not educate his female child up to secondary level should be punished. Women’s education is the only way to nation’s peace and prosperity,” notes Soomro.

The Times of India reports ‘No change in women’s plight’. Tejaswini Madabhushi writes, “I don’t see a visible change as yet. Women who come to us with complaints of domestic violence, which is the most common complaint, still say that the police refuse to register complaints immediately and always try to brush the matter off as petty family dispute,” said V Sandhya, president of Progressive Organisation of Women.

Advocacy and effort are fine but as Soomro points out “these efforts are proved useless”.

Awarding former Secretary of  State Hillary Clinton the Liberty Medal should perhaps be based upon results, not effort?

The Supreme Court’s Marriage Decisions by the Numbers

The following is courtesy of the Heritage Foundation:

The morning after two important—and troubling—Supreme Court decisions in the Proposition 8 and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) cases, here’s the lay of the land. The important take away: The marriage debate is every bit as live today as it was yesterday morning. Some key numbers following the decisions:

50  The number of states whose marriage laws remain the same after the Court’s marriage decisions.

38  The number of states with laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. That includes California and Florida, where the scope of today’s Prop 8 decision beyond the specific plaintiffs will be the subject of ongoing debate and, most likely, further litigation.

12  The number of states that can now force the federal government to recognize their redefinition of marriage. The Court struck Section 3 of DOMA, which means that it must recognize same-sex marriages in states that redefine marriage.

1  The number of sections of the Defense of Marriage Act struck down yesterday (Section 3). Section 2, which ensures that no state will be forced to recognize another state’s redefinition of marriage, is still law.

0  The number of states forced to recognize other states’ redefinition of marriage.

Ryan Anderson discusses what the Supreme Court did in its marriage decisions—but why the proponents of same-sex marriage failed to achieve their goal of a court-imposed nationwide redefinition.

The important news you may not be hearing is that the U.S. Supreme Court did not redefine marriage across the nation. That means the debate about marriage will continue. States are free to uphold policies recognizing that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, so that children have a mother and a father.

In the states, support for marriage as the union of a man and a woman remains strong. Many believe the Court should have respected the authority of California citizens and Congress.

On DOMA, it appears the Court did not respect Congress’s authority to define marriage for the purposes of federal programs and benefits. The Court may have gotten federalism wrong.

On Proposition 8, the citizens of California who voted twice to pass Prop 8 should have been able to count on their Governor and Attorney General to defend the state’s constitution. That’s what democratic self-government is all about.

Download your free copy of TheMarriageFacts.com.

Read the Morning Bell and more en español every day at Heritage Libertad.

In Florida you may be a felon if you own a pipe

The DailyPaul.com blog reports, “[S]tarting July 1st, [2013] smoking devices are now illegal in Florida. Anyone found in possession of a pipe two times (even if it has never been used) becomes a third degree felon. In Florida, this means you are permanently banned from voting … With one swoop of the pen Rick Scott may have put thousands of companies out of business, and their employees looking for jobs. They also need to offload their entire inventory before July 1st when the bill goes into effect (yea, only a couple weeks from now).”

The bill in question is FL HB 49/SB1140. Specifically the bill bans:

(a) Metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic pipes, with or without screens, permanent screens, hashish heads, or punctured metal bowls
(b) Water pipes.
(c) Carburetion tubes and devices.
(d) Chamber pipes.
(e) Carburetor pipes.
(f) Electric pipes.
(g) Air-driven pipes.
(h) Chillums.
(i) Bongs.
(j) Ice pipes or chillers.

drug paraphenaliaThe bill establishes the following five drug paraphernalia crimes: 1. use or possession of drug paraphernalia; 2. manufacture or delivery of drug paraphernalia; 3. delivery of drug paraphernalia to a minor; 4. transportation of drug paraphernalia; and 5. advertisement of drug paraphernalia.

Florida Rep. Ray Pilon, a co-sponsor of the bill, when asked about the DailyPaul.com story responded, “Its correct [bill reference] but the economic negative impact is not an issue nor is the prison impact statement. Truth is these devices are only used to smoke drugs not tobacco and are sold mostly in Head Shops, you know those legitimate free market small business guys just trying to make an Honest buck by promoting the use of illegal drugs. Truth is they are nothing but drug paraphernalia always have been and always will be.”

Small government advocates say Pilon’s statement is very much like the arguments used by anti-gun advocates. The focus is always on the how and not the why. The bill outlaws “drug paraphernalia” (i.e. guns, magazines, etc.) in the hopes it reduces drug abuse (i.e. murders and violence). But how does that stop drug addiction (or the violence that is part of the illegal drug cartels)?

Florida has a major prescription drug abuse problem. The Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee, upheld the emergency substance ban on certain drugs announced by Attorney General Pam Bondi in 2011, who has declared war on synthetic drugs.  The committee heard testimony describing the current process for policing synthetic substances, chemically-altered compounds popularly known as ‘bath salts’ and found in names such as ”Cloud 9”, ”Mauie Wowie” and ”Ivory Wave.” “It’s just a little disconcerting that every year we’re back here doing the same, same thing,” said state Rep. Gayle Harrell, R-Port St. Lucie,who suggesting penalizing retailers like 7-Eleven who may have some of these substances available.

Many believe the solution must focus on the why, not the how. That is the nut that must be cracked.


Islamic Society of North America conference in Tampa “to counteract different forms of extremism.”

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is holding a conference “to counteract different forms of extremism.”  It appears the extremism they are talking about is not the Jihadists of Islam that despise America and want to change its public policy.  The extremism that ISNA is referring to is the efforts by those who do not want Sharia law to have any place in American politics. Among those who have spoken out against ISNA is Dr. Zuhdi M. Jasser, Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.

Since 9/11 there have been over 21,000 deadly terrorist attacks conducted by Muslims, over 93,000 Syrians have died in a Sunni vs. Shia regional conflict, and sharia compliant Islamic regimes in Turkey and Egypt are clamping down on those petitioning their governments. The most recent Boston Bombing by two Muslim Americans adds to the growing distrust of shariah as both brothers were following its tenants while murdering fellow Americans.

According to the ISNA website the conference is scheduled for June 29, 2013 at the Sheraton Tampa East on 10221 Princess Palm Avenue in Tampa, Florida.  The Sheraton Tampa East is owned by Starwood.

Ahmed Bedier (right) in front of poster supporting terrorist fundraiser Sami al-Arian. For a larger view click on the image.

Ahmed Bedier is a featured speaker at the ISNA conference in Tampa.  Ahmed Bedier:

  • Is leading a national effort through United Voices for America to oppose federal legislation that would prohibit American courts from recognizing Sharia law.
  • As director of the Tampa office of the Council on Islamic-American Relations defended Sami Al Arian, who was indicted and pled to federal charges of raising support for a Palestinian Jihad organization.
  • As director of the Tampa office of the Council on Islamic-American Relations spoke on behalf of Youssef Megahed one of two University of South Florida students who were arrested for allegedly carrying pipe bombs near the Goose Creek, S.C a naval base and Megahed was arrested later for deportation.
  • Lobbying efforts as director of the Tampa office of the Council on Islamic-American Relations resulted in the Hillsborough County School Board removing Yom Kippur and Good Friday from the school calendar even after nearly sixty percent of the students (supported by parents) protested by staying home from school on subsequent Good Fridays.  See Note 4 with references below.

ISNA founder and former Secretary-General Sayyid Syeed said in 2006“Our job is to change the constitution of America.”  It is the Islamist mission to institute Sharia law as public policy in the United States.

The Clarion Project reported on May 30, 2013 in the article titled ISNA Redefines “Shari’a” for Western Consumption. The latest issue of the Islamic Horizons magazine of the Islamic Society of North America, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, has an article with this message:

The U.S could learn from Islamic law if it weren’t for the “Islamophobes” bashing Sharia.  The theme of the article is that “Islamophobes” are twisting the meaning of Sharia, and it is up to Muslim-Americans to set the record straight.

 Some provisions of Sharia law are antithetical to the rights and liberties afforded under Article 6 of the United States Constitution, which states the US Constitution is the “supreme law of the land”. Under Sharia law the Quran supersedes any other laws, meaning the Constitution must conform to the Quran. Shariah requires the establishment of a single religion – Islam.

Email promoting ISNA conference in Tampa:

Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:55 PM
Subject: ISNA Day in Tampa is June 29, look who will be there

Asalaamu Alaikum-

ISNA is proud to be hosting ISNA Community Day in Tampa, Florida on Saturday, June 29th (inshallah) featuring Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, Moutasim Atiya, country muslim singer Kareem SalamaWajahat Ali, Reverend Charles McKenzie and many more.

The event is from 3:00 PM – 10:30 PM at the Sheraton Tampa East (10221 Princess Palm Avenue). In light of recent events and frequent misconceptions about Muslims, the theme “The American Muslim Identity: Challenges to Opportunities” will focus on addressing the difficulties Muslims face and discussing practical and positive solutions to counteract different forms of extremism.


Note 1.  Ahmed Bedier is President of United Voices for America.  The top issue at Unitedvoices.com is opposing federal legislation to prohibit American courts from recognizing Sharia law.  The headline issue on this web site states “If passed, this legislation will be disastrous…”  Click here to read top article titled “UV Policy Brief: Should Sharia Law Be Banned in America?” at United Voices for America.

Note 2.  “Ahmed Bedier, Tampa spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations, said Moffitt was wrong about the Al-Arian plea. Al-Arian did not agree to admit to any charges associated with terrorism, Bedier said.

“He stayed true to his convictions – he stayed true he wasn’t going to plead to those issues,” Bedier said. “There is no conspiracy to support terrorism.”

Bedier said he could not reveal what charge Al-Arian agreed to, and he refused to reveal the source of his information.

Bedier convened a 7 p.m. news conference, saying he hoped to have Al-Arian’s family there. They did not appear.

“Their lawyer would not allow them,” Bedier said. He later said Al-Arian’s family learned of the plea agreement Friday from a news report.

All of the above statements were reported by The Tampa Tribune on April 15, 2006.

Note 3.  “We have faith in the American judicial system,” said Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations. “So far we’ve only heard and read about vague language describing an explosive device, but no actual evidence. Until that’s displayed it’s going to be unclear what’s going on.”

The above statements were reported by the Tampa Tribune on September 1, 2007.

Note 4:  CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) lead then by Ahmed Bedier placed intense pressure on the Hillsborough County School Board to include the Muslim day Eid Al-Fitr in the 2006-07 school year calendar.  The school board responded to CAIR’s pressure by removing Good Friday and Yom Kippur from the school calendar.

Allen West: “We need to beware judicial activism” #DOMA

Posted by allenwestrepublic on 


by Allen West via Facebook

I don’t believe when the 14th Amendment was passed to support the 13th amendment, the writers ever conceived it would be used as a catch-all for various special interest groups. And I am very concerned that special interest groups can challenge the referendum of the people and seek out their interest before the courts – and in fact overrule the democratic process by legislating from the bench.

America is facing immense issues that threaten our republic — economic, energy, and national security issues –and I shall not get caught up in debates at the federal government level on legislating sexual behaviors. The states will make the final determination….but then again, we need to beware judicial activism.


Florida in 2008 passed an amendment to the Florida Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  Amendment 2 added Article I Section 27 of the Florida constitution, which states:

Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wifeno other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.



Rubio: Supreme Court made “serious mistake” striking down DOMA

Pro-gay marriage advocates celebrate at the US Supreme Court.

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the following statement on today’s U.S. Supreme Court rulings:

“I believe the Supreme Court made a serious mistake today when it overstepped its important, but limited role.  I do not believe that President Clinton and overwhelming bipartisan majorities of both houses of Congress acted with malice or intent to ‘demean’ a class of people when they adopted a uniform definition of marriage for the purposes of federal law.  The Court should not have second guessed the will of the American people acting through their elected representatives without firm constitutional justifications.  The sweeping language of today’s majority opinion is more troubling than the ruling itself as it points to further interference by the Court in the years to come.

“I recognize that the definition of marriage and the legal status of same-sex relationships is a deeply personal and emotional issue for Americans of a variety of viewpoints.  These types of disagreements should be settled through the democratic process, as the Founders intended, not through litigation and court pronouncements.

“For millions of Americans, the definition of marriage is not an abstract political question, or some remote legal debate.  It’s a deeply personal issue. It’s an issue that I have grappled with as well.

I believe that marriage is a unique historical institution best defined as the union between one man and one woman. In the U.S., marriage has traditionally been defined by state law, and I believe each state, acting through their elected representatives or the ballot, should decide their own definition of marriage. For the purposes of federal law, however, Congress had every right to adopt a uniform definition and I regret that the Supreme Court would interfere with that determination.

“I appreciate that many Americans’ attitude towards same-sex marriage have changed in recent years. I respect the rights of states to allow same-sex marriages, even though I disagree with them. But I also expect that the decisions made by states like Florida to define marriage as between one man and one woman will also be respected.

I do not believe there exists a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage. Therefore, I am glad the Supreme Court did not create one in the Proposition 8 case.

“Rather than having courts redefine marriage for all Americans, my hope is that the American people, through their state legislatures and referendums, can continue to decide the definition of marriage.  It is through debates like this that the brilliance of our constitutional system of democracy, and the inherent goodness of our people, is revealed.

“My hope is that those of us who believe in the sanctity and uniqueness of traditional marriage will continue to argue for its protection in a way that is respectful to the millions of American sons and daughters who are gay. It is also my hope that those who argue for the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex marriage will refrain from assailing the millions of Americans who disagree with them as bigots.” [Emphasis added]


Florida in 2008 passed an amendment to the Florida Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  Amendment 2 added Article I Section 27 of the Florida constitution, which states:

Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.



Mother, two daughters murdered over video of them enjoying the rain

Column courtesy of Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch:

honor killingMuslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Saliko1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.

The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'” And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”

In light of all this, until authorities get the courage to tell the truth about honor killing, there will be many more such murders.

“Two girls, mother killed over family video,” from Dawn, June 25 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

GILGIT, June 24: A family video showing two teenage girls enjoying rain in their house led to their murder in Chilas on Sunday night. Their mother was also gunned down allegedly by her stepson and his four friends. Five masked men barged into the house of retired police officer Rehmat Nabi and started firing, killing his wife and daughters, aged 15 and 16.

According to police, the crime was motivated by a video clip circulated on mobile phones and showing the girls overjoyed by rain in the lawn of their bungalow.

The video, recorded six months ago, was circulated in the area four months later probably after a relative sent it to his friends.

Police believed that the girls’ stepbrother Khutore took it as an “assault on the honour of his family” and tried to “restore the family’s honour” by killing the girls.

Khutore escaped when police tried to get in touch with him for investigation. But, his four friends were arrested and, according to a senior police official, they have confessed to the crime. A case has been registered against the five.

Read more.

Florida Parents Against Common Core preparing legislation for 2014 session

Florida Parents Against Common Core (FPACC) are putting together draft legislation to stop the implementation of the program in Florida.

In an email to WDW – FL Laura Zorc, FPACC SE State Coordinator, states, “What is happening in other states is what we are looking to do here in Florida. However, in our bill we will add a third review that would encompass a legal review to determine if violation with  state and federal constitution.  We have team of attorneys  working on establishing the need for review based on their findings.  Our intentions are to have this a back up support for our bill sponsor.”

Fifteen states have filed bills in their state legislatures to stop CCSS.

Below are of examples and actual legislation that addresses issues related to the adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) by delaying the implementation of the standards or assessments, not funding implementation, or withdrawing completely from using the CCSS.  These vary considerably in the scope of what is addressed.  Links have been provided for the History, Download, and Alternate.  Original bills as introduced are often stronger in nature before being subjected to changes as it is considered during the legislative process in each state.

  • History—link to official state legislative page or other page with bill history and info
  • Download—link to download the legislative bill
  • Alternate—an alternate download link in event official link is broken

Sample Legislation

Comprehensive Legislative Package Opposing the Common Core State Standards  Download

Actual Legislative Bills

2011 Texas HB 2923  An Act relating to the state sovereignty over curriculum standards assessments, and student information.  History   Download   Alternate

2011 New Hampshire HB 164 Requiring legislative approval for the adoption of the common core state standards in New Hampshire.  History   Download   Alternate

2011 South Carolina S. 604  A bill to provide that the common core standards may not be imposed on South Carolina.  History   Download   Alternate

2011 Washington HB 1891 Delaying adoption and implementation of the common core standards.   History   Download   Alternate

2012 Utah S.C.R. 13 Urges the State Board of Education to reconsider the board’s decision to adopt the Common Core standards and, in reconsidering the board’s decision, evaluate the cost, control, and quality of Utah standards and assessments compared to the cost, control, and quality of the Common Core standards and SBAC assessments.  History   Download   Alternate

2013 South Carolina H. 3943 To provide the State Board of Education may not adopt and the Department of Education may not implement the common core standards.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 Georgia SB 167 To declare certain actions void ab initio relating to adoption of certain curricula; to prohibit state education agencies from entering into any commitments relating to the federal Race to the Top program; to require hearings and public input prior to adoption of state-wide competencies and content standards; to limit the compilation and sharing of personal student and teacher data; to prohibit the expenditure of funds for a state-wide longitudinal data system except for administrative needs and federal grant compliance; to provide notice to students or teachers if certain student or teacher data are provided to the United States Department of Education as a condition of receiving a federal education grant; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 Alabama SB 190 Relating to education and core curriculum standards; to prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative; to prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances; to prohibit the State Board of Education from entering into an agreement or joining a consortium that would cede any control to an entity outside the state; and to require notice and public hearings before the State Board of Education adopts or implements any statewide standards.  History   Download   Alternate

2013 Alabama SB 403 Companion to SB 190.  History   Download   Alternate

2013 Alabama HB 565 Relating to curriculum standards; to clarify that the State Board of Education retains the sole authority to develop and adopt curriculum standards independent of the federal government or other agency or entity outside of the state. History   Download   Alternate

2013 Oklahoma HB 1907 An Act relating to schools; creating the Common Core Task Force; providing termination date; stating purpose of the Task Force; providing for membership; providing date for appointments and organizational meeting; providing for selection of officers; stating duties; exempting the Task Force from certain acts; providing for meetings; providing for travel reimbursement and staff assistance; requiring completion of the study by a certain date; providing for non codification; and declaring an emergency. History   Download   Alternate

2013 Kansas HB 2289 No school district, nor the department of education nor the state board of education shall expend any moneys to implement the set of educational curriculum standards for grades kindergarten through established by the common core state standards initiative.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 Indiana SB 0193 Provides that the state board of education may not adopt as standards for the state any common core educational standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Voids any action taken to adopt common core educational standards. History   Download   Alternate

2013 Indiana HB 1427 This is the bill that passed and has been signed by the governor.  It pauses the implementation of the CCSS while a the standards are evaluated and hearings are conducted.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 Missouri SB 210 The state board of education and the department of elementary and secondary education shall not implement the Common Core State Standards.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 Michigan HB 4328 Budget approved.  Sec. 230. Prohibit Funding for Common Core and Smarter Balance – House adds language stating that funds shall not be used to fund the Common Core State Standards Initiative or Smarter Balanced Assessments, and that funds shall not be used to implement programs or assessments created by these organizations.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 Michigan HB 4276 Prohibits implementation of common core standards. History   Download   Alternate

2013 Texas HB 462 Prohibits school districts from using the common core state standards.   History   Download   Alternate

2013 South Dakota HB 1204 An Act to require the Board of Education to obtain legislative approval before adopting any further Common core standards.   History   Download   Alternate

Supreme Court ruling on marriage eminent

This week the United States Supreme Court will hand down landmark decisions on whether or not citizens of this country can define marriage as the union of one man and one woman through the legitimate legislative and state constitutional amendment process.

There are two cases, both on appeal at the same time.  The first case is Hollingsworth v. Perry – which is a challenge to California’s Proposition 8, which defined marriage as one man and one woman in their state constitution.  California passed this on the same day that Florida passed Amendment 2, which also defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman in its state constitution.

Florida Amendment 2 is an amendment made to the Constitution of Florida in 2008. It added Article I, Section 27 to the constitution, which defines marriage as a union only between one man and one woman, and thus bans the creation of similar unions, such as civil unions or same-sex marriage.

The second case is U.S. v Windsor – which is a challenge of the federal “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) passed by congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, which defines marriage in all areas of federal law.

The primary legal question that will be answered is:  Does a law that defines marriage to be only between a man and a woman deny homosexual couples the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee of “Equal Protection of the Law?

Some, like the Florida Family Policy Council (FFPC) say that would “take a raw act of judicial activism to find an affirmative answer to such a question requiring the creation of new rights out of thin air.”

While American have different opinions on how far the court might go, no one knows how the court will rule.

John Stemberger, President of FFPC, in an email states, “As a nation, we are at a critical point in history, very similar in magnitude to the weekend before the Roe v Wade decision was announced, which declared that an unfettered right to abortion was somehow constitutional.”

All are awaiting the SCOTUS decision and its impact on the state of Florida and of marriage.

HHS Tweet: We are committed to improving the well-being of “LGBT individuals”

The Department of Health and Human Services on June 19, 2013 posted the below on its official Twitter account:

HHS.govVerified account‏@HHSGov

We are committed to improving the health and well-being

of all Americans, including #LGBT individuals. http://go.usa.gov/bymQ 

The Bureau of HIV/AIDS, Florida Department of Health, in 2007 issued a report titled “Man Up: The Crisis of HIV/AIDS Among Florida’s Men“. The report states, “The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to impact individuals in Florida and throughout the United States. Men, women, young, old, black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, gay, bisexual, lesbian, or straight — no group is wholly exempt from contracting HIV. In Florida, 1 in 209 white men, compared to 1 in 44 black men and 1 in 117 Hispanic men are living with HIV/AIDS (reported cases). Males account for the majority of HIV/AIDS cases in Florida.” [Emphasis added]

The Bureau of HIV/AIDS in 2012 reports, “At the end of 2010, 95,335 Florida residents were known to be living with HIV/AIDS. In 2010, 5,022 adults and 20 young (age <13) Floridians were newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Florida. Florida ranked second among states in the estimated number of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) cases diagnosed in 2009 (most recent year available for US data). That year, a total of 4,799 (14% of total US) AIDS cases were diagnosed in New York, followed by 4,392 (13%) in Florida and 3,760 (11%) in California. Cumulatively, Florida ranks third behind New York and California.” [Emphasis added]

The 2012-2014 Florida Jurisdictional HIV Prevention Plan reports, “Racial and ethnic minorities in Florida are disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS. Minorities account for 70% of Florida’s HIV epidemic, but only account for 40% of the state’s population. Florida ranked second among states in the estimated number of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases diagnosed in 2009 (most recent year available for US data). That year, a total of 4,799 (14% of total US) AIDS cases were diagnosed in New York, followed by 4,392 (13%) in Florida and 3,760 (11%) in California … In 2010, at least one AIDS case was reported in all but eight [of 67 counties] counties. [Emphasis added]

Man Up reports:

Men should begin engaging in frank discussions about the seriousness of HIV/AIDS and include women and adolescents in the discussions.

“All over the world, on average, men have more sex partners than women, which places them and their sex partners at increased risk. HIV is more easily transmitted sexually from men to women than vice versa, which has caused increasing rates of HIV infection among women.

There are sound reasons why men should be fully involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS. As leaders, protectors, providers, husbands, grandfathers, fathers, sons, brothers and friends, men have much to offer. The time is now to start seeing men not as the problem, but as part of the solution. Safer and more responsible behavior should be encouraged. It is time for men to put an end to a disease that is 100% preventable. It is time for men to “man up” and start protecting their wives, significant others, partners, family, friends and communities. Dialogue must begin to occur among men, women and their partners. We must begin to break the silence in our homes, our schools and our places of prayer, work and play.

Perhaps the single most important preventive measure is for people to know their own HIV status. If they are uninfected, this knowledge helps them protect themselves; if they are infected, the information helps them to protect their partners and to seek care and treatment for themselves.

In Florida, the Bureau of HIV/AIDS, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has developed reliable estimates of HIV incidence for the state in 2006. Adult men (13+ years) accounted for 72% (approximately 3,990) of new infections, and women accounted for 28% (1,560) of new infections, for a total of 5,550 new infections in 2006. Nationally, 56,500 new infections occurred in 2006. The HIV incidence rate equals the number of new infections divided by the population. The rate enables direct comparison of the incidence in two or more groups, regardless of population size. In 2006, the HIV incidence rate per 100,000 population was 53.7 among Florida men and 20.0 among Florida women. The rate among men was 2.7 times that of women (53.7 divided by 20.0).” [Emphasis added]

Brian Camenker, founder of MassResistance.org, is concerned the “health and well-being” of LGBT men is getting worse not better. He fears that men are not becoming more responsible and accountable but rather are a growing part of the problem. They are becoming in ever larger numbers “players”.

Camenker writes, “Besides “gay marriage,” a major goal of the homosexual [LGBT] movement is normalizing “transgenderism” throughout society, including changing our basic foundations such as the family structure. Make no mistake: This movement is well organized and focused. We all see it through the intense lobbying to push “non-discrimination” on the basis of “gender identity” through legislatures and court rulings. It’s also pushed hard in schools, large corporations and government bureaucracies. On the federal level, the Obama administration has brought it into most top federal agencies.” [Emphasis added]

Camenker is the author of “What same-sex “marriage’ has done to Massachusetts“.

If the Department of Health and Human Services is truly interested in improving the “health and well-being of LGBT individuals”, perhaps it needs to “man up”?

Federal Court Refuses to Protect Florida Citizen’s Speech

Institute for Justice Client Nathan Worley

Arlington, Va.— Grassroots political groups in Florida suffered a setback last Friday when the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a challenge to Florida laws that require small groups to comply with a host of burdensome regulations simply to speak to the public about ballot issues.  The lawsuit, Worley v. Florida Secretary of State, involved a challenge to “political committee” requirements, regulations that the U.S. Supreme Court has held are unconstitutionally burdensome even for corporations and unions.

Friday’s ruling upheld applying these laws to plaintiffs Nathan Worley, Pat Wayman and John Scolaro, a group of friends from Sarasota, Fla., who in 2010 wanted to spend $600 on radio ads urging the defeat of a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution.  Because Florida’s political committee requirements apply to groups that spend as little as $500 on speech, the three were unable to run their ads.  The ruling also upheld a requirement that political committees include a lengthy disclaimer in their political advertisements.

Paul Sherman, Institute for Justice attorney and lead counsel in the case said, “The 11th Circuit’s ruling means that speech by grassroots groups in Florida remains subject to greater regulation than speech by ExxonMobil or the AFL-CIO.  This is yet another example of how complicated, unnecessary and unconstitutional campaign-finance laws are pushing ordinary people out of the political debate.”

Key to the 11th Circuit’s decision was its rejection of the plaintiffs’ argument that Florida’s campaign-finance laws cannot constitutionally be applied to small groups like Nathan, Pat and John.  The court refused to rule on that claim, citing the hypothetical possibility that the group of three friends might receive million-dollar contributions in a future election.

IJ client Nathan Worley said, “The idea that we could have raised $1 million is just crazy.  We didn’t have the time or the ability to figure out Florida’s campaign-finance laws, let alone raise that kind of money.  We’re just ordinary people who wanted to pool a small amount to get our message out there.”

Friday’s ruling does not discuss evidence—including statements by the government’s own expert—showing that Florida’s laws produce few, if any, benefits for the public.  The ruling also made no mention of evidence that Florida’s campaign-finance laws are subject to abuse.  The Florida Elections Commission testified during the case that 98 percent of the complaints they receive are “politically motivated,” and are often filed by people seeking “to punish their political opponent.”

“The 11th Circuit simply ignored the overwhelming evidence that Florida’s political committee laws produce no public benefits and serve mainly as weapons to be used against political opponents,” said Sherman.  “The cost of this judicial abdication is that ordinary Floridians are far less likely to get involved in the important issues of the day.”

IJ Senior Attorney Bert Gall said, “This ruling shows the critical need for judicial engagement, a willingness on the part of the judiciary to look at the facts and see how these laws silence grassroots speech by ordinary people.  It’s appalling that the court would ignore those facts and uphold laws that threaten citizens with civil and criminal penalties simply for speaking out.”

The plaintiffs have until July 5 to seek rehearing by the full 11th Circuit, or until September 12 to seek review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

IJ Research report, Keep Out: How State Campaign Finance Laws Erect Barriers to Entry for Political Entrepreneurs


Founded in 1991, the Institute for Justice is what a civil liberties law firm should be. As the national law firm for liberty, we stick to a clear mission engaging in cutting-edge litigation and advocacy both in the courts of law and in the court of public opinion on behalf of individuals whose most basic rights are denied by the government.  Our four pillars of litigation are private property, economic liberty, free speech and school choice. Simply put, we seek a rule of law under which individuals can control their destinies as free and responsible members of society.