The Hatching of a Serpent — Part 1 by Jim Dick

We’re changing it up a bit. I’m drinking my regular cup or two of BRC, Beyond Black, and asking you to just go ahead and start brewing an entire pot. You’re going to need it after this. We expect you to fact check and research these little nuggets that we are about to bestow upon you. It is time that we start talking about the people who want nothing more than to see our country; the greatest on earth; be torn apart, and degraded to the point of insignificance. We start, with one of the evilest people on the planet. One that is overt in his efforts to shit on us and wipe his ass with our constitution. I have taken personal interest to the topic of today’s post which we will cover more in depth in future articles. We cannot possibly cover in depth everything in one article. Our objective for this is to paint the picture of a United States of America if some were left to their druthers. We have descriptive information supporting everything we write, none of it is pulled from other blogs or fake news sources. We invite you to fact check and do your own research. Some of what you are about to read will not surprise you, some…will.

“It is sort of the disease when you consider yourself some kind of God, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” – George Soros, The Independent, “The billionaire who built on chaos.” 3 June 1993.

Hatching of a Serpent

Soros was born George Schwartz in 1930. His father, Tividar Schwartz was a Jewish lawyer with strong globalist leanings. He was an active proponent of Esperanto (Esperanto is language created in 1887 by LL Salmonoff for transcending national borders and overcoming the natural indifference of mankind.) In 1936, while Adolf Hitler was hosting the Olympic Games in Berlin, Tividar changed the family name to Soros; that, in Esperanto translates to “will soar.” The Nazi occupation of Hungary being imminent, Tividar fled with his family leaving George with a German family friend. It was during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944 that Soros reportedly went to work for the Nazis seizing property from his fellow Jews in the local population at a ripe age of 14. During a 1998 interview with 60 minutes, Soros described the year he worked for the Nazis as “the happiest time of my life.” During the same interview, Soros expressed no remorse for seizing Jewish property.It was his view that if it hadn’t been him, it would have been someone else profiting from the property.

Across Europe, we’re witnessing a manifestation of a George Soros 30-year plan. I am speaking of the refugee-immigrant crisis (yes, it is a crisis) that has Germany, Sweden, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom in its inexorable clutches. Through his Open Society Foundation and a myriad of other NGOs (nongovernmental organization), Soros’ plan is to create chaos and destabilize government through social unrest all with the desired endstate to turn a profit. To achieve his vision of a one world government, destabilization must be at the forefront of priorities with super douche (Soros) at the helm. Make no mistake, this isn’t his first time directing this type of traffic. Soros, through his NGOs and liberal puppets, created the social chaos that sacked Central America in the 80s and 90s, only to profit from government seizures via natural resources and private businesses who were not “in line” with his ideals.

Post War World War

With World War II over, Soros emigrated to England in 1947 and became a student at the London school of economics. He was mentored by Karl Popper, and Austrian -British philosopher who was an outspoken proponent of an “Open Society.” During this time, Soros worked at several London merchant banks until he moved to New York in 1963. Seven years later, he created Soros Fund Management and by 1973 he was partnered with an investor named Jim Rogers to create the Quantum Fund. This fund made annual returns of over 30% becoming the base of Soros’ financial power. Using this newfound wealth and power, Soros began betting against national economies. In 1992 he short sold the pound sterling and made a billion-dollar profit in a single day of trading. Again in 97, Soros targeted the Thai baht by short selling it in volume. This destroyed the baht’s artificial tie to the US dollar which started the Asian financial crisis. Soros’ vision of a “New World Government” started to shape into priority number one in his mind, which spawned the commissioning of the NGO shells.

20th Century

The 80’s and 90’s were unique to the planet as it was. In the 90’s, Soros used his vast wealth and NGOs to fund revolutions and/or social unrest deep within Central America and Eastern Europe. Ole Georgie poo didn’t stand up on his own pulpit and rally formidable citizens, like Hitler, Stalin or Hussain did during their reigns. He didn’t organize hit squads like the SS or Uday and Qusay’s goons; he used propaganda. Creating adversarial political parties, publishing houses, and independent media outlets. All of which paid for under the auspices of his Open Society Foundation and dozens of other NGOs under its umbrella. As massive social unrest was being created, Soros would invest heavily in countries’ currencies. Soros’ NGOs would then have “experts” push to privatize all public assets immediately to create a cash flow to stabilize a collapsing economy. The NGOs would then begin supporting the social unrest. Soros and his goons would soon then sell off the assets he purchased for pennies on the dollar and finally, short selling the nation’s currency leaving it weakened at best, collapsed at worst. Soros’ Open Society Foundation has an active network in over one hundred countries. They never stop fomenting social unrest in every region of the globe, including the United States as seen in recent past. This concept has been stirring around in the minds of socialists, Soros is past the pen and paper phase of his planning cycle.

Creating Chaos

Soros’s net worth is currently over $23 billion which is the single greatest funding source for his NGOs. He has spent approximately $14 billion in creating these non-governmental organizations and promoting far left-wing initiatives. The Open Society Foundation was formed in 1993 which was the conduit in his efforts to destabilize Central America and Eastern European governments by tanking their currencies. Czechoslovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia saw Soros NGOs funnel directly to political opposition parties, and propagandizing mediums whose sole purpose was to denounce current leadership and drive a wedge into the social eco system. As his NGOs successfully carried out their paid task of chaos creation, Soros moved in and invested in assets of each of the respective countries.

Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs was then hired to advise the fledgling governments to privatize all public assets immediately thus allowing Soros to buy and sell everything he had acquired during the turmoil. He created a regime change in Eastern Europe and Central America and profited from it. Soros declared war on the good citizens of the United States by doing the same. His goal; to weaken the United States financially, reducing US influence around the world which would allow him to operate with impunity and work toward his desired one world government. He has since lined his pockets with billions of our dollars and the souls of influential and career politicians who are still in office today!

During the anti-Trump protests pay particular attention to the message; pay even more attention to each group and who they’re comprised of. The recent Woman’s March on DC was promoted by 56 NGO’s. 50 of them with direct ties to Soros’ groups. Moveon.Org, the National Action Network, the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and as shocking as it may seem, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. All of these NGOs were at the forefront of each demonstration. Linda Sarsour, the head of the Arab-American Association of New York, is a co-chair and speaker at the march. You’ll remember seeing women chanting Alluah Akbar with her leading it from the stage. Ironically this group strongly advocates for Sharia Law in America, yet across the proverbial lawn demonstrations starring Ashley Judd and Madonna were barking about their pussies and blowing up the White House all in the name of Womens Rights in America.

NEWSFLASH: Sharia Law directly violates EVERYTHING that has to do with Women’s rights…

Done For Now

If you are an avid reader of the blog, stay tuned; we have a lot more on Mr. Soros and his reptilian antics. You may (or may not) be shocked to know that we will be calling out those who are deserving; good and bad. Yes, there are members from both sides of the political aisle immersed into a socialist movement and think nothing is wrong.

The anti-constitutional days are over, so long as WE THE PEOPLE become educated, and continue to stand ready to repel the enemies attack by banding together and demanding a top down scrubbing of those who have personal and financial interests in people like George Soros and those that stand behind him.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Black Rifle Coffee Company blog.

VIDEO: Griffin Doubles Down on Stupid

Kathy Griffin’s “apology” for attacking President Trump and his family vanishes as she now tries to play the victim.

We’re having none of it!

Kathy Griffin’s Offense and Revisiting Free Speech Rulings

Kathy Griffin’s grotesque and vile defilement of the President of the United States is the most shocking and offensive display of hatred towards a public figure I have ever seen delivered by an American citizen. I have not yet seen or heard anyone defend her actions as being appropriate, or even valid. But recurrently, the left’s answer to her disgusting video is that they eagerly defend her right to have done it because the First Amendment protects her rancid form of expression.

Well. . . guess what?. . . it shouldn’t, as her expressions do not carry with them a sufficient sense of civility or decency to merit the protections of a provision as austere as the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Griffin’s “political expression” of stoically holding a very accurate likeness of the severed head of the President of the United States for others to marvel is not political speech.

There is no logic in it. It does not advocate for a particular policy, or a political philosophy.  There isn’t even a political opinion that is expressed. The “bold statement” that her “art” makes, at best, is a raw hatred for this President and the pleasure that she would take at his decapitation. At worst, it is an invitation for similarly sick people to take up arms against our nation’s leader and bring harm to him in a manner akin to those employed by our present enemies.

In short, there isn’t much veiling of the threat to the life of the President of the United States contained in the images fabricated and published by Griffin.

But Griffin, like her fellow leftist haters, will misguidedly shroud herself with the First Amendment; defiling it in no less a fashion than she did the President himself. How can she do that? How is it that a whole group of people can make such a deranged argument about the protections afforded to them by the Constitution?

Free speech precedents

If you think about it, their argument comes not from the Constitution itself, but rather the interpretations of that document contained in two opinions. Yes, that’s all they are; opinions.

The first proceeds from a 1964 U.S. Supreme Court case known as New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, a legal confrontation between the Montgomery, Ala., Public Safety Commissioner, L.B. Sullivan, and supporters of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. regarding an advertisement those supporters had taken out in the New York Times. In that advertisement, they published inaccuracies about the actions of the Alabama State Police and how they handled Civil Rights activists.

These inaccuracies included claims that the state police had arrested Dr. King seven times when in fact he was arrested four times. They also reported the wrong song that the demonstrators sang at the steps of the state capitol, and they misreported the reason for the expulsion of nine college students. Sullivan argued that these inaccuracies held him in a false light and were defamatory of him.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court sided with the New York Times. In its ruling, the Supreme Court found that a successful prosecution of the defamation of a public official required that actual malice (so called New York Times malice) be proved. The Court then defined New York Times malice as one where the defendant (the person delivering a statement) displayed a reckless disregard for whether the statement was true or not.

Eliminating any accountability

The effect of this case was to strip any legal liability of what is said regarding a public official. This resulted, of course, in fake news, reckless media frenzies, and the misguided belief that one can say whatever he or she wants about a public official, regardless of how disgusting or personally threatening such an expression may be.

Following that was the opinion of the 1989 case of Texas v. Johnson. Here, the Supreme Court held that the burning of the American flag, the same flag hundreds of thousands of Americans died protecting, was a form of political expression and thus protected under the Constitution.

You now have all the precedents you need to legally make the argument for Griffin in court.

But the Johnson case was by no means unanimous, as it was decided by a 5-4 majority that, oddly, saw the revered conservative Justice Antonin Scalia join Justices Blackmun, White, Kennedy, Marshall, and Brennan in the majority. In his descent Chief Justice Rehnquist reminded us that the flag, as the national symbol, deserved special protections against its desecration while making the point that Johnson’s actions expressed no specific political thought, but rather represented “an inarticulate grunt.”

Fast forward to Kathy Griffin and her terrible video. Doesn’t the President of the United States who, like the flag, represents our nation and is a living, breathing human being, and the ultimate target of our nation’s enemies, deserve the defenses of which Chief Justice Rehnquist speaks?

Time to revisit some precedents

Griffin’s case highlights all the things that have gone awry with the nation, its culture, and its modes of political expression since the creation of New York Times malice precedent.

But like so many things, these degradations are a result of the legislative environment in which we live, which oftentimes comes not from the reasoned (or heated) policy battles waged within the halls of Congress, or in our state capitols. Rather, they are the result of misguided Supreme Court opinions inconsistent with the will of the people regarding the Constitution’s proper interpretation.

No, the First Amendment does not protect Griffin’s inarticulate, vile, and disgusting grunt. She should be held accountable, not merely through the punishments of her employers and of the public, but through our judicial system as well.

In light of all that has happened and continues to happen with the press and the nation’s predictable deterioration in the conduct of its activists and its political commentators, it is time the Supreme Court revisit its misguided decisions. More importantly, it is time for a judicial override amendment (about which I have previously written) to be passed.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Canada to expedite asylum claims from Yemen and Egypt

That is what Refugees Deeply is reporting here.  (To learn more about the pro-more-refugees site, go here.)

Trudeau and Trump earlier this year.

Obama junior (Justin Trudeau) is ‘welcoming’ the Muslim world to Canada while President Donald Trump has appealed the so-called travel ban case to the Supreme Court.

One of the countries whose citizens Trump would at least temporarily ban (as Trudeau welcomes them!) is Yemen.

Canada to Expedite Entry of Refugees From Yemen and Egypt

Canada has added war-torn Yemen and repressive Egypt to its fast-track asylum list. The inclusion of the two countries will mean swifter decisions on refugee status for nationals of those countries.

Egyptians and Yemenis seeking asylum will still have to secure a tourist or other visa to reach Canada and apply. It will mean a smaller hearing and quicker decision once they make it there.

Petra Molnar, a migration researcher, told the Middle East Eye that the expedited country list aims to recognize that conditions in certain countries may “require a faster processing.”

Canada’s existing expedited list includes Syria, Iraq and Eritrea, with Burundi and Afghanistan also expected to be added this month. [Yikes!–ed]

A claimant from one of the designated countries still has to prove his or her need for protection.

Yemen is in a state of civil war that has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters, with 19 million of its 28 million people in need of aid. Egypt under the government of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has locked up hundreds of thousands of people in a crackdown on all forms of opposition.

Readers, most of those al-Sisi is trying to control are the Muslim Brotherhood agitators.  The ‘Brothers’ are banned in Egypt.  At one point Donald Trump talked tough about banning them here as well.

I have 196 previous posts on Canada, go here to learn more about what is happening north of our unsecured border.


UN High Commissioner for Refugees in U.S. to lobby Trump Admin; needs more of your money

NYT: How Tyson Foods and its greedy demand for cheap immigrant labor ‘saved’ an Iowa town

The Everyday Guide to Everyday Carry

Let’s have a frank discussion about EDC, the everyday carry. The internet is overflowing with pictures, threads, and suggestions from self-proclaimed experts on the subject. I have never considered myself a subject matter expert on EDC; however, much like Liam Neeson, I have had a unique set of life experiences and skills that may give some credibility to what I have to say.  I am a member of the Special Operations community. I have carried concealed weapons and mission essential equipment when lives have depended on it. I have protected diplomats all the way up to the vice-president of the United States. I am a qualified and current Advanced Tactical Paramedic, certified by Special Operations Command. I have treated life-threatening trauma at both the point of injury and at higher echelons of care. I teach various tactical skills to militaries, government employees, law enforcement, and private citizens. Lastly, and perhaps most important, I am in a constant state of learning in order to employ and teach the latest science, tactics, and techniques based on research and events.

Let’s strip away, the shemaghs, infidel t-shirts, and talk about what works. This will not be a conversation about what pistol to carry (Glock 19). That is a forum unto itself.  Today I will tell you what I carry and why. I will tell you what I think you should carry and why. This writing has zero product placement or endorsement of any kind. This is all my opinion. My opinion is probably better than yours. Buckle up.

EDC should not be about your gear. I know, that sounds counter-intuitive. Bear with me. There are multiple reasons we should not be dependent on our equipment. The biggest reason is that our environment does not typically allow us to carry the equipment we would like to. Anyone who drives in the Northern Virginia or West Virginia area knows this frustration. Drive across the wrong bridge and you are instantly transformed from a responsible law-abiding citizen to a felon. This concept applies everywhere. Can you carry a pistol in a bank? What about picking your kids up from school? Auditoriums, ball parks and other venues of mass congregation are typically no-carry zones. Every place I just listed are also historically targets for violent crime or terrorism. Your EDC needs to start with your thinking, not your gear. It is possible to go out and have a good time and still be situationally aware.

“Your EDC needs to start with your thinking, not your gear.”

Here’s some homework: without being the overly sensitive veteran who just has to have his back to the wall in a corner booth, go out to a coffee shop or a bar. Order your drink, sit down, and observe. How many entrances and exits do you see? Can you get to them in a timely manner? Does the bathroom lock? Where do people park? Is there anything stopping a vehicle from driving through the entrance? Is there security? How many? What, if anything, are they carrying? What are they looking at? Do they have communication? What are people around you wearing? Look at hands and shoes. Hands can show intention. Shoes can show planning (you ever hear of anyone robbing a bank in flip flops?). Now try the same thing in a mall.  Do this exercise a few times and you should notice your situational awareness in public settings increase. You may be amazed what you’ve never noticed.  *Note: don’t do this exercise in a bank unless you want to answer some uncomfortable questions.

Your Bag

Unless I am trying to present the picture of a tactically prepared individual, I do not carry anything in Coyote Brown, Multicam, or other tactical colors. Similarly, I stay away from bags that have molle loops and more velcro than I have morale patches for. This is a personal choice. I know my training. I know what capabilities I have. I prefer that to be a surprise to anyone that needs to bear the brunt of that training. I have two bags that I normally use for my EDC. Neither are designed for this purpose, but they work well. The first is my Timbukt2 laptop bag. Women generally have an advantage over men in EDC as it is normal for a woman to carry a purse. Well, my man purse…satchel…has been in some pretty sketchy areas and has held everything from a side arm to a full chest rack. I find the top zipper particularly useful as I do not have to open the flap to draw my weapon.  My second bag, a small Mountain Hardware padded ruck, also is meant to be a laptop case, and also has fast access via a zipper. Both of these bags have traveled the world with me. Neither has ever raised suspicion. When selecting your bag, go through this short checklist:

  1. Will I carry this?
  2. Can I get to what I need in a hurry?
  3. Does it have enough pockets to segregate my kit?
  4. Does it have so many pockets that I don’t know where anything is when I need it?
  5. Is the construction durable enough to stand up being carried everyday?

Your Tourniquet

Why do you not have a tourniquet? You have a full basic load and a four-hundred dollar reflex sight, but you didn’t drop a few bucks on a tourniquet. Look at that, you’ve made your little sister cry. Dammit Daryl. Here a few down and dirty facts:

  1. You can bleed to the point of no recovery in 3-5 minutes from an arm or leg wound.
  2. You will not lose your limb simply because you applied a tourniquet.
  3. Improvised tourniquets will likely take longer to gather and build than 3-5 minutes
  4. Your belt is not a tourniquet.
  5. Tourniquets save lives.

Now that we’ve established that you need a commercially produced one-handed tourniquet, the harder decision starts. The online tourniquet battle about what is best or what is crap is pretty heated. There are more people making comments about tourniquet effectiveness than are actually applying tourniquets. I’ll let you in on a secret: applied correctly, they all work. Every one of them. Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn’t used the product or is selling a product.  Like every medic, I have my preferences. I feel a Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) is more reliable on the average arm and has a faster application time than the Special Operations Forces Tactical Tourniquet – Wide (SOFTT-W). The exact opposite is true for the leg. I know that both of these tourniquets require a minimum limb circumference for effective application, i.e. it may not work on your kid. The Stretch Wrap And Tuck Tourniquet (SWAT) will work on your kid or your dog, but good luck applying it to yourself with one hand. The Rapid Application Tourniquet (RATS) is fast and, on most limbs, effective.

In the interest of integrity, I need to disclose that I not only know the inventor of the RATS, but we served together. I count him as a friend. There is both political and medical controversy over this device. It is unwarranted and gets in the way of saving lives. I had my doubts about the RATS when it was first shown to me. For educational purposes, I had the RATS tested by Special Operations Medics using Doppler Radar to detect a distal (away from the heart) pulse. Applied to the arm, the RATS was 100% effective in eliminating a pulse. On the leg, the pulse was diminished, but not fully eliminated. The test subject was a Navy SEAL with “tree trunks for legs.” I have trained thousands of individuals in the use of tourniquets. What I have seen, without bias, is that the layperson is able to apply a RATS tourniquet faster and more effective than any other commercial tourniquet. After training, most students opt for the RATS over other commercial tourniquets. Again, this is not bias. This is what I have seen (called “empirical evidence” in the medical community).

I carry multiple CAT and SOFTT-W’s in my vehicles and aid bags. My EDC has the RATS. Based on what I have seen with my students, I recommend it for your carry.

Regardless of which tourniquet you choose, have it staged for easy access with one hand, and ready for one-handed application.  Take the tourniquet out of the wrapper. Adjust the slack (big for the CAT, smaller for the SOFTT-W, three finger for the RATS) for one-handed use. Watch the manufacturer’s videos. Practice, practice, practice. I have trained government employees that refuse to recognize violence is a real thing to the standard of a 15-second application. Shoot for that standard. If you are carrying a CAT, ensure that the CAT you are training with is not the CAT you are expecting to control actual hemorrhage. The parts are made for single use and weaken under torque. Buy a blue CAT for training and a black or orange CAT for real-world use.

Other Medical Supplies

I prefer to keep it simple in my EDC. I could easily make my EDC into an aid bag. I don’t want that. That’s why I have an aid bag. One pack of compressed gauze and a small roll of duct tape are enough to fix everything from a large laceration to detaining a dirt bag till I get to more supplies. I don’t have a preference for untreated gauze. Hemostatic agents are a longer discussion for another post. If you are carrying medical tape for anything other than making a name tag, go ahead and slap yourself. I’ll wait. Medical tape, despite it’s purpose, does not stick well to wounds or anything wet. I carry a small roll of Duck Tape purchased at Home Depot and a roll of Gecko Tape from North American Rescue Products. Pro-tip: if the tape is open, dog ear it. You will be shaky and limited to gross motor skills under stress. Not being able to find the end of your tape costs cool points.

If you choose to carry a commercial dressing in your EDC, I recommend the Olaes Dressing from Tactical Medical Solutions. The dressing has multiple uses in one package. The gauze can be removed from the dressing to pack wounds. A small sheet of plastic can be removed to seal chest wounds. The elastic bandage has velcro strips sewn in increments to counter shaky-operator syndrome. A side-note personal soap box on the Olaes: the dressing is named after my friend and classmate SSG Tony Olaes who was killed in action in 2004. He pronounced his name Oh-Lie-Es. Please do the same. Thank you.


Your knife needs to be sharp, durable, and short enough that it won’t be confiscated at a security check-point. Everything else is sprinkles on the ice cream. I carry a Benchmade Triage because of the blade quality, the rescue hook, the glass breaker, and because I didn’t have to pay for it.  It is worth the nearly $200 price tag, providing you’re not prone to leaving it with the bouncer at a West Virginia strip club (can I get that back? Asking for a friend.) I also carry a Leatherman Wave for all my multi-tool needs. I do have bias on these brands, as all three of us are from Portland.

Not every light needs to be tactical to be useful. This $5 LED light has multiple functions and affixes to metal for hands free use.

We have also proven ourselves on the job.

Light (Flashlights/Tactical Lights, etc.)

Flashlights are similar to knives, in that you can lose it faster than the hours it took you to make enough money to buy it. I have been carrying the same Surefire Z2 Combat Light for 10 years. It’s durable, fist size, and has worked every time I needed it to. I’m sure there are better, newer lights out there, but I haven’t needed to find out. I also carry a five buck construction job site light I bought in the checkout line at Home Depot. It takes conventional batteries, uses LED, has spot and flood functions, and has a convenient magnet on the back. Maybe not my first choice for room clearing, but it’s great for lighting up a work space (think trauma, not cars). Both of my bags have headlamps. My primary is my Petzl, that everyone in SOF has a few of. There is no need to go out and spend big money on a headlamp. You’re not spelunking. Go to Home Depot and buy the three-pack for 10 bucks. Most of them even have red light capability. I’ve used them.

Miscellaneous Items

Phone charger and External Battery Pack – In an emergency, communication is key. If you spent your battery SnapChatting LOL’s to your contact list right before shit hits the fan, you’re going to need some juice. I’ve opted for an Otterbox uniVERSE case with a modular accessory slot. The external battery pack for this case is made by Polar Pro and is about $50 on Amazon. I have two of them.

Sharpie Marker & 3×5 Index Cards – Make an incident timeline. Mark casualties. Pass a note. Don’t forget to buy milk on the way home.

Cash – Lower denominations. A couple hundred dollars or so. Bribing rarely works with a credit card. Credit card machines do not work in power outages.

Gum – I like to chew gum when I think I’m about to get in the mix. I’m sure I could say something medical like, “activates the salivary glands to counter dry mouth secondary to stress-induced acid reflux”, but it just gives me something to do while I wait.

After packing your EDC bag, test it. Do not fall in love with one particular set-up if it isn’t working as well as it should. Once you think you have it set, practice. Use multiple conditions: low light, darkness, loud background.

Now that you’ve seen my kit and read my secrets, I’ll need to destroy you. Best of luck out there.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Black Rifle Coffee Company blog.

The Unkindest Cut

Perhaps there are no longer many who know the name Martin Niemoeller, a Protestant pastor, most famous for his poem, as follows:

“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out.

Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out.

          Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.

         And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Neimoeller, an anti-communist, supported the Nazis until the churches were placed under Nazi control. He then founded the Pastors’ Emergency League, on September 11, 1933, to unite German evangelical theologians, pastors and church office-holders against Aryanism. He was tried and imprisoned for seven months, followed by seven years in concentration camps. Freed after the war, he became president of the Protestant church in Hesse and Nassau (1947- 1964), and president of the World Council of Churches in the 1960s, against which he would speak out now, given the opportunity.

The World Council of Churches, founded in 1948 and headquartered in Geneva, and its 350 mostly Protestant and Orthodox churches and some evangelical membership, overtly expressed concern for the safety of the Jewish people, but clandestinely began promoting a lethal anti-Israel agenda aimed at delegitimizing Israel in the Middle East conflict. Instead of worrying about Israelis’ being blown up by homicidal bombers during the Second Intifada (2000-2005), the group justified the Palestinian violence and vilified Israel’s self-defense. They established the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) and the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF) to end Israel’s “occupation,” aware that this action would eventually deprive the Jewish people of their own homeland.

With their hostility clearly focused on Israel, the Council sends activists to the West Bank to confront Israeli soldiers and settlers, while also repudiating the Arab aggression toward Israel and the Jews. So, they denounce anti-Semitism for public consumption, but individual members nevertheless continue their demonizing rhetoric against Israel.  And there is more (there always is): They avoid denouncing Muslim anti-Semitism and Muslim assassinations of Christians.

Interestingly, when the Provisional Committee prepared to create the WCC in Amsterdam, in 1948, they guaranteed full Church rights to Christians of Jewish descent, and expressed remorse to the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust along with gratitude to the Christians who had sheltered them. In fact, they even acknowledged that the Church had contributed to anti-Semitism – but they would consider Israel’s sovereignty. Not only did the WCC not support the creation of a Jewish state, but they attempted to delegitimize the entire concept.  They determined it best to not offend the Muslims who sought a second Holocaust. Recognizing the rights of Jewish converts to Christianity was an easy decision, but the rights of Jews to live in their own country remained problematical.

The PLO’s terror attacks in the early 1970s, as well as the Lod Airport massacre that left 26 dead and scores injured, and other Palestinian kidnappings and murders of Israelis, were also met with the Council’s benign condemnation, as though the Palestinians were striving for “human rights,” and not the annihilation of the entire state of Israel. Hijackings, once called “reckless acts of anarchy that disregard human rights” were now excused as “something not so bad because nobody got killed.”

The massacre of the Israeli Olympic team by the PLO in September 1972 was termed “senseless terrorism.” Rather than condemn the Palestinians’ heinous acts and demand the criminals be prosecuted, the WCC general secretary expressed consternation at the “senseless (!)” deaths of the Israelis, their abductors and the German officials – as though the “sacrificed lives” were not only equal but could have made sense given different circumstances. The suggestion is grotesque. He condemned Israel not to respond with reprisals, which thereafter became their modus operandi.

Contrary to its title, the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa, in 2001, became a dedication to hate against Israel. Although the WCC claimed to disapprove of some of the statements, it nevertheless supported the document.

In 2004, they eulogized Arafat upon his death as a leader who recognized true justice, peace and security for Palestinians and Israelis. The WCC disregarded his massacres of Jews and Christians, the terrorism despite the Oslo Accords, and the billions of dollars in aid that was never used to improve Palestinian lives.

In February 2005, the WCC joined the American Protestant churches in the Presbyterian Church’s (USA) divestment campaign against Israel, blaming Israel’s occupation for the violence, not Palestinian aggression or the companies that profit from that aggression. The group also directed their blame against Israel for boarding the Mavi Marmara flotilla that was carrying jihadists and armaments to Gaza in June 2016, despite videos that showed the passengers to be the violent aggressors.

The WCC was quick to condemn Israel’s invasion into Lebanon in 1984, but protected the identity of the earlier massacres by the PLO and Christian Phalangists in the 1970s and 1980s, and the PLO’s massacres in Lebanon (1982). They also maintained their silence about the Palestinians’ horrific atrocities and executions of the Maronites (Roman Catholics) in January 1976.

The World Council of Churches no longer stands for democracy and Christianity – if it ever did without Niemoeller. In a world that has grown more dangerous, with fanatical terrorists and unstoppable migrants overcoming countries from which the indigenous populations are fleeing,  the WCC has declared its affinity for the enemy, those who threaten to establish a caliphate at Buckingham Palace, at the White House, and throughout Europe and Asia.  Statements issued by the Central Community of the WCC in response to brutal attacks against Christians refrain from naming the Islamic attackers.  Rather, they criticize Israel and silence those who dare defame Islam.

It is no surprise for Israel to be vilified by the followers of Islam, because Islam, like Nazism, is the antithesis of Judaism and they could never co-exist.  But when the Council of churches joins the accusers, it is the unkindest cut of all. Such action is foolhardy and self-defeating as the integrity of the Church’s theology requires the existence of Israel and the Jews, but the reverse is not true.  If it were possible to remove Judaism, Christianity would suffer the same fate thereafter.  Islam’s declared purpose is global conquest.  Pastor Niemoeller’s words ring as true today.

Like the tail-devouring Ouroboros, the WCC has turned on itself, and should no longer be able to rely on our citizens’ taxes and generosity to support the Palestinian Authority and the armed jihadists who seek Jewish and Christian destruction.  Isaiah 5:20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.

(With appreciation to Dexter Van Zile, “Broadcasting a Lethal Narrative: The World Council of Churches and Israel,” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Do White Americans Have White Privilege?

What exactly is white privilege? Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz finds out as he interviews attendees at the White Privilege Conference in Kansas City.


Why Is the Media Branding the Portland Train Stabber a Trump Supporter? He’s Not | Heat Street

Anne Hathaway denounces white privilege in award speech

EDITORS NOTE: Please consider donating to PragerU, so that they can help undo the left’s damage. Donate today!

Anarchy in Academia: Cry-Bullies Gone Wild

The recent events at Evergreen College would make a great Saturday Night Live skit if they weren’t so serious and such an alarming portent of future social chaos.

Academia trains the future leaders of society – if colleges and universities are breeding racist anarchist cry-bullies instead of thoughtful leaders who can listen to other points of view, the future for America is tyranny of thought and totalitarianism.

The racist and infantile demands of the Evergreen students expose the childishness of cry-bully functioning. Like two-year-olds screaming “I WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT” these student outbursts create cognitive dissonance for any rational adult watching. There is a sense of unreality that “this cannot be happening on campuses in America” – but it is happening all over the country at colleges and universities where cry-bullies have gone wild.

What is the source of their tantrums? Why are they being tolerated by the “adults” in charge? What is the purpose of cry-bullying outbursts?

The complete self-absorption of infants and young children is an expected condition of infancy and early childhood. There is no “other” in their consciousness – they operate on the narcissistic principle of self. When that narcissism is advanced into adulthood it is not only shocking it is dangerous. Early childhood is distinguished by its narcissism and society’s acceptance of that narcissism because growing up is a process and early childhood is the beginning of the process.

The first sign of emotional development is the baby’s recognition of “other.” The baby begins to recognize his mother/caretaker as separate from himself. The baby learns that if he cries mother will come to him. As he gets older the child realizes that he is dependent upon the care of the “other” and the child only experiences ”other” as existing to meet his/her own needs.

Only when the child begins to understand that “other” exists as a separate self who is as important as his own self as the child is to himself can the concept of reciprocity develop and ethical living begin.

What is so stunning about the behavior of cry-bullies on campus is their complete unawareness of “other.” Their infantile narcissism keeps them insulated in a prism of self. They do not see the staggering hypocrisy of ordering all white students and faculty off campus. If all black students and faculty were ordered off campus the cry-bullies would go wild screaming RACISM! Cry-bullies do not see the hypocrisy of demanding respect when they behave so disrespectfully. If professors started screaming and swearing at them the cry-bullies would go wild demanding SAFE SPACES! Cry-bullies do not see the hypocrisy of demanding no homework at an academic institution.

The long-term consequences of a narcissistic perspective advanced into adulthood is that it is self-destructive. Thought precedes behavior. If an individual thinks like a child he/she behaves like a child. Childhood is distinguished by its powerlessness. Thinking like a child produces a victim mentality of blame and powerlessness that creates cry-bullies and temper tantrums instead of self-actualized adults capable of rational thought and constructive effective change.

The question is WHY would the “adults” in charge submit to the childish demands of a two-year-old? Why do ineffectual parents submit to the demands of their two-year-old?

Some are simply intimidated by the cry-bullying. Some are emotional children themselves and actually support cry-bullying. Some want to ingratiate themselves to the cry-bully and be their friend. Some are Leftists promoting anarchy. No matter what the motive, submitting to the demands of a two-year—old whether that child is chronologically two or emotionally two is a flawed strategy for the survival of a democratic America.

Parents need their children to grow into emotional adulthood and society needs its citizens to become emotional adults. A society of children is not sustainable – it will eventually collapse or be challenged and taken over by a society of adults. This is why the social chaos created on campus and advanced into society by the graduating cry-bullies is so dangerous.

Social chaos is the condition necessary to collapse American democracy and replace it with socialism -> internationalism -> globalism -> and ultimately one-world government ruled by the globalist elite. Social chaos is the agent of change for anarchists.

American campuses need an adult in charge to fend off the infantile demands of its cry-bully students. America needs adults an charge to fend off the infantile demands of the left-wing liberals promoting anarchy and the victim mentality of identity politics. American universities are the canary in the coal mine.

Candidate Hillary Clinton famously said that they (Democrats) need a public that is unaware and compliant. Unaware and compliant are the conditions of childhood. Children are powerless and can be exploited and controlled – exactly what Hillary wanted. When Hillary was unexpectedly defeated the Left went into overdrive to delegitimize, destabilize, and destroy Trump’s presidency. The “resistance” movement lead by EX-president Barack Obama is an attack on American democracy.

Americans voted for an adult when they voted for Donald Trump. If the Left and their cry-bully politicians fomenting anarchy succeed in their campaign to overthrow constitutionally elected President Donald Trump then American democracy will be destroyed and the globalist elites will be able to impose one-world government on the unsuspecting cry-bullies on campus who were duped into believing they would get social justice and income equality for their efforts.

One-world government is a binary socio-political system of masters and slaves described unapologetically in chilling detail by Lord Bertrand Russell in his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society. The irony for these black student cry-bullies is that they are participating in their own destruction. There is no freedom or upward mobility in one-world government – only tyranny and totalitarianism.

The student cry-bullies will learn the hard way that their infantile behavior will reduce them to slaves like their ancestors.


California College could Impose Mandatory Gender Studies Program for Students

Harvard Students’ ‘Resistance School’ Plots Anti-Trump Plan

University Dean called GOP ‘an extremist terrorist organization’

HBCU Ordered to Pay $5 Million to White Professor due to Discrimination

Finally, Conservatives are Fighting Back!

For years, I have been extremely frustrated with my fellow Republicans and Conservatives allowing Leftists/Democrats to dictate how we’re allowed to fight for our ideas. Meanwhile, Leftists/Democrats can promote whatever violence inciting lie they deem necessary. Remarkably, despite overwhelming evidence proving otherwise, Leftists are still promoting the lie that black criminal Michael Brown was gunned down by a white racist cop while surrendering with his hands up.

Leftists can say and do disgusting things publicly in front of innocent children outrageously decreed by fake news media to have the moral high ground.

Here are just a few examples of what I am talking about. On Trump’s Inauguration Day at the anti-Trump Women’s March in D.C.,thousands wore what they crudely called p***y hats. My late mom would have been shocked and extremely embarrassed. Madonna boldly proclaimed her desire to blow up the White House. Fakes news media would have demanded the immediate prosecution of a tea party person saying the same.

In 2010, over a million Tea Party Americans gathered in Washington DC to oppose Obamacare. The peaceful polite crowd left the place cleaner than they found it. Fake news media despicably told our country it was a mob of haters against their black president. Leftists routinely trash the cites of their rallies.

Democrats countered the Tea Party with their own fake spontaneous movement called Occupy Wall Street. The assorted groups of anti-American fruits and nuts in attendance were highly praised by Democrats and fake news media. They were allowed to break the law; leaving mountains of trash and committing crimes which included rapes. Occupy Wall Street operatives disgustingly dumped a bucket of feces into the lobby of a public building.

With no rebuke from fake news media, Black Lives Matter protesters marched down a New York street chantingWhat do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!!!” 

Recently, the California Democrat Chair instructed his audience, “All together now, f*ck Donald Trump!”

As a black Tea Party activist who has participated in over 500 Tea Party rallies, never have I witnessed such language toward President Obama.

Rush Limbaugh created a fake news media firestorm and was deemed a traitor when he courageously said because he loves his country he hoped Obama’s mission to transform America failed. And yet, fake news media celebrates the Democrats’ “Resistance Summer” movement against Trump. Is it a stretch to say that Leftists openly attempting to block Trump’s efforts to make America great again is an act of treason?

Vile Leftist activist Kathy Griffin published a disgusting photo of her holding the bloody beheaded head of President Trump. Imagine the tsunami of fake news media outrage had a Tea Party person published such a photo holding Obama’s bloody head.

Rabid Leftist Trump hater and TV host Bill Maher made mean-spirited incest jokes about Donald and Ivanka Trump. Again, imagine the furious anger and dire consequences had a conservative made such jokes about Obama and his daughters.

Do you see the pattern folks? Leftists lay down all kinds of rules for us, while they are allowed to behave without laws or rules of human decency.

Leftists’ ultimate goal is to silence all opposition to their mission to transform America. Emboldened by their successful removal of big-fish Bill O’Reilly from Fox News, Leftists are going after powerful conservative TV and radio host Sean Hannity.

Thank God, finally, conservatives are waking up and fighting back. Brian Maloney and Melanie Morgan have declared it time to stop the scalpings, launching “Operation Fight Fire With Fire.” I love it! Atop their list of extreme Leftists to push back against their lies is Rachel Maddow. Folks, I know you join me in thinking, “It’s about time!”

Candidly, I am still basking in the after glow of Trump’s election, thanking and praising God for delivering us from the edge of losing our country had Hillary won. But, we must stay engaged in the battle to preserve our victory. Freedom ain’t free folks. Enraged Leftists have cranked up their no-holds-barred opposition to Trump setting us free from Obama’s legacy to unprecedented levels. Even treason against their country is deemed an acceptable tactic to remove Trump from office to resume Obama’s transformation of America.

As God gives me strength, that ain’t happenin’ on my watch.

Trump is pulling U.S. out of UN Paris Climate Pact – A Victory for Science!

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump today officially announced that he intends to withdraw from the UN Paris climate pact. Trump has fulfilled a key campaign promise and is gutting one has been termed one of the “most expensive treaties in the history of the world.”

The Hill is reporting:

President Trump will pull the United States out of the Paris climate change agreement, Axios reported Wednesday. The report, citing two sources with “direct knowledge,” said Trump is working with a group led by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt on the exact mechanism of pulling out before announcing his final decision. CBS News also reported that Trump is telling allies about his decision. The move marks a dramatic departure from the Obama administration, which was instrumental in crafting the deal. It also makes the U.S. an outlier among the world’s nations, nearly all of whom support the climate change accord. But Trump’s decision fulfills an original campaign promise he made just over a year ago to “cancel” the accord. 

The Associated Press is reporting:

A White House official says President Donald Trump is expected to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord. But the official says there may be “caveats in the language” that Trump uses to announce the withdrawal – leaving open the possibility that the decision isn’t final.

According to Axios, GOP Senators played a key role in influencing Trump to pull out of the UN climate pact.

Axios: How it happened: A letter from 22 Republican Senators (including Mitch McConnell) that called for a clean exit had reinforced Trump’s instincts to withdraw, and the president had been telling confidants over the past week that he was going to pull out.

Skeptics Rejoice:

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano statement: “A U.S. Clexit (Climate Exit from UN Paris Pact) is a victory for science.President Trump today, in one swoop, made perhaps the most consequential decision of his presidency both in domestic and international policy by announcing a Clexit of the U.S. from the UN Paris agreement. One of Trump’s core political principles has been an America first policy and knowing the art of a deal. Trump realized that the UN Paris climate pact would not serve the interests of U.S. foreign policy or domestic energy policy. The near total dismantling of former President Obama’s “climate legacy” is now almost complete. Bravo!  President Trump understands that the UN has no interest in climate. The UN’s real goal is “global governance” and “wealth redistribution.” Flashback: UN IPCC Official Edenhofer: ‘We Redistribute World’s Wealth By Climate Policy’

Climate Depot’s Morano predicted Trump’s actions today back in November 2016 while attending the UN climate summit in Morocco. Morano was ejected from the summit for shredding the UN Paris agreement. See: UN Armed Security Shuts Down Skeptics After SHREDDING UN Climate Treaty at Summit Next To Trump Cut-out – November 16, 2016

A UN climate agreement that is totally meaningless when it comes to the climate. University of Pennsylvania Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack  has noted: “None of the strategies that have been offered by the U.S. government or by the EPA or by anybody else has the remotest chance of altering climate if in fact climate is controlled by carbon dioxide.”

Climate Depot Marc Morano adds: In layman’s terms: All of the so-called ‘solutions’ to global warming are purely symbolic when it comes to climate. So, even if we actually faced a climate catastrophe and we had to rely on a UN climate agreement, we would all be doomed!  Make no mistake, climate campaigners who tout UN agreements and EPA regulations as a way to control Earth’s temperature and storminess are guilty of belief in superstition. Today, America rejects superstition and the believe that governments regulations and UN agreements can control the climate. 

NASA’s former lead global warming scientist Dr. James Hansen is also not a big fan of the UN Paris accord. See: ‘Fraud, Fake…Worthless Words’: NASA’s James Hansen on UN Paris Pact – Trump should take note – “[The Paris agreement] is a fraud really, a fake. It’s just bullshit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.”Climate experts who have looked at the UN climate agreement think Trump is correct to dismantle it. Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg wrote “Trump’s climate plan might not be so bad after all.” Lomborg added that Trump withdrawing from the UN treaty “will will stop the pursuit of an expensive dead end” because even if you accept the climate claims of the UN, the agreement “will matter very little to temperature rise.” (Also see: Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Germany Spends $110 Billion to Delay Global Warming by 37 Hours’)

Statistician: UN climate treaty will cost $100 trillion – To Have No Impact – Postpone warming by less than four years by 2100

Statistician: UN climate treaty will cost $100 trillion – To Have No Impact – Postpone warming by less than four years by 2100Lomborg: “If the U.S. delivers for the whole century on the President Obama’s very ambitious rhetoric, it would postpone global warming by about eight months at the end of the century.”Danish statistician Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, the President of the Copenhagen Consensus Center: “We will spend at least one hundred trillion dollars in order to reduce the temperature by the end of the century by a grand total of three tenths of one degree…the equivalent of postponing warming by less than four years…Again, that is using the UN’s own climate prediction model.” “But here is the biggest problem: These minuscule benefits do not come free — quite the contrary. The cost of the UN Paris climate pact is likely to run 1 to 2 trillion dollars every year.”
Lomborg Blasts UN Paris Treaty’s $100 Trillion Price Tag For No Temp Impact: ‘You won’t be able to measure it in 100 years’ – Bjorn Lomborg: The debate about the UN Paris Agreement is “about identity politics. It’s about feeling good… but the climate doesn’t care about how you feel.”
Bjorn Lomborg on UN climate deal: ‘This is likely to be among most expensive treaties in the history of the world’


Report: Trump tells ‘confidants’ U.S. will leave Paris climate deal

Latest developments below.

Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

President Trump has made his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the decision. Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. They’re deciding on whether to initiate a full, formal withdrawal — which could take 3 years — or exit the underlying United Nations climate change treaty, which would be faster but more extreme.

Why this matters: Pulling out of Paris is the biggest thing Trump could do to unravel Obama’s climate legacy. It sends a combative signal to the rest of the world that America doesn’t prioritize climate change and threatens to unravel the ambition of the entire deal.

The other outliers: The only other two countries that aren’t supporting the deal are Nicaragua and Syria.

How it happened: A letter from 22 Republican Senators (including Mitch McConnell) that called for a clean exit had reinforced Trump’s instincts to withdraw, and the president had been telling confidants over the past week that he was going to pull out.

Image result for trump climate paris

Climate Skeptics cheer Clexit from UN Paris Agreement
Cheers! Trump Refuses To Sign G7 Statement Endorsing UN Paris Climate Agreement

UN Armed Security Shuts Down Skeptics After SHREDDING UN Climate Treaty at Summit Next To Trump Cut-outFull Video of UN Climate Cops Shutting Down SkepticsSkeptics Sought to End Climate Activists Denial Over Trump Rejecting UN Paris Climate AgreementLife size stand up of Trump taken down — Would UN have objected if life size Obama image were displayed instead?

Associated Press: Climate skeptic shreds Paris Agreement at UN ‘global warming’ conference

Watch Associated Press Video of UN armed security escorting Marc Morano & Craig Rucker from UN climate summit

Climate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate ClaimsClimate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate Claims

Read Full report Here:

The “Talking Points Memo,” by Marc Morano of CFACT’s Climate Depot, is a complete skeptics’ guide for elected officials, media and the public on how to discuss global warming backed up by dozens of citations to peer-reviewed research. “Make no mistake, climate campaigners who tout UN agreements and EPA regulations as a way to control Earth’s temperature and storminess are guilty of belief in superstition,” he added.

USAA reinstates advertising with Sean Hannity, other companies rebuff Media Matters report as a Lie

USAA reinstates advertising with Sean Hannity.  Other companies rebuff Media Matters report that they stopped advertising on Sean Hannity. Have you sent your email urging companies to continue to advertise on Hannity?

Click here to send your email to urge marketing officials at most of Hannity’s advertisers to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.

Media Matters is targeting companies that advertise on Sean Hannity because of his conservative values.

Florida Family Association first responded with an email alert that reported that USAA had succumbed to Media Matters pressure by stopping its advertising on the Sean Hannity Show.  The email alert asked people to send emails urging USAA to start advertising again.  Thousands of people sent emails to USAA officials through’s action email center.

Ad Week reports:  USAA Marches Back to Hannity.  Sean Hannity seems to have many fans who currently serve or have served in the U.S. military. When they heard USAA was pulling its commercials from Hannity’s Fox News program, they weren’t pleased, and apparently made their feelings known to the company. It’s probably no coincidence then that USAA announced today it has revered its decision, and will resume its advertising on Hannity.

Your emails made a difference.  And here’s more good news.

Florida Family Association responded with an email alert that provided an email that people could easily  send to most of Sean Hannity’s advertisers to urge them to continue to support his show.   Thousands of people responded by sending emails to encourage advertisers to stay with Hannity.

Some advertisers’ responses to these emails are posted below:

My Pillow’s Michael Lindell stands with Sean Hannity

I have no intention of ever going off my friend Sean’s show!

I am in this fight too!

Michael J. Lindell
My Pillow, Inc.

InterContinental Hotels Group never advertised on Sean Hannity so it could not have stopped advertising as Media Matters reported.

Greetings from the Executive Office of IHG.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts regarding advertising with the Sean Hannity show.  We greatly appreciate the opportunity to clarify our position.

Simply, we are not an advertiser on this show, and therefore never pulled ads. We are aware there was a third-party programming error, which caused our ad to be aired in a few local markets.  Unfortunately, a lack of fact-checking created this misunderstanding, and we are appreciative of top-tier media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, who have taken the time to get the facts right in their reporting.

We are also grateful for you contacting us – so we have the opportunity to set the record straight.

Thank you,
Executive Liaison, IHG
IHG | P.O. Box 30321, Salt Lake City, UT 84130, USA

GoodRX was NOT pressured to stop advertising as Media Matters reported.

Hello –

I’m the co-founder of GoodRx. You list our company as an advertiser on the Hannity show. Thanks to you, we’ve received hundreds of emails from concerned folks who would like us to continue running ads on Fox News and/or Hannity.

Unfortunately, I think you have incorrect information. While GoodRx has in the past advertised on Fox News (and elsewhere), we recently ceased ALL television advertising. We stopped advertising a few weeks PRIOR to this current controversy and it had nothing to do with any particular personality or political view – we simply stopped advertising for a few months as we work on new ways to talk to Americans.

We believe this incorrect information came from an organization called Media Matters. They have (after much effort on our part) edited their original post to indicate that we did not pull any advertising related to this issue.

We’re not some faceless corporation – we’re just a small group of frustrated Americans who are fed up with high drug prices. We spend our days simply trying to provide information and savings to help people not have to choose between rent, food or medications.

We have no immediate plans to run more advertising, but we’re constantly evaluating the market and we appreciate the feedback from so many concerned citizens. Our mission is to help all Americans, and hearing from so many this week has reminded our team (and me especially) that we have to keep working hard to fix America’s many issues.

We’d appreciate it if you removed us from your list, as we’re not a current advertiser and don’t want your members to think that we’ve done something wrong. Trust is a core value of our company, and I’m concerned that a controversy we have nothing to do with us will reflect poorly on us.

Thanks for your consideration.

Doug Hirsch was NOT pressured to stop advertising as Media Matters reported.

We did not (stop advertising as Media Matters reported).  As you know things get falsely reported all of the time and we are now a victim of that as well.

Because the situation seems so hot on either side and because we actually as a company are a combination of multiple views we have decided to just not comment on this at all anymore as we believe that there is no fair and balanced reporting that will come from it.

So sorry you were offended, I am a father and an inventor.  Not a politician.


Florida Family Association removed USAA, InterContinental Hotels Group, GoodRX and from the articles that Media Matters had reported as dropping Sean Hannity.

Sean Hannity is a true American patriot.  Hannity has brought us news that no other cable news host has produced.  He has relentlessly stood for traditional Judeo Christian values.  Sean Hannity routinely gives honor to our military leaders, fallen heroes and military families in need.  There is no better weekend than the Memorial Day Weekend to start defending Sean Hannity against leftist attacks aimed at the values we cherish.

Media Matters published a list of companies that advertise and companies that stopped advertising at the bottom of their article.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge marketing officials at most of the companies to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.  The companies included in this email are ones listed by Media Matters as “primary advertisers” and “advertisers who’ve announced they’ll no longer advertise on Hannity.”  The contact information for the advertisers that have said they will no longer advertise is posted below.  Contact information for companies that continue to advertise is not being provided in order to reduce the chances of opponents using the information.  There is a list of a few companies that are blocking emails that would have been sent through the email server.  Please consider preparing an email using your own email service for these companies.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge marketing officials at most of Hannity’s advertisers to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.

Contact information for companies that continue to advertise is not being provided in order to reduce the chances of opponents using the information.

The contact information for the advertisers that have said they will no longer advertise is posted below:

These are the advertisers who’ve announced they’ll no longer advertise on Hannity:

Boehringer Ingelheim
Paul Fonteyne, CEO
Ann Davin, Public Relations Manager
Gracia C. Martore, President and Chief Executive Officer
Anne Bentley, Vice President and Chief Communications Officer

Philip Krim, CEO
Michael Behrens, Chief Marketing Officer

Leesa Sleep
David Wolfe, CEO
Lisa Scotti, Vice President of Marketing

John Foley, CEO
Vicki Reed

The following companies are blocking emails that would have been sent through the email server.  Please consider preparing an email using your own email service for these companies.  blocking
Gracia C. Martore, President and Chief Executive Officer

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical
Patrick Carroll, Chief Marketing Officer USA

Jenny Wall, Chief Marketing Officer

Leesa Sleep  blocking
David Wolfe, CEO
Lisa Scotti, Vice President of Marketing

Keira Krausz, Chief Marketing Officer

Melissa Reinking

VIDEO: Jonathan Cahn’s New Harbinger Cycles 2017-2018

“If God didn’t want you in the last days He would have put you in the Middle Ages. But God chose you for such a time as this. God will anoint you for such a time as this” – Johnathan Cahn

In the video below Jonathan Cahn gives a 2017 update on the Shemitah, Harbinger cycles and what to look forward to in the future.

EDITORS NOTE: To read more great articles and watch more videos like this please go here:

The G-7’s Outrageous Hypocrisy by John Tamny

An article in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal about the European leg of President Trump’s first foreign trip came with the headline: “Leaders Confront US on Russia, Climate.” In particular, non-US G-7 leaders are all strongly in favor of the 2015 Paris climate agreement that would require participating countries to limit carbon emissions, among other restraints on economic activity.

Trump disagrees, thus the confrontation, owing to his correct belief that the climate deal would prove a barrier to economic growth.That Trump was in opposition to the other G-7 members apparently led to some tense discussion about the US’s desire to exit commitments made during the presidency of Barack Obama. German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed that opinions expressed about the withering climate accord “were exchanged very intensively.”

You Obey, We Ignore

Merkel and other G-7 leaders disappointed in the 45th president have no leg to stand on, and certainly aren’t in the position to confront any US president. Trump should make this plain without an ounce of regret. The latter would be true even if the Paris accord were a credible answer to the theory that says economic progress is a major threat to our existence.

Indeed, the Europeans talk a big game about the importance of commitments, and of how the alleged fight to save the earth “has to be a collective effort,” but they’ve shown no remorse about their own persistent failure to honor their NATO spending pledges.

Translated, these nations expect the United States to weaken its economy based on an unproven, but rather expensive theory about the effects of climate change. But when it comes to living up to a longstanding agreement among NATO members to share the costs of a mutual defense shield, they’ll let the US foot the bill.

More interesting here is that in their desperation to keep the US in the Paris fold, Merkel and others are implicitly saying that any agreement made among leading western European countries without the US isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. With good reason.

So Much for Commitment

Consider non-NATO treaties like Maastricht, in which EU nations agreed to limit their deficit spending so that their debt/GDP ratios would always stay below 60%. Woops. As of 2015, Germany (74.4%), France (89.6%), and Italy (122.3%) were all well above what the G-7 countries committed to when they signed the treaty that led to the euro. As for their commitment to requiring euro member states to individually handle their debts, it too went out the window given the fear among EU members about what debt default would do to certain large banks.

Back to NATO, the European leaders so eager to guilt Trump into a climate commitment not his own have once again shown no commensurate guilt about their own safety being a function of US taxpayers and legislators regularly living up to commitments that they haven’t lived up to.

Mutual Defense

This is particularly galling when we remember that NATO’s mutual defense shield arguably has very little to do with US safety. Lest we forget, the US already has the strongest military in the world, and it’s also quite far from the world’s trouble spots. In short, the US has long stuck to an agreement that weakens it economically, and that has little to nothing to do with its ongoing existence.

Would Americans feel any less secure absent this pricey post-WWII arrangement? At the same time, could NATO survive and would Europeans still feel secure sans American support that gives NATO global relevance?The answer to the previous question explains why the Paris agreement will lose all meaning and relevance if the US backs out. We know this given the historical truth that non-US G-7 nations speak with a forked tongue.

They talk grandly about honoring commitments, but their actions invariably belie their lofty rhetoric. Just as they’ve done with NATO, or with their own inter-European treaties, they want the US to abide the Paris agreement so that they don’t have to.

In that case, President Trump would be very unwise to lend US credibility to an agreement that history says G-7 members will eventually trample on. While the Paris accord surely can’t survive without Trump’s support, neither can his commitment to 3 percent growth survive more government meddling meant to placate shaky G-7 members, all based on a theory. Trump has an easy answer; his rejection of the Paris agreement one that checks the political, economic and rationality boxes.

Trump has an easy answer; his rejection of the Paris agreement one that checks the political, economic and rationality boxes.

John Tamny

John Tamny is a Forbes contributor, editor of RealClearMarkets, a senior fellow in economics at Reason, and a senior economic adviser to Toreador Research & Trading. He’s the author of the 2016 book Who Needs the Fed? (Encounter), along with Popular Economics (Regnery Publishing, 2015).


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The neo-Democrat Pedophile Pederast Party

The Democratic Party is the party of inclusion and tolerance. The Democrat Party has fully embraced the idea that gender is mutable and having sex with underage children is permissible, even laudable. The Democrat Party has made it a point to elect, hire and defend those who believe in pedophilia and pederasty.

So who are these people that the Democrat Party has embraced?

The website reads:

Democrats stand with the LGBT community’s fight for equality. We are committed to ending anti-LGBT violence, bullying, and discrimination, and to ensuring that LGBT Americans are treated with dignity and respect in their communities, their workplaces, and their schools.

These people fall into two categories: pedophiles and pederasts. A pedophile is a a person who is sexually attracted to children. A pederast is a man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy.

The most recent, of many, examples is the revelation that Democratic Mayor of New York city Bill De Blasio’s employee was arrested for child pornography. According to the Daily Mail:

Leading New York young Democrat Jacob Schwartz. Photo: UK Daily Mail.

A de Blasio administration employee and leading New York young Democrat has been arrested on felony charges of child pornography.

Jacob Schwartz, 29, was allegedly keeping more than 3,000 photographs and 89 videos of child pornography, including pictures of baby girls as young as six-months-old, court papers revealed.

The highly illegal content shows ‘young nude females between the approximate ages of six months and 16 (years) engaging in sexual conduct on an adult male,’ reported the New York Post.

[ … ]

Schwartz was the president of the Manhattan Young Democrats and the downstate region vice president of the state’s chapter.

Read more.

The Democrat Party is also supported in large part by the Muslim ummah (community). A poll released by the Council on American-Islamic Relations found that 74 percent voted for Hillary Clinton and 13 percent voted for Trump. Muslims believe in child marriage and female genital mutilation. LGBT Americans continue to skew Democratic and Liberal according to GallupNBC News reported:

A large majority of registered LGBT voters support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, according to results of two weeks of the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.

Seventy-two percent of registered LGBT voters support Clinton, compared to 20 percent who support Trump.

[ … ]

In past elections, LGBT voters have played an important role. According to results from the 2012 NBC News Exit Polls, 5 percent of voters identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual and 76 percent voted for Barack Obama.

Read more.

In my May 2016 column New Democrat Party: The Red–Green–Rainbow Troika I warned:

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of President John F. Kennedy. Seldom does one hear JFK’s name invoked by Democrats. Why? Because JFK was a war hero, a lifetime member of the NRA, a Catholic, he hated Communists and fought communism, he and his brother Bobby fought organized crime by profiling Italian Americans and he loved America.

Today JFK would be labeled by his own party as a Constitutional conservative.

The NDP has made it its mission to protect the “civil rights and civil liberties” of groups that are both incompatible with one another and with mainstream America.

The groups are incompatible for a number of reasons including:

  1. Communists hate Muslims and gays.
  2. Muslims hate Communists and execute gays (sodomites).
  3. Gays hate all religions, but make an exception for Islam (i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend).

At some point these divergent groups will turn on one another. But for the time being they have work to do. That work includes:

  1. Implementing a secular Marxist/Leninist/Socialist/Collectivist system of government in the USA.
  2. Implementing Shariah (Islamic) law in the USA, which, while totalitarian, is incompatible with #1 because it is not secular but rather based upon a strict interpretation of the Qur’an and Hadith.
  3. Demanding rights and privileges at the expense of others rights and privileges, an area of common ground but defined differently by each member of the RGRT.

It now appears that the Democrat Party is facing what the Catholic Church faced when pederast priests raped little boys. A crisis of culture. The Democrat Party is no longer the party of middle class America. It has morphed into the fringe party. The party of pedophiles, pederasts and Mohammed.

This column is a warning to the Republican Party.

Do not go down this pathway because, while the media will defend Democrats, they will not defend you if a Republican pederast or pedophile is exposed!


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TAKE ACTION: Concealed Carrying Hits New High, Underscores Need for National Law

Information collected by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) indicates an unprecedented surge in the number of concealed carry permits, with the largest one-year increase on record occurring between May 2016 and May 2017.

The CPRC tracks permit numbers across the country and publishes an annual report on concealed carrying in the United States. As of late last year, the number of Americans with carry permits hit the 15 million mark, and the current estimate of permittees is at 15.7 million – almost double the number from 2011.

Apart from the accelerating rate at which carry permits are being issued, this development is significant for other reasons. The drivers of this wave are increasingly women and minorities: according to the CPRC’s 2016 report, “The number of women with permits has increased twice as quickly as the number of men with permits. Some evidence suggests that permit-holding is increasing about 75% more quickly among minorities than among whites.”

Urge your US Senators and US Representative to Support Concealed Carry Reciprocity!

Please contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and urge them to cosponsor and support passage of S.446 — the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017– in the Senate, and H.R.38 — the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017– in the House.


This growth is particularly striking when considered in the context of the upswing in “permitless carry” jurisdictions.  Just this year, North Dakota and New Hampshire joined other states that allow concealed carrying without a state-issued license or permit. While the new carry statistic is impressive on its own, there is no doubt that it under represents the actual change in concealed carrying since last year.

This also reinforces the need for a national concealed carry reciprocity law. Despite the expansion of permitless carry, many gun owners continue to seek permits in order to have their carry rights recognized in other jurisdictions. As more and more Americans become legally qualified to carry, it makes less and less sense to subject the right to carry a firearm for self-defense to the existing patchwork of inconsistent reciprocity laws that change from state line to state line.

Senate bill S. 446The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, sponsored by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), and H.R. 38, The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, authored by Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC), would allow law-abiding permit holders to carry a concealed handgun when traveling interstate.

Gun-control groups like Everytown oppose any national reciprocity law, claiming it “would have a profound impact on state public safety laws,” “present serious risks to law enforcement,” and would let “criminals and other dangerous people carry concealed guns in every state in the country.” In fact, the first operative section in both bills plainly states that the scope of the proposed reciprocity law excludes persons who are “prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm” – felons, persons with mental illness disqualifications, illegal drug users, and others. Such claims also ignore the unfortunate detail that criminals and other dangerous people pay no mind to permitting or other laws and already carry guns and other weapons illegally (and undoubtedly, will continue to do so).

The prediction that existing permit holders will run riot should a national reciprocity law pass likewise overlooks reality, being hard to square with the CPRC’s analysis concluding that concealed carry permittees are “extremely law abiding.” (According to the CPRC, law enforcement officers commit crimes at a rate that is a tiny fraction – 1/37th – of the rate of the general population; the crime rate for permit holders is even lower.)

As for the “risk” the legislation allegedly presents to law enforcement, it’s the peculiar one of exposing officers to a greater “danger of being sued for trying to confirm the validity of an out-of-state permit.” Police officers themselves, given their front-line experiences with violence and guns, appear to have a more receptive and informed attitude towards concealed carrying rights. A 2013 survey of over 15,000 police professionals across all ranks and department sizes asked questions about firearms, including concealed carrying. Over 91% of respondents supported the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who had not been convicted of a felony and/or not been deemed psychologically/medically incapable “without question and without further restrictions.” When asked to rate, on a scale of one to five, “how important … legally-armed citizens are to reducing crime rates overall,” over 75% of respondents answered by giving this the highest or next highest rating.

The CRPC’s next annual report on concealed carrying is expected in July, with updated statistics. As the number of America’s law-abiding concealed carry permittees moves towards new highs, we hope that elected officials, like the police, recognize that these armed citizens are “an asset in reducing violent crime and not a liability.”

Please contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and urge them to cosponsor and support passage of S.446 — the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017– in the Senate, and H.R.38 — the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017– in the House. You can contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative by phone at (202) 224-3121, or click here to Take Action.