Voter fraud happened in 2020 and could happen this time

A friend recently reminded me of an article I had written on October 5, 2020, just before the presidential election that found all TV networks reporting that President Donald Trump was crushing Joe Biden across the board—including in the all-important battleground states—and then that coverage mysteriously stopped cold, disappeared for over three hours, and reappeared to report that the exact opposite was true, that Joe Biden had magically become the Crusher in Chief, ultimately “winning” the 2020 election.

“Remember the title of your article?” my friend asked me. In fact, I did, since it was the only time in decades of writing that I had capitalized a word in the title. It read like this:

The ONLY Issue in the 2020 Election is Voter Fraud.

Well, it’s election time again, and sure enough the same thing is true. And after viewing Dinesh D’Souza’s jaw-dropping “2000 Mules,” which documents the massive fraud that indeed took place in 2020, and after reading dozens of reports about audits that were done in the battleground states and others which uncovered overwhelming voter fraud, including thousands of dead voters, it appears that voter fraud is once again the ONLY issue of concern. Great concern.

The reality factor

When you peel back all the layers of the onion of a human being’s psychology, our species is really not that complicated. Whether man or woman, black or white, rich or poor, from whatever background, religion, or culture, we all have similar if not identical needs.

In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow introduced the concept of a Hierarchy of Needs, which hasn’t changed much since then. They include:

Physiological needs that are vital to survival:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Breathing
  • Homeostasis
  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Reproduction

Security and Safety Needs

Social needs

  • Friendships
  • Romantic attachments
  • Family relationships
  • Social groups
  • Community groups
  • Churches and religious organizations

Yes, these are needs common to everyone, and yet in the past two years, under the Biden regime, every single one of them has been threatened if not destroyed.

When you destroy basic needs

With the stupefying mismanagement of our national budget—and in spite of the booming economy and high employment he inherited— the Biden inflation factor didn’t take long to set in, followed in short order by the Biden Recession. There went the security most Americans felt in buying food and gas and paying rent. Even reproduction is down as younger people hoping to move out of their parent’s basement have hunkered down for an indefinite stay.

At the same time, there went the country’s security and safety needs. With four-million illegal aliens swarming over Biden’s open southern border, including drug cartels with so much Fentanyl that the deaths of young people have already increased exponentially, and thugs and criminals being bused and flown in the middle of the night to cities and suburbs throughout our country, even a walk in the park or a trip to the supermarket has become a looming threat.

And with liberal legislators all over the country ignoring the massive criminality of thuggish groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and innocent pedestrians being assaulted—sometimes fatally—and the passing of no-bail laws that put rapists and muggers and even murderers back on the street 20 minutes after they are so-called “booked,” life in America has become a daily and nightly menace.

Biden destroyed our energy independence

And let’s not forget Biden’s pathetic reliance on foreign oil, going hat in hand literally begging for the resources to keep us going, while only two years ago, President Trump had achieved one-hundred percent energy independence—to last us 500 years!

Then there is the war in Ukraine and the billions (going on trillions) we have sent to what is now widely recognized at The Money-Laundering Capital of the World!

A normal person would look at the bleak state of our union and conclude that the powers-that-be—those running the show from the Oval Office—are so woefully inept, have such patronizing contempt for We the People, and such a deep loathing for America the Beautiful, that it would seem to be a given that every Democrat candidate, including those running for the U.S. Senator or the U.S. Congress on Tuesday, November 8, would lose in a landslide.


Over the past many decades—with the advent of electronic voting machines and mail-in ballots—American elections have not been predictable. Why? Because the only thing Democrats have cared about for the past hundred years is winning elections with the goal of inflicting their strangulating socialist/communist and now Islamist style of government on the American people.

Why don’t they want Trump to run again?

In the past two years in particular, they’ve been maniacally obsessed with insuring that President Trump is unable to run again for POTUS, even if the perpetual sore losers of the left have to buy the guns they say they hate to wage a Civil War!

Why? Because citizen-cum President Trump won the 2016 election by exposing:

  • “The Swamp’s” systemic depravity, corruption, and treason.
  • The Democrats’ America-Last policies.
  • The leftist bias of the bought-and-paid-for Media Whores.
  • The Democrat racism that has kept blacks with broken families, mal-educated, imprisoned, and impoverished for decades on end.
  • The craven deals that made our country dependent on foreign oil.
  • The Obama-Biden regimes’ weaponizing of the FBI, CIA, and the FISA Court, et al.
  • The crooked money “arrangements” enjoyed by higher-ups like former VP Joe Biden in securing multimillion-and-billion-dollar windfalls for himself, his son Hunter, and his brother James. Ukraine, anyone? China, anyone?
  • The horrible treaties, including the Iran deal, NAFTA, NATO, et al, that benefitted foreign countries significantly more than the U.S.
  • The interest of the “anti-war” Democrats in keeping wars going endlessly (always follow the money).
  • This is the very very short list.

The method to their madness

Even diehard leftist partisans acknowledge that Democrats have stolen elections over the past many decades by enlisting the votes of illegal aliens, absentee voters who simply don’t exist, cartoon characters, and of course dead voters.

Then there is Ballot Harvesting, a scheme exclusively used by Democrats to, ahem, win elections. According to California political commentator Stephan Frank, anyone—campaign workers, minors, illegals, et al—go door to door to “help” people fill out ballots that strangely favor Democrats and refuse to collect ballots from anyone they suspect of voting the “wrong” way. They even pay them to vote the “right way.”

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, currently 26 states allow this fraudulence, a practice that was aggressively and somewhat successfully challenged by Tom Fitton of

Not to omit ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), in operation since 1970. But the group was exposed for its criminal activities in 2009 by James O’Keefe, founder of The Veritas Project, resulting in multiple convictions for massive voter fraud in several states, and it closed its doors in 2010, although it is believed that splinter groups formed and are active to this day.

Let me count the ways voter fraud happened

The following is a tiny example of the vote-rigging methods used exclusively by Democrats going into the 2020 election:

An obvious voter fraud source: dead voters still on the rolls

But Democrats don’t stop! This past August, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s tried to dismiss the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s (PILF) lawsuit for her failure to remove 25,975 dead registrants from the state’s voter rolls.

According to PILF:

  • 23,663 registrants have been dead for five years or more
  • 17,479 registrants have been dead for at least a decade
  • 3,956 registrants have been dead for at least 20 years

In August, the United States Western District Court of Michigan denied Benson’s attempt.

In July, a hearing on the Maricopa, Arizona, 2020 election audit revealed the following:

  • Maricopa County refused to provide their computer’s router, claiming that its data would make private data available. In fact, routers don’t keep such information.
  • Maricopa claimed to have provided images of the mail-in envelopes. In fact, they did not.
  • 74,243 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County show no record that they were ever mailed out.
  • 11,326 people voted in the election who did not appear on the voter rolls on Nov 7th.
  • 3,981 people voted after registering after the October 15, 2020, deadline.
  • On and on and on.
And in Georgia…

In addition, a recent Georgia audit of the 2020 election revealed:

  • A Non-Profit group, called True the Vote provided evidence that as many as 242 voting activists flooded as many as 5,500 drop boxes with fraudulent ballots in the middle of the night.
  • Videos also showed that the activists wore blue rubber gloves when depositing the ballots into the drop boxes. This practice was begun when investigations, in Arizona, over the same crime of ballot harvesting were, successfully, prosecuted, based on fingerprints on the ballots.

Partners in crime

According to a Google whistleblower in Allum Bokhari’s book, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Electionwhen voters find out what Big Tech companies have done to meddle in the upcoming election, they’ll be rightly furious

at the attempts of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other tech companies to sway the election in Biden’s favor.

In addition, Democrats Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi are closely aligned with groups like Majority Forward (created in 2015) that funnel millions in secret cash into 2020 elections, according to

Linda Goudsmit, author of The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, sees the upcoming midterms as yet another “sinister leftist, Islamist, globalist attack on America.” “We are only weeks away from the election,” she said, and “the enemies of America are desperate” and behaving like cornered animals poised for attack. Their survival is at stake because if Republicans take the Congress, they will start the process that President Trump began of taking down the Deep State and exposing them all.

Voter fraud is all the Democrats have left – everything else has failed

It must be incomprehensible to all those liberals/leftists/progressives—with all their prestigious college degrees, high IQs, impeccable credentials, fancy job titles, and positions in the highest reaches of the American government—that every ploy they used against President Trump, every arch machination, every exquisitely formulated plan of action, all resulted in crashing failures, and that everything they’ve done to try to legitimize Joe Biden and enact his deeply anti-American agenda has resulted in equally colossal failures.

But still, there remains ONLY one overriding issue in the 2022 midterm elections, and that issue is Democrat Voter Fraud!

Our Republican and Conservative leaders have had two years to right the egregious wrong of the 2020 election. If that sordid history repeats itself, they only have themselves to blame!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved. 


RELATED ARTICLE: Former Dem Rep Gets 30 Months In Prison Following Election Fraud

Is the Church in America Dying?

“We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.” So declared the U.S. Supreme Court in Zorach v. Clauson (1952).

In an earlier decision, Rector of the Holy Trinity v. United States (1892), the Supreme Court said: “[Americans are] a religious people. This is historically true. From the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a single voice making this affirmation.”

The Trinity decision then went into great detail about the early colonial charters (mostly Christian). Finally, the Supreme Court concluded: “These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.”

But fast forward to today. Recent assessments declare or imply that the church in America is dying. One headline (Citizen Free, 9/23/2022) described it this way: “Axios begins countdown to death of Christianity.”

Axios comments on the findings of the Pew Research Center: “Depending on whether this trend slows, stops or speeds up, Pew projects the number of Christians of all ages will shrink from 64% to between 54% and 35% of all Americans by 2070.”

These stories on the alleged death of the American church keep popping up. And I have often talked on the radio with Dr. Byron Johnson of Baylor University about them. He’s a professor of social sciences, and notes overand over that these stories give the wrong impression.

Johnson, who used to teach at Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania, co-wrote an article about the “Nones.” The Nones simply refers to people who would be categorized by the pollsters as having no religious affiliation.

The Pew study mentioned above, for example, declares, that given the present trends, by 2070,”’Nones’ would rise from the current 30% to 34%-52% of the U.S.”

But what Johnson and his co-authors, including the late Dr. Rodney Stark, argue is that many of the “Nones” might not be as irreligious as they would seem.

Here’s what Johnson and Stark et al. noted: “[M]any individuals who report no religious affiliation or check ’none‘ on surveys (as well as atheists and agnostics) display a wide variety of religious and spiritual practices and beliefs. Many attend religious services, pray, meditate, believe in God or a higher power, have religious experiences, and believe in heaven, hell, and miracles.”

It seems almost as if the “Nones” should perhaps be called instead “the Sometimes.”

Johnson and company continue: “Even though a growing proportion of people in the U.S. appear to be reporting no religious affiliation on surveys, there are many measurement-related, conceptual, and methodological reasons to question the assumption that these people are not religious, and scholars need to look more closely at the actual practices and beliefs of so-called nones.”

Johnson and his coauthors also take other pollsters to task for being sloppy in their terminology: “[U]se of phrases like religious none, no religion, and not religious to describe this group of individuals is inappropriate, inaccurate, and misleading since they may simply be institutionally unaffiliated or indeed affiliated but not with any of the list of categories provided.”

They conclude that more research is needed before definitive statements are pronounced: “More focused research is needed before we will fully understand who the nones are, and whether religion is actually declining in the U.S., as well as around the world.”

As Glenn T. Stanton explains in his book, The Myth of the Dying Church (2019): “The apparent shrinking of Christianity is both true and false. True in that nominal and weak ‘Christian-in-name-only’ folks are identifying as Christians less and less. But there is no indication whatsoever that serious faith is shrinking any.”

Stanton adds, “So is Christianity shrinking? Not if you’re talking about the biblically faithful congregations that call their people to genuine Christian discipleship. Only…the mainline churches…are free falling as if they have a millstone tied to their necks.”

“So the real story is,” notes Stanton, “this is a sheep and goats being divided thing. A clarifying of faith, rather than shrinking of faith.”

In John Calvin’s Commentary on Isaiah 9:7, he provides an excellent reminder for Christians of all ages that we are truly on the winning side: “Though the kingdom of Christ is in such a condition that it appears as if it were about to perish at every moment, yet God not only protects and defends it, but also extends its boundaries far and wide, and then preserves and carries it forward in uninterrupted progression to eternity.”

Dr. Byron Johnson told me: “Here’s a bit of advice: the secular media will continue to push out the narrative that religion is dying…why not focus on the hundreds and thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show the power of faith to transform?” That sounds like a great topic for a future column.

©Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.

Exposing Biden’s Divisive, Inequity and Exclusion [DIE] Political Agenda

The Democrat’s agenda has become crystal clear since January 20th, 2021. They call it inclusion, diversity and equity but their policies are causing just the opposite of these slogans.

For Democrats this is what diversity, inclusion and equity really mean:

  1. Diversity is code for divisive. They don’t want diversity for all rather they demand it only for their loyal followers. Kamala Harris stated that Ian hurricane relief will be “race based.”
  2. Equity is code for inequity which is a lack of fairness or justice. Equity is code for injustice. Examples: J6 show trials and FBI armed raid Mar-a-Lago.
  3. Inclusion is code for exclusion. It is designed to exclude those who don’t obey their mandates and policies from American businesses, organizations, churches, synagogues and our very culture. Get vaxxed or get fired! Question public school board about what children are taught and be labeled as a domestic terrorist.

The objective of the Biden’s  Divisive, Inequity and Exclusion (DIE)  political agenda is to imprison, destroy and even torture or kill their opponents.

The entire federal government, including all of its law enforcement agencies, have been weaponized against the political opponents of the Democrat Party and their supporters.

This is happening from the corporate board rooms to Biden’s cabinet meetings. It is coordinated, well funded and powerful.

DIE is the greatest domestic threat to our U.S. Constitution and Bill or Rights.

To help our readers understand please watch this Fox News September 23rd, 2022 interview with U.S. Senator Josh Hawley explaining Biden’s a war against the working class.

To understand how Biden thinks listen to his priority when a hurricane hits, like Ian in Florida:

FEAR: The Driving Force Behind the Democrat Party

In an article in The European Conservative titled “How the Militant Left Uses Fear” Christopher J. Farrell wrote,

The objective of the militant political Left—whether in Hungary, at the European Union (EU), or in the United States—is to keep the public in a state of perpetual, acute, neurotic anxiety. They employ this form of psychological conditioning as a means of control. In the last century, socialists—National Socialists but particularly Communists—specialized in the technique to impose totalitarian control over whole societies. [Emphasis added]

Farrell notes that this technique is not new and dates back many centuries including, “Lenin’s 1920 ‘Conditions for Admission to the Communist International’ discusses this technique as ‘demoralization’—the far-stronger German term is Zersetzung—meaning  break-up, decomposition, and disintegration.”

Farrell warns against, ‘universalist thinking’ demanding fetish compliance.”

Finally Farrell sums it up by stating,

The Left seeks to destroy and reshape national consciousness  so that life is reduced to an obsessive list of things that are either ‘forbidden’ or ‘mandatory’—and are enforced by either subsidized or punitive state control.

[ … ]

There are several other tactics and techniques the Left uses against the people to push them to abandon hope and faith. Once the people are broken through engineered crises,  then the Left pounces to implement the radical, ‘fundamental transformation’ that makes things ‘better.’ [Emphasis added]

QUESTION: How has the Democrat Party, over time, created a “forbidden or mandatory” obsessive list that is then enforced by the state?

ANSWER: Bullying, labeling, name calling thereby creating a list of ideas that are either forbidden or made mandatory!

The Democrat Party founded by Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, has turned into the party of career politician Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, who is implementing mandates, pogroms and policies that are exact opposite of what the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights stand for.

The United States Declaration of Independence begins with these profound words,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The Democrat Party does not believe in the consent of the governed, they believe in the consent of the leaders of their own party and nothing else. Disobey them and face the consequences.

Democrats have created states of perpetual, acute, neurotic anxiety, i.e. fear, of being called Islamophobic, fear of being labeled homophobic, called racist, fear of following the peaceful the tenants of Christianity and Judaism, fear of being pro-life, pro-American and finally hate of capitalists.

Democrats and Race Based Fear.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. unequivocally made this demeaning and racist statement:

“[I]f you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Democrats have instigated a race based cultural war that is designed to take total control of blacks in particular and other minorities in general in America. It started with race and their embrace of Critical Race Theory or CRT. We have published articles about CRT hereherehere and here.

Democrats, while they frequently use the labels racist and white supremacist against their political, cultural and social enemies, by doing so they instill fear in their followers leading to perpetual, acute and neurotic anxiety among the members of their party. This has lead to death and destruction without end from the 1964 Rochester Race Riots to the 2014 Ferguson Race Riots.

Two recent examples are calling conservative or Republican blacks, like Georgia candidate for the Senate Hershel Walker or Justice Clarence Thomas, uncle Toms or not really black.

Gabriel Andrade, a university professor originally from Venezuela, wrote in a FEE article titled “Why Do The Woke Hate Clarence Thomas So Much?“,

After the overturning of Roe v Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas has been a particular target of venomous attack from the woke mob. Why do they hate him so much? One might be forgiven for thinking that it is due to his staunch anti-abortion views. But that explanation does not work.

[ … ]

So, why the animus against Thomas? There can only be one explanation: race.

[ … ]

Any competent scholar of the history of racism would immediately recognise this as race essentialism. As Angelo Corlett explains in his book Race, Racism and Reparations, “proponents of race essentialism define human races by a set of genetic or cultural traits shared by all members of a ‘racial’ group.”

By playing the race card Democrats instill fear into blacks who are members of their party to the point that some blacks are even willing to riot, burn and even murder on behalf of and in the name of the Democrats. The rise of Black Lives Matter is by design, not by happenstance.

What is so insidious is that when blacks riot, burn, destroy and murder in the name of “stopping racism” or the death of convicted felons at the hands of law enforcement, like George Floyd, they are in fact being racists, but are not labeled as such by the Democrats, their party or the media.

If you don’t obey then you won’t get food stamps or roads built in your community as these programs are now “race based.” It’s all part of the diversity, inclusion and equity mantra of the Dems.

Barry Goldwater, who in 1964 said this in his acceptance speech for the nomination of Republican presidential candidate:

Security from domestic violence, no less than from foreign aggression, is the most elementary and fundamental purpose of any government, and a government that cannot fulfill that purpose is one that cannot long command the loyalty of its citizens. History shows us – demonstrates that nothing – nothing prepares the way for tyranny more than the failure of public officials to keep the streets from bullies and marauders.

Democrats do not want to end the race riots and domestic violence, rather they want them to continue—forever!

Why? Because since the Civil War Democrats hate it when their black slaves leave their plantations and fight for the other side.

Democrats and Islamic Fear

The Democrats have made it their mission to subvert, censor and coverup the actions of Islamists who wage jihad (war) against the infidels (non-Muslims).

This is why the Democrat Party embraces Islamic terrorist organizations (CAIR), terrorist nation states (Iran) and elect the followers of Islam (Keith Ellison, André Carson, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib) to public office.

Democrats would rather accept these proponents of the most dangerous individuals, e.g. the Taliban in Afghanistan) and destructive, e.g. members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. (IRGC), than be called Islamophobic.

This is why Biden and his administration, at the urging of the few Muslim members of their party, changed the rules on immigration to allow the members of Iran’s IRGC to migrate to America or know terrorists to freely come across our Southern border.

Adam Kredo in a June 29th, 2022 Washington Free Beacon article titled “The Biden Admin Just Made It Easier for Terrorists To Enter the United States” wrote,

The Biden administration altered federal law to make it easier for individuals who have worked with designated terrorist groups to legally enter the United States.

The State and Homeland Security Departments last week amended federal immigration laws to allow foreigners who provided “insignificant material support” to designated terror groups to receive “immigration benefits or other status,” according to the policy published in the Federal Register but not formally announced by the administration. Examples of individuals who would fall into the new category, according to the announcement, include individuals who provided “humanitarian assistance” or “routine commercial transactions” to terror groups.

[ … ]

Gabriel Noronha, a State Department special adviser for Iran during the Trump administration, said that “the Biden administration is claiming this regulation is all about Afghanistan, but they didn’t even mention Afghanistan once in their action, and have made no serious attempt to limit the scope to the situation there.”

“Instead,” said Noronha, who is a fellow with the Jewish Institute for National Security of America think tank, “this looks like a massive watering down of our immigration restrictions against members of terrorist organizations.

Read more.

Democrats were Islamophobic on 9/11 but now they’re efforts to embrace Islamists and jihad against us infidels is a clear and present danger to the United States of America and its citizens.

Democrats and Fear Of Not Being Able to Murder The Unborn

As we have seen race riots we also are witnessing riots against the overturn of Roe v. Wade by groups like Ruth Sent Us and Jane’s Revenge.

Influence Watch reports,

Jane’s Revenge is a far-left extremist group which claimed responsibility for an attack against an anti-abortion group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin, in May 2022 after leaks revealed that the U.S. Supreme Court was considering overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that found a constitutional right to abortion. The group’s name is a reference to the “Jane Collective,” an underground organization in Chicago that helped women obtain abortions prior to the decision. [1]

Jane’s Revenge claims membership throughout the United States and a willingness to commit future attacks, though neither the organization’s size nor existence has been independently verified. [2]

Democrat leaders have fanned the flames which have lead to the radical pro-abortionist rioters. Since these protests and riots began we saw leftists condoning violence and hysteria over Roe, while Biden’s DHS, DOJ, FBI do nothing.

Nancy Pelosi said that Alito’s Roe opinion poses ‘severe danger’ to Constitution. Pelosi went on to fear monger stating,

We’re talking about your life, the life of women in our country, and how we have again, a calibration of all of this in Roe v. Wade and how we must have it be enshrined as the law of the land. They will make charges about it, and we have to stay very clear and very focused about what it is and what it means in people’s livesThis is a severe danger to women. It is a severe danger to the Constitution of the United States. It’s a severe danger to other rights of privacy that are in the Constitution, but again, it’s the here and now. The here and now and the focus that we must have.”

Remember what Farrell wrote,

The Left seeks to destroy and reshape national consciousness  so that life is reduced to an obsessive list of things that are either ‘forbidden’ or ‘mandatory’—and are enforced by either subsidized or punitive state control.

Dems have reshaped the national consciousness to make the murder of the unborn the new normal. They’re now working to punish those who embrace life and Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren even suggested putting abortion clinics on federal land, which is illegal due to the Hyde Amendment.

Abortion is the best example of universalist thinking demanding fetish compliance.

Just days after the Roe reversal, abortion is now banned in one quarter of America. Dems look at this as an existential threat to their militant political leftist constituency.

Democrats and Fear of Capitalists

Tax the rich has been the mantra of socialists, Marxists, Leninists, Communists and now the Democrat Party. Taxing the rich began under Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt with passage of the Revenue Act on August 30th, 1935, 49 Stat. 1014 raised federal income tax on higher income levels, by introducing the “Wealth Tax”. The Revenue Act raised federal income tax on higher income levels, by introducing the “Wealth Tax“. It was a progressive tax that took up to 75 percent of the highest incomes.

The Democrats controlled the 74th United States Congress from January 3, 1935, to January 3, 1937, which separately also passed new taxes that were regressive, especially the Social Security tax.

From FDR to JRB we are seeing the same tax the rich myth being played out. In September of 2021 Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended wearing a “Tax the Rich” dress at $30,000 per ticket Met Gala.

The Federal income tax is the root of all evil. The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) wrote,

February 25 is a momentous day in American history. It is the day in 1913 the 16th Amendment, authorizing a federal income tax, took effect with the certification of Secretary of State Philander C. Knox.

Because of the crucial effects the income tax has had on America, one would hope that there would be some serious discussion of it in the media. But that hope is routinely disappointed.

But serious consideration of the effects of the income tax has occurred. For example, in his 1954 book, The Income Tax: Root of All Evil, Frank Chodorov showed how the abrogation of citizens’ property rights by the income tax leads to the expansion of government far beyond reason and corrupts Americans and America’s experiment in liberty in the process. And because Chodorov’s analysis brings us back to first principles, it is worth remembering his understanding of the Constitutional revolution it caused.

“A government is as strong as its income. Contrariwise, the independence of the people is in direct proportion to the amount of their wealth they can enjoy. We cannot restore traditional American freedom unless we limit the government’s power to tax.”

“Trace this wholesale infringement of our rights to the power acquired by the federal government in 1913 to tax our incomes—the Sixteenth Amendment…where the doctrine of natural rights has been all but abrogated in fact, if not in theory.”

“Getting something-for-nothing from government… this trade is often made, and… government is able to enter into it because of its income-tax revenues.”

Read more.

Taxation without representation was the reason for the American Revolution. This is happening again, and again, and again when Democrats, assisted by some republicans, continue to tax and spend without end.

Democrats and Fear of Truth & Science

Democrats fear three categories of truth,

  1. God’s truth.
  2. The truth, i.e. facts.
  3. and Scientific truth.

John 14:5-7 NIV version reads,

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Democrats are secularists. They may have a “C” for Catholic behind their names, like Pelosi and Biden, or a “J” for Jewish behind their names, like Chuck Schumer, but they don’t live, practice and follow the word of God and His Son Jesus Christ.

One glaring example is in a liberal’s views on population growth. For example, Bill Gates believes and promotes the idea that we are seeing a massive growth in global population that threatens our planet and mankind itself. In a 27-minute long TED talk video Bill Gates stated,

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”

However, science tells us just the opposite.

Louis T. March in a June 2nd, 2022 column titled “Secularism: The Forgotten Factor in Falling Fertility” wrote,

What is secularism?

The term was coined c.1850 to denote a system which sought to order and interpret life on principles taken solely from this world, without recourse to belief in God and a future life. It is now used in a more general sense of the tendency to ignore, if not to deny, the principles of supernatural religion. — The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

According to Merriam-Webster, secularism is indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations.”

The US is today’s secularist imperium. Secularism is a major contributing factor, usually overlooked, for persistent below-replacement fertility worldwide.

It is no secret that, on average, religious folks have more children than the non-religious. Why? Quite often, people of faith seriously follow the Biblical injunction to go forth and multiply. They believe in salvation and are usually somewhat less egocentric and materialistic than the average modern Joe.

But today we are in the age of Economic Man, defined by Merriam-Webster as

… an imaginary individual created in classical economics and conceived of as behaving rationally, regularly, and predictably in his economic activities with motives that are egoistic, acquisitive, and short-term in outlook.

March concludes with this,

Today politicians rarely invoke religious faith except in throwaway lines for public consumption. People made of sterner stuff like James McHenry and George Washington are vilified and cancelled, their names expunged and statues removed. What will tomorrow’s children know of their heritage?

Yes, we’re oh-so-modern, high tech, sophisticated and secular. Having children is uncool. Modernity is slowly but surely killing us. The idea of progress that venerates Mammon, radical environmentalism, egocentrism and wokeism has Homo sapiens on the path to extinction. But as the old saying goes, “Fish are the last to notice the water.”

Democrats have made the traditional family of the marriage of one woman and one man and their biological children a threat to their new world order. Being straight and wanting a family is anti-feminist and a threat to government power and control. Having a family is the bedrock of any culture.

According to the World Atlas, “American women reaching child-bearing age in 1800 had on average of seven to eight live births in the course of their reproductive life.” In 1800, America was mostly rural and practicing Christian.

As March points out,

Also, having children was sound economics. Children meant more hands on deck at the farm and family business. That was early American family planning.

From 1800, however, US fertility steadily declined, bottoming out in the 1940s. Then the postwar “baby boom” brought a 60% bump. The decline has since resumed, attributed to better public health (lower infant mortality), urbanisation, industrialisation, higher incomes and women in the workforce.

However, one tremendously significant reason for fewer children is usually omitted from demographic analyses: secularism.

Wokeism is secular, anti-procreation, pro-abortion, anti-God, pro-do what feels good and do it often, with the exception of having a traditional family with children.

Go Woke, Go Extinct.

“The only thing to fear is fear itself!” FDR.

Elvis Presley said, “All I want is to know the truth, to know and experience God. I’m a searcher, that’s what I’m all about.

Fear is a roadblock to the truth.

We to are searchers for the truth, that’s what we’re all about.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Taxpayer Funded: Feds Pay $100K To Train Grad Students In ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion’

Parents stand up to Antifa assaults – while protesting “Drag” and transgenderism for children.


Kamala Harris Suggests Hurricane and Disaster Relief Should Be Based on Race

Dems smear SCOTUS justices after landmark rulings

Hadis Najafi, 20, Killed in a Spray of Bullets in Iran, Becomes a New Symbol of Defiance in Iran

Little to no backlash from the the Biden Administration, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, America’s feminist groups, et al. All of whom support a more flawed version of the JCPOA. An agreement that will enable Iran’s leaders to dominate their citizens even further. Watch former Trump Administration official KT McFarland’s statements on Iran here.

Najafi was shot six times and killed in the city of Karaj by Iranian security forces on Wednesday, sustaining injuries in the abdomen, neck, heart and hand.

Hadis Najafi killed in Iran protests, becomes new symbol of defiance

By Jerusalem Post, Sept 26, 2022

Hadis Najafi, a 23-year-old Iranian woman who went viral in a video as she prepared to join anti-governmental protests, was shot dead by Iranian security forces, according to multiple reports on Sunday.

Najafi was shot six times and killed in the city of Karaj by Iranian security forces on Wednesday, Iranian Journalist and women’s rights advocate Masih Alinejad, along with others, reported throughout social media.

According to the reports, she sustained injuries in the abdomen, neck, heart and hand on September 21. After being shot by security forces she was taken to Ghaem Hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.


RELATED ARTICLE: Iran protest death toll tops 75 – human rights group

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ohio school district promotes NEA ‘LGBTQ+ resource guide’ with instructions on prostitution, abortion

The idea here seems to be to create an unbridgeable rift between parents and children and render the children weak, pleasure-obsessed, emotionally stunted individuals who are totally dependent upon the state and ripe for conquest.

This Ohio School District Is Promoting an ‘LGBTQ+ Resource Guide’ With Instructions on Sex Work, Abortions

by Elizabeth Troutman, Washington Free Beacon, September 23, 2022:

Teachers in an Ohio school district are wearing name badges that students can scan with their phones to access an “LGBTQ+ resource guide,” which includes instructions on how to get abortions and “organize like a sex worker.”

Hilliard City School District participates in the National Education Association’s “I’m Here” program, which encourages teachers to wear the badge. The group says the program is supposed to educate teachers on how to respond to LGBT students. But a Washington Free Beacon review found that the QR code takes students to resources that describe abortion as the removal of “pregnancy tissue,” encourage gender transitioning without parental consent, and promote sex work….

“The badge has a QR code that once scanned takes you to a website that has extremely inappropriate information, and as a parent that crosses the line,” Hilliard City parent Lisa Chaffee said.

Hilliard City superintendent Dave Stewart said the badges only concern “adult learning,” though the website from the QR code provides resources aimed at K-12 students. After backlash from parents, the district advised teachers to cover the QR code on the back of the badge, according to a statement from Stewart….

“LGBTQIA+ students should be respected, affirmed, and protected in Texas schools, even if they do not have the full support of their parents or guardians,” says “Free to Be Me: A Toolkit to Protect LGBTQIA+ Students’ Rights.”

Another link in the guide takes students to a post called “Organize Like a Sex Worker: Learning from Worker and Organizer Kate Adamo.” The post says recognizing that “sex work is work” is “critical to ensuring the reproductive and sexual liberation of everyone.” Kate Adamo, the “sex worker” interviewed in the post, compared “transphobia or homophobia, being anti-abortion, or anti-sex work” to eugenics.

Sex workers “face stigma, judgment, and pushback from both the Christian right, and sex work exclusionary feminists (SWERFs) on the left,” Adamo said.

Another link promotes a project from Planned Parenthood Toronto with videos like “Are you queer enough to be here? Spoiler Alert: YES!” and “Sex acts that don’t get enough play.”…

The resource guide also provides a handbook to help minors understand their gender identities, which says “sex assignment does not take into account one’s true gender identity.”

“Your true gender may be different than the gender that a doctor assigned you, which is perfectly normal, valid, and wonderful,” the handbook reads.

The Hilliard City School District did not respond to a request for comment.




Abigail Disney disavowed her own film about jihad terrorism under pressure from Muslim critics

UK police drop probe into Muslim’s threat to kill JK Rowling

Iran protests spinning out of control, regime lashes out at foreign interference as Biden sanctions morality police

India: Muslim slits throat of his Hindu wife for refusing to wear burqa and asking for divorce

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

IRS Sent Out Over $1 Billion In Child Tax Credit Payments To The Wrong People

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sent over $1.1 billion in child tax credit payments to incorrect recipients during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an audit by the Department of the Treasury’s Inspector General (IG) for Tax Administration on Tuesday.

The IRS sent the payments to 1.5 million people between July and November of 2021 during the pandemic, according to the audit. Additionally, the IG noted that 4.1 million taxpayers did not receive payments they should have, amounting to $3.7 billion withheld.

The incorrect payments were made to recipients whose dependent children, required to claim the credit, did not meet the age requirements (i.e., under 18 years old), were deceased, or had been claimed on another filer’s return. These were a small proportion of the 178.9 million child tax credit payments made during the period, totaling $76.7 billion.

Additionally, the report noted that the IRS incorrectly sent out 6,829 reconciliation letters to taxpayers who received the credit, a document required to prepare their 2021 tax returns. Some taxpayers never received the letter, while others received letters with incorrect amounts.

The report further noted that the IRS erroneously changed 1,610 taxpayers’ bank account information used to receive direct deposits of the credit.

The payments were made under provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act, President Joe Biden’s main legislative response to the pandemic. The Act increased the annual amount of the tax credit by $1,000 to $1,600 per child, while, significantly, making the credit fully refundable and eligible to be claimed in advance by up to 50%.

Child tax credit payments were just one of Biden’s efforts to give taxpayers cash at a time when precautionary lockdowns were still in place in many states, along with the Paycheck Protection Program for businesses and stimulus checks for individuals. These programs were widely criticized by Republicans, who claimed that they would increase both the federal budget deficit and inflation, resulting in the Act receiving no GOP House support.

Ever since the Act’s passage, Republicans in Congress have used instances of incorrect payments, and amounts unspent, to criticize the Biden administration.

“We have cataloged numerous examples of ridiculous waste of federal tax dollars from the American Rescue Plan,” said Republican Rep. Jason Smith of Missouri, the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, during a hearing in June.

The Daily Caller News Foundation has reached out to the IRS for comment.





EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Proof Gmail Is Censoring Your Inbox

Google isn’t just censoring information via its search engine – while about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate is HALF of email providers like this one.


  • Many understand that Google is filtering and massively censoring information through its search engine, but it also has the power to censor in other areas, including your personal email if you’re using Gmail
  • The technocratic cabal is pushing the world toward global tyranny, and Google is one of the primary supporters, aiders and abettors, of this scheme
  • Google catches every single move you make online if you’re using a Google-based product. All Google products are interconnected, and the data from all their different products and services are collected to build your personality profile, which is both used to manipulate you, and sold to third parties to be used in whatever way they like
  • Google poses several unique threats to society. It’s a surveillance agency with military connections and covert surveillance powers, it’s a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, and it has the power to manipulate public opinion
  • Without Google, the technocrats’ dream of a One World Government would likely never happen, as it relies on social engineering and artificial intelligence. Google is a frontrunner and expert in both, and has the ability to control entire populations

The fact that half of all people in the U.S. and around the world are still using Gmail as their primary email service is a testament to the fact that many still do not understand just how dangerous Google actually is, not just to their immediate privacy but also to their future freedom.

Many understand that Google is filtering and massively censoring information through its search engine. As you may recall, in June 2019, Google buried in its search engine update (see video above). They changed the algorithm such that whenever you entered a health-related search word into Google, our articles were filtered out.

But Google also has the power to censor in other areas, including your personal email if you’re using Gmail. As previously reported by Gawker,1 “Every word of every email sent through Gmail and every click made on a Chrome browser is permanently recorded by the company.”

Google Censors Your Gmail Inbox

Google’s interference in your life is only going to increase, and if you’re still using Gmail, why? You’re exchanging convenience and cost for your privacy and you are getting the short end of the stick. Just imagine how your emails might be used to rank you in a Google-run social credit system, for example. Few of us are “pure as snow,” but that isn’t even the issue. The issue is that ANY view or opinion can and will be used against you. The last three years have certainly taught us that.

Equally concerning is the fact that Google can censor your email, and we have evidence that this is happening. While about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate for Gmail accounts is HALF of all the email providers like ProtonMail — far lower than any other email service.

So, if you are using Gmail to receive our newsletter please change immediately. If you’re using Gmail, understand that they’re censoring your inbox, and you might not even realize it. I am certain that at some point in the not too distant future they will censor delivering ANY of our emails to Gmail accounts. It is just another clever censoring strategy they have.

Why would you want to use a service that censors information that you specifically opted into and want to receive? Aside from this newsletter, what else are they preventing you from receiving? If you’re a subscriber, I strongly urge you to re-sign up with another email account — and cancel your Gmail altogether.

ProtonMail is an excellent alternative. It provides end-to-end encryption to protect your content and other user data. Proton also provides an encrypted calendar, encrypted cloud storage and free VPN.

Google — The Largest, Most Dangerous Monopoly in the World

Goopocalypse Now from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

The technocratic cabal is pushing the world toward global tyranny, and Google is one of the primary supporters, aiders and abettors, of this scheme. Indeed, without Google, the dream of a One World Government would likely never happen, as it relies on social engineering and artificial intelligence. Google is a frontrunner and expert in both, and controls entire populations in ways we don’t even fully understand.

Over time, Google has positioned itself in such a way that it’s become deeply embedded in your day-to-day life. Every minute of every day, it’s collecting data on everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you share, question and believe.

Google catches every single move you make online if you’re using a Google-based product, be it their search engine, Google Docs, Google Wallet, Gmail, Chrome browser, Google Photos, Android Auto, Android TV, Gboard, Google Alerts, Connected Home, Chromebook, YouTube — the list goes on.2

All Google products are interconnected, and the data from all their different products and services are collected to build your personality profile. That profile is then sold to third parties. It’s also used by Google to influence your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors using AI analytics.

Google is actually the world’s leading AI company, having purchased Deep Mind for $500 million in 2014.3 The Deep Mind AI defeated the human Go champion in 2019,4 a game far more complex than chess. With this level of AI, it is not hard for them to sort through all your data with their deep learning algorithms and find patterns to exploit.

The 2013 article, “What Surveillance Valley Knows About You,”5 is an eye-opening read that describes just how grossly invasive this data collection and distribution is, and how dangerous it can be if you end up on certain lists sold to third parties. Make no mistake, capturing user data is Google’s primary business.6 YOU are the real product being sold.

How Google Threatens Society

Google poses several unique threats to society, including but not limited to the following:

  • Google is a surveillance agency with military connections7 and covert surveillance powers — All Google products are surveillance platforms, and from Google’s perspective, the value of these platforms is their ability to glean very precise data about you as an individual, such as your habits, thoughts, beliefs, likes and dislikes, health problems, and much more. One covert surveillance function is Google Analytics, which websites can use for free. You, however, pay for it with your personal data, which is what Google sells to third parties. Collectively, sites that use Google Analytics — and most are — steal an enormous amount of your private information, as it tracks everything you do on a website equipped with it. You have no way of knowing whether a website uses Google Analytics, though, so the surveillance occurs “in the dark,” as it were.
  • Google is a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet — The most crushing problem with this kind of internet censorship is that you don’t know what you don’t know. If a certain type of information is removed from search, and you don’t know it should exist somewhere, you’ll never go looking for it. And, when searching for information online, how would you know that certain websites or pages have been removed from the search results in the first place? The answer is, you don’t. Google has also taken it upon itself to be an arbiter of “fake news,” censoring information according to its own criteria of what is true or false. Needless to say, this also makes it really easy for Google to censor information that isn’t in its own best interest.8As just one example, in 2017, Julian Assange revealed how YouTube was censoring former congressman Ron Paul — for promoting peace!9 As noted by Activist Post:10

    “What we are witnessing … is a move to silence the peaceful opposition … [T]his crackdown is also coinciding with a massive push by the mainstream media to stoke divide among the people … to create an atmosphere so divided that people never look up at who’s controlling them.”

  • Google has the power to manipulate public opinion — Simply by tweaking the search rankings, Google can manipulate people’s opinions on a given topic.According to Robert Epstein, Ph.D., who has spent years exposing Google’s manipulative and deceptive practices as a senior research psychologist for the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology, Google has the ability to shift voting preferences among undecided voters by as much as 63%, and the power to determine 25% of global elections — all without leaving a trace. This power to manipulate public opinion and an individual’s behavior is what makes it such an effective social engineering tool.

Google Is a Key Player in the Coming Social Credit System

All of these powers combined — the ability to surveil and track every conceivable metric, censor and block access to information, and the ability to manipulate opinions — also makes Google an invaluable resource for the planned social credit system.

As reported by Fast Company,11 China’s social credit system is not unique. “A parallel system is developing in the United States, in part as the result of Silicon Valley and technology-industry user policies, and in part by surveillance of social media activity by private companies,” Fast Company writes.

For example, life insurance companies are already using content shared on social media to determine your premium. PatronScan is another example. These devices are used by restaurants to identify fake IDs and undesirable customers, people who have previously been kicked out of an establishment for one reason or another.

The list is shared among PatronScan customers, so getting banned in one bar or restaurant effectively bans you from all bars and restaurants in the U.S., Canada and U.K. for up to one year. Additional examples of the creeping social credit system can be found in the original Fast Company article.12

Google Is Everywhere

Another reason to assume that Google’s continued success is crucial in the technocrats’ quest to control the world population and impose global totalitarianism is the fact that it has already infiltrated most areas of daily life. For example, Google is involved in the following areas, and this is far from a complete list. Needless to say, personal data is also harvested from each and every one of these areas.

  • Childhood education — Many schools no longer use print books. Instead, all classwork is done on tablets or computers equipped with Google-based software such as Google Classroom, Google Docs and Gmail.13 Google Chromebooks (Google-powered laptops) became even more prevalent during the COVID lockdowns. Basically, no child could continue their education without one. As reported by Wired,14 high school students are now being spied upon by GoGuardian, yet another Google surveillance tool that allows teachers to see each student’s screen and use AI to scan student emails and other documents. An alert is sent out to teachers and police if signs of violence or mental health problems are detected. Once the children are out of school, they’re then encouraged to convert their school accounts to personal accounts, a move that allows Google to build incredibly powerful personality and marketing profiles of each individual from a very early age.
  • Health care — Google Health is involved in medical research and the expansion of AI in medicine,15 while its Google Cloud Healthcare Data Engine allows “health care and life sciences leaders to make decisions from disjointed health care data.”16 Google also owns Fitbit, which gives it access to all of your physical fitness data. They’re also working on portable medical diagnostics.17

Drug promotion — For example, in 2017, Google partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness and launched a depression self-assessment quiz — a test that funneled all respondents toward a drug solution.18 19Since then, Google and other tech companies have only gotten deeper and wider access to people’s personal medical information, and Google sells this data to third parties, which can result in higher insurance premiums or denial of employment.

OGLE HOME from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

  • Genomics — Google is also a leader in the collecting of genetic data (which they’re adding to their user profiles) and the development of genetic technologies. As reported on the Google Blog:20

    “At Google Health, we’re applying our technology and expertise to the field of genomics. Here are recent research and industry developments we’ve made to help quickly identify genetic disease and foster the equity of genomic tests across ancestries. This includes an exciting new partnership with Pacific Biosciences to further advance genomic technologies in research and the clinic.”

    On that list of developments are: “Helping identify life-threatening disease,” “applying machine learning to maximize the potential in sequencing data,” and “supporting more equitable genomics resources and methods.”

  • The food industry — Google is also deeply embedded in the food industry with data management and AI services, and is ubiquitous in the restaurant space.21
  • Home security — Google recently bought part of ADT and is partnering with the home security giant for a variety of services.22 So, your ADT service will no longer be about home security, but rather more home surveillance.
  • Artificial intelligence — According to Google’s dedicated AI site,23 “Our mission is to organize the world’s information and … [solve] problems for our users, our customers and the world … AI … [is] providing us with new ways of looking at old problems and helping transform how we work and live, and we think the biggest impact will come when everyone can access it.” Ultimately, the goal is to create self-learning AIs capable of imitating human thought processes. There are even proposals suggesting AI-enabled analytics systems could be used for “predictive policing” as illustrated in the 2002 movie “Minority Report,” where suspected perpetrators are arrested before a crime is actually committed. A January 2020 article24 in The Intercept cited a 2018 document25 by the data storage firm Western Digital and the consulting company Accenture, “Value of Data: Seeing What Matters — A New Paradigm for Public Safety Powered by Responsible AI,” which predicts smart surveillance networks may be deployed “across three tiers of maturity. “The first tier is where we’re at now, where law enforcement uses CCTV networks to investigate crimes after they’ve already occurred. At the second-tier level, predicted to be in place by 2025, municipalities will be transformed into fully connected smart cities where the cameras of businesses and public institutions are all plugged into a government-run AI-enabled analytics system. The third tier, predicted by 2035, will have predictive capabilities. As reported by The Intercept:26

    “A ‘public safety ecosystem’ will centralize data ‘pulled from disparate databases such as social media, driver’s licenses, police databases, and dark data.’ An AI-enabled analytics unit will let police assess ‘anomalies in real time and interrupt a crime before it is committed.’ That is to say, to catch pre-crime.”

    Mind you, Google claimed to have the ability to read your thoughts an entire decade ago. In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt boasted, “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.”27

    Fast-forward 10 years, and Google’s mind-reading capabilities have exponentially grown and been perfected to the point that their AI can predict the exact moment when a teenager is feeling insecure, lonely or vulnerable, so an advertisement for an image-boosting product can be placed in front of them on the screen in that moment.

    This and many other terrifying capabilities are detailed in the book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power,” written by social psychologist and Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff.

Monopolies Threaten Democracy and Basic Liberties

Unfortunately, many still fail to see the problem Google presents. Its services are useful and practical, making life easier in many ways and more fun in others. That’s the bait, and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, not giving any thought to the ultimate price paid for such conveniences, or simply underestimating the threat that all of this personal data collection poses.

If you fall into this category, I ask you to give this issue some serious thought, because monopolies threaten our very way of life, and in more ways than one. As explained by business journalist and former director of Open Markets, Barry Lynn:28

“[M]onopolies are a threat to our democracy and to our basic liberties and to our communities. Monopolization, this concentration of wealth and power, is a threat to everything that is America …

America today has a monopoly problem. We’re seeing basically a second wave of consolidation and monopolization because of the digital revolution … The first issue is consumer protection and potential consumer harm. We created antitrust laws originally to protect our liberties, often as producers of stuff … My liberty to bring my wheat, my ideas, the product of my labor to market. That’s liberty.

The second purpose was to protect our democracy against huge concentrations of wealth and power. To protect our democratic institutions. And the third purpose [was] to protect your community. If I’m living out in Peoria, do I want the city of Peoria to be run by a couple corporations based on Wall Street, or do I want it to be run by the citizens of Peoria?”

Google Is Paving the Way to Hell on Earth

Alphabet, the rebranded parent company that houses Google and its various divisions, has turned into an octopus-like super entity with tentacles reaching into government, food production, health care, education, military applications and the creation of AIs that may run more or less independently.

A key component of many of these enterprises is data — your personal usage data; the tracking of every webpage you’ve ever visited and every single thought you’ve ever written on a Google-enabled device, along with geo tracking tracing your every move.

“Today, being a conscious consumer includes making wise, informed decisions about technology. Google is by far the greatest personal data leak in your life, so boycotting all things Google can go a long way toward safeguarding your privacy and thwarting the technocrats’ wicked plans for our digital imprisonment. It’s time to realize that privacy equals freedom. In today’s technology-driven landscape, you cannot be free unless you have privacy.”

Ultimately, what can be done with that kind of information, besides personalized advertising? How might it be used in combination with military AI-equipped robots? How might it be used to influence your health care decisions? How might it be used to influence your lifestyle decisions? How might (or is) it used to shape politics and society at large?

Today, being a conscious consumer includes making wise, informed decisions about technology. Anyone who has spent even a small amount of time pondering the ramifications of Google’s ever-growing monopoly over our day-to-day lives is likely to shudder at the possibilities and agree that we cannot allow this to continue. Google is by far the greatest personal data leak in your life, so boycotting all things Google can go a long way toward safeguarding your privacy.

Additionally, remember, the technocratic elite NEED your data in order to create a digital open-air prison. AI can’t operate without it, and without AI, the social engineering attempt falls apart. Google is the primary data harvester out there, so, the easiest way to thwart their wicked plans is to STOP feeding them data.

How to Oust Google From Your Life

Truly, it’s time to realize that privacy equals freedom. In today’s technology-driven landscape, you cannot be free unless you have privacy. The two go hand in hand. So, don’t delay. Start taking back your privacy and your freedom today by ditching any and all Google products, starting with Gmail.

Several of the most commonly-used Google traps are listed in the graphic below. In addition to those suggestions, here are a few more:

  • If you’re a high school student, do not convert the Google accounts you created as a student into personal accounts.
  • Switch to a secure document sharing service — Ditch Google Docs and use another alternative such as Zoho Office, Etherpad, CryptPad, OnlyOffice or Nuclino, all of which are recommended by NordVPN.29 Digital Trends has also published a number of alternatives.30
  • Delete all Google apps from your phone and purge Google hardware.
  • Avoid websites that use Google Analytics — To do that, you’ll need to check the website’s privacy policy and search for “Google.” Websites are required to disclose if they use a third-party surveillance tool. If they use Google Analytics, ask them to switch!
  • Don’t use Google Home devices in your house or apartment — These devices record everything that occurs in your home, both speech and sounds such as brushing your teeth and boiling water, even when they appear to be inactive, and send that information back to Google. The same goes for Google’s home thermostat Nest and Amazon’s Alexa.
  • Don’t use an Android cellphone, as it’s owned by Google.
  • Ditch Siri, which draws all its answers from Google.
  • Don’t use Fitbit, as it was recently purchased by Google and will provide them with all your physiological information and activity levels, in addition to everything else that Google already has on you.
  • Stop using Gmail — Use a privacy based encryption service like Proton Mail.
  • Stop using the Chrome browser and Google Search, Brave is the overwhelming browser of choice and while you are there you can use the new Brave search engine.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


The On-Going Plot to Reduce Global Population

According to Kelleigh Nelson’s News with Views article of March 22, 2022, “The Homicidal Killing Fields of America’s Medical System,” her extensive research  confirms that what we are currently experiencing has been in the planning stage for at least two decades.

Its purpose was to establish a crisis, through fear, by which the public mindset would accept the existence of a pandemic that would completely endanger our health globally, and provide the excuse for destroying all current law. However, there is much evidence that what was chosen (a virus – COVID-19) to initiate the outset of the “pandemic,” very possibly doesn’t even exist.

The reason I use the word, “possibly” is because I can’t positively confirm all existing intelligence.  However, the best I have found is contained in an article by Jon Rappoport, published in the, on January 29, 2021.

According to Rappoport, “There is no Covid pandemic.” He points out that the whole notion that Covid-19 is one health condition is a lie. COVID is not one thing.

He states that this the most difficult and yet the simplest point to accept and understand and that we shouldn’t reject the existence of the virus and then say, “So what is the cause of people dying?” His response to that is, there is no ONE CAUSE. There is no one illness. There is no “it.”

The article continues…Rappoport states that none of the “COVID deaths” in the entire world require the existence of a new virus. For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first COVID cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is heavily polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of these deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.

He continues, “Add to this the fact that the PCR test for the virus is irreparably flawed and useless.” (For a variety of reasons, I have explained in other articles.) The test spits out false positives like a fire hose. Thus, the high case numbers. The authorities have to go to such extremes to paint a picture of a spreading viral epidemic…in order to plant fear and thus compliance in the citizenry. However, there is no evidence that an actual germ is traveling around the world felling people. The ‘evidence’ is invented.

The” pandemic” is invented.

The fraud is promoted.

And, if you think there are other major reasons to explain “why all these people are dying,” keep in mind that “lung” conditions are an expanded category worldwide. For instance, there are about one billion cases of flu-like illnesses every year on planet earth. Repackaging/relabeling just a small percentage of those cases alone would account for all official COVID death numbers.

But we have known for some time that the “Agenda” for world government has been planning, for three or four decades, something comparable to what we are experiencing currently.  The so-called “pandemic,” which is fueled by something called COVID-19, very probably doesn’t exist except in propaganda and in the minds of the people.

According to Kelleigh Nelson’s News with Views article of February 8, 2020, “Mass Murder by a medical System that has Lost its Direction and Soul” she states that the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols for treatment of patients with COVID have saved no patients; they have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved. She makes a point, “That the dissident doctors, scientists and healthcare workers know that there are repurposed drugs (inexpensive and available) that could have saved up to 86% of those who perished.”

Following is a list of comments relative to the above.

“People were dying, (yet) all my ideas were getting shouted down. My superiors were showing up (to my clinical meetings) and getting me to stand down, because I was entertaining the idea that we should do this, that and the other thing, and they didn’t want anything to be done.” – Dr. Pierre Kory

“This is a war on cheap repurposed drugs.” – Dr. Paul Marik before testifying on NH bill that would make ivermectin available OTC in NH.

“I never thought I’d see the day where doctors are censored, and patients are kept from care.” – Dr. Peter McCullough.

As we have observed, practically all hospitals are in lockstep with everything that is being carried out by the forces behind this so-called pandemic. We know this is true because of the evidence given by dissident doctors, scientists, healthcare workers and parents or families of patients who failed to survive their hospital stay. The hospital protocols were used to further their goal of diminishing the global population.

Also, the hospitals are given monetary incentives by the government to label all illnesses as Covid. This, of course, results in the enhancement of the number of C-19 cases reported daily across the country and figures into the national mind set of the acceptance of existence of a “pandemic.”

Additionally, the hospitals are given bonuses for deaths from “COVID” or listed as COVID, but nothing for those who survive. So, we can imagine what the incentive leads to, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A Case in Point

This brings me to an ordeal experienced by Beth, my wife’s niece, whose son Jonathon, was in a hospital with “COVID.” She kept a daily journal of her son’s progress, which to all appearances, even though he was on an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) Machine, was daily improving.  He was able to participate in physical therapy and occupational therapy.  She had videos confirming this.

All this transpired over a period of about three months.  Toward the end, she was told that they might have to remove the ECMO machine to be used with patients who had been vaccinated, which her son had not. Later, when this came about, it resulted in him having trouble breathing, in fact, he was gasping for breath. For this they began giving him shots to stop the gasping.

She was informed by the staff that this was why the shots were being administered, to which she replied that “she didn’t want him to be gasping for breath,” because she wanted him to at least have the opportunity to try to live. In the response, the doctor said, “If he gets this miracle, it doesn’t matter what I do.” But when the gasping stopped – after the 4th injection he was dead.

So, now comes the aftermath.

Beth is tough, both mentally and emotionally. But she’s been through a lot recently. She lost both parents in a short period of time, then came the loss of her son. It’s been a lot of heartbreak and stress. At the very outset, upon arriving at the hospital she requested that he be given ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), or other repurposed drugs, but of course, that didn’t happen. Since the repurposed drugs were denied, what do you think he was given instead? It very well could have been Paxlovid which is worthless, or Remdesivir, which, according to reports, is very expensive as well as deadly.

I’ve talked with her three times to prepare to give an account of all this in order to present to others. She is convinced that her son was murdered, even though the hospital staff was only obeying the protocols handed down by the insiders at the top, you know who they are…the AMA, CDC, NIH, FDA etc.

We could say that the hospital staff only takes on the alter ego of the hospital, which also takes on the alter ego of all the powers at the top. They follow what they’re told to do in order to keep their jobs, even if they know what they’re doing is not normal or right.  Never mind the fact that the ECMO machine was taken from her son and given to a vaxed patient and would not help the vaxxed patient to survive. It is probable that the reason the other patient was in the hospital was due to the COVID injections. In this case, as in others, the hospital wouldn’t help them survive, even if it was possible, as they receive no monetary benefits for those who survive.

The amount of evidence is endless that the vaccine was designed purposely to either kill or seriously injure. The obvious outcome is the depopulation of America and the entire world.

All this plays into the agenda of the great reset by the invisible government which is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  All the components of it, the United Nations, the Democratic Party, The World Economic Forum (WEF), and the socialist sleepers who have infiltrated the Republican Party, and many others are having their day, but it will be short lived. Just when they believe they have everything under complete control and everything nailed down so that nothing can stop them, something is going to play into the Lord’s time-table which will result in their total destruction.

A few years prior to that something will have played into His plans that brought about that blessed day when the Lord himself, will have descended from heaven and with a shout, “With the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.”

“Then, we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

And this is the day that Beth will be looking forward to with total assurance that a joyful occasion will transpire when she is reunited with her son, Jonathon.


Beth isn’t the only one who is experiencing this; we know that there are many thousands, maybe even millions, who are going through much heartbreak as a result of the protocols being ordered by the medical authorities and the federal government to continue this façade of a pandemic using fear to control the masses.

And it will get worse. So, we need to prepare for whatever comes, and the only way I know that we can do it is to grow stronger in our faith and dependance upon God to see us through all the travails that are forthcoming.

Please, share this article with as many as possible.  The time is close at hand.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

Obama: Americans Oppose Open Borders Because They’re Racist

At a meeting of Hispanic realtors on Sunday in San Diego, radical former President Barack Obama claimed falsely that Americans oppose President Biden’s lawless and wage-cutting mass migration because they are racist, not out of economic concerns.

“Right now, the biggest fuel behind the Republican agenda is related to immigration and the fear that somehow America’s character is going to be changed if, people of darker shades, there are too many of them here,” Obama stated.

Obama used his divide-and-rule claims of racism to hide the public opposition to migration’s economic impact, according to his comments posted September 25 by the San Diego Union-Tribune:

I wish I could be more euphemistic about it except [they’re] not that subtle about it — they’re just kind of saying it,” Obama said. “You hear it on hard-right media, you hear it from candidates and politicians, you hear things like ‘great replacement theory’ — I mean, this is not subtle. Unless we’re able to return to a more inclusive vision inside the Republican Party, it’s going to be hard to get a bill done.

Obama also argued that public opposition to mass migration is more dangerous than government support for the nation-changing migration that has killed thousands of migrants and many more Americans:

When you have that kind of rhetoric floating around out there, we’ve seen in history that is dangerous rhetoric. It’s dangerous wherever it appears and it’s dangerous here in the United States.

The actual dangerous rhetoric here is Obama’s divisive race-mongering and his bigoted demonization of his political opponents. It’s the Left driving America toward civil war, not the Republican Party.

Barack Hussein Obama

659 Known Connections

Obama on America’s “Fever of Racism”

In a November 2020 interviewNational Public Radio host Michel Martin asked Obama to speak about the “fever of racism” that allegedly plagued the United States. “That fever, as you said, that’s been a defining feature of a lot of our life,” Obama replied, adding that many American racists had resented his presidency simply because he was the first black man to hold that office:

“I think that what did happen during my presidency was yes, a backlash among some people who felt that somehow, I symbolized the possibility that they or their group were losing status not because of anything I did, but just by virtue of the fact that I didn’t look like all the other presidents previously…. It would surprise me if you didn’t have a big cross-section of the country that was still carrying around a bunch of baggage and still a little disturbed by the advances that African Americans had made. It would surprise me if changing demographics and the growing Latino population didn’t scare a certain segment of this population, just because I know enough about American history to know that that’s always been a fault line in American history.”

In the same interview, Obama lauded the nationwide protests and riots sparked by the May 25, 2020 incident in which George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, had died shortly after a physical encounter with a white police officer in Minneapolis. Lamenting America’s intransigent “systemic injustices” in “inequities,” Obama said: “I think what happened this summer with George Floyd was so important, where you saw at least some shift in the general population in recognizing that there’s real racial bias in how our criminal laws are applied and how policing operates in this country.”

To learn more about Barack Obama, click here.



WH Waffles on ‘Complicated’ Rising Crime in Major Cities

Pope Urges Italians to Welcome Migrants and Have More Children

Moore Predicts Democrat ‘Landslide Against the Traitors’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: Tell CDC to Stop Promoting Occult Resources to Youth!


The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is directing youth to online discussions on sexual behavior and “transgender” resources. One discussion instructs children on occult practices and astrology. Worst of all, the resources give minors the ability to hide the resources from parents. According to reports:

“The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood [sic].

“Called Q Chat Space, the platform is advertised on the CDC’s LGBT Health Youth Resources page… The chat service, which describes itself as ‘a community for LGBTQ+ teens,’ is available for those ages 13-19, can be hidden from parents, and focuses on a number of mature themes.”

Read more.


Some of the topics for discussion are:

  • “Drag Culture 101,”
  • “Sex and Relationships”
  • “Having Multiple Genders”
  • “Queer Youth Activism”
  • “Gender Affirmation Surgeries”
  • “Queering Tarot”

Everywhere on the Q Chat site, there is a large, green “quick escape” button, so users can immediately leave the site and appear to be looking at something else. Q Chat also gives the option to have “discreet” text reminders. This allows youth to receive automatic updates about upcoming discussions. But, the message hides the discussion topic and hides the name of the name of the source (i.e., Q Chat). In other words,

CDC is sidelining parents from what their children are learning.

Promoting sexual and occult practices will bring irreparable moral damage to the youth. And encouraging distrust in parents is a grave blow to the bond children should have with their family. Please sign our petition to the CDC, demanding that it remove sexual and occult practices from its resources.



To: The Center of Disease Control,

I am appalled at the resources you are offering to youth and minors, as Q Chat. Among the topics included are deviant sexual practices, “transgenderism” and sex-transition surgery, and even occult practices like astrology.

This site also promotes distrust of parents. It provides means to keep the topics from being seen with a “quick escape” button, and deliberately hides topics of discussion with a “discreet” option for automatic reminders.

This will cause serious moral damage to youth. It will open them to immoral practices, and encourage distrust within families. Above all, it is a serious offense to God.

I urge you to remove these resources at once. Stop targeting our youth.

Sincerely and urgently,

RELATED ARTICLE: University Of Virginia Youth Gender Clinic Offers Puberty Blockers, Chemical Castration, And Referrals For Minors To Undergo Breast Removal

EDITORS NOTE: This TFP column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Venezuelan Illegals Reportedly Organizing Paramilitary Cells in the U.S. & Hispanics Want Border Control



Jim Robb has studied immigration trends since the 1990s. As a vice-president of NumbersUSA, Robb developed a web-based system for political activism, which has been used over 30 million times to send messages to elected officials in Washington. He has developed specialized public opinion polls to ferret out the political views of individual voting groups. Previous to policy work, Robb spent years in book and magazine publishing.

TOPIC: Surprise! Hispanic Americans want border control.


Clare M. Lopez is the founder and president of Lopez Liberty LLC. She was a career operations officer with the CIA and publishes widely as a strategic policy and intelligence expert. Clare is also a Senor. Advisory Board Member Near East Center for Strategic Engagement.

TOPIC: Venezuelan illegal migrants reportedly organizing paramilitary cells in the U.S.

©Conservative Commandoes Radio—AUN-TV. All rights reserved.


Teaneck, New Jersey: Hindu Americans Condemn and Demand Rescission of Hateful Resolution by Democrats

TEANECK, N.J. /PRNewswire/ — Almost fifty-five Hindu American organizations representing more than 155,000 residents of Bergen County, NJ and surrounding areas signed a coalition letter condemning a hateful resolution recently passed by the Teaneck Democratic Municipal Committee (TDMC).

The resolution recklessly and falsely labels almost every major Hindu American organization in the United States, including Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Sewa International, and others, as a fascist organization which promotes hate and terrorism without providing any of those organizations the opportunity to be heard.

The resolution has outraged Hindu Americans who see this as a vicious, false, and provocative act by Democratic Party activists in Teaneck to demonize the entire Hindu community, their activities, their beliefs, and their political participation in New Jersey.  The Hindu American community, considered by many to be a model minority community, has recently experienced numerous instances of hate crimes, including against many Hindu temples in the New Jersey area.

“Just like the ‘Dot-Busters‘ gangs in New Jersey in the late 80s that violently targeted Hindu Americans because of their religious beliefs or skin color, the TDMC chose to also make baseless assumptions and operate from a position of ignorance and hate,” said S. Rawal, a New Jersey resident.  Rawal was 7-years-old when the “Dot Busters” announced their campaign in 1987 to eradicate Hindus from New Jersey.  “Back then, it was ‘dirty’ Hindu, today it is ‘fascist’ Hindu,” he said.

Civic leaders and officials from the surrounding areas also expressed their support for the Hindu American community while condemning this Hindu hate campaign initiated by the TDMC.

New Jersey State Senator Vin Gopal, in a strongly worded statement of support for the Hindu American community condemned the resolution and called for its immediate rescission. 

In his statement, he said,

“It is unfortunate that this committee that purports to support the ideals of the Democratic Party would act in a manner that illustrates the type of bigotry and hatred that we are working hard as a country to eradicate from our society.”  Teaneck City Council Members Keith Kaplan and Michael Santiago Pagan also issued a strong statement in response to the resolution in which they said, “Unfortunately, the TDMC resolution at issue… was felt by some to condemn all Hindus, which encompasses many peaceful members of our larger community here in Bergen County and beyond.” They added, “Just as we did on the day we were sworn in, we proclaim: Hate has no home in Teaneck.”

In the recent Teaneck City Council meeting, Hindu American community members called for an investigation into the individuals and organizations that may have incited the TDMC to pass this defamatory and hateful resolution.  The coalition letter stated, “We understand that the TDMC may simply be a pawn in a much larger agenda to malign and denigrate the Hindu American community, but we wish to impress upon the TDMC that there are real consequences when one makes misplaced, false, and malicious allegations about a law-abiding and peaceful community.”

Interestingly, Alexandra Soriano-Taveras, the TDMC Chairman who signed off on the hateful resolution, is no stranger to stirring up ethnic and religious animosity. Last year, while campaigning for the open State Assembly seat in the 37th district, she was seen suggesting a boycott of Jewish businesses in Teaneck.

The TDMC resolution should be considered in the context of the extensive community service rendered by the Hindu American community through various organizations; service that has been recognized by government officials at every level.  In a recent Congressional Statement, US Congressman Gerald Connolly stated, “Without regard for race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality, Sewa International USA has done tremendous work to ameliorate the effects of some of the world’s greatest disasters.”  Hindu American organizations, some of which were demonized by the TDMC resolution, collectively donated over 30 million pounds of food and over $50 million dollars worth of food, supplies, and other essential services during the pandemic to help the elderly or lower-income communities hit hard by the COVID lockdowns.  “Our volunteers strive to serve humanity considering that as serving divinity.  It is surprising that the TDMC is trying to demonize those that do good in the world with this bigoted and evil resolution that simply promotes Hindu hate.  We hope that during this festival season that sanity prevails, and they rescind this awful resolution,” said Rashmita Shanbhag, North Jersey Chapter Coordinator for Sewa International USA.

The letter urged the TDMC to do the right thing by immediately rescinding their hate-filled resolution and apologizing for hurting the sentiments of the Hindu American community and for endangering the security, well-being, and safety of Hindus in New Jersey.

The coalition letter can be found here:

©PRNewswire. All rights reserved.


LGBTQI+ Has Added a New Letter – E for Eunuchs

The latest heavenly body in the constellation of gender-diverse identities.

The ever-expanding acronym LGBTQI+ has a new letter, E. That’s E for eunuch, the latest official gender identity. It comes stamped with the seal of approval of the world’s leading medical association for other-gendered folks.

For the first time the new edition of Standards of Care and Ethical Guidelines (SOC8) published by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has included a chapter on care for eunuchs.

In a talk explaining this at a recent WPATH conference in Montreal, Dr Michael S. Irwig described eunuchs as “one of the most marginalized and stigmatized communities in any culture anywhere across the world”. His colleague, Dr Tom Johnson, estimated that there are 8,000 to 10,000 “self-identified voluntary eunuchs in North America today.” They claimed that there is a large online peer-support community for eunuchs which offers advice on chemical and surgical castration.

Together they recommended that doctors create a “welcoming environment” for men who have been castrated or who are thinking about it.

This is not the only startling news to emerge from WPATH, but it might be the most significant. (For news about 9-year-olds on puberty blockers, click here.) We are privileged to be present at the creation of an entirely new gender identity. It’s like watching the Mexican volcano Parícutin as it emerged from a cornfield overnight.

Here’s the gender identity playbook for official recognition. We’ve applied it to eunuchs, but it would work for any of the dozens of gender identities out there.

Dr Tom Johnson presenting a talk on eunuchs at the WPATH 27th Scientific Symposium on September 20

First, prove that eunuchs have always existed. The supporters of the new identity say that it has existed for thousands of years. Dr Johnson is deeply versed in the history of eunuchs.  It is the “the oldest recognized gender outside the binary,” he told the WPATH conference. Back in 2014 he even recommended that the Islamic State should create a cadre of castrated bureaucrats to ensure its survival in an article that he co-authored in The Washington Post.

It is an academic question as to which is more barbaric: to behead (murder) or to castrate (mutilate). But of the two choices, if Islamic State continues along its current path, it is likely to be remembered like the Vandals – that is, as murderous marauders who get a brief mention in high school history classes.

Second, prove that this is a really big deal. In the age of the internet, this is relatively easy. Although, as Dr Johnson was honest enough to admit in his talk at the Montreal conference, there are only a few thousand voluntary eunuchs in the US and Canada, the WPATH guidelines cites numbers which are much higher. There are 130,000 registered members of an on-line discussion forum; close to 220,000 posts; instructions on self-castration which have been read one million times; annual eunuch conferences since 2001 in Minneapolis. These figures are essentially irrelevant to the existence of eunuchs as a gender identity, but big numbers are always impressive.

Three, prove that eunuchs suffer from minority stress. The chapter in SOC8 describes eunuchs as a “distinct gender identity” which battles with stigma and negative stereotypes.

Fourth, prove that eunuchs need gender-affirming medical care “to gain comfort with their gendered self”. Hence, the expertise of transgender specialists is necessary to keep them from self-harm. “We recommend health care professionals consider medical intervention, surgical intervention, or both for eunuch individuals,” say the guidelines, “when there is a high risk that withholding treatment will cause individuals harm through self-surgery, surgery by unqualified practitioners, or unsupervised use of medications that affect hormones.”

Fifth, prove that doctors do not act unethically if they castrate their patients. The mere presence of a chapter on eunuchs in the WPATH standards is a giant step forward towards this goal. WPATH’s approval is important to give doctors at least a fig leaf of legal protection and to pave the way for insurance coverage for their patients. As Dr Johnson told the Montreal conference:

… having this in the SOC is so huge, because it’s now in the official guidelines. And a lot of doctors and surgeons, you know, they don’t want to be seen as, you know, being rogue, and doing things that are—may get them into trouble, or that they may get their licenses pulled on. So now that there’s a chapter in the SOC8 saying, here’s this population, here are the services that they’re looking for, this is an appropriate, you know, management— it helps alleviate some of their concerns, I think.

Sixth, prove that eunuchs are ordinary folks, just differently gendered. They could be your brother or cousin or workmate. But because eunuchs have historically been a stigmatised and marginalised group, they are invisible. According to Dr Johnson, they seem to be better educated than the rest of the population. About 30 percent of Americans over 25 have a bachelor’s degree, compared to 48 percent of eunuchs. And 3 percent have PhDs, compared to 8 percent of the eunuchs.

Seventh, prove that eunuchs are reasonably well understood by contemporary medicine. Dr Johnson says that there are three types of people who seek voluntary castration. Men with extreme gender dysphoria are described in the WPATH standards. Men with body integrity dysphoria are described in the International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, number 6C21. The third are fetishists, mostly religious – and they are not covered by SOC8.

The WPATH standards assume that voluntary eunuchs are always adults. But they hold out some hope that children and adolescents could someday be included if there were adequate data:

Like other gender diverse individuals, eunuch individuals may be aware of their identity in childhood or adolescence. Due to the lack of research into the treatment of children who may identify as eunuchs, we refrain from making specific suggestions.

The seven steps in the gender playbook can easily be applied to other gender-diverse people to help them to reach, as the WPATH guidelines state: “lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves with the aim of optimizing their overall physical health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment.”

Eventually chapters could be added on zoophiles (people who are attracted to animals) and paedophiles. These communities are even more marginalised and stigmatised than eunuchs. Of course, it may take time. The first version of the WPATH Standards of Care was published in 1979; eunuchs had to wait 43 years to be recognised. Zoophiles and paedophiles need to be patient. But their day will come. Just follow the playbook.


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet. He lives in Sydney, Australia. More by Michael Cook

RELATED ARTICLE: OU Health Plans ‘Ceasing Of Certain Gender Medicine Services’ For Minors After State Threatens Funding

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The FBI: MI-5’s Twisted Sister

Controversy continues to swirl around the FBI with a whistleblower accusing the Bureau of violating citizens’ constitutional rights, accusations the FBI lied to a judge to get a warrant to search 1,400 safety deposit boxes in California, and revelations the FBI is suspending employee security clearances to silence internal critics.

That’s just today’s news.  Yesterday, an FBI whistleblower said the agency’s cases against white supremacists and right-wing extremists are mostly “entrapment” operations.  Another whistleblower accused the FBI of trampling January 6th defendants’ rights and including agents not involved in investigations as affiants on search and arrest warrants.  The FBI suspended him.

In recent weeks, it was reported a whistleblower accused the FBI of manipulating January 6th cases to make it appear domestic violent extremism is a widespread crisis in the United States.  Jim Jordan said his office has heard from 14 FBI whistleblowers so far who are concerned about the politicization of FBI investigations, including January 6th and two dozen parents opposed to school board policies.  FBI whistleblowers alleged the Biden administration is pressuring agents to reclassify cases as domestic terrorism in order to make domestic terrorism look worse than it is.  They say the FBI is dangling awards and promotions in front of agents who can produce domestic terrorism cases, and a lot of phony right-wing extremism cases are being cooked up as a result.

Two other recent stories show the FBI is a rogue agency out of control.  The FBI used a Russian named Danchenko, who will soon go on trial, as a major source for the now debunked Steele dossier the FBI used to go after Donald Trump in the Trump/Russia collusion hoax.  The FBI knew the dossier was garbage, but later hired Danchenko and kept him on the payroll, the speculation being this was done to buy his silence.  In the other story, from last week, the FBI sent two dozen agents to arrest a pro-life demonstrator at his home in front of his seven screaming children in Pennsylvania even though the man had previously offered through his attorney to turn himself in.  The pro-lifer had shoved an abortion activist who had gotten in his face, but the activist’s case against him was thrown out of state court.  The Justice Department decided this was a federal civil rights case and sent the FBI to arrest him.

You put all this together with the raid on Mar-a-Lago which occurred while negotiations about Trump’s records were ongoing, and what we have here is an out-of-control rogue agency that violates constitutional rights, lies to judges (including the FISA court), entraps people, employs heavy-handed tactics to intimidate its enemies, and silences its critics.  Moreover, it is now a lapdog of the political far Left, openly persecuting political enemies on the Right and engaging in government by phony narrative to advance left-wing causes.

Gone are the days when the FBI concerned itself with bank robberies and kidnappings.  Now it fancies itself an intelligence agency, pursuing counterterrorism objectives, but only selectively, according to the threats it wants to see.  It will participate in bringing charges against 900 people who were on Capitol Hill on January 6th, but there were only a handful of federal prosecutions brought against the rioters who attacked the federal courthouse in Portland.  Aside from that, the left-wing Antifa anarchists and trained BLM Marxists who crossed state lines to riot and burn down entire cities in summer 2020 pretty much got off scot-free.    The FBI has chosen sides and is putting its awesome powers to use against what it sees as its enemies on the political Right.

There are reasons we have not wanted to establish a domestic intelligence agency along the lines of Britain’s MI-5 in this country.  Critics warned after 9/11 that a domestic intelligence agency would eventually go after political dissenters, use secrecy and invoke national security to cover up its abuses, no longer be accountable to the courts, conduct surveillance of ordinary citizens without a criminal predicate, run roughshod over the 4th Amendment, and investigate people and groups who don’t subscribe to its preferred views of politics and ideology.  We are seeing all these things come to pass before our very eyes because the FBI thinks it’s MI-5 and, in a twisted view of what MI-5 actually does, must mobilize to advance the interests of the political Left which the FBI now conflates with the national interest.  Anyone who is opposed is a fascist, a domestic terrorist, or a threat to democracy subject to arrest, in the FBI’s view, which is preposterous and dangerous.

In similar episodes in the past, the FBI went after communists and civil rights leaders.  Now it’s going after the political Right, hammer and tong.  The FBI should get back in its lane and the Republicans should make sure it does if they take control of the House or Senate in the midterm elections.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Nine Strategies to Fix America’s Broken Public Schools

I just finished reading a New York Times article titled “School is for Everyone.” It promoted the argument that public education is essential to American life. The article’s author, Anya Kamenetz, began with a historical statement relating to Horace Mann—often (and justly) called the father of American public education.

The Purpose of Public Education

Mrs. Kamenetz described Mr. Mann’s goals.

“An essential part of Mann’s vision was that public schools should be for everyone, and that children of different backgrounds should learn together. He pushed to draw wealthier students away from private schools, establish “normal schools” to train teachers (primarily women), have the state take over charitable schools and increase taxes to pay for it all.”

As Mrs. Kamenetz sees it, these were laudable goals, and the schools largely achieved them. Much good came out of public education. Within a generation, a nation that took in many impoverished and illiterate immigrants became one of the most literate nations in the world. Free education opened up many opportunities, making the country and its inhabitants more prosperous.

However, this is not the whole story. Many writers, including myself, have described the disaster zone that much of modern American education has become. Egalitarian ideologies have entered the classrooms and destroyed the climate for learning. Mrs. Kamenetz acknowledges that problems exist. Unfortunately, she blames the wrong people.

Building Resentment

Indeed, she blames conservatives. She writes: “All of this emboldened a movement on the right that has for more than half a century sought to dismantle public education and the idea that Americans from diverse backgrounds should learn alongside one another.”

This explanation inadvertently describes one reason that many Americans are abandoning public education. It is simple. Conservatives do not like being branded as a band of raving racists, and we resent the implication. Many of them possess diplomas and degrees from public schools and colleges. Conservatives do not like seeing public schools destroy many of the values they hold dear.

The Road Back to Public Favor

If Mrs. Kamenetz is really interested in making public schools stronger, I would like to offer her nine strategies to help make that happen.

First, restore order. The primary reason schools exist is to educate—and teachers cannot do that amid chaos. All students must know that their actions have consequences, which administrators will swiftly impose on those who disrupt others when trying to learn.

Second, listen to parents with respect. Parents come from all walks of life, but the vast majority love and want the best for their children and our country. Films of parents who speak at school board meetings, only to have their concerns ignored, are not good advertisements for public education.

Third, stop implying that parents are oppressing their children. If teachers and administrators disagree with a parent’s politics, religion, values, morals and so on, they should not use the school as a platform to suggest that these views are oppressive. Telling or implying to students that their parents are stupid, uncaring or repressive should remain out of bounds.

Fourth, acknowledge that the schools are reflections of their communities, not “agents of change.” The focus should be on expanding children’s knowledge and opportunities, not on creating a generation of social activists.

Fifth, don’t teach theories as if they were facts. Any competent scientist will admit that very few established facts exist in any branch of natural science. Everything else is theory.

Sixth, keep controversial ideologies out of schools. The fifth point above is doubly true in psychology and sociology. Aside from basic biology, a child’s sexual maturity is none of the school’s business. The school plays a minimal role in emotional development. “Gender theory” and “critical race theory” are, as the names imply, theories. Not only are they not proven, but they are also unprovable.

Seventh, re-embrace color blindness. The more one talks about race, the more poisoned the discussion becomes. If left alone, children will choose playmates without regard to race. Creating racial hatred or inspiring uneasiness between groups of students helps no one.

Eighth, medical care is a parental prerogative. Yes, there is a place for the school nurse who cleans and bandages wounds sustained on the playground. That place does not extend to the diagnosis of physical or mental diseases. If school officials think something might be wrong, they should tell the parent. If the family cannot afford medical care, suggest a free or low-cost clinic that is not affiliated with the school. Do not initiate treatments without parental consent.

Last but still crucial, acknowledge Christianity’s role in the culture’s development. The prohibition against teaching religion does not extend to historical fact. If you teach about the scientific discoveries of Gregor Mendel or Roger Bacon, you can briefly mention that they did their scientific work in monasteries. You can cite Moses and Jesus Christ among those who inspired our legal system. You can use the title “Father” when discussing Junipero Serra’s role in the settlement of California. Leaving that information out is a sign of intolerance and prejudice.

Rising to the Challenge

Christians and conservatives are not obsessed with the idea of taking over American public education. If public schools want to set themselves up as the educators of all of America’s children, then two words need to enter the education establishment’s vocabulary—respect and humility.

Unfortunately, the above strategies will not be implemented. Protestations about teaching all of the children only camouflage a desire to make them all into an army of “social justice warriors.”

We must not allow this to happen.


 Edwin Benson

EDITORS NOTE: This TFP column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.