A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln

German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler had his eye on Ukraine. He dreamt of having fertile Ukrainian land to feed the German people. So he planned to enslave Ukrainian Slavs to work the land to make a flourishing German One Thousand Year Reich. To achieve the task, Adolf Hitler began WWII, September 1, 1939—millions were killed and injured. Eighty years later, Vladimir Putin now has his eye on Ukraine as well with the same plan, as he knows that there can’t be a Russian Empire without Ukraine. However, Vladimir Putin has acted in his own cunning way, to use the hands of others to achieve the goal, in this case—Americans.

In my preceding columns, I have already informed you about Obama’s transformation of America with the help of Russian Security forces—[united in their hate of capitalism]. Writing about them, I use a term KGB—Putin is their Face. Besides the general collaboration of the Obama/Putin Conspiracy, I have already given you a list of their Military collaboration against the American interests. Treason: Two Manchurian Presidents, July, 2, 2020. Still, I never expected a Global, International Ring of Socialist haters to unite in an attempt to destroy the young Ukrainian Democracy. Events exposed lately have stunned me.

Ukraine and its Socialist Mafia

Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe, it is larger than Germany or France. Ukraine is a beautiful country with vast areas of very fertile land, deep forest and plenty of hard-working and freedom-loving people. The country was under the regime of the Stalinist Socialist mafia for seventy years and the Ukrainians suffered enormously all those years. In the 1930s Stalin created a man-made starvation, 7-to-10 million people perished: every family was devastated and the memory of this tragedy has been validated by history and documentary. Ukraine proclaimed its independence immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union and thus started the fight with the Stalinist Socialist mafia inside Ukraine…

To investigate the Ukraine scandal, knowledge of Russia’s KGB is a must. For your information, the KGB loves to fish in a murky waters and pre-election Ukraine 2019 was the location of very murky waters. Putin’s desire to have Ukraine had never changed: the KGB had placed a lot of sleeper cells in Ukraine, a country of enormous corruption. This current scandal has very intriguing kinds of people involved: the top Dems Joe Biden, the KGB agent George Soros, four Dem Senators, and some even more questionable persons—a knot of possibilities that may even lead to the uncovering of the long-term Obama/Putin conspiracy…

“The year 2014 was a tough and crucial year for Ukraine: Russia invaded and occupied Crimea and directed a Russian speaking mob to attack the Ukrainian territory in Donbas and Lugansk—the war against the Ukrainian people had begun. And the tragedy is that Ukraine wasn’t ready to fight—the country didn’t have an army, weaponry and ammunition—Ukraine was naked due to the policy of Russian crony President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych. Thousands of Ukrainians were killed, a lot of territory was lost. Death Toll up to 13,000 in Ukraine Conflict, Says UN Rights Office. KYIV — Some 13,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them civilians, and as many as 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014, the United Nations says. My conclusion: The blood of those Ukrainians is on the hands of America’s Manchurian President Obama, who steadfastly refused to help Ukraine and did nothing…

It was then that the Ukrainian people lost respect for the government of the U.S. It was then in 2014 the Ukrainian people took their destiny in their own hands. Volunteers with hunting rifles, some with knifes went to defend their country and died in the thousands, they sacrificed for their children to live in an Independent Ukraine. Patriots have saved their country. Please read here Russian Interference in the American Government (a.k.a. the Democratic Party) January 28, 2020.

The Biden Papa and Son

Obama delegated Joe Biden as a point man to Ukraine in 2014. Biden didn’t bring needed help arms or ammunition, he traveled to Ukraine with his son Hunter, whose activity deserves explanation. Neither Biden nor his son Hunter speaks Ukrainian or knows Ukrainian Law, which is completely different from American Case Law. Nevertheless, Hunter became connected to Burisma Holdings, which has operated in the Ukrainian natural gas market since 2002. Burisma Holding is the appendix of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, who exiled in Russia to escape the Ukrainian’s people wrath for destruction of the Ukrainian Republic…

There is also a direct connection between Biden’s family and an oligarch in Ukraine— ”Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, joined the board of Ukrainian energy … According to The New York Times, Hunter Biden helped assemble the company’s legal team, … Burisma is led by an oligarch named Mykola Zlochevsky.” Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, founder of Burisma Holdings Company, on whose board Hunter Biden in 2014 was appointed, while at the same time his father was leading the Obama administration’s diplomatic dealings with Ukraine. Zlochevsky was a Minister of Energy in the Yanukovych government, which means he is the Russian asset, like Yanukovych himself.

How could this happen and how did Hunter Biden get an immediate connection to pro-Russian oligarch Zlochevsky? There is only one answer to the question: the Obama administration had cooperated with the previous pro-Russian administration in Ukraine; that way Hunter Biden had been tied with pro-Russian oligarch. But that also means that the American Embassy in Kiev had been working towards the same direction providing Aid and Comfort to Putin’s KGB…which is Treason against America… Zlochevsky is the subject of several closed cases now under audit by the Ukrainian prosecutor general in the new democratic Ukraine. The young Ukrainian democracy is now working to bring the Truth out:

“We are now reviewing all the cases that were closed or split into several parts or were investigated before, in order to be able to rule to reverse those cases where illegal procedural steps were taken.”

Americans can’t even imagine the scale of monumental corruption in Ukraine, it is Soviet style corruption. If you know Soviet style corruption, you’ll grasp the concept of Socialist Charlatans acting globally and in America’s Deep State under Obama. There is a very peculiar situation within America’s Socialist mafia, I mentioned it in my column Face to Face with Fascism in America, in this magazine September 28, 2019. Yes, writing for the last decade, I had renamed Soviet Socialism to Soviet fascism: both are the mortal enemy of America. I relay on you to choose the correct terminology…

Don’t be surprised that violence is surging in America and promoted by the Democrat Party. The major issue now is saving our country and knowledge of the Russian KGB is a MUST as well. I have already introduced you to Stalinist postulate for all Communists and Socialists: Never admit any crime you committed, but accuse the opponent in this exact crime. You will see in the upcoming presidential election in 2020 how Joe Biden follows that exact recipe—he will accuse Trump in the actions he himself or his son had committed. Considering Hunter’s bio, he has nothing to do with energy or Ukrainian Law, yet he was getting big money every month from the company in Ukraine. In front of you is an example of America’s Socialist mafia, Socialist Charlatans connected to a very corrupt foreign entity with the possibility of the crimes of extortion and bribery. This is the result of Obama/Putin Conspiracy, where Putin is running what amounts to a Global Spy Ring…

At the same time the Dems are constantly monitoring and investigating the U.S. President Donald J. Trump [following Stalin’s pattern]. The Dems are diverting attention from the sinister crime of treason they have committed–It is typical Stalinist DIVERSION… Look at the impeachment led by the House of Representative—a total fraud, waste of time and money a-la Soviet Fascism, which corrupts everything it touches. Who is the beneficiary of political chaos in America?? Look at riots, looting, and killing in our major cities! This is the result of the union of the Democrat Party with Organized crime brought to America by the Obama/Putin Conspiracy–the unity is a counter-revolutionary movement to destroy America the Beautiful. The Black Lives Matter group is nothing more than an Anti-Semitic and terrorist organization trained by Marxist KGB to stage fake protests and to create civil unrest around the country. They are the armed forces of the Democrat Party to smear President Trump and all other Republicans…

Tom Fitton was right about the Ukraine scandal as another malicious effort to protect the Obama/Clinton gang, criminal classified leaks, and spying targeting.” I called this gang America’s Socialist mafia, built by the Democrats. Their attack on Trump was the Deep State’s usual provocation made by the well-organized cabal of Obama’s CIA led by Socialist Charlatan John Brennan to divert attention from the crimes committed by Obama/Clinton gang. To cover-up their crime, they orchestrated coup against Trump. Obama delegated Biden to deal with Ukraine and a real crime, incredible corruption on global parameters is manifested by Biden’s “deals” in Ukraine. Don’t you feel the Russian Connection there?

Vladimir Putin is laughing hilariously in the Kremlin: his Global Spy Ring has undermined his mortal enemy—President Donald J. Trump… Putin relies on his KGB’s operatives like Keith Ellison, George Soros, Rep. Omar or Susan Rice and he is right: we have enemies within—a counter-revolutionary movement led by the Democrats in Blue states against our way of life, our moral standards, and the political system designed by our Founding Fathers. The late false narratives of “Systemic Racism” and “White Supremacy” are the hoop-la promoted by Putin’s KGB to divide and destroy America, we know and love. Putin is not alone, China joins Russia doubling the Evil forces of destruction. The time has come to expose the Dems’ counter-revolutionary attempt to demolish our exceptional political system–the FBI must be involved, our national security is at stake…

My fellow Americans!

We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Please, read Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech. It is a masterwork for all Republican Conservatives, a national program for all decent Americans, who love their country and treasure the memory of all our soldiers’ sacrifices to keep us free…

P.S. Please, watch Why Does Stalin Matter? the scholarly analyses:

The Soviet KGB agent Susan Rosenberg sponsors terrorist criminals Black Lives Matter.

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com   www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

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PODCAST: Voter Fraud is Dirty Business

Back in the 1960 presidential election, pitting John F. Kennedy against Richard M. Nixon, JFK won by an eyelash. Had it not been for some critical votes produced at the last minute in Chicago (home to Mayor Richard J. Daley (D)) and Texas (home to VP candidate Lyndon B. Johnson (D)), the election could have easily gone to Richard Nixon. Later, ballots were identified bearing the names of people who were deceased, which became legendary in terms of voter fraud. The election results in Illinois and Texas were going to be challenged by the Republicans, but Nixon didn’t want to put the country through a Constitutional crisis and bowed out.

Voter Fraud is a dirty business and, unfortunately, we have been plagued by it for several years. To assume it doesn’t exist is laughable as there is too much evidence of it. More on this in just a moment.

Over the years, the Democrats have tried a variety of things to garner more votes, such as lowering the voting age to 16 or 17. Frankly, I think it should be raised to 21 as the maturity for politics is simply not there at such an early age. Next, Dems propose allowing illegal immigrants to vote, something that is normally reserved for registered citizens. There has also been the bugaboo over Voter ID, implying those who have been unable to obtain proper identification are being ostracized. This, of course, is utter nonsense. And now we hear of accepting write-in ballots without voter verification. This would allow any Tom, Dick, or Harry to stuff the ballot box, not to mention foreign governments. However, you have to hand it to the Democrats on their tenacity. They cannot win legally so they make no bones about winning any way they can.

As another example of their wanting to rig voting, consider the recent passage in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives to make Washington, DC the 51st state of the Union. By doing so, the Dems hope to get two more Senate seats and one more House seat.

Our founding fathers never intended for the area to become a state, but a nonpartisan district from which to maintain the government. According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution, the “District Clause,” it states: “[The Congress shall have Power] To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States.” In other words, Congress is to oversee the running of the District.

Further, the District of Columbia is physically small, a meager 61.05 square miles. Compare this to tiny Rhode Island, our smallest state, which is a whopping 1,988.5% bigger (1,214 square miles).

Fortunately, this legislation will be Dead on Arrival in the Senate, but it illustrates the lengths the Democrats are willing to go to get their way. To make matters worse, people like Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) like to play the race card, saying recently, “race underlies every argument against D.C. statehood.” This is sheer tripe.

Making matters worse, Democrats have been resisting the cleansing of voter rolls, to eliminate people who are deceased, have moved, or are registered multiple times in different counties or states, thereby offering them the ability to enter multiple votes.

Despite the claims of innocence by the Democrats, there is considerable evidence that Voter Fraud does indeed exist. The Heritage Foundation maintains a data base of incidents from over the last 20-30 years. As of this writing, they claim there has been 1,285 proven instances of voter fraud in this country, and 1,110 criminal convictions. Their report, “A Sampling of Election Fraud Cases from Across the Country” lists sample cases by state (click to DOWNLOAD).

Interestingly, the data base reveals 37 instances of voter fraud here in Florida since 1992. My old home state of Ohio shows 52 instances since 2000. The findings are impressive and I encourage people to check it out.

According to the Heritage Foundation report, here are the various types of Voter Fraud:

Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots
Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.

Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.

Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.

Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot.

Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.

False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.

Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.

Illegal ‘Assistance’ At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with ‘assistance.’”

There is little doubt we will see all of these types employed during the 2020 election, with possibly some new twists thrown in. This list represents crimes which carry jail terms and/or fines, but I would also rescind their right to vote as well.

Even now, we are seeing symptoms of Voter Fraud being rigged with the commercial polls which are trending in favor of former VP Joe Biden. These are the same polls which predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide in 2016 by double digits. I have researched the polls and recognize they are either operated by Democrats or they do not know how to conduct an accurate poll with registered voters. Again, as in 2016, they want the public to believe there is a tsunami of support heading Mr. Biden’s way. All of this would be funny if it wasn’t so scary how the polls are rigged. Actually, the “Fake News” is behind the polls and, as such, have sensationalized them to the point of making them totally worthless.

For years, I voted using punch cards which I found simple and efficient for voting. Then we experienced the “hanging chad” snafu of the 2000 election, something I still contend was a fabricated problem. Now we have a voting system that appears to be prone to error and outside manipulation, even in spite of the available technology of today. Frankly, I am ready to go back to old-fashioned paper ballots and pencils, along with a valid Voter ID card; anything to make the 2020 election honest and fair, but that is not how the Democrats want it as their mantra is “win at all costs, even if it is illegal.”

Just remember, “Voting without a valid Voter ID card is like allowing someone to drive on our streets without a valid driver’s license or tags.” It is just not right.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Harvard Graduate Claira Janover Posts TikTok Video Threatening to Stab Anyone who says ‘All Lives Matter’


Worldwide News reported:

A Harvard graduate who posted a viral video jokingly saying she will stab anyone who says ”All Lives Matter” said she has now been fired from her job. Claira Janover, who worked at Deloitte after graduating with a degree in Government and Psychology from the Ivy League college earlier this year, previously said she had been getting death threats over her TikTok video calling out those who have ”the nerve, the sheer entitled caucasity” to say All Lives Matter.”Imma stab you, ”

Janover said. ”Imma stab you and while you’re struggling and bleeding out, Imma show you my paper cut and say, ‘My cut matters too. ”’

[ … ]

Janover later removed the ”All Lives Matter” video from her TikTok account, but versions of it are still being shared elsewhere on social media.

A TikTok video that recently went viral on social media showed a recent Harvard graduate threatening to stab anyone who said “all lives matter.” In her melodrama, she tried to sound intimidating with her histrionics.

She won a huge audience as she intended. But her video also came to the attention of the company that was going to give her an internship later this summer, Deloitte, which decided it didn’t want to add an intern who threatened to kill strangers who said something she didn’t like.

This wouldn’t have been much of a story. But then the narcissistic Harvard alum posted a very different video—one that showed her weeping in a near-fetal position.

She fought back tears while complaining how unfair the world had been to her. Her initial TikTok post had earned cruel pushback from the social media jungle she had courted. Deloitte, she sobbed, was mean and hurtful. And she wanted the world to share her pain.

The Harvard grad instantly became an unwitting poster girl for the current protest movement and the violence that has accompanied it. What turns off millions of Americans about the statue topplingthe looting, the threats, and the screaming in the faces of police is the schizophrenic behavior of so many of the would-be revolutionaries.

Actions have consequences. Threats do not solve problems, they exacerbate them.

“Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump

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PODCAST: Author Argues African Americans Gained Ground Under Trump’s Leadership

President Donald Trump’s policies are helping minority communities across America. Today, Horace Cooper, senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research and co-chairman of Project 21, joins the show to discuss his new book “How Trump Is Making Black America Great Again: The Untold Story of Black Advancement in the Era of Trump.” Cooper explains why he believes African Americans are advancing under Trump’s leadership.

We also cover these stories:

  • The Supreme Court decides 7-2 that the Little Sisters of the Poor won’t be forced to provide abortion-inducing drugs or birth control to employees as part of the Catholic order’s health care plan.
  • The Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic schools in a case balancing religious freedom with employment law.
  • Alexander Vindman, a central witness in Democrats’ effort to remove Trump, announces his retirement.

“The Daily Signal Podcast” is available on Ricochet, Apple PodcastsPippaGoogle Play, and Stitcher. All of our podcasts can be found at DailySignal.com/podcasts. If you like what you hear, please leave a review. You can also leave us a message at 202-608-6205 or write us at letters@dailysignal.com. Enjoy the show!

Virginia Allen: I am joined by Horace Cooper, senior fellow at the National Center [for Public Policy Research], Project 21 co-chair, and the author of “How Trump is Making Black America Great Again: The Untold Story of Black Advancement in the Era of Trump.” Mr. Cooper, welcome to the show.

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Horace Cooper: Hey, it’s great to be on today.

Allen: Well, congratulations on the book, it just released and we’re so excited to talk about it today, learn a little bit more about it. Can you begin by just telling us why you chose to write it?

Cooper: Sure. One of the things that led me to write the book has been, I travel across the country, I speak to a lot of groups, I do a lot of media, and I’m always asked this question about how either the Republican Party, or now President [Donald] Trump in particular, how could anyone embrace or support or be enthusiastic about who the president is, Donald Trump, or, at the time, when Republicans controlled the House of Representatives, when I started this book.

In all instances I was asked this question, “Isn’t it true that black people have to fear from conservatives? Isn’t it true that only liberals and progressives have anything positive to offer for black America?” And I wanted to write this book so I could show with data, with actual data, what’s truly going on in America. And that in fact, there is a lot for people to really, really be excited about.

Allen: So the book is titled “How Trump is Making Black America Great Again: The Untold Story of Black Advancement in the Era of Trump.” You mentioned data, can we get into a little bit of just those ways that the black community has advanced under Trump’s leadership?

Cooper: One of the first things that I want to let everyone know here is, and part of what’s important, what we see today in 2020 is, in many instances, a representation for most people of the reality that they know. And they pay little attention to 10 years ago, they pay almost no attention to 30 years ago, and it is inconceivable to understand or comprehend a hundred years ago.

Here’s the truth—and this is why I really think it’s helpful to look at the data—a hundred years ago, 1920 black America actually was doing an amazing level of achievement. Black America had a higher employment rate than the rest of the country, black Americans were represented in federal prisons at the lowest level of any race group.

In fact, black men and women were married at either the same or higher rates than the rest of the American population. And children were growing up in households where their parents, if they were black, were as likely or more likely to be married.

We don’t think of that today because the numbers are so divergent. There were more black millionaires in the 1920s than there were in the 1970s, even though the population of America had exploded by the time of the 1970s.

So one of the things that I wanted to point out with the data today is how improved black America is over where black America was in just 10 years ago and even 30 years ago. Black America unemployment is skyrocketing in contrast.

Allen: What happened that we went from black America being so successful and having stable homes and jobs to then this real downward slope that now we’re seeing President Trump helped to pull that community out of?

Cooper: Yes. So that’s the great question and that’s the question that often goes unanswered. And the reason it goes unanswered is many people erroneously conclude that whatever’s happening today or whatever happened in the last 10 years is the way that it’s always been.

We had policies under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge that said it was not the job of government to solve every problem, it was the responsibility of the individual. They supported free enterprise, they supported very, very limited regulation on the part of government. And … if you apply yourself, if you try, you will be amazed at the kinds of things that can be accomplished.

What Donald Trump did was very, very similar to those policies that led to the period that we call the Roaring ’20s. He pulled government back in terms of regulation, he pulled government back in terms of taxation. He made it possible, as I point out, we had a record in 17, 18, 19 of the number of new small businesses that black Americans created.

What you have to have happen is an environment where you are making policies that are great for the country. And when they’re great for the country, it turns out the least among us benefit even better. And that’s the real story of my book is that black Americans actually have done better in almost every single category than other groups in America. And certainly better than the average American.

Allen: You talk about something called MAGAnomics in the book. Can you explain what that is?

Cooper: Sure. MAGAnomics is the idea that it’s not government’s job to promote the interest of international corporations, it’s not the job of government to see to it that every type of foreigner who is interested in coming to America gets the opportunity to do so.

Now, that’s not the same thing as saying, “You can’t come.” But it is saying that’s not going to be the priority.

Black Americans have been the biggest losers with the advance to push for international workforces, particularly from Latin and South America.

We’ve seen unbelievable amounts of job undercutting and one of the reasons that that can happen is, if you’re in the country unlawfully or you’ve overstayed your visa, you are able to negotiate with your employer to opt out of Social Security, to opt out of Medicare, to opt out of all of the kinds of things. [You] even can opt out of the minimum wage, you’re working illegally. Therefore, it’s easy to have the conversation and get the ability to be such a low-priced worker.

That means that if you are a moderate- to low-skilled black American or white American, you’re displaced by people who can completely and totally underbid you. And over the last 10 to 15 years, there has been a major push to encourage those kind of workers who are not here lawfully.

MAGAnomics says that we’re going to focus on Americans, we’re going to focus on those who are citizens, and we’re going to make it easier for citizens to be able to work. Your taxes are going to be lower, the cost of you having your job is going to be lower for the employer because we’re going to lessen the regulatory burden.

And we’re going to put barriers up so that the only foreign workers who can come to America will do so in a lawful way and they will do so with the support that the government has always intended, that either sponsors or employers are supposed to provide. And that has had huge, huge benefits for black America.

Allen: Wow. So in other words, kind of the narrative that we so often hear from the left is kind of like, open borders will be better for everyone. But also there’s so much talk of various programs that will lift up minority communities, but you can’t have it all.

Cooper: Right, let me give you another example, by the way. It’s federal law that if you’re in the country unlawfully, that federal taxpayer services are not supposed to be provided to you except in emergencies and a few other rare areas. But most local and state jurisdictions, they pick and choose whether or not they’re going to use their dollars.

So you have 65 schools in a particular community or jurisdiction. If you bring in people who are not supposed to be in the country lawfully, they are overwhelmingly less likely [to] speak English fluently and so they’re going to need additional services.

There is a huge differential in terms of the type of social services, whether it’s alcohol or drug abuse, whether there’s domestic violence in a given household. All kinds of services are having to be provided. And many of the Latin America and other foreign or international visitors who’ve overstayed their visa unlawfully are using those local resources.

What does that mean in practical terms? That means that in your classroom, instead of there being an advanced math class that you would be able to take, scarce resources are redirected for foreign language conversion efforts to help advance the ability of people who don’t speak the English language.

That means that if you presently don’t have health care and you’re going to a community-provided clinic for assistance, well, you look around and sizable numbers of the people that are sharing that clinic with you are people who are non-residents.

So you’re not seeing an explosion in resources for education locally, you’re not seeing an explosion in resources for health and other related social services. What you’re seeing is black Americans and other working-class people of all races having to compete for those scarce resources.

And let me give you the last part, the hammer is that most of these jurisdictions charge a regressive tax. So unlike the progressive tax at the federal level, which can exempt largely its impact from those who are working class and lower income, the regressive tax hits the working class the hardest.

So you actually, as a poor person, whether black or brown or white, you get to pay for the privilege of providing lower-quality education for yourself, your child, and for the foreigners who were competing with you.

MAGAnomics says we’re going to shift the priority so that the resources that are available actually do benefit Americans as the federal law intends.

Allen: You talk about how many people, specifically white liberals, are shocked when they learn that you’re a conservative, you’re from the South, you’re African American. Can you just share a little bit of your own story of how you developed the political views that you have and became a conservative?

Cooper: So, I am a part of an impact family. My mother and father were part of a tradition in the state of Texas and in the South generally, where certain types of values mattered and that meant that my mother and father were married before I was born.

Now, because they came from a much more lower-income circumstance in rural Texas, they didn’t go off to college before we were born, they had to wait until after we were born. Why, though, did that happen? I say it’s my grandmother, Virgi P. Johnson.

Virginia Johnson had an idea and that idea was that her nine children were going be independent and self-sufficient. Seven of the nine not only were college graduates, but like my mother and several of her sisters, they got master’s degrees and Ph.D.s.

They understood, based on the experience, a summer I spent with my grandmother where she explained that even though she grew up in the midst of Jim Crow segregation, … it did not mean that she couldn’t provide for herself. And she bragged that she never relied on social services, never received food stamps, and encouraged us to be like that. Focus on your education, focus on your skill development, make sure that you can become independent.

Now, when we would stay with my grandmother, we lived in rural Texas and she had indoor plumbing, but she didn’t have a washer and a dryer, she didn’t have a dishwasher. That meant that when I was 5, 6, 7, or 8, all those kinds of tasks that normally we have appliances that help us out with, that was our job and she trained us.

I’ll give you a quick story, we had to hand wash clothes outside and we would do it early in the morning and it was cool because summers are very hot in Texas.

But the washboard that she used was too big for us as little kids. So she made a deal with us, if we agreed to do some extra chores, we could earn the money so that we could buy our own washboards that were smaller in size. We did extra chores and got the smaller washboard, which made it possible for us to wash even more.

That is counterproductive to what you see in many communities where people are shirking, people are trying to get away from work, people are trying to get away from responsibility.

My grandmother got us up at 5 a.m., sometimes earlier, I’m a morning person because of that. My grandmother saw to it that by the time I was 3, that we started reading, my brother and I. We need the ability in many of our communities to have this kind of attitude and this mindset.

I grew up where it was taken for granted that you were going to hit your books, I grew up where it was taken for granted that you’re going to stay on the right side of the law.

I never had to have “the talk,” instead I had the, “You’re going to be home on time, you’re going to be respectful in the classroom, and you’re actually going to be the kind of person that will amount to something,” as my grandma would say.

Allen: Wow, your grandmother sounds like an incredible lady, my goodness. What an honor to have that influence in your life. And those things that she obviously taught her children and her grandchildren so well, those are the exact principles that it’s so evident our nation is in need of today.

How do we further that narrative of empowerment that your grandmother obviously instilled in you? And really pull back from this victim mentality and mob rule and just this really, really negative narrative that we’re seeing played out right now by the left?

Cooper: So, my grandmother had this benefit, if she didn’t do it right, no one was going to do it for her. We have the detriment now, if you don’t do it right, don’t worry, someone is going to do it for you.

Getting up early can be hard, working long hours outside also can be hard. I got to see my grandmother save up and pay cash for a house that she lived in until she died when I was in junior high. No mortgage, she never ever had a mortgage, paid cash.

We don’t hear that mindset, instead we live in a society where, all too often, if you’re having a difficulty, if you’re having a challenge, well, you’ve got an idea, there’s a government program for that. Well, my grandmother had a different idea, apply yourself, strive, work at it, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

One of my biggest regrets, I hadn’t many, but one of my biggest regrets about the Obama administration was his failure to accept the role as a model.

There are many black kids who [attend] struggling schools, many of those schools don’t work well. They’re overrun by unions more interested in featherbedding themselves than ensuring those children achieve.

But what [President Barack Obama] could have said to young people, black, white, or brown, “Apply yourself, try, make the effort. America is such an amazing place, even with whatever struggles I have had, I ultimately was able to become president of the United States. If I can do that, you can too.”

Now that would have been more aligned with the kind of opportunity to model that my grandmother was able to do and that would have given true hope to people.

Instead he castigated America, he said America wasn’t fair. He said that America wasn’t interested in giving black America a shot. And it was like a lottery land or something that we had a black American who happened to be president. Not that we are the exceptional, amazing country on the planet where that’s possible.

Name a European country, name a Latin America country or a South American country where they have one member of their minority, a black man or woman, as their prime minister or president. You keep looking because you are not going to find it.

America is that kind of a place and that would have been an amazing example for him to repeat over and over again. Even with his bad economic policies, by encouraging people to strive and achieve, he could have had a positive effect.

Allen: Mr. Cooper, I want to give you just a moment to share a little bit about Project 21 and the work that you’re doing there.

Cooper: Project 21 is actually now 25 years old, I’m a founding member and I only recently became a co-chair.

Project 21 is made up of black Americans who recognized during the riots in the wake of the Rodney King trial—during those riots we were informed by the media in an airy way, the same way we are today, that the rioting, the looting, the violence, the mayhem are legitimate out workings of the frustrations that black Americans feel.

And we looked around, I talked to many professionals, I talked to many middle-class educated black Americans and asked, “Is that your idea of how people achieve change or express angst?”

So Project 21 was founded so that we could provide the other perspective, the other view that families matter, that the private sector is far more important than the government sector. That people need to have initiative and be motivated with the kinds of community organizations like the Boy Scouts, … [the] Future Farmers of America, like I had when I was a kid, that help our communities develop and be better.

We need more of that and so Project 21 tries as much as it can and as often as it can to be able to do that. There are good policies that are great for our country and they’re great for minorities. That’s the purpose of my book, that’s the story of my life. If you help the least among us, the best way to do that is to help all of us.

Allen: And how can our listeners follow your work and the work of Project 21?

Cooper: Sure. You can check us out at www.nationalcenter.org, at the National Center for Public Policy Research, or you can follow us on Twitter, @project21news. I’m on track right now to do 420 radio and TV appearances this year, so I’m sure a quick search of Google you can find me or many of the other members of Project 21.

Allen: Wow, you have a busy year. That’s impressive. Well, for all of our listeners, you can purchase the book “How Trump is Making Black America Great Again” on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, I even found it at Target. So be sure to look it up, great read. Mr. Cooper, thank you so much for your time.

Cooper: Thanks for having me today.


Virginia Allen is a news producer for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Isn’t Black Lives Matter Protesting the Slavery That Still Exists Today?

My latest in PJ Media:

It is, or ought to be, clear to everyone by now that Black Lives Matter is not a genuine movement for racial justice and a more equitable society, but a Marxist organization using real, exaggerated, and imagined racial injustice to try to destroy the United States. Anyone who is still in doubt about this should consider the fact that some blacks are still enslaved today, and Black Lives Matter never has and never will say a word about it, because that organization doesn’t really care about black lives.

If they did actually care about the lives of black people, Black Lives Matter would today be drawing international attention to statements made recently by the Mauritanian anti-slavery activist Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh of the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA). According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh stated in a June 18 interview: “Unfortunately, there is still slavery in Mauritania. More than 20% of people in Mauritania suffer from slavery – a situation where a person owns another person and does whatever he wants with him at any given moment. This situation exists here in Mauritania, unfortunately.”

Al-Sheikh further explained that slaves are often even “bequeathed from father to son. A person can own a slave and when that person dies, his children inherit the slave, who is later bequeathed to the grandchildren. This thing exists in Mauritania, unfortunately.” Even worse, “anyone who speaks out is considered a criminal whose natural place in in jail. Until not so long ago, [whoever spoke up] would have been killed.”

As an anti-slavery activist, Al-Sheikh has experienced this herself: “I was arrested and tortured multiple times. I was tortured both mentally and physically. The last time I was arrested, I had a 1.5-year-old baby. They separated us by force. And they weaned him. The Mauritanian state weaned my baby – a 1.5-year-old baby. He was weaned. And they prevented me from seeing him, and they wouldn’t let my husband or relatives visit me.”

Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh’s story is just one of innumerable such accounts. Why does Mauritania continually drag its feet about eradicating slavery, and persecute anti-slavery activists? The dirty little secret here is that it is because slavery is sanctioned in Islam.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


Ilhan Omar calls for “dismantling” of “our economy and political systems” in the US

Islamic Republic of Iran holds ceremony to unveil book on “Islamophobia” in the US

Switzerland: Muslim migrant indicted for recruiting for the Islamic State

Germany: Muslims attack Armenian Christian with knife on Berlin street

France: Man converts to Islam, becomes torturer and executioner for the Islamic State

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BLM Leader Yusra Khogali: ‘White People Are Genetic Defects’

A Toronto-based leader of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was exposed dehumanizing white people. A Black Muslim and race supremacist, Yusra Khogali was caught in a series of social media posts that attacked people based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

Khogali’s social media post goes into a pseudo-scientific rant on melanin and concludes that the lack of melanin in white people means they have “genetic defects.”

Khogali adds that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production, adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as “strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing,” which for her means that black people are super humans. She continues in comments to her original Facebook post, “melatonin directly communicates with cosmic energy.”

The posts have since been deleted.

The irony of the attack is not lost. BLM prides itself for uplifting the value of black lives, yet, in attempting to do so, uses dehumanizing narratives and racial attacks against others.

Speaking to the extremism, Clarion Project’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi shares how BLM isn’t rooted in human rights but is deeply rooted in the language of divisiveness.

Khogali’s social media posts and presence in the Canadian activism sphere are nothing new and have been ongoing for at least the last three years. In fact, they’ve been deflected by BLM leaders when reporters drew attention to them in the past and, instead, BLM has been rewarded by the community.

Given the rise of the cancel culture that affects conservatives for saying the wrong word at the wrong time, it’s unlikely Khogali will be canceled, let alone corrected for her extremist views.


Black Lives Matter Take U-Turn to Blatant Antisemitism 

Jews Stood on Civil Rights Frontlines, So Why the Antisemitism Now

Who’s Educating the Protesters?

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Left and the Rise of Marxism

Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that We the People are too dense to learn from our own mistakes? Paging through humanity’s history, time and again we find numerous instances of costly mistakes where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a “savior.” And time and again, we have ended up paying the price for our folly. If we are not genetically doomed to make these ruinous mistakes—which I am certain we are not—then do we commit them out of wishful thinking, laziness, desperation, or some combination of the three?

To illustrate how mistake-prone we are, a few examples will suffice. In order to address economic disparity, a pivotal concern of humanity, Karl Marx showed up trumpeting his battle cry, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx announced that the proletariat is the producer of wealth and that capitalists are leeches robbing them of the fruits of their labor.

In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. Humanity’s poor masses found their messiah in this ideologue, rallied behind him, and got to experience a Marxist paradise. While Marx’s summons was aimed at the laboring class of industrial Europe, the peasantry in both Russia and later in China enthusiastically answered his call. The results: many of the rich went to early graves, only to be replaced by a new class of overlord apparatchiks, and the poor continued to be poor. In the process, the disciples of Marx and Lenin such as Stalin and Mao subjected over 100 million to death, and untold millions suffered for many decades while the promised workers paradise never materialized.

Democrats and Incentive

Dis-incentive was the “Achilles Heel” of Marxism. Except for the ruling class, whether you worked hard or loafed, you basically got the same incentive under Marxism. The Democrats and Biden basically want to transform America to cultural-Marxism: a failed economic philosophy, in a poorly disguised form that this Party has been relentlessly pushing throughout the ages. Democrats’ redistribution of wealth does nothing but dis-incentivize an individual’s prime motive force “self-exertion” for “self-reward.” Democrats feel the rich have too much and the poor should simply get a much bigger share of what the rich have. If that is not the exact Marxist failed philosophy, then what is it?

While Marx’s workers’ paradise ideal continued to struggle, and kept failing miserably to deliver its promises, its offshoots such as European Socialism and now American Redistributionism under Democratic leadership are still aims to create a society where those who succeed in generating wealth turn over the major share of their earnings to those who do not.

Dis-incentivizing individual exertion through confiscatory taxes is the surest way to reduce the overall wealth of any society. The rich resort to strategies that shelter their wealth, become discouraged in investing their funds, and then the overall wealth of the society declines. It is investment by those who have funds that creates wealth and jobs. And it is jobs that are the best way to help the have-nots, not government handouts.

In order to address economic issues effectively, government policies should facilitate all individuals and companies to create more wealth, not penalize those who have managed to create and acquire wealth by over-regulation and excessive taxation. The last thing any government should do is to use the ineffective deadly weapon of classism, pitting the poor against the rich.

Hitlerian ‘Salvation’

Not long after the launch of Marxism, another “savior,” by the name of Adolph Hitler, rose to power on the promise of fixing humanity’s economic and other problems at its very foundation based on nationalism. Specifically, he proposed ridding the world of its burden of undesirables and unfit, with Jews on top of his list. Marx’s trump “card” was class warfare. Hitler flashed the ethnic-race card. He claimed that the Aryan race was the cream of humanity’s crop that brought nothing but good to the table, while Semitic, black and yellow people represented exploiters and aberrations to be eliminated. For good measure, he lumped in the mentally challenged, homosexuals and the physically handicapped as humanity’s misfits as well to be rid of.

Picking a scapegoat has always worked magic over the millennia, and even Hitler’s syphilitic brain recognized its value for his campaign of mass genocide. The results: Millions died, among them some of mankind’s best-educated and productive Jews. Hitlerism and Communism, for all intents and purposes, either died or went on life support, providing ample opportunities for other saviors.

Islam to the Rescue

In no time at all Islam, long fractured, lethargic and dormant, found a new vitality under the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, who raised the Black Standard and promised Allah’s paradise to the totality of mankind for the simple price of accepting his Shiite brand of Islam. A naïve dreamer of an American President, Jimmy Carter, hailed Khomeini as a saint-savior, an answer to a prayer, so to speak. Not to be left out, shortly after the Shiite Khomeini’s lightning success in Iran that deposed the Shah and established the Islamic Republic, a Sunni Muslim “Osama Bin Laden” launched his campaign of bringing about a worldwide Caliphate, as the sure cure for humanity’s ills.

In contrast to Marx’s class warfare and Hitler’s ethnic-race rallying cries, Khomeini and Bin Laden hoisted the ever-effective battle call of religion. The very concept of religion that stands for uniting people has been subverted, time and again, by clever and devious opportunists as means of pitting people against each other.

America at a Critical Point

The great nation of all nations, America, is at a critical point and crossroads. The current uprising under the direction of George Soros/Obama and the DNC has been abysmal in all areas vital to our nation. Islamist jihadists are on the march and democracy is in retreat. The Islamic Republic of Iran is rapidly moving toward acquiring nuclear weapon capability.

Domestically, our house is in shambles. The national debt is staggering. If Biden is elected, the nation’s debt will exceed that of our obligation under all other previous administrations combined. Our children and grandchildren will have to service this debt at economically soaring rates. Even today, forty cents of the Federal tax dollar go to servicing the loans—much of it to China and foreign entities.

It is imperative that we, as a nation, live within our means, just like families do. In like manner that families should cut back on everything they can, in order to live within their means, the Federal Government needs do the same. It must reduce the size of government and eliminate hundreds of bureaucracies that are redundant or completely useless as President Trump has done. We, as responsible citizens, must make sure that President Trump is reelected.

If the Democrats take over the White House, America, as we know it, will not be recognizable.

©All rights reserved.

Minnesota: Muslima who claimed discrimination over coffee cup labeled ‘ISIS’ turns out to be named ‘Aishah’

Yesterday we noted a curious aspect of this case: that Hamas-linked CAIR had not revealed the name of the woman making the complaint. Now it turns out that her name is Aishah. Anyone who has ever been in a Starbucks anywhere knows how easy it would be for a barista, without any malice whatsoever, to mix up two words that sound as similar to each other as “ISIS,” “eye-sis,” and “Aishah,” “eye-shah.” And as the manager of this Target Starbucks noted, “people get their names wrong all the time.” Most don’t make a huge case about it, and don’t get any publicity about it, either. But Hamas-linked CAIR knows how to use cases such as this one to intimidate big companies and shake them down for money in the name of “diversity” and “inclusion.” Today’s nationwide race hysteria makes that all the easier. What is the likelihood that Target Starbucks gives Aishah and Hamas-linked CAIR a massive payout to make this whole thing go away? Oh, about 120%.

An update on this story. “Muslim woman outraged after barista writes ‘ISIS’ on her coffee cup in St. Paul. Target calls it a mistake.” by Mara H. Gottfried, Pioneer Press, July 6, 2020:

While ordering a drink Wednesday in St. Paul, a 19-year-old Muslim woman gave the barista her name — Aishah — and repeated it for clarity.

The Minneapolis woman was shocked when she saw what the barista then wrote on her coffee cup: “ISIS.”

“The word that was written on the drink is a word that shatters the Muslim reputation all around the world,” said Aishah, whom the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Minnesota chapter identified only by her first name for safety reasons.

Target, which runs and operates the Starbucks in St. Paul’s Midway store, says it has apologized and “believe that it was not a deliberate act but an unfortunate mistake,” according to a statement Monday.

Aishah and CAIR-MN on Monday called on the University Avenue Target to fire the employees who were involved, and an attorney submitted a charge of discrimination to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights….

“Unfortunately, with Islamophobia, the No. 1 thing Muslims are … discriminatorily identified (as) is terrorists,” said Jaylani Hussein, CAIR-MN executive director. “… Using this word for us would be the same as a Black man today being … (called) the N-word.”


When Aishah asked the employee why “ISIS” was written on her cup, the worker “claimed that she had not heard her name correctly,” according to a statement from CAIR-MN.

Aishah had been wearing her hijab, a head covering, which is “clearly a sign of her faith,” Hussein said.

When Aishah asked to speak with a manager, Hussein said the manager responded with: “What is the issue? People get their names wrong all the time.”

Aishah said she felt humiliated, enraged and belittled. She was sent away with a replacement drink and a $25 gift card.

Aishah filed a formal complaint with Target. A corporate representative reached out to her the next day to apologize, according to a Target spokesman, but Aishah said Monday morning she still had not received an apology.


Target said in a statement they are “taking appropriate actions with the team member, including additional training, to ensure this does not occur again.”

The Minneapolis-based retailer added: “At Target, we want everyone who shops with us to feel welcomed, valued and respected and we strictly prohibit discrimination and harassment in any form. We are very sorry for this guest’s experience at our store and immediately apologized to her when she made our store leaders aware of the situation. We have investigated the matter and believe that it was not a deliberate act but an unfortunate mistake that could have been avoided with a simple clarification.”…

“This unfortunate incident is particularly appalling in light of the local and national appeals for racial justice and the ongoing calls for meaningful steps towards lasting equity in the United States of America,” said Alec Shaw, a civil rights attorney for CAIR-MN, who called on Cornell to “make the same commitment to stand against Islamophobia and all forms of discrimination and hate.”

At a Philadelphia Starbucks last year, a Muslim customer named Aziz had “ISIS” written on his drink cups. Starbucks called that a “regrettable mistake.”


Muslims enraged, demand ban of film glorifying Muhammad, threaten to murder filmmaker, filmmaking is un-Islamic

Palestinian Authority enraged by lack of rage over “annexation,” urges jihad against Israel

UK’s Independent reveals “How Muslim women are using makeup to get closer to their religion”

Italy: Muslim migrant, naturalized Italian citizen, murders Italian for being “white” and “happy”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar Calls For The ‘Dismantling’ Of U.S. Economy, Political System

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar called for the “dismantling” of the U.S. economy and political system Tuesday.

“As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality,” Omar said. “We cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

Omar held an event Tuesday in her home state of Minnesota with members of the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus. Omar tweeted earlier Tuesday that the purpose of the event was to address “racism in policing” in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.

Omar has joined calls from local Democratic leaders to defund the police after four Minneapolis police officers were fired and charged in connection to Floyd’s death. The Minneapolis City Council unanimously voted to get rid of the city’s police department in June.

Omar said she supported the vote because she believes the Minneapolis Police Department is beyond reform.

“You can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root,” Omar said at the time. “What you can do is rebuild. And so this is our opportunity, you know, as a city to come together, have the conversation of what public safety looks like, who enforces the most dangerous crimes that take place in our community.”



Reporter. Follow William Davis on Twitter


Poll: Patriotism In The US Falls To Record Low, Less Than Half Polled ‘Extremely Proud’ To Be American

Ilhan Omar Explains Why She Supports Sanctions On Iran

House Democrats’ Funding Bill Includes Provision To Remove Confederate Statues

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Causes White Guilt?

“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.”

So tweeted virtue-signaling Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, whose three-sentence message had one purpose: to help the political party she supports mainstream the absurd idea that white people should be ashamed of their skin color and, by extension, ashamed of their predominately white country.

Hollywood stars are not the only ones pushing white privilege ideology.  Marxist teachers and professors in our universities and public schools have systematically burdened millions of young white minds with guilt over the accident of their birth, a relentless brainwashing that has yielded profound changes in the political views of students of conservative parents.

Last month, Stephanie Regan, the 23-year-old daughter of a conservative Republican running for the Michigan state House, knifed her own father in the back with tweets intended to torpedo his campaign, as though he’s some kind of monster: ‘pls for the love of god don’t vote for my dad.”

Ms. Regan’s conservative Christian father, Robert Regan, told The Hill that the two have conflicting views about social issues, including abortion and the alleged existence of white privilege.  The Republican candidate attributed his daughter’s rejection of values she’d been taught as a child to indoctrination by Marxist professors at the college she attended.  Robert Regan is by no means the only conservative parent with a child who was brainwashed in college with the utopian promises of Marxism.

The U.S. education system has been thoroughly infiltrated by Marxist faculty and administrators hell-bent on doing their part to help dismantle America’s two-party constitutional democracy in favor of single-party socialist rule.  One of their most potent weapons in turning politically malleable young minds against their parents — and their country — is white privilege indoctrination.

Most parents have no idea of what’s being taught in public schools

In “Bill Ayers, the ‘Critical Pedagogy’ Movement, and ‘Cultural Marxism,” conservative writer Geoffrey Britain wrote this:

In many of our public schools, impressionable young children are no longer being taught to be proud of being Americans.  Their school teachers, who traditionally embody socially approved values, are teaching them to be ashamed of being Americans.  Spreading out from the schools that teach our teachers, this ideology is being inculcated into our nation’s K-12 schools, and is anti-American in the most profound meaning of the term.  It is a movement that is teaching future generations that capitalism and traditional American values are intrinsically evil.  Critical pedagogy and its advocates, in their vehement antipathy towards capitalism, private property and traditional American values amount to a fifth subversive column, no less dangerous to freedom than communism.  Its advocates are seeking to radically transform our society by covertly indoctrinating the young through an essentially clandestine and subversive transformation of our culture.

The kind of teachers to whom Britain referred have two things in common: (1) they all have turned to the side of the hammer and sickle, and (2) they all are Democrats.  An example of such subversive educators can be seen in the short video below, which shows two unionized teachers caught on camera discussing how to insert communist doctrine into the classroom.  Wearing a “Tax the Rich” shirt, Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles high school teacher and teacher union activist who contributes to The Socialist Review, and Megan Behrent, a New York City public school teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, participated in an off-campus panel discussion about how to slip Marxist propaganda into the minds of children.

In public schools across America, activist Democrat teachers are pushing a failed and oppressive ideology on captive young minds, often with the tacit approval of their superiors.  You can bet everything you own that activist Democrats in academia are also infecting their students with white privilege guilt.

As a major part of the Democratic Party’s election strategy, white privilege ideology is taught to thousands of teachers and administrators at annual white privilege conferences.  Click on the video below to see Part 1 of an undercover investigation by EAG News that shows how Democrat educators are taught to inculcate in schoolchildren as young as pre-K a love of communism, and a deep-rooted contempt for capitalism, Christianity, and the U.S. Constitution.

Click here to see Part 3 of EAG’s undercover investigation, and here to see a report that the same Democrat-run school districts that have failed for decades on end to adequately educate disadvantaged black children are spending millions on white privilege training for teachers and administrators.

Black professor exposes “white privilege” for what it is: a Big Lie

One of the Third Reich’s most devastating propaganda techniques is known as the “Big Lie”: If you’re going to lie, make it a Big Lie, keep repeating it, and people will believe it.  That’s what Democrats do with white privilege ideology — relentlessly repeat it until people believe it.  Writing in his weekly column “Our Broken Moral Compasses,” black American professor Dr. Walter Williams exposed white privilege for the Big Lie it is:

Then there’s white privilege.  Colleges have courses and seminars on “whiteness.”  One college even has a course titled “Abolition of Whiteness.”  According to academic intellectuals, whites enjoy advantages that nonwhites do not.  They earn higher incomes and reside in better housing, and their children go to better schools and achieve more.  Based on those socio-economic statistics, Japanese-Americans have more white privilege than white people.  And, on a personal note, my daughter has experienced more white privilege than probably more than 95 percent of white Americans.  She’s attended private schools, had ballet and music lessons, traveled the world, and lived in upper-income communities.  Leftists should get rid of the concept of white privilege and just call it achievement.

Dr. Williams has a point.  In addition to his daughter, “white privilege” hasn’t held back Oprah, Jay-Z & Beyoncé, Condoleezza Rice, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Morgan Freeman, Colin Kaepernick, Tiger Woods, LeBron James, or the billionaire founder of Black Entertainment TV.  It hasn’t held back millions of industrious black people who have earned a share of the American dream.  And it certainly hasn’t held back Barack Obama, who’s in line to become America’s first billionaire former president.

Due to our country’s deplorable history of slavery and segregation, there was a time in America when the deck was stacked against its black citizens.  But that is no longer the case.  Yes, it took longer than it should have, but slavery and segregation were ended long ago, and the Voting Rights Act was enacted way back in 1965.  It is beyond dispute that a black child born in America today has the exact same constitutional rights as a white child.

Despite horrible injustices of the past, no country in history has done more than this country to correct wrongs once committed against an oppressed minority of its own citizens.  Democrats know that, but acknowledging it would undercut their most poisonous Big Lie: that even after all these years, America is still a racist hellhole, as it most definitely was when Knight Riders in white robes and white hoods served as the violent enforcement arm of Democrat governors, mayors, and police chiefs.

Click below to learn the inconvenient truth about the party that invented “white privilege” as a tool to turn school children against their country.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: When Being Anti-Communist Makes You a Racist.

Leftist Effort to Ban Cops from Using Tear Gas Against Lawless Protesters Crushed by Court

A preposterous lawsuit demanding cops be banned from using tear gas to disperse lawless protestors who block city streets and interfere with traffic has been struck down by a judge who ruled this week that the restriction “unnecessarily burdens the police and puts them and the public at risk.” The case was filed in Virginia by a leftist civil rights group that claims the city of Richmond and its police department as well as the state police violated the Constitutional rights of law-breaking protestors by using tear gas and other crowd control tactics during a disruptive Black Lives Matter demonstration outside Richmond City Hall last week. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Virginia Student Power Network, asks the court to broadly ban the use of “chemical munitions, irritants, explosives, stun weapons, and physical-impact weapons.”

About 150 people participated in the protest which was supposed to include an overnight sit-in outside Richmond City Hall to address police violence and community advocacy, according to a local news report. Protestors also “set up an encampment, blocked the city streets, and interfered with traffic,” court documents show. After midnight police determined that it was an unlawful assembly because “conditions of activity such as sit-ins, sit-downs, blocking traffic, blocking entrances or exits of buildings that impact public safety or infrastructure.” Officers announced “multiple times” via megaphone that the blockade was an unlawful assembly and proceeded to disperse the unruly crowd by firing tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets. Around 12 people were arrested. Following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, a number of violent protests have taken place in Virginia’s capital city of Richmond. Mayor Levar Stoney, who apologized for police firing tear gas on Black Lives Matter protestors, has recognized that cops have been “hit with bricks, they’ve been hit with cinder blocks, stones and urine and other caustic material.” Nevertheless, Stoney has marched with the anti-police mob to demonstrate his solidarity.

In the complaint against the city and police, protestors allege a violation of right to assemble, violation of right to freedom of speech, and violation of state code in declaring an unlawful assembly. The leftist activists asked the court to declare that police have been operating unlawfully and to issue an order prohibiting officers from engaging in activities that supposedly violate their Constitutional rights. Among them, according to the complaint, is banning the use of tear gas. “Since the tragic murder of George Floyd and the protests against police violence that have followed, state and local police operating in Richmond have shown a pattern of violence toward protesters who speak out against systemic and anti-Black racism,” said Eden Heilman, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia, which filed the lawsuit. “When these young people tried to educate their community about racism in Richmond and how to dismantle it, police stormed in and turned their positive space into a war zone.”

The ACLU lawyer conveniently fails to mention the young people’s illegal behavior, which the court found “provides a legal basis for a declaration of unlawful assembly” by police. In her ruling, Richmond City Circuit Judge Beverly W. Snukals also denies the request for an injunction broadly blocking the use of tear gas, writing that “plaintiffs have not established that harm is certain or of such imminence that there is a clear and present need for such equitable relief.” The ruling continues: “Placing these restrictions on defendants in the form of a preliminary injunction unnecessarily burdens the police and puts them and the public at risk.” The ACLU blasted the decision, accusing the court of allowing police to use tear gas and “other tools of war” against events that police declare to be unlawful assemblies without merit. “We will continue to fight in court to bring justice to people who are speaking out against systemic, anti-Black racism by continuing to pursue this lawsuit on behalf of the Virginia Student Power Network and individual protestors,” the group declares in a statement posted on its website. The ACLU also writes that now is the time to “divest from police and reinvest in solution-oriented community programs.”


Mena Uncovered: Judicial Watch Discloses Secret CIA Report

Judicial Watch Sues DC Government for First Amendment Access to Paint Message on DC Street

Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Requests of Former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power to Unmask Identities of U.S. Citizens

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: An Open Letter to GOP Candidates

Dear GOP candidates,

I believe you should think twice going into this election. In particular, how you are perceived by the public. Aside from the news media and Democrats, nothing makes a Trump supporter angrier than a Republican politician playing politics and not getting the job done. If you insist on playing politics during these turbulent times, your days are numbered politically.

Consider why Trump supporters ardently support the President; what attributes do they find appealing?

First, despite his billions, President Trump appears to understand the wants and needs of the common person and communicates effectively with his constituents. From their perspective, “He is one of us who tells it like it is.”

“The Deplorables” do not believe he is a liar, but someone they can relate to. When he makes off-the-cuff remarks at a Trump Rally, like “SOB,” he is not condemned, but rather applauded as he has tapped a nerve in the American psyche who are frustrated with politics as usual.

Second, President Trump is not afraid to stand up to his opponents, be it the American news media, Democrats, RINO Republicans, bureaucrats, China, Russia, North Korea, and other foreign competitors. The reason he is unapologetic is because he understands the people are tired of being pushed around, hence the “Make America Great Again” mantra. His supporters want peace, prosperity, and common sense solutions. They do not want to feel encumbered by governmental bureaucracy, and yearn to show they are an economic powerhouse once again.

And third, he delivers on his campaign promises. As a former businessman he has been willing to take on the nation’s difficult decisions, negotiates with the country’s best interests in mind, and acts decisively. We’ve seen this in Syria, Jerusalem, North Korea, NATO, Western Europe, as well as the many new trade deals. He doesn’t wait, he acts, which is appealing to his supporters.

It is these three attributes that appeal to Trump supporters: identifying with your constituents, standing up to your opposition, and delivering on promises. From this, he builds trust and forms an unshakable bond with his supporters.

One idea that would show the GOP’s bold vision of the country is to produce a new “Contract with America.” We do not lack areas to be addressed; immigration, health care, infrastructure, lobbying reform, term limits, reducing the debt, election reform, energy and environment, all come to mind immediately. This would show true initiative, something the Democrats are incapable of producing at this time. They only want oddball things to secure their control over the government, such as Socialism and racial divide.

To make a new Contract though requires LEADERSHIP, a la Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey in 1994, but I am afraid I do not see this yet in the Congressional ranks. A new contract is nice, but new Republican leadership is needed to make it happen. Milquetoast candidates need not apply. Again, this is a golden opportunity to re-take the Congress, and actually do some good for the country.

So, instead of constantly reacting to events, how about taking a proactive approach for a change? This means the GOP needs to get some STUG. What does it mean? Actually, it was something my old high school football coach used to admonish us to do. Whenever we fell behind in a game or were physically hurting, my coach would tell us it was time for some “Stug,” which happens to be “Guts” spelled backwards. Whenever he would yell from the sideline for a little more “Stug,” we would suck it up, refocus, and try even harder. Believe it or not, it worked. A little tenacity can go a long way, whether you are at work or at play.

Let’s consider what will happen if the Democrats re-take Congress and the White House. We will see the return of endless government bureaucracy, higher taxes, a sluggish economy, a changing of the guard of liberal judges on the Supreme Court, and the rise of the Socialist agenda, among other things. We will also see incompetents in key cabinet posts, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. AOC.

So, to all of the GOP politicians out there, both sitting and those entering the race, I implore you to resist the temptation to play politics as usual as the stakes are simply too high. Instead be bold, imaginative, and fight back. If you cannot do this on the campaign trail, you will be worthless in office.

One last thing, when President Trump’s term is finally over, who will surface as leaders of the Republican Party; movers and shakers, or milquetoast?

Now is the time for STUG!

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!

Copyright © 2020 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

SARASOTA, FLORIDA: Black Lives Matter, Sarasota Patriots in Dueling 4th of July Rallies

CD reported the following from the Sarasota Patriots 4th of July rally in Sarasota, Florida:

Terrible slanted reporting [by the Bradenton Herald]. Made it look like there was no one there for patriotic Americans and there were.

I went to celebrate the 4th, as I do have done each of the last 10 years, if I could, @ the kissing statute (it’s coming down) from 12-1. Nice. lots of red, white, blue, flags, patriotic songs, and the first 56 people were proxy signers of the Declaration of Independence (I was #33 this year).

When I arrived, I thought that there was a good presence, but quickly realized that nearby was a sea of black… black clothes, masks. They were Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  They looked very depressed… so unhappy.  All lined up with microphones to drown out the patriotic music. These young “Americans” would rather be dressed and depressed in black than celebrating their freedom. (Schools are teaching them that socialism is better than Capitalism and to hate America.

Vote socialism/Marxism for free everything without working for it… won’t happen… socialism has never worked).  Actually, one woman with a lot of “cottage cheese” was parading around in a very skimpy bikini.  She can wear (or not wear) whatever she wants. They carried signs saying “freedom” (Hello, constitution already guarantees freedom), justice (they already have justice through the Constitution, but want social justice. If you put something in front of justice, it is not justice. “Social” justice is stealing) ) and “Jail police killers” (They are already jailed. Justice is being done). So why are these kids there? They are bored brats. They are getting paid by Soros organizations. Many were taking selfies of themselves. They have to prove that they are there by photos of themselves and in the action in order to get paid. (Also found out that money from college tuitions also goes to pay for the 178 liberal political institutions and activities). Did not yet end. They gathered in the parking lot. Police stopped traffic for them to march by us. They they marched over St Armand’s bridge. We had a permit, as every year. Conflicting permits are not issued same time and place. They had no permit, but police stopped traffic for them to “keep peace”. They were illegal. These are bored adults, getting paid, being “useful idiots” for those who want Marxism in America. With Marxism Constitution is gone. Elected wealthy officials get wealthy through high taxes. Citizens get poor.

The statues they tear down are erasing history, which they do not know. Have to keep both the good and the bad of the past. They don’t even know what they are doing. They are enjoying their temporary “power”. The less one knows, the more they can be controlled. They don’t know the are being used. The riot, kill, steal, are anarchists.  A free country has to protect its freedom. Hoping I would not to, but it’s here… slowly infiltrated over the 150 years. Stop too much power.

When there was traffic, I counted 60 cars, of which 57 cars gave a “thumbs up” to our American flag… and 3 gave a “mid-finger” up for their American flag.    America is American. must vote out people trying to make it Marxist.

Watch this 4 min video:

©All rights reserved.

Joe Biden Promises To ‘Transform’ America If Elected

Former Vice President Joe Biden is vowing to “transform” the U.S. if he wins the upcoming presidential election.

“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it,” Biden tweeted Sunday.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee did not provide specifics on how he would “transform” the nation if he wins in November, and his campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller.

Biden’s comments came at the end of a July Fourth weekend, which saw large protests against racism and police brutality continue across the country.

The former vice president has promised sweeping reforms if elected, but has also attempted to distance himself from protest movements that have called for police departments to be defunded and statues of U.S. founding fathers to come down.

“Vice President Biden does not believe that police should be defunded,” the campaign’s rapid response director Andrew Bates said in a statement in June. “He hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change, and is driven to ensure that justice is done and that we put a stop to this terrible pain.”

Biden also promised to protect statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, which have been targeted by protesters in recent weeks.

“The idea of comparing whether or not George Washington owned slaves, or Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, and somebody who was in rebellion, committing treason, running, trying to take down a union to keep slavery, I think there’s a distinction there,” Biden said at a news conference late in June.





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Statue Of Black Abolitionist Frederick Douglass Torn Down, Dragged To Nearby River

RELATED VIDEO: Obama 2008 campaign speech wants “fundamental change.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Black Lives Matter founder: ‘Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here’

Our moral superiors in action.

“The BLM Founder Who Begged Allah For Strength Not To ‘Kill Sub Human Whites’ Received a Government Award ‘Encouraging A Run For Public Office,’” by Natalie Winters, National Pulse, June 27, 2020:

A Black Lives Matter organizer who implored Allah to give her the “strength” to not “kill these men and white folks” and that “white skin is sub-humxn” received an award from the Canadian government meant to encourage a “run for public office.”

The unearthed comments from Yusra Khogali follows co-founders of the U.S. branch of Black Lives Matter (BLM) being exposed by The National Pulse for vowing to oppose capitalism and claiming “we’re trained Marxists.”

The tweet – no longer on the social media platform – read:
“Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”

Khogali, an alleged “anti-racist” activist and founder of the Black Liberation Collective Canada, only had one qualm with the tweet: it “drowned out the discussion we sought to spark about the black lives of those who have died at the guns of police in this country.”

The daughter of Sudanese refugees has also insisted white people are “recessive genetic defects” who should be “wiped out,” that “whiteness is not humxness,” and “white skin is sub-humxn” in 2015 Facebook posts.

Despite these clearly racist attacks, Khogali received a Canadian government-sanctioned “Young Women in Leadership Award” in 2018.

Recipients of the awards are connected with “women interested in politics with female leaders on council and in the civil service,” and “the program is meant to encourage women to run for public office. Khogali has also been invited to speak at countless universities….

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.