Conservatives Can Learn Something From Liberals

Despite the increasing disapproval of the draconian and otherwise harmful policies of President Obama, the leadership of the Republican Party is acting like the point of least resistance.  For example, it has been reported on every major news network, including FOX, ABC and the rest, that increasing numbers of Americans disapprove of a number of Mr. Obama’s policies.  Amongst the most unpopular are his willingness to endanger America through amnesty and crippling energy policies.  Almost everyone, including President Obama and especially the Republican Party leadership knows that no nation can thrive or remain great if it is overrun with brutish illegal immigrants.  Yet, Republicans like John Boehner continue to throw their own policies and America under the bus. The G.O.P leaders struck a deal with Senate democrats that will grant funding for Obama’s unilateral amnesty for five million illegal immigrants. The liberal progressives stuck to their guns, yet the so-called Republican conservatives folded AGAIN!

Up to this point, the United States economy continues to limp along. During the current and weakest economic recovery in our republic’s history over 25,108,000 foreign born individuals in America hold jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  CNS News reported that the Bureau of Labor Statistics also noted that in the seven years from November 2007 to November 2014 the number of native born workers holding jobs increased by 2,004,000.  To put it bluntly, the President’s support of illegal immigrants and policies that don’t stimulate the economy hasn’t and won’t increase prosperity in our nation.

Yet, according to CNS News, evidence continues to mount showing that Obama is reacting with greater defiance and lawlessness despite the people’s repudiation of his agenda in the November midterm election. But like wilting lilies, the republican leaders in congress continue to relax their resistance to Obama’s harmful intentions toward the United States.  It is as if the Republican Party hierarchy used the concern of the American people to make election gains.  But they are not willing to wrestle our republic from the grip of progressive democrats who only seem to desire economic, moral, political and social destruction to be unleashed throughout the land.

If Republicans, and in some cases Christians, were as focused on the positive goals of American restoration as Obama and his comrades are pinpointed on U.S. their negative goals of upheaval, our nation would already be in massive recovery.  For starters, the economy would be yielding tremendous opportunities for both job producers and job seekers and our borders would be sealed and protected from the illegal hordes who mean us harm.

The Republican elites sit around and try to figure out how best to kiss Obama’s backside, while he continues to heap more problems upon our republic.  According to C.N.S. News, health care policy  expert Betsy McCahey reported that the Obama administration quietly saddled our nation with 3,415 new federal regulations just before Thanksgiving.  Yet, bone head Boehner and the other R.I.N.O. elites seek to appease Obama, Reid, Pelosi and other progressives rather than seek to serve in the best interest of “We The People,”

The window of opportunity is still open, but is shutting fast and cannot be allowed to be squandered by short sighted career politicians. Their lack of desire to defeat those who are hell bent on turning the United States into a second tier of moral depravity and economic decline is heartbreaking.  Since Boehner and his colleagues love cozying up to Obama so much, it would seem that his ability to stay on course would have rubbed off on them.  But then again, it probably is not the goal of the R.I.N.O, elites to fend off the progressive onslaught and restore our Constitutionally Limited Republic. But I can dream can’t I?

Open Letter to the Reverend Al Sharpton

Dear Al Sharpton,

I can understand, what with the price of gas being so low that you can now afford to fill up plenty of gas containers and keep throwing them onto the fires being stirred up by your race baiting all over the USA. Now I am not sure what sort of a reverend you are, but in my church we don’t go around inciting chaos and hate against anyone.

The police officers in all department’s across this nation put their lives on the line for us all daily and we are sick and tired of tax evaders like you running your mouth trying to install hate and discontent among the masses. Now I don’t care if you hang out with that President Obama. It is your record that matters. Here are just a few examples of your race bating:

In 1987 you threw gas onto fire and disrespected the brave police officers in the Tawana Brawley case. Brawley, an African American teenager, claimed that she was raped by a group of white men—some of whom were allegedly police officers. The case was later dismissed by a grand jury, which reportedly concluded that the teenager had made up the story. But this came after months of media frenzy around the case, largely encouraged by you. In fact you were sued by the district attorney working the case for making slanderous remarks. You sir were found guilty and you were fined for your comments. In 1990 you faced more charges when you were tried and acquitted of stealing from the NYM. Your quite a nefarious character Al. You claim to represent the black community, how about you start representing all Americans no just some blacks.

You can’t even let an man alone who was being robbed by four of your brothers on a subway in New York. Bernhard Goetz shot four African-American men on a New York City Subway train in Manhattan on December 22, 1984, when they approached him and tried to rob him. At his trial Goetz was cleared of all charges except for carrying an unlicensed firearm. Al, instead of marching for more gun rights for self defense in New York under the Second Amendment you led several marches protesting what you saw as the weak prosecution of the case. You said Goetz’s actions were racist and you requested a federal civil rights investigation. A federal investigation concluded the shooting was due to an attempted robbery by four black men and not race.

In 2001 you were jailed for 90 days on trespassing charges while protesting against U.S. military target practice exercises in Puerto Rico near a United States Navy bombing site. You were held in a Puerto Rican lockup for two days and then imprisoned at Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn on May 25, 2001, and you had the Federal Bureau of Prisons ID# 21458-069. You were was released on August 17, 2001. So why where you protesting the U.S. Navy and my brothers in arms Al? Are you some kind of anti-military sympathizer?


Crown Heights Riots. Al Sharpton center.

During the Crown Heights Riots, you were seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions by making remarks that included “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”. You once again showed that you are race baiter. There are federal laws that protect us from people like you.

You were quoted as saying to an audience at Kean College in 1994 that, “White folks was in caves while we was building empires…. really? Are you trying to build good relations or start a race war? Just asking. You don’t even like Mormons and made this comment about Mitt Romney running for President. “As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don’t worry about that; that’s a temporary situation.

On May 9, 2008 the Associated Press reported that your so called businesses owed almost $1.5 million in unpaid taxes and penalties. You owed $931,000 in federal income tax and $366,000 to New York, and your for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owed another $176,000 to the state. Why can’t you pay your taxes like other law abiding Americans? Most folks go to jail for this, so why are you still a free man?

Finally, in 2009 the Federal Election Commission announced it had levied a fine of $285,000 against your 2004 presidential campaign for breaking campaign finance rules during your presidential run.

Al you are a bad guy, a tax evader and a race baiter. You just like to stir the pot and throw lighted matches onto gasoline cans so long as its against whites, Jews or Mormons. Stand down dude. You are part of the problem. Start being an American instead of an Obama collectivist sympathizer.

I for one support and salute the brave police officers all over this country that stand up like real Americans and have the courage protect us. Unlike people like you.


Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama’s Election

NYPD Cops Warned Militant Group Black Guerilla Family ‘Preparing to Shoot On-Duty Police Officers’

MSNBC hostess gets roasted for arguing ‘arson and looting’ aren’t really violent

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Al Sharpton with President Obama is courtesy of FrontPage Magazine.

Florida Mayor takes bold stand against Terrorism!


Mayor Kent Guinn, Ocala, Florida.

Mayor Kent Guinn took a bold stand against terrorism on Tuesday, when he and the City Council rejected attempts by terrorist sympathizer Manal Fakhoury (pictured above) to marry the city of Ocala, Florida to Ramallah, Palestine via  Sister Cities International, a United Nations driven initiative.

A request to formally align the City of Ocala, which is affectionately known as horse country and the city of Ramallah which is better known for anti-Semitism and  terrorism was submitted by Manal Fakhoury, a Palestinian herself, as well as Karin Dean, Cindy Grimes, and Lola Gonzales in the official capacity of Fakhoury Leadership International.

Ramallah, is the Capitol city of the Palestinian Authority.  The P.A. was birthed out of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO),  a federally designated Terrorist Organization which by all appearances changed its name in an effort to distance itself from its violent nature.

The  application which was meet with strong opposition and dated 10/16/2014 was heard by the City Council, on Tuesday 11/18/2014.  Some in support of the initiative to twining the cities of Ocala and Ramallah, showed up wearing Fakhoury Leadership International T-Shirts.  Those who spoke in favor of a formal agreement via Sister Cities International, framed the initiative as an attempt to to promote peace and mutual understanding.

Suggesting Ramallah as a stalwart city in any effort to promote peace and mutual understanding in light its long history of terrorism is a stretch to say the least.  Recent Jihadist attacks on Jewish citizens, attacks the Israeli Prime Minister attributes directly to PLO leader Mamoud Abbas who is headquartered in Ramallah add additional skepticism to Fakhourys’ stated mission.   Comments by Israeli leadership regarding recent attacks give a glimpse at the kind of influence Ocala could expect from such an alliance:

Prime Minister Netanyahu said incitement by Hamas and Abbas motivated attacks on Jews. “This is a direct result of the incitement lead by Hamas and Abu Mazen (Abbas), incitement that the international community irresponsibly ignores. We will respond with a firm hand to this brutal murder of Jews who went to pray and were scathed by despicable murder.”   

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (Habayit Hayehudi) said that “Abbas, one of the biggest terrorists to have arisen from the Palestinian people, bears direct responsibility for the Jewish blood spilt on tallit and tefillin while we were busy with delusions about the [peace] process.”   (, 18 November 2014)

Manal palestine yasser arafat2

Manal Fakhoury posing with life size picture of Yasser Arafat, PLO terrorist.

Manal Fakhoury, is a tireless activist whose long history ties her to individuals and groups whose stated mission is to impose Sharia Law around the world, to include the United States.

In addition to membership in several Ocala organizations, Fakhoury is board member of United Voices for America (UVA) a spin-off of CAIR, as well as the Capitol Leadership Academy (CLA).  Co-founder Ahmed  Bedier launched UVA after jumping ship just prior to Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) being designated a Co-conspirator in the largest successfully prosecuted terrorism finance trial in U.S. history.  Members of CAIR have been convicted of terrorism, material support for terrorism, and it’s leadership has openly expressed their desire to replace the U.S. Constitution with sharia law.   This is not a freedom of speech or 1st Amendment issue, but is in fact a direct challenge to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution and its supremacy.

Ironically, CAIR was designated a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) just this past week along with the Muslim American Society (MAS), both Muslim Brotherhood entities, while at the same time both organizations enjoy unprecedented influence in local, state, and federal politics.

Capitol Leadership and similar Academies have sprung up in over 25 states, following the model set by Manal Fakhoury and Ahmed Bedier.  These Academies were designed to train 12-18 year old “minorities” almost exclusively Muslim to learn the ins and out of legislation, lobbying, and running for political office.

According to “student(s)” we placed inside two of these week long classes.  Ahmed Bedier said “I want clean Muslims in office in the next two years”.  In light of this information, it might be worth considering the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood used similar operations to gain legitimacy, influence, and eventually the Presidency in Egypt during the so called “Arab Spring”.

The Gainville Sun, reported that Mayor Guinn displayed an article detailing these connections titled “Manal Fakhoury: Possibly the Most Dangerous and Influential Woman in Florida Politics“, as well as other pictures of her beaming in front of pictures of Mamoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat.  Mayor Guinn stated:

“These are things I am concerned about, are the ties of Ramallah, Manal, and this group of people like pictured there,” Guinn said.

He added, “I am not going to pursue having a sister cities, twinning relationship, whatever you want to call it, for a lot of reasons, this being one of them.”

Sister Cities International, is a U.N. entity which facilitates the twinning of cities worldwide, providing guidance, formal agreements, and liaison between twinning cites and federal and international bodies.

One of the stated goals; is for the twinning to be mutually beneficial partnerships between peer communities to include exchanges in the fields of culture, arts, education, trade, municipal management, health agriculture and industry to name a few.  In addition, Cities may provide Sister City Organizations with financial support.

Historically, the Palestinian people have been a “refugee” people who have had little to offer in the way of agriculture and industry on a global basis.  Almost certainly any support would be directed towards Ramallah and not the City of Ocala or its residents.  Other than art and culture not much is left in the way of a mutually beneficial partnership.

Manal Fakoury PDF FB GAZA Photo enlarged  hate jewsEven CULTURE is suspect when you consider the following point(s):

Islam is a complete way of life for Muslims; meaning it is all encompassing and there is virtually no separation between the culture, religion, or the personal life of a Muslim.

Shabbir Mansori, founder of the Council on Islamic Education which is responsible for virtually all Islamic content in America’s public school textbooks succinctly illustrates the Islamic inseparability between culture and goals of Islam in regard to his statement regarding  his work America’s Public School system.

“I am waging a “bloodless” revolution, promoting world cultures and faiths in America’s classrooms”.

Gainesville Sister Cities Director Steve Kalishman said 20 percent of Palestinians are Christian and there is no fighting going on in Ramallah. He said Gainesville has a “great Sister City.” as reported in Gainsville Sun.   

This is a standard Muslim Brotherhood talking point which flies in the face of the fact that thousands of Christians have had to flee areas under P.A. control with a steady rise in attacks since the Oslo Peace Accords.  Christian population has dropped from 15% down to only 2% since just the 1960’s.

In her arrogance, Fakhoury said  “I don’t think he knows what he is talking about,” Fakhoury said of the mayor. “If he really had any concern, why wouldn’t he speak to me?” in regard to Mayor Guinn.

She said the Sister Cities program is a positive one and that if any city needed a sister city, Ocala did. she went onto say “I really thought our city was better than this. I think people know me”.

She said she has worked hard for the city of Ocala, a clear reference to her relentless outreach and involvement in dozens of groups.  Statements which on the surface suggest that the backward, redneck City of Ocala obligated to oblige her based on she had done for the community.

 She went on to affirm her commitment to terrorism, saying “There’s a ton of support in the city of Ocala. I just didn’t bother doing it that way. But we will continue our work (with Ramallah) without a relationship,” she said.

Fakhoury called commissioners’ lack of interest “disheartening” and “sad.” She said there is a blog online by ACT Jacksonville that is smearing her reputation.

By now it should be clear to those seriously considering the information provided in this article and links, that Manal Fakhoury is a passionate and driven woman.  Whose drive and support comes with certain expectations which may be diametrically opposed to the health and well being of our local, state, and ultimately national body politic.

Riayd and Manal Fakhoury’s, impact on Florida Politics has been significant on both sides of the isle.  They regularly fund and host fundraiser in their home for various Governors, Senators, House Members and Attorney Generals with Hamas Operative Ahmed Bedier frequently in tow.

It is very refreshing to see elected officials who have the discernment to recognize a clear and present danger, as well as the courage to act in the best interest of the community despite the risk of being labeled a racist?, hatemonger, bigot, or Islamaphobe.

Hat Tip to the City of Ocala, Mayor Kent Guinn, Council President John McLeod, James P. Hilty Sr., Brent Malver, Jay Musley, and Councilwoman Mary S. Rich.

You’ve been Gruber’d, Stupid!

“No. I — I did not. Uhhh, I just heard about this… I — I get well briefed before I come out here. Uh, th-th-the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with wuh, uhh, in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.” – President Obama replying to a question about Jonathan Gruber at the conclusion of the G-20 Conference in Brisbane, Australia.

Will the last name of the MIT professor identified as the “architect of ObamaCare” become a verb some day? Will people say “I’ve been Gruber’d? or “The government is “Grubering again”?

After all, when he admitted that ObamaCare’s passage was achieved by deceiving the Congressional Budget Office and the entire American public, turning his name into a synonym for lying is not unthinkable. Adding insult to injury, he said the voters were “stupid.”

Cartoon - Gruber and Obamacare

For a larger view click on the image.

How stupid was it for the Democrat-controlled Congress to pass a two-thousand page piece of legislation that none of them had read? (No Republican in Congress voted for it.) ObamaCare took over one-sixth of the U.S. economy and did something that makes me wonder why we even have a Supreme Court. It required people to buy a product whether they wanted to or not. If they didn’t, they would be subject to a penalty.

One way of the other, the federal government was going to squeeze you. The Court did conclude early on that ObamaCare was a tax, but don’t expect the mainstream media to tell you about all the other taxes hidden within it.

What surprises me about the Gruber revelations—available on YouTube to any journalist who wanted to investigate, but none did—is that there appears to be so little public outrage. An arrogant MIT professor who received $400,000 from the government and made millions as a consultant to the states who needed to understand ObamaCare, calls voters stupid and the initial reaction of the mainstream media was to ignore the story.

At the heart of the Gruber affair is the fact that Obama and his administration has been lying to the voters from the moment he began to campaign for the presidency. In virtually every respect, everything he has said for public consumption has been and is a lie.

In one scandal after another, Obama would have us believe he knew nothing about it. That is the response one might expect from a criminal rather than a President.

One has to ask why it would be difficult to repeal in full a piece of legislation that the President said would not cause Americans to lose their healthcare insurance if they preferred their current plan, that would not cause them to lose the care of a doctor they knew and trusted, and would save them money for premiums. The initial deception was to name the bill the Affordable Care Act.

Repeal would help ensure the solvency of Medicare and restore the private sector market for healthcare insurance.

This is a President who was elected twice, so maybe Prof. Gruber is right when he speaks of stupid voters. Not all, of course, but more than voted for Obama’s two opponents. As this is written over 45% of those polled these days continue to express approval for Obama’s performance in office. How stupid is that?

AA - Most Corrupt AdministrationWhat is so offensive about Gruber’s own revelations about the manner in which the bill was written and the lies that were told to get it passed is the incalculable misery it has caused millions of Americans.

It has caused the loss of jobs. It has forced others into part-time employment. It has caused companies to reconsider expanding to grow the economy. It has driven up the cost of healthcare insurance. It has impacted local hospitals and clinics to the point where some have closed their doors. It has caused many healthcare professionals to retire or cease practicing medicine.

I invite you to make a list of all the things you think the government should require you to purchase whether you want it or need it. Should you be required to own a bike and use it as an alternative to a car? (Yes, you must own auto insurance to defray the cost of accidents, just as you must pay a tax on gasoline to maintain our highway system.) Should you be required to wear a certain style or item of clothing? Should you be required to get married by a certain age? Should you be required to eat certain foods and avoid others?

A new study by the Legatum Institute in London ranked citizen’s perception of their personal freedom in a number of nations. Americans ranked way down the list at 21 out of 25, well below Canada, France, and Costa Rica to name just three. The study was based on a 2013 poll.

What is a stake here is (1) the absolute need for a trustworthy federal government and (2) the need to repeal a piece of legislation based entirely on lies. On a larger scale, the right to make your own decisions on matters not relevant to the governance of the nation should be regarded as sacred, it’s called liberty.

The Republican-controlled Congress and the Supreme Court are the two elements of our government that can and must provide a measure of protection against the deception that is practiced every day by President Obama and members of his administration. Let’s hope neither is “stupid” in the two years that remain.

© Alan Caruba, 2014



Amnesty: President Obama, the Cabinet and the U.S. Congress

Our nations cabinet is composed of the President and most senior appointed officers of the Executive Branch of the Federal government of the United States. The existence of the Cabinet dates back to President George Washington, who appointed a cabinet of only four persons: Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson; Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War Henry Knox and Attorney General Edmund Randolph. This was all President Washington needed to kick start and build the most exceptional nation in the world, the United States of America.

Over time Collectivists were elected in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate and now the White House. The federal government has expanded into a conglomerate of corrupt anti-Constitutional public employees accountable to no one. It is a massive wheel of corruption and indignation filled with unconstitutional cabinet positions such as: the Departments of Education, Environmental Protection, Energy and Labor. The American taxpayers are their slaves and work hard to support these corrupt non productive freedom crushing bureaucrats with their hard earned income taxes. The American people are no longer free. They are chained to their part time jobs feeding a government machine with the sweat of their brow at the expense of their families health and happiness.


President Obama meeting with Congressional leaders in the Old Family Dining Room of the White House on November 7, 2014. (Evan Vucci/AP)

We have reached a Constitutional crisis as President Obama is about to by-pass the U.S. Congress once again. On November 20th, 2014, a day that will live in infamy, President Obama will launch another strike against “We the People” with an unconstitutional Executive Order regarding immigration.

President Obama states he is going to “fix” immigration. The problem is the immigration laws are not broken, they are actually very strong.

What we have is a Chief Executive, Cabinet and government bureaucracy that refuses to enforce the current laws, which created the illegal alien problem in the first place. This is a typical Saul Alinsky tactic and pure Marxism in its intent. The goal is to overload our nations welfare, social programs and school systems. Obama is going to over whelm it with illegal immigrants to accelerate the collapse of our Republics social structure and fabric.

“The principal Officer in each of the executive Departments” is mentioned in Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and “Heads of Departments” in Clause 2. This is the Article in the Constitution about the Executive Branch of the government.

President Obama does not recognize the Constitution and will earn himself an impeachment hearing.

The next problem we have is a weak and ineffective House Speaker John Boehner. He has repeatedly failed to exhibit leadership skills. He had to assign a mouth piece to speak for him regarding President Obama’s attack on our Constitution instead of facing the cameras himself.

On November 4th, 2014 the American people demanded that the Republican party and the leadership in the Congress stand up for the nation and start to lead this country. Some believe President Obama and the Obamacrats, as in Ferguson, Missouri, are pushing the American people into to a civil war.

Mr. Obama is being called a dictator by men like former U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and Senator Ted Cruz. The Republican led Congress either needs do its job to protect this nation or step aside and let others fill your empty suits. We need leadership in our Congress during these very difficult times. Civil war is brewing internally across this nation and we must restore law and order starting with the impeachment of Obama.

Do our job Speaker Boehner or step aside and let a real man or woman take charge. You are putting this nation in great jeopardy with your inaction and its time to lead, sir, not hide away in fear. Remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Tomorrow the Collectivist in the White House who lied and deceived the American people to pass Obamacare is about to slaughter the American minimum wage earners by undercutting American jobs by giving 5 plus million illegals a legal status. How did the American people allow this to happen? What has happened to the backbone of this nation? Where are the brave and honorable statesmen elected to lead this nation to prosperity?

In my opinion they have all been molded into compliant cowards because they are scared to death that Obama and his Obamacrats will pull the race card if they do the right thing and stand-up for American citizens, legal and naturalized.

It is time for Americans to peacefully surround the White House as the Constitution allows until President Obama has been removed from office by the Congressional Master at Arms. But first we must find a leader to lead in the Congress. It isn’t John Boehner. Who is willing to lead? Republican need someone to step up to the plate before its too late!


Obama’s Unilateral Amnesty Really Will Be Unprecedented—and Unconstitutional

Executive order on immigration would ignite a political firestorm

Republicans Will Not Block Barack Obama (Because They Want the Same Thing)

The Great Deceivers: Obama, Mary Landrieu and the Democrats

Stop urinating on us and telling us it is raining. Please forgive me for using a crude saying. However, it perfectly and succinctly describes what Obama, Mary Landrieu and the Democrats have been doing to Americans, particularly blacks, for a very long time; until we stop them.

In their remarkable arrogance and assumption that most voters are clueless idiots, Obama and his minions look reporters and the American people in the eye via TV and tell us flat out lies, huge whoopers without even blinking. They act as if there is no such thing as video archives and fact checkers.

Clearly, Obama and his posse know that they can count on the liberal MSM to cover/protect their derrieres; complicit in their efforts to deceive the American people.

Here is Obama’s most recent in your face lie/deception. Obama plans to push forward with the feds taking control of the internet against the will of a vast majority of the American people. In Democrat fool-ya fashion, he claims he wants to “save the internet”. Obama is lying. His intention is to add another notch on his gun of government overreaching power grabs.

One thing you can count on. Whatever Obama and his minions say they seek to achieve, their hidden agenda is the polar opposite.

Sen. Mary “voted with Obama 97% of the time” Landrieu has been deceiving her constituents for 18 years; promoting herself as a champion for blacks and women. She is neither. Finally, Louisiana blacks have begun to realize the truth and are pushing back. Praise God!

Dr Wayne Dyer says that when you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out because that’s what’s inside. Squeezed by low polling numbers, Mary Landrieu’s superiority, arrogance, condescension and true contempt for her constituents came out during an interview. Landrieu blamed Louisianan voter’s rejection of her and Obama’s agenda on southern state racism and sexism. In essence, calling Louisiana voters a bunch of ignorant redneck racists and sexists.

But folks, Landrieu was simply following the Democratic Party’s disrespect for the intellect of voters standard fool-ya play book. When all else fails, lie/deceive, demonize and create hate.

When Republican Congressman Paul Ryan proposed a plan to save Medicare, Democrat minions produced a deplorable ad to deceive voters and demonize Ryan; depicting him pushing a helpless terrified gray-haired grandmother in a wheelchair over a cliff plunging to her death. Meanwhile, Obama cut Medicare by $718 billion dollars.

The Democrats deceived many into believing that Republicans had a war on women. Meanwhile, guess who has a history of keeping women in chains? Answer: The Democrats.

In 1964, Democrat president Lyndon Johnson implemented government welfare programs promoted as his “war on poverty”. Twenty-two trillion dollars later, government playing Robin Hood by taking from the rich and redistributing to the poor, progress against poverty has been minimal. Democrat government dependency programs mixed with the lowering of moral and cultural standards have left the black family and community in shambles. The mission was never about ending poverty, but rather addicting blacks to government handouts to secure their votes forever.

My 86 year old black dad told me a great story about black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. A few years ago, dad volunteered at a mostly black Baltimore elementary school. Dad said they took a bus load of students to Washington DC on a field trip to meet Justice Thomas. Justice Thomas asked security to put them in a side room. After his court case, Justice Thomas met with the students. Justice Thomas said he was a knucklehead as a kid, but turned his life around. The kids were very excited and Justice Thomas took a lot of pictures with the kids.

I reminded dad that Justice Thomas is despised by the NAACP and the Democrats, despite probably being the most powerful black man in the world second to Obama. I told my dad Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were thugs. And yet, the NAACP, Democrats and the MSM have tried to elevate them to hero status. Meanwhile, they despise extraordinarily successful superb black role models such as Dr Ben Carson, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, businessman extraordinaire and presidential candidate Herman Cain and Justice Thomas.

If black empowerment is truly their goal, why would the NAACP, the Democrats and MSM celebrate thugs while, not just hating, but seeking to destroy real black achievers? The answer is simple. The Democrats and their minions are great deceivers whose sole mission is to secure loyal black voters at any and all cost. Thugs Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown help to promote the Democrats’ narrative that white cops shoot blacks at will; vote for us to keep them from murdering you.

Evil deceivers produced an outrageous ad claiming that if blacks do not vote, they need to send their kids to school wearing bulletproof vests to protect them from police. Beyond the pale. A bottomless gutter shameful tactic.

The Democrats’ modus operandi is to deceive, deceive, deceive. Democrat Charlie Rangel tried to portray the decent hard working patriotic members of the Tea Party as white racist segregationists. Totally absurd, divisive, evil and deceptive.

I feel like if MLK came back today he would be heartbroken, thinking, “What in the world happened!” He gave his life for blacks to have equal opportunity and be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. He never intended for race exploitation and racial division to become an industry.

It has also been exposed that Obama and his great deceiver minions used deception and the assumption that the American people are stupid to pass Obamacare.

2 Corinthians 11:13 made me think of Obama, Mary Landrieu and the Democrats: the great deceivers. “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.”

The Democrat great deceivers will surely continue their insidious deceit until we exercise our power to politically stop them.


EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Senator Landrieu and President Obama is courtesy of the Associated Press.

Are Republicans Ready to Welcome Blacks?

Since the Republicans takeover of Congress on Nov. 4, I have received numerous emails and phone calls from many of my friends who are Democrats indicating that they are ready to join the Republican Party. My dilemma is that I am not quite sure the Republican Party is ready to receive them.

I began to call these friends one at a time to discuss what made them come to the conclusion that they are ready to join the Republican Party. The common theme sounded was that they were never so much in love with the Democrats. Rather, Republicans made it clear that there was no room in the party for them.

This goes to what I have written about in the past: It doesn’t matter how much a person agrees with you if they feel like you don’t care about them or that you don’t want them to join your group.

When you see Republicans or Republican events on TV, you see a crowd of nothing but White faces in the audience. Because of these optics, many Blacks feel that the party has absolutely no interest in Blacks being involved in their events on any level. Republicans and Blacks agree on the need to address the high unemployment within our community.

Republicans and Blacks agree on the need to promote more opportunities for Black entrepreneurs, noting that under Obama, SBA loans are almost nonexistent and federal procurement opportunities have all but dried up. Republicans and Blacks agree on the need to promote school choice and vouchers for those who are stuck in nonperforming schools. Republicans and Blacks are united in their opposition to Obama’s pro-homosexual agenda and amnesty for illegals.

But Republicans have not taken advantage of what they have in common with African Amerians. Instead they have given the spotlight to Blacks who run away from their race and serve as nothing but official mouthpieces for the party. These characters have no ties to the Black community. They use incendiary rhetoric that alienate Blacks rather than win them over.

The party must also stop hiring Democrats as their consultants for their campaigns. I often say that the best way to for a Black Republican to get attention in the Republican Party is to be a Black Democrat. Just look at what happened in the Mississippi senate and Illinois governor’s races. Each campaign spent more money with Black Democrats than they did with Black Republicans. I challenge you to name me one instance where a Democrat ever hired a Black Republican to work on or to be a consultant for one of their campaigns. It doesn’t happen.

If you don’t take care of known Republicans, why would anyone in their right minds stick their neck out and publically associate themselves with the Republican Party? Republicans have no appreciation for the pitfalls of Blacks being publically aligned with them. Businessmen lose contracts, preachers lose members, and students are ridiculed.

So, if the party wants Blacks to publically associate with them, what are they prepared to do to protect them from their liberal detractors? By publically promoting Blacks who are ashamed of their Blackness, over time the public will see that it is OK to be Republican.

In other words, treat Blacks like you treat your White Republican friends. When you need consultants, you pick up the phone and call your White friends and direct business opportunities to them. Why is it that this doesn’t happen to Black Republicans?

When you are looking for staffers, you call your friends from the country club to get recommendations. When was the last time you called a Black for recommendations for a job opening? When you are looking for someone to create your website, you call one of your lobbyist friends. Have you every aggressively sought a Black vendor to provide any type of professional services to your campaign?

I find it fascinating that with all the Republicans organizing their campaign for their 2016 presidential runs, I am not aware of one Black that’s part of the inner circle of any of the campaigns. I am fed up with speeches about diversity that is not reflected in reality.

I am not convinced the party is ready to shift its thinking. What a shame if the Republican Party, once again, blows a great opportunity to grow the party into a true governing majority.

Ultimate Schadenfreude: Democrat is Twice Bitten, Not Shy

There’s stupid. There’s really stupid. There’s really, really stupid.

Then there’s Democrat stupid.

A prime example is a Friday Wall Street Journal article titled “This Democrat Is Giving Up on ObamaCare.” It’s penned by one Burke Beu, someone I describe as “ethnically Democrat,” as he says “I grew up in a Democratic family. I have been a registered Democrat since age 18.” He also tells us, “[I was] a Democratic candidate for statewide office in Colorado and a party precinct captain in that caucus state. I’ve volunteered for numerous Democratic candidates and contributed to party causes and campaigns. The 2014 election results were extremely disappointing for me….”

And, of course, Mr. Beu has soured on ObamaCare. In fact, he wants it repealed. All good so far. Except that he doesn’t have any explicitly harsh words for Obama, hasn’t given up on his party, wants a single-payer system and seems to believe Hillary Clinton is the solution in 2016. (Note: In fairness, Clinton is different from Obama — she has two X chromosomes.) But here are the money lines:

I voted for Barack Obama in 2008, then lost my job in the Great Recession. I was lucky; my brother lost his job and his house. I survived on part-time jobs while paying out-of-pocket for my health insurance.

I voted for President Obama again in 2012, then received a cancellation notice for my health insurance. This was due to ObamaCare, the so-called Affordable Care Act. However, I couldn’t afford anything else.

Does this guy wear a “Kick me” sign?

He wears a “Kick me harder” sign.

There’s a saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” What do you say about a guy whose life consists of being fooled?

Beu believes Medicare should be “a model for health-care reform” and says “We Democrats need to get over ourselves, start anew on a national health-care policy, and return to our progressive principles.”

Actually, sir, you need to get over your party.

First, “progressive principles” is an oxymoron; liberals don’t have principles, but provisional positions. This is because they’re governed by emotion, which changes with the wind. As G.K. Chesterton put it, “Progress is a comparative of which we have not settled the superlative.” No, I won’t explain that, Mr. Beu. You figure it out.

Beu also mentions the “stupidity of the American voter” remark by ObamaCaredesigner Jonathan Gruber, taking umbrage and saying “Such comments…are insults to every citizen regardless of party.” So Goober is offended by Gruber.

And Beu is one of those very “useful” people. He doesn’t get that elitist snobbery and superciliousness define the left. Just think of the revelations about socialist French president François Hollande, who is “a cold, cynical cheat and a Socialist who ‘doesn’t like the poor,’” writes National Post about insights provided by the leftist’s ex-girlfriend Valérie Trierweiler. “He presents himself as the man who doesn’t like the rich. In reality, the president doesn’t like the poor” and in private calls them “the toothless ones,” reports Trierweiler. Oh, too anecdotal? “Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned”? Then read the 2008 piece “Don’t listen to the liberals — Right-wingers really are nicer people, latest research shows.” It relates what some of us without “Kick me” signs figured out for ourselves long ago.

Beu also says, when pointing out that Democrats need to exhibit humility and admit error on ObamaCare, “We resent Republicans who act morally superior and pretend to have a monopoly on patriotism, but….”

It’s not pretense, Bucko. As this Pew poll from this summer shows, while 72 percent of “steadfast conservatives” and 81 percent of “business conservatives” “often feel proud to be American,” only 40 percent of “solid liberals” do. That, Mr. Beu, is by liberals’ own admission. (Pew also has a category in the poll called “Faith and Family Left.” I’ve never heard of such a thing — unless it refers to faith in government and the family of the person the liberal is cheating on his spouse with.)

Note also that when liberals and conservatives don’t feel proud to be American, it’s for very different reasons. Liberals don’t like what America was, was meant to be, and what they often imagine it to be (“We’re so Puritan!”); conservatives don’t like the cesspool the liberals are turning it into.

I know schadenfreude isn’t a feeling reflective of a charitable spirit, but the best I can say about the Beus of the world is that they need tough love. Mr. Beu reminds me of a guy who’s being held by the back of the neck, is being repeatedly and violently kicked, and complains about how something needs to be done about the foot. Tend to the foot. Regulate the foot. Repeal the foot.

Mr. Beu, that foot happens to be attached to a man, a being with intellect and free will. And he is not your friend.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

Open Memo to the 114th U.S. Congress

On January 3, 2015, the 114th Congress of the United States will convene for the new sessions which will run through January 3, 2017. The 2014 mid-term election was a seismic political shift in Washington D.C. power and the American people didn’t make broad changes in power for no reason.

Sometimes, gridlock is the best people can do when in no position to lead. However, American voters made certain that the Republican Party would emerge from the 2014 mid-terms in full control of both chambers of Congress, stripping all congressional support for the Obama Administration leaving the lamest administration in U.S. history in a lame-duck status.

Voters took no prisoners…. And Republicans cannot afford to take any prisoners either for the next two years. They were elected to reverse course in our nation, not to make peace with those across the aisle who have been running roughshod over them and the American people for the past six years.

Republicans were not elected to slow down the demise of a once great country. They were elected to stop the demise and destruction, reverse course 180 degrees and save America from the brink of extinction. They were elected to represent every American who is fed up with the runaway Federal Government. They were elected to turn the tide…

What do “the people” think?

The Associated Press ran broad-based exit-polling in the mid-terms in an effort to properly interpret voter sentiments behind the election results. Here’s what the people had to say…

  • 88% of Republicans believe that the country is headed in the WRONG direction under Democrat leadership. 46% of Democrat voters finally agreed. The country wants an overall change in direction, away from Global Marxism and towards secure national sovereignty.
  • 90% of Republicans believe that the nation’s economy is in BAD shape and that Federal economic policy is responsible. Over half of Democrat voters finally agreed. The country wants an end to the economic policies of bankruptcy.
  • Over 80% of Republicans believe that economic conditions will worsen on the past Democrat “social justice” welfare for all track. Over 1/3 of Democrats finally agreed.
  • 64% of Republicans believe that the next generations will have it worse and over 30% of Democrats finally agreed.
  • 80% of Republicans and 60% of Democrats are worried about the growing threat of terrorism on our soil under the Obama Administration.

What do “the people” want?

  • 81% of Republicans want an end to deficit spending. 52% of Democrats agreed.
  • 77% of Republicans want a change in foreign policy. 53% of Democrats agreed.
  • 73% of Republicans want NO AMNESTY of any kind and our immigration laws enforced. 52% of Democrats agreed.
  • 87% of Republicans and 67% Democrats want the U.S. to get tough on terrorism.
  • 88% of Republicans and 78% of Democrats want the Federal government to get out of the way of our free economy.
  • And almost every American wants members of congress to become accountable and hold others accountable for the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. – (Source)

What do “the people” NOT want?

  • 69% of Democrats think governmental environmental intervention is important. 31% of Democrats and 64% of Republicans disagree.
  • 70% of Democrats want governmental forced redistribution of private wealth. But 30% of Democrats and 58% of Republicans stand opposed.
  • 80% of Democrats want healthcare reform of some sort and 75% of Republicans agree, though they disagree on the federal government’s role in healthcare.
  • 47% of Democrats want abortion on demand and 33% of Democrats want gay marriage rights, a minority in both cases. Republicans stand opposed to both.

So, why did “the people” elect Republicans in 2014?

As if the election results themselves are not clear enough, news agencies worked to dig a little deeper in voter sentiments via exit polling that should leave no doubts in any reasonable mind.

All available information confirms the purpose of the shift in congressional power structure for the 114th Congress. A national about-face! After decades of abuses of power at the federal level, there are literally thousands of things that need to be done or undone in order to restore our republic and rule of constitutional law.

Despite a total rebuke of his policies, Obama remains committed to further destruction of our country, even if he has to go it alone via executive powers that do not even exist.

“The People’s” Priorities


Already, before amnesty… we have illegal aliens voting in our elections, taking our jobs, abusing access to our schools, our hospitals, and our social services. Recent reports state that 42% of all new Medicaid enrollees are “illegal immigrants.” – Health and Human Services Chief Sylvia Burwell called for extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants. My previous column, IMMIGRATION: THE LAW AND ASSIMILATION AT ISSUE lays out the history behind the current immigration disaster.

The new Republican majority must use its power to STOP OBAMA from illegal abuse of so-called executive power in the DNC effort to forever alter American social demographics by granting full citizenship rights to illegal invaders. Anything less is an act of complicity in treason.

The new Republican majority must walk away from any form of amnesty by any means and become the party of Constitutional Law. They must end all efforts for amnesty and begin to enforce all existing immigration laws, period.

Then, they must use the power of Impeachment to hold Obama and his Marxist Democrat comrades fully accountable for the laundry list of treasonous acts that has entirely defined their administration.


The past six years of the Obama administration have been built upon usurpation of office, abuse of power, fraud and multiple acts of treason. There is NO WAY for the American people or the Republican Party to turn this country around without removing a long list of bad actors from power and holding them fully criminally accountable for their treasonous acts against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, our men and women in uniform, our states and every legal American citizen.

North American Law Center has issued a very carefully crafted and vetted set of Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama and his evil cabal. The Articles correctly base impeachment upon the following;

ARTICLE 1 – Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud

ARTICLE 2 – Malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office

ARTICLE 3 – Aiding and Abetting known enemies of the United States

House Republicans know that the Obama administration must be impeached. They used the excuse that they did not control the Senate, in refusing to impeach before the 2014 elections. Now that Republicans will control both chambers of congress, they must use this rare opportunity in power to right the greatest wrongs of this century by impeaching the worst administration in U.S. history.

If they don’t, this will be the final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. The evidence against Obama is well beyond any reasonable doubts. The evidence that Republicans lack the decency, honor and courage to lead this nation will be complete, if they fail to hold Obama & Co. fully accountable for their acts against the United States of America.

This is NOT about policy differences…. This is about a criminal organization using the White House and the Senate to run roughshod over the American people and their states, to the demise and destruction of our Constitutional Republic. It must not be allowed to stand… people must be held accountable.

Before addressing a thousand little things that need to be corrected, the new Republican majority must accomplish these two critical steps in restoring the rule of constitutional law. There is no doubt that stopping amnesty and impeaching Obama is a tall order or that it will require extraordinary courage to do either, much less both. But both must be done, no matter the difficulty.

Old go along to get along Republicans like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell do not have the courage and decency required to lead this charge. They cannot be allowed to lead the new congress.

Extreme circumstances require extreme measures… and new leadership is required in order to carry out what must be done to save our Republic from an enemy operating within.

If the new Republican majority fails either test of honor, if they allow any form of amnesty and fail to enforce existing laws, if they fail to impeach the entire Obama regime for acts of treason against our nation, this will have signed their own death warrant as a viable political entity.

The people elected Republicans to congressional power to reverse everything that democrats have done to this country over the past six years, to restore the rule of constitutional law and to march this Republic back from the brink of extinction.

Republicans have just this one chance to be all that the American people need them to be. If they fail, the American people will seek other remedies outside of the political arena, to restore the rule of law and our Constitutional Republic.

I pray that the new Republican majority is wise enough to understand the very dangerous position they are in today. I pray that they will be wise enough to summon the courage it will take to turn this great country around, while they have an opportunity to do so peacefully.

They must deal with millions of illegal invaders and they must deal with those in the federal government who have worked to destroy our country from within. If they fail, they will soon wish that they had lost every election in 2014… for they will be held accountable by the people who elected them.

To Republicans I say… Save our Constitution and our Republic, or be gone! There is no room for any negotiations now.

2014 Election: Blacks, Hispanics, Young and Women Still Reliably Liberal

The best predictor of future voting patterns is past voting patterns, to use a twist on a famous maxim. This is probably even truer of groups than individuals, and, despite some wishful thinking to the contrary, this election cycle was no exception. As to this, Silvio Canto at American Thinker recently asked “What Happened to ‘Demographics’?” in a piece in which he says that “people of color…don’t automatically vote Democrat.” Perhaps this means they manually vote Democrat, but, whatever the case, this person “of no color” is here to tell you three things:

  1. They are voting Democrat.
  2. They will continue voting for liberals.
  3. This is also true of women and the young.

Let’s now analyze the numbers. Please examine the chart below from Pew Research.

pew chart mid term

For a larger view click on the chart.

The black vote has been quite consistent through all three election cycles. The 2014 Hispanic vote did swing six points in the Republican direction from 2012, but the GOP actually did slightly better in 2010. Now let’s examine the rest of the Democrat phalanx.

Below is a chart from a Pew Research article titled “As GOP celebrates win, no sign of narrowing gender, age gaps.”

pew mid term

For a larger view click on the chart.

As you can see, Republicans actually did better among women in 2010 than this year, while the numbers among the youngest demographic remained virtually unchanged.

So what really accounted for this month’s GOP wave election? For sure, the widespread sense that our country is declining and the unpopularity of Barack Obama caused that sliver of the electorate known as swing voters (a.k.a. confused), governed by emotion as much as anyone, to feel the Republicans were a better choice.

The rest was turnout. Being generally lower in midterm elections, which minimizes the idiot vote — and with Obama ennui further depressing Democrat-constituency turnout (which, uh, minimizes the idiot vote) — the electorate was older and whiter this time around. The age-group turnout reflected 2010. And relative to 2012, the share of the electorate represented by voters:

  • 65-plus increased 6 points.
  • 45-64 increased 5 points.
  • 30-44 decreased 5 points.
  • 18-29 decreased 6 points.

In general, voters over 60 constituted 37 percent of the turnout; those under 30 just 12 percent.

I should also mention that, true to form, Republicans received approximately 90 percent of their votes from whites.

Some may now point out that the GOP did better among non-whites in certain places and races; an example is that Texas governor-elect Greg Abbott won 40 percent of the Hispanic vote. Yet it’s also true that Democrat senatorial candidates in Oregon, Mississippi and Minnesota improved their standing among whites. These are outlier races, and focusing on them can prevent one from seeing the forest for the trees.

And the forest is this: 2014 did see the election of more GOP candidates who are younger, female and non-white. But same as usual, they were elected by those “old white guys.”

The problem with much election analysis is that pundits are overly impressed with what invariably prove to be transitory swings toward one party or the other. But it’s not how people vote that determines a civilization’s destiny — it’s what makes them vote how they vote that does. In 2008 and 2012, for instance, the problem was not that the majority of the electorate voted for Obama.

It was that they were the kind of people who could vote for an Obama.

Better leadership is only born of fundamental change in the electorate. And what is such a thing? When we hear a political conversion story — such as that concerning writer and editor Adam Bellow, the late Ron Silver or anyone we know with the brains to transition from being a liberal at 20 to a conservative at 30 — does the person say, “You know, I walked into that there voting booth and my hand, my hand…it…it, it was like an alien was controlling my body! It just pulled that GOP lever like it had a mind of its own. Now, ’scuse me, pal, I need to go renew my ACLU membership”? Nor does the person say, “I just woke up one day and realized how much more attractive the R is than the D. The D just looks sorta’, you know, obese. This repulses my vegan self, and that’s why I support Michelle Obama right down the line.”

A real conversion is one of heart and mind. The person has had a flash of insight, an epiphany, and he actually changes at least some of his beliefs.

That’s where the rubber hits the road. Civilizations rise and fall, prosper or perish, due to ideas that come to imbue people’s emotional realm and then shape their words and actions.  This means that to secure tomorrow, you must win their hearts and minds for Truth.

And what can we say about the Democrat constituencies in question here? It’s not just that their voting habits haven’t changed. It’s that:

  • Blacks and Hispanics haven’t given up their affinity for big government and redistributionist appeals.
  • Millennials haven’t given up their love affair with the homosexual agenda and, more generally speaking, their adherence to what G.K. Chesterton called “the next great heresy”: the attack on morality in general and, in particular, sexual morality.
  • Women haven’t given up their loyalty to feminism and relative propensity for sacrificing liberty for security, which draws them toward demagogues spouting specious wage-gap, safety-net and equality rhetoric.

By the way, you don’t have to write me saying indignantly that you’re a woman, a young person or a minority and you don’t embrace the above. I know you’re out there. But just as individuals have characteristic qualities, so do groups. And my above characterizations are, lamentably, spot-on.

In other words, this election was not a repudiation of liberalism. It was a reaction to the status quo, which people tend to associate with the president.

Of course, the fantasy that this election means something more is understandable. People want to relish the victory, enjoy the champagne, without a party pooper raining on their parade. Republicans also see the demographic writing on the wall. With the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 ensuring that 85 percent of our immigrants hail from the Third World and Asia — and with even conservatives taking this importation of socialist-leaning peoples as a given — they, echoing the X-Files, say “I want to believe.” So they enthusiastically say that Hispanics are natural-born conservatives.

Left unexplained is why these natural-born conservatives vote for socialist-oriented candidates in every Hispanic nation on Earth (the “conservatives” in such countries would occupy our political left).

We also hear about how Republicans just need to “reach out” to the black community.

Left unexplained is how this is going to work when, reflecting a wider phenomenon, a robustly conservative black man such as Tea Party stalwart Lloyd Marcus cannot even convince his own father to embrace the GOP.

It’s also said, as Forbes contributor Sabrina Schaeffer put it, Republicans need “to rebuild a coalition of women who understand and value limited government.” Since a group of such women already exists, we can assume she means a majority of them. However….

Left unexplained is how you can “rebuild” something that never existed. Women vote for big government all over the Western world. And as research scientist John Lott outlines here, statism’s birth in the US directly coincides with women’s suffrage, and the growth of both the female vote and big government perfectly correspond with each other. This is at least partially because, as explained here, women are the Security Sex.

We lastly hear that the young will come around when they graduate from college and find no jobs waiting.

Left unexplained is how this one hardship will change hearts marinated in leftism from birth via the schools, media and entertainment arena. Note that Lincoln pointed out, “The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.” Also note that people in Weimar Germany and Tsar Nicholas II’s Russia had it far worse economically. They reacted by empowering Hitler and Lenin.

Speaking of demagogues, we can talk about “outreach,” framing our message and finding appealing candidates all we want. But if women, non-whites and the young are still voting for de-facto socialists after six years of the train wreck that is our first lazy, low-info, anti-American, affirmative-action, crypto-fascist president, it should be clear that our problems extend far beyond the political.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

Democratic Party: America’s Resident Evil

A New York Times article exposed that the Democrats are expecting to have their clocks cleaned in the election in a week or so. Democrats believe that their only hope is to get out the black vote. How do they plan to achieve this? Of course, with their tried and true tactic of race baiting.

In other words, the Democrats and their MSM operatives have launched an all hands on deck deplorable effort to convince black Americans that white Americans are out to suppress and even murder them. Democrats pray that hordes of enraged blacks will forget about how they have suffered under Obama and flock to the polls to vote for Democrats.

In my opinion as a Christian, the Democrats’ hate-whitey-get-out-the-black-vote scheme is a satanic plot conceived by deviant minds. Folks, words can not express my visceral disdain for such shameful politicking. Any media personality or outlet that signs on to the Democrats’ unconscionable plan should be shunned, unworthy of your respect or time.

Admittedly, it appears that I am constantly writing about the Democrats’ attempts to sic black America on white America, especially at election time. Folks, it is because I find the Democrats’ behavior so reprehensibly evil, all the while claiming the moral high ground of possessing superior levels of tolerance and compassion. Borrowing an expression from the kids, “Gag me!”

Equally revolting is the mainstream media’s complicit behavior, assisting the Democrats in their spreading of filth.

So, here is their game plan. Ferguson is ground zero for the Democrats’ Operation Hate Whitey get out the black vote campaign.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, new evidence reveals that Michael Brown did not have his hands up in an attempt to surrender as relentlessly promoted by the Left. Brown’s blood was found inside Officer Wilson’s police car, confirming that Brown did attack the police officer.

Now folks, here is what is so insidiously evil about what the Democrats are doing. The truth and facts do not matter to the Democrats. They are still fully committed to selling the lie to black America that Michael Brown was an innocent “gentle giant” black youth murdered by a white racist police officer. To get deceived black voters to the polls, a Democrat flier (below) states, “If you want to prevent another Ferguson…” Totally disgusting.

democrat flyer

Democratic Party flyer. For a larger view click on the image.

Ponder that for a moment folks. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. along with other heroes, black and white, fought, suffered and died to bring us together as a nation via mutual respect and equal opportunity. And, what are these deplorable scumbags in the Democratic Party doing? They are ripping us apart to win elections.

All that these divisive evil demons disguised as Democrat politicians and their MSM sycophantic minions only care about is infecting blacks with a victim mindset, which keeps blacks dependent on government, which keeps Democrats fat and happy with power.

I flew to Washington DC the other day for a national press conference launching “Restore the Dream 2014”. I was honored to be included in a coalition of black conservative leaders that will reach-out, touring the black community. We will be sharing the good news of Conservatism to those who have been deceived by Democrats and suffering under Liberalism for decades.

Leading the charge is Niger Innis, the son of civil rights icon Roy Innis and Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Our coalition includes Star Parker and others. A great team!

And guess who also attended our press conference at the MLK Memorial to let the world know that they have our backs? The answer is and Tea Party Express. But, how can that be? Haven’t you been told that the Tea Party movement is all about white racist redneck’s disdain for a black president, their ranks filled with hate-filled extremists who want to see blacks hung from trees? Yet, another politically calculated hideous lie perpetrated by Democrats and their collaborators in the mainstream media.

I am not exaggerating folks. A member of the Congressional Black Caucus actually said that the TEA Party wants to see blacks hanging from a tree. Folks, how much longer will we tolerance these vile disgusting people ginning up, promoting and propagating racial hate? I am soooo sick of the we-must-give-them-a-pass-because-they-are-black crap. Enough, my fellow Americans, enough!

So yes, I have signed on to the “Restore the Dream” tour which will continue at least through the 2016 election.

Somebody needs to push back against the evil lowlife filth that is spewing out of the Democratic Party.

Lloyd Marcus Restore the Dream 2014

Lloyd Marcus (left) Restore the Dream 2014.

Folks, my dream is to see my fellow black Americans standing tall, filled with the dignity and pride which comes only via personal achievement. I want to see blacks proud to be Americans, acknowledging the truth that they are extremely blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. I want to see black’s and white’s natural instincts to get along grow freely, unimpeded by Democratic Party hate mongering.

And for this, myself, along with other black conservatives are despised, hated and called traitors to our race.

But that is okay. We are strong, armed with the shield of faith, motivated by love and prepared by God for such a time as this.

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Restore the Dream click here. View National Press Conference:

2014 Mid-Term Election: A Really Great First Step

The American people have spoken. But will elected officials, particularly Republicans place the desires of the American people above political correctness or the open borders crowd? Once again and probably for the last time, congratulations to the Republicans who won an historic election victory and swept away Democrat party control of the Senate. It was great to see Republicans win gubernatorial races in Massachusetts, Maryland and even Illinois. Democrats lost their grip on the legislative branches in Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, Maine, West Virginia and New Hampshire. Republicans now control more state legislatures than they have at any point since the 1920s.

Republicans now have a larger House majority than they have had since 1928. For the first time in over six years a measured sense of optimism has resurfaced after Obama’s gloomy version of hope and change has wreaked much havoc throughout America. Before the first election of President Obama, I had predicted that his administration would be the political slap across the face of America that would awaken many of my fellow countrymen out of their political stupor. In other words, I believed that many great Americans would grow tired of the president’s leftist Marxist agenda that has been transforming our nation into a weakened shadow of her former self. Finally, many sovereign citizens utilized the ballot box to say enough is enough!

So now, despite the legions of negative nellies who proudly said that Republicans would never regain prominence, because they felt George W. Bush was such a horrible president, Republicans have regained a political stronghold. But, the question is, will the beltway statesmen and women listen and ride this momentum correctly? “We the people” or at least many of us will not settle for politicians creating magnets for illegal immigrants. We are tired of preferential treatment for defiant border crossers, deportation fugitives and visa over steppers. We still want approval of the Key Stone Pipeline. Also the transfer of vast areas of land under federal control to the private sector.

America’s corporate tax rate is the highest on earth and must be significantly reduced or done away with altogether. If not, the corporate headquarter march out of America will continue. Our military has been purposefully demoralized by the Obama regime. But now there is a chance to at least stop the president’s mission of hollowing out our armed forces and avoid being placed in mortal danger. After all, Russia, China and numerous Muslim nations are arming to the teeth and are now beginning to be a major thorn in the side our nation. In the world as it stands now, the only way for the United States to have a chance of peace is through strength, not weakness.

Hopefully, there are now enough conservative Republicans in the legislative branch who will make sure that House Speaker Boehner won’t be allowed to go along with Obama’s plan to grant amnesty to the 34 million illegal immigrants trespassing upon our great nation. Speaker Boehner has vowed to repeal Obama care. Is that an empty promise, or will he follow through? There is now a bipartisan majority in both the House and the Senate for repealing the medical device tax. The individual mandate portions of the Affordable Care Act should be done away with great haste.

For the long term good of America, Republicans must agitate for the abolishment of all international agreements and entanglements that undermine the stability of the United States. So, the big question remains to be answered. Will the Republicans put the desires of the American people above political correctness, the open borders crowd, the gun grabbers, etc. etc.? Only time will reveal the true motives of the Republican majority.

May “We The People” also remember to pray that providential guidance will be sought to help our elected officials lead America back to her rightful place of greatness as one nation under God.

November surprise: Blacks giving GOP another look?


That one word sums up my reaction to the midterm election results. This was a total repudiation of the Obama administration, along with the national Democratic Party.

Not only did Republicans take control of the U.S. Senate, they also expanded their margins in the U.S. House of Representatives and among governors.

As usual, most of the post-election analysis has been woefully short of any substance. Yes, Republicans taking over the Senate is major, and yes, increasing numbers in the House and among Republican governors was impressive; but the real story was where we won.

Democrats have been stuttering all over the place trying to explain how Democrats lost governors’ races in Massachusetts and Maryland. These are two of the bluest states in the country. The preliminary exit polls give some insight as to how this happened.

These are two of the most highly taxed states in the country. Their governors took great pride in taxing businesses and the wealthy — and then wondered why these businesses and wealthy individuals moved from their states.

With this mandate, Republicans must now prove to the American people that they can govern. I would strongly suggest that they pass a few non-controversial bills that have bipartisan support in both chambers.

They could start with repealing the medical device tax on medical equipment that was part of Obamacare; approve the XL Pipeline; and pass a bill that would lower taxes on corporations who repatriate their overseas money back to the U.S. It is estimated that corporations have over $2 trillion sitting offshore because of the high taxes they would have to pay to bring the money into the U.S.

This doesn’t mean that Republicans should be hesitant to stand up to President Obama when he is pushing policies that are in conflict with our beliefs. So, if and when he attempts to unilaterally give amnesty to those in the country illegally, I hope our side has the spine to block it.

Another opportunity for the Republican Party that no one is talking about is the black vote. They are furious with Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party. Blacks are begging the Republicans to give them a reason to vote Republican. One report estimated that 30 percent of blacks in Maryland voted for the Republican candidate!

It’s not the GOP’s platform that’s the issue; it’s the tone and the optics. Republicans need to get rid of the hyperbolic language coming out of the party, especially when referring to Mr. Obama.

When blacks look at the Republican Party, they see very few people who look like them. So either Republicans are colorblind or just blind to people of color.

House and Senate leadership should make a concerted effort to begin to engage with the black community at the highest levels. For example, I strongly advise that:

  • new members hire blacks to be on their staffs;
  • leadership make a point to invite blacks to testify at committee hearings;
  • the House and Senate campaign committees hire blacks on staff.

Blacks in Maryland have proven that they are no fans of high taxes and voted for a white Republican running against a black Democrat! How many times has that ever happened? This is the political story of the year. Blacks in Maryland voted against the black Democratic candidate because it was in their own best interest to do so. This is a tectonic shift in Maryland politics.

Larry Hogan, the incoming governor of Maryland, also had a black running mate, Boyd Rutherford, who is now the incoming lieutenant governor of Maryland. Former RNC chairman Michael Steele, you may recall, was the first black statewide elected official in Maryland’s history when he served as lieutenant governor under Bob Ehrlich. Isn’t it ironic? The Republican Party is constantly breaking racial barriers, but they get no credit for it. Nor does the party know how to leverage these historic accomplishments.

With Republicans now controlling Congress, I am optimistic that they will propose legislation to deal with the high unemployment rate within the black community, propose legislation that advances school choice and vouchers and have hearings on how to create a better business climate for small and minority businesses.

Mr. Obama has been derelict on these issues, and the Republicans thus have a great opportunity to use their majority to help solve some of the issues that blacks are extremely concerned about. This is good for blacks, good for Republicans and good for America.

Republicans Can Make Headway with Blacks

Last week’s midterm elections were historic. Republicans regained control of the U.S. Senate, increased their majority in the House, and expanded their majority among governors. While these gains were historic and impressive, there was a bigger story that no one is talking about.

According to early polling figures, Black participation in this year’s midterm was 12 percent, down slightly from 13 percent in 2010. Eighty-nine percent of Blacks voted for Democratic congressional candidates and 10 percent voted for Republicans. This year’s figures match the 2010 midterm figures for Democrats and represents a slight increase in support for Republicans, up from 9 percent in 2010 to 10 percent in 2014.

In Illinois, incoming Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner received 6 percent of the Black vote. He actively courted the Black vote, but did it the wrong way. For example, how many people in Illinois know that Rauner has endowed a full professor’s chair at historically Black Morehouse College in Atlanta? There was no reason why he should not have earned upwards of 25 percent of the Black vote with his history in the Black community. But, as with many White Republicans, his White consultants and staff thought they knew more about the Black community than Blacks.

The exit polls further noted that 11 percent of Black millennials, 12 percent of Gen Xers, and 7 percent of those ages 45-64 voted Republican. The RNC, under the leadership of Reince Priebus, is the only Republican entity that “gets it” when it comes to the Black vote. The House and Senate campaign committees and the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) are still living in the dark ages when it comes to the Black community.

I know Republicans are still in love with this idiotic notion of being “colorblind,” but if they can’t look around at their staffs and realize that they are surrounded by Whites, then they have a real problem. Either they are truly colorblind or just blind to people of color.

So while last week’s national elections were historic for Republicans, they were not transformative. However, what happened in Ohio was not only transformative, but it was also a tectonic shift in the political landscape of America.

Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich received 26 percent of the Black vote. He was endorsed by the Call & Post, Ohio’s leading Black newspaper. In their editorial of endorsement, they listed two specific examples of how Kasich addressed issues of concern to the Black community. Kasich expanded Medicaid coverage to low-income Ohioans and supported set-asides for minority contractors on the Opportunity Corridor construction project in Cleveland.

According to the newspaper, “Opportunities like the Opportunity Corridor usually means ‘inopportunity’ for us [the Black community]…Of the $267 million in construction contracts on the Corridor, Kasich set aside a staggering 20 percent for minority-owned and disadvantaged firms. That’s about $22.7 million dollars ‘specifically’ for Black-owned businesses, not to mention an additional half a million dollars thrown in for job training of area residents. And even this came with some maneuvering from him on our behalf with the federal government and Turnpike Board.”

Contrast that with Obama’s record of issuing fewer Small Business Administration (SBA) loans to Blacks than George W. Bush.

Ohio’s is home to the political story of the year.

So, to the House and Senate campaign committees and the RGA, now we have empirical data that shows Blacks will vote Republican if given a reason. But when GOP candidate continue to make racist insults or, in the case of Illinois governor-elect Bruce Rauner, fail to mention things they’ve done that will resonate with African Americans, the GOP will not attract Black voters who are disgruntled with the Democratic Party and looking for an alternative.

Obviously, left to their own devices, GOP candidates can’t do this on their own. That’s why they need to look beyond the White male consultant who offer bad advice on how to reach the Black community. I ask my Republican friends: When will you begin to hire Black consultants to cultivate this fertile movement in the Black community? When will you hire Blacks who are not ashamed of their Blackness for staff positions? When will you spend money with Black media buyers?

Republicans hire more Black Democrats to work their campaigns than they do Black Republicans. Years ago, I committed to never voting for or working with any Republican that didn’t have any Blacks on their staffs or as consultants; and I have made good on that commitment.

Republicans should make a public commitment to broaden their base to truly look like America. If Republicans transformed the way they interact with the Black community, especially by using Black Republicans and Black political operatives, that indeed would be both historic and transformational.

How should the GOP position themselves for 2016?

Peter Feaman Republican Party of Florida National Committeeman gives an overview of 2014 mid-term election. Feaman gives his views on the direction the GOP should take in Washington, D.C. and how they should position themselves for the 2016 elections.