“PreCog Audience” – Software that is poised to hand control of the U.S. Senate to Republicans

ARLINGTON, Va., PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The data and analytics firm Evolving Strategies, in concert with the largest campaign technology firm in the world, Aristotle, have developed a new technology – the “PreCog Audience” – that is poised to hand control of the Senate to Republicans.

The PreCog Audience (PcA) consists of the voters in the “Big 4” Senate states that should be targeted because these voters will be persuaded by a specific message – and that will change their vote. The PcA includes each and every one of the more than 13 million voters in ColoradoIowaLouisiana, and North Carolina that have been determined — right now, in advance — who will be persuaded.

“Is it a crystal ball? It’s as close as we can get,” said Adam Schaeffer, Director of Research at Evolving Strategies. “Is it a game-changing weapon for the Right this election season.”

“We are making available to Republican campaigns an exclusive product that no one else is offering. It has the potential to push Republican candidates to victory in the final weeks of this election cycle because you can now be certain your efforts are hitting the right voters with the right message. It’s political precognition.”

“Evolving Strategies now has access to our 190+ million records, including 4,000 election boards, county clerks and voter registrars, as well as party affiliation, race, exact age, vote history and school board districts,” said Aristotle CEO John Aristotle Phillips. “This is very powerful information, and we are honored to be working with such an innovative company.”

Background on PreCog Audience:

The team of PhDs and data scientists at Evolving Strategies utilized bleeding-edge, proprietary machine-learning techniques to analyze data from over 600,000 voters across the Big 4 Senate states involved in the largest known experiment in the history of political campaigning on the Right — ultimately predicting how a message will shift an individual voter’s support before it’s been delivered.

The PreCog Audience is the easy-to-use product resulting from this complicated work – an audience composed of all the individual voters needed to win an election.

Evolving Strategies will only offer access to the PreCog Audience to political operatives and organizations on the Right.

Evolving Strategies is now taking a limited number of pre-orders for the PreCog Audience. In addition to direct sales through Evolving Strategies, Aristotle, with more than 2,000 political clients throughout the world, will offer these audience lists through their platform as a super-premium item, exclusively to conservative operatives and organizations.

Evolving Strategies is a data and analytics firm dedicated to understanding human behavior through the creative application of randomized-controlled experiments.

VIDEO: Florida Women talk about the ‘War on Women’

Women from central Florida have produced a new video titled “War on Women.” They cover issues of real importance to women and expose those who are really producing policies that harm women and their families.

The war was started by Charlie Crist, and women reply to his “War on Women.”

Please watch this compelling video:

Video courtesy of the Villages TEA Party.

Anything Peaceful: What is libertarianism all about? by Max Borders

When an idea becomes popular, those who fear it will try to redefine it. These redefinitions can be cruel or simply wrong — often by design.

Those for whom the ends justify the means are not interested in being charitable about your position or in trying to pass any “ideological Turing test.” So it’s incumbent upon libertarians to set the record straight at every turn. In doing so, it’s important not to misfire the elevator pitch. If you’ve only got a minute or two, how do you talk about what it means to be a libertarian?

I can think of no better way to sum up a worldview than Leonard Read did with the title of his 1964 book Anything That’s Peaceful. We at FEE have taken to saying “Anything Peaceful” for greater concision, but the idea is simple: “Let anyone do anything he pleases,” Read said, “so long as it is peaceful.”

For most libertarians, ethics, law, and economic thinking more or less originate in this single imperative.Academic philosophers might have a field day with this formulation. Let them go about their critiques, counting angels on pinheads while the rest of us widen and deepen our movement.  We might have walked many different paths to get here, but for any number of reasons, we have made this our prime value. And for my money it’s the easiest and best way to talk about our philosophy between the lobby and the 10th floor.

Now, if you’re new to libertarianism, you might be curious about why we are so focused on Anything Peaceful. Here’s a tidy top 10 list that sums up in more detail how libertarians think about things:

  1. Free, peaceful people are seeking out and striving for their particular form of happiness.
  2. Free, peaceful people tend to flourish in a condition of peace and freedom.
  3. Free, peaceful people will pursue a billion experiments, any of which could improve human well-being.
  4. Free, peaceful people come together voluntarily to build communities.
  5. Free, peaceful people are enormously creative — and gravitate to excellence.
  6. Free, peaceful people do not harm others, take others’ property, or pollute the environment.
  7. Free, peaceful people share and help others without coercion.
  8. Free, peaceful people reasonably question authority.
  9. Free, peaceful people don’t use others as ends to engineer society, redistribute wealth, or build utopias
  10. Free, peaceful people tend to be more tolerant, respectful, and even loving.

Elsewhere I’ve discussed the idea of different moral languages that get us to the goal of peace and freedom.

Anything Peaceful unpacks an idea in another phrase, the so-called “nonaggression axiom.” (I’ll pass over pointless quibbles about using any less verbose form.) Despite the conceptual similarity among these terms, I’d suggest libertarians drop negative formulations in favor of Read’s.

You see, even if we’re looking at the same picture, any gestalt can highlight negative and positive aspects. We libertarians who care about expanding our movement and making it more influential should urge others to adopt the positive form. Anything Peaceful is beautiful and ennobling. It captures what’s aspirational about freedom while celebrating the conditions that give rise to flourishing.

Is the Anything Peaceful philosophy for you? That’s between you and your conscience. But one might ask: Are the other values you hold dear competing or complementary? If you embrace the ideas of peace and cooperation, you might be ready to call yourself a libertarian. Anything Peaceful may appear to be just a slogan. But it is much deeper. It is an outlook.

As libertarians, we know that in a condition of freedom, virtually anything is possible. Despite accepting the truth that society is not ours to design or control, we take inspiration from appreciating that wonderful things sprout, align, and accrete like the multicolored flora and fauna of a coral reef. The unpredictability of free people working together to make life better is not, for us, something to be feared, but rather celebrated.

Those who embrace the Anything Peaceful philosophy will betray a mien of limitless potential. You can see it in our eyes, because we have left the acrimony of politics and power behind in favor of solving problems, forming communities, and creating experiences for others.

And while we occasionally rail against the State — with its monopoly on the initiation of force — that railing does not define us. The desire for Anything Peaceful does. Because where there’s freedom, there’s a sacred fire, vaguely Promethean, which impels us to create, to improve, and to leave for future generations traces of a human community that realized its potential. At least for a while.


Max Borders is the editor of The Freeman and director of content for FEE. He is also co-founder of the event experience Voice & Exit and author of Superwealth: Why we should stop worrying about the gap between rich and poor.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of FEE and Shutterstock.

VIDEO: On Borders, Ebola and Illegal Immigration

PASCO, Wash.,/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Clint Didier, former NFL football player, businessman and candidate for Congress in Washington’s 4th District, released a video regarding the borders, Ebola and illegal immigration:


“Swine Flu, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Tuberculosis, Enterovirus D68. None of these horrible diseases and maladies belong in America. They are here, in large part, because our federal government has refused to put the safety of the American people first and secure our borders.

“National Security is supposed to be the #1 job of our federal government, but the bureaucrats inWashington, D.C. are failing us miserably. Millions of dollars have been spent to create an illusion that our borders are secure. Yet in reality, hundreds of illegals have already crossed our porous borders from a multitude of countries including many associated with Jihad and terrorism; and South American drug cartels operate along our southern border with seeming impunity, recruiting young illegals to join and carry out the unspeakably violent activities of the transnational gangs (such as the notorious Mara Salvatrucha – MS-13) on American soil.

“This must end now!

“When Phoenix is the number two city in the world for kidnapping and drug cartels intimidate and violate every law of civility with little or no response from our federal government, you know something is terribly wrong.

“We are a nation of immigrants. The debate and problems we have today are not about legal immigration, but illegal immigration! This debate is also a matter of national security.

“We must secure our borders first and foremost – before any other discussions!

Ronald Reagan said that a nation which cannot control its borders is not a nation. I want to protect the American people from disease, illegal drugs and terrorism.

“I’m Clint Didier, I’m running for Congress, and it is my solemn vow to put the interests and SAFETY of the American people before ANY political interest.”

Adrian Wyllie’s Libertarian Dream to Be the Next Ross Perot!

A Vote for Adrian Wyllie = a Vote for Obama Big Government & Charlie Crist!

Adrian Wyllie, third party candidate for governor of Florida claimed in a Naples News article that he’s fighting against “a growing totalitarian state in Florida.” This is a bizarre accusation directed towards our current free market governor, and national republican governors, who have proven 10th amendment track-records against big government and overreaching authority.

Adrian Wyllie must be spending too much time campaigning in beer halls, as he’s overlooked Florida’s impressive turnaround. The first thing Governor Scott did was unpopular when he cut the budget, then he followed by eliminating thousands of confiscatory regulations. Scott was then able to be generous with his “It’s Your Tax Money $77 Billion Budget.” Thanks to Governor Scott’s command of finance, hard-work and policies of pro-growth, pro-business and pro-taxpayer, he’s able to enrich Floridians! Hardly a totalitarian state!

Adrian Wyllie’s quest for a third-party Ross Perot-play will accomplish what he loves to hate … the return of big government. Wyllie, along with the liberal press, repetitively refers to Governor Scott as “unpopular.” This technique is used by the Left to destroy successful opposition and leave voters dissatisfied about voting. After all, Dr. Joseph Goebbels used this strategy effectively: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Wyllie sounds like a nice guy with Utopian dreams but he won’t be too popular when All Aboard Florida trains roll into town at 110 miles per hour, followed by the national European-style rail boondoggle, full-blown Obamacare with Death Panels and the full force of Common Core standards to “dumb down our kids.”

The Naples News article by William March reveals some insight into Adrian Wyllie as a candidate and, frankly, reveals a sophomoric agenda to contest designer beer regulations – even when that legislation did not pass! Wyllie brags about “being arrested for driving without a license” sounds juvenile compared to the creeping threat of ISIS, Ebola and out-of-control immigration.

Joe Negron, R-Stuart, who directed a Senate review of all spending during the past year was shocked by Wyllie’s draconian budget cuts of 30%: “The idea that we can slash one-third of the state budget is fanciful and would decimate public schools.” Insolvency is not a remedy for Wyllie’s so-called freedom platform to: “abolish environmental regulations, marriage licenses and eliminate property taxes, fully legalize pot and convert Florida to the gold standard.”

There is no honor throwing Florida’s fate back into the hands of the Obama-backed Charlie Crist failures as federal spending rushes by the second towards $18 trillion! While Wyllie admits he’s on bankruptcy-watch, Governor Scott’s checkbook savvy has turned Florida around with Republican principles. If Adrian Wyllie cares about Florida, he should drop out of the race to support the continued successes of the past four years!

Yet Wyllie’s self-promoting disregard for the facts gives an un-serious air to his contest and, as he told students at St. Petersburg College, he doesn’t want to be governor anyway. Why in the heck is he running?

The math is clear… potentially a three-way race could attract votes for both small government parties to split the vote in favor of the failed ex-governor Charlie Crist as a ticket to the Obama/Crist Big Government Spending Spree!

Be informed about Governor Scott’s successful agenda as “he’s working!” Sign up for his newsletter: http://www.RickScottforFlorida.com.

The Carson question: To run or not to run?

With all the speculation swirling around whether Ben Carson will run for president next year, many people have called me or stopped me on the street to seek my opinion. So, I decided to put on my “political” hat and give my analysis of his possible candidacy.

Dr. Carson is a 63-year-old native of Detroit, an accomplished author and a retired, trailblazing neurosurgeon. On Sept. 6, 1987, Dr. Carson made history when he became the first surgeon in medical history to successfully separate conjoined twins. He led a team of surgeons during a 22-hour procedure on Patrick and Benjamin Binder, eight-month old twins from Ulm, West Germany. Dr. Carson and his team spent months evaluating the twins before agreeing to undertake the very risky surgery — and many more months planning the execution of the procedure once they’d decided.

As a political operative with many decades of campaign experience, I am alarmed at the number of candidates who seek elective office with little thought or planning. They seem to get intoxicated with people whispering “sweet nothings” into their ear about how great a candidate they would be and how they would be a great senator, congressman, etc.

So I would strongly caution Dr. Carson: Tread carefully before deciding to run for president. Most of the people who are telling you to run will refuse to give you money if and when you throw your hat into the ring. They will come up with all types of excuses as to why they are financially unable to give you a contribution, despite all the months of exhorting you to run. Remember, “When all is said and done, there’s more said than done.”

Dr. Carson burst upon the political scene last year at the National Prayer Breakfast, where he made a speech criticizing President Obama’s health plan, with Mr. Obama seated nearby on the same dais from which Dr. Carson spoke. Many conservatives and whites cheered; many liberals and blacks jeered. All of a sudden, Dr. Carson became the “flavor of the month” for conservatives and Fox News. I would strongly remind Ben that this is short-lived, as Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal is now the new flavor of the month. He, too, will soon be cast aside in turn.

Remember Luke 6:26: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! For so did their fathers to the false prophets.” Remember, too, that Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem on a donkey to shouts of “Hosanna, Hosanna to the King” — and the very next day these same people shouted, “Crucify him.”

I would hope that Dr. Carson has both blacks and white folks advising him in his deliberations. I am thoroughly embarrassed that most black Republicans and conservatives rarely, if ever, have any “real” blacks around them. They rarely, if ever, have blacks in any positions of authority or power. Let me emphasize that I am not just talking about having blacks who are personal friends; I am referring to blacks who are actually political operatives.

I would warn Dr. Carson: Don’t be another Herman Cain or Sarah Palin. They were both very talented people, but they refused to study the issues deeply enough to be taken seriously as candidates. Talking in “bumper sticker” sound bites does not make you a viable candidate.

When I sign a new client who is a professional athlete, an entertainer or a politician, I help him do what I call a “forensic assessment” of his life to supply me the basis for the strategic plan I then put together on his behalf. Here are a few questions that Dr. Carson should consider before deciding whether to run or not:

In one sentence, why do you want to be president of the U.S.?

What unique skills do you possess that would make you a good president?

What encounters with law enforcement have you ever had in your life?

What encounters with law enforcement have you ever had in your life?

Are there any legally, morally or ethically disqualifying things in your past that the public is unaware of? (Herman Cain should have never run for president with all the issues with women in his past. He allowed his ego to cloud his judgment.)

Finally, what are the top three issues that you will base your campaign on?

In Dr. Carson’s case, I would add a second phase to this assessment. I would strongly encourage Dr. Carson to make his own argument against running for president. In other words, play devil’s advocate with himself. If he can withstand this exercise, then and only then would I encourage him to move forward.

As with a complicated surgery, it takes months of planning just to make a decision to mount a campaign for the presidency; and just as much time to plan the execution of it.

Dr. Carson must begin to lay out his vision for America in very specific details. He will have to convince America that he is not just another Obama — a great life story, a good speaker, but no relevant experience. America doesn’t need another great speech. We need a great vision and someone who can execute it.

Winston Churchill once said: “To every man, there comes a time when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a great and mighty work; unique to him and fitted to his talents; what a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the moment that could be his finest hour.”

Winston Churchill once said: “To every man, there comes a time when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a great and mighty work; unique to him and fitted to his talents; what a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the moment that could be his finest hour.”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of LifeNews.com.

Sarasota School Board Candidate Ken Marsh gets a little help from his union friends


Patricia “Pat” Gardner, President SC/TA.

PUBLISHERS NOTE: I, Dr. Rich Swier, regret having used the term “illegal” in this and any other article to describe actions by Ms. Pat Gardner and the SC/TA.

Democrat Ken Marsh is in a run off for the Sarasota County School Board in District 1. Marsh has been endorsed by the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association (SC/TA). An investigation has revealed that two officers of the SCTA have been using their official school board email accounts to promote Marsh, denigrate a sitting school board member, promote Charlie Crist for governor and take positions on a variety of political ballot measures. These two individuals are SC/TA President Patricia “Pat” Gardner and SC/TA Treasurer Kevyn Fitzgerald. For example an email from Pat Gardner reads:

—–Original Message—–

From: Gardner Pat

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:37 PM

Subject: List of Contributors to Bridget Ziegler

Please forward:

Bridget Ziegler will be in a run off election for the District 1 School Board seat with Ken Marsh in November.

SCTA endorsed Ken Marsh. Bridget Ziegler will not say if she voted for or against the referendum because she voted against it. Attached is a list of contributors to her campaign. This information came right from the Sarasota Supervisor of Elections web site.


>Please be aware that all e-mail to and from Sarasota County Schools is subject to the public records laws of Florida.


Kevyn Fitzgerald, SC/TA Treasurer, teacher Riverview High School.

Kevyn Fitzgerald, who works at Riverview High School, forwarded an email from Gardner during school hours which reads:

From: Fitzgerald Kevyn

Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:55 AM


Subject: FW: Information for Restricted Class

From: Gardner Pat

Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 10:57 AM

Subject: Information for Restricted Class

Please forward:

Yesterday, I heard from a frustrated teacher at one of our elementary schools that one of her colleagues had announced in the lunch room that she didn’t know who she would be voting for in the Governor’s race. She was shocked and, truthfully, so am I.

We have a screwed up merit pay system ready to hit us right in the face. No one can understand the formula. They don’t have the tests. It is the biggest mess I have ever seen.

Rick Scott signed this bill into law before the session was even finished in his first year. He couldn’t wait. Charlie Crist had a similar version of a merit pay law and he vetoed it the year before. So how hard is it to make a decision?

Scott cut the education budget his first year by 1.3 billion dollars. Yes, the economy was in a shambles. However, Scott’s proposed budget called for cutting 1.75 billion dollars. Even the GOP led Legislature said no. So how hard is it to make a decision?

Scott championed and signed the bill to take 3% from your salary for retirement. He did not put it into the FRS. He used it to fund the state budget. Now they want everyone to go into a 401K. This proposed law has failed twice but they will keep trying. Crist will veto any law that will hurt the FRS. So how hard is it to make a decision?

What is next with Rick Scott? Will they try to limit your sick time? Will they reduce the number of days you can cash in at retirement or worse, take them away altogether? If this man wins everything is up for grabs. He will have nothing to lose.

So, how hard is it to make a decision? [Emphasis added]

NOTE: A flyer titled FAST FACTS For Florida Teachers and Public School Employees was attached comparing Crist to Scott.

You would expect senior SC/TA officials to know the rules concerning use of the school board email system. The Sarasota County Schools Information Technology Guidelines and Procedures, page 28, under the heading “Appropriate Use of E-mail” states the following:

Sarasota County Schools guidelines prohibit certain types of e-mail. These include mail that may be perceived as harassment, political campaigning, or commercial solicitation. Chain mail is also prohibited. Violators will be subject to loss of computer access privileges, as well as additional disciplinary action as determined by the Sarasota County Schools disciplinary procedures. Certain types of e-mail, including but not limited to harassing e-mail, may also subject the sender to civil or criminal penalties. [Emphasis added]

Gardner and Fitzgerald, with others, appear to be willfully ignoring these guidelines by using school board computers and the internal email system, during school hours to send emails that “may be perceived as harassment or  political campaigning.” The teacher mentioned in the Fitzgerald/Gardner email is clearly known to all those who overhead the lunchroom conversation. Both emails are promoting a particular candidate for public office.

So, what has Superintendent Lori White done about these, and other, violations of school board policy?

Scott Ferguson, Communications Specialist Sarasota County Schools, in an email sent on behalf of Superintendent White states:

Ms. Gardner and Mr. Fitzgerald are representatives of the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association.

Pursuant to the collective bargaining agreements between the School Board and the SC/TA, the Association has the right to use the School Board’s email system to communicate with employees regarding union business. Specifically, the instructional bargaining agreement stipulates, in Article IV-G:

E-Mail and Computer Access

1. The employer shall provide access to the Board’s electronic mail delivery system to the Union as a means of communications with the employees.

2. The employer agrees to provide access to a computer and the electronic mail delivery system for the senior Union representative at each worksite.

3. E-mail communications between the employees and the Union and/or its building representatives involving Union business will be considered a private communication not subject to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.

4. When the Administration deems it necessary to read an employee’s e-mail, the employee will be so notified in a timely fashion. Such notification will include the reason for such interception. The e-mail of an employee will not be read by an unintended party without providing such notice to the affected parties.

5. The Union will reimburse the district a sum of $250 per year or the actual costs; whichever is higher.

Thus, the SC/TA has the contractual right to use the School Board’s email system to communicate with district employees for its own business. The School Board does not monitor these private communications, and they are not the subject of discipline.

Outside of the SC/TA’s ability to communicate with the employees, you are correct that our procedures state that the district email system is not to be used for, among other things, political campaigning. Superintendent White has sent a reminder to all employees of this prohibition.

So what action did Superintendent White take, after we notified her of the violations, exactly? Superintendent White sent out the following to all school board employees:


As our community is in the midst of a number of political campaigns, I want to remind all employees about the School Board’s Information Technology Guidelines and Procedures which prohibit, among other things, using the School Board’s email system for any communication that may be perceived as political campaigning. While I encourage all our employees to be civically engaged in the electoral process, this engagement should not occur on work hours, nor should the School Board’s email system be used for this purpose.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Of course since the school board does not monitor these union “private communications” and “they are not the subject of discipline” then Superintendent White cannot know if her reminder will be honored. The only way to know for sure is to follow the school board procedure and revoke Gardner and Fitzgerald’s email privileges at least temporarily.

Imagine what would happen if a student used the school board computer system to politic, what would happen to that student? Perhaps Marsh needs to reconsider who his friends are? Or perhaps Sarasota County voters should consider Marsh and his union friends as “birds of a feather who flock together”?

Identity Politics: Fool Us Twice, Shame on Us

The root cause of the major issues that are devastating America is Obama; an out growth of who he is as a human being, his lack of character and what he believes.

Listing all of America’s woes that are directly caused by Obama would take up far too much of this article; the flood of infected and unskilled illegals, the spread of ISIS, the devastating fatal consequences of Obamacare, Ebola in the U.S., over 90 million unemployed, the disappearance of the 40 hours a week job, our failing economy and more.

Yes, I am going to be a bit tacky and say, I tried to tell y’all back in 2008, my black family, white friends and associates, but none of you would listen. I kept thinking, am I the one who is crazy? Will anyone even consider looking beyond his race and taking a good look at Obama, the man?

Instead, you verbally beat me up and called me an Uncle Tom for not going brain-dead with you and making an immoral racist decision to pull the level for Obama solely because he is black.

Well now look at cha. We have an insidious liar who hates America as founded and a blame-everyone-but-himself narcissist running our country. As our nation crumbles, everyone is running around asking like the Marvin Gaye song, “what’s goin’ on?”

Folks, Obama is what you get when you sell your soul to identity politics, placing surface appearances above character, substance and not properly vetting candidates.

And doggone it, it looks like many Americans are about to be manipulated into making the same stupid mistake again when Hillary Clinton throws her bonnet into the ring, running as the first female presidential candidate. The MSM will ignore all her scandals and disastrous policy failures. Hillary’s gender will be the major qualifier for her to become leader of the free world. Sadly, millions of Americans will go brain-dead and vote for her, suckered again by identity politics.

The same way O.J.’s defense team worked black Americans into a frenzy against white America, causing millions of blacks to rally around Simpson while ignoring the fact that he practically beheaded the mother of his children, Democrats and the MSM will play America’s women against America’s men.

Come election day, the Democrats and MSM will have low-info voters believing that any man not voting Hillary Clinton for president is obviously a Neanderthal, a wife beater, an abortion clinic bomber or a Christian throwback chauvinist who desires to keep women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen (without a dishwasher).

Rest assured there will be dudes guilt-ridden for being born with testicles who will become metro-sexual brain-dead zombies and vote for Hillary to prove they are not who the MSM and Dems say they are; the same way a lot of whites voted for Obama to prove they were not racist. Think my gender guilt prediction is over the top? The Left has successfully brain-washed many white kids into feeling guilty for being white.

My fervent prayer is that the number of us “thinking” Americans who will honestly access who Hillary is as a person, her character and the direction she plans to take our country will outnumber the knuckleheads and low-info voters.

Could anyone have imagined the crazy political times in which we now live in America? To look beyond surface appearances such as gender and skin color and select our leaders based on who they are inside and their vision for our nation is now considered extreme, racist, sexist and hateful. And yet, this is where the Left’s political correctness has taken us in America today.

Despite six years of Democratic Party and MSM slander, lies and spin, at the heart of the Tea Party is decent patriotic Americans who seek to elect honest character driven candidates who will place the best interest of our country and the American people above personal gain and secret agendas.

I have been screaming this for years, folks. Character does matter!

My favorite teller at my bank is a middle-aged Hispanic immigrant. She and her husband came to America over 20 years ago and love this country. The other day, she expressed her sadness and frustration with the direction our country is going, low-info voters and political corruption.

The bank teller said her son was doing very well in a local school for special needs kids. For political agenda reasons, the state closed down the affordable school. Her options for educating her special needs son are priced through the roof.

I told her that the most disturbing and eye opening reality I have learned since getting involved; traveling the country working to elect conservatives (Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee) is that far too many politicians have agendas other than the best interest of We the People.

Call me corny. Call me naïve for expecting otherwise.

I would be remiss in not mentioning that during my travels, campaigning across America, I have been blessed to have crossed paths with real deal honorable conservative candidates; Joe Carr, Chris McDaniel, Ken Cuccinelli and Joe Miller to name a few. These are the good guys folks.

Patriots, we must do everything in our power to educate low-info voters so they will not be played again by political correctness; conned by Democrats and the MSM into voting identity politics over character and substance.

I have faith that America is strong enough to recover after enduring eight years of a far left radical empty black suit in the Oval Office. I am less confident in our ability to restore our great nation back to the vision of our Founding Fathers after several years of a Leftist empty dress at the helm.

RELATED VIDEO: Obama statement, “The country is better off, people just don’t feel it.” made on 60 Minutes, September 28, 2014.

New Political Ad shows how Democrats and Charlie Crist are ‘Out of touch, out of time’ [+Video]

November 4th, Mid-Term Election day 2014, is just 31 days away. TIME Magazine’s Charlotte Alter calls a recent political advertisement produced by the College Republican National Committee the, “Most Sexist Republican Ad of the Year.”

Why would Democrats think this tongue in cheek political ad is sexist?

Because Brittany, the featured character, is a young woman, smart, articulate, a recent college graduate and getting married. Brittany is white, and Tiffani, her maid-of-honor, is black. Finally, Brittany’s mother is overbearing and a Democrat. How more sexist can you get than that?

two women democrat republican

Click on the image for a larger view.

You see Democrats do not want women to be smart, articulate, independent thinkers and married with children. They certainly don’t want blacks to be friends with whites. They don’t like to consider themselves as opinionated and overbearing like Brittany’s mother and TIME’s Alter. Democrats certainly don’t want young Brittany to get married in a Church, wearing a white dress signalling her chastity. Why I will bet you that Brittany and all of her maids-of-honor have concealed carry permits. God forbid!

Actually, Democrats don’t want women to be women. You see being gender neutral is much better. That is why, with help from their LGBT supporters, they are working to legally erase women with “gender identity laws”.

To put a thinking woman in an political advertisement using a wedding dress as the main prop is patently offensive to Democrats.

Democrats believe young women don’t need to get married! Women don’t need a man when they have the government to provide for them. Finally, Brittany does not have a single tattoo. This makes it abundantly clear that Republicans are out of touch.

Charlie Crist’s campaign has picked up on this TIME article and is using it to fund raise. The problem is Democrat Charlie Crist is out of touch and out of time.

RELATED ARTICLE: Obamacare’s War on Women

Will Potheads Put Amendment 2 Over the Top? The Florida Chamber and Adam Putnam say NO!

The title of this column is taken from an email sent out by Dr. Jessica Spencer from the Vote No on 2 campaign. Dr. Spencer states, “‘If you’re a pothead then vote for 2’ – That’s exactly what the Yes on 2 folks want to happen. Their campaign manager said this recently at a debate… But let’s not allow his cavalier attitude about drug use win the day.”

Ana Cruz, former executive director of the Florida Democratic Party, said, “I wish that it didn’t take medical marijuana on the ballot to motivate our young voters. But listen, we’ll take it any way we can get it.”

Ben Pollara, a Democratic fundraiser and campaign manager for the United for Care group, stated:

“We want to be able to have our stereotypical, lazy pothead voters to be able to vote from their couch.”

This week the Vote No on 2 campaign launched new made for TV ad titled “Isn’t What it Seems” that pulls back the curtain and exposes one of the most dangerous loopholes in Amendment 2 – the fact that drug dealers could become caregivers and buy pot to “give” to their patients. The Florida Department of Health estimates Amendment 2 would create 250,000 of these so-called “caregivers.”

Some reefer to Amendment 2 as the “drug dealers protection act.” Pun intended.

Additionally, Vote No on 2 has placed ads in over a dozen African-American owned newspapers with a personal message from Miami’s Urban League President, T. Willard Fair.

Vote No on 2 got support from Florida’s Agricultural Commissioner Adam Putnam and the Florida Chamber of Commerce. Kevin Derby from Sunshine State News reports:

In Central Florida on Wednesday, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and the Florida Chamber of Commerce came out swinging at Amendment 2, a proposal to expand medical marijuana use in the Sunshine State.

“The legalization of marijuana has the potential to destroy Florida’s sterling reputation as a family-friendly and business-friendly state,” said Putnam. “Not only does this poorly written amendment give anyone with as much as a headache access to this gateway drug, the legalization of marijuana would severely impact small businesses and corporations alike. As we are making our way out of the greatest recession in decades, the last thing we need is to create a climate that will decrease productivity and increase risk for businesses.”

“Normally we focus on creating jobs, improving education and making Florida more competitive, but this is the type of business Florida can do without,” said Mark Wilson, the president and CEO of the Florida Chamber.

As American essayist and novelist Charles Dudley Warner wrote, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” In this case Democrats and potheads make for strange bedfellows. Or have they always been in bed together? Anyone remember the 1960s?

RELATED ARTICLE: The Florida Catholic Bishops issue a statement about Amendment 2 expressing major concerns about it


RELATED FLYER: Courtesy of the Florida Sheriffs Association.


For a larger view click on the image.

Republican Governors like Rick Scott are Saving the American Dream!

Governor Rick Scott of Florida turned around Florida with sound economic principles, and is one of those celebrated Republican Governors. Let’s face it, without a vibrant economy, strong jobs and a healthy middle class… America fails! The Republican Governor’s success across America broadcasts hope for our nation, especially when compared to the federal out-of-control debt ticking towards $18 trillion, jobs dissolving into disability checks and freedom hanging in jeopardy. Florida is a pivotal contest for Republicans, which is why Governor Scott is under a deceitful attack by the failed ex-Governor Crist/Obama Team.

Let’s be honest, Crist has to cover-up his miserable record: The second largest increase in unemployment, 828,000 private sector jobs loss, $5.2 billion in added debt, $3.6 billion deficit, raising taxes by $2.2 billion, raiding the budget and devaluing home prices by 47%. Since then flip-flopper Crist has undergone a massive identity crisis by changing parties like changing clothes. He lost as an Independent against Marco Rubio who quipped the “next change by Crist will probably be going to Cuba.” Instead of Cuba, Crist was next seen embracing President Obama at the DNC convention which marked his current change to democrat.

While Governor Scott tenaciously fights to lower taxes and refreshingly named his budget: “Your Money Tax Cut Budget.” Governor Scott’s excellent command of the checkbook, reversed the “Crist sinking ship” by impressively adding almost 700,000 jobs, $500 million in tax cuts, 4.8% decreased unemployment to 6.2%, cut 3,000 regulations, over $1 Billion to Florida’s environment, 40 tax cuts, teacher incentives, cut government waste, paid down a $4 billion debt and created an attractive tax-atmosphere to welcome businesses to the sunshine state … and the list goes on!

rga map

Red states have Republican governors.

Voters Need to Know Why Freedom is in Jeopardy!

Billionaire environmentalist, Tom Steyer, in a New York Times article on May 22, 2014 revealed a new left-wing-campaign-gimmick to commit $100 million to defeat candidates who question global warming. He further projects “We want 2014 to be a pivotal year for climate to be a wedge issue in policial races.”

Mr. Steyer’s scheme seems misguided due to his claim at the American Renewable Energy Institute that “only .5% of the super-sophisticated people” in the United States believe in global warming. He might have to resort to magic to swing his 95.5% non-believers … or it’s just a staggering waste money.

In the world of reality, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity called out Steyer for “bankrolling candidates … whose efforts are leaving hard-working Americans without work, without economic security and without hope for the future.” Wake up voters, false gimmicks to destroy Republican principles will lead to the collapse of America – not “The American Dream.”

Governor Scott works hard and wins!

Yet critics blame Scott for issues that are beyond his purview! For example, it’s clear that Governor Scott objects to Common Core through his 2013 Executive Order against a curriculum funded by federal non-profits. Using strong words against the Federal government’s un-constitutional authority to unilaterally set academic standards for Florida Scott states: “Floridians will not accept government intrusion into the academic standards that are taught to our students.” Yet dissenters vow to disregard Scott’s successes and are prepared to walk-the-gang-plank for a single issue that has already swung towards Florida state and local standards. The voting public is well aware that Charlie Crist is salivating over this Common Core confrontation and waiting in the wings to re-install the federal Obama/Crist Common Core standards.

My bet goes with Governor Scott’s solid state’s rights record and outspoken policies against federal-anything! The best option for Floridians against Common Core is to keep running-the-ball towards sharpening the best and most creative standards for kids! Scott will support his state and Crist will support the feds – it’s a no brainer!

Another raging battle is the emergence of All Aboard Florida’s fake fanfare as the first private passenger train in the world! Henceforth, the claim of private has morphed into a Federal Rail Association $1.8 Billion loan. It’s difficult for Governor Scott to speak against free enterprise due his hard-work on a pro-growth, pro-jobs platform in Florida. Let’s hope the final resolution to this controversey will be denial of the FRA massive loan (a loan of this magnitude has never been granted). Or, the powerful legal team will triumph against the trains following California and Nevada defeats.

Scott is not promoting the 2009 White House vision for a European-style national train network to “phase out cars and fossil fuels,” as specified in the All Aboard Florida’s Transit Oriented Development scheme. Instead Governor Scott doubled tourism in Florida and aims his transportation budget towards highways/airports. A vote for the Crist platform = a vote for the Choo-Choo!

Governor Scott is particularly sensitive to medicaid expansion and, as a kind-hearted man, chose to back the poor and elderly heightened by a personal family challenge. Governor Scott, using republican principles, only backed the Medicaid expansion after the federal authorities agreed to fully privatize medicaid and only the three-year period the Feds agreed to pony-up 100% of the total cost. In the meantime, under the radar, Governor Scott focuses on cancer research, healthcare workforce shortages and extra care for alzheimers patients. It’s clear from Goveror Scott’s record that he will support free market solutions to healthcare reform in Florida.

Charlie Crist has flip-flopped three times on his healthcare position but as part of the Crist/Obama Team he’s a steadfast Obamacare supporter!

The Left Lies!

The heavy-handed Left-Wing machine has already run dishonest ads against Governor Scott regarding water pollution, big sugar and “pleading the fifth” accusations. They can’t win with their ideas, so they tell lies.

The joke is that those so-called Scott “corporate polluters” turned out to be Obama supporters. In fact, the Chairman of Duke Energy, who appeared at 2012 Democratic National Convention, along with greenie Tom Steyer, all had ties to billions in stimulus funds. Scott never plead the fifth and was exonerated!

Voters can be sure the Crist/Steyer/Obama Team will bolster third-party candidate Adrian Wyllie to swing the election to Crist – this is what they do! Voters need to consider what’s at stake in Florida as the gateway to South America, globalism, chinese Panama Canal imports, immigration and the 2016 presidential election.

The National Republican Governors and Governor Scott have a proven track-record of success and will continue the fight to Save the American Dream, as Freedom is the only answer!

Why Floridians should Vote No on Constitutional Amendment 1

I know most of us have been very distracted over Common Core and all the arms that are attached to it, but we have a serious issue coming up on the ballot in November of which is a serious issue to every homeowner in Florida – AMENDMENT 1 Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Water & Land Conservation Amendment.

This Amendment has the potential to relieve every homeowner in the state of Florida of their own personal property.

Today I received the VOTE YES sides answer to those of us pushing for NO.  The state of Florida currently owns 28% of the Florida/Federal land which is far too much for a state to own. Not only that, Forever Florida, which had run out of money and Scott decided to replenish it, uses OUR tax dollars to buy up the land to then tell us we have no right to object to how the land is used. They under sell, under bid and if they have to use Eminent Domain to steal your property at will.

All of this falls under the United Nations Earth Charter/Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 platform. Thank you Bill Clinton! What they are doing is removing large portions of land from the tax roles which hurts the county involved. To make up their financial losses your property taxes will go up. When you no longer can afford to pay your property taxes, they will then take your land. This is the United Nations way! Not only that, the state is also in debt in this deal – using money first and worrying about where to pay it back later.

Not only are they stealing our property with our tax dollars, they are also still throwing billions of dollars down the toilet in massive road construction when the bottom line according to Agenda 21 is we are not to even have any cars to need these roads. Additionally, they are stealing what we have left in funds to force rail on the citizens for the same type of people as those getting rich off of the education of our children – Public Private Partnerships with hundreds of documents of which the general public cannot understand.

HERE is their Response Statements:

  • Amendment 1 does not create taxes now or in the future. No it doesn’t, however as stated above, the removal of the land from the county tax roles forces the counties to raise your property taxes to make up the difference. They plan to take 33% of our land.
  • Amendment 1 would dedicate one-third of EXISTING fees collected by the state when real estate is sold to protecting our waters and natural areas. Currently they are taking the funds from the General Fund (still using our money) and are intending to steal 1/3 of the fees collected when you buy or sell your property. There is no provision to cap the amount taken and it is still using our tax dollars and as with everything else, we have no say on how it is used.
  • The Financial Impact Estimating Conference – the state’s budget writers – determined that Amendment 1 would have no impact on state revenues because it imposes no new taxes. This is true for the state, but there is no mention as to your individual counties – they are the ones loosing the financial base by loosing the taxes collected by the loss of the land on their tax roles. Who is going to make up that difference – YOU! It is very nice of them to tell us this Amendment will help the state manage THEIR budget – but what about ours? Do they not have better things to be doing then creating a world of “conservation land” of which we are NOT even going to be able to use? What is our share of this crooked deal? Who are these people sitting on the Financial Impact Estimating Conference?

This is stating this Amendment will bring to the state $648 million in 2015-2016 and in 12 years increase to $1.268 billion. Do you think this money could be used in better ways such as a larger per capita amount for each child’s education and raising the salaries of our teachers – NOT ADMINISTRATION – they are being paid FAR too much – FL is Admin top heavy! It also states no local costs are involved but then they certainly are not going to tell you that they are messing with your counties tax base and eventual your tax roles will be cut so low – your taxes will go up.

Don’t forget California and how they shut their water off by having the control to do so and the farmers lost their food crops – some states are saying you can’t save rain water?  I really wonder where they got those 700,000 signatures to get this Amendment on the books and were every one of those signatures verified.

If you use Facebook, please go to “Vote No on Amendment 1” and ask your friends to also – you can all post your information and thoughts.

You might also find these links interesting:

Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2014-15

Revenue Estimating Conference Public Education Capital Outlay Trust Fund

Florida Office of Economic & Demographic Research reports

The Midterm Forecast: Clear Sailing for the GOP and Stormy Weather for the Democrats

WASHINGTON, PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Ten seasoned election scholars offer predictions for the 2014 US midterm elections in PS: Political Science and Politics, published by Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association.

James Campbell, professor of political science at the University at BuffaloSUNY, and guest editor of the forecasting series, notes that “it is likely to be a good year for Republicans and a rough one for Democrats.”

The five forecasts for the House range from a 4- to 16-seat gain for the Republicans, with a median forecast of a 14-seat GOP gain. Campbell remarks, “This would be the largest Republican House majority in more than 80 years (248 Republicans to 187 Democrats).”

The Senate forecasts range from Republicans adding another 5 or 6 seats to a gain of 8 seats. With Republicans needing a 6-seat gain to control the Senate, the forecasts rate the odds of a Republican Senate takeover “between a toss-up and somewhat more likely than not,” explains Campbell.

This research will be published in the October 2014 issue of PS: Political Science and Politics, scheduled for release in early October.

The forecasting scholars include Alan Abramowitz (Emory University); Joseph Bafumi (Dartmouth College);James Campbell (University at BuffaloSUNY); Robert Erikson (Columbia University); Benjamin Highton(University of California, Davis); Michael Lewis-Beck (University of Iowa); Eric McGhee (Public Policy Institute ofCalifornia); John Sides (George Washington University); Charles Tien (Hunter College, CUNY); and Christopher Wlezien (University of Texas, Austin).

About the American Political Science Association

Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association is the leading professional organization for the study of political science and serves more than 13,000 members in more than 80 countries. With a range of programs and services for individuals, departments, and institutions, APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe to expand awareness and understanding of politics.

VIDEO: Florida Amendment 2 — The Drug Dealers Protection Act

Vote No On 2 has released its first television advertisement titled “Not What It Seems.” The following is the full text of the new advertisement:

Amendment 2 isn’t what it seems – it’s “caregiver” provision gives legal protection to marijuana dealers. Even felons and drug dealers could be “caregivers.” Amendment 2 “caregivers” don’t need background checks or medical training. So what looks like a safeguard, is really a loophole. Amendment 2 “caregivers” can’t be arrested or sued if their pot hurts someone. They don’t call it the drug dealer protection act – but they should.

Amendment 2 is NOT designed to help the sick – it’s designed to legalize pot smoking in Florida. WATCH to Learn the LOOPHOLES within the ballot language of this flawed constitutional amendment. Democrat gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist is all in on Amendment 2. As a lawyer Crist knows about loopholes. Amendment 2 has many of them because the ballot language is so broad and open ended.

The below video titled “The Devil is in the Details” explains the key loopholes in Amendment 2:

Floridians must understand what Amendment 2 actually says, not proponents say about it. An informed voter is critical to the constitutional amendment process.

Support for Amendment 2 plummets — Bad news for Charlie Crist

J.J. Whitson, Campaign Manager for the Vote No On Amendment 2, in an email reports that support for Amendment 2 has plummeted. Amendment 2 is supported by Democrats John Morgan and Charlie Crist. Support is also fading for Charlie Crist’s gubernatorial campaign.

Tampa Bay Times political Editor Adam C. Smith reports:

“The race between Rick Scott and Charlie Crist for Florida governor has long been seen as a toss-up, and recent polls bolster that perception of a campaign that could go either way.  But conventional wisdom among Florida’s political elite has shifted decidedly in Gov. Scott’s favor, the latest Tampa Bay Times Florida Insider Poll shows.

When we surveyed more than 130 of Florida’s savviest political hands seven weeks ago, a slight majority predicted Scott would beat Crist. This week, two thirds of our Florida Insiders – including 38 percent of the Democrats participating – said they expect Scott to beat former Gov. Crist.” [Emphasis added]

Are the plummeting numbers for Amendment 2 having an impact on the race for governor?

According to News-Press.com:


Chart courtesy of News-Press.com. For a larger view click on the image.

The SurveyUSA/WFLA tracking poll finds that 53 percent of likely voters support Amendment 2, 32 percent oppose and another 15 percent are undecided. To pass, the initiative needs to top the 60 percent mark.

In Southwest Florida, those numbers drop to 48 percent in favor, 38 percent against, with the remainder unsure.

It’s a far cry from the halcyon days of summer when a Quinnipiac poll found nearly 90 percent support for the measure.

The SurveyUSA poll marks the worst showing to date for the initiative and only more data will tell us whether this is an outlier or a trend. Other polls in September show the measure hovering just above or below the critical 60 percent mark.

Despite this bad bit of polling news for backers, The News-Press forecast model puts the probability of Amendment 2 passing at 63.9 percent. Our model, based on all available data, predicts a 61.2 percent to 38.8 percent outcome.

The SurveyUSA poll of 588 likely voters was taken Sept. 19-22 and has a margin of error of +/-4.1 percent.

Barney Bishop III, President and CEO of Barney Bishop Consulting, LLC, in a Context Florida op-ed states:

As time goes by, it appears that Amendment 2 is facing serious opposition from likely voters.

[ … ]

But to get to the core of the proponents’ arguments, their message is pretty simple: Medical pot is needed to help the sick and dying.

Though simple and straight-forward, it’s just not true. Medical pot won’t be for just the sick and dying and therein lies the problem that the proponents must face if the amendment has a chance of passage.

The reason is because of the “loopholes” that have been thoroughly discussed by this author and by many others.

Interestingly, the proponents’ campaign manager simply answers the questions by stating that our side is simply using scare tactics.
OK, that could be true, but are you going to show how our arguments are actually false, or just claim that we’re wrong.

Because if all you’re going to do is to cry foul, then the arguments have validity until you prove otherwise.

First and foremost, Amendment 2 is not needed because Florida is already in the process of procuring rules for Charlotte’s Web, the low-THC, high-CBD oil that is extracted from weed to help sick patients.

Read more.

Bishop concludes his op-ed with, “So, dudes, let me come clean. I’m a former pothead. The difference between me and you is that I can live without it. Unfortunately, you don’t want to. Amendment 2 isn’t about medical pot. It’s about high-THC pot, period. If law enforcement is against it and the medical profession is against it, it makes sense that it’s not right for Florida.”