Hillary Clinton: An Unfit Woman
What are the odds that the American people, after being plagued for eight years by the most incompetent president and the most lawless attorney general in American history, will want to take a chance on another Democrat in the White House? If past history is a reliable measure, the chances are not good, even though the Democratic Party remains populated by the same low-information voters who twice elected Barack Obama. But would the people really understand what they’re getting in a Hillary presidency? What do independent voters need to know about Hilary that would cause them to reject her?
On January 21, 2009, Hillary was confirmed by the US Senate and sworn in as Secretary of State. Then, on March 6, 2009, just forty-four days after being sworn in, Clinton demonstrated that she is just as clueless and incompetent in foreign affairs as Barack Obama and the rest of his administration. On her first trip to Russia as Secretary of State, she attempted to engage in a bit of gimmickry, which often serves as real substance in the Obama administration.
As she met for the first time with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Hillary turned on the charm. Laughing (cackling), she said, “In anticipation of this important meeting and our time here together, I wanted to present you (with) a little gift which represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying. We want to reset our relationship.”
Lavrov opened the box and held it up for all to see. The box contained a large red button with the English word “reset” and the Russian word “peregruzka” emblazoned on it. Lavrov was understandably puzzled. The word “per-e-GRUZ’-ka” means “overcharged” in Russian. The correct word for “reset” in Russian is “per-e-ZA’-gruz-ka,” So while a little “za” among friends may not seem important, it was just one more piece of evidence that Hillary Clinton is no more competent at surrounding herself with people who can accurately translate a single English word into Russian, than she was in her ability to find staffers who could respond appropriately to an ambassador’s plea for added security at a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya.
Hillary Rodham graduated from Wellesley College in 1969 and later moved on to Yale Law School. There, while enrolled in a civil liberties class taught by Professor Thomas I. Emerson, nicknamed “Tommie the Commie” by his students, Hillary met Bill Clinton, of Hope, Arkansas. They began dating in the spring of 1971 and were married four years later, in October 1975.
As part of their course work in Emerson’s civil liberties class, students were assigned to monitor the trial of Black Panther leader Bobby Seale, who was charged in connection with the torture and murder of a former Black Panther, Alex Rackley, who was suspected of being a police informant. Hillary was charged with the responsibility for scheduling her fellow students to monitor the trial, looking for what “Tommie the Commie” might view as a violation of Seale’s civil rights. It was a major stepping stone in the radicalization of Hillary Rodham.
The following year, as the House Judiciary Committee prepared articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon, Hillary joined the staff of Jerry Zeifman, counsel to the Watergate Committee. She was recommended for the job by a former law professor, Burke Marshall, who represented Ted Kennedy when he was being investigated for his role in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a senate aide, at Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, on July 18, 1969.
However, Hillary and other Democratic staffers were apparently not interested in justice for Richard Nixon. According to recollections published by Zeifman… who came forward when Hillary was running for president in 2008… she and other Democratic staffers wanted Nixon to remain in office so that Ted Kennedy, or another Democrat, would have a far better chance of being elected in 1976. As they saw it, if Nixon remained in office as a disgraced president, he would be far more valuable to Democratic prospects than if he were successfully impeached. When the investigation was completed, Zeifman fired Hillary and refused to give her a letter of recommendation. When asked in 2008 why he had dismissed Hillary in 1974, he replied, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”
Zeifman explained, “In December 1974, as general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, I made a personal evaluation of Hillary Rodham, a member of the staff we had gathered for our impeachment inquiry on President Richard Nixon. I decided that I could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust.” He regrets that he did not report her unethical behavior to the bar association for investigation and possible disbarment.
Then, in October 1978, after moving to Arkansas to marry Bill Clinton… who was elected governor the following month… Hillary decided to build a financial nest egg for their future. However, with just $1,000 to invest, and with no experience in futures trading, she relied on the advice of attorney James Blair, who served as outside counsel to Tyson Foods, Arkansas’ largest employer. Under the careful guidance of Blair and an associate, the First Lady of Arkansas invested in cattle futures, turning her $1,000 initial investment into $100,000 in just ten months.
One wonders, has the statute of limitations run out on Hillary’s futures trading fiasco? On September 4, 2014, former Republican governor Robert McDonnell, of Virginia, and his wife Maureen, were found guilty of trading political influence in exchange for plane flights, golf trips, and a $20,000 shopping spree, all financed by Virginia businessman Jonnie Williams. A federal jury in Richmond found McDonnell guilty on 11 counts of a 13-count indictment, while his wife was convicted on nine of 13 counts. The McDonnells, who are scheduled to be sentenced on January 6, 2015, each face as much as 30 years in prison.
But aren’t Bill and Hillary Clinton guilty of essentially the same crime? And would it not be appropriate for us to refer to her… not as the former First Lady of Arkansas, not as the former First Lady of the United States, not as a former senator from New York, and not as a former Secretary of State… but as an unindicted co-conspirator?
Most Americans know only the Hillary Clinton they see on television… the plastered smile, the pastel pants suits of every color in the rainbow, and her cackling laughter. But there is another side to Hillary that the American people will become acquainted with if she runs for president in 2016 and wins the Democrat nomination. What they will be most surprised at is the foulness of her language and the utter contempt she demonstrates for her subordinates… as numerous former Arkansas state troopers and members of her Secret Service detail have confirmed.
Now, as the House Select Committee on Benghazi has conducted its first public hearings into events surrounding the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in the 2012 terror attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Raymond Maxwell, has come forward to tell what he knows of events that took place behind closed doors at the State Department as the Clinton-appointed Accountability Review Board (ARB) issued subpoenas for State Department documents. It appears to be the “smoking gun” that the House Oversight Committee has been seeking for nearly two years.
In the days leading up to the investigation by the ARB, co-chaired by former Ambassador Thomas Pickering and former Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, Maxwell arrived at the State Department on a Sunday afternoon, only to find one of his subordinates, along with a number of other State Department employees, sorting through boxes and stacks of documents in a basement operations center. Maxwell has told investigators that he had not been consulted about her weekend assignment and had not authorized it.
According to Maxwell, “She told me, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the (Near Eastern Affairs) front office or the seventh floor in a bad light,’ ” In State Department lingo, the “seventh floor” can mean only one thing: the offices of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her principal advisors. Maxwell asked, “But isn’t that unethical?” To which she responded, “Ray, those are our orders.”
Shortly thereafter, two high-ranking State Department officials, Cheryl Mills, then-Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton, and Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, entered the room.
The documents that were being “scrubbed” were documents under subpoena by the ARB… a serious criminal act… while the presence of Mills and Sullivan appears to connect Hillary Clinton directly with a conspiracy to obstruct justice. So, just as Richard Nixon had his John Dean, Hillary Clinton has her Ray Maxwell. The difference is, no one died in the Watergate affair. When she next appears before the Benghazi Select Committee, under oath, Hillary will have a lot of explaining to do. It should make for very interesting TV viewing.
So this is the real Hillary Clinton, the woman that few Americans have ever been allowed to see. She is, as her former boss on the House Judiciary Committee staff described her, a woman unfit “for any future position of public or private trust.” Like virginity, integrity is lost in an instant. And, like virginity, integrity cannot be regained once it is lost. Hillary Clinton’s virginity, or lack thereof, is of no concern to anyone but herself, but every American has the right to know that she is totally lacking in integrity.