Tea Party Surges In Texas, Grassroots Focus Could Target Congressional Race In Florida

Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) could be looked upon as the new political “kingmaker” as more and more of tea party and Ted Cruz supported candidates, like Nebraska’s Ben Sasse are winning their respective primary elections over incumbent and establishment Republican rivals.

Tuesday’s primary election in Texas saw several more Cruz-backed candidates win the GOP nomination over their establishment rivals.

While Cruz’s picks appear to be winning their races, and the tea party seems to be surging, will this trend continue in other grassroots versus establishment primary races around the country?

One particular Republican primary congressional contest in Florida could be one of the next focal races the tea party, and the likes of Cruz, weigh in on.

Democrat Alan Grayson, who we can honestly say hates the tea party, is facing another congressional challenge by a trio of Republicans vying to oust him from office.

The conservative grassroots candidate in this contested primary has already been identified, Navy veteran Jorge Bonilla.

Upon entering the race, Bonilla quickly snatched the grassroots candidate mantel from the rest of the Republican field of candidates, and has caught the eye of prominent grassroots leaders, like former Congressman Allen West, Senator Marco Rubio (R), and Congressman Ron DeSantis (R).

Bonilla has even snagged the endorsement of Congressman Pete Session (R), who is considered to be establishment, but has stated that Bonilla is the “consensus candidate” in his primary race, and the only one that can win in November.

Grayson himself has already taken several shots at Bonilla, even before he qualified to be on the Republican ballot. What does that tell you?
Bonilla’s two other opponents, Peter Vivaldi and Carol Platt, are actively touting different campaign styles and strategies.

Platt, a Osceola County Realtor, has been pushing her recent congressional campaign endorsements, especially her tepid support from former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and former state legislator, Charles Bronson.

Both men are considered establishment by the grassroots, but the popular Bush, is seen as a huge problem by the conservative grassroots for his support of amnesty for illegal immigrants and Common Core.

In a recent debate between the three Republican candidates, in which she only garnered 12 votes out of 85 (Bonilla received 47 votes and Vivaldi 26), Platt was asked whether she was for or against the Common Core education standards.

While Bonilla and Vivaldi both stated that they were against Common Core, and Bonilla taking it a bit further by vowing to sponsor legislation to defund it, Platt took a more evasive approach at answering the question.

Her response struck a nerve with the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition, who took issue with her answer:

There is no national board of education and if following the “true boundaries,” she would have said that unconstitutional Department of Education should not ever have been formed and should be shut down. As expected, when asked by Manjerres after the debate if she opposed Common Core, she parroted the Jeb Bush approved talking points – FL Stop Common Core Coalition

Vivaldi has his own issues. While bragging that he may possibly have the support of many, many pastors within the congressional district, as well as the support of their congregations, Vivaldi’s candidacy is a non-starter.

When asked by a local Orlando area media outlet about his Felony arrest for bad check writing, Vivaldi stated that he knew the issue was going to come up, but didn’t expect it to until the general election against Grayson.

But while a past arrest may not be campaign-ending issue, falsifying a state document is.

Just a couple of years ago, Vivaldi stated on an application for an open Orange County Commission seat, that he had never been arrested before for-for anything.

Vivaldi’s response was obviously not true, and caused his removal from consideration to the seat by Florida Governor Rick Scott’s office.

Florida’s primary election is August 26.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Shark Tank.

SPARK: The latest Republican Fundraising Weapon

TYSONS CORNER, Va., May 28, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — CMDI has launched what could become one of the most important online fundraising tools of the 2014 election cycle, Spark™ Smart Donation Forms.  Much like Amazon’s recommendation engine that suggests products that will most likely appeal to a shopper based on their past shopping behavior, Spark looks at a donor’s past giving history and generates custom donation amounts optimized for each donor’s giving behavior.

“With current online fundraising methods, campaigns are leaving money on the table,” said John Simms, CMDI founder. “Campaigns are pushing donors to generic forms that may ask for less than the donor has already given and fail to ask for an upgrade lift. Spark optimizes the ‘ask’ for each donor so campaigns can get the highest yield from each supporter.”

Fundraising is not a one size fits all business. You shouldn’t ask a $500 donor for $5. Nor should you ask a $5donor for $1,000. By customizing the ask amount for each individual donor, campaigns can substantially increase their online fundraising totals.

In addition, Spark utilizes best-in-class online fundraising methodology to convert supporters into donors, including:

One-Click Donations

Popularized by the 2012 Obama for President campaign, enterprise one-click donation processing has not been available to Republican campaigns… until now. Starting today, Republican campaigns across the country have begun accepting political donations, sparked by the single click of a button.

Spark’s innovation is in how it allows campaigns to use any action by a supporter to trigger a donation. Donations can be triggered by:

  • single clicks on a “donate” button,
  • text messages,
  • a link in an email,
  • QR code scans,
  • or any other action that takes place on an internet connected device.

“One-click is just the tip of the iceberg when you think about taking the friction out of fundraising,” commentedJohn Simms, CMDI’s Founder. “With Spark, imagination is really the only limit in how campaigns can collect donations.”

Another significant benefit of Spark is that donors who give to any campaign through Spark, can also one-click donate to any other campaign who also utilizes Spark. The pre-existing network of Spark donors will be a huge advantage for the 2016 Republican presidential cycle.

As friction is removed from the giving process, supporters are more likely to give more and more frequently.

Sequential multi-step contribution forms

For new donors to a campaign, it has been proven that sequential multi-step contribution forms can increase donation rates by 5%-10%. Spark now makes multi-step donation forms available to all Republican campaigns.

Learn more at CMDI.com/spark.


CMDI is America’s largest Republican campaign finance services platform, providing software and FEC compliance services that have managed over $8.5 billion for federal campaigns and committees. During the 2012 cycle, CMDI’s flagship software, Crimson, was used to manage $2 out of every $3 raised for Republican federal committees.

As a close partner with the Republican Party, CMDI has consistently provided innovative solutions throughout the company’s 30 year history.

Senator Rand Paul: With Utmost Respect, You’re Wrong About This

Perhaps it is due to me being a PK (preacher’s kid) with fond childhood memories of adoringly watching my dad preach well prepared sermons at the Holy Temple Church of Truth storefront in a Baltimore ghetto, the Bible remains my ultimate reference source for wisdom and leadership.

Moses who led the Israelite people out of slavery is an excellent example of what to do and what not to do as a leader. His decisions were rooted in obedience to God’s instructions which proved to be most beneficial to his flock. Moses ignored vehement critics and even them threatening to stone him to death. He did the right thing even when it did not jive with popular opinion. That is leadership folks.

On one occasion, due to pressure from his people, Moses disobeyed God and took matters into his own hands. God’s punishment was harsh. God told Moses he would not be permitted to bring his people into the Promised Land. Leaders do not surrender, making decisions which they know to be wrong to appease bullies, manipulators and the ignorant.

A case in point is Senator Rand Paul. Sen. Paul is out there saying that the GOP should back away from requiring a photo ID to vote.

Common sense tells us that requiring a photo ID to vote is a reasonable logical way to prevent voter fraud. Since a photo ID is required to complete a plethora of transactions, what is the big deal? Thus, it is absurd to call the photo ID requirement to vote racist.

In essence, Sen Paul is surrendering to the mainstream media supported Democrat absurd lie that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist. During a radio interview Senator Paul said that the GOP should not push something that is “offensive” to a group of people.

Senator Paul with all due respect, and I truly do respect and like you, I find your pandering to my fellow blacks disappointing.

Since Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 War on Poverty, the Democratic party has implemented programs and lowered standards which have wrecked havoc on black families; treating us as inferiors in need of special concessions and endless government handouts to survive. Sen Paul, the last thing we Americans who happen to be black need is for the GOP to embrace the Left’s paradigm that we are lesser Americans. Do not expect too much of us poor black folks because we “be” special.

Okay, I get it and wholeheartedly agree that the GOP should reach-out to black America. Frankly, the GOP is a little late to the dance. For years, I have been pestering the GOP to reach-out to the black community with “Reach Your Dreams” tours.

My concept is simple. The tour would feature great music. I know awesome conservative rappers and dancers who could capture the ears of the young and hip seniors. Imagine successful minority speakers like Herman Cain, Katrina Pierson and others on stage sharing how they achieved their American Dreams via education, hard work and right choices (conservative principles). The GOP defeatist response has been, “Why bother? The Democrats will get 95% of the black vote no matter what we do.”

Apparently, that opinion has changed and the GOP is wisely pursuing black voters. But for crying out loud, offering a liberal Democrat-Lite agenda and treating blacks like inferiors too stupid to find their way to the DMV is not the way.

Sen Paul rather than surrendering to the Democrats’ and MSM’s spin that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist, show real “presidential candidate” leadership. Turn the table on the Dems. Tell black voters that the Democrats are insulting their intelligence. The Democrats talk down, expect less and treat them like lesser Americans.

When these supposed advocates of black empowerment (NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Obama Administration and the MSM), say requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises blacks, it is a major “dis”. Black America should be outraged. With friends who think so little of us blacks, we do not need enemies.

I am not just picking on Senator Paul. I am simply saying voters are discouraged and frustrated with soulless politicians/candidates whose every decision is a political calculation and an attempt to win votes at any and all cost. It is not unreasonable for voters to expect political leaders with character and backbone who simply desire to serve and do the right thing for their constituents and America.

Steve Lonegan running for U.S. Congress in New Jersey and South Carolina U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy are two guys that fit the bill. I love these guys. Neither give a hoot about being politically correct. Both are fearless fighters for truth, justice and defending our liberty and freedom. That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

I have not selected my preferred 2016 GOP presidential nominee. I want someone trustworthy who will always do what is honorable, righteous and best for my country; no divisive pandering or special concessions to groups to win votes. Please, we have had enough of that low rent politicking in government.

Nor, will I support a GOP candidate who sticks their finger in the air to see which direction the MSM endorsed and consultant’s political wind is blowing and designs their platform accordingly. Stop insulting our intelligence and morality by continuously advocating lowered intellectual and moral standards and calling it outreach and creating a “big tent”.

We are Americans, products of a remarkably successful unique experiment. GOP, deal with us accordingly with respect; not like the Democrats who treat Americans, particularly minorities, like incapable inferior entitlement junkies in need of government managing every aspect of our lives.

We need a conservative leader who will grab the steering wheel and reverse the direction of our country away from Obama’s Government Controlled Welfareville. A true conservative will drive us back toward our Founding Fathers’ Promised Land of liberty and freedom where Americans are encouraged to be all they can be.

Sen Paul, America needs leadership, not surrender and pandering.

European Parliamentary Elections: Eurosceptic Parties Win — but can they organize an Alliance?

Yesterday afternoon, I spoke with my Geneva based European observer following the close of European Parliamentary Elections in 28 member countries. He indicated that both the UK Independent Party (UKIP) led by Nigel Farage and Marine le Pen ‘s National Front each were poised to pick up 24 seats in their country’s  MEP delegations. Eurosceptic parties  like Denmark’s  anti- immigrant People’s Party led with  26.7 percent  doubling its delegate slate,  while  Greece’s left progressive Syrizia  came out on top  with 26.5 percent. Geert Wilders’ Freedom party tied for second in The Netherland despite poor exit polls on Thursday evening.  Elsewhere, the right wing Austrian People’s Party appeared  to be leading with 20 percent of the vote up from 7 percent in 2009. In Italy, the Democrat Party led by PM Matteo Renzi trounced the Five Star Movement copping fully 40 percent of the vote. Italy will take over the revolving Presidency  next month.

However, there was evidence that some anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi parties won delegates in their European parliamentary slates. Witness Hungary’s Jobbik Party which  came in second with 14.7 percent, while Greece’s Golden Dawn was third with 9.7 percent.


UKIP leader Nigel Farage interviewed after MEP victory. Source: AFP

For results overall and by EU Member countries, consult the Financial Times European Parliament election results on –line, at this interactive graphic, here.

The Financial Times (FT) reported on the “earthquake” that Farage predicted for the UKIP. The Euro Parliamentary Elections in the UK coincided with local council elections, as well. The UKIP at 27.5 percent of the Euro Parliament vote tally has defeated the Liberal Democrats, unnerved Nick Clegg, junior partner in the ruling Westminster parliament coalition. The UKIP significant electoral victory   upset the Labor Party led by  Ed Milleband while causing Conservative PM David Cameron to suggest to the Tories, “that it was not business as  usual”. These UK Euro Parliament results may portend a scramble for the 2015 Westminster Parliamentary elections. The FT account noted:

Nick Clegg’s grey face told the story of Britain’s European elections. The leader of the pro-European Liberal Democrats was subdued, his eyes glassy, as he spoke of his party’s “heartbreaking” electoral annihilation.

Meanwhile across town at a central London hotel, Nigel Farage was mobbed by reporters as he celebrated the UK Independence party’s “historic” breakthrough, topping the national poll with 27.5 per cent of the vote and 24 seats.


It was also the first time the Conservatives had come third in such a vote, trailing in with only 24 per cent of the vote. For Labor, second with 25.5 per cent, it was an unimpressive performance, raising doubts about whether Mr. Miliband has the momentum to take the party to victory in next year’s general election.

The FT quipped:

There is no obvious policy fix: any attempt to “out-Ukip Ukip” on immigration or Europe is unlikely to succeed. Meanwhile none of the three main parties has a leader capable of matching Mr. Farage’s “man in the pub” style.

la pen

Ms. Marine Le Pen of the French National Front interviewed in the Elsyee Lounge. Source: AFP

Among UK voters who may have swung to the UKIP in droves were reported to be Britain’s Jews.  They may have been motivated by Farage’s disavowal of the troubling anti-Semitic positions of some of the Eurosceptic parties. The exception is the Dutch Freedom Party led by Geert Wilders, who is pro-Israel, while opposing mass immigration and critical of Islam.

Ms. Le Pen has also achieved a stunning upset victory coming in first in France. In her post election remarks, she hinted this could be a prelude to the 2017 Presidential elections.  Given the low poll standing of Socialist Premier Hollande amid the floundering French economic problems unless turned around, this could be a possibility. However, the fallout from  the Euro parliament elections also may upset the possible future plans of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and leader of the UMP.

The FT account of her victory noted:

Ms Le Pen now has her sights firmly fixed on the battle to win the nearby Elysée Palace in the 2017 presidential election. “This is just the first step,” she said as she arrived to join revelers.

Few commentators are yet ready to predict that Ms Le Pen, with her fiercely anti-EU and anti-immigrant policies, will make it. But the scale of the FN’s triumph has planted genuine fear in both President François Hollande’s ruling Socialist party and the centre-right UMP.

The 25 per cent score achieved by the FN on Sunday had been predicted by some polls, but the four point gap over the UMP and the slump in the Socialist tally to less than 14 per cent prompted alarm.

The FN broke out of its strongholds in the south and post-industrial north. It came top in 71 electoral departments, compared with 28 for the UMP and just two for the socialists.

A socialist parliamentarian who saw Mr Hollande on Monday reported him saying: “I expected it to some extent, but it was still a big shock.”

In the wake of Marine Le Pen’s stunning victory in France, French President Hollande went on television today. The FT in an article about changes in leadership for the EU reporting him saying:

He would use an EU summit on Tuesday to call for a marked shift from austerity to growth to combat the populist surge. He said the EU had become “incomprehensible. “This cannot go on,” he said, adding it must be reformed to “be efficient where it needs to be and to withdraw from where it is not needed”.

geert widlers

Geert Wilders of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) at the Polls. Source EFP

When we posted on Thursday exit poll results in the Netherlands indicated the Freedom Party (PVV) led by Geert Wilders might have experienced a set setback in the 23 seats held by Dutch parties in the Strasbourg parliament, effectively losing two seats.

On the heels of a conversation with a colleague in Geneva, came  a news brief from the Chicago Tribune  indicating that the PVV was tied with  Democrats 66 with four seats each, bested by the Christian Democrat Appeal  with five. Wilders’ comment in the Chicago Tribune article was “Four Seats, that’s great.  Now we make the first gains for a new alliance of Eurosceptic and anti-immigration parties in the European Parliament”

The FT in its analysis of the Euro Parliament elections was not so sure that the Eurosceptic alliance can be achieved. It commented:

The surge of anti-establishment parties has also led to a scramble to rebuild anti-EU blocks in the parliament, with the two biggest populist groups – France’s National Front and Britain’s UK Independence party, which both secured 24 seats, making them the fourth largest in the assembly – vying for allies.

Marine Le Pen, Front National leader, may struggle to find the six parties needed to form a new anti-EU group in parliament.  Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader who already heads a Eurosceptic group, has seen several of his allies – including the Danish People’s party and the True Finns – wooed by Mr. Cameron’s Tories. Since the Tories left the EPP, they have led the small European Conservatives and Reformists group.

Perhaps the wisest comment on the European Parliamentary election results could be that ancient Chinese curse: “may you live in interesting times”.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The New English Review.

The Koch Brothers: Wealthy Good Guys

Nobody should be bullied in America. We expose the lefts most vicious bullying against minorities, like the wealthy. But only certain wealthy people. A favorite target of Democrats is the Koch brothers, good men who use their wealth to make the USA a better place.

Democrats use the name Koch to fund raise at every level. It is the Democrat rallying cry – stop the Koch Brothers. What citizens must ask is: Who are the good guys?


The TEA Party is Wanted: Dead or Alive

Greetings from Houston, Texas where yesterday I had the pleasure to address the C Club on the topic of a “Conservative Policy Agenda” as it relates to economic, energy, and national security. I’m heading up to Dallas to speak at a dinner event this evening. Tomorrow I’m off to Jackson County (Spring Arbor) Michigan to speak at the annual Lincoln dinner there.

Anyway, we just came through the big primary season “Super Tuesday” and it’s interesting to hear all the post-primary election pundits. Most interesting are the conflicting assessments on the constitutional conservative grassroots movement, the Tea Party. First of all, this isn’t not a political party, it’s an ideological movement.

On one side we hear the Tea Party is done, dead, stick a fork in it, because its candidates aren’t successful. Not too long ago many were singing the praises of Nebraska Senate candidate Ben Sasse who won his primary in the Cornhusker State. Now, after yesterday, the sentiment is that the Tea Party isn’t an influencer and irrelevant.

The thing is, it’s not about individual candidates, but about influencing a policy agenda — and that’s what makes this conservative grassroots movement so very viable. How is it that anyone can disagree with the fundamental principles of America; limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual sovereignty, free market system, strong national security, and traditional values?

And with that comes a policy agenda that focuses on fiscal/economic reforms, monetary policy reforms, governmental structure and organization reforms, development of an energy security plan and program, and a focus on strengthening our foreign policy and national security that promotes peace through strength and military deterrence.

Well, that’s in direct opposition to a progressive socialist agenda that has exploded our debt and deficits, but more importantly has expanded a welfare nanny-state and dependency society all as a means of political bribery using the largesse of the public treasury. I find it quite interesting that during the Bush administration when the average price of gasoline hit $2.50 the liberal media went apoplectic — heard from them recently?

And so, it is in the same vein that we have liberal progressives such as Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who says there’s a “civil war” in the Republican party and the Tea Party has overtaken the party — what?

So is the Tea Party losing and irrelevant or is it running the Republican Party? Can’t be both!

It’s obvious The Tea Party has become the “boogeyman” — the Alinsky target for the liberal Left, all because they fear a strong grassroots movement, and what happened in 2010.

That’s why this administration unleashed a government agency, the Internal Revenue Service, against everyday American citizens who seek to participate in the political process of their country — heck I thought that was a fundamental principle of America? But then again I forgot we’re in the midst of a “fundamental transformation.”

I can tell you one simple thing. Americans are hurting — and that’s not Democrat or Republican. And the American people are seeking principled leaders who will provide a better way ahead, a Reaganesque “Morning in America.” I like to think of it as the “Dawn of a New America.”

The restoration of this Constitutional Republic is happening, and it’s not about this candidate or that candidate. It’s about one thing, the one thing that should matter: the American people — not the poll-tested politically-manipulated collective being subjugated to a growing federal government.

Constitutional conservatism is rooted in America’s fabric. It is far from dead, quite to the contrary. It is quite alive, and quite impactful.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on AllenBWest.com.

Two Women, Two Paths

Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin are polar opposites, one bad, one good depending on your political persuasion … which will America choose to follow?




Sarah Palin slams media: Hillary’s brain shouldn’t be off-limits, mine wasn’t
Ben Carson riles up Whoopi with welfare truth; has conservatives cheering on ‘The View’
What happens when Pat Sajak calls libs ‘unpatriotic racists’

Charlie Crist talks Climate Change, Racism and Democrat Debate Dodging

After allowing protesters to take him and his campaign staff off message during the grand opening of his Miami office, former Florida Governor Charlie Crist quickly bounced back into form and addressed reporters shortly after the Saturday morning protest concluded. Crist answered questions ranging from his new position on the U.S. embargo to Cuba, Racism, Climate Change, and his dodging of his Democrat primary opponent, Nan Rich. Read more about the protest in Miami here.

Climate change

Florida is considered “ground zero” for climate change, and Crist, who firmly believes that “the sky is falling,” so to speak, was asked what he would do about it, if he was elected governor.

Crist, who says that it is”ridiculous” to ignore science, and that “climate change is a real issue,” as well as stating that he would hold a climate change summit, and invite people like Robert Kennedy Jr. and other so called know-it-alls on the subject.

Back in 2007, when Crist the Republican governor of Florida, he held the “Serve to Preserve” 2007 climate change summit in Miami, and brought in the likes of the Terminator himself, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Crist says the he signed “Cap and Trade” executive orders when he was governor, and would sign them again, if he defeats Rick Scott this fall.
When asked if he supported “Cap and Trade,” Crist said that he was “willing to do whatever it takes to make sure we are addressing this important issue.” When the sun shines, we have flooding, and there’s a reason. And it’s because the seas are rising – Charlie Crist

Crist statement sounds a bit bizarre, but on Miami Beach, flooding is occurring because of rising seas caused by the Earth’s natural climate and temperature evolution, and not just from rainstorms.

Debating Nan Rich


Photo courtesy of The Shark Tank.

Democrat Nan Rich Many Floridians believe that the 2014 gubernatorial general election between Republican Governor Rick Scott and Democrat Charlie Crist is set in stone, but that belief is far from the truth.

Charlie Crist has a Democrat primary election to contend with first. Former state Senator and staunch Progressive Democrat, Nan Rich is hoping that she will be able to garner enough of the Democrat Party vote to defeat party newbie, Charlie Crist.

Rich, who believes that Crist’s rhetoric lacks substance, has been calling for the former Republican to debate her, but Crist has taken the position of ignoring her, and focusing on “the real opponent,” Rick Scott.

What’s important for this campaign is to be focused on the real opponent here- the real opponent here is Rick Scott. If I take my eye on that target, shame on me. I have a duty to the voters, I have a duty to our supporters, and I am going to stay laser focused on Rick Scott. – Charlie Crist

While Crist says he has a duty to voters (presumably Democrat voters), Rich is saying that Democrat primary voters deserve to hear from the field of primary gubernatorial candidates, and hopes that the party apparatus stays out of the contested primary race.

“Debates are part of the Democratic process. Charlie Crist is new to our party which is even more reason the people are entitled to hear about his new found positions and compare records to determine who best represents their values. Let’s get on with the debate!”- Nan Rich

Florida Governor Rick Scott has even stated that Crist had to first contend with Nan Rich in a Democrat primary race.

“The first debate Charlie Crist needs to do is with Nan Rich. He needs to quit ducking a debate with Nan Rich. He’s in a primary. I might not agree with her on many issues. But she is somebody who’s consistent, something that Charlie Crist has had a problem with his whole career.” – Gov. Rick Scott

Crist’s dodging of Nan Rich’ debate requests is considered to be hypocritical ,being that back in 2010, he debated now – Senator Marco Rubio in the Republican primary Senate race. Read more on Nan Rich’s “Where’s Charlie” debate efforts here.


Crist was then asked by a reporter to give “one example of racism in the Republican Party,” prompting Crist to dismiss the question by answering, “I have already talked about it, it speaks for itself.”

Watch the video.


EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Shark Tank. The author of this column states that flooding in Miami is caused by rising sea levels. Sea levels on the Pacific coast have been falling due to the cooling of the ocean waters. The rise in sea levels on the Atlantic coast has stopped and will decline as well for the same reason – the cooling of the ocean waters. The average rise of oceans has been measured at 1 inch per century. Not enough to cause flooding.

Charlie Crist attacked by his own adviser – This is brutal


Steve Schale

According to the Republican Party of Sarasota County (RPOS), “Five years ago, Charlie Crist abandoned Floridians, leaving behind the mess that he created in Tallahassee to run away to Washington.”

The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) released a video of Crist being attacked by Steve Schale his own adviser. According to Schale’s website:

Steven Schale is a Florida-based political, communications and government relations strategist.

Steve has extensive experience in all levels of Florida politics and is one of the best regarded strategists in the Sunshine State.

The St. Petersburg Times has called him “one of the savviest and most effective political strategists Florida Democrats have seen in ages.” In 2008, he was named one of Florida’s “100 Movers and Shakers” by Florida International Magazine, one of the most influential Democrats in Florida by Politics Magazine in 2009 and 2013, and the most influential Democratic strategist in Florida by the Tampa Bay Times in 2012.

Watch the video:


Operation American Spring: Enter the People, Ordinary Heroes

Washington, D.C., May 16, 2014 – Today is the first day of Operation American Spring. Momentum has been building, our forces growing, for over eight months.

The cries of millions of Patriots coalesce, in this coalition of Constitutionalists. We come with courage of conviction, with peace in our hearts. We are determined to mass. We will make our voices heard!

We are armed only with our prayers. Our determination to rescue the government of the United States of America from the amoral enemies of Liberty is without bound. We must not fail!

We come to the seat of power to speak truth. America has fallen away from the founding principles of freedom that once made her prosperous and great. We have become a nation not of liberty and law, but of elitist intimidation and crony corruption. Merit and hard work mean nothing anymore. No longer are American citizens free to exercise their God-given rights without interference from government. The American dream of a better life for our sons and daughters is gone. But it is not forgotten, nor forsaken.

We come not as an attacking army of invaders, but in the bold vision of OAS founder Col. Harry Riley, as a massive ‘human petition’, demanding our elected Representatives begin the long-overdue task of cleansing our government of corrupt and criminal elements who have usurped their proper role as servants, and seek to rule, instead. All American law that does not have a basis in Constitutional law is null and void. We will no longer quietly accept the diktat of those who knowingly broke the Oath they swore so solemnly. We will not recognize nor consent to illegal control of government, that is rightfully ours. Since so many so-called ‘leaders’ abrogate their oaths to protect and defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, it falls upon the People to stand behind the ideals embodied so clearly and eloquently by our Founders in the Declaration and Constitution.

Many millions of the People may pour into Washington, D.C. today. More will come in days that follow.

And multitudes more support OAS on the home front. Whether with money or on social media, with constant contacts by phone, fax and e-mail to Congress, or merely with their humble prayers, the People are mobilizing in a vast movement. The efforts of all, no matter how seeming small, are vital.

Undaunted by unceasing attempts of contemptible cowards and undercover government operatives, the People’s support of Operation American Spring grows and swells daily, surging forward. Real patriots are not dissuaded by the false logic and unreasoned rhetoric that spews and sputters from the mouthpieces of the elites, who fear our strength and will. We reject the spurious argument that OAS has no Constitutional grounds to make demands on government officials; we stand on our First Amendment Rights of Free Speech, Free Assembly and Petition of Grievances. Those in power, with willful and woefully short memory forget their own pasts protesting and demanding resignation of President Nixon.

Fear mongers predict a peaceful, unarmed presence in Washington will provoke and provide predicate cause for declaration of Martial Law. They fail to see the impact that sanctioned government violence would have in polarizing the entire nation to resist with force of arms. We dare to march unarmed into the enemy’s corrupt camp, with the certain knowledge that our brothers and sisters are waiting, and watching. It is not we who should tremble at the hollow might of tyrannical government.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozler has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” – Carl Sagan

Current Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Patriot Nation on BlogTalkRadio

Sympathy for the “Washington, D.C. Devils”

I have a little sympathy for the Washington, D.C. Republicans even though they irritate me more than gravel in my oatmeal. Are Republicans Dancing with the devil?

Visit “All the Presidents Men 2011” to understand who is really responsible for our current policies. Connect the dots for yourself.


Is Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FL 3) a do nothing seat warmer?

Steve McDonald is a constituent of Congressman Ted Yoho who represents Florida’s District 3. Rep. Yoho was elected because he took a strong stand, verbally, against the policies in Washington, D.C. During his campaign he stated that “Obamacare is racist against white people“. Yoho was a darling of Florida conservatives. However, when McDonald received a District 3 postcard asking for his support of Rep. Yoho he sent an email with some questions for the Congressman. The following is the full text of McDonald’s email to Yoho:

Dear Ted:

As I have repeatedly stated in the past (for which I recognize that I am no longer on your contact list), you are not exhibiting the leadership expected by your representing our district in Congress.

First, your campaign promise made at the Gathering Restaurant in Branford, Florida, before many attendees, before you were elected to FILE impeachment against Obama has not been fulfilled.

I have carefully followed your voting record. Your votes are mostly conservative until major issues are up for a vote. In these major issues, you have almost consistently, not voted conservatively, but voted with the establishment.

Today I read your postcard mailing which stated, “This is why I co-sponsored or introduced the following legislation.” I did some investigating and discovered that you introduced NONE of your listed legislation!

Legislation Introduced by:

HRes 442 Tom Rice SC
HR 3973 Ron DeSantis FL
HRes 411 Pete Olson TX
HR 2507 Thomas Massie KY
HR 75 Dr. Paul Broun GA
HR 73 Dr. Paul Broun
HR 3855 Cynthia Lummus WY
HR 3076 Ron DeSantis FL
HR 3361 James Sensenbrunner WI
HR 2399 John Conyers DEMOCRAT MI
HR 1852 Kevin Yoder KS
HR 637 Ted Poe TX

What’s the truth Ted? It increasingly appears to me that you are warming a seat and exhibiting ZERO leadership.

Talk is cheap.

-You and I have discussed Boehner yet nothing gets accomplished. – We have talked impeachment of Obama, yet nothing is done.
-I have mentioned to you that impeaching Holder is the WRONG way to handle this. Federal criminal prosecution for the criminal acts of lying to Congress and perjury is the correct avenue, not more worthless rhetoric about impeachment.
-This Congress continues to dither about Benghazi. The guilty need to be punished.
-Nothing is accomplished about IRS abuses.
-TOTAL repeal of the Affordable Care Act is not accomplished. Government should not be involved in health care PERIOD.
-Audit of Federal Reserve has never been accomplished. (Yes I realize that this issue is a death warrant for the author of such legislation).
-Reigning in the EPA not accomplished.
-Reigning in the TSA/DHS not accomplished.
-Reigning OSHA is not accomplished.
-Get the Federal Government out of Education (a Reagan Campaign promise unfulfilled). Education is a 100% local matter
-Building the Keystone Pipeline still blocked.
-What is being done to stop the Administration efforts to close coal as a source fuel for power.
-Amnesty continues to rear its ugly head, while little to nothing is done to close the southern border and expel the illegal criminals.
-I have maybe 50 more objections to the lack-of accomplishments for which this Congress is guilty.

In the time you have been in Congress, others like DeSantis, Bridenstine, Cruz, & Flake have served the same length of time. They are each now nationally recognized figures for publicly standing for what is right (against more government encroachment).

I must not be the Lone Ranger in my criticism because I have been contacted by a lawyer in Gainesville to investigate his challenging you for the seat. My long time belief is that I would oppose any lawyer being in the Congress, but he talks the talk you did 2 years ago. Problem you have is that you have not walked the walk that you talked about.

McDonald made attempts to talk with Rep. Yoho but to no avail. McDonald did speak with a staffer for Rep. Yoho. This is how McDonald characterized that discussion:

I regret that a Yoho Washington staffer telephoned with specific talking points laid out for her yesterday afternoon (4/14/14. When I challenged her on her talking points, she had NO clue what she was talking about. I am VERY offended to now be down to a third level staffer (which she denied being) who didn’t have the intelligence or background to handle her conversation with me.

There is a growing feeling that members of the Florida Congressional delegation are not doing their jobs by representing the interest of Floridians. That feeling may turn into a backlash in November 2014 when all House members are up for re-election.

Training Your Congressman!

Is it possible that we can straighten out poorly performing politicians?  I say absolutely!

Has John Boehner suddenly been trained to stand for justice for Benghazi? Or is he just blowing smoke because election day is coming?


The View from the Bottom

It tells you everything you need to know about the utter contempt those in the White House and the circles of power that the announcement of 0.01% economic growth thus far this year was blamed on—wait for it—the weather! Specifically, a cold winter.

AA - Blame the Weather

If you have been paying any attention of late, the weather and the climate have become the reason foreverything in general and for tornadoes, floods and forest fires, in particular. The fact that these natural events have always been subject to whatever the weather is or the larger climate trends seems to have escaped the notice of too many people. If winter automatically drives down the economy to a point of invisibility, that is news to me.

I’m surprised some economist hasn’t blamed winter for the major decline in home ownership. It has hit its lowest level since the mid-1990s according to the Census Bureau. As the Wall Street Journal reported, “despite two years of recovery in the housing market there are still fewer homeowners than there were before the recession.”  Oh? The recession is over? You could have fooled me.

It is no surprise, however, that China is poised to pass the United States as the world’s leading economic power this year. The U.S. has been the global leader since 1872 when it replaced the United Kingdom and now “most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019 according to the Financial Times.

Bear in mind that the U.S. has survived financial crises in the past, but the 2008 meltdown has persisted since around January 20, 2009 when a new President was sworn into office. It didn’t take him long to receive a Nobel Peace Prize that year and to preside over the first reduction in the nation’s top ranked credit rating in 2011.

Could the economic decline have something to do with the insane increase of federal government regulation? As John Merline asked in Investor’s Business Daily, “After years of rapid growth during the Obama administration, the cost of federal regulations is now bigger than the entire economics of all but nine countries in the world.” He was reporting on the annual report. “Ten Thousands Commandments”, issued by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Compiled by Clyde Wayne Crews, this year’s report found that the “regulation tax” imposed on the economy now tops $1.86 trillion. “By comparison, Canada’s entire GDP is $1.82 trillion and India’s is $1.84 trillion.”

“The problem, Crews notes, is that the combined cost of this ‘tax’ never shows up anywhere in the federal budget—or any other official report—even though it is now bigger than individual and corporate income taxes combined.” The CEI report noted that federal regulatory costs average $14,974 per household “which is more than the typical household spends on just about anything else.”

So you don’t have to have an economics degree to figure out what is wrong. “Last year,” Merline reported, “regulators issued 3,659 rules. That’s equal to one new rule every 2 l/2 hours of every day7 or nearly two federal rules issued every business hour.” Why is this happening? Because the 2013 Federal Registered contains 79,311 pages, the fourth highest ever and the top two all-time totals were both under President Obama. Big government? No, TOO BIG Big Government.

A new poll surveying young Americans’ political attitudes was released at the end of April by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics. As indoctrinated as those 18 to 29 have been in our public schools, they are not brain-dead. The survey found that the millennials have less trust in government than ever before in the President, Congress, the Supreme Court, the military, and federal government as a whole. There is a comparable lack of confidence in Wall Street and the United Nations. Unfortunately, less than one-in-four (25%) of Americans under 30 said they would definitely vote in the forthcoming midterm elections, a decrease since last autumn, though more Republican millennials will vote than Democrats.

It’s not just the youth who are unhappy. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll taken in late April revealed “a marked change from past decades” as “nearly half of those surveyed wanted the U.S. to be less active on the global state, with fewer than one-fifth call for more active engagement—and anti-interventionist current that sweeps across party lines.”

This is hardly a surprise as one looks back on the years since 9/11 in which engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq turned out to be failures. In this regard Obama has his finger on the pulse of Americans who are weary of military interventions, but it is equally true he has used this to impose vast reductions on the U.S. military. If they are needed, there will be far less of them and the arsenal they will need.

The poll showed that approval of Obama’s handling of foreign policy has sunk to the lowest level of his presidency with 38% approval. His overall job performance now pulls in 47% or so. Both are below half the population of likely voters. The poll also demonstrated how disenchanted they are with the economy “that many believe is stacked against them.” The views expressed correlated with income and education, rather than party affiliation.

The state of the economy reflects the factors noted; too much regulation, Obamacare’s attack on one sixth of the economy, replete with dozens of taxes within it, as well as the serious disruption of the healthcare system.  What it has also done is cause many businesses to put a cap on how many they employ, a dagger in the heart of those coming out of college with few real prospects, those seeking employment after having been laid off due to Obamacare and other factors—some 90 million still.

If the nation does survive Obama, historians will express wonder that he was reelected and that his approval ratings weren’t considerably lower. He is still being defended by the mainstream media, so that might account for the latter, but recent revelations about the Benghazi cover-up may have an impact.

The people I talk with are “hanging on”, struggling to get by on what money comes in. They are not happy and I suspect they reflect a general unhappiness from the millennials to the senior set.

They are observing the nation and the world from the bottom of the barrel.

We’re Americans. We don’t like being number two.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Angie Schwendemann. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Florida League of Women Voters Celebrates Voter Fraud?

The Florida League of Women Voters appears to be against any strenuous review of voting rolls with the intent of removing ineligible voters. Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner in 2013 began a process called “Project Integrity“. The idea was to check Florida voter rolls against the Department of Homeland Security SAVE database to insure those in Florida illegally do not vote. The Secretary’s office would verify someone is on the SAVE database and registered to vote in Florida, then that name would be sent to the local Supervisor of Elections (SOE), who would then re-verify if the voter is ineligible. The SOE would then remove that name from the voter rolls.

Project Integrity has been opposed by the Florida League from the start.

“Using the federal SAVE Program to conduct this ‘cleaning’ of the voter rolls is like taking a chihuahua on a hunting expedition — it is an inappropriate tool for this application,” says League President Deirdre Macnab. The League will be watching to ensure that the rights of eligible voters are not undermined. “We urge the Secretary’s office to look for ways to engage the state’s electorate and use the Department of State’s resources to make the voting process more accessible to citizens, rather than more strenuous,” Macnab concluded.

When Secretary Detzner stopped Project Integrity the League celebrated that decision stating “Florida voters should be delighted by this news.” We sent the following questions to Macnab:

  1. Should voter rolls be updated to remove all those not eligible to vote?
  2. Should voter rolls be updated to meet federal and state laws on voter eligibility?
  3. In a press release on suspension of Project Integrity the FL League of Women Voters stated “ Florida voters should be delighted by this news.” 
    Should illegal aliens be allowed to vote? If so, how many and why?
  4. Why do you use the word “purge” in your press release? Purge implies ethnicity. Ineligible means illegal. Does the League agree?
  5. Your presser states “Previous purges initiated by the Department of State have resulted in embarrassment for the state of Florida and have done nothing to make our elections process more secure.” What does updating voter rolls have to do with security? What are you referring to when you state “embarrassment for the state”. Please send me a poll or study that has this as a finding.
  6. You state, “Prior to the 2012 election, over 182,000 registered voters were inappropriately targeted by the state as potentially ineligible.” Where did you get this number?
  7. There are examples of people who are contacted and later retained on the voter rolls. Is it not proper for local Supervisors and the Secretary of State to check eligibility? Why is it inappropriate to look at potentially ineligible voters?

We received the following reply from Macnab on April 2, 2014:

Every voter takes an oath when they register to vote and pens their signature to the registration form. A new voter pledges that the information provided is both accurate and truthful information. To violate that oath is a felony, punishable by law. In the same vein, we should take the same precautionary steps to honor any voter’s oath before we consider removing them from the voter rolls. Unfortunately in Florida, we have seen instances where eligible voters are removed, with faulty and inaccurate voter list maintenance instituted by the Secretary’s office. The League believes only eligible voters should vote, and we have a process that is working: we know that the independently elected Supervisors of Election and their staff at the county level are working every day to ensure that lists are up to date and that only eligible voters are in fact voting. There are a number of news stories available if you Google this subject that can provide back up to the numbers you mentioned.

On that same day National Review Online reported:

North Carolina’s Board of Elections found that tens of thousands of registered voters from the state have personal information matching that of registered voters in other states, and appear to have voted in states other than North Carolina in 2012. In some cases, votes were cast under names of individuals who had passed away before Election Day.

The review searched databases in 27 other states and 101 million voter records for information such as matching names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers.

The review found that 35,570 North Carolina voters from 2012 shared the same first names, last names, and dates of birth with individuals who voted in other states. Another 765 Tar Heel State residents who voted in 2012 had the the same names, birthdays, and final four digits of a Social Security number as voters elsewhere.

Read more.

The updating of voter rolls is the responsibility of each of Florida’s 67 Supervisors of Elections. Removing those ineligible to vote is a constant battle. Floridians would think that any effort to insure only those eligible vote and those eligible do vote would be a top priority of the Florida League of Women Voters. However, that may not be the case.


Florida: 3,000 Voter Registrations List a UPS Store as a Residence
The Stolen Election of 2012
League of Women Voters Assists Radical Leftist Dream Defenders