VIDEO: Government Corruption With So Called ‘Covid Vaccine’

“If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” – Albert Einstein

Today’s blog is interesting. It includes a video, fairly long but worth listening to. It is two hours of valuable information. People who are in denial of what is really going on, need to see this. Post this link to all your Government officials and health Authorities, and let’s try and stop the lies and more lockdown and mask mandates.

We know that lockdowns and mask mandates, vaccine shaming and perpetual shaming of non vaxxed citizens is very much on the cards of this administration and blue run cities and states.

Finally a story that puts all the pieces together in a logical way, now it all makes sense, the Truth is now exposed !

Please share this blog far and wide and if social media remove it or try ‘fact check’ it, use this blog url to text and emails in your contacts.

Dr. Martin lays out the corporate and Governmental corruption of the Corona virus and the so-called vaccine.

All of this is worth carefully listening to, but if you don’t listen to anything else please listen from the 40 minute to 51 minute point. It’s 11 minutes of unbelievable. According to the US Patent office this is not really a vaccine. I think at about the 47 minute point is where they say that the injection is leaving behind an S1 Spike Protein.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Medical Dissenters Sabotaged and Silenced in Stalinist America

“Make government the herder of the flock, and the herder will cull the undesirable sheep.” ― A.E. Samaan, American Scientist, Socialist and Nazi collaborator

“Nine out of ten eugenicists in the 20th Century were also Progressives or Socialists, as central to the eugenic creed is the desire to engineer and centrally plan human reproduction and heredity. These were not people that believed in individual liberty. They certainly didn’t believe the individual had the right to choose their own mate freely. They were statists, they were totalitarians at heart.” ― A.E. Samaan

“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.” – Thomas Sowell

“It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospital, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.” –  Thomas Sowell

Physicians throughout the world have been quiet and followed the medical instructions from the hierarchy telling them that empiric clinical methods of care are not to be used, that decades old combinations of cheap and safe medications are unsafe.  Elitists with the title of “doctor” who have never treated patients, much less Covid patients, are telling us these empiric treatments are dangerous and they should only use the newer treatments recommended that cost far more, and are, in fact, dangerous.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle tell me I’m unpatriotic, that I’m a killer, that I should be as frightened and freaked out as the rest of the sheeple, and that I’m a full-fledged creature of sin for not listening to our omniscient and all-powerful government to get the jab.  Well, they can kiss my grits because I’ve already had Covid, and like the other 99.75% of the people who actually had Covid, I survived and recovered. (Take note, I am a sinner, but saved by grace and faith.)

Truly, the demand for this evil injection has reached a pitch of no return…they’ll pay you; they’ll give you donuts, they’ll have a lottery…and they’ll make you believe they can mandate this evil to be put in your body.  Forget about HIPAA Laws, forget about our Fourth Amendment, and forget about the pro-abortion phrase, “My body, my choice.”

One journalist actually stated that those of us who refuse the Covid jab should be put in jail.  Another politician said we shouldn’t be allowed to have a normal life, and good old Mayor DeBlasio, whose real name is Warren Wilhelm, (sounds like a Nazi to me), has decided New Yorkers can’t go into businesses or restaurants, etc. unless they’ve succumbed to being jabbed with a deadly concoction.

You think I’m kidding…scientists and physicians worldwide say it is deadly.

Professor Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and Nobel Prize winner, predicted the potential outcome of mass vaccinations.  He said, “Mass vaccinations are a scientific error as well as a medical error.  It is an unacceptable mistake.  The history books will show that because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants… antibodies created by the vaccine forcing the virus to find another solution or die.  This is how the variants such as Delta are created. These variants are a production and result of the vaccination.”

He’s right!  Normal variants are simply .03% of the original virus and are harmless to anyone who has already recovered from the illness and has God’s perfect immunity.

In my last article, I mentioned Dr. Michael Yeadon, former top scientist and Pfizer VP who has started his own organization. “Doctors for Covid-19 Ethics” is a group of over 160 independent medical experts worldwide, who have issued a stern warning to public health agencies about the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.”

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the messenger RNA tells us that the Pfizer inoculation in the waning phase is causing the virus to replicate more efficiently than it would otherwise.  It is called antibody dependent enhancement or less precisely, disease enhancement.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola who has had a website with alternative therapies, proper nutrition and supplements for 25 years has been threatened to the point where he is removing all his documented work that has not only helped people, but saved their lives.  This is the Stalinist tactic…destroy the dissenters, destroy truth.

Yesterday, many of us spent hours trying to find a way to contact the good doctor and tell him that there were available ways to save his work, and I hope they succeeded.  I went to bed exhausted and heartbroken knowing so many good decent people tried, including wonderful military men who I adore with all my heart.

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Peter McCullough, the top published physician in the entire world, with a massive curriculum vitae (CV) is being sued by a Texas health system for a million dollars because of an error in his published CV by one of the hosts who interviewed him regarding the dangers of mRNA jabs.

Don’t forget, the mRNA is going to appear in your next flu vaccine as well.  Please avoid that at all costs.

True science is an ever-changing discipline that evolves from open exploration and debate as the public availability of new data emerges.  When have we seen this level of censorship of knowledge and experience?  Never, but the government has experimented on American citizens and veterans for decades upon decades.

Vaccines have never been perfect.  I’ve written previously about the polio vaccines grown on Simian monkey kidneys which was contaminated with the SV-40 virus.  SV-40 in the vaccine caused soft tissue cancers not only in those who received the vaccine, but in our descendants as it is genetically passed.

Now, Dr. McCullough is warning us against the Covid vaccine and is paying a personal price for telling the truth.  The powers that be want him silenced, and not only because they will make massive amounts of money on these vile inoculations, but because the promoters of eugenics (Gates, Soros, Fauci et. al.) and UN Agenda 21/30 seem to want our population culled of the “useless eaters.”

LifeSiteNews and the RAIR Foundation are supporting him.  Please click on the websites and watch their videos.

Renowned Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson joined RAIR Foundation USA to defend politically-persecuted physician, Peter McCullough, MD. During his interview, Dr. Hodkinson also made powerful comments about the coronavirus vaccine, of which he has been a vocal critic.

In Defense of Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Peter McCullough, who served as vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center until February, has endorsed early treatments for the coronavirus “such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Colchicine, monoclonal antibodies, and other proven safe and effective treatments,” as previously reported at RAIR Foundation USA.

Dr. Hodkinson slammed the Covid Psyops, “Reputations will be slaughtered, a pack of lies from start to finish.”  Watch the video!

“And this horrible moment in medical history will be remembered by the general public, when the truth comes out, the books are written.”

Dr. McCullough is being threatened with a million-dollar lawsuit ostensibly because he has used his former title. According to the Dallas Morning News, Baylor “filed the lawsuit on the same day it announced it was requiring all of its employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19…”

“Yes, it’s really quite disturbing that someone of Dr. McCullough’s stature is attacked,” Dr. Hodkinson told RAIR. “Dr. McCullough is basically the top dog internationally in all this,” he continued. “For his institution to be attacking him is despicable. He’s a renowned cardiologist in his own right with a huge publication list…editor of numerous journals…” (over 600 to be exact).  Hodkinson said, emphasizing that Dr. McCullough “has done nothing at all wrong.”

Dr. Roger Hodkinson said that people can donate to Dr. McCullough’s legal fund here (select “Medical Censorship Defense Fund”).

What Can People Do?

Hodkinson recommended watching McCullough’s Rumble and Bitchute videos to get a “very good general education on Covid.” Further, Dr. Hodkinson advised that if citizens are being threatened with consequences should they not get vaccinated, an option could be “Notices of Liability,” which “can be quite powerful if they are appropriately worded and presented.”

Notices of Liability could be written by an attorney, or templates could be found online, Dr. Hodkinson added. Just the hint of a “Notice of Liability” may be enough to cause those attempting to impose the vaccine to “back off,” he said.

Further, the renowned pathologist recommended “prophylaxis with Vitamin D 5000 international units (IUs) a day, 50 milligrams of zinc” which are “readily available” and Ivermectin as an early intervention, after one gets Covid.

‘People are being intimidated’

The coronavirus vaccines were “not needed, experimental, they are dangerous, they have all kinds of complications…and people are being intimidated into taking them in the most Machiavellian fashion,” Dr. Hodkinson said. Speaking of incentives such as “ice cream” and entry into a lottery to get the vaccines, Hodkinson added “Those kinds of inducements are totally inappropriate.”

“We not only have an unneeded, dangerous vaccine, but it’s also now becoming very clear that the vaccine does not live up to its initial promise. It’s not 98% effective as they were originally saying. No! Nowhere close,” the pathologist declared. The doctor explained that the mRNA vaccine was not designed for the “more recent variants, like the Delta variant,” and so obviously the vaccines will not be as effective in treating the variants,” which we now know are caused by the injections.

As an aside, Hodkinson noted that the variants are more transmissible which is a “good thing” for herd immunity, which would be a far greater alternative than taking the “unnecessary, reckless and dangerous” vaccine.

Terrifying Potential Long Term Effects

Starting at around the 9:00 mark of the RAIR interview, Dr. Hodkinson made a powerful statement about what “could happen” in the long term. “There are two big horror shows that could happen,” he explained. The pathologist qualified his statement by saying that he is “underlying ‘could’” because nobody knows what the long-term impacts could be precisely because of the rush to production.

The first major concern is that two out of three of those who take the vaccine and do not experience the known side effects other than soreness in the arm have “diffuse coagulation taking place in their blood vessels,” Dr. Hodkinson explained, citing findings from both Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.

These blood clots are “occurring in the slowest moving smallest vessels in the body,” and long-term consequences – such as premature onset of heart failure or dementia – can only be known by monitoring those affected. “We just don’t know,” he said.

The second potential major long-term concern is fertility. There are “serious, scientifically supportable risks” related to “fertility for males and the viability for pregnancy in females,” he explained.

‘Incredibly Mad Episode in Human History’

Dr. Hodkinson is confident that there will be a reckoning for this “incredibly mad episode in human history.” “I think the dominoes are starting to fall,” he told RAIR. “And when the dust settles…reputations will be slaughtered because this has been a pack of lies from start to finish.” Hodkinson believes that there will be a time “when the general public starts catching wind of how they’ve been manipulated.” This manipulation is quite literal, he said, “with PsyOps to force them into complying.” “There will be retribution at the polls,” Hodkinson said. (Highly doubtful this will matter.)

“Mainstream media and social media may try all they might to suppress the reality of what’s happened,” but the truth will prevail.


As a dear friend said to me, “When truth is silenced, we truly have become a Stalinist state.”  She is right.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

NY Does Not Require ID To Vote, But Now You’ll Need Vax Papers To Eat

It’s all about controlling the people and stealing elections. It’s how they roll and how they rule.

NY Does Not Require ID To Vote, But Now You’ll Need Passport To Eat

Written By BlabberBuzz | 04 August 2021:

New York City residents and visitors will be asked to present evidence of vaccination for indoor dining, gyms, and shows, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.

The mayor is calling the city’s vaccine passport the “Key to NYC Pass.”

“This is a miraculous place, literally filled with wonders,” de Blasio announced about the city. “If you’re vaccinated, that’s gonna open up to you, you can open the door. If you’re unvaccinated you will not be able to participate in many things. It’s time for people to see vaccination as necessary to living a good, full, and healthy life.”

“It will require vaccination for workers and customers in indoor dining, in indoor fitness facilities, indoor entertainment facilities,” he said. “The only way to patronize these businesses indoors is if you’re vaccinated.”
“If we’re going to stop the Delta variant, the time is now,” said the mayor. “This is going to make it clear, you want to enjoy everything great in this summer of New York City? Go get vaccinated.”

De Blasio explained that New York City is the first in the country to take this step, though the program is modeled after the vaccine passport programs rolled out in France and other European countries, officials said. It will begin on Aug. 16 and be enforced starting Sept. 13.

The mayor, as well as many other cities across the nation and the world, has been attempting to incentivize individuals to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as the delta variant proceeds to spread and end lives. The proof-of-vaccination announcement follows last week’s announcement of roughly a $100 cash incentive for vaccinations. The cash incentive has proven effective thus far, with over 11,000 individuals getting their first dose of the vaccination in the four days since the program started. The mayor announced that 5 million New Yorkers have gotten at least 1 dose of the vaccine.

“We’re now at this point that we’ve dreamed of, and we’re going to go even farther with a smart mix of incentives and mandates,” he said. “We’re going to use every tool we’ve got to fight the delta variant and end the COVID era once and for all.”

Unlike the newly published rules for city workers, those who are unvaccinated will not have an option to get a COVID-19 test, administration sources explained. The limitations will not apply to outdoor dining, sources said.

In recent days, de Blasio has repeatedly hovered the possibility of ramping up restrictions and vaccine requirements. He mandated in late July that all public health system employees receive their shots or receive a weekly coronavirus test — and then expanded the requirement to the entire city workforce.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Is A Nationwide Lockdown Imminent?

“It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.” – Epictetus

Foreword by Fred Brownbill. I have heard from multiple sources that the usurper in the WH is about to announce a national lockdown. The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”

We have heard the crooked pervert in chief of New York, De Blasio, threaten just that. If we do not have the shot and the accompanying vaccine passport, you will not have access to any facility from gyms to restaurants and if that fails the loss of “freedom” that follows – ie lockdowns – will be the un vaxxed’s fault.

Within the next 12 days, multiple sources have told me, the pretender-in-chief, another pervert and definitely mentally challenged, Joe Biden, will announce a nationwide lockdown, fraudulently blaming the “delta” variant ( or by then the next one already named Lambda ) and “anti-vaxxers” for the overzealous and unconstitutional action. The lockdown will have no specific end date, and it is likely to be strongly resisted by red states, while blue states will effectively be turned into medical police states with brutal enforcement of the lockdown measures.

Most importantly, the new lockdown will be perceived as so overreaching and totalitarian that nationwide protests will soon commence.

This is actually and most likely all part of the plan. The lockdown push being mentioned by leftist extremists and traitors is being engineered to invoke a backlash, even among Leftists who will join conservatives in taking to the streets to protest the medical tyranny.

This backdrop of nationwide protests is the setting needed by the ‘deep state’ to stage a violent false flag event that I’m told will most likely target a medical facility or medical group of some kind. The FBI will of course be running this just like they ran the Whitmer “kidnapping” in Michigan as well as the Jan. 6th “capitol siege” false flag operation. Nearly every act of terrorism in America over the last two decades has been plotted and spearheaded by the corrupt FBI, and there’s little question they are planning a new theatrical caper to place blame on so-called “anti-vaxxers.”

The FBI, alongside most alphabet agencies like the ATF, are rotten from the top down. They all need disbanding, rebuilding and investigated for criminal activities. Each needs a total enema to flush out the foul smelling excrement in each one.

The Covid criminals are desperately creating a new crisis to cover up their previous crimes

The swamp criminals who ran this entire covid plandemic are getting desperate, you see, and they need to create a new crisis to try to seize even more power. Here’s how this plan will work, according to multiple sources:

Step 1) Biden announces a nationwide, overreaching lockdown.

Step 2) Americans react against the medical tyranny and take to the streets in peaceful protests.

Step 3) The criminal Biden regime exploits the chaos of the protests to stage a violent false flag attack against a medical facility so that blame can be placed on gun owners who are also “anti-vaxxers.”

Step 4) CNN runs with the staged footage, claiming anti-vaxxers are terrorists. The entire media jumps on the engineered narrative to whip up mass hysteria and hatred against the unvaccinated. This further divides America while the media whips up the emotions to insane levels.

Step 5) Biden uses the emotional hysteria to issue an executive order outlawing all gun ownership by civilians. Yes, it’s illegal and unconstitutional, but he will try it. Many red states will denounce the effort, and this will accelerate the splintering of the United States of America as red states realize they can no longer maintain any allegiance to a criminal swamp cabal that recognizes no limits of government power.

Step 6) Biden launches door-to-door “strike force” teams, now heavily armed up after the false flag theater, to forcibly vaccinate people at gunpoint and confiscate their firearms.

The no-holds-barred war on the American people thereby commences. Mass executions on the streets of America. Bloodshed on a scale never before witnessed. U.S. military troops turned against innocent civilians and doctors who promoted vitamin D instead of toxic spike protein injections.

It’s maybe all coming, and the possible beginning steps are now just two weeks away (or less).

My advice on peaceful protesting

As I explain in my podcast below, here’s what I suggest you keep in mind when joining the peaceful protests against medical tyranny:

  1. NEVER bring weapons to any protest. Not even pepper spray. If you bring weapons, you may wind up ensnared in another FBI false flag terror plot.
  2. DO NOT trespass into any building, including a hospital or clinic. This is how they arrested innocent, peaceful protesters on January 6th.
  3. FILM EVERYTHING and be ready to quickly hide your micro SD card so that the corrupt FBI can’t confiscate it after they pull off their false flag event. This means preparing in advance to hide micro SD cards in your bra, shoes, underwear, hair or even other body orifices, should you dare. Since America is now becoming North Korea, honest Americans must now resort to the same freedom techniques used by dissenting North Korean citizens who have to smuggle videos that show the corruption and criminality of the regime.
  4. WATCH OUT for efforts by individuals or any group to whip you into aggressive action of any kind. The FBI will obviously run agent provocateurs who try to convince people to do outrageous things, and CNN’s cameras will be waiting to capture you on film and destroy your life.
  5. IF IN DOUBT, stay the f##k out. Don’t get dragged into some situation that seems fishy or out of control. Don’t enter buildings or private property. Even be careful what you say verbally because there are audio recording devices all around you. By merely stating out loud something like, “We should barge in there!” you can be charged with terrorism under the new Biden regime and its corrupt DOJ.

Also remember that We the People aren’t going to win this war through kinetic conflict. We’re going to win by exposing the criminality of the regime, and that means shooting with cameras, not rifles. Use the video platforms available today to post your videos and expose the regime. Video footage is your greatest “weapon” against an illegitimate, criminal government that is now weaponizing the covid hysteria against the American people.

RELATED ARTICLE: The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

WATCH: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Rips Biden a New One

“Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COVID 19 Protocols: #1 – No Vaccine!

Foreword by Fred Brownbill: Today’s blog is about alternative treatments and suggestions for such. It is bound to not go down well with all those “sheep” and the Commie Social Media who will do their damndest to erase this post as you share it online on your Facebook or Twitter accounts. They will use their lying ‘fact checkers’ ( what a joke! ) to try say this is a lie. That it is not the science!

Try sharing this blog link as a text or email if that happens.

I have made this post with several links for you all to hit and follow as you educate yourselves and families on the horror that is the Covid Vaccine, which by the way is now the most profitable drug ever made!! See below 2 examples of that obscene profitability.

This is how much Pfizer has made from the coronavirus vaccine

Analysts project that Moderna will make $1.5 billion in the first quarter of 2021 from sales of mRNA-1273 rising to $3.5 billion by the third quarter. For the full year, its anticipated that Moderna will make around $11 billion. Over the next five years predictions are that Moderna’s sales of mRNA-1273 will approach $20 billion.

As cities, counties, states and countries continue their attempts to shame us ‘non-vaxers’ into taking it or by their attempting to make our lives intolerable by ensuring we are treated as second class citizens, just know your life is more important than their obsession to vaccinate the world with a non approved, relatively untried or tested vaccine.

I have also supplied a link for you to contact a medical professional practice who will help you with the right choices and medicines for the Chinese virus! PLEASE keep this link somewhere safe incase you need it. File it away!

Please take the time to hit the links etc. and share this blog as far and wide as you can. You are not alone. Millions of us will not take this vaccine for a lot of different reasons or beliefs.

Early Treatment Protocols

Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)

America’s Front Line Doctors

( If you need to get a scrip for Hydroxy/Iver you need the above info. Link )

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


Hydroxychloroquine doctor Sues CNN, Anderson Cooper For $100 million

Criticizing scientists like Fauci could soon become ‘hate crime’

Too Many Coincidences: The Likelihood That a Lab Leak in Wuhan Led to the COVID-19 Outbreak

DEATH BLOW: Democrat Regime To Mandate Vaccine Passport and Masks In Restaurants And Gyms on Dying New York City

Markets tanked on the news.

The Democrats have waged war on this once great city — and now they are going for the kill.

NYC to mandate proof of vaccination for many indoor settings

By Nolan Hicks and Sam Raskin | NY Post August 3, 2021 |

New York City will mandate proof of vaccination to enter certain indoor businesses — including restaurants, entertainment venues and gyms — and deny entry to those without the jab, Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce Tuesday.

The initiative, to be dubbed the “Key to NYC Pass,” marks a significant escalation of the city’s efforts to curb the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant, and will launch in mid-August and enforcement will begin in September following a public service announcement campaign, administration officials said.

The program is modeled after the vaccine passport programs rolled out in France and other European countries, according to de Blasio administration officials.

New Yorkers will be required to show either the state’ “Excelsior Pass,” the city’s new vaccine pass or Center for Disease Control’s paper vaccine card, as proof of vaccination, officials told The Post.

Unlike the newly released rules for city workers, those who are unvaccinated will not have an option to receive a COVID-19 test, administration sources said. The restrictions will not apply to outdoor dining, sources said.
An attendee shows her proof of vaccination.
The “Key to NYC Pass” is part of the city’s initiative to curb the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant.
Getty Images

City Hall officials said de Blasio will announce more details on the vaccine requirement during his regular mid-morning virtual press briefing on Tuesday.

In recent days, de Blasio has repeatedly floated the possibility of ramping up restrictions and vaccine requirements. He mandated in late July that all public health system employees get their shots or receive a weekly coronavirus test — and then expanded the requirement for the entire city workforce.

“We’ve got to shake people at this point and say, ‘Come on now.’ We tried voluntary. We could not have been more kind and compassionate. Free testing, everywhere you turn, incentives, friendly, warm embrace. The voluntary phase is over,” de Blasio said on MSNBC last week. “It’s time for mandates, because it’s the only way to protect our people.”
Excelsior Pass app.
The Excelsior Pass app provides digital proof of COVID-19 vaccination or negative test results.
SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

During an appearance on CNN, the mayor left the door open to soon imposing vaccination requirements to enter city bars and restaurants.

“Given everything we’re learning, all options are on the table,” he said Friday. “I keep saying we’re climbing the ladder in terms of more and more mandates.”

And on Monday, the mayor hinted at the Big Apple moving toward a “reality” in which those who do not get vaccinated are barred from certain settings.

“More and more, there’s going to be a reality where, if you’re vaccinated, a world of opportunity opens up to you. If you’re not vaccinated, there’s going to be more and more things you can’t do,” de Blasio said during his virtual press briefing, when he announced that the city will only hire vaccinated workers and advised all New Yorkers to wear masks in indoor, public settings.

“I say that to say, go get vaccinated, so you can fully participate in the life of this city, because that’s where things are going.”


Andrew Cuomo Pushes Businesses to Discriminate Against Unvaccinated

‘State of Fear’: Are We Being Manipulated by Behavioral Scientists?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.<

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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‘State of Fear’: Are We Being Manipulated by Behavioral Scientists?

British journalist Laura Dodsworth argues that the UK government is ‘weaponizing’ fear.

Long before David Attenborough brought his soothing voice to the explication of animal behaviour for the BBC Life series, the North American television public had been introduced to the majesty and oddities of the natural world through Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom.

I remember lying on my stomach in my grandparent’s living room watching programs about lions and eagles, the Great Barrier Reef, the reindeer of Lapland. Footage from those hours of Sunday viewing flooded back to me in the first weeks of Covid lockdown. I watched my friends and neighbours react to media messaging like herds of grazing animals suddenly elevating necks, pricking up ears, rippling hides in response to a predatory shadow or scent.

A threat had been detected. Anxiety came in waves.

I was not immune to fear, of course. In early April 2020 I messaged a group of friends, “Raise your hand if you have experienced this: You haven’t left the house for four days, you go out to do groceries and when you come back you think, ‘Is that a little tickle in my throat? Why do I suddenly need to cough?’”

To a woman, they all raised their bitmoji’s hands.

As those first weeks of lockdown extended into months of restrictions, we learned more about the virus and about the threat it did or didn’t pose. Yet I grew increasingly concerned at how fearful and herd-like we had become. Many seemed to be stuck in panic mode. How and why had so many become so very, very frightened?

In her recently published book, A State of FearBritish photographer and journalist Laura Dodsworth provides penetrating answers. She analyses her government’s use of behavioural psychology in its attempt to direct the public response to the threat of SARS-CoV-2. Dodsworth asserts the government “weaponised” fear and, indeed, weaponized behavioural psychology. To everyone she interviewed, she posed the question: “Is it ethical to frighten people ‘for the greater good?’”

I grew increasingly concerned at how fearful and herd-like we had become. Many seemed to be stuck in panic mode. How and why had so many become so very, very frightened?

Fear is an important response to perceived threat that elicits physiological changes in the body. Fear does several things, including suppressing rational thinking and heightening suggestibility. This controlling emotion has long been recognized as a powerful tool in the manipulation of human behaviour. Marketers, religious leaders, the media, and politicians have all deployed it. Fear, notoriously in both the domestic and the political arena, encourages compliance.

The lockdowns implemented in the spring of 2020 were an unprecedented response to a public health crisis, and Western politicians were uncertain how their citizens would respond. How could they ensure compliance? Dodsworth says the British government took advice from behavioural insight teams. Five groups played a role in shaping and implementing the government response:

Dodsworth outlines techniques used by the government, including “seeding” and “foot-in-the-door.” These two concepts will be familiar to students of Psychology or Marketing 101. The former involves planting an idea like a seed to prime clients for a sale – or citizens for the next pandemic restriction. For example, masks were originally introduced to the public mind as not-fit-for-purpose; but by bringing them into the discussion, even negatively, the idea of mask-wearing had been seeded. When masks were reintroduced as an important tool in the fight against the virus, the proposal was no longer novel.

“Foot-in-the door” works on the principle that, once one has agreed to the first request, it becomes more difficult to refuse the next and bigger request. Confinement for “two weeks to flatten the curve” was accepted by the majority. It had a definite timeline and seemed manageable. But it was soon followed by new demands, by endless months of business and school closures, restrictions on movement, locked churches, and isolation.

Dodsworth argues that behavioural science is no longer occupied primarily with predicting human behaviour. Its mandate now is to influence and direct behaviour. And governments have taken a keen interest in its power to do so.

In Britain the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), unofficially known as the Nudge Unit, was set up in 2010 under Prime Minister David Cameron. BIT is now a profit-making company with offices in the US, France, Australia, and Canada.

Canada not only hosts a BIT office in Toronto; it has its very own unit. A Toronto Star article in February 2021 noted that Dr Teresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, had referenced a behavioural insight team located within the Privy Council Office. It is called the Impact and Innovation Unit and was set up in 2017. The Star’s Susan Delacourt remarks that the role the Impact Unit played in Canada’s Covid messaging is a “social-science experiment” one that “may have given government clues on how to modify citizen’s behaviour for other big global issues – such as climate change, for instance.”

Prior to the pandemic, the “nudge” might be quite mundane: a prompt to eat our five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, reduce food waste, or submit our taxes on time. In Covid times these teams are orchestrating more dramatic campaigns to generate full compliance with public health measures and providing politicians with talking points in defence of these measures. Their campaigns frequently stoke fear and scapegoat the non-compliant.

In illustration, Dodsworth quotes from a discussion paper presented to the Scientific Advisory Group by its pandemic behaviours subgroup on March 23, 2020: “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

At the outset, it was the unmasked, the quarantine-breakers, the youth congregating at house parties, and the religious who were the “covidiots” responsible for driving numbers up and “killing granny.” A few months ago, an op-ed published in Israel’s Ha’aretz even described ultra-Orthodox Jews who do not follow State rules as “Covid insurgents” and “terrorists.”

Today, about three months after publication of her book, Dodsworth has proved prescient in her prediction that the unvaccinated would be condemned as “reckless, socially irresponsible or stupid.”

She is a lockdown critic. Some may find far-fetched her comparison of the manipulation of public opinion by the government to the behaviour of a cult. But this is not a book about the ethics or utility of lockdowns. It is a book that asks important questions about the negative, long-term effects of a campaign of fear deliberately conducted by the government. It queries the part played in that campaign by the media, both mainstream and social. And it probes the role of unelected “psychocrats” in the design and implementation of the campaign.

A State of Fear also raises the “why” question – to what end was this campaign directed? Dodsworth does not think it was only about handling Covid. She thinks that by exacerbating the fear around Covid governments (or those who advise them) are building compliance muscle-memory in citizens, perhaps to prepare them for future sacrifices that will be demanded in a war against climate change.

Her call for a public debate should not go unheeded. She has demonstrated that “the behavioural science framework for making the population comply with being locked down involved powerful techniques which deserve public consultation.” Her own fears for the future, if no such debate takes place, are fears I share.

But along with those memories of Sunday afternoons stretched out in front of Animal Kingdom listening to Marlin Perkins, there is another memory that comes back to me, in a different voice.

In 1978, at his Inauguration Mass, St. John Paul II began his papacy with the clarion call that would become the hallmark of his papal ministry: “Be not afraid!” Later, in Crossing the Threshold of Hope, he would remark that in a certain sense this was “an exhortation addressed to all people, an exhortation to conquer fear in the present world situation.”

John Paul II knew from his experience in Poland what it meant to live in a State of fear. He knew also, from his experience with God, that there is no reason for us to be in a state of fear.

“Have no fear of what you yourselves have created, have no fear of all that man has produced, and that every day is becoming more dangerous for him! Finally, have no fear of yourselves,” he advised.

“Peoples and nations of the entire world need to hear these words. Their conscience needs to grow in the certainty that Someone exists who holds in His hands the destiny of this passing world; Someone who holds the keys to death and the netherworld; Someone who is the Alpha and Omega of human history – be it the individual or collective history. And this Someone is Love.”

This article has been republished with permission from Convivium

Anna Farrow

Anna Farrow is Executive Director of the English Speaking Catholic Council, a lay organization which acts as a coordinating forum for English-speaking Catholics in Quebec. 

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CDC Considers Putting Us in Camps!

Foreword by Fred Brownbill. I was sent this by a retired Lt. Col friend and patriot. I read it and although not surprised, was still shocked that Americans could still be thinking of this sort of action against fellow Americans. Please as always read and share, hit the like button and feel free to comment. As always the link is at the end of the article. Please share it fast as I am sure social media ‘fact checkers’ will remove or say it is a lie. IT IS NOT. Please take the time to read this blog in its entirety and then look at all the links they used for references.

America. These are so called Americans discussing this, deciding our futures. This is the totalitarian thinking of a communist nation – NOT a free nation.

Operational Considerations for Humanitarian Settings. Updated July 26th 2021.

This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings.1,2  This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners who support response activities in these settings. The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation challenges of the shielding approach from CDC’s perspective and guide thinking around implementation in the absence of empirical data. Considerations are based on current evidence known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and may need to be revised as more information becomes available. Please check the CDC website periodically for updates.

What is the Shielding Approach1?

The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting.1,2 They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.

Current evidence indicates that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.3 In most humanitarian settings, older population groups make up a small percentage of the total population.4,5  For this reason, the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-term containment measures among the general population.

In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherence1,6,7, to protocol. Inadvertent introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission among the most vulnerable populations the approach is trying to protect.

A summary of the shielding approach described by Favas is shown in Table 1. See Guidance for the prevention of COVID-19 infections among high-risk individuals in low-resource, displaced and camp and camp-like settings 1,2 for full details.

Table 1: Summary of the Shielding Approach1


Household (HH) Level:

A specific room/area designated for high-risk individuals who are physically isolated from other HH members.

Movement/ Interactions

Low-risk HH members should not enter the green zone. If entry is necessary, it should be done only by healthy individuals after washing hands and using face coverings. Interactions should be at a safe distance (approx. 2 meters). Minimum movement of high-risk individuals outside the green zone. Low-risk HH members continue to follow social distancing and hygiene practices outside the house.


Neighborhood Level:

A designated shelter/group of shelters (max 5-10 households), within a small camp or area where high-risk members are grouped together. Neighbors “swap” households to accommodate high-risk individuals.

Movement/ Interactions

Same as above


Camp/Sector Level:

A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together.

Movement/ Interactions

One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.

Operational Considerations

The shielding approach requires several prerequisites for effective implementation. Several are addressed, including access to healthcare and provision of food. However, there are several prerequisites which require additional considerations. Table 2 presents the prerequisites or suggestions as stated in the shielding guidance document (column 1) and CDC presents additional questions and considerations alongside these prerequisites (column 2).

Table 2: Suggested Prerequisites per the shielding documents and CDC’s Operational Considerations for Implementation

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • Each green zone has a dedicated latrine/bathing facility for high-risk individuals

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • The shielding approach advises against any new facility construction to establish green zones; however, few settings will have existing shelters or communal facilities with designated latrines/bathing facilities to accommodate high-risk individuals. In these settings, most latrines used by HHs are located outside the home and often shared by multiple HHs.
  • If dedicated facilities are available, ensure safety measures such as proper lighting, handwashing/hygiene infrastructure, maintenance and disinfection of latrines.
  • Ensure facilities can accommodate high-risk individuals with disabilities, children and separate genders at the neighborhood/camp-level.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • To minimize external contact, each green zone should include able-bodied high-risk individuals capable of caring for residents who have disabilities or are less mobile.  Otherwise, designate low-risk individuals for these tasks, preferably who have recovered from confirmed COVID-19 and are assumed to be immune.

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • This may be difficult to sustain, especially if the caregivers are also high risk. As caregivers may often will be family members, ensure that this strategy is socially or culturally acceptable.
  • Currently, we do not know if prior infection confers immunity.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • The green zone and living areas for high-risk residents should be aligned with minimum humanitarian (SPHERE) standards.6

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • The shielding approach requires strict adherence to infection, prevention and control (IPC) measures. They require, uninterrupted availability of soap, water, hygiene/cleaning supplies, masks or cloth face coverings, etc. for all individuals in green zones. Thus, it is necessary to ensure minimum public health standards6 are maintained and possibly supplemented to decrease the risk of other outbreaks outside of COVID-19. Attaining and maintaining minimum SPHERE6 standards is difficult in these settings for the general population.8,9,10 Users should consider that provision of services and supplies to high risk individuals could be at the expense of low-risk residents, putting them at increased risk for other outbreaks.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the shielding approach.

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • Monitoring protocols will need to be developed for each type of green zone.
  • Dedicated staff need to be identified to monitor each green zone. Monitoring includes both adherence to protocols and potential adverse effects or outcomes due to isolation and stigma. It may be necessary to assign someone within the green zone, if feasible, to minimize movement in/out of green zones.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • Men and women, and individuals with tuberculosis (TB), severe immunodeficiencies, or dementia should be isolated separately

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • Multiple green zones would be needed to achieve this level of separation, each requiring additional inputs/resources. Further considerations include challenges of accommodating different ethnicities, socio-cultural groups, or religions within one setting.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • Community acceptance and involvement in the design and implementation

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • Even with community involvement, there may be a risk of stigmatization.11,12 Isolation/separation from family members, loss of freedom and personal interactions may require additional psychosocial support structures/systems. See section on additional considerations below.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • High-risk minors should be accompanied into isolation by a single caregiver who will also be considered a green zone resident in terms of movements and contacts with those outside the green zone.

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • Protection measures are critical to implementation. Ensure there is appropriate, adequate, and acceptable care of other minors or individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions who remain in the HH if separated from their primary caregiver.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • Green zone shelters should always be kept clean. Residents should be provided with the necessary cleaning products and materials to clean their living spaces.

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • High-risk individuals will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining their own living space and facilities. This may not be feasible for persons with disabilities or decreased mobility.11 Maintaining hygiene conditions in communal facilities is difficult during non-outbreak settings.7,8,9 consequently it may be necessary to provide additional human resource support.

Suggested Prerequisites 

*As stated in the shielding document*

  • Green zones should be more spacious in terms of shelter area per capita than the surrounding camp/sector, even at the cost of greater crowding of low-risk people.

Considerations as suggested by CDC

  • Ensure that targeting high-risk individuals does not negate mitigation measures among low-risk individuals (physical distancing in markets or water points, where feasible, etc.). Differences in space based on risk status may increase the potential risk of exposure among the rest of the low-risk residents and may be unacceptable or impracticable, considering space limitations and overcrowding in many settings.

Additional Considerations

The shielding approach outlines the general “logistics” of implementation –who, what, where, how. However, there may be additional logistical challenges to implementing these strategies as a result of unavailable commodities, transport restrictions, limited staff capacity and availability to meet the increased needs. The approach does not address the potential emotional, social/cultural, psychological impact for separated individuals nor for the households with separated members. Additional considerations to address these challenges are presented below.

Population characteristics and demographics

Consideration: The number of green zones required may be greater than anticipated, as they are based on the total number of high-risk individuals, disease categories, and the socio-demographics of the area and not just the proportion of elderly population.

Explanation: Older adults represent a small percentage of the population in many camps in humanitarian settings (approximately 3-5%4,5), however in some humanitarian settings more than one quarter of the population may fall under high risk categories13,14,15 based on underlying medical conditions which may increase a person’s risk for severe COVID-19 illness which include chronic kidney disease, obesity, serious heart conditions, sickle cell disease, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, many camps and settlements host multiple nationalities which may require additional separation, for example, Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya accommodates refugees from 19 countries.16

Timeline considerations

Consideration: Plan for an extended duration of implementation time, at least 6 months.

Explanation: The shielding approach proposes that green zones be maintained until one of the following circumstances arises: (i) sufficient hospitalization capacity is established; (ii) effective vaccine or therapeutic options become widely available; or (iii) the COVID-19 epidemic affecting the population subsides.

Given the limited resources and healthcare available to populations in humanitarian settings prior to the pandemic, it is unlikely sufficient hospitalization capacity (beds, personal protective equipment, ventilators, and staff) will be achievable during widespread transmission. The national capacity in many of the countries where these settings are located (e.g., Chad, Myanmar, and Syria) is limited. Resources may become quickly overwhelmed during the peak of transmission and may not be accessible to the emergency affected populations.

Vaccine trials are underway, but with no definite timeline. Reaching the suppression phase where the epidemic subsides can take several months and cases may resurge in a second or even third wave. Herd immunity (the depletion of susceptible people) for COVID-19 has not been demonstrated to date. It is also unclear if an infected person develops immunity and the duration of potential immunity is unknown. Thus, contingency plans to account for a possibly extended operational timeline are critical.

Other logistical considerations

Consideration: Plan to identify additional resources and outline supply chain mechanisms to support green zones.

Explanation: The implementation and operation of green zones requires strong coordination among several sectors which may require substantial additional resources:  supplies and staff to maintain these spaces – shelters, IPC, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), non-food items (NFIs) (beds, linens, dishes/utensils, water containers), psychosocial support, monitors/supervisors, caretakers/attendants, risk communication and community engagement, security, etc. Considering global reductions in commodity shortages,17 movement restrictions, border closures, and decreased trucking and flights, it is important to outline what additional resources will be needed and how they will be procured.


Consideration: Ensure safe and protective environments for all individuals, including minors and individuals who require additional care whether they are in the green zone or remain in a household after the primary caregiver or income provider has moved to the green zone.

Explanation: Separating families and disrupting and deconstructing multigenerational households may have long-term negative consequences. Shielding strategies need to consider sociocultural gender norms in order to adequately assess and address risks to individuals, particularly women and girls.18,19,20 Restrictive gender norms may be exacerbated by isolation strategies such as shielding. At the household level, isolating individuals and limiting their interaction, compounded with social and economic disruption has raised concerns of potential increased risk of partner violence. Households participating in house swaps or sector-wide cohorting are at particular risk for gender-based violence, harassment, abuse, and exploitation as remaining household members may not be decision-makers or responsible for households needs.18,19,20

Social/Cultural/Religious Practices

Consideration: Plan for potential disruption of social networks.

Explanation: Community celebrations (religious holidays), bereavement (funerals) and other rites of passage are cornerstones of many societies. Proactive planning ahead of time, including strong community engagement and risk communication is needed to better understand the issues and concerns of restricting individuals from participating in communal practices because they are being shielded. Failure to do so could lead to both interpersonal and communal violence.21,22

Mental Health

Consideration: Ensure mental health and psychosocial support*,23 structures are in place to address increased stress and anxiety.

Explanation: Additional stress and worry are common during any epidemic and may be more pronounced with COVID-19 due to the novelty of the disease and increased fear of infection, increased childcare responsibilities due to school closures, and loss of livelihoods. Thus, in addition to the risk of stigmatization and feeling of isolation, this shielding approach may have an important psychological impact and may lead to significant emotional distress, exacerbate existing mental illness or contribute to anxiety, depression, helplessness, grief, substance abuse, or thoughts of suicide among those who are separated or have been left behind. Shielded individuals with concurrent severe mental health conditions should not be left alone. There must be a caregiver allocated to them to prevent further protection risks such as neglect and abuse.


The shielding approach is an ambitious undertaking, which may prove effective in preventing COVID-19 infection among high-risk populations if well managed. While the premise is based on mitigation strategies used in the United Kingdom,24,25 there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 epidemic in various humanitarian settings. This document highlights a) risks and challenges of implementing this approach, b) need for additional resources in areas with limited or reduced capacity, c) indefinite timeline, and d) possible short-term and long-term adverse consequences.

Public health not only focuses on the eradication of disease but addresses the entire spectrum of health and wellbeing. Populations displaced, due to natural disasters or war and, conflict are already fragile and have experienced increased mental, physical and/or emotional trauma. While the shielding approach is not meant to be coercive, it may appear forced or be misunderstood in humanitarian settings. As with many community interventions meant to decrease COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, compliance and behavior change are the primary rate-limiting steps and may be driven by social and emotional factors. These changes are difficult in developed, stable settings; thus, they may be particularly challenging in humanitarian settings which bring their own set of multi-faceted challenges that need to be taken into account.

Household-level shielding seems to be the most feasible and dignified as it allows for the least disruption to family structure and lifestyle, critical components to maintaining compliance. However, it is most susceptible to the introduction of a virus due to necessary movement or interaction outside the green zone, less oversight, and often large household sizes. It may be less feasible in settings where family shelters are small and do not have multiple compartments. In humanitarian settings, small village, sector/block, or camp-level shielding may allow for greater adherence to proposed protocol, but at the expense of longer-term social impacts triggered by separation from friends and family, feelings of isolation, and stigmatization. Most importantly, accidental introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission and increased morbidity and mortality as observed in assisted care facilities in the US.26

The shielding approach is intended to alleviate stress on the healthcare system and circumvent the negative economic consequences of long-term containment measures and lockdowns by protecting the most vulnerable.1,24,25 Implementation of this approach will involve careful planning, additional resources, strict adherence and strong multi-sector coordination, requiring agencies to consider the potential repercussion among populations that have collectively experienced physical and psychological trauma which makes them more vulnerable to adverse psychosocial consequences.  In addition, thoughtful consideration of the potential benefit versus the social and financial cost of implementation will be needed in humanitarian settings.*Specific psychosocial support guidance during COVID-19 as specific subject areas are beyond the scope of this document.


  1. Favas, C. Guidance for the prevention of COVID-19 infections among high-risk individuals in camps and camp-like settings pdf icon[465 KB, 15 pages]external icon. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 31 March 2020.
  2. Maysoon, D, Zandvoort K, Flasche S, et al. COVID-19 control in low-income settings and displaced populations: what can realistically be done?external icon. 2020. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Groups at Higher Risk for Severe Illness. Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases. Last content review 14 May 2020.
  4. UNHCR Statistical Yearbook 2016external icon.
  5. UNHCR -Rohingya Refugee Response/Bangladesh-Joint Government of Bangladesh-UNHCR, Population Factsheet. Annex I and II. March 31,2020. Sent by email.
  6. The Sphere Handbook. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, 2018 editionexternal icon.
  7. Butler, N., Tulloch. O. Anthrologica, 2020. Social Sciences in Humanitarian Action pdf icon[275 KB, 8 pages]external icon.
  8. Blum, L.S., Yemweni, A., Trinies, V. et al. Programmatic implications for promotion of handwashing behavior in an internally displaced persons camp in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Confl Health 13, 54 (2019). icon.
  9. Cronin AA, Shrestha D, Cornier N, Abdalla F, Ezard N, Aramburu C. A review of water and sanitation provision in refugee camps in association with selected health and nutrition indicators–the need for integrated service provisionexternal icon. J Water Health. 2008;6(1):1-13. doi:10.2166/wh.2007.019.
  10. Nyoka R, Foote AM, Woods E, et al. Sanitation practices and perceptions in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya: Comparing the status quo with a novel service-based approachexternal icon. [published correction appears in PLoS One. 2017 Dec 19;12 (12 ):e0190129]. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0180864. Published 2017 Jul 13.
  11. Working with Persons with Disabilities in Forced Displacement pdf icon[343 KB, 28 pages]external icon: Need to Know Guidance 1. 2019.
  12. IFRC, UNICEF and WHO. Social Stigma Associated with COVID-19: A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma associated with COVID-19external icon.
  13. Sethi S, Jonsson R, Skaff R, Tyler F. Community-Based Noncommunicable Disease Care for Syrian Refugees in Lebanonexternal icon. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2017;5(3):495-506. Published 2017 Sep 28. doi:10.9745/GHSP-D-17-00043.
  14. Akik C, Ghattas H, Mesmar S, Rabkin M, El-Sadr WM, Fouad FM. Host country responses to non-communicable diseases amongst Syrian refugees: a reviewexternal icon. Confl Health. 2019;13:8. Published 2019 Mar 22. doi:10.1186/s13031-019-0192-2.
  15. Rehr M, Shoaib M, Ellithy S, et al. Prevalence of non-communicable diseases and access to care among non-camp Syrian refugees in northern Jordan. Confl Healthexternal icon. 2018;12:33. Published 2018 Jul 11. doi:10.1186/s13031-018-0168-7.
  16. UNHCR, Kakuma camp and Kalobeyei Settlement Visitors Guide pdf icon[5.7 MB, 10 pages]external icon.
  17. World Health Organization. COVID-19 Supply Chain System, Requesting and Receiving Suppliesexternal icon.
  18. UNFPA: COVID-19, A Gender Lens: Protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights and promoting gender equality.
  19. IFRC, Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in COVID-19, A protection, Gender and Inclusion PGI Technical guidance note pdf icon[560 KB, 12 pages]external icon.
  20. Inter-agency Standing Committee Interim guidance -Technical note. Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) during COVID-19 response. Version 1.
  21. Rashad, M, Farrell, S. April 24, 2020. Reuters, Islam’s holiest sites emptied by coronavirus crisis as Ramadhan beginsexternal icon.
  22. ABP News Bureau, April 24, 2020. Pakistani Imams Overrule Lockdown for Ramadan, 253 Healthcare Workers get Infected with COVID-19external icon.
  23. Operational considerations for multisectoral mental health and psychosocial support programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Version 1.1pdf iconexternal icon.
  24. Public Health England: Guidance on Shielding and Protecting People Who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable from COVID-19external icon.
  25. Van Bunnik, Bram A.D., Morgan, L.K., et a. Segmentation and shielding of the most vulnerable members elements of an exit strategy from COVID-19external icon. University of Edinburg.
  26. Michael TM, Clark S, Pogosjans S, et al. COVID-19 in a Long-Term Care Facility — King County, Washington, February 27–March 9, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020; 69:339-342. DOI:

©All rights reserved.

These 12 High-Profile Politicians Got Caught Violating Their Own COVID Rules

Amid widespread panic and alarmism over the “Delta variant” of COVID-19, Mayor Muriel Bowser just reinstated an indoor mask-mandate in Washington, DC. She did so despite the capital city seeing just four COVID deaths in July, leading many to dub the renewed restrictions mere security theater. The mayor’s case isn’t helped by the inconsistency of her own behavior.

Bowser officiated a wedding over the weekend with hundreds of unmasked attendees, the Washington Examiner’s Tiana Lowe exclusively reports. The event was held at a 4-star hotel and the mayor did not wear a mask even though her indoor mask mandate had just hours before gone into effect city-wide.

Unfortunately, Mayor Bowser is hardly the first politician whose hypocrisy has been exposed. Here are 12 examples of high-profile politicians caught flouting the pandemic rules their own government imposed, as cataloged by the Heritage Foundation’s COVID hypocrisy tracker.

The New York City mayor reportedly hit the gym and went to a local YMCA in March 2020 at the same time the state government was ordering New Yorkers to avoid “non-essential” business.

The Chicago mayor reportedly got a haircut in April 2020 while her city’s stay-at-home orders made doing so unlawful for most residents.

The Virginia governor reportedly socialized in close quarters without a mask despite urging Virginians to wear masks in similar settings and practice social distancing.

The New York governor reportedly traveled to Georgia in July 2020 for what critics called a PR stunt while discouraging New Yorkers from engaging in “non-essential” travel.

The California congresswoman has been a vocal advocate of mask mandates and social distancing orders. However, she got a haircut in San Francisco at a salon opened specially for her while they were generally closed due to such restrictions. And just this week a video went viral showing Pelosi removing her mask for a photo-op with a fellow member of Congress in violation of her recently reinstated congressional mask mandate.

The California governor dined maskless at a fancy indoor restaurant, the French Laundry, violating his own COVID-19 protocols.

The California senator was pictured maskless in the halls of Congress in conversation with aides, despite having called for nationwide mask mandates and mandatory mask-wearing in public.

The former Rhode Island governor closed bars in her state, but reportedly attended a maskless “wine and paint” night at a bar anyway.

The New Jersey governor reportedly attended President Biden’s January inauguration even though his state government was discouraging non-essential travel and prohibiting large gatherings.

The congressman was captured on video speaking on the floor of Congress without a mask, despite having advocated that members who don’t wear masks be fined.

In May, the Michigan governor hit the bar with friends in violation of her own restrictions. She has also admitted to traveling to Florida to visit her sick father despite the state discouraging Michiganders from similar travel. The governor also banned large gatherings yet decided to attend President Biden’s inauguration.

The aforementioned maskless wedding scandal isn’t the DC mayor’s only brush with pandemic hypocrisy. She also reportedly attended a party maskless just hours before her new mandate went into effect. And Bowser attended an election victory party for President Biden even while her government discouraged Washington residents from “non-essential” travel.

The above 12 examples of politicians caught in COVID hypocrisy are just a select few from dozens and dozens more cataloged by the Heritage Foundation. And there were no doubt many more who engaged in similar acts and weren’t caught.

The glaring “rules for thee, but not for me” approach of our political class during the pandemic to date is yet more confirmation that inequality and selective enforcement are inherent to big government systems. As FEE Managing Editor Jon Miltimore explained, “As government control over the economy expands and free markets recede, privileges increasingly become the province of those in power or those who have proximity to power.”

Having been given the enormous power to dub some businesses “essential” and close others, outlaw some livelihoods and not others, and more, politicians drunk on pandemic power were inevitably going to abuse this wild authority. So, the many examples of COVID hypocrisy from our elected officials have grave ramifications far beyond the individual officeholders and their personal integrity. They deal a serious blow to the arguments of those who think benevolent big government will lift us up instead of grinding us down.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

VIDEO: Fauci-Delta Variant Lies — Better Chance Dying in Your Shower!

The odds of any American dying from the so-called Delta Variant of the Wuhan coronavirus is not being reported to the American people. Instead, Biden, Fauci, and the media are force-feeding the people a stead stream of unwarranted fear. This is only the latest act in a political theater that is designed to make Marxists Democrats more powerful and richer. Graham Ledger speaks with Dr. Ben Marble of on the truth about COVID and its Delta, along with the lawless vaccine mandates and the simple ways to combat this virus.


Rand Paul Takes Down Delta Hysteria With Cold Hard Facts

COLLUSION: Here’s Who Funds Facebook Covid Vaccine Fact Checkers

RELATED ARTICLE: These 12 High-Profile Politicians Got Caught Violating Their Own COVID Rules

EDITORS NOTE: This Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Wisconsin Parents Tell Joe Biden To Stuff Masking Their Children Where The Sun Don’t Shine: ‘These Are Not Your Children’

Moms will save this country. G-d willing.

‘These Are Not Your Children’: Wisconsin Parents Tell Joe Biden To Stuff Masking Their Children Where The Sun Don’t Shine

By: Jordan Davidson, July 31, 2021:

Nearly 40 advocacy groups representing more than 20,000 families in Wisconsin ripped into President Joe Biden and Democrat Gov. Tony Evers for the new wave of potential mask mandates and lockdowns facing their state.

In the letter, organizations including We The Parents, Wisconsin United for Freedom, and No Left Turn in Education Wisconsin pledge to reject any mask requirements on children in schools

“Simply put, these are not your children. They are ours and they too, are Americans with rights. They are our responsibility and our most beloved. They are not yours,” the letter states.

The parents also said they would refuse to allow the government “to use your private sector counterparts to enforce invasive mask mandates on our children in various stores or at community activities” and “subject our children to any further local, regional, or national lockdowns or movement restriction.”

“We have watched the last week unfold in abject horror – observing our government institutions and leaders failing our children at every turn, again,” the letter continues. “Your renewed calls for lockdowns, enforced mask mandates, and masking in schools is not rooted in science and is objectively cruel to the most vulnerable in our society, our children. We believe that you are in fact aware of this and continue to play political games with our children, despite our efforts to work with you over the last twelve months.”

Just this week, the Biden administration endorsed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s newest mask recommendations for vaccinated Americans. Some schools in Wisconsin were already planning on requiring face coverings for everyone even before the most recent CDC decision. Now, the state’s health department is doubling down to back the CDC’s flip-flop and encourage children as young as two years old to mask up.

“We must protect our children as they head back to school this fall, along with all other Wisconsinites who are at an increased risk for being hospitalized from COVID-19. Vaccines and the additional protection from wearing masks are the best combination of tools to achieve this goal,” Wisconsin Department of Health Services Secretary Julie Willems Van Dijk said.

While Biden also threatened another round of lockdowns and Evers is known to go back on all of his pandemic promises, the parents said they refuse to give up their parental choice.

“We are strong. We are united. We are in control. We have never and will never co-parent with the government,” the letter concludes.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar DESTROY COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Narrative — Vaccinated People Are The Biggest Spreaders

This is the proof vaccinated people are the biggest spreaders.

Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar DESTROY COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Narrative

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Deadly Politicization of America’s Medical Care

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” – Dresden James – British television writer

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” –  H. L. Mencken

“Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent. More than anything the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking.” – William Mather Lewis – President, George Washington University 1923-1927

The Good News is … God is still on the throne and He still answers prayer.  But we cannot be silent if we want to save our Republic.  God gives us free will, but He tells us to put on the full armor of God, and having done all to Stand!  As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

If we want to keep our God-given freedoms recorded in America’s Bill of Rights, we must rise up from the recliners, dump the beer and turn off every sport with the anti-American flag-hating kneelers, including the Olympics.

An evil plan has been hatched by those who hate our Constitutional Republic and her freedoms; that plan is straight from the Marxist pit of hell.

Concentration camps and forced labor Gulags await unless we rise up against despotic godless tyranny. Throughout Europe, people are demonstrating against the totalitarian tactics, the shutdowns, the masks, and now the mandated Covid jabs!  France, England, Italy, Ireland and Greece are seeing massive protests, but as of yet, the American spirit has not awakened to spit in the face of authoritarianism.

Orchestrated Destruction

I am sick of writing about the evils of Covid’s medical nihilism and malfeasance. Every day we learn more despite truth constantly being censored. The comrades’ plans for America began over a century ago…and now we face annihilation.

A friend in Israel sent me a short video she said I must watch.  In six minutes, former Army officer Royston Potter urges us to get our houses in order.  He talks about the supply chains, ships and cargo being slowed down, trains stopped, and grocery shelves being empty. The elitists are turning off the economy, keeping it shut down rather than allowing pre-Covid status to return. The attacks are coming on multiple levels, everything is now a shortage, aluminum, steel, wood, energy, etc.  Assaults are happening on multiple fronts with full spectrum dominance, and it’s only just begun.

Video Here:

Covid decimated manufacturing, companies can’t get people to work, restaurants can’t get servers to return, and it’s blamed on government funding to help those destroyed during lockdowns.  Citizens stay home because the government hands out more money per week to them than they can make working.

There’s a class action lawsuit against the State of Tennessee.  Governor Bill Lee ended the federal unemployment programs early and our Senator Marsha Blackburn claims that since those funds came from the feds, they must be given out.   Yet, there are a quarter million jobs in TN that need to be filled.  Up to nine other states have similar lawsuits.

Four years of Trump encouraged America’s comrades to rush their final programs to fruition. The neo-con Trotskyites in the Republican Party are silent.  Like Lenin and Stalin, Trotsky was a Marxist, but he wanted to bring communism in slowly so the people would accept it. That’s the reason we rarely hear more than a handful of republicans speak out.

Leveling America to a third world country is being accomplished; just look at what has been effectuated by the illegitimate president in seven months.

If we don’t wake up, canned beans will be the only food source on grocery shelves as in Cuba and Venezuela, and the stocked-up toilet paper will eventually run out.  Biden tells freedom-seeking Cubans to get lost, while he opens the southern flood gates to gangs, terrorists and law breakers.

Medical Tyranny Continues

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the delta variant now represents 83% of sequenced coronavirus cases in the U.S.  She claims a major setback in the progress in the U.S. epidemic that reflects a surging variant and the country’s ongoing struggles to increase vaccination rates.  What Walensky didn’t tell us is that the Covid-inoculated are passing this variant.  Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine tells us the vaccines don’t stop the virus, they do the opposite, they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

Those utterly useless face diapers that kept us apart and kept our faces hidden are back.  The CDC is telling us that even people who’ve had their Covid-19 shots must wear masks in public indoor settings in areas with widespread transmission of the coronavirus.

They also want universal masking in schools.  They want children ages two to 12 to wear masks in public places or when they’re not with their family.  Can you imagine trying to keep a mask on toddlers?  Well, best wear them to bed, to the sauna, while swimming, and even in outer space.  Good grief, the American people who fall prey to this Marxist control are lemmings and lab rats.

All this despite mask ineffectiveness.

Despotic NY Governor Cuomo says he’ll spend $15 million on the door-to-door policy of convincing people to inoculate and they’ll put them in a car and drive them to receive their jab.  Cuomo and other governors are off the hook for the murder of thousands of nursing home elderly when they issued directives to admit Covid patients because of alleged hospital shortage.  The Department of Justice (DOJ) says it will not investigate Covid-19 nursing home deaths in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Of course not!  Murder of “useless eaters” is apparently legal for Democrats.  Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of former Obama Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, is now the number one advisor to Fauci’s buddy, World Health Organization President and China mouthpiece, Dr. Tedros.  Ezekiel has stated that everyone who reaches the age of 75 should die, that life after 75 is not worth living.  Dr. Emanuel is also one of Biden’s Covid-19 advisors.  Has he told Biden to die?

Here’s something even more special that Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel will love…the next target for messenger RNA jabs after Covid-19: the flu vaccine.  “Vaccine” makers want to replicate their so-called “success” with the Covid jab.  All the regular actors are back, Sanofi SA, GlaxoSmithKline PLC and Pfizer Inc. are all working on mRNA shots against seasonal flu, betting the technology will be more effective, and quicker and cheaper to make than traditional shots.

The DOJ has declared that Covid-19 jab mandates are legal.  It is their opinion that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring Covid-19 jabs under the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA). Since when are they allowed to override federal and Constitutional laws and have their opinions become law?  Yes, I know, they’ve done it for nearly two centuries.

The government via the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Johns Hopkins University decided long ago that children 12 years and older should also receive the jab.  However, there are no cases of children dying from Covid unless they had underlying comorbidities such as leukemia.  The instances of myocarditis in inoculated teens is on the rise.  Just recently a 13-year-old died in his sleep a few days after receiving the second jab.

The CDC is signaling its support for mandatory jab “passports” likely being the way forward for a nation that has all but beaten the plandemic that 99.75% of people recover from, unlike polio, smallpox, etc.

Both the FDA and the CDC have admitted they have worked on vaccines that shed.  I’ve reported this in several of my previous articles as has Dr. Lee Merritt in an interview with Alex Newman.  Dr. Merritt’s recent article in the New American Magazine asks the question, Are “Vaccines” Harming More than the “Vaxxed”?

So, if the un-vaxxed are getting this, where do you think it’s coming from?  Those who took the killer Covid jab are spreading it to the healthy un-jabbed. Again, it has already been acknowledged that those who are inoculated are shedding the spike proteins and infecting non-inoculated.  Even the FDA has written a “guidance document” entitled,  Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products.

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Brannon Howse’s video with Dr. Ardis is telling.  Ardis did some deep digging within FDA documents and found a report they did in October 2020, two months before the C-19 vax was released. Their internal division, (CBER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in coordination with the CDC, gave an internal 25-slide presentation to the FDA regarding the possible side effects expected with the Covid jab.

The FDA actually listed everything we’re seeing today that’s been reported on VAERS.  As of July 23rd, the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System released by the CDC, showed 11,000 deaths and 463,457 adverse effects for America.

As of July 17th, the European database, Eudra Vigilance reported 18,928 dead and 1,823,219 adverse effects.

A Harvard study from 2010, found that VAERS receives less than one percent of occurrences. Therefore, every statistical number for the Covid jab needs to have two more zeroes added to it for true figures.

In another video with attorney Reiner Fuellmich PhD, Dr. Ardis exposed the adverse effects during Remdesivir trials, organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock, and hypertension.  The drug was never approved by the FDA to be safe for any disease.  However, on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, Anthony Fauci said, “Every doctor in the country has to use Remdesivir only.”  America was the only country to treat all Covid patients from January of 2020 to October of 2020 with Remdesivir.  Dr. Ardis said America had the most deaths from Covid because Fauci had mandated this dangerous drug.  More negligent homicide by Fauci?

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Former Pfizer Vice President and top scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon has had plenty to say about this “warp speed” developed injection for a virus that 99.75 recover from and he’s not happy.  He says, “Severe adverse reaction and mass death from mRNA Covid vaccines are virtually guaranteed, especially for pregnant women and 0.8% of treatment recipients will die within 2 weeks. Most of the rest will die within three years.

He declares that the pandemic is a fraud, masks are useless, why distancing is absurd, why PCR tests are meaningless, why quarantining healthy people is stupid, why variants of virus strains are no threat, and why Covid vaccines should be rejected. Yeadon says many of his colleagues privately agree with this appraisal but remain silent to protect their salaries and research grants. It’s all about money. He concludes that, because of the massive number of deaths that will follow within a few years of vaccination, there clearly is an agenda to deliberately eliminate billions of people from the earth and to enslave those who remain.

Doctors for Covid-19 Ethics, founded by Dr. Yeadon, a group of over 160 independent medical experts worldwide, have issued a stern warning to public health agencies about the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.”

mRNA Inventor, Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician Scientist and Inventor of the messenger RNA “vaccine” technology says there have been an increasingly desperate and abrupt number of rollouts of information beginning with Pfizer’s alert that after six months, a booster will be needed.  Fauci, who has never treated a patient, reprimanded them, and then the government flip-flopped and said there would be a need for boosters especially in elderly and immunocompromised!

Are you kidding me? They want those “useless eaters” dead just like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and the five governors who put Covid patients in nursing homes and killed off thousands.

In a recent interview, (scroll to episode 1129 and start at the 15 min. mark.) Dr. Malone, like Dr. Montagnier explains that the “vaccine” actually causes the virus to become more infectious than in the absence of vaccination.  This is another reason so many of the unvaccinated are also getting sick, the jabbed are spreading a more infectious virus.  Malone goes on to explain that it has happened with other vaccines in the past and caused more deaths.  He states that Dr. Fauci is being disingenuous, actually a liar, and mutations are another misleading set of statements from Fauci.  He says the government is obfuscating what is happening.

Malone also stated that the FDA was aware that the spike proteins were “biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.”

He tells us that the Pfizer inoculation in the waning phase is causing the virus to replicate more efficiently than it would otherwise.  It is called antibody dependent enhancement or less precisely, disease enhancement.

He says the action that needs to take place is to immediately stop the jabs, and use the drug treatments that have been largely suppressed at the FDA level, particularly Ivermectin.  The French Pasteur study actually shows how well ivermectin can treat Covid-19.  Unless the active drug trials are by the NIH, which are paid for by Bill Gates and friends, they deny the available safe and cheap drugs.  Dr. Malone says the government officials from FDA, NIH, CDC seem to be coming off the rails as the actual data rolls out. Dr. Malone states that the spike protein is toxic.

Bottom line to all of this, the CDC says the inoculations are failing and those who received the jab can be super spreaders.  Yet mainstream media never comments on the thousands of illegal aliens who are being planted all over the USA, but democrats made sure they passed a bill that allow illegal aliens to be hired as congressional staffers.

Deaths from Covid are at a 16-month low despite the delta and lambda variants.  Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff, cited the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center as its source, which shows U.S. Covid deaths conspicuously peaked around the third week of January 2021.  What we’re not being told are the actual deaths from the Covid jab.

PCR Tests

We know the PCR tests gave false positives because they were run too high, but after the jab came out, they lowered the test and now it looks as though the Covid jab is working.  It is not.  Just recently the CDC withdrew the EUA on the tests because they don’t differentiate between Covid and influenza.  That’s what caused the health authorities to decide Covid was an asymptomatic spread and react with despotic authority.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test once said Anthony Fauci “doesn’t know anything and is willing to lie on television.” He claimed, “Most of the people like Fauci are administrative only and know nothing about medicine or what’s going on in the body.  They have a personal agenda and make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to. And they smugly, like Tony Fauci, do not mind going on television and lying directly into the camera,” Mullis added.

Now the CDC is tossing the entire PCR test since their buddies, George Soros and Bill Gates announced their intention to buy a COVID-19 test manufacturer based in the United Kingdom.

A physician from Johns Hopkins reported that the yearly deaths from 2018 through 2020 were approximately the same, but the article was pulled only two days after it was posted.  Makes one wonder how many died of seasonal influenza instead of Covid, especially since the CDC Director has now declared mandatory vaccine passports may well be a path forward in the US, for a flu virus that 99.75 recover from, isn’t this special?!

Stop the Jab!

Fifty-seven top scientists and physicians have released a report on the Covid inoculations and they are demanding an immediate stop to all C-19 injections.  Around the world, governments are promoting the “vaccine” and blocking the cheap and safe drugs that save lives.  The push for inoculation is over the top, and in the works are Biden’s door-to-door sales pitches.

Asking serious questions about deaths and devastating side effects results in scorn and censorship from mainstream and social media.  Even worse is the derision from administrators of FDA, NIH and CDC who have never treated Covid patients or any patients for that matter.

Most people are just following what the government tells them rather than doing any research at all.  Unfortunately, for a growing number, deaths and terrible adverse effects result.


Thousands of honest physicians and scientists are screaming the truth and they’re being censored and deleted.  The 1947 Nuremberg Code stands as a testament against medical experimentation.  Yet, worldwide history is repeating itself. This is a new genocide…

Will Americans wake up to the realization of medical tyranny and murder or will they believe the mainstream media comrades when they spew the lies of Covid variants or another virus?  Only time will tell.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

How the Democrats Have Used COVID-19 to Bankrupt the United States

COVID Stats Prove The CDC’s New Mask Rule Is Idiotic.

Welcome to the Peoples Republic of America.

How the Left Has Used COVID-19 to Bankrupt the United States

By Stephen Moore, The Spectator, July 31, 2021:

I have never bought the conspiracy theories that COVID-19 was a diabolical political plot to undermine the country. But what is apparent with each passing week is that the virus has been the springboard for the Left’s agenda to transform America in a way that Sen. Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore, or Rachel Maddow could have never imagined.

Without COVID-19, President Joe Biden would never have been elected, of course. So, for the Left, the virus defeated former President Donald Trump. COVID-19 is now the gateway to the Left’s utopian agenda of multitrillion-dollar climate policies, hyperregulation of the economy, the rebirth of the welfare state, and a radical redistribution of income.

Under Trump policies, we had one of the most robust financial and economic expansions on record, especially regarding minority advancement and historic reductions in poverty. The entitlement state was in retreat as income growth and record job openings pushed millions of people out of the welfare state into work. If the Left truly cared about the plight of the poor, they would have celebrated. Instead, the results showing tax cuts, deregulation, and laissez-faire policies work made liberals miserable.

COVID-19 made the rebirth of big government possible. Last year, with Trump still in the White House, Congress spent $6 trillion, much of it (such as the $600-a-week bonus unemployment benefits) wastefully and ineffectively. But it was emergency spending.

We would be aggressively cutting government spending in a rational world, as we did after victories in World War II and the Cold War.

Instead, the Left has leveraged COVID-19 fears to call for a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill on top of the $1.9 trillion spent in March on welfare programs and now $4.1 trillion in public works programs; labor union protections; Green New Deal subsidies; Medicare and Medicaid and food stamps expansions; and bailouts of Amtrak, urban transit, and schools. The public schools in many blue states were shut down for a year, yet taxpayers have to give the teachers unions $100 billion. Explain that one.

The Congressional Budget Office calculates all of this will add $20 trillion of new debt spending over a decade — and that is with a massive tax increase.

COVID-19 has somehow given a new license to even the nuttiest leftist ideas. So, we have Democrats speeding forward with a plan to raise tax rates to more than 50 percent and implement welfare benefits that can pay families more than $100,000 in annualized wage equivalent benefits. The government could hit and remain above 50 percent of GDP, matching the European socialist nations.

Spending programs that were once scoffed at with price tags in the billions of dollars are now sailing through with trillion-dollar budgets. Moreover, COVID-19 has unleashed Modern Monetary Theory, meaning that the federal government apparently has a no-limit credit card.

COVID-19 is all but over, and the toll has been awful. Life expectancy fell in 2020 for the first time since World War II. Tragically, the “cure” — or should I say, the carnage — of the Biden post-COVID-19 progressive experiment might, in the end, be far more devastating and long-lasting than the terrible disease itself.


Despotic Democrats Announce ‘Carbon Border’ Tax to Raise Prices on Consumers

Behind the Vaccine Veil: Doctor cites ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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