Boston Children’s Hospital’s Own Documents Show Doctors are Performing Sex Change Surgeries on CHILDREN

This depraved madness must be confronted. This is unimaginable cruelty in pursuit of foul leftist propaganda, setting up these children for lifetimes of pain, confusion, and dependence upon pharmaceuticals. The left really thinks they are G-d. They will be punished. These children aren’t old enough to choose what they’re going to have for lunch, and Boston Children’s Hospital is pretending that they’re old enough to make this life-changing, shattering decision. Future generations will look back on all this with the horror with which we look back on the Salem Witch Trials and other incidences of mass hysteria. And it’s the people who turn around and say “Believe the Science” in other contexts who are pushing this evil insanity.

Yes, Doctors Are Performing Sex Change Surgeries On Kids

by Laurel Duggan, Daily Caller News Foundation, August 18, 2022:

Several media outlets have downplayed the prevalence of transgender surgeries for minors amid controversy surrounding Boston Children’s Hospital’s gender center, but the hospital’s own publicly available documents show that doctors are performing sex change surgeries on children.

The hospital has performed at least 65 transgender chest surgeries on minors, the vast majority of whom were biologically female and identified as transgender males. The hospital’s guidance allowed vaginoplasty at 17 and did not list an age limit for “gender-affirming” hysterectomies until online activists shared the hospital’s videos promoting the procedures, sparking outrage.

Boston Children’s Hospital performed 204 “gender affirmation” surgeries from 2017 to 2020, including 65 chest surgeries performed on minors, according to data published by the National Institutes of Health. The average chest surgery patient was 18, and the youngest was 15.

The hospital did not report performing any transgender genital surgeries on minors in those years, although the gender center’s staff supported some genital surgeries for minors, according to a 2019 paper titled “Ethical Issues Considered When Establishing a Pediatrics Gender Surgery Center” written for the Boston Children’s Hospital Ethics Advisory Committee.

“The center staff eventually came to the conclusion that it is appropriate to offer vaginoplasties to certain individuals before the age of majority so that they can safely embark on their adult lives,” the paper said, adding that it was necessary to require fertility preservation or a court order granting permission for surgery to avoid legal issues. Only one minor was offered a vaginoplasty by the time of the writing.

Vaginoplasty is the surgical creation of a neo-vagina using existing penis and scrotum tissue, according to Boston Children’s Hospital, which now requires patients to be 18 to undergo the procedure. The operation takes up to 18 months to recover from and requires long-term maintenance including regular vaginal dilation.



My ‘Sex Change’ Was a Myth. Why Trying to Change One’s Sex Will Always Fail

‘Sex Change’ Isn’t Surgically Possible, My Surgeon Testified in Court

VIDEO: Leading Children’s Hospital Promotes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Hysterectomies, Sex Change Surgeries

The 3 things Democrats can’t change

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CDC Wants Americans to Wear Masks Again to Stop Monkeypox, Despite Growing Evidence It’s Sexually Transmitted

Just in time for mid-terms. U.S. officials have declared monkeypox a public health emergency, and now the CDC is telling Americans to mask up again. Mail-in voting on a large scale is sure to follow, and in November there will be a big blue wave. That’s what the plan is behind all this.

People who do not engage in gay sex or have sex with men who have engaged in it will almost certainly never get monkeypox. Nobody dies from from this gay sexually transmitted disease. No matter. Time to crush our constitutional republic.

This “pandemic,” like the last one, is in essence all about the ballot box, and not about public health at all.

CDC Recommends Masking To Stop Monkeypox Despite Growing Evidence It Spreads Through Sex

by Dylan Housman, Daily Caller, August 19, 2022:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study Friday suggesting that people wear masks to protect themselves from monkeypox despite growing evidence the virus is transmitted sexually.

The CDC’s Friday Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), its internal journal, included research on the spread of monkeypox via contaminated surfaces. Researchers in Utah sampled 30 different samples from the home of two monkeypox patients, and found that 21 of the surfaces yielded positive real-time PCR results, but none tested positive for viral cultures.

Still, despite the lack of live virus found in the samples, the paper still warns that monkeypox can spread through surface contact. The agency also recommends wearing masks at the bottom of the paper, even though little evidence has emerged that monkeypox is an airborne virus.

“Monkeypox virus primarily spreads through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact with the rash, scabs, lesions, body fluids, or respiratory secretions of a person with monkeypox; transmission via contaminated objects or surfaces (i.e., fomites) is also possible,” the paper reads. “Persons living in or visiting the home of someone with monkeypox should follow appropriate precautions against indirect exposure and transmission by wearing a well-fitting mask, avoiding touching possibly contaminated surfaces, maintaining appropriate hand hygiene, avoiding sharing eating utensils, clothing, bedding, or towels, and following home disinfection recommendations.”…

“Monkeypox does not spread through airborne particles or droplets, therefore, is not considered to be an airborne virus,” Dr. Rafael E. Pérez-Figueroa, associate dean of Community Engagement and Public Health Practice at the Rutgers School of Public Health, told “Airborne transmission occurs when small virus particles become suspended in the air and can stay there for periods of time. These particles can spread on air currents and infect people in far distances. That is not the case with the monkeypox virus.”

More and more evidence is emerging that suggests the virus is spread primarily through homosexual male sex, although women and heterosexuals can still be infected….



Cases of Gay STD Monkeypox Reported in Children

First Dog Infected With Monkeypox After ‘Sharing Bed’ with Gay Men

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AUSTIN, TEXAS: School District Pushes Teachers to Take ‘LGBTQIA+ Training’ for Children as Young as FIVE — At Taxpayer Expense

The fruit of the poisonous tree of leftist indoctrination. It’s a form of murder. What you won’t hear about is the suicide rates for these mostly confused, brainwashed and depressed children over the next twenty years. When is enough madness enough? How long will America sit idly by while this evil insanity envelops all of our lives? There is something really sick going on. The Democrats have made sexualizing children and gender nullification a top agenda item. This is biblical level depravity. Why this obsession with a tiny percent of the populace? What is really going on here? The destruction of civilization.

G-d save the children. Pull your children out of government schools.

Texas School District Pushes Teachers To Take ‘LGBTQIA+’ Training on Taxpayers’ Dime

by Patrick Hauf, Washington Free Beacon, August 20, 2022:

A Texas school district encouraged K-12 teachers to take paid time off, at taxpayer expense, to take a course on “how to create supportive learning environments for LGBTQIA+” students as young as five years old.

The Austin Independent School District’s course material, obtained through a public information request, defined gender identity as the “innermost concept of self as male, female, neither or both,” calling it “one’s authentic identity.” The course also provided an example of a girl who questions her gender identity and asked how teachers should properly respond.

“A 14-year-old youth, who recently asked to be called Ronnie not Veronica, discloses to you a desire to go by ‘they’ pronouns,” one PowerPoint slide read. “Ronnie wants to cut their hair short but isn’t sure how their parents will react, making them feel anxious. Ronnie is also stressed because while they have been dating Julie and ‘came out as a lesbian’ in 7th grade, they have started to have feelings for Ted, who identifies as male, and this is confusing for them.”…

The “Be a Beacon” gender course is run by Out Youth, which in a February Facebook post claimed that so-called gender-affirming care for transgender children “saves lives.” The training course cited resources from two prominent LGBT groups that also support children receiving puberty blockers and hormone treatment. The presentation cited a book titled, The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals.

“Are you, or parts of you, both? How do you know?” the course asked teachers. “If your anatomy changed overnight to the opposite sex, would it change who you feel yourself to be?”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

On the Nature of a Free and Open Society, and Why it’s Worth Fighting For

What would the collapse of a free and open society entail?

The speed with which the universal rights and liberties characteristic of the open society were suspended in deference to speculative, unorthodox, and unsubstantiated theories of disease control should serve as a stark warning to us that the hard-won achievements of the open society can be bartered away for the subjective experience of a little more safety.1

That most of these liberties have been restored in many parts of the West does not remove the fact that we now have a dangerous precedent that most Western governments and opinion leaders have yet to condemn or repudiate; a precedent that may well be invoked during a future crisis, whether real or manufactured.

Forgotten values

The architects of lockdowns, vaccine passports and vaccine mandates, which introduced the infrastructure of a “papers, please” society, appear to have a shallow understanding of the values that make Western societies places worth living in.

Those who oversaw the introduction of lockdowns and mandatory vaccine apartheid, in spite of their insistence that they were just emergency measures, helped accelerate the relentless erosion of civil rights during the pandemic, with very questionable, and at best speculative, public health benefits to be gleaned in return.

Basic civil rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to protest, the privacy of the home, the right to access public venues and services, and even the right to informed consent to medical treatment, were set aside in the name of public health, with no clear evidence that such rights violations would make any substantial difference to the medium and long-term disease burden, and little or no serious public debate about the social and moral costs of such draconian measures.

Many of our political leaders, opinion leaders, and fellow citizens have forgotten who we are. We are, or certainly aspire to be, free and open societies, in which each citizen moves around at his or her own discretion and can, for the most part (barring cases of criminality, delinquency, and gross incivility), access the same public venues and amenities as his or her fellow citizens, without being confronted on a regular basis with raised eyebrows, insults, or systematic discrimination.

Until we understand what it means to live in a free and open society, and why it matters for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren, we are liable to continue putting the speculative projections and strategic goals of technocrats ahead of the liberties of citizens.

So what exactly does it mean to live in a free and open society?

Historical precedents for a free and open society

The notion of an “open society” has been developed by a number of twentieth century thinkers, including Henri Bergson and Karl Popper, and more recently recapitulated by Gerald Gaus.2 My interest here is not to recount the history of the concept, but to highlight some of its salient features, as an ideal that has been central to the way of life of modern constitutional democracies, and has manifested itself, to a greater or lesser extent, in very different historical moments, including Greek antiquity and early modern Italian city-States.

Of course, to the extent that either ancient Greek or early modern social systems relied upon slavery and/or curtailed the public standing of women, we cannot say that they were truly free and open societies, in the full sense of the term. However, to the extent that they did incorporate a certain degree of cultural diversity and social and economic mobility and rested on a form of shared civility that transcended local custom and feudal allegiances, they did embody certain features of free and open societies.

How might we understand a free and open society today?

In our contemporary context, a free and open society could be understood as a society in which:

  • persons of different races, ethnicities, religions, cultures, moral and political commitments, and ways of life peacefully and civilly share social spaces like streets, towns, cities, schools, workplaces, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, and so on;
  • social participation and access to shared spaces like public services and hospitality is not systematically withheld from specific social groups based on group markers such as ethnicity, religion, sex, age, health, or political allegiance;
  • there is a strong preference for forms of social cooperation that involve horizontal agreements between individuals and groups rather than vertical, top-down orders;
  • individuals enjoy a generous latitude to freely dispose of their own person and property as they wish, within certain limits of law and civility;
  • people are generally free to express their opinions without fear of reprisal or censorship;
  • social life is regulated by general rules that enjoy broad public legitimacy and are thus not perceived as excessively partisan, coercive or unilateral in their operations;
  • individuals are generally free to move around society at will, as long as they do not engage in delinquent, reckless, or criminal behaviour; and
  • all members of the society are respected as equal rights-holders, and enjoy equal protection of the law, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, social background, sex, age, or political allegiance.

Benefits of a free and open society

All of these characteristics of free and open societies, taken together, not only benefit the individual members of such societies; they also serve to strengthen the public legitimacy of our economic and political institutions, by promoting a safe, fair, and inclusive social order.

On the one hand, individuals feel safe from the arbitrary violence and domination of private and public actors, which makes them more positively disposed toward their shared civil order, which is viewed as a source of personal and collective security.3

On the other hand, belonging to this or that social, ethnic, religious, or political group does not automatically reduce a person’s access to social life or expose them to abusive treatment just because of who they are, what they believe, or who they associate with. Members of an open society, in spite of their diverse ethnicities, religions, lifestyles and social allegiances, can happily endorse the values and institutions of their shared political and social order rather than feeling alienated from them. In short, a free and open society, to the extent that its core values are genuinely honoured, can copper-fasten the legitimacy of its ruling institutions by demonstrating itself a safe and welcoming place for people from a wide variety of political commitments and walks of life.

A free and open society is a delicate and rare achievement

A free and open society, in which citizens of a wide variety of different ethnic, religious, political, and cultural backgrounds live under the same political institutions, play by the same basic rules, and treat each other as political equals, is a delicate achievement, and certainly not one to be taken for granted.

Indeed, there are relatively few times and places in history when people of different religions, ethnic origins, political ideals, and cultures have managed to recognise each other as political equals and share the same social space, the same government, and the same broad narrative of political legitimacy.

Much more frequently, people have lived in rigidly hierarchical societies, with limited social mobility, and have been bound together into tight-knit social enclaves, tribes, or classes, with limited openness to other groups and cultures. Very often, different social and political groups have borne attitudes of distrust, animosity, and even violent rivalry toward each other, and those who managed to rise to the top revelled in their political and social superiority over rival classes and social groups.

It is perfectly conceivable that we could relapse back into a closed and unfree social order, even if the specific type of unfreedom it entails would probably look quite different from what we associate with, say, feudal societies in which local rulers can lord it over their subjects with relative impunity.

What might the collapse of a free and open society entail?

It is impossible to predict how exactly an unfree society would operate in a technologically advanced, post-industrialised world, but the Covid pandemic gave us some useful clues.

It is quite likely that those prepared to go along with the demands of new-fangled despots, whether those flowing from public health, ecological preservation, or political correctness, will be left relatively undisturbed in their day-to-day lives, even as they “freely” inhabit a cage of bureaucratic regulations; while those who are not so “cooperative” may be harassed with fines, restricted access to public venues, reduced bank services, and who knows what other type of burdensome and intrusive measures technocrats and their political masters manage to come up with.

In many parts of the world, the discriminatory public health regime imposed in the name of saving lives has been largely phased out and, at least for now, life feels more or less “normal” again (though one still sees some absurd vestiges of the Covid regime around, such as countries requiring visitors to receive Covid vaccines that are largely ineffective at curbing infections).

But the ease with which entire nations embraced harsh forms of medical coercion and apartheid should serve as a sobering reminder to us that a free and open society is a rather precarious achievement and one we will probably have to fight hard to defend for the foreseeable future.

This article has been republished from David Thunder’s Substack, The Freedom Blog.


David Thunder is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Navarra’s Institute for Culture and Society. More by David Thunder

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Jim Jones’ Deadly ‘Religious Socialism’ Gospel

Jim Jones’ “sect was doomed to failure for it was founded on the lie that religious Socialism can save men,” wrote late Catholic priest and commentator Vincent P. Miceli in his 1981 bookThe Antichrist: The Final Campaign Against the SaviorRecently republished by Sophia Institute Press, this volume’s previously examined incisive analysis of leftist evils contains provocative thoughts about Jones’ cult, which shocked the world in 1978 with a mass suicide.

With mad conspiracy theories, Jones incited his Peoples Temple cult members to kill themselves and each other on November 18, 1978, in the cult’s self-contained community of Jonestown, deep in the South American backcountry of Guyana. While he and some other cultists met their ends through gunshots, most of Jonestown’s inhabitants drank cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. This beverage has since become a byword for fanaticism, and exemplified for Miceli another example of modern tyranny, what he termed a “Moloch state.” “When they had all drained the chalice of cyanide, the Peoples’ Temple became a Church of the dead. The modern Moloch state was left a city of suicides-murders, a city of 911 rotting corpses,” he wrote.

Leftists commonly ascribe rationality to themselves and dismiss conservatives as fanatics, but Miceli, writing so soon after Jones’ demise, noted that this crazed man was thoroughly of the Left. Often forgotten in the intervening decades, Jones’ utopian and socialist obsessions found expression in his advocacy of what he called “Apostolic Socialism.” As Miceli wrote,

Jones himself was always a liberal, or rather, a zealous Communist posing as a liberal; to keep up appearances he preached the gospel of social salvation camouflaging it with a thin veneer of Christianity; his faith was a false and cruel caricature of Christianity.

Jones exhibited the pitfalls of the Social Gospel, a collectivistsecularist distortion of Christianity that megachurch pastor Rick Warrenhimself no conservative, has denounced as “Marxism in Christian clothing.” As Miceli wrote, ultimately a “church of naïve, hoodwinked, simple folk was led astray by an evil, militant Communist, posing as a God-man liberal do-gooder.” Indeed, after the Jonestown slaughter letters appeared “testifying that the cult leaders were planning to bequeath more than 7 million dollars to the Communist Party that rules the Moloch state known as the Soviet Union.”

Yet Jones, “while doling out liberally social goodies…claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus,” Miceli astonishingly observed. In Guyana’s jungles, this false prophet to the last “demanded the service of adoration from his faithful,” Miceli added. “Jonestown, the Marxist-liberal-socialist caricature of a Christian Church, conferred on its faithful but one sacrament—the sacrament of death, of suicide.”

Over four decades after Jonestown’s horrors, Miceli’s reflections remain pertinent for an age of rising atheism:

What were the spiritual influences that unleashed the floodgates and fostered the mass suicides and murders in Jonestown? By way of preparing the social milieu for the creation of the Peoples’ Temple, one of the most basic causes must be the massive apostasy by Christians in the West from faith in the Judeo-Christian God of revelation.

With words no less relevant today, Miceli concluded with a

warning and somber lesson to be learned from the carnage exacted by the modern Moloch state, whether that takes place in the jungle of Jonestown or in the abortion mills of Western cities. The warning is that established forms of Christian religions have lost their hold on and power to attract most people—especially the educated middle class and even the masses of the poor. Why is this so? Because such religions have secularized the Christian message. They teach in favor of the Christ of Karl Marx instead of the Christ of the Gospels.

Thus, Jones stands on a smaller scale amidst history’s Marxist mass murderers such as Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong, who counted victims in the millions. Jones is yet another precedent of how ruthless wolves in sheep’s clothing exploit the vain search for salvation in this world, or even the next, in socialism. However, this ideology does not exhaust modern madness, as Miceli studied, for interrelated with this fanatical fool’s errand is also a distorted understanding of the male and female sexes, as a forthcoming article will examine.


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

LEWIS: America Needs Trump To Break The Washington Establishment Once And For All

Editor’s note: Big Tent Ideas always aims to provide balancing perspectives on the hottest issues of the day. Below is a column arguing that Donald Trump’s America First agenda is precisely what America needs to defeat Democrats in 2024, citing the recent defeat of Liz Cheney. A counterpoint can be found here, where author Scott Johnston opines that the Republican Party has a way better choice than Trump.

You would have thought Liz Cheney‘s ignominious defeat in conservative Wyoming would seal the deal. But then again the gist of gaslighting is to repeat the lie ad infinitum. So no sooner did Harriet Hageman prevail in a 37-point squeaker than we were told by the vanquished Cheney (shouldn’t the media be interviewing the victor?) that Donald Trump is still the problem.

The veritable poster child of neoconservatism was only the latest of pro-impeachment Republicans to be ousted by an America First agenda. Only two of ten have survived. Which makes it clear that the former president doesn’t need to “move on” because the Republican Party already has.

Yet the “never-Trumpers” keep looking for something, anything, that will finish him off. There were two failed impeachment trials, Potemkin congressional hearings over Jan. 6th, and ongoing efforts by partisan state officials to go after Trump’s financial records. Now comes an unprecedented “raid” on his personal residence, apparently unlimited in scope and based on the shakiest of legal grounds.

What politician could possibly survive this? Well, Donald Trump I guess.

In fact, the weaponization of the “deep-state” has only strengthened Trump’s hold on the GOP. More important, it has revealed the depths to which a dangerous cabal of anti-Trump forces will go to thwart the will of the people. That is the essence of the “swamp” I saw in Washington when a corrupt Department of Justice, along with the Clinton campaign and the media, used the pretext of manufactured evidence in an attempt to unseat a duly elected president.

All the while covering for the Biden family’s alleged “pay-to-play” schemes.

It is transparent that the obsession over Trump is so disturbingly disproportionate that it must be hiding ulterior motives. And indeed it is. No one since Ronald Reagan has threatened the status quo like Trump. People forget, but the establishment was firmly lined up against the Gipper in early 1980, even calling the former actor self-absorbed and too old to be President.

Now Trump is called “narcissistic” by people who think Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were humble.

And after four years of a senile President Joe Biden it might be a little hard to make the age issue stick. Besides, if elected in 2024 he’d have one term only to let ‘er rip’ and its highly doubtful Trump would allow himself to be surrounded with the likes of Anthony Fauci this time around. Add it up, and it’s precisely what the country needs.

Never before have our institutions been so completely subsumed by big-government sycophants than now. Parents are smeared by the press as “domestic terrorists” for opposing race-based classifications in schools. A cowardly corporate America has eagerly bowed to “woke” ideology just as long as they can continue to outsource manufacturing and get cheap labor from an open border.

Finally, a bipartisan zeal for regime change abroad has not only stretched our men and woman in uniform to the breaking point, but the “blowback” from these seemingly endless interventions have been so cataclysmic that the only person who should “never get anywhere near” the Oval Office again is a Bush or a Cheney.

Different times call for different leaders — and it appears that’s exactly what a growing number of Americans are starting to realize.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.



Former Congressman Jason Lewis was Minnesota’s Republican nominee for the US Senate in 2020 and is the author of “Party Animal, The Truth About President Trump, Power Politics & the Partisan Press.”


JOHNSTON: Why Donald Trump Should Not Be Our Nominee

January 6 Committee Hired Consultant Who May Have ‘Huge’ Conflict Of Interest

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Dialectics: The Prime Weapon Destroying Western Civilization

“Dialectics” is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory process between opposing sides.

For weeks now I have been ruminating on a paper or post about the state of the dialectic attack on Western civilization via every single imaginable metric. That is to say, think of a value or a compartment or a taboo that is part of the Western culture and thought process and it is under attack. From national feelings to sexual habits to your traditional form of diet in the West.

A lot of people get it at one level, but at the meta, its quite a well constructed ceaseless attack, created and launched via communist and postmodern think tanks, some of which date back over a hundred years.

The evidence is overflowing. So permeated is our culture now that you can basically play a version of dialectic Pin the Tail on the Donkey and win every time. You could blindfold yourself and spin around and walk forward with your arm out and whatever you stop against is probably an example.

Each day that goes by, my list of examples grows, and of course, the project becomes more intimidating. So I have decided to do a kind of proto-post on the subject. Perhaps each time I add a data point, I’ll do it in a separate post and link back to this one. It may be messy, but at least the ideas will be out there.

Let’s begin with this video on Diversity training:

What the makers of this otherwise excellent video fail to understand, can be seen in the last couple of sentences:

“Whatever the explanation, it is bad business in the long run”.

See, it’s meant to be. That is what many who are proper critics of the revolution that is now taking place, do not recognize or express. It is meant to ruin not just business, but all aspects of cooperation in our culture between all people by grouping them in various ways and setting them at each other. In fact they may not even recognize it as rhetorical/dialectic weapons in an actual war on Western thought, and the very concept of the individual itself. (My personal theory as to the nature of the vaccine mandates, was specifically to in part or in whole, dissolve the concept of the individual in our own heads and form an almighty collective we put before ourselves, guided by a God like state.) This is why people must be lumped into groups as the attackers define those groups, and set us all against each other. To not do so, is somehow racist, when in fact racism is a key part of the strategy by the leftist revolutionaries.

Another example is sexual preferences, which have been turned into sexual identity now. So much so, that cross walks are sometimes painted with rainbow colours, and crossing lights for pedestrians are sometimes modified to show homosexual people or couples. This is, as we now know, because the most important thing about crossing a busy street is celebrating men having sex with other men.

Much like this flagpole in front of a posh prestigious private school in Ottawa Canada: Photo of flagpole.

Because after the National flag and the crest of the school, the most important thing about educating children from grade 5 to 12, is celebrating sexual identity and practice of anyone engaging in non-conventional sex acts and identifying as being part of groups with similar prefrences at the expence, it would seem, of more meaningful identities. This is so important, they actually have to flag the school with it.

How long till that flag finds its way to the top? And then what is known as dialectic negation could occur. The replacement of the National flag, which is anathema to communism, with group identities which maintain acrimony and division. Until of course its all the party flag which by then will be a hammer and sickle.

Perhaps Trudeau’s first minister of health could design it. After all, her training was entirely in graphic arts. Her replacement is a graduate of the communist think tank university, The London School of Economics. Neither of them have any medical training.

Then we have the Rogers Communications building on Richmond Rd. in Ottawa. One of the HQ buildings for Canada’s main cable TV, internet, and cell phone providers.

Rogers is more prepared than the private school. They understand that the dialectic attack is part of a never ending revolution, which is what communism is. Their flag is the most up-to-date one with the bits added for Trans and whatever else has been added in the last year or so. At this point the Rainbow flag is at risk of being called racist since it is insufficiently inclusive of whatever new ‘groups’ or ‘communities’ have been created as part of the ongoing dialectic.

These photos are all from this August, 2022. “Pride Month”, which itself is revealing since it’s not “Gay Pride” anymore as, like the flag, its not inclusive enough, was all of  June.

(Also noteworthy is that the literally millions upon millions of young, healthy, productive and nearly entirely men, who sacrificed themselves for our freedom and culture and rule of law, get half a day a year to be celebrated and remembered, while people who like to have sex in unusual ways get a whole month.)

Two months later, and the flags are hanging off buildings which are highly symbolic of important aspects of our culture.

To be clear about the highly annoying and too-often repeated word, “Dialectic”, I mean one thing. Operationally defined for the purpose of this post: dialectics is the weaponization and re-tasking of language in order to be used against classical thought and non-communist, or counter-revolutionary people.

It takes many forms. One common form would be to define a word in such a way that the user of that word, no matter what the context or how that person may use or understand that word, or how its has always been used up until now, can now be made to be guilty of an actual crime based on the new assignment of meaning to that term by communist groups. But that is just one form of dialectics and one worth understanding. Dialectics are always selectively enforced. More accurately, they appear to be selectively enforced. But it is better to see it as a calculated form of weaponized language, the purpose of which is always to move the culture and the law ever leftwards.

When for example, it is not an actual crime to use one of the selected words, they can cite the use of that word to destroy the person in much the same way as if it was. Sometimes worse. I think it was Wendy Mesley of CBC who used, (now get this cause its an example with an example), “The N word” OFF AIR near colleagues, while quoting someone else who used “the N word” to try and show how horrible that person was because they used “the N word” and was fired or otherwise castigated and punished in some manner by the state broadcaster for doing so. The fact that she was waging a dialectic attack against a hated non-leftist by quoting him wasn’t important. It was the blasphemous utterance of the word itself, now more fetish than language, which caused her to metaphorically be put in stocks and have fruit thrown at her.

Photo: US Embassy August 21, 2022 Ottawa

The government funded media in Canada, mostly CBC, CTV and Global, but City News, whatever that is, and other news orgs. use the same MO.

They do not cover news and views. They wage dialectic attacks against targets they wish to destroy. Mostly ones which could be properly described as believing in individual choices for themselves and real non-racism as racism was originally sold to us.

In essence, there is only one metric at play in the developed world now. And its very easy to understand. Any revolutionary act will be amplified, rewarded, normalized and in all ways promoted. If the act is illegal, such as throwing a firebomb at police in Portland or Seattle, or killing a Trump supporter who is an unarmed woman-veteran waved into the Capitol building in the US, won’t be punished and the person who committed these acts will be protected. Any counter-revolutionary actions will be punished. Even if the act was fully legal and harmed no one, it can and will be construed as “hate speech” along the lines of Marcusean Discourse theory. Suddenly speaking a simple empirical truth will be a crime, and if they cannot make it an actual crime, they will doxx you, attack you in other ways, cause you to lose your job or punish you in legal and illegal ways. This is a full scale war for all the marbles. It just happens to be using information warfare for the most part at this time.

I have witnessed this myself for days at the building referred to as “The United People of Canada building on St. Patrick. Media will fire astonishingly awful attacks with question marks against the people within the organization, while asking softball questions to hate-filled protestors on their lawn. One question I heard repeatedly was, “Can’t you understand that people in this area would be frightened when they see vehicles here that are decorated in a similar fashion to the ones in the convoy when they were so traumatized by the protest?” This isn’t a question. It’s the crown attorney grilling a suspect when he knows they have no lawyer who will object. Had that question been asked as a “guilty by association” issue about any in-fashion group, we all know what would happen to the questioner. Imagine it about fearing a racial or sexual orientation group because of the imputed experience of people with other members of that group. You can see what I mean.

Photo: Rude and aggressive protestor who claimed to represent the area

I suppose this will do for a start. If anyone made it this far, my sincere thanks.

There will be MUCH more on the United People of Canada soon. It does appear that it was Ottawa’s Mayor who is interfering with their rent payments. I really hope they have a good lawyer.



EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Murder Rate in America’s Major Democrat-Run Cities Outpaces Ukraine’s Recorded Civilian Death Rate

The Democrats army of criminals are more efficient than Russian military. Instead of sending our hard-earned billions over there, send these murderers there.

Murder Rate in America’s Major Democrat-Run Cities Outpaces Ukraine’s Recorded Civilian Death Rate

With a population of about 41,167,300, Ukraine’s civilian death rate is 13.12 per 100,000 people.

By: Just The News,  August 11, 2022:

Per capita murder rates in major U.S. cities such as Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis are outpacing Ukraine’s recorded civilian death rate from Russia’s invasion.

According to the United Nations Human Rights office, 5,401 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since Russia’s attack began in February, although the agency said it “believes that the actual figures are considerably higher.”

With a population of about 41,167,300, Ukraine’s civilian death rate is 13.12 per 100,000 people using official statistics from the United Nations.

The murder rates for several major U.S. cities are considerably higher than Ukraine’s civilian death rate.

For example, Baltimore, which has a population of 576,498 as of July 2021 according to Census estimates, has seen 215 homicides so far in 2022, yielding a rate of 37.3 murders per 100,000 people.

St. Louis, with a population of 293,310 as of July of last year, has seen 112 homicides in 2022, putting the murder rate at 38.2 per 100,000.

In Chicago, the 2022 murder rate is about 14.8 per 100,000.

CBS News compiled the latest available data earlier this year from the FBI’s 2019 Crime in the United States report.

Using pre-pandemic data, 52 U.S. cities had worse homicide rates than Ukraine’s civilian death rate. However, crime in the United States has skyrocketed since then, meaning that there may be more cities that qualify as deadlier than Ukraine under assault by Russian forces.



The Ransacking of America

DEMOCRAT CHAOS: Footage Shows MOB OF LOOTERS Ransack 7-Eleven in Los Angeles

DEMOCRAT RULE: Suburban Philadelphia Cemetery: 90 Percent of New Burials Are Victims of Violent Crime

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DOCUMENTS: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women Miscarried After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine

And still they aggressively promoted this poison. It is, in fact, one of the greatest medical crimes in history.

American Greatness:

More than 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine trial suffered miscarriages, according internal Pfizer documents, recently released under court order. Despite this, Pfizer, and the Biden administration insisted that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. Out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies, according to an analysis of the documents… The FDA and CDC could conceivably claim they were unaware of high rate of miscarriages in the trial because Pfizer attempted to obscure the data.

Will Witt:

According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, who runs a crowdsourced project to analyze 300,000 Pfizer documents released via a FOIA request, 44 percent of pregnant women who participated in the drug maker’s COVID-19 vaccine trial lost their babies (Twitter).

Florida Standard:

On its website, the CDC still recommends that pregnant women get vaccinated: “COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people 6 months and older. This includes people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future”.



Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up

VIDEO: Pfizer Scientist’s Latest COVID Revelations…ABOUT VAXXED PREGNANT WOMEN!

Pfizer Says COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Weakens Over Time!

VIDEO: FBI Letter Shows Pfizer Tied to Investigation of Project Veritas

VIDEO: Pfizer Insider LEAKS Hidden COVID Vaccine Info

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

SHOCKING REPORT: Of the 1,000 LGBTQ U.S. Elected Officials 75% are Democrats

We have been reporting on the queering of America for nearly two decades. We now learn just how deep the queering of America goes—from the state house to the White House.

Houston Mayor Annise Parker, President and CEO of the LGBTQ Victory Institute on its website, stated,

For the first time in history, we’re pleased to report that over 1,000 out LGBTQ people hold public office in the U.S.

LGBTQ elected officials are on the front lines of defending our rights and freedoms, which are under threat at every level of government. Despite the fact the LGBTQ community has never had equitable representation in government – and we still have a long way to go – there are clear signs of progress. LGBTQ elected officials represent the strength and diversity of not only who we are as a society now, but also the America we aspire to build for future generations.

On August 20th, 2022’s Peter ODwyer reported,

According to the [LGBT Victory] institute, the current tally of LGBT officials represents a 5% increase [over] last year’s. The institute further notes that 75% of LGBT officials are Democrats, while only 3% are Republicans. Transgender officials have also increased by 10% from last year.

This development is no surprise to observers looking at the demographics. The number who identify as LGBT has exploded over the last 10 years. According to a Gallup Poll, only 3.5% of Americans identified as LGBT in 2012. But this number nearly doubled to 7.1% by 2021.

The same poll suggests the reason for this may be the enormous variation in such identification among generations. Only 1% of Americans born before the baby boomer generation identify as LGBT, which doubled to 2% among the boomers. In each subsequent generation, the number virtually doubles, with 4% of Generation X, 10% of millennials and an astonishing 20% of Generation Z identifying as LGBT. Half of those identifying as LGBT identify as bisexual.

The sharp rise in LGBT identification is thought to be due to more significant numbers of Generation Z reaching maturity.

Here are the number of elected officials by office according to the LGBTQ Victory Institute website:

  • Governors—2
  • Statewide Executives—6 [Statewide executives include two territory-wide elected officials in Guam.]
  • U.S. Senators—2
  • U.S. House Members—9
  • State Legislators—192 [state legislators include one senator in the U.S. Virgin Islands and another in Puerto Rico.]
  • Mayors—57
  • Local Officials—651
  • Elected Judicial Officials—123

LGBTQ Victory Institute’s stated goal in order to fully reach “equity” is to elect:

  • 2 more queer governors
  • 17 more queer statewide executives
  • 5 more queer U.S. senators
  • 22 more queer U.S. representatives
  • 346 more LGBTQ  state legislators
  • 96 more LGBTQ mayors of cities with a population of 30,000+
  • more than 15,000 LGBTQ local officials
  • and thousands more queer judicial officials

In 2019 Morgan @madwestafrican Tweeted:

Within 5 years of gay “marriage” being legalized we have:

transgender kids,

gay sex being taught in schools,

endless genders,

drag queen story hour,

people advocating for the decriminalization of AIDS transmission

and grown men in woman’s bathroom.


After posting this tweet Morgan’s site was deleted.

The Bottom Line

On August 18th, 2022, we published a number of articles that were both shocking and prophetic.

The first was about a dog being infected with the Monkeypox by two gay men in France; and the second about a Canadian father arrested for opposing his daughter’s gender transition surgery.

And then there’s this tweet of Christy Olezeski, Ph.D. admitting that Yale Medicine is treating kids as young as 3 YEARS OLD in their “gender journey.”

These events are but symptoms of a very dangerous and deadly gay political tumor not only on the body politic of America but also the world. This gay political tumor has infected, to one extent or another, both political parties in America and our governments from school house to the White House but also global organizations like the United Nations, World Health Organization, NATO and the World Economic Forum.’s Peter ODwyer warned,

The Victory Institute seeks to grow the number of LGBT officials in office. Its goal is ostensibly to raise the number of LGBT officials to be “equitable” with the current LGBTQ population in the United States. By its estimate, approximately .2% of elected politicians are LGBT. To reach the goal of 7.1% representation, almost 38,000 additional LGBT officials must be installed in office.

According to Annise Parker, more LGBT officials are needed to oppose “unprecedented attacks on trans kids” and measures “to censor classrooms and libraries.”

Parker drew national controversy as mayor of Houston by subpoenaing religious leaders who opposed a transgender ordinance.

We warned Americans about the spread of this gay political tumor years ago hoping against hope that they would wake up and listen to our cries.

Today we, once again, sound the clarion call hoping that Americans will stop this cultural cancer of sodomy from spreading, at least in our nation.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Hungary launches investigation into Netflix cartoon featuring lesbian girls kissing

New York Bans ‘Gendered Language’ In New ‘Salespeople’ Law

Dem-Appointed Judge Opens The Door To More Men Being Housed In Women’s Prisons

VODEO: Drain the Swamp? Repeal The Inflation Reduction Act!

Joe Biden is lying about the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” – an oxymoron if there ever was one. All it does is grow an already bloated federal leviathan. Graham Ledger has a simple, but effective solution to end reckless spending and an out of control fourth branch of government.

The “Transformational” Inflation Reduction Act Is Really Just More Green Stimulus

By Matt Weidinger

August 08, 2022

The Senate yesterday passed on a party-line basis Democrats’ latest tax and spending bill, which they call the Inflation Reduction Act. President Joe Biden extolled that legislation, saying the bill “makes the largest investment ever in combatting the existential crisis of climate change.” That $369 billion green energy “investment” includes new and expanded subsidies for consumers who purchase electric vehicles, energy-efficient appliances, and solar panels, along with vast new spending for other green priorities. On passing the legislation, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said “This bill will kickstart the era of affordable clean energy in America.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has called the plan “transformational,” adding without flinching that “we have never spent this much money” on green energy.

If that all sounds very familiar, that’s because it is.

Read more.

Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here:

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FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner Jon Woods

Obama teamed these agencies with left-wing stooges. Thereby facilitating the Democrat politicization and weaponization of our intel and government agencies to attack we, the people.

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner

By Ben Wetmore, August 19, 2022:

Former Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods was the first elected official in the state to endorse President Trump in 2016.

Two years later U.S. District Judge Timothy L. Brooks of the Western District of Arkansas sentenced Woods to serve 18 years in federal prison, in addition to three years of supervised release and ordered Woods to pay $1.6 million in restitution.

Yesterday, the lead FBI Agent in his case plead guilty to destroying exculpatory evidence that could have proven Woods’ innocence.

“In a plea deal filed Wednesday, a former FBI agent pleaded guilty to paying a business to “wipe” his computer to make the hard drive unavailable for forensic examination.

According to court documents, former agent Robert Cessario was charged with “corrupt destruction of record in an official proceeding” in connection to the corruption trial of former state Sen. Jon Woods of Springdale.

In the plea deal, Cessario stated: “I erased the contents of the computer hard knowing that the court has ordered that the computer be submitted for a forensic examination. I did so with the intention of making the contents of the computer’s hard unavailable for forensic examination. At the time, I knew that the contents of the hard drive were relevant to an official proceeding, that is, Cause No. 5:17-CR-50010, United States v. Woods et al. I corruptly performed and had performed, the erasures with intent to impair the integrity and availability of the computer hard drive and its contents for use in that official proceeding.”


Woods obtained funds for a Christian school in Arkansas and the government alleged that the donation to the school was a form of fraud because it was collected under false pretenses. The case against Woods was the Department of Justice’s favorite trick: using the word ‘fraud’ to apply to any financial transaction they don’t like.

The Court has known about the illegal destruction of evidence the entire time. Woods’ appeal to the 8th Circuit of Appeals before appellate judges Jane Kelly, an Obama appointee, Michael J. Melloy, a Bush Sr. appointee, and Jonathan A. Kobes, a Trump appointee, case# 18-3057 on October 16, 2020, was denied even though the appellate court knew that the FBI destroyed relevant evidence on purpose.

Here are the details of the FBI trying to destroy relevant evidence in the Woods case:

  • Woods’ attorneys realized they were missing critical evidence that would prove Woods’ innocence, and asked the prosecutor to turn over a laptop.
  • On November 30, 2017, the lead FBI Special Agent Robert Cessario, was ordered by the Assistant United States Attorney, Aaron Jennen, to deliver his government issued laptop to an FBI forensics examiner in Little Rock named Timothy Whitlock for a forensics examination.
  • FBI Criminal Agent Cessario learned of what the examination would entail during a phone conversation with Agent Whitlock on December 1, 2017.
  • Agent Cessario then brought his government issued laptop to a local computer store in Bentonville, Arkansas on December 4, 2017, at 11:18am and paid in cash the amount of $59.50 to have it professionally ‘wiped’ meaning to eliminate all the digital files.
  • FBI Criminal Agent Cessario then took the laptop home on December 7, 2017 had it ‘wiped’ at least one more time before turning it over as instructed.
  • When Criminal Cessario was confronted by FBI Agent Shun Turner, Criminal Cessario asked Turner along with another Agent Whitlock to LIE and NOT report that the laptop had been ‘wiped.’
  • Agents Whitlock and Turner did the right thing and reported Criminal Cessario

Keep reading……



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Disruptive Innovation Is Accelerating the Growth of Alternative Learning Models

Disruptive innovation is reshaping how children learn and expanding access to alternative education models.

Disruptive innovation usually begins on the margins, with a few, intrepid users embracing a new product or service. Abetted by new technologies, a disruptive innovation penetrates the mainstream when its quality is proven to be as good, if not better, than more established models.

According to author and investor, Michael Horn, a classic example of disruptive innovation is Airbnb, which began on the margins as a couch-surfing tool and then, enabled by technology, upended the hospitality industry.

“Initially we thought [disruptive innovation] could be any low-cost innovation,” Horn told me on this week’s episode of the LiberatED podcast. “What we observed over time was that you needed some sort of technology enabler that allowed you to carry the original value proposition around convenience, affordability, and accessibility and allowed you to improve without just replicating all of the cost features of the incumbent.”

Horn should know. He co-founded the Clayton Christensen Institute with Clayton Christensen, who coined the term “disruptive innovation” back in the 1990s. Since then, Horn has studied the role of disruptive innovation in education and has written several books on the topic, including his newly-released book, From Reopen to Reinvent: (Re)Creating School for Every Child.

In our podcast conversation this week, Horn and I focused on the ways in which disruptive innovation is reshaping how many children learn, as well as accelerating the growth of alternative learning models.

For instance, while homeschooling began its modern revival a half-century ago, and microschools, or small, multi-age learning environments, have existed for decades—including some of the ones I highlighted in my Unschooled book—it wasn’t until the advent of new technologies that homeschooling and microschooling became a mainstream option for millions of families.

Virtual schools and platforms such as Sora SchoolsMy Tech HighASU Prep Digital, and Socratic Experience, enable students, many of whom may be registered as homeschoolers, to learn from anywhere and have access to a more personalized curriculum. Similarly, Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, and Outschool give students around the world access to content and curriculum experts to make it easier to choose an alternative learning path, or supplement a conventional one.

Fast-growing microschool networks such as Prenda and KaiPod are combining educational technology with small, in-person learning pods to enable many more families to have access to a personalized, flexible microschool experience. KaiPod has recently teamed up with virtual providers such as Sora Schools and Socratic Experience to offer pods tailored to families choosing a specific curriculum.

“Leveraging technology allows you to stay connected to the curriculum, learn from anywhere, learn from the best experts anywhere,” said Horn. “And then surround the child with a variety of novel supports that are customized to what that child needs, what the family needs, and unleashes all sorts of things.”

Blending new technologies with the personalization and flexibility of microschooling and homeschooling will continue to disrupt the education sector and turn alternative learning models into mainstream options for many more families.


Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and host of the weekly LiberatED podcast. She is also the author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019), an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and a regular Forbes contributor. Kerry has a B.A. in economics from Bowdoin College and an M.Ed. in education policy from Harvard University. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and four children. You can sign up for her weekly newsletter on parenting and education here.

​​Listen to the weekly LiberatED Podcast on AppleSpotifyGoogle, and Stitcher, or watch it on YouTube, and sign up for Kerry’s weekly LiberatED email newsletter to stay up-to-date on educational news and trends from a free-market perspective.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

4 Differences between the Freedom Brand and the Freedom Philosophy

If genuine freedom is the goal, rhetoric about liberty won’t be enough.

If you ask the average American what they think about “freedom” or “liberty,” chances are you’ll get a positive response. A love of liberty is built into the cultural fabric of America, and this is especially evident when we compare the US to the rest of the world.

But for a country that prides itself on being the “land of the free,” there are a few things that seem, well, off. America has the world’s highest per capita prison population, for instance. It also has a fair number of economic regulations that interfere with the free market.

This begs the question, if Americans are so passionate about freedom, why does America leave so much to be desired on this front?

The answer, I believe, is that there are two ways of understanding freedom. There is the freedom brand and there is the freedom philosophy. For most Americans, what they really like is the freedom brand. It’s the general idea of freedom that they’re really into. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course, but it’s not the same as being into the freedom philosophy.

To understand this distinction, let’s look at four key differences between these two conceptions of freedom.

The biggest difference between the freedom brand and the freedom philosophy is that the brand is not rigorously principled the way the philosophy is. For the brand, as long as you agree with a few basic ideas like free speech and free and fair elections, the rest of politics can be a matter of personal preference.

For the philosophy, however, freedom is all about consistently upholding the principles of liberty in every domain regardless of personal preference. On the economic front, this means removing government regulations and trade barriers so people are free to do business as they see fit. On the social front, this means allowing people to make their own decisions about lifestyle choices.

Even unpopular practices and choices should be tolerated according to the freedom philosophy. After all, the reasoning goes, a freedom that is confined to what others deem acceptable is really no freedom at all.

Another difference is that the freedom brand tends to define itself by what it’s against, whereas the freedom philosophy tends to focus on what it’s for.

Defenders of the freedom brand spend much of their time denouncing repressive political systems like communism and totalitarianism. In extreme cases, this can lead to movements like Red Scares and McCarthyism. There is a lot of focus on authoritarian countries such as Russia, China, and North Korea, and a strong desire to be “not like them.”

The freedom philosophy does not find this approach wrong so much as incomplete. Yes, authoritarian countries are bad, but for freedom philosophy adherents, it is not enough to merely condemn authoritarian actions. An equal if not greater focus should be placed on the positive vision of a free society, a vision of pluralism, tolerance, free markets, and free expression.

It is not enough to merely identify what we want to move away from. We also need to describe what we want to move toward. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech is a great example of this. He didn’t just express frustration at the problems he saw. He painted a picture of a brighter future.

The freedom brand tends to live in popular slogans and refrains. “Land of the free, home of the brave.” “Don’t tread on me.” “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.” “Come and take it.”

These slogans are popular for a reason. They express a deep passion and appreciation for freedom. And again, there’s nothing wrong with that. But slogans do not make a philosophy.

The key to the freedom philosophy is not so much the slogans but the substance behind them. “Land of the free, home of the brave” is a nice sentiment, but if it’s not coupled with a robust understanding of what freedom really means and why it’s important, the words can be somewhat empty.

The freedom philosophy is so much more than a slogan. It’s about ethics and personal responsibility. It’s about self-improvement and creating value for others. It’s about seeing people as unique individuals and recognizing the tremendous benefits of free markets.

This is what makes the freedom philosophy so different from the brand. It’s not just about nice-sounding phrases. It’s about practical, well-reasoned ideas.

Another distinction between the freedom brand and the freedom philosophy is that the brand tends to focus on recovering the past, whereas the philosophy focuses on building something new in the future.

To be sure, there are liberties Americans used to enjoy in the past that no longer exist, and it’s a worthy goal to reclaim these. But if we are merely pining for the good old days, we are adopting the mentality of the freedom brand.

The freedom philosophy has a bolder vision. It’s not just about regaining the freedoms we used to have. It’s about expanding those freedoms farther than they’ve ever been expanded. It’s not just about recovering something we’ve lost. It’s about creating something even better that we’ve never really had.

America is flooded with rhetoric about liberty. The freedom brand is everywhere. But while the brand is alive and well, actual liberty seems to be shrinking by the day.

If we want to reverse course, giving lip service to liberty won’t be enough. To truly turn this ship around, we need to understand the principles of a free society and start putting them into practice.

Achieving liberty is possible, but it won’t come from a brand. It will only come when we learn the freedom philosophy and resolve to live it out.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.


P.G. Wodehouse Knew the Way: Fight Fascism with Humor

It’s Not Just Keynesians vs. Austrians


This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Female College Students Secretly Filmed in Locker Room — Footage Posted on XHamster and Pornhub

It’s outrageous enough that female college students were secretly filmed in a locker room. But the footage was posted to XHamster and Pornhub.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) has joined as co-counsel in a lawsuit (Does 1-9 v. Murphy et al) against XHamster and MindGeek filed on behalf of 9 women who were secretly filmed while changing in a college locker room for a field hockey game, and the footage of which was then uploaded to XHamster and Pornhub.

The plaintiffs, Jane Does 1-9, are young women who were allegedly filmed by Collins Murphy, the intramural/summer conference director of Limestone College, Gaffney, S.C., who placed a hidden “spy camera” in a locker room at Limestone College and secretly filmed the women in all stages of undress, and then uploaded the video footage to XHamster and Pornhub. The women were visiting Limestone College to play a field hockey game on behalf of Bellarmine University, Louisville, Ky. At least one of the videos was shared by a “verified” Modelhub member on Pornhub.

“It is reprehensible that these women’s privacy was violated by the secret recording, but this was made even worse when the footage was uploaded to XHamster and Pornhub, both of which then profited from their abuse. These women deserve every ounce of justice for their abuse and exploitation, and for the egregious violation of privacy,” said Dani Pinter, senior legal counsel for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

“XHamster and Pornhub took no action to verify the age or consent of the women in the videos, which were labeled as ‘spy cam’ and ‘hidden cam’ videos. On Pornhub, at least one of the videos was uploaded by a ‘verified’ Modelhub member who did not even appear in the videos. This reveals Pornhub’s verification process for what it is: a sham. ‘Spy cam,’ ‘Hidden cam,’ and ‘Voyeur’ are extremely popular genres and were official categories and tags on XHamster and Pornhub. Both platforms capitalized on these categories of videos which eroticized violating women’s privacy. But pornography tube sites like XHamster and Pornhub have no financial incentive to remove potentially illegal material, so they don’t. For the sake of victims of image-based sexual abuse, it is time for XHamster and Pornhub to be held accountable,” Pinter added.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation Law Center joins the Bell Legal Group, LLC, and Dolt, Thompson, Shepherd & Conway, PSC, as co-counsel for the plaintiffs.

NCOSE is co-counsel on a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of two survivors of childhood sex trafficking whose videos and images of their abuse were posted on Pornhub and other MindGeek-owned sites. In February 2022, the judge ruled against MindGeek’s motion to dismiss, enabling the lawsuit to move forward. NCOSE also is co-counsel on a lawsuit against XVideos brought by a survivor of child sexual abuse.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation Law Center offers survivors a way to seek justice. More information can be found at:

EDITORS NOTE: This National Center on Sexual Exploitation column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.