Biden’s Handlers Released 324 Unvetted Afghan Evacuees on Terror Watchlist into the U.S.

Biden’s catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was bad enough in itself, diminishing America’s standing in the world and projecting an image of weakness that has encouraged and emboldened enemies of our nation worldwide. The fallout from it, however, could be incalculably worse. A Defense Department (DoD) whistleblower has revealed that 324 of the Afghans whom U.S. forces brought to the United States as the disaster in Afghanistan was unfolding appeared on the department’s Biometrically Enabled Watchlist (BEWL), which includes terrorists, and yet were admitted into the country without being vetted. No one who has been watching the spreading dumpster fire that is the Biden administration could possibly be surprised.

Senators Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) have called upon the DoD to investigate. On Thursday, they wrote to DoD Acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell about their “concern over new allegations raised by a Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblower. This information may show the Biden Administration’s failure to vet those evacuated from Afghanistan was even worse than the public was led to believe. The following allegations demand an immediate investigation by your office.” There should indeed be an investigation, but in these days of the hyper-politicization of everything and concomitant wokeification of the government bureaucracy, a genuinely illuminating investigation is about as likely to happen as Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis getting the Democrat nomination for president in 2024.

Epoch Times reported Friday that “the BEWL identifies individuals whose biometrics have been collected and determined by analysts to be threats or potential threats to national security, including known suspected terrorists.” But instead of stopping those who appeared on this watchlist, the whistleblower contents that “White House and DoD officials instructed agency personnel to ‘cut corners’ and not conduct full fingerprint tests on the evacuees at staging bases in Europe, ‘in order to promote the rushed evacuation from Afghanistan.’”

The whistleblower also charges that “Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staff were authorized to delete old biometric data at their discretion.” Really, what could possibly go wrong? Hawley and Johnson point out, with admirable understatement, that this is a “troubling development that could threaten national security and public safety.”

Yeah, it could. And as it was all initially unfolding, Joe Biden was doing what he does best: lying. Sensitive to criticism arising from the importation of unvetted Afghans in the U.S., Biden declared in September 2021 that “planes taking off from Kabul are not flying directly to the United States. They’re landing at U.S. military bases and transit centers around the world. At these sites where they are landing, we are conducting thorough scrutiny — security screenings for everyone who is not a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident.” State Department spokesman Ned Price added: “Before anyone who is evacuated from Afghanistan comes to this country, they undergo a rigorous vet. Unless and until they complete that vet they will not be in a position to come to the U.S.”

In reality, however, there appeared to be a concerted effort to bring unvetted Afghans into the United States. At least 82,000 Afghans were brought to the U.S. without being vetted. In October 2021, Senate Republicans noted in a memo, accordingto the Washington Examiner, “senior officials across the departments of Homeland Security, Defense, State, and Justice described a disastrous screening and vetting process.” Immigration officials accepted uncritically what Afghans said about who they were, without making any effort to check their stories. According to the Examiner, “the large majority of people, approximately 75%, evacuated were not American citizens, green card holders, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders, or applicants for the visa.”

Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) had been given to Afghans who aided U.S. forces in Afghanistan. In September 2021, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed that “of the 60,000 Afghans who have entered the U.S., nearly 8,000 are either U.S. citizens or residents, while about 1,800 are SIV holders, having obtained visas after assisting the U.S. military.” That meant that 52,000 of the 60,000 Afghans who had come into the country were not U.S. citizens or SIV holders. In November 2021, Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) stated that only 700 of the 82,000 Afghans now in the U.S. were SIV holders.

The Examiner noted that Biden’s reception of these Afghans “violated long-standing U.S. government policies for handling refugees.” This was a deliberate decision: “Refugees are to be screened and vetted before being admitted to the U.S. through an extensive process that includes multiple interrogations. Rather than follow the protocol, the Biden administration instructed federal law enforcement and military officials handling the evacuations and processing to adhere to less stringent standards.”

Hawley confronted FBI director Christopher Wray about all this Thursday. According to Epoch Times, “Wray wasn’t able to give a clear answer about the FBI’s efforts to track down and interview the 324 Afghan evacuees.” Once again, no one should be surprised. Clearly this is all going the way the Leftist elites want it to go.

Afghan refugees in Iran by EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Robert Spencer

Senior Fellow

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Mar-a-Lago Raid is a Preview of a Rigged 2024 Election

The Democrats will prosecute their way to victory.

On Thursday, FBI Director Christopher Wray cut short his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee to fly the FBI’s private jet to his family’s vacation home. At the hearing, Wray had admitted that disciplinary action against FBI personnel involved in Russiagate abuses had been “slowed down” and refused to call Russiagate a “hoax”.

On Monday, President Trump revealed that Mar-a-Lago had been raided by “a large group of FBI agents”. Any warrant for such a raid would have been signed off on by Attorney General Merrick Garland and his associates in the Biden administration which expects to face the former president in the next election. Wray, who quietly listened to complaints about the politicization of the FBI from Senator Grassley and Cruz, among others, would have known what was coming.

The New York Times reported that, “according to two people familiar with the investigation, appeared to be focused on material that Mr. Trump had brought with him to Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence, after he left the White House.”

Back in May, the paper revealed that a federal grand jury investigation had been convened over boxes of “government documents, mementos, gifts and letters” taken to Mar-a-Lago. There was no federal investigation when the Clintons left the White House with $190,000 worth of “china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts”. The FBI didn’t come knocking at Chappaqua.

This isn’t about the documents. Just as Russiagate was not about the Russians. It’s not about the 15 boxes of documents, letters and assorted presidential records and gifts that were hurriedly packed up and sent off to Mar-a-Lago, most of which were later returned when the National Archives requested them, this is about the 2024 presidential election.

The assorted Trump investigations were not motivated by concerns about national security, political norms and they’re certainly not driven by sudden worries about mishandling classified documents. And yet the same media which spent years explaining why mishandling classified documents was no big deal when the Clintons did it will explain why it’s a big deal now.

While the FBI handed out immunity agreements to Hillary Clinton staffers who mishandled classified documents and erased their devices, expect any Trump staffers to be hit with the highest possible charges and penalties, and for any information seized from them to be used to develop cases against Trump and other administration figures. That’s what this is really about.

The Mar-a-Lago raid is a more aggressive version of the same Russiagate tactics which were aimed at busting and flipping Trump associates, while gathering any materials that can be spun off into related or entirely unrelated investigations. The FBI raid will not result in charges against Trump, but will probably be used to hit staffers and aides with security violations. This has the dual purpose of keeping them from serving in any future administration and putting them through the wringer, running up massive legal bills and getting them to testify against Trump.

And it’s only happening because the Democrats expect to run against Trump in 2024.

There’s no coincidence that Trump investigations have once again ramped up, after quieting down, as the former president began sending signals that he intends to run again. If Trump had announced that he was formally retiring, there would be no FBI agents at Mar-a-Lago. Instead they would be headed to the homes of any of the potential conservative frontrunners who would suddenly be facing subpoenas, entrapment and wiretapping run out of D.C.

Biden’s abysmal polling makes it impossible for him to win by any means short of this. And the Democrats have no popular candidates waiting in the wings. Anyone else they run, from Kamala to Buttigieg to Bernie to Newsom to Hillary stands no chance of winning over the public.

All that’s left is this.

The Obama administration used the Justice Department to rig the 2016 election. The Biden administration began the same process early on. It has weaponized the DOJ in previously unprecedented ways to shape the voting map, to rally its base and investigate its enemies.

It will get worse as the apparatchiks of a lame duck administration truly get desperate.

As President Trump pointed out,  “Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mail AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing happened to hold her accountable.”

The FBI handed out immunity agreements to top Hillary aides  in exchange for access to their devices and then went on to destroy laptops even though Congress wanted access to them.

Over 2,000 emails on Hillary’s server were found to be classified. 37 pages were deemed top secret. Senator Grassley listed 588 security violations. Hillary’s unconvincing defense of mishandling classified information was that she didn’t know what a “C” stood for.

From the removal of boxes of documents from Vince Foster’s office after his suicide to Bill’s National Security Advisor Sandy Berger stuffing classified documents from the National Archives into his pants and socks, the Clintons have made document theft their specialty.

And it’s all too typical for Trump to be accused of the crimes that the Clintons committed.

But the alleged crimes in a political investigation don’t matter. What does matter is the strong signal from the Biden administration that what the Obama administration did quietly, it will do loudly, aggressively targeting a prospective political opponent with a series of politically motivated investigations using the full force and authority of the Justice Department.

That is a constitutional crisis.

The allegations and investigations will continue to shift as they have since Day 1. Whether it’s the Russians, the Ukrainians, Jan 6, and now classified document handling procedures, and whatever they come up with tomorrow, Biden’s DOJ intends to win by indicting his opponents.

The Democrats have given up winning the 2024 presidential campaign at the polls and intend to win it at the hands of their prosecutors and judges.

Instead of winning over the public, they want to prosecute their way to victory.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


Was the FBI Mar-a-Largo Raid a ‘Setup’ to Keep President Trump Off of The 2024 Ballot?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago like that of a ‘Banana Republic’

VIDEO: Huge Crowds Line Mar-a-Lago Streets to ‘Welcome Home’ Donald Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Atlantic likens Catholic Rosary to Assault Weapon

The Atlantic continues to ignore and deny jihad violence.

Can you even imagine The Atlantic writing about any aspect of Islamic piety in remotely militaristic terms? They’d sooner close their doors forever than publish something so “Islamophobic” about a religion whose holy texts actually teach and sanction violence against unbelievers. But this? No problem.

The Atlantic Compares Catholic Rosary to Assault Weapon

by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, August 15, 2022:

ROME — The Atlantic has likened the rosary to an AR-15 assault weapon in an incendiary attack Sunday on conservative Catholics.

“Just as the AR-15 rifle has become a sacred object for Christian nationalists in general, the rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or ‘rad trad’) Catholics,” writes Toronto-based Daniel Panneton in an Atlantic article released the day before the Catholic feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (August 15).

Never mind that the highest-profile rosary-wielding U.S. Catholic is President Joe Biden, Panneton powers forward, alleging darkly that armed radical traditionalists “have taken up a spiritual notion that the rosary can be a weapon in the fight against evil and turned it into something dangerously literal.”

The writer cites progressive Church historian and commentator Massimo Faggioli in describing conservative Catholic bloggers as a “Catholic cyber-militia” that actively campaigns against LGBTQ acceptance in the Church and for whom “rosary-as-weapon memes represent a social-media diffusion of such messaging.”

Panneton goes on to assert that “the far right’s constellations of violent, racist, and homophobic online milieus are well documented for providing a pathway to radicalization and real-world terrorist attacks.”

“Militia culture, a fetishism of Western civilization, and masculinist anxieties have become mainstays of the far right in the U.S.—and rad-trad Catholics have now taken up residence in this company,” he declares.

One Catholic online store goes so far as to sell “replicas of the rosaries issued to American soldiers during the First World War as ‘combat rosaries,’” he warns, to which can be added a “concealed carry” permit a storage box “resembling an ammunition can.”

This dangerous alliance between prayer and warfare seems to have penetrated the highest levels of the Church and Panneton writes that in 2016, “the pontifical Swiss Guard accepted a donation of combat rosaries” and during a ceremony at the Vatican, their commander described the gift as “the most powerful weapon that exists on the market.”…



Rushdie stabber had been in touch with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps

Australia: Saudi sisters claim asylum over sexuality and religion, are denied, are found dead

Pakistan: Politician offers $20,000,000 for Dutch MP Geert Wilders’ head

Islamic Jihadi Opens Fire in Jerusalem, Pregnant Woman, Americans Wounded

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is the FBI politicized? C’mon Man!

Good day Kahny,

I hope today finds you well at your desk, as the Executive Editor at that beacon of truthful reporting, the iconic NY Times. Wow, so much has transpired since we last spoke. I believe last time we spoke was around the 4th of July holiday. I know you’re not to big a fan of that one Kahny, as you are a big supporter of the CCP, as displayed by your publicity shots. You remember those right? You in your stocking feet, reading Pravda on your office floor, with your CCP coffee cup. I’m just curious, has anyone been fired yet for running with that idea…..ouch! I digress, last time we spoke, we were talking about the 1/6 reality show produced by Chardonnay Pelosi and company. Much has happened since then, let’s take a look.

The Mission is to Get Trump!

Personally, I agree with other liberals, as I don’t believe enough time and TAXPAYER money has been spent yet on prosecuting elected President Trump. I think he is getting off the hook rather lightly, wouldn’t you agree, stocking feet? I’m appalled at your tabloid though, because every once in a while there has been a negative article about Joey Bidenflation. We should be concentrating on putting out the usual 8-10 articles attacking President Trump; not attacking the greatest puppet, since Jimmy Carter. Has the radical right infiltrated your own newsroom Kahny! Or, is there a change in the works? We reached out to Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein to inquire about this but he was busy sailing off the coast of his Martha’s Vineyard estate. No wait, it might have been that he was surfing off his Hawaiian Island coastal estate. No, no I think he was just relaxing at his Washington mansion, with Michael (word is he gets his stock tips from Chardonnay and big Paulie Pelosi), hence the multiple mansions.
Anyway, we couldn’t reach the great unifier to see if the shift away from Brandon is in the works.

How Conservatives (and most people) See Things

Now back to President Trump. It appears Conservatives have a different take on things Kahny. It seems the latest attempt to get justice was to have the FBI raid his personal residence in Florida, and their decision to do so is just a little bit suspect. I believe the latest was something about him holding classified nuclear secrets (to work with Putin, of course). Seems reasonable right Kahny? We got him this time!

Propaganda at its Finest

Conservatives point out these facts : two bogus debunked impeachments, wasn’t enough. Nonstop propaganda for 6 years by such stalwarts of journalistic integrity like your tabloid Pravda, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC, ABC NBC, CBS and the like, wasn’t enough. How about the Russian collusion hoax for over 3 years, which led back to Hildabeast Clinton, that wasn’t enough. How about your former hero (and one time potential candidate for Democratic nomination to be president) Michael Avenatti and his client Stormy Daniels. That is the same Michael Avenatti who is currently serving time in prison. The censorship by social media to address Hunter Biden’s (former crack addict/energy expert, who is now a world famous artist) laptop. Claiming said laptop was Russian disinformation, which as we ALL know now was a lie, that wasn’t enough. The AG Billy Barr, sitting on this information, saying “he didn’t want to influence an election.“ Well Billy Boy you definitely did, you and Georgie Soros, Billy Gates, and some 2,000 mules.

Let’s Plan some Anarchy

Let’s look at some other events. How about, “mostly peaceful riots,” in Democratic bastions for a year straight leading up to the 2020 election, to project anarchy. Funny, huh Kahny, no outrage or disharmony since the Liar-in-Chief was installed………simply amazing. Look at all the money Georgie Soros has saved, by not having to recruit protestors, good for him. How about “Dr.” Fraudci and and the well orchestrated plandemic, and mandated “vaccine.” Remember Kahny, there is no autoimmunity, social distancing, masks, the “plandemic of the unvaccinated.” All now debunked. But it sure did facilitate the very trustworthy mail in voting agenda. Even the vegetable occupying the White House has gotten it…..TWICE, and this buffoon had both shots and 2 boosters. I‘m surprised Joey didn’t just take Covid behind the gym and beat the hell out of it. Don’t you just love Joey’s little fairytales Kahny?

Andy Cuomo: A Heart of Gold

Let’s not forget Democratic cities extended shutdowns to cripple the economy and kill small businesses. You know, like Andy “I sexually harass women, because I’m Italian” Cuomo did. This of course was when he wasn’t busy sending seniors to their deaths instead of using a Navy hospital ship—you know, just to spite President Trump. Ah, what’s a few old people dying in order spite Trump, oh I don’t know, some estimate 15,000. But ole Andy said he wouldn’t put his dear sweet Mother Matilda in senior facilities due to the virus, saying this 2 MONTHS before his March 2020 directive barring said places from turning away infected hospital patients from being admitted to these facilities. What a sweet conscientious son little Andy is, brings a tear to my eye. We all know now that these extended shutdowns did nothing, except try and portray a nation in turmoil in an election year.

A Special Shout Out to Pravda (NY Times)

It all seemed like a well thought out coordinated attack. Most Americans believe these are the kinds of coordinated attacks that would come from our enemies……..not from our OWN country. Evidently, a majority of American people have found out they’ve been wrong. Conservatives point out that the media played a major part in where we are today stocking feet Kahn, so I would guess AG Sulzberger (your publisher at Pravda) owes you a big bonus for your objective, unbiased and apolitical (wink, wink) reporting. Such journalistic integrity! Always remember, President Trump is a racist!

The White House does it’s Best Sgt. Shultz: “I Know Nothing”

But, we have a whole new chapter to add to this disgrace of a regime under the installed puppet. We now have brown shirts, I’m sorry the FBI raiding a former Presidents house over a year and a half after he left office. Apparently, the White House knew nothing of this raid. I’m back Kahny, I had to take a break to clean the coffee off my floor, after it came shooting out of my nose, due to laughing. Conservatives want to know, if this installed administration thinks the American people are as mentally addled as the sock puppet Brandon? Just wait until they add those 87,000 ARMED IRS agents.

“Dr.” Jilly Bean Expands her Wardrobe

What was it again classified nuclear secrets? Too, too funny. What are they worried about, General “treason is my game” Milley will give a heads up to China (Joey’s pals) or any other enemies for that matter. Or, was that only in place when elected President Trump was in office and now rescinded under the houseplant installed in the White House. Rumor is they raided Melania’s wardrobe, so they could get “Dr.” Jilly bean some tasteful dresses. She has been getting flak for dressing up in Thanksgiving tablecloths. Word on the street is Target and Kohls are running low ahead of the holidays due to her constant demand.

So, you can see Kahny, why America is a tad suspect about this latest charade….just a tad. Well, we’ll have to see what the brown shirts (sorry, I keep doing that), the FBI plant, I mean find, in these boxes. Early reports are one of the larger boxes contained Jimmy Hoffa, but that hasn’t been confirmed yet. I always knew it had to be President Trump, I just knew it. Word is Jeffery Toobin formally of CNN was rushing there to confirm, but was busy right now on a zoom call.

The Possibilities are Endless

This story will have to do until Chardonnay’s kangaroo court starts up again next month. Wow, right before the midterms, incredible timing, huh (wink, wink). This was losing steam anyway Kahny, hence the raid ordered by Mary Garland, and the warrant signed off on by highly reputable (Barry/Barack Hussein supporter/donator) “Judge” Reinhardt. I don’t know what we’ll do if this last coup fails. What can we blame him for next—the Brinks job, Patty Hearst kidnapping, the Manson murders, the Hindenburg, the Titanic? Ya see stocking feet Kahn, the possibilities are endless. Who says the DOJ and the FBI, are being politicized and weaponized……….that is just crazy talk!

Well, Kahny some of these things do seem to be ridiculous accusations…..sort of like your NY Times reporting style. What was that again, “printing all the news fit to print,” the mantra of your tabloid… know Kahny, that may be the funniest and most ridiculous statement in this entire letter. Talk to you soon buddy.

Oh, one more tidbit: Brandon says inflation is now 0%. Financial networks and economists still have it at 8.5%. Oh that Joey and his fables, isn’t he precious. Funny no mention of this ridiculous glaring gaffe (lie) in your tabloid………..shocking!


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

Government Led by Democrats Is Organized, State Sanctioned Crime

Here’s a huge news story the media censored.

ATF special agent resigns, cites lack of criminal accountability in laws.

Colorado Springs ATF special agent resigns, cites lack of criminal accountability in laws

By: Sean Rice KRDO | August 14, 2022 |

A special agent for the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, Firearms, and Explosives) in Colorado Springs has resigned after 18 years of service. In his resignation letter obtained by 13 Investigates, Brandon Garcia says he cannot support the way criminals are being handled by the current government.

The ATF is a federal law enforcement agency within the Department of Justice. ATF has a field offices in Denver and Colorado Springs.

[ … ]

Garcia, who according to his resignation letter has served in law enforcement for 18 years, has concerns about the over 5,000 ATF agents nationally.

“The last time morale was this low with ATF was probably 2013-2016,” Garcia said. “Over the last couple of years, ATF has been spending a significant amount of time talking about and changing the course of this agency to focus on ‘the gun’. Frankly, I don’t really care about investigating the gun, I care about investigating the criminal, and then plucking that criminal out of society.”

[ … ]

Garcia said he became an ATF agent to make the streets of Colorado safer. He believes people take a career in law enforcement to protect law-abiding citizens.

“For at least the last decade, the government has focused on holding police accountable. I agree, that we do need to be held accountable. But everyone needs to be held accountable for their actions, not just the police. Who is holding the criminal accountable? Who’s holding the politicians accountable,” Garcia questioned.

He says his belief is that law enforcement officers are often questioning their “use of force” in today’s day and age. He worries that people expect words to stop violence. However, he says only violence stops violence when dealing with violent criminals, the resignation letter states.

“Violence is the only language these violent criminals understand. If you have not experienced that type of evil on the streets or while conducting your investigations, you are investigating the wrong people,” Garcia said. “They are out there, and they will kill you without thinking twice.”

The special agent says he agrees with the sentiment that gun crimes are “out of control.” However, the letter states that he believes taking away citizens’ guns will not help. Rather, he says democrat-led states are not holding criminals, who perpetuate gun crimes, accountable.

“Fewer and fewer defendants associated with gun crimes are actually sentenced to prison. Additionally, violent crimes committed with firearms are consistently pled down to non-violent crimes and the defendant again avoids prison,” Garcia said. “If there is no consequence to committing a crime, then why would a criminal stop? If guns were banned, why would the criminals actually agree to abide by the law,” he questioned.

In the letter, Garcia said he worries about the number of violent criminals being released from both state and federal custody.

“This year alone, our office has had more violent federal defendants released following their detention hearing than I have seen in my entire career. That is saying something because I have never had to fight so hard just to get violent offenders prosecuted,” Garcia said. “Especially in the past two years, it seems like jails and prisons can’t let people out fast enough. I wonder why violent crime is up.”

According to the Common Sense Institute, violent crime in Colorado in 2020 was 35% higher than in 2011. Additionally, the average monthly crime rate in 2021 is 28% higher than it was in 2011 and 15% higher than it was only two years ago in 2019 in Colorado.

“The problem is that we don’t hold criminals accountable for their actions anymore. I have spent the majority of my career working violent crimes. I learned a long time ago that you do not combat violent crime by seizing firearms; you combat violent crime by locking up violent criminals for a really long time,” Garcia said. “Not just a really long time on paper, a long time behind actual prison bars; like we used to do it before legislators and members of the judicial system decided to neglect their oath.”

Garcia said he knows ATF agents at the Colorado Springs office are doing all they can to deter violent crime and keep people safe. However, he says nowadays prosecuting criminals comes down to a “roll of the dice.”

“Since I can no longer do this job the way I think it needs to be done and have the appropriate level of success, then it is time for me to fight this fight from a different angle,” Garcia said in the letter.




Former CIA Chief Says President Trump Should Be Executed

America R.I.P.

CDC Deletes Statements On Covid Vaccine Safety, Bolsters Concerns About mRNA and Cancer, Drastically Changes Guidelines, Fauci Denies Ever Suggesting Lockdowns

EDITOR NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Germany To Lose $265 billion By 2030 Due To Green Energy Hoax

The Green Movement is a total assault on capitalism, freedom, and our entire way of life by the Far Left global elites. It’s implementation will cause significant economic decline in countries throughout the world. Furthermore, if this movement is not stopped, you can expect massive instability in your cities and your towns, and your communities in the years ahead.

Germany faces possible $265 billion loss in added value as a byproduct of war and high energy prices

By Fox News, Aug 10, 2022

Germany’s economy will lose more than 260 billion euros ($265 billion) in added value by 2030 due to the Ukraine war and high energy prices, spelling negative effects for the labor market, according to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

In comparison with expectations for a peaceful Europe, Germany’s price-adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) will be 1.7% lower next year and there will be about 240,000 fewer people in employment, said the study published on Tuesday.



Democrats’ Green Energy ‘Transition’ Costs You Way More And Gives You Way Less

Flashback 2015: Mark Levin Warned of ‘Degrowth Movement’ Aspects in Current Green New Deal Push

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Bolton warned before Rushdie attack that Iran wasn’t targeting only him, called on Biden to end negotiations

Bolton, who is quite spectacularly wrong about so very much, cannot be wrong all the time.

Bolton calls Iran assassination plot an ‘act of war,’ calls on Biden admin to ‘terminate’ nuclear talks

by Brooke Singman, Fox News, August 11, 2022:

EXCLUSIVE: Former White House national security adviser Amb. John Bolton said the assassination plot against him by an Iranian operative, and continued threats from Iran to American citizens on American soil is “unprecedented” and “an act of war,” telling Fox News the Biden administration has been “signaling weakness” to Tehran and should “terminate” negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal.

The Justice Department on Wednesday announced charges against Iranian operative Shahram Poursafi, a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, for an alleged plot to assassinate Bolton, who served as former President Trump’s national security adviser until 2019.

U.S. officials said the plot was likely planned in retaliation for the January 2020 strike that killed Qassem Soleimani, a revered Iranian leader and the head of Iran’s Quds Force.

In an interview with Fox News Digital on Thursday, Bolton said he had been “aware” of plots against him for “some time.”

Bolton said in the spring of 2020, the FBI contacted him with a “duty to warn.”

“I was given several duties to warn as time went on, and each one was becoming a little more serious,” Bolton said, noting that he went to a meeting at the FBI in the fall of 2021, where officials explained the latest information they had on plots against him.

Bolton told Fox News he requested U.S. Secret Service protection, which he had during the Trump administration but which was terminated upon his resignation.

The FBI granted the request for USSS protection in December 2021, and Bolton told Fox News that protection is ongoing.

But Bolton said he is not so concerned about the individual plot against him, but rather, threats from Iran against all Americans.

“It is not just me,” Bolton said. “The regime in Tehran has targeted a lot of Americans.”

“The aim here is to kill Americans on American soil, and its former government officials,” Bolton explained. “This is a broad threat to private American citizens on American soil, and I think it is, essentially, unprecedented.”

He added: “You could call it an act of war, and it tells you everything you need to know about the government in Tehran.”…

“Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, through the Defendant, tried to hatch a brazen plot: assassinate a former U.S. official on U.S. soil in retaliation for U.S. actions,” U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia said this week.

Meanwhile, Bolton went on to slam the Biden administration for engaging in negotiations with Tehran to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, known as the Iran nuclear deal.

“To me, more important than the threats to the individuals is that catastrophic strategic policy that the administration is pursuing to try and revive the 2015 nuclear deal,” Bolton said. “You’ve got a government that absolutely won’t honor any commitments it makes—it will do whatever it thinks is necessary to get nuclear weapons.”

He added: “People are deluding themselves if they think that if we give Iran enough concessions, that they gain to let us back into the nuclear deal—they’ll do what they want to do.”…



Iran tried to assassinate U.S. official, former Trump advisor

Islamists Violently Targeted These Turkish Authors Because of Salman Rushdie’s Work

After Rushdie stabbing, Muslim tells J.K. Rowling ‘Don’t worry you are next’

Rushdie attacker had ‘strong indicators of support for Iranian regime,’ cops won’t say if he was motivated by fatwa

Why Aren’t Our Generals Learning?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Woke Disney Company is turning its back on family values

Same-sex relationships keep popping up in Disney’s movies.

Although I enjoyed Dr Strange: Into the Multiverse of Madness, I was disconcerted. Some aspects of wokism don’t concern me. However, one of the new Marvel superheroes introduced in this instalment of Dr Strange has two mums. Eternals, released late last year, features the first gay couple in the Marvel Universe.

Then I heard that one of the main characters in Lightyear, featuring Buzz Lightyear from the Disney-Pixar Toy Story franchise, is in a same-sex relationship.

Then I connected the dots. Who owns Marvel and Pixar? Disney.

Same-sex relationships keep popping up in Disney’s movies. They are being marketed as family-friendly films for children and teenagers – but they are now being used to make same-sex relationships more mainstream and acceptable.

We all need friends, especially in our early years. Same-sex friendship is a profound kind of love. No one has ever disputed that. “Nothing in life is more necessary than friendship,” said Aristotle – and he lived 2500 years ago. But deep affection need not be erotic.

Disney is getting its “love language” all muddled up. Children and teenagers need to be inspired by stories about selfless love, about putting others first, about heroic sacrifice. This comes first, before confusing themes about two women who have a committed sexual relationship who are called wives or mums.

In the past Disney and Marvel stories centred on ideals of love, sacrifice, heroism, perseverance, commitment, kindness, and self-control. They appealed to everyone: people of faith, people from diverse cultures, hippies, progressives, gays, conservatives — pretty much all of us.

But rather than bringing people from different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs together, Disney is disenfranchising quite a few groups and in the process making life more confusing for kids.

I have a brother with Down Syndrome. He loves Disney films and watches them with great joy. Some of his favourites are Aladdin, The Lion King, Star Wars: A New Hope, and the Toy Story series. These perennial favourites were not ideologically driven.

But films imbued with sexual complexity are going to perplex him. He knows all about the birds and bees –that a child comes from a mother and a father, or at least should come from a mother and a father.

He can tell me who Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia’s parents are or Simba’s in the Lion King, but if he’s ever introduced to the parents of the superhero America Chavez (Xochiti Gomez), he won’t get it.

In the latest Dr Strange, Chavez tells the story of how her two mums were taken from her and she doesn’t know where they are. Someone will have to explain to my brother that Chavez still has a father somewhere in the multiverse, because in our universe, every human being has a mother and a father.

Disney’s LGBTQI+ campaigns will leave him lost and confused – and not just him.

In a company-wide zoom meeting back in March, the president of Disney’s General Entertainment Content, Karey Burke, said the company “doesn’t have enough LGBTQIA leads in their content and don’t have enough narratives in which gay characters just get to be characters”. She vowed to change this “non-inclusive trend”.

Why can’t Disney stick to producing great content, family films which champion what is good, true, beautiful, and universal? Back in 1938 Walt Disney said: “everybody in the world was once a child. So in planning a new picture, we don’t think of grown-ups, and we don’t think of children, but just of that fine, clean, unspoiled spot down deep in every one of us that maybe the world has made us forget and that maybe our pictures can help recall.”

That’s the formula which transformed a small film studio in Kansas City into the world’s greatest entertainment company. Turning The Walt Disney Company into The Woke Disney Company is a betrayal of everything that its founder stood for.


Sebastian James

Sebastian James is a Sydney journalist. More by Sebastian James

RELATED ARTICLE: Kicking an internet porn giant in the hip-pocket could deliver the coup de grace

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Administration’s Wide Open Border Policies Aid/Abet Child Sex Trafficking

Thousands upon thousands of illegal migrants are flooding across the U.S.’s wide open southern border with Mexico every day. Among them are hundreds of kids, including very young children, many of them unaccompanied by any adult. Their parents have handed them over to the cartel coyotes to be moved north across the U.S.-Mexico border, in a bid to establish a kind of “anchor” inside the U.S., from which they themselves hope one day to benefit.

Sen. Ted Cruz was recently again on that border, talking about the “narco slave trade” that traps so many of these children into gangs and sex slavery. We need to understand that every single illegal migrant moved northward and across that border by the Mexican cartels is charged thousands of dollars – which, of course, poor migrants do not have.

So, the older boys often wind up coerced into working for gangs like MS-13 or the cartels themselves. These gangs and cartels make literally billions of dollars from trafficking fentanyl, methamphetamines, and other drugs (much of it sourced to Communist China) in virtually every city, town, and community in the Lower 48 states of America.

The girls and younger boys face an even more horrific fate: to pay off their debts to the cartels, they are sold into sex slavery. In America. Little captive kids – boys and girls – as young as 5, 6, or 7 years old are sold up to 20 times per day – or even more – to be savagely raped over and over and over again. The rapes are often videotaped, to be sold over the Internet as online pornography, to make even more profit for the gangs and cartels.

This is a massive invasion, unchecked by the Department of Homeland Security, whose Director Alejandro Mayorkas falsely insists that the border is “secure”. That invasion is spreading illegal aliens, criminals, terrorists, and deadly drugs across America – with their transportation and abundant benefits paid for by us, the American taxpayers. But the sex trafficking of little children has to be the most awful and heartbreaking outcome of all of it.

The Biden administration, by refusing to secure that border, is knowingly and deliberately complicit in that depraved criminality. It must be stopped.

Sources Referenced Below:

Tim Ballard: Fighting Sex Trafficking. America’s Children Are At Risk” at Prager U.

“Ted Cruz claims ‘narco slave trade’ at southern border in graphic video”New York Post, August 6, 2022, By Callie Patterson

Sen. Ted Cruz claimed to have evidence of a “narco slave trade” taking place at the southern border in a graphic video he posted Monday night, alleging that thousands of migrant children are working in gangs or being trafficked into sex slavery across the US.

“These children come in, in debt to vicious cartels, thousands and thousands of dollars,” Cruz (R-Texas) is heard saying as the video features various clips of migrants — children and adults — after crossing the border.

“The teenage boys work for the gangs in every city in America, and the teenage girls experience a hell worse than that, with far too many of them human-trafficked into sex slavery,” the Texas Republican said.

He went on to accuse President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris — whom Biden tapped to handle the border crisis — of being responsible for “the worst plague of slavery in America since the Civil War.”

“This is not compassionate. This is not humane. This is barbaric,” Cruz continued, as the 68-second video featured photos of migrants who appeared to have died during the perilous journey to the US.

“President Biden doesn’t want Americans to know that he has been ignoring the narco slave trade taking place along our southern border,” Cruz wrote in a tweet sharing the video.

It was not immediately clear what Cruz’s sourcing was behind these claims or when and where the footage was taken.

Cruz’s office did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

Border officials have stopped hundreds of migrants as part of human smuggling operations along the southern border in recent months, though the government has yet to release data from FY 2022 on how many foreign national children and foreign national adults were identified as sex-trafficking or labor-trafficking victims.

In FY 2021, however, the Department of Health and Human Services issued 527 certification letters to foreign national adult victims of severe forms of trafficking, up from 508 in FY 2020, according to the State Department’s 2022 Trafficking In Persons Report released this month.

Of that amount, 14% of the foreign national adult victims were identified as sex-trafficking victims, 68% were labor-trafficking victims, 16% were victims of both trafficking forms, and 2% were victims of an unknown severe form of trafficking.19

Meanwhile, the number of eligibility letters given to foreign national children known or suspected to be a victim of a severe form of trafficking was 1,200 — a massive jump from 673 the previous year. Out of 1,142 foreign children identified, 25% were sex-trafficking victims, 68% were labor-trafficking victims, 6% were victims of both trafficking forms, while 1% were victims of a severe form of trafficking unknown to the department.

Since the start of the Biden administration, thousands of migrants stranded in Mexico seeking asylum, as well as those returned to the country under the “Remain in Mexico” policy, have been subject to kidnappings or related abuses.

As of mid-March of this year, the Human Rights First Tracker reported that 9,886 migrants and asylum seekers had been subject to such attacks.

In 2003, the State Department estimated that approximately 18,000 to 20,000 people were trafficked into the US each year. Given this year’s total of border encounters (over 2 million in FY 22 so far) is a massive increase from 2003 (a total of 931,557), that number is likely much higher.

Within the US, thousands of sex- and labor-trafficking victims are identified every year.

A 2020 analysis done by Polaris reported 16,658 victims nationwide — 10,836 of whom were sex-trafficking victims. Another 3,583 were labor-trafficking victims while 631 were victims of both forms of trafficking. Approximately 1,634 were victims of other and unknown forms of trafficking.

Reports over the years have estimated that the majority of trafficking victims in the US are immigrants.

Cruz’s claim of the “narco slave trade” is only the latest attack against the Biden administration for the ongoing border crisis as immigrants have continued to cross the border in record numbers.

June — which recorded 207,416 migrant encounters — was the fourth month in a row that has had more than 200,000 migrant stops along the southern border alone.

©Clare M. Lopez, President Lopez Liberty, LLC. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Watch Harriet Hageman Take Down Liz Chaney and Entire Deep State

Please watch this great video by Harriet Hageman who is Liz Chaney’s opponent in Wyoming Republican Primary.

We all know that Chaney hates POTUS Trump, and that she was hand picked by Nancy Pelosi to sit on the J6 Kangaroo Court. Chaney is a DID (Democrat in Disguise) and much worse than a RINO.

This is a fantastic take down of Chaney, the Obama 3 Administration and the Deep State. A modified version would be a great tool for every true conservative currently running in Republican Primaries.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Particularly note the *** asterisked*** items below…

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

NEW SECTION: If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles:

*** The Corruption of Medicine

*** State Power Doesn’t Settle Science

*** CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT’S OVER!

*** Why did Biden and Fauci take Paxlovid?

*** Appeals Court rules NC Business can sue Dept of Health over COVID shutdown

*** ISO New England: Reserve margin may need to rise to 300% by 2040 as more renewables added to grid

*** Chasing Utopian Energy: How I Wasted 20 Years of My Life

*** The next alarmist goal: Stifling debate on costs of green energy

*** Scientific Misconduct: Fish and Foul

*** Democrats rely on dishonest messaging to sell Manchin-Schumer bill

*** Part 1 – Election Fraud – A Solutions Series

*** Why Should American Taxpayers Fund Anti-American Foundations?

*** Trump’s Virtues – Tom Klingenstein

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 — Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin) Therapy:

*** What Is Nigella Sativa? Forms, Nutrients, and Health Effects

*** Nigella Sativa for COVID-19: 4 studies conclude that it has an 83% effectiveness

*** Sample Study: A Promising Natural Compound with Potential Benefits for COVID-19 Prevention and Cure

COVID-19 — Other Therapies:

*** Why did Biden and Fauci take Paxlovid?

Is Pfizer’s Paxlovid Being Over-Prescribed?

T-cells more important in the fight against the COVID-19 virus than initially thought

COVID-19 — Injections:

*** World Council For Health Calls for Immediate Recall of All COVID-19 Vaccines

*** What Would It Look Like if the Vaccine Skeptics are correct?

*** CDC (quietly) removes a massive claim on vaccine safety

UK Covid Vaccination: Jonestown on a National Scale

UK Medicine Regulator Confirms COVID-19 Vaccines are 7,402% Deadlier than all other Vaccines Combined

Neurologist Blames Vaccine for Upsurge in Young Patients with Neurological Problems and ‘Unexplained Deaths’

COVID Vaccine Test Animals Were Destroyed Shortly After Vaccination

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

*** First-of-Its-Kind Victory in COVID Shot Mandate Suit: Workers Awarded Millions After Having Religious Exemptions Denied

*** The Vaccine Mandate Puts National Security at Risk

Rand Paul Humiliates Fauci’s Lawyer over COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 — Masks:

*** Masks Still Don’t Work

*** New “systematic review” claims masks work. No way.

Court Filing Against the CDC re COVID Masks

COVID-19 — Children:

Dr. Malone: ”Before You Inject Your Child…”

0.05% compliance: Israelis wholly reject Pfizer’s baby and toddler mRNA shots campaign

Biden Regime Frustrated as Parents Refuse to Sacrifice Their Children to COVID Vaccine Industry

COVID-19 — Data:

*** Nearly 1 in 6 “fully vaccinated” for covid American adults now suffers from serious health problems

*** New study finds COVID-19 vaccines did not reduce mortality in the U.S.

Study: Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (BA.1) Infection

Fourteen young Canadian physicians die after getting a COVID shot

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT’S OVER!

*** The Corruption of Medicine

*** Appeals Court rules NC Business can sue Dept of Health over COVID shutdown

*** A Spiritual Aspect To COVID That Many Miss

*** The CDC’S 4 Step Scheme that Destroyed Medical Credibility

*** Robert F. Kennedy Jr Exposes Big Pharma’s COVID Plot To Destroy Us

Victor Davis Hanson Talking with Dr. Steven Quay about COVID-19 Virus

The Medical Establishment is not your friends

Monkeypox — Misc:

Physician: monkeypox outbreak connected to mRNA vaccines?

Americans Lost Fundamental Freedoms During Covid — But Halting Gay Orgies To Stop Monkeypox Is Too Far?

WHO: Monkeypox Outbreak Is “Among Men Who Have Sex with Men”

Unpleasant truths about the Moneypox vaccine

Greed Energy Economics:

*** The next alarmist goal: Stifling debate on costs of green energy

*** Wrecking a Nation One Electricity Bill at a Time

Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

*** ISO New England: Reserve margin may need to rise to 300% by 2040 as more renewables added to grid

Grid-Scale Battery Systems in New England to Counteract Shortfall of One-Day Wind/Solar Lull

Renewables (General):

*** Chasing Utopian Energy: How I Wasted 20 Years of My Life

Carbon Capture Pipelines = Environmental Idiocracy!

Renewable Energy Is the Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go!

Wind Energy — Offshore:

California sets the largest offshore wind goal of any state in the US

Town to Receive $16 Million for Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Project

Threat to endangered whales gets LOUDER

In 6-1 decision, Ohio Supreme Court approves Icebreaker wind project in Lake Erie

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Why wind turbines are not as green as you think

*** Wind Turbine Accidents (three pages, just in 2022!)

Wind Needs More Than the Inflation Reduction Act

Ex-Cabinet minister says Britain should end focus on ‘medieval’ wind power

Solar Energy:

*** Subsidies, Subsidies and More Subsidies for Solar Scams

*** The Numbers Don’t Add Up for NYS 500MW Solar Project

NYS Denies Upstate NY Solar Project

Archive: The Energy Return of Solar PV – a response from Ferroni & Hopkirk

Nuclear Energy:

*** NYT: How Renewable Energy is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course

X-energy, DOW to collaborate on SMR deployment

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Energy: Is reality starting to dawn?

Germany Hits Wall of Reality, Reconnects First Coal Power Plant to Energy Grid

Manchin secures $6.6B W.Va. natural gas pipeline in side deal with Schumer

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Electric Vehicles: Not a Deal for You or the Environment

No electric vehicles on the market today qualify for the new EV tax credit

The EV transition in the eyes of the Beholden Part 3

Electric Vehicles in a Hurricane?

EV Drivers: Why You Might Not Be Pumped Over Privacy-Jolting Mileage Taxes

Park These EVs Outside, Don’t Drive or Charge Them as They Could Catch Fire

Misc Energy:

*** When will the green madness end?

Europe’s energy crisis: Controversy as Spain bans air conditioning from dropping below 27°C/81°F

Energy Leaders: Congressional Bill will do more harm than good

Methane Emissions Create Yet Another Green Grifting Opportunity

Bill to Speed Energy Infrastructure Faces Resistance

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims to Believe

*** Scientific Misconduct: Fish and Foul

*** Report: A Short History of Climate Alarm!

*** Lists of Failed Climate Predictions

*** NOAA is Cooking the Books on Climate Temp

Mainstream media must be held accountable for its promotion of lunatic climate alarmists

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Defies Climate Doomsayers with Record Coral Comeback

The climate change conspiracy theory is still nonsense

NPR’s climate hustle

A Clear Case of Hot, Hotter … Hoodwinked

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Net Zero Is Not Just For Carbon Emissions — Now It’s Nitrogen

Highest coral cover in central, northern Great Barrier Reef in 36 years

China’s Climate Cutoff Over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit is Convenient Given its Coal Surge

Happer & Lindzen: Science Demonstrates there is no Climate-related Financial Risk Caused by Fossil Fuels or CO2

LinkedIn Silences Climate Skeptics While Biden Pushes Expensive Green Schemes

Google pulls ads on meteorologist tracking climate for ‘unreliable and harmful claims’

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** Vote-by-mail is the worst way to run an election

*** Part 1 – Election Fraud – A Solutions Series

The Latest Federal Takeover of Elections Violates Federal Law

David Brock’s “65 Project” Targeting Republican Lawyers An “Insidious Attack on Democracy”

15 Secretaries of State ask President Biden to rescind Executive Order inserting federal agencies into State voter registration process without prior congressional approval

Census errors will distort elections, funding for next decade

Democratic Operatives Control Voter Rolls in 31 States, Report Shows

US Election — Arizona Issues:

*** Maricopa County Election Day Incompetence

Watchdog Group Says Left-Wing Election Initiative Gathered Petition Signatures Illegally in Arizona

Challenge to Legality of Questionable Arizona Election Initiative

AZ County Election Debacle Shows Election Officials Have Much to Learn Before November

US Election — Other State Issues:

*** Citizen’s Guide to Building and Election Integrity Infrastructure

*** Most Americans Support Election Audits Immediately After Polling Day

*** Become a Poll Watcher in your State

*** Report: Final Frontier — Zuckbucks in Montana

ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO

Census Bureau Errors Distort Congressional Representation for the States

Moore v. Harper and Marc Elias’s Curious Idea of ‘Democracy’

PA elections official blames spreadsheet for state’s mistake in certifying a county’s election results

Non-citizens voting in California: Judge says no, even in left-wing state

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Why Should American Taxpayers Fund Anti-American Foundations?

*** Dark Money Groups Are Funding the Left’s Court-Packing Agenda

*** Biden’s Dollar Plan a ‘Deeply Troubling Development’

Today’s FBI Partisans Tarnish Agency’s Already Damaged Image

Ambassador Ken Blackwell: Biden is Turning America ‘into a Police State’

Inflation Moderates in July with Drop in Energy Prices, But Look Closely Food Prices are About to Skyrocket

US Politics and Manchin:

*** Democrats rely on dishonest messaging to sell Manchin-Schumer bill

*** Big Wind and Big Solar Will Collect $113 Billion in Tax Credits This Decade, Manchin-Schumer Assures Billions More

*** What Does Senator Joe Manchin Believe He’s Getting?

Schumer-Manchin: A terror unleashed

The ‘Biggest Piece of Climate Legislation’ in History Is Destined to Be Forgotten

Stop The Manchin Green New Deal

US Politics and the J6 Committee:

*** FBI’s Jan. 6 Failures Are Coming into Focus

Ex-WH Adviser: ‘I Was in the Room’ When Trump Requested National Guard for Jan. 6

Documentary Film: Bloody Hill > Jan 6th Revealed!

US Politics and Trump:

*** The Mar-a-Lago Raid: Is There A Bigger Picture?

*** Short Trump video: We are a Nation in Decline

*** Trump’s Virtues – Tom Klingenstein

I was wrong about Trump

Raid on Mar-A-Lago, Part II   &  Raid on Mar-A-Lago, Part III

Was the FBI Raid a Setup to Try to Keep President Trump Off the 2024 Ballot?

Here is the Trump Search Warrant

Other US Politics and Related:

*** CPAC 2022 Mark Robinson Speech

The Black Hole of environmental impact assessment

UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global ‘War On Farmers’: Experts

Religion Related:

*** Our Country, Apart From God

The US Government is Using Taxpayer Money to Promote Atheism

The Ideal of Catholic Masculinity

Education Related:

*** The Reopening of the American Mind

*** The Clinical Steps To Grooming Kids Match Exactly What They’re Being Taught In Schools

*** Online dangers are rampant for kids today: why parents must keep them cyber safe

*** Peer-Reviewed History is Dying of Wokeness

Universities embrace academia’s woke insanity to crush free speech

How China Plays Us for Fools: CCP Subversion of Student Groups

The Flying Unicorn Lands in North Carolina

Where did the cash go? The Rye City School District won’t say

Science and Misc Matters:

*** ‘Trust Us, We’re Experts’ has Returned to a World of Faith-Based Science

*** State Power Doesn’t Settle Science

*** Academic Expertise and the Principal-Agent Problem

*** Eight years of Dateline’s Missing in America: 169 still missing

Most sophisticated commercial communications satellite ever reaches geostationary orbit, begins on-orbit testing

Ukraine — What You Can Do:

*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation


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Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives & 2022 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together   since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2022; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

Biden Personally Demanded Twitter Ban Journalist

A merger of state and corporate power to silence and crush political dissent.

The White House privately demanded Twitter ban me months before the company did so

By , August 13, 2022:

Biden Administration officials asked Twitter to ban me because of my tweets questioning the Covid vaccines, even as company employees believed I had followed Twitter’s rules, internal Twitter communications reveal.

In a White House meeting in April 2021, four months before Twitter suspended my account, the company faced “one really tough question about why Alex Berenson hasn’t been kicked off from the platform,” a Twitter employee wrote.

The employee recounted the meeting discussion afterwards on Twitter’s internal Slack messaging system. The message, and others, make clear that top federal officials targeted me specifically, potentially violating my basic First Amendment right to free speech.

The First Amendment does not apply to private companies like Twitter. But if the companies are acting on behalf of the federal government they can become “state actors” that must allow free speech and debate, just as the government does.

Previous efforts to file state action lawsuits against the government and social media companies for working together to ban users have failed. Courts have universally held that people who have been banned have not shown the specific demands from government officials that are necessary to support state action claims.

From Twitter’s internal Slack channel — Image 1, Image 2

At the time, employees said internally they did not believe I had broken the company’s rules. “I’ve taken a pretty close look at his account and I don’t think any of it’s violative,” an employee wrote on the Slack conversation a few minutes after the “really tough question about why Alex Berenson hasn’t been kicked off.”

But the pressure on Twitter to take action against me and other mRNA vaccine skeptics steadily increased after that April meeting, and especially in July and August, as the government began to consider the unprecedented step of mandating Covid vaccines for adults.

On July 16, 2021, President Biden complained publicly that social media companies were “killing people” by encouraging vaccine hesitancy. A few hours after Biden’s comment, Twitter suspended my account for the first time.

On August 28, 2021, barely four months after the meeting, Twitter banned me – for a tweet that it has now acknowledged “should not have led to my suspension.”

I obtained the message and other documents related to Twitter’s censorship of me as part of my lawsuit against Twitter over my August 2021 ban. I filed the suit in federal court in San Francisco in December 2021. Twitter and I settled it last month, when Twitter restored my account and acknowledged it had erred in banning me.

The documents contain other revelations, including emails showing that other reporters asked Twitter to take action against me; I will report on those in the future.

More messages, emails, and internal documents are expected.


RELATED ARTICLE: VOLUNTARY FASCISM: Here’s A List of Corporations Fueling the ‘Defund the Police’ Movement

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

JK Rowling Gets Islamic DEATH THREAT Warning Her ‘You Are Next’ After Rushdie Is Stabbed and Mutilated

And still the media and the information police censors, protects the motive – Islam.

The would-be killer posts to Twitter while I am banned.

They’ve won.

JK Rowling gets a death threat from Iran-supporting Islamist extremist telling her ‘you are next’ after she backed stabbed author Salman Rushdie – while his attacker is charged with attempted murder in US

  • British author JK Rowling has received a death threat from an Islamist based in Pakistan
  • Harry Potter writer said on Twitter: ‘Horrifying news. Feeling very sick right now. Let him be ok’
  • She received the chilling reply from Pakistani extremist: ‘Don’t worry you are next’
  • Rowling, 57, has been pilloried in public ever since she objected to the term ‘people who menstruate’
  • Sir Salman, 75, is on a ventilator after he was stabbed multiple times by ‘Iran sympathiser’

By Jack Wright For Mailonline, 13 August 2022:

British author JK Rowling has received a vile death threat from an Iran-backing Islamist extremist who appears to have praised Salman Rushdie’s attacker, repeatedly expressed support for Tehran’s theocratic dictator, and branded Israel, Ukraine and India ‘terrorist states’.

The Harry Potter writer and free speech campaigner – who has been pilloried by trans activists for her beliefs on gender – had expressed her horror at the sickening attempt on Rushdie’s life in upstate New York when she was issued the chilling threat on Twitter.

Meer Asif Aziz, who describes himself on Twitter as a ‘student, social activist, political activist and research activist’ based in Karachi, has made tasteless ‘jokes’ about how to destroy Israel and branded it and Putin-savaged Ukraine – as well as Pakistan’s chief geopolitical rival India – ‘terrorist states’.

Aziz also appears to support the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who frequently rants about Israel in deranged, genocidal tweets. In one of Khamenei’s posts about the ‘oppressive Yazidis’, for instance, Aziz responded with a heart emoji.

And responding to another tweet from the Iranian dictator, Aziz gushed : ‘Dear leader your struggle for Islamic world will not be wasted until we young generation are with you’.

Rowling, 57, had posted last night about Rushdie’s stabbing: ‘Horrifying news. Feeling very sick right now. Let him be ok’.

Aziz, who had described Rushdie’s attacker Hadi Matar, 24, as a ‘revolutionary Shia fighter’, then threatened: ‘Don’t worry you are next’.

In a bid to get Aziz booted off Twitter, Rowling this afternoon posted: ‘@TwitterSupport any chance of some support?’. Critics have accused the social media giant of ‘double standards’ over which accounts it chooses to kick off the site. Twitter dramatically chose to shut down Donald Trump’s account after the invasion of the US Capitol by a mob wearing MAGA caps following the 2020 election – dubbed January 6 – but still allows Khamenei to make threats against Israel.

Rowling also confirmed that police are involved, telling her followers: ‘To all sending supportive messages: thank you. Police are involved (were already involved on other threats).’

MailOnline has contacted Twitter for comment.

Rowling and horror writer Stephen King are among the authors and notable faces voicing their disbelief after Rushdie, 75, was stabbed up to 15 times – including once in the neck – in upstate New York at a lecture about free speech.

The Indian-born British author, whose writing led to unprecedented death threats from Iran in the 1980s, was to deliver a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution when the incident occurred, leaving him with an apparent stab wound to the neck.

It comes as:

US law enforcement charged Rushdie’s attacker with attempted murder in the second degree. He has been transported to Chautauqua County Jail and will be arraigned later today. American officials have said that initial enquiries suggested the suspected knifeman was sympathetic to the Iranian regime;

Rushdie’s agent said that the author would likely lose one eye and has suffered damage to nerves in one of his arms and his liver;
Iranian state media gleefully praised Sir Salman’s attacker and branded the author an ‘apostate’ and ‘heretic-writer’;
Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron led condemnation of the attack, with the French President branding it an assault on liberty and saying: ‘His fight is our fight’.


RELATED ARTICLE: Salman Rushdie Jihad Terrorist Reportedly Affiliated with Iran-Backed Hezbollah

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Media Tries to Report on Salman Rushdie Stabbing Without Mentioning ‘Islam’

Author Salman Rushdie, who was forced to spend a chunk of his life in hiding because his book, The Satanic Verses, offended Islamic religious authorities in Iran who imposed a murder fatwa on him, was stabbed in the neck and had to be airlifted to a hospital when he was attacked on stage.

 Author Salman Rushdie, being stabbed at an event in New York State on Friday, suffered “10 to 15” blows in the attack, eyewitnesses said. One of them said she thought it was “a stunt” at first.

“This guy ran on to platform and started pounding on Mr Rushdie,” said Rabbi Charles Savenor, who was in the audience for the lecture at Chautauqua Institution, about 100 km from the city.

A reporter from AP said the attacker “punched or stabbed Mr Rushdie 10 to 15 times”.

“At first you’re like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then it became abundantly clear in a few seconds that he was being beaten,” Mr Savenor told the news agency. He said the attack lasted about 20 seconds.

The media, at least in this country, has wrapped itself in knots to avoid using the “I” word.

Back when Rushdie wrote The Satanic Verses, it was controversial. Today, any kind of criticism of Mohammed is considered hate speech and censored to such a degree that the media would not even report what an Indian elected official said about Mohammed’s pedophilic tendencies, only to denounce it as hurtful and hateful to Muslims.

Today, a new author could never publish something like that. And the media is uncomfortable even discussing what it is that Rushdie wrote.

The various condemnations likewise don’t mention Islam, Islamic terrorism or any beyond generic concepts like “freedom of expression.”

Long before this attack, the sharia censorship that Iran wanted to impose on Americans had already been achieved.



Rushdie stabber’s Facebook page featured images of Khamenei, Khomeini, Soleimani

Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, Oberlin’s ‘Professor of Peace,’ defends Rushdie death fatwa

Iran: ‘I don’t know Salman Rushdie, but I am happy to hear that he was attacked since he insulted Islam’

New Mexico: Sunni Muslim suspected of murdering Shi’ites is well-known in Muslim community

UK: Muslim stabs his wife in the neck 27 times in front of their children

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Ideal of Catholic Masculinity

First in a series on chivalry

Masculinity is so derided as toxic these days that it deserves to be promoted and exalted.

Authentic Catholic masculinity was epitomized in medieval chivalry. Picture, if you will, an army of men, standards floating to the winds of glory, rushing upon the infidels in a cavalcade of faith and heroism.

This happened at the times of the Crusades, in the times when there was much faith on earth — times when people would follow the counsel of Christ when He said, “He that hath not, let him sell his coat and buy a sword.” (Luke 22:36).

Those were the centuries of faith and glory — the centuries of chivalry.

What Was Chivalry?

Chivalry was the Christian form of the military condition. It was a sort of code of conduct for knights. As we use the term today, we often think of chivalry as an ideal of military life and of gentlemanly conduct. It was by means of this chivalry that the Church transformed barbarians into saints.

In spite of all the defects that are known to us, chivalry gave the Church a collection of saints — men and women. Holiness was multiplied in them by heroism — by the magnificent energies they had. It suffices to evoke the saints, kings and queens since the 12th century; there have never been so many saints among the heads of states in a state known as being Catholic.

Moreover, the missionary vocation of so many young Europeans going to evangelize pagan lands came directly from the spirit of chivalry.

Today the missionary spirit to convert pagans to Jesus Christ is belittled, even by people in the Vatican.

But true Catholics can understand the value of this institution when they consider St. Louis, king of France; St. Ferdinand, king of Castille; St. Nuno Álvares Pereira, a general and mystic from Portugal; St. Joan of Arc in France. They were some of the saints that were generated by the Church through chivalry, and because of this, chivalry was admired, even by infidels.

So, the knights were the vassals of God and soldiers of the Faith. For them, Our Lady was their dame, the lady whom they served because a vassal served the lady of his castle.

This relationship with God and Our Lady was so alive, so real, that it sometimes caused confusion.

For example, when St. Joan of Arc presented herself to the captain Robert de Beaudricourt, asking him to give her soldiers to help save France, she left him confused when she said to him, “France does not belong to the sire of England, nor to the sire of France, but to my Sire.”

The captain was amazed because there were already two kings disputing the throne of France, and now she seemed to hint at the potential of a third one. So he asked, “Who is your sire?” She replied with a candor of innocence, “Mon sire est Dieu” — My king is God.

St. Teresa of Ávila referred to Our Lord Jesus Christ as “Your Majesty,” because for her He was her living king.

A knighthood ceremonial prayer read like this:

Most Holy Lord, Father Almighty, Thou who didst permit the use of the sword on earth to combat the perfidy of the evil ones and to defend justice, and want to establish the Order of Chivalry for the protection of the people, permit that Thy servant here present may dispose his heart to do good and never make use of this sword or another to injure anyone unjustly, but he may use it always to defend justice and right.

First Commandment of Chivalry

So let’s look at what are sometimes called the Ten Commandments of Chivalry. The first two parts of Catholic catechism — believe what the Church believes and do what She commands — were encapsulated in chivalry’s very first commandment:  Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and shalt obey all Her commandments.

So, to be a knight, you had to be Catholic.

When St. Louis IX was a prisoner of Octai, a Muslim, in Africa, Octai placed the tip of his saber against the king’s chest and threatened, “Make me a knight, or you are dead!” And St. Louis said, “Make yourself a Christian, and I shall make you a knight.” Octai, after hesitating for a moment, lowered the saber and left the place. Such was the fidelity of the knight — the king — to the teachings of the Church!

At Mass, when the Gospel was being read, all the knights drew their swords and raised them to indicate they were ready to fight to defend the message.

When St. Louis went on the Crusade, his troops sang the “Veni Creator Spiritus as they departed for the Holy Land.

Saint Joan of Arc’s motto went into history: “The soldiers will combat, but God will grant the victory.”

In the First Crusade, when the Christians conquered Jerusalem, and many crusaders gave themselves to secure treasures for themselves, the leader, Godfrey of Bouillon, the duke of Lorraine, removed his sandals and went to find his treasure: the Cross of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. “I do not wish to be crowned with gold where Christ was crowned with thorns,” he insisted. He only accepted the title of baron, which is the lowest of nobility, and defender of the Holy Sepulchre. Such was the faith of the true knights, vassals of God.

Godfrey of Bouillon was so strong that when the Muslims asked him if he could cut a man in half, he said, “Yes.” To prove it, he cut the head of a camel with one blow. The Muslims said it was due to his enchanted sword. He asked for one of their scimitars and cut the head of another camel. They were stunned. The great crusader explained that if he had great strength, it was because he had never stained his hands with impurity. After his death, he was buried under the floor of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The poet Tennyson encapsulated the ideal of masculine purity in his poem “Sir Galahad”:

My strength is as the strength of 10, Because my heart is pure.

Today, how do faithful Catholic men fulfill the first commandment of chivalry? By learning, loving and serving the Holy Catholic Church. Her mind is expressed in catechism and defended by apologetics; keeping all of Her commandments is a necessary consequence.

Stay tuned for Part II.


Raymond de Souza, KofC

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission.  ©All rights reserved.