German asylum seekers refuse to work: ‘We are Merkel’s guests’

Decisions on Muslim migration made by leftist politicians have become a scourge on the German people and other European citizens, who have witnessed the slow metamorphosis of their peaceful communities while they pay with their tax dollars for the recklessness of their leaders such as Angela Merkel. Tens of thousands of crimes and assaults have been committed by Muslim migrants in Germany, but these are less of a concern to the politicians who walk with their security detail and their bank accounts intact.

Even in the midst of the Muslim migrant crisis in Germany, Mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, where the asylum seekers refused to accept work, stated his concern about this latest piece of news playing “into the hands of those opposing the mass migration,” evincing yet again the all too familiar stench of political posturing and a cruel disregard for those who cast their votes in trust.

“German asylum seekers refuse to work insisting ‘We are Merkel’s GUESTS’”, by Siobhan McFadyen and Monika Pallenberg, UK Express, August 18, 2016:

ASYLUM seekers in Germany are refusing to undertake work to counteract boredom – using Chancellor Angela Merkel’s generous hospitality as an excuse.

According to mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, the asylum seekers refused to accept the work that was offered to them after they arrived in the country.

The local council spent £600 arranging for the men to have uniforms but were stunned when they were told they would not complete it because they were “guests of Angela Merkel”.

While asylum seekers are not allowed to work under immigration rules within the EU, they are allowed to do voluntary work.

However officials in the district of Zwickau came up with a plan to help encourage those without employment to get back to work and to help them become more accepted within the local community.

In order to do this they created voluntary jobs which included a nominal payment of £18 for 20 hours work.

But all of the male residents of the local refugee accommodation who initially agreed to get involved in the charitable activities quit after discovering there was a minimum wage £7.30 (€8.50) in Germany.

The men had been picked up and offered transportation from their paid-for housing where they are also given food and then dropped home.

Mayor Pohlers said: “It was subsequently argued by these people that they are guests of Mrs. Merkel and guests do not have to work.

“Furthermore, they were of the opinion that there is a minimum wage (€8.50) in Germany, and that this had to be paid by the City Waldenburg.”

Despite attempts at mediation the asylum seekers refused to return to work.

Mayor Pohlers added: “In a specially convened meeting with an interpreter the authorities explained the rules again.

“Unfortunately, no agreement could be reached on the continuation of the measure.”

Now all seven of the jobs have been scrapped.

The mayor spoke out in a bid to highlight the issue of the asylum crisis in Germany.

He said he is aware his statements could play into the hands of those opposing the mass migration.

However after having raised money from the local community to help aid the asylum seeker’s transition into the community, he felt compelled to speak out…..

RELATED ARTICLE: Italians reject plans for mosque next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Refugee Resettlement NOT about Humanitarianism, but about Supplying CHEAP LABOR

I had plenty of confirmation on my recent 30-day swing through cities and towns of the west and mid-west that it is industries looking to boost their bottom lines that drive most refugee resettlement in America. 

Chris Kantosky

Chris Kantosky

It is food processing/meat packing, manufacturing, and the hotel industry that have discovered they can enjoy the cheap labor (while refugees continue to bolster their income with welfare*** of all sorts) at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer and at the expense of the cultural and social upheaval communities experience.

Here is one more piece of news to support what I have been saying for years.   And, remember as you read this that Bowling Green is Senator Rand Paul’s home town.

At one time, Paul was questioning the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.  That was in the wake of the arrests and ultimate conviction of two Iraqi refugees found to be terrorists living and working there (so much for security screening!). He is nowhere to be seen on the issue now.

I want to urge all of you, as you to do your research on your refugee overloaded city (or city about to become a ‘welcoming’ city), to research the campaign contributions of your elected officials right down to the local mayor and council level.  Find out their business connections and expose them!

And, don’t allow yourselves to get bogged down by the open borders Left trying to tell you that the driver for the seeding of your towns with diversity is a humanitarian desire to help the downtrodden of the world (tell them to help our own poor people first!).

From the Bowling Green Daily News (hat tip: Robin).  What! Kentucky has no more Americans who want jobs?

You should know that the International Center is a subcontractor of USCRI, that is the same federal contractor working in Twin Falls, Idaho and wishing to start an office in Rutland, VT and Reno, NV.

Resettled refugees are being sought at a greater frequency to fill local jobs, Chris Kantosky, chief operations officer of The International Center of Kentucky told the Barren River Area Development District board on Wednesday.

“There are 650 open manufacturing jobs in Warren County alone,” Kantosky said. The International Center also has worked to help fill a 75-job need in Barren County, and within two weeks 50 of the jobs were filled by refugees, he said.

“They are coming to Bowling Green and Warren County because we have jobs, a great educational system, a low cost of living, the community is safe and there is an opportunity to excel,” said Kantosky, who has been working with refugees for the past 26 years.


A one-time allocation of $1,125 federal funds per refugee, or about $5,600 for a family, is used to finance resettlement logistics. The money needs to be spent in about 30 days to buy everything from a clock radio to beds, furniture and food to outfit the apartment selected for the refugees to stay. By the time the individuals reach the Nashville International Airport from their home country, they are a car ride away from a hot meal in their new home.

What Mr. Kantosky isn’t telling you in the previous paragraph is that his agency gets approximately another $1000 per head to spend on themselves!

Now this is incredible.  I knew the contractors sat around in D.C. and divvied up the refugees as they came in (LOL! I envision many squabbles as they bid for bodies! But, has it come to this—a lottery!).  So where are the real reporters at places like the New York Times and Washington Post—why aren’t you demanding entry to the weekly lottery meeting!  I would like to know if any industry lobbyists are in those weekly meetings!

Bowling Green News continues:

Refugee resettlement locations are determined by a weekly lottery in the nation’s capital. “A refugee can only go back to their home country if their country is re-stabilized,” Kantosky said.

And, about this bit about not going home—many refugees who get here are unhappy and want to go home, but they are trapped because most can’t afford the airfare home.  This is the part of this program that makes many of us think about slave labor!

Click here to see our extensive archive on Bowling Green and the many problems they have had there over the years in addition to the Islamic terror scare a few years ago.  And, mosques are springing up everywhere to accommodate the growing Muslim refugee population.

***Most refugees are on welfare of some sort which makes anyone who employs them eligible for the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit.  An employer thus has a greater incentive to hire a refugee than some American who is struggling, but doesn’t want to be on welfare (including food stamps).  A refugee’s salary is subsidized by the US taxpayer, while an average American’s job isn’t.  I’ve wondered if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was somehow involved in creating this system.

Any ambitious researchers out there who would like to dig deeper into this program which incentivizes hiring refugees and write a guest post, let me know! Email:

EDITORS NOTE: Chris Kantosky is the COO of the International Center of Kentucky. He must have told the BGN reporter that they are choosing which refugees come to which city by a weekly lottery system in Washington, D.C.

Donald J. Trump versus the Ideology of Soviet Fascism

History is the Mother of all sciences. I have been writing about Soviet/Russian subversive activities and interference in our elections for many years, while others have slept under the illusion of the USSR’s collapse. Therefore don’t let the title of this article surprise you. I am a former Soviet attorney who has written on the subject of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism for twenty years, published three books and written over 50 articles on the topic. You haven’t heard of me because our Intelligence Agencies didn’t want to aggravate the situation vis-à-vis Russia and blocked the information about my books and articles. Our government hasn’t responded properly to Soviet Fascism and as a result the world is shocked by revelations of criminal activities by the Russian/KGB government today. I said it twenty years ago and I repeat it today, Wake up America!

A few days before the Democrat Party Convention, I published an article about Hillary’s collaborations with Russian President Putin that continued during her entire tenure as Secretary of State of America. Please read it to learn the ‘real’ agenda of the Democrat leadership. Yes, it was an alliance of the Democrat leadership with the Russian/KGB government to the detriment of our country. Read my latest book Socialist Lies to become acquainted with the Obama/Putin joint venture to see how it sabotaged American interests around the globe for years. Obama and Hillary deserve each other—as they implement their promised transformation of America, they have become stealth enemies of Reagan’s America the Beautiful.

In fact, we see a purposely organized actions to transform America’s Capitalist, market-based economy to Soviet-style socialism. The rising level of political corruption, lawless tricks and violence to prevent Trump’s presidency resembles Stalin’s Russia. Consider the words of a person, who is not a supporter of Trump: What I See Happening In a Trump Presidency, By Bill Bennett: “They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few…” Bill Bennet is right, he is identifying the ideology of Soviet Fascism and the Clinton Mafia that I have been warning you about in all my books. Violence? YES! Consider the three Democrat staffers associated with DNC that were murdered in the run up to the opening of the Democrat Convention to cover up the truth…

I see more and more the practices of Soviet Fascism in America. Look at the key topics of discussion in the current presidential campaign–they are crucial to our very existence. Do you know that all of them derived from the same source? For instance, Trump’s recent statement, identifying Obama and Clinton as the co- founders of ISIS deserves more attention, because Trump is wrong only in numbers. There are three co-founders of ISIS—the third one is the Kremlin. Knowledge of Russia is dismal in the contemporary America, we have been dragged into WW III and we flail away at an enemy we can’t clearly recognize.

These circumstances force me to present my opinion on the subject.

Yes, history is the Mother of all sciences. My knowledge of the Soviet history is pretty solid—I lived through it and I’ll discuss the recent events involved in the presidential campaign using this knowledge:

  1. American economy is shackled—our GDP is 1.2 per cent. Political Correctness and its inventor—Stalin’s war against capitalism
  2. Terrorism, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood—Stalin’s teaching.
  3. The Clinton Foundation—an appendix of the Soviet Mafia in America.
  4. Fifty GOP analysts are against Trump and CENTCOM manufacturing data.
  5. The American economy has been shackled for the last several decades because the Socialist system advocated and incrementally implemented by the Democrat Party isn’t productive—it is a fraud invented by Stalin. Please, read Socialist Lies: From Stalin to Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders. The key point in the book is Stalin’s invention of the Socialist machinery including Political Correctness. The Socialist machinery is a continuation of Marx’s fraud, quadrupled by Stalin. Being the first Soviet leader who “designed” the state of the Soviet Socialist machinery, Stalin created ever more fraud, deceits, and lies delivering to the people a never ending process (struggle) instead of the promised result.

Stalin designed his model of socialism by substituting the result with the process. To do so, he used two key Marxist concepts: promises and an indefinite time span to fulfill the promises. The deception mechanism started there. Using time, while promising “a bright future,” private property was confiscated and nationalized throughout Russia. Stalin was the first leader in the world who had successfully transformed the Russian social strata and built a new socialist economic system–a strictly regulated centralized system, served by the army of a huge bureaucracy, subordinated to him.

Hence, the birth place of Soviet Fascism is Russia, and the author and architect is Joseph Stalin. Do you not recognize those elements being implemented here? Tens of thousands of regulations on our economy, placed there by a huge federal bureaucracy! Hence the knowledge of the Soviet history and the activities of the Soviet Academy of Science under the KGB auspices is crucial for every politician and mandatory for those dealing with the domestic and foreign policy today.

To cover up his fraud, Stalin invented a method of manipulating the human mind—Political Correctness. Stalin had an incredible ability to mislead, lie, and defraud, he was so skillful at the politics of fraud that nobody could compete with him in the art of intrigue. Political correctness (the Communist Party line) had no opponents (he killed most of them) and reigned in the country, giving Stalin absolute POWER. Unprecedented personal destruction of his opponents with the help of the Soviet media, which all belonged to the government and was totally subordinated to Stalin. This ubiquitous machinery of Stalinist Socialism is now applied by many foreign leaders who fight Western civilization. Just watch an organized, vicious assault on Trump by our liberal media, then consider this history of Political Correctness:

“In the early-to- mid 20th century, contemporary uses of the phrase “Politically Correct” were associated with the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine, debated between formal communists (members of the Communist Party) and socialists. The phrase was a colloquialism referring to the communist party line, which provided for “correct” positions on many matters of politics, according to American educator Herbert Kohl writing about debates in New York in the late 1940s and early 1950s.”

This Stalinist practice has spread across the world. You wouldn’t find a TV station, radio, any public or private discussions where these two words are not pronounced hundreds times every day. The term has become so familiar to our ears that we are using it and had never thought about its origin, let alone about its author. I am not sure that even those who came to America from the socialist countries new the origin of the term. Only a few did.

Actually Political Correctness was presented as the official policy of the Russian Government in the newspaper Izvestia in 1933. The arrogant American Left armed with Stalin’s PC is changing the very character of our America the Beautiful, destroying the American dream. The best illustration of that is the Democrat Party Convention, with a skillfully crafted system of devious lies. I am not surprised that Obama, the community-organizer/radical activist, promised to transform America, and he is using Stalinist tricks and methods to achieve the result. You saw many times the Democrats lying to cover up the fraud like Stalin did… Socialist Lies, pp. 18-24

Terrorism, ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood—Stalin’s teaching

I have to start again with history of Stalin. He was the first Soviet leader, who was brought up and educated in Muslim culture. In his war against capitalism, he noticed the similarity in agendas of Islam and Communism. At the end of WW II the opportunity came to formally unite the two, when Nazi Germany was defeated and the leaders of Muslim Brotherhood moved from Berlin to Moscow. Stalin married Islam with Communist ideology using the Muslim Brotherhood in his agenda against capitalism. The marriage gave birth to the ideology of Islamism and a political Jihad—and the KGB was a parent of both. Infiltration to the Middle East began with recruitment of Arafat in the 1950’s became global and never ended since. All terrorist groups and ISIS are the logical continuation of KGB policy in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood today. They are fighting WW III. Socialist Lies, by Simona Pipko, Xlibris, 2016

If you follow Obama’s foreign policies, you will find an incredible similarity with Stalin’s policy toward the Muslim Brotherhood: Obama advocated and helped the criminal thug Morsi to build so-called “democracy” in Egypt, providing him with American foreign aid in the form of high-tech planes, arms military equipment and ammunition. What Stalin began in the end of 1940’s was continued by all consequent Soviet leaders during the 20th century. The Democrats and Obama with Russian help brought that policy to the 21st century. Yet, Obama wasn’t the first American President collaborating with Russia—Bill Clinton preceded him…

The Clinton Foundation—an Appendage of the Soviet Mafia in America

I have written many pages about the Soviet Mafia that ran Stalinist Socialism and spread itself across the globe. For this reason I called the Clinton Gang, the Clinton Mafia. I have had a dislike for Bill Clinton ever since I saw him among a group of the Russian youngsters, organized by the KGB in the 1970s. Then, I found out that Clinton lived with the family of a KGB member in Moscow. Knowing what I know about the KGB presented me a real picture of that man.

Later it was the election, where a suspicious threat to Ross Perrot made Bill Clinton the U.S. President in 1992. His connection with Russia has always alarmed me. His presidency just doubled my dislike for him, as enormous harm had been done to America. Later, in writing my third book and researching Bill Clinton again, I found out an interesting fact that, perhaps will convince you of the validity of my suspicions.

Researching Bill’s whereabouts, I read about Bill Clinton and his visit to Moscow. On June 9, 1991, two-and- a half months before announcing his candidacy for the U.S. Bill Clinton flew to Moscow. The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, by Daniel Estulin, Trine Day LLC, 2009, p.52. Moreover, some people knew about it. The Arkansas Democrat ran the story under the headline Clinton Has Powerful Buddy in the U.S.S.R.—New Head of KGB.

I am not asking why Clinton flew to Moscow. I know why. Knowing the KGB and its suspicions of any foreigner, my question is – who provided the secret means of communication with the Russian Security Services (the KGB) to enable an American plane to land without any complications to the Moscow airport? In the light of the recent Hillary Clinton scandals involving foreign money, you should consider the means of communication. It can bring light on Benghazi and many other unsolved scandals—it is at the crux of the matter in the upcoming election.

“The FBI has now enlisted Bharara’s office in part for his aggressiveness that many career DOJ attorneys may lack. Over the years the Clinton Foundation has collected $2 billion in donations from all over the world that sparked FBI suspicion, as well as the general public. In its 15 years, the Clinton Foundation has taken in more than $2 billion in donations from around the world, the Daily Caller reported. At stake is how did Hillary Clinton use her position as Secretary of State to influence foreign donors in what is commonly referred to as a “Pay for Play” scheme. “FBI, US Attorney Launch Probe Into Clinton Foundation, By Mark Swanson Friday, 12 Aug 2016.

A “Pay for Play” scheme is the essence of the Soviet Mafia activities – poker ante in Putin’s playbook. Moreover, donations from corrupt countries and terrorists have led many to believe that Bill and Hillary could be the founders/abettors of disgusting terrorist groups including ISIS. They are. Therefore, practical knowledge of today’s Russia is a must in any such investigation…Yet, I am afraid that Mr. Bharara will wind up dead before he even finds anything. You have to know Soviet Fascism to survive…

The Clinton Foundation is much more than what you know about it. Representative Michele Bachmann said, “The Clinton Foundation was nothing more than an international money laundering ring.” I would say the Clinton Foundation is more than that: it is the eyes and ears of the Kremlin. Writing about America’s politics vis-à-vis contemporary Russia is my routine for the last few decades and I am constantly addressing the subject of organized crime as a part of the Soviet Mafia to emphasize how the institutionalized corruption spreads across the globe. The Clinton Foundation is an appendix of the Soviet Mafia in America.

There is another event that deserves attention and deep thinking about the Clinton Mafia. Do you remember Monica’s “blue dress?” I have found an interesting chronology connected to the “blue dress” in 1998. The FBI asked for Clinton’s blood sample to compare it with the sperm’s stain on the “blue dress,” three days later the terrorists committed two tragic blasts of American Embassies in Africa. Coincidence? Don’t tell me about the coincidences in life. It is the “work” of the Russian connection to divert attention from Clinton and “the blue dress.” This is a segment in the Clinton collaboration with the Russian KGB government. Clinton is not the only one…

As a matter of fact, while writing Socialist Lies, I have introduced a new term—Obama/Putin joint venture named Destruction of the American Republic, pp.191-193. It was done at the time of the Nuclear Agreement with Iran, boosted by Russia. You have as a result two Democrat American Presidents with a failed Progressive Policy that has brought America to the point of no return. I hope you agree with me: Knowledge is Power—knowledge of history a must in the 21st century. Liberalism is the most destructive force in our country: liberals destroyed the Democrat Party of Harry Truman, and now they are destroying America the Beautiful…

Fifty GOP analysts against Trump and CENTCOM is manufacturing

What I said in the preceding paragraphs are a partial answer to this segment. But in addition, look attentively on the recent history of our Intel. We are constantly losing our Western culture and the traditional values of civilization. The most crucial loss is our system of government left to us by our Founding Fathers. Our Federal Government is responsible to defend us from our enemies foreign and domestic. One of the most important ways the government does that is through intelligence gathering and analysis. For the past couple of decades our Intel has failed miserably to do their job:

  1. Some of those 50 GOP analysts were consulting George W. Bush on Putin’s soul— they legitimized him and his action– you know the result.
  2. Some of those 50 analysts are blocking information on my books and articles. My computer is checked 24/7, my phone is tapped, my mail is arrested. I was kicked out from two universities, because I was teaching, speaking and writing the truth about Stalin and Russia. Our Intel left America blind and naked against the enemy in the current WW III.
  3. Those 50 GOP analysts missed all anti-American activities of the left during the last decades. The best example is a criminal connection of our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Iranian President Ahmadinejad in 2009. The law forbid any dealing with terrorists. You know the result—it is Obama Nuke Deal with Iran, the biggest sponsor of terrorism after Russia…
  4. George Soros is the enemy, freely working against our interest for the last decades and our Intel had not been able to expose him, though there were multiple opportunities to show who he is and his real face.
  5. Our Intel has missed a criminal deal of Obama, Putin, and Sarkozy toward Libya. We are paying a dear price for this deal. Socialist Lies, pp. 125-126.
  6. Our Intel has missed another criminal deal of the Clinton administration in the 1996 election. The criminal deal was executed by Rahm Emanuel and governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell in the 1996 election—Pennsylvania voted Democratic…The fix was in and the same trick was repeated in the 2012 election, when, as we found out after the fact, not one person voted for Romney in Philadelphia…

These are only a few examples to save the time. However, another result of Intel’s miserable failure is the infiltration of our enemies into all strata of our society and government, especially military. CENTCOM’s alteration of real ISIS data is one result of that, yet, it is only one example—the consequences of the infiltration will be more dramatic and deadly in the future. We are dealing with Soviet Fascism.

Look at our media—everybody is talking about ideology, but nobody named it, despite the fact that I have written about Soviet Fascism for the last twenty years. We are dealing with a public media that serves one party’s interest—the Democrat Party. Hence, our Intel and the incompetent mainstream media are responsible for all these failures. Just a couple of days ago Trump clearly pointed out that under

Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, ISIS achieved unprecedented success in a short time because of the environment the Democrat leadership had created. He is right, but you saw the media negative reaction and perversion. Please, read my description of the events, confirming his statement. Socialist Lies, pp. 191-193

We are at war in WW III waged by Soviet fascism. Alas, my beloved America can’t recognize it…

To be continued at

Immigration ‘Trojan Horse’: ‘Pay-For-Citizenship’ Visa a National Security Threat

Washington, D.C.: Investigations into the checkered personal story of Islamic supremacist Khyzr Khan following his speaking appearance at the Democratic National Convention in July 2016 have called attention to the focus of his legal practice.  As an immigration lawyer, he has specialized in  the little-known “EB-5 Visa Program” – a visa that permits would-be immigrants effectively to purchase U.S. legal residency status and puts them on an accelerated path to citizenship.

The Center for Security Policy is pleased to publish as the latest in its Occasional Papers series a detailed critique of the EB-5 Program by another experienced immigration attorney, Shae Armstrong.  Entitled, EB-5 Trojan Horse: How an American Pay-for-Citizenship Immigration Program Poses a National Security Threat, Mr. Armstrong’s case study examines the ominous use being made of this vehicle by Communist China in order to insinuate its nationals and strategic investments into the United States.

Given the opportunity the EB-5 process affords the Muslim nations served by Mr. Khan, the Chinese and/or other actual or potential hostiles to introduce here a variety of national security threats, it is clearly time to revisit whether it is prudent to afford large numbers of such individuals access to this country and guaranteed rights – with little, if any, regard for their backgrounds, motives or future conduct.

On the occasion of the publication of EB-5 Trojan Horse, Center for Security Policy President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. said:

This insider account – and warning – from a patriotic, experienced EB-5 attorney is made all the more timely as it not only helps illuminate the use that might be made of that visa program by Khyzr Khan’s clients and their Chinese counterparts to our national detriment.  It also provides a basis for a fundamental reconsideration of this program and, as appropriate, an overhaul of the terms under which those with their own fortunes, or access to other capital, can buy into America.

Fortunately, Congress has in the immediate future an opportunity, as well as a responsibility, to undertake such a reconsideration.  The EB-5 Program will expire unless it is reauthorized by the end of the current fiscal year on September 30th.  Shae Armstrong is right to urge that the current EB-5 Program either be allowed to expire or be considerably reformed in order to eliminate national security risks plaguing this program.

Fore more information including a free PDF of the paper, CLICK HERE.


The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit

Washington, D.C.: August 28th ‘Rally 4 Refugees’ funded by George Soros Tides Foundation

You have got to hand it to them (to the likes of George Soros and big progressive funders like the Tides Foundation), they know how to promote a propaganda campaign.  
Rally 4 refugees logo

We have told you on innumerable occasions that in September Barack Hussein Obama will be leading a major effort at the United Nations to open our gates even wider for hundreds of thousands of third world migrants to be placed in your towns. (We learned yesterday that ORR is gearing up to take care of over 200,000 “humanitarian arrivals.”)

September is also the month when the Administration (Obama and Sec. of State Kerry) will make their final determination for the US Refugee Admissions Program and submit their plan for fiscal year 2017. They said last year that they were shooting for 100,000 refugees for FY17, but we expect the number to be much higher.

The buck stops with Speaker Paul Ryan!

And, frankly there is only one person who is now in the catbird seat to stop them this fall!—Speaker Paul Ryan.  (I know your hearts are sinking, but that is the cold hard truth.)  Only Congress can stop them by not granting the money needed to place hundreds of thousands of needy people, some from countries that hate us, in over 200 American towns (through 350 subcontractor offices).

Now here they go attempting to soften up Congress by rallying in Washington for refugees on August 28th!

They are promoting their rally as a “collective voice against intolerance!”  From DCRally4Refugees (hat tip: Cathy):

In the midst of the greatest refugee crisis since WWII, advocates from across the country will gather at DCRally4Refugees, August 28, 2016 at the outdoor Sylvan Theater at the Washington Monument on the National Mall in Washington, DC, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM (rain or shine).

The rally will raise awareness about the magnitude of the global refugee crisis, encourage advocacy and U.S. action to alleviate suffering through relief efforts and support, and stand in solidarity with refugees and displaced people worldwide. Anyone is encouraged to join the #SeaOfOrange, buy a T-shirt, attend the historic rally and use #DCRally4Refugees to show support.

Steps from the U.S. Capitol, DCRally4Refugees will call on the U.S. to provide more refugee resettlement and increased support to countries and organizations already involved, support proven relief efforts overseas, and offer resources for those who wish to help, raising a collective voice against intolerance.  [Message is clear, if you are concerned about the economic costs and the security for your community you are a hateful, intolerant boob!—ed]

Please read their website carefully.  They want people to attend (obviously), but they also want the Open Borders agitators across the country to send postcards to Congress, send money to them (LOL! through the already massively funded Tides Foundation) and to buy their orange T-shirts (these are master marketers!).

Here is the postcard they have prepared for their people to send to Congress.  If you can’t read the list of supporting groups click on the link above.  Most of the major federal resettlement contractors are listed.  And, although there are other Catholic groups, I’m not seeing the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (hmmm?).  What is up with that? Are you giving them too much guff in your parishes?

I still have a hard time understanding how decent concerned Christians and Jews have joined the globalists and are willing to help multinational corporations import cheap (slave!) labor! (Confirmed on my 30 day tour of the heartland).

Screenshot (1)

Go here and see that they are also planning events around the country!

Only two things you must do now!

So here are the primary things you need to do in the coming weeks (in addition to putting out fires where you live) — tell Speaker Ryan and your member of Congress to cut the funding for any expansion of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and elect Donald Trump as the next President of the United States.


Leftist Activists Crash Trump Fundraiser, Attack Motorcade, Assault Trump Supporters in Violent ‘Gauntlet’

Memo: Soros Group Funded ‘Opposition Research’ On Critics Of Radical Islam

Polls: Most Americans do not want Obama to bring in Syrians and distribute them around the US

The Jewish Press: DC Leaks Publishes George Soros’ Files Showing Millions Contributed to Anti-Israel Causes

“Panic” about Muslim migration to Europe is justified says scholar

It couldn’t get worse (or could it?) for Twin Falls defenders of the Muslim influx there

Twin Falls, Idaho again! It has gotten worse! Now three refugee criminal arrests since June

500,000 Refugees are Coming!

Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq.  In August of 2014, it was overtaken by ISIS.  It is still controlled by the Islamic State (ISIS).

However, finally, many forces have decided to pull together to bring Mosul back to true freedom.

Kurdistan is technically a part of Iraq.  It is on the northern border of Iraq, with Turkey to the north, Syria to the west, and Iran to the east.  However, the Kurdish government is in reality separate from Iraq.  It has its own government and systems in place.  Since Kurdistan controls most of the oil of Iraq, there is a love-hate relationship between Kurdistan and Iraq.

Under Saddam Hussein, nearly 30,000 Kurds were gassed to death in a special Saddam purge of the Kurdish people years ago.  That Kurdish hatred for Saddam and Iraq still lingers.  Kurdistan was the United States’ staunch ally during Gulf War One.  They are still extremely friendly to the United States, in spite of their 98% Muslim population.  Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Armenian Christians still thrive and survive in Kurdistan.  And, Americans are still welcomed!

The Kurdish people treat Americans as “liberators.”  Many Iraqis treat Americans as “occupiers” and we have supposedly turned their country upside down.

The Middle East is an enormous “jigsaw puzzle.”  It all has to do with tribal warfare which dates way back even before the Ottoman Empire.  The United States government cannot totally figure it out.  Quite frankly, even the Middle East nations cannot totally figure it out.  Peace is a lofty goal.  Freedom, as we in the United States know it, also remains as a “lofty goal.”

FOUR forces have finally joined together against ISIS:  Iraqi forces, Kurdistan forces, coalition air strikes, and United States Army forces.  That last phrase may surprise you.  YES, U.S. Army forces in battle in Mosul!

Since my organization helps to rescue women and families directly from ISIS, and rehabilitates them in safe houses in Kurdistan, I have made many friends within minutes of ISIS, within minutes of Mosul.

I cannot reveal his name for security reasons, but my personal friend is an “advisor” to U.S. Army forces in Mosul.  Our media in the United States, certainly not our State Department, may not have mentioned that our Army is at work in Mosul to free them! He claims that Mosul will be freed BEFORE Christmas, this year!

But another personal friend is General Georges Sada.  He was Saddam Hussein’s Air Force Commander during Gulf War One.  He was one of two Christians on Saddam’s Council of 120 (most of which later became the foundation of ISIS!).  He later became President George W. Bush’s consultant on Iraq.  Currently, he is a daily consultant to the present Iraqi government.  The United States pays him handsomely to speak at our War College because of his expertise on Iraqi affairs.

When I travel to ISIS borders in Kurdistan, I consult with General Sada (Author of the book, “Saddam’s Secrets”) for my own personal safety.

I was talking with General Sada last week.  I mentioned that probably there would be over 40,000 refugees from Mosul after the liberation later this year.  He interrupted me and said, “No sir!  No sir! No sir!  There will be 500,000 refugees coming out of Mosul!”  WOW!  Mosul has a population of about 3.5 million.  After the warfare in the next few months, there will be hardly any homes to come home to for the people of Mosul.  Therefore, they must seek a home elsewhere; thus, refugees.

In no way am I suggesting that they come to America.  Quite frankly, the majority of them, in talking with them, do NOT want to come to America.  They prefer their homeland.  Of course.

But what are world governments going to do about this?!  It will present many problems to Dohuk and Erbil (the capital of Kurdistan).  It will also present many opportunities to show what Christians are really all about….to show compassionate and to help.  However, it will be overwhelming!

As you and I feast with our families at Thanksgiving and Christmas, HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Mosul refugees will be wanting a glass of water or a piece of bread.  That is how desperate it will be between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Unfortunately, I do not have an answer.  I wish I did!

Something must be done, and pre-planning now by humanitarian organizations, to deal with this Mosul problem!  Again, they want to stay in their area, not the United States.

However, the United States immigration has its own problems.  In May of this year, President Obama’s Administration brought in 2,037 Syrian refugees of which only TWO were Christians! The figures are in for June and they are just as shocking. Once again: 99% of the Syrian “refugees” are Sunni Muslim!!

The lack of victims of Sunni Islamic oppression among the Syrian “refugees” being admitted stands out, but goes unreported by the media. Not even Fox News will report on the influx of only Sunni Muslims. Of course one of the major stock holders of the parent company which owns Fox News is a Sunni Muslim who is a Saudi prince.

Each month President Obama is increasing the number of Syrian Sunni Muslims he brings to the United States, even while his Administration declares that it is the Christians who are the main target of genocide by the Sunni Islamic State in Syria.

Over ten percent of the Syrian population is Christian, and this does not include the tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians who fled to Syria looking for a safe haven after the invasion of Iraq in 2002 and the Sunni uprising against our occupation forces there that cost more than 600,000 lives, almost all of them civilians.

At least 230 of the June batch of Syrian refugees statistically should have been Christian, and actually more than that because they are the single most persecuted group.

Over the last year, on average Barack Obama has allowed two Christians from Syria to enter for every 1,000 Sunni Muslims. To put that in perspective the ratio should be 100 Christians out of every 1,000 refugees. That would be 10%!

Did you know that the United States has taken in more Syrian refugees than all of the European Union?  According to the Washington Examiner, the EU has taken in some 6,000 Syrian “refugees,” outpaced by America’s 8,000!  If elected, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has vowed to continue the intake by up to four-fold.

The Associated Press reports that 2.4 million jobs were outsources overseas – just in 2015 – and 3.2 million to China alone wince 2001.  At the same time, sending jobs overseas cost some $30      billion in wages in just 2015, put record numbers on welfare (which also costs taxpayers Billions), and has contributed to over 14.2 million Americans dropping out of the workforce in the past eight years!

Jihad Watch states the predicament very clearly: “The jihadists are at war with the United States, and those who have sworn to protect and defend this nation are determined instead, above all things, to make sure that we do not think negatively about the belief system that inspired this war against us and incites its adherents to attack us.”

Yet, our current administration declines to even use the word “radical Islamists.”

The bottom line: 

America’s “allies” in the Middle East are:  Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey.  When, in reality, these three nations finance over three-fourths of terrorist acts in the world!  Why?

If we cannot trust our government to come against the root of terrorism in the world, why would we trust them to assist the 500,000 Mosul refugees that are coming before the end of the year?


Washington, DC: August 28th rally for refugees planned

Welcoming refugees? Will lawyers descend on your school system next?

Refugee industry goes in to high gear for Obama/UN big show; what do you do?

Drudge headline: Soros promoting worldwide refugee crisis as “new normal”

EDITORS NOTE: Email the author: To learn more about Love Link Ministries click here:

Trump: ‘We must take on the ideology of radical Islam’

After having spent years ignoring, denying and enabling the motivating ideology behind jihad terror, it would be good to confront it. As I noted here, that the political and media elites are so profoundly threatened by this is telling in itself.

The jihadis are at war with the United States, and those who have sworn to protect and defend this nation are determined instead, above all things, to make sure that we do not think negatively about the belief system that inspired this war against us and incites its adherents to attack us. This is madness, and must stop. Trump, for all his many flaws, is the first candidate to buck this sinister agenda, and the most honest presidential candidate about the jihad threat since John Quincy Adams.


“Donald Trump’s Terrorism Plan Mixes Cold War Concepts and Limits on Immigrants,” by David E. Sanger, New York Times, August 15, 2016:

Donald J. Trump on Monday invoked comparisons to the Cold War era in arguing that the United States must wage an unrelenting ideological fight if it is to defeat the Islamic State. He said he would temporarily suspend immigration from “the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world” and judge allies solely on their participation in America’s mission to root out Islamic terrorism.

In a speech at Youngstown State University in Ohio, a critical swing state where polls show him trailing Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump combined old vows to seize Middle Eastern oil fields with the announcement of a series of new, if still vague, proposals to change America’s battlefield tactics.

“Just as we won the Cold War, in part by exposing the evils of communism and the virtues of free markets, so too must we take on the ideology of radical Islam,” he said….


Muslim migrant sex assaults on children in Greek refugee camps

Twin Falls pro-refugee pol savages family of girl raped by Muslim migrants

#NotMyPope trending as Church handles Islamic crisis worse than sex abuse crisis

“The Pope and others in the Church are not telling the truth about Islam. Some think they are doing so deliberately as part of a strategy to prevent further radicalization. Some (myself included) think they are doing so out of sheer naïveté. In either case, if they continue to defend Islam as a peaceful religion, it is bound to result in a crisis of trust and a crisis of faith.”

I think they are doing this out of a false and misguided understanding of Christian charity that is so welcoming to “the stranger” that it won’t stop welcoming him even at the point of civilizational suicide. This foolishness combined with the globalist agenda of the political and media elites has the Church and the West in the fix they’re in. As millions of Muslims stream into Europe, and mainstream politicians and the Church demonize opposition to this suicidal madness as “hatred” and “bigotry,” millions of Christians stream out of the Church that has abandoned them, and the free world, at the hour of greatest need.

(By the way, it was our own Hugh Fitzgerald who first noted the #NotMyPope hashtag here on August 4.)


“The Church and Islam: The Next Cover-up Scandal,” by William Kilpatrick, Crisis, August 10, 2016:

“#NotMyPope.” In the wake of Pope Francis’ equivocal response to the murder of a French priest by two Islamic jihadists, that’s the top trending hashtag in France and in Belgium.

Which raises a question: Is the Pope doing more harm than good by continuing to deny—in the face of a mountain of evidence—that Islam has anything to do with violence?

As I’ve noted several times in the past, the Church’s handling of the Islamic crisis may prove to be far more scandalous than its handling of the sex abuse crisis. The main scandal surrounding the revelation of priestly sex abuse was that it was covered up for a very long time by priests, pastors, and even bishops. By their silence, many Church officials were, in effect, denying that there was a serious problem. The effect on Catholic morale was profound. In those places which were most seriously affected by the scandals, such as Massachusetts and Ireland, church attendance dropped off dramatically. Disaffected Catholics didn’t necessarily lose their faith in God but they did lose faith in the Catholic Church.

The Church’s handling of the numerous cases of “Islamic abuse” has the potential for causing a greater scandal. The similarities are striking. Once again we have Church leaders who deny that there is any serious problem. This can be seen, for example, in Pope Francis’ repeated assurances that Islamic violence is the work of “a small group of fundamentalists” who, according to him, don’t have anything to do with Islam. And once again, we have a cover-up—this time of the aggressive nature of Islam. After every terrorist incident, the Pope or some Vatican spokesman leaps to the defense of Islam lest anyone get the idea that there is a link between Islam and violence.

This is sometimes done by denying that terrorist groups or individual jihadists are motivated by religious beliefs (despite voluminous evidence that they are). Sometimes it is done by drawing a moral equivalence between Islam and other religions. Recently, when asked why he did not speak of Islamic violence, the Pope replied that “If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence.” Of course, it’s a false comparison. When Catholics commit violence they do not do so in the name of their religion, but in violation of it. Most people realize that there is an enormous difference between the Catholic “who has murdered his girlfriend,” and the jihadist who slits a priest’s throat while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

And that’s the problem. More and more people can see that what the Pope and others in the hierarchy are saying about Islam and Islamic violence doesn’t comport with reality. If things continue in this direction, it will generate an enormous crisis of confidence in the Church. It is potentially a crisis of much great proportion than the sex abuse scandals. This time the victims of the cover-up will be counted not in the thousands, but in the tens of millions. And this time we will be talking not about damaged lives, but about dead bodies.

Millions of Christians in the Middle East and Africa are already dead as a result of jihad violence, and millions more have been forced to flee their homes (see here and here). It’s estimated that some two million were killed by Muslims in Sudan alone between 1983 and 1995. Many of the victims were completely unprepared because they had been assured by Church leaders that Islam is a peaceful religion just like Christianity or Judaism. In Europe, millions more are threatened by an influx of Muslim migrants—a migration that many Church authorities have encouraged. As Robert Spencer put it in a recent column, “The Pope is betraying the Christians of the Middle East and the world, and all the victims of jihad violence, by repeating palpable falsehoods about the motivating ideology of attacks upon them.” Jean-Clément Jeanbart, the Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo, said something similar last year when he criticized his brother bishops in France for ignoring the persecution of Middle Eastern Christians. He castigated them for being uninformed and in thrall to political correctness.

The Pope and others in the Church are not telling the truth about Islam. Some think they are doing so deliberately as part of a strategy to prevent further radicalization. Some (myself included) think they are doing so out of sheer naïveté. In either case, if they continue to defend Islam as a peaceful religion, it is bound to result in a crisis of trust and a crisis of faith….


Muslim refugee brought to Maine by Catholic Charities dies waging jihad for the Islamic State

Pakistani clerics who praised jihad killer welcomed to UK, start mosque speaking tour

Obama looking to ‘welcome’ 213,000 humanitarian arrivals in FY17 with $2.2 billion budget

…..and that $2.2  billion is only for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) portion of the costs!  It does not include the US State Department funding or the cost of security screening. Nor does it cover the cost of most welfare, subsidized housing, medical care and most of the cost of educating the children.  They aren’t saying yet how many Syrians Obama will be requesting.

While I was on my 30 day ‘listening tour’ that took me to 13 mid-western and western states, the Obama Administration held a press conference call about the stepped-up Syrian Muslim refugee flow in to the US.  Thanks to Christine for sending the transcript which I decided to post below in full.

Just so you know, all of the officials on the call are Obama appointees.  Remember them! These are the people who are changing the demographics and the character of your home towns.

Anne Richard and Robert Carey both revolved in to their government perches from a refugee resettlement contracting agency (the International Rescue Committee). Shin Inouye is a former Washington, D.C. spokesman for the ACLU.  And, for my friends in Montgomery County, MD, León Rodríguez was once your county attorney.

These Obama appointees are all hard core open (NO!) borders advocates, and if Hillary is elected they will likely be able to stay on and continue their work of changing America by changing the people!

And, if you are wondering, Obama has one more shot in September to make a determination about how many refugees will be admitted to the US in the next fiscal year.

We know what Obama is going to do, but what will Paul Ryan do?

It will be up to Speaker Paul Ryan and the REPUBLICANS to decide if the numbers Obama is requesting will be acceptable because it is Congress that will fund (or not fund!) the President’s final request!

This (below) is from a press conference call on August 5th. Those of you doing research around the country on what is happening where you live will find this useful.

BTW, I am struck by how little the reporters know about the program and so they largely wasted their questions.

See phone numbers at the end for the public affairs office of each government agency responsible for the refugee program.  If you are reporting via alternative media about what is happening where you live, try calling those numbers!  Call and ask questions even if you already know the answers!


Welcome and thank you for standing by. At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode until the Question and Answer session of today’s conference. At that time you may press Star 1 on your phone to ask a question.

I would like to inform all parties that today’s conference is being recorded. If you have any objections you may disconnect at this time. I would now like to turn the conference over to Shin Inouye, USCIS. Thank you, you may begin.


Shin Inouye

Shin Inouye:   

Thank you (Sheila) and thank you all for joining us today to discuss the current state of Syrian refugees security screening and admissions. As a reminder this call is on the record and without embargo. On the call we have Assistant Secretary of State, The Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration, Anne C. Richard, US Citizenship and Immigration Services or USCIS Director Leon Rodriguez, and Health and Human Services Director of Refugee Resettlement, Robert “(Bob)” Carey.

We’ll have our speakers offer remarks about their agency’s respective roles in the refugee process and then open up the call to your questions. Let me first turn it over to Assistant Secretary Richard.

Anne Richard:  


Anne Richard

Thanks, this is Anne speaking. The United States has been a global leader in the resettlement of refugees. That’s why last year the President made a renewed commitment to help in some of the most vulnerable refugees in the world, pledging to increase the number of refugees we will accept from around the world to 85,000 from 70,000 per year over the last three years. As part of this commitment we also pledged to welcome at least 10,000 refugees fleeing the terrible conflict in Syria.

To that end early in the fiscal year we began working to adjust the capacity of our refugee admissions program, to bring many more refugees to the United States. To welcome more refugees from Syria we worked with the Department of Homeland Security, with our intelligence community and with other relevant agencies to upgrade our capacities to conduct security screening. DHS increased the number of the DHS offices available to interview applicants so that more security screening interviews could take place for more applicants, resulting in more refugees approved for travel.

In Jordan, for example, between February and April of this year we worked with DHS to surge additional staff to Jordan where DHS offices conducted interviews for about 12,000 UNHCR referred refugee applicants. In Beirut, Lebanon we restarted interviews of refugees in February. These had stopped for a year because of space limitations in the embassy compound. In Turkey we added staff to the resettlement support center in Istanbul that covers refugee processing in Turkey and Lebanon and DHS sent additional officers to conduct interviews.

In Iraq we began processing refugee resettlement cases in Erbil in December 2015. Thanks to these efforts and through the coordinated efforts of the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, we can now say that we have 8,000 Syrian refugees so far this year and that we are very confident that we will welcome at least 10,000 refugees from Syria by the end of this fiscal year. Monthly totals have climbed from low numbers of refugees admitted in the first half of the year to higher numbers recently.

In May, June and July the impact of our investments in and the enhancements to the process began to be realized. Our expectation from the beginning was that the rate of Syrian refugee admissions would increase over time as referrals from UNHCR — the Human Refugee Agency — UNHCR increased as we added to the capacity to process more cases referred to us and as DHS sent more DHS officers to the field to conduct the necessary rigorous and exhaustive security screening.

Briefly and in closing we want to reiterate that this is just one line of multiple lines of effort that the US government is undertaking to help the victims of terrible conflicts and crisis around the world. I want to remind you all that President Obama will convene the leader’s summit on refugees on the margins of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly in September. This summit is about encouraging all countries to take action and do more now.

Wealthy governments are asked to make new and significant contributions relating to humanitarian financing and refugee resettlement or admissions – other forms of admission to their country. Countries that host refugees are asked to make new commitments related to refugee self-reliance and inclusion, with a specific focus on letting refugees work and allowing refugee children to go to school. The purpose of the summit is to recruit other countries to join with us and make a real difference in the world’s contributions towards helping refugees.

At this point I’d like to turn to my colleague, the head of USCIS, Leon Rodriguez.

Leon Rodriguez:  

Thank you Anne and thank you for your presentation. I too am gratified with the success that we’ve had in refugee admissions, particularly with respect to Syrian admissions. The process that we have applied to reach those admission levels is the same process that we have applied for many years – actually with a few enhancements that have further strengthened that process.


Leon Rodriguez

There are basically two critical components to the process and adjudicating, whether an individual is admitted to the United States as a refugee after that individual has been referred to us by the United Nations high commissioner and refugees and by the State Department. The first is to determine – this is what our officers do to determine whether that individual actually qualifies as a refugee – whether they meet the legal definition.

The legal definition that we use is derived from the United Nation’s convention on refugees, and that definition is used by all of the signatory countries to the convention, although in many cases each country interprets the conventions slightly differently. The second aspect and probably particularly critical for this discussion is we determined if — notwithstanding the fact that the individual meets the legal definition of refugee — if there is still some basis to deny that individual admission to the United States.

That can occur in one of two ways. In some cases we have – we exercise our discretion. For example if we have concerns about that individual’s credibility. In other cases we may have evidence that that individual falls under a specific category of inadmissibility. For example, if there is evidence that they are a known or suspected terrorist. To do that we used a number of tools. From my perspective the most critical of those tools is the refugee officer – is our highly trained, highly experienced staff that we deployed throughout the world to screen refugees.

Before they get there they have been extensively trained both in the legal tenants surrounding refugee law — the grounds inadmissibility that I discussed before — but also very critically in fraud detection and prevention, security protocols, interviewing techniques, credibility analysis.

They’ve also been briefed in country conditions and in regional conditions and again that briefing is often extensive, and the depth of that briefing grows as we spend more time in a particular refugee environment, be that the Syrian environment, the Iraqi environment, the Somalian environment, or as the case may be, the central American environment. The interviews that are conducted by those officers are frequently extensive – pro-credibility issues and pro-particular basis of inadmissibility.

In the specific cases of Syrians there are additional steps that are also taken. All of those cases or the majority of those cases, rather, are subject to something we call Syrian enhanced review, which provides us specific in-depth support both from our Refugee Affairs division and our Fraud Detection and National Security directorate to provide enhanced view of those cases before the interviews even occur overseas. This is intelligence-driven support – for example it yields specific lines of questioning that our officers are prepared to ask.

It also includes social media review of certain Syrian refugee applicants. Additionally and during the course of the interview an officer identifies areas of national security concern about a candidate, and that case moves into what we call the controlled application review and resolution process – essentially a hold process where further investigation and inquiry into that case occurs.

At the same time we have a number of law enforcement and intelligence resources that our officers utilize in order to determine whether there is any derogatory — and that’s a critical term — derogatory information about that individual. Those sources can come from State Department databases, databases of customs and border protection, the Department of Defense, but most critically from both the United States law enforcement and intelligence communities, including the FBI as well as a number of intelligence community partners as well.

One particularly important aspect there is a process that we call the intra-agency check which involves queries of a series of intelligence community holdings. That occurs not only prior to the interview of the individual but actually occurs on the recurrent basis during the entire process of that individual’s adjudication, and in many cases actually beyond the period of that individual’s admissions. So that if new derogatory information arises about that individual we are able to act on that derogatory individual – derogatory information at any time that that information may arise.

We have on an ongoing basis the implementing improvements to these processes – much of that is law enforcement sensitive or intelligence community protected. But those improvements have been occurring on an ongoing basis. I believe that this information is very critical because it really rebuts what is a widely held view that in fact we do not have resources against which to vet these individuals.

In fact literally hundreds of individuals from different countries, including hundreds of individuals from Syria, have had their admissions to the United States denied because of information that was found in these databases. Additionally, a number of other individuals have been denied admissions or have been placed on hold because we have determined – we have accessed that there are credibility concerns that have arisen during the interview process.

And that process is the same one that we conducted a year ago, two years ago and last week, and we will continue as we move through the process of screening refugees to apply those methodologies. Thank you.

Shin Inouye:     

Thank you Director Rodriguez. Next we’ll hear from Director Carey.

Robert Carey: 

bob carey

Robert Carey

Okay thank you. (Bob) Carey here. We could go to the work of your Office of Refugee Resettlement, under the Refugee Act of 1980 Congress created within the Department of Health and Human Service and the Office of Refugee Resettlement, and we are charged with providing refugees with resettlement assistance. This assistance includes employment training and placement, English language instruction, cash assistance and additional social services, all of which are designed to assist refugees in integrating into their new communities and to promote early self-sufficiency.

ORR carries out this work through an extensive public-private partnership network and funding to state governments and non-profit organizations across the US. In fiscal year 2016 ORR expects to serve upwards of 200,000 humanitarian migrants. So these humanitarian migrants include refugees, but also asylees, keeping Asian entrance on unaccompanied refugee minors, victims of torture and unaccompanied children.

Our work includes collaborations at the federal and state level with resettlement agencies, resettled refugees themselves and members of the communities that welcomed them. A central goal of the program is to ensure that states and municipalities have the best information available to help them prepare for incoming refugees. To this end each state has a state refugee coordinator, and often a state refugee health coordinator who oversees services and refugee benefits provisioned to eligible individuals in the given state.

The President’s fiscal year 2017 budget requests include $2.2 billion for ORR programs and that represents the cost of maintaining services for additional refugees and other entrance and unaccompanied children primarily from Central America. The President’s budget request would support a total of 213,000 humanitarian arrivals including 100,000 refugees in 2017. Once a refugee arrives in the US they are eligible to access the same benefits as American citizens who are here legally including temporary aide to newly families, Medicaid, SSI, and SNAP.

When refugees do not meet eligibility requirements for these programs ORR provides time-limited refugee cash assistance and refugee medical assistance. Social services and targeted assistance funds are allocated to states based on a formula tied to the prior two years of refugee arrivals, and that accounts for refugees and other entrance movements to other states after their initial resettlement on their path to legal permanent residence and citizenship.

ORR also supports additional programs to refugees and integrating which include migrant enterprise development assistance for ethnic community organizations, agricultural partnerships and services for survivors of torture. Another critical service we provide is school impact program funding which provides approximately $15 million for activities that assists children in adjusting to school after the trauma of war flight and all too often interrupted education.

As an alternative to access and cash assistance refugees may also enroll in what is known as the Matching Grant program – that’s Intensive Case Management program conducted by private non-profit organizations which assists refugees in finding employment and in economic self-sufficiency – self-sufficiency within four to six months after their arrival in the US and which is funded with a combination of private and government funds. And at the end of the program last year 82% were self-sufficient at the end of 180 days. [This is a joke, refugees can still be receiving most forms of welfare, such as food stamps and housing help and still be labeled “self-sufficient.”—-ed]

In summary, the Office of Refugee Resettlement stands committed to welcoming integrating newcomers into the fabric of our society. We believe this goal benefits not only refugees and their families, but strengthens communities and our nation as a whole and refugee resettlement is a reflection of our core value of who we are as a country, providing protection to individuals fleeing persecution on the basis of their race, religion, political opinions or membership in a social group. So thank you.

Shin Inouye:   

Thank you Director Carey and thank you to all of our speakers. Operator if we can go ahead and open it up or if you could provide the instructions for how folks can ask questions.


Thank you. We will now begin the Question and Answer session. If you would like to ask a question please press Star 1 to unmute your phone and record your name clearly. If you need to withdraw your question press Star 2. Again to ask a question please press Star 1.

Our first question comes from Julia Edwards with Reuters – your line is open.

Julia Edwards:      

Hi, thank you. I was wondering if you could quantify how many refugees or how refugees were not considered after the additional screening procedures that were put in place by Congress at the end of last year? Or was there anyone who was ruled out as a result of this additional screening measures being put in place?

Leon Rodriguez: 

I think that the screening measures were never actually voted into effect that you’re discussing, so when I talk about screening measures they’re basically the ones that we apply as our part of our ordinary process – that is joined between USCIS, State Department, the law enforcement intelligence community partners. And again what I would say is based on that screening – just speaking to the Syrian case, you know, hundreds – I wouldn’t be able to put a specific number on it now but hundreds have been denied.

There are even larger numbers of individuals who go on hold because concerns have been raised or – and also individuals who are denied on a credibility basis because our officers determined that there are concerns about the accounts that they’re given when we interview them.


Our next question comes from Julie Davis with the New York Times. Your line is open.

Julie Davis:  

Hi there. Well I was hoping you could be more specific about how many of the Syrian applicants had been denied because of the information that was found on the databases or put on hold because of credibility concerns. It sounds like you don’t have those numbers now. Would that be something you could get to us after the call potentially?

Leon Rodriguez:   

Yes we can see if we can get you those numbers. Again what I will share are those numbers are large. When we’re talking still about, you know, we’re talking about 8,000 who have been cleared for admission this year we’re still talking about a substantial number who have either been denied or held because of these types of concerns.

Julie Davis:      

Okay and also I’m wondering whether you can say, based on the up-ticks that you described, just in May, June, July – I assume August, you’re expecting will be the same if not larger in terms of refuge – Syrian refugees resettled. Do you expect that to continue rising into fiscal 2017, and do you have any estimate at all of how many Syrian refugees you may be looking at welcoming as a result of this surge in the next, you know, after the fiscal year ends?

Leon Rodriguez:

Actually I’m going to share a little bit more of an answer to your first question and I think I’m going to defer to my State Department colleagues. So our approval rates are 80%, denial rate is 7%, and the balance is hold – that kind of reflects the overall universe. So, you know, I can’t give you specific numbers that reflects about our clip of approvals denials and holds.

Julie Davis:     

Got it.

Leon Rodriguez:  

And Anne I’m wondering if you want to – I don’t know if you’re in a position to talk about next year or not…

Anne Richard:   

Well just to say the current pace of arrivals will continue through the end of this fiscal year so we may exceed 10,000 and for next year we will continue to welcome large numbers of Syrians, but it’s too soon to have a target figure established.


Thank you. And our next question comes from Jared Goyette with PRI. Your line is open.

Jared Goyette:  

Hi I was just wondering if you could provide any detail to the I-130 program and if that’s had any impact in terms of the numbers of, you know, the number of Syrian refugees coming in – that’s of course the family petition? Thank you.

Anne Richard:  

No we don’t have numbers for you for this call but we can follow-up on that after the call.

Jared Goyette:

Okay thanks.


The next question comes from Nick Ballasy with PJ Media News your line is open.

Nicholas Ballasy: 

Thanks for taking the question. My first – the first part of my question is among the applications for refugee status that have been denied, you said some of them were denied – was it because of national security or terrorism issues? And then the second part of my question is as you know, if you’re applying for legal status by marrying a US citizen or in a different category, you have to prove you have the financial support and you’re not a public charge and you also have to pay thousands of dollars in fees for those applications.

Why are refugees treated differently than people seeking legal status in the United States through the legal immigration process?

Leon Rodriguez:   

Sure, this is Leon Rodriguez and I’ll invite my colleagues to chime in as well. You know, the fact is that refugees are refugees because they’re often coming out of war-torn countries or countries devastated in some other way. Frequently individuals have been living away from their countries without any means of securing a livelihood, or in many cases when we’re talking about Syrians, of having their children educated. So more typically individuals do not have the economic wherewithal. It’s also – frankly it’s a statutory decision that was made. We do not have authority to charge any kind of fee for refugees – it’s not a legal authority that we have.

Nicholas Ballasy:  

And then the issue of the denied applications, was the reason for any of those denials national security or…

Leon Rodriguez: 


Nicholas Ballasy:

…(test) and concerns?

Leon Rodriguez: 


Shin Inouye:      

All right (Sheila) if you could move to the next question please?


Absolutely and as a reminder if you would like to ask a question you can press Star 1 on your phone and record your name when prompted. Our next question comes from Lauren Ashburn with EWTN. Your line is open.

Lauren Ashburn:   

Thank you very much and thank you for taking my call. The percentage of those Syrian refugees who have been let into the country – what percent are Muslims? Do you have that breakdown?

Anne Richard:     

Yes, most are Muslims over 99% are Muslims. [At least she is being honest! But, the reporter wasted her question because that information is readily available elsewhere.—ed]

Lauren Ashburn:  

And then what percent are of religious (execution) are fleeing (because they) say religious persecution?

Anne Richard:   

I don’t have that breakdown for you.

Lauren Ashburn:  

Okay and then you mentioned, Secretary Carey – you mentioned that 82% are self-sufficient at the end of 180 days and I was wondering how long do the rest of them stay on benefits? How long do you extend the benefits?

Robert Carey:    

The benefits access depends on the category. There are some individuals for whom, you know, refugee cash assistance can be extended for up to eight months for certain individuals, and then others may be eligible for mainstream benefits if they fit the qualifications.

Lauren Ashburn:   

Okay, thanks.


Our next question comes from (Esa Gomez) with ABC News. Your line is open.

(Esa Gomez):    

I was wondering out of the 8,000 of the admitted refugees how many of them were children?

Anne Richard:      

I should – we should have that number for you. Seventy eight percent were women and children and the number of children we’ll have to get you but let’s see  – nearly – let’s see, 4,576 were under 18 – just a little under half female and roughly half male of the children. [Does this really give us any comfort when we know it is the Somali “children” who grew up in America that have been the most radicalized of the Muslim migrants?—ed]

(Esa Gomez):   

Is that of the children or women and children?

Anne Richard:     

So the first number I gave you the 78% were women and children. And then the second that’s 78% out of 8,000. And then the number of children is – or under 18 year olds is 4,576 and they’re roughly half and half men and – girls and boys rather.

(Esa Gomez):       

Oh okay, thank you.


And again as a reminder you can press Star 1 on your phone and record your name if you have a question. One moment please for any additional questions. We are showing no further questions at this time. (Unintelligible)…

Shin Inouye: 

(Unintelligible) (a couple). All right, well thank you (Sheila). Thank you all for joining us. As a reminder this call is on the record and without embargo. If you have any additional questions here are the phone numbers for the respective public affairs offices for the participants on the call. The State Department is at 202-647-2492. Once again The State Department is 202-647-2492. USCIS is at 202-272-1200. Once again USCIS is at 202-272-1200. And HHS is at 202-401-9215. Once again HHS is at 202-401-9215. Thank you very much.


That does conclude today’s conference. Thank you for participating. You may disconnect at this time.

This post is filed in our ‘where to find information’ category, here.

Trump Should Double Down On Muslim Ban

If America is at war with an ideology, would it not make perfect sense to ban those coming into our country who adhere to that same doctrine? Yet Trump was vilified by the left when he said last December that he wanted, “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

Some would argue that a religious test to screen immigrants is unconstitutional, but Andrew McCarthy disagrees and points out the religious litmus test was only to be used for those wanting to enter public office. He went on further to verify our right to vet immigrants through what their beliefs are. He said,

“And just as we have a right to consider the religious convictions of candidates for public office, so too do we have a right to require scrutiny of the beliefs of aliens who petition for entry into our country — a privilege we are under no obligation to confer. This includes beliefs the alien may regard as tenets of his faith — especially if such “faith tenets” involve matters of law, governance, economy, combat, and interpersonal relations that, in our culture’s separation of church and state, are not seen as spiritual.”

Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, has tried to soften Trump’s meaning by backing away from that original statement, as the Republican candidate for President has as well. They both seem to go back and forth from barring Muslims temporarily to banning all immigrants from countries sponsoring terrorism. In a recent radio interview Pence said,

“That’s what Donald Trump and I are calling for now, is to have a temporary suspension of immigration from countries or territories compromised by terrorism, and I believe that’s an appropriate action given the horrendous, horrendous violence that we see,”

Florida terrorist Omar Mateen

Florida Muslim terrorist Omar Mateen.

However, Trump needs to double down on his suggested ban of Muslims. He needs to do this because it makes sense. Trump’s support and following grew huge because he made common sense statements that he didn’t apologize for, and he should continue to do so in the future. Americans, as a whole, are wary of politicians’ apologies. You can’t take one step in the political arena without stepping on them.

When Trump proposed the ban on Muslims he was essentially identifying who the enemy claims to be, something the Obama administration has yet to do. And no wonder, if you name the enemy, which in my mind is the Islamic ideology, then actions should follow that definition. This is why Obama will always steer clear of defining it.

Nobody wants to come out and say all Muslims are the enemy, but the ideology embraced by those responsible for committing terrorist attacks every 84 hours just happen to follow Islam. That is not some crazy coincidence.

The ban suggested by Trump is also why the left has bound together with the Muslim community to defeat Trump. After all, they can’t abide the thought of not coexisting with all the movements in America who are attacking God-given freedoms.

The left has to stick together, you know. Even in the face of all the Islamic terrorism with machetes, buses, knives, bombs and yes, even guns. They cannot allow themselves to come to grip with the fact that all of these attacks are driven and inspired by an ideology that is embraced by Muslims. That just wouldn’t fit their world view.

Wonder if those jumping all over Trump about being xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc., ever consider what is happening across the ocean in Europe? In fact there was a recent debate concerning the delegalizing of Islam in Poland. One of the debaters was Miriam Shaded, president of the Estera-Fund, who gave several points as to why Islam should be outlawed in her country. When asked her reasoning behind the criminalization, Shadad said,

“It is against the Constitution, those who leave Islam have to fear death. Islam calls for violence and its attempts to bring this system and ideology to power in certain countries, into certain structures-with the use of violence…Their approach towards women, discrimination, beatings, molestation, necrophilia, zoophilia, all that is legitimized by the Qu’ran.”

Her supposed opponent, Lesek Samorski, found it difficult to counter her reasoning and ended up agreeing with her as far as characterizing Islam, but differed as far as how to go about discouraging the criminal acts perpetrated by Muslims in Poland. He stated,

“…I am absolutely against what is happening now-the Islamic hordes that want to enter Europe…We had problems with them for centuries and we solved them with fire and sword.”

One thing is for sure, this debate over what to do with the Islamic ideology and Muslims who adhere to it is far from over. From deciding if Muslims should be banned from entry into the country, to deciding whether or not to allow them to legally follow the Qu’ran is a serious issue, and it must be determined.

Further, a discussion and study to whether Islam should even be classified as a religion verses a cult or a major political ideology needs to be happening in the public arena. And our leaders need to define the enemy and act accordingly.

A strong leader says what he means, and makes no adjustments. Winston Churchill said this about the religion, and nothing transformational has taken place within Islam since.

But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance...It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness.”

Right after the Pulse Islamic attack in Florida the Muslim ban had a majority of support by the Republicans, but has since waned. Americans need to come to a decision about whether they support the ban or not, and stick with it. And if public support continues to be fickle, Trump just needs to wait for the next jihadi attack to propose it again. We all know it is just a matter of time.

RELATED ARTICLE: Refugee Overload: Creating ‘Ghettos’ in Rural Texas

Open Letter to Rep. Doug Broxson RE: Your vote to give illegal aliens Florida driver licenses

Dear State Representative Broxson,

Many folks in the local media contacted me in regards to the  thousands of dollars in payments from campaign funds which you gave to Kingfish Strategies an LLC set up in part by State Committee Woman Susan Moore a member of the Escambia county Republican Party leadership in Pensacola.

Instead of remaining neutral she decided to take payments from you to assist your campaign in direct conflict with the Republican Party of Florida ethical standards. The Gulf Breeze media is going to print an editorial about it as per the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Now I am not sure if the Republican Party of Florida or the local Republican Party will investigate this massive conflict of interest by a leader in the Escambia County Republican Party who is or was getting pay offs from your campaign described as consulting fees because the GOP leadership in my option is pretty much as corrupt at the Democrat Party in some regards. But we shall see.

What is amazing though is the flyer your campaign sent out stating that Representatives Mike Hill supports in state tuition for illegal immigrants. It’s a lie but you know this. Politicians like you are slowly but surely being removed by the voters as the American people wake up.

The record does state though that you voted YES to give illegal immigrants access to state government buildings, access to federal buildings and access US airlines with your YES vote to give illegal immigrants a state issued drivers license.

mohammed atta driver license floridaWith this vote that advocates and enables federal immigration law breakers you did  not discriminate against which illegal immigrants you support with a state issued ID. So you are approving in effect a drivers licence to people like Mohammed Atta a terrorist and Saudi citizen and a former resident in Sarasota, Florida who overstayed his visa and flew one of the planes into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

This man  would have been allowed to keep his state issued drivers license as per your vote because he was classified as an illegal immigrant when he overstayed his visa.

So your position from your voting record is to ignore federal immigration laws and enable and reward foreigners who break into our nation via our unsecured borders with a State ID – Drivers License.

This is un-American and would have placed Florida citizens at great risk.  Its is a national security issue and violates U.S. federal immigration law.

Now I don’t care how powerful your name is in this neck of the woods in Florida but when you support this blatant disregard for U.S. immigration law and try to reward those illegals who came here from nations like Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc. with a state issued ID you are part of the problem not part of the solution.

Thank goodness Governor Scott vetoed this attack on our sovereignty and national security. 

Your time is up and soon you will be removed from office by we the voters as will others who are working to embrace the Marxist/Progressive policies of Barack Obama and his heir apparent Hillary Clinton.

Czech President Calls for Total Ban on Migrants tells Citizens to Arm Themselves

President Milos Zeman also called for the Czech citizenry to be armed and for those who already own weapons legally to carry them in public.

The president of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman has urged his country to seal the borders to all refugees in an effort to protect the Czech Republic from Islamist terrorism.

“Our country simply cannot afford to risk terrorist attacks like what occurred in France and Germany. By accepting migrants, we would create fertile ground for barbaric attacks,” his spokesman Jiri Ovcacek said in a statement on Tuesday, according to Deutsche Welle.

“The president does not agree with any acceptance of migrants in the Czech territory,” he added.

The president has a stronger political role in the Czech Reublic than in other central European countries, but his power is still shared with the prime minister. He has veto power over legislation but does not set the legislative agenda.

Zeman also told citizens that they should arm themselves, despite previously having opposed an armed citizenry, in an interview with the Czech outlet Blesk.

“I really think that citizens should arm themselves against terrorists. And I honestly admit that I changed my mind, because previously I was against [citizens] having too many weapons. After these attacks, I don’t think so,” he said.

Comparing the Czech Republic to Israel, where he said “almost every man walks with a machine gun over his shoulder,” he called on those who already own firearms to carry them in public.

“These people will have to get used to the fact that their weapon can’t be hidden in a cupboard at home. Not machine guns, but a pistol, for example. And that [pistol], where necessary, will have to be ready for a situation where it has to be used.”

These comments show the changing tide of opinion in Europe towards refugees in the wake of the series of attacks this summer.

While there is no obligation on countries to prejudice the interests of their preexisting citizens in order to secure the rights of refugees, it is important that genuine refugees be provided for in accordance with the universal principles of human rights.

Balancing humanitarian obligations with the imperative to provide security for one’s citizens will become a tougher challenge the longer the refugee crisis and Islamist terrorism goes on.

Both a robust response to radicalization and terrorism in Europe from a security perspective and a concerted effort to integrate refugees from Muslim majority societies can help tackle Islamist extremism while providing the appropriate support to beleaguered migrant populations.

Standing up for the values of secular Europe and not exacerbating the issue by attempting to appease Islamists is essential for such a strategy to work.

If politicians are unable to do this, more and more people will turn to the approach of Milos Zeman and seek to block refugee access altogether.


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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman. (Photo: © Wikimedia Commons)

Why I’m Endorsing Ray Pilon for the Florida Senate in District 23

The Florida Senate District 23 race has been filled with mud slinging, vitriol and attacks between candidates. And that’s just the Republicans running for the open seat.

Big money, the media, big business and the establishment GOP have worked to put into the District 23 Senate seat anybody but Ray Pilon. Sound familiar?

Ray is not beholding to big donors and has not gotten into the mud slinging pig pen, like some other candidates. Ray Pilon is the only candidate who is talking about and focused on the issues impacting Floridians. That alone is reason enough to cast a vote for Pilon.

But there are other reasons that compel me to vote for Ray Pilon. The reasons fall into four categories: Illegal immigration, law and order, the Florida economy, public education.


George Fuller, an expert on immigration issues, sent me the following in an email:

This afternoon I received a response from Ray Pilon posted below who is running for the [Florida District 23] state senate. I voted for him previously and will again.

Thanks George, if I make it to the Senate you won’t just hear rhetoric from me you will see legislation and a campaign to correct this [immigration] mess. What you have said all along is getting worse. It is a major priority for me and maybe my fellow legislators will finally wake up. I will seek your counsel as we move forward.

Ray [Pilon]

Illegals cost the state of Florida over $5 billion annually according to FAIR. This is a heavy burden on all Florida taxpayers. Andrea Billups from NewsMax reported:

An estimated 925,000 illegal immigrants lived in Florida in 2012, according to data from the Pew Research Center. They made up 4.8 percent of the state’s population.

The annual costs to Florida’s taxpayers were estimated at more than $5.2 billion, according to data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. This deficit was calculated after state revenue from illegal immigrants totaling $261 million was counted.

FAIR reported the following costs associated with illegal immigration in Florida, broken down as such:

  • $3.34 billion went to education
  • $660 million to healthcare
  • $579 million to justice and law enforcement
  • $317 million to public assistance
  • $568 million to general government services


Ray Pilon was born in Pontiac, Michigan, and attended Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in 1968. After graduation, he moved to the state of Florida in 1979, where he began working as a police officer.

Perhaps the second most important issue facing Florida is the maintaining of law and order. With the recent killings in Orlando and Fort Myers it is clear that the terrorist and criminal elements are always waiting to strike.

Pilon was part of that thin blue line keeping Floridians safe. He understands that without law enforcement officers there is lawlessness.


A healthy economy depends on low taxes, a skilled workforce, and a regulatory environment that encourages job creation and entrepreneurship. In the Florida legislature, Ray Pilon has worked to remove government-created obstacles to prosperity.

I am confident he will continue to work with Governor Scott to create jobs, cut regulations and increase the chances for entrepreneurs to flourish in the Sunshine state.


Florida Citizens Alliance (FLCA) was working on both a comprehensive bill to restore local K-12 education control and a focused curriculum bill to fix the loopholes in SB 864, passed in 2014 as FS 1006.283.

FLCA in a press release stated:

We are very pleased to report that Senator Alan Hays and Representative Ray Pilon are championing companion bills to fix FS 1006.283 and its loopholes:  SB 1018 and HB 899.

The purpose/intent of the original SB 864 was to assign constitutional responsibility for all instructional materials to school boards, and require a transparent policy/process for school boards and parents to remove objectionable materials. Due to several loopholes in FS 1006.283, the spirit and intent of the original bill are currently being ignored by many school districts in Florida.

FLCA later asked its members, parents and concerned citizen to “send a ‘shout out’ to Senator Hays and Representative Pilon, thanking them for their leadership.”

Ray Pilon has been a champion of moving power to students, parents and teachers in Florida.

Not sure what else I can say other than I urge all voters in Florida Senate District 23 to vote for Ray Pilon.

To learn more about Ray Pilon please click here.

RELATED VIDEO: Candidate Forum – Florida Senate District 23 (Republican primary)

It Is Time to Defend U.S. Sovereignty

If the Muslim dogma is to ever be considered anything but a breeding ground for seventh century level barbarian brutes, they can start by taking care of their own.  The United States of America is the most generous nation in human history.  But our Christian inspired generosity does not dictate that we must put up with horrendous hordes of illegal immigrants and Muslim terrorist who wants to come into America and blow us to smithereens, or burn us into charcoal.

In 1979, the Islamic leaders of Iran declared war on the west. Primarily America and Israel.  They have not to this point utilized a traditional standing army to engage the west in mortal combat.  Their skill levels are still not developed enough to take on a well-trained military like the United States (pre Obama.) However, they have become more effective in using cowardly terrorists methods that reflect their warped style of existing.  The Islamists have murdered hundreds of both American and European citizens.

So it does not make logical nor strategic sense for the federal government to abandon it’s enumerated duty to defend the United States from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Not bring in legions of Muslim refugees who do not agree with our constitutionally limited way of life.  No nation can prosper by placing the desires of non-sovereign citizens or enemies above the interests and safety of it’s people.  When it comes to dealing with Muslims who are at war with any nation that shows a modicum of civilized tendencies, the Islamists take that as a weakness and will never give up their goal of ultimately conquering them.

That is why I agree whole heartedly with retired Lt. Col. Allen West, who has advocated that American political leaders should create a safe zone in Syria and convince Middle East nations to take in and care for their own Syrian refugees.  The only problem is that Muslims do not have a natural or religious influenced tendency to help others in chronic need, even their own foolish America and Israeli hating fellow terrorists.  Even so, Col. West believes we should challenge Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others to take in refugees.  America was not obligated to take in thousands of Nazis or Japanese during World War Two.  So again, during this time of war (according to the Islamists) America is not obligated to take in thousands and thousands of those whose religion dictates that they force us to submit to Allah, or die.

Unfortunately, it won’t be until January 20th, 2017, if Donald Trump wins the presidency that we will have a president that will govern on behalf of U.S. interests.  Until then, the White House Occupier, Berry Obama will continue to try and flood our republic with as many hate filled Muslim refugees as he can.  So far, Mr. Obama has funneled into America over seven thousand Islamic refugees and has only allowed in 32 Christian refugees.  Let us not overlook the fact that Muslims are murdering, burning, beheading, raping and enslaving hundreds of Christians every single week throughout the Middle East.  Yet the American dragon-establishment media and the Obama administration looks the other way and just doesn’t seem to give a damn.

It is awful how those who simply want our border protected are labeled as bigots by Americans who are either brainwashed or in agreement with the harm President Obama and his fellow progressives are perpetrating against our civilization.  Our enemies must be falling over in a constant state of amazement and laughter as they witness dummied down Americans turn against their fellow countrymen and women who only desire to protect our republic from being decimated.

The root of such tomfoolery can be traced directly to the government school system which has been allowed to systematically dumb down generation after generation.  So now, the average American student knows less about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers than the mantra of special rights for illegal immigrants and diseased non-vetted Syrian, Muslim refugees.  Be assured, that many of those refugees that brainwashed Americans are willing to risk our existence for would engulf our nation in flames if given the chance.

This final note:  Those of us who claim to be Christians, are not required to be nicer than Jesus.  Like Jesus we must not be afraid to stand up too evil and for the good of America, beat it back into retreat.  Yes, we must love our enemies.  But we are not expected by God to let those seeking to destroy this great nation to achieve that goal, whether from within or externally.  Everyone else has boldly come out of the closet.  Thus it is time for Christians and patriots to no longer cower in the closet.  It is time to defend United States sovereignty.  God Bless America and May America Bless God.

EDITORS NOTE: Please join Ron Edwards every Friday on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and worldwide on at 5:00 PM EST and 2:00 PM PST.  This week Ron will be Blowing Away the Myths and Revealing the Truth concerning major issues of the day and drilling down on such topics as Obama’s $400 million giveaway to Iran.  Also he will be sharing a bit of True American history. You are invited to smile and dial and join the conversation at 844.790.8255.

DEAR AMERICA by Sean O’Loughlin

NEW YORK, New York /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — I am one of eleven people who donated the maximum amount under law to Donald Trump during the primaries. I am very conservative when it comes to issues related to the United States Constitution, supporting law enforcement and lowering taxes for businesses to grow. However, when it comes to social issues, I am probably more liberal and progressive than most Americans.

Although that I believe that abortion is morally wrong, I do not believe that the government should be involved with telling people what they can or can not do with their bodies. In terms of people and their sexual preferences, I could care less what people do behind closed doors and if two people love each other, the government should allow them to get married. In terms of racial relations, our neighborhoods, places of employment and public schools in New York City are more diverse than anywhere in the world. When people on the news call Donald Trump a racist, I find that statement difficult to believe.

Like myself, Donald Trump is a life-long New Yorker. Donald Trump lives, works, eats and employs people of all races and religions. Like many of my fellow New Yorkers, Donald Trump speaks his mind and that type of behavior can easily be misunderstood by people who are not New Yorkers. Defending yourself does not make you a bully. The real bullies are the people who are attacking Donald Trump and then claiming that they are the victims. The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump has rolled up his sleeves and he is trying to stir up debate to find real solutions to real problems.

It was Martin Luther King, Jr. who said “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

The Republicans running away from Donald Trump are sending a message to the American people that they do not want to find real solutions to securing our borders, keeping security risks out of our country and bringing jobs back to our country.

Donald Trump is not dictating his beliefs, but he is rather stirring up debate. God bless him.


Sean O’Loughlin is a member of The Unites States Press Agency and The US Press Association.