Legal and Illegal Aliens turn down U.S. Citizenship

Politicians pushed hard in 1986 to get amnesty for nearly 3 million illegal aliens in the country. They made it sound like this was the golden opportunity for illegal aliens to become American citizens and move up the economic chain.

So what happened to all these poor wretched souls looking for citizenship and the American Dream?

In the 24 years from the date legal status was granted 60% have done nothing to gain citizenship! It appears the chance to become an American citizen is not high on the list for the large majority here legally or illegally. Their ties are to their home countries and just having legal status to work and collect welfare is all they care about.

Only 36% of legal Mexican Immigrants since 1970 have bothered becoming Naturalized Citizens. Hello Balkanization and dual language society.

In the meantime the politicians granted an additional six amnesties or amnesty adjustments through 2000 so 5.08 million are roaming the country legally thanks to the idiots in Washington.

Senator Rubio says no matter what we do these people will not leave because they want to be an American. Don’t make me laugh! If we had done what Congress promised in 1986 we wouldn’t have the problem today. They promised to secure the border like in Korea, mandate E-Verify and never ask for another amnesty. They lied just like Obama is lying about Obamacare.

On Immigration and Why I Hate Soccer

This article will be a departure from my usual fare. I will not claim there is some Absolute Truth deeming soccer the bane of humanity’s sports. I do not contend that some objective, divine standard places it in Dante’s ninth circle of athletic arenas, though I wish I could. Sport is a matter of taste, and, as G.K. Chesterton said (okay, so this isn’t a complete departure for me — I’m quoting Chesterton), “There are no uninteresting subjects, only uninterested people.” I get it. And I, I confess, like golf. So mock away. But in this piece I’ll ditch the Mr. Spock act, let my human side emote, may even contradict myself, and will say something.

I hate soccer.

I hear there’s something going on right now called the World Cup. I hear it’s in Brazil. I hear other pundits, such as Stephen Webb and Rick Moran, are commenting on it, taking opposing views. And I hear that the score between the two is 0-0 after 2000 words. But I won’t claim that soccer is un-American as did Webb or like Moran, claim it’s fun. I’ll say something truly intellectual.

I hate soccer.

When I grew up in the Bronx in the ‘70s, few played that infernal game. I was exposed to it, but could never relate. Why can’t I use my hands? I mean, I have hands. They’re remarkably dexterous appendages. They exist to manipulate all manner of things in the physical universe. I preferred tennis and ping pong to handball, sure, but that was understandable. The racquets and paddles are tools that facilitate the striking of a ball; with them you can achieve a degree of velocity and spin — which could curve the ball in fascinating ways — otherwise impossible. And velocity and spin are cool. It’s as if I need to pound a nail: I take my hand and pick up a hammer. I don’t use my foot.

That’s the crux of this entirely taste-oriented matter. It goes without saying that professional soccer players are highly skilled. But to me it’s like seeing those unfortunate double amputees who’ve learned to paint or play the piano with their toes. I say, “Wow, it’s amazing how man’s spirit can overcome.” Then I change the channel and look for something that can fill the hour’s remaining 59 minutes and 35 seconds.

So if soccer were in the Special Olympics, I’d understand it. Or maybe if it were played by birds. But why do human beings, with their particular anatomical configuration, want to use their feet for a task performed infinitely better by the hands? It’s no wonder the scoring in soccer tends to hover around Joe Biden I.Q. territory. How many baskets would be sunk in the NBA if the players had to kick the ball through the hoop, even if they could block only with their heads? How poor would the scores be in golf if you had to kick the ball down the fairway? A braggart may say, “I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back.” Soccer players try to beat each other with both tied.

Mr. Moran correctly pointed out that, contrary to Mr. Webb’s assumption, soccer is now tremendously popular in the US. I must attribute this, in part, to the influx of people from lands where they can’t afford to play much of anything but soccer. And while I’ve often “inveighed” against immigration, to use the word Rep. John Conyers (D-Soccer) did when citing my work upon waking up briefly in the House, our foreign soccer imports might be the best reason to rethink our immigration regime. “Do you play socc…er…fútbol, amigo?


See ya’.”

Check the deportation column.

Call it the Immigration and Recreation Reform Act of 2014. Entry into the US would be limited to those with a history of participation in polo or yacht racing.

So save those feet for what they were meant to do, such as kicking illegals out of the country, kicking Cantors out of office and kicking the economy into gear. A hand is a terrible thing to waste.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

Dear Members of Congress: Why do you only mention the 1986 Amnesty?

The amnesty of 1986 was supposed to be a “one time only” amnesty. Yet since 1986 through 2000, Congress passed a total of seven (7) amnesties or adjustments for illegal aliens:

1. The Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA) Amnesty of 1986 – the “one-time only” blanket amnesty for some 2.8 million illegal aliens.
2. Section 245(i) The Amnesty of 1994 – a temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens.
3. Section 245(i) The Extension Amnesty of 1997 – an extension of the rolling amnesty created in 1994.
4. The Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) Amnesty of 1997 – an amnesty for nearly one million illegal aliens from Central America.
5. The Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA) of 1998 – an amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti.
6. The Late Amnesty of 2000 – an amnesty for approximately 400,000 illegal aliens who claimed they should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty.
7. The LIFE Act Amnesty of 2000 – a reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty to an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens.

An amnesty is a reward to those breaking the law. Issuing an amnesty to illegal aliens only encourages more illegal immigration into the United States.

An amnesty benefits neither our society nor those being amnestied.

An Immigration and Naturalization Service study found that after living in the United States for 10 years, the average amnestied illegal alien had only a seventh grade education and earned less than $9,000 a year.

By enacting an amnesty, Congress places a staggering financial burden on American taxpayers to support those amnestied.


Obama Opens Borders to Mexican Gang Members
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Teenage Latin Horde…
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60,000 Illegal Alien Kid Invasion is Nothing!

Everyone’s panties are in a wad because 60,000 illegal alien kids showing up at one time to be let in the country. Do something cry the politicians to President Obama, who apparently by his inaction loves the chaos, as if this is a big deal . I’ll prove it isn’t.

In a small Mexican village of adobe huts and dirt paths lives brothers Juan and Jose who marry sisters Juanita and Maria. Juan and Juanita hear if they can get to the U.S. that life is easy, especially if Juanita, who is pregnant, can have her baby just across the border. They get across the unguarded border and Juanita gives birth to a baby named Pedro a day later. The baby is declared a U.S. citizen and the hospital writes off the cost of the delivery because Jose has no money. Officially they are the parents of a U.S. citizen most commonly known as an “Anchor Baby” because that is the key to welfare. Pedro is now on the Taxpayer’s dime until adulthood.

This event happens approximately 30,000 times every month amounting to billions of dollars a year taxpayers have to pay to support babies born to foreigners on our soil.

Sixty thousand illegal alien kids showing up at the border is equivalent to only about two months of illegal aliens giving birth in the U.S. If there was as much uproar about illegal alien births in the country then legislation might get passed.

Why haven’t the politicians amended the Immigration and Naturalization Act to end the misinterpretation? Call and ask. If they pass HR 140 Birthright Citizenship Act of 2013 into law it would end the insanity but for sure the Democrats won’t want to end it since citizenship to them is only a word.


For a larger view click on the poster.

America becoming largest Banana Republic due to Illegal Alien Invasion

Four Central American Banana Republics Join to Protect Migrants.

One catalyst causing the current invasion was a meeting in February 2011 of four banana republic leaders conspiring to offload their poverty on to the United States.

(Tegucigalpa, Honduras) Representatives from Central American countries and the Dominican Republic agreed late Friday to create a “Network of Protection of Migrants” in their journey through Mexico toward the U.S., official sources reported on Saturday. “The network is composed of the countries working together in protecting human rights of migrants; Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua,” noted one Honduran Foreign Ministry statement, issued after the meeting.

A second catalyst was the passing of a bill in the U.S. Senate (S 744) to give amnesty, dramatically increase worker visas and double legal immigration as a form of throwing citizens under the bus in order to satisfy the criminal illegal alien employers in the country.

We can thank Senators Rubio, Leahy, McCain, Graham, Flake, Bennet, Menendez, Bennet and Schumer for ignoring citizens in their quest to overwhelm the country with evermore poverty. Perhaps those senators should go back to the first amnesty granted which was to be the only one ever and check E-Verify was to be mandated as well to secure the border as we do in Korea. McCain and Leahy were there in 1986 but undoubtedly don’t think promises to the citizens are meant to be kept.

A third catalyst has been lax border security ordered by President Obama allowing dramatic increase in the chaos and anarchy with illegal alien kids as young as three years old flooding the country.

Fox News reports, “The flood of illegal immigrants — particularly children — crossing into the U.S. along the southern border is at a ‘crisis’ level, creating a humanitarian emergency that both immigration officials and lawmakers are putting at the feet of the Obama administration. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called the overload a ‘crisis of the federal government’s creation.'”

Giving these kids food, shelter and an opportunity to hook up with others in the country will only encourage more to come until we empty out all of Central America’s population. Don’t forget, behind the kids will be the parents wanting to reunite with them.

Here is how to solve the problem:

  1. The kids came across or from Mexico to get here. Process the kids and put them back across the border into Mexico. They allowed the problem to happen so let them solve it in Mexico.
  2. End all aid to Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Nicaragua until they end this stupidity.
  3. Seal the border the way we do in Korea as promised in 1986 by Congress.
  4. Mandate E-Verify as promised by Congress in 1986 as promised by Congress
  5. Make it a felony to overstay a visa or to enter the country illegally.

The illegal aliens will stop coming immediately if you really smart people in Washington grow some backbone and start defending the citizens of this country. America can’t be a nanny to the world.

Try to remember who elected you and who you represent! Is there anyone left in our government that gives a hoot about the legal citizens?

Eric Cantor Loses Virginia Republican Party Primary

US House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has lost a Virginia Republican Party primary election to a challenger from the hard-right Tea Party movement. Little-known economics professor David Brat defeated the second-ranking House of Representatives member 56%-44%. Mr Brat’s shock victory exposed conservative dissatisfaction with Mr Cantor, who was first elected in 2000. Mr Cantor had been widely favored to win, having raising significantly more money than Mr Brat.

The following video report is courtesy of World Breaking News:


The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor’s Defeat
Virginia Primary Results: Eric Cantor Stunned By Tea Party Challenger Dave Brat In Massive Upset
View Prof. Brat’s immigration survey
DC ROCKED: David Downs Goliath
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Loses to Primary Challenger
Why Eric Cantor Lost

EDITORS NOTE: The featured graphic is courtesy of MSNBC.

Texas: JTTF warned that Middle Eastern men are getting driver’s licenses with Hispanic names

This “presents a technique that possible terrorists or members of sleeper cells could use to escape notice.” For “foremost is the change in identity and ability to mingle in the predominantly Hispanic community without arousing suspicion, because of their darker skin tone, resembling local Hispanics.” And remember: to be concerned about this would be “racist” and “Islamophobic,” because after all, these men must be changing their names because of rampant “Islamophobia” in the U.S., right?

“Middle Eastern Men Are Getting Driver’s Licenses With Hispanic Names,”, May 25, 2014 (thanks to Todd):

PoliceOne warns officers that people of middle eastern ethnicity are changing their names or presenting themselves as hispanics in order to disguise their ethnicity and better blend into their communities. While this has been common practice among immigrants in the past, it presents a technique that possible terrorists or members of sleeper cells could use to escape notice.

The Texas Department of Public Safety informed the San Antonio Division Joint Terrorism Task Force that individuals of Middle Eastern descent are obtaining new Texas driver’s licenses with Hispanic surnames.

Approximately 20 individuals of Middle Eastern origin are utilizing the Travis County (Austin, Texas) District Court each week to change their names and driver’s licenses from Middle Eastern to Hispanic surnames.

The process involves submitting a form and fingerprints to the District Court. The Austin JTTF is investigating the applicants and application process with the Texas Department of Safety and investigators from the Travis County District Attorney’s office. At this time it is unknown as to how widespread these driver’s license changers are.

San Antonio has multiple concerns about these driver license changes. Foremost is the change in identity and ability to mingle in the predominantly Hispanic community without arousing suspicion, because of their darker skin tone, resembling local Hispanics.

Second is the lack of security afforded the fingerprint cards, allowing the possibility of substitution by individuals of concern by individuals who would not arouse suspicion. These driver license changes may not be limited to Hispanic surnames but might involve common names or other ethnicities.

Considering the current threat reporting and the frequent presence of President Bush within the State of Texas, San Antonio would like to determine how widespread this practice of driver’s license change is in border states and nationwide.

San Antonio Division will focus on determining the true identity, background and reason for those individuals of Middle Eastern descent who have changed their identity to Hispanic.

If you have any questions regarding the information in this report, please call El Paso I.C.A.T., 915-872-5775.

Source: Tucson Intelligence Unit; Texas Dept. of Public Safety; Austin, Tex. JTTF


Obama ‘Committed to Escalating’ Lawlessness at Border
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Merger of Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies approved by President Obama

Galactic News, Stardate – 308582.5: Today the Justice Department, along with the Commerce, Transportation, Treasury, and various other alphabetical departments have announced the approval of the biggest merger in history: of the Andromeda Galaxy and our own Milky Way.

“This has been in the works since the early days of Obama’s presidency,” said Ivana Suyu, Justice Department spokeswoman. “Although the merger will not happen for two billion years, we wanted to have everything in order and ensure that there is fairness for our galaxy,” she added.

Considering the number of issues involved, approval of the merger required intense participation of just about every department in Washington.

The Treasury needed to make sure the Andromeda Galaxy has not filed for bankruptcy in the last billion years. “Talk about too big to fail,” says Phillip Porkbarrel, a high ranking Treasury advisor. “We couldn’t bail them out even by executive order; there isn’t enough space on planet Earth and the moon combined, to print up and store the extra money needed to bail out a galaxy.”

Then there were wormhole connections, dimensional gateways, hyperspace lanes, smuggling routes and other related items that required approval of the Commerce and Transportation Departments.

The Departments of Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services will coordinate efforts in accommodating the influx of undocumented space aliens from both galaxies, who will be welcomed on planet Earth with EBT cards, free tuition at college, free medical care, housing, and other diversity benefits that will help them to populate our planet without the need to learn our carbon-based culture.

A special Cloward-Piven interagency fund will pay for an army of translators from every galactic language until the time the last un-curious earthling gets around to speaking alien.

The new combined galaxy will be known as Andromeda-Milky. “Of course we would have preferred our galaxy’s name to be first, but we made a concession to make sure we’re all at the top of the alphabet. They also made quite a few concessions that benefit us,” explained Suyu. According to insiders, some of these concessions include finding employment for President Barack Obama once his second presidential term expires.

Preliminary reports suggest that on Earth-date January 20, 2017, Barack Obama will assume the title of Galactic Emperor of both the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies, at which time he will be given the ability to zap people with lightning from his fingers, along with a red light saber and a cloak with a hoodie.

The new dual empire will be modeled after Austria-Hungary but on a much larger scale. Once the galaxies are physically merged four to six billion years from now, Emperor Obama’s job will be to consolidate them into one single unit on the principles of social, environmental, and gravitational justice, ensuring equality of all planets regardless of their color, orbit, temperature, or the presence of intelligent life on the surface.

The Andromeda Galaxy to provide Emperor Obama with an Imperial Fleet flying him to the hottest vacation spots in either galaxy or elsewhere across the universe.

“The Obamas have already been everywhere on planet Earth, and that annual three-or-four-week vacation to Hawaii is starting to get old,” explained the White House official enforcer and R&R coordinator, Darth ValJar.

“The president’s fine tastes entitle him to see the best of what other galaxies have to offer. First Empress Michelle Obama will be provided with a separate Imperial Fleet even if she is traveling to the same location as her husband, and each family pet will also get an Imperial Fleet for separate travel,” Darth ValJar said.

The dual galactic empire will consist of 57 trillion planets, which Obama intends to keep all in line with the help of The Golf Star – a gigantic, remotely controlled golf club that will exist in space, allowing him to practice his golf swing and make it clear that he is to be obeyed. Should any galactic entity get out of line, the emperor will swing the club and send that planet or entire solar system into the nearest black hole.

Some Republican critics are already questioning Barack Obama’s plans to be around during the galactic merger two billion years from now, providing evidence that most humans do not live beyond 122 years at best. “President Obama is superior to regular human beings,” says outgoing White House spokesperson Jay Carney. “Besides, government scientists are working on a plan to download Obama’s mind into the Honda robot to which he bowed to a while back. If anything breaks down in that robot over time, it can be then simply replaced.”

Other critics have noted that by that time the earth will likely be either engulfed by the sun or become uninhabitable as our sun becomes a red giant. “The President and First Lady plan to co-sign an executive order banning the sun from doing this, giving a whole new meaning for the term ‘global warming’,” a White House insider explained. “The order will categorize the sun as a monopoly that ought to be broken up into smaller suns and redistributed if necessary. If that doesn’t work, the Emperor will be relocated to a new home world on Saturn’s moon Titan, which should be warm enough by then. Contingency plans involve returning planetary status to Pluto, where Obama can be urgently relocate if Titan doesn’t work out.”

Quite predictably, Republicans have not signed onto the merger, questioning the need, the costs, and the lack of free elections to the office of the Galactic Emperor. “The obstructionist party of ‘NO’ is at it again,” says Congressman Maximilian Wastealot (D-NY). “All we’re trying to do here is a simple merger of two galaxies, why do we even need oversight? Why do we need to deal with messy and costly elections when the President has already volunteered to give up his retirement and take on the burdens of the position of Galactic Emperor? This is why Republicans and Tea Parties are going to be banned in the new empire. I trust they will change their position once they become acquainted with what comes out of the new Emperor’s fingers,” he quipped.

According to inside sources, the office of U.S. president in post-Obama America will become a mostly ceremonial position and will be phased out over time, as Emperor Barack and Empress Michelle plan to rule the galaxies as autocrats.

On Immigration: My House is not Your Home

Since the economic crash of 2008, I think everyone has had to make adjustments – except the federal government – including cutting back on discretionary spending, fewer weekends at the beach, eating out less, etc. What I like about Americans is that when times get hard, we have a tendency to reach out to help those around us who are less fortunate. We will share a loaf of bread with a neighbor. We will give a bag of groceries to a needy member of our church. We will pay the fees for our child’s friend to attend summer camp.

Those we have some connection to will always be on the receiving end of our largess when we have the wherewithal and after we have fulfilled the obligations we have to our families. This is the America I love and cherish. But this love is becoming somewhat diminished in light of recent numbers on the level of homelessness among children in the U.S. There are two groups in the U.S. that we should never allow to suffer – children and senior citizens. Children are pure, innocent and totally dependent on us adults. Senior citizens have paid their dues to society and paved the way for us to enjoy the privileges we have.

But those aren’t the only two groups we should be concerned about. A record 1.16 million students in the United States were homeless last year, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education. These were students from K-12 for the school year 2011-12, the latest numbers are available. This was a 10 percent increase from the previous school year. According to the federal government, there were 55.5 million students enrolled in school during this period, meaning about 2 percent of all students were homeless.

The states with the largest increases of homeless students were: California, New York, Texas, and Florida. What is interesting about those states is they are the same states with the largest population of people in the U.S. illegally.

The Obama administration has actually encouraged a flood of illegal children to trek across Central America through Mexico into the U.S. because they have made it perfectly clear that they will not enforce our immigration laws. This public declaration has put our own kids at dire risk.

According to Reuters, “An estimated 60,000 such children will pour into the United States this year, according to the [Obama] administration, up from about 6,000 in 2011. Now, Washington is trying to figure out how to pay for their food, housing and transportation once they are taken into custody.

The flow is expected to grow. The number of unaccompanied, undocumented immigrants who are under 18 will likely double in 2015 to nearly 130,000 and cost U.S. taxpayers $2 billion, up from $868 million this year, according to administration estimates.”

So, if these are the numbers the Obama administration is using, they are probably conservative.

We are already more than $17 trillion in debt and you want to take money (that could be used for citizens) away from our homeless children to take care of those noncitizens who are in the country illegally? Really? I am totally with humanitarian aid, but not at the expense of my own U.S.-born children.

The problem has gotten so bad that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has set up an emergency shelter at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas that can hold 1,000 illegals. That’s right, we are housing illegals on military bases; but our own children are living on the street or in a homeless shelter. We Americans are the most generous, kind, giving people on the face of the earth; but enough is enough. Let’s take care of our own first.

America doesn’t have an immigration problem. We have an enforcement problem. There is nothing wrong with the laws on the books; we need to simply enforce them. The interesting thing that my open borders and pro-amnesty friends will never discuss publicly is this: America accepts more legal immigrants into the U.S. annually than the total of all the other nations of the world combined.

So, I will not allow those who disagree with me to dismiss me as xenophobic, heartless, without compassion, etc. Show me a parent who will take away from his family to give to a total stranger and I will show you an unfit parent. Because you are in my house does not make it your home.

President Obama sides with Mexico and drug cartels against the people of of Arizona

Professor Terry J. Lovell, Ph.D. speaks on Obama and Holder suing the state of Arizona and its immigration law SB 1070. Dr. Lovell is a professor at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona. Dr. Lovell puts a different spin on what President Obama is doing to Arizona. This may be the best video produced on the illegal alien problems that are being experienced in border states across America.

Watch the video, it lays out the issue of illegal aliens. Forward the email to at least ten people you know. We need to get the word out.


EDITORS NOTE: The featured image was take by Wing-Chi Poon.

Senator Rand Paul: With Utmost Respect, You’re Wrong About This

Perhaps it is due to me being a PK (preacher’s kid) with fond childhood memories of adoringly watching my dad preach well prepared sermons at the Holy Temple Church of Truth storefront in a Baltimore ghetto, the Bible remains my ultimate reference source for wisdom and leadership.

Moses who led the Israelite people out of slavery is an excellent example of what to do and what not to do as a leader. His decisions were rooted in obedience to God’s instructions which proved to be most beneficial to his flock. Moses ignored vehement critics and even them threatening to stone him to death. He did the right thing even when it did not jive with popular opinion. That is leadership folks.

On one occasion, due to pressure from his people, Moses disobeyed God and took matters into his own hands. God’s punishment was harsh. God told Moses he would not be permitted to bring his people into the Promised Land. Leaders do not surrender, making decisions which they know to be wrong to appease bullies, manipulators and the ignorant.

A case in point is Senator Rand Paul. Sen. Paul is out there saying that the GOP should back away from requiring a photo ID to vote.

Common sense tells us that requiring a photo ID to vote is a reasonable logical way to prevent voter fraud. Since a photo ID is required to complete a plethora of transactions, what is the big deal? Thus, it is absurd to call the photo ID requirement to vote racist.

In essence, Sen Paul is surrendering to the mainstream media supported Democrat absurd lie that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist. During a radio interview Senator Paul said that the GOP should not push something that is “offensive” to a group of people.

Senator Paul with all due respect, and I truly do respect and like you, I find your pandering to my fellow blacks disappointing.

Since Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 War on Poverty, the Democratic party has implemented programs and lowered standards which have wrecked havoc on black families; treating us as inferiors in need of special concessions and endless government handouts to survive. Sen Paul, the last thing we Americans who happen to be black need is for the GOP to embrace the Left’s paradigm that we are lesser Americans. Do not expect too much of us poor black folks because we “be” special.

Okay, I get it and wholeheartedly agree that the GOP should reach-out to black America. Frankly, the GOP is a little late to the dance. For years, I have been pestering the GOP to reach-out to the black community with “Reach Your Dreams” tours.

My concept is simple. The tour would feature great music. I know awesome conservative rappers and dancers who could capture the ears of the young and hip seniors. Imagine successful minority speakers like Herman Cain, Katrina Pierson and others on stage sharing how they achieved their American Dreams via education, hard work and right choices (conservative principles). The GOP defeatist response has been, “Why bother? The Democrats will get 95% of the black vote no matter what we do.”

Apparently, that opinion has changed and the GOP is wisely pursuing black voters. But for crying out loud, offering a liberal Democrat-Lite agenda and treating blacks like inferiors too stupid to find their way to the DMV is not the way.

Sen Paul rather than surrendering to the Democrats’ and MSM’s spin that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist, show real “presidential candidate” leadership. Turn the table on the Dems. Tell black voters that the Democrats are insulting their intelligence. The Democrats talk down, expect less and treat them like lesser Americans.

When these supposed advocates of black empowerment (NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Obama Administration and the MSM), say requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises blacks, it is a major “dis”. Black America should be outraged. With friends who think so little of us blacks, we do not need enemies.

I am not just picking on Senator Paul. I am simply saying voters are discouraged and frustrated with soulless politicians/candidates whose every decision is a political calculation and an attempt to win votes at any and all cost. It is not unreasonable for voters to expect political leaders with character and backbone who simply desire to serve and do the right thing for their constituents and America.

Steve Lonegan running for U.S. Congress in New Jersey and South Carolina U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy are two guys that fit the bill. I love these guys. Neither give a hoot about being politically correct. Both are fearless fighters for truth, justice and defending our liberty and freedom. That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

I have not selected my preferred 2016 GOP presidential nominee. I want someone trustworthy who will always do what is honorable, righteous and best for my country; no divisive pandering or special concessions to groups to win votes. Please, we have had enough of that low rent politicking in government.

Nor, will I support a GOP candidate who sticks their finger in the air to see which direction the MSM endorsed and consultant’s political wind is blowing and designs their platform accordingly. Stop insulting our intelligence and morality by continuously advocating lowered intellectual and moral standards and calling it outreach and creating a “big tent”.

We are Americans, products of a remarkably successful unique experiment. GOP, deal with us accordingly with respect; not like the Democrats who treat Americans, particularly minorities, like incapable inferior entitlement junkies in need of government managing every aspect of our lives.

We need a conservative leader who will grab the steering wheel and reverse the direction of our country away from Obama’s Government Controlled Welfareville. A true conservative will drive us back toward our Founding Fathers’ Promised Land of liberty and freedom where Americans are encouraged to be all they can be.

Sen Paul, America needs leadership, not surrender and pandering.

Grover Norquist — Trust me! I’m a Lobbyist!

If Grover says that crops are rotting in the fields, then damn it, crops are rotting in the fields and its time to let illegal aliens into America to harvest those crops so that we can end world hunger.

Hey America, how in the world can this guy get away with these comical policy statements and actually get Members of Congress to support his nonsense?

As we move through this micro-series you will see how Norquist’s nefarious work impacts YOU on a daily basis on the four “I”s of: Immigration, Islam, Israel and Iran.

Watch this short video and see if you can figure it out.


Why Black Men Need More White Women

Black women constantly complain about the dearth of “eligible” Black men to date and marry. Noted sociologist William Julius Wilson has argued that “the increasing levels of non-marriage and female-headed households is a manifestation of the high levels of economic dislocation experienced by lower-class Black men in recent decades.”

He further argued that, “When joblessness is combined with high rates of incarceration and premature mortality among Black men; it becomes clearer that there are fewer marriageable black men relative to black women who are able to provide the economic support needed to sustain a family.”

Then you add in the unfortunate increase in homosexuality within the Black community and you have a recipe for disaster.

This is why Black men need more White women like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. Even though they are conservative media personalities, they have done more to promote the well-being of Black males than many of the very women who stridently complain about the lack of “eligible” Black men.

Coulter is a friend and I find her comments regarding the Black community very insightful. Look at what she said two years ago on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” She said, “Groups on the left, from feminists to gay rights groups to those defending immigrants, have commandeered the Black civil rights experience.”

She continued, “I think what – the way liberals have treated Blacks like children and many of their policies have been harmful to Blacks, at least they got the beneficiary group right. There is the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow laws. We don’t owe the homeless. We don’t owe feminists. We don’t owe women who are desirous of having abortions, but that’s — or — or gays who want to get married to one another. That’s what civil rights has become for much of the left.”

Stephanopoulos asked, “Immigrant rights are not civil rights?” Coulter responded, “Civil rights are for Blacks…what have we done to immigrants? We owe Black people something…We have a legacy of slavery. Immigrants haven’t even been in this country.”

Earlier this year, she said, “I mean my whole life I’ve heard Republicans hate Black people, I’ve never seen any evidence of it until I read Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill. We are the party that has always stood up for African-Americans. Who gets hurt the most by amnesty, by continuing these immigration policies it is low-wage workers, it is Hispanics, it is Blacks.”

I don’t know Ingraham personally, but I like what she had to say last month about Democrats and Blacks. “

[Congressman] Steve Israel is reprehensible in what he said [on alleged racism in the Republican Party]…Nancy Pelosi, throw her into the ring [for similar comments]…I say this is a race to the bottom…The Democrats have failed the Black youth in this country with their terrible economic approach. Do we call that racist?

“…They turn their heads away from the millions upon millions of Black babies slaughtered in the womb over 10 years… Is that racist?…Is it racist that they allow inner cities to continue to crumble as families decay across the board in America – especially hard hit is African-American families…It is reprehensible and it’s all about November…This is not about ‘They care about Black people.’ They care about their majority eroding away.”

So, let me make sure I understand. Black women complain about the state of “eligible” Black males to date and marry, yet they support the policies of a president who is going to make the problem much worse.

Under Obama, Blacks have regressed on every economic, social and moral indicator that is tracked. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the current Black unemployment rate is 11.6 percent; for Blacks aged 16-19 it is at 36.8 percent.

However, the average Black unemployment rate during the terms of the last three presidents, as well as the average over the past 30 years, are noteworthy. Under Clinton, it was 10 percent; under George W. Bush, 9.3 percent but under Obama, 14 percent for the total time he has been in office. The 30-year average for Blacks is 12.4 percent.

Campaign slogans notwithstanding, this isn’t the kind of change we have been waiting for.

Obama has done more for same-sex marriage couples than he has for his same-race brothers and sisters. In fact, Newsweek dubbed him our first gay president – not for his sexual orientation, but for his relentless pandering to homosexuals.

He has also advocated amnesty for those in this country illegally, which will only continue to increase the unemployment rate in the Black community, especially among low and under-skilled Black workers. This will further decrease the pool of potential Black men for women to date and marry. Let’s face it, our women are not going to marry someone who is unemployed or underemployed.

Historically, Black women have been notoriously protective of their men and children. It is ironic that Coulter and Ingraham, two conservative White women, are now assuming that role. We Black men need more White women like Coulter and Ingraham, not Black women who will give a pass to a failing Black president.

Florida’s Communist Congressman Joe Garcia, Jr.: The Latest Threat to the Republic

Born again Communist José Antonio “Joe” García, Jr. the U.S Representative for Florida’s 26th Congressional District made a statement that “Communism is working.”


Democrat Rep. José Antonio “Joe” García, Jr

I called Rep. García’s office at 202-225-2778 and told the Congressman to pack his bags, clean out his cubicle and resign from office. I will pay his one way ticket to North Korea. He is the same person that picked his ear during a congressional hearing, then ate the ball of wax that he diligently scooped from his inner canal protrusion.

On May 31st, 2013, Representative García’s chief-of-staff and top political strategist resigned after being implicated in a sophisticated scheme to manipulate the previous year’s primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests. Jeffrey Garcia’s resignation came three months after a Miami Herald investigation found that hundreds of the 2,552 fraudulent online requests for the August 14th primary election originated from unknown hackers using IP addresses in Miami.

On the same day, the Miami-Dade state attorney’s office, served search warrants seeking computers and electronic equipment in the homes of Representative Garcia’s communications director and his 2012 campaign manager. Jeffrey García, the aide, pleaded guilty and was sentenced in October, 2013. He was released from Miami-Dade Correctional Center on December 25, 2013 after having served 65 days of a 90 day active sentence. He must now serve three months of house arrest followed by 15 months of probation.

Joe Garcia is the chief sponsor in the House of Representatives of a comprehensive immigration reform plan which is similar to legislation that has passed the United States Senate. If enacted, the plan would create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already living and working in the United States. Why they would want to be citizens though is a good question. They will then be subject to Obamacare and the income tax that redistributes taxpayer wealth to Michelle Obama’s vacation planning office and dress designer.

Governor Rick Scott of Florida also signed legislation giving illegal immigrants living in Florida, who have attended high school for at least 3 years, in-state tuition. In effect he is now redistributing wealth from law abiding American tax payers in Florida to criminal law breakers living in this state illegally in violation of federal law.

November 4th is just around the corner. Choose wisely. Our nation’s sovereignty and security rests in your hands. Please vote for those people who will protect the Republic and its sovereignty. Please vote for those who will protect this nations wealth and tax payer money. Flush the rest.


Florida Congressman Garcia Accepts Money from Radical Muslim Group

Bring Back the House Un-American Activities Committee

An Immigration question for you smart people in Washington, D.C.

President Obama gave a speech to law enforcement officers stating illegal aliens are here simply to better their families ignoring they created a criminal act to get here and another criminal act if they are employed and another criminal act if they are driving a car etc.

As if wanting to emphasize his point ICE released a total of 36,007 illegal aliens that were being held for mundane infractions of the law.

According to the report, the 36,007 individuals released represented nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

  • 193 homicide convictions
  • 426 sexual assault convictions
  • 303 kidnapping convictions
  • 1,075 aggravated assault convictions
  • 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
  • 9,187 dangerous drug convictions
  • 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
  • 303 flight escape convictions

I know all this has happened while you have been on vacation so it will be old news by the time you get back to “work” but if it happened while you were here would you: Applaud his speech and actions taken as something that should have happened long ago or do you think the action constitutes an “impeachable offense?”

RELATED VIDEO: On September 22, 2013 Christian Ziegler, State Committeeman for the Republican Party of Sarasota County, FL took part in the Fox News Post-Republican Presidential Debate Frank Luntz Focus Group on immigration.



Feds released hundreds of immigrant murderers, drunk drivers, sex-crimes convicts…
REP: Obama supports ‘worst prison break in American history’…
36,000 criminals freed while awaiting deportation…
Obama: Amnesty Push Coming in Next ‘Two to Three Months’…