Film JEXI — Time to throw away your smart phone before it becomes too smart?

I went to see the CBS Films, Entertainment One film JEXI. Here’s the trailer.

JEXI is the next edition of the smart phone that is programmed to “make your life better.” But does it?

The film struck me in several ways.

First, it portrays a young man Phil (brilliantly played by Adam DeVine) who is disconnected from the real world and lives solely in the digital world of his new smart phone named JEXI whose voice is played by Rose Byrne.

Second, it shows the dangers of smart phones that become too smart, a.k.a. JEXI, for our own good.

Thirdly, the film could have been made PG if it weren’t for the extreme foul language and unnecessary sexual content, i.e. Phil has smart phone sex with JEXI! WARING: Don’t take you children to see this film.

I want everyone, especially our youth, mothers and fathers, to see this film. It shows the real and present dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Digital (BD).

I grew up before we had portable phones. In high school I read one of the greatest books about the dangers of robotics and AI – I Robot by Issac Asimov. JEXI reminded me of how robotics and AI must at all cost have a “moral set of rules” that puts the human being above the machine. Here is a video of Asimov explaining The Three Laws of Robotics.

Here is how JEXI violates the three laws of robotics in the film:

  1. robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. JEXI tries to run down Phil using a self-driving car and narrowly misses killing him. JEXI actively works to destroy Phil’s life and livelihood after he rejects her in favor of Alexandra Shipp a real woman played by Cate Finnegan.
  2. robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. JEXI continually refuses to accept commands from Phil throughout the film in multiple, often times hilarious, ways.
  3. robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. JEXI protects her own existence while consistently violating the First and Second laws.

Perhaps the most frightening part of JEXI is how AI works to control the individual, in this case Phil. But we are all becoming Phils and Phyllises aren’t we? Locked in a Digital Gulag where we become our own prison guards.

In his book Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom Michael Rectenwald writes:

Although Big Digital does use censorship and bias to achieve governmental ends, the constraints are also technological and the technology itself is intrinsically political. Political ideology is not merely a subsidiary feature of Big Digital. Ideology is coded into its very DNA, which is replicated in every organizational offshoot and new technology. Big Digital’s ideology circulates through the deep neural networks of cyberspace and other digital spheres. It is intrinsic to the foundations of the Internet, the cloud, algorithms, apps, AI bots, social media services, web navigation tracking software systems, virtual assistants, and more.

JEXI is a perfect product of Big Digital. Get your new smart phone and while you get connected and become a slave to Big Digital. You, like Phil, become a prisoner in a prison of your own design.

Scary, isn’t it?

Oh, BTW. JEXI is filmed in the city of San Francisco, California. The producers and director do everything they can to make the city look beautiful and clean. But we know better don’t we!

RELATED ARTICLE: Google’s stealth plan to defeat Trump in 2020

© All rights reserved.

Inside Mosques: Islamic Centers in Nashville, Tennessee




Dave Gaubatz is a former U.S. Federal Agent with Top Secret/SCI clearance, expert in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism on national security issues, highly trained in Islamic ideology and tactics, Arab linguist, author of Muslim Mafia, has investigated over 300 mosques/Islamic Centers in the USA and 150 outside USA, and after leaving his position in the government continued this work as a Civilian Agent. Using firsthand investigation, he then evaluates Risk/Threat Levels based on multiple factors including Materials on Premises and What They Advocate, Ties to Muslim Terrorists, and Sharia Adherence. Mr. Gaubatz estimates that 80% of mosques in America recruit and train in jihad (violent & civilization). Finally, he makes Recommendations to protect America, our citizens, our children. He asks about each mosque: Would ISIS be proud?

NOTE: Several Reports/Affidavits will be published. When you read one from earlier dates, note that Dave Gaubatz issued Risk/Danger warnings ahead, but in some cases, violence occurred later from a member of one of those reported mosques (ex: Trolley Square, Salt Lake City, Utah shooting; child abuse Nashville, TN). When you read a report that came after an attack (Ex: Report 2017, Boston Marathon Bombing by the Tsarnaev brothers in 2013), note that violence had already occurred, Mr. Gaubatz reported continued Risk/Danger years later from the same mosques terrorists had attended.  Reading professionally investigated and evaluated Reports/Affidavits from various years is important so the American public is aware of new or continuing Risk/Danger and can demand protection from all levels of government officials and law enforcement that they are sworn to provide.


I, Paul David Gaubatz, declare under penalty of perjury that the following statements are true and correct and based on my own personal knowledge:

This sworn affidavit pertains to Islamic Centers operating within Nashville, Tennessee, and the local authorities who are in my professional opinion jeopardizing the lives of innocent Muslim children at Al Farooq Nashville, the citizens of Nashville, and our country.

1. Background: I was a U.S. Federal Agent with a top Secret/SCI clearance for approximately 15.5 years. This was during the time period 1988 – 2003.

2. In addition to my top secret/SCI clearance, I was also briefed into many programs known to the public as Black Projects. These projects pertained essentially to Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism issues.

3. On 11 Sept. 2001. I was assigned as an (1811) civilian Federal Agent in Albuquerque, NM. I had primarily been assigned the duties of Technology Protection in regards to our countries highest classification of technologies used to defend our country.

4. After the attack on our country (11 Sept. 2011) I was assigned counter-terrorism duties on a full time basis and in late 2001 assigned to the Foreign Service Institute (U.S. State Department/Arlington, VA). My duties were to train full time in Arabic and counter-terrorism issues. The Arabic language was almost one complete year. During this time period I was sent to Jordan for a three week ‘immersion’ program to better understand the Arabic language the culture, and Islam.

5. In Jan 2003, before Operation Iraqi Freedom, I was requested to deploy as a U.S. civilian Federal Agent to ArAr Air Base. Saudi Arabia (within a few miles of Iraqi border). My full time duties were to collect intelligence involving potential attacks against U.S. Armed Forces personnel and to conduct counter-espionage against Saudi Arabian government/military, Iraqi and other people in the ArAr area, I led several counter-terrorism/counter-espionage expeditions.

6. From Apr – Jul 2003, I was assigned inside (Nasiriyah, Baghdad, Basrah, and other cities) Iraq and my primary duties were counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence.

7. While in Iraq I interviewed numerous Iraqis in regards to terrorism against the US, the Islamic ideology pertaining to violent Jihadists activity and the methodology of Islamic terrorists.

8. While in Iraq I had the opportunity to discuss the training and tactics used by Islamic Terrorist leaders and their supporters.

9. I have received training on the Islamic terrorist ideology/tactics from people who were former members of Islamic terrorist groups and from Muslims who were investigating these groups themselves. These people included military and police officers who served under Saddam Hussein (former Iraq President).

10. Since returning from Iraq in 2003. I have trained over 2500 U.S. law enforcement officers in counter-terrorism involving Islamic terrorist groups and their supporters.

11. I have discussed Islam and Sharia law with over 100 Imams and Islamic leaders in the U.S.

12. I have listened to over one thousand plus hours of lectures by Islamic scholars/leaders that have been trained in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Iran.

13. I have read over 5000 different publications, books and brochures by Islamic scholars.

14. In 2005. I hired a senior Council on American-Islamic Relations leader to provide me training on the operation of this Islamic organization.

15. I have personally conducted first-hand research at over one hundred plus Islamic Centers in the U.S. The research involved speaking with the leaders, worshippers and reviewing the materials they use to educate their worshippers (men, women and children).

16. I have monitored several overseas based Islamic terrorist group internet sites.

17. I have received numerous U.S. Government awards pertaining to my work in protecting our country, our technology. and U.S. Armed Forces personnel.

18. I have worked jointly in counter-terrorism research and investigations with Muslims and non-Muslims.

19. My research is not biased. I credit the saving of my life and the saving of many U.S. military personnel lives with several Muslims who risked their lives to protect ours. These Muslims and I both realize there are Islamic groups, their supporters, and Islamic scholars based in the U.S. that do advocate violence against innocent men, women, children, and pose a ‘grave’ security risk to our country.

20. In March and April 2009, (last day of research was on 18 Apr 2009) I conducted first-hand research at the Al Farooq Islamic Center, 1421 4th Ave. South. Nashville. TN. and businesses in the Nashville area operated/supported by the leadership of Al Farooq and its worshippers. The research involved speaking with leaders. worshippers and reviewing the materials this Center and businesses use to educate their worshippers.

21. Based on my qualifications listed in numbers 1 through 19, it is my professional opinion the leadership of the Al Farooq Islamic Center, 1421 4th Ave South, Nashville, TN.

A: Does advocate violence against innocent Muslims and non-Muslims that do not adhere to and desire an Islamic Ummah (Nation) under Sharia Law in America.

B: Does advocate treason and sedition against the U.S. using violent and nonviolent tactics/methods as do such Islamic terrorist groups as Al Qaeda have and currently utilize.

C: Does pose a serious risk of educating innocent Muslim children into the violent aspects of Islamic terrorist groups and their violent activities directed against America.

D: This Islamic Center uses materials from convicted terrorist and supporters to educate their worshippers.

  1. Is not a religious institution, but more in line with a political/government system.

F: The leadership hit the children during study of the Quran and Sharia law and an audio/video was obtained as evidence.

G: The leadership is openly involved and advocates polygamous marriages, allegedly with children as young as 7 years old. A child at Al Farooq had mentioned her husband. This is also on audio/video.

H: Additionally, it is my professional opinion this Islamic Center has the support of personnel within the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department and/or Nashville Prosecutors Office.

I: I have been informed a Nashville Metropolitan Police officer fears lawsuits front CAIR and they are involved in ‘Interfaith’ meetings with Nashville Islamic scholars.

J: The Child Protective Officer who allegedly investigated the child abuse at Al Farooq conducted a poor job at best, and does not understand the Islamic ideology or Sharia law.

K: Recommendation to law enforcement: Conduct a thorough investigation of Al Farooq and its leadership (using federal or state authorities) due to the possible criminal violations by Metropolitan Police Personnel, Child Protective Services and the local Nashville Prosecutors office.

L: Remove Al Farooq IRS approved non-profit and tax exempt status as applicable.

M: My understanding is no formal investigation was conducted by law enforcement although more than sufficient probable cause evidence was provided by me to the authorities.

N: Somali owned businesses are involved in money laundering and support violence against innocent men, women and children who oppose an Islamic Ummah (Nation) under Sharia law within America.

22. Overall, I rate this Islamic Center and their related businesses located along Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN as ‘High’ in regards to posing a threat to the security of the United States.

23. Overall, I rate the local authorities as a ‘High’ risk to the security of the innocent Muslim children at Al Farooq, to the citizens of Nashville and our country. This is based on my interaction/assessment of the local Nashville authorities. They are poorly trained in regards to understanding the mindset/ideology and tactics of Islamic terrorist groups and their supporters. The local authorities are intimidated by Islamic lenders/organizations. and are possibly illegally protecting the Islamic scholars from a thorough criminal investigation.

24. As stated above this assessment and professional advice are based on my qualifications as listed in numbers 1-19 above.

Executed this 24 day of April, 2009.

Paul David Gaubatz


WaPo: US “taking custody of two British men accused of involvement in Islamic State killings of American hostages”

Who invented the “Palestinians”?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

AMAZON SYNOD VIDEO REPORT: Amazonian Infanticide — Do synod fathers really believe it doesn’t happen?


Infanticide — probably not the topic Pope Francis and Amazon synod organizers wanted stealing headlines, but it is.

In the Vatican press hall today, reporters were reading stories from international publications talking about the issue.

One reporter in particular, Giuseppe Rusconi, was delighted to see the expanding coverage. It was his question about infanticide that all over the world that Peruvian Cdl. Pedro Barreto went nuclear over, denying it happens and demanding proof.

Well, “proof,” such as it is, comes in numerous forms.

For one, an ongoing debate in the Brazilian Parliament, where a law to ban the practice among the indigenous Amazonian tribes is being debated.

While that might sound strange to Western ears that a debate is even being had about burying alive children born with deformities, it is, in fact, the case.

The liberal position is that native peoples cannot be told what to do by the state, even when it comes to killing their own children, because those are imperialistic and colonialistic.

The position is supported by leading South American academics, who publish papers on the issue, this one by one of the leading proponents — Dr. Rita Segato — who argues that very point.

Segato’s paper is published on the website of a pro-indigenous organization called Cimi.

Cimi is closely aligned with the Brazilian Catholic bishops’ conference, and until the day after Rusconi’s question, the bishops’ conference had a link to Cimi and Dr. Segato’s paper defending the practice.

We say the day after the question, because the day after his question, the link was taken down, but not before the Rusconi found the link and printed out hard copies of all of it.

If a link on the Brazilian bishops’ website proving that the practice exists and a debate in the Brazilian Parliament over whether it should be allowed to continue owing to political correctness isn’t enough for Cdl. Barreto, then perhaps this will help.

It’s a documentary reenactment showing how some tribes of the Amazon go about the practice of burying children alive when they are born with deformities — or other reasons the village or tribes think they should not be allowed to live. What other reasons could that be?

That issue came up at yesterday’s press conference and was addressed quite ably by Bp. Wilmar Santin of Itaituba, Brazil, who quite openly admitted that sometimes, at least historically, when twins are born to some tribes, it is the belief that one is evil and the other good.

So, one of them is killed. On occasion, because parents and villagers can’t decide which one is evil and which one is good, both newborns are killed.

He added that he doesn’t know if this is still the practice and has seen evidence that it may be changing, but he can’t say for sure, which brings us back to Cdl. Barreto and his getting lit up over the issue, even pulling off his translator headphones to deny it when Rusconi asked the question.

Keep in mind the documents Rusconi found on the Brazilian bishops’ website acknowledging infanticide among some indigenous tribes.

Barreto isn’t just some run-of-the-mill cardinal here at the synod. He is a Pope Francis-created cardinal. He is also vice president of the Peruvian bishops’ conference.

But most importantly, he is vice president of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network and is one of the three president-delegates of the current synod.

That’s some pretty big firepower. In short, it doesn’t get very much bigger than Barreto, and yet he denies the practice exists in spite of there being the proof.

Brazilian Cdl. Cláudio Hummes is the senior prelate of the synod and a long-time associate of Pope Francis.

It is difficult to believe that the president of the conference is totally unaware of a debate in his home country’s parliament over a bill that would allow infanticide to continue and that his own bishops’ conference has — or rather, had — documents acknowledging it all.

Who took those documents down from the site within hours of the topic being brought up in the press hall? Who ordered them to be taken down? Why?

Lots of questions here on a day where another proposal put forward in the synod suggests that a list of so-called ecological sins should be developed and added to lists of more traditional sins.

Perhaps synod fathers might find room on that eco-sin list for burying deformed children alive — that is, if it wouldn’t offend sensibilities about impinging on the ancestral wisdom of the people of the forest, who the Church has much to learn from through listening and accompanying them.

Reporting to you from the Pan-Amazon Synod here at the Vatican.

INFANTICIDE: Live Organ Harvesting Commonplace in U.S. Abortion Mills [Video]

Daleiden, Merritt trial reveals beating hearts cut from abortion survivors

by Stephen Wynne  •

SAN FRANCISCO ( – Bombshell testimony from the trial of Center for Medical Progress undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt has revealed that infanticide is commonplace inside U.S. abortion mills.

Earlier this month, attorneys for Daleiden submitted a closing argument brief detailing that live births are occurring inside the facilities and that these newborns are routinely killed — their organs harvested while still alive.

Describing Daleiden’s research into the practice, the brief recounts that he discovered “a mainstream media exposé produced and aired in 2000 by Chris Wallace for the program ’20/20.'”

From Wallace’s report, Daleiden learned of Dean Alberty, who worked as a fetal tissue procurement technician inside a Planned Parenthood facility in suburban Kansas City.

According to the brief:

From the “20/20” video he learned that Alberty had been handed whole fetuses from Planned Parenthood doctors and had harvested beating hearts. Alberty had also testified before Congress and described a live birth of twins who were actually cuddling each other. He would not harvest from them and the abortion doctor drowned them in a pan of water.

The practice was not isolated to Kansas City, Daleiden discovered.

In the course of his research, he came across the book Beyond Abortion: A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation, which documents experiments performed on unborn babies, as well as the removal of organs from infant abortion survivors.

In Beyond Abortion, Daleiden found an article titled “Artificial Placenta,” which described “obtaining live fetuses as old as 24 weeks from unnamed abortionists and keeping them alive in a machine for study but letting them drown in the machine after obtaining data.”

In the summer of 2011, he learned of a company named StemExpress, which specializes in providing “biospecimens” to researchers across the country; a deeper look at the firm revealed the scale of tissue harvesting occurring inside American abortion mills.

Daleiden discovered that StemExpress required “tissue procurers to service 48 universities and 8 private entities with fetal organs and tissues.”

He later uncovered “a StemExpress order form with a list of organs and tissues for sale, including whole hearts, hearts with veins and arteries attached, as well as brains, livers and other organs.”

He then found “a Stanford study using whole human fetal hearts obtained from StemExpress which they put on a Langendorff perfusion machine.”

According to the brief:

Mr. Daleiden learned through his own research and by consulting experts, including Dr. Theresa Deisher, that in order to use the Langendorff machine the heart had to either still be beating when it was placed on the machine or a beating heart had to be arrested in a relaxed state in a potassium solution and then quickly transported to the machine. … Dr. Deisher testified that she told Mr. Daleiden that the “most horrifying aspect of the use of the remains of aborted fetuses was that some of the babies had to be alive, have beating hearts when they were harvested.”

Deisher, a stem cell research scientist, testified that based on her experience with stem cell research on hearts, this was a frequent occurrence. The babies’ hearts have to be harvested while still beating, she explained, as otherwise the organ would have no research value because once in “contracture,” the heart’s cells would no longer be capable of regenerative growth.

The brief detailed additional evidence of infanticide — including testimony by a former StemExpress employee:

Mr. Daleiden continued to gather evidence for his investigation. He met Holly O’Donnell who had worked for StemExpress and told him she left after seeing a late gestated fetus. She was directed to dissect its brain. She did so. She also told him that her superior Jessica tapped the fetuses’ heart and it started beating. She also told him of seeing a message stating that an intact fetus was being sent to the StemExpress facility.

Daleiden later learned that “StemExpress technicians had to work very closely with the abortion doctors at [Planned Parenthood] MarMonte who increased dilation on the patients in order to obtain intact fetuses with beating hearts.”

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra — a self-identified Catholic — is prosecuting Daleiden and Merritt for their undercover work. In his preliminary hearing closing argument, he made no effort to rebut testimony about the harvesting of infant abortion survivors’ organs.

Instead, Becerra suggested that harvesting organs from newly born infants is protected by the state’s abortion statutes.

The “defendants willfully misrepresent the law on homicide in California,” he argued. “California law is clear that therapeutic abortion is not homicide.”

Pro-life advocates counter that there is nothing “therapeutic” about harvesting beating hearts from live infants.


Planned Parenthood Doctor Admits In Court: Strong Demand For Aborted Babies’ Livers, Kidneys, Intestines

3 Big Wins for Religious Liberty Indicate Tide Is Turning

A Democrat Explains Why She’s Pro-Life

ABP. VIGANÒ: Pope must give ‘Clear Statement’ on Christ’s Divinity

Canadian Prime Minister’s ‘New’ Sex Scandal

Insurance Provider Won’t Pay for Sex Abuse in Buffalo

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Resolute Reads

Ukraine Smoke and Mirrors

The Wall Street Journal
“Democrats and the media for three years used a fog of facts and speculation to lull America into forgetting there was never a shred of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. They flooded the zone with another flurry of scattershot claims in their campaign against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Republicans might bear these tactics in mind as they confront the left’s new impeachment push,” Kimberly Strassel writes.

New this week: “Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president, officials reveal”

Why Can’t Dems Treat Trump as Fairly as Republicans Did Bill Clinton?
New York Post
“Pelosi’s Democrats are rushing to a final impeachment vote before Thanksgiving. They’re deposing witnesses behind closed doors and denying Republicans fair time to ask questions and the right to call their own witnesses,” the New York Post editorial board writes. “Instead, they’re leaking negative info and withholding favorable facts.”

Official response: Read the White House’s letter to House Democrat leaders.

Border Apprehensions Down for Fourth Consecutive Month
-Fox News
“Border officials apprehended just over 52,000 migrants at the southern border in September—another drop in numbers for the fourth consecutive month,” Adam Shaw reports. In recent months, President Trump has negotiated deals with Mexico and Central American countries to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.

 Watch: This is what a real border wall looks like!

Vice President Pence: We Need the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement For Trade
The Arizona Daily Star
“While the last administration saw America lose 200,000 manufacturing jobs, since President Trump’s election, we’ve seen more than half a million manufacturing jobs created all across America,” Vice President Mike Pence writes. Once passed, “USMCA will add more than $68 billion to our economy and create another 176,000 American jobs.”

Democrats are Wrong. Middle-Class Incomes Surging – Thanks to Trump Policies
-Fox News
“Middle-class incomes, after adjusting for inflation, have surged by $5,003 since Donald Trump became president in January 2017,” Steve Moore writes. “In the seven and a half years that Barack Obama was president, and not including the end of the recession, which Obama inherited, incomes inched up by $1,043 (June 2009 – January 2019).”

Melania Trump Breaks Ground on New Tennis Pavilion at White House
“First lady Melania Trump announced on Tuesday afternoon that she had—ceremonial shovel in hand—marked the start of construction for a new White House tennis pavilion on the South Lawn,” Kate Bennett reports. “Thank you to all who will help in making this legacy piece possible for future first families,” the First Lady wrote on Twitter.

ICYMI: First Lady explores the outdoors with Wyoming students

President Trump Keeps Promise to Tame Bureaucracy that Runs Roughshod Over Americans
-Fox News
“When President Trump took office in 2017, he promised the American people that he would clean up Washington’s regulatory overreach. He pledged to make government accountable to the people. And he has made good on his promises by driving the largest deregulation effort since President Reagan took office over 30 years ago,” Acting White House Management and Budget Director Russ Vought writes.

Trump Tells Minneapolis Rally Ilhan Omar is Helping Him Win

At a campaign rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota Thursday evening, President Trump assured the massive crowd of supporters that radical, Somali-born Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is actually helping him win in the state.

“I think we can win,” Trump said when asked if he thinks he can take Minnesota in the 2020 election. “I think Omar is helping us win in Minnesota and other places.”

“Trump is coming to Minnesota today to stoke the flames of hatred and division,” Omar had tweeted earlier in the day. “That’s not who we are or what we stand for.”

Trump wants to unite Americans and make America great again, not divide them. It is Omar and the Democrat Party who sow hatred and division.

As for “who we are” and “what we stand for,” Omar stands for the imposition of socialism and sharia law in America. She stands for Jew-hatred and the eradication of the Jewish state. She stands for open borders and the abolition of ICE. She is correct when she says that is not who Trump is or what he stands for.

Ilhan Omar

In a 2018 interview, Al-Jazeera host Medhi Hasan said to Omar: “A lot of conservatives in America say that rise in Islamophobia is a result not of hate, but of fear, and legitimate fear, they say, of quote-unquote Jihadist terrorism … What do you say to them?” Omar replied: “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country. And so if fear was the, the driving force of policies to keep America safe — Americans safe inside of this country — we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”

To learn more, click on the profile link here.

This is how Western civilization commits suicide. Watch this video

Great Britain is no longer great. Watch this video by Paul Joseph Watson a Englishman about the death of England.

Paul Joseph Watson states,

English people are terrified of displaying their own flag after being endlessly lectured that it’s racist and offensive to immigrants.

Taking Britain by taking down one British flag at a time in the name of tolerance?

Clarion Special Report: New York’s Sharia Patrol

When Muslim Community Patrol & Services rolled their police-cruiser-like cars onto the streets of New York City in November 2018, there was no prior media briefing, no public announcement, no ceremony or grand unveiling.


Not surprisingly, the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm.

Most of the mainstream American media reacted in typical fashion. Ever fearful of offending radicalized Muslim communities or digging too deeply into unsavory truths, they gushed in glowing news reports about the new patrol cars and portrayed them as a “neighborhood watch” for Muslim-dominated areas.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said the Muslim patrol units would help keep the city safe and vowed that his administration would help organizers acquire more police-style cars and equipment.

“We believe we need to do more to assist them,” he told NY1 News.

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large.

Muslim Patrols Initially Billed as Safety Patrols but the Message Changed Quickly

Community-based safety patrols are in fact not unusual in the Big Apple. From crime-prevention (groups like the Guardian Angels) to the Brooklyn South Safety Patrol (a Jewish civilian patrol), New York City has seen its share of neighborhood watch groups.

Some of those patrols have even become embroiled in controversy of their own, with the Jewish patrol once being described as “bullies” and criticized as acting like “judge, jury and executioner.”

Unlike other New York City safety patrols, however, MCP&S attracted suspicion, alarm and consternation from the very start. But the backlash from concerned citizens, political groups and conservative news organizations has been to no avail.

The liberal Brooklyn news organization Bklyner declared: “Muslim Community Patrol & Services is here to stay.”

Whether they actually are here to stay might depend on more than a pontificating headline. For the moment, however, Muslim Community Patrol cars are on the streets of New York City with organizers planning to expand their humble fleet of three cars to nearly 30 fully operational units in the near future.

At the outset of the cars’ deployment, MCP&S Vice President Noor Rabah repeatedly claimed that his “officers” were nothing more than a watchdog group that would act as a liaison between the Muslim community and the NYPD, because his officers know Muslim culture, “lingo” and “vibes.”

“They (Muslims) know we are approachable. We can speak, mingle, talk,” he told Spectrum News NY 1 in early January 2019.

That message swiftly changed four months later on March 15, after the much-publicized massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which resulted in 51 deaths.

“Defense Force”

MCP&S now describes their role as that of a much needed defense and security force for the Muslim community and its mosques. On their official Facebook page the group states, “Our goal is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Islam are protected.”

In addition, Rahab told the BBC that his Muslim Community Patrol is “security on steroids.”

Such bold claims of providing “security” and protection, however, could put MPC&S at odds with New York state and city laws, which require security companies and their paid employees to go through the rigorous process of obtaining licenses, which MCP&S does not have.

Licensed guards must also submit to FBI background checks, be fingerprinted, and attend training classes. Regardless of its legal status as a security company or its publicized purpose of being a watchdog group, organizers privately admit that MCP&S was established to do more than protect Muslims, guard mosques or be a neighborhood watch.

It was also created for a purpose familiar to anyone who has lived in a Muslim-governed state: to enforce Sharia law on citizens.

Sharia Enforcement Revealed in Emergency Meeting

That function, which has never been publicly revealed, was acknowledged during an emergency conference held in early 2019 at the Masjid Kawthar on Nostrand Ave. in Brooklyn.

Along with the Masjid Kawthar, three other Brooklyn-area mosques participated in the conference: Masjid Farooq, Masjid Khalifa and Masjid Taqwa. All are located in or near Crown Heights.

The urgent meeting was sparked by a late-afternoon incident that had occurred outside the Masjid Kawthar a week before. Several young African-American men were standing outside the mosque smoking marijuana when a Muslim Community Patrol officer arrived in his car and approached them.

He issued instructions for them to stop smoking pot and to move away from the mosque. A shouting match ensued with the young men cursing at the MCP officer, calling him a “phony cop” and making threats to shoot him if he returned.

The loud, raucous exchange got the attention of the mosque’s imam, Rasheed Jabarr, who came outside to calm people down and settle the dispute. After accomplishing this, the imam demanded an emergency conference with the three other area mosques to address the danger of MCP cars patrolling the east side of Brooklyn.

The conference revealed much of what the public and media did not know about the purpose of the MCP cars, the group’s organizational goals through the eyes of one its proponents.

Radical Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Sr.: The Sharia Force Behind the Patrols

Taking center stage was the controversial imam of Masjid Taqwa, Siraj Wahhaj, Sr.. He is known among law enforcement officials for his links to terrorist operatives and radicalized Islamists.

Wahhaj’s supporters affectionately call him “America’s imam.” Though stays out of the public eye regarding MPC&S, he serves directly under its director of operations, Mahwish Fathma.

Wahhaj’s duties include the command and deployment of MPC&S officers. All questions, criticism and suggestions were directed to the 69-year-old Islamic extremist during the often-heated discussion.

From the start of the conference, the opposition imams told Wahhaj that they did not want his patrol cars operating on their side of Brooklyn, from Bedford Stuyvesant to Boerum Hill. The presence of MPC&S in that section of Brooklyn was presented to Wahhaj as an untenable situation.

The opposing imams argued that the area was rife with drug dealers and users, as well as crime lords. An MCP officer causing trouble with an African-American over his or her use of drugs or the selling of drugs, or any other type of criminal activity, could spark a violent reaction against their mosques.

“You got a lot of ‘Bloods and Crips’ out there,” said “Abdul,” who attended the conference and asked that his real name not be revealed. “You don’t want to mess with these people. Park Place is known for a lot of shootings.”

As the opposing imams saw it, Wahhaj’s MCP cars patrolling African-American neighborhoods could have disastrous consequences. If something got out of hand between an MCP officer and a drug dealer, for instance, one of their mosques might be shot at or burned down in retaliation.

“If something went wrong, there would be violence against the MCP cars by the drug dealers. The mosques would then have to come down on the side of the MCP because Muslims have to defend their brothers,” Abdul said. It would set the stage for all out war.

“What’s worse, the people running the MCP cars might not even be there when the violence breaks out. So these mosques would be left carrying the bag. The drug dealers would try to close the mosque. They would either burn it down or start shooting at it. And once that happens, no Muslim is going to feel safe going through the doors of that mosque and it’s going to get shut down,” Abdul predicted.

Wahhaj fiercely defended the presence of MCP vehicles in the Crown Heights area, saying the cars were needed to secure and protect the mosques.

Sharia Enforcement

This is where things got interesting. He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.

Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”

That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws.

Wahhaj reportedly went on to say he was concerned about stopping such things as “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor. Basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia,” Abdul said.

Though Wahhaj, who was born in Brooklyn, briefly dug in and said he was going to keep the cars in the area, he eventually relented and agreed to redeploy them until the MCP could obtain a sufficient number of vehicles to provide a round-the-clock presence. The cars, he said, would be moved to the Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn, sternly warning the other imams, “Don’t call us if you have any problems.”

Imam Tariq of the Masjid Kawthar shot back, “We’ll kick their a** if they come over to my masjid [mosque]. We’ll keep watch over our own Muslims.”

The impromptu, emergency meeting at Masjid Kawthar revealed the hidden agenda of Wahhaj’s MCP cars: They were not put on the streets to connect with the culture, “lingo” and “vibes” of the Muslim community, or act as an intermediary between Muslims and the NYPD.

That was only a pretext. They were put on the streets to enforce sharia law as well as provide security for mosques, all under the direction of Wahhaj, who is serving as second in command to the operations director of MCP&S.

“Everything is going to be sharia,” Abdul said. “That’s Wahhaj’s main thing. He’s working on a ‘one sheikh’ and ‘one government’ system that practices sharia. What he’s trying to do is find grounds for running the sharia. That’s what these cars are all about.”

According to an eyewitness who spoke personally to Mahwish Fathma, the operations director for MCP&S, Abdul is correct. Fathma said sharia enforcement is the group’s primary objective.

“When I asked her whether sharia was going to be enforced, she said, ‘Of course it is,’ said “Hashim,” who also asked not to be identified by his real name. “She said they’d enforce it on Muslims first, then on non-Muslims. They’ll be enforcing sharia law and American law.

“She said it would be contradictory to only enforce sharia law without also upholding the laws of the land (meaning American laws).”

Wahhaj’s Radical History

Wahhaj has a long history of issuing statements that denounce America and its democratic system while advocating that it be replaced by Allah’s deen, meaning the Islamic way of life.

“Islam is better than democracy. Allah will cause his deen, Islam, to prevail over every kind of system, and you know what? It will happen,” Wahhaj has said.

Wahhaj supports sharia methods of punishment, declaring. “If Allah says 100 strikes, 100 strikes it is. If Allah says cut off their hand, you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death, through the Prophet Muhammad, then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger—nothing personal.”

In a September 1991 speech in Toronto titled “The Afghanistan Jihad,” Wahhaj encouraged his fellow Muslims to engage in holy war: “Those who struggle for Allah, it doesn’t matter what kind of weapons [you use], I’m telling you it doesn’t matter! You don’t need nuclear weapons or even guns! If you have faith in Allah and a knife! If Allah wants you to win, you will win! Because Allah is the only one who fights. And when his hand is over your hand, whoever is at war against my friends, I declare war on them … The Americans are not your friends … ”

He also expressed his hatred for America again in a 2011 lecture called “Fundamentalism and Terrorism.”

“America is one of the greatest terrorist nations on this earth, but you know, they hide it with magic. They pretend to be so nice,” he said.

MCP&S is not Wahhaj’s first attempt at fielding an Islamic security force with the stated intention of “protecting” New York City’s Muslim community.

In January 1988 he announced an initiative called “40 Days and 40 Nights” with the goal of clearing out troubled spots in the Fulton Street commercial corridor, between Franklin and Bedford Avenues in Brooklyn.

At the time, the area was flooded with drug users, dealers and crack cocaine-related crime. Wahhaj’s security team boasted four dozen men, some with prior law enforcement experience. Some other personnel, however, were convicted criminals, drug users or dealers themselves.

Those with licenses to carry guns did so, while others toted nightsticks. At the end of the “40 Days and 40 Nights” campaign, Wahhaj declared the program a success, claiming his patrol had managed to rid the community of numerous drug dens.

In announcing his victory he gave credit to his guards’ “stoic demeanor and reputation for retribution.” That “reputation for retribution,” however, meant the willingness of his guards to use violence.

Newsday described Wahhaj’s guards as “a private police force, as heavily armed and sometimes as violent as the dealers it is hired to confront.”

A former associate of Wahhaj claimed the entire operation was nothing more than an effort to oust drug dealers who were competing with Wahhaj’s own drug distribution business. “It was just a front, because he had his own drug operation going on,” said the associate, who asked to remain anonymous. “And he didn’t shut it down because it was a success, he shut it down because the police didn’t like their violent tactics. They went in and beat the s*** out of Wahhaj while he was in his mosque.

The police said, ‘You ain’t that big now, are you?’ That’s when he stopped doing it.”

Publicly, the police praised Wahhaj. At the time, Deputy Police Chief Thomas Gallagher of the Brooklyn North command said, “This is a good example of what the police and community can do working together.”

Others claimed the operation served no purpose at all, as the drug dealers simply relocated a few hundred feet away from their previous location.

“Sure, the patrols may clean up around here,” said Tony Johnson, a clerk at the Manufacturers Hanover Trust office on Fulton Street, “but the druggies just go to another block. So what’s the use? Just a few feet away, the same thing is going on.”

There was even considerable skepticism over whether Wahhaj’s security force actually cleaned up any of the drug dens in the Fulton Street commercial corridor, as he had claimed.

During the same time period as Wahhaj’s “40 Days and 40 Nights” operation, the NYPD’s 79th precinct raided 12 known crack-selling locations and made 32 arrests. Some credit Wahhaj only with keeping the drug dens out of the area only after the police had already forced them to leave.

Even before Wahhaj announced his “40 Days and 40 Nights” campaign, the controversial imam had been engaged in a war with local drug lords.

Wahhaj’s Arrest on Weapons Charges

In 1987, Wahhaj and four others were arrested on weapons charges after stealing firearms from drug dealers in a Tompkins Avenue dwelling. In what can only be described as a twisted turn of events, Wahhaj and his security team raided a drug dealer’s den under the pretext of shutting down their operations.

After Wahhaj and his team ordered the dealers to leave, they stole their weapons. In a surprise move, the “victims” called the police on Wahhaj to report the theft.

“The one thing we didn’t expect was that they would call the cops on us,” Wahhaj said.

Police were able to track down Wahhaj’s getaway car and pulled the team over. Inside. police found a shotgun, a .38-caliber handgun, numerous knives and a club.

Wahhaj and his four accomplices were immediately arrested. One of Wahhaj’s accomplices was Abud-Rauf Shakir, previously convicted in 1971 for the attempted murder of a New Jersey state trooper.

At the time, Shakir was also running the school at Wahhaj’s Masjid Taqwa. Shakir also faced attempted-murder charges in connection with the shooting of a 16-year-old suspected crack dealer only two weeks before the Tompkins Avenue incident.

Shakir failed to show up at his trial and was tried in absentia. Assistant District Attorney Edgar N. Foxx III told the jury that Wahhaj’s Muslim patrol operated with a zeal that “blinded them to the law.”

Believing “40 Days and 40 Nights” was not long enough to clean up the Fulton Street commercial district, Wahhaj vowed to continue his campaign. He would formally morph his 50-man security team into a licensed operation called SSI Patrol Services.

The New York Times described them in 1991 as a company whose “tools are the same ones employed by its adversaries: violence and intimidation.”

Violent battles often erupted between Wahhaj’s SSI Patrols, who dressed in black fatigues and black M65 jackets, and area drug dealers. As before, some of Wahhaj’s guards were convicted criminals and drug runners themselves who had converted to Islam while in prison.

Wahhaj encouraged them to fight to the death. “That means using force, standing up, putting our lives on the line,” Wahhaj told the Times. “We are willing to fight, willing to die and willing to kill, although I want to stress that we only kill in self-defense.”

Self-Defense or Violence Vengeance

The claim his guards “only kill in self-defense” rang hollow when compared to press statements made by those very same guards. One SSI Patrol member told the Times, “If they spill one pin of our blood, we spill gallons of theirs.”

Spilling “gallons of blood” for “one pin of our blood” does not exactly suggest self-restraint, peacekeeping or the use of deadly force only for self-defense. It suggests vengeance, intimidation and reckless escalation.

Another SSI Patrol member said, “We go in and shoot the walls,” adding, “We tell them next time we will shoot them in the head.”

Try to imagine actual, uniformed police officers behaving in this manner. A high-ranking officer of the 73rd police precinct failed to see much difference between the drug dealers and Wahhaj’s SSI Patrol Services.

“In the end, what is the difference between a bunch of vigilantes using force to take over a street corner and a bunch of drug dealers? It still involves gun battles and flying bullets.”

Seventy-year-old Earl Banks is a convicted murderer who is now in charge of recruiting officers for Muslim Community Patrol & Services. In 1970, Banks was arrested for burglary, kidnapping in the first degree and murder and sentenced to life in prison.

He was released in 1985 after spending only 15 years in jail. While in prison he changed his name to Ali Mustapha. By 1988 he was serving as an SSI guard on Siraj Wahhaj’s security team, cleaning up the Fulton Street commercial district. During the same period Wahhaj’s guards had also been hired by slumlords to drive drug traffickers from apartment buildings.

Such was the case on December 14 of that year, when Earl Banks and other SSI security guards were sent to an apartment complex on Nostrand Avenue to clean out a drug den. The raid resulted in one of the alleged crack dealers being fatally shot. Initially two witnesses came forward to say Banks murdered 51-year-old Rainford Salmon after he disobeyed commands.

Witness Intimidation and Murder

Earl Banks was charged with Rainford Salmon’s murder. Following Banks’ arrest, both witnesses began receiving death threats soon after testifying before a grand jury.

The first witness was Steven John, who was shot and wounded. After being released from Kings County Hospital, John fled to Baltimore. He was brought back to New York City but was then unwilling to testify.

The second witness was Oscar Brown. He had been attacked and beaten several times over a six-month period after his grand jury testimony but remained determined to come forward as a witness against Earl Banks, who was better known at the time as Ali Mustapha.

Also during that period, Brown’s mother, Delores, began receiving weekly telephone calls from a man claiming to be calling on behalf of “Ali.” The man pled with Brown’s mother to persuade her son to either change his testimony or not testify at all.

Mrs. Brown said her son remained determined to appear in court. “He told me he was going to tell the court just what he saw,” she told The New York Times.

On June 7, 1989 Oscar Brown’s body was found on Van Sinderen Avenue. Neighbors said several men had forced him into a car the previous night.

His murder had all the hallmarks of a targeted assassination. The Supreme Court of Kings County reported, “He had been shot 16 times and sustained a shotgun blast as well as bullet wounds.”

With one witness dead and another refusing to testify, Earl Banks (Ali Mustapha) was eventually cleared of murder charges. Earl Banks now serves directly under the command of Siraj Wahhaj as a recruitment officer for MCP&S and as a supervisor of its male officers.

Wahhaj’s Children: Owners of Terrorist Camps in New Mexico and Alabama

On March 13, 2019,  Siraj Wahhaj’s son (Siraj Ibn Wahhaj) and his two daughters (Hujrah and Subhannah) were indicted on federal terrorism charges. Two others were also indicted, Lucas Morton and Jany Leveille. The indictment came nearly seven months after the five were arrested on child abuse allegations following a raid on a suspected Islamic training compound in Amalia, N.M. That raid drew national media coverage.

The investigation began as a search for the elder Siraj Wahhaj’s grandson, who had been reported missing for months in Georgia, and who was last seen in the arms of his father, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj.

Law enforcement officials were also concerned that children inside the isolated and filthy camp were being insufficiently fed and clothed.

After a raid on August 3, 2018 raid, the body of three-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj (the elder Wahhaj’s grandson) was discovered. The boy had been dead for what appeared to be weeks.

Prior to his death the child had reportedly been suffering from neurological problems, which his father attributed to demonic possession. According to Wahhaj’s son, the child died during a failed Islamic exorcism ceremony.

Authorities also discovered 11 other children inside the camp, ages one to 15. Nine of the youngsters were grandchildren of the elder Siraj Wahhaj.

Also found were numerous rifles and handguns, a shotgun, 500 rounds of ammunition and a bulletproof vest. The camp included a secret tunnel and a shooting range.

Federal authorities described the camp as “a training compound to prepare for attacks on government, military and other institutions.”

U.S. Attorney John C. Anderson said the adult members were engaged in “a conspiracy to stage deadly attacks on American soil,” which he predicted were “imminent.”

“No Prior Knowledge”

The elder Siraj Wahhaj publicly claimed to have had no prior knowledge of his son and daughters’ involvement in the suspected terrorist camp and would later say, “To me, obviously something happened—a mental disorder, or something. This doesn’t seem like them.”

That “something” could have been the results of teachings by Siraj Wahhaj, who — for several decades — has preached about America’s destruction.

In a 2008 sermon Wahhaj said, “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing, and the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”

When Wahhaj’s son was just 12 years old, Wahhaj delivered a sermon titled, “The Muslim Agenda in the New World Order,” in which he declared: “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.”

Wahhaj added that Muslims should come to the United States to establish an Islamic country, saying, “Wherever you came from, you came to America. And you came for one reason—for one reason only—to establish Allah’s deen.”

Federal authorities would learn later of another suspected terrorist camp controlled by Siraj Wahhaj’s son. On May 10, 2019, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, armed with a search warrant, raided a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” in Macon County, Alabama that was owned by Siraj Ibn Wahhaj.

The FBI had suspicions about the camp dating back to December 2017 after Siraj Ibn Wahhaj crashed his Ford Explorer in rural Chilton County, Alabama.

Inside Wahhaj, Jr.’s vehicle were five guns, a bulletproof vest and a bag of ammunition.

Though the elder Wahhaj claims to have had no knowledge of his son or daughters’ involvement in suspected terrorist activity, he did not miss the opportunity to reap a hefty profit from the tragedy of his grandson’s death and his own children’s terrorist-related arrests and charges.

Shortly after news broke of the law enforcement raid on the New Mexico compound, a group of Muslims raised $71,485 to give directly to Wahhaj to do “as he sees fit”—either to help out his children or to uphold “the tenets of Islam and the law of the land.”

Muslim Patrol is the Testing Ground

In accordance with the Feb. 15, 2019 Masjid Kawthar agreement, Imam Siraj Wahhaj promised that MCP&S will keep their limited number of patrol cars confined to the Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn until the force can be expanded.

All acknowledged that the Bay Ridge area would be more suitable to test the Muslim patrol cars because of its fast-growing of Arab immigrant population, comprised largely of Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, Egyptians, Yemenis and Moroccans.

Immigrants from these Islamic countries offered qualities and traits not found in Brooklyn’s existing African-American communities. The synoptic view held that foreign-born Muslims are more likely to be accustomed to sharia law enforcement than Black Muslims born in America.

Foreign Muslims are also more inclined to have feelings of guilt if found disobeying the Quran and engaging in activities considered haram (forbidden).

In addition, the reasoning is that foreigners might submit to MCP authority more readily if they equated the MCP cars with actual police cars, since they closely mimic NYPD vehicles in make, labeling and design.

Finally, foreign-born immigrants are more susceptible to bullying and intimidation than African-Americans who grew up in Brooklyn.

One African-American Muslim who attended the Masjid Kawthar event explained it this way: “In Bay Ridge you could punch one of those Muslims in the face and they’re not going to do anything about it. But if you punch a Black Muslim on this side of Brooklyn there’s going to be trouble.

“The Bay Ridge area has foreigners, a lot of Caucasian Muslims. The MCP cars are going to have a better chance surviving there. The foreigners are more open and they come from countries where they know they shouldn’t be doing certain things. They’re probably going to listen to the MCP officers,” said the attendee, who asked to remain anonymous.

“And I’m going to tell you something else,” he added. “The Black Muslims will shoot the s*** out of you. They’re not going to sit home. They’re going to handle it right there. Foreigners, however, when they get together all they want to do is plan. But the Black Muslims, it’s going to be bang, bang, bang.”

The incident leading up to the emergency Masjid Kawthar conference, in which the MCP&S officer confronted the group of pot-smoking young African Americans outside a mosque, could be considered an attempt to enforce both U.S. and sharia law, since smoking pot is both illegal in New York City and considered haram in the Quran.

Regardless of which set of laws the MCP&S officer was actually attempting to enforce, the organization quickly learned that it lacked the experience and training necessary to handle confrontations that could turn violent.

To address similar issues in the future, some MCP&S officers are now undergoing specialized training with policemen from NYPD’s 72nd precinct. Officers are receiving instructions in both self-defense and suspect-restraint techniques.

MCP&S is also attempting to recruit Muslim officers of the NYPD, asking them to serve as off-duty patrol volunteers. These officers could provide MCP&S with the capability of issuing citations and making arrests. They also have the advantage of being able to carry weapons.

Sharia Law Enforcement Sparks Opposition in Brooklyn

As plans of MCP&S to enforce Sharia law began to circulate in the Brooklyn area, another emergency meeting was held on June 23, 2019. The meeting was called to order by Lewis Watkins, the former district manager of Community Board 3, and held in a community room on 1545 Fulton St.

Watkins told MCP&S Operations Director, Mahwish Fathma, that he was going to do everything within his power to eliminate the Muslim patrol units.

“I feel there is a hidden agenda and I’m going to look into it,” he told Fathma. “I don’t want you in my zone and I don’t want you in Brooklyn.”

He further told Fathma that he would be issuing a formal complaint at “One Police Plaza” (NYPD Headquarters) in an effort to stop the 72nd Precinct from continuing to train their officers.

Two Shiites Muslims at the meeting also complained to Fathma about the patrol’s plans to enforce sharia law, saying that Sunni law differs in many ways from the sharia of Shiites.

According to an insider close to the group, if MCP&S officers do find themselves in trouble they will first call Ali Mustapha, who, as mentioned, is a convicted murderer and serves directly under Siraj Wahhaj as a field supervisor and hiring agent.

“Oldest Trick in the Book”

If Mustapha is called, he will have the option of dispatching his personal security team to handle the problem before getting the police involved.

Though not officially associated with MCP&S, Mustapha’s security team is licensed to carry weapons and have often used violence to subdue subjects in the past.

“This is the oldest trick in the book,” said the insider. “It’s what we used to do when I worked at a Muslim security guard in the ‘90s. “If something happens, MCP may call police, but they’ll call Ali (Mustapha) first. They carry guns and have physical defense training. And then, after they finish doing what they do, they’ll call the NYPD and turn them over. If someone gets hurt, they’ll just say he fell and hit his head or eye,” the former guard said.

The insider, who is a former member of Siraj Wahhaj’s mosque, described the goal of MCP&S as an effort “to get Muslims and non-Muslims in the United States to live under sharia as a whole.”

“This whole thing is a test before they buy more cars,” he said. “They want to see how it goes.”

If all goes “well,” Muslim Community Patrol & Services says it will expand from its three current cars to seven by the end of summer 2019, with the purchase of up to 30 cars in the near future.


Clarion Intel EXCLUSIVE: Nationwide Militant Islamist Network

Clarion EXCLUSIVE Report: Foreign Influence Ops on US Universities

Exclusive: FBI Confirms Jihadi Training Camps in America

Politicians and their Families are Playing in the Corrupt Ukrainian Sandbox

“Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.” –  Wes Fesler

“Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite.” –  Charles Spurgeon

“Hypocrisy is the Scarlet Letter in politics.” –  Mark McKinnon

What is so diabolical with the entire House impeachment promotion is that the Ukraine actually re-opened the Biden-Burisma probe before President Trump called Zelensky.  But the corrupt dysfunctional CIA coup to take out a President is typical of the intelligence community; one need only look at what was done to General Michael Flynn.

Corruption is the middle name in politics, but now a new duplicity has taken over our political system, and it is most lucrative. Incidences of nepotism involving high powered politicos seems to be fairly common and it results in millions or even billions for their family members.

It’s not just Joe Biden’s son Hunter, or John Kerry’s step-son Chris Heinz who have made millions via their father’s political influence.  It’s also Speaker Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi, Jr.  He is involved in oil importing from Ukraine and he even used his mom to promote his business.

DNC Solicited Dirt from Ukraine

The House Minority Leader’s son’s work there is curious, given the Democrats’ attempts to collaborate with Ukraine to attack Donald Trump.

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country’s president to help.  Although she’s no longer with the DNC, she was paid $70,000 as a consultant for the party during the 2016 presidential cycle. She was paid $412,000 between 2004 and 2016.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pointed to a report published by Politico in January 2017, laying out DNC official Alexandra Chalupa’s collaboration with Ukrainian politicians to compile research on Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman.  The Ukrainian Ambassador explained, “All ideas floated by Alexandra were related to approaching a Member of Congress with a purpose to initiate hearings on Paul Manafort or letting an investigative journalist ask President Poroshenko a question about Mr. Manafort during his public talk in Washington, D.C.”  The Embassy representatives unambiguously refused to get involved in any way.

All of this was done to destroy President Trump and those who support him.  The left’s desire to impeach our President is a total set-up, and we know it.  The original Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) was changed a week before the whistleblower made his claim to include “hearsay.”  Now, former CIA Director John Brennan is telling more whistleblowers to come forward.

Pelosi Jr. and Ukraine

In July 2017, Paul Pelosi Jr. travelled to Kiev, Ukraine as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI). He reportedly accepted the position about five months before he took the trip to Ukraine. Pelosi Jr. said he was in the country talking about, “certain investment banker things related to soccer.”  CGI prioritizes political and social goals as well as profit, revising a longstanding principle that corporations primarily exist to serve the interests of their shareholders.

Like Hunter Biden, Paul has an energy company with dealings in Ukraine.  His group of companies, Viscoil, is under investigation for securities fraud.  He is also an executive at Viscoil’s related environmental design company, NRG Lab and Research.  It appears as though the public management of the company, which included Paul Pelosi, Jr. as President and Chief Operating Officer, was actually a Potemkin arrangement (meaning something that is fraudulent or counterfeit) that hid the fact that the company was actually controlled by a pair of convicted felons.

Viscoil was one of many that popped up (in 2010) to tap into the Obama Administrations’ redistribution of billions into new energy technology. Scores of connected insiders took advantage of the influx of tax dollars that were wasted on such epic failures as Solyndra.

Nancy and her son appeared in a promotional video in 2013 for the energy company doing business in the Ukraine.  The video resurfaced on Thursday, October 3, 2019, and was brought to public attention by journalist Patrick Howley.

Pelosi Jr. and Natural Blue Resources

Junior was also the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he co-founded that focused on “environmentally-friendly” ventures.  In the summer of 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya and suspended trading in the company’s stock.  The SEC learned that two convicted criminals were running the business.  Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said the company was “secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.

Pelosi Jr. and InfoUSA

Like Hunter Biden’s Burisma Holdings board appointment at $83K per month, Pelosi Jr. was given jobs for which he had no qualifications.  InfoUSA is a leading provider of data and data-driven marketing services for salespeople.  It was headed by Clinton backer Vinod Gupta and he put Paul Pelosi Jr. on the payroll in 2007 for $180K per year.  Junior has acknowledged taking trips on InfoUSA corporate jets.

Investigators found that InfoUSA repeatedly rented marketing databases to unscrupulous persons who used the information to defraud the unsuspecting elderly.  Gupta is also under fire in a shareholder lawsuit alleging that he appropriated company funds for his personal use and political projects.

Pelosi Jr. and Freedom Leaf, Inc.

Freedom Leaf, Inc., (FRLF) the marijuana legalization company appointed Paul Pelosi Jr as Chairman of the Board in late 2017.

Mr. Pelosi will guide FRLF in corporate governance, sustainable revenue generation, and investor relations. Freedom Leaf, Inc. will launch an Initiative to become the model for corporate governance in the cannabis and hemp sector.

Hotel Squalor and Paul Jr.

Squalor continues at ‘The Pit,’ the residential hotel where Paul Pelosi, Jr.’s involvement baffles San Francisco officials. The violations at 1312 Utah St., a tumbledown Mission District residential hotel, have been described as “egregious” by the Department of Building Inspection.  Last year around the Department of Building Inspection (DBI), heads were indeed turned when Paul Pelosi, Jr., the son of the Speaker of the House and recognizable from his New Year’s photos began dropping by DBI headquarters, establishing himself as a point person for the ever-troubled hotel. “Oh s**t,” one DBI official said last year, “it’s really him.”  Is he helping the owner to clean it up?  Doesn’t look like it.

The acorn hasn’t fallen far from the tree.  Paul Pelosi Sr. owns 75% of Del Monte Corp’s stock. Del Monte is the parent company of StarKist and StarKist Tuna owns one of the two packing plants on American Samoa. Combined, both plants employ over 60% of the population paying less than $3.75 an hour in wages.  Interesting that when the minimum wage was raised in Congress, Nancy made sure it applied to all of the United States and its territories – save for the Pacific outpost of American Samoa.

She’s done this many times, politically steering funds to organizations who benefit her husband’s business interests.

There are many more players in the Ukrainian sandbox besides Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz and Paul Pelosi Jr.

Adam Schiff

As I mentioned in my previous article, in 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Rep. Adam Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500.  Pelosi and Loretta Sanchez have also used Pasternak.  He is an arms dealer and has sold arms in places like Syria.  Even more interesting is the fact that in August of this year, and right after the CIA whistle blower filed his claim, Adam Schiff sent one of his staffers to the Ukraine.

And The Gateway Pundit reported that “two aides for Adam Schiff worked with the anti-Trump CIA ‘whistleblower’ at the Trump White House.  It should be clear to everyone by now that this guy was not a ‘whistleblower’ complainant but a planned, prepared and organized Democrat Party coup attempt.”

Notice that the sponsor was Atlantic Council.  And look who else sits on the Atlantic Council; it’s the sister of Alexandria Chalupa, unregistered foreign agent employed by the DNC as a “consultant,” whose entire family is tied to Ukraine Intelligence.  She works with and for Ukrainian Intelligence through the Atlantic Council, the very sponsor of the Schiff staffer’s trip to the Ukraine. Link

One of the senior fellows of the Atlantic Council is CrowdStrike founder Dmitri Alperovitch. CrowdStrike is the company that supposedly concluded the Russians were behind the hack of the DNC in 2016 during the campaign. The FBI never had access to the server. Trump asked about CrowdStrike on the call with the Ukrainian president.

Several prominent names are among the folks who fund the Atlantic Council. One is George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Another is Burisma Holdings, the company which appointed Hunter Biden to its board.

The Council is also funded by Google, Inc., Rockefeller Fund, US State Department, NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukrainian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk. Who else is on the Atlantic Council? Evelyn Farkas – who slipped up during an MSNBC interview with Mika Brzezinski and disclosed that the Obama administration had been spying on the Trump campaign.  Link

Willard Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney hates President Trump and is working with Fox board member and former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan and Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George to destroy our President.  According to The Federalist, top Mitt Romney adviser Joseph Cofer Black, who publicly goes by “Cofer Black,” joined Burisma’s board of directors while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Romney’s adviser, Cofer Black, trained for CIA covert operations and eventually became the director of the National Counterterrorism Center under George W. Bush.

Black was appointed in February of 2017 and continues to serve on its board. The timelines would indicate that Black and Biden worked together at Burisma, and indeed, web archives from late 2017 show Black and Biden listed simultaneously on the board.  Black left the CIA in 2006 to join Blackwater, the huge contractor for services related to military and intelligence action, where he served as Vice Chairman until 2008.

Hunter Biden was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US.

The Democrats who are now trying to impeach Trump were the “first to open the door with Ukraine,” said Republican strategist Ford O’Connell. “Ukraine seems to be a one-stop-shop for everyone who wants to get political dirt on their opponents.”

Joe Biden

Bottom of Form

The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a “professional” tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner, “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president.”

Member of Parliament, Andriy Derkach told reporters that former Vice President Joe Biden had received $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company founded and owned by Mykola Zlochevsky. The notation on the funds transfer allegedly said, “for consultative services.”

Kurt Volker

Former US special envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker, who has become a key player in House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, announced Monday he is stepping down as executive director of Arizona State University’s McCain Institute.

Volker, 54, began his career as a CIA analyst and soon became a foreign service officer. Most of his work was in Europe, including a three-year stint in Budapest. Under President George W. Bush, he was named U.S. ambassador to NATO.

After President Obama replaced him, Volker went to Wall Street. He then became executive director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership after it was launched at Arizona State University in 2012 as a living memorial to the late Senator John McCain. Volker had worked briefly in the 1990s as an aide to McCain in the Senate.

Volker simultaneously worked as a Ukraine diplomat and as a lobbyist at BGR Group (the Haley Barbour/Ed Rogers super-firm), which represents Raytheon, the company that makes the Javelin anti-tank missile that Ukraine wants. Were it not for the larger Ukraine affair, that conflict of interest would be a scandal all by itself.

During this period, he kept his job as executive director of the McCain Institute. His salary was reported as $329,000 for 2018. The Arizona governor’s salary is $120,395.

The transcripts revealed his intimate role in the effort to squeeze Ukraine.

One other smarmy detail: Volker is on the board of something called the Hungary Initiatives Foundation, a not very well disguised front aimed at improving the image and influence of the Victor Orban dictatorship in the United States.


The socialists (read that globalist communists) in the Democratic Party as well as many in the Republican Party are absolutely opposed to the continuation of America as a nation of freedom and liberty founded by the men who fought for our nation’s independence and her glory.  The socialist goal is the destruction of America’s leadership in the world and especially of President Trump who has lived through the greatest years of this country.  They hate him and will continue their efforts to destroy him and those of us who rallied behind him and cast our votes for this brave American.  This is a revolutionary battle we must not lose.

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Ukrainians vs. the Swamp

What Did John Brennan Secretly Gift Our Terror-Sponsoring Communist Enemies?

Self-identifying Whistleblowers Can Be Villains

Trump: ‘Bullsh*t Impeachment’

Warren Wants Trans Child to Approve Education Secretary

During CNN’s “Equality Town Hall” on Thursday night, presidential contender and radical leftist Elizabeth Warren applauded a “transgender American” child and then suggested the child assist her in choosing an education secretary if she wins the White House.

“My name is Jacob, and I am a 9-year-old transgender American,” Jacob Lemay said. Warren and the crowd applauded this as if it were an achievement. “What will you do in your first week as president to make sure kids like me feel safer in schools, and what do you think schools need to do better to make sure that I don’t have to worry about anything but my homework?” said Lemay, who was obviously coached by adult activists.

“I want to make sure that the person I think is the right secretary of education meets you and hears your story, and then I want you to tell me if you think that’s the right person and then we’ll make the deal,” Warren said.

While bullying is never acceptable, the right Secretary of Education should focus on actual education, not indoctrination or safe spaces.

Elizabeth Warren

During a question-and-answer session hosted by Congressional Black Caucus chairman Cedric Richmond at the historically black Dillard University in New Orleans, Warren delivered what she called “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … I mean front to back.” In the course of her remarks, the senator cited such things as disproportionate arrests of blacks for petty drug possession; an overburdened public defender system; and state laws that sometimes bar convicted felons from voting in political elections for the rest of their lives.

To learn more, click on the profile link here.


‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

UK mom sues Tavistock children’s clinic over ‘misleading’ & ‘experimental’ gender change treatments

Canadian Court Strips Father of Rights, Allowing Teen to Transition Against His Wishes

RELATED VIDEO: The Candace Owens Show: Walt Heyer. Walt Heyer lived as a transgender woman for eight years. In this episode of The Candace Owens Show, he shares his experience with gender dysphoria, sex change, regret, and his moving story of healing and restoration.

EDITORS NOTE: This DTN column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump’s Minneapolis Rally and Cops for Trump interview

President Trump at the “Keep America Great” rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 10th. Here are the full remarks of the President.

Here is an after the rally interview with Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis President Lieutenant Bob Kroll.


Last Night, We Saw Fascism In the Streets [Updated]

Fox News Poll that Showed Trump Losing Just Blew Up in Its Face


Trump rally protests take a violent turn in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Protester Spits On Trump Supporter During Interview at Minneapolis Rally

VIDEO: Hong Kong’s Freedom Protestors are Making Democrats Grimace

During his farewell address from the Oval Office, Ronald Regan referred to the country he loved as “that shining city upon a hill … a magnet for all who must have freedom.” A century and a quarter earlier, Abraham Lincoln, on the verge of signing the Emancipation Proclamation, sent a letter to Congress in which he referred to America as “the last best hope of earth.”

Now threatened by the kind of ironfisted crackdown common to every communist nation in history (no exceptions), the people of Hong Kong see the great United States of America as that shining city upon a hill.

In the days since China threatened harsh action against the growing protest movement, freedom-loving Hong Kongers have defiantly waved U.S. flags at massive demonstrations in the city that finds itself in the crosshairs of the world’s most heavily-armed communist nation.

Not everyone sees America as that shining city on a hill, the last best hope of mankind. China certainly doesn’t see America that way, nor do other totalitarian countries, such as Russia, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela. And neither does the modern Democratic Party, which decades ago stopped seeing their country as the greatest land of freedom the world has ever known.

That’s a tough charge, so please allow me to justify it.

Democrat icons of the 1960s—Adlai Stevenson, Henry “Scoop” Jackson, George McGovern, Hubert Humphrey and JFK, to name a few—were genuine American patriots who loved their country and saw it as a force for good, both at home and abroad, a sentiment shared by an overwhelming majority of that era’s rank and file Democrats.

Such is no longer the case.

According to Gallup, less than a third of today’s Democrats are extremely proud of their country. Less than a third, and trending sharply downward.  Democrats have soured on the place Lincoln saw as the last best hope of earth, the only country that ever went to war with itself to end the scourge of slavery.

Just as ominous as the precipitous drop in love of country among Democrats, an astounding 77% of today’s Democrats have fallen under the spell of socialism, according to a survey by Public Opinion Strategies. In other words, a solid majority of Democrats believe America’s 2-party capitalist system must be torn down and replaced with single-party socialism.

Must America be fundamentally transformed?

From ending slavery and dismantling segregation to Brown v. Topeka Board and the $22 trillion War on Poverty, no country in the history of the world has ever done more than this country to right the wrongs once committed against an oppressed minority of its own citizens.

Despite the remarkable racial progress since the 1960s—a fact no one can intelligently deny—the modern Democratic Party leaves no stone unturned at trying to con black Americans to believe that even after all these years, their country is still a racist hellhole, as it most definitely was in the 1960s.

Through its identity politics election strategy, the modern Democratic Party has not only tried to turn black Americans against their country, it has done the same with other “victim” groups it created, telling members of each group that their deeply-flawed country has it in for them.

Identity Politics

To overthrow a capitalist society, The Communist Manifesto calls for fomenting a titanic struggle by pitting a large victim class against alleged oppressors. In the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks rose to power by pitting the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. Over the last half-century, the Democratic Party has taken the concept of Marxist/Leninist class struggle to a new level through its use of identity politics. The term refers to politically subdividing the electorate into multiple factions (voting blocks), whose members are indoctrinated to believe that they have been singled out for persecution due to systemic prejudice against the identity group to which they belong. To wit: People of color are persecuted by racists & white supremacists, women by sexists & misogynists, refugees & illegal immigrants by xenophobes, Muslims by Islamophobes, gays & lesbians by religious bigots, the 99% by the 1%, and so on. The self-serving narrative of identity politics is that caring, inclusive and tolerant Democrats will righteously defend the members (voters) of each identity group from the constant onslaught of outrages inflicted by a country that has lost its way.

According to the most admired leader of the modern Democratic Party, the America of today is so flawed that things can be made right only through its “fundamental transformation.” At a July 2008 campaign rally, presidential candidate Barack Obama used that term when he vowed to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”  If you’ve never seen the 10-sec. video, click on the preceding link. It’s chilling.

When Obama vowed five days before his first election to fundamentally transform the nation he soon would lead, few who voted for him thought to ask, transform it to what? America always needs improving, but is it such a sorry place that it must be fundamentally transformed?

Apparently so, according to Obama.

To fundamentally transform a nation means to bring about profound changes to its principles, values and institutions.  In the case of America, that means doing away with its two-party capitalist system in favor of single-party socialist rule that promises to cleanse society of oppression and provide a honeyed existence to all.

Sadly, Democrats have turned on that shining city on a hill, the last best hope of mankind. But not so the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong, who are waving American flags in defiance of tyranny, which you can bet your last dime is causing Stage 4 grimacing to the party of post-Americanism.

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RELATED VIDEO: ANTIFA attempts to stop a Canadian prof. from speaking because he believes classical civilization is the best

70 Years. Endless Negotiations. Yet No Peace. Here’s Why.

Ever since the modern State of Israel was founded in 1948, and even before that, there have been attempts to negotiate a peace settlement that would enable Israelis and their neighbors to live side-by-side in an atmosphere of harmony and mutual tolerance.

Presidents, Kings, Premiers, dictators, strongmen, weaklings — all of them and more gave their best efforts to achieving a peace settlement.

All failed.

Yet every new American administration, every new President, every new Secretary of State, thinks that he or she possesses the solution that has eluded everyone else. Everyone thinks he can untie the Gordian knot that has confounded the world.

And again, all fail.

It is one of the most curious situations that has ever occurred in world history: peace settlement after peace settlement has failed, yet no one ever seems to stop and wonder why. Instead, they go back to the drawing board, thinking that this time will be unlike all the others, this time the key to peace will be revealed, this time they’ll finally hit upon the secret.

In The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, I tell the fascinating, never-before-told story of these negotiations, and I do provide the key that has eluded everyone else: in this book, I show why the negotiations failed, and why the entire “peace process” has been ill-conceived from the start.

And yes, I do offer a way forward out of this most intractable of problems.

This is one of the only books to buck the convention wisdom about this vexed issue, which affects not only the Middle East, but the entire world — and American policy.

It’s long past time for a realistic appraisal of the situation and a new approach. The book will be out December 3. You can preorder it here.

More about it coming soon.


Germany: Muslim who stole truck and smashed it into cars while screaming “Allah” entered with 2015 migrant influx

Turkey: Human rights activist sentenced ten years jail for “blasphemy” against Islam

UK: 500 men raped victim of Muslim rape gang from age of 11, authorities did nothing, fearing “Islamophobia” charges

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Don’t Romanticize the Kurds by Andrew Bostom

Uninformed savants across the political spectrum have pilloried President Trump for his eminently rational decision to draw down the U.S. troop commitment (initially, only 25, as it turns out!) to the Syrian morass (whose “dynamic” has remained largely unchanged since the late 1940s).

Most of the ire directed at Mr. Trump has to do with hand-wringing over our “Kurdish allies,” even after the President warned Turkey not to engage in its habitual behaviors — since Ataturk created his ethno-racist state — towards the Kurds. Regardless, here are a few salient points one should bear in mind about the Kurds which the hand-wringers conveniently ignore in their hagiographies:

  • Kurdish predatory mass killings of Christians and Yazidis are well-characterized and went on for centuries. Grinding persecution continues to this day, as can be gleaned from detailed reports by both Assyrian and Yazidi organizations (hereherehere)
  • Kurdish “region(s)” were ethnically cleansed of Jews by the late 19th/early 20th centuries in a series a pogroms, compounded by constant grinding persecution including enslavement of Jewish families handed over between generations of Kurds as “family property” (p. 658p. 108)
  • The Kurds of Turkey, brutally oppressed (here) by Ataturk’s ugly ethno-racist Turkish supremacist state (here), since the 1920s, ongoing, evolved their own brutal (here) Marxist terror organization, the PKK, to combat this oppression. Those Marxist PKK elements are the fighting backbone of the Syrian Kurds whom the U.S. is now claimed to be “abandoning”
  • Kurds of Iraqi “Kurdistan” have enshrined the Sharia (“This Constitution confirms and respects the Islamic identity of the majority of the people of Iraqi Kurdistan. It considers the principles of Islamic Sharia as one of the main sources of legislation… It is not allowed to enact a law inconsistent with the provisions of the fundamentals of Islam,” Articles 6 & 7and even apply it to Kurdish conscientious objectors to Islam who escape their Kurdish Muslim paradise and flee to the West. (herehere)
  • 50% of Kurdistan’s women undergo FGM, sanctioned by the Sharia

Johny Messo is head of the World Council of Arameans. In 2014 Messo issued this statement when Israel’s Minister of Interior, H.E. Gideon Sa‘ar, signed a document that recognizes “Aramean” as a distinct national identity in Israel’s population registry: 

We greatly commend Israel for being the first state in the world to recognize our people in keeping with international law. This fantastic news has had a major impact on the global Aramean population. It encourages us to continue our legal struggle for recognition by our home countries of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon”  

Messo, was quoted from this story published today (10/10/19) from about the depredations and duplicity of the Kurdish Marxist brigades operating within Northern Syria:

“The PYD/YPG is threatening Syriacs and still forcibly detaining some children to join them,” Johny Messo, head of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs), told Anadolu Agency on Thursday. Telling how the terrorist PYD/YPG fought other terrorist groups only to pursue its own territorial aims, he explained: “The aim of the PYD/YPG in its struggle against Daesh was to seize their territories and integrate them as part of the autonomous Kurdish region envisaged by them.” The U.S. had enlisted the PYD/YPG to fight Daesh, while Turkey objected that using one terror group to fight another makes no sense. Messo said the PYD/YPG and Daesh are both terror groups, differing only in aims, and sometimes even working together. “For example, the BBC showed that the PYD/YPG signed an agreement with Daesh. And, according to our own sources, the PYD/YPG took former Daesh members with them,” he added. Messo said it is the PYD/YPG — the Syrian branch of the [MARXIST] terrorist PKK….


Turkey and the Kurds: Trump “wants U.S. forces out of a conflict in which America’s interests have never been clear”

The “Palestinians”: Why the savagery?

CNN Tries to Get Interior Department Official Fired for Opposing Jihad Violence

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

LIVE STREAM: You can watch every minute of Voter Values Summit 2019. Here’s how.

We can’t fit all of America into Washington D.C.’s Omni Shoreham hotel this week for Values Voter Summit 2019, so we’re offering a free live stream of the entire event! It’s not quite like being there in person, but it’s the next best thing. Watching the live stream this year couldn’t be easier. Tune in online beginning Friday morning October 11, 2019 at 8:45 a.m. EDT, with continuing coverage through Saturday evening. There are a variety of ways to watch:

We have an exciting lineup of speakers, including:

  • President Donald Trump
  • HHS Secretary Alex Azar
  • Senator Josh Hawley
  • Sebastian Gorka
  • Allie Stuckey
  • Yep, there’s too many to list here, but they’re all listed here.

Be sure to share what you hear with your friends using the hashtag #VVS19 on your favorite social media platform.