VIDEO: Completely Mental. Touched. Off his rocker. Out to lunch.


New Yorkers have a local expression, “That guy’s mental” — as in, “Hey, Louie’s mental.” It’s not a compliment. It means pretty much what it sounds like, that there’s something wrong upstairs.

Well, for the record, Cardinal Dolan’s mental. His reaction and media comments following Governor Cuomo signing the new state abortion law reveals some serious issues upstairs with His Eminence.

He says Cuomo shouldn’t be excommunicated because it would be giving ammo to the enemy — that the Left would seize on the excommunication and portray Cuomo in a sympathetic light. Yeah, they probably would — so what? Is that worse than allowing the world to think — or actually realize — that U.S. bishops are lily-livered cowards when it comes to the hard truths.

Dolan claims it would be counter-productive. What a stupid analysis; counter-productive to what, exactly? What’s counter-productive is letting the world think leaders in the Church don’t think this is a big deal, and what’s worse, other Catholics think it’s not a big deal.

But then again, based on decades of inaction, the world already thinks that. So here’s an opportunity to actually begin to turn things around and set the record straight. The reality is Dolan is an emasculated wimp who looks for excuses to avoid teaching Church teaching.

For example, when he was on FOX & Friends answering questions from the hosts about all this, FOX actually took down and edited out part of the live interview where Dolan simply got it wrong about Church teaching.

He said, in sum, that those involved in an abortion are not excommunicated, in direct defiance of existing canon law. Here’s the exchange:

Steve Doocy: “Have the rules changed inside the Catholic Church, because it used to be pretty black and white about ‘yes, no,’ now you’re saying, ‘Come back.'”

Cardinal Dolan: “Yes, you would say, yeah, you would say that it used to be pretty, pretty clean that an abortion would cause the excommunication not only of the one who did it, people who encourage it and the one who had it. The Church, in the last 50 years, beginning with Pope John Paul II and especially intensified under Pope Francis, has said, ‘I don’t know if that’s Gospel values here’ because mercy trumps everything.”

And this is where we can freely say: Dolan’s mental.

What he said is simply incorrect. Here is canon law — existing, on the books right now — canon law 1398: “A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication” — meaning, kill the unborn baby and you are automatically excommunicated as well as the “doctor” other personnel and friends or family who conspired in the killing.

Sorry, Cardinal Dolan, you’re wrong — flat out wrong. There are exceptions to the canon — for example, someone physically forced against her will, or a child, but those are exceptions. The rule is the rule, and Dolan seems to have no knowledge of it. And he doesn’t get to say unchallenged that “oh, we are more merciful than that now.”

First of all, that’s wrong, so either he is flat out lying, which can’t be taken off the table, or he is woeful, this prince of the Church, woefully malformed in what the Church actually teaches. Neither option is good.

Secondly, the implication is that for the past 2,000 years the Church has been unmerciful. After all, in a first-century teaching manual — 1900 years old — the Didache, willful abortion incurred expulsion from the sacraments for 10 years.

The Didache was the first recorded teachings of the Apostles themselves. So Dolan says the Apostles were unmerciful. The man is flat out mental. And then, he writes an opinion article in the New York Post where he asks the question, “Why are Cuomo and Democrats alienating Catholics?” — again proving he’s gone completely mental.

The answer, Your Eminence, is because you and so many of your worldly emasculated brethren in the episcopate have been so busy watering down the Faith and confusing them that there aren’t really that many of them left.

Cuomo, being a prime example of that, has done the political calculus and the answer is they don’t give a rip about alienating Catholics because there are so few left that they make no difference at the polls in New York as well as many other places.

Secondly, Dolan and the rest of his mental crowd are the ones who actually helped get these guys elected and keep them elected by their constant sucking up to them and wanting to be seen in pictures with them and rubbing elbows with them and hobnobbing. It’s disgusting. Have some dignity for the love of God. Know your office.

For 10 years in New York, Dolan has been on a PR tour of the local media with his stupid bombastic laugh and “aw shucks” fake persona, thinking he could somehow charm people into believing the truth.

Dolan is viewed as a huckster, a snake oil salesman or a bad used car dude who has nothing to sell that anyone is interested in.

But he has had the prestige of his office — which has eroded tremendously under the weight of his reign — which still has another five years to go — talk about people needing mercy; resign already.

And because of his office, the media love to play him and follow him around and put his picture on the papers; and being mental, he’s believed all of that is good and helpful to the Faith. It reinforces his own bloated self-importance, which is the butt of jokes behind his back.

But — and this is the problem when someone is mental — they don’t understand the world around them. They aren’t plugged in because they lack the capacity to understand the obvious.

Dolan is 0 for 4 in his political dealings. He has been played and used in every political cause he has gone after. First, he lost — if he ever really cared about it — the gay marriage fight in the state back in 2011.

Second, he lost the state funding for Catholic education initiative, something lawmakers, including Cuomo, were never going to give him. And for that deal, he allowed gays into the St. Patrick’s Day parade — and they stabbed him in the back anyway.

Dance with the devil and, well, you know what happens.

Next, Dolan and the gang claiming to care about the abortion law, and he loses that in staggering fashion — unanimous vote in the New York state senate and almost unanimous vote in the state assembly.

And then the fourth “rock his world” defeat is the new law extending the statute of limitations for suing the Church for all their sodomite priests raping altar boys — which they deserve.

Dolan is completely mental, and the reason he is is because he long ago gave up the only job he is supposed to be doing: defending souls. He has been a boy in a man’s game with New York’s Killer Catholic politicos, and they have chopped him to pieces.

Dolan is owned by Cuomo, so much so that Dolan believes the teachings of the Church have changed — completely mental.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column with video and images is republished with permission.

Minneapolis: Open Borders Agitators Organized and Active

On January 24th, a Minneapolis government employee led a public forum entitled “Immigrant Moral Witness, Moral Action.” 

I’m posting this for a couple of reasons. First, to show you once again how the Open Borders (really I should call them No Borders) activists are working to control the language.  The implication is that if you don’t agree with them, you are somehow immoral!

And, of course they are again trying to get the media and you to think about all immigrants (legal and illegal) as “New Americans.”

But, more importantly I want you to see that they are organized and have tips for the types of actions they want citizens to take. Are you getting organized?

From the MinnPost:

10 things you can do right now to help immigrants and refugees in Minnesota and beyond

Michelle Rivero
Rivero works for the taxpayers of Minneapolis at the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs

At last week’s “Immigrant Moral Witness, Moral Action” forum at First Universalist Church of Minneapolis, Michelle Riverowrapped up her presentation by talking about the importance of speaking out with love. Given her experience as an immigration attorney and as Minneapolis’ first-ever director of the newly created Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA), Rivero said it was an emotional but necessary bit of information shared amid the rest of the night’s topics. Rivero expanded on her comments for MinnPost, and provided some nuts-and-bolts information for anyone interested in helping out in the face of how the federal government is treating asylum seekers and would-be new Americans.


“I strongly feel that if you are advocating for a position, it’s important to do so with sincerity, with honesty, with humility. If an issue is very important to you, and obviously immigration is very important to me, I think the more that we can all do to convince people of why the path that we feel we should be on is the right path, the better off we’ll be as a society. And I think when you do that with sincerity, even people who disagree with you, you can find commonalities with.

Now here (below) are Rivero’s ten tips for Minnesotan Open Borders activists. (It isn’t just more Somalis they are looking for!).

Read the whole MinnPost article for details because it will give you information you can use if your goal is to see immigration to the US (and to Minnesota) brought under control.  Knowledge is power!

1. Give money to organizations and causes.
2. Be a vocal advocate for the causes you support.
3. Support an organization working to provide support to asylum seekers at the border
4. Pay immigration bonds.
5. Learn about what your city is doing regarding immigration-related issues and ask how you can partner.
6. Send local immigration attorneys to the border.
7. Support the work of Clues and other social service organizations.
8. Be informed on immigration issues and issues that touch immigrants.
9. Support MIRAC (Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee).
10. Support Release MN8.

Read it all, here.

It is one thing to read news on the internet and to watch cable news, but are you talking to those around you and getting politically organized? They are!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals with images is republished with permission. The featured image by Free-Photos on Pixabay.

Why Racism and Sexism Never Diminish—Even When People Become Less Racist and Sexist

The paper gives us a way of thinking more clearly about shifts in the Overton window.

The idea that concepts depend on their reference class isn’t new. A short basketball player is tall and a poor American is rich. One might have thought, however, that a blue dot is a blue dot. Blue can be defined by wavelength so unlike a relative concept—like short or rich—that there is some objective reality behind blue even if the boundaries are vague. Nevertheless, in a thought-provoking new paper in Science, the all-star team of Levari, Gilbert, Wilson, Sievers, Amodio, and Wheatley show that what we identify as blue expands as the prevalence of blue decreases.

In the figure below, for example, the authors ask respondents to identify a dot as blue or purple. The figure on the left shows that as the objective shading increases from very purple to very blue more people identify the dot as blue, just as one would expect. (The initial and final 200 trials indicate that there is no tendency for changes over time.) In the figure on the right, however, blue dots were made less prevalent in the final 200 trials and, after the decrease in the prevalence, the tendency to identify a dot as blue increases dramatically. In the decreasing prevalence condition on the right, a dot that was previously identified as blue only 25 percent of the time now becomes identified as blue 50 percent of the time! (Read upwards from the horizontal axis and compare the yellow and blue prediction lines).

Clever. But so what? What the authors then go on to show, however, is that the same phenomenon happens with complex concepts for which we arguably would like to have a consistent and constant identification.

Are people susceptible to prevalence-induced concept change? To answer this question, we showed participants in seven studies a series of stimuli and asked them to determine whether each stimulus was or was not an instance of a concept. The concepts ranged from simple (“Is this dot blue?”) to complex (“Is this research proposal ethical?”). After participants did this for a while, we changed the prevalence of the concept’s instances and then measured whether the concept had expanded—that is, whether it had come to include instances that it had previously excluded.

…When blue dots became rare, purple dots began to look blue; when threatening faces became rare, neutral faces began to appear threatening; and when unethical research proposals became rare, ambiguous research proposals began to seem unethical. This happened even when the change in the prevalence of instances was abrupt, even when participants were explicitly told that the prevalence of instances would change, and even when participants were instructed and paid to ignore these changes.

Assuming the result replicates (the authors have 7 studies which appear to me to be independent, although each study is fairly small in size (20-100) and drawn from Harvard undergrads) it has many implications.

…in 1960, Webster’s dictionary defined “aggression” as “an unprovoked attack or invasion,” but today that concept can include behaviors such as making insufficient eye contact or asking people where they are from. Many other concepts, such as abuse, bullying, mental disorder, trauma, addiction, and prejudice, have expanded of late as well. 

… Many organizations and institutions are dedicated to identifying and reducing the prevalence of social problems, from unethical research to unwarranted aggressions. But our studies suggest that even well-meaning agents may sometimes fail to recognize the success of their own efforts, simply because they view each new instance in the decreasingly problematic context that they themselves have brought about. Although modern societies have made extraordinary progress in solving a wide range of social problems, from poverty and illiteracy to violence and infant mortality, the majority of people believe that the world is getting worse. The fact that concepts grow larger when their instances grow smaller may be one source of that pessimism.

The paper also gives us a way of thinking more clearly about shifts in the Overton window. When strong sexism declines, for example, the Overton window shrinks on one end and expands on the other so that what was once not considered sexism at all (e.g. “men and women have different preferences which might explain job choice“) now becomes violently sexist.

Nicholas Christakis and the fearless Gabriel Rossman point out on Twitter (see below) that it works the other way as well. Namely, the presence of extremes can help others near the middle by widening the set of issues that can be discussed or studied without fear of opprobrium.

But why shouldn’t our standards change over time? Most of the people in the 1850s who thought slavery was an abomination would have rejected the idea of inter-racial marriage. Wife-beating wasn’t considered a violent crime in just the very recent past. What racism and sexism mean has changed over time. Are these examples of concept creep or progress? I’d argue progress but the blue dot experiment of Levari et al. suggests that if even objective concepts morph under prevalence inducement then subjective concepts surely will. The issue then is not to prevent progress but to recognize it and not be fooled into thinking that progress hasn’t been made just because our identifications have changed.

This article is reprinted with permission from Marginal Revolution.


Alex Tabarrok

Alex Tabarrok is a professor of economics at George Mason University. He blogs at Marginal Revolution with Tyler Cowen. 

RELATED VIDEO: The Fake Racism Epidemic.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column with images is republished with images.

Gov. Northam and the Guy Who Said: Kill People in Mixed-race Relationships

It’s certainly a sign of the times that Governor Ralph Northam’s resignation has been demanded not because of an apparent endorsement of infanticide, but because of a 1984 yearbook photo. Yet another sign is how, while Virginia’s Northam is condemned for having appeared in blackface or a KKK costume, another man is being honored despite having actually appeared before a KKK rally and preaching strict racial separation.

This man expressed affection for notorious segregationist governor George Wallace (D-Ala.), regularly taunted adversaries with racial insults and even insisted that people in mixed-race relationships be killed. This man’s name was Muhammad Ali.

While Northam’s political future has apparently been aborted, late boxer Ali was just given the honor of having Louisville, Kentucky’s airport renamed after him.

The airport probably won’t honor him to the extent of having separate facilities for whites and blacks. Yet in accordance with his Nation of Islam doctrine, Ali did consistently preach racial separation, as in the below 1968 interview produced for PBS’ THIRTEEN (relevant portion begins at 12:20).

Ali was already in his 30s when, in a 1975 Playboy interview, he insisted — adamantly — that people in black-white relationships should be killed. No wonder Martin Luther King Jr. once called him “a champion” — of segregation.

That said, I may shock you: I probably like Ali more than Northam. Not a political prostitute, the boxer was likely far more sincere, and it appears he generally treated people well on a personal level (he was very close to his white trainer, Angelo Dundee). Although, the black boxers he showered with contempt for not sharing his racist views — such as Joe Frazier, whom he called an “Uncle Tom” — might not have agreed.

But here’s the point: In this age where careers are ended and statues rended because someone way back when harbored a now unfashionable racial view, how can a man with Ali’s past be honored? Because he really was a “nice guy”?

Perhaps he was. Yet Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) appears a nice guy, too, but that doesn’t stop people from demanding his scalp for recent comments he made; at the same time, they also tolerate Democrat Minnesota attorney general and ex-congressman Keith Ellison’s past association with the Nation of Islam. The real answer is quite different: In today’s identity-politics world, it’s not what you’ve done.

It’s what you are.

Certain qualities help your cause, such as being non-white, female, non-Christian, “LGBTQ,” left-wing and Democrat; the more of these qualities you possess, the more protected you are. You’re practically bulletproof if you have them all.

Then there are qualities that hurt your cause, such as being white, male, Christian, straight, conservative, Republican and a Trump supporter; the more of these qualities you possess, the more jeopardized you are. The slightest hiccup can ruin you if you have them all.

Thus did newswoman Megyn Kelly lose her NBC show in 2018 for making rather innocuous comments about darkened skin and Halloween costumes, while a couple of months earlier one Sarah Jeong was hired by The New York Times despite having sent vile anti-white tweets (today’s résumé enhancers), replacing a white woman fired for, yeah, alleged bigotry. Thus did a hapless Catholic teen become a national symbol of hate for a “Facecrime” while the American Indian left-wing activist with a criminal record who confronted him was portrayed a victim. And thus did the national media beat the “racism” drum after a grown “white Hispanic” man shot a 17-year-old black kid in self-defense, while being silent after a grown black man shot a 17-year-old white kid (who never laid a hand on him) in alleged self-defense.

The leftist Thought Police couldn’t care less about prejudice and equality. They’re simply informed by and are acting upon their own particular vile prejudices and discriminatory standards, which their institutional power gives them the capacity to enforce. This results in whites being demeaned, demoted, derailed and taken down while leftists elevate and exalt their preferred bigots, as their cultural revolution continues apace. So forget about getting woke — just wake up.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab (preferably) or Twitter or log on to


Catholic Bishop Condemns Northam’s Infanticide Comments

VA GOV Responds to BlackFace/KKK Photo, Refuses to Shake Hands with Black Candidate in 2013

Northam’s 1984 Yearbook Staff Member Obliterates Gov’s Denial- Report

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Governor Ralph Northam (D-VA) Facebook page.

VIDEO: The Great Awakening! Stay the Course!

It’s evil. It’s ugly. Perhaps difficult to confront. This image truly breaks my heart. This is what we are dealing with as Trump turns on the light in the darkness. Fear not. The pendulum does indeed swing in two directions as the paradigm shift of consciousness is now evident and expanding.

We are talking about the awareness of masses of individuals in the human race and the universe itself awakening. The great awakening is happening. Expect chaos and turmoil, dangers and confusion for some years to come as we begin to set humanity free from the clutches of evil. This is taking place and rather rapidly, but sadly against alternative destructive forces that have had a head start. And now with this mass awakening within the human spirit taking place, there is hope. My heart had been longing for leaders who stand for freedom to come forth to help bring out the best and the truth of the human spirit that we may live in love and peace together. President Trump has arrived and is now on the offense leading America’s second revolution. We are now embarking upon this path.

There is a spiritual awakening taking place, and it’s as though we are being helped. Very privately and soulfully, people around the world are gravitating to truth as they see the evildoers for who and what they are. We must surrender to this higher calling and continue seeking truth. We must see things as they truly are. This can be taxing and perhaps a lonely journey, feeling like a bit of an outcast to the norm as the false matrix and its minions try to pull us back into their dead and dying paradigm. But we must operate with integrity. We must stay the course, listening to that higher voice from within. This is grounding and brings a sense of peace and calm.

Love yourself. Find your voice. Become a true expression of who you really are. Shout it from the rooftops. Become comfortable and reminded of the perfection and abundance that exists for you and for others. Truth is powerful, and truth leads to freedom. Truth will set us free. You can help redirect mankind on this much-needed course correction. We all have this power, this innate ability. You can move mountains. You can influence others. Get with the program. There is a plan to save the world. In fact, we are the plan. President Trump is turning on the lights, one room at a time, from dark to light.Together we can save America. This is the great awakening. Stay the course.

Discovery and the Evolution of Change

Step One: Discovery and the Evolution of Change

Arriving at the truth. This is where one begins to question things as they are and begins to embark upon what can be an uncomfortable journey, as deceitful lies are revealed and truths come to light. This is where the change really begins, as one acquires a new operating basis as a free critical thinker and truth seeker. This is the first and most important grounding and empowering step.

Step Two: Motivation Through Inspiration

Seeing life in a new light. Once lies are revealed and truths are discovered, there is an inspiration within that is almost an auto-response mechanism. The motivation accelerates almost daily simply due to the fact the “light bulbs keep going off.” One now has acquired the ability to instantly see the game being played as the daily events unfold on the evening news, and one can now easily begin to connect the dots. This is re-energizing and prompts one to take action, moving from effect to cause, creating the desire to improve conditions in one’s life and perhaps in the world around us.

Step Three: Action and Commitment

Creating a better life and a better world. This step in the process of effect to causation in creating a better life and a better world requires action and ongoing commitment. Some aspire to improve conditions in their lives and their immediate circles, while others go beyond this with a burning desire to reset the track that mankind is on and lending support to various groups and efforts already successfully in motion. This is how we begin to restore hope toward creating a world of peace rather than a world in pieces. The wrong thing to do is nothing. Where in this three-step process are you? Where do you need to begin or focus your attention on most? Which step or steps do you need help with?


The second American revolution is a battle that is fought on many fronts and will be fought for many years to come. Some battles will be won, others will be lost, and along the way there are dangers to protect oneself from, as well as opportunities to take advantage of.

The challenges we all face are enormous, but the scales are tipping. This is our time; we have a chance. The time for action is now. You are nothing more than an accomplice should you stand by idly as the culture and planet decline rapidly into very unpleasant conditions. With this blog post, it is my hope that we realize these misconceptions and begin the much-needed course corrections, both personally and collectively. Become a truth seeker, then a truth revealer. Spread the word. Do not squander this opportunity in this brief breath of eternity, for eternity.

There are any insightful articles and links of valuable resources and data for you to explore here on my website Perhaps this is a good place to begin. May the force be with you.

RELATED ARTICLE: How Marx, Hitler and Social Democrats have made thinking unthinkable

EDITORS NOTE: This column with video and images is republished with permission.

Florida Alert! Universal Background Checks, a Path to Gun Confiscation

HB 135 – Transfers of Firearms by Rep. Margaret Good (D) prohibits the TRANSFER of a firearm from one law-abiding citizen to another without first having a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer.  

Transfer means sale, giving, lending, renting, or simply handing a firearm to another person or any action that causes a firearm to be transferred from one law-abiding person to another law-abiding person.  

In other words, you must go to a licensed firearms dealer to have a background check done on your best friend just to lend him a hunting rifle to go on a hunting trip. You must also pay the dealer an administrative fee PLUS the background check fee charged by FDLE.
Then, before your best friend can return the firearm to you, you must go back to the dealer and the dealer must do a background check on YOU to simply give you back your own gun — AND pay another set of fees. 

The bill also contains a “head-fake.”  Right up front, is a definition:  “Adult family member means an individual’s spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, niece, nephew, first cousin, aunt, or uncle who is over 21 years of age.”  

As must have been anticipated, many folks wrongfully think there is an exemption that allows you to lend or otherwise transfer a firearm to “an adult family member.”  A careful reading of the bill shows that the exemption ONLY applies if that person LIVES WITH YOU and the transfer is for NO MORE THAN 14 DAYS.

Even though HB-135 requires the person transferring the firearm to pay a licensed firearms dealer any amount of fees demanded by the dealer, nothing in the bill requires any dealer, anywhere to do background checks on private transfers, period!  
The bill sponsor must assume that dealers will be eager to accommodate this gun control measure because they have an opportunity to make as much money as they choose while implementing the liberal left’s gun control schemes.  Then there’s this:

Confiscation of Firearms under HB-135

Pretend your name is John Smith and you want to give a family shotgun to your son, John Smith, Jr.  (It doesn’t matter what your name is, this could happen to you and FDLE’s or NCIC’s mistake could result in your gun being confiscated).

STEP 1.  You go to your local licensed gun dealer for a background check on your son, as required by this bill.  

STEP 2.  You must then sign over ownership of your shotgun to the dealer before he can legally run a background check.

STEP 3.  The dealer charges you $50 (or more – as much as he chooses) to do the background check on your son.

STEP 4.  FDLE’s background check on your son confuses him for a John Smith with a criminal record: FDLE denies a transfer.  

STEP 5.  Before the shotgun can be returned to you, the dealer must first do a background check on you.

STEP 6.  The dealer charges you $50 (or more – as much as he chooses) to do a background check on you.

STEP 7.  FDLE confuses you with the same John Smith as your son, so FDLE denies the transfer of your gun back to you.

STEP 8.  Your shotgun must then be CONFISCATED by the dealer.

STEP 9.  Within 24 Hours, the dealer must deliver your shotgun to the Sheriff. (After doing a background check on the Sheriff)

STEP 10.  FDLE does nothing to correct the mistake.

STEP 11.  Unless YOU can PROVE that FDLE made a mistake, in 6 months your shotgun is forever forfeited to “the state” with no compensation whatever. There is no mandate that your shotgun be properly maintained while in “custody.”
BOTTOM LINE:  You have paid a dealer $100; you and your son have been labeled criminals by FDLE; your shotgun has been confiscated.  That’s only some of what Rep. Good’s bill would do if it passes.


EDITORS NOTE: This NRA-ILA column is republished with permission. The featured image is by Pixabay.

Will Starbucks Values Hit the Campaign Trail in 2020?

Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, tweeted his interest in running for president of the United States… as an independent.

Now, with an outspoken CEO who regularly leveraged his position to push an agenda, Starbucks could hardly be considered a centrist entity under Schultz’s leadership—that would essentially require neutrality on the issues, or at least some semblance of playing both sides. Looking at Starbucks’ long receipt of liberal activism over the years, you can understand why we view this new-found moderation with healthy skepticism.

After his voluntary departure in 2000, Schultz returned in 2008 after the company reported serious financial troubles. The return also marked a jumpstart in the activism that has earned Starbucks a 2ndVote score of 1 (Liberal).

During his second tenure, Schultz told Christian shareholders to take a hike if they didn’t agree with the company’s support for same-sex marriage. Later that year, Starbucks banned all customers from legally carrying firearms in their stores.

Additionally, in what is surely a carry-over from Schultz’s time as CEO, the new Starbucks chief has been forced to defend his company’s financial support for abortion giant Planned Parenthood. 

Click here to see more on Starbucks’ support for the Paris Climate Accords, sanctuary cities, and more!

Obviously, conservatives are unlikely to cast their first vote for Schultz in 2020. What should concern the new leadership at Starbucks is the fact that they won’t cast their 2ndVote buying their coffee until the stain of activism is erased from the kitchens.

Hold Starbucks accountable by buying your coffee from these better alternatives.Contact Starbucks!

Reach Out to Starbucks on Facebook!

Help us continue highlighting how corporations support the left’s agenda by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

Corporate Dollars Fuel Planned Parenthood’s Push to Infanticide

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse slammed Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s defense of a legislation to expand late-term abortion earlier this week:

The comments the governor of Virginia made were about fourth-term abortions. That’s not abortion, that’s infanticide.

Indeed, Northam’s description of an infant having his or her fate determined by a discussion between a doctor and patient after delivery was quite horrific:

If a mother is in labor . . . the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.

Northam’s comments were made in the wake of the New York’s legislative rollback of limitations on late-term abortion and come in the midst of Planned Parenthood’s push to enshrine abortion to the moment of birth. However, Northam may have overplayed the abortion lobby’s hand and exposed Planned Parenthood’s true intentions as public outcry helped defeat Virginia’s controversial bill.

Now, the battle to protect the lives of fully formed, full-term babies is not done, and FoxNews reports Planned Parenthood Action Fund expects to push for similar measures in over half the states in the country. That is why it is imperative we demand Planned Parenthood’s corporate sponsors cease funding the abortionists infanticide agenda.

Our research has found the following companies and organizations are direct supporters of Planned Parenthood:

American Express
Bank of America
Bath & Body Works
Ben & Jerry’s
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Charles Schwab
Deutsche Bank

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Frito Lay
General Electric
Jiffy Lube
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Kraft Heinz
Levi Strauss
Liberty Mutual
March of Dimes
Mondelez International

Morgan Stanley
Progressive Insurance
Susan G. Komen
United Airlines
United Way
US Bank
Wells Fargo

Use the links above to see our research and the contact buttons provided to reach out to these corporations.

Planned Parenthood’s disgusting celebration of New York’s Reproductive Health Act clearly illustrates the abortion giant’s agenda—the unrestricted ability to kill fully formed babies. Corporations that support this agenda need to hear from you that they are funding the deaths of their own customers. They also need to know why they will not be doing so with your dollars as you take your business to companies that do not fuel Planned Parenthood’s industry of death.

Help us continue highlighting how corporations support the left’s agenda by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Kamala Harris Running on Anything Other Than Abortion?

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column with images is republished with permission. The featured photo s by Ryan Graybill on Unsplash.

California’s New Governor Calls for a Tax on Drinking Water

Communities throughout the state struggle with dangerous pollutants in their supply, but opponents of the suggested tax say there is no need to tax residents in order to solve the problem.

California’s new governor has wasted little time continuing the state’s seemingly limitless expansion of government. Governor Gavin Newsom’s first budget proposal, published last week, suggests instituting a tax on drinking water in the name of cleaning up California’s water systems.

The “Environmental Protection” section of the 2019-2020 budget seeks to

establish a new special fund, with a dedicated funding source from new water, fertilizer, and dairy fees, to enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water.

California’s drinking water quality is indeed poor. Communities throughout the state struggle with dangerous pollutants in their supply, but opponents of the suggested tax say there is no need to tax residents in order to solve the problem.

Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association has argued that the proposal is an example “of California’s knee-jerk reaction to default to a new tax whenever there’s a new problem,” the Sacramento Bee reported. (In another example, last year bureaucrats proposed a new tax on text messages that was ultimately shot down.) Coupal says there shouldn’t be new taxes for water system improvements when the state is sitting on a $14.2 billion surplus.

Similarly, the California Association of Water Agencies, a coalition of public water agencies throughout the state, has expressed opposition to the proposed tax, arguing that in light of the current surplus, a trust should be established to fund water clean-up efforts.  “The state should not tax something that is essential to life, such as water and food,” they said in a press release, adding that the costs of living in California are already too high and that another tax would make water less affordable.

Further, significant funding has already been allocated to help clean up water in disadvantaged communities, which experience disproportionate levels of polluted drinking water. For example, Assembly Bill 1471, passed in 2014, authorized$260 million “for grants and loans for public water system infrastructure improvements and related actions to meet safe drinking water standards, ensure affordable drinking water, or both.”

In 2015, as part of the emergency drought funding, then-Governor Jerry Brown approved an additional $19 million in funding was allocated “to meet interim emergency drinking water needs for disadvantaged communities with a contaminated water supply or suffering from drought-related water outages or threatened emergencies,” according to the state water board.

In June of last year, voters approved Proposition 68, which authorized $250 million for clean drinking water projects, as well as drought preparedness measures.

Further, in December, the EPA awarded California $187 billion in federal funds “for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure improvements.”

California already has one of the largest tax burdens in the country. Its top tier income rate is the highest at 13.3 percent, as is its sales tax rate of 7.25 percent. In 2017, the state collected $82 billion in tax revenue—nearly $4 billion more than expected.

Nevertheless, Newsom is modeling his new tax proposal on a funding bill state lawmakers rejected last year. According to his budget, “This proposal is consistent with the policy framework of SB 623, introduced in the 2017-18 legislative session.”

That bill sought to tax both homes and businesses to raise money for water cleanup and would have been capped at 95 cents per month, but it died in the Senate. (A similar attempt to tax drinking water in the state of New Jersey also languished in that state’s legislature last year.)

It appears voters could be growing apprehensive toward new fees for drinking water considering they defeated Proposition 3 in last year’s election, which would have allocated $500 million in bond funding to help the state’s water suppliers meet safe drinking water standards.

Newsom’s push has received praise from environmental groups, but the Sacramento Bee reports that while the budget has an increased chance of passing since Democrats regained their supermajority in the legislature, some Democrats are hesitant to approve new taxes on drinking water.

Considering the hundreds of millions of dollars that have already been allocated to fix the water problem, it seems the bigger issue isn’t a lack of funding but an excess of bureaucracy and intervention.


Carey Wedler

Carey Wedler

Carey Wedler is a video blogger and Senior Editor for Anti-Media.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column with images is republished with permission. The featured image is by Pixabay.

Climate modeling illusions

By Tom Harris and Dr. Jay Lehr

For the past three decades, human-caused global warming alarmists have tried to frighten the public with stories of doom and gloom. They tell us the end of the world as we know it is nigh because of carbon dioxide emitted into the air by burning fossil fuels.

They are exercising precisely what journalist H. L. Mencken described early in the last century: “The whole point of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be lead to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

The dangerous human-caused climate change scare may well be the best hobgoblin ever conceived. It has half the world clamoring to be led to safety from a threat for which there is not a shred of meaningful physical evidence that climate fluctuations and weather events we are experiencing today are different from, or worse than, what our near and distant ancestors had to deal with – or are human-caused.

Many of the statements issued to support these fear-mongering claims are presented in the U.S. Fourth National Climate Assessment, a 1,656-page report released in late November. But none of their claims have any basis in real world observations. All that supports them are mathematical equations presented as accurate, reliable models of Earth’s climate.

It is important to properly understand these models, since they are the only basis for the climate scare.

Before we construct buildings or airplanes, we make physical, small-scale models and test them against stresses and performance that will be required of them when they are actually built. When dealing with systems that are largely (or entirely) beyond our control – such as climate – we try to describe them with mathematical equations. By altering the values of the variables in these equations, we can see how the outcomes are affected. This is called sensitivity testing, the very best use of mathematical models.

However, today’s climate models account for only a handful of the hundreds of variables that are known to affect Earth’s climate, and many of the values inserted for the variables they do use are little more than guesses. Dr. Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics Laboratory lists the six most important variables in any climate model:

1) Sun-Earth orbital dynamics and their relative positions and motions with respect to other planets in the solar system;

2) Charged particles output from the Sun (solar wind) and modulation of the incoming cosmic rays from the galaxy at large;

3) How clouds influence climate, both blocking some incoming rays/heat and trapping some of the warmth;

4) Distribution of sunlight intercepted in the atmosphere and near the Earth’s surface;

5) The way in which the oceans and land masses store, affect and distribute incoming solar energy;

6) How the biosphere reacts to all these various climate drivers.

Soon concludes that, even if the equations to describe these interactive systems were known and properly included in computer models (they are not), it would still not be possible to compute future climate states in any meaningful way. This is because it would take longer for even the world’s most advanced super-computers to calculate future climate than it would take for the climate to unfold in the real world.

So we could compute the climate (or Earth’s multiple sub-climates) for 40 years from now, but it would take more than 40 years for the models to make that computation.

Although governments have funded more than one hundred efforts to model the climate for the better part of three decades, with the exception of one Russian model which was fully “tuned” to and accidentally matched observational data, not one accurately “predicted” (hindcasted) the known past. Their average prediction is now a full 1 degree F above what satellites and weather balloons actually measured.

In his February 2, 2016 testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space & Technology, University of Alabama-Huntsville climatologist Dr. John Christy compared the results of atmospheric temperatures as depicted by the average of 102 climate models with observations from satellites and balloon measurements. He concluded: “These models failed at the simple test of telling us ‘what’ has already happened, and thus would not be in a position to give us a confident answer to ‘what’ may happen in the future and ‘why.’ As such, they would be of highly questionable value in determining policy that should depend on a very confident understanding of how the climate system works.”

Similarly, when Christopher Monckton tested the IPCC approach in a paper published by the Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015, he convincingly demonstrated that official predictions of global warming had been overstated threefold. (Monckton holds several awards for his climate work.)

The paper has been downloaded 12 times more often than any other paper in the entire 60-year archive of that distinguished journal. Monckton’s team of eminent climate scientists is now putting the final touches on a paper proving definitively that – instead of the officially-predicted 3.3 degrees Celsius (5.5 F) warming for every doubling of COlevels – there will be only 1.1 degrees C of warming. At a vital point in their calculations, climatologists had neglected to take account of the fact that the Sun is shining!

All problems can be viewed as having five stages: observation, modeling, prediction, verification and validation. Apollo team meteorologist Tom Wysmuller explains: “Verification involves seeing if predictions actually happen, and validation checks to see if the prediction is something other than random correlation. Recent CO2 rise correlating with industrial age warming is an example on point that came to mind.”

As Science and Environmental Policy Project president Ken Haapala notes, “the global climate models relied upon by the IPCC [the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] and the USGCRP [United States Global Change Research Program] have not been verified and validated.”

An important reason to discount climate models is their lack of testing against historical data. If one enters the correct data for a 1920 Model A, automotive modeling software used to develop a 2020 Ferrari should predict the performance of a 1920 Model A with reasonable accuracy. And it will.

But no climate models relied on by the IPCC (or any other model, for that matter) has applied the initial conditions of 1900 and forecast the Dust Bowl of the 1930s – never mind an accurate prediction of the climate in 2000 or 2015. Given the complete lack of testable results, we must conclude that these models have more in common with the “Magic 8 Ball” game than with any scientifically based process.

While one of the most active areas for mathematical modeling is the stock market, no one has ever predicted it accurately. For many years, the Wall Street Journal chose five eminent economic analysts to select a stock they were sure would rise in the following month. The Journal then had a chimpanzee throw five darts at a wall covered with that day’s stock market results. A month later, they determined who preformed better at choosing winners: the analysts or the chimpanzee. The chimp usually won.

For these and other reasons, until recently, most people were never foolish enough to make decisions based on predictions derived from equations that supposedly describe how nature or the economy works.

Yet today’s computer modelers claim they can model the climate – which involves far more variables than the economy or stock market – and do so decades or even a century into the future. They then tell governments to make trillion-dollar policy decisions that will impact every aspect of our lives, based on the outputs of their models. Incredibly, the United Nations and governments around the world are complying with this demand. We are crazy to continue letting them get away with it.


Dr. Jay Lehr is the Science Director of The Heartland Institute which is based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column with images is republished with permission.

VIDEO: State-Owned Fairgrounds Ban Gun Shows, Infringe on Both 2A and 1A Rights

“Because of all the political rhetoric flooding the country and this fixation on spreading as much propaganda as possible about the Second Amendment, anti-gun advocates on the fairgrounds’ board of directors decided that it would just be great to ban all gun shows.” —Dana Loesch

How Marx, Hitler and Social Democrats have made thinking unthinkable

Have you noticed today that thinking (using logic) is considered a hate crime?

Hate crimes.

Here are a few examples of thinking as hate crimes:

  1. You reject collectivism and embrace individual liberty and freedom.
  2. You deny that mankind is causing global warming.
  3. You embrace the scientific proof that gender at birth is binary (male and female).
  4. You deny the idea that it’s a woman’s right to kill (abort) her unborn child.
  5. You deny that, of the three Abrahamic religions, that Islam is truly a religion of peace.
  6. You reject diversity and multiculturalism (i.e. identity politics) and embrace assimilation (E Pluribus Unum) .
  7. You embrace truth and facts over emotion and subjectivism.
  8. You embrace the open discussion of ideas no matter how distasteful.
  9. You reject ad hominem attacks against anyone because of their beliefs.
  10. You deny the idea that God is dead and embrace His Son Jesus. You are Judeo/Christian.

When did thinking become unthinkable?

The idea that thinking became unthinkable began under Karl Marx. Marx believed that people of different social classes think differently. The bourgeois think differently than the serf. The idea that man, because of his social status, cannot think the same became known as “polylogism.” The term polylogism was first introduced by Ludwig von Mises. Von Mises wrote:

Polylogism is the replacement of reasoning and science by superstitions. It is the characteristic mentality of an age of chaos. 

The Ayn Rand lexicon defines polylogism as,

(T)he doctrine that there is not one correct logic, one correct method of reasoning necessarily binding on all men, but that there are many logics, each valid for some men and invalid for the others. 

As Spock from Star Trek would say, “That’s illogical.”

What used to be logical has now become illogical. What was once unthinkable (e.g. infanticide) has now become public policy. The belief that a male can be a female is illogical but perfectly permissible under polylogism.

The Rand lexicon states,

Aware of the fact that communism cannot be defended by reason, the Marxists proceeded to turn the fallacy of ad hominem into a formal philosophic doctrine, claiming that logic varies with men’s economic class, and that objections to communist doctrine may be dismissed as expressions of “bourgeois logic.” Thus, vilification of an opponent replaces analysis of his argument . . . . Kant [is] the real father of polylogism, the first among the major philosophers officially to sever logic from reality . . . In terms of fundamentals, Nazi polylogism, like Nazi subjectivism, is simply a pluralizing and racializing of the Kantian view.

Polylogism is not a theory of logic—it is a denial of logic and therefore reality. Polylogists can believe whatever they want, reality be damned.

Ayn Rand wrote:

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

If you disagree with a polylogist you are are committing a hate crime and must therefore be condemned in the most virulent manner. Absurdities are the new normal. If you don’t believe me just turn on your TV and watch the polylogists lecture to you what to think.

RELATED VIDEO: Why You Can’t Argue With A Leftist.


What the Nazis Borrowed from Marx

“That Wasn’t Real Socialism”: A Better Way to Respond to the Claim

Long Before the Covington Incident, Orwell Revealed the Truth about Hate

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Jose Moreno on Unsplash.

A Non-citizen Who Voted in Three Elections Gets a Small Fine

The judge in the case said the Election Board officials who registered her “don’t know what they are doing.”  Or do they?

I’ve had this story for a few days (thanks to reader Nancy), but am just getting to it because of the more pressing news from NevadaOhio and Virginia.

From Newsweek (I am actually surprised it is even being reported nationally!):


A permanent resident of North Carolina will not face prison time after she was illegally allowed to vote in three separate elections.

voted stickers

Hyo Suk George, 70, was charged with illegal voting by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after she reportedly voted in 2008, 2010 and 2016 in Columbus County. Instead of sentencing George to six months in prison, U.S. District Judge Terrence Boyle fined George $100.

George arrived in the United States from South Korea in 1989. She got a green card in 1995 and has worked in housekeeping and the fast-food industry, her federal public defender Sherri Alspaugh said. She registered to vote “next to the senior center” after taking the advice of a town council member, according to the News & Observer. [They should be naming the town council member!]

Alspaugh said her client did not remember whether she registered at the county board or a library, but said there were likely volunteers working registration.

judge boyle

In his ruling, Boyle also expressed frustration toward the election board in Whiteville, North Carolina, because it allowed George to register to vote using her green card, Social Security number and driver’s license, the News & Observerreported.

“So they see a green card and say, ‘That’s OK’ because they don’t know what they’re doing,” the judge said. “They ought to be a little smarter than that.”

Boyle added that the same amount of attention that is placed on voters should be placed on educating election officials. Green cards give immigrants permanent residency in the United States but not citizenship. Only U.S. citizens are allowed to vote.

An investigation by the North Carolina Board of Elections found that 508 voters who cast ballots in the 2016 election were ineligible to vote. Of those, 441 voters were individuals serving active felony sentences. Only convicted felons who have completed their sentences are allowed to vote in North Carolina.

The election board also found that 41 noncitizens voted and 24 voters cast ballots twice. Two individuals reportedly voted using the names of family members who had recently died, the News & Observer reported at the time.

More here.

As I’ve said before, if you are looking for something to do, watch-dogging your local Board of Elections would be a very useful project. 

RELATED ARTICLE: SPLC feeling the heat, hires top defamation lawyer to defend its tax-exempt status in RICO lawsuit

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column with images is republished with permission. The featured image is by Pixabay.

Could Google be Dragged into RICO Cases with SPLC?

Now that would be fun to watch!

PJ Media‘s Tyler O’Neil is reporting that some lawyers believe it would be possible due to Google’s two-pronged partnership with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The SPLC, as you all must know by now, every year publishes a hate group list with the goal of silencing those with whom they disagree.

I’m still on the hate map as a “group” when in fact it is just me here (and my cat)! 

And, I was on the top 15 anti-Muslim extremists list that SPLC was forced to remove, see here.

Let me be clear—I have no group! I’m just one woman with an opinion.

Here is PJ Media on the juicy prospect (hat tip: Cathy):

In recent years, the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has faced a slew of lawsuits regarding its deceptive practice of branding mainstream conservative and Christian groups “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan. Google has decided to partner with the SPLC, even encouraging employees to work for the organization. Conservative lawyers told PJ Media this partnership may make the tech giant vulnerable to defamation and racketeering lawsuits.

This month, Fortune reported that Google’s philanthropic arm,, launched a program that will pay Google employees to do pro bono work for nonprofit groups for up to six months. The company aims to achieve 50,000 hours of pro bono work this year. names the SPLC as one of its partners for “inclusion.” started funding the far-Left group in 2016, and has given the organization $250,000, specifically to fund a “total redesign of the Teaching Tolerance website.”

“Teaching Tolerance,” an SPLC project aimed at teachers for elementary, middle, and high schools across America, has referenced the SPLC’s “hate map,” endorsing the “hate group” labels, before and after funding. Even if Teaching Tolerance were distanced from the “hate group” smears, explicitly names the SPLC as the recipient of funding and the partner — which likely means Google employees can do pro bono work for the SPLC.

“It does appear that there’s more than funding that is taking place between Google and the SPLC and other tech companies, to the point where there’s interaction, potentially plotting, and the involvement of their so-called ‘hate group’ label that is designed for one reason — to destroy the opposition based on ideology,” Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, told PJ Media. He said “it’s plausible” Google may face RICO and defamation charges in future lawsuits.

There is more here.

And, of course you know that the Center for Immigration Studies has recently filed a lawsuit against the filthy rich SPLC.

question mark

What can you do?  First you might want to see if you’ve ‘made it’ onto the latest Hate Map.

If you happen to have easy access to an attorney, you might want to file a suit.  But mostly if you see a news story referencing the SPLC’s chosen haters, then be sure to set the record straight with whatever publication is spreading the lies about you or about people you know.

This post is filed in my ‘Charity fraud’ category and my ‘Media fraud’ category.  Media fraud for any publication using the SPLC “research.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Canada: After Terror Arrests, Trudeau’s Muslim Immigrants Fear Backlash

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column with images is republished with permission. The featured image is by Pixabay.

The Perils of Cash

People have been asking me as of late about holding cash, at least those that are reading the writing on the wall. Besides the fact that there is a war on cash and a cashless society coming soon,  there are other reasons as to the perils of cash. With the talk of a global financial reset, coupled with the stock market gyrations and the unsustainable debt, many people have gone to cash. It used to be known as “cash is king”. Well today, I say “cash is trash”. So what are the perils of holding an excessive amount of cash?

Perils of Cash

Low Interest:  Cash and cash equivalent accounts these days are paying perhaps about 1%-2% at best, often times less than that. If you are not keeping pace with the real rate of inflation, you are falling behind in purchasing power and may run out of money down the line.

Inflation: The government reports the inflation rate today to be at around 2%, but like the unemployment numbers, this is not really the case upon further inspection. You see back in the days of Bill Clinton, changes were made to just how it is that the government reports the inflation rate to the American people. It is known as the Boskin Commission. The Boskin Commission, formally called the “Advisory Commission to Study the Consumer Price Index”, was appointed by the United States Senate in 1995 to study possible bias in the computation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is used to measure inflation in the United States. How To Rewrite Economic History? Here’s how.

The real rate of inflation as reported by Kirk Elliott, PhD, is at 6.12% today. Based upon Trump’s weak dollar policy and the Fed’s raising of interest rates, we can expect inflation to be on the rise. Interest rate cycles run 28 years on average. We just finished a 30-year declining interest rate environment and as of November 2016, we have embarked upon a rising interest rate cycle. So cash for now is trash. Hold some in the bank and perhaps some at home for emergencies and opportunities.

Global Financial Reset: What exactly is being reset? The debt is being reset and the value of the dollar will decline over time until sound money is restored. Easier said than done. Stay tuned. So once again excess cash may not be wise at this particular time in history. President Trump is now taking on the Federal Reserve, Rothschild World Banking Dynasty and the IMF as a move to restore sound money in order to MAGA. We will more than likely see a gold backed currency. So, buy gold (and silver). There is a reason you hear and use the expression, “it’s as good as gold”, own some. The signs are there indicating the reset is in motion. President Trump takes on the Fed.

Bank Bail-In: We learned all about the bank bail out in 2008-2009. How about the bank bail-in? A bail-inand a bailout are both designed to prevent the complete collapse of a failing bank. With a bank bail-in, the bank uses the money of its unsecured creditors, including depositors and bondholders, to restructure their capital so it can stay afloat. How much of your funds do you want caught in the bail-in? Again, right now cash is trash. Oh yeah, FDIC barely covers a fraction of the trillions on deposit. Take note. So what to do?


Get Out of the System: Well you cant really get out of the system unless you leave the planet. But there are alternative asset classes to consider in this paradigm shift of global economic and monetary policy to consider. I have a proprietary model which is truly a paradigm shift in thinking offering a new sound, superior, proactive approach to protecting and preserving wealth, utilizing both alternative paper assets as well as tangible assets. Follow the trend. The trend is your friend. The goal as wise and prudent investors is to identify and minimize risks and maximize returns keeping pace with inflation.

Does Wall Street have Main Street’s best interest in mind? I think we know the answer to this. While so many others will continue to operate in the deceitful and flawed modalities being advised by an industry they no longer trust. A great change is now upon us. The time for action is now. Better a day early than a day late. Request a copy of the Global Financial Reset Report here. To be continued…

EDITORS NOTE: This John Michael Chambers column with images is republished with permission.