The Angry American

From time to time we all read a piece that we unanimously agree is brilliant.  The article entitled “The Angry Man,” by John Krawczyk, published at The American Thinker, on October 28, 2016, is just such a piece. As a writer who believes in his own abilities – meager though they may be – I find myself thinking: Wow! I wish I had written that! – as I marvel at the common sense and insightfulness of the author. Not wishing to take away from his wisdom, I’d like to offer a few additional thoughts of my own.

The first of these – and I’m sure that Mr. Krawczyk would not disagree with my intent – is to point out that the article might well have been entitled “The Angry American” (the title of this article) – which would, of course, include both men and women. Perhaps knowing from the outset how he would (quite masterfully) conclude his piece, he chose to do otherwise. The fact remains, however, that the views and feelings expressed by the author were and are clearly shared by tens of millions of women, as well as men, across this great land.

The purposefully-skewed national polling throughout the campaign – designed to reflect a carefully-crafted and pre-determined narrative – falsely, I believe, indicated that college-educated women did not favor Donald Trump – only those who did not attend college. Now while the Left has clearly succeeded in destroying any semblance of free thought on college campuses nationwide, we can at least hope that they haven’t entirely succeeded in eradicating the native intelligence of the co-eds who now outnumber their male counterparts by close to 40% (37% roughly – 11 million to just over 8 million).

While the number of men who supported Donald Trump simply could not be suppressed, the deliberately-designed message with respect to the females who had boarded the Trump Train was that they were “uneducated” – i.e., unintelligent (and probably barefoot and pregnant as well!). Clearly – according to the National Press – no “educated” woman could or would support, or vote for, such a man; but many did, and still do, fully support him…which brings me to my next point.

As documented in my just-released book on the election, the voter fraud – about which our new champion had clearly warned us – was indeed rampant, even massive. While they did not succeed in silencing the voices of the majority of Americans who legally cast their vote for Mr. Trump, they, the Democrats and their fully-owned subsidiary, the National Media, were able to deceitfully create the illusion that he did not win the popular vote – thus bolstering their claim that his victory was and is “not legitimate” as was just officially pronounced by the “conscience” of House Democrats, John Lewis, and in no way represents any kind of mandate. Both points are patently false, however.

The Trump victory – a victory for the American People – is one of the three most pivotal in our nation’s history. The first of those was that of the little-known backwoods lawyer from Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln; the second, that of the folksy movie star and former California governor, Ronald Wilson Reagan; and the third – and perhaps the most significant of all – was that of the un-PC populist, and brash billionaire, Donald John Trump.

When asked how he would compare the feeling he had when he awoke on November 9th, the day after the Trump election, with how he felt on the morning following the Reagan victory, Rush Limbaugh in effect said, “There was no comparison!” – that the Trump victory was far more significant in terms of what was at stake; i.e., how far we had (have) fallen as a nation in the intervening years, and particularly in these past eight.

There is no question that Rush was right in his assessment. Had Hillary Clinton – the most corrupt candidate to ever secure the nomination of a major U.S. political party – won, it would surely have meant the death of the country as we have known it, and the completion of Barack Obama’s now-fully-repudiated “fundamental transformation of the United States of America.”

So, we dodged a bullet. No, actually we dodged a strategically-aimed nuclear warhead, designed to bring down the one final impediment to the ushering in of the Left’s long-awaited
“workers’ paradise” – a dictatorial and oppressive one-world oligarchy, led by them, the “enlightened” among us; but God gave us a champion in Donald Trump, and we, the American People, rallied behind him, thus staving off our imminent destruction…for now, at least – which brings me to one of my final points.

Yes, no matter how much it may offend the erudite sensibilities of the anti-religious Left to hear it, God has given us this victory; and we, the American People, have embraced it. We now have two primary enemies as we move forward. The first of these is our own arrogance or pride. While the President-Elect has promised to restore our greatness – with a focus on our safety and our prosperity – it is the abandonment of our moral and spiritual values which have directly led to our near-cataclysmic demise.

The irony in the pronouncement of the Left’s false messiah, Barack Obama, that we were “no longer a Christian nation,” is that he correctly identified, and underscored, our true spiritual foundation – what we once were. (His additional assertion that Muslims had played a key role in our founding, of course, went unsubstantiated; and, I might add, no one that I know is aware of any such contribution.) If we do not, however, defend and uphold our founding religious and spiritual values, we will incur the wrath of a just God; and those values include the sanctity of the marriage covenant and relationship, which have existed throughout the world, without challenge, from the beginning of recorded history…until now, that is; and the protection of the lives of the most innocent and defenseless among us – the unborn.

Indeed, the Preamble itself presciently (nay, prophetically) declares: “we do ordain and establish this Constitution [and, of course, all of its rights and protections] to ourselves and our posterity” – by definition, to those yet unborn. If, for the sake of presumed (not actual) “political expediency” – in order to appease the enemies of all that we hold dear (those whom we soundly defeated nationwide in this past election) – we do not return to, and fight for, these foundational values (decidedly spiritual, and not merely “social” as they have been dismissively designated), any prosperity which we might achieve as a nation will be short-lived…which brings me to my final point.

As just stated, the People of this nation rose up from sea to shining sea – actually, everywhere in between, for the most part (at least 83% of counties nationwide voted for Donald Trump) – and rejected the politically-correct and Biblically-bereft values of the Left that have dominated our lives for the past eight years.

The mantra of those whose ideas we have just rejected (as has always been the case in the past) is once again that we must “reach across the aisle” – in stark contrast to what they have done at the Executive level, at least, throughout the past eight years (via unabated, un-constitutional Executive Orders, right up to the end), and have always done when holding sway in either the Legislative  and/or Executive Branches – and we must not fall prey to this lie!

The vast majority of Americans – as evidenced by the legislative and gubernatorial victories of Republicans nationwide, in addition to the defeat of the decidedly un-Democratic Party in Washington, D.C. – have rejected the tenets of the Left, and those whom we have elected should govern according to our wishes.  That is what we hired – and will pay them to do! Yes, they represent all Americans, but to pretend that they should govern according to the wishes of those who voted against them is both absurd and irrational. It is, of course, what the defeated now demand that they do…but they must not!

I will conclude with this:  If this election represents anything, it is the rejection of the national news media by the American public.  They openly and shamelessly promoted (in a coordinated effort, as revealed and documented by Julian Assange and Wikileaks)  – and continue to do so long after the election (up to the time of this writing) – the Clinton Campaign and its multi-billion dollar money-laundering Foundation.  The direct complicity between the once-vaunted “Fourth Branch” of government and the Democratic Party is the very definition of corruption…and it was, and still is, on open display to all who have “ears to hear, and eyes to see.”

While campaigning relentlessly to overturn the result of the election by fully supporting the conspiracy theory (which they love to accuse all who oppose them of) that Vladimir Putin “hacked” and thereby determined the outcome of the election – while fully ignoring the actual diabolical revelations contained in the leaked emails themselves (very likely from murdered Democratic operative Seth Rich, but also from others within our own government according to Julian Assange and others) – the national media is not acting out of mere bias. They are visibly acting at the behest of the Ruling Class, in direct opposition to the will of the American People.

The bottom line on how we should all respond is this: We must fully grasp that the Establishment Press has in this election (for any who had not already seen it) been fully discredited. They will not, however, go away.  Foes of freedom, such as George Soros, have deep pockets, and their patently anti-American views are not going to suddenly change – no matter the words or other props they will use to cleverly and cunningly dress them up – just as both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s mentor, Saul Alinsky, instructed. (Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist and first Obama “Green Czar”-turned-CNN-“commentator,” is the same unrepentant radical, no matter the cut of his suit or the glint of his silk tie.)

Since the true identity of the Socialist/Democratic Party is clear to most freedom-loving Americans, we must not concern ourselves with what they think, say, or do.  The only way they will cease their fanatical quest to destroy our new President (and the positions and values on which he campaigned), is if he (or we) acquiesce, and give up on the very things that he (and we) just won by defending.  That is it.  They will continue to decry every action he takes to deliver on what he promised, and the Establishment Press will continue to lead the charge – although they will find that he will not suffer fools lightly! (As a telling sidelight, Google seems to have also gotten in on the act of discrediting the President-Elect, as it was not until the fourth page of search results that I found a favorable review of his just-cited first Press Conference since the election.)

It is likely that he will continue to bypass the press via social media, by speaking directly to the American People.  I believe that will be the case.  Nonetheless, the Obsolete Establishment Media (the OEM, not the absurdly-designated MSM) will continue its relentless attacks. They, however, are the minority.  They do not speak for the People of this country.  They haven’t for most – if not all – of our lifetimes, and that will not change (although Fox News seems to have learned its lesson of late – replacing self-appointed-Trump-nemesis Megan Kelly with rising-star Tucker Carlson).  We should not read or watch them, or worse, pay for – and thereby support – any of their instruments of misinformation; and we do not need to read or watch in order to know what the “other side” is doing. (They will be doing what they have always done: campaign for the Left.)

Our reliable-for-the-most-part Internet sources – Breitbart, Worldnet Daily, Drudge, Western Journalism, Canada Free Press, the &Email, Before It’s News, Family Security Matters, Zero Hedge, the American Thinker, and a host of others unnamed – along with the familiar talk-show hosts – Hannity, Savage, Gallagher, Prager, Ingram, Alex Jones, Rush for the most part, et al. (sadly, Glenn Beck, Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, and Mark Levine were such rabid opponents of Donald Trump that they have lost all credibility with many of us) – will continue to let us know what the discredited might have to say…but what difference does it make? (Sorry!)

We can now disseminate the truth via Social Media, and in our day-to-day conversations; and we must not let the lies of the Left deter us from doing so. That is what they and all totalitarian regimes do. They suppress both thought and speech. Only by keeping the truth from the People can their lies flourish.  Donald Trump won by daring to speak the truth – something Republicans have feared to do for generations; and we must continue to do the same; but we need to fully grasp that what we do and say on Social Media – even if a particular comment or post may not be picked up by millions or even thousands – demonstrates what the American People are thinking nationwide, and countless others pick up on and share our thoughts and our ideas.

Finally – as I like to remind anyone who might read my words – while we can’t control what anyone else says or does, we can control what we do and say; and that is all that any of us can be expected to do. If we continue to speak out, the truth will continue to be heard across this great land…and that will keep us both safe and free!

EDITORS NOTE: To review and order all of T. M. Ballantyne, Jr.’s books click on this link.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society helped organize ‘pink pussy hat’ protest in D.C.

Did they use any of your tax dollars?

They have no idea how many Americans find this disgusting and shameful. It is only made worse to know that some of our money could be used for this type of community organizing.

Donald Trump should be told that more than half of  the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society’s funding comes from taxpayer dollars ostensibly to resettle refugees.


Sarah Beller Community Engagement Director, Greater Washington D.C.

In a recent financial statement they reported that they received approximately $20 million of your money! (See their big salaries!)

Maybe Congress should pass a law that if your NON-PROFIT organization receives federal grants and contracts it should not then be permitted to protest the government (the hand that feeds them!).

Here is HIAS’s community organizer, Sarah Beller, giving instructions about where HIAS would be protesting the new President:

As inauguration weekend is fast-approaching, we wanted to send you some final updates, including a revised meet-up location for joining HIAS at the Women’s March on Washington. It’s more important than ever to lift up our voices on behalf of refugees and other vulnerable communities, and we look forward to gathering this weekend to do just that!

Certainly all citizens have free speech rights, but this sort of ‘event’ should never have been a sanctioned project of a refugee resettlement contractor.

If they want to be free to protest and bring in refugees, let them raise private money to do it!

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of the nine major contractors resettling third worlders in your towns and cities. We wrote about them here recently in Philadelphia.

Our complete archive on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (they prefer to call themselves HIAS, Inc) can be found by clicking here.


Maine: Catholic Charity’s grand experiment supplying refugee employees to nursing home company failing

Let’s pay them to go home

Trump Watch! is back, promises to block Trump cabinet and agenda

President Trump vows to eradicate Islamic terrorism ‘from the face of the earth’

“We will … unite the civilised world against radical Islamic terrorism which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.”

Strictly speaking, it isn’t possible within four years, or eight, to eradicate “radical Islamic terrorism” (which is actually orthodox and mainstream in Islam) or as long as there are people who believe the Qur’an is the perfect and eternal word of Allah. However, Trump’s declaration, while hyperbolic, was a welcome indication of his apparent determination to speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and to combat it and roll it back.

“Donald Trump inauguration: President vows to ‘eradicate radical Islamic terrorism’ in first address to nation,” by Feliks Garcia, Independent, January 20, 2017:

President Donald Trump echoed his hard-line stance against “radical Islamic terrorism” in his first address as the 45th president of the United States.

“We will … unite the civilised world against radical Islamic terrorism which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth,” he said during the Inaugural Address….

RELATED ARTICLE: Hamas-linked CAIR tells mosque leaders to ignore pledge to support safety of ex-Muslims

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez: The First Hispanic Pastor in History to Pray at a Presidential Inauguration

President Trump is making America is a Christian nation, again. For too long Christians and Jews have been persecuted in the homeland. The assault on religious liberty has reached its highest level in the past eight years. That has now changed. God is not dead. God and His Son Jesus is alive and well in the White House, again.

Natalie Fertig from McClatchy – D.C. reports:

President-elect Donald Trump will set a record with the amount of prayers during his inaugural ceremonies Friday.

Trump, who is starting the day at St. John’s Church for a service at 8:30 a.m., will have six religious prayers as part of the ceremony, three invocations and three benedictions.

That’s a record, according to Jim Bendat, the author of “Democracy’s Big Day,” who was speaking on CNN Friday morning.

Read more…

Time Magazine reports:

President Trump attended a private religious service at St. John’s Episcopal Church, across the street from the White House, as part of a modern Inauguration Day ritual.

The service was led by the Rev. Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist who campaigned hard for Trump during the closing months of the election.

Here is an excerpt from Reverend Jeffress’ sermon:

As the prophet Daniel said, it is God who removes and establishes leaders.

Today─one year later─God has raised you and Vice-President-elect Pence up for a great, eternal purpose.

When I think of you, President-elect Trump, I am reminded of another great leader God chose thousands of years ago in Israel. The nation had been in bondage for decades, the infrastructure of the country was in shambles, and God raised up a powerful leader to restore the nation. And the man God chose was neither a politician nor a priest. Instead, God chose a builder whose name was Nehemiah.

And the first step of rebuilding the nation was the building of a great wall. God instructed Nehemiah to build a wall around Jerusalem to protect its citizens from enemy attack. You see, God is NOT against building walls!

And the Old Testament book of Nehemiah records how Nehemiah completed that massive project in record time—just 52 days.

Why was Nehemiah so successful in building the wall and rebuilding the nation?

Read the full text of Reverend Jeffress’ sermon…

Steve Strang, the founder of Charisma Magazine and CEO of Charisma Media, reported:

What a historic day in America. Today the inauguration of Donald J. Trump was bathed in prayer! And in his inauguration speech, the new chief executive called on God to protect us.

Of the six who prayed, one was a rabbi and another a Catholic priest. The other four were strong evangelical Christians, and each unapologetically prayed in Jesus’ name.

I wanted to stand up and cheer, but I was too hemmed in by the crowd on the mall. (Read my previous report here). All I could do was videotape the prayers given by Rev. Samuel Rodriguez and Pastor Paula White-Cain, both of whom I’ve known since the late 1990s and both of whom have been on the cover of Charisma.

Read more…

Here is Reverend Rodriguez’s prayer:

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him and the kingdom of heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the earth. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God. God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called children of God. God blesses those who are persecuted, for doing right for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. And God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are My followers. You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on its stand where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, and everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Respectfully, in Jesus’ name.”

Watch the video of the pastors who prayed at the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump:

King Solomon Prayer of Wisdom – Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan.

Reverend Samuel “Sammy” Rodriguez and Pastor Paula White Inaugural Prayers.

Rabbi Marvin Hier delivers a prayer at Inauguration Day 2017.

2017 Presidential Inauguration Prayer – Franklin Graham.

Bishop Wayne T. Jackson Prayer 2017 Inauguration.

President Donald J. Trump: Of the people, by the people and for the people

President Donald John Trump took the oath of office on January 20th, 2017. The first non-politician since George Washington to hole the office of the President of these United States. A historic moment.

Some pundits called President Trump’s inauguration speech just another campaign speech. CNN’s James Tapper got it right when he called President Trump’s inaugural speech “purely populist.”

But it was more than that, it was also purely patriotic. It was a speech by a man who is of the people,  a builder of buildings who has never held public office. It was a speech by the people, for it was the “forgotten men and women” who placed him in the highest office in the land. Finally, is was a speech for the people, all of the people who love America and its values of hard work, success, love of country, love of family and most of all a love of God, the Father.

As I listened to President Trump it was clear to me that this speech, his inauguration, the Presidency was not about him but rather about me.

Here are my favorite populist quotes, with emphasis added, from a historic and unprecedented inaugural speech:

  • Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another — but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People. 
  • For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished — but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered — but the jobs left, and the factories closed.
  • The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
  • That all changes — starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.
  • What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.
  • You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before. At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens.

Here are my favorite patriotic quotes, with emphasis added, from President Trump’s inaugural speech:

  • From this moment on, it’s going to be America First.
  • At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.
  • When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.”
  • Do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
  • A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.

President Trump is a Christian President. He is a man who understands the power of God, the Father. I end my column with his words:

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.

Let us all pray for President Trump, Vice President Pence and our leaders in the U.S. Congress that they heard the clarion call of We The People.

Here is the video of President Trump’s full speech:

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of ABC News.

Web Scraping: A Means to Push the Anti-Gun Agenda

You may have read recently about a “breaking analysis” that includes numbers derived from a “mass shooting tracker,” which purports to present to the world, real world cases in which mass shootings have occurred.  One problem, this is not actual data nor does it rely upon trusted sources like the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) to report incidents.

Web scraping is a relatively easy way to automatically collect data from the internet for use in any number of applications. Price comparison, travel accommodation research, real estate listings, news and sports feeds, job listings…the list of useful applications of web scraping is bounded only by a user’s creativity. 

These uses are harmless; the biggest risks are missing out on a sale on airline tickets or a house you didn’t know was for sale. The political use of these tools is a threat because it can drive the narrative surrounding an issue. Automated web scraping allows political activists to easily collect data that supports their predetermined conclusion. 

Web scraping tools are ripe for misuse – whether intentional or incidental – when used for political purposes. The results should always be closely examined because these tools are subject to limitations including:

  • User input and biases: activists can easily and even subconsciously taint their findings by using only the common terminology that fits their ideology.
  • Overlooked context: when a web scraper returns a large number of results; the volume of the database is frequently more important than the details.
  • First-report errors: early reports on major issues often include errors and unsubstantiated claims. Breaking news reports on crime are the shining example of this limitation. A lack of follow-up queries also limits the credibility of such automated lists.

Those who want to strictly limit our Second Amendment rights rely on web scrapers to compile material they believe supports their agenda. Gun controllers want to present the biggest number possible. Their bots copy any website that mentions their keywords which are, of course, written in their own preferred language. Program the tool to find any mention of “gun violence” or “victim shot” and you won’t see much on defensive uses of guns or the shooting sports. 

The results should be placed into context, but rarely would an organization compromise its own mission so readily. Instead of talking about gang violence, gun controllers recast the same events as “mass shootings.” Instead of talking about the role of drugs or criminal conflicts, they spin the event into a case of gun violence that needs heightened regulation.

Take a quick spin through and you’ll see how most of the events described are not what are traditionally considered public mass shootings, at all.  This is agenda-pushing propaganda at its worst.  

Moreover, automated web queries and bots pull reports based on keywords, with no ability to discern fact from fiction. Late-night crime and breaking news reports are well-known to be riddled with errors, but a bot doesn’t distinguish between initial reports and completed investigations. When the web scraper returns an article or posting that says someone was shot, gun controllers chalk that up in their tally. When later investigations find that there is no evidence of shots fired, the perpetrator was a known violent felon, or the victim is a willing participant in the crime itself (as in a gang conflict), the tally may not be adjusted.

When the goal is to get a big number, web scraping gives gun controllers the ability to find the keywords they want and ignore the incidents and context that conflict with their position.  This is precisely what anti-gun advocates are looking for in pushing their narrative.

Democrats are committing suicide by joining Lewis boycott

Democrats joining the puerile food fight Rep. John Lewis started with the President-Elect may soon live to regret it.

Donald Trump has promised a vigorous legislative agenda for his first one-hundred days, and has the majorities in Congress to make good on that promise. Democrats who continue to whine and pout, calling him “illegitimate,” may soon find themselves on the wrong side of history.

Here’s what is likely to occur between now and mid-April:

  • President Trump will reverse hundreds of Obama’s executive orders, shredding big portions of the former President’s “legacy.”
  • Republicans will pass the Obamacare repeal and replace measure.
  • Republicans will pass a tax reform package that includes middle class tax cuts and a significant reduction of the corporate income tax.
  • Republicans will fund the border wall, and President Trump will start to open bids from contractors.

Democrats joining the puerile food fight Rep. John Lewis started with the President-Elect may soon live to regret it.

If Congress does nothing beyond this in the next two years, the economy will grow, jobs will return to the rust belt states, and Democrats will suffer a “shellacking” in the mid-term elections.

And if Donald Trump succeeds in building the border wall (and yes, Mexico will ultimately pay for it through a remittance tax, tariffs, or other measures), he will be re-elected in 2020 with big numbers.

As Mike Huckabee said on Fox Business on Tuesday, Democrats are “never going to be happy his election” because of their “personal animosity,” and that is a huge mistake. Why? Because as the new President succeeds with his policies, American voters will have little patience with such critics.

I’m not suggesting that Rep. Lewis is about to lose re-election, given that he represents “one of the most consistently Democratic districts in the nation.”

But some of the Democrats who have decided to join him in boycotting Friday’s inauguration could find themselves facing primary opponents. Among the most vulnerable in this regard is newly-elected Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md).

After his disastrous failure in the Obamacare roll-out as Lieutenant Governor, Brown lost his bid to become Governor in 2014 in heavily-Democrat Maryland. How could that happen? Because members of his own party turned against him and voted for the Republican or just stayed home.

I witnessed Mr. Brown’s unpopularity when black Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles Lollar and I won the endorsement in the 2014 primary of a pre-eminent black pastors and business association in Prince Georges County. (I was Lollar’s running mate).

I asked the leaders of this group why they were endorsing a Republican ticket over Mr. Brown, and they responded almost unanimously: because Anthony Brown had arrogantly ignored them over the previous eight years as Lieutenant Governor. He was out of touch and took them for granted.

Those same black leaders are going to benefit from lower tax rates, as well as from the reduction in the number of illegal aliens with their drain on public school and public health resources. They are not going to take kindly to politicians who tell them these benefits are somehow “illegitimate,” because they have a personal beef with the President who brought them about.

Under Obama, Democrats lost more than 1,000 seats in Congress and in state legislatures because of his unpopular policies. For Democrats to continue opposing President Trump when he enacts popular policies is a strong indicator they have suicidal tendencies.

If these suicidal Democrats don’t seek treatment, the people will dish it out to them at the ballot box.

They face the same choice Bill Clinton faced after the 1994 midterms: embrace success, or go down as a failure.

Three weeks before last November’s election, Rep. Lewis tweeted out a quote from “Walking with the Wind,” his memoire of the civil rights movement. “We are one people, one family, one house – the American house. We must learn to live together as brother & sister or we will perish as fools.”

Those are wise and humble words. Rep. Lewis and his fellow boycotters would do well to heed them.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill.

VIDEO: Moderate Muslims Are Not the Solution to Radical Islam

We hear that moderate Muslims are the solution to radical Islam. But when we examine this idea a step at a time, it will not work.

Radical Muslims want Sharia, moderate Muslims reject Sharia

Radical Muslims want jihad, moderate Muslims reject jihad

And so on…

But the problem is that all of the things that radicals want are pure Islam. And every radical idea that moderate Muslims reject is pure Islam. Moderation simply means rejecting the doctrine. Moderation is a form of apostasy. How can moderates reform what they reject? Moderate Muslims are not Islamic and are not capable of reforming Islam.

There is no moderate Islam; there is no radical Islam. There is only Islam.


My Journey Out of Radical Islam by Ammar Anwer

Jihad: The New ‘New Value’ in Turkey’s Educational System

Dear President Trump: Here is Clarion’s Best Advice

The Inside Story of How John Kerry Secretly Lobbied to Get CAIR Removed From UAE’s Terrorist Organization List by Steven Emerson

EDITORS NOTE: This video originally appeared on

My Final Interview and Private Conversation with President Obama by Larry Levine

Free at last. Free at last, thank God almighty, we are free at last.

I pulled up to the White House, which was being decorated for the inauguration for the incoming president. Moving trucks were to the side, loading things up.

At the door I met the president, who said that he had fewer trucks than the Clintons because he was taking only his own furniture.

We entered the front door and I asked him where the nearest restroom was (yup that happens). When I went into the restroom, I noticed that I was stuck to the seat. Hey, Mr. President, what is this? Oh, sorry Larry, we were practicing pranks and more roadblocks for the Trumps. Did you like the new orange light bulbs that we installed?

Many people were walking around in the whirlwind of the last days of the Obama presidency. I actually thought that I saw a guest Syrian refugee family packing up, as well as Chelsea Manning asking which restroom he/she could use.

Valerie Jarrett greeted me and said, “We have been watching you, Levine, with great interest.” Levine, we have a coupon for a free room at the same resort that Scalia stayed in, interested?  Ah, no, thanks.

We sat down for the interview in the Lincoln bedroom, which unbeknownst to the public made into a man cave with dozens of big screens on the wall. One half of the screens had all the current games on including soccer games from Kenya, and the other half had videos of the presidential basketball games, complete with repeating highlights and slow mo,  of when the President scored .

So Mr. President, it has been some time since we have spoken, a lot has happened since you came into office. Would you care to speak about what you accomplished?

Sure Larry, oh, er, (clearing throat) coughing, twitching, fidgeting …. OK, what’s your next question?

Mr. President, you have been at war every day since you entered office and that doesn’t include your war against Fox News and the Republicans.  Have you received any correspondence from the Nobel Peace Prize committee asking you to return it?

No, and I am not leaving a forwarding address.

Mr. President, looking back on the last eight years, it seems like most of your accomplishments were by executive order ,so you didn’t have to work with Congress. Now that Mr. Trump is going to take offic,e aren’t you concerned that the first day they will all be wiped out? I mean, you watched The Ten Commandments now, didn’t you (which, by the way, were also by executive order of a sort ) ? Remember that part where Pharaoh says that the name Moses shall be stricken from the door posts, books, etc. in Egypt?

Well, Larry, I have no concerns about that because we are not in Egypt.

OK, Mr. President, but aren’t you at least a bit concerned that everything you did in the past eight years will be reversed in the first few hours of Mr. Trump’s presidency?

Not really, I am not leaving this town, so I will be on my favorite news channels every night saying that Trump is not a legitimate president. So no worries here.

Your very first speech was about the Middle East, when you visited Egypt. It has been eight years and you are still talking about the same issues with Israel. Is it true that you didn’t get along with Bibi Netanyahu? Or let me put it a different way, you hated his guts, threw up at the sound of his name, got stomach cramps and had to leave the building and had grand mal seizures after having sat next to him during news conferences?

No comment on that. Remember, Larry, I was called the First Jewish President by the New York Magazine.

So here is a sort of a trick question for you, Mr. President.  Which pension will be larger when you retire, the Kenyan or the American?

When you leave office, will you be driving yourself or do you have a chauffeur? The reason that I am asking is that there is some concern that you don’t know the difference between a red light (red line), a yellow light (that means calling Valerie for help) and a green light, which means, oh the hell with it, I will just do it with an executive order.

No comment.

With the recent rancor involving Putin of Russia, Hillary Clinton and Trump, can you now finally admit that the reset button was indeed out of order?

Wise guy …

OK, Levine, now it is my turn. I have heard just about enough from you the past eight years. You have criticized me, called me a liar, anti-Israel, incompetent, a race baiter, an egotist. You even wrote that I was so vain that you (me) probably think that this column is about (me) you. Am I correct?


Oh, er, okay, well, you almost stepped over my red line, or was that yellow or green, not sure, but you almost stepped in it, Levine. What do you have to say about this?

Mr. President, here is what I can say. In a day or so our country will be…

Free at last. Free at last, thank God almighty, we are free at last.

Other than that, take care and enjoy your long, restful, far away – real far away, preferably Hawaii or farther away – retirement.

Please note that this is officially fake, fictitious news. I can also promise you that at no time were there any animals hurt in the writing of this missive. At least none that I know of.

About Larry Levine

Originally from Long Island, New York, Larry Levine lives in Columbus Ohio. He is an award-winning businessman/pro-Israel activist, writer. Also a standup comedian and talk show host whose guests included Jay Leno, Alexander Haig and Paul Reiser.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the United With Israel website.

New Group ‘Faith Leaders for America’ Launched

I wanted to share with you a most extraordinary experience I had today.  At the National Press Club in Washington, nine courageous Christian and Jewish clerics announced the formation of a new group, Faith Leaders for America.  The mission they have undertaken, together with more than sixty-five other influential clergy of different faiths and denominations, is to promote and protect our constitutional freedoms increasingly under assault – in this country, as well as overseas – from adherents to the totalitarian Islamic doctrine known as Sharia.

You can see below the presentations and responses to questions by the following remarkable men: Rev. Jerry Johnson, Rev. Jim Garlow, Rev. David Barton, Rabbi Jonathan Hausman, Lt. Gen./Rev. William G. “Jerry” Boykin (Ret.), Bishop Aubrey Shines, Bishop E.W. Jackson, Hon. Sam Rohrer and Rev. Rick Scarborough.  I strongly encourage you to watch the press conference in its entirety if you can.

Alternatively, click here if you want the highlights of these Faith Leaders’ discussion of:

  • the danger we face from Sharia supremacism;
  • the role played in advancing that agenda by the Muslim Brotherhood;
  • the insidious techniques used by the Brothers to pursue their goal of destroying Western civilization from within – including, notably, so-called “interfaith dialogue”;
  • and the necessity of designating the Brotherhood as terrorists.

It is to be profoundly hoped that the prayers offered by the Faith Leaders for America that Donald Trump will designate the Muslim Brotherhood will be answered early in his new administration.  If so, the appeal from these faith leaders will truly be the prayer heard around the world.


Faith Leaders for America are clerics of various religious beliefs who share a common commitment to freedom – freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the other liberties guaranteed by our Constitution.

We oppose those who seek to restrict our freedoms on the grounds that we cannot offend their faith.

Specifically, Faith Leaders for America is an effort to assist the clergy of America in promoting real tolerance and freedom of religion in the face of the intolerant and repressive agenda of Islamic supremacists.  This is made the more urgent because of inroads that Muslim Brotherhood front groups, mosques and other Islamist organizations are making in into our nation’s religious life, communities and national fabric.

We reject intolerance promoted in the guise of tolerance.

We will work together to challenge Islamic supremacists who demand our submission to their totalitarian Sharia doctrine. They profess to be bridge-building, but theirs are one-way bridges, used for proselytizing and recruitment (dawa), not promoting true, mutual, ecumenical respect and coexistence.

We will also seek to counter the enabling of such activities by non-Muslim clerics who legitimate the Islamists and provide political cover to their subversion.

To these ends, we will provide information and facilitate training to our fellow clergy members and their congregations. In the near term, the object will be to raise their awareness of and assist in their opposition to this clearly fraudulent “interfaith dialogue” – and the larger, stealthy Brotherhood “civilization jihad” agenda it serves.

Over time, we pray that Faith Leaders for America will become an authoritative counterweight to Islamic supremacism, helping the pastoral and lay communities to understand and to meet this danger with truth, courage and conviction. 

To learn more about Faith Leaders for America go here:

Krauthammer on young D.C. protester named Carter: ‘It’s got a whiff of ISIS to it’

After watching the President-elect and his family at the Make America Great Again concert at the Lincoln Memorial I was ready to switch channels and enjoy the moment. Then I tuned in to the Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News. Tucker had one of his colleagues reporter Griff Jenkins at the site of a small protest in front of the National Press Club where Trump supporters were hosting the Deplorables Ball (see video below). Here is the conversation between Jenkins and a young boy named Carter:

FOX NEWS REPORTER GRIFF JENKINS: We’re outside the National Press Club. You can see the police presence. There are signs thanking President Obama. Obviously, tt’s [sic] mostly peaceful now. A fire broke out just behind us. There is a fire over here. We’ll show you where that was. The ashes now just sort of starting to simmer right in the middle of this. Excuse me one second. This fire was started. In fact, this young man, you are participating in the fire. What’s your name?

BOY: My name’s Carter and I actually kind of started this fire.

JENKINS: So why did you start that fire, Carter?

BOY: Uh, it’s Carter.

JENKINS: Sorry. Why did you start that fire?

BOY: Because I felt like it and because I’m just saying, screw our president.

Carlson then interviewed Charles Krauthammer on the President-elects agenda as he takes office. Krauthammer said the following:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Incidentally, can I say a word about that kid who was setting the fire?

TUCKER CARLSON: That was bizarre.

CHARLES: Yeah, but wouldn’t you love to be that kid? Parents who take you out on a winter night and they encourage you to set fires? I’m sure it would have appealed to the anarchist in you. But it tells you how completely weird the parents and the other people out there are. They are the same people who show up at the IMF meetings, at World Bank, the Occupy Wall Street.

You ask them why are you out there, they are completely incoherent. What did that woman say? There are Nazis upstairs at the National Press Club. I mean, these people ought to be medicated.

TUCKER: I think some of them are. But the idea that you would implicate your children in your political activism, you’d be out on the street at 9:30 at night letting your eight-year-old set fires is demented. It says a lot.

CHARLES: It’s got a whiff of ISIS to it.

Carter is the poster child of the Alt-Left.

RedState’s Mickey White reported:

Wow. I’m trying to find the words. A boy admitted to starting a fire during an Anti-Trump protest outside the National Press Club. Someone needs to watch Sen Ben Sasse’s message. This just happened. The young boy, around 10, self-identified only as “Carter”, bragged he “kind of set the fire”. When asked for a motive, he brazenly responds, “I felt like it…Screw the President”. As words failed me, Kimberlee Kaye summed it up perfectly. “Good Job, Parents”.

Tucker boy screw president

Krauthammer is correct. Parents, public schools, peer-pressure, political rhetoric and Democrats have created “Carter” and many more like him. Carter is a budding anarchist, a white supremacist much like the children of ISIS who have been filmed executing prisoners on a play ground. It is a process of radicalization that has captured the imagination of this boy. Unless he is deprogrammed he will turn into the enemy and a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republican form of government.

Welcome to Carter, the face of the New World Order in revolt. A product of our public schools, the Democrat Party and his Alt-Left parents? It has the supremacist stench of a National Socialist and ISIS on it?


Protesters are paid $2,500 to disrupt Trump’s Inauguration

Why Trump Poses a Bigger Threat to the Left Than Reagan, According to Newt Gingrich

Trump Day One Executive Actions Could Include Immigration, Obamacare, ISIS, and Trade

Was CIA Director Brennan’s 1976 Vote for a Communist just a youthful indiscretion?

RELATED VIDEO: Young Boy Brags of Setting Anti-Trump Fire: ‘Screw the President’

The Problem with ‘Sanctuary Campuses’ – Universities con students into acting against their own best interests

Open borders activists and immigration anarchists have, since the Carter administration, tried to blur the distinction between illegal aliens and lawful immigrants. These social justice warriors portray themselves as “immigrants’ rights” activists regardless of the legal status of foreigners.

As I’ve mentioned in previous Social Contract articles, President Carter issued an edict that all Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) employees stop referring to aliens illegally in the United States as “illegal aliens” per se, but refer to them as “undocumented immigrants.”

The motive for this terminology directive was not “political correctness,” but to achieve the Orwellian goal of creating a lexicon of “Immigration Newspeak” to obfuscate the truth and confound any effort to have an honest discussion.

The term “alien” is not a pejorative. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the term alien simply means, “Any person, not a citizen or national of the U.S.”

Open borders advocates eschew the term “alien” because it provides clarity to the issue of immigration. Con artists are masters of obfuscation. By using the term “undocumented immigrant” to describe illegal aliens, it becomes a simple matter for immigration anarchists to accuse advocates of effective immigration enforcement of being “anti-immigrant.”

Before we go any further, it is critically important to understand that there are three distinct ways that aliens may be subject to removal (deportation) from the U.S.

  1. Aliens who gain entry into the U.S. illegally—either as stowaways on a ship or running our borders—are obviously subject to removal.
  2. Aliens, who are lawfully admitted as non-immigrants (temporary visitors) become illegal aliens when they violate the terms of their admission. This includes remaining after their authorized period of admission, accepting unlawful employment, or, in the case of foreign students, failing to attend the schools where they were admitted to attend or otherwise failing to maintain their status as a student; and
  3. Aliens who are lawfully admitted for permanent residence may live and work in the U.S. forever. However, such immigrants, upon conviction for serious crimes, may be subject to deportation (as may non-immigrants), even if they have not overstayed their authorized period of admission.

When aliens run our borders they do not, as the open borders advocates claim, “enter undocumented.” That term can only be found in the “Immigration Newspeak Lexicon.”

Aliens who run our borders and evade the inspections process enter the United States without inspection.

The mission of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a federal agency with more than 60,000 employees, is to conduct inspections of people and goods entering the U.S. to prevent the entry of contraband, including drugs and weapons of mass destruction, and to prevent the entry of aliens who would pose a threat to the safety and well-being of American citizens.

CBP also is charged with securing our borders against the entry of individuals and objects that circumvent the ports-of-entry inspections process. This is the specific mission of the U.S. Border Patrol. Last year the budget for CBP exceeded $14 billion.

Our immigration laws have nothing to do with race, religion, or ethnicity, but seek to prevent the entry of foreign nationals (aliens) whose presence would pose a threat to national security, public health, or public safety.

It is important to note that America’s legal immigration system is, by far, the most generous of any country.Every year the U.S. admits more lawful immigrants than all of the other countries combined— approximately one million aliens are lawfully admitted for permanent residence and tens of millions of nonimmigrant alien visitors are admitted for various lawful temporary purposes, including foreign tourists, students, and temporary workers.

Likewise, hundreds of thousands of lawful immigrants are annually granted U.S. citizenship via the naturalization process.

Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182, is a section of law contained within the Immigration and Nationality Act that enumerates the categories of aliens who are to be excluded from entry, including: aliens who suffer from dangerous communicable diseases or extreme mental illness, convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists, and spies.

Aliens who enter the U.S. without inspection may have evaded that critical vetting process at ports of entry because they have criminal histories and may be fugitives. They may know that their names are listed on counter-terrorism watch lists.

The bottom line is that we don’t know what we don’t know, and what we don’t know about illegal aliens can ultimately harm or, indeed, kill us [as contributor Dave Gibson documents on pages 35-38 —editors].

The 9/11 Commission found that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were directly attributable to multiple failures of the immigration system. The system afforded terrorists effortless entry into the country as they embedded themselves in communities to methodically pursue their deadly preparations. Furthermore, the Commission did not just consider the nineteen terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks, but some 94 terrorists who operated in the U.S. in the decade leading up to the 9/11 attacks.

America’s borders and immigration laws are our first line of defense against international terrorists, transnational criminals, and aliens who otherwise pose a threat to our safety, security, and overall well-being.

Nevertheless, a growing number of mayors and even some governors have declared their towns, cities, and states to be “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens. (Of course they use the term “undocumented immigrants.”)

Generally when contemplating a sanctuary we think of a refuge for endangered wildlife, essentially a place of serenity, security, and peace.

On July 2, 2015, Francisco Sanchez, an illegal alien, shot and killed Kate Steinle. Sanchez, a seven-time convicted felon, had been deported on five previous occasions.

According to published news reports, Sanchez admitted that San Francisco’s sanctuary policies figured in his decision to live in that city, where he would come to take the life of Kate Steinle.

Clearly she did not find safety or security in San Francisco, nor did her family.

Sanctuary cities attract illegal aliens, particularly those who may have outstanding arrest warrants, to head for those cities, to make it less likely that law enforcement officials will take note of their presence. This also makes such cities and states particularly attractive to terrorists, which makes them dangerous for residents and visitors alike.

Referring to towns and cities as places of “security,” when in reality such towns and cities endanger the lives and safety of their residents, is as Orwellian as it gets.

Now, a relatively new phenomenon is sweeping the country: “sanctuary campuses,” where illegal aliens are being shielded from deportation.

Before delving into the lunacy of “sanctuary campuses” (aka “freedom university” students), consider that the vast majority of college students seek a post-secondary education as preparation for productive and successful professional careers that coincide with their personal interests and goals.

Universities are also supposed to provide students with the intellectual tools they need to successfully navigate the challenges presented by everyday life. An effective education should train students to be critical thinkers—develop the ability to ask incisive questions and understand how to recognize false arguments.

The French philosopher Voltaire once noted, “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

So-called “safe spaces” on college campuses are anything but “safe.” They are designed to shut down debate and discourse—vital elements of any democracy. The Founding Fathers deemed the notion of freedom of speech and the right for peaceable assemblage significant enough to form the basis of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

“Safe spaces” prohibit the asking of questions that might expose the truth about the ultimate totalitarian objectives of academia’s left-wing extremists.

College students are malleable. Most are eager to become involved in a “cause,” to have their voices heard about issues of consequence. However, many are naive and easily swayed by professors and college administrators, who are eager to harness their enthusiasm by creating appealing but thoroughly false narratives that fire up these young students. Therein lies the danger to America and its future.

Furthermore, the lunacy of “safe spaces” and other warped perspectives of professors and college administrators merely inhibit, not advance, the ability of these students to succeed in the “real world,” once they graduate and find themselves facing fierce competition, often from foreign workers who bring Third World expectations of wages and working conditions to the labor pool.

Additionally, schools are expected to provide a safe environment for their students and faculty members.

Ironically, many colleges have promulgated policies that prohibit firearms from being stored or carried on campuses out of safety concerns. But in doing so, some colleges have enthusiastically implemented sanctuaries for potential criminal aliens and terrorists—harboring and shielding from detection illegal aliens whose backgrounds, affiliations, and intentions are unknown and unknowable.

It is easy to attribute this wrong-headed approach to immigration to the naivety of campus administrators and professors. However, Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California and former Secretary of Homeland Security, must certainly be aware of this threat. Yet she is willing to harbor aliens on UC college campuses, who may well be criminals or even terrorists, to push her own globalistic agenda.

Napolitano opposes the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act that prohibit the employment of illegal aliens.

According to the “The College Fix” website,

Napolitano … put out a statement … that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

According to Napolitano’s office, there are about 2,500 undocumented students enrolled across the 10-campus UC system.

Napolitano’s statement in the article cited above about the “…deeply held conviction that all members of our community (including ‘undocumented immigrants’) have the right to work, study, and live safely and without fear at all UC locations,” calls into question her sincerity when she took the oath of office as Secretary of Homeland Security.

The article also noted,

[T]he University of California also issued its “Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community,” outlining measures they will take to protect DACA students:

The University will continue to admit students consistent with its nondiscrimination policies so that undocumented students will be considered for admission under the same criteria as U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

The fact that Napolitano equates immigration laws with discrimination is beyond outrage. Consider this quote:

The University will not cooperate with any federal effort to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics such as religion, national origin, race, or sexual orientation.

UC medical centers will treat all patients without regard to race, religion, national origin, citizenship, or other protected characteristics and will vigorously enforce nondiscrimination and privacy laws and policies.

ABC News reported on September 2, 2014, that 58,000 foreign students overstayed their visas in 2015 and that the DHS has lost track of more than 6,000 foreign students who have gone missing in the U.S.

Finally, the report noted that former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) stated that since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, 26 aliens who had been admitted with student visas have been arrested on terror-related charges.

An article in the November 22, 2016 issue of Atlantic, “The Push for Sanctuary Campuses Prompts More Questions Than Answers,” detailed how some colleges have declared their campuses “sanctuaries” for “undocumented students” and will not cooperate with immigration authorities.

There is, however, a very simple way to apply serious pressure to end the lunacy of “sanctuary campuses.”

On December 8, 2016, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website posted a news release, “ICE publishes quarterly international student data: F, M students up 2.9 percent; F, M STEM students up 10.1 percent from November 2015.” The report notes that there are nearly 514,000 foreign students studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) courses. Overall foreign students attendance at U.S. colleges and universities has increased over the previous year.

The report also notes that there are 1.23 million foreign students with F and M visas enrolled in 8,697 schools.

Any school that declares itself to be a “sanctuary” for illegal aliens should have its authority to issue the form I-20 to foreign students summarily revoked. Period. End of discussion! Foreign students must present that form (I-20) to the U.S. embassy or consulate in order to be issued a student visa.

Foreign student advisors at schools that have foreign students are responsible for notifying DHS about students who fail to attend those schools for which they were granted visas. Clearly “sanctuary schools” cannot be trusted to make proper notification to the DHS.

This simple measure would disqualify “sanctuary” schools and colleges from enrolling foreign students and would prevent such students from entering the U.S. in the first place.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Social Contract Press website.

Black History [a.k.a. Demonize White America] Month

As a black conservative Republican, I have been called a traitor to my race. All my life, blacks have maligned me for not relating to fellow human beings through an invisible divisive wall of race. I deal with people as individuals. Good and bad people come in all colors.

Here we are folks, another Black History Month. How awesomely inspiring it would be if powerful black voices in media, education and politics used the occasion to celebrate blacks who achieved success via self-reliance, education, hard work and right choices?

Sadly, every Black History Month, Leftists rip the scab off of old racial wounds. Their goal is to anger black youths rather than inspiring them to follow extraordinary blacks’ paths to excellence. Leftists want blacks to forever view themselves as victims of white racist America where cops murder them at will. The truth is America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Unfortunately, far too many blacks have been duped into believing that remaining loyal democrat voters is the only way to keep racist white America at bay.

Ponder this folks. It is a hot sunny day in 1958. You’re driving on a two lane dusty highway in rural Georgia. To your right, you see a dirty barefoot 10 year old black kid working in a field of collard greens. Never in your wildest dreams could you imagine that black kid would become one of the most powerful men in the world; Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice of the United States. That’s the greatness of America folks. That’s America.

Clarence’s upbringing was humble. His home had a corrugated tin roof, wooden siding caulked with flour and water. Newspapers were used for insulation and wallpaper; a dirt floor; no electricity or indoor plumbing. Kerosene lamps lit his home. His family used the neighborhood outhouse.

Clarence’s dad impregnated his mom with a third child and another woman in town at the same time. He skipped town, wanting nothing to do with his children. Unable to provide for her three kids, Clarence’s mom sent Clarence and his brother to live with their grandparents, Myers and Christine Anderson.

As a child, Myers worked in the fields and attended school through the third grade. Absent of racist attitudes against blacks, nuns at the local St. Benedict Church taught young Myers to read. Myers built a thriving fuel oil and ice business.

Myers believed in discipline, a strict schedule, focusing on education and limited idle time. Myers’ philosophy was “work, education and faith.” Though financially challenged, Myers pulled Clarence and his brother out of public school. He enrolled the boys in the local St. Benedict school. The nuns demanded order and academic excellence.

Myers enforced near perfect attendance and intense study habits. When school was out, Myers kept his grandsons busy working on farms and in his business. After fulfilling their assignments, the boys could enjoy their free time which Clarence spent at the library

Notice the glaring absence of the narrative Leftists teach blacks today that white America or the world owes them something. Myers instilled the importance of education and self-reliance in his grandsons. He instructed Clarence, “never let the sun catch you in bed.”

Clarence Thomas describes Myers, his grandfather, as “the greatest man I have ever known.” Where are such strong, wise, character-driven and masculine mentors for black males today?

The number-one mission of high profile blacks (actors, politicians and preachers) appears to be getting blacks to embrace same-sex marriage, men using little girl’s restrooms and blaming white America. Myers’ Godly principles and values are only echos of a distant past in the black community today.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ rise from nothing is an extraordinary American tale. The NAACP and so-called civil rights community should hold Justice Thomas up high as a shining example to black youths of what can be achieved via education, hard work, right choices and self-reliance. Remarkably, Justice Thomas is despised by the NAACP and fellow Leftists for exposing the benefits of embracing Myers’ tried and true virtues.

Renown black retired neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson and black businessman extraordinaire Herman Cain are hated by the NAACP for the same reasons. They do not not view themselves as victims nor do they hate whites and America. Both Carson and Cain love their country and tout the benefits of self-reliance, education and hard work.

Folks, my heart aches for the state of black America today; record high black on black murders, high black fatherless households, epidemic black school dropouts, disproportionate high black abortions, high black unemployment and high black incarcerations, all after 8 years of the first black president.

Blacks are thriving in practically every arena of American life. And yet, Leftists’ continuous “bigotry of lower expectations” tells blacks they are inferior. Leftists insultingly insist that blacks cannot compete unless academic and moral standards are lowered. They offer blacks garbage TV shows like celebrating a black rapper who impregnated 11 women. Democrats claim blacks are too stupid to acquire a photo ID to vote. Leftists ignore the epidemic of blacks murdering each other and brand any compassionate white who dares address the problem a racist.

Every Black History Month, Leftists ignore inspirational self-reliant black achievers while making heroes/icons of thug criminals like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. Myers, Clarence Thomas’ granddad, would be appalled.

Like Angels from Heaven ‘Prayer Warriors’ in D.C. to be ‘Prayer Shield’ for Trump

From across the fruited plains, from the mountains to the prairies, from sea to shining sea the people are coming!

Farmers and fireman, plumbers, pastors, porters and cashiers; the people are coming! Electricians, educators, homemakers, hotel clerks, hospital workers, cabbies and cops; the people of America are coming! Tomorrow and throughout the weekend wave upon wave upon wave of prayer warriors arrive, as almost on cue and directed in a most orderly manner, into the swamp, Washington, D.C. (which literally and actually is built upon a swamp).

These prayer warriors, and mature intercessors called to that office by Adonai Himself, are already on the move headed to engage in a crucial mission. While many citizens will enjoy the social atmosphere, the formal balls, dinners and private parties, the myriad of activities associated with an Inauguration of a President, these prayer warriors will quietly but with anointed power, come into our Nation’s Capital to provide a “prayer shield” already in motion for our new leaders and those who are “standing” there with them whom GOD has selected.

From across America, from small towns and hamlets to major cities, prayer warriors have already landed in the District of Columbia with others in waves are inbound, they are directed with a single purpose…to stand as a “prayer shield” as I mentioned.

Announcements and reports from various platforms already have cried aloud about the pending conflicts and sabotages awaiting. Credible intelligence has uncovered plans to bring disruption and embarrassment, clear hardships to many attending inaugural festivities, and if at all possible to the Inauguration itself. I have every reason to believe professional law enforcement and protective services shall prevail most smoothly. The prayer warriors realize all of this, and more. They know that what is truly playing out in the natural arena for humanity to see is in reality Spiritual Warfare; a clash between two economies, good v evil. These prayer warriors, and those across our Land who have not been directed to travel to Washington, D.C. but are engaged in directed prayer and intercession from their homes and ranches, their apartments and condos, know well that words and political actions alone are no longer sufficient (never truly were) to save this country and reverse the diabolical course leading us toward collapse and complete European-style socialism. The enemies historically kept in check and outside America’s sovereign wall have been invited inside, and even aided as they seized positions of influence and power within our governmental mechanism.

If election results turned-out differently our country would not have endured I believe.

We were a breath away from experiencing the total collapse of our United States into something we were never intended to become. Our Nation is exceptional, not because we are better than others, but because we were created and ordained to be a light unto the world, a stabilizer for countries unable to stand-up for themselves against evil. We were endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights as a blessing to us, so we may become a blessing to other nations. We are not exceptional because we are better or without blemish as a people or as a government. We are exceptional because our Forefathers understood very well what so very many in elected office today fail to understand, and which George Washington spoke of at his first inaugural: “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself hath ordained.” Our nation has greatly disregarded the eternal rules of order and right ordained by Heaven.

Mary praying over capitol buildingI believe George Washington, and our Forefathers, knew right well that God entrusted to them the privilege of establishing a Biblically-based nation quite similar to the land of the Hebrews which, much later, would bring forth the Nation of Israel.

The United States of America, the spiritual brother to Israel was God’s intended choice to be His light unto all nations demonstrating His goodness and mercy, His desire that man would choose to live by God’s ordinances so true order would prevail, not tyrannical power leading to chaos slipping into decay and then into war simply for survival. I believe President Washington, and our Forefathers, took to heart that government was meant to be led by Biblical truth, and not Biblical truth to be curtailed by government; that elected officials were to protect the freedom of Godly expression in all places and not simply in church. Our Forefathers knew first-hand that if the state ever became absolute, it would replace God as the supreme lawgiver.

Our country is very close to losing the “the propitious smiles of Heaven” President Washington warned us about. The prayers of the people in America to return this Land unto some resemblance of what America use to be have been heard in Heaven, and just like the rising up of Cyrus, a gentile, to lead the Hebrews away from certain annihilation, Donald J. Trump has come from obscurity to lead America away from annihilation. The prayer warriors descending on Washington, D.C. know this right well, and further know that not by power or might, but only by prayer will the light lit by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and our other Forefathers once again shine over our country.

A prayer shield has, and is still, being established for the new leadership coming into offices of critical importance in America. How amazing to watch these silent warriors of prayer go about their assignments humbly and without attention.

Hundreds of Prayer Warriors Descend on Washington to Provide Prayer Shield for Donald Trump

Like angels from heaven, hundreds of “prayer warriors” have descended on Washington D.C. to undertake a crucial mission: protect U.S. President-elect Donald Trump by building a “prayer shield” around him ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

Among these prayer warriors are the members of a new group called POTUS Shield (as in President of the United States) who gathered inside the National Press Club on Thursday, CBN News reported.

Pastor Eric Majette from Virginia Beach, Virginia said POTUS Shield is composed of pastors from all over America.

“We’re actually a prayer group. We pray for leaders across our nation — a group of pastors come together to pray for our nation and our leaders, particularly the new administration,” he said.

Read the full article…

WikiLeaks Vindicated: Understanding the Three-Faces of Barack Obama

President Obama in the waning hours of his administration has commuted the sentence of Bradly Manning. Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, was convicted July 30, 2013. He was found guilty of 20 of the 22 charges he faced, mostly for espionage, theft and fraud. The judge found him not guilty of the most serious charge of aiding the enemy, which carries a life sentence, and treason which carries the death penalty. Manning transmitted the first classified documents to WikiLeaks in February 2010. This, the largest leak by a member of the U.S. military, came to be known as the Iraq and Afghanistan “War Logs.” He continued to transmit more material, including a video that showed a U.S. Apache helicopter in Baghdad opening fire on a group of individuals that the crew believed to be insurgents. Among the dead were Iraqi children and two journalists.

Many are wondering why President Barack Obama would commute Manning’s sentence. The answer: When you understand the Obama is not on our everything he does makes perfect sense.

The message is clear. If you expose our military secrets, the names of those who support and work with U.S forces fighting radical Islam you are deserving of a commutation. If you are a homosexual and a traitor, you are deserving of a commutation.

Who does this commutation benefit? The radical Islamists such as ISIS, Muslims who vote Democrat, the LGBT community which votes Democrats and the Alt-Left anarchists who hate America. Obama gets a thumbs up from those who hate America the most with this single commutation.

As I have written Obama has fundamentally transformed the Democrat Party into the Obamacrat Party. The three faces of which are now Marx, Mohammed and Manning.

The followers of Mohammed hate America, the followers of Marx hate America and Manning, the poster child of an LGBT traitor, hates America and betrayed his country and his fellow soldiers. Today there are some Democrats who are objecting to the commutation of Bradly Manning, but what did they do anything to stop it? Answer: NO. Silence is consent. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.

Democrats knew what Obama was going to do, and by their silence endorsed this action. According to the White House website Obama has granted more commutations than any President in American history granting, as the date of this column, 1,597 clemency requests and 212 pardons.

 in a Washington Post column titled “Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in WikiLeaks case” dated August 21, 2013 reported:

“I do not think the sentence has a legal effect on the continued investigation of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks,” said Michael Ratner, the U.S. attorney for Assange and WikiLeaks and president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights. “However, it may well embolden the government in its efforts to indict journalists such as Julian Assange. The length of the sentence demonstrates what Assange and Edward Snowden face if they are ever taken into custody by the U.S. — draconian sentences.”

This commutation has changed all of this. Obama has vindicated WikiLeaks. If you commute the sentence of the leakier, how can you try let alone condemn, the actions of WikiLeaks to publish the documents? Answer: You can’t.

With the Manning commutation WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are vindicated. We are now entering the age of leaks, courtesy of Obama and the Democrats.


Obama’s Commutation of Manning Sentence Sends a Horrible Message

Julian Assange ‘to hand himself in and be extradited to the US’

Ryan: Obama’s Manning commutation ‘outrageous’