VIDEO: Venezuela’s Slow Motion Apocalypse by Mark J. Perry

Food, Medicine, Toilet Paper, and Electricity Are Vanishing…

Despite having more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, and in fact more proven oil reserves than any country in the world (8 times more than the US), oil-rich Venezuela’s economy is imploding and collapsing under the burden of socialism, and economic conditions there have deteriorated so dramatically that they probably now qualify as the “economic apocalypse” that some left-leaning economists were predicting just a few years ago would never happen in Venezuela. Some links and updates about Venezuela’s economic apocalypse appear below:

1. Here’s an overview from Investor’s Business Daily back in February, when Venezuela was still “on the brink” of economic collapse:

Like a skyscraper crane about to topple in high winds, Venezuela is teetering on the brink of a horrific economic collapse. It was brought on by one thing: socialism, taken to the hilt. Yet incredibly, neither Bernie Sanders nor his voters make this connection.

Today Venezuela, with the world’s largest oil reserves is, believe it or not, importing oil. It’s a perfect illustration of Nobel-winning economist Milton Friedman’s well known saying that if the Sahara took up socialism, there would soon be a shortage of sand.

Socialism has also led to massive shortages of food, toilet paper, diapers and medicine, among many other things, all the result of state planning and currency controls and rampant inflation (see photo above of Venezuelans lining up for food).

After 18 years of socialist spending, inflation has hit 720%, the IMF says. And don’t forget that Venezuela also has the world’s highest crime rate, with Caracas rated the world’s most dangerous city by the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice.

2. According to a news report from PanAm News: “Hungry Venezuelans Hunt Dogs, Cats, Pigeons as Food Runs Out: Economic Crisis and Food Shortages Lead to Looting and Hunting Stray Animals.”

3. BBC reports that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has threatened to seize factories that have stopped production and jail their owners. Atlas Shrugged playing out in real life. (HT: Hit Squad.)

4. From a Sunday New York Times article, “Dying Infants and No Medicine: Inside Venezuela’s Failing Hospitals“:

The economic crisis in Venezuela has exploded into a public health emergency, claiming the lives of untold numbers of Venezuelans. It is just part of a larger unraveling here that has become so severe it has prompted President Nicolás Maduro to impose a state of emergency and has raised fears of a government collapse.

Hospital wards have become crucibles where the forces tearing Venezuela apart have converged. Gloves and soap have vanished from some hospitals. Often, cancer medicines are found only on the black market. There is so little electricity that the government works only two days a week to save what energy is left.

5. Bret Stephens describes socialism in his WSJ column today (emphasis mine):

Socialism is a mental poison that leads to human misery of the sort you see in the wrenching pictures [that appeared in the SundayNew York Times article above] of filthy operating rooms, broken incubators and desperate patients lying in pools of blood, dying for lack of such basics as antibiotics.

Democratic socialism — whether Chavez’s or Sanders’s — is legalized theft in the name of the people against the vilified few. It is a battle against income inequality by means of collective immiseration. It is the subjugation of private enterprise and personal autonomy to government power.

6. Here’s another part of the health care apocalypse in Venezuela, from an April article in Reason:

Over the past decade, an estimated 13,000 physicians fled the country in search of greener pastures. Cuba dispatched some of its own physicians to fill the gap, only to see them defect in turn. That’s no shock, considering that the physician father of a Venezuelan friend of mine has been reduced to accepting payment in cooking oil and other groceries.

7. As Bloomberg reported recently, Venezuela doesn’t even have enough money now to pay for the paper to print more money to keep up with its hyperinflation(which will reach 720% this year according to the IMF).

8. Looting of grocery stores has become increasingly common in Venezuela, as a result of the food shortages (watch video here).

9. In the CNN video below “Food, medicine scarce as Venezuela crisis deepens,” we learn that even though Venezuela is sitting on the world’s largest oil reserves, it can’t stock the nation’s refrigerators and can’t provide the life-saving medicine that many Venezuelans need to survive.

10. Even the New York Times editorial board today blames socialism for Venezuela’s downward spiral and economic apocalypse:

This crisis has exposed the hollow promise of the socialist policies Mr. Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chávez, have peddled since the late 1990s. While many Venezuelans got a taste of prosperity in better housing, subsidized food and higher wages when oil prices were high — oil accounts for roughly 96 percent of Venezuela’s exports — the government failed to build anything resembling a sustainable economy. It also failed to save when money was flowing in, which would have softened the impact of the recession that began in 2014.

The New York Times also points out that Venezuela’s apocalyptic murder rate is now about 52.2 Venezuelans per day, or one murder about every 28 minutes.

Despite what maybe should have been an obvious outcome and end-game of the socialist policies of Chavez and Maduro, it’s interesting to look back at the cheer-leading being peddled by some on the left as recently as 2013 for Chavez and Venezuela’s socialism, here are two examples:

11. Writing in Salon in March 2013, David Sirota extolled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle.”

12. In November 2013, left-leaning economist Mark Weisbrot scolded “Venezuela haters” by claiming that “this economy is not the Greece of Latin America,” and warning the haters (aka sensible adults) that “predicting a Venezuelan apocalypse won’t make it happen.”

Reprinted with permission from the American Enterprise Institute.

Mark J. PerryMark J. Perry

Mark J. Perry is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.

How many more Lies are we Really Willing to Accept from our Politicians?

By Wallace Bruschweiler and William Palumbo –

The lies from this administration are well-known and numerous.  Among only some of the most infamous: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.  ISIS is a non-threat, the “JV team.”  The economy is in great shape after years of sustained recovery, and unemployment is at a de minimis 5%.  Daily life over the past seven and a half years and the six o’clock news will relieve you of these fictions.

The Barack Hussein Obama administration’s deceit is deployed deliberately to assuage our deepest fears concerning the state of our country and the world.  The administration’s disinformation campaign will continue at least until the election, meaning that the citizens have seven more months of utter falsehoods whose origin is their own White House.

In recent days, another three lies have made the headlines on television and other media outlets:

  • Obama has insisted on multiple occasions that he would not put boots on the ground in Syria. Yet now we learn that an additional 250 advisors are being sent to Syria, on top of the 50 advisors who are already there.  Are 300 “advisors” not boots on the ground?  S. involvement in Vietnam started with advisors.
    • Speaking of “Syria,” does the administration realize that Syria is no longer a country? – it imploded some time ago. Since the conflict began in 2011, after almost five years, the country’s southern border with Iraq has dissolved.  The government does not control large parts of the country, which are dominated variously by terrorists in some areas, Kurdish groups in others, and the primarily foreign-composed ISIS.  The media should have realize that “Syria” as a single country is a thing of the past.
  • This week, Obama went to Hanover to visit with German Prime Minister Angel Merkel. While there, the two destructive leaders perpetuated the lie regarding so-called “refugees.”  Obama praised Merkel’s open invitation to these “refugees” to escape the conditions in various Middle Eastern and North African countries.  But let’s examine for a second: what is a refugee?  The real definition and decades of experience show these invaders are definitely not refugees, but could be considered a fifth column.
    • Legally, refugees must remain in the “first safe country” that can offer them asylum. “Refugees” from Syria must pass through Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, several Balkan and/or Eastern European countries before they reach Germany.  Alternatively, they could seek refuge in neighboring Arab states, where the predominant culture is closer to their own than that of Europe’s or Germany’s.
    • Historically, refugees are mostly women and children. The men traditionally remain in the country in conflict to fight.  However, according to a UN report the wave entering Germany (and more broadly, Europe, thanks to the Schengen Agreement) is 72% male.  Once again, why is the media taking the three monkeys approach with refugees – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil?
  • Finally, we come to the American presidential primary process. The culpability for this lie is on both sides of the political aisle.  Regardless of the technical rules of the nomination process, the American people were led by the media (and the parties) to believe that by voting in primaries and caucuses they chose their parties’ presidential nominees.  In this election season, we are all getting a rude awakening, as both parties are nakedly using their petty rules to nullify votes.
    • Of the 71 delegates up for grabs in the Pennsylvania Republican primary this Tuesday, 54 of them are completely unbound. This means that regardless of how the people of Pennsylvania vote, more than 75% of the delegates can vote for whomever they choose during the convention, or even before it with bribes or other considerations.
    • On the Democratic side, superdelegates were used to deny Hillary Clinton the nomination in 2008. This time around, they were touted to present Clinton as a fait accompli, the candidate who would be the nominee regardless of Senator Sanders’ popularity.

The approach used by our politicians is sometimes called the “salami technique,” reminiscent of the way a butcher slices a sausage meat – one thin slice at a time, until the entire salami is consumed by the slicer.  Such is the way these lies have accumulated to the point where truth is scant to be found.

We recognize that constant abuse of public trust has a jading effect, and the people today rarely challenge blatant lies from their politicians (and media).  We credit that to the salami technique.

Still, 2016 should be a time when we thoroughly reject the lies and demand transparency, truth, and accountability.  Period.

Ten reasons for a Moratorium on the UN/U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

I am sending a list of the ten reasons for a Moratorium to the U.S.State Department today.  If you have followed RRW for years you will recognize this as a modification of the first testimony I sent in 2012.  Frankly, nothing much has changed!

Some things have gotten worse. Only one issue I raised then has been improved—they get the ORR Annual Reports to Congress done more quickly.  They still aren’t getting them to Congress when the law says they should, but almost.

One issue that is much worse is the prospect that an Islamic terrorist could slip into the refugee flow to America with the huge increase in the number of refugees coming from Syria, Iraq and Somalia.

However, for the first time in the almost 9 years I’ve written this blog, there is a little window of hope that the Refugee Admissions Program could be dramatically altered if President Donald Trump does half of what he says he will do (and Congress does its job of reviewing the entire program).

If Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders are elected President, this program will continue on steroids. There will be no reform.

Here are ten points slightly modified, but essentially the same as I sent to the State Department 4 years ago.

Ten Reasons there should be no refugees resettled in the US in FY2017—instead a moratorium should be put in place until the program is reformed (or abolished), the economy completely recovers, and we are assured that security screening will protect us.

american out of work illegalsWhy?

1)    Refugees take jobs that low-skilled Americans and teens need. The program was never meant to be simply a way to import impoverished people to the US and place them on an already overtaxed welfare system. Those that do find work are taking jobs that American citizens need.

2)  The program has become a cash cow for various ‘religious’ organizations and other contractors who very often appear to care more about the next group of refugees coming in (and the cash that comes with each one) than the group they resettled only a few months earlier. Stories of refugees suffering throughout the US are rampant.

Indeed, there is no accountability for the billions of tax payer dollars going to the program. Short of a complete halt to resettlement-by-contractor, taxpayers should be protected by legally requiring financial audits of contractors and subcontractors on an annual basis.

3)   Terrorist organizations have threatened to use the program that still clearly has many failings in the security screening system.  Indeed consideration should be given to halting the resettlement of Muslims altogether.  Also, the UN should have no role in choosing refugees for the US.  There is no reason we can’t make the decision about who we want to ‘welcome’ to America without UN meddling.

4)    The public is not confident that screenings for potential terrorists (#3) or the incidences of other types of fraudulent entry are being properly and thoroughly investigated and stopped.  When fraud is uncovered—either fraud to enter the country or illegal activity once the refugee has been resettled—punishment should be immediate deportation.

5)    Congress has not specifically disallowed the use of the refugee program for other purposes of the US Government, especially using certain refugee populations to address other foreign policy objectives—Uzbeks, Kosovars, Meshketians, Syrians, Iraqis, Somalis, and Bhutanese (Nepalese) people come to mind.

6)    The State Department and the ORR have so far failed to adequately determine and report (and track once the refugee has been admitted) the myriad communicable and costly-to-treat diseases entering the country with the refugee population. Refugees suffering from serious (and expensive) mental health issues should be screened-out.

7)  There is no process for alerting communities to the impending arrival of refugees that includes reports from the federal government (with local input) about the social and economic impact a certain new group of refugees will have on a city or town. Such a report should be presented to the public through public hearings and the local government must have an opportunity to say ‘no.’

8)  The federal government should not be acting as head-hunter for corporations (like the meatpackers!). Congress needs to investigate and specifically disallow any connection between this program and big businesses looking for cheap and captive labor.

9)  If Congress and the President determine we must have some refugee program, a mechanism should be established that would help a refugee go home if he or she is unhappy or simply can’t make it in America. 

10) If during a moratorium, the Congress and the President decide that a refugee program of some sort is needed, the VOLAG system should be completely abolished and the program should be run by state agencies with accountability to the public through their state legislatures. The system as presently constituted is surely unconstitutional.  (One of many benefits of turning the program over to a state agency is to break up the government/contractor employee revolving door that is being demonstrated now at both the State Department and ORR.)

For these reasons and more, the Refugee admissions program should be placed on hold and a serious effort made by Congress to either scrap the whole thing or reform it during the moratorium.  My recommendation for 2017 is to stop the program now.

The Office of the President/US State Department could indeed ask for Congressional hearings to review the Refugee Act of 1980-–more than three decades is time enough to see its failings and determine if reauthorization is feasible or if a whole new law needs to be written.


Pakistani with Fake Ecuadorean Passport Enters U.S. via Mexico Multiple Times

22% of Resettled Refugees in Minnesota Test Positive for Tuberculosis

Somalis carrying millions of dollars out of US in suitcases; are welfare benefits going to Somalia?

How a Syrian seed community will be built in Eugene, Oregon (around one initial seedling)

Testimony to the US State Department from Shoemaker in South Carolina

International Rescue Committee expanding, Richmond added to sites in Virginia

Huffington Post Defends Islam, calls Mohammed the ‘Spirit of Truth’

The Florida Family Association (FFA) reports on The Huffington Post publishing an article on April 26, 2016 titled Did Jesus Predict Muhammad? A Biblical Portal Between Christianity and Islam.  The article states in part:

The time has come for Christians and Muslims to make peace between our communities.

Our planet simply cannot afford another century of misunderstanding and violence between these two communities.

In an earlier blog on the Huffington Post about the problem of Christian Islamophobia, I argue that Christians have the opportunity to transform the way we see Islam and Muslims by accepting Muhammad as “Spirit of Truth.”

Historically, most Christian theologians—including John of Damascus, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Nicholas of Cusa, and Martin Luther—have seen Muhammad not as a “Spirit of Truth” but as a “Spirit of Error,” a false prophet or heretic. There are many Christians today who respect the Islamic tradition and would never make such an offensive statement about Muhammad.

However, the majority of Christians still maintain a fundamentally Islamophobic position on Muhammad. So I believe that the time has come for peacemaking Christians to contradict this position directly. Changing our view of Muhammad—so that we recognize him as a true prophet rather than discredit him as a false prophet—would effectively inoculate Christians against Islamophobia and would help to establish a new paradigm of cooperative Christian-Muslim relations.

[ …. ]

There is no better candidate than Muhammad, no one in fact that comes even close, in terms of fulfilling Jesus’s promise of the Spirit of Truth who would bring forth a new revelation from God. I do not have space in this article to explore the many Qur’anic verses directly addressed to Christians, but if we were to receive them our religion would be transformed for the better and would come into balance with Judaism and Islam.

Click here to read the full article.

FFA states the Huffington Post article:

  • Erroneously blames alleged Christian Islamophobia for the worldwide conflict between Muslims and infidels.
  • Dangerously perverts the Holy Scriptures of the Bible to falsely elevate Muhammad to a Judaic Christian status.
  • Tragically ignores the millions of Muslims around the world who support the killing of hundreds of thousands of Christians.  The provides a detailed report of Muslims killing Christians.  While Muslims are killing hundreds of thousands of Christians around the world the Huffington Post article has the audacity to write “Our planet simply cannot afford another century of misunderstanding and violence between these two communities.”

FFA asks: WHAT violence do Christians appear to be committing against Muslims suggested by the Huffington Post article?  That would be Islamophobia which is the rational, fact based concern that Islamists use violence and Sharia law to advance their political agenda for Caliphate. reported on May 18, 2016:

Islamic Terrorists Have Carried Out more than 28,386 Deadly Terror Attacks Since 9/11

Jihad Report Last 30 Days
Attacks             179
Killed           1496
Injured           2154
Suicide Blasts     35
Countries            23

Weekly Report May 07, 2016 thru May 13, 2016
Attacks              42
Killed            433
Injured            454
Suicide Blasts    15
Countries              16

FFA notes, “Yet, the Huffington Post article has the audacity to blame Islamophobic Christians for the worldwide conflict between Muslims and Infidels.” reports the following regarding Islam’s view of Jesus issue:

  • Jesus is not the Son of God, belief in the Trinity is “excess”: “O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, ‘Three’; desist — it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” — Qur’an 4:171“It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” — Qur’an 19:35
  • Jesus was not crucified: “And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger — they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.” — Qur’an 4:157
  • Those who believe in the divinity of Christ are “disbelievers”: “They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary.” — Qur’an 5:17
  • Christians “forgot a good part” of the divine revelations they received: “From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.” — Qur’an 5:14
  • Muslims should not take Jews or Christians as friends: “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” — Qur’an 5:51
  • Those who believe that Jesus is God’s Son are accursed: “The Jews call Ezra a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! ” — Qur’an 9:30
  • Christians who do not become Muslims “are the most vile of created beings”: “Nor did those who were given the Scripture become divided until after there had come to them clear evidence. And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion. Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the most vile of created beings.” — Qur’an 98:6
  • Jesus’ mission was to proclaim the coming of Muhammad: “And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, ‘O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad.’ But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, ‘This is obvious magic.’” — Qur’an 61:6
  • Muslims must fight against and subjugate Christians: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” — Qur’an 9:29

Christianity is incompatible with Islam.  The Huffington Post article perverts bible scriptures and hides what the Qur’an states about Christians and Jews.

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Islam please visit 

College Fires Retired Army General Over Protecting Daughter in Transgender Bathroom Comment

Hampton-Sydney-300x225Former commander of America’s elite Delta Force, Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin, received news from Hampden-Sydney College that he was being terminated because of comments he made concerning Obama’s demands that schools should comply with the new bathroom laws that basically render restrooms and locker rooms genderless.

According to a World Net Daily article, Boykin voiced his disapproval of bills that would allow men to go into women’s toilets, locker rooms and showers. The article quotes Boykin,

“When I said in Orlando that ‘… the first man who goes in the restroom with my daughter will not have to worry about surgery,’ the LGBT community once again came after me, claiming that I was calling for violence against ‪#‎transgender people.”

Of course the militant LGBT community jumped all over his comment, claiming the distinguished military hero to have called for violence against transgender people. They demanded Boykin’s job be terminated through emails, phone calls, and social media.

In another article, Boykin states,

“I was referring to perverts who will use these policies to get into locker rooms with girls and women, and I object to that,”

He added,

“Nonetheless, I gave the LGBT community just what they needed to pressure the college leadership to terminate me and they did.”

Hampden-Sydney is one of the few all-male schools left in the country and has a rich history as Patrick Henry and James Madison were some of its first trustees. According to its website, the institution for higher learning has this as part of their mission: to form good men and good citizens in an atmosphere of sound learning.

The plaque at the front gate says:

“Come here as youths so that you may leave as men.”

And says this in its honor code:

“The Hampden-Sydney student will behave as a gentleman at all times and in all places.”

And yet those in leadership positions of the college who are responsible for firing a military hero should be mirroring what they propose to teach. Instead they act like a bunch of wimps, and do more harm to those young boys at the school who may actually believe that the college is there to train real men.

What they taught all the boys at that school is not to stand on principle, but to go with what will please the whining crowd of special interest groups. Moreover, those who decided to terminate Boykin have displayed a disregard for societal norms that are necessary to a moral civilization.

What could be more chivalrous or gentlemanly than to stand up for women and children who have and undoubtedly will suffer sexual assault due to an idiotic bathroom law that defies common sense. This is the intention of General Boykin… to protect women and children.

Hampden-Sydney’s intention is to run and hide from any confrontation with a bunch of men and women who are confused about their own sexual identity, and desire for the rest of the world to climb on board and celebrate their confusion.

The all-male college just neutered themselves in front of the whole country by proving that they no longer stand for the principles on which they were founded. Hampden-Sydney is nothing more than buildings filled with boys who will be searching for examples of real men, you know, the kind that: stand for what is right, fight the enemy head-on, don’t back down from confrontation, and know how to protect women and children.

The school has now lost an authentic man, professor, warrior, and Christian example. Hampden-Sydney will now be celebrated as a bastion for the LBGT crowd, but the students will be the losers.

*Sign Petition to stop the bathroom madness here.

UPDATE: CBS News reports Hampden-Sydney rehires professor who said he was terminated after ‘bathroom bill’ comments.


Vatican cardinal: U.S. bathroom battle is part of ‘insidious war’ against human nature

Man charged after 10-year-old girl finds him in women’s restroom stall

Our Constitutional Right to Privacy Is Missing From Bathroom Debate

73 House Republicans Sign Letter Demanding Answers on Obama’s Bathroom Directive

No Power to Redefine Marriage

Mrs. Janna Little Ryan: A Liberal running the show from the family kitchen table?

The marriage between a man and a woman is a mutual political-spiritual co-joining of forces and ideologies including love. The man will support and encourage his wife and the wife her husband.

So to fully understand a man and or a woman in their decision making processes one must first understand that its a team effort working together for the good of the family unit. This includes all external decision making processes too. A solid marriage will have the man supporting the wife’s decision’s and vice versa.

So if you are scratching your head and rubbing your rabbit foot in an expression of confusion and lack of understanding of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and his blatant liberal agenda and decision making processes all you have to do is look into his family unit. Then you will learn that he supporting his wife’s ideology. As a man should and probably to remain in good graces in a supportive marriage.

Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little a liberal, left wing progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice.’s  in an October 2015 column titled “Janna Ryan, Paul’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know” reported:

Janna comes from a Democratic family. Her cousin, Dan Boren, was a Democratic Representative for Oklahoma from 2005 to 2013. Dan’s father, David Boren, was the 21st governor of Oklahoma from 1975 to 1979. Dan’s grandfather, Lyle Boren, was a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1937 to 1947. Janna’s grandfather, Reuel Little, helped found a third party called the American Party in Oklahoma in 1968. He ran for governor in 1970 but didn’t win, ABC News reported.

Janna herself has lobbied for liberal movements, such as marching in Washington in college for women’s rights, The New York Times reported. Janna rarely gives interviews, CNN reported, and doesn’t speak publicly about her political views.

Speaker Paul Ryan will not operate his family unit and make decisions that will cause friction and go against the will of his wife.

This is how most marriages operate unless your wife is a Florida Gator fan and you are a FSU fan, then that would be another battle to work through. But the woman will always win. Even if you are right.

So if you want to understand why Speaker Ryan funded Obamacare and Planned Parent Hood, I suggest you ask his wife. She is wearing the pants in the family metaphorically speaking. In my humble opinion.

If you want to know why Paul Ryan is using taxpayer money to fund 100,000 un-vetted Syrians for a free taxpayer funded ride in cities across the United States ask his wife…. the bleeding heart liberal that she is. She is pro-open borders.

Paul Ryan’s decisions and thought processes are a reflection of his spouse’s mindset. Mrs. Ryan is a life long Democrat who is pushing Obama’s agenda through her husband. And of course a happy life is a happy wife.

Paul Ryan also had a penchant for dating Democrats which allows him to embrace his real honest true to heart Democrat values. Seriously, many years ago I went out on a blind date with a lady who turned out to be a Democrat and when she opened her mouth I responded back in kind and that ended that date.

It lasted 2-3 minutes. I also left her the bill for the drinks tab to help her redistribute her wealth. I cannot tolerate being around a liberal mindset. I am a conservative with different values. Paul Ryan is not a conservative my friends… if he was he would never have married Jenna Little.

Paul Ryan’s ex-flame and last love of his life before getting married to Janna Little was his ex-girl friend and black American Democrat Daneeta Pope. She too voted for Obama twice and also supports his Communist Agenda.

The Daily Mail’s Belinda RobinsonEmily Anne EpsteinToby Harnden and Hugo Guy in 2012 reported:

Paul Ryan’s African-American college sweetheart has spent time in prison for wire fraud, it emerged today.

Deneeta Pope hit headlines after MailOnline revealed that she was the Republican vice-presidential candidate’s ex-girlfriend who opened his eyes to the evils of racism.

She served five months in prison after defrauding her employer Ernst & Young out of $77,000 in 1999, according to the federal Bureau of Prisons.

Ms Pope admitted claiming funds from work to attend an educational course which did not exist.

Mr Ryan has stayed in touch with his ex over the two decades since they broke up – he even attended Ms Pope’s wedding in May this year.

Read more.

Paul Ryan just can’t seem to stay away from females who are Democrats. Apparently Paul Ryan can fake being a Republican to muster through a Liberal agenda to please not only his liberal left wing Obama supporting wife; but also his former girl friends in the Democrat Party.

Paul Ryan is a massive threat to the U.S. Constitution and the national security of this nation, not only militarily. Our nation, our children and our future as a nation depend upon it. Speaker Paul Ryan is a Charlie Crist Republican, who is perhaps being manipulated by a Liberal wife.

And just as my former Executive Officer told me while I was forward deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea with a Navy SEAL Unit in Operation Desert Storm:

Ross, never forget shipmate, the biggest threat to our national security is a dependent wife running her mouth at the grocery store bitching about something after getting a letter from a deployed husband. That’s why nobody is gonna be sending any letters home until we take out Saddam.

The same is true in politics….. lose lips sink ships.

Politics makes for strange bedfellows, in this case it is Janna and Paul Ryan.

Telsa Motors Misuses B-1 Visas to Import Cheap Labor

NumbersUSA reports:

2016.05.17_TeslaMotorsA new investigative report showed that Tesla Motors’ contract company, Eisenmann, paid a smaller Slovenian company, Vuzem, to hire foreign workers through the B-1 visa program. The companies misrepresented the foreign workers in order to obtain the visas so they could import cheaper, foreign labor instead of hiring American workers.

The B-1 visa allows foreign workers to enter the U.S. for temporary and limited work purposes, such as to join a conference or to supervise or train U.S. workers in a specialized skill. The visa does not permit the worker to perform hands-on jobs that U.S. workers can do and under this visa a worker cannot receive payment from a U.S. company. The visa can last up to six months and there is no set cap for the number of visas allowed each year, 6.2 million B-1/B-2 visas were issued in 2014.

The B visa, along with the L-1 visa, could displace thousands of American workers and depress wages if the United States ratifies the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.

Gregor Lasnik, a Slovenian worker hired by Vuzem, has a pending lawsuit against Tesla Motors, Eisenmann, and Vuzem after being injured while helping to build Tesla’s new Fremont plant.

According to court documents Lesnik’s visa application included a letter written by Robert Keller, Eisenmann’s Chicago area-based U.S. purchasing manager, to the U.S. consulate stating that Lesnik would be working for a European subcontractor and had “specialized knowledge” to help build a new paint shop for BMW in South Carolina. The letter also assured that that Lesnik’s employment would “in no way adversely affect the employment of citizens of the United States.”

The visa application also included a hotel reservation in a South Carolina and titled Lesnik as a, “supervisor of electrical and mechanical installation”, even though he had been an unemployed electrician in his country and spoke only a little English. After being approved for the B-1 visa Lesnik was told he would actually be going to California and helping to build Tesla’s new plant.

This misrepresentation on B-1 visa applications has become a common problem, Infosys, an IT firm, was fined $34 million in 2014 for circumventing B-1 regulations among other offenses.

Overseas contractors use the B-1 visa to import foreign workers that will work long hours for low wages, even though it violates visa and labor laws. Lesnik says he was making the equivalent of $5 an hour while working on the Tesla plant. An American company had lost the Tesla contract bid due in part to higher labor costs.

“We have concluded that there is widespread abuse of the B-1 visa in the Bay Area,” said Michael Eastwood, assistant district director of the San Jose area office of the U.S. Department of Labor.

“It’s the wonderful world of unregulated visas,” said Daniel Costa, an immigration law and policy researcher at the Economic Policy Institute.

All three companies refused to comment on the pending legal case. Tesla and Eisenmann deny responsibility since Lesnik was directly hired by Vuzem.

Read more on this story at The Mercury News.

A Congressional Guide to U.S. Refugee Resettlement

Someone asked me today where to find the number of refugees who were resettled in each state in the U.S. over the years and it reminded me that we have many many new readers every day who are just beginning to try to get a handle on how the UN/U.S. State Department Refugee Admissions Program works.

Annual Report to Congress

Very useful documents are the Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Reports to Congress*** which are full of all sorts of data, not just the statistics on how many refugees were resettled in your state, but they include data on welfare use, employment, housing, and medical assistance, among other things.

They also include reports from the VOLAGs (the federal contractors) and discussions of special problems that some refugee populations encounter here. And, of course there is information about the myriad grants these contractors receive each year.

I can’t say it enough, but knowledge is power.  If you want to begin to understand what is happening in your towns and cities, start by looking at one of these documents.

Click here for a list of available reports.

By the way, the Refugee Act of 1980 specifies that this report should be completed and sent to Congress by the end of January following the close of the fiscal year.  Thus, the 2015 Annual Report should be available, but they are behind in producing it.

So what else is new! At one point a few years ago, they were three years behind!

For new readers we have a category entitled ‘where to find information,’ and you might want to have a look at it from time to time.

P.S.  I just spent a few minutes examining Table 1 (of the Appendix) in the FY2009 Annual Report where it cataloged how many refugees and from what countries were resettled in each state between 1983 and 2009. Wow! Amazing!

***This is not to be confused with another report to Congress that accompanies the President’s proposal for the upcoming fiscal year.  That report also has much useful data but is not as comprehensive as the reports found here.


These Palestinians are illegal alien criminals, not heroes for trekking across the world to get here

Guide to the George Soros Network

The Peace & Security Funders Group: Funding the War Against the War-On-Terror

Only Donald Trump Can Counter the Coup D’état of 2008

Of the 16 “establishment” candidates the non-politician businessman Mr. Trump defeated to become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee of 2016, he, more than any of his former rivals, seems unabashedly patriotic, a man who appreciates, takes pride in, and feels deeply about America’s illustrious (and complicated) history. That history includes:

  • The Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783, in which just a few brave souls broke from England in their successful quest for independence and freedom.
  • The Industrial Revolution from about 1760 to about 1840, which radically transformed America from primarily an agrarian culture to one driven by manufacturing and paving the way for our country’s wealth.
  • The Civil War from 1861 to 1865, in which our divided country was ultimately reunited and slavery abolished.
  • The women’s suffrage movement that began in 1840 and in 1920 resulted in the right of half our citizens to vote.
  • World War I (the Great War) from 1914 to 1918, which resulted in the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, the German and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, and the Ottoman Empire in 1922, and nearly 10 million deaths, including 116,516 Americans.
  • The Great Depression of 1929 that began in America after a fall in stock prices and metastasized into a worldwide catastrophe resulting in widespread welfare-relief programs and the rise of anti-capitalist, pro-Communist thinkers like Karl Marx.
  • World War II, 1939 to 1945, began in September 1939 when Germany, under Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, invaded Poland and France, pummeled England, and subsequently attacked and conquered Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. The conflict involved the majority of the world’s nations and was marked by the Holocaust (in which 11-million perished, including six-million Jews), the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and 50-to-85-million fatalities––the deadliest conflict in human history. The Axis nations of Hitler’s Germany, Japan (under Emperor Hirohito and his Prime Ministers Tojo and Konoe), and Italy (under Mussolini) fought the Allied nations (England, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America, among others). The conflict concluded on September 2, 1945, with the official surrender of the last Axis nation, Japan.
  • The Korean War from 1950 to 1953 was between North and South Korea. A United Nations force, led by the United States, fought for the South, and China, assisted by the Soviet Union, fought for the North. The war ended in 1953, with the establishment of a Demilitarized Zone. But no peace treaty was ever signed so the two Koreas are technically still at war.
  • The Vietnam War from 1959 to 1975 pitted forces trying to unify the country under Communist control against the United States (aided by the South Vietnamese) trying to prevent the spread of Communism. While fought nobly for a noble cause, the war lost the support of the American public, and although U.S. and South Vietnamese forces won the Tet Offensive launched against them in 1968, President Johnson’s decision not to run again for president served to weaken U.S. resolve to win the war. His successor, President Nixon, started to withdraw U.S. troops in 1969, the last one leaving in 1973. The war ended in 1975 with Vietnam being unified under a single Communist government.
  • The War in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014 was launched by President G.W. Bush in response to the attack on America on September 11, 2001. Its goal was to dismantle al Qaeda and the Taliban.
  • The Iraq War, 2003 to essentially the present, was also launched by Pres. G.W. Bush to rid the Mideast of weapons of mass destruction––which every intelligence agency in the world said existed––and to bring democracy to the Mideast. The conflict toppled dictator Saddam Hussein, but today Iraq is plagued by ongoing sectarian conflicts and the deadly presence of ISIS (the Islamic State of Syria).
  • All this is not to omit our country’s society-altering decade of the 1960s, in which the advent of The Pill, the Women’s Movement, the rise of the two-income family, men landing on the moon, the Black Power movement, the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy––all transformed our country profoundly, including the beginning of what has today become the seemingly irreparable breach between the perpetually seething and “victimized” left and, today at least, the ineffectual and accommodating right.

I mention these momentous events because it reinforces the amazing fact that that after only 240 years, our embryonic Republic has achieved what thousands of years of the continents of Asia, Africa, South America, Antarctica and “enlightened” Europe and Australia only long and lust for––unprecedented freedom, unparalleled military strength, immense wealth, tremendous generosity, spectacular innovation, and a populace––save for a few in the professional victim class––who wake up every day and go to sleep every night praising God for being Americans!


The coup d’état of 2008! Before that fateful year, America had experienced just about everything (see above) but not a coup. The term itself is defined as a sudden and often violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group. If you never heard or read about the Obama coup d’état, it is because this coup was anything but typical, and also because the leftwing media, which largely shills for every leftwing scheme, failed utterly to report the truth of this attempt to overthrow the America they loathe but most of the rest of us love and cherish.

Not convinced? See last week’s headlines about how the traitorous Ben Rhodes and his boss in the Oval Office purposely lied to the American public about the catastrophic deal with genocidal Iran, jihad capital of the world, and relied upon the craven media to perpetuate those lies, which they did.

Instead of being led by a small group of militaristic fanatics who, like Communists Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, violently seized power in Cuba in 1959, or the many other anarchists, nihilists, and political fanatics who followed the same template––Wikipedia spells out here in detail all the coups that have taken place since before the Common Era until today––the Obama coup had been precisely conceived, meticulously planned, and covertly financed for well over 75 years, and then seamlessly executed without a bullet being fired!

It is not that the term coup d’état has never been used in the modern political history of the United States of America. In 1992, Alan J. Weberman and Michael Canfield wrote a book entitled “Coup D’état in America: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.” No need to elaborate on this self-explanatory title.

But that was the last century. More recently, in 2013, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist, journalist, blogger, and former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan in 1981, wrote an explosive article, “The Unspoken Truth: Coup D’ état in America,” which stated: “The American people have suffered a coup d’ état, but they are hesitant to acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere ‘scrap of paper.’”

The same year, on June 7, 2013, conservative radio broadcaster, Rush Limbaugh, cited Herbert Meyer, who was “instrumental in establishing Reagan administration policies that brought down the Soviet Union,” and an article Meyer had written in The American Thinker in which he asserted that essentially what has taken place in America since 2008 is, indeed, a coup. “Not a violent coup…but nevertheless a takeover of a government, and it’s being done by the Obama administration.”

And this month, former Clinton insider Larry Nichols says he no longer supports either Bill or Hillary and reveals why he has switched his allegiance to Mr. Trump. “We are at the beginning of a velvet or silent coup,” Nichols says, “It’s been going on for years. There’s been a slow subtle takeover of our form of government…[but] if we don’t stop Hillary, it’s over.”


In campaigning for the presidency in 2007-08, then-Senator Obama exhibited a startling distaste for the nation he wanted to lead, expressing a sneering contempt for the country that had given him everything. And when his wife, Princeton and Harvard Law School graduate Michelle Obama, in her mid-forties at the time, said she was never proud of her country until her husband ran for the office, she displayed yet another rare and ugly form of ingratitude.

Only three months after his election, Barack Obama traveled to France, Prague, London, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, and Mexico, seemingly for the express purpose of apologizing for America and reciting the sins he still believes our country is guilty of––trips which I detailed in an article entitled  The President Who Hates His Country.

More frightening was Mr. Obama’s apparently irresistible attraction to the criminal enterprise known as The Muslim Brotherhood (MB), an organization founded in 1928 and closely aligned and complicit with the genocidal Hitler regime during World War II, and, today, a virulently anti-Western and anti-Semitic group that actively supports terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, et al.

The MB’s motto is: ““Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Nice, right? Just like the U.S. Constitution which speaks about the right of people to enjoy freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Frank Gaffney, former Reagan administration official and founder of the Center for Security Policy, spells out in chilling detail the far reachof the Muslim Brotherhood in America since Barack Obama took office. From the beginning of his tenure, MB leaders have had unfettered access to the Oval Office, and many members are now found in the highest reaches of our government, including Homeland Security, State, the Pentagon, Justice, et al. At all levels, MB members are creating and implementing both the domestic and foreign policies of our country.

Blogger Kevin Jackson of, lists here just a few of the MB agents who now occupy and make policy in the most sensitive positions of our government.

And the American Report offers this six-part series entitled The Betrayal Papers, which presents an in-depth and chilling picture of the following:

Part I: Under Obama, the US Captured by the Muslim Brotherhood
Part II: In Plain Sight – A National Security “Smoking Gun”
Part III: Obama’s Scandals and Assaults on Freedoms Explained
Part IV: A New Genocide
Supplemental Article: And the Press Says Nothing…
Part V: Who is Barack Hussein Obama?
Part VI: The Chicago Connection

It is relevant to mention that a central feature of the Muslim Brotherhood is Sharia Law, which believes in throwing gay people off roofs to their death and in “honor” killings for such unforgivable sins as a daughter wanting to date a non-Muslim or a wife wanting to get a divorce––the list of 7th century dictates is as lengthy as it is primitive.

Just as horrifically sub-human is the strict enforcement of routine female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice that America’s “canary in the coal mine,” Pamela Geller, has described at length in an article entitled, “FBI Asks for Help Investigating Rampant Female Genital Mutilation.”

“The gruesome practice of female genital mutilation,” Geller writes, “is at record highs in America…,” putting a half-million U.S. girls at risk.

Steve Emerson, founder and executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, and journalist John Rossomando point out that Barack Obama has given a red carpet to radicals in the White House.

“Let us first dispense with the pretense,” writes author and veteran Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. “Every notion we in the West have adopted in terms of dealing with Muslims, both individually and collectively, is wrong. It is a policy based more on political correctness than on rational analysis, more on a misunderstanding of culture than religion. Muslims don’t assimilate, they infiltrate.”

Is it any surprise, with our infrastructure crumbling, and 94-million people unemployed––approximately one-third of our population––that the Obama State Department is sending $770-million overseas to refurbish mosques, or that, under Obama, the U.S. has kowtowed to Muslim Brotherhood demands that we not blacklist even one Islamic “charity”, even though all such charities are closely associated with terrorist organizations?

It has gotten so bad that one of the founders of the Department of Homeland Security, recently-retired Philip Haney, says the U.S. has completely capitulated to Muslim terrorism, a claim he expands on in his new book, “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”

Even worse is the dire information delivered to Congress this year by Admiral James A. Lyons–– the former Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and “the father” of the Navy’s anti-terrorism units. “The transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” he said. “No question we’ve got a hell of a job ahead of us with the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies, and has been reported by some, our lead intelligence agency headed by a Muslim convert (a reference to CIA Director John Brennan, long rumored to have converted to Islam in the 1990’s in Baghdad). This is not going to be an easy task.”

“The threat is Islam,” the Admiral added. “Let’s make no mistake about it. There’s no such thing as radical Islam.”

This is a sentiment echoed by author and journalist Paul Williams, PH.d in an article, “Plotting Jihad in the Poconos,” about the metastasis of Gulen Islamist schools throughout the United States. “Gulen’s tentacles now extend into all the power centers of the U. S. government, including the Oval Office.” Over 150 Gulen schools have been established and they continue to open “at the monumental rate of eight to ten a year throughout the U.S. and leading politicians––both Democrats and Republicans––regularly appear at Gulen gatherings to offer their endorsement of the militant imam’s educational endeavors” (and, gleefully, to embrace the mountains of money they receive for their endorsements). All the schools receive full funding from US taxpayers.

All this is not to omit the hundreds of thousands––by now, perhaps millions––of undocumented, un-vetted illegal aliens that the Obama regime has allowed to enter our country from the ravaged, terrorist-ridden Middle East, and, just the other day across the Texas border, 4,000 Cubans.

In addition to seeding jihadists throughout our population, another motive is to swamp voting precincts all over America in November to insure a Democrat victory at any costs, the better to preserve and enlarge upon the “bring America to its knees” agenda of the left. The left has not worked for nearly a hundred years to see what they’ve accomplished so far––socialized medicine and education, fascistic IRS, State, and Justice Departments, increased reliance on the policies of that New York cesspool known as the United Nations, and an open-borders, one-world-order policy––be wiped out of existence, erased, debased, destroyed, undone, by a Trump victory just five-and-a-half months from now.

As political editor Charlotte B. from the West Coast explains: “Don’t be surprised if you see socialist-Marxist agitators creating chaos and mayhem at both the Democrat and Republican conventions, and bringing in battalions of rabble rousers, disrupters, and crowds of intimidators to frighten voters in preselected precincts from entering their designated voting locations––think the Black Panthers in Philadelphia in 2008, think Black Lives Matter, LULAC, and La RAZA––all of whom have already shown their ugly agendas at numerous Trump rallies.”


What “we,” the American public now “get” is that, yes, we’ve had a coup d’état designed first to convert our country into the kind of communist/socialist paradise that Barack Obama and his pie-in-the-sky acolytes actually believed would bring about “change you can believe in,” and second to usher in a de facto caliphate in which the dictates of Islam prevail. Here is a sample of a piece entitled All of a Sudden:

  • All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools; Christianity and the Bible are banned.
  • …we must stop serving pork in prisons.
  • …Muslims are refusing to do their jobs if it conflicts with Sharia Law.
  • …Muslim training compounds are popping up throughout the USA.
  • …the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech”.
  • …our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the Middle East, giving rise to ISIS.
  • …a deal with Iran is made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions of dollars handed over to fund their nefarious goals.
  • …the American Navy is diminished to 1917 pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships, the Army is at pre-1940 levels…
  • …Obama won’t even say the words “Islamic Terrorism.”

Is it any wonder that sane and normal people have turned to Donald Trump, a wildly successful business mogul with a five-decade track record of getting things done? Such a no-brainier!

What we also “get” is the contrived reasons being perpetrated by Mr. Trump’s critics, who, in all of their self-righteous umbrage, try to fool the public by citing––inaccurately––the presumptive nominee’s lack of conservatism, as if the so-called authentic conservatives in Congress can point to one single accomplishment in the last almost-eight years.

Writer Dwight Kehoe explains what they’re really afraid of.  “From the lowest echelons to the highest positions of power in this bloated government, there exists the infestation of corruption, mismanagement, tax evasion, double dipping, regulatory extortion, payoffs, shakedowns, thievery and treachery. Donald Trump has promised that he will do everything in his extensive ability and tireless energy to clean out every fibrous tentacle, no matter how deeply they have spawned. That is what they fear.”

Author and journalist John McMurtry elaborates on that view, explaining that, “From his promise to halve the Pentagon’s budget to getting the Congress off corporate-donation payrolls, the public money that the big corporate lobbies stand to lose from a Trump presidency are off the charts. The takeaway promised by Trump’s policies threaten almost every big lobby now in
control of US government purse strings. Trump represents a threat to these gargantuan public-trough interests.” And the corporate media machines have failed at shutting him down. “That is the very big problem for the otherwise seamless political and media establishment who are all in on the fabulous payoffs of this corporate state game.”

Or as the inimitable radio host Michael Savage sums it up: “Ask yourself why Donald Trump is hated by the Republican establishment. It’s not that he can’t beat Hillary, as they are saying. It’s because they’ll be out of a job.”


Hopefully long before his inauguration, Mr. Trump will set in motion the monumental task of fumigating the entire White House and every department of government. Out with all the old––in with only his hand-picked representatives, executives, staff. As stated, the Muslim Brotherhood not only occupies the highest levels of government, but is making the policies by which Americans are increasingly being forced to live.

This will take not a mere broom, not even a gigantic vacuum cleaner, but instead the kind of ferocious resolve that took the former TV reality star from a fledgling candidate in June 2015 to the focus of the entire world a mere 10 months later. Quite a breathtaking feat!

Even before that––I put this in the Urgent category––he should choose former Speaker Newt Gingrich as his running mate. Forget about the politically correct choices––a woman, a Hispanic, an African American, et al. The most urgent choice is someone who has literally been there/done that, knows every facet of government and the Congress and how they work, and has actually brought about the kind of sea change that Mr. Trump has promised.

A number of assignments should follow. Mr. Trump’s suggestion of former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani to study the border problems and how, in addition to the fence, to solve them, is excellent.

Just as important is the attention that the Trump Team pay to the vote-rigging that Democrats are so famous for, including the resurrection of millions of dead voters who seem to appear quite magically in Democrat precincts. If billions are being spent, a large portion of that sum should be allocated to monitor every voting location throughout the country, and to have lawyers at the ready to insist on a recount for every fishy result.

In the meantime, it is important for Americans to remember that we are still in the throes of a genuine coup d’état, with things far worse than Barack Obama’s bathroom fetish planned for the coming months.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Donald J. Trump is by REUTERS/Joe Skipper.

Trump: ‘In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue!’

Donald J. Trump @Donald J. Trump recently tweeted:

“In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.” This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!

Trump’s tweet echoes the words of two conservative icons.

Ronald Reagan said, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

Trump’s tweet also reminded me of what presidential nominee Barry Goldwater said in 1964 during his acceptance speech at the 28th Republican Convention:

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Both Reagan and Goldwater understood that liberals, progressives, Socialists and Democrats cling to knowledge that just isn’t so. Because of this ignorance they implement policies that weaken liberty and selectively apply justice for political gain.

Goldwater, Reagan and now Trump understand the role of the Republican Party. Trump’s tweet echoes what Goldwater and Reagan said in less than 140 characters. Trump has clearly identified the Republican Party’s ideological opponent. Trump understands that he is speaking to and for the “silent majority” of Americans. What Trump tweeted is not new, it has been said many times before. What is new is the emergence of social media to convey the message.

Trump, like Goldwater, is being called an extremist. But is he?

In 1964 Goldwater warned his fellow Republicans:

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.

Fellow Republicans, it is the cause of Republicanism to resist concentrations of power, private or public, which enforce such conformity and inflict such despotism. It is the cause of Republicanism to ensure that power remains in the hands of the people. And, so help us God, that is exactly what a Republican president will do with the help of a Republican Congress.

[Emphasis added]

I published a column titled New Democrat Party: The Red-Green-Rainbow Troika. I used the term Democrat because the party no longer embraces the Jeffersonian form of democracy. Rather it believes in the concentration of power to create its “own version of heaven and earth”, a utopia. Utopia is defined as “an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.”

The definition of ignorance is a lack of knowledge or information. Believing “things that aren’t so”, is part of the Democrat Party’s Utopian narrative. Democrats believe that defending liberty is a vice and pursuing justice is evil. In its utopia everything is perfect so long as everyone agrees, by force if necessary.

Democrats believe that liberty is a fools errand and the needs of the many outweigh that of the few. They believe that some lives matter and others do not. They believe what they believe regardless of the facts and overwhelming data available. They are ignorant, which is no virtue.

This is what is at stake in 2016. This is why Republicans must unite and fight for liberty and justice for all Americans. Not to do so will see a repeat of 1964.

I remind Republicans of their duty with these words from Barry Goldwater acceptance speech:

The beauty of the very system we Republicans are pledged to restore and revitalize, the beauty of this Federal system of ours is in its reconciliation of diversity with unity. We must not see malice in honest differences of opinion, and no matter how great, so long as they are not inconsistent with the pledges we have given to each other in and through our Constitution. Our Republican cause is not to level out the world or make its people conform in computer regimented sameness. Our Republican cause is to free our people and light the way for liberty throughout the world.

Ours is a very human cause for very humane goals.

Let the general election for the heart and soul of America begin.


In Alien vs. Predator, I’m for Predator, because he’s OUR Predator

Guide to the George Soros Network

The Peace & Security Funders Group: Funding the War Against the War-On-Terror

Team Trump to Ryan: Maybe We Need a New Speaker – Breitbart

Retired DHS Intelligence Officer Blows Whistle on Federal Government’s role in Islamic terror threat

WASHINGTON, D.C. — One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion.

Who exactly is the enemy we face, not only in the Middle East but also within our borders? Is it “murderers without a coherent creed” or “nihilistic killers who want to tear things down,” as some described ISIS after 130 people were brutally slain and another 368 injured in a coordinated attack on Western soil that authorities say was organized with help from inside France’s Muslim communities.

After the Paris attacks, Obama, himself, described ISIS as “simply a network of killers who are brutalizing local populations.”

But how much do words and definitions really matter? According to the legendary military strategist Sun Tzu, if “you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one (battle) and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.”

When the Department of Homeland Security was founded in 2003, its stated purpose was “preventing terrorist attacks within the United States and reducing America’s vulnerability to terrorism.” The Bush administration’s definition of the enemy as a tactic, terrorism, rather than a specific movement, proved consequential amid a culture of political correctness. By the time President Obama took office, Muslim Brotherhood-linked leaders in the United States were forcing changes to national security policy and even being invited into the highest chambers of influence. A policy known as Countering Violent Extremism emerged, downplaying the threat of supremacist Islam as unrelated to the religion and just one among many violent ideological movements.

When recently retired DHS front-line officer and intelligence expert Philip Haney bravely tried to say something about the people and organizations that threatened the nation, his intelligence information was eliminated, and he was investigated by the very agency assigned to protect the country. The national campaign by the DHS to raise public awareness of terrorism and terrorism-related crime known as If You See Something, Say Something effectively has become If You See Something, Say Nothing.

To be released by WND Books on May 24, 2016, in See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, Haney – a charter member of DHS with previous experience in the Middle East – and co-author Art Moore expose just how deeply the submission, denial and deception run. Haney’s insider, eyewitness account, supported by internal memos and documents, exposes a federal government capitulating to an enemy within and punishing those who reject its narrative.

Haney discloses:

  • How the Bush administration stripped him and other front-line officers of their ability to define the threat;
  • How much the Obama administration knew in advance of the Boston Marathon bombing and how it launched an ongoing cover-up on behalf of a major ally;
  • The administration’s stealth policy to protect Islamic leaders with supremacist beliefs and violent-jihadist ties, allowing them to freely travel between the U.S. and the Middle East;
  • The scope of access to the White House and the classified information the Obama administration gave to members of Muslim Brotherhood front groups;
  • The damning intelligence on Muslim Brotherhood-linked leaders invited to sit at the table and help form national-security policy;
  • The “words matter” memo imposing the demands of radical U.S. Muslim leaders on the DHS, including stripping intelligence and official communications of any mention of Islam in association with terrorism;
  • The purging of training material that casts Islam in a negative light;
  • The erasing and altering of vital intelligence on terrorists and terror threats;
  • The fear-based tactics imposed by the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. and their accomplices that paralyze officials, members of Congress and any Department of Homeland Security employee who dares to expose or resist their agenda; and

Much more …

In this well-documented, first-person account of his unique service with DHS, Haney shows why it’s imperative that Americans demand that when they see something and say something, the servants under their charge do something to prevent a cunning, relentless enemy from carrying out its stated aim to “destroy Western Civilization from within.”


Philip Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before he was hired as a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003. After becoming an armed Customs and Border Protection officer, he served several tours of duty at the National Targeting Center near Washington, DC, where he quickly was promoted to its Advanced Targeting Team, an unprecedented accomplishment for an agent on temporary duty assignment. Officer Haney won numerous awards and commendations from his superiors for meticulously compiling information and producing actionable reports that led to the identification of hundreds of terrorists. He has specialized in Islamic theology and the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement. He retired honorably in July 2015.


Art Moore is an editor for online news giant WND. He entered the media world as a public relations assistant for the Seattle Mariners and a sports correspondent for Associated Press Radio. Moore served for ten years in Eastern Europe with a Christian organization and earned a master’s degree in communications from Wheaton College. Before joining WND shortly after 9/11, he was an editor for the news service Worldwide Newsroom and senior news writer for Christianity Today magazine.

See Something, Say Nothing will be in bookstores nationwide on May 24, 2016


Guide to the George Soros Network

The Peace & Security Funders Group: Funding the War Against the War-On-Terror

Republican Primary Lesson: It’s Not About You!

The existential threat to America today is not communism but colonization by illegal aliens and Muslim “refugees.” Political correctness subverts our First Amendment rights and shuts down even discussions about the threats to the middle class.

On the day Donald Trump resoundingly won primaries in West Virginia and Nebraska, the same day that Ted Cruz gave one last, desperate call-out to voters by indicating that he would consider reentering the race if Nebraska voters decided he should, a Quinnipiac poll provided yet one more shock to the pundit class.  It showed Trump even with Hillary Clinton in three key states.  He was beating her on leadership abilities, economic issues, and security issues.

Voters also thought that Trump was more “honest and trustworthy” than Clinton.

Trump had a lower rating on “moral standards” probably because of his playboy past.

The question remains: why would people trust someone who has low moral standards?  How did Trump earn this trust?

He certainly did not do it the way Ted Cruz did by speaking in front of a large banner with “TrusTed” on it.  He did not do it by telling his parents’ hard-scrabble stories the way Cruz and Marco Rubio did.  He did not by simply presenting his name with an exclamation point the way “Jeb!” did.  He did not do it with a phony “aw shucks” act like John Kasich’s.

Oddly, the man who is cast by the pundit class as being the supreme narcissist used the old Reagan slogan, “Make America Great Again.”  He tapped into the patriotic desires of Americans suffering two terms of an anti-American Obama presidency.

As voters rejected the other candidates’ appeals, commentators upped the rhetoric and aimed it at Trump’s supporters. The libertarians and millennial conservatives pulled out their thesauruses for new terms of insult.  Erick Erickson alternated between references to Scripture and casting Satanic aspersions on Trump supporters.  National Review’s Kevin Williamson likened them to Hitler supporters, and said their communities “deserved to die.”  The ominous meme about “angry white working class voters” was circulated by pundits who had studiously avoided any parallel categorization of Michelle Obama.

Adopting a new more conciliatory tone, David Brooks acknowledged the “pain” of “declinism” and called for a New Deal-like effort to change the “national story” from the old model of rugged individualism.  He suggested a “new definition of masculinity” for the new economy that rewards “emotional connection and verbal expressiveness.”  (Brooks is detail oriented, as his praise of the creases in then-candidate Obama’s pants showed.)

These commentators who attended elite schools and had connections were initially confident that the champion Princeton debater, praised by his former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz as “off the charts brilliant,” would win out over the buffoon who spoke in sentence fragments.  Cruz’s campaign, as the Washington Post described it, “reflected its candidate: methodical, strategic and data-driven.”  It “deployed a sophisticated data strategy that used psychographic information to appeal to the fears or hopes of potential voters.”

On the day of the do-or-die primary, Cruz decided to talk to a man holding a Trump sign at his event in Marion, Indiana.  With cameras trailing, Cruz walked up to a guy who would probably not react favorably to Brooks’ “new definition of masculinity.”  He was from Ohio, a “pole-climber,” as he put it — someone Brooks, sitting in an office admiring the creases in his own pants, might espy, from a distance repairing the lines.

The effort was clearly intended to present Cruz as patient and charitable towards someone holding minimal “verbal expressiveness.”  Sure enough, in grammatically incorrect phrases, the man said that he supported Trump because of “the wall” and the Second Amendment.  He told him, “You are the problem, politician,” and asked where his Goldman-Sachs jacket was.  Cruz, with evident exasperation, repeated the well-known charges against Trump.  He asked him if he knew that he had argued a Second Amendment case before the Supreme Court.

Clips from the exchange were played on Fox on May 7, with Greg Gutfeld’s facial contortions and comments interspersed to show how impenetrable Trump supporters are to Cruz’s debating points.

While those in the #NeverTrump camp probably found Gutfeld’s mockery funny, others, such as other pole-climbers who are already disgusted with the sneering at their kind, probably did not.

Nor did they miss the announced “deal” with rival John Kasich, or fall for the slogan of used car salesmen and consumer advocates (“trust me”).

Do the candidates not understand that the hard-luck stories about immigrant parents bring only a “so what?” from children of immigrants who did not go Princeton or Harvard?  Do they understand that abstractions about “free enterprise” mean little when your job has been sent abroad?  Do they understand that bantering in Spanish on the debate stage doesn’t win any points if you have to compete for work with Mexicans hanging out at Home Depot?

Do they understand that talk about the Constitution inspires very little confidence if it comes from someone like Marco Rubio, who betrayed his supporters on immigration?  Do they understand that when you say “when I am president,” as Rubio did, that it comes off as presumptuous?  All three of the candidates who blamed Trump’s “rhetoric” for the rioters who closed down the rally in Chicago on March 11 lost credibility—and votes.

Did the Big Brains who kept invoking Ronald Reagan not listen to “the speech” on behalf of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater?  Reagan, calling himself a “former Democrat,” addressed middle-Americans’ concerns, then arising from the existential threat of communism and growth of government: an administration that sought to imprison farmers for improper bookkeeping, that built public housing, and that harassed businessmen.  Reagan told stories, about an Arkansas farmer who lost his 960-acre farm for over-planting his rice allotment.  He related a story about a young woman pregnant with her seventh child seeking a divorce so that she could qualify for Aid to Dependent Children, which provided more money than her husband, a laborer, could earn.

The existential threat today is not communism but colonization by illegal aliens and Muslim “refugees.”  Political correctness subverts our First Amendment rights and shuts down even discussions about the threats to the middle class.

As I described at this site, Trump at his rally on April 10, in Rochester, New York, connected with voters by talking about their concerns, such as the recent closing of SentrySafe, which followed Carrier Air Conditioning’s exit from Indiana to Mexico.

The day after the Indiana primaries, CNN invited a number of #NeverTrump-ers — over-glossed, quick-tongued politicos – who were contemplating a third party.

The #NeverTrump-ers ominously imply that if Trump is the nominee, “it will be a long, hot summer — and fall,” — continuing the idea that any violence will be Trump’s fault.  Erick Erickson, on the morning after the Nebraska win, predicting that the “Schadenfreudenfuhrer” will “beclown” himself over the next two months, advised delegates to the national convention to reject the will of the voters.  Otherwise, “We will see a party fail to unite. It’s [sic] standard bearers will flee.”

These “standard-bearers,” not looking beyond their own reflections, continue in the same self-destructive path.  As they accelerate the insults, they show that they may have “psychographic information,” but not much empathy or common sense.

GOP Puts a Lid on Bathroom Crisis

The Family Research Council in an email writes:

Conservatives have wanted to eliminate the Department of Education for decades. And Thursday, President Obama gave them the best reason yet. The agency’s outrageous order that public schools ignore the basic biology of their students in the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers may have finally awakened a sleeping giant.

Parents, governors, House and Senate leaders, religious groups, and superintendents are incensed that the White House would threaten to pull funding for children’s education over something as ridiculous and unpopular as gender-free restrooms.

Within hours of firing off this letter to every public school, college, and university in America, the blowback was fast and fierce. Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R) and Governor Greg Abbott (R) called on states to resist, insisting that the Lone Star State would give up all of its federal funding before letting the administration bully them on an ideology that the American College of Pediatricians calls “child abuse.” Together with Abbott, Patrick called on schools to ignore the DOE and Justice Department’s guidance. “This will be the end of public education, if this prevails,” he warned. ‘People will pull their kids out, homeschooling will explode, and private schools will increase.”

In local schools, administrators like Rodney Cavness didn’t need convincing. “I got news for President Barack Obama,”the Port-Neches-Groves superintendent told a local news outlet: “That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have five daughters myself, and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied… but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. He is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure.”

Fresh off of his bid for the GOP presidential nomination, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) had strong words for the man occupying the office he sought.

“Having spent many years in law enforcement, I’ve handled far too many cases of child molesters, of pedophiles, of people who abused little kids. The threats of predators are serious, and we should not facilitate allowing grown men or boys to be in bathrooms with little girls… I encourage every school superintendent, school board, and parent across this nation to disregard this barely veiled threat from the White House aimed at overturning the utterly reasonable practice of preventing men and boys from entering girls’ restrooms and changing rooms. As a father of young girls, I wouldn’t want my daughters being forced to change in the same room as men and boys. It’s that simple. And parents across this country shouldn’t have to tolerate it either.”

His Texas and Tennessee colleagues, John Cornyn (R) and Lamar Alexander (R), agreed, insisting that the president’s job “is not to intervene in state and local affairs under our constitutional scheme.” “Frankly,” Cornyn went on, “I think his involvement is unwelcome.” From Arkansas to Ground Zero in North Carolina, leaders were irate over the White House’s power grab.

Read more.


What goes on at a school “gay straight alliance” club event? Here’s the horrific truth.

5 Times ‘Transgender’ Men Abused Women And Children In Bathrooms

Local School Board Members Rejecting Obama’s Transgender Agenda

3 Ways Conservative Lawmakers Could Respond to Obama’s Bathroom Directive

North Carolina Lawmaker Blames Media, Activist Groups for Bathroom Bill ‘Falsehoods’

Mississippi Lawmakers Demand State Education Department Oppose Obama’s Transgender Guidelines

Target, Transgenderism, and Transformation

Affordable multifamily housing loans need rethinking: The ‘Blight Preventer’ Loan

Ten to twenty years after their original development many affordable multifamily properties face two common shortcomings: an inability to fulfill their long-term affordability commitments without additional public subsidies and insufficient funds for proper maintenance and avoidance of blight.  The propensity for blight, leaves public funders with bad choices: accept blight or throw good money after bad. Because most affordable multifamily housing is located in lower-income neighborhoods, current financing practices concentrate this blight risk in vulnerable neighborhoods.

Tom White and Charlie Wilkins, fellows at AEI’s International Center on Housing Risk, explain in how the new Blight Preventer Loan is specifically designed to address this problem:

…One part of the solution (for affordable multifamily) is to exchange the industry standard 30-40 year loan for a 15-20 year loan; using this approach, the property is free (or nearly free) of first mortgage debt at the time of the first capital needs shock (around year 15-20). If the property is then refinanced with another 15-20 year loan, it will again be free (or nearly free) of first mortgage debt at the time of the second capital needs shock (around year 30).

The second part of the solution is for public funders to require – at the time a property is proposed for financing or refinancing — a more careful analysis of long-term reserve adequacy, taking into account likely refinancing proceeds. This analysis may well lead to a requirement that the owner increase the initial reserve deposit and/or annual reserve deposit during initial underwriting, or to a requirement that the owner increase the annual reserve deposit after the property is leased-up and stabilized. The effect of such requirements is to keep needed cash in the property rather than allowing it to be distributed out to the owner…

Read about the Blight Preventer Loan in their full report.


INFOGRAPHIC: Blight Preventer Loan

Moving toward a viable multifamily debt market with no ongoing federal guarantee

No federal guaranty for multifamily

Al-Qaeda calls for slaughter of U.S. business leaders

“We will never put down our weapons until we fulfill what Allah wants from us. We are determined to keep fighting and striking Americans with operations by organized jihadi groups and by Lone Jihad, pursuing America in its homeland — by the will of Allah.” Watch for much more jihad violence inside the U.S. — because, you know, doing anything effective to prevent it such as halting Muslim immigration or monitoring mosques would be “Islamophobic.”

“Al Qaeda magazine calls for targeting American business leaders,” Fox News, May 16, 2016:

The latest issue of Al Qaeda’s online magazine Inspire released Saturday calls on would-be jihadis to undermine the American economy by targeting business leaders and entrepreneurs, according to analysts who monitor web chatter from the jihadist organization.

The newest edition obtained by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) features a cover with the headline “Professional Assassinations” and the subhead “Home Assassinations,” which the depiction of a hooded killer watching an upscale home from the outside.

Additional photos include in the issue include one of Microsoft founder Bill Gates splatted in blood with a pistol nearby. The magazine is published by Al Qaeda’s main affiliate located in Yemen, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

MEMRI quotes Inspire’s editor, Yahya Ibrahim, as opening the issue by saying “assassination is an effective toll in warfare,” and notes that “The prophet ordered the killing of many criminal leaders using this method … And here we are, following the footsteps of the prophet on how he dealt with his enemies and friends.”

Ibrahim adds in this issue that the focus of the previous issue of Inspire was what he called “workplace” assassinations, and hopes to expand on the same topic in the current issue, which AQAP hopes will lead to training and preparing a more “professional” type of lone wolves.

“We will never put down our weapons until we fulfill what Allah wants from us. We are determined to keep fighting and striking Americans with operations by organized jihadi groups and by Lone Jihad, [and] pursuing America in its homeland — by the will of Allah,” MEMRI quotes Ibrahim as saying….


Guide to the George Soros Network

The Peace & Security Funders Group: Funding the War Against the War-On-Terror

Hamas Exploits Easing of Gaza Blockade to Smuggle More Weapons

Iranian Navy Commander: If Americans “make even slightest mistake, their naval vessels will be sunk in the Persian Gulf”

Muslim nanny who beheaded 4-year-old, paraded head while screaming “Allahu akbar” won’t face trial: she’s insane