Send an Email To Congressional Democrats! Ask Them To Criticize Rep. Ilhan Omar for her virulent anti-Semitic diatribes.

Congressional Democrats need to do more than criticize Rep Ilhan Omar for her virulent anti-Semitic diatribes against Israel.

Click here to send your email to House Democrat Leaders. 

  This email is prepared this way because the House of Representative Leaders are blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.   If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Congressional Democrats need to do more than criticize Rep Ilhan Omar for her virulent anti-Semitic diatribes against Israel.   They need to support the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act that includes anti-Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel provisions.

Somali Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar continues to spew anti-Semitic rhetoric.  Rep. Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs, criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar for her controversial comments accusing pro-Israel groups of bribing American lawmakers.  

Congresswoman Omar’s anti-Semitic comments targeted the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act mostly in part because the legislation provides support for state legislation that prohibits state vendors from supporting the Hamas backed Boycott, Divest and Sanctions against Israel.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) strongly supports the Hamas backed Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.  Therefore, CAIR opposes the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act.   CAIR issued a press release on February 5, 2019 titled “CAIR Condemns Senate’s Passage of Unconstitutional Anti-BDS Bill, Urges U.S. House to Oppose.”   

CAIR supports Somali Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic rants.  CAIR issued a press release on February 11, 2019 titled:  “Anti-Semitism is real.”  The news release stated in part:  “CAIR applauds Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib for their courage in speaking the truth about Israel’s racial, religious and ethnic segregation.”  

Democrats in the United States House of Representatives need to do more than say a few words of criticism regarding Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic rants.   Democrats in the House of Representatives need to pass the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act like the United States Senate recently did with a vote of 77-23.  The Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act strengthens opposition to the anti-Semitic inspired Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Democratic House of Representative Leadership to do more than just talk against anti-Semitism among its ranks.

Click here to send your email to House Democrat Leaders

(For Gmail, Yahoo and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to House Democrat Leaders.  

(For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser unlike regular email campaigns.  This email is prepared this way because the House of Representative Leaders are blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.   If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Congressional Democrats need to do more than criticize Rep Ilhan Omar for anti-Semitic attacks.

Suggested content:

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Rep Hoyer, Rep Clyburn and Rep Jeffries,

I hope that the Democrats in Congress will do more than just utter words of criticism regarding the anti-Semitic diatribes Rep Ilhan Omar leveled against Israel.

The House of Representatives needs to pass the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act that was approved with bipartisan support by the United States Senate.

Please support and move for a vote the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act.

Email String separated by commas,,,,

Email String separated by semicolons;;;;

Contact information:

Speaker of the House of Representatives
Representative Nancy Pelosi
Chief of Staff: Robert Edmonson

Majority Leader
Representative Steny Hoyer
Chief of Staff: Alexis Covey-Brandt

Majority Whip
Representative James Clyburn

Democratic Caucus Chairman
Representative Hakeem Jeffries

RELATED ARTICLE: Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Bizarre ‘Apology’ for Anti-Semitic Remarks Doesn’t Cut It

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Facebook page.

The State of the Black Union

During the month of February in America we celebrate Black History Month. As we celebrate the achievements of Blacks in the making of this great country, I can’t help but think about the state of the Black community in 2019.

The state of our Black union is depressing!

We, as a community, must stop asking others to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves. We have more education than our parents and grandparents; yet have a lower quality of life. We have more opportunities than our parents and grandparents yet have less to show for them.

We have more Blacks in elected political offices than ever before, yet our economic indices in cities run by Blacks are horrible, i.e.: Washington, DC, Baltimore, and Atlanta to name a few.

Hardly a week passes by without a Black person having some deadly encounter with law enforcement.

How did we, in the Black community, get to where it seems to be open season on our people by law enforcement? Yes, racism still exists, but racism is not the cause of the condition of our community.

According to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention, over 70% of Black babies are born to unwed mothers. It is estimated that since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in 1973, that over 16 million Black babies have been murdered — 55 million babies in total.

In New York City every year, more Black babies are aborted than are born. Yes, you heard right. According to their Health Department, between 2012 and 2016, 136,426 Black babies were aborted versus 118,127 babies born. Blacks are the only group in America that have more babies aborted than born!

If Black lives matter, does that include their babies?

The solution to this culture of death in the Black community specifically, and America in general, is very simple. We need to reconstitute the family unit; meaning mother, father and children. These perverted variations of the traditional family unit will not restore our traditional values back to our community or our society.

Study after study has shown that if you graduate high school, get married, and then have children, you are almost guaranteed not to live in poverty.

The traditional family unit is the solution to all the ills facing the Black community and America.

But yet, the media appointed Black leaders and their radical liberal groups spend all of their time promoting homosexuality, amnesty for illegals, and Planned Parenthood.

When have you ever heard the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, or the National Urban League talking about the traditional family unit is key to righting the ship in the Black community?

When Bill Cosby gave his famous “Pound Cake” speech, he was eviscerated by the Black liberal elites.

When have you ever heard Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network, Derrick Johnson, President and CEO of the NAACP, or Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League talk about the family unit; or telling girls to keep their damn legs closed if they cannot financially afford to care for a child?

How did the Black community allow the homosexuals to hijack our fight for Civil Rights? Their issue has absolutely nothing to do with Civil Rights.

How did we allow George Soros, Bill Gates, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Mark Zuckerberg to get media-appointed Blacks to put illegals ahead of their own community? Can you imagine willingly training someone who is going to take your job and agreeing with them that they have a right to take your job.

According to Planned Parenthood’s 2017 annual report, they had total revenue of $1.3 billion, $555 million from the federal government. They made a profit of $77 million. Yes, they get paid to kill.

They also have spent over $38 million in political campaigns between 2012-2016. Yes, they buy Black, Democrat politicians!

To paraphrase Jay-Z, “Blacks folks got 99 problems, but homosexuality, amnesty, and Planned Parenthood should not be one.”

We survived slavery, overcame segregation, and fought discrimination and are still standing.

But, in order to restore the Black community, we must turn away from the media-appointed Black leaders. They have sold us out at every chance.

Just imagine if we put the same amount of energy fighting for our own people and causes like we do for other groups.

Just imagine if we took the energy we put into hating President Donald Trump and Republicans [put it] into getting young girls to stop having babies before marriage; getting Black entertainers and athletes to hire Black C.P.A.s, publicists, lawyers, managers, etc.; getting Black churches to stop caving in to the radical homosexual agenda; and creating more Black entrepreneurs.

We don’t need a law to make any of the above reality; but what we do need is leaders who cannot be bought off by those who have no concern for the Black community.

The state of our union can be brighter, but you can’t have union without “u” “n” “i.”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not reflect the official policy or position of or the National Newspaper Publishers Association.

EDITORS NOTE: This Black Press USA column is republished with permission. The featured photo is by Victor Grabarczyk on Unsplash.

The First-Ever Woke Democratic Primary Is Going To Be Awesome!

Let’s be straight, if not for a certain dementia setting in deep within the Democratic Party, Republican chances for a successful 2020 election would not be looking great.

But hallelujah (maybe) we do have the Democratic Party racing at warp speed lurch to the jaw-droppingly radical left. When it comes to the competing nonsense of intersectional politics, grievance structures, getting rid of air travel, special interest slices and a festival of pandering, the scene for the next 16 months will be one gigantic display of neon insanity.

In other words, awesome.

Get the popcorn, pop up the recliner footrest and watch how a party led by a 29-year-old bartender seeks to remake the most successful economy in world history — all while devouring its own members in a delicious internecine display.

(Unless of course, they actually win the House, Senate and Presidency, in which case civilization is doomed.)

But let’s focus on the pure entertainment value of the next year and a half — in case it’s all that is left — and start with the most recent unprecedented wackiness: eliminating planes and cow farts in 10 years.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the notorious AOC, the bubbly, pretty, likable young ignorant whackadoodle now holding sway in the Democratic Party, thanks to a wildly irresponsible media, has proposed the Green New Deal, which is a sumptuous combination of an 8th grade Marxist class that just watched Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth.

Let’s just tap the high points: In order to deal with the threat of climate change that will end the world in 12 years (AOC’s words) the United States must lead the salvation of humanity by giving everybody free healthcare, free college, affordable/free housing, healthy food, well-paying jobs, and economic security for those unable or unwilling to work.

To accomplish this, Green New Deal says the United States need to eliminate all fossil fuels, including natural gas, in 10 years. Eliminate all nuclear plants in 10 years (yes, they are the only efficient clean energy we have, but nothing in this plan is remotely sane, so don’t draw the line there.) Eliminate all cars that run on gasoline in 10 years. Eliminate all planes and replace travel with high-speed rail. (No word from the Hawaii delegation on this point.) And naturally, we will need to upgrade or replace every building in America. Every. Building.

This is an exquisitely laughable proposal. The only challenge serious people have had in critiquing it is running out of adjectives to describe its utter madness.

The spin cover run by the media on this plan is quite amazing — honestly, almost impressive. It’s obviously indefensible by even the most partisan media (which is pretty much all of the media.) So here’s the media operatives’ spin: Republicans are hyper-focused on the details, but the goal of the plan, you see, is to get the conversation started. Republicans are missing the point. We need to have a conversation about this peril and this starts it.

First, have we not been talking about climate change? Seems to me I recall a convo or two on this point. Second, not sure we need to have a conversation on getting rid of planes and cow farts. But that could be just me.

The next example of the unprecedented absurdities facing Democrats is the self-decapitation of the Democratic leadership in Virginia.Unbeknownst to many Americans, apparently dressing in blackface was a thing in Virginia in the 1980s.

Photos of Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam from his college yearbook show him in blackface (or worse, possibly a KKK outfit replete with pointed hood.) If he falls, second in line is Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who as soon as Northam’s apparent fate became nationally known has been beset by accusations of sexual assault by two women, which seem more credible than the one who accused now Justice Brett Kavanaugh. If Fairfax also falls, next in line is Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring. And like clockwork, he confessed that he, too, dressed in blackface several years ago. Fourth in line? The conservative Republican Speaker of the Virginia House.

We know how this ends. If Democrats were held to the standards they have created for Republicans and others, all three would be gone by now. As of this writing, all three remain in office and apparently are planning to stay there. So much for blackface and #metoo when it comes to Democratic politicians. So much for #believeallwomen if you are talking about Democratic politicians in office.

Republicans should be like kids in a candy store for the 2020 races, pushing every Democrat on whether they support eliminating planes or the death of the planet; and whether they #believeallwoman and compare their answer against their statements during the Kavanaugh hearing. This is a rich vein to mine. (Not by the media, of course. They’ll ignore it. But by Republican opponents.)

By way of comparison, photos of the Republican Florida Secretary of State surfaced recently of him in blackface at a Halloween Party several years ago. He resigned in hours. It’s not clear any Democrats will resign, which makes sense. I mean to put a fine point on it, they were the Party of slavery, of Jim Crow laws, of Bull Connor, of herding black Americans into tenements and locking them into welfare, and which still use race unabashedly to further their own political ends on a pretty much nonstop basis. It’s in the DNA of the Democratic Party.

Speaking of DNA in their veins, the Democratic Party now openly supports infanticide. I’ve avoided this term for decades during the abortion debate, although I do think that given the humanity of the resident in womb, it is just that. But the aforementioned Gov. Northam said a baby meant for abortion that is born alive and living outside the womb can still be killed by the “choice” of the mother. Sorry all, that’s infanticide.

This came days after the New York legislature erupted in applause after passing a bill allowing for abortion up to the literal moment of birth at 40 weeks. Further, the bill stated that a pregnant woman who is assaulted and that assault kills the baby — even if she is full term and on her way to the delivery room — authorities are banned from charging the attacker with murder. Only assault on the mother. The baby is simply non-existent to the Democratic Party. Standing applause.

More unprecedented insanity: AOC proposed a 70 percent tax rate before she unveiled her junior high plan to remake American civilization. But one of her radical compadres in Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar, saw her 70 percent and raised her to 90 percent. Within days, the New York Times ran a column calling for the abolishment of millionaires and, voila!, #abolishbillionaires was trending on the Democratic left. This is how fast the most astonishingly un-American ideas travel to the radical cliff on the left, and Democrat politicians are flummoxed in how to deal with them.

And we’ll wrap up this circus of absurdities with the combination of Medicare for All and open borders. Medicare for All, which is single-payer universal government health care, is estimated to cost $33 trillion over 10 years — nearly doubling the federal budget on an annual basis. Of course, it will cost more than that. Combine that with free college for all and assured housing and a $15 minimum wage (although why stop there?) and open borders in which literally millions of unskilled, uneducated immigrants who don’t even speak the language can roll on in, and you have a pretty massive national financial collapse racing toward us.

And this does not even reach the actual politics of the presidential campaign in which it is likely no Democratic contender ever will be able to survive the gauntlet of ever-changing political correctness standards and the viciousness of their own base. Meanwhile, every conceivable real and imagined kitchen sink has been thrown at President Trump and he just hit 50 percent approval in Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll.

So enjoy the spectacle. It’ll be awesome! (Except for the whole future-of-civilization part.)

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. It is republished with permission. Click here for the definition of “Woke.”

Antisemitism Rears its Head in Congress

Congresswoman Omar accuses the Jews in America of paying Congress to support Israel. She particularly accuses AIPAC (American-Israel Affairs Committee) of paying Congressional members money.

Not only is this an attack on Jews but it is an attack on all Congressmen, Congresswomen and and Senators who support Israel America’s only ally and Democracy in the Middle East.

This accusation against AIPAC and Jews is untrue. AIPAC makes no payments to Congressmen, Congresswomen or Senators. It is ironic Omar accuses Jews of what amounts to un-American behavior even though recent polls indicate 76% of them have supported Democrats in the past. She might just as well accuse ‘Christians United for Israel’, some 35 million Evangelicals and 72% of Americans (based on a recent poll) who also support Israel of un- American behavior. This is just one more type of blood libel against the Jewish people.

What is so disturbing is neither House Speaker Pelosi  or Senator Schumer have criticized Omar publicly. (“Silence in the face of evil is evil”). What should send shivers down the spines of American Jews is Pelosi’s recent appointed of  Omar a confirmed  Anti-Semite and anti Israeli to the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee. This powerful committee oversees foreign aid and national security issues. We can be sure Omar will attack Israel and Jews at every opportunity she gets. 

This is not the Democrat Party of my youth.

Ilhan Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC

Freshman Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar ignited a new controversy on Sunday night when she suggested GOP support for Israel is driven by campaign donations from a prominent pro-Israel group.

Omar singled out AIPAC, one of the most influential lobbying groups in Washington, as the source of those donations.

Omar’s comments touched upon a long-running, and particularly ugly, thread of the anti-Semitic movement — that Jewish money fuels backing for Israel in the United States and elsewhere. A freshman Democrat, Max Rose of New York, said, “Congresswoman Omar’s statements are deeply hurtful to Jews, including myself.”

And the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee is a non-profit that doesn’t donate directly to candidates. AIPAC, however, does relentlessly push a pro-Israeli message on Capitol Hill and inside the executive branch, and its members donate to pro-Israel lawmakers and candidates while seeking to defeat those it considers a threat to U.S.-Israeli relations.


EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Ilhan Omar’s Facebook page.

VIDEO: The Sun City Cell – Investigative Documentary by Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch presents “The Sun City Cell” – a stunning investigative documentary detailing the Narco-Terrorist Cell operating out of El Paso, Texas!

Featuring Judicial Watch’s Director of Investigations, Chris Farrell, “The Sun City Cell” exposes a chilling narco-terror plot that government officials deny.

In this 40-minute expose, you follow the trail of corruption. You see the actual court documentation. You listen up close and personal to the confidential informants. And with Chris Farrell as your guide, you follow the four-year investigation and meet the sources inside the law enforcement and government who risk their lives to get the truth to the American people.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch documentary with images and video is republished with permission.

New York: Are “Vulnerable” Immigrants more Important to Catholic Charities than Vulnerable Babies?

I guess Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York was too busy cozying up to Governor Andrew Cuomo for money for its Pro Bono legal services in defense of illegal aliens to bother pushing too hard to save late term aborted babies!

From the Albany Times-Union,

New website connects pro-bono lawyers with immigrants in need of help

After relating stories about several illegal aliens (oops! “undocumented”)….

immigrant New York
New York’s “vulnerables!”

These undocumented immigrants are all in need of pro-bono legal help and their cases are being advertised on a new web portal run by the state’s Liberty Defense Project and Catholic Charities to connect them with volunteer immigration attorneys.

The new website funded by the state brings attention to Catholic Charities, which has placed 105 pro bono cases with more than 230 volunteer attorneys throughout New York. Every volunteer receives expert legal training to file applications for asylum-seekers, crime victims, juveniles or individuals trying to reunite with family members.


In New York, no “liberty defense” for this new American!

The new website is funded by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Liberty Defense Project, launched in 2017, which provides free legal help to immigrants across the state through Office for New Americans locations.

The program has provided more than 25,000 services to immigrants, according to a press release. A quarter of the immigrants in detention who received representation under the program have been released and reunited with their families.

More here.

Again, that new website that seeks to link free lawyers to illegal aliens (aka New Americans) in need of help to stay in the country is being funded by New York state taxpayers!  See Liberty Defense Project!

What can you do?  If you live in New York and especially if you are Catholic, you must let Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York know what you think!


The Truth About Border Walls’ Effectiveness

The ‘New Normal’: An Era of Bigger Migrant Caravans Has Begun

Minnesota again! Dangerous Mix: Drugs, Guns and New Americans

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column with images is republished with permission.

How ‘Justice Democrats’ Plan on Taking Total Control of the Their Party

I have been saying at speaking engagements that there is a new crop of elected members of Congress who are a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republican form of government. These newly elected members of the U.S. Congress include: Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Palestinian Rashida Tlaib and Islamist Ilhan Omar. They call themselves “Justice Democrats.”

Justice Democrats was co-founded on January 23, 2017 by Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks. According to Wikipedia:

The organization formed as a result of the 2016 United States presidential election and has a stated goal of reforming the Democratic Party by running “a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress and rebuild the Democratic Party from “scratch” starting in the 2018 congressional midterm elections.

The Justice Democrats Party considers the above members of Congress as those who will work to rebuild the Democratic Party from “scratch.”

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez was recruited by the Justice Democrats and is featured in the below video in the effort to recruit more Justice Democrats and increase their coalition within the Democratic Party. According to the Justice Democrats website:

We’re focused on recruiting candidates to run in districts where the incumbent Democrat is demographically and ideologically out-of-touch with the voters of the district.

Watch this video to see how they recruited Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

Here is what the Justice Democrats are looking for:

  1. BOLD LEADERS who will represent and mobilize their communities to fight for the Justice Democrats platform, from Medicare for All to the Green New Deal and ending mass incarceration.
  2. GRASSROOTS CAMPAIGNERS who will run on Big Organizing over Big Money — inspiring thousands of grassroots volunteers across the district, and rejecting all corporate PAC and lobbyist donations.
  3. MOVEMENT BUILDERS who will work with Justice Democrats in Congress and across the country to build the Democratic Party into a progressive force that truly represents all Americans.

Watch this Secular Talk video hosted by Kyle Kulinski on the organization he co-founded:

This movement has made inroads into the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of JFK. It is no longer the Party of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. It is now the party of a coalition of Socialists and Islamists bent on fundamentally transforming the Democratic Party from the ground up. These are the new lions who are putting forward a bold agenda embodied in the Green New Deal Resolution put forward by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. It is just the beginning.

I say again, the Justice Democrat movement is a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republican form of government.


California’s High-Speed Rail Failure Shows the Insanity of Green New Deal

Green New Deal More Proof Left Intends to ‘Fundamentally Transform’ US

Muslim Ilhan Omar lawmaker ‘excited’ to spark anti-Semitic debate

RELATED VIDEO: The Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The Best and Worst Cities in the United States

There are several options if you want to measure economic freedom and competitiveness among nations (rankings from the Fraser InstituteHeritage Foundation, and World Economic Forum).

You also have many choices if you want to measure economic freedom and competitiveness among states (rankings from the Tax FoundationMercatus Center, and Fraser Institute).

But there’s never been a good source if you want to know which local jurisdiction is best.

Dean Stansel of Southern Methodist University is helping to fill this gap with a report looking at the relative quality of government policy in various metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs encompass not just a city but also economically relevant suburbs):

…the level of economic freedom can vary across subnational jurisdictions within the same country (e.g., Texas and Florida have less-burdensome economic policies and therefore much greater economic freedom than New York and California). However, levels of economic freedom can also vary within those subnational jurisdictions. For example, the San Jose metro area has substantially higher economic freedom than Los Angeles. The same is true for Nashville compared to Memphis. In some places, metropolitan areas straddle state borders, skewing state-level economic data. This report quantifies those intra-state disparities by providing a local-level version of the EFNA, ranking 382 metropolitan areas by their economic freedom levels.

So who wins this contest?

Here are the five most-free MSAs. It’s worth noting that all of them are in states with no income tax, which shows that good state policy helps:

What if we limit ourselves to large cities?

Here are the five most-free MSAs with populations over one million. As you can see, Houston is in first place, and zero-income-tax Texas and Florida are well represented:

Now let’s shift to the localities on the bottom of the rankings.

Which MSA is the worst place for economic freedom in America?

Congratulations to El Centro in California for winning this booby prize. As you can see, jurisdictions in New York and California dominate:

What if we look at larger jurisdictions, those with over one million people?

In this case, Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario is the worst place to live.

Though if you want to focus on big cities, the NYC metro area deserves special mention:

Now let’s consider why economic freedom matters.

I’ve shared charts showing how more economic freedom leads to more prosperity in nations.

The same thing is true for states.

So you shouldn’t be surprised to discover that it also is true for metro areas:

Last but not least, here’s a map showing freedom in all MSAs:

I’m not surprised to see so much red in California and New York, but I didn’t realize that Ohio (thanks for nothing, Kasich), Oregon, and West Virginia were so bad.

And the good results for Texas and Florida are predictable, but I didn’t think Virginia would look so good.

This article was reprinted with permission from International Liberty.


Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell is a Washington-based economist who specializes in fiscal policy, particularly tax reform, international tax competition, and the economic burden of government spending. He also serves on the editorial board of the Cayman Financial Review. 

RELATED ARTICLE: These are the worst cities to live in America. Is yours one of them?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Pixabay.

Are the Days of Roe v Wade Numbered?

A verse in the Bible says, “They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” Who could have imagined that God would transform the following three attacks on the unborn into a blessing for the pro-life movement.

Fake news media faces a lawsuit for false reporting which caused the high-tech lynching of the Covington high school students who attended the 2019 March for Life. New York legislators gave a standing ovation to killing babies on the date of birth. The governor of Virginia sought to legalize killing babies after birth. These 3 attacks have made Americans more aware of Democrats’ culture of death and war on the unborn. Abortion is front and center on the international political stage.

Since the Roe v Wade abortion on demand decision in 1973, 60 million babies have been killed. Pro-lifers are passionately energized to challenge Roe v Wade. Praise God!

I was blown away that the majority of the estimated 300,000 who attended the 46th Annual March for Life were teens, pre-teens and millennials. It was heartwarming and encouraging to see so many young people overflowing with compassion for the unborn. They were extremely excited, upbeat and joyful about celebrating and defending babies. Many carried signs, “I am the pro-life generation.”

More pro-life than their parents, over 50% of millennials believe abortion should be illegal in all or most situations

Every time I lament that my fellow blacks insanely support Planned Parenthood which targets black babies to kill, I’m flooded with emails from whites. “Lloyd, let blacks know Planned Parenthood was founded by rabid racist Margaret Sanger to exterminate blacks.” Frustrated, I yell at my computer. “I’ve been telling blacks the truth about Sanger and Planned Parenthood for years to no avail!”

Unbelievably, over 20 black religious leaders gathered to ceremonially “bless” a new Planned Parenthood abortion chop-shop in Washington, D.C. These supposed black shepherds are participating in the genocide of their own flocks

To stop the black on black genocide via abortion, Godly black ministers put up a billboard. “The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb.” Guess who had a cow and demanded that the billboard be removed? The answer is Rev Al Sharpton, black civil rights organizations and Democrats.

Black civil rights leaders have betrayed their people and the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. Liberalism continues to devastate the lives of black Americans. And yet, black leaders keep preaching the destructive evil religion of Liberalism to their people. 

Planned Parenthood demands that women rights include mothers killing their babies for whatever reason they deem necessary before or after birth. Here is a link to a brief video of an abortion doctor explaining to congress, in graphic detail, the procedure he used to perform second trimester D&E abortions. Anyone not extremely disturbed by this video is spiritually ill.

President Trump, the most pro-life president in American history, signed legislation to empower states to defund Planned Parenthood. From day one of his presidency, Trump took action to defend the sanctity of life. He reinstated the Mexico City policy, stopping American foreign aid from going to organizations that promote or support abortion around the world.

In his speech to March for Life 2019, president Trump said, “Together we will work to save the lives of unborn children so that they have a chance to live and to love.” “Every child is a sacred gift from God.”

Trump signed a letter to congress that if they send any legislation to his desk which weakens the protection of human life, he will veto it.

Carrie Fischer was aborted in 1968. Born 6 months later, the failed abortion caused Carrie to be partially paralyzed and facially disfigured. As a little girl, 5-6-7 years old, Carrie had reoccurring dreams of a baby in a womb fighting for her life; trying to get away. Carrie said she felt the baby’s pain and heard her screams.

At age 13, Carrie learned that the baby was her. A relative told Carrie her mother tried to abort her. When Carrie confronted her mom who raised her, she confessed and wept deeply. When the abortion failed, Carrie’s mother said she was filled with regret and shame. Carrie and her mom are best friends.

Remarkably, Carrie did not suffer brain damage as doctors predicted. Due to her facial disfigurement, Carrie endured horrific bullying by students and teachers. Carrie attempted suicide. Today, Carrie is happily married. She speaks around the country. Carrie said God saved her life to be a voice for the voiceless unborn

My friend, radio show host (Radio Patriot) Andrea Shea King shared her story with me. Pregnant and unwed at age 15, Andrea chose giving her son up for adoption rather than abortion. Forty-two years later, Andrea received a phone call from her son which led to a heartwarming reunion. Andrea met her daughter-in-law and her grand-kids. Her son is also a conservative like Andrea, his mom.

Andrea’s story inspired me to write, perform and record this song titled, “Hello Mom, It’s Me”. Please enjoy the music video.

Download the song, adding it to your play-list. Share it and encourage others to do the same, in defense of the sanctity of life. With abortion zealots outrageously seeking to legalize killing babies even after they are born, a compassionate pro-life song is needed more than ever.

EDITORS NOTE: The edited featured image is by Pixabay.

Fact Sheet: National Emergencies, Military Construction Authority and the Border Barrier

It is not clear whether President Trump plans to declare a national emergency in order to build a physical barrier along our border with Mexico, in order to protect Americans from illegal aliens, drug traffickers, gun runners, human smugglers and other assorted criminal border jumpers.

The mainstream media has repeatedly asserted that the president does not have the authority to declare a border emergency and take the action necessary to defend the American public.

However, the media pundits would appear to be mistaken. Below, FAIR sets out the facts on the National Emergencies Act and related statutory provisions that would enable the president to accomplish what congress refuses to – place the interests of law-abiding Americans above those of law-breaking foreign nationals.

  • 1976 National Emergencies Act (NEA) 50 U.S.C. §§ 1601-1651: This legislation specifies the manner in which the president may declare a national emergency. It also gives congress the authority to terminate a national emergency by joint resolution of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.[1]
    • 58 national emergencies have been declared since the act was signed into law by President Gerald Ford.[2]
    • 31 of those national emergencies remain in effect.[3]
    • An emergency declaration pursuant to the NEA does not provide any specific emergency authority on its own. Rather, it allows the president to exercise emergency authorities set forth in other statutes.[4]
      • There are currently 123 distinct statutes granting the president emergency authority to respond to a wide variety of situations.[5]
        • None of those statutes explicitly reference immigration. However, many of them would allow the present to implement an emergency response to migration crises involving threats to national security, public safety or public health.
      • As part of the emergency declaration process the president must specify which emergency authority he is invoking.
    • The statutes the president is most likely to invoke, upon declaring an immigration-related national emergency, are:
      • 10 U.S. Code § 2808 – Construction Authority in the Event of A Declaration of War or National Emergency: This statute provides that, upon the President’s declaration of a national emergency, “that requires use of the armed forces,” the Secretary of Defense may “without regard to any other provision of law . . .undertake military construction projects . . . not otherwise authorized by law that are necessary to support such use of the armed forces.”[6]
      • 33 U.S.C. § 2293 – Reprogramming During National Emergencies: This legislation authorizes the Secretary of the Army to terminate or defer Army civil works projects that are “not essential to the national defense” upon the declaration of a national emergency. The Secretary of the Army can then use the funds otherwise allocated to those projects for “authorized civil works, military construction, and civil defense projects that are essential to the national defense.”[7]
  • According to the Congressional Research Service there are also two statutes which may allow the president to begin construction on a border wall without declaring a national emergency or obtaining congressional authorization:
    • 10 U.S.C. § 2803 – Emergency Construction: This legislation provides that the Secretary of Defense “may carry out a military construction project not otherwise authorized by law” after determining the following: (1) “the project is vital to the national security or to the protection of health, safety, or the quality of the environment,” and (2) “the requirement for the project is so urgent that” deferring the project “would be inconsistent with national security or the protection of health, safety, or environmental quality.”[8]
    • 10 U.S.C. § 284 – Support for Counterdrug Activities and Activities to Counter Transnational Organized Crime: This legislation provides that the Secretary of Defense “may provide support for the counter drug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime” of any law enforcement agency, including through the “[c]onstruction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.”[9]Should the president choose to declare an immigration-related national emergency and invoke his powers under one of the aforementioned statutes, he is sure to be challenged in court – most likely in the radical Ninth Federal Circuit – by organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union and its network of open-borders, pro-illegal-alien agitators.However, outside the Ninth Circuit, he is likely to prevail. Many prior presidents have declared national emergencies and invoked extraordinary powers in response to “crises” that were significantly less threatening than the near failure of our southern border.For now, those of us who are concerned about the integrity of America’s borders can only wait, watch and hope that our elected leaders will do the right thing and put the interests of everyday Americans above those of un-vetted border-jumpers who may present a significant threat to our country.


The Truth About Border Walls’ Effectiveness

Angel Dad: Border Wall Funding Would Happen If Pelosi or Schumer’s Child Were Killed

New Source of Funds for the Wall?

Footnotes and endnotes

[1]1976 National Emergencies Act (NEA) 50 U.S.C. §§ 1601-

[2]Kendall Heath, “Here’s a List of the 31 National Emergencies that Have Been in Effect for Years,” ABC News, January 10, 2019, 


[4]Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Emergency Authority and Immunity Toolkit, accessed February 6, 2019, 

[5]Brennan Center for Justice, A Guide to Emergency Powers and Their Use, December 5, 2018, 

[6]Jennifer K. Elsea, Edward C. Liu, Jay B. Sykes, “Can the Department of Defense Build the Border Wall,” Congressional Research Service, January 10, 2019, p.3, 

[7]Ibid at p. 5.

[8]Ibid at p. 5.

[9]Ibid at p. 5.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image by geralt on Pixabay.

REVIEW: The Movie ‘Destroyer’ Mirrors the Decline and Fall of Los Angeles, California

I went to see the movie “Destroyer” staring Nichole Kidman. The film takes place in Los Angeles, California. When I first saw Nichole Kidman, who plays Detective Erin Bell, I was struck by how she looked. Kidman won a Golden Globe Award for her role in “Destroyer.”

Watch the trailer:

Kidman was physically, emotionally and morally a reflection of Los Angeles, California.

Let me explain why. Kidman’s character was:

  1. Erin Bell is an LAPD law enforcement officer sworn to protect and defend the people. She failed in all of her duties. Bell was a liar, thief, violent psychopath and murderer. A mirror image of Los Angeles, California.
  2. Erin Bell’s life is a series of self-inflicted wounds. She brought about everything that happened to her because she repeatedly made bad decisions. Exactly like Los Angeles, California.
  3. Erin Bell has a child out of wedlock with her partner. The rule rather than the exception in Los Angeles, California.
  4. Erin Bell was a failed mother. Her daughter made the decision to live with her step father rather than with her dysfunctional biological mother. This speaks volumes.
  5. Erin Bell was morally, physically and mentally broken. Exactly like Los Angeles, California.
  6. In the end she died from massive internal bleeding. So it is in Los Angeles, California. The City of Los Angeles is bleeding internally from its public policies.
  7. Bell initially was an undercover federal agent who got her partner/lover/father of her child killed. She was bent on revenge and got it at the end by breaking the law repeatedly. Essentially Detective Erin Bell was a “basket case.” So too is Los Angeles, California.
  8. In the end Erin Bell sub-conscientiously reflects upon her failed life as it slowly drains out of her while she is parked in her car under a underpass in a Los Angeles ghetto. Los Angeles is dying slowly and it can’t seem to help itself.

Kidman deserves her Golden Globe award. The irony is Hollywood didn’t realize that they were making a movie showing how dysfunctional the city, of which they are an integral part, really is.

I saw Kidman, a beautiful actress, turning into a monster physically, emotionally, professionally and morally. Hollywood and Los Angeles have become monsters physically, emotionally and morally.

Kidman was masterful in showing how evil begets evil. Evil has come to Los Angeles, California.

Thank you Nichole for doing such a great job in enlightening us on the rot that is at the core of your character and the City of Angels, an oxymoron, in which you live, play and work.


City of Los Angeles Crime Statistics by Neighborhood.

Los Angeles typhoid epidemic

Los Angeles Health Data

Los Angeles Religious Data

Is a Virginia County Inviting Non-Citizens to Vote?

Sure looks like it.  Big League Politics posted a story yesterday with a photo that may have been taken down, but was up until the 2018 Midterm elections, they say.

Sheesh, Virginia is for crooks and cheats!

Vote Virginia

If you have not heard of Big League Politics, an on-line news site that says it is much tougher than Breitbart, you need to learn about it.

Big League Politics is responsible for breaking the news about the hypocrites and the alleged sexual aggressor leading Virginia’s present-day Democrat Party.

Read what the New York Times has to say about the site. They charge BLP with promoting “conspiracy theories”—a favorite line of attack by the mainstream media against on-line conservative media.

Truth be told, it is sites like this that could ultimately finish the big newspapers.

Now here is a story from yesterday,

EXCLUSIVE: Sign At Virginia Election Office Says, ‘Responsibility Has No Borders. Vote’

A sign at the Arlington County Department of Voter Registration and Elections office in Virginia gives immigrants a clear message: “Responsibility has no Borders. Vote.”

The sign is in a public area of the office, visible to people at the counter as they are registering to vote or voting absentee. The photo is from 2016, but it was still up in the office during the 2018 midterm election. Our tipster inquired about it and was told that it’s part of a “historical display,” whereas other authorities just ignored it and said there’s nothing that can be done about Arlington County, which describes itself as a “welcoming” but not a “sanctuary” jurisdiction for illegal immigrants.

“I’m an Arlington county election officer. Arlington County VA is essentially a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants/noncitizens. These signs are posted at the Arlington County election office. Voter fraud is more likely to take place at the time of registration rather than at the polls, in my opinion,” our tipster told Big League Politics.

More here

Then be sure to visit BLP for more information including this below.

It is rare to see a site that so prominently appeals for hot news tips.

Screenshot (870)
This screenshot is at the end of the voter fraud story.  You need to go to the site for the hotlinks

What do you do?  Go around the mainstream media and tell your friends to do the same. Read as much as you can on sites like Big League Politics!  And, don’t rely on cable news!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals with images is republished with permission. The edited featured image is by Pixabay.

Another Uncontested Absurdity: 171 Variants of Gender Emojis!

Gender is binary, you know male and female. Well not according to Unicode Emoji 12.0. You can now pick your gender and proudly, no pun intended, show your penchant for sodomy at the same time using the “people holding hands” emojis.

So now you, your children and grandchildren have the ability to go online and choose their preferred gender/race emoji (right). Now the gay agenda can reach millions of online users, many of them underage children. The perfect targets for pedophiles and pederasts.

According to the Unicode blog:

Emoji 12.0 data has been released, with 59 new emoji…With 171 variants for gender and skin tone, this makes a total of 230 emoji including variants.

These emojis are available to “vendors for mobile phones, PCs, and web platforms…”

Now pedophiles and pederasts can go online and find the perfect underage child that fits their sexual proclivity. It is expected these new gender/race emojis will appear on cell phones in October 2019.

Merriam-Webster under the definition of gender notes:

Facebook’s message was clear when the social media network added new gender options for users on Thursday: the company is sensitive to a wide spectrum of gender identity and wants users to feel accommodated no matter where they see themselves on that spectrum.— Katy Steinmetz

Pedophile Allowed to Adopt Disabled Boy|REFORM Talk

The Western Journal in an article titled “Pedophiles Desperately Trying To Join LGBT Movement with Their Own ‘Acceptance’ Flag” by Erin Coates notes:

Pedophiles have renamed themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons” in order to try and get acceptance and inclusion into the LGBT community.

We are waiting for emojis for minor attracted persons to appear soon.

We found this on the internet when searching for pedophile emoji:


Is Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) flying a Pedophile Pride flag outside of her Congressional Office?

Pedophiles Believe They Should Be A Part Of The LGBT Community

Perverts, pedophiles and pederasts in high offices

The neo-Democrat Pedophile Pederast Party

A Bridge Too Far*

It was brought to my attention that Westmount Temple Emanuel Beth Shalom in Montreal hosted a Muslim-Awareness Interfaith Shabbat Dinner on January 25, 2019, to pay homage to the six dead and nineteen wounded from a lone attack on a Montreal mosque two years previously.  Such well-meaning, but naïve, efforts were hijacked by Muslim apologists to promote their false victimhood status to garner sympathy from others.

One might wonder why there was no outreach from Jews or Muslims for the desecration attack in March 2018 on a synagogue in Thornhill, and no homage paid for the October, 2018 massacre of eleven congregants of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, inasmuch as Canada and the US are connected in many ways.  Neither was there any form of condolence or apology offered when a small Canadian Arab newspaper, Al Saraha, published an antisemitic article that posited why Hitler killed the Jews, stated that the number of six million Jews killed during the Holocaust was severely inflated, and asserted that Jews are to blame for Germany’s economic collapse, sexuality and promiscuity. 

Inasmuch as the Jewish-Muslim Interfaith Dinner so closely preceded Holocaust Remembrance Day, a day designated to confront the hatred and crimes against the Jewish people, it begs the question as to why that was not incorporated into the outreach, except that Muslims do not grant victimhood status to others, and they continue to deny the Holocaust as the systematic murder of six million Jews.   Our FBI records show that Jews still experience the greatest number, by far, of attacks and assaults, yet nothing was done to honor those victims and awaken the attendees to the dire situation of antisemitism that is once again upon us.

It is pertinent to include herewith a few unpalatable facts.  Muslims have killed 669 million people over 1400 years, a number quite astounding, but correct.  Those who were not killed – the Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and others – were forced into captivity and conversion.  They became the ancestors of today’s 1.6 billion Muslims, including the masses who are now committing unspeakable crimes in Sweden, Germany, France, England – 29 countries worldwide.   

Arab-Islamic attacks on Jews began with the Battle of Khaybar in 628 AD, against Christians with raids into Byzantine land in 630, and rapidly engulfed the non-Arab people of North Africa, Spain, Persia, and beyond.  In 1801, the Barbary pirates attacked American shipping, and in 2000, the USS Cole. The World Trade Center was attacked twice, in 1973 and 2001, followed by group bombings, shootings, stabbings, and property damage – hate crimes.  However, in a country the size of America, the imams have informed their jihadis that eventual conquest must be achieved by other means – through civilizational or stealth jihad.  Hence, our government now has an inordinate number of Muslims in office.   Unashamedly antisemitic and anti-American, they are working to change our laws to be increasingly socialist and then sharia compliant. 

The January gathering at the Canadian temple was labelled an interfaith “dialogue,” a word that means exchange and discussion, yet only the Muslim perspective was presented.  There were two Muslim speakers, both practiced in taqiyyah for dealing with westerners, and not balanced by two western speakers experienced with this Islamic psychological technique.  This was, therefore, a one-sided presentation, a “monologue,” with no attempt at dialogue or mutuality.  The rabbis added that discussion was limited to make their guests “comfortable.”  They provided a comfort zone for the very people who invariably commit the crimes and unceasingly advocate hate and destruction for Israel.   

There were no questions about the Koranic directives to kill the infidel, and nothing about their practice of jihad – how they send their children to ignite precious Israeli land, scorching 9,000 acres of land and the wildlife over a six-month period; to stabbing citizens on the streets of Israel, Europe and America; to ramming cars into groups of pedestrians – or how they pay the families for martyring their own sons in the interest of killing Jewish people.  The speakers were permitted to lie and praise their religion without taking responsibility for the crimes they commit.  The talk of “bridge building” is never clarified for purpose or destination.  

One of the speakers was Egah Lotayef, known to be pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist – simply put, an antisemite, and one of many McGill professors who signed a petition for BDS against Israel and Israeli academic institutions.  He took part in the deceptively named “Freedom Flotilla to Gaza” that circumvented the established route only to create a “situation” for Israel.  The little humanitarian aid contained on the flotilla was camouflage for the armed activists who had come in the hope of gaining international sympathy by provoking the IDF into using excessive force.  The self-control of the IDF was to disappoint them.     

No bridge builder he, this proponent of boycott-divestment-sanctions against Israel.  BDS is designed to damage Israel socially, economically, religiously and intellectually, in order to create a Palestinian tie to the land none exists.  He belongs to a terrorist-affiliated group that speaks at such occasions, in an attempt to lure the audiences into accepting the Islamic narrative and convince them that Islam is benign and Israel the oppressor.  The group continually accuses Israel of crimes committed by the Palestinians, another psychological war technique known as “transference” or “projection.”  The aim is constant: to turn the world against the Jewish State and to promote her extinction.

The rabbis’ form letter issued to the public said they “disagreed passionately,” but they said nothing!  And with what did they disagree?  If it was with the speakers’ opinions about Israel and the Jews, they failed the Jewish community.  I would be interested in knowing the conclusions drawn when the evening was over, what the attending Jews think they learned from the one-sided engagement.  I have attended three such “interfaith meetings,” and have read of others, none of which seemed to be worthy of squandering one’s time.  They invariably take place in synagogues and churches that allow the Muslim voice to be heard, but inhibit the congregants from speaking – they sit like the bobblehead dolls, taking everything in.   Questions from the audience are usually submitted on slips of paper so that they may be pre-screened, and the probing or unnerving questions are disregarded and never read “due to time constraints.” 

Perhaps we might offer the benefit of doubt.  Perhaps these rabbis knew nothing of the speakers before honoring their request for the “program” (a word also defined as “manipulate”), but ignorance is also a betrayal of one’s own people, ancestors and progeny.  Regardless of intent, their congregation was duped into hearing the fabricated Islamic storyline without dispute or defense.  All Jews and Christians alike must be informed of Islam’s ongoing war against the west, to become actively involved in fighting the hatred against Jews, Christians, Israel and America, before we follow the paths of history.  It has long been time for an outreach to be done by informed Jews and Christians to their underinformed co-religionists.  We did not choose this war, but we have to acknowledge that it exists – and It is here.  

*A bridge too far:  that the goal or mission described will not happen, or will wind up being unsuccessful, perhaps with even a disproportionate amount of unwanted consequences.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Tom Butler on Unsplash.

AT&T’s Support for UnidosUS Undermines Border Security

Earlier this week, 2ndVote’s founder and chairman sent a letter to AT&T, Pepsi, and Walmart calling for these companies to stop funding UnidosUS, a liberal organization formerly known as La Raza. Thousands of concerned consumers have signed our petition to tell these companies to stop using their money to support leftist immigration policies, and oppose needed border security measures.

AT&T scores a 1 on the immigration issue because of their direct contributions to organizations such as LULAC, National Urban League, and of course, UnidosUS. All of these organizations advocate for sanctuary cities which gives illegal immigrants a safe haven for violating immigration laws, which is why we are telling AT&T to stop funding groups that support unsafe immigration policies.

Not only does AT&T score a 1 on immigration, but they also receive a 1 on all seven issues 2ndVote scores companies on. AT&T funds numerous organizations that support abortion, sponsor groups that are against national concealed carry laws, and partner with organizations that oppose religious liberty. If you want to see exactly why AT&T scores a 1 on every issue, here is a link to their company score page. And if you would like to join the thousands who oppose AT&T funding UnidosUS and other organizations, check out this article and sign the petition!

Here at 2ndVote, we don’t like to always focus on the bad actors, but also give our readers some better alternatives. A great alternative to AT&T is Patriot Mobile, who has long been an ally to 2ndVote. Patriot Mobile scores a 5 on all 7 issues, and offers a conservative choice for consumers looking to step away from AT&T. Rather than funding liberal organizations, Patriot Mobile takes a portion of their profits and donates them to Conservative organizations that stand for traditional family values, 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, and the right to life. So if you do decide to switch to Patriot Mobile, tell them that 2ndVote sent you.

Click here to see all the great products and services offered by Patriot Mobile

Help us continue highlighting how corporations support the left’s agenda by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column with images is republished with permission. The featured image is by Shutterstock.