9/11 Survivor and Humble Christian Sued by the New York Attorney General Finally Tells Her Story In Court

ANN ARBOR, MI – Over eight months after first being sued by the New York Attorney General, and after a marathon preliminary injunction hearing that stretched over four weeks, Angela Braxton, a pro-life Christian and side walk counselor, finally took the stand late last week to explain why she spent years regularly ministering outside of a large abortion facility in Jamaica, Queens.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who complained about “a sense of entitlement by protestors to run their mouth,” named Braxton and more than a dozen other Christians as defendants in his federal lawsuit filed last June. The lawsuit asked a federal court to impose a sixteen-foot buffer zone around the abortion premises and levy draconian fines, attorney fees and compensatory damages against the defendants.

The Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is defending Braxton and co-defendant Jasmine Lalande, another Christian sidewalk counselor, in the lawsuit. Tyler Brooks, TMLC’s lead attorney in the case, who conducted the direct examination of Ms. Braxton, commented, “It is a privilege to be able to defend these two brave individuals against the Attorney Generals’ unconstitutional assault on free speech.”

Richard Thompson, TMLC’s President, added, “After over a dozen witnesses called during the four-week hearing, the only picture of our clients emerged was that they were two humble Christian women peaceably making the last chance effort to save the lives of unborn children.”

In her moving testimony, Braxton described growing up in Brooklyn, New York, including being among the first African-American students bused to majority white schools as part of desegregating the New York City school system. She also explained having suffered numerous miscarriages as a young woman—an emotional experience that made her realize the preciousness of all life.

Her Life Changed After 9/11

Braxton further told the Court how her life changed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On that day, Braxton was working on the 80th floor of One World Trade Center. Braxton detailed for the Court the harrowing experience of trying to escape the burning building until she made it to the underground mall below the World Trade Center Complex. While trying to make her way out of the mall, she suddenly felt rumbling, which she would later learn was caused by the collapsing of Two World Trade Center above her. The force of the building’s collapse caused her to be “thrown around like . . . being thrown up in a tornado,” Braxton testified. In that moment, Braxton said,“I’m screeching for God not to let me die.” 

An Associated Press photographer took an iconic photo of the debris-covered Braxton as she escaped from the fallen tower. That photograph now hangs in the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.  To view the photo, click here.

Following the 9/11 attacks, Braxton turned to faith and became a Christian. Several years later, she felt called to start ministering to patients entering abortion clinics. In her testimony, Braxton explained why she used to spend Saturday mornings trying to speak to women who might be contemplating abortion:

“I believe because of what I went through as far as wanting so many children….It’s the worst thing. It’s never healed. You always long for them.  And I wanted other people to know that.  But more importantly, God saved me when I was a sinner. Christ died for me. He gave me a new heart, and He gave me a heart to love Him, to love my neighbor….Why wouldn’t I love my neighbor enough [to share this]? That’s my belief, and I believe God’s Word is true.”

Braxton, who has numerous medical conditions linked to her injuries from 9/11, also described being fearful of how a victory by the Attorney General in this lawsuit would prevent her from continuing to evangelize and spread the Gospel. If the fees sought by the Attorney General are assessed, Braxton said she would lose her apartment, but she courageously added: “I know God would provide.”

Federal District Court Judge Carol Bagley Amon will hear oral arguments on the Attorney General’s motion for a preliminary injunction on May 10, 2018 at 2:00 PM.  Yet to be decided is TMLC’s motion to dismiss the Attorney General’s case, which was filed on July 17, 2017.

Gun Control Rallies: How Today’s students have been Brainwashed to prepare for this moment their whole lives

How Today’s students have been Brainwashed to prepare for this moment their whole lives

Cataluna March 9, 2018: …In some ways, today’s students have been preparing for this moment their whole lives. Their educational experiences have been shaped by concepts like collaborative work, project-based learning, real-world scenarios, finding innovative solutions, and the underlying mantra that they can save the world.

In lower elementary, perhaps they’re taken out to a weedy, forgotten corner of campus and asked to imagine a verdant garden thriving in that very spot. And then maybe they’re given tools and seeds and time in their day to make that garden happen.

In middle school they might break into groups and build little cars that run on solar panels or draw designs for water filtration systems to solve the drinking water crisis in faraway countries.

In high school they write position papers on current political issues and practice debating both sides of an argument. They’re encouraged to form their own club if what they’re interested in isn’t represented on campus. They organize food drives for the hungry, slipper drives for the homeless, projects that have impact beyond their campus.

So much of what used to be taught in school was facts and formulas — information that is now easily searchable on a smartphone. New models of teaching encourage students to use this readily available information to come up with new ways of seeing the world, new solutions to old problems.

On Wednesday students in schools around the state will join with students across the country in a peaceful demonstration, a 17-minute walkout to remember the 17 people killed in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last month….

Star-Adv: Advance stricter gun-control bills

read … Today’s students have been preparing for this moment their whole lives

DoE Teams with Democrat Women’s March to Push Anti-Gun Rallies At Least 20 Schools

HTH March 11, 2018: …The protest is championed under the Women’s March Youth EMPOWER organization. (In partnership with TEENVogue Magazine.)  It’s slated to begin at 10 a.m. across all time zones and last 17 minutes, to honor the 17 people who died in the massacre. Youth EMPOWER said it hopes the movement encourages Congress to pass stricter gun legislation…. 

Hawaii’s Department of Education … advised schools in a letter last week to create a designated “walkout area” for students wanting to participate….

Agpaoa said he decided to organize a walkout at Keaau “because no one else was.” He’s asking Keaau students to congregate along a fence facing the highway and wave signs. He said the plan has been approved by Keaau administration and he’s hoping at least 500 Keaau students — or at least half the student body — will participate….

In the Honokaa-Kealakehe-Kohala-Konawaena Complex Area, schools were advised to draft their own plan according to how they think is best, according to Superintendent Art Souza.

“Some schools might just attach 17 minutes to an existing recess period and others might decide they want a particular space and time,” Souza said….

Hilo High School is allowing students to gather on the campus patio during the designated walkout time and read aloud any comments they have about school safety or gun violence.

Waiakea High School will be passing out paper butterflies to students and encouraging them to write out their “goal” on how to make others feel included…

Participating Hawaii Academy of Arts and Science students will wear a common color and also walk out to a designated space, assistant school director Terri York said. York said the goal at HAAS is “to support students who want to participate”…

read … Walkouts to send message: Schools to accommodate students’ push for stricter gun laws

Hawaii Media Hype High School Gun Protests Statewide

March 3, 2018: Hawaii DoE Organizing Students to Walk out March 14

RELATED ARTICLE: This High School Senior Explains Why It’s Better to ‘Walk Up’ to Help Others Than to Walk Out of Classes

The Game Plan of C-Span

C-Span has a dedicated propagandist program that reaches millions of viewers.  It works on the basis of having the viewing audience call in, vilifying Israel or world Jewry, for all the world to hear, while the host broadcasters remain silent and blameless.  The accusations go unopposed, the lies unchallenged, the slander uncensored, and the audience has digested a full dose of uninterrupted, unexpurgated hate speech against Israel, with defamation of the US for our friendship with the sole middle-eastern democracy that shares our values.  So Islam and the left, the enemies of Jews and Christians worldwide, have their own kind of Lord Haw-Haw, the Fascist mouthpiece of World War II, protected from all censure.  The callers should be screened out and the hosts should be ethical and better informed to disallow the vilification and falsehoods.

Here are just a few of about one hundred damaging comments by callers in 2017, to which the journalists were either silent, ineffective or in agreement.

  • 12/23, “Israel attacked the USS Liberty to get the US into a war with Egypt; I really don’t think that it is a really good ally.  Who knows whether they (Israel) coaxed us into war with Iraq and Syria.”  This is a persistent false accusation.  Numerous inquiries and reports have concluded that the Israelis could not properly identify the ship in international waters and had reason to fear an Egyptian attack.  It was human error.  Israel apologized for the harm, and paid millions in compensation to the US government, as well as to the wounded and to families of the men killed.
  • 12/06, “Truman took the European Jews and set them right on top of the Palestinians, now that is our problem today.”  The historical connection and legal rights, by international law, of the Jewish people in all of Palestine were defined in 1922 by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the name used by the Romans.  The identification, “Palestinians,” was fabricated in 1967 after the Arabs lost their aggressive war against Israel; the myth of an ancient Arab link to the land was created to undermine Israel and is part of their world jihad, holy war, and al-hijrah, conquest by migration.
  • 11/09, “The best way to stop terrorism [in the world] is to get control of Israel.”  Islamic terrorism is mandated in their scriptures and terrorists have carried out more than 32,651 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 to date, March ’18.  The persecution and killing of Muslims by other Muslims is a severe problem throughout the world.  Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Muslims live in peace and thrive, and this caller has given voice to making Israel the problem.
  • 05/10, “Basically what we’re doing over there in the Middle East is taking care of Israel – we are in like a proactive war for Israel. They do absolutely nothing as far as the Coalition is concerned and we give them money and arms and they still don’t help us.”  America does not protect Israel; the annual aid helps Israel purchase weaponry for its own defense, much made in America, keeping our manufacturing humming and our workers paid, and it is far less costly than deploying US troops to protect other US allies.  Considered the “policeman of the world,” Israel provides us with invaluable intelligence to fight terrorism, combat-tests weapons and makes beneficial modifications. We benefit from their superior innovation and creativity, frontline of defense, cutting-edge technology in agriculture, cyber-security, medicine, military, and in water technology to Third-world countries and California; they deal with Islamic countries so we can concentrate on North Korea.  Israel’s First Responders helped us track the Boston Marathon bombers; helped with California and Texas floods, Mexico and Haiti after their earthquakes, Japan after their tsunami, and provided post-trauma training to Parkland community members.  Our biggest high-tech companies depend on a strong, independent Israel.
  • 04/20, “Hamas, Hezbollah, these are the people who are Palestinians just trying to get their country back. It’s not a difficult situation at all.  My opinion is – it is not Israel, it’s occupied Palestine. China has North Korea.  Russia has Syria. We have Israel.”   There is/was no “occupied” or “country” of “Palestine”; it was a pejorative name given by the Romans against the Jews. There was never a government, constitution, monetary system, language, culture, art, architecture or literature unique to Palestinian people. The Arabs identified as The Arabs identified as southern Syrians until they assumed the name Palestinians after losing their aggressive war in 1967, to create for themselves a bond to the land. A Jewish kingdom existed in the land between 1050 and 930 BCE and a Jewish presence for 3,000 years.  The Balfour Declaration (1917), San Remo Conference (1920), the League of Nations (1920), carved out the Palestine Mandate for the Jewish homeland; Israel was established as the Jewish state (1948) with Jewish majority on purchased, settled land, with full civil, political and cultural rights to all its minorities.
  • 04/07, “But the United States didn’t have any problem with Israel killing 3,000 people in Gaza. I mean, we have also to look at our own government where we’re poisoning our own people in Michigan.”  Where are the bodies to support this outrageous statement?  These are blatant lies and defamation against Israel and America, said out of sheer ignorance, with no one to refute the malicious condemnations.
  • 03/04, “I am strongly opposed to Israeli policy towards Palestinians.  Why is it I am constantly labeled as anti-Semitic?”  Palestinians who live peacefully within Israel are treated equally to other Israeli citizens under the law, but Palestinians are teaching hate of Jews; encouraging stabbing and throwing stones and bombs at Israeli targets; demanding land to which they have no DNA connection, archaeological or historical evidence of attachment as have the Jews.  Palestinians, like other Arabs, are pursuing jihad just as Muslims are overtaking many of Europe’s countries.  The caller is justly labeled anti-Semitic for demonizing and delegitimizing Jews within their own country, but not condemning the Muslims who are invading and attacking the people of other countries.
  • 03/03, “[Israel’s Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu hated President Obama. I don’t think it was because of him being President. It was because of his color. That is one thing we have to deal with.”  Israel is home to Jews of every country of origin and color skin, from Africa, China, and more.  Israel rescued dark-skinned Ethiopian Jews to Israel, in Operation Solomon.

C-Span has repeatedly aired events that denigrate America and Israel, such as Noura Erakat of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in September, known Louis Farrakhan in November, and propagandist Salam Al-Marayati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in December. They primarily concentrate on resistance to Jews in Israel and the West Bank (Judea, Samaria), and the ethnic cleansing of Jews from their historic homeland.  The Cable-Satellite network continues to air Palestinian propaganda films as factual, and hosted Palestinian panelists who spread anti-Israel propaganda.

C-Span is wreaking harm against Israel and America by providing the venue for the fueling of hate against these keepers of the world’s moral clarity and tricking the uninformed to support the aspirations of totalitarianism to their own detriment.  How does such an organization take it upon itself to work against the very survival of democracy and their own descendants!  If C-Span and Time Warner Cable cannot stop their unprofessionalism and hate mongering and police themselves, perhaps it is time for Congress to step in.

U.S. Senator CONFRONTS Twitter with Project Veritas Video

This follows our recent investigation that exposed Twitter’s disturbing censorship, “shadow-banning”, and anti-Trump bias. Now, Congress and the American people are taking action against Social Media Propaganda.

Take a look at Senator Ted Cruz confronting Twitter with videos from Project Veritas.

Watch now.

Representatives from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter appeared at a hearing by The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. During the hearing, Senator Ted Cruz blasted Twitter with a transcript of Project Veritas’ videos.

Here’s part of what Senator Cruz had to say:

There have been several videos that were released in recent weeks that I, and a lot of other people, find highly troubling.

This is highly troubling, indeed: it’s probably why the Twitter COO immediately resigned when Project Veritas exposed Twitter.

And we’re just getting started!

These Social Media Giants are on notice –– if they don’t stop their shameful practices of censorship – then Congress and the American people will continue to hold them accountable.

Project Veritas is watching!

VIDEO: President Trump’s ‘Keep America Great!’ rally in Moon Township, Pennsylvania

On Saturday, March 10, 2018 Right Side Broadcasting Network‘s Steve Lookner and Liz Willis were at the President Donald J. Trump rally at Atlantic Aviation in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Lookner and Willis skillfully covered the before, during and after segments of the “Keep America Great!” rally.

Trumpism is alive and doing well in Pennsylvania.

Watch the Right Side Broadcasting Network coverage of the entire event. NOTE: President Trump begins his remarks at the 4:45 minute mark into the video.

RELATED ARTICLES: Policies, not past, fueling evangelical support of Trump

Property Value Guarantee: What’s good for fossil fuels is good for wind turbines

Welcome to the latest Energy and Environmental Newsletter.

We have long advocated that a Property Value Guarantee (PVG) be included in any local wind ordinance that is serious about protecting the rights of citizens. Not suprisingly, the wind industry is adamantly opposed to a PVG… We were alerted to the fact that Exxon is offering a PVG near one of their fossil fuel facilities!  What’s acceptable for fossil fuels should be good enough for wind turbines…

Some of the more informative Global Warming articles in this issue are:

Global Warming – A Case Study in Groupthink
NOAA caught again manipulating climate change data
Peer-reviewed study finds that three key global temperature data sets are “not a valid representation of reality.”
Report: Alarmist Climate Change Rebuttal, an Overview
Alarmist Climate Researchers Abandon Scientific Method
So far 97 New 2018 Papers Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Change
Alarmists throw in the towel on poor quality surface temperature data
Sustainable Development: Code for Giving Up Your Rights
Study: Online Lies Spread Faster than the Truth

Some of the more interesting Energy related articles in this issue are:

The High Cost of Wind and Solar
Proposed Colorado Legislation: Health Effects of Industrial Wind Turbines
Congress: Kremlin Used Green Propaganda to Undercut U.S. Energy
Green Ideology’s Failed Experiment
California Has Too Much Green Energy
Maine Places Moratorium on Wind Projects
Scott Pruitt: The Weaponization of the EPA Is Over
Why Wind and Solar are Not the Future
Electric grid a prime target in cyberwar
Military Concerns put New Mexico Wind Project in Doubt
Dozens of studies about the ecosystem impacts of offshore wind turbines
How Corrupt is Audubon?
When did knowing too much become so political?

PS: Our intention is to put some balance into what most people see from the mainstream media about energy and environmental issues… As always, please pass this on to open-minded citizens, and on your social media sites. If there are others who you think would benefit from being on our energy & environmental email list, please let me know. If at any time you’d like to be taken off this list, simply send me an email saying that.

PPS: I am not an attorney, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or our WiseEnergy.org website) should be construed as giving legal advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent attorney when you are involved with legal issues

The KGB: A Global Terrorist Agency

America faces an existential threat from the “Axis of Evil” run by Russia. While the social media is boiling in destructive activities against Trump and his children in Washington D.C., f rom his podium in Moscow, Putin announced on March 1, 2018 that Russia has developed an “unstoppable” nuclear cruise missile that can hit any target on the globe — and cannot be stopped by any missile interception system currently in use. He also showed a simulation of a Nuke Attack on Florida, saying: “Russia remained a nuclear power, but no one wanted to listen to us. Listen to us now.”

Putin’s speech reminded me of the speeches of two other leaders: Hitler’s in 1945 and Andropov’s in 1982. Both had threatened the world with a new nuclear force and both were aimed at domestic consumption. Putin’s talk about a new Cold War reminded me also of the time of the Warsaw Military Pact in Eastern Europe under the complete Russian dominance, after WW II. Today, it is a dreadful repetition of history—Putin playing a geopolitical chess-game. To interpret this game correctly the awareness of his “Axis of Evil” and knowledge of the Russian Intelligence which is running it, is imperative.

I have been writing about an ongoing WW III waged by the KGB against Western civilization and its capitalist economic system for the last thirty years. Due to our erroneous foreign policy, the United States is in fact already in the middle of the war — even if it’s only just starting to realize it. Better late than never. We had given TIME to the Russian Intel to establish and complete the “Axis of Evil,” which today in 2018 consists of North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela,

Turkey, and Islamic terror groups including Palestinians. All of them are run and coordinated by Russia.

I began writing about Russia and its Intelligence agency the KGB, as soon as my English allowed me, approximately thirty year ago. Today this agency’s name is the FSB, yet I continue writing and calling it the KGB for many reasons; the main one is that at the time I was a Soviet defense attorney the agency name was the

KGB. Under eight different names the Russian Intel was practicing the same most nefarious, brutal, and unspeakable modus operandi, sponsoring its satellites with arms, weaponry, nuclear, chemical and biological WMD. Be ready for a new technology provided by Russia to the “Axis of Evil” today …

Raoul Wallenberg and His Murderers

Passport photograph of Raoul Wallenberg. Sweden, June 1944. — US Holocaust Memorial Museum

I believe that history is the Mother of all sciences. Awareness of the past can prevent a lot of troubles in the present and solve many problems in the future. So from the past, do you know the name of Raoul Wallenberg? Don’t be ashamed if you don’t; none of my students in the New York University had known the man.  To know the Russian Intel, I have to go to history to show you the major role of the Soviet military intelligence in WWII, and the illegal methods implemented by them.

So, have you ever heard the name Raoul Wallenberg? He was a real hero during WWII—he had saved thousands of Jews and people of other religions from the Nazis in Hungary. A famous Swede, he had been working under the noses of Nazis in the Swedish Embassy in Budapest and other cities helping Jewish people to escape. His activities cannot be called anything other than heroic. The entire world was grateful to him for his courage and bravery. However, as soon as the Soviet Army entered Budapest in 1944, Raoul Wallenberg disappeared from the face of the earth! He was kidnapped by the Soviet intelligence. For many years nobody knew his fate.

Immigrating to the U.S. in 1981, by chance I came upon material explaining at last where and how Raoul Wallenberg died. And this is another story connecting us again with the Soviet Intelligence. In 1946, the man named Victor Abakumov was appointed head of the Ministry for State Security—the MGB, a precursor of the

KGB. “Abakumov was a notoriously brutal Chekist who tortured people with his own hands.” PWHCE. He had worked under the general supervision of Beria.

After Stalin’s death in March 1953, Beria was overthrown; Abakumov was charged and tried for his role in the case known as the Leningrad Affair and executed in December 1954.

I have read a protocol of his interrogation and there he mentioned Raoul Wallenberg. Abakumov alleged that Raoul Wallenberg died of a heart attack in A small footnote stressed by Abakumov: The NKVD, MGB, and KGB had perfected the injections, which were provoking heart attacks. I had known about KGB’s secret laboratory before. What I did not know was that the secret laboratory had the ability to develop different substances, which when injected were bringing desirable results for the KGB. In the case of Raoul Wallenberg it was a heart attack—the KGB had murdered Raoul Wallenberg by their usual criminal way…

This story illustrates the ugly face of Russia today, run by the heirs of the Checka and KGB, the contemporary FSB.

I have another point as well. Telling you the story of Raoul Wallenberg, I thought that he was the first victim of modern kidnapping. I was wrong. Reading Mao: The Unknown Story, I found that the son of Chiang-Kai-shek was kidnapped by the Soviets a decade earlier and lived in the Soviet Union. Maybe that was the reason Chiang-Kai-shek could not break up with the Soviets and lost his country to the Communists in the end.

To illustrate modern kidnapping, I will give you another horrific event. The Italian Prime Minister Aldo Morro was kidnapped by the Italian Red Brigades and later he was assassinated. The Red Brigades had been the military force of the Italian Communist Party. For your information 20 percent of the Italian police were Communists in the 1970s. I hope the issue of modern kidnapping, killing, and their origin is clear to you. Those practices and others show you the nature and essence of Russian Intelligence.

A Human Hand, Intent, and the Ideology of Soviet Fascism

I hope those examples have opened your eyes and allowed me to bring you to the present series of shootings in our country. As you know, I came from a socialist country—the entire population of the Soviet Union had been disarmed, let alone guns, even a hunting knife was forbidden. As a former defense attorney, I can testify to the following: that law forbidding weapons did not stop crimes like murders and serious injuries–bad people continued using guns, knives, basketball bits, and …iron pans, like my client, who killed her husband by an iron pan. See pp. 226-230 Baltic Winds: Testimony of the Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002

Those listed above- guns, knives, basketball bits, and iron pans- are inanimate objects, they can’t move, they don’t have will or intent. It is a human hand that moves them according to the individual’s will, and his or her motivation. The growing national debates on guns and mental illness have a very painful history. I started writing about both many years ago, in September 2002, and describing Soviet fascism as the aggressor, I gave a then current example at the time:

“The attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II by using surrogate Bulgarians and a mentally sick Turkish man remind me of another Stalin technique or device: using mentally ill and unstable individuals in assassinations. Hasn’t history repeated itself not only in Russia, but on our soil as well? Do you remember killings in Los Angeles, Washington DC, and other places committed by mentally ill people?

Isn’t it a strange coincidence again? No, the tragedy of our lives is unawareness.

We are at war, in WWIII for many decades now. We have been systematically targeted on different fronts and locations. Alas, my beloved America has not recognized it yet, the prior knowledge of Stalinism is lacking in American society… Yet, I can’t afford to stop unmasking Soviet Fascism—it is time to do or die. “The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism, by S. Pipko, Xliris, p. 220

Do you also remember Stalin’s list of leaders to be assassinated? For your information, dozens of foreign and domestic leaders have been assassinated by the order of the KGB’s Chairman Yuri Andropov. In my books and columns, I gave you a detailed description of Chairman Andropov. President Putin is the student of Chairman Yuri Andropov. I hope that the Free World will finally seriously approach the study of Soviet Fascism and its leaders to stop the agony in the world. Just look at the ugly ongoing war against the leaders of Western civilization, the Trump and Netanyahu families—it is Soviet fascism in action, fighting for survival. Obama and Putin mortally hate Trump and Netanyahu. Putin never helped Trump to win, it is Leftist propaganda Soviet style, to cover-up the treason committed by them.

 The KGB in America

Today, in 2018 the agony of the world is still going on and it came to America by the Obama/Putin Alliance during Obama’s presidency. The debate on guns and mental illness is a part of the Obama/Putin Alliance, yet no one has connected the horrifying issue of attacking our children to the Axis of Evil, run by the Russian KGB Government. I would. The injection that murdered Raoul Wallenberg can be repeated with different substances desired by the KGB shooting in an ampule by a soundless gun. In this case it is the substance to worsen, aggravate, and exacerbate the psychological state of the killers in Columbine, Sandy Hooks, and many other places… Russian Intel, especially the KGB is a syndicate of professional snipers, killers, and murderers. Why the Democrats are pushing for gun-control, is because they are socialists aimed at disarming Americans, like Stalin, Andropov, and Putin did in Russia and Hitler in Germany—the reason I am writing about Soviet fascism today…

Our Government didn’t act on 45 tips, red flag warnings to prevent the tragedy of Valentine Day in Florida. You now know that the KGB works much better in our space of Facebook, Twitter, and using any opportunities to kill, harm, undermine, and destroy the system of the American Republic left to us by our Founding Fathers.

The gun control debate was a central focus of CPAC this year. I completely agree with Judge Pirro and her emotional speech there: “I own guns because it’s my right,” she explained. “And you’re not going to take it away. It is a natural right confirmed by the very people who founded this nation.” She gave the naked truth to the audience and the audience reacted accordingly with real enthusiasm.

The rally against Trump in New York City was organized by the KGB and the circumstances are helping the KGB to do its dirty dealings in America. Our DOJ and FBI are politicized and paralyzed. The Attorney General is surrounded by

Obama’s holdovers in the DOJ, who are keeping him in dark to undermine the Trump administration, and give more time to the KGB to organize and facilitate another 9/11, In addition to that, the AG is a man with no clue of the war waged against us by the Russian Intel in cahoots with some Democrats and 184 Leftist organizations subsidized by George Soros and other traitors in America. Those exact combined forces are fighting Trump today and I am afraid that Russia is running this plot as well—this is Soviet fascism in action on our soil.

The Anti-Trump crowd is well organized and run by the Deep State (Obama/Putin Alliance.) Do you remember the election campaign of 2016? There were several Trump rallies troubled by violent forces of the Democrat Party, one rally was even cancelled to prevent the violence. Moreover, the Democrats paid $150 to every thug participating in the violence. Here is the evidence of how it happened:

“Two top Democratic strategists exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump. Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change. Democratic heads roll after the video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies. Democratic heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies, By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Tuesday, October 18, 2016.

That was two years ago, an application of force to achieve a political result—a typical element of the ideology of Soviet fascism. Considering the Obama/Putin Alliance, which I have been writing about for the last nine years, I think that the appointment of Special Counsel, Robert Muller was a continuation of the same policy of obstruction, directed against the Trump administration and Republicans. Moreover, behind all of that, I see the deep conspiracy organized by the KGB in the very beginning:

“I think we now know that the Mueller investigation is illegitimate and corrupt,”

Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said on Sean Hannity’s self-titled show. Jarrett continued:

“Mueller has been using the FBI as a political weapon, and the FBI has become America’s secret police: secret surveillance, wire-tapping, intimidation, harassment, and threats — it’s like the old KGB that comes for you in the dark of the night, banging through your door. Ask Paul Manafort. They came for him and broke through his front door.”

It was only one man, Gregg Jarrett, who recalled the methods of the old KGB. Perhaps, he read my books or columns—I am comparing the Democrats’ and Leftists’ methods of operations with the KGB’s pretty often. Today, I see all elements of Soviet fascism aimed at destroying President Trump by the things that had never happened.

Mysterious Deaths by Suicides or the Soviet Medicine

The KGB has a variety of methods and tricks to harm, injure, or kill people.

Mysterious deaths by suicide is one of the events in the arsenal of methods practiced by the evil-KGB. I have already given you an example about this mystery talking about Raoul Wallenberg killed by the “Soviet Medicine” in my book What is Happening to America? pp. 115-117.

I believe that many Republican leaders were killed later by using the same “Soviet medicine.” I believe that Sonny Bono was assassinated—he used to bring a lot of money to the coffers of the Republican Party. Therefore pay attention to snipers; they can use soundless guns with ampules of the “Soviet medicine.” If it is a heart attack, nobody is looking further… I also suspect that Rev. Jerry Falwell was assassinated as well. He was a determined leader of the Conservative movement, the Moral Majority, bringing victory to the Republican Party and Ronald Reagan. The FBI either didn’t know where to look for the criminals, or did not want to look there.

The FBI is also uninformed in terms of the vindictive methods of the KGB targeting the leaders of the opposition. A Jewish spy “Angel” was thrown over a balcony in the center of London. He helped Israel in the 1973 war, providing crucial information. Just apply logic and you will know who the “Angel’s’ enemies are. I have another suspicion as well. The catastrophe of the Space Shuttle in 2003 was not accidental. A member of the team, Ilan Ramon, from Israel was researching the way to change the climate—the subject of the Soviet’s monopoly. Read how the Russians tried to change the climate and about Pluton in The Russian Factor​, Xlibris, 2006 pp. 306-308. For decades the FBI failed to expose Soviet Fascism.

Returning to our days, I’d like to recall Justice Antonin Scalia. He was an exceptional human being. The Jurist who paved the direction to our Supreme Court. The circumstances of his death are very suspicious and there was no investigation with knowledge of the “Soviet medicine.” I know that Putin applies his knowledge of chess to geopolitics and he can see 3-4 steps ahead. Maybe the Obama/Putin Alliance knows more about Antonin Scalia’s death? Look at the number of threats to assassinate President Trump! It is prelude to action! I hope that the information I gave you today will help you to interpret correctly the events going on in America and across the globe.

Conclusion: Knowledge is Power

For nine years I have been writing about the Obama/Putin Alliance and in all those years information about my writings has been suppressed by the FBI, which was collaborated and subordinated to the Alliance. The Dossier on Trump was cooked and manufactured by The KGB, I am sure of it. So, my conclusion is the following: there are two types of people committing betrayals in America: those who do not like the system established by our Founding Fathers– they are currently collaborating with the KGB to destroy America, and those politicians who haven’t a clue about the KGB, hence becoming their accomplices.

Trump alone is showing a multi-faceted resistance to that war waged by the Democrats of Obama/Putin Alliance. He does not have a lot of help to him from other Republicans. Perhaps, they never read my books and columns, suppressed by the FBI. Yes, America faces an existential threat from the “Axis of Evil” run by

Russia. Vladimir Putin will be the Russian President for another six years. We should be ready for another attack a-la 9/11. I believe it is now in the process of being developed at the beneficial and appropriate time for the KGB, while the social media, Democrats, Leftists, and traitors are boiling in destructive activities against the Trump and Netanyahu families… Just look around…

You can doubt what I have written, but it is probable, because Obama/Putin Alliance is not the first collaboration with the KGB. The Democrats have been selling our national security for decades. Barack Obama is looking for global foundation now to offer himself. Stay tune and read my columns and books: www.Amazon.com.

Giving you the portraits and descriptions of the two Chairmen of the KGB in my column of January 26, 2018, I had promised to expose Andropov’s “Golden Goose.” Sorry, I’ll do it in the next column. Today is an important day in the history of the world: sixty five years ago, on March 5, 1953 died, the founder of Soviet fascism—Joseph Stalin. To successfully fight the war he had started, awareness of Stalin’s Doctrine is imperative. The Doctrine of One World Government under the Kremlin Rule is alive and well. It is the foundation of an ongoing war against Western civilization today…

I’d like to complete my column with a poem by my friend. He is now a mature man, yet when he was 15 he read and understood the importance of Ayn Rand’s brilliant novels. Here is his poem The One-Sided War:

One-Sided War

There’s a war going on
And it’s not science fiction
It’s controlled from Moscow
To purposely cause friction

By murder, seduction
Fraud and infiltration
By blaming, destruction
Political correctness and agitation

Don’t believe their socialist lies
They’re being spread by Russian spies
And the Democrat party is not your friend
Wake up America, before it’s the end

Life and liberty
Are worth fighting for
Don’t let Putin win
This one-sided war

Remember your values
What once made us great
You’ve been duped into thinking
It’s Trump you should hate

But he’s the one man
Who can stand up to Putin
So give him your backing
Before there’s more shootin’

To be continue at drrichswier.com/author/spipko/.

Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state by Victor Sharpe [Book Review]

The word Politicide was first coined by Abba Eban––Israel’s foreign minister in 1967––to describe the attempted murder of the sovereign, independent State of Israel by enemies both within and outside of the fledgling state.

When Victor Sharpe first read the word, he told me how it resonated in “the deepest parts of my heart and soul.”

A passionate student of Jewish history––as well as a prolific writer on contemporary Jewish and geopolitical issues––Sharpe was mobilized into action, believing that his determination to protect and defend Israel and to illuminate the wider public about the tiny state’s chronically imperiled status, demanded that he write a book about…Politicide!

His first Politicide book was published in 2006, with a second book following in 2009, and a third book in 2011. Now he has written his fourth opusPoliticide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

In this riveting volume, Sharpe describes in painful detail the annihilating attacks upon the ancient Jewish homeland by the immensely powerful Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman empires, which, significantly, no longer exist.

He also describes the inexpressible suffering endured by the stateless Jews throughout their 2,000 years of exile in the diaspora, during the Crusades and the Inquisition, and through the cruel expulsion of Jews from various countries including England, Spain and Portugal, the bleak pogroms in Poland and Russia, and to the worst crime in human history, the genocide during the 1940s of six-million Jews in Hitler’s German-occupied Europe.

But to counter this painful history, Sharpe describes in vivid detail the exceptional history of Jewish life from its beginning with Abraham the first Jew––the Holy Convert––who left his idol-making father after discovering the existence of the one-and-only God, thus establishing monotheism for the entire world.

He describes how Abraham and his wife Sarah, along with Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Leah and Rachel, became the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish People in the eternal and Covenanted Land of Israel to which God brought them.

And finally, Sharpe tells the story of the miniscule but powerful 14-million Jews who now exist––half of them in the miraculous and flourishing State of Israel––in a world of seven-and-a-half billion people, including over a billion Christians and over a billion Muslims.

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted on Resolution 181 to declare the establishment of a Jewish State in the land to be known as Israel. Ironic, yes, that the U.N. today is a virtual cesspool of virulent anti-Semitism run by tin-pot dictators and rancid racists.

On May 14, 1948, the man who would become the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, who was then the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. On that very day, U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation!

On December 6, 2017, U.S. President Donald J. Trump proclaimed the following:

“In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act, urging the federal government to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that that city…is Israel’s capital. This act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority and was reaffirmed by a unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago. Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city.

“Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital…”

There is even talk that as Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary as a sovereign state this coming May, the American president may be the most honored guest in attendance.

And yet, in the mere 70 years since Israel’s establishment, a resurgence of anti-Semitism is sweeping the globe in what can only be described as a pandemic. This is not surprising for the European countries where it once flourished or for the Muslim countries where their “holy” book mandates the death of all infidels, Jews particularly.

But it is very disheartening that this obsessive Jew hatred is also rampant in the hallowed halls of the United States Congress, where, according to American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson, no less than seven Democrats embrace the Hitler-admiring racist “Reverend” Louis Farrakhan, whose recent remarks include that “the powerful Jews are my enemy.”

All this makes Victor Sharpe’s book downright urgent for readers who are interested in historical facts and not inflammatory and hateful rhetoric. Perhaps by serendipity, it is also the ideal primer for students in the not-so-hallowed halls of American academia––both Jewish and non-Jewish youth alike––whose leftist, anti-Semitic professors expose them to the obscene Boycott-Divest-Sanction movement to destroy Israel and other malevolent anti-Israel indoctrination.

In short, this is a terrific, illuminating, important book that readers will learn from, share with their friends, and cherish for its richness.

Problematic Women: Owning a Gun and Motherhood Are Not Mutually Exclusive

In this week’s edition of “Problematic Women,” we break down Ambassador Nikki Haley clapping back at the Palestinian leader who told her to “shut up.” Bumble, the popular dating app, is encouraging its users to report anyone with a gun in their photos. Bethany Mandel appeared on “Fox & Friends” to discuss why as a mother she has chosen to own a gun.

The American Enterprise Institute’s “Factual Feminist,” Christina Hoff Sommers, traveled to Oregon to give a speech at Lewis & Clark Law School. Several disruptors came into the lecture hall, screaming, shouting, and playing music to drown her out. How does this type of behavior benefit any group?

Plus: Did “The Bachelor” go too far, and what does it say about our culture? We discuss in this week’s edition of “Problematic Women,” co-hosted with Bre Payton of The Federalist.

Listen to the podcast below.


Portrait of Bre Payton

Bre Payton is the culture and millennial politics reporter for The Federalist. Twitter: .

Portrait of Ginny Montalbano

Ginny Montalbano is a contributor to The Daily Signal. Send an email to Ginny. Twitter: .


The Racist Roots of Gun Control

If You’re Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Industry Leaders Defend Violent Video Games in Meeting With Trump

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Sheriff Scott Israel – ‘We are Jihad — We are Hamas’

The recent shooting at a Parkland, FL high school is the result of failure on the part of many authorities who had both the opportunity and the responsibility to prevent it from happening. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel was the local law enforcement authority who arguably could have stopped the massacre before it happened. But he didn’t do that.

Sheriff Israel’s Department ignored repeated warnings about the serious mental issues those who knew the shooter reported. He also failed to ensure that his Deputies were adequately informed and trained on protocols for responding to an active shooting scenario in a school.

Perhaps worst of all, Sheriff Israel hired Deputy Nezar Hamze, who not only lacked even the most basic qualifications for the job according to Broward County PD’s own senior reviewing officers, but was and remains an actively-serving Florida state-level official for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), HAMAS’ Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S.–for whom he conducted active shooter weapons training inside identifiable Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Centers–but obviously failed adequately to train his own Broward County deputies on how to defend Florida students from an active shooter inside a school.

No, Sheriff Israel: this is not ‘amazing leadership.’


Sheriff Israel embraces ‘Deputy Hamas’

Average of two suspected terrorists arrested every week in the U.S.

When Did Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Know the Truth About His Cowardly Deputy?

After Complete Failure by the Public Sector in Parkland, Fla., Gun Bill Punishes Private Citizens.

Six Patriots Explain Why President Donald J. Trump is so Hated by the Left

My brother expressed his disgust watching an animated TV show trashing Trump titled, “Our Cartoon President.” Incredibly, Leftists have hijacked the airwaves and everywhere people gather to exploit as platforms to spread their vitriolic insane hatred for Trump. Outrageously, TV coverage of the Olympics included Leftists’ hatred for the Trump Administration

Despite the shocking discovery that leftist policies probably played a role in the deaths of 17 kids in the Florida school shooting, Leftists continue puppet mastering students to blame Trump.

Even Sunday worship has been hijacked by Leftists to trash Trump. My brother asked the pastor of his all black church to please stop including a lie-filled Democrat-talking-points rant about Trump in his sermons.

Leftists’ disrespect and venomous hatred for President Trump is unprecedented; over-the-top and boldly spewed 24/7. I wondered, why?

I reached out to prominent conservatives/Republicans for their thoughts.


“I think Trump is hated by the Left because his ideology, his words and actions, are the exact opposite of the Left’s ideology. He is not a “globalist,” but loves America, our homeland; he knows that we can’t continue being the world’s number one GIVER if we are not safe and successful ourselves. He knows that capitalism not communism will feed the poor; capitalism makes everyone richer, communism makes everyone equally poor. He knows that free enterprise and less government regulation will provide jobs and boost our economy, not socialism hand-outs and over-regulation.

He knows that less unemployment and getting out of debt will save our nation much more than wasting time and money on things like the scientifically unproven climate change hoax and its hidden goal of controlling the masses. He believes in individual freedom and responsibility, not government control. He’s not a secularist (new word for atheist according to Julia Sweeney’s TED talk), but a defender of religious liberty, including  Christianity. He is protective of Americans and not protective of our enemies, some of whom sneak into our midst through unenforced immigration law.

He thinks all lives matter not just black lives; he respects the police, firefighters and military instead of fanning the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” flames of violent civil unrest, and class and racial warfare. He is not a saint and he doesn’t pretend to be. He believes in free speech not political correctness. The Left is confused, they don’t know how to respond to a politician who speaks from the heart, not from talking points. The Left hates Trump because the Tea Party loves him. Victoria Jackson


“Trump is hated the same way and for the same reason President Reagan was hated. He is a fighter and he is moving a conservative agenda forward. The left did not like George W. Bush but they did not hate him the way they hate Trump because Trump believes in fighting and winning.” Judson Phillips Teapartynation.com


“[W]hy are the reprobates in both parties so adverse to helping President Trump stabilize and protect what little of a future we have left? What is it that both political parties find so repulsive about protecting the American citizens?

The answer is fairly easy to state, and more complex to explain in intricate detail. Ergo, I will simplify the explanation as much as possible. They are fighting President Trump because he is a threat to their “one world government.”

President Trump’s victory in America has spawned a new generation of pro-nationalist leaders who refuse to be ruled by a heteronomous government that is handpicked in a wine and cheese filled room located in a hotel at some posh island retreat. Bush had great dreams for a North American style European Union by implementing NAFTA, full amnesty, and open borders.

While we were marginally successful in stopping Bush, Obama destroyed any chance of making it happen because of his contemptible arrogance and his hedonistic wife who viewed the American taxpayers as her American Express Card.

Notwithstanding, the bones of North America becoming the Western type EU were still in place and both parties knew it was only a matter of time until they succeeded.

But then “Along Came Donald J. Trump.” Once again the arrogance of the ruling elite thought We the People could be bullied and intimidated into doing as we were told. But this time their schemes and machinations did not work because we saw in President Trump a man we could trust.” And the power elite will never forgive President Trump nor will they forgive We the People for electing him.” Mychal Massie


“As I explained in the run-up to the 2016 election here and here, I’ve always believed that Donald Trump is the Real Deal. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything he does or says. But there’s little question that the President is his own man. And that drives the Establishment crazy. The oligarchs want someone they can control. They rely on leveraged politicos to do their evil bidding, but Trump has given them no such foothold. So, they use their Establishment-controlled media to foment hate against him. This fake news jihad is effective, but will not stop Trump.” Joe Miller


“He fights!” Larry Pratt


Trump is hated not only by the left, but by the Rinos for the exact same reason … they can’t control him. They can’t intimidate or shame him like they do everyone else, and probably the most poignant and profound is that he believes in something greater than himself, than the state, than politics …. and that is God.

They HATE that because they serve a fallen savior who battles against the truth on a daily basis while he champions the truth. Nina May

I wish to thank these great patriots for their insightful input. Here’s why I believe Trump is so hated by Leftists.

Leftists’ hatred for Trump is rooted in their mission to undermine all things wholesome, Godly and good for America. Everything Leftists do, in essence, gives the God of Christianity their middle finger. It is not coincidental that Leftists hijack Christian symbols and institutions for their anti-God agenda.

For example: The rainbow was God’s promise to Noah to never again let floodwaters destroy all life. Homosexuals hijacked God’s rainbow to symbolize a behavior God calls an abomination. God created marriage as a holy union between one man and and one woman. Despite civil unions readily available to them, homosexuals successfully broke down marriage; resulting in every conceivable deviant configuration to eventually be legally declared marriage.

Trump in the White House is a miracle. Despite Leftists’ 24/7 efforts to stop and destroy him, President Trump has remarkably implemented 64% of his make-America-great-again agenda. Fasten your seat-belts Leftists, Trump has only just begun.

Dick’s, Wal-Mart, L.L. Bean and Others Enact Discriminatory Policies in Response to Gun Control Tantrum

In what appears to be a bid to alienate a large swath of the American public in order to appease anti-gun extremists, last week Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO and Chairman Ed Stack issued an open letter in which he announced several changes to the company’s firearms sales policies. According to the missive, Dick’s will no longer sell some configurations of commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles and certain capacity magazines. The company will also refuse to sell firearms to adults ages 18 to 20.

These new policies will also cover Field & Stream stores, which are a Dick’s subsidiary that focuses primarily on outdoor recreation. Gun rights supporters should know that Field & Stream stores have no relation to the publication of the same name. Dick’s also owns Golf Galaxy.

In the days following Stack’s letter, Wal-Mart, Kroger-owned Fred Meyer, and L.L. Bean announced that they would also refuse to recognize the Second Amendment rights of adults ages 18 to 20. Wal-Mart took the additional step of purging nonlethal products that resemble commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles, such as toys and airsoft guns, from their website.

Rather than serving to protect the nation’s schools from violence, the recent corporate outburst against rifles and firearm purchasers serves to reveal an anti-freedom agenda.

Contrary to the inflammatory language used by those in the anti-gun media, the numbers make clear that the U.S. is not experiencing an epidemic of school shootings. While any school shooting is tragic, research by Northeastern University Professor of Criminology, Law, and Public Policy James Alan Fox found that school shootings have been declining since the 1990s. Further, in an article summarizing his research, Fox rejected the idea that a ban on rifle sales to those ages 18 to 20 could curb mass shootings because such incidents are so rare. Fox explained, “The thing to remember is that these are extremely rare events, and no matter what you can come up with to prevent it, the shooter will have a workaround.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting data shows that there were 374 murders committed with all types of rifles in 2016. That same year, 656 people were murdered where the perpetrator used only their hands and feet. 1,604 people were murdered with “knives or cutting instruments.” Blunt objects, such as bats or golf clubs, were used to commit 472 murders. There has been no word on whether Field & Stream intends to institute background checks on knife sales, nor whether Golf Galaxy will halt their dangerous practice of selling pitching wedges to young adults over the internet.

That there were 374 murders carried out with rifles in 2016 is tragic, but efforts to combat such a small number of fatalities in a nation of more than 320 million by further restricting rifles are destined to fail. The relatively small number of crimes perpetrated with rifles is one of the reasons why federally-funded researchers have repeatedly determined that the 1994 Dianne Feinstein semi-auto rifle and magazine ban did not have an appreciable effect on violent crime.

A 1997 Department of Justice-funded study from the Urban Institute, titled, “Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994,” admitted, “At best, the assault weapons ban can have only a limited effect on total gun murders, because the banned weapons and magazines were never involved in more than a modest fraction of all gun murders.”

A follow-up study published in 2004 on the eve of the sunset of the semi-auto ban, titled, “An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003,” came to a similar conclusion. The researchers noted, “the ban’s impact on gun violence is likely to be small at best, and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.” The study also made clear that “estimates consistently show that AWs [commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms] are used in a small fraction of gun crimes.”

A 2013 Department of Justice memorandum reiterated that commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles are rarely used in crime and that further restricting their sale would be futile. The memo acknowledged, “a complete elimination of assault weapons would not have a large impact on gun homicides.” The document went on to explain, “Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to US gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapon ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence.” The survey also noted that restrictions on the sale of standard-capacity magazines would be fruitless unless coupled with a massive confiscation effort.

Aside from being poor policy, in some circumstances the new corporate restrictions may violate state and local anti-discrimination laws. As First and Second Amendment scholar and UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh pointed out in a recent blog post, certain state and local governments have enacted statutes and ordinances that bar discrimination in retail sales involving adults ages 18 to 20.

Dick’s’ corporate counsel doesn’t seem to have considered this eventuality, even though it could affect business in their home state of Pennsylvania. Section 953 of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act states,

The opportunity for an individual to obtain employment for which he is qualified, and to obtain all the accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any public accommodation and of any housing accommodation and commercial property without discrimination because of race, color, familial status, religious creed, ancestry, handicap or disability, age, sex, national origin, the use of a guide or support animal because of the blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals is hereby recognized as and declared to be a civil right which shall be enforceable as set forth in this act.

The act goes on to define “public accommodation” to include “retail stores and establishments.”

Fred Meyer’s policy could also face a challenge in their home state of Oregon. Section 659A.403(1) of the Oregon Revised Statutes makes clear,

all persons within the jurisdiction of this state are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation, without any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is of age, as described in this section, or older.

The sale of alcohol and marijuana are specifically exempted from this section, but there is no such exemption for the sale of firearms.

Astute gun rights supporters will remember that this is not the first time Dick’s has turned their back on gun owners. Back in 2012, Dick’s made headlines when it responded to the shooting in Newtown, Conn. by removing AR-15s from its stores. In doing so, Dick’s reneged on a deal with AR-15 manufacturer Troy Industries to supply the sporting goods chain with rifles. Suggesting that their position on the topic was the product of political posturing rather than actual conviction, when Dick’s launched its Field & Stream brand stores the company made sure to stock them with AR-15s.

Further, gun owners who value their privacy have long-avoided purchasing firearms at Wal-Mart. In 2008, Wal-Mart collaborated with billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group Mayors Against Illegal Guns to more thoroughly track retail gun sales. As part of the effort, Wal-Mart agreed to maintain a video record of all firearms transactions within their stores. Some viewed the changes as an attempt to curry favor with then-New York City Mayor Bloomberg in order to improve the company’s chances of opening a store in Gotham.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation estimated that in 2017 the firearms and ammunition industry accounted for $51.3 billion in total economic activity. With 100 million gun owners nationwide, the shooting sports are big business and the industry’s customers can exert a significant amount of influence when they make decisions regarding their firearms and ammunition purchases and their buying habits more generally. Moreover, retailers should be aware that firearms consumers exhibit a loyalty and political awareness uncommon to many industries – a trait born out of necessity. Let there be no doubt that America’s gun owners will remember the corporations that sought to scapegoat them during a moment of tragedy.

RELATED ARTICLE: Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America

NRA Files Suit Challenging Florida Gun Control Law

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association today announced that it has filed a lawsuit challenging the State of Florida’s newly-enacted ban on the purchase of firearms by young adults between the ages of 18-21.

Florida’s ban is an affront to the Second Amendment, as it totally eviscerates the right of law-abiding adults between the ages of 18 and 21 to keep and bear arms. The ban is particularly offensive with respect to young women, as women between the ages of 18 and 21 are much less likely to engage in violent crime than older members of the general population who are unaffected by the ban. Despite this fact, the State of Florida has enacted a sweeping law banning all young adults between the ages of 18 and 21 from purchasing any firearm from any source. Chris Cox, the Executive Director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, stated, “Swift action is needed to prevent young adults in Florida from being treated as second-class citizens when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms.

We are confident that the courts will vindicate our view that Florida’s ban is a blatant violation of the Second Amendment.” The case is National Rifle Association of America, Inc. v. Bondi, and it has been filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida.


Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America

After Complete Failure by the Public Sector in Parkland, Fla., Gun Bill Punishes Private Citizens.

Florida Governor Rick Scott Signs Gun Control Bill

As Florida Moves to Raise Age for Buying Rifles, Legal Hurdles Remain

Problematic Women: Owning a Gun and Motherhood Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at NRA on Facebook and Twitter @NRA.

VIDEO: What Trump Meeting With Kim Jong Un Says About Trump’s North Korea Strategy

The Heritage Foundation’s James Carafano appeared on Fox News early Friday to discuss with anchor Heather Childers the announcement that President Donald Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in May. Watch the video or read this lightly edited transcript of that conversation.

Heather Childers: Well, here now to react, senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation and foreign policy expert James Carafano. Thank you so much for joining us this morning on this, really, the heels of this amazing news last night. What did you think when it first came out?

James Carafano: I thought it was predictable. We know a couple of things about Trump. One, is we know he likes to meet with leaders, particularly his competitors, and size them up. It’s a Trumpian thing he does.

We also know he’s actually really good at these meetings. He’s had many of them, and he actually does very, very well.

And most importantly, what this shows is what a lot of us have been saying all along: This was not a crisis spinning out of control. The United States wasn’t getting ready to pre-emptively attack North Korea. That maximum pressure, it was the right policy, and the president was right to stick with it.

Childers: Yeah, and that’s what is interesting, one of many things, talking about how people were just going the complete opposite direction. Let’s take a look at this timeline from North Korea and the launch they’ve had in some of their nuclear tests. Going from Feb. 12 in 2017, that was their first test during President Trump’s administration. Then, their last was on Nov. 28, 2017. That was their last [intercontinental ballistic missile] test. People said, people that are against President Trump, said that he is driving us straight towards war, and now we have this.

Carafano: Yeah, well, it’s cause they’re idiots. Look, I mean, the reality is maximum pressure is exactly the right strategy. Missile deterrence, nuclear deterrence, conventional deterrence with our allies, heavy sanctioning, these keep Kim from becoming a more serious threat.

Now, I think we have to be honest. We don’t know why Kim does what he does. Maximum pressure’s a strategy to keep him from being a threat. It doesn’t necessarily drive how he chooses to negotiate. So, we don’t know where this is going, but I think the critics have basically just reflexively attacked the administration for saying, “Well, they’ve absolutely no idea what they’re doing.” I mean, they really ought to start having second thoughts.

Childers: South Korea’s national security adviser in the announcement [Thursday], he gave President Trump credit for the maximum pressure, the increased sanctions. Do you think people here in our country will do the same?

Carafano: Well, again, I don’t know what drove Kim to do this. Here’s what that announcement by the South Korean leader shows. President Trump has done a tremendous job binding the alliance of U.S., Japan, and South Korea in holding a stiff face to North Korea. That is an accomplishment of the United States and an accomplishment of the statesman, and he ought to get credit for that.

Childers: Well, no sitting U.S. president, from what I understand, has ever met a North Korean president. This is the first world leader that Kim Jong Un will have met at all. Now, he hasn’t traveled outside of North Korea. Where do you think that they’ll have this meeting?

Carafano: Well, the logical place to have it would be in the demilitarized zone, the DMZ. I was actually stationed in Korea when I was in the Army, drove up there, saw the demilitarized zone. It’s the only logical place. It’s unlikely that Kim would want to leave the country. It’s also incredibly unlikely the United States would want to go to Pyongyang. So, that would be my guess.

Childers: Yeah, and definitely still taking precautions. As Griff Jenkins was just telling us, the president tweeting out [Thursday] that they will also have this missile freeze during this time period until May when they have this meeting. Hopefully, it does happen.

Carafano: The most important thing is that the U.S. policy and strategy is maximum pressure stays in place until North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat to the United States or its allies.

Childers: Yeah, I mean, just give it a chance. The people already last night, some of the people against President Trump saying, “There’s no way that he will be prepared to have this meeting.” Give it a chance.

Carafano:  They’re just yahoos.

Childers:  Yeah, all right, James, thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate it.



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Tapes show Broward County Deputy Sheriff told police to ‘stay away’ and then lied about it

The Miami Herald reported:

Roundly vilified for not entering a Parkland high school during a mass shooting, Broward Deputy Scot Peterson insisted publicly that he believed that gunfire was happening outside on campus — not from inside the building.

Watch this ABC News video report on former Broward County Deputy Sheriff Scot Peterson:

The recording from the call he made on the day of the shooting shows he lied about his role:

But internal radio dispatches released by the sheriff’s office Thursday show Peterson immediately fixated on Building 12 and even radioed that gunfire was happening “inside.”

And, just as school shooter Nikolas Cruz was fleeing the building after killing 17 people, Peterson warned his fellow officers to stay away — even as wounded students and staff lay inside.

BSO policy calls for deputies to engage an active shooter and eliminate the threat.

“Do not approach the 12 or 1300 building, stay at least 500 feet away,” Peterson said over the radio, according to the records released Thursday.

The second-by-second timeline and audio recording of police radio chatter sheds new light on the chaotic and much scrutinized law-enforcement response to the bloodshed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High on Feb. 14, the state’s worst school shooting.

Listen to Broward Deputy Sheriff Peterson outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High on February 14th, 2018: