A Matter of Humanity

The anti-American, anti-Semitic activist jihada, Linda Sarsour, was a scheduled speaker at the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), in Houston, Texas.  Last year, she called for jihad against President Trump and this year, she warns her “sisters and brothers” to avoid the trap of “humanizing” the Jews.

Born and raised in a shame-honor culture by “Palestinian” parents who made hijra to Brooklyn, New York, her messages, unsurprisingly, are directed against America and Israel.  Regarding the former, her words, “it is not our job to assimilate,” received applause from the audience.  Regarding the latter, she insists that only extermination will suffice. Her diatribe was designed to shame the attendees into vigorously supporting the Palestinian cause for the total destruction and Islamic replacement of Israel.  Any dialogue is discredited as an indication of weakness and perfidy towards Allah.  Islamic ideology specifies that holy war is a religious duty because of the universalism of the Muslim Mission and their obligation to convert everybody to Islam by either persuasion or force.  Sarsour’s purpose and rhetoric, intolerance and death, are as old as Islam itself.

To be adequately alerted to Sarsour’s fanatical beliefs, we must familiarize ourselves with an important aspect of her culture’s vocabulary and modus operandi.  Just as the Inuit (Eskimo) people have more than 50 words for snow because that is how they live, so the Muslims have a variety of words for lying because that is how they live.  Briefly, they include:

  • Takiyya – Saying something untrue about the Muslim identity.  Mohammed used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with Meccans, allowing him access to their city while he secretly prepared for a takeover.  From Mohammed to Saddam Hussein, promises made to non-Muslims are non-binding.
  • Kitman – Lying by omission, as when Muslims quote verse 5:32, that if anyone kills, “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind,” while omitting the rest of the mandate to murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief.”
  • Tawriya  – Intentionally creating a false impression, such as “Hiding Faith,” when Sarsour bills herself as progressive, and claims that gays, women, and religious minorities need not worry about sharia; and the deceptive Muslim outreach programs to local citizenry.
  • Muruna  – “Blending in” by secreting some practices of Islam and sharia in order to advance others. The 9/11 hijackers visited bars and drank alcohol to throw off suspicion that they were fundamentalists plotting jihad.

To the devout tyrannical Islamic belief system, where the majority of their people is kept illiterate and underdeveloped in terror- or trauma-bonding, Israel’s accomplishments and prosperity during the same 70 years (since Israel’s statehood, 1948) are seen as an affront, an ever-present reminder of Islam’s deficiency.  They are humiliated for not being self-sufficient, of relying on booty for wealth and on others, including the despised Israel, for funds, utilities, water, and jobs. In their shame-honor social order, they project the fault on others and feign ownership of what is not theirs.  This is a people that took their “Arabic” numerals from the Hindu numerical system, cryptography from Egypt, and their coveted arches from Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans.  Ignorance and envy have led to self-deception and the desire to deceive the rest of the world, like the dying Pharaoh who resented others the joy of living.

The invention of the term, “Islamophobia,” is a potential game-changer.  Developed by the Muslim Brotherhood developed “Islamophobia” in the early 1900s to hide their misdeeds and to ensure that the world – the host government, protective forces, academia and media – would never articulate their atrocities out of fear of humiliation,  so that the Islamists could seize control without having to reveal their true nature.  We have nevertheless come to understand much about their modus operandi, due to extensive research and reporting by psychoanalyst and counter-terrorism expert, Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin.  The jihadi’s accusations against others are an effort to separate themselves (splitting their persona) from their criminality, and to project onto others the terrors they acquired from their childhood.

Dalia Mogahed, a speaker at the same event, accepted no Islamic responsibility for 9/11, and blamed Americans for the excessive attacks on Muslims, yet FBI statistics show that of the 1,584 religious hate crimes registered in 2016, 54.4 percent were motivated by anti-Jewish bias.  The Religion of Peace website (on 9/11/18) lists 16 suicide blasts, 860 people killed and 804 injured in 162 attacks in 27 countries during August, 2018, were committed by Muslims, and 33,825 (9/16/18) deadly terrorist attacks were committed by Muslims worldwide since 9/11/01.

Sarsour plumbed the depths of envious loathing when she admonished her co-religionists to not “humanize” Jews, ironically using a term that perfectly defines the differences between Judaism and Islam. It was Jews, some two thousand years before Islam was invented, who brought humanity to the world through monotheism when the rest of humankind lived in lawlessness and chaos.  It is expressed in Hillel’s expression of the ethic of reciprocity or “Golden Rule,” “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow.  That is the whole Torah: the rest is the explanation; go and learn.”  This is embodied today, through the Israeli IDF medics and the civilian social workers who rush to volunteer in earthquake zones, at terrorist attack sites, and in the aftermath of natural disasters like tsunamis and floods.  It is seen as Israel brings her unparalleled expertise in water technology to arid countries, helping Africans grow their own food, start schools for their children, and become self-sustaining.  And it is seen as Israel’s Basic Law: Human dignity and Liberty, which guarantee, among others, the right of all to basic dignity.  These are the people that Sarsour consider dehumanized, imitating the Nazis in the 1930s.

The current situation necessitates an honest comparison between Islam and Judaism.

Where Judaism is empowered by moral purpose, the dignity of man and the sanctity of free will, Islam is driven by fear, vengeance, greed, and conquest, enforced by prayers issued five times daily, and dedication to an oppressive god. Within Islam, a man may decapitate the apostate, homosexual and intellectual; flog and imprison the woman who is raped; stone his wife for accusations of adultery; sell his young daughter into marriage with a sexual predator; and take up to four underage girls into the modernized, legalized slave harem, renamed “marriage.” Under Islam, girls may be deprived of schooling and hospitalization, and such funding, along with what is earmarked for research and laboratories, is more likely used to build mosques and support terrorism. 

Nearly 40% of the Islamic world, mostly women of the hundreds of millions of illiterates of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), can neither read nor write.  Under Islam, the female is so cruelly undervalued that her offspring become the severely emotionally disturbed jihadi terrorists.  These Palestinian children are exploited and trained to be fighters and suicide bombers and a recent study revealed that more teenagers are eager to take on terror attacks for suicidal greatness and glory.  Sarsour’s use of “humanity” may be explained as a trait that was never permitted to emerge.  It may be defined as “projection,” a defense mechanism, whereby the hostile traits of the speaker are attributed to another.  It allows the accuser to project (transfer) the responsibility for her people’s faults and misdeeds on the other.  It permits the Muslim to be cleared of the guilt, the toxic chaos, the blood, guts, explosives, and suicides that keep the jihadi in his (or her) maternal attachment. 

This is the culture that Linda “we will not assimilate” Sarsour would impose upon America.

Of all the attributions noted by Sarsour, choosing “humanity/humanizing” is a textbook case because she knows, at least psychologically, that the Jews and Israelis are particularly motivated by moral purpose, so she paints them as the reverse.  But she is a product of her upbringing and history, and honor-bound to carry forth the mindset of lies, abuse, torture and extermination for which Islam is known.  There is not a modicum of evidence to show any difference between Islam’s horrific past and Islam today.

Sarsour may be ignored, but the applause she received must alert us to vigilance.

Contributions to this post by Kevin O’Neil.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Melany Rochester on Unsplash.

Planned Parenthood: Pro-Sexual Assault Until It Hurts Their Narrative

On Friday, Judge Brett Kavanaugh denied an unproven accusation that he and a friend sexually assaulted a woman in high school. As the Senate decides how to react to the accuser’s claims, Planned Parenthood is jumping on the bandwagon to claim that Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination process should be halted.

The replies to these Tweets lay out the case that Planned Parenthood is simply being a left-wing attack dog. More importantly, however, is their absolute hypocrisy when it comes to treatment of women who are sexually assaulted.

2ndVote readers are familiar with Live Action’s excellent work uncovering Planned Parenthood’s widespread protection of sex abusers. Are you also aware of the time a Mobile, Alabama Planned Parenthood center gave two abortions to a 14-year old girl in four months, but concluded that she wasn’t being sexually assaulted? The center also did not report the girl’s condition to the state, in violation of health care reporting laws.

The girl had two children prior to those abortions, as well. LifeSiteNews has more:

That official said that a LifeSiteNews summary of the situation was “true,” but it “would be much better” if LifeSiteNews framed its coverage favorably. It was subsequently clarified with this official that “essentially, your department was satisfied [Planned Parenthood] had acted in good faith, and not intentionally hid this information” from child protective services.”

This official also told LifeSiteNews that Planned Parenthood had previously investigated the 14-year old’s circumstances, and determined she was not being abused. However, the spokesperson LifeSiteNews spoke with on Monday said that there are no state requirements for what questions Planned Parenthood asked of the 14-year old to determine her four pregnancies were not due to abuse.

Got that? The state health department believed Planned Parenthood “accidentally” broke state law, so it gave them a slap on the wrist. No wonder Planned Parenthood’s national spokespersons believe they can continue to flout sex abuse, baby sales, and other laws with impunity. And no wonder Planned Parenthood believes it can claim to #BelieveWomen about sexual assault despite its own poor record on that front.

The only thing Planned Parenthood will listen to is money. 2ndVote shoppers should tell corporate backers of America’s largest abortion company to stop funding sex abuse cover-ups and slaughter of the unborn.

The following companies and nonprofits have directly funded Planned Parenthood

American Express
Bank of America
Bath & Body Works
Ben & Jerry’s
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Charles Schwab
Deutsche Bank

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Frito Lay
General Electric
Jiffy Lube
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Kraft Heinz
Levi Strauss
Liberty Mutual
March of Dimes
Mondelez International

Morgan Stanley
Progressive Insurance
Susan G. Komen
United Airlines
United Way
US Bank
Wells Fargo
WD-40 Company

The following companies have supported 3rd party groups that fund Planned Parenthood

7 For All Mankind
Abbott Laboratories
Advanced Micro Device
American Airlines
American Express
American Greetings
American Petroleum Institute 
Ameriprise Financial
Ann Taylor
Banana Republic
Bank of America
Ben & Jerry’s
Best Buy
Black & Decker
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Calvin Klein
Campbell’s Soup
Caribou Coffee
Central Pacific Financial
Choice Hotels
Comerica Bank
Commerce Bank
Corning Inc.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Del Monte Foods

Delta Express
Deutsche Bank
Dollar General
Dollar Shave Club
Dow Chemical
Enterprise Holdings
Ernst & Young
Express Scripts Inc. 
Fannie Mae
Fifth Third Bank
Freddie Mac
Fry’s Food Stores
General Electric
General Mills
General Motors
Goldman Sachs
H&R Block
Hallmark Cards
Harris Teeter
HCA Holdings
Health Net
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise
Hershey Company
Hillshire Brands Company
Home Depot
Jack in the Box
Jiffy Lube
John Hancock Financial

Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase 
Junior Achievement
Kentucky Fried Chicken
L.L. Bean
Lands’ End
Levi Strauss
Liberty Mutual
Lincoln Financial Group
Mars Inc.
Mary Kay
Merck & Co. 
MGM Resorts International
Mondelez International
Morgan Stanley
National Car Rental
National Basketball Association
National Football League
NBC Universal
New Balance
New York Life
Newell Brands
Old Navy
Pacific Life
Pizza Hut
PNC Bank
Prudential Financial and Insurance
Procter & Gamble
Progressive Insurance

Qdoba Mexican Grill
Quaker Oats
Quality Inn
Ralph Lauren
Rite Aid
Sam’s Club
Seattle’s Best Coffee
Shell Oil
Shelter Insurance
The Sherwin Williams Company
State Farm
Susan G. Komen
T.J. Maxx
Taco Bell
Tazo Tea 
Texas Instruments
The North Face
The Travelers Companies
Tiffany & Co
Time Warner
Toys R Us
Tractor Supply Company
Turbo Tax
UnitedHealth Group
US Bank
Vanity Fair
Victoria’s Secret
Wells Fargo
Western Union
Whirlpool Corporation
White Castle

Help us continue creating content like this and educating conservative shoppers by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Shutterstock.

Hat Trick: Emmys Joins Grammys, Oscars in Ratings Collapse

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: an annual media event is dropping viewers like flies because going full-tilt liberal is bad for business.

First it was the Grammys, then the Oscars, then the Super Bowl. On Monday, as the politics soured, the Emmys hit record-low viewership.

Time.com has the breakdown:

The show reached virtually identical audiences of 11.4 million each of the last two years, the Nielsen company said.

The decline to 10.21 million continues a troubling trend for televised awards shows. The Oscars audience this year was down 19 percent from 2017 and the Grammys were down 23 percent.

Diminishing interest in television is partly to blame for these numbers, but the fact is that the American people are tired of elites telling us what to do and what to think. Tens of millions of conservatives are tired of seeing their values ignored, mocked, and/or even lied about — and they are leaving the self-absorbed “elites” to pat themselves on the backs.

For some of what was said, check out this Entertainment Weekly article which has the laughable headline of “Emmys hit political hot topics but rarely boiled over”.

  •  Nazi jokes: “The Emmys were first held in 1949 …things were very different back then: We all agreed that Nazis were bad.”
  • Racist jokes: “The only white people who thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads.” (Later in the telecast, Che followed this one up with, “Just want to say: Six awards, all white winners, no one’s thanked Jesus yet.”)
  • Joking about sexual assault: “This year the audience is allowed to drink in their seats. Because the one thing Hollywood needs right now is people to lose their inhibitions at a work function.”

Perhaps most offensive was Thandie Newton’s decision to a) deny her belief in God, b) thank a female God, and then c) immediately thereafter swear.

We can’t imagine why Americans are skipping this classy show…

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Shutterstock.

Google: Big Brother in the United States, Neutered in China

Google is one of America’s largest companies. It prides itself on having liberal values — values so left-wing that the company ranks a 1 in all of 2ndVote’s categories.

One of Google’s so-called “values” is environmental protection. It cares about the environment so much that it supports raising taxes through carbon taxes and the Paris climate deal.

It also is engaging in sketchy “Big Brother” behavior in the U.S. Europe…even as it lets China censor the truth about smog in the Communist nation.

First, via The Washington Times, what’s going on in the U.S. and Europe:

Google’s Street View cars — the global cruisers that collect data for the making of more accurate maps — now have a new mission, and it’s one that’s sure to make the Green groups cheer. The tech company’s bolstering its fleet with updated pollution-recording devices from the San Francisco company, Aclima, to patrol streets in Europe and in the United States, and monitor fluctuating levels of air quality.

And from The Intercept, the deal in China:

Sources familiar with Dragonfly said the search platform also appeared to have been tailored to replace weather and air pollution data with information provided directly by an unnamed source in Beijing. The Chinese government has a record of manipulating details about pollution in the country’s cities. One Google source said the company had built a system, integrated as part of Dragonfly, that was “essentially hardcoded to force their [Chinese-provided] data.” The source raised concerns that the Dragonfly search system would be providing false pollution data that downplayed the amount of toxins in the air.

In other words, Google is real dedicated to saving the environment when it doesn’t involve actually stopping the world’s worst polluter. It is real dedicated to stopping global warming or climate change or whatever it’s called now — as long as it doesn’t involve standing up to one of the world’s most heinous dictatorships.

Then again, Google’s “Big Brother” approach to environmentalism is pretty much in line with China’s view of individual liberty. Perhaps that’s why Google is neutering itself to partner with China.

 Help us continue creating content like this and educating conservative shoppers by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

Illegal alien population is twice as high as the oft reported 11 million

The Leftwing media and talking heads have been using a number of 11 million illegals in the U.S. for at least a decade, but commonsense told you it was higher.

In June thousands turned out in Washington D.C. [photo right] in support of those crossing our borders illegally thus encouraging even more illegal crossings.

immigration protest dcNow some ‘smart people’ at Yale and MIT actually crunched a few numbers and much to their chagrin (because they went in to the study assuming the number was lower than 11 million) are reporting it is a whopping 22 million!

(By the way, refugees that we bring to the US are legal aliens, but the hundreds of thousands coming across borders as asylum seekers—wannabe refugees—were, we presume, included in the 22 million because they are not legally here until they have been granted asylum!)

Here is Neil Munro writing at Breitbart:

The population of illegal migrants is roughly 22 million, or twice the establishment estimate of 11 million, say three professors from Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The shocking estimate will force establishment politicians and pro-migration advocates to recalculate the estimated impact of the huge illegal population on wages and salaries, on crime rates, welfare consumption, rental and real-estate prices, productivity rates, and the distribution of job-creating investment funds to coastal vs. heartland states.

trump wall thumbs up

Build the Wall!

The higher illegal population estimate helps explain why Americans’ wages and salaries have risen so little amid apparently record-low unemployment rates, and it also undercuts companies’ loud demands for yet more immigration of foreign workers, consumers, and renters.

The population estimate also raises the political and economic stakes of any amnesty legislation. In 2014, public opposition blocked the bipartisan, establishment, media-boosted Gang of Eight bill, which claimed to offer an amnesty to just 11 million migrants. Currently, advocates for a ‘Dream Act’ amnesty claim it will provide green cards to roughly 3 million sons and daughters of illegal immigrants.
The new estimate also bolsters President Donald Trump’s demand that reluctant GOP and hostile Democratic legislators fund a border wall.

The academics expected their techniques to show the population is smaller than the consensus estimate of 11.3 million. “Our original idea was just to do a sanity check on the existing number,” said Edward Kaplan, operations research professor at Yale. “Instead of a number which was smaller, we got a number that was 50 percent higher. That caused us to scratch our heads.”

These are the math geniuses, but isn’t it 100% more if 11 million is now 22 million?  (I’m math impaired, so let me know!).

Continue reading here.

Next we need to figure out how many are in each state!


Twice as Many Illegal Aliens in US according to MIT

Stephen Miller wins again trumpets NBC News, outmaneuvered his elders in setting refugee cap

Fact sheet on asylum is very useful; largest number of ‘new’ Americans are Chinese

Look to Europe to fully comprehend why the US must build the wall

AG Jeff Sessions carrying out Trump immigration restriction agenda

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

Bongino: Sen. Mazie Hirono Obviously Has Never Heard of the Biden Rule [Video]

“Because Mazie Hirono has a difficult time with the Biden Rule and the Democrats’ unprecedented obstruction, they now want to ruin the life of Brett Kavanaugh? Is this guy not entitled to defend himself?” —Dan Bongino


Venezuela’s Dictator Dines With Salt Bae While His People Starve

“The Week’s” Matthew Walther Wants To Disarm Police Officers

Gun Control Twist: Saving One Life “Does Not Justify” Right-to-Carry

Gun control advocates often use some version of the phrase “if it saves one life” in order to justify their ineffective proposals. This week, the anti-gun editorial page of the Chicago Sun-Times offered a different take. Fearful that the Right-to-Carry was getting too much good publicity in the wake of an Illinois concealed carry permit holder’s heroic actions, the Sun-Times editorial board felt it necessary to lecture its readers, “One brave rescue of a Cicero cop doesn’t justify concealed guns.”

According to a news report from the Sun-Times, on September 13, Cicero Police Officer Luis Duarte and his partner were attempting to pull over a vehicle when the driver sped off. Officer Duarte and his partner gave chase and were able to immobilize the suspect’s car. Trapped, the driver retrieved a gun and fired at the officers, striking Officer Duarte four times.

As the officers and the suspect exchanged gunfire, a nearby motorist, and Right-to-Carry permit holder, exited his vehicle and came to the aid of the officers, firing at the gunman. The gunman was struck during the exchange and was later taken to the hospital in serious condition.

Following the incident, Cicero Police Superintendent Jerry Chlada praised the armed citizen, noting, “We were lucky enough to have a citizen on the street there who’s a concealed-carry holder, and he also engaged in gunfire.” Cicero town President Larry Dominick offered similar appreciation for the carry permit holder, stating, “He got out and started helping the police, which is something I’ve got to be proud of.” Illinois became a Right-to-Carry state in 2013, making it one of the more recent states to adopt a shall-issue permitting regime, and the last to adopt a system by which a citizen can be licensed to carry a gun for self-defense.

All of this commendation for the selfless act of an armed hero proved too much for the Sun-Times. Lamenting the support the incident might provide for the Right-to-Carry, the paper huffed, “Hang your argument on a single anecdote, and you can defend almost anything.” Going further, the editors argued that “one brave deed does not justify bad public policy.”

First, Right-to-Carry is not bad public policy. Right-to-Carry permit holders have proven themselves to be exceptionally law-abiding. Repeated examinations of Right-to-Carry permit holder revocation data in large states like Florida and Texas has shown that concealed carry permit holders are among the most law abiding demographic in the country.

Second, instances of private individuals using firearms to defend themselves and others go well beyond the anecdotes that make the press. In his most recent analysis of the data on defensive gun uses, Florida State University Criminologist Gary Kleck determined that Americans use firearms for self-defense about 1 million times per year. Some of the Sun-Times’ ignorance on this matter might stem from the Center for Disease Control’s failure to report this information to the public.

To be sure, gun rights supporters enjoy individual stories of armed citizens confronting criminals – and there is no shortage of them. The Armed Citizen column, and before that Guns & Bandits, has been a staple of The American Rifleman since 1932. In 1996, NRA-ILA published a special compilation booklet of armed citizen stories where ordinary Americans had directly assisted law enforcement officers in their fight against crime.

The Sun-Times’s denigration of the Right-to-Carry and denial of defensive gun uses is nothing out of the ordinary. It’s the way they dismissed gun owners that is interesting.

Decades of anti-gun messaging has told the American public that if a gun control measure “saves just one life” any infringement on the rights of law-abiding gun owners is justified.

For example, in early 2013, President Barack Obama implored Congress to enact gun control by stating, “If there’s even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if even one life we can save, we have an obligation to try it.” Vice-President Joe Biden reiterated the president’s sentiment, noting, “As the president said, if your actions result in only saving one life, they’re worth taking.”

A pair of older, Chicago-related examples occurred in the 1990s. In 1994, the Cook County Board of Commissioners passed a ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms. Upon passage, Commissioner John P. Daley told the Sun-Times, “If this legislation saves one life, so be it.” In 1998, Mayor Richard M. Daley touted the Windy City’s frivolous lawsuit against the gun industry and other gun control measures in an op-ed for the Sun-Times. Demanding action, the mercurial mayor wrote, “One life lost is one too many.”

Coupled with the messaging of their anti-gun allies, the Sun-Times appears intent on creating a can’t-lose scenario for gun control. This holds that if even one life may be saved by a particular gun control measure, it must be adopted. However, if a measure permitting access to firearms for self-defense may save one life, it is not adequate justification to condone such freedom. Gun rights supporters should give this latest evolution in gun control rhetoric the same consideration as its traditional iteration: none.

New Industry Statistics Underscore Popularity of “America’s Rifle”

JFK with an AR-15 (M-16) in the Oval Office. Photo: White House.

Senator Dianne Feinstein has spent the last 26 years pushing gun control at the federal level and earlier this month demonstrated her willingness to distort facts and Supreme Court precedent in her ongoing effort to restrict your Second Amendment rights. During a confirmation hearing for President Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Feinstein ludicrously claimed that semiautomatic rifles like the AR-15 – long heralded as “America’s Rifle” – are not “in common use.”

We now have more than 16 million reasons to disagree with her.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearms industry trade association, has calculated the number of semi-automatic rifles – including AR and AK pattern rifle –  produced (minus those exported) and imported in the U.S. on an annual basis between 1990 and 2016. During that time, there have been approximately 16,069,000 AR and AK semi-automatic rifles available for sale in the United States.

NSSF estimated that there were 2.3 million semi-automatic rifles manufactured or imported into the United States in 2016. Their figures trace the growth of the market through the late 1990s and early 2000s, with 2009 ushering in a modern boom. There were more ARs and AKs produced in the U.S. in 2009 than there were produced and imported in 2008. The same is true of 2012, of 2013, and of 2014. Domestic production ebbed in 2014, but then rebounded strongly in 2015 and peaked in 2016.

Plotting these production numbers with recent control of Congress and the White House reveals an obvious pattern; one can see the impact of anti-gun politicians on spiking production numbers.

However, the market will only accommodate what consumers want, and we have seen strong background check numbers even as pro-gun allies won control of Congress and the White House. In 2017, there were more than five million NICS checks related to the sale of long guns and more than 2.9 million through the end of August this year.

The FBI doesn’t split semi-automatic rifles out from other rifles or shotguns in the “long gun” category, but NSSF Senior Vice President Lawrence G. Keane told Guns.com that, “Modern sporting rifles are the most commonly purchased rifle by Americans today.”

Needless to say, there is nothing “reasonable” or moderate about banning what is literally the most popular class of rifles in America. And the relative infrequency with which any sort of rifle (semiautomatic or not) is used in violent crime underscores the fact that the Americans who are buying these guns by the millions do so for lawful purposes.

In any case, the Supreme Court could not have been clearer in Heller that the arms protected by the Second Amendment depend on the choices of law-abiding Americans, not criminals.

And Americans have made their choice by elevating modern semi-automatic rifles to the top of the list.

EDITORS NOTE: The AR-15, military designation M-16, was widely expanded for use in the U.S. armed forces under President John F. Kennedy and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. President Kennedy was a life time member of the NRA.

Dennis Prager: ‘The Charges Against Judge Kavanaugh Should be Ignored’

While I believe Judge Kavanaugh is being attacked in error or for political reasons do Judge Kavanaugh’s detractors believe a possible unproven act by a seventeen year old whether drunk or sober should be punished for the rest of his life even though he has led an exemplary life over 35 years since the alleged incident? I don’t believe this is the American way.

The Charges Against Judge Kavanaugh Should Be Ignored

It is almost impossible to overstate the damage done to America’s moral compass by taking the charges leveled against Judge Brett Kavanaugh seriously.

It undermines foundational moral principles of any decent society.

Those who claim the charges against Judge Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford are important and worth investigating, and that they ultimately, if believed, invalidate his candidacy for the U.S. Supreme Court are stating that:

a) What a middle-aged adult did in high school is all we need to know to evaluate an individual’s character — even when his entire adult life has been impeccable.

b) No matter how good and moral a life one has led for 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years, it is nullified by a sin committed as teenager.

No decent — or rational — society has ever believed such nihilistic nonsense.

Read more.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Reckless Coverage of Kavanaugh Allegations Is Why Americans Don’t Trust the Media

EDITORS NOTE: Dennis Prager’s article and the featured image were originally posted on Townhall.com.

New Video: Veritas is Everywhere

We had a GREAT week at Project Veritas!

Watch the new 2-minute video:

Veritas released three videos this week exposing the Deep State (more next week), and got reactions from:

  • Department of Justice
  • Health and Human Services
  • US Government Accountability Office
  • And the Department of State, which prompted the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to acknowledge it on Fox’s Laura Ingraham Show.

We received praise from: Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Drudge, Breitbart, The Hill, Sinclair Broadcasting (200 affiliates in 100 markets) etc.

We even received coverage in The Washington Post which highlighted that the Department of Justice is conducting an investigation into ethics violations. Donald Trump Jr. retweeted and embedded the link to our videos to all of his Twitter followers, and Governor Mike Huckabee said, “Flush the Toilet” after seeing our videos, a nod to Trump’s call to “Drain the Swamp!”

Our lawyers are reviewing the possibility of violations of anti-conspiracy laws based upon the content we captured.

Your support is changing the fabric of our Republic for the better. Check out our great week.

Stay tuned after the Kavanaugh hearings – it’s going to be a very busy few weeks.

Open Letter to Senator Cory Booker and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: Let he, or she, who is without sin cast the first stone.

TO:   Senator Cory Booker
359 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Palo Alto University
1791 Arastradero Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94304

RE: Let He, or She, Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone

Dear Senator Booker and Dr. Ford,

It has come to my attention that you have cast dispersion on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, nominee for the United States Supreme Court. Your argument is based upon behaviors which occurred over 35 years ago when Bret Kavanaugh as in high school.

It has also come to my attention that you Senator Booker in an article titled “So much for stealing second” in the student run Stanford Daily dated Wednesday, February 19, 1992 (see attachment below) you wrote:

New Year’s Eve 1984 I will never forget. I was 15. As the ball dropped, I leaned over to hug a friend and she met me instead with an overwhelming kiss.

As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next “move” as if it were a chess game. With the “Top Gun” slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my “mark.”

Our groping ended soon and while no “relationship” ensued, a friendship did. You see, the next week in school she told me that she was drunk that night and didn’t really know what she was doing.

Senator Booker you also said, “I received messages that sex was best achieve through guile and strategy.”

Dr. Ford it likewise has come to my attention that you, while a student at Holton-Arms, an all girl prep-school, your behavior was documented in SCRIBE the school’s year book volumes 82, 83, and 84. In SCRIBE volume 84 you are pictured at a Halloween party in your junior year. The caption on the right states:

“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

Other SCRIBE articles indicate that your school’s faculty ” approved racism, binge drinking and promiscuity.”

Please note links to the articles from which I got this information below.

Perhaps you both should remember the words of Jesus in John 8:7,

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


Richard M. Swier, LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.)


YIKES: Cory Booker Wrote An Op-Ed In 1992 Where He Literally Admits To Groping A Woman

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

EDITORS NOTE: The feature image is by Unsplash/Simon Schmitt@helloschmitt.

LTC Oliver North Blasts Senate Democrats’ Hypocritical Call for FBI Investigation

If Ford should have an FBI Investigation, why didn’t Kopechne? Democrats are selective and hypocritical in their “Quest for Justice.”

“The FBI didn’t investigate [the incident at Chappaquiddick]; the Democrats weren’t asking for an FBI investigation-probably because they were afraid of what they’d found out about how Mary Jo Kopechne really died. This is total hypocrisy what they’re doing.” — LtCol Oliver North, NRA President.

Fox News reports that Booker, “who urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to first let the FBI conduct an investigation after California professor Christine Blasey Ford accused the high court nominee of sexual assault over 35 years ago, once wrote an article detailing an instance where he groped a female friend.”

Senator Booker’s article, which was titled: “So much for stealing second,” appeared in The Stanford Daily on Wednesday, February 19, 1992:

New Year’s Eve 1984 I will never forget. I was 15. As the ball dropped, I leaned over to hug a friend and she met me instead with an overwhelming kiss.

As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next “move” as if it were a chess game. With the “Top Gun” slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my “mark.”

Our groping ended soon and while no “relationship” ensued, a friendship did. You see, the next week in school she told me that she was drunk that night and didn’t really know what she was doing.

RELATED ARTICLE: Cory Booker Wrote An Op-Ed In 1992 Where He Literally Admits To Groping A Woman

Want to make federal employees easier to fire?

Project Veritas just released its latest undercover video, “Unmasking the Deep State.”  This first video focuses on a State Department employee who is both a poster child for the Deep State and a perfect example of why the federal bureaucracy needs serious reform.  Providentially, there is new legislation being considered in Congress that would do just that: the Merit Act (H.R. 559).

The Merit Act would greatly streamline the process for firing employees who are poor performers, insubordinate, or otherwise engaged in misconduct.  Since the election of President Trump, the bureaucracy, including numerous holdovers from the Obama administration, has been engaged in an unprecedented level of obstruction, leaks, and sabotage.  These bad actors call it “resistance.”  FBI and Department of Justice misconduct in the Trump-Russia probe and the Clinton email scandal is only the most visible component.

This is nothing new.  President Bush faced similar resistance from the bureaucracy, and going as far back as 1986, the Reagan administration had to contend with a State Department relentlessly working to derail his foreign policy.  In the intervening period, we have been treated to stories of almost incomprehensible incompetence and corruption in the federal bureaucracy.

Recall, for example, the case of John Beale, the EPA’s “climate expert,” who continued to collect a salary for 18 months after he retired and scammed the government for 13 years.  He collected a salary higher than legal limits; took unearned bonuses; awarded himself a handicapped parking pass though he wasn’t handicapped; and was absent for months at a time, falsely claiming to be a CIA agent working other assignments.  Then-president Obama appointed Beale’s wife, Nancy Kete, to the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.  The pair own houses in Arlington, Va. and Cape Cod.  Beale was sentenced to 32 months and fined – a rare conviction, though the EPA waited three years before charging him.  Beale is paying off his fine over time, using his government retirement annuity, which he still receives.

There is so much more.  What about the horrors we discovered at the Veterans Administration?  Or how about the 100 federal employees watching porn at work, some for as long as six hours per day?  Many complained they were bored and didn’t have enough work.  No mention of punishment.  They were probably all just told to go back to work.

The Veritas video presents a portrait of a State Department bureaucrat committed to “resistance.”  The employee caught on tape, one Stuart Karaffa, says, “Resist everything…every level, f‑‑‑ s‑‑‑ up.”

Karaffa is a self-identified member of Democratic Socialists of America, and uses work time to draft DSA-related political emails, a violation of the Hatch Act.  What about getting caught?  He says, “I don’t have anything to lose.  It’s impossible to fire federal employees…”

He’s right. A century-long litany of successive legislation has created what amounts to a civil service industry, with public employee unions leading the charge.  According to the Government Accountability Office, it takes on average from 170 to 370 days to fire a poor-performing employee, with unions intensively litigating on his behalf.  The employee can appeal the decision, dragging the whole thing on for years.  Most federal managers just give up.  A recent study found that only about 0.5 percent of federal employees are terminated for cause.

But President Obama made matters worse, politicizing the hiring process under a 2010 executive order that circumvented many federal hiring rules.  This made it easier for him to seed the bureaucracy with his people.  We are witnessing the results.  It’s called the Deep State.

Well, if the Merit Act passes, things could change, and it could not happen soon enough.  The legislation shortens the appeals process and reduces the burden of proof required to fire a bad employee.  The Merit Act passed out of committee in July and enjoys 58 congressional sponsors.  A companion bill (S. 3200) has been proposed in the Senate.

President Trump needs to hear from us on this bill, and he needs to push it.  He has already taken action to curb federal union work time abuse and faces firsthand every day the rampant problems embedded in the bureaucracy.

We have been treated to two years of in-your-face government behaving badly, but it didn’t start then.  We have a rare opportunity to fix a major problem that has been festering for decades.  Only now, when Congress is controlled by the GOP, and we have a president who is willing to do the heavy lifting on controversial issues, do we have a chance.  We cannot afford to squander it.

EDITORS NOTE: This  column originally appeared in American Thinker. The featured edited image is by Unsplash/rawpixel@rawpixel.

FAU Poll Finds Scott and Nelson in a Statistical Tie as Gillum Holds a Narrow Lead on DeSantis in Florida’s Governor Race

BOCA RATON, Fla.Sept. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — With less than seven weeks before Election Day, Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson and Republican Gov. Rick Scott are in a statistical tie in Florida’s critical U.S. Senate race, while Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum holds a narrow lead over Republican nominee Ron DeSantis in the battle to be the state’s next governor, according to the statewide survey by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI).

Since the last FAU survey less than one month ago, Scott has seen his six-point lead on Nelson shrink to a narrow gap of less than one point, 42.0 percent to 41.3 percent, with 11.4 percent undecided. The margin of error for the survey is +/- 3.3 percent.

Scott has a slight edge in overall job approval, with 42.6 percent of voters approving Scott’s performance as governor and 38 percent disapproving. Nelson has an even split on his performance as senator, with 36.5 percent approving and 36.9 percent disapproving.

In the gubernatorial race, Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, has 41.3 percent of the vote, while DeSantis, a former U.S. representative, garnered 38.5 percent, with 15.3 percent undecided.

Regarding the algae blooms that have plagued Florida’s coasts, 32.2 percent of voters said the state government is most responsible, while 16.7 percent said it was city and county government, 13.3 percent said the federal government and 37.8 percent said they don’t know.

A ban on assault weapons is also supported by a majority of voters (50.7 percent), while 30 percent oppose and 19.4 percent are undecided.

A majority of voters (52.2 percent) supports raising the minimum wage in Florida to $15 an hour, a proposal that Gillum has strongly supported, while 27.2 percent oppose such a hike and 20.6 percent are undecided.

Nearly half of those surveyed (48.5 percent) support restoring felon voting rights for people who have completed their sentences, a question before voters in one of several proposed constitutional amendments on the Nov. 6 ballot.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s approval rating fell four points from last month’s poll to 38.7 percent, while his disapproval rating stands at 47 percent.

The survey, conducted Sept. 13-16, polled 850 Florida registered voters who said they are likely to vote.

RELATED ARTICLE: Soros Money Behind ‘Black Political Power’ Outfit Supporting Andrew Gillum in Florida.


The Business and Economics Polling Initiative (BEPI) at Florida Atlantic University conducts surveys on business, economic, political, and social issues with main focus on Hispanic attitudes and opinions at regional, state and national levels.

VIDEO: Deep State Unmasked: DOJ Official Resists ‘From Inside,’ ‘Can’t Get Fired’; Leaks at HHS

Project Veritas has released the second installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state. This video features a Department of Justice paralegal Allison Hrabar reportedly using government owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda. Also featured is Jessica Schubel, the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last Obama administration.

Both Schubel and Hraber make admissions revealing that federal employees are using their positions in the government to resist or slow the Trump administration’s policies, some likely breaking laws in the process.

Strzok, McCabe, Comey. The list goes on.

The Deep State has strangled the Department of Justice (DOJ).

When I saw this happening, I knew that we had to investigate.

Today, Project Veritas exposed the Department of Justice.

Our investigation found several revelations:

  • DOJ employee claims that her colleagues discuss how to resist President Trump from the inside, including “slowing what they do.” She is not concerned about repercussions and brags, “at the DOJ, we can’t like get fired.”
  • Rogue agents reportedly using DOJ resources to target political opponents; run their license plates; and target them at their homes.
  • Employees leaking confidential information at the Department of Health and Human Services to undermine the administration.

But the roots of the Deep State run deep. There is more to uproot and unmask. Please donate now. >>>>

UPDATE: This morning, Project Veritas exposed a DOJ official resisting on the inside, using federal government resources to target citizens, saying, “We can’t really get fired.” And this afternoon, a Department of Justice spokesman responded:

“These allegations are deeply concerning. Department policy prohibits misuse of government resources to advance personal interests. We are looking into this immediately and have referred this matter to the Inspector General as well.”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Project Veritas.