VIDEO: Guns We Can Believe In
Time for some “common sense” gun policies that will have liberals screaming like chimpanzees!
Time for some “common sense” gun policies that will have liberals screaming like chimpanzees!
We Shouldn’t Use a Term Coined by the System’s Enemies!
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could simply invent new terms to replace the words that seem to cause more heat than light? For example, I have written before of my qualms about using the word capitalism to describe the free-market economy. The word was coined by capitalism’s enemies to describe the system that they rejected.
Red Plenty, a marvelous book by Francis Spufford, offers an important perspective on our discussion of terms. The book is a must-read for fans of free markets. It combines elements from the actual history of the use of mathematics to try to plan the Soviet economy, fictional dialogue and some fictional characters, and Spufford’s excellent understanding of the economics of capitalism and socialism to create an incredibly readable account of the attempt to engineer a world of abundance in the former Soviet Union.
In the senior seminar I teach, we recently read a section of the book that deals with how the Soviet planning process actually worked. That section got me thinking about the terms capitalism and socialism again. The term capitalism suggests a system built around capital and its interests, while the word socialism suggests one built around society and its interests. Notice how these connotations beg some questions from the start.
Is it really true, for example, that capitalism is centered around capital and its interests? Is it really capitalists who benefit the most from capitalism? And on the other side: have existing socialist economies ever served the interests of society as a whole? Could socialism, in theory, do so? Do both of these names make assumptions about each of the two types of economies that reflect the biases of capitalism’s critics and socialism’s defenders?
Of course, capital does play a crucial role in capitalism. The private ownership of capital (the means of production) is a defining characteristic of a free-market economy, especially in comparison to socialism. And the ability to engage in economic calculation provided by the money prices of the market is crucial for the owners of capital to know how best to deploy it. So in those senses, capitalism is about capital.
But notice that nowhere in the previous paragraph is it claimed that the primary beneficiaries of capitalism are the capitalists! What is missing is an answer to the question of why the capitalists continually have to figure out how best to deploy their capital. The answer is because they are constantly trying to provide what consumers want using the least valuable resources possible.
Sure, the capitalists reap profits by doing so. But those profits result from the mutually beneficial exchanges capitalists have with consumers.
The main beneficiaries from capitalism are not the capitalists, but all of us in our role as consumers. Competition among the owners of private capital is all about responding to consumers’ wants. And consumers benefit from this arrangement through more, better, and cheaper goods. If we want a name for the free-market economy that indicates who its primary beneficiaries are, we should reappropriate the term consumerism.
But “consumerism” is only half of the story. It’s easy enough to show through the standard arguments that socialism doesn’t work for the benefit of society as a whole. We know from the socialist-calculation debate that eliminating the market altogether in favor of planning can’t work. But what about all of those countries, like the Soviet Union, that claimed to be planning their economies?
As we see in Red Plenty, the truth was that central planning served as a kind of myth around which economic activity could be oriented. Everyone acted as if there were a plan, but the actual way resources got allocated and shuffled around was much more complicated. In Red Plenty, we meet two characters who help us see this.
First is Cherkuskin, the middleman who trades on relationships and friendships to help producers get the goods they need to meet their centrally planned targets. Cherkuskin is the personification of what Ayn Rand called “the aristocracy of pull.” His power comes from whom he knows and what he can get them to do for you. When producers don’t have enough to fulfill their quotas because of the inability of the plan to allocate rationally or to respond to unexpected change, the Cherkuskins come into play and move resources around to help them — and to profit handsomely in the process. Underneath “the plan” was the black market that did a great deal to ensure that Soviet-style economies were minimally functional.
The other character is Maksim Maksimovich Mokhov, a high-ranking bureaucrat in the planning agency. Faced with the news of the destruction of a crucial machine, Mokhov has to figure out how to rebalance the plan given that one factory will either need a new machine or fail to produce the output that other factories need. Spufford gives us terrific imagery of Mokhov sliding around on his wheeled chair, abacus in hand, going from file to file using technology primitive by even the 1962 standard of that chapter of the book, attempting to reallocate resources with the flick of an eraser and the scratch of a pencil.
Both Cherkuskin and Mokhov are, functionally, substitutes for what the price system does under capitalism, and inferior substitutes at that.
But what’s most interesting is that neither of them cares one whit about the consumer. Cherkuskin is all about making sure that producers get what they need to fulfill the plan, never pausing to consider what the costs were for consumers. Mokhov describes consumers as a “shortage sink” because they are the end of the line, and if they don’t get what they want, no one else relies on them for further output. It was more important to balance out production than to worry if consumers got exactly what they needed.
What Spufford so nicely illustrates here is how real-world socialism, and not capitalism, put the needs of “capital” first and the wants of consumers last. In a world where producing more stuff, regardless of its value, was the path to plenty, ensuring that production continued according to the plan and that producers got what they needed were the central tasks. And the black market middlemen like Cherkuskin could make a real ruble or two doing so.
But unlike the profits of market capitalists, Cherkuskin’s rubles came at the expense of the consumer rather than reflecting mutual benefit. A system where consumers are just the folks who are expected to absorb the errors of the plan is hardly one geared to the interests of society as a whole. And a system where capital is ultimately the servant of consumers is misleadingly named if we call it capitalism.
It’s a difficult battle to get people to change the names they’ve long used for free markets and (supposedly) planned economies. Even if we don’t win that battle, it’s still important for us to point out how the terms capitalism and socialism really do give a false impression of how markets and planning work. If we want to know who really benefits from markets, a quick look around the abundance that is the typical American household will answer that question quite clearly.
Steven Horwitz is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University and the author of Hayek’s Modern Family: Classical Liberalism and the Evolution of Social Institutions.
He is a member of the FEE Faculty Network.
Florida Citizens Alliance (FLCA) has been working on both a comprehensive bill to restore local K-12 education control and a focused curriculum bill to fix the loopholes in SB 864, passed in 2014 as FS 1006.283.
FLCA in a press release states:
We are very pleased to report that Senator Alan Hays and Representative Ray Pilon are championing companion bills to fix FS 1006.283 and its loopholes: SB 1018 and HB 899.
The purpose/intent of the original SB 864 was to assign constitutional responsibility for all instructional materials to school boards, and require a transparent policy/process for school boards and parents to remove objectionable materials. Due to several loopholes in FS 1006.283, the spirit and intent of the original bill are currently being ignored by many school districts in Florida.
Here is a brief summary of the loopholes that the two companion bills (SB 1018 and HB 899) that are intended to “fix” FS 1006.283.
FLCA in an email states:
Please use the petition at right to send a “shout out” to Senator Hays and Representative Pilon, thanking them for their leadership, and to urge your Florida House Representative and Florida Senator to co-sponsor their respective versions of these bills. The petition is also copying your local school board, asking them to aggressively support these companion bills.
FLCA is urging Florida parents, students and teachers to call their house representative and senator to ask that they co-sponsor these bills. Here are FLCA talking points you can use in your call. Use these links to get appropriate phone numbers for the Florida House and Florida Senate. We strongly suggest that you call now (before Christmas) and again in January as the legislative cycle begins.
Passage of these companion bills will require an aggressive and sustained set of actions to garner support. Here is an expanded set of 5 actions that FLCA urges parents, students and teachers to put into practice in support of these companion bills.
The Florida Citizens’ Alliance (FLCA) is a coalition of citizens and grassroots groups working together through education, outreach and community involvement to advance the ideals and principles of liberty. We believe these include but are not limited to individual rights, free markets, and limited government.
This video is certain to convince ol’ Trump that Islam is a Religion of Peace, and that he should, as Bah Ebou demands, show some more “respect.” Or else.
If Trump is circumcised, will he change his mind about Muslim immigration?
WARNING: Strong language, high emotions, and a certain paucity of calm, rational argumentation.
Video thanks to Tea Partyer.
RELATED ARTICLE: Some Muslims in U.S. irritated by Obama’s call for them to root out “extremism”
EDITORS NOTE: Will U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch arrest this Muslim for violent talk?
SAINT LEO, FL /PRNewswire/ — Businessman Donald Trump holds steady as the leading presidential candidate among likely Republican voters while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to outrun her lingering challengers in the party with the nation’s likely Democratic voters according to the Saint Leo University Polling Institute.
When Republican likely voters were asked to name the candidate they would support if the Republican primary were held today, 29.1 percent responded with Trump, up from 22.7 percent in October. Dr. Ben Carson now sits at 13.6 percent, down from 22.2 percent. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio sits largely unchanged at 11.4 percent compared to 11.1 percent. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush rose slightly to 10.5 percent from 8.4 percent.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz also climbed to 9.1 percent from 4 percent in October, while former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina slid to 1.4 percent from 5.8 percent in October.
“Donald Trump continues to dominate the daily news cycles,” said Frank Orlando, instructor of political science at Saint Leo University. “He’s a master of creating and controlling content – his tweets become news. He’s a media personality who captures the attention of those who both support his beliefs and vehemently disagree with him.”
“Carson, however followed the conventional pattern of an outsider candidate. After his background was scrutinized, he fell out of favor, and now has started his decline,” said Orlando.
Democratic likely voters in the survey noted if the primary were held today supported Hillary Clinton at 58.9 percent up slightly from 54.8 in October, followed by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders at 23.7 percent who climbed from 12 percent in October.
The jumps from the October poll question can be attributed to Vice President Joe Biden, who garnered 15.8 percent, but has since announced he won’t be running.
“Hillary Clinton has consolidated her support and continues to dominate her party,” said Orlando. DespiteBernie Sanders’ uptick he continues to significantly trail Clinton. “There is nothing in the numbers to indicate that Sanders will make a big charge.”
The Saint Leo University Polling Institute survey results about Florida and national politics, public policy issues, Pope Francis’ popularity, and other topics, can be found here: You can also follow the institute on Twitter @saintleopolls.
LOS ANGELES, CA /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Move over, television – the Internet has become a driving force behind politics and political campaigns.
The Center for the Digital Future has found that large and growing percentages of Americans now view the Internet as vital in key aspects of politics – for conducting campaigns, for generating political power, and for making elected officials more accountable.
The Center’s study found that 74 percent of all respondents agree that the Internet has become important for political campaigns, up from 71 percent in the previous study and a new high for the Digital Future studies that began in 1999.
“The Internet has become a vitally important tool for users seeking political information during campaigns,” saidJeffrey I. Cole, director of the Center for the Digital Future and creator of the World Internet Project.
“Fifty years ago, television surpassed newspapers as the primary communication medium for people seeking information for political campaigns,” said Cole. ” Now the Internet is assuming a much more prominent role in political communication – for learning more about candidates, for sharing political views, for mobilizing constituents, and especially for fundraising.”
“And we have found significant changes in the number of users who believe that the Internet can become a tool for political power and voter influence,” Cole said.
The findings on the role of the Internet in the political process are featured in the thirteenth edition of the Digital Future Report, released today by the Center. The 171-page report for 2015 explores more than 100 issues involving the impact of online technology in the United States.
New high levels of agreement about the Internet in the political process
All of the following are the highest levels to date for the Digital Future Project:
“These trends are clearly demonstrated in recent political campaigns,” Cole said. “In 2008, the Republicans did not pay attention to social media, but Barack Obama used digital communication in his first presidential campaign as a primary tool in developing his power base. Now social media is integral to all campaign strategies – Democratic or Republican.”
2015 Digital Future Report: Background
The Digital Future Report has been produced annually by the Center for the Digital Future since 2000, and is the first to develop a longitudinal panel study of the views and behavior of Internet users and non-users in the United States. The survey, conducted from October 2014 to January 2015, has a margin of error of +/- 3.0 percent. The annual report of survey findings, now in its 13th edition, is the longest continuing study of its kind. The study’s broad categories include:
To view the report and findings from previous studies, visit
The Center for the Digital Future
Since 1999, the Center for the Digital Future ( in the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism has examined the behavior and views of a national sample of Internet users and non-users in major annual surveys of the impact of the Internet on America. The center also created and organizes the World Internet Project, which includes similar research with 37 international partners.
About the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
Located in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California, the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is a national leader in education and scholarship in the fields of communication, journalism, public diplomacy and public relations. With an enrollment of more than 2,200 students, USC Annenberg offers doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s degree programs, as well as continuing development programs for working professionals across a broad scope of academic inquiry. The school’s comprehensive curriculum emphasizes the core skills of leadership, innovation, service and entrepreneurship and draws upon the resources of a networked university located in the media capital of the world.
The three candidates (officially filed with Federal Election Commission) for the Constitution Party presidential nomination will seek support at a business meeting of the Constitution Party of Florida — now qualified to run the party’s presidential candidate on the November ballot. Other candidates may enter the primary race before the Constitution Party’s national nominating convention in Salt Lake City April 17, 2016.
Presentations will be given by:
When: Saturday, December 12, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Where: AmericInn Hotel, 5931 Fruitville Road, Sarasota (one mile off I-75) • [941] 342.8778 •
Contact: Peter Gemma, Sarasota, 941-487-8484 National Executive Committee member
The Constitution Party was founded in 1992, when a number of independent state parties united to form the U.S. Taxpayers Party. In 1999, the organization changed its name to the Constitution Party to better reflect its core beliefs. It has fielded candidates for president in every election since its founding: the 2012 presidential ticket was headed by former Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode. In 2014, the Constitution Party ran more than 150 candidates who earned over 1,440,000 votes. To learn more about the Constitution Party click here.
“If You See Something, Say Something™” the DHS slogan goes (yes, it is trademarked). “It takes a community to protect a community,” the feds continue. “Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our nation safe.” No doubt. But the best information in the world is of little use if social pressure prevents one from disclosing it. Such was the case before the San Bernardino tragedy, when a man living near terrorist Syed Farook’s Redlands home noticed suspicious-looking Middle Eastern men in the area. But he “decided not to report anything,” wrote CBS Los Angeles, “since he did not wish to racially profile those people.” Ah, the power of a lie — to silence. And to kill.
And it’s time to kill that lie. This starts with grasping a simple truth: There is no such thing as “racial profiling” or “religious profiling” per se. There is only good criminal profiling and bad criminal profiling. The good variety considers all relevant factors, based on sound criminological science, regardless of political concerns. The bad kind discriminates unjustly among those factors and only allows greater suspicion and scrutiny of people who aren’t politically favored.
For example, I’m a member of one of the most profiled groups in the nation: males. Police view men much more suspiciously than women because men commit an inordinate amount of the crime. If this is just, however, shouldn’t we apply the exact same standard to all other groups that commit an inordinate amount of crime? And if considering racial factors is “racial profiling” and must be eliminated, isn’t considering sexual factors “sex profiling”? Shouldn’t it also be forbidden?
Of course, racial factors are considered all the time. If a white man is cruising a bad neighborhood in an expensive car, the police may stop him because they know the probability is relatively high he’s there to buy drugs. And at one time part of the profile of someone in the methamphetamine trade was “white,” as white motorcycle gangs used to be its main players.
Profiling is simply a fancy name for the “application of common sense.” As economist Dr. Walter Williams has pointed out, it’s a method by which we can make determinations based on scant information when the cost of obtaining more information is too high. For example, an Israeli airport-security agent could make far better judgments if he could spend a month living with every prospective traveler, getting to know him and his family. But since this is unrealistic, the agent has to assess probabilities based on the little information he has. And rest assured that the Israelis scrutinize young Muslim men far more closely than elderly Norwegian grandmothers.
We all engage in profiling, as it’s necessary for survival. If a person avoids a group of rough-hewn young men walking down the street, refuses to buy a car off a sleazy-looking used-car salesman, or if a child is wary of petting a strange dog, the individual has engaged in “profiling.” To refuse to thus act would be as silly as a cat not avoiding dogs because there are the odd canine-feline friendships. It could win you the year’s Darwin Award.
Doctors practice profiling, too, when they assess the diseases and conditions for which a patient should be screened. To use some examples Dr. Williams has cited, Pima Indians have the world’s highest diabetes rate; black men have a prostate cancer rate twice that of white men; and physicians check women and not men for breast cancer even though men occasionally develop it, and recommend prostate exams for men over 40. When a doctor does this, is he guilty of “racism,” “sexism” and “ageism”?
Reality: if he didn’t consider these relevant racial, sex-related and age-related factors when conducting his duties, he’d be a bad doctor. In light of this, let’s finish the following sentence: If a policeman doesn’t consider relevant racial, sex-related and age-related factors when conducting his duties, he’s _ ___ _________.
Oh, note that any politician, activist or voter who encourages him to be a _ ___ _________ is a bad citizen.
And there are many relevant group-related factors for authorities to consider. Men account for 81 percent of all violent-crime arrests; those aged 15–24, though only 14 percent of the population, account for approximately 40 percent of all arrests; and 96 percent of all crime in NYC is committed by blacks and Hispanics. Should these facts be ignored by authorities?
There are belief-oriented factors in crime as well. There was quite a bit of terrorism in the 1970s, perpetrated mainly by left-wing groups such as the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Army, anti-Vietnam War protesters and the Black Panthers. Thus, harboring these groups’ beliefs was part of the terrorist profile. Today, almost all the terrorism bedeviling us is committed by Muslims. Should authorities in 2015 play the three-monkeys game and ignore a clear-cut and consistent belief-oriented association with terrorism?
FACT: “Muslim” is now the most relevant factor in the terrorist profile. Anyone who denies this in political correctness’ name is hurting our country and should be shamed, stigmatized and ostracized. He should hear: “You’re a bad person. You’re a malefactor. And you’re aiding and abetting terrorism.”
Mind you, even those who rail against good profiling — using the propaganda term “racial profiling” — profile using racial factors. They just do it all wrong. Immediately after the San Bernardino shooting, MSNBC suggested it might be the work of pro-lifers (profile: “white”). CNN opined that it could have been perpetrated by militia types (profile: “white”). It was the kind of dishonesty inspiring some leftists to claim that white people are our biggest terror threat. Yet this assertion uses a raw-numbers comparison of murderers from a group representing 62 percent of the population with those from a group representing less than 2 percent of it, conflates a category with a creed (non-ideological mass killings with Islam-inspired incidents), and confuses acts of deranged minds with global jihad. Moreover, as I illustrated last year using statistical analysis, it’s a myth that whites commit in inordinate percentage of mass shootings.
Despite this, we’re supposed to believe criminal profiling is criminal itself when applied to some of the most criminally inclined groups. You can profile men. You can profile the young. You can profile whites. But profile Muslims or some other thought-police favored group, and you’re told you’re bigoted. It isn’t consistent application of good criminological science that indicates prejudice, however. Rather, that’s reflected in refusing to do so, in discriminating when applying that science — in contravention of its own findings.
During a presidential debate years ago, Ambassador Alan Keyes, a black man, was asked by a moderator if he’d be upset if a policeman stopped him because he was black. Keyes responded (I’m paraphrasing), “Yes, I’d be upset. I’d be upset at all of the young black men who committed crimes and caused authorities to look upon me more suspiciously.” We can all get offended, or pretend to be offended, by reality. But since I as a man want to be safe from crime, I accept that “male” will often be part of a criminal profile. If a young person wants to be safe from crime, he’ll accept that “young” will often be part of a criminal profile. If a black person wants to be safe from crime, he’ll accept that “black” will often be part of a criminal profile. Now, here’s another sentence to finish: If a person calling himself Muslim wants to be safe from terrorism, he’ll accept that “______” __ ____ __ ___ _________ _______.
If a politician can’t fill in those blanks, then that’s precisely what he’s shooting in the war against Muslim terrorism.
RELATED ARTICLE: President Jimmy Carter Banned Iranians from Coming to U.S. During Hostage Crisis
EDITORS NOTE: Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to The following countries ban the entry of Jews: Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
Would you hire someone for an important job if he admitted right off the bat he couldn’t perform one of the basic functions of the job?
Our federal-government behemoth is involved in countless things not within its constitutional purview, from orchestrating health care to ruling on marriage to regulating college sports (Title IX) to efforts to ensure “diversity” around the nation. In fact, economist Dr. Walter Williams estimates that approximately two-thirds of the federal budget concerns matters in which Washington has no constitutional warrant to be involved. One of the handful of legitimate functions of the feds, however, is to secure the border and tend to im/migration — this includes ensuring that foreign aliens aren’t in our country illegally.
Yet what do we hear, or have heard in the past, from every prominent establishment candidate? It’s always some variation on what Ohio governor John “Can’t do” Kasich said in the November Fox News GOP debate: “C’mon, folks, we all know you can’t pick them [illegals] up and ship them back across the border.”
Of course, you don’t have to quite do that; as I’ve explained before, you can get them to self-deport by removing the carrot, by taking their benefits and jobs away. But that’s not the point. It rather is that every GOPe, body-snatched pod-person sings the same tune:
It can’t be done.
We know we’re not gonna’ be deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants Democrats.
Get real!
Yeah, let’s get real: these candidates are admitting from the get-go that they can’t perform the job for which they’re interviewing. And why would you consider hiring a person to be chief executive of the U.S. if he concedes that he can’t fulfill one of the basic responsibilities of the chief executive — enforcing the law? It’s a bit like having hired someone to head the space program in the ‘60s even after he opined that it was ridiculous to think we could get to the moon.
Reach for the stars, and, even falling short, we may at least get to the moon. The current crop of GOPe no-can-do nattering nabobs won’t even shoot for the treetops, and they should hear only one thing from the voters. As Donald Trump would say, “You’re fired!”
RELATED ARTICLE: President Jimmy Carter Banned Iranians from coming to the United States during the Hostage Crisis
EDITORS NOTE: Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to
I recently wrote a series of articles for prominent newspapers around the country on why we should carefully watch the ongoing anti-fossil fuel negotiations in Paris. The summary:
“The heads of 190 countries, including President Obama, are meeting for the United Nations Conference on Climate Change.Their goal is to reach an international agreement that will stall – or even reverse – human progress.”
The article has been picked up by 22 newspapers in more than a dozen states and still counting…
The Montgomery Advertiser (AL)
The Waco Tribune (TX)
The Santa Fe New Mexican (NM)
The Alaska Dispatch News (AK)
The Delaware News Journal (DE)
The Detroit News (MI)
Tulsa World (OK)
The Ft. Myers News Press (FL)
The Knoxville News Sentinel (TN)
The Charleston Daily Mail (WV)
The Orange County Register (CA)
The New London Day (CT)
The Nashua Telegraph (NH)
The Richmond Times Dispatch [VA]
The Buffalo News (NY)
The Las Vegas Review Journal (NV)
The Colorado Springs Gazette [CO]
The Sun Sentinel (South FL)
The Tampa Tribune (FL)
The Reno Gazette Journal (NV)
The Northwest Indiana Times (IN)
The Lansing State Journal (MI)
How to Win Hearts and Minds on Energy, Part 3: From Champion to Thought-Leader
In part two of this series, I discussed how an energy advocate can become an energy champion. An energy champion is “An individual with a high level of clarity, confidence, and motivation who reaches dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of others.”
If you have a “regular job” as against being a full-time writer/speaker/advocate/
If you want to go a level beyond that, though, it’s important to know that such a level exists–the thought-leader.
Energy thought-leader: An individual whom one of more significant audiences regard as a go-to thinker on energy issues.
Many different organizations and groups are actively interested in energy issues. To take just a handful: university professors, high school students, the Silicon Valley tech community, coal industry employees, energy-related think-tanks, churches, college students, Hollywood, chambers of commerce, political parties.
Ask yourself: what groups am I most interested in or connected to? And could I possibly be a thought-leader in those groups? Or–could I influence a thought-leader in those groups?
The second is usually much, much easier than the first. In the last installment I gave the example of my friend Chad Morris recommending The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels to business thought-leader Dan Sullivan; Sullivan loved the book and his thought-leadership exposed it to thousands of high-level entrepreneurs. Do you know of any thought-leaders you might be able to influence? If you do and want books or materials to send to them, just let me know.
But maybe you want to become a thought-leader yourself. I certainly did. And I think that full-time energy writers, thinkers, and advocates should at least aspire to this. So how is it done?
I don’t know of an exact formula, but here are some things that have helped me.
This only scratches the surface of what it takes to become a thought-leader, but I think it’s a helpful lead. The concept of positioning is crucial. As yourself: am I positioned in the audience’s mind in such a way that they want to hear what I have to say vs. what others have to say? The worst form of positioning is to be a commodity: to be seen as interchangeable with everything else.
Good news: because the moral case for energy abundance is both new and clarifying, learning and promoting that view will greatly improve your positioning in people’s minds–and therefore your influence.
I’m interested in your thoughts on this issue, so I hope you write and let me know if this helps.
News: We just released How to Talk to Anyone About Energy. Check out the intro video. I promise that it will make influencing others so much easier.
The Omnibus Budget Bill to be voted Friday, Dec 11, will provide $1.2 Billion for “nearly 700,000 green cards – or lifetime residency cards – to migrants from Muslim nations over the next five years (as we did over the last five years),” said Senator Sessions of AL, re Friday’s vote. Readers should email congressman.
The Muslim problem is about militancy as taught in the Koran. Christ said, “Blessed are the peace-makers.” The Bible covenant with Abraham provided the Middle East for his descendants. That includes Arabic Muslims from Ishmael. Islam’s push into Europe and America is foreseen in Daniel 8, but it ends badly for a militant Muslim ram.
First the Problem from a 2002 UN Report: “More books are translated into Spanish in a single year than have been translated into Arabic in the last thousand, suggesting at the very minimum an extraordinarily closed world.” Mark Steyn.
The PROBLEM is complex; leaders and media can’t seem to identify it. Maybe we could help them?
The Shoe Bomber. the Beltway Snipers, the Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslim. The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim. The Underwear Bomber, the U.S.S. Cole Bombers, the 9-11 Hijackers and now the San Bernardino Terrorists–ALL OF THESE (and many edited from this list) WERE MUSLIMS!
More innocent people died on 9-11 than died in Pearl Harbor. We declared war then, but not now; not on Muslims, but we need to declare war on militancy as taught by numerous quotes in the Koran such as, “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123.
For hundreds of years, it has been no problem for Hindus to live with Buddhists, Jews or Christians.
Atheists have lived with Buddhists, Jews or Confucians, Christians have lived with Jews, Hindus and Shintos—these religions don’t have a problem being neighbors.
But Muslims have a problem living with Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and worst of all, MUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS IS A BIG PROBLEM!
MUSLIMS don’t want to live in Muslim countries of Gaza, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Kenya or Sudan.
They want to be in Australia, England, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, India, Canada, USA—any country that is not Islamic; why is that if it’s a “religion of peace?
When trouble comes, who do they blame? Not their leader. Not themselves, they blame the country and want to change it to be like the countries they left!
Islam likes organizations: Islamic Jihad: an ISLAMIC terror organization, ISIS/ISIL an ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION; Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestine Liberation Front. ALL of these and many more are ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATIONS.
Are we so stupid that we can’t figure out how to deal with the problem? At least President Obama and now Attorney General Lynch know it’s not the Muslims and to speak against them may soon be a CRIME! This isn’t “hate speech.” We shouldn’t hate anyone; Christ died for all. We should end our “Stupid problems” with Free Speech while we still have it.
Obama admitted being Muslim and he wants to flood US with Muslim “refugees” Now we come to the biblical solution:
God promised to give Abraham the land between Egypt and the Euphrates River for his descendants in the 15th chapter of Genesis. Five verses later, Abraham agrees with Sarah to have a son by Hagar. The Arab nations are descendants of Ishmael, and they should occupy the area in the covenant for Abraham’s “seed.”
Any other plan, like the pope’s encouragement for Germany to take a million refugees while the Vatican takes two families, [isn’t that interesting?] is against the provision that God made for Abraham’s descendants. When leaders become part of a stupid problem, we need to go back to basics. Dan88
The Bible shows the problem of Muslim militancy will soon be solved “at the time of the end.” A militant Muslim ram gets stomped by a GOAT [Global Organization Against Terror] that flies from the west in Daniel 8 (the book Christ recommended when asked about end-times.)
Leaders should consider the Bible solution, rather than “wait and see”–hoping for an answer in the election next November. Congress has proven they go along to get along with hidden forces and rewards while voting against the Constitution that made us great.
The answer for everyone reading this is to Google their congressman and send him an email SAYING “I WILL CAMPAIGN AGAINST YOU IF YOU DON’T SAY NO TO OMNIBUS DEC 11.” Leaving a message by phone doesn’t work–“mailbox is full.”
Evidence is mounting the mother of Syed Razwin Farook, who with wife Tafsheen Malik killed 14 injuring 21 in the San Bernardino Jihad Massacre, may become a suspect in the Islamic Terrorism plot. Packaging, gun range practice targets and tools were found in the car registered in the name of Rafia Farook. Moreover, Fox News intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge disclosed that Syed Farook’s Union bank records showed a $28,500 deposit from the alleged proceeds of a loan from the Utah-based web two weeks before the December 2nd attack at the Christmas Party gathering of the County Health Department.
The records further revealed three transfers of $5,000 each, totaling $15,000, were made to Syed’s mother.
Further, there was evidence in the Redlands , California rented home that Rafia had been a member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Pakistani fundamentalist Muslim group, whose adherents in the U.S. had been involved in terrorism plots both in the U.S. and in Pakistan. Rafia had lived with her son Syed and his late wife Ms. Malik allegedly caring for their six month old daughter. Lawyers for Rafia had denied she had any knowledge of her son Syed and his wife Tashfeen amassing weapons, ammunition and manufacturing pipe bombs and IEDs in the garage of the rented Redlands, California town house.
Rafia Farook
Fox News’ Megan Kelly File reported on the evidence found in Rafia’s registered car:
Trace Gallagher reported on “The Kelly File” that FBI agents found an empty GoPro camera package, shooting targets and tools inside a car belonging to Rafia Farook, the mother of Syed Farook.
Gallagher said those items raised a number of red flags because investigators know that the husband and wife killers took numerous trips to gun ranges for target practice and were building homemade explosive devices, which could explain the targets and tools.
Gallagher said that the GoPro package is significant because even though authorities have denied that the shooters strapped cameras to themselves before the massacre, mounted GoPros have been used by ISIS followers in other attacks.
“Even mundane items found inside the car, like U-Haul receipts and notebook and legal documents could ultimately help answer whether the mother could have driven the car and not noticed the tools and targets, could have lived in the house and not noticed the so-called ‘IED factory’ in the garage,'” Gallagher said.
He added as the investigation has unfolded, Rafia Farook has been placed on a terror watch list.
“When it comes to what, if anything, the mother knew, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says they are looking very, very closely,” Gallagher said.
The Daily Caller revealed Rafia Farook’s membership in the ICNA, “Shooter’s Mother Active In US Branch Of Pro-Caliphate Islamic Group:”
Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami. Farook’s affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday when MSNBC and other new outlets scoured the Farooks’ apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last summer by ICNA’s sisters’ wing.
The terrorism track record of the ICNA members and ties to a Muslim U.S. Congressman:
Though ICNA has not been named as a target in the ongoing investigation into Wednesday’s attack, the group has been associated with many others who have engaged in terrorism or plotted to do so.
Al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki has spoken at the group’s events. He spoke at an ICNA event in Baltimore in 2002, though the group has said that al-Awlaki was not radicalized at that time. Al-Awlaki exchanged emails with Nidal Hasan, the Army major who killed 13 people in a terrorist attack at Fort Hood in Nov. 2009. Al-Awlaki was killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2011 in Yemen.
Another ICNA member was indicted in April on federal terrorism charges. Noelle Valentzas and another woman were charged with plotting an attack on New York City similar to the attacks at the Boston Marathon.
As The Daily Caller uncovered at the time, Velentzas gave presentations at least two ICNA events in recent years. One of those, ICNA’s 2012 annual convention, was also attended by Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, one of two Muslims in the House of Representatives. (RELATED: One of theWomen Who Plotted NYC Attack Had Ties to U.S. Islamic Group)
And in 2009, five American students who knew each other from an ICNA mosque in Alexandria, Va. were arrested in Pakistan and charged with plotting to attack American troops in Afghanistan.
Founded in 1968 and is based in Jamaica, N.Y., ICNA is considered one of the more conservative Islamic umbrella organizations operating in the U.S. Unlike other groups like the Islamic Society of North America or the Council on American-Islamic Relations, ICNA segregates men and women at its events, a practice endorsed in the Farook household.
The ICNA is heavily influenced by the Islamist doctrine of Abul A’la Maududi:
ICNA is heavily reliant on the teachings of Abul A’la Maududi, the controversial Islamist founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, a political party operating in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh whose goal is to establish an Islamic state, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
As the ADL notes, an article in ICNA’s “The Message” stated that “using the organizational development methodology of Maulana Mawdudi and the Jamaat Al-Islami of Pakistan, which lays special emphasis on spiritual development, ICNA has developed a strong foundation.”
Maududi “is a jihadi ideologue,” according to the ADL. “He has written that ‘the nation of Jews will be exterminated’ in the end of days.”
In one of his numerous books, Maududi wrote that devout Muslims “would be under an obligation to do their utmost to dislodge [non-Muslims] from political power and to make them live in subservience to the Islamic way of life.”
RELATED ARTICLE: President Jimmy Carter Banned Iranians from coming to the United States during the Hostage Crisis
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.
SAINT LEO, FL /PRNewswire/ — A new survey of more than 1000 adults from the Saint Leo University Polling Institute puts terrorism as the second-leading issue America faces. Americans are also personally concerned about attending large public events and about the adequacy of security measures generally.
When asked “what do you think is the most important issue facing the country today?”
When respondents were asked to indicate whether they strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree, or were unsure about policies and opinions in the news, these findings emerged:
When respondents were asked which current presidential candidate—despite personal preference—”would likely mount the strongest and most effective effort against terrorists worldwide while protecting Americans at home” they said, in descending order:
The poll was conducted by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute and has a +/- 3.0 percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence level on a composite basis. The national online poll of more than 1,000 adults was conducted by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute between November 29 and December 3.
President Jimmy Carter Banned Iranians from Coming to U.S. During Hostage Crisis
America’s Muslims object to Obama’s push for more self-surveillance
The “shelter in place” order has been lifted now, and D.C. police have “located the suspicious person.” Now no doubt there is a long line of Catholic priests lining up to engage in “dialogue” with the poor dear, hoping to explain to him how Islam, at its core, is a religion of peace that has been tragically misunderstood. They will fix this problem up tout suite.
“D.C. police locate a ‘suspicious person’ at Catholic University,” by Martin Weil, Washington Post, December 8, 2015:
Catholic University students were advised Tuesday night for the second time in less than 24 hours to shelter in place while authorities investigated a report of a possible armed person on campus.
Just before 9 p.m., the D.C. police said they had “located the suspicious person.” About an hour later, the university said it had lifted the shelter in place order. It also said that the person who prompted Tuesday night’s alert was not the same person who was sought during the alert that began early Tuesday.
The Tuesday night alert was sent about 8:30 p.m. and advised members of the university community to shelter in place while D.C. police and the university’s public safety department investigated a report of a possible armed man.
A similar alert was issued about 1 a.m. Tuesday. Authorities said that they searched but that no one was found.
The university said the earlier alert was initiated after a custodial worker reported being approached Monday night by a man with a weapon.
The man reportedly approached the worker at Pangborn Hall about 10:30 p.m. Monday, and asked directions to the administration building.
In a message posted Tuesday on the university’s Facebook site, the university’s president, John Garvey, offered an explanation of the overnight response. He said the person had “made claims that sounded to our custodian like terroristic threats.”
A description provided on a university social media site said the individual had a Middle Eastern appearance….
Both San Bernardino jihad murderers pledged allegiance to the Islamic State
Watch Exclusive Video of Climate Hustle Premiere in Paris:
More on CFACT’s Climate Hustle coverage:
James Delingpole review: Climate Hustle ‘staged its triumphant world premiere in Paris last night.’
‘Climate Hustle is dynamite – at least it will be to most viewers, especially younger ones – because what it says is so totally at odds with almost every documentary, TV programme and film that has ever been made on the subject of global warming.’
‘Every person who has ever been exposed to the lies of An Inconvenient Truth should watch Climate Hustle immediately afterwards an antidote.’
Climate Hustle is a ‘jaunty, likeable, fact-rich journey through the history of the ‘global warming’
‘Morano – even if he does look and dress a bit like a junior Mafiosi – makes a funny, engaging, no-nonsense presenter.’
‘One of the most powerful sections of the documentary is the one where various scientists and academics who have dared speak the truth about global warming describe how they have suddenly found themselves ostracised by their peers.’
“Howl! Howl!” bayed two men dressed as giant spoons.
‘Then the police turned up and in characteristic no-nonsense French style forced the protestors to disperse before the stars – including 92-year old rocket scientist Fred Singer and Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore – in black tie arrived in their stretch limos and walked up the red carpet. It was the perfect launch for Marc Morano’s climate skeptical movie Climate Hustle – the skeptics’ long-awaited answer to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth – which staged its triumphant world premiere in Paris last night.’